[galaxy-user] Question about extracting information from CEAS run results

2012-05-18 Thread shamsher jagat
I have run a ChIPseq work flow in galaxy, At teh end I ran CEAS: Enrichment
on chromosome and annotation (version 1.0.0) to annotate the peaks
which gave me a pdf file shoiwng distribution of peaks across genome with
pie chart as well as well as histogram. It shows that ~5% of my peaks in
5UTR regions and other 3 % in 3' UTR 63 % exon and so on. Is there a way
that I can have list of genes/ refrence ids  which arein 5'UTR /3'UTR. I
tried all tools in Galaxy but could not find it. There should be some way
to extract these summarized results in details. Any one has a suggestion


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[galaxy-user] long wait on jobs

2012-05-18 Thread Antony Jose
 I started a workflow yesterday (user name: antonymerlinj...@gmail.com) and
it still hasn't gone past being queued to run. In fact, no jobs are
running. Please advice. Thank you.

Antony M Jose,
Dept. of Cell Biology  Molecular Genetics,
University of Maryland,
Rm 2116, Bioscience Research Building,
College Park, MD - 20742.
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[galaxy-user] Extract data and new genes

2012-05-18 Thread Luciano Cosme
Hi Everyone,
I am working with *Aedes aegypti * and I obtained around 500 million
reads (HiSeq2000, 50bp). After doing all analysis of differential gene
expression using known packages (Tophat, Cufflinks, Deseq etc) I was able
to find a set of gene of interest, besides some functional group of genes
that I already knew that I had to look at. Now, just looking over the 4,758
supercontigs and my data using IGV from Broad Institute (loading the genome
and the SAM files from Tophat), I find a lot of potential new genes
(hundreds or thousands of reads aligning to regions where there is no gene
annotation), I also find new exons for some genes or exons with different
sizes. I was thinking to do an *de novo* assembly to find new transcripts
and genes, but I was wondering if there is something else I could do. For
example, maybe I could just extract those regions where thousands of reads
align (new gene). I know that we can extract the sequence data for specific
transcript, is it possible to extract reads for regions without annotation,
only based in the number of reads aligned? Maybe I could pull all the data
together (from a couple sequencing lanes) and align it back to the genome,
and then proceed to gene annotation. Another problem is that I am not sure
how reliable would be the annotation only based on the data from HiSeq2000.
I would appreciate if anyone one have some idea or suggestion in how to
tackle this problem. Maybe *de novo* assembly is the way to go.

Thank you.

*Luciano Cosme*

PhD Candidate
Texas AM Entomology
Vector Biology Research Group
979 845 1885
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[galaxy-user] Runtime on public Galaxy and current version of Galaxy on the Cloud?

2012-05-18 Thread Diana Cox-Foster
Hi, I am finding that the run time on the public galaxy is exceptionally long, 
with job submitted yesterday still waiting to start. 

Given that I need to have analyses performed more quickly, I have tried to use 
Galaxy on the Cloud.  Is this the following still the current version of 
cloudman to use?

Current AMI:

AMI: ami-da58aab3
Name: 861460482541/galaxy-cloudman-2011-03-22
I have set up instances for this version and have waited for over an hour for 
them to load, with multiple attempts to get the websites to open.  All status 
indicators say that the instance is running.  

Any insight welcomed--- thanks--- Diana

Diana Cox-Foster, Professor
office: 536 ASI Bldg

501 ASI Bldg
Department of Entomology
Penn State University
University Park, PA, USA 16802

email: dx...@psu.edu
office phone: 814-865-1022
dept. phone: 814-865-1895

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