g_b tribute to Auden: Truth of Love

2007-03-23 Thread Vikram
XII. Truth of Love 
(from Twelve Songs)

Some say that love's a little boy, 
 And some say it's a bird, 
Some say it makes the world go round, 
 And some say that's absurd, 
And when I asked the man next--door, 
 Who looked as if he knew, 
His wife got very cross indeed, 
 And said it wouldn't do. 

Does it look like a pair of pyjamas, 
 Or the ham in a temperance hotel? 
Does its odour remind one of lammas, 
 Or has it a comforting smell? 
Is it prickly to touch as a hedge is, 
 Or soft as eiderdown fluff? 
Is it sharp or quite smooth at the edges? 
 O tell me the truth of love. 

Our history books refer to it 
 In cryptic little notes, 
It's quite a common topic on 
 The Transatlantic boats; 
I've found the subject mentioned in 
 Accounts of suicides, 
And even seen it scribbled on 
 The backs of railway--guides. 

Does it howl like a hungry Alsatian, 
 Or boom like a military band? 
Could one give a first--rate imitation 
 On a saw or a Steinway Grand? 
Is its singing at parties a riot? 
 Does it only like Classical stuff? 
Will it stop when one wants to be quiet? 
 O tell me the truth about love. 

I looked inside the summer--house; 
 It wasn't ever there: 
I tried the Thames at Maidenhead, 
 And Brighton's bracing air. 
I don't know what the blackbird sang, 
 Or what the tulip said; 
But it wasn't in the chicken--run, 
 Or underneath the bed. 

Can it pull extraordinary faces? 
 Is it usually sick on a swing? 
Does it spend all its time at the races, 
 Or fiddling with pieces of spring? 
Has it views of its own about money? 
 Does it think Patriotism enough? 
Are its stories vulgar or funny? 
 O tell me the truth about love. 

When it comes, will it come without warning 
 Just as I'm picking my nose? 
Will it knock on my door in the morning, 
 Or tread in the bus on my toes? 
Will it come like a change in the weather? 
 Will its greeting be courteous or rough? 
Will it alter my life altogether? 
 O tell me the truth about love. 


A lighter poem, and one that shows Auden's technical skill with 
writing different types of verse, including a jogging along song like 
this. And note the teasing possible gay reference in the first 
lines: And when I asked the man next-door,/ Who looked as if he 
knew,/ His wife got very cross indeed,/And said it wouldn't do.

Auden wrote a lot of lighter verse, and this poem with its satirical 
lines (It's quite a common topic on/ The Transatlantic boats) or 
absurd images seems to be one of them. But perhaps because its Auden 
writing it, one gets a sense of something more being said, a feeling, 
sometimes menacing, sometimes (as in this poem) yearning beneath the 
light words.  

Underneath the easy surface this poem is asking painful questions 
about the nature of love and how little we know of it. Will it 
happen? How will we recognise when it happens? How much will it 
change us when it happens? What happens if it never happens? Do we 
want it to happen if we don't know what will happen when it happens? 
All questions we ask ourselves all the time. 


Re: g_b Orkut access!!

2007-03-23 Thread vivek kumar
Hi Guys!!!
  Whatever link u provide nothing is working to access orkut site or any other 
like mathtunnel

 Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers 

g_b The GayBombay Party on Saturday 24 March 2007 at Liquid Lounge!

2007-03-23 Thread Dee
The GayBombay Party on Saturday 24 March 2007 at Liquid Lounge!

Time: 9 pm - 1 am.

Cover charge: Rs 450.

Venue: Liquid Lounge(above Karma); Sukh Sagar; 534 S.V.P. Road;
Mumbai 47. (Near Girgaum Chowpatty and Opera House; opposite
Standard Chartered Bank. Charni Road is the closest station).

Please note that you have to be above the age of 21 to attend
GayBombay parties. Please carry proof of age with you: a driving
license, college identity card, etc.

The Cover Charge includes: Inhouse DJ and a dance floor; light snacks
like wafers, peanuts, etc; 4 small Drinks with mixers, or 2 Beer
Pints, or 2 Bacardi Breezers/Mocktails, or 4 Soft Drinks/Mineral

Extra drinks will be sold at Rs 50/- to Rs 100/- per drink. Dinner
will not be served. Extra food items can be ordered as per the menu
- Some don'ts:
` GB, as a support group, has created this comfort/safe space for
gays. Many people at the event may be newbies (those still coming to
terms with their sexuality and/or those who have mustered the courage
to come to such an event for the first time). We request you to be
sensitive to the comfort levels of others and to behave and dress

` No dark rooms and no sex on the premises; if found indulging in
any hanky panky you shall be asked to leave the party.

` A special REQUEST: During and after the party please DO NOT gather
outside the venue. The management has requested us to ensure that, in
the middle of the night, the peace of the neighbourhood is not

- A few dos:
` Have a smashing time.
` Carry your Alcoholic Drinks Permit.
For more information: www.gaybombay.org.
Right of admission reserved.

Luv Dee

 Now you can have your favourite RSS headlines come to you with the all new 
Yahoo! Mail.

g_b Because You're My Friend..

2007-03-23 Thread Shwetaaaaaaaaaa

  Because You're My Friend..
  When you are sad,
I will dry your tears.
When you are scared,
I will comfort your fears.

When you are worried,
I will give you hope.
When you are confused,
I will help you cope.

When you are lost,
And can't see the light,
I shall be your beacon
Shining ever so bright.
This is my oath
I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask?

Because you're my friend. 



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g_b Romeo without Juliet coming soon

2007-03-23 Thread Vikram
Forgot where I saw this news item but it sounds very promising. Apart 
from the general idea of a Romeo with a male lover being cool, the 
fact that its going to come from Matthew Bourne makes it all that 
more exciting. 

How many people here have seen his version of Swan Lake with male 
swans, on film, or if they were really lucky, in read life? I saw the 
film (the BCL has a copy, I think) and it was quite amazing. The 
swans, men with bare torsos and feathered leggings, were really hot 
and the main swan, danced by Adam Cooper, was just incredibly sexy. 

More than just the hunk factor though the way the story of the ballet 
was worked out to suit the male swans idea was fascinating (lots of 
swipes at British royalty) and by the time you came to the main duet 
between the prince and the swan the idea of it being done between two 
men had stopped seeming like a gimmick, but something quite natural 
and exciting within the storyline - as well as being amazingly hot. 

I wonder if a film like this could be shown at our film screenings. 
Our screenings happen so rarely (next is on April 1st) and there's 
always so much good stuff to show that we tend to stick to more 
conventional films. Would people sit through over an hour and a half 
of ballet, no words, just dance and music, but with hot guys? 


Gay Romeo ballet gives Juliet kiss-off
Steven Swinford 

ALAS, poor Juliet. Matthew Bourne, Britain's most successful 
choreographer, is to give Romeo a male lover in a gay version of the 
romantic tragedy. 

Bourne, whose all-male Swan Lake has enthralled audiences for more 
than a decade, is again using an all-male cast for Romeo, Romeo — his 
version of Prokofiev's ballet Romeo and Juliet, based on the 
Shakespeare play. 

For Bourne, 47, the challenge is to portray a convincing gay 
relationship in dance. He said last week: It's more to do with 
dancing than with sexuality. A male dancer, whether he's gay or 
straight, fits into a relationship with a female partner very 

Getting away from that, making a convincing love duet, a romantic, 
sexual duet, for two men that is comfortable to do and comfortable to 
watch — I don't know if you can. I've never seen it done. 

Bourne's Swan Lake, in which all the swans and cygnets are male, was 
first staged at Sadler's Wells theatre in London in 1995, and became 
the longest-running ballet in London's West End and on Broadway. But 
although it was critically celebrated, Bourne has long had concerns 
that it was short of being a true homosexual work of art, since many 
of the performers were not playing people. 

He said: I have a way of approaching it so as to make it — I hate to 
say `acceptable', it's a terrible thing to say — but so that people 
don't run screaming from the theatre. I let them find their own way 
with it, take it as far as they want in their own heads. While a gay 
interpretation of Romeo and Juliet has the potential to be more 
provocative, critics have often pointed to homosexual undertones in 
Shakespeare's work. Many of his sonnets were addressed to a young 
man, and there has also been speculation about the sexuality of the 
lead male characters in Romeo and Juliet, particularly Mercutio, 
Romeo's best friend, and Benvolio, his cousin. 

Bourne plans to improvise movements and scenes for Romeo, Romeo with 
small groups of dancers later this summer. If successful, rehearsals 
with the whole company could begin next year. 

Since West Side Story translated Romeo and Juliet to the gang warfare 
of 1950s New York City, the play has often been reinterpreted. In 
1996, Baz Luhrmann, the director, cast Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire 
Danes in the title roles, retaining the poetry, but updating the 
story to replace rapiers with pistols. 

g_b Re: Please Wish Me Good Luck!! (Very long email..plz. avoid reading if you have no time)

2007-03-23 Thread walnut
 Almost an year ago I had written the following email (the one at the bottom of 
this mail) to our GB group, and received lot of support from various members... 
My heartful of thanks to all those members who wished me Good Luck! Their 
prayers have been heard and today I am free with all my tensions , worries 
whatever u call it
 To begin with my story let me formally announce my name here first. I am 
Rahul. I have done my engineering and I have been working for last 10.5 years 
in the field of information technologyI have enjoyed a great career and 
travelled the world overWith ambitious mind and with high expectations from 
my happy go lucky kind of life...I purchased a new big flat for me, my parents 
and to start my new family life (yes even though I knew I was a gay)I got 
engaged to a beautiful, charming and intelligent girl...she was my distant 
relativeafter our engagement we started roaming around like free 
lovebirds...exchanged  emails...kisses...and lot more that any two lovers would 
do. But after almost 2-3 months I started observing changes in her 
attitude...her behaviour…and her wish list that she was trying to propose me 
I was a very straight forward guy..and I had never got any chance to understand 
any woman so closely. At this point in time I had no thoughts of staying single 
as I was already attached to her and had started dreaming about my family life 
with her…but as the time went by…she started showing her true colours….she 
started avoiding me whenever I used to go and meet her while she was with her 
friends….she started giving excuses for not meeting me and started telling me 
that she had received lots of better marriage proposals and she could have 
opted for someone better than me…I used to get upset and try to find flaws/loop 
holes in my relationship….I used to question myself if I had done anything 
wrong to her for which she had started showing disrespect and disregards to my 
feelings….Our tiffs took a shape of small disputes which in turn triggered new 
arguments and fights…. She went to an extent of breaking our engagement and 
cancelling the marriage hall which we had booked for
 our wedding…. My father was a very sensitive person and he was deeply attached 
to his LADLA BETA.. He couldn’t see his son’s engagement being broken and soon 
he met with his first heart attack… I couldn’t see my dad suffering in pain and 
physical torture… I promised myself  ’whatever it may cost I will try to make 
my relationship with her again and try to keep my dad happy’ So me and my Mom 
tried to convince her to patch up again and make a fresh start. She agreed. My 
dad started feeling better and he began our marriage preparations in full 
swing…but may be god didn’t want to see me happy for a long time! Just one 
month before my marriage on a black Saturday I lost my father… He suffered 
cardiac arrest and left me and my Mom alone. My Mom also collapsed on seeing my 
dad dead and I had to hospitalized her in an ICU….I brought my Mom back home 
just 2 days before my wedding….my relatives and family friends advised us to go 
ahead with my marriage as it would only add a new
 member into our family and that might help my Mom feel better… I had no choice 
but to accept the wedlock… I was feeling guilty from within as at one end my 
Mom had turned into a widow and at other end I got married to begin my family 
life…Was it really justified for a Son to get married especially when he had 
lost his father just a month before his wedding? Anyways…everything said and 
done..I made a fresh start!
  But the pain of loosing my dad was still pinching me deep in my heart…I 
always used to feel guilty whenever I slept with my wife…In my dreams I used to 
see my Mom crying and see the dead body of my father! I had no clue whats there 
in store for me and I could see my future in the dark…. I went into depression 
and our relatives advised my Mom to take me to a psychiatrist as only he could 
pull me out of the mental stress and trauma that I was suffering through… I was 
under medication for 3-4 months… Used to take 6 pills a day and sleep for 12 
hours a day…it started affecting my career…I could not concentrate on my work… 
it also started affecting my health…My testosterone levels went down, my 
haemoglobin/ RBC levels went down…and my mind become slow and Iess responsive 
to the outside world!  I realized that my psychiatrist had given me overdose of 
the pills which would cause imbalance of the chemical compounds in the human 
brain so that it became less responsive…If I had
 continued with those pills for even a month longer then it would have 
definitely killed me to death…one fine day, while alone…I cried and screamed 
loudly and begged Lord Ganesha to help me come out of this situation as I knew 
my wife wouldn’t take care of my Mom and she had only intentions to grab my 
money and property! I spent many nights just by watching the ceiling from 

g_b Clocks (a joke)

2007-03-23 Thread Peter Joseph Swanson
A U.S. Republican died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of the
Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He
asked, What are all those clocks?

St. Peter answered,
Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time
you lie, the hands on your clock move.

Oh, said the republican.
Whose clock is that?

That's Mother Teresa's, replied St. Peter. The hands have never
moved, indicating that she never told a lie.

Incredible,  said the republican.
And whose clock is that one?

St. Peter responded, That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have
moved twice, telling us that Abraham told only two lies in his entire

Where's George W Bush's clock?
asked the republican.

George's clock is in Jesus' office...
He's using it as a ceiling fan!

g_b It's The Box Office.

2007-03-23 Thread naughty confessions
  The airliner pushed back from the gate, the flight attendant gave the 
passengers the usual information regarding seat belts, etc. 
 Finally, she said, Now sit back and enjoy your trip while your captain, 
Judith Campbell, and crew take you safely to your destination.
 Ed sitting in the eighth row thought to himself, Did I hear her right? Is the 
captain a woman?
 When the attendants came by with the drink cart, he said Did I understand you 
right? Is the captain a woman? 
Yes, said the attendant, In fact, this entire crew is female. 
 My God, said Ed, I'd better have two scotch and sodas. I don't know what to 
think with only women up there in the cockpit.
 That's another thing sir, said the attendant, We No Longer Call It The Cock 
It's The Box Office.
Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Re: g_b The GayBombay Sunday Meet at Thane on 25 March 2007!

2007-03-23 Thread Coolbrat

Dear All

Campus is not in Gavanpada but on the main road (navghar road) leading to
the highway
I know..'cos i live very near that place..and it is around 10 mins
walking distance
from the station.for those who wish to see the scenery around ( u
know what i mean
..and mulund is a veritable treasure trove), i would recommend walking
upto Campus



On 3/23/07, gaybombay_moderator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


This time around we will be holding the meet at Mulund which is
next to Thane.


We plan to assemble at the address given below and then move on to
a home nearby by 6.30 pm to continue to sit and chat till around 8.30
in the evening.

It's planned to be the classic vanilla meet with flavours of all
thrown in.

 * * * * * *
Venue : Campus Café  Restaurant, Gavanpaada, Mulund (East).

Time: 6 pm.

Date: Sunday 25 Mar 2007.

Look out for a guy wearing a BLACK cap.
 * * * * * **

For those coming by train get down at Mulund Station, East side, and
take a rickshaw to Gavanpaada; this is a minimum fare from the
Station on the way towards the Eastern Express Highway.

For those coming by the Eastern Express Highway turn in towards
Mulund at the signal closest to Thane (the one that comes right after
the Check Naka, if coming from Thane, or after the flyover at Airoli
Link Road) .

 * * * * * *

-Do get your friends along to make the event a success and to help
them gain access to a group especially if they are not netizens.

-You do not have to be out to the world to attend. This is a
discreet event being held to promote clean  safe social get-
togethers of a non-sexual nature. Very few persons who will be
attending the meet are out.

-You need to be at least 18 yrs of age to attend.

-There may be many persons at the meet who prefer being discreet or
who may be still coming to terms with themselves; we request that all
be sensitive and act and dress accordingly.

 * * * * * *
See you all on Sunday!

For more information: www.gaybombay.org.
 * * * * * *


Re: g_b Racism still an issue in the gay community ( ARTICLE)

2007-03-23 Thread dana depp
I think South Asians have a very hard time in the Gulf region.
  Anglo-Indians have a hard time, too.
  I think South Asian men are the most handsome, but I also admire South Asian 
culture and I resist the reductionist belief that it's racist for a Caucasian 
to prefer Afghan, Indian, Iranian, Pakistani (etc.) men.
  Having said that, gay culture is based on  a very middle class consumerist 
mindset, where lifestyle reigns supreme and relationships tend to be very 
status-oriented. That commodification-culture opens the door for all of the 
classist and racist daemons.

  I'm a mixed chap. anglo/indian...in the true mix, publicly school 


  From: Peter Joseph Swanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: g_b Racism still an issue in the gay community ( ARTICLE)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 14:08:44 -

Everybody is racist. We all judge with our eyes, and we all have our 
own cultural things that we favor. It's natural to be that way 
but natural doesn't mean it's right, just and fair. I think we can 
overcome racism a lot by just trying to understand why we have those 
fears and attractions that we have. Then we can laugh at ourselves 
about it first. Laughing at yourself about things is a good first 
step in growing.


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, veno anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Karwan,
 There still are some of us white guys who think darker men are da 
bomb. Their features and color are loved and admired. Sounds like 
reverse racism but I only look at personals for Asians South and East 
and Latinos, your're among the handsomest men around.
 karwan khursheed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You are absolutely right! Here in Duabi, its the same 
like britain.
 I am from delhi working in Dubai for last two years. The first 
question they will ask you is whats your nationality?
 When you will say I am Indian. they will say sorry I am not into 
asian. sometimes no reply.
 I noticed it many times. Condition of Indian gays specially who 
are dark skin is very bad. They are most of the time neglected.
 Sometimes I taught them a lesson. The same guy who didnt chat 
with me knowing me Indian, chatted with me knowing that I am 
European. I made my id as 27-Eurpopean in mirc and I got the reply of 
that guy. He gave me his msn is and we chatted. He gave me his no 
without seeing me but i refused him saying sorry you are not my type.
 Most of the Arabs guy here are looking for Arbs. Few european 
like Indian.
 But I feel race is not the main issue.
 The main issue is how you look and how your stats is...
 - Original Message 
 From: walnut [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:59:15 PM
 Subject: g_b Racism still an issue in the gay community ( ARTICLE)
 Comment: Racism still an issue in the gay 
 I've encountered more cold shoulders and thanks, no thanks on Old 
Compton Street than Dating Direct or Gaydar.
 Click Here 
 8th March 2007 13:37
 Since coming to London last year, student Balaji Ravichandran has 
been impressed with the freedom that gay men enjoy here. As an 
Indian, though, Balaji has noticed that white gay men's attitudes to 
a guy like him can at times leave something to be desired. 
 Sorry, not my type. This is probably the most frequented reply 
I've received on Gaydar - or DismayDar, as I choose to call it. 
 Personally, I have nothing against the cruising website always busy 
with people (gay, straight, or otherwise) craving for sex. 
 It is, in many ways, much better than the hypocrisy of people 
claiming to want longer relationships and not bothering to call again 
or return your messages. 
 Indeed, having been in Britain only for a year now, I've rather 
enjoyed my frequent flings, thanks to the occasional few who don't 
mind my skin colour, or those who do not have Caucasians only in 
the Looking for column of their profiles. 
 Yet, having used it for almost a year, along with a host of other 
dating websites, and having been a part of the gay scene (an 
unfortunate epithet) in London for an equal amount of time, I can't 
help thinking that there is subtle, yet very palpable racism within 
the community.
 When I mention this to many of my gay friends in the UK, they 
refuse to believe it. They point out that there are a significant 
number of interracial relationships within the gay community. I 
wholly agree. 
 What's more, most of the men I've been with were white. In fact, I 
once admitted that if one wanted to see real and overt racism, one 
must go to the Berlin gay scene—how would you feel if people in their 
hundreds refuse to acknowledge you even exist? 
 That's exactly how it felt - for me, anyway.
 But to 

g_b mumbai

2007-03-23 Thread savio francis
hi my name  is savio i am 32 and 6 tall slim good body for detail call me on 
9833043980 bye take care god bless  

g_b powai

2007-03-23 Thread gun wun

g_b versova

2007-03-23 Thread Lovee Lovee
hi come to versova normally ever day
are u CRoss dresser in presonal or public

g_b Super dyke

2007-03-23 Thread Moderator


Super dyke  

Xena-The Warrior Princess has serious competition as Batwoman goes lesbian

http://www.expressindia.com/about/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
om Georgina Maddox 

Many DC fans may not have heard of Batwoman, let alone know that she is
going to re-emerge as a super dyke. Bruce Wayne's relative is coming out of
the closet with a bang-at 5'10'', clad in red leather knee-high boots with
spiked heels, flowing red hair, and a form-fitting black outfit. For those
who don't know, the original Batwoman strip started in 1956 and was killed
off in 1979. The new character will share the same name as her original
alter ego, Kathy Kane. 

What was DC Comics thinking when they decided to resurrect the classic comic
book character as a lesbian? In an online interview Dan DiDio, vice
president and executive editor at DC said that the idea was to give Batwoman
a different point of view. DC wanted to give her a more unique personality
in the Bat-family. 

The unveiling of the new Batwoman is due to take place in July as part of an
ongoing weekly series and already, there are quite a few opinions brewing in
cyberspace and the cultural cauldron at home. 

The queer community is looking forward to have a superhero fully out of the
closet. Shruti, coordinator of Humjinsi, a Mumbai-based outreach NGO for
lesbian, bi- and transsexual women in India says that the idea of having a
lesbian superhero is really empowering for the community. If there is a
comic book featuring Batwoman as a lesbian I will surely pick it up.
Moreover, it's great to see queer people being depicted in a positive

It's pretty acceptable to have a sexy powerful woman as a lesbian, where as
Marvel's attempt to introduce gay men as super heroes failed miserably,
says Vikram, coordinator of Gay Bombay and major comic buff. Minor super
heroes, like North Star, are part of the larger Justice League, but there
has never been an established male gay super hero. So while Batwoman will
cater to nerdy boys and butch lesbians, gay men have to make do with the
hyper feminine boys of the YAWEE Manga genre. 

An online blogger on planetout.com takes a more tongue-in-cheek approach to
the announcement. Wouldn't ugly people as heroes be more groundbreaking?
asks the blogger. You know, a 200-pound woman, man with horseshoe hair loss
pattern, people with cold sores, et cetera? 

DC seems to have its plate full fielding media calls and online outrage. All
they have to say is: Judge after Batwoman is launched.

Description: GIF image

g_b Philippine gay cops told to camp it down

2007-03-23 Thread Moderator

Philippine gay cops told to camp it down

published Friday, March 23, 2007 
Philippine police issued a warning this week to gay officers not to sway
their hips or display other suggestive behavior while on duty or they could
risk losing their jobs. 

If they sway their hips while marching, or if they engage in lustful
conduct, I think that will be a ground for separation, Philippine National
Police spokesman chief superintendent Samuel Pagdilao said Thursday. 

Pagdilao said the police department does not discriminate against gays, but
will not hesitate to fire those who misbehave. 

As an institution, the PNP does not look at or interfere with one's sexual
preference, Pagdilao told Manila Radio DZXL. But it does look at its
members' conduct. If they behave within the norm, I don't think we'll have a

The Philippines has a reputation for
http://www.gay.com/news/article.html?2005/02/07/4 tolerance toward LGBT
people; however, a party representing lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and
transgendered people was recently refused registration for May congressional
elections on the grounds that it does not have nationwide chapters. Its
members are appealing. (AP) 

Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. 

Re: g_b Racism still an issue in the gay community ( ARTICLE)

2007-03-23 Thread orkutzai
I think South Asians have a very hard time in the Gulf region.
Anglo-Indians have a hard time, too.
I think South Asian men are the most handsome, but I also admire South 
Asian culture and I resist the reductionist belief that it's racist 
for a Caucasian to prefer Afghan, Indian, Iranian, Pakistani (etc.) 
Having said that, gay culture is based on  a very middle class 
consumerist mindset, where lifestyle reigns supreme and 
relationships tend to be very status-oriented. That commodification-
culture opens the door for all of the classist and racist daemons.