g_b No pride but gay-India's gay parades- Why is Mumbai falling behind?

2008-07-01 Thread gay_bombay moderator
-- No Pride But Gay - India's Gay Parades July 01, 2008
Sakshi Juneja 

[image: Pic : Times of

While the three other metropolitan cities of India had the Gay
Mumbai's non participation was definitely a subject of much debate and
  I mean, if 
have it, then how come the most recognized city on the Indian map, the
city of dreams, the fabled city of chill and chic, didn't?

*'Hypocrisy'* is the one-word answer I got when I posed this question to a
Gay friend. Apparently, there is much infighting and lack of unity among the
various Gay groups and NGOs in the city. The divides runs deep between the
classes and the masses, and never the twain shall meet - or so he said.

The white-collared lot happily goes about its business without caring about
'burning' issues like rights or laws, said another Gay friend. In Mumbai, it
seems, not many can be bothered enough to dress up and walk the streets the
way they did in Delhi, Bangalore and Kolkata. But the same does not hold
true for parties, I recently discovered.

Boy do they dress up there, and boy, do they party.

In snooty South Mumbai, I experienced my first of such parties. As a
straight person, one doesn't often get to see this side of Mumbai, and my
Gay friend was only happy to take me along to one of the dos. Us three
straight chics and five strapping Gay lads.

They say that first impressions are the lasting ones. Well I had more than
my share of first impressions:

   - I often wondered where all the cute men have gone. Now I know.
   - Indian men can dance. Rephrase that – Gay Indian men can dance – the
   pelvic thrust being an extremely popular move.
   - Swapping partners, a common thing.
   - Several men. Five women. Not one got a second look. (I'm talking about
   the women.)
   - The ladies toilet isn't just for the ladies. If you know what I mean.
   - Makeshift bedrooms, the restrooms.
   - Celebrity spotting. No Karan Johar though. Or his better half.
   - And… the best bit… all of the above happening on top of a family

 The pride may not have happened in Mumbai. And it's probably more than just
lack of unity between Gay groups. After all how can we forget our political
*mai-baap* also play moral police at the drop of a hat.

But, who says the pride in their identity isn't there?

*(* Pic : Times of India)*

Check out the YouTube Video Footage. Some powerful stuff.

Saakshi O. Juneja is an active blogger, feminist and overboard dog lover.
Currently working as a Business Development Manager for a sportswear
manufacturing company in Mumbai, India. Did graduation in Marketing &
Advertising from Sydney, Australia. As far as blogging is concerned...is a
complete Blog-a-holic.

Propeller • Stumble


g_b Sudhagad Trek Registrations Closed!!!

2008-07-01 Thread GayBombay Events
Thankyou for an overwhelming response to the GayBombay Trek to Sudhagad. Since 
all the 50 places have been taken we have closed registrations. However, we do 
continue to receive registration requests.

Much as we would like to take everybody on the trek we have limitations imposed 
on the number of persons by the trek guides. The time required to climb up the 
fort is directly proportional to the number of persons in the group. A average 
group of 20-25 person require 2 hours, group of 50 may require an approximate 
of 3 hours. Any further additions of numbers would make the ascend longer 
leaving no time for any activity on the Fort. It causes us immense pain to turn 
down requests but have no choice.

We are have appealed to persons who have secured confirmed places to inform us 
immediately if any unforeseen circumstances are keeping them from the trek. In 
that case their places could be given those who are wait listed. Their 
contributions would also be refunded.

Those who have just missed the bus, please keep your fingers crossed, who knows 
you may be lucky!


g_b Queer Eye

2008-07-01 Thread shibu
Its finally here! The groundbreaking reality show Queer Eye for The 
Str8 Guy is premiering on July 6  Sun on Travel and Living at 11 pm.

Kudos to channels like T&L, Zee Cafe and Star World for their queer 

For more info on the show chk


Re: g_b IMPORTANT: PM's speech + Minister's remarks on S.377

2008-07-01 Thread Manoj
A minister of state and the PM saying this and no less??
wow man ..m i proud i chose to stay back in the country after all!   :-)
Also where does this leave the case coming up for hearing tomorrow as the head 
of the Govt and a minister are openly being party to the act being changed in 
our favour

--- On Tue, 1/7/08, lgbtindiagroup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: lgbtindiagroup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: g_b IMPORTANT: PM's speech + Minister's remarks on S.377
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, 1 July, 2008, 3:23 PM

courtesy lgbtindia

IMPORTANT: PM's speech + Minister's remarks on S.377

Just after the success of National Pride, a potentially big new
development. The Prime Minister has made a speech where he calls for
support for minority communities affected by HIV/AIDS, including
homosexuals, and says that legal barriers that prevent services
reaching them should go.

And at the same function Minister of State Oscar Fernandes finally
said it openly: "Section 377 needs to go. This is something we really
need to move forward on."

For context, please note this mail I'd posted on QMC earlier about
the UNAIDS Commission on the Impact of HIV in Asia chaired by Dr.C.
Rangarajan. As expected the report is very positive on issues like
the need for legal change. I had posted the background and relevant
sections earlier on this list. If you want to read the full report
here's the link:

A basic story on the report:

http://www.unaids. org/en/Knowledge Centre/Resources /FeatureStories/ arch
ive/2008/20080326_ asia_commission. asp

Full report:

http://data. unaids.org/ pub/Report/ 2008/20080326_ report_commissio n_aids

Fact sheets (2):

http://data. unaids.org/ pub/FactSheet/ 2008/20080326_ fs_asiacommissio n_p
http://data. unaids.org/ pub/FactSheet/ 2008/20080326_ fs_asiacommissio n_p

Thanks to Dr.Rangarajan' s position as one of the prime minister's
main advisors he was able to arrange a function where the report was
presented to the PM. This happened yesterday and I'd come to Delhi
for that (Pride was a bonus!). Anand Grover was there and Ashok was
supposed to be there too, but couldn't come.

It was all very high power, high security, protocol, etc, but worth
it because what was said was excellent. Dr.Rangarajan gave an
excellent speech outlining the commission's recommendations,
repeatedly mentioning the need to remove legal issues that complicate
HIV/AIDS outreach with Men who have Sex with Men.

Then the PM spoke, and as is characteristic with him, he was low key
and restrained. But the speech was longer than I expected and it
seemed quite heartfelt, especially towards the end. He did not
specifically promise to remove 377, but he spoke of the need to
remove stigmas and legal barriers facing all groups and, yes, he said
the word 'homosexual' , rather endearingly stumbling a bit so it came
across as "homossekssuals" , but he said it!

Here is the link to the speech, the relevant portions and since its
so important I will paste the full speech anyway below:

http://www.pmindia. nic.in/lspeech. asp?id=691

"The HIV/AIDS epidemic has brought into focus many of our social
prejudices. The overwhelming number of cases are due to transmission
through the sexual route. Strategies for tackling it require more
inclusive and less judgmental social approaches to questions of
public health and personal hygiene.

"This must begin by addressing the issue of the social stigma that
attaches to those who carry the AIDS virus. I do believe that growing
consciousness about HIV/AIDS is forcing us to address these issues.

"The government should play a leading role in this. We should work to
remove legislative barriers that hinder access of high-risk groups to
services. There is a proposal for a law which would penalize anyone
discriminating against an AIDS infected person from access to
employment, property or services. This should be given serious

"The fact that many of the vulnerable social groups, be they sex
workers or homosexuals or drug users, face great social prejudice has
made the task of identifying AIDS victims and treating them very

"If we have to win this fight against HIV/AIDS we have to create a
more tolerant social environment. One need not condone socially
unacceptable or medically inadvisable sexual practices in seeking a
more tolerant approach to the problem. It is in the interests of the
entire society that everyone afflicted by AIDS wins the battle
against it. They deserve and have the right to live lives of dignity."

If Dr.Singh was circumspect, the speaker who followed him, Oscar
Fernandes, the minister of state (independent charge) for Labour and
Employment, was not. He got up and said it (from my notes):

"It is time for politicians to come together to repeal Section 377 of
the Indian Penal Code. Many other countries have repealed the law and
it is now time India moves forward on this."

g_b The support of the band

2008-07-01 Thread Kris Bass
Hey all,

Some of you might know that I have a (hindi) rock band called Shor
Bazaar. I am out to them and am very open about my sexuality and
personal life etc.

Yesterday, after the GayBombay Sunday meet at Bandra, I was lounging
at one of our bandmate's apartment discussing some songwriting etc. I
suddenly felt like asking 'Guys, would you guys be interested in
playing at a GB party?'

It took a brief second. But only that.

'Yes, why not?'

I was surprised at first.

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah, we'd love to support you and GB.'

I felt the warm feeling of relief and comfort. I thought it was pretty
cool of the band to actually say that.

If you have time, please check out these pages and listen to our
music. The lyrics are not gay related or anything though.




"Remember that if men were not meant to be sucked, their bodies
wouldn't have come with a nozzle!" - A Gay

g_b What I Want (A gay Poem)

2008-07-01 Thread RAJEEV
What I Want 

 It's not about what I like 
what I like that doesn't like me 
cause I see happiness 
but it just gets run over 
I just get run over 
and somehow I'm a bad guy 
for making all those boys cry 
do you think I got what I wanted 
alone and clinging 
to this moment or that 
seeing smiles fade away 
waiting for a light to come on 
one small and distant but 
warm and welcome 
I want to be welcomed 
to be held 
to know why I can have it 
and it's nothing but wrong 
and when it's right it's nothing but gone 
it's all gone 
left me to hold my head up low 
for you to know a distant glow 
and me to see a beaten image 
a broken, shattered shell 
what was I to do when through 
it keeps breaking i keep trying 
there isn't anymore left 
i want to spin, sell, conjure 
find a way out 
complain and drain 
submit my statement and be done 
be done have fun hold you close 
let you know me 
know me from him and him and 
him again always again always again 
it's always again that him knew him 
and I knew them all and had them all 
and to have 
and have more 
makes you just a whore 
But don't we all want more 
or say we do 
and screw 
and move from you to you to you 
and I'm sad this lad said no 
and that lad said ho 
and my dad said whoa 
where did you go 
where did I go 
wrong to want the world to work 
just to expect it 
expect what you know and 
never, never to grow

Forwarded By Rajeev

Sp: In few last poems, I forgot to write forwarded by me n some readers took 
them as, they were written by me. Sorry for the same.

  Best Jokes, Best Friends, Best Food and more. Go to 

g_b File - Photo Album

2008-07-01 Thread gay_bombay

Hi all,   I just created a  photo-site. You can view  the photos at the 
following link - http://gaybombay.picsquare.com/album/Default Album 

There will be no nude pictures in this album. Members are welcome to send 
pictures of men, preferably south asian though not necessarily so. 

But please do send non nude, non porno pictures. Once you send the pictures, I 
shall try and add them to the album.



g_b File - Tired of too many mails?

2008-07-01 Thread gay_bombay

Tired of too many emails from this group?  

Hi All

I know that this group has been generating too many emails. Many 
subscribers are flustered at the number of mails. Some of you might 
be thinking of leaving the group because you do not like your mail 
box to be clogged with mails.

But just in case you do not know, you have the option of receiving 
all your emails in a digest mode or you can opt for no email mode. 

That way, you can see what's new on the website and still keep a 
clear mailbox. You will never receive mail from us if you do that. 
YOU choose when to visit us ... and you can check out what you like 
and can skip over what doesn't interest you.

(Or choose "Daily digest" ... once or twice a day, you will receive 
an email -- text only -- listing all new postings ... just click on 
the "messages" link at the top of the digest to go to the web 
archive to see any attachments.)

How ?

Depending on what you opt for, you can send mail to:





g_b File - E mail problems?

2008-07-01 Thread gay_bombay


Have you stopped getting emails from this group suddenly? It is highly unlikely 
that your name has been deleted from the list. We do not delete anybody’s 
membership until and unless the person repeatedly spams or sends 
pornographic/crude emails

 you might not be getting your mails is because  your email is on the bouncing 
list. Some members have trouble with bouncing e-mails: Messages that are sent 
out by the group cannot be delivered to their mailboxes and are sent back to 
Yahoo. This can happen for various reasons, for example, when their mailboxes 
are full, or their e-mail addresses have become obsolete, etc. Yahoo doesn't 
tolerate bouncing mails and will deactivate these persons' memberships. It 
will, however, send you a "reactivation request." All you have to do is reply 
to that (once you've fixed the problem with your mailbox), and Yahoo will 
resume sending you the messages. We will also send out these requests daily.

Bounced Messages
If you subscribe to a Yahoo Groups discussion group under one of the e-mail 
options ("normal" or "digest"), Yahoo Groups will suspend sending mail to you 
after repeated attempts "bounce back." To see your recent bounced messages, 
view your Yahoo Groups "preferences" at http://groups.yahoo.com/myprefs and 
click "Bounce history" for your e-mail address. For more information on 
bounced-message handling by Yahoo Groups, search Yahoo Groups help for the word 

Why does it say my account is "bouncing"?
If group messages sent to your email address are returned to Yahoo! Groups as 
undeliverable ("bouncing"), your Yahoo! Groups account may be temporarily 
Messages can be returned for several reasons: 
•   Your mailbox may be full -- try deleting messages from your Inbox. 
•   Your ISP may have a backlog of email to process -- contact your ISP. 
•   Your ISP may be blocking email from Yahoo! Groups -- contact your ISP. 
In many cases, Yahoo! Groups can automatically reactivate your account once the 
delivery problem is solved. However, in some cases you will need to manually 
reactivate your account: 
1.  Visit your My Groups page. 
2.  Look for a bounce alert near the top of the page. 
3.  Click the Alert link to reactivate your account.

Group Site:

This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages 
(by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all 
members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then 
please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address.

Post:-  gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

<*> To change settings online go to:
(Yahoo! ID required)

<*> To change settings via email:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

g_b File - just in case you did not know

2008-07-01 Thread gay_bombay


I am sure you are enjoying reading the thought provoking, at times 
funny, at times informative mails and also seeing the JPGs/pictures 
that members post on this list

However, at times you may get a lot of mail and it may flood your 
email box.

If you feel flustered and feel that there are too many emails, I'd 
like to remind you that you don't have to leave just to stop us from 
clogging your inbox. 

You have the option of

1) getting your mails in digest form (however you will not be able 
to see the pictures in this format)
"Daily digest" ... once or twice a day, you will receive an
email -- text only -- listing all new postings ... just click on the
"messages" link at the top of the digest to go to the web archive to 
see any

2) or you can view mails directly on the web... and choose the 
option ...
you can see what's new on the website and still keep a clear
mailbox. You will never receive mail from us if you do that. YOU 
when to visit us ... and you can check out what you like and can 
skip over
what doesn't interest you.

3)no email option

I hope this helps. The commands for choosing the various modes are 
listed below.

Warm Regards


To write to the list -email to:

To unsubscribe, send an email to: 

Want to read each mail individually? 

Tired of too many emails?
Want all your daily mails together in digest form? 
(You will not be able to see pictures/jpgs)

Don't want mails at all yet want to be a part of the group? 

Want to directly read mails on Internet?


g_b File - Personal Replies To Advertisements

2008-07-01 Thread gay_bombay


please reply to the concerned person directly in case you want to
reply to someone who has posted a personal email.

please CLICK ON THE PERSON'S EMAIL ADDRESS while replying to him .
this will enable you to send a mail to the person with whom you want
to communicate.

if you click on the reply button, the message will go the entire
group. it is unfair and many persons have complained that they do
not want personal correspondence in their box.

Individual personal replies to one another will NOT BE CARRIED on
this list until and unless it is relevant to the entire group




g_b File - Essentials

2008-07-01 Thread gay_bombay

Chat Room At 
www.gaybombay.in or 

GayBombay Orkut is at http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=22091955

GayBombay Google group is at http://groups.google.com/group/Gaybombay


This group is not associated with any other e group or web site other than 

Rss feed: http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com/maillist.xml 

Gay_Bombay, LGBT India,GayBombay,Gayindia.org,www.gaybombay.in, Gay India Group 
web site www.gaybombay.in

g_b File - Personal Advertisements

2008-07-01 Thread gay_bombay

Hi All
2 personal advertisements seeking mates a month are allowed on the list. It’s 
unfair to others if you post your advertisement every few days. In the past, 
many have complained that they see too many personal advertisements on the 
list. So a restriction of 2 personal advertisements per month has been imposed. 
You may, if you wish, place your advertisement in the classified section at 
www.gaybombay.info as well.

In case you want to reply to a member’s personal advertisement, kindly click on 
the person’s email address. This will ensure that your reply goes to the 
concerned person and not to entire list which is what happens when you hit the 
reply button. So please reply directly to the advertiser and not to the whole 
group in case your reply is personal.

Group Site:

This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages 
(by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all 
members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then 
please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address.

Post:-  gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

<*> To change settings online go to:
(Yahoo! ID required)

<*> To change settings via email:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

g_b IMPORTANT: PM's speech + Minister's remarks on S.377

2008-07-01 Thread lgbtindiagroup
courtesy lgbtindia

IMPORTANT: PM's speech + Minister's remarks on S.377

Just after the success of National Pride, a potentially big new
development. The Prime Minister has made a speech where he calls for
support for minority communities affected by HIV/AIDS, including
homosexuals, and says that legal barriers that prevent services
reaching them should go.

And at the same function Minister of State Oscar Fernandes finally
said it openly: "Section 377 needs to go. This is something we really
need to move forward on."

For context, please note this mail I'd posted on QMC earlier about
the UNAIDS Commission on the Impact of HIV in Asia chaired by Dr.C.
Rangarajan. As expected the report is very positive on issues like
the need for legal change. I had posted the background and relevant
sections earlier on this list. If you want to read the full report
here's the link:

A basic story on the report:


Full report:


Fact sheets (2):


Thanks to Dr.Rangarajan's position as one of the prime minister's
main advisors he was able to arrange a function where the report was
presented to the PM. This happened yesterday and I'd come to Delhi
for that (Pride was a bonus!). Anand Grover was there and Ashok was
supposed to be there too, but couldn't come.

It was all very high power, high security, protocol, etc, but worth
it because what was said was excellent. Dr.Rangarajan gave an
excellent speech outlining the commission's recommendations,
repeatedly mentioning the need to remove legal issues that complicate
HIV/AIDS outreach with Men who have Sex with Men.

Then the PM spoke, and as is characteristic with him, he was low key
and restrained. But the speech was longer than I expected and it
seemed quite heartfelt, especially towards the end. He did not
specifically promise to remove 377, but he spoke of the need to
remove stigmas and legal barriers facing all groups and, yes, he said
the word 'homosexual', rather endearingly stumbling a bit so it came
across as "homossekssuals", but he said it!

Here is the link to the speech, the relevant portions and since its
so important I will paste the full speech anyway below:


"The HIV/AIDS epidemic has brought into focus many of our social
prejudices. The overwhelming number of cases are due to transmission
through the sexual route. Strategies for tackling it require more
inclusive and less judgmental social approaches to questions of
public health and personal hygiene.

"This must begin by addressing the issue of the social stigma that
attaches to those who carry the AIDS virus. I do believe that growing
consciousness about HIV/AIDS is forcing us to address these issues.

"The government should play a leading role in this. We should work to
remove legislative barriers that hinder access of high-risk groups to
services. There is a proposal for a law which would penalize anyone
discriminating against an AIDS infected person from access to
employment, property or services. This should be given serious

"The fact that many of the vulnerable social groups, be they sex
workers or homosexuals or drug users, face great social prejudice has
made the task of identifying AIDS victims and treating them very

"If we have to win this fight against HIV/AIDS we have to create a
more tolerant social environment. One need not condone socially
unacceptable or medically inadvisable sexual practices in seeking a
more tolerant approach to the problem. It is in the interests of the
entire society that everyone afflicted by AIDS wins the battle
against it. They deserve and have the right to live lives of dignity."

If Dr.Singh was circumspect, the speaker who followed him, Oscar
Fernandes, the minister of state (independent charge) for Labour and
Employment, was not. He got up and said it (from my notes):

"It is time for politicians to come together to repeal Section 377 of
the Indian Penal Code. Many other countries have repealed the law and
it is now time India moves forward on this."

For most people in the audience - institutions like UNAIDS, the
National AIDS Control Organisation, bureaucrats, a few lawyers and
journalists - this was electrifying. We were finally hearing a senior
member of the government, in the presence of the prime minister,
saying that S.377 needs to go! After the function was over and we
were having tea we descended on the Minister, who admitted he has
wondered about saying it, but after half an hour of discussion wit
advisors, he decided to go ahead.

It was amazing, but its also true that its questionable how much this
means in reality. This governm