Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

2012-10-19 Thread Peter Willis

Good news. 

Removing the '.aux.xml ' file and again running   gdalinfo -statsindeed 
fixes the problem.

I now get the expected statistics values.

Thank you for your help.

Best Regards,


Le vendredi 19 octobre 2012 23:57:01, Peter Willis a écrit :
> Hello,
> At step #6,  gdalinfo -stats reports data stats with the -999 values 
> calculated into the min/max/mean/stdev.
> Band 2 Block=2178x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   Description = Band 2
>   Min=-999.000 Max=12.250
>   Minimum=-999.000, Maximum=12.250, Mean=-946.817, StdDev=222.404
>   NoData Value=-999
>   Metadata:
> STATISTICS_MEAN=-946.81678963104
> STATISTICS_STDDEV=222.4036660914

Ok, indeed that's not expected.

Well, perhaps you could first check if there is no .aux.xml file that would 
contain bad values. And if so, delete it before running again gdalinfo -stats. 

Other than that, I've no more idea without having access to the .img file 

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

2012-10-19 Thread Even Rouault
Le vendredi 19 octobre 2012 23:57:01, Peter Willis a écrit :
> Hello,
> At step #6,  gdalinfo -stats reports data stats with the -999 values
> calculated into the min/max/mean/stdev.
> Band 2 Block=2178x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   Description = Band 2
>   Min=-999.000 Max=12.250
>   Minimum=-999.000, Maximum=12.250, Mean=-946.817, StdDev=222.404
>   NoData Value=-999
>   Metadata:
> STATISTICS_MEAN=-946.81678963104
> STATISTICS_STDDEV=222.4036660914

Ok, indeed that's not expected.

Well, perhaps you could first check if there is no .aux.xml file that would 
contain bad values. And if so, delete it before running again gdalinfo -stats. 

Other than that, I've no more idea without having access to the .img file 
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

2012-10-19 Thread Peter Willis

I am seeing that you are correct that the 'no data value'  is being read in 
each case.
Perhaps my interpretation of the problem appears incorrect.

Look, however at the 'Metadata:' statistics.
Both files have assigned -999 to 'No Data Value'  but'STATISTICS_MINIMUM' 
for one file shows -999 (??).
This means the values are not being ignored for the purpose of calculating 


Band 2 Block=2178x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Description = Band 2
  Min=-999.000 Max=12.250
  Minimum=-999.000, Maximum=12.250, Mean=-946.817, StdDev=222.404
  NoData Value=-999


Band 2 Block=1677x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Description = Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_104 Landsat-4/5 TM 
:Surface Temperature 
  Min=0.250 Max=12.250
  Minimum=0.250, Maximum=12.250, Mean=1.379, StdDev=0.995
  NoData Value=-999

Note the difference in stats calculations.


gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

2012-10-19 Thread Peter Willis

When I run :

Gdalinfo -stats  

One file (success) provides statistics calculated by excluding the no data 
Ie: min=0.25 max=1234.0 mean=12.0

The other file (failed) provides statistics with -999 calculated into the stats.
Ie: min = -999.0 max=1234.0 mean=-993.0

I have looked at both binary files. Each of the two files contain the mask 
ENVI loads both files and headers fine and reports the same no data value, for 
each file, in header info just fine.

I think you could probably model the problem by generating a much smaller file 
with multiple channels.

The steps happening are as follows:

1.) Original file (IN_IMG) is UTM projection ENVI format 49 bands BSQ, float32

2.) gdalwarp -of ENVI -t_srs "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84" ${IN_IMG} ${OUT_IMG}

3.) put the data ignore value back in the file:
echo "" >> $OUT_HDR
echo "data ignore value = -9.9900e+002" >> $OUT_HDR

4.) Call gdalinfo for number of bands in original file => $BANDS
5.) loop through bands seq 1 $BANDS => $BAND
  gdal_rasterize  -b $BAND -burn -999 -l ${LAYER_NAME}  ${MASK_SHP} 
6.) gdalinfo -stats ${OUT_IMG}

At step #6,  gdalinfo -stats reports data stats with the -999 values calculated 
into the min/max/mean/stdev.

Band 2 Block=2178x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Description = Band 2
  Min=-999.000 Max=12.250
  Minimum=-999.000, Maximum=12.250, Mean=-946.817, StdDev=222.404
  NoData Value=-999

If I perform gdalinfo -stats on the original UTM file the min/max/mean/stdev  
exclude -999 from calculations.

Band 2 Block=1677x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Description = Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_104 Landsat-4/5 TM 
:Surface Temperature 
  Min=0.250 Max=12.250
  Minimum=0.250, Maximum=12.250, Mean=1.379, StdDev=0.995
  NoData Value=-999

I hope this helps. 
Let me know if you need any more information.


-Original Message-
From: Even Rouault [] 
Sent: October-19-12 2:08 PM
Cc: Peter Willis
Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

Le vendredi 19 octobre 2012 22:57:13, Peter Willis a écrit :
> Hello,
> The one listed as 'failed'  actually fails for me as it is sent .

Just to be sure we are talking about the same thing, what do you call "fail" 
exactly ? Is it that gdalinfo doesn't report "NoData Value=-999" for the bands ?

Just for reference, I've create a fake
"LSatThermalCube_96-98_float_cmsk_landmasked_ll.img" and  gdalinfo on it 
reports :

Driver: ENVI/ENVI .hdr Labelled
Files: LSatThermalCube_96-98_float_cmsk_landmasked_ll.img
Size is 2178, 1841
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (-124.258818822248998,51.670841529998398)
Pixel Size = (0.000337173258152,-0.000337173258152)
[ cut ]
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (-124.2588188,  51.6708415) (124d15'31.75"W, 51d40'15.03"N) Lower 
Left  (-124.2588188,  51.0501056) (124d15'31.75"W, 51d 3' 0.38"N) Upper Right 
(-123.5244555,  51.6708415) (123d31'28.04"W, 51d40'15.03"N) Lower Right 
(-123.5244555,  51.0501056) (123d31'28.04"W, 51d 3' 0.38"N)
Center  (-123.8916371,  51.3604735) (123d53'29.89"W, 51d21'37.70"N)
Band 1 Block=2178x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Description = Band 1
  NoData Value=-999
Band 2 Block=2178x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Description = Band 2
  NoData Value=-999
[... cut ... ]
Band 49 Block=2178x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Description = Band 49
  NoData Value=-999

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

2012-10-19 Thread Even Rouault
Le vendredi 19 octobre 2012 22:57:13, Peter Willis a écrit :
> Hello,
> The one listed as 'failed'  actually fails for me as it is sent .

Just to be sure we are talking about the same thing, what do you call "fail" 
exactly ? Is it that gdalinfo doesn't report "NoData Value=-999" for the bands 

Just for reference, I've create a fake 
"LSatThermalCube_96-98_float_cmsk_landmasked_ll.img" and  gdalinfo on it 
reports :

Driver: ENVI/ENVI .hdr Labelled
Files: LSatThermalCube_96-98_float_cmsk_landmasked_ll.img
Size is 2178, 1841
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (-124.258818822248998,51.670841529998398)
Pixel Size = (0.000337173258152,-0.000337173258152)
[ cut ]
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (-124.2588188,  51.6708415) (124d15'31.75"W, 51d40'15.03"N)
Lower Left  (-124.2588188,  51.0501056) (124d15'31.75"W, 51d 3' 0.38"N)
Upper Right (-123.5244555,  51.6708415) (123d31'28.04"W, 51d40'15.03"N)
Lower Right (-123.5244555,  51.0501056) (123d31'28.04"W, 51d 3' 0.38"N)
Center  (-123.8916371,  51.3604735) (123d53'29.89"W, 51d21'37.70"N)
Band 1 Block=2178x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Description = Band 1
  NoData Value=-999
Band 2 Block=2178x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Description = Band 2
  NoData Value=-999
[... cut ... ]
Band 49 Block=2178x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Description = Band 49
  NoData Value=-999
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

2012-10-19 Thread Peter Willis

The one listed as 'failed'  actually fails for me as it is sent .

I was experimenting by moving the value near the top of the file.
It continues to fail whether the entry is at the bottom of the file
Or where it appears in the sample that I sent to you.

Could it be a line feeds issue?
I haven't tried running unix2dos/dos2unix against the HDR files.

Does the program mind if the EOL are \13\10  vs. \10  ?

Best Regards,


-Original Message-
From: Even Rouault [] 
Sent: October-19-12 1:44 PM
Cc: Peter Willis
Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

Le vendredi 19 octobre 2012 22:23:49, Peter Willis a écrit :
> Hello,
> I am providing the failed example followed by a working example.
> Let me know if there is any additional information you need.

With both headers, gdalinfo correctly reports the nodata value... But you 
didn't send the .hdr files you've generated since the "data ignore value" is 
not at their end.

> Thanks,
> Peter
> --The Failed Header Sample--
> description = {
> /web2-disk1/PR762/landsat/cubes/96_98/LSatThermalCube_96-98_float_cmsk
> _land
> m asked_ll.img}
> samples = 2178
> lines   = 1841
> bands   = 49
> header offset = 0
> file type = ENVI Standard
> data type = 4
> interleave = bsq
> byte order = 0
> map info = {Geographic Lat/Lon, 1, 1, -124.258818822249, 
> 51.6708415299984, 0.000337173258151718, 0.000337173258151718,WGS-84} 
> wavelength units = Unknown data ignore value = -9.9900e+002 band 
> names = { Band 1, Band 2, Band 3, Band 4, Band 5, Band 6, Band 7, Band 
> 8, Band 9, Band 10, Band 11, Band 12, Band 13, Band 14, Band 15, Band 
> 16, Band 17, Band 18, Band 19, Band 20, Band 21, Band 22, Band 23, 
> Band 24, Band 25, Band 26, Band 27, Band 28, Band 29, Band 30, Band 
> 31, Band 32, Band 33, Band 34, Band 35, Band 36, Band 37, Band 38, 
> Band 39, Band 40, Band 41, Band 42, Band 43, Band 44, Band 45, Band 
> 46, Band 47, Band 48, Band 49}
> --The Working Header Sample--
> description = {
>   Band Math Result, Expression = [(float(b2 gt 0.0) * b1) + (float(b2 
> eq
> 0.0)*
>   (-999.0))] B1:LSatThermalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img
>   B2:LSatThermalCube_96-98_float_cmsk_multi_channel_mask.img [Thu Oct 18
>   10:12:05 2012]}
> samples = 1677
> lines   = 2281
> bands   = 49
> header offset = 0
> file type = ENVI Standard
> data type = 4
> interleave = bsq
> sensor type = Unknown
> byte order = 0
> map info = {UTM, 1.000, 1.000, 412940.000, 5724563.000, 
> 3.00e+001, 3.00e+001, 10, North, WGS-84, units=Meters} 
> wavelength units = Unknown data ignore value = -9.9900e+002 pixel 
> size = {3.e+001, 3.e+001, units=Meters} band names = {  
> Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_088 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface 
> Temperature 
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):L
> SatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_104 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface 
> Temperature 
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):L
> SatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_111 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface 
> Temperature 
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):L
> SatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_120 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface 
> Temperature 
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):L
> SatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_136 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface 
> Temperature 
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):L
> SatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_152 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface 
> Temperature 
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):L
> SatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_159 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface 
> Temperature 
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):L
> SatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_168 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface 
> Temperature 
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):L
> SatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1996_191 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface 
> Temperature 
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):L
> SatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

2012-10-19 Thread Even Rouault
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_125 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_132 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_141 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_148 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_157 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_164 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_189 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_205 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_212 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_221 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_260 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_269 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img),
>  Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_292 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
> Temperature
> Sensor:6:LSatThermalCube_96-98.img):LSatThermalCube_96-98_float.img):LSatTh
> e rmalCube_96-98_float_cmsk.img)}
> coordinate system string = {
>  PROJCS["UTM_Zone_10N", GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984", DATUM["D_WGS_1984",
>  SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0],
>  UNIT["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],
>  PARAMETER["False_Easting", 50.0], PARAMETER["False_Northing", 0.0],
>  PARAMETER["Central_Meridian", -123.0], PARAMETER["Scale_Factor", 0.9996],
>  PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin", 0.0], UNIT["Meter", 1.0]]}
> -Original Message-
> From: Even Rouault []
> Sent: October-19-12 11:53 AM
> To:
> Cc: Peter Willis
> Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI
> header
> Le vendredi 19 octobre 2012 20:41:16, Peter Willis a écrit :
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I have a curious problem with 'gdalinfo'   (gdal version 1.9.0 ).
> > 
> > I have an input ENVI file with the following .HDR entry:
> >  data ignore value = -9.9900e+002
> > 
> > gdalinfo for the IMG file provides stats that exclude all values
> > -999.0 as expected.
> > 
> > I then create a masked output file using 'gdal_rasterize' from that
> > input file once again using -999.0 as the mask value.
> > 'gdal_rasterize' produces an ENVI format output with an accompanying
> > .HDR file.
> There's indeed no support currently in the ENVI driver to write the "data
> ignore value" field.
> > The resulting 'gdal_rasterize' HDR  *does not* contain the previous
> > 'data ignore value'  entry. This is something that should be fixed in
> > future versions of that utility. The work around is, of course, to
> > simply concatenate the 'data ignore value'
> > to the end of the HDR file. This is a quick step:
> > 
> > echo ""  >> myfile.hdr
> > echo "data ignore value = -9.9900+e2"  >> myfile.hdr echo ""  >>
> > myfile.hdr
> I've tried that and this worked for me. Perhaps you could send your
> myfile.hdr ?
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

2012-10-19 Thread Peter Willis
 Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_212 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
 Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_221 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
 Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_260 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
 Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_269 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
 Band Math (Band Math (Band Math (1998_292 Landsat-4/5 TM :Surface
coordinate system string = {
 PROJCS["UTM_Zone_10N", GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984", DATUM["D_WGS_1984",
 SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0],
 UNIT["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],
 PARAMETER["False_Easting", 50.0], PARAMETER["False_Northing", 0.0],
 PARAMETER["Central_Meridian", -123.0], PARAMETER["Scale_Factor", 0.9996],
 PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin", 0.0], UNIT["Meter", 1.0]]}

-Original Message-
From: Even Rouault [] 
Sent: October-19-12 11:53 AM
Cc: Peter Willis
Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI

Le vendredi 19 octobre 2012 20:41:16, Peter Willis a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have a curious problem with 'gdalinfo'   (gdal version 1.9.0 ).
> I have an input ENVI file with the following .HDR entry:
>  data ignore value = -9.9900e+002
> gdalinfo for the IMG file provides stats that exclude all values  
> -999.0 as expected.
> I then create a masked output file using 'gdal_rasterize' from that 
> input file once again using -999.0 as the mask value.
> 'gdal_rasterize' produces an ENVI format output with an accompanying 
> .HDR file.

There's indeed no support currently in the ENVI driver to write the "data
ignore value" field.

> The resulting 'gdal_rasterize' HDR  *does not* contain the previous 
> 'data ignore value'  entry. This is something that should be fixed in 
> future versions of that utility. The work around is, of course, to 
> simply concatenate the 'data ignore value'
> to the end of the HDR file. This is a quick step:
> echo ""  >> myfile.hdr
> echo "data ignore value = -9.9900+e2"  >> myfile.hdr echo ""  >> 
> myfile.hdr

I've tried that and this worked for me. Perhaps you could send your
myfile.hdr ?

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

2012-10-19 Thread Even Rouault
Le vendredi 19 octobre 2012 20:41:16, Peter Willis a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have a curious problem with 'gdalinfo'   (gdal version 1.9.0 ).
> I have an input ENVI file with the following .HDR entry:
>  data ignore value = -9.9900e+002
> gdalinfo for the IMG file provides stats that exclude all values  -999.0 as
> expected.
> I then create a masked output file using 'gdal_rasterize' from that input
> file once again using -999.0 as the mask value.
> 'gdal_rasterize' produces an ENVI format output with an accompanying .HDR
> file.

There's indeed no support currently in the ENVI driver to write the "data 
ignore value" field.

> The resulting 'gdal_rasterize' HDR  *does not* contain the previous 'data
> ignore value'  entry. This is something that should
> be fixed in future versions of that utility. The work around is, of course,
> to simply concatenate the 'data ignore value'
> to the end of the HDR file. This is a quick step:
> echo ""  >> myfile.hdr
> echo "data ignore value = -9.9900+e2"  >> myfile.hdr
> echo ""  >> myfile.hdr

I've tried that and this worked for me. Perhaps you could send your myfile.hdr 
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] gdalinfo -stats Misses invalid data value in ENVI header

2012-10-19 Thread Peter Willis

I have a curious problem with 'gdalinfo'   (gdal version 1.9.0 ).

I have an input ENVI file with the following .HDR entry:

 data ignore value = -9.9900e+002

gdalinfo for the IMG file provides stats that exclude all values  -999.0 as

I then create a masked output file using 'gdal_rasterize' from that input
file once again using -999.0 as the mask value.
'gdal_rasterize' produces an ENVI format output with an accompanying .HDR

The resulting 'gdal_rasterize' HDR  *does not* contain the previous 'data
ignore value'  entry. This is something that should 
be fixed in future versions of that utility. The work around is, of course,
to simply concatenate the 'data ignore value'
to the end of the HDR file. This is a quick step:

echo ""  >> myfile.hdr
echo "data ignore value = -9.9900+e2"  >> myfile.hdr 
echo ""  >> myfile.hdr

[NOTE: There are some other issues with ENVI HDR generation in GDAL that
should also be addressed but I won't go into those here.]

gdalinfo does not parse the value for the concatenated header entry if it is
placed at the end of the HDR file.
In fact, the HDR file may be edited to move the entry to a location near the
top of the file whereby it remains unacknowledged by gdalinfo.

Does gdalinfo expect the header entries to be in a specific order?

I have appended some parsing information to the end of this email.
You are probably aware of most, if not all, of this information.




The ENVI header file is not an 'ordered' data file. 
The entries may appear in any order. 
The generic format for entries is:

 = [EOL]

Equals  '='  normally appears on the same line as  without intervening
carriage return characters.
It is normal for '=' to be preceded by one space character although not
Equals  '=' is considered to be the primary delimiter between   and

''  may be any string without carriage returns, and the  may
include space characters.

All names (and values) are trimmed of preceding and trailing white space
characters at parse time.
TAB'\t'  is not normally used as whitespace but is parsed as though it
were a space ' ' character.


''  may be a singular value (ie: a number or a string with no
whitespace ) or a 'list'  bounded by curly braces  { }. 

Examples of singular string values would be:

Interleave = BSQ
Sensor type = Unknown
Wavelength units = nanometers

where 'BSQ' , 'Unknown', and 'nanometers' are singular strings containing no
whitespace characters.

In the context of the  strings containing necessary whitespace should
be encoded as a list. String values may contain carriage return characters.
The comma ','  is considered to 
be the default delimiter for list type data.


My List = {   some string data ,  another string data , yet another data
string , 
 etc data strings ad infinitum 

Number formats associated with 

Singular Integers:

My Integer = 9
My Integer = -99
My Integer = 0

Singular Reals:

My Real =  0.9
My Real =  .9
My Real =  -9.0+e8

Lists of numbers:

My Integer List = {
1 , 2 , 3,  4 , 5 , 6

My Real List = {
1.0 , -2.00e+2 , 3.0e-4,  4.0 , .5 , 6.1

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