Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC GLEP 1005: Package Tags

2014-03-28 Thread yac
On Sat, 29 Mar 2014 09:39:06 +1300
Kent Fredric wrote:

 On 25 March 2014 03:55, Damien Levac wrote:
  A lot of people already replied to this question: package search.
  A trivial example, a user want to know all terminals available in
  portage. Of course he could try a `emerge --searchdesc terminal`,
  but then he would get anything mentioning terminal in the
  description: which would probably include a lot of terminal
  applications which are not terminals themselves...
  `emerge --search terminal` just doesn't cut it as konsole
  wouldn't be a result but is a terminal emulator...
  On the other hand, terminals are spread through many categories
  (gnome-terminal in gnome-base  konsole in kde-base to name the most
  obvious example).
  Thus tags are a nice way for user to find the applications they
 Because looking at this example and the results of `eix -cS
 terminal`, I see lots of things that may also be ambiguously tagged
 terminal due to being a terminal based application.
 Thus, either terminal-emulator or terminal-app or similar tags
 seem necessary.
 emerge --search tag:terminal-app tag:jabber-client  ( or similar )
 should thus result in net-im/mcabber

You do this by searching for intersection of tags.

terminal ∩ jabber ∩ client

Jan Matějka| Developer | Gentoo Linux
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Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC GLEP 1005: Package Tags

2014-03-28 Thread yac
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:02:30 +
Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

 On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:46:49 -0400
 Wyatt Epp wrote:
  On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
   On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 03:53:47 +0100
   yac wrote:
   What I was describing is the difference between fundamental
   properties of categories and tags.
   You are trying to redefine categories in terms of a concept that
   they didn't originally represent.
  No one's redefining anything.  You seem awfully fixated on the
  history that forced categories to exist, which doesn't really
  matter in this context.  Regardless of any of that, people can and
  _do_ attempt to use categories as a rudimentary method of
  attempting to search for packages.
 Giving something a unique unambiguous name is not a historical
 issue. It's something we still need, and a core part of how package
 manglers work. You can't just pretend that categories there for
 exactly this.

I see your point. Resolving ambiguity is certainly needed and
categories are prettier than most distributions approach like prefixing
the package name with python-.

However, it still seems that besides resolving ambiguity categories are
in part also used to provide information better expressed with tags,
like the genre of a game.

jcallen was kind enough to provide a script that finds ambiguous
package names and prints them with the categories they are in [1]_ and
the output for portage tree [2]_, which supports my suspicion that
there indeed are no ambiguities in game names. Maybe more cases like
this can be found.

.. [1]
.. [2]

Jan Matějka| Developer | Gentoo Linux
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Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC GLEP 1005: Package Tags

2014-03-26 Thread yac
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:31:45 +0100
Jeroen Roovers wrote:

 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 08:03:08 +0100
 Jan Matejka wrote:
   No, categories are essentially directories.
  fixed: categories are essentially also directories.
 Also? No, categories are *essentially* directories: they keep files
 apart that should not go together. In precisely that way, their names
 happen to aid in building unique atoms, which you need to be able to
 tell a package manager (or development tool) which precise bunch of
 files you want to read/address/target/modify/etc.
 They are *also* other things, like identifiers for actual categories
 of packages (hence the name)

These are all accidental properties of our categories application. I
don't see how they are relevant.

What I was describing is the difference between fundamental properties
of categories and tags.

 which may or may not suit someone's
 needs in finding packages based on keywords.

That's where tags comes in.

 Stating in a GLEP that they're a giant mistake means you'll have to
 polish the document till you have rephrased that into something true


 and acceptable, or until you have purged every mention and reference
 of the giant mistake because it does not serve the purpose of the
 GLEP at all.
 Categories are *essential* to the way the repositories now work, and
 they're not going away, especially not by way of this GLEP. See below.
   I was asking about tags, not about categories.
  The original mails are:
   On Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:46:09 +0100
   Jeroen Roovers wrote:
On Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:33:27 -0700
Alec Warner wrote:  

   This GLEP author would love to blight categories out of
gentoo history as a giant mistake.

   Categories are essentially tags, only less powerful as they can
   express relationship of 1:N while tags are can express M:N
  How is this a question about tags and not categories?
 The GLEP's statements about categories appear to be a straw man. It
 basically states that:
  * we introduced categories to aid in finding packages
  * but it turned out that categories suck at helping us find packages
  * so now we need to add tags
  * but we can keep categories because they have proven useful for
 other stuff

Please explain how is the straw man different from real issue.

Jan Matějka| Developer | Gentoo Linux
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Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] dev-lang/go

2014-02-19 Thread yac
On Sat, 15 Feb 2014 16:44:09 -0600
William Hubbs wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 12:48:44AM +0100, yac wrote:
  On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 11:02:49 -0500
  Emery Hemingway wrote:
   The default GOROOT that go looks at for base libraries seems to be
   compiled in so this should be pretty easy, like python but
  I'm not sure what you are trying to solve here. Afaik GOROOT is
  used to determine where to install and it can be overriden from env.
 Not overridden, but extended. See go help gopath.
   An eclass could look at a GO_MINIMUM variable and install for each
   version go that is present and matches.
  It might be good idea to learn from others who'd been through this
  and I think the new python eclasses are good ones, going with
  something like PYTHON_TARGETS array (GOLANG_TARGETS ?)
  I would prefer go_targets if this becomes an issue,

golang is more search friendly

 but it isn't at
  this point because there is only one target, go1, and we do not know
 if there will be a go2 or not.

There still are different compilers at least, even if changing minor
version would be a non-issue. But I'm not familiar with those, I think
those are used for compiling for other than the supported archs (iirc
only x86 and x86_64)

   Dropping old versions of go
   will be easy because linking wont break, and new releases should
   be forwards compatible.
  So far yes I think but I guess that may be quite different with in
  the future with 1.x, and should be so there may be corner cases
  where the user does need to use earlier version.
 Highly unlikely in the context of go1, and again, we don't know if
 there is going to even be a go2 or not. The only reason there will be
 a go2 is if there needs to be a change at the source level which can
 only be done in a backward incompatible way.
 The question really should be, do we want a system-wide workspace to
 store third-party libraries [1]?
 and if so, where do we put it -- maybe /usr/lib/go-gentoo should exist
 along side /usr/lib/go?

I assume you are talking about thirdparty packages installed by
portage, not by localy/manually by user. Well, without the system-wide
workspace to store the libraries, this whole go eclass would be kinda
pointless, no?

Currently /usr/lib/go/gentoo is used and I see no reason to change it.

 The catch would be that every time you upgrade dev-lang/go, everything
 stored in /usr/lib/go-gentoo has to be recompiled because there is no
 guarantee that the libraries we have there are compatible with each
 minor release of go1, only the source.
 Then, the executables we have in /usr/bin will still run, but it would
 be good to rebuild them as well to get the new libraries linked into
 If we had a work space in, say, /usr/lib/go-gentoo, we could leave the
 executables in there and symlink them to /usr/bin. If we did that, it
 would be easy for a user to rebuild everything in the workspace for
 the new go by doing
 emerge /usr/lib/go-gentoo/bin

Good idea.


Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
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Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] dev-lang/go

2014-02-14 Thread yac
On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 11:02:49 -0500
Emery Hemingway wrote:

 On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 13:30:10 +0100
 Jan Matejka wrote:
  On Thu, 13 Feb 2014 11:59:16 -0600
  William Hubbs wrote:
   Hi all,
   I responded to this a while back, but I guess my email didn't go
   out for some reason.
   As the primary go maintainer, I do want to be involved in
   this. :-)
   On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 01:38:44AM +0100, yac wrote:
On Mon, 30 Dec 2013 15:48:17 -0500
Emery Hemingway wrote:

 I really like working with Go, and would like to see a means
 of merging Go packages with Portage. In short I am asking if
 anyone else is interested in a Go project.

I might be. I have packaged something for private use but it
just a bunch of hacks. Anyway, I have some production go code.

 For those who aren't familiar with Go, I will sumarise why
 Portage and Go do not play well together.

 Go is static linked by default.
 The Go compiler creates static libraries and binaries.
 Libraries compilied with different versions of Go (1.1/1.2)
 may not be linked into the same binary.

Haskell is staticaly linked as well (by default) and you can see
the gentoo haskell project. I don't see this as a problem, we
just will have all dependencies in DEPEND and will have to scope
on the go compiler version under something
like /usr/lib/go-1.{1,2}/...
   That could be done easily enough, but what about the tools
   in /usr/bin (there aren't many, but there are a couple), and these
   do not change name with each version of go.
  Please see what python does for different python versions (which you
  omitted from my previous email).
 I've modified the go-1.2 ebuild to install to usr/lib/go1.2 and I'm
 working on an eselect module to manage the symlink to
 The default GOROOT that go looks at for base libraries seems to be
 compiled in so this should be pretty easy, like python but simplier.

I'm not sure what you are trying to solve here. Afaik GOROOT is used to
determine where to install and it can be overriden from env.

 An eclass could look at a GO_MINIMUM variable and install for each
 version go that is present and matches.

It might be good idea to learn from others who'd been through this and
I think the new python eclasses are good ones, going with something

 Dropping old versions of go
 will be easy because linking wont break, and new releases should be
 forwards compatible.

So far yes I think but I guess that may be quite different with in the
future with 1.x, and should be so there may be corner cases where the
user does need to use earlier version.

 Maybe 3rd party library sources could be stored
 in a version agnostic directory and symlinked in to
 usr/lib/goX.X/gentoo to deduplicate the files?

I'm not sure this is a good idea either. Disk space is cheap and 
doing this would only require adding special case handling code which
would get even more complicated when doing upgrades or the situation
changes (eg. main golang version).

Also keep in mind, the main golang version should not be just 1.1 but
rather go1.1 as you may also want to choose gccsomething.

 Go libraries are usually unversioned.
 Libraries outside the system library are resolved with an
 import statement that specifies a source code repository,
 such as a git or mecurial repository. Most often Go libraries
 are installed using the 'go get' tool that clones a
 repository, and simply assumes HEAD/tip is the best revision
 to build against. There is some support for using git tags
 but it is not well documented. Often these libraries are very
 small for the sake of reuse and to keep APIs simple.
   My understanding is that a library repo will have branches based
   on the version of go, so for example, it might have a branch
   called go-1 which will be where go get will look to find the
   latest version of the code that works with go-1.x.
In this case we just have to require upstream to make releases
or publish either live ebuilds, or ebuilds versioned something
like 0_pre-MM-DD.ebuild [1]
   I don't think we are going to be able to require upstream to make
   releases, so that leaves us with:
   1) using live ebuilds, which will never be allowed to have
   keywords by gentoo policy, or
   2) publishing snapshots, which also means we have to create
   tarballs to match them. This will be a lot of work for us as
   maintainers. Also, the only way we will know when a new version
   of the library is released is to closely monitor the upstream git
  As I said in previous email, I think at least part of go community
  sees this as an issue and this is something we can not solve right
  now but rather need to work on this on case-by-case

Re: [gentoo-dev] gentoo-x86 and git

2014-02-10 Thread yac
On Mon, 10 Feb 2014 20:33:27 +0800
Patrick Lauer wrote:

 I've been looking for a clean git-converted gentoo-x86 repo for ...
 well ... mostly data mining as cvs / anoncvs.g.o is too slow for some

While you are it, it would be great if you could get some stats on
frequency of commits. Especially with reagrd to the planned cvs - git
migration since this might cause some issues/inconvenience if the whole
portage will be one git repo.

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
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Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] dev-lang/go

2014-02-10 Thread yac
On Mon, 30 Dec 2013 15:48:17 -0500
Emery Hemingway wrote:

 I really like working with Go, and would like to see a means of
 merging Go packages with Portage. In short I am asking if anyone else
 is interested in a Go project.

I might be. I have packaged something for private use but it just a
bunch of hacks. Anyway, I have some production go code.

 For those who aren't familiar with Go, I will sumarise why Portage and
 Go do not play well together.

 Go is static linked by default.
 The Go compiler creates static libraries and binaries. Libraries
 compilied with different versions of Go (1.1/1.2) may not be linked
 into the same binary.

Haskell is staticaly linked as well (by default) and you can see the
gentoo haskell project. I don't see this as a problem, we just will have
all dependencies in DEPEND and will have to scope on the go compiler
version under something like /usr/lib/go-1.{1,2}/...

I'd just copy the python herd approach (use flags, filesystem scoping
and having binary wrapper).

 It is possible to compile dynamicly and that may involve using the
 GCC frontend, which is probably less tested and less optimized.

I'd just skip over this unless someone is really interested in this one,
in which case this could be explicitly enabled by a use flag or

 Go libraries are usually unversioned.
 Libraries outside the system library are resolved with an import
 statement that specifies a source code repository, such as a git or
 mecurial repository. Most often Go libraries are installed using the
 'go get' tool that clones a repository, and simply assumes HEAD/tip is
 the best revision to build against. There is some support for using
 git tags but it is not well documented. Often these libraries are very
 small for the sake of reuse and to keep APIs simple.

In this case we just have to require upstream to make releases or
publish either live ebuilds, or ebuilds versioned something like
0_pre-MM-DD.ebuild [1]

I know part of the gopher commnity doesn't see this as a problem but I
believe the big players recognize this and there is an effort to come up
with a solution.

 If all that sounds bad, thats because it is. Is it worth versioning
 many tiny libraries or do we simply cache the repositiories and blame
 upstream when things stop compiling?

I'd certainly want to have versions where available.

 A have made an eclass for Go and an ebuild for the bitcoin node
 written in pure Go to atleast prove that all this is possible. These
 are in the 'emery' overlay:;a=tree;f=eclass;a=tree;f=dev-go;a=tree;f=net-p2p/btcd

 The eclass it a bit of a mess but it works, having done that, I would
 say that making ebuilds for every go library is tedious, but can be
 done almost entirely with boilerplate, almost every time.

 The eclasss installs go source and static libraries
 to /usr/lib/go/gentoo (source code and .a library are required to
 link). The problem is when Go is updated, this folder may get wiped
 out, and if it isn't, those libraries will be incompatable with the
 new release anyway.

How come it gets wiped? That just shouldn't happen.

 The other solution I see is to make a Go directory in /var/cache or

I don't think this is a good idea as I think it would be surprising to
users to find libraries elsewhere than /usr/lib and I believe /var/cache
specificaly even violates FHS.

 something like it and just manage it as a cache.
 Libraries may come and go but that is fine.

I might want to have a library just for development and I'd wouldn't
like it disappearing.

 Bare repositories may be cached in DISTDIR
 just like the git and mercurial eclasses do. Doing things this way may
 require a specific utility for Portage that wraps the Go toolchain,
 which I would be willing to create. This utility could probably
 automatically resolve and fetch the libraries that are required

Building the library/package shouldn't/mustn't (what does the PMS
say?) require network access once the sources are fetched.

 as opposed to making an ebuild for each library, but that raises the
 problem of assuming the developers of each library maintain consistant
 quality and security.

Every ebuild that gets to gentoo official must meet basic standard of
quality. That's no different for golang.

 The problem is Go makes it trivial to build from source, but it does
 that in a very different and less precise way than Gentoo. There is
 always the option of build bots and installing binaries to /opt...


I think it would be good idea to start a separate gentoo-golang
repository (github?) and treat it more (to keep it aligned with the way
gentoo works) or less (to speed up the development) as if it were gx86.

In the organization part, I think we could inspire ourself in the way
gentoo-haskell works.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Portage QOS

2014-01-09 Thread yac
On Thu, 9 Jan 2014 11:24:25 +0400
LTHR wrote:

 Hi All,
 What do you think about implementing this:
 I've system design in my head and could write it down with the
 implementation details. Then may be we could all review it and get to
 something we all agree upon then I could try getting a team and
 implement it.
 Just a brief question - does anyone know how many ebuilds are
 assembled world wide each second?


There are some ideas that may be worth pursuing and by bottom up
approach we (me and mainly naota) started turning gentwoo [1]_ [2]_ into
a package usage stats [3]_

.. [1]
.. [2]
.. [3]

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
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Re: [gentoo-dev] Maintainer-needed on many of my packages

2013-12-31 Thread yac
On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 11:31:47 +0100
Rémi Cardona wrote:

 Le dimanche 29 décembre 2013 à 00:19 +, Robin H. Johnson a écrit :
 Is this still remotely useful with KMS-enabled kernels ?

I believe so. I have used it recently to control the LVDS backlight
when not in X.


Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] python versioned libraries or not

2013-12-07 Thread yac
On Thu, 05 Dec 2013 13:32:09 +0900 wrote:

 Dear all,
 I have only one python-2.7 on my system. Simple and stupid.
 After boost ebuild is converted to python-r1, is
 renamed to This is all cool about python-r1
 for multiple python implementation support.
 At the same time, I don't need this feature. I have a couple of
 Jamroot's which append -lboost_python to LDFLAGS, and I have to
 manually specify -lboost_python-2.7. Moreover, libraries depending
 on boost.python, e.g. Boost.NumPy[1], searches for boost_python and
 boost_python-mt only. I am forced to patch the build system to pass
 -${PYVAR} to it, which is tedious.

Shouldn't pkg-conifg --libs handle this?
 I am looking for a way out. Candidates are,
 1. scan all python versioned libraries and symlink them to
unversioned one. Question: hints to do it systematically in
portage? Is there a helper available like python-exec?
 2. python-single-r1 is ready for use, but it requires manipulating
the boost ebuild to change from python-r1, if I want a
python-single-r1 blessed boost. Question: How about merging
python-single-r1 with python-r1 and controlling by a global USE
flag python-single. When python-single is set, all ebuilds
inheriting python-r1 behaves as if being with python-single-r1,
so that all python versionings on executables and libraries are
 3. or something I missed

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Local Gentoo User Group community support

2013-11-15 Thread yac

What does Gentoo Linux provide for $SUBJ?

I know there are mailing lists like gentoo-user-lang. Is there
anything else?

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Policy-level discussion for minimum versions on dependencies

2013-11-06 Thread yac
On Wed, 06 Nov 2013 16:48:54 +0100
Alexis Ballier wrote:

 On Wed, 2013-11-06 at 10:15 -0500, Ian Stakenvicius wrote:
  However, it's been a long-standing general practise that if there
  are no deps in the tree older than what is necessary for a package,
  that package doesn't need to have a minimum version on the
  dependency atom. As such, issues similar to this are probably lying
  in wait all other the place in the tree.
 this is a common misconception: ebuilds must have min. deps matching
 their requirements (exactly because of this problem)
 it can be fixed on the user side by 'emerge -uDN world' meanwhile but
 this doesn't mean the ebuild doesn't have a bug, even if minor

When I started contributing via sunrise, I've been
adding the minimal versions of dependencies as declared by upstream
but I met with very strict enforcement of the policy to not
specify minimal version if all the ones in current tree satisfies.

Is it documented somewhere or is it just unwritten consensus?

What I see is only Ebuild Policy [1e] which doesn't deal with this.

.. [1e]

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Policy-level discussion for minimum versions on dependencies

2013-11-06 Thread yac
On Wed, 6 Nov 2013 13:22:13 -0500
Mike Gilbert wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Ian Stakenvicius
  On 06/11/13 12:56 PM, yac wrote:
  On Wed, 06 Nov 2013 16:48:54 +0100 Alexis Ballier wrote:
  On Wed, 2013-11-06 at 10:15 -0500, Ian Stakenvicius wrote:
  However, it's been a long-standing general practise that if
  there are no deps in the tree older than what is necessary for
  a package, that package doesn't need to have a minimum version
  on the dependency atom. As such, issues similar to this are
  probably lying in wait all other the place in the tree.
  this is a common misconception: ebuilds must have min. deps
  matching their requirements (exactly because of this problem)
  it can be fixed on the user side by 'emerge -uDN world' meanwhile
  but this doesn't mean the ebuild doesn't have a bug, even if
  When I started contributing via sunrise, I've been adding the
  minimal versions of dependencies as declared by upstream but I met
  with very strict enforcement of the policy to not specify minimal
  version if all the ones in current tree satisfies.
  Is it documented somewhere or is it just unwritten consensus?
  What I see is only Ebuild Policy [1e] which doesn't deal with
  .. [1e]
  I searched as well, and couldn't find anything documented one way or
  the other, either.  I concluded that it's unwritten consensus.
  That's the main reason I wanted to start this discussion -- to
  effectively start documenting it and get dev's all on the same page.
  To be honest I think it should be policy or at least a written-down
  guideline, that dev's should do this within reason -- if an
  older-than-minimum version of something has been in the tree within
  the past year.  Gone for more than a year should be safe, I expect.
 I don't think a time limit is necessary here. If there is an
 identified incompatibility, we should update DEPEND.
 Note that I do not expect devs to go out of their way to test for the
 oldest supported version of a dependency; they just shouldn't close
 bugs as INVALID of someone else has done the work.

+1 very much.

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Official way to do rolling update (Was: Re: Releng breakage with respect to move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec)

2013-11-04 Thread yac
On Mon, 4 Nov 2013 09:51:32 + (UTC)
Duncan wrote:

 Daniel Campbell posted on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 02:50:27 -0600 as
  Hash: SHA1
  On 11/03/2013 10:15 PM, yac wrote:
  On Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:02:31 +0200 Alan McKinnon wrote:
  Afaik there is no official way to update gentoo, is there?
  It's always been emerge -avuND world
  Is this documented annywhere? I have a hard time finding it. I can
  see it mentioned eg. in man emerge in -c option but that's not
  good enough.
 Read the handbook lately? =:^)
 Handbook, part 2, Working with Gentoo, Chapter 1, A Portage
 Introduction, Doc_chapter 3, Maintaining Software (this is the amd64
 Look under the heading Updating your System.  That starts with...
 emerge --update --ask world
 ... then discusses --deep, --withbdeps=y, and --newuse, so the
 example full update is ...
 emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y --newuse world
 --ask and --pretend are discussed in the same doc_chapter as well, as
 is -v (tho inconsistently, I don't see the long-option --verbose
 discussed, as it is for the others).
 --depclean, --search and --unmerge are discussed in that chapter too,
 as is gentoolkit with equery and revdep-rebuild.  About the only
 thing missing is sets, and they're missing from working with portage
 (part 3) AFAICT as well, most likely because the handbooks simply
 haven't been updated for sets yet.

Yes, there is describes what are possible ways to update the system and
what criteria goes into selection of the packages to update but not
which one is recommended, generaly for regular update. Could be
helpful for newbs and to avoid doubt even between more experienced

I think only -u world could be used to do updates. (possible
--with-bdeps could be recommended too, for better security until users
find out about glsa-check, though I think it is limited to packages
that are believed to be widely deployed.

  Even if it is documented, I think it would be very helpfull to have
  such a way implemented as kind of option to emerge like `emerge
  --standard-ugrade` that would just alias to -uaNDv or possibly
  leverage sets like `emerge @upgrade`
 This has been discussed before.  Zac could give you a summary and 
 possibly point you at the thread, I'm sure.
 I believe the reason it wasn't done is because the default options 
 setting was added instead.  Well that and the fact that (as covered 
 below), I guess most users setup their own scripts/aliases at some
 point, at which point the existence of something that general-purpose
 default built-in becomes moot.

I expected some people to do this now, but I never found it worth
anything unless it could deal with all the
(perl|python|haskell|whatnot)-updaters and revdep-rebuild and such.
It would be nice-to-have it as part of emerge for the reasons above and
not having to 

  You could emulate this yourself by setting up an environment
  variable to pass to emerge, or use an alias like I do:
  alias sysupdate='emerge -avuDN --with-bdeps=y @world'
  (Note: I should probably extend this to accept $1 args, in case I
  want to add `-t` or something)
  If you wanted something to cover more bases, you could make a
  script to do the above in addition to revdep-rebuild,
  python-updater, etc-update, and so on. Given the power and
  flexibility of portage/emerge and the extremely broad variety of
  needs that Gentoo meets, I believe it would be somewhat wasted work
  to add the option when users are already expected to read manpages
  and the Handbook. Perhaps -avuND should be made more obvious in a
  place or two in the documentation as a sort of compromise.
 FWIW, I have a whole set of short, often 2-4 letter aliases/scripts
 that take care of the various options, as I'm lazy and find reaching
 for the - key difficult.  Most of them are broken down into ea* and
 ep* variants, for ask and pretend, and the default is oneshot so as
 not to pollute the world file (which is normally empty anyway, as is
 @system for that matter as I negated it in my profile, everything's
 in sets, tho I sometimes use the worldfile as a sort of package
 purgatory when I want to try something out and keep it updated, but
 am not sure I want it in one of my permanent sets yet).
 Then there's esyn, which syncs both the gentoo tree and layman, as
 well as automatically handling ebuild patching and redigesting using
 a tree similar to the /etc/portage/patches/ tree, and does an
 automatic fetch deep world before its done.
 Then there's the ead (depclean) and ear (revdep-rebuild) variants, as 
 well as epc to lookup changelogs, ept* for tree, and eal for
 @smart-live- rebuild.
 Completing the set are eup (etc-update) and envup (env-update).
 I have a similar set, but starting with k

Re: [gentoo-dev] Releng breakage with respect to move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec

2013-11-03 Thread yac
On Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:02:31 +0200
Alan McKinnon wrote:

 On 03/11/2013 01:45, yac wrote:
  On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 19:19:21 -0400
  Anthony G. Basile wrote:
  On 11/02/2013 06:09 PM, yac wrote:
  I don't know how this releng stuff works. I bet there is lot of
  devs who don't.
  This is why you should announce risking commits.  Because you may
  not know what it will cause, but others will.
  If I don't know in the first place, how do I know it's risky?
 Assessing risk is somewhat intuitive and relies heavily on experience.
 python-exec changes python wrapper scripts, emerge is coded in python.
 You have the makings of a circular dep right there and alarms bells
 should already be going off in your head.
 With risk, you almost always already DO have more information than at
 first appears. Learn to trust the little voice in your head, when it
 pipes up rather be careful and double check.
  Afaik there is no official way to update gentoo, is there?
 It's always been emerge -avuND world
  I personally got used to -uaNDv and I don't even know what exactly
  is the difference and it's implications between that and just -uD
 the difference is -N, it's in man emerge

I can read man pages, I know what -N stands for, but I can't say I
understand it with it's implications, as the exact behaviour depends
on the state of tree at last emerge update and the state the portage
tree is currently, which again depends on policies applied to the
packages involved in the system and that's pretty non-trivial thing.

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Releng breakage with respect to move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec

2013-11-03 Thread yac
On Sun, 03 Nov 2013 10:53:13 +0200
Alan McKinnon wrote:

 On 02/11/2013 17:03, Michał Górny wrote:
  I was considering writing a news item for it but we discussed it on
  IRC and decided that users are really expected to be able to handle
  themselves, especially wrt to:
  1. using 'emerge -Du @world' to upgrade their systems,

I got a blocker on one system even with -uaNDv world

btw, is there a difference betwen world and @world or is just new

  2. reading the blocker output to see that it states
  'dev-python/python-exec-1' - which suggests: what if I
  upgrade to 1?
 Sadly, it's somewhat common for (newish) users to not know what to do
 with that. Blocker output can be quite daunting in the beginning,
 especially if it's in the middle of 20 other things portage is also
 It's not easy to parse this stuff; I've been using gentoo for what
 feels like forever and I still haven't managed to hard-wire my head
 to read blockers like an idiom. I have to study it and usually end up
 reading the affected ebuild directly.

+1 I always have to think hard to get which blocks which and which I
want. Especialy in this case with -1 and -

 The basic problem is that there's a lot of information to convey re a
 blocker, but to new users it all just looks like noise.
 One set of questions that were never answered and probably do deserve
 some kind of notification:
 1. What exactly is python-exec anyway?

python-exec is the thingie that makes the python thingies install libs
and executables with different names/paths as per python major.minor so
they are available for all the required versions.

 2. Why are there two, in dev-python/ and dev-lang/ ?
 3. One has a version of -1, which is *highly* unusual, what is
 that exactly? 1 more than -?
 4. There is some kind of migration going on between an old and new
 python-exec, but I can't understand it using only standard portage

+1 I agree this change was poorly communicated to the users.

 An advance notice was probably warranted in this case, not to avoid
 bugs, but just to alert folk that something is coming down the wire
 and a short description of what it's trying to achieve. Most folks are
 naturally suspicious of anything that alters their python setup.

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

Description: PGP signature

Official way to do rolling update (Was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Releng breakage with respect to move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec)

2013-11-03 Thread yac
On Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:02:31 +0200
Alan McKinnon wrote:

  Afaik there is no official way to update gentoo, is there?
 It's always been emerge -avuND world

Is this documented annywhere? I have a hard time finding it. I can see
it mentioned eg. in man emerge in -c option but that's not good enough.

Even if it is documented, I think it would be very helpfull to have
such a way implemented as kind of option to emerge like `emerge
--standard-ugrade` that would just alias to -uaNDv or possibly leverage
sets like `emerge @upgrade`

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

Description: PGP signature

Official way to do rolling update (Was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Releng breakage with respect to move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec)

2013-11-03 Thread yac
On Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:02:31 +0200
Alan McKinnon wrote:

  Afaik there is no official way to update gentoo, is there?
 It's always been emerge -avuND world

Is this documented annywhere? I have a hard time finding it. I can see
it mentioned eg. in man emerge in -c option but that's not good enough.

Even if it is documented, I think it would be very helpfull to have
such a way implemented as kind of option to emerge like `emerge
--standard-ugrade` that would just alias to -uaNDv or possibly leverage
sets like `emerge @upgrade`

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

Description: PGP signature

Re: Official way to do rolling update (Was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Releng breakage with respect to move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec)

2013-11-03 Thread yac
Please do not reply to this thread.

I've resent the mail without the thread context header.

On Mon, 4 Nov 2013 01:59:19 +0100
yac wrote:

 On Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:02:31 +0200
 Alan McKinnon wrote:
   Afaik there is no official way to update gentoo, is there?
  It's always been emerge -avuND world
 Is this documented annywhere? I have a hard time finding it. I can see
 it mentioned eg. in man emerge in -c option but that's not good
 Even if it is documented, I think it would be very helpfull to have
 such a way implemented as kind of option to emerge like `emerge
 --standard-ugrade` that would just alias to -uaNDv or possibly
 leverage sets like `emerge @upgrade`

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Last rites: app-arch/xarchiver

2013-11-02 Thread yac
Hash: SHA1


I don't think that upstream deciding to rewrite a package is good
enough reason to tree clean the package. Have you done this
with eg. bind package which is constantly rewritten and constantly have
security issues?

The same goes for closing bugs until the versions are
removed from portage (either because version deprecation or treeclean
with proper reason) as users may find those informational.

On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 16:16:53 +
Markos Chandras wrote:

 Hash: SHA512
 # Markos Chandras (02 Nov 2013)
 # On behalf of Treecleaners
 # Upstream started a complete rewrite of the package
 # meaning that existing bugs will not be fixed by future
 # version bumps of the existing code.
 # It is unclear when/if the new code will be released any time
 # soon so masked for removal in 30 days.
 # The package can be re-introduced later on if the new
 # maintainer feels it is stable enough.
 # See #483588 and #473692
 - -- 
 Markos Chandras
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)

- -- 
Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: F97A36A1
Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [gentoo-dev] Last rites: app-arch/xarchiver

2013-11-02 Thread yac
On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 17:57:34 +
Markos Chandras wrote:

 On 11/02/2013 05:55 PM, yac wrote:
  I don't think that upstream deciding to rewrite a package is good
  enough reason to tree clean the package. Have you done this
  with eg. bind package which is constantly rewritten and constantly
  have security issues?
  The same goes for closing bugs until the versions are
  removed from portage (either because version deprecation or
  treeclean with proper reason) as users may find those informational.
 Ok let me clarify this again
 1) The original code of the package is gone since upstream started
 from scratch.

What do you mean by gone? I still can `ebuild xarchiver* fetch` the

Otherwise this is not a reason to treeclean the package.

 2) It has no maintainer.

Not a reason for treecleaning.

 3) It has open bugs and upstream will never fix them and there is no
 maintainer to patch the code to fix it properly.

In bgo[1] there are two bugs open. Upstream [2] seems to have more bugs
but they also seem to be mostly new features or corner cases.

There already was discussion on treecleaning bug[3] where you claim the
package is broken while several users explain it is broken
*partialy*. Eg. c30 says only 2 formats doesn't work.

c21 claims it always crashes on passwords, however upstream bug reports
indicates it's also true for only some formats.

c6 indicates xarchiver will break on unrar-5 when it will go stable but
it still is not stable, is it? Given the way this issue is
communicated, I have to ask - Is it even true? The rar major version
seems to be related to rar format version rather then ABI/API.

Even if xarchiver breaks on unrar-5, I see many other packages
depending on unrar, do you know these will not break and possibility of
having both unrar4 and 5 will not be just due xarchiver?

 So per treecleaner policy the package will be removed.
 Or have you just volunteered to become maintainer and fix the bugs?

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: F97A36A1

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Releng breakage with respect to move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec

2013-11-02 Thread yac
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:20:41 -0400
Rick \Zero_Chaos\ Farina wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On 11/02/2013 11:03 AM, Michał Górny wrote:
  Dnia 2013-11-02, o godz. 14:51:26
  Tom Wijsman napisał(a):
  On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 09:16:45 -0400
  Anthony G. Basile wrote:
  This is a followup to a discussion on IRC yesterday regarding
  breakage that's occurring to catalyst builds as a result of the
  recent move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec.
  This has been happening to users as well, for example:
  To move forward and get this resolved, some questions:
  1. Has this been resolved for users? Do they just need to sync?
  2. If not resolved for users, what is the best temporary
  workaround? 3. Are you able to fix this? Do you need help to fix
  this? 4. Depending on the nature of the fix: Would a news item be
  From what I heard, most of people get this working through a plain:
emerge -Du @world
  If someone is really reluctant to world updates, it is enough to
  upgrade dev-python/python-exec to 1.*:
emerge -1v dev-python/python-exec
  I was considering writing a news item for it but we discussed it on
  IRC and decided that users are really expected to be able to handle
  themselves, especially wrt to:
  1. using 'emerge -Du @world' to upgrade their systems,
  2. reading the blocker output to see that it states
  'dev-python/python-exec-1' - which suggests: what if I
  upgrade to 1?
  If you believe that a news item would be helpful, I'm happy to write
  it. Just please make sure that we're all in agreement over the
  method of handling the issue.
 A news item isn't enough for breaking autobuilds.  If we can't find a
 way to do this properly so portage knows how to upgrade then it is
 being done WRONG.
 Autobuilds break, gentoo can't be installed, the distro dies.  I know,
 sounds like I'm making something out of nothing but every time people
 look at the stages and notice they are months out of date we find
 another blog post announcing how gentoo is dead.
 Honestly, if I knew a way to fix this I would have already made any
 changes needed to fix it.  Please fix this, because if you don't,
 eventually I'll find a way and I doubt you will like it.

I guess you can run a basic QA like that the image boots and gets the
network up with openQA (or using the same method) at least to detect
such breakage.

 - -Zero
  Additionally, the news item would state how to get rid of the old
  deps. This will presumably involve something like:
emerge -1v $( qdepends -NCQ dev-python/python-exec )
  Please note that 'equery d' from gentoolkit is currently broken due
  to some random magic inside portage and doesn't list all the
  packages correctly.
  However, for the latter it would be probably preferred to wait with
  it till python-exec:2 is stable on all arches to avoid rebuilding
  packages twice in a short time.
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

- -- 
Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: F97A36A1
Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [gentoo-dev] Releng breakage with respect to move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec

2013-11-02 Thread yac
Hash: SHA512

On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 16:57:07 -0400
Rick \Zero_Chaos\ Farina wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On 11/02/2013 04:35 PM, yac wrote:
  On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:20:41 -0400
  Rick \Zero_Chaos\ Farina wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On 11/02/2013 11:03 AM, Michał Górny wrote:
  Dnia 2013-11-02, o godz. 14:51:26
  Tom Wijsman napisał(a):
  On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 09:16:45 -0400
  Anthony G. Basile wrote:
  This is a followup to a discussion on IRC yesterday regarding
  breakage that's occurring to catalyst builds as a result of the
  recent move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec.
  This has been happening to users as well, for example:
  To move forward and get this resolved, some questions:
  1. Has this been resolved for users? Do they just need to sync?
  2. If not resolved for users, what is the best temporary
  workaround? 3. Are you able to fix this? Do you need help to fix
  this? 4. Depending on the nature of the fix: Would a news item be
  From what I heard, most of people get this working through a
emerge -Du @world
  If someone is really reluctant to world updates, it is enough to
  upgrade dev-python/python-exec to 1.*:
emerge -1v dev-python/python-exec
  I was considering writing a news item for it but we discussed it
  on IRC and decided that users are really expected to be able to
  handle themselves, especially wrt to:
  1. using 'emerge -Du @world' to upgrade their systems,
  2. reading the blocker output to see that it states
  'dev-python/python-exec-1' - which suggests: what if I
  upgrade to 1?
  If you believe that a news item would be helpful, I'm happy to
  write it. Just please make sure that we're all in agreement over
  the method of handling the issue.
  A news item isn't enough for breaking autobuilds.  If we can't
  find a way to do this properly so portage knows how to upgrade
  then it is being done WRONG.
  Autobuilds break, gentoo can't be installed, the distro dies.  I
  know, sounds like I'm making something out of nothing but every
  time people look at the stages and notice they are months out of
  date we find another blog post announcing how gentoo is dead.
  Honestly, if I knew a way to fix this I would have already made any
  changes needed to fix it.  Please fix this, because if you don't,
  eventually I'll find a way and I doubt you will like it.
  I guess you can run a basic QA like that the image boots and gets
  the network up with openQA (or using the same method) at least to
  detect such breakage.
 I think everyone involved knows that manual intervention is needed to
 resolve this dep.  I'm sure that things were tested before they were
 commited, which leads me to believe that the commiter didn't care that
 manual intervention is required.  Sadly, we at releng do.  I am
 actively seeking a resolution for this, let's see who commits it

I don't know how this releng stuff works. I bet there is lot of devs
who don't.

Also I think your response is also completely unrelated to my
suggestion. My suggestion is about acting proactively
instead of reactively - automatically testing eg. the image of livecd
iso that gets built to verify eg. it is bootable and network working to
at least detect such breakage and do not publish broken iso instead of
hoping for the best and eventualy getting bug reports.

 - -Zero
  - -Zero
  Additionally, the news item would state how to get rid of the old
  deps. This will presumably involve something like:
emerge -1v $( qdepends -NCQ dev-python/python-exec )
  Please note that 'equery d' from gentoolkit is currently broken
  due to some random magic inside portage and doesn't list all the
  packages correctly.
  However, for the latter it would be probably preferred to wait
  with it till python-exec:2 is stable on all arches to avoid
  rebuilding packages twice in a short time.
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

Re: [gentoo-dev] Releng breakage with respect to move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec

2013-11-02 Thread yac
On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 19:19:21 -0400
Anthony G. Basile wrote:

 On 11/02/2013 06:09 PM, yac wrote:
  I don't know how this releng stuff works. I bet there is lot of devs
  who don't.
 This is why you should announce risking commits.  Because you may not 
 know what it will cause, but others will.

If I don't know in the first place, how do I know it's risky?

Afaik there is no official way to update gentoo, is there?

I personally got used to -uaNDv and I don't even know what exactly is
the difference and it's implications between that and just -uD

Jan Matějka| Gentoo Developer | Gentoo Linux
GPG: F97A36A1

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo Scire project - plans?

2013-10-30 Thread yac
You know there are already projects like cfengine and puppet that seems
to be way ahead.

Also most of the links on the project page are not working anymore.

On Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:25:19 -0700
Brian Dolbec wrote:

 On Tue, 2013-10-29 at 17:15 +0400, Sergey Popov wrote:
  Hello, i just want to raise question: should we add deprecation on
  project page of Scire[1] or even remove this project entirely? Cause
  project seems slightly abandonded, leader(agaffney) is in progress
  of retiring[2], other project member(blackace) has no commit access
  to tree[3].
  CCing all interested parties
  [1] -
  [2] -
  [3] -
 I'll join.  Although I do have too many projects on my plate in some
 ways.  I've always thought it would fairly easy to add another backend
 interface to porthole capable of interfacing with remote machines or
 groups of machines.  It is something I'd like to add.  
 It also goes with a plan to add an extension to eclean to get remote
 pkg lists from machines for consideration doing distfiles and binpkg
 C'mon, there has to be more people interested in this...

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] OT: user-developer/privileges in IRC

2013-10-22 Thread yac
On Tue, 22 Oct 2013 13:02:29 +0400
Sergey Popov wrote:

 22.10.2013 07:19, Peter Stuge пишет:
  I should have included bugzilla among mailing lists+IRC, users can
  indeed also have elevated privileges on IRC, but never equal to
  developers. It is radical exclusion and I'm reminded of it every
  time the #gentoo-dev channel mode catches my eye, painfully so if
  there's a discussion I could perhaps contribute to. Most of the time
  it is easy enough to say something privately to a relevant
  developer, but that's still very different from actual
 Yes, and i think that it was done for a reason. 

Now I wonder if the +m on IRC was set proactively or reactively. If the
former it could be worth a try to -m.

 But nobody stops you
 from requesting temporarily voice on #gentoo-dev and when you
 contributions will be marked as significant - gentoo/contributor
 cloak, that will give you permanent voice in #gentoo-dev.
 You should understand that #gentoo-dev is channel for developer's
 communication primarily and it is not so restricted, as you think.
 For example, #gentoo-infra is totally restricted to developers only,
 other interested parties should be added to channel ACLs explicitly or
 should get invite there.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] rfc: converting /etc/mtab to a symlink

2013-10-13 Thread yac
AFAIK this known historical behavior that what you find in
`/etc/mtab` are things mounted by mount(8) (if that's what's printed by
running just mount).

Whereas /proc/mounts is the kernel view on what's mounted.

Curiously I don't see any difference on my gentoo box, which I think I
should see but I'm not sure.

Anyway, I've seen differences when eg. automounter was used, iirc.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are things that depends on this
behavior or if there are more cases like automounter.

On Sun, 13 Oct 2013 14:32:32 -0500
William Hubbs wrote:

 from what I'm seeing, we should look into converting /etc/mtab to a
 symlink to /proc/self/mounts [1].
 Are there any remaining concerns about doing this?
 If not, it seems like it would be pretty easy to make baselayout
 create this symlink in the stages (I'm willing to do this work), but
 what about on systems that are already installed? Should we send out
 a news item and have everyone convert their /etc/mtab manually or
 find a way to automate that?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] stabilizing libraries without testing reverse deps

2013-10-02 Thread yac
On Wed, 2 Oct 2013 10:12:00 +1300
Kent Fredric wrote:

 On 2 October 2013 08:51, Peter Stuge wrote:
  I agree, but I think the problem is basically that many people
  consider it impossible for newer to ever be shitty.
  Even if they are intimately familiar with the details of a package
  upstream they may still not be capable of determining what is shitty
  in the context of a distribution.
  I guess most stabilization requesters as well as actual stabilizers
  are even less familiar with upstream details, so determining what is
  shitty and not is really hard.. :\
 The other really annoying thing you have to consider, is that most
 people out there are using all (~ARCH) or all (ARCH) keywording, not
 a mix of the two.
 ^ This has the fun side effect of meaning packages that are (~ARCH)
 and have (ARCH) dependents, where the package that is currently
 (~ARCH) is pending stabilization,  has likely had nobody test it at
 all except for arch testers.

AFAIK this moot since users running testing are expected to expect
breakage regardless of what the breakage is, as long as it caused by
testing package.

btw, I'm one of those running mixed stable/testing system and based on
my limited experience I believe this is a rare scenario.

 So if you're relying on the presence of filed bugs to give some sort
 of coverage metric, you're going to be out of luck from time to time.
 For instance, that fun bug where stabilising a version of libraw
 broke the things depending upon it that were already stable.
 Its ironic really, thats essentially a hidden bug that exists as a
 result of having two tiers of testing.
 I've been long wishing there was a FEATURE I could turn on that would
 just report installs to a database somewhere, showing
 success/fail/succcess+tests/fail+tests , with dependencies, useflags,
 and other relevant context, so you'd at least have a dataset of
 *success* rates, and you could do more heavy testing on things where
 there were fail results, or an absense of results.

 CPAN has a comparable service that leverages end users reporting test
 runs on code while they install it, and some end users, given this
 power, go so out and set up mass automated testing boxes, the utility
 of which I find useful on a daily basis, because a user is far more
 likely to get an automated success/fail report sent to a server, and
 far *less* likely to want to set time aside to go through the
 rigmarole of filing a bug report.
 Some users are also inclined to just try a few versions either side,
 and never file a bug report, or try twiddling USE flags or disabling
 problematic FEATURES to find a version that works for them, and you
 may never see a bug report for that.
 An automated X combination failed report at very least lets you
 know a datapoint where a failure occurred.

I'd be cautious about involving users in this as it very often happens
to myself that something breaks, I get mad and then figure it was my
own fault (eg. messing with cflags I shouldn't mess with)
 I'm not saying we should make any automated decision making *based* on
 those reports, but it would be far more useful to have a list of known
 failure cases up front than to ask a tester to try be lucky and find
 it by looking for it.
 ( After all, bugs often arise when you're not looking for them, as
 opposed to when you are, and some bugs, when looked for, vanish )

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC] Moving COLLISION_IGNORE (and UNINSTALL_IGNORE?) to profiles/*/make.defaults

2013-08-12 Thread yac
There should not be a collision of the dropin.cache in the first place.

By adding the cache files to COLLISION_IGNORE it will just hide the
collision problem and create other one (with obsolette caches), harder
to debug.

On Sat, 10 Aug 2013 11:19:59 +0200
Michał Górny wrote:

 Dnia 2013-08-09, o godz. 11:32:12
 Michał Górny napisał(a):
  Just a quick one.
  Currently, the two listed variables are set in make.globals
  (installed by portage ebuild);
  COLLISION_IGNORE=/lib/modules/* *.py[co] *\$py.class
 I've committed the following values for now:
 COLLISION_IGNORE=/lib/modules/* *.py[co] *\$py.class */dropin.cache
 We can discuss further changes without users suffering.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Marking of deprecated USE flags

2013-08-09 Thread yac
On Fri, 9 Aug 2013 18:40:39 +0200
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis wrote:

 Some people want that repoman print warnings for ebuilds, whose
 effective IUSE contains deprecated USE flags (e.g. USE flags
 corresponding to old versions of Python/Ruby). I suggest that
 deprecation of USE flags be specified by  (DEPRECATED) suffix in
 descriptions of given flags in profiles/use.desc and
 profiles/desc/*.desc files.
 Any opinions about syntax?

Is there a use case for something like (DEPRECATED BY X) ; X being
another use flag or maybe bugid ?

 Index: profiles/desc/python_single_target.desc
 file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/profiles/desc/python_single_target.desc,v
 retrieving revision 1.5 diff -u -r1.5 python_single_target.desc
 --- profiles/desc/python_single_target.desc 5 Aug 2013 14:20:47
 -   1.5 +++ profiles/desc/python_single_target.desc 9 Aug
 2013 16:27:37 - @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
  # This file contains descriptions of PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET USE_EXPAND
 -python2_5 - Build for Python 2.5 only
 +python2_5 - Build for Python 2.5 only (DEPRECATED)
  python2_6 - Build for Python 2.6 only
  python2_7 - Build for Python 2.7 only
 -python3_1 - Build for Python 3.1 only
 +python3_1 - Build for Python 3.1 only (DEPRECATED)
  python3_2 - Build for Python 3.2 only
  python3_3 - Build for Python 3.3 only
 -jython2_5 - Build for Jython 2.5 only
 +jython2_5 - Build for Jython 2.5 only (DEPRECATED)
  jython2_7 - Build for Jython 2.7 only
 -pypy1_9 - Build for PyPy 1.9 only
 +pypy1_9 - Build for PyPy 1.9 only (DEPRECATED)
  pypy2_0 - Build for PyPy 2.0 only
  pypy2_1 - Build for PyPy 2.1 only
 Index: profiles/desc/python_targets.desc
 RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/profiles/desc/python_targets.desc,v
 retrieving revision 1.9
 diff -u -r1.9 python_targets.desc
 --- profiles/desc/python_targets.desc   5 Aug 2013 14:20:47
 -   1.9 +++ profiles/desc/python_targets.desc   9 Aug 2013
 16:27:37 - @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
  # This file contains descriptions of PYTHON_TARGETS USE_EXPAND flags.
 -python2_5 - Build with Python 2.5
 +python2_5 - Build with Python 2.5 (DEPRECATED)
  python2_6 - Build with Python 2.6
  python2_7 - Build with Python 2.7
 -python3_1 - Build with Python 3.1
 +python3_1 - Build with Python 3.1 (DEPRECATED)
  python3_2 - Build with Python 3.2
  python3_3 - Build with Python 3.3
  python3_4 - Build with Python 3.4
 -jython2_5 - Build with Jython 2.5
 +jython2_5 - Build with Jython 2.5 (DEPRECATED)
  jython2_7 - Build with Jython 2.7
 -pypy1_9 - Build with PyPy 1.9
 +pypy1_9 - Build with PyPy 1.9 (DEPRECATED)
  pypy2_0 - Build with PyPy 2.0
  pypy2_1 - Build with PyPy 2.1
 Index: profiles/desc/ruby_targets.desc
 RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/profiles/desc/ruby_targets.desc,v
 retrieving revision 1.3
 diff -u -r1.3 ruby_targets.desc
 --- profiles/desc/ruby_targets.desc 23 Jun 2013 12:31:14
 -  1.3 +++ profiles/desc/ruby_targets.desc 9 Aug 2013
 16:27:37 - @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  rbx - Build with Rubinius
  jruby - Build with JRuby
 -ree18 - Build with Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.x
 +ree18 - Build with Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.x (DEPRECATED)
  ruby18 - Build with MRI Ruby 1.8.x
  ruby19 - Build with MRI Ruby 1.9.x
  ruby20 - Build with MRI Ruby 2.0.x
 Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Dropping static libs support from cryptsetup and lvm2

2013-07-29 Thread yac
I have fully encrypted systems, including /, which requires an
initramfs with cryptsetup built staticaly.

On Mon, 29 Jul 2013 22:57:58 +0200
Pacho Ramos wrote:

 As discussed at:
 Upstream is dropping static libs from udev and, then, sys-apps/udev is
 currently reverting that commit downstream (even if upstream says some
 problems could appear in the future as nobody is taking care of static
 stuff there).
 Grepping in the tree, looks like only some old genkernel versions are
 depending on it. Apart of that, what is requiring static libs in
 cryptsetup and lvm2?
 Thanks a lot

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Autobuilds go to /experimental and to /releases only when someone actually tests them

2013-07-27 Thread yac
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 27 Jul 2013 00:13:37 -0400
Rick \Zero_Chaos\ Farina wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On 07/27/2013 12:08 AM, Matt Turner wrote:
  (I sent this to gentoo-releng@. Resending to gentoo-dev@ for a
  wider audience)
  Can we make autobuilds go to /experimental and then only move them
  to /releases when someone actually tests them?
  Looking at bugzilla and listening in #gentoo-releng, it's kind of
  embarrassing how often someone downloads a Live CD only to find out
  that networking is totally broken by a udev upgrade, or something to
  that effect.
  We don't commit version bumps straight to stable; I don't see why we
  do with release media.
 It's been an odd week for me agreeing with people but yeah, I
 completely agree.  I think we *need* to keep the autobuilds going as
 often as possible to detect obvious breakage, but there is no reason
 they shouldn't be marked experimental.
 The real question is, how realistic can we make a process of testing
 and moving to stable?

openSUSE is using [openQA] for automated testing of installation media
which is pretty need something that starts a machine in KVM and
then simulates the user via a keyboard events.

Last year there was also a talk about it on osc12 [2]


 - -Zero
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)


[gentoo-dev] New eclass: twisted-r1

2013-07-26 Thread yac

I'm sending revised twisted-r1.eclass including the ebuild bumps.

You can view the diff either in the included patch or at github [1]

I have tested on amd64 and x86. All packages emerge and tests are
passing, besides nevow, axiom, and mantissa which are failing anyway
with the old eclass too.

Will commit tomorrow if there are no disputers.

commit 1288b7989a156d3e9c3b6b1a0f079c33c9dffc10
Author: Jan (yac) Matějka
Date:   Mon Jul 8 13:57:23 2013 +0200

eapi 5/twisted-r1 bumps

* elcass
* twisted-* ebuilds
* twisted depender ebuilds

diff --git a/dev-python/axiom/axiom-0.6.0-r1.ebuild b/dev-python/axiom/axiom-0.6.0-r1.ebuild
index 7291292..8e88ccb 100644
--- a/dev-python/axiom/axiom-0.6.0-r1.ebuild
+++ b/dev-python/axiom/axiom-0.6.0-r1.ebuild
@@ -2,17 +2,11 @@
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/axiom/axiom-0.6.0.ebuild,v 1.14 2013/05/12 18:32:59 floppym Exp $
-RESTRICT_PYTHON_ABIS=2.5 3.* *-jython
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} pypy{1_9,2_0} )
-# uses epsilon.setuphelper.autosetup(), which tries to use
-# build-${PYTHON_ABI} directories as packages.
-inherit eutils twisted
+inherit eutils twisted-r1
@@ -23,35 +17,24 @@ SRC_URI=mirror://pypi/${MY_PN:0:1}/${MY_PN}/${MY_P}.tar.gz
-KEYWORDS=amd64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86
+KEYWORDS=~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86
-	=dev-python/twisted-2.4
-	=dev-python/twisted-conch-0.7.0-r1
+	dev-python/twisted[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+	dev-python/twisted-conch[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
-PYTHON_MODNAME=axiom twisted/plugins/
-TWISTED_PLUGINS=axiom.plugins twisted.plugins
-src_prepare() {
-	epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.5.30-sqlite3.patch
-	epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.5.30-sqlite3_3.6.4.patch
-	python_copy_sources
-src_compile() {
-	# Skip distutils_src_compile to avoid installation of $(python_get_sitedir)/build directory.
-	:
+DOCS=( NAME.txt )
+	${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.5.30-sqlite3.patch
+	${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.5.30-sqlite3_3.6.4.patch
-src_test() {
-	python_execute_trial -P . axiom
+TWISTED_PLUGINS=axiom.plugins twisted.plugins
-src_install() {
-	PORTAGE_PLUGINCACHE_NOOP=1 distutils_src_install
+python_test() {
+	trial -P . axiom || die tests failed with $EPYTHON
diff --git a/dev-python/epsilon/epsilon-0.6.0-r2.ebuild b/dev-python/epsilon/epsilon-0.6.0-r2.ebuild
index cc893ad..9462af6 100644
--- a/dev-python/epsilon/epsilon-0.6.0-r2.ebuild
+++ b/dev-python/epsilon/epsilon-0.6.0-r2.ebuild
@@ -2,18 +2,10 @@
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/epsilon/epsilon-0.6.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2012/10/12 08:15:00 patrick Exp $
-RESTRICT_PYTHON_ABIS=2.5 3.* *-jython
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} pypy{1_9,2_0} )
-# uses epsilon.setuphelper.autosetup(), which tries to use
-# build-${PYTHON_ABI} directories as packages.
-inherit eutils twisted
+inherit eutils twisted-r1
@@ -27,14 +19,15 @@ SLOT=0
 KEYWORDS=~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86
+DOCS=( NAME.txt NEWS.txt )
+PATCHES=( ${FILESDIR}/epsilon_plugincache_portagesandbox.patch )
-src_prepare() {
+python_prepare_all() {
 	# Rename to avoid file-collisions
 	mv bin/benchmark bin/epsilon-benchmark
 	sed -i \
@@ -42,27 +35,16 @@ src_prepare() { || die sed failed
 	# otherwise we get sandbox violations as it wants to update
 	# the plugin cache
-	epatch ${FILESDIR}/epsilon_plugincache_portagesandbox.patch
 	#These test are removed upstream
 	rm -f epsilon/test/ epsilon/ || die
 	#See bug 357157 comment 5 for Ian Delaney's explanation of this fix
 	sed -e 's:month) 2004 9:month) 2004 14:' \
 		-i epsilon/test/ || die
-	#These are broken too
-	rm -f epsilon/test/ epsilon/ || die
-	python_copy_sources
-src_compile() {
-	# Skip distutils_src_compile to avoid installation of $(python_get_sitedir)/build directory.
-	:
-src_test() {
 	# Release tests need DivmodCombinator.
-	rm -f epsilon/test/* epsilon/
+	rm -f epsilon/test/* epsilon/ || die

Re: [gentoo-dev] New eclass - twisted-r1

2013-07-11 Thread yac
On Thu, 11 Jul 2013 08:55:47 +0200
Michał Górny wrote:

 Dnia 2013-07-10, o godz. 23:40:11
 yac napisał(a):
  On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 22:25:50 +0200
  Michał Górny wrote:
   First of all: please wrap lines at 72 or 80 chars (even if the
   original eclass didn't do that).
if [[ ${CATEGORY}/${PN} == dev-python/twisted* ]]; then
   I know you're not responsible for this but it seems wrong to have
   two different behaviors depending on PN. Is this used somewhere


1-2 ${MY_PV})/${MY_P}.tar.bz2
1-2 ${MY_PV})/${MY_P}.tar.bz2



  That's what I thought when I saw that but I found that all the
  dev-python/twisted-* packages are depending on this, so I went with
  Now I'm thinking I could instead provide functions
  twisted-r1_twisted_src_uri and twisted-r1_twisted_build_dir used as
  in the depender ebuilds.
 I'm more-of wondering if that conditional is really necessary useful.
 Unless I'm missing something, the non-twisted ebuilds will replace
 those variables anyway, won't them?

The dev-python/twisted-* packages do rely on this. They will set just

And the S, SRC_URI, LICENSE, SLOT, IUSE is set by the eclass.

Other than dev-python/twisted-* packages does not match, so they need
not to override it.

I think the main purpose is code deduplication regarding setting the
SRC_URI and S.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] New eclass - twisted-r1

2013-07-11 Thread yac
On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 22:25:50 +0200
Michał Górny wrote:
  python_test() {
  # TODO: this seems to be used only in dev-python/twisted-*
  packages as # dev-python/twisted-13.0.0 have it's own src_test
  if [[ ${CATEGORY}/${PN} != dev-python/twisted* ]]; then
  die ${FUNCNAME}() can be used only in
  dev-python/twisted* packages fi
  local sitedir=${EPREFIX}$(python_get_sitedir)
  # Copy modules of other Twisted packages from site-packages
  directory to temporary directory. mkdir -p ${T}/${sitedir}
  cp -R ${ROOT}${sitedir}/twisted ${T}/${sitedir} || die
  Copying of modules of other Twisted packages failed with
  $(python_get_implementation) $(python_get_version) rm -fr
 Awful and ugly. Try to find a way to run the tests without this

What are you referring to?

For the ${CATEGORY}/${PN} match. All the non-twisted packages are
overriding src_test but it's probably be gonna cleaner to rename the
python_test to twisted-r1_twisted_test and call it explicitly for the
twisted packages.

As for the Copy modules, I'm afraid that's inevitable.

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New eclass - twisted-r1

2013-07-10 Thread yac
Hello everypony

In order to bump dev-python/twisted packages to EAPI=5 we also need to
bump the twisted eclass to use distutils-r1.

I have made this bump (to the eclass and dev-python/twisted*) packages
in my yac overlay [1]

You can view the actuall changes at [2]. It's merely the existing
twisted eclass adapted to distutils-r1.

I have tested the packages (merge, module import in python and tests)
on python2_7 at amd64.

I don't know when I'll get around to testing other pythons and x86.
Certainly I'm currently unable to test pypy and eprefix.

Besides reviewing the changes, could somepony test these arches?


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] New eclass - twisted-r1

2013-07-10 Thread yac
On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 22:25:50 +0200
Michał Górny wrote:

 First of all: please wrap lines at 72 or 80 chars (even if the
 original eclass didn't do that).
  if [[ ${CATEGORY}/${PN} == dev-python/twisted* ]]; then
 I know you're not responsible for this but it seems wrong to have two
 different behaviors depending on PN. Is this used somewhere actually?
  1-2 ${MY_PV})/${MY_P}.tar.bz2
  1-2 ${MY_PV})/${MY_P}.tar.bz2

That's what I thought when I saw that but I found that all the
dev-python/twisted-* packages are depending on this, so I went with it.

Now I'm thinking I could instead provide functions
twisted-r1_twisted_src_uri and twisted-r1_twisted_build_dir used as


in the depender ebuilds.

Description: PGP signature

Re: TLDR: rant in support of overlays (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Over-reliance of Gentoo projects on overlays)

2013-06-13 Thread yac
On Wed, 12 Jun 2013 15:31:57 -0700
Greg Turner wrote:

 Anyhow, isn't the gentoo-x86 tree already plenty big enough, without
 every single overlay's ebuilds and eclasses in there too?  Personally,
 I'm inclined to wish it was smaller, even if that meant more stuff was
 pushed into overlays

Actually, this is something I expected to happen soon after we got
overlays but for some reason it haven't. I imagine we would
not have a single gx86 official tree but rather a bunch of official
overlays. For basic installation one would need just the system
overlay. Then everypony could add official overlay for KDE, or gnome or
whatnot as one desires.

I haven't thought this through in any way but it feels like better

[gentoo-dev] repoman warning on python data_files

2013-06-08 Thread yac

I have just noticed that if package is using relative paths in:: data_files = ...

Then the files are installed right into /usr in case of CPython (The
exact dest is determined by sys.prefix)

So, I'm thinking it could be worthwhile to add a warning to repoman if
package is using this method as I can imagine this can be easily
overlooked when creating a new package or mostly when bumping one.

[gentoo-dev] CPU use flag detection

2013-05-15 Thread yac

I was recently investigating what cpu flags do I have and how does it
work. I have put what I have so far at [1]. 

So I thought I let you know in case someone wants to chip in.
