Re: [gentoo-user] Recommend an HTML/CSS editor?

2006-09-19 Thread Jeff Grant
Uwe Thiem wrote:
> On 19 September 2006 04:38, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
>> I've been writing a modest amount of HTML/XHTML by hand with vim for
>> some time because
>> a) MSWord results are just too ugly to countenance
>> b) OOffice output, while better is still ugly and behaves badly around
>> style sheets.
>> c) I can.

emerge -s bluefish



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Re: [gentoo-user] The Real Darkside...

2006-09-09 Thread Jeff Grant
Jerry McBride wrote:
> My son, all of thirteen years old, the master of all he surveys, the supreme 
> keeper of all knowledge of the known and unknown universes, the pinultimate 
> ruler of mankind... Has "asked" me to put Linux on his desktop computer...
> It seems he has become weary of maintaining/re-installed his beloved XP...
> Life is good.
> Cheers, Jerry
> P.S. the next to be converted beneath my humble roof is my wife... Stay tuned.

Good time to learn programming! Fire up those engines!

My wife does all her work on Gentoo - I started her off on the right
foot. What you need that yucky NTFS stuff for?  :-D

Welcome aboard.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xorg.conf problem

2006-09-09 Thread Jeff Grant
Colleen Beamer wrote:
> Thanks to all who have replied, but my problem *is not* with my mouse.
> I went through that issue the very first time I installed Gentoo and
> know that I have to change it to /dev/psaux.
> I can boot into kde.  However ...

As root:

$ emerge -av app-admin/eselect-opengl --noreplace
$ eselect opengl list

and then try switching to ati opengl libs if it gives you the choice?

$ eselect opengl set ati/radeon/etc

This is where I usually screw up with nVidia - but - who knows!

If you want to have your monitor's modelines scanned, as well as the
Horiz/Vert modes scanned, you can also:

$ emerge -av ddcxinfo-knoppix

I've found this tool invaluable when trying to scan the proper modes for
my monitor. 99% of the time, this tool does the trick for me. You simply
run it as such:

$ ddcxinfo-knoppix # This will show you how it works.

Then you might try something like:

$ ddcxinfo-knoppix -firstmode 1024x768 -modelines -monitor -modes \
>> /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Then edit your xorg.conf as you see fit - taking care to remember that
the above tool will add it's own "Monitor" section, so you may want to
comment out the original.

These are some tricks that work for me, but as always - YMMV!

Good luck with Xorg, that many tentacled beast that it is.


> Regards,
> Colleen
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Mouse pointer in Xorg?

2006-09-07 Thread Jeff Grant
Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> You can set the cursor theme in
> /usr/local/share/cursors/xorg-x11/default/index.theme with a line
> Inherits=theme_name. (You should also be able to put the default/
> subdirectory in any valid icon path [1], but I like this one.)
> The regular black one is called core; xcursor-themes and gentoo-xcursors
> have a nice selection of others that the old xorg 6.x used to provide.
> Thanks,
> Donnie
> 1.

Can you change it on the fly? As in, I'm using Gnome - but it's mouse
config doesn't have the boring core pointer as an option - and I like
the boring core pointer.




-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] Mouse pointer in Xorg?

2006-09-07 Thread Jeff Grant
I want my default Xorg pointer back - silly right?

How the heck do you manipulate the appearance of the mouse pointer?
Never though about this one.



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[gentoo-user] Rebuild video drivers after kernel compile?

2006-09-07 Thread Jeff Grant
With modular Xorg, do you still need to re-build your video drivers
after every time you re-compile a kernel?

Just wondering...


-- mailing list

[SOLVED] Re: [gentoo-user] Kernel serial error messages

2006-09-05 Thread Jeff Grant
Jeff Grant wrote:
> This one eludes me - for the past week, I've been seeing these messages
> popping up in my terminal:
> error 3 request 15 minor 0 serial 20113326
> error 3 request 15 minor 0 serial 20113326
> error 3 request 15 minor 0 serial 20113326
> The messages vary slightly, but this seems to be the most popular one.
> The only external device I'm currently using is a DVD burner - but
> that's USB.
> Any idea what this might be all about?
> -Jeff

My apologies - after some finer-tuned Google'ing, I've discovered that
this has to do with Xorg and transparency.



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[gentoo-user] Kernel serial error messages

2006-09-05 Thread Jeff Grant
This one eludes me - for the past week, I've been seeing these messages
popping up in my terminal:

error 3 request 15 minor 0 serial 20113326
error 3 request 15 minor 0 serial 20113326
error 3 request 15 minor 0 serial 20113326

The messages vary slightly, but this seems to be the most popular one.

The only external device I'm currently using is a DVD burner - but
that's USB.

Any idea what this might be all about?

fn:Jeff Grant
org:VoiceSignal;Information Technology
adr:;;150 Presidential Way;Woburn;MA;01801;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Linux System Administrator

Re: [gentoo-user] Audio CD support

2006-09-01 Thread Jeff Grant
Make sure you log out/log back in after adding yourself to any group.


sdoma wrote:
> I've installed it now and added me to the cdrom group.
> Still nothing ... )
> BTW:
> I don't see the plugin amongst the installed plugins within XMMS. The
> manual doesn't say so much about this.
> Does this matter? ... and if yes ... how do I add the plugin to the
> known ones?
> Thnx
> Frank
> On Fri, 2006-09-01 at 18:24 +0200, sdoma wrote:
>> ... right [ Not Installed ] for me too.
>> Thanks ;)
>> On Fri, 2006-09-01 at 12:17 -0400, Jeff Grant wrote:
>>> Hey Frank.
>>> Make sure you have:
>>> *  media-plugins/xmms-cdaudio
>>>   Latest version available: 1.2.10-r1
>>>   Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
>>>   Size of files: 2,916 kB
>>>   Homepage:
>>>   Description:   Xmms Plugin: xmms-cdaudio
>>>   License:   GPL-2
>>> I know this used to mess me up when I was still using XMMS.
>>> -Jeff
>>> sdoma wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Does somebody know how I can get XMMS to play audio CSs? "Play audio CD"
>>>> simply cleans the playlist and doesn't do anything else.
>>>> In Preferences->Audio CD the Audio CD directory is set to /mnt/cdrom (We
>>>> don't mount audio CDs - do we?) My cdrom drive is on /dev/hdc but I
>>>> can't browse to this node. Should I set it by editing ~/.xmms/config?
>>>> Is there a USE flag I'll have to set - I didn't find anything apropriate
>>>> in use.desc.
>>>> Thanks for any help
>>>> Frank
fn:Jeff Grant
org:VoiceSignal;Information Technology
adr:;;150 Presidential Way;Woburn;MA;01801;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Linux System Administrator

Re: [gentoo-user] Audio CD support

2006-09-01 Thread Jeff Grant
Hey Frank.

Make sure you have:

*  media-plugins/xmms-cdaudio
  Latest version available: 1.2.10-r1
  Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
  Size of files: 2,916 kB
  Description:   Xmms Plugin: xmms-cdaudio
  License:   GPL-2

I know this used to mess me up when I was still using XMMS.


sdoma wrote:
> Hi,
> Does somebody know how I can get XMMS to play audio CSs? "Play audio CD"
> simply cleans the playlist and doesn't do anything else.
> In Preferences->Audio CD the Audio CD directory is set to /mnt/cdrom (We
> don't mount audio CDs - do we?) My cdrom drive is on /dev/hdc but I
> can't browse to this node. Should I set it by editing ~/.xmms/config?
> Is there a USE flag I'll have to set - I didn't find anything apropriate
> in use.desc.
> Thanks for any help
> Frank
fn:Jeff Grant
org:VoiceSignal;Information Technology
adr:;;150 Presidential Way;Woburn;MA;01801;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Linux System Administrator

Re: [gentoo-user] xorg 7.0 upgrade questions

2006-08-30 Thread Jeff Grant
For my K/V/M (keyboard, video, mouse) to all work snappy with the new
Xorg, I made sure to include these items in my /etc/make.conf:

INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse joystick"

VIDEO_CARDS="nvidia v4l vesa"

My Logitech mouse was acting crappy until I added those lines.

As always, YMMV.


Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> James wrote:
>> Still in /etc/X11/xkb the symbolic link flashes red
>> indicated that /usr/lib/X11/xkb does not exit.
> I've never heard of /etc/X11/xkb, and I don't have it on my systems. Get
> rid of it.
>> KDM will not fire up automactically. So I log
>> in and run 'startx' and here are the errors I get:
>> 'failed to load module "kbd" (modules does not exist, 0)'
> Perhaps you don't have the keyboard driver installed. Install
> portage-utils and run `qlist -I x11-drivers` -- this should get
> installed if you have configured the INPUT_DEVICES variable properly in
> make.conf, or even if you left it blank (Assuming you aren't on a
> super-old profile).
>> and
>> 'Cannot open device /dev/input/mice No such file or dir'
>> On the mouse issue 'ls /dev/input' shows only this dir:
>> by-path
> Sounds like your kernel's missing mouse support, or you've specifically
> configured udev to do something other than the default behavior.
>> On my other xorg 7.0 systems I get this:
>> # ls /dev/input
>> event0  event1  event2  mice  mouse0  mouse1
> Thanks,
> Donnie
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] openLDAP clients

2006-08-30 Thread Jeff Grant
Don't forget -->



bijayant kumar wrote:
> Marc,
>Hi Once again you have solved my problem. Thank you very 
> very much.
> Marc Blumentritt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: bijayant kumar schrieb:
>> Hi,
>>   I have installed openLDAP server and configure the clients on the same 
>> system.  Now, i have to install the server on one machine and clients on the 
>> other system.  I want to ask that what to do for this. On the client 
>> machine, which files i have to configure. And is it neccessary to configure 
>> the /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/pam.d/system-auth  files on the server ?? or 
>> that files will be configured only on the clients machinePlease help 
>> me.. I will be very thankful to you all..
> I have no experience with this, but I think you have to configure:
> - /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/pam.d/system-auth as you did on your server
> - /etc/openldap/ldap.conf and /etc/ldap.conf as you did on your server,
> but replace local IP with IP of the ldap server.
> Regards,
> Marc
fn:Jeff Grant
org:VoiceSignal;Information Technology
adr:;;150 Presidential Way;Woburn;MA;01801;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Linux System Administrator

Re: [gentoo-user] nvidia 1.0-8774 drivers not in portage

2006-08-29 Thread Jeff Grant
# emerge -s nvidia

*  x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers
  Latest version available: 1.0.8774
  Latest version installed: 1.0.8774
  Size of files: 31,714 kB
  Description:   NVIDIA X11 driver and GLX libraries
  License:   NVIDIA


Daevid Vincent wrote:
> I'm wondering why the new nvidia 1.0-8774 drivers don't show up in portage
> at all? They were released 5 days ago. I would expect that the devs would be
> all over this like #ff on rice. It has support for Xorg 7.1 finally!
> Isn't that something we've all been anxiously waiting for? 
> But then portage only goes up to 1.0-8762 and the last stable x86 release
> was way back to 1.0-6629 which is a bit shocking since I've used 1.0-8762
> for many months without incident. :-|
> ��5�� 
fn:Jeff Grant
org:VoiceSignal;Information Technology
adr:;;150 Presidential Way;Woburn;MA;01801;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Linux System Administrator

Re: [gentoo-user] XFS FileSystem - Slow Writes

2006-08-29 Thread Jeff Grant
You are correct, sir. Read times move at a nice clip - but untar/writes
seem to get cut almost in half. Just an observation - as I do not have
any solid data analysis atm - just a matter of scratching my skull
whilst I listen to what seems to be some serious HD churning.


Richard Fish wrote:
> On 8/29/06, Jeff Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> These are two articles that indeed led me to believe that XFS was the
>> way to go - and here, I'm also experiencing some dreadful performance -
>> tar/untar performance specifically.
> Can you define "dreadful"?  Are you seeing the same results (fast
> reads but slow writes) as Ow?
> -Richard
fn:Jeff Grant
org:VoiceSignal;Information Technology
adr:;;150 Presidential Way;Woburn;MA;01801;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Linux System Administrator

Re: [gentoo-user] XFS FileSystem - Slow Writes

2006-08-29 Thread Jeff Grant


These are two articles that indeed led me to believe that XFS was the
way to go - and here, I'm also experiencing some dreadful performance -
tar/untar performance specifically.

What to do.. .what to do...


Richard Fish wrote:
> On 8/29/06, Ow Mun Heng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So.. it doesn't give me any clues there. However, doing Reads is OK. I
>> get good performance when eg: copying a file from the XFS partition to
>> another partition/drive.
> Also, is the filesystem getting full?
> -Richard

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] uniprint, ggv, and utf-8 - argh...

2006-08-28 Thread Jeff Grant
Ok - so - I got yudit living on my box, which also contains the uniprint

$ man uniprint

uniprint - produce postscript output from unicode text for printing

So - here's the command I'm using on what appears to be a Chinese utf-8

uniprint -in chinese_utf8.txt -out /tmp/ -size 14

Now - all seems well, until I try to view the file:

ggv (or gv) /tmp/

I see *almost* all the Chinese characters, but there's still a few boxes
that are 'bitboxes' - the empty boxes with the little encoding numbers
in them. Seems like uniprint doesn't know how to 'draw' them, or what
have you.

I'm no X/utf8/PS master here - could anyone give me a hint as to wth I
need to do to get the rest of the characters to draw properly into the
PS output file?



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