Re: [gentoo-user] Strange problem with Ruby (vagrant)

2019-11-20 Thread Paul Klos
Op woensdag 20 november 2019 09:32:17 CET schreef Alexey Eschenko:
> Hi.
> I need to use Vagrant but it doesn't work with strange error message:
> > $ vagrant
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > 2: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/vagrant-2.2.6/bin/vagrant:88:in `'
> > 1: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in
> > `require'
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in
> > `require': cannot load such file -- vagrant (LoadError)
> > 8: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/vagrant-2.2.6/bin/vagrant:88:in `'
> > 7: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:34:in
> > `require'
> > 6: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:123:in
> > `rescue in require'
> > 5: from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems.rb:218:in
> > `try_activate'
> > 4: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1417:in
> > `activate'
> > 3: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1435:in
> > `activate_dependencies'
> > 2: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1435:in `each'
> > 1: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1446:in
> > `block in activate_dependencies'
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/dependency.rb:313:in
> > `to_specs': Could not find 'rubyzip' (~> 1.2.2) - did find:
> > [rubyzip-2.0.0] (Gem::MissingSpecVersionError)
> > Checked in
> > 'GEM_PATH=/home/skobkin/.gem/ruby/2.6.0:/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.6.0:/usr/lo
> > cal/lib64/ruby/gems/2.6.0', execute `gem env` for more information
> > 9: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/vagrant-2.2.6/bin/vagrant:88:in `'
> > 8: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:34:in
> > `require'
> > 7: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:123:in
> > `rescue in require'
> > 6: from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems.rb:217:in
> > `try_activate'
> > 5: from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems.rb:224:in
> > `rescue in try_activate'
> > 4: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1417:in
> > `activate'
> > 3: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1435:in
> > `activate_dependencies'
> > 2: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1435:in `each'
> > 1: from
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1446:in
> > `block in activate_dependencies'
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/dependency.rb:313:in
> > `to_specs': Could not find 'rubyzip' (~> 1.2.2) - did find:
> > [rubyzip-2.0.0] (Gem::MissingSpecVersionError)
> > Checked in
> > 'GEM_PATH=/home/skobkin/.gem/ruby/2.6.0:/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.6.0:/usr/lo
> > cal/lib64/ruby/gems/2.6.0', execute `gem env` for more information
> I'm calling it's strange because I have rubyzip package in my system (as
> said in error message).
> > $ eix rubyzip
> > [I] dev-ruby/rubyzip
> >  Available versions:  
> >  (1)1.2.2^t (~)1.2.3^t (~)1.2.4^t (~)1.3.0^t
> >  (2)(~)2.0.0^t
> >{test RUBY_TARGETS="ruby24 ruby25 ruby26"}
> >  Installed versions:  2.0.0(2)^t(01:44:09 PM 11/19/2019)(-test
> > RUBY_TARGETS="ruby26 -ruby24 -ruby25")
> >  Homepage:
> >  Description: A ruby library for reading and writing zip files
> I've decided that it's typical dependency problem and installed
> rubyzip-1.2.2. Then I've got new error:
> > $ vagrant
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > 
> > /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/specification.rb:2298:in
> > `raise_if_conflicts': Unable to activate vagrant_cloud-2.0.3, because
> > rest-client-2.1.0 conflicts with rest-client (~> 2.0.2)
> > (Gem::ConflictError)
> > 
> Then I've checked which packages require rest-client and got these:
> > $ equery d rest-client
> >  * These packages depend on rest-client:
> > app-emulation/vagrant-2.2.6 (ruby_targets_ruby24 ?
> > dev-ruby/rest-client:2[ruby_targets_ruby24])
> > (ruby_targets_ruby25 ?
> > dev-ruby/rest-client:2[ruby_targets_ruby25])
> > (ruby_targets_ruby26 ?
> > dev-ruby/rest-client:2[ruby_targets_ruby26])
> > dev-ruby/vagrant_cloud-2.0.3 (ruby_targets_ruby24 ?
> > 
> > >=dev-ruby/rest-client-2.0.2[ruby_targets_ruby24])
> > 
> >  (ruby_targets_ruby25 ?
> > 
> > >=dev-ruby/rest-client-2.0.2[ruby_targets_ruby25])
> > 
> >  (ruby_targets_ruby26 ?
> > 
> > >=dev-ruby/rest-client-2.0.2[ruby_targets_ruby26])
> So I've removed rest-client-2.1.0 and installed 2.0.2. And then:
> > $
> > vagrant  

Re: [gentoo-user] netifrc, configure by SSID and MAC simultaneously?

2017-04-20 Thread Paul Klos

Op 20-4-2017 om 01:16 schreef Peter Humphrey:

On Wednesday 19 Apr 2017 12:00:50 Neil Bothwick wrote:

If you have an always on computer on your network, I would recommend
trying dnsmasq. It has a DHCP server and means you can do all your
network configuration in the one place, with simple text config files.

+1. I've been using it for some years. Nice.

I installed DD-WRT on my router some time ago, and have dnsmasq running 
on that. Works like a charm.

Re: [gentoo-user] Well, I went about updating my system again. (day 6)

2016-12-07 Thread Paul Klos
Op woensdag 7 december 2016 13:57:04 schreef Alan Grimes:
> Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > So why are you running it?
> Do I really need to answer that?
> I want my system upgraded and the gentle approach isn't working -> try
> the rough approach.
Hello Alan,

It's against my better judgement, but here goes. Mind you, I'm not even going 
to attempt to solve your emerge problems, but hopefully this will help you 

As far as I can determine everybody who uses Gentoo but you does not use your 
script or anything even remotely like it.
As far as I can determine every now and then someone other than you has a merge 
issue, posts to the list and either gets their issue resolved or, rarely, has 
run into a legitimate issue and needs to patch, or wait for a bug to get fixed.
As far as I can determine you update your system both very rarely, and using a 
method, if it deserves the name, that defies description and consistently runs 
into issues.

These observations lead me to the following hypothesis: your frequency and way 
of upgrading are actually the *cause* of your problems.

Until proven wrong, I'll stick to my hypothesis and offer you these pieces of 

1. update more frequently
2. let portage do what is was designed to do
3. read (and by read I do in fact actually mean try to understand) and follow 
the veritable heap of advice that was already supplied by the generous souls on 
this list
4. rename your script to and let that refer to anybody who even 
thinks about running it

I'll bet you that:
1.  your updates will go smoother, and
2. you´ll find it easier to get help here if for whatever reason you still run 
into issues.

Best regards and good luck with your update,


P.S. I sync almost daily and update if there are no big packages that would 
interfere with whatever I'm doing. Today's update was done while I was writing  
this. Once again, no issues. Just one 'emerge @preserved-rebuild' left and I'm 
done. And I didn't even need to figure that out myself, as portage is telling 
me. So I can focus on other things, although in this case, only time will tell 
how useful I spent my time.

Re: [gentoo-user] module-rebuild populate

2016-03-09 Thread Paul Klos
Op woensdag 9 maart 2016 11:32:15 schreef
> I just upgraded to a new kernel and try to run: module-rebuild populate
> but I get:
> bash: module-rebuild: command not found
> Why?
Hi Thelma,

IIRC module-rebuild used to be the tool, but not anymore. I think you're 
looking for

emerge @module-rebuild


Re: [gentoo-user] Is Calligra / KRITA currently compilable

2016-03-08 Thread Paul Klos
Op zondag 6 maart 2016 13:40:11 schreef Daniel Frey:
> On 03/06/2016 09:21 AM, Paul Klos wrote:
> > Could you share your use flags? Calligra stopped compiling here a few
> > weeks ago. I'd be interested to see if there any differences.
> I recompiled stable and it was fine. I also unmasked 2.9.11, and it
> compiled fine as well:
Well, I figured out what the issue was. I had left an obsolete patch file 
hanging around in /etc/portage, which was causing a failure.

So, my own fault. Sorry about the confusion.


Re: [gentoo-user] Is Calligra / KRITA currently compilable

2016-03-06 Thread Paul Klos
Could you share your use flags? Calligra stopped compiling here a few weeks 
ago. I'd be interested to see if there any differences.



Re: [gentoo-user] Difficulty fixing GLSA 201512-07 (gstreamer-0.10)

2016-01-03 Thread Paul Klos
Op zondag 3 januari 2016 07:52:30 schreef Grant:
> GLSA 201512-07 requires that I remove gstreamer-0.10 but I'm finding
> it rather inextricable due to dependencies.  Has anyone else run into
> this problem?
> - Grant

Yes, same here. I arrived to the same conclusion, and decided to just leave it 
in place for now. So, no solution, unfortunately.


Re: [OT] Re: [gentoo-user] mpv upgrade warning

2015-09-20 Thread Paul Klos

Neil Bothwick  schreef op 20 september 2015 18:40:05 CEST
> [snip]
>I have a proper printed OED, all 1800 pages of it. It's a few years old
>so doesn't include words like selfie or twerking, but I get by with it.
>It's main use is for dealing with would be pedants ;-)

Since we're being pedantic, that would be "Its main use" in this case ☺



Re: [gentoo-user] Copying/Moving a file in KDE - is the preview missing

2015-06-08 Thread Paul Klos
Op maandag 8 juni 2015 14:40:28 schreef Andrew Lowe:
> On 06/08/2015 02:23 AM, Daniel Frey wrote:
> > On 06/07/2015 10:30 AM, Paul Klos wrote:
> >> Op zondag 7 juni 2015 10:17:24 schreef Daniel Frey:
> >>> On 06/07/2015 08:10 AM, Andrew Lowe wrote:
> >>>> Same here.
> >>> 
> >>> Can't seem to reply to myself, just posting back the nepomuk USE-flag
> >>> did indeed fix it.
> >>> 
> >>> Dan
> >> 
> >> Interesting, I have indeed still enabled the nepomuk USE flag on kdelibs.
> > 
> > I'm curious to know why nepomuk is marked deprecated when it's still in
> > use. It doesn't appear there's a replacement for this functionality.
> > 
> > Dan
>   Interesting observation. Long story way, but I hate the whole
> nepomuk/akonadi stuff and disable it where I can. Looking at kdelibs
> shows that, yes it is disabled. This just begs the question, why is the
> ability to show two thumbnails side by side dependant on a file indexer?
>   As to nepomuk being deprecated,, according to its website:
> it's on the way out and something called Baloo in the new greatest
> thing/debacle since sliced bread.
>   I might have a look at kdelibs as to why there is this dependency, but
> it looks like I'm going to have to live without my preview pictures
>   Thanks to all who offered ideas etc,
>   Andrew

I recently deleted the complete nepomuk cache from my kde profile. The files 
hadn't been touched since November last year. I have had the nepomuk USE flag 
enabled for a long time, and I hadn't even noticed that the nefarious nepomuk 
implementation had been replaced with Baloo.

Baloo seems to do what you might expect from a file indexer: it runs in the 
background and silently indexes you files. You wouldn't even know it's there. 
Actually I *didn't* notice it was there :-).

I think the nepomuk use flag has become a bit of a misnomer by now, because 
there is no more actual "nepomuk" to pull in.

Maybe it's worth a try to enable it again, and enjoy these pretty previews.


Re: [gentoo-user] Copying/Moving a file in KDE - is the preview missing

2015-06-07 Thread Paul Klos
Op zondag 7 juni 2015 10:17:24 schreef Daniel Frey:
> On 06/07/2015 08:10 AM, Andrew Lowe wrote:
> > Same here.
> > 
> Can't seem to reply to myself, just posting back the nepomuk USE-flag
> did indeed fix it.
> Dan
Interesting, I have indeed still enabled the nepomuk USE flag on kdelibs.

Re: [gentoo-user] Copying/Moving a file in KDE - is the preview missing

2015-06-07 Thread Paul Klos
Op zondag 7 juni 2015 08:02:04 schreef Dale:
> Andrew Lowe wrote:
> > On 06/07/2015 08:24 PM, Mick wrote:
> >>
> >> From what I recall, in a full KDE desktop you will see previews only if 
> >> you 
> >> have clicked on View/Previews to enable it.  This will create loads of 
> >> thumbnails of various files so that the preview can show these.
> >>
> >> Have you tried this?
> >>
> > No I haven't. I've just tried, but I can't find what you're actually
> > referring to. Is "View/Preview" a system setting somewhere, an
> > application setting or you can't remember the actual title and it could
> > be view or preview???
> >
> > Thanks for the suggestion,
> >
> > Andrew
> >
> > .
> >
> In Konqueror, Settings up top, Configure Konqueror.  In the new window,
> expand File Management, click General then click the tab Previews.  I
> have videos, images etc checked here.  I can see previews of the files
> while navigating around so I knew this was set already, but checked to
> make sure there wasn't something new here.
> You're not alone tho.  I have the same as you.  Weird. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 
Well, nothing substantial comes to mind, but I have a few suggestions/questions 
to investigate.

Have you tried with another, or a new, user?

Do you use a custom theme? If so, you could switch it back and see if that 
makes any difference/

Is your disk full?

Are both directories local, or are you copying to or from a remote directory?


Re: [gentoo-user] Copying/Moving a file in KDE - is the preview missing

2015-06-07 Thread Paul Klos

Op zondag 7 juni 2015 17:42:37 schreef Andrew Lowe:

Hi all,
Under KDE, which I use, when you go to move/copy a file and it
already exists in the destination, you get a dialogue pop up with a
heading of "File already exists", it says in the dialogue "Source" and
"Destination" with the respective paths underneath then underneath that
a big expanse of nothing then below that some stuff including the
Overwrite/Skip/Cancel buttons.

My question relate to the expanse of nothingness. For example, if I'm
moving/copying image files, should there be a preview of the two files
in this nothingness? Is there some USE flag I've stuffed up that has
disabled this. This happens, in my experience with Dolphin and 

but I'm assuming they both use a standard Qt/KDE dialogue so others
probably display this behaviour as well.

Any thoughts, greatly appreciated,


Hi Andrew,

If I try to copy a file that already exists in the destination folder, I 
do indeed get preview images and some metadata, not a vast expanse of 

For example, when copying a jpg  the dialog shows thumbnails of the 
source and the destination, and underneath each image the type, size, 
width, height and the date it was last modified.

Below that is an input field where an alternative name can be entered, 
which presumably you still have. Finally there are the buttons.

As for what triggers the presence/absence of the preview, I have no 


Re: [gentoo-user] Question for users of the Firefox browser

2015-05-17 Thread Paul Klos
Op zondag 17 mei 2015 13:52:21 schreef Andrew Lowe:
> Hi all,
>   I've been using Firefox for ages and something struck me recently as a
> bit odd. In the Windows version, if I click up into the address or
> search boxes, the existing contents are highlighted and if I begin
> typing, the existing text is deleted and what I'm typing becomes the
> contents. On the Linux version, under KDE, it doesn't. I have to click
> into the appropriate edit box, highlight the contents and start typing
> or hit either home/end and then start deleting before typing my new URL.
> If, for example, the existing text happens to be a google search string,
> this can be quite a bit of text to delete.
>   So my question, I suppose, is multipart:
> 1) Is this by design? Is this the normal behaviour?
> 2) Have I set a USE flag wrong somewhere that causes this behaviour?
> 3) How do people get around the problem I mentioned above regarding long
> URL's, such as a Google search results?
>   Any thoughts, greatly appreciated,
>   Andrew
Hi Andrew,

You might be interested in these settings (from about:config):


You can configure what happens when you click in the address bar.

I have no idea why the defaults on win/linux are different, though,



Re: [gentoo-user] Network manager [ control of wireless and wired interafaces]

2015-03-11 Thread Paul Klos
Op woensdag 11 maart 2015 08:03:06 schreef German:
> eix-e: command not found. What to do?

Insert a space between "eix" and "-e".

Re: [gentoo-user]ask for installation help!

2014-11-21 Thread Paul Klos
Op vrijdag, november 21, 2014 14:06:24 schreef J. Roeleveld:
> I use VirtualBox on my laptop for testing and haven't had to add anything to

Strange, I couldn't get grub2-install to run without diving into 

I installed not too long ago and I've had to re-emerge grub a few times with 
different settings until it finally agreed to install itself.

Come to think of it, I may have started out with my desktop copy of make.conf, 
which is configured for EFI boot.

I might have a go without GRUB_PLATFORMS altogether and see what happens.


Re: [gentoo-user]ask for installation help!

2014-11-21 Thread Paul Klos
Op vrijdag, november 21, 2014 14:57:57 schreef Giant Y:
> Hello, I am a Debian user and now want to try gentoo.
> Firstly, I install gentoo in Virtual box for practice. I follow the "quick
> install guide" on
> Unluckily, this guide cannot help me install gentoo successfully.
> The problem is Grub2 cannot boot correct.
> The following picture show all items in /boot directory.
> When the system starts, it enters the grub2 console.
> ​
> I tried to boot manually, but failed.
> ​
> ​Please help me!
> -> posted by  *Giant Y*
You should follow the grub setup from the handbook, the quick install guide 
describes legacy grub.

I'm running Gentoo inside Virtualbox. I had to add


to /etc/portage/make.conf to make grub2-install work.



Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] KDE desktop vanishing

2014-11-08 Thread Paul Klos
Op zaterdag 8 november 2014 09:52:32 schreef Peter Humphrey:
> On Wednesday 05 November 2014 23:21:46 Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> > have you tried restarting plasma? Or switched screens?
> I don't know how to restart plasma, other than logging out and in again. I 
> have six virtual desktops most of the time, and they're all equally blank.
You might try 

$ killall plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop &

to restart you plasma session.



Re: [gentoo-user] re: mouse pointer not consistent [net-misc/rdesktop-1.7.1]

2013-10-26 Thread Paul Klos
Op vrijdag 25 oktober 2013 22:49:04 schreef Alexander Kapshuk:
> Sorry, not sure what the proper
> name for the character is

It's called a caret cursor.



Re: [gentoo-user] The NVIDIA/Kernel fiasco -- is it safe to sync yet?

2013-08-23 Thread Paul Klos
Op vrijdag 23 augustus 2013 14:09:59 schreef Randy Westlund:
> On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 10:45:46AM -0700, Chris Stankevitz wrote:
> > Are "regular" nvidia users who run a completely stable system (with
> > only stable nvidia-drivers and stable gentoo-sources) affected by any
> > of this?
> I believe so.  I run testing, but this just cleared up for me a few days ago 
> when I went to kernel 3.10.7 (stable).  I'm currently running kernel 3.10.9 
> and nvidia-drivers 325.15 (both testing), which works just fine.  Try it and 
> see what happens.
> Randy
Updated to gentoo-sources 3.10.7 (stable) today. I had (stable) 
x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-319.32 which failed rebuilding. After keywording 
x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers I'm on 325.15 as well. Seems to be fine so far.


Re: [gentoo-user] I don't want portage to update Libreoffice......

2013-08-12 Thread Paul Klos
Op dinsdag 13 augustus 2013 01:54:00 schreef Andrew Lowe:
> On 08/11/13 01:16, Daniel Frey wrote:
> > On 08/10/2013 09:27 AM, Andrew Lowe wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>  As per usual an update of Libre Office is failing and causing all
> >> sorts of build troubles. I have an install, the previous version,  of
> >> Libre Office working so how do I stop portage from trying to update to
> >> the latest.
> >>
> >>
> >> [ebuild UD ] app-office/libreoffice- []
> >>
> >> What do I have to fiddle so that portage won't want to upgrade
> >> libreoffice? This is stopping my "-NuD world" from completing so I need
> >> to suppress libreoffice for the time being and come back to it later.
> >>
> >>  Any thoughts, greatly appreciated,
> >>
> >>  Andrew
> >>
> >
> > You can use the --exclude parameter (I think?) and it will ignore it for
> > the one command, then after everything is updated you can solve it
> > further. Try:
> >
> > emerge --exclude app-office/libreoffice -NuD world
> >
> > This is not a permanent change but it will allow you to complete your
> > update, then you can set the masking afterwards.
> >
> > Dan
> >
> >
> It worked. Thanks. Now to get this all sorted out and Libre Office to 
> build at leisure.
>   Andrew
FWIW, I had initially unmasked a bunch of stuff (suggested by portage) to get 
the first 4.x version of LO to compile. Upgrading to only worked after 
I had upgraded boost and boost-build from 1.52 to 1.53. Portage had nothing to 
say about it, the build just failed with some weird boost errors.



Re: [gentoo-user] Heads up kde users - mysql-5.5.32

2013-06-28 Thread Paul Klos
>Op donderdag 27 juni 2013 13:51:10 schreef Andrés Becerra Sandoval:
>In unstable systems mysql-5.5.32 borks akonadi->kdepim and amarok:
>If any knows a solution, please let me know!
>  Andrés Becerra Sandoval

Resent in text format, as the link went missing.

Adding /usr/lib/mysql to /etc/ and running ldconfig, as I read here:

did it for me.



Re: [gentoo-user] Heads up kde users - mysql-5.5.32

2013-06-28 Thread Paul Klos
Op donderdag 27 juni 2013 13:51:10 schreef Andrés Becerra Sandoval:

In unstable systems mysql-5.5.32 borks akonadi->kdepim and amarok:[1][2]

If any knows a solution, please let me know!

--   Andrés Becerra Sandoval

Adding /usr/lib/mysql to /etc/ and running ldconfig, as I read here 

did it for me.




Re: [gentoo-user] KDM stucking!

2013-04-23 Thread Paul Klos
Op dinsdag 23 april 2013 22:49:33 schreef Jackie:
> 在 Tue, 23 Apr 2013 21:01:42 +0800,Florian Philipp  
>  写道:
> Your quetion inspired me and I did the follow tests:
>   1).Login through KDM and then logout and login again,no change,still it 
> takes 1min before splah shows up;
>   2).Fresh startup and switch to TTY by Ctrl+Alt+F1 when KDM dialog shows 
> up and use startx,glad   to see that things goes well and no 
> delay  
> before splash appears.
>   3).Move ~/.kde4 to ~/.kde.bak and restart machine,no luck:(
> I still don't get a clue what; wrong here and why this all happend. Hope  
> the information above will be helpful.
I have had KDE behave similarly when my LDAP authentication was screwed up. 
There was an issue caused by a gnome library that was pulled in by gnucash. 
This only affected KDE logins, not console logins. Are you attempting to log in 
with a local user?

This same thing also happened to me once when the disk was full.



Re: [gentoo-user] pam_get_uid: no such user

2013-02-14 Thread Paul Klos
Op donderdag 14 februari 2013 04:56:53 schreef Stroller:
> On 14 February 2013, at 04:13, Daniel Frey wrote:
> > ...
> > I've poked into this a bit more, and every 60 seconds 5 attempts at
> > logon are being made… This weekend I'll reformat & reinstall.
> Excuse me if this is a dumb question, but does this machine have any ports 
> open to the internet?
> This thread reminds me of how we sometimes hear of logfiles full of many ssh 
> attempts made by script kiddies and botnets.
> Stroller.
Same here, I've seen multitudes of messages like this, with different user 
names, in log files on servers with open ports 22. As long as you don't allow 
interactive logins you shoud be fine, right?

I think there might also be some advanced iptables hacking that might help you 
block too many requests from the same source IP. This is still on my list of 
stuff to look at 'some time'.

One thing I have used with apparent succes is access a different port on the 
outside, and redirect that to 22 on the inside. It's security through 
obscurity, I know, but it seemed quite effective nonetheless.



Re: [gentoo-user] System won't boot if CMOS clock is slow

2013-01-18 Thread Paul Klos
Op vrijdag 18 januari 2013 18:47:31 schreef Stroller:
> On 18 January 2013, at 18:08, Grant Edwards wrote:
> > On 2013-01-17, Neil Bothwick  wrote:
> >> On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 22:47:17 + (UTC), Grant Edwards wrote:
> >> 
> >>> By default, ntpd doesn't seem to want to do
> >>> a step correction to fix large clock errors on startup (there's
> >>> probably an option for that).
> >> 
> >> That's for ntp-client to do.
> > 
> > In additon to being a server, ntpd _is_ an ntp client.
> > 
> > Are you talking about running ntpclient
> > ( instead of ntpd?
> I'm pretty sure he's talking about making larger corrections to fix larger 
> clock errors on startup.
> I believe I have both ntpd and ntp-client in the default runlevel on at least 
> one system, although I won't swear to it.
> Stroller.

I think you can either run ntp-client to set the time at startup, or ntpd -q. 
Both are run through ntp-client, but you can set it so that it uses ntpd to set 
the time. This is done by modifying /etc/conf.d/ntp-client. Mine looks like 
this, so you can see I'm actually using ntpd -q as ntp-client:

# /etc/conf.d/ntp-client

# Command to run to set the clock initially
# Most people should just leave this line alone ...
# however, if you know what you're doing, and you
# want to use ntpd to set the clock, change this to 'ntpd'

# Options to pass to the above command
# This default setting should work fine but you should
# change the default '' to something closer
# to your machine.  See or
# try running `netselect -s 3`.
#NTPCLIENT_OPTS="-s -b -u \
# \
