Re: [gentoo-user] Copying contents /boot from /dev/hdb1 to /dev/hda2

2005-07-28 Thread Sean Higgins
  tar cvf - * | tar xf -C ../new/

 * doesn't match hidden files, so the copy will be incomplete.


Interesting.  I had not thought about that.  I did use the above to recreate 
my hard drive from one hard drive to another one.  It worked well, I guess I 
lucked out that I did not have any hidden files in the old directory.


Sean Higgins, [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Where information becomes knowledge.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Regetting Runlevel

2005-08-06 Thread Sean Reiser

Heath E Miller wrote:

Ok strange one here , I got home tonight and somehow my ferrets got up on the computer key board got logged in as su and managed to get into my  runlevel files and delete them. Not all but a good amount . Also in the process corrupt my modules file as well . Got those back and can reload them after start up but would like to be able to do this from boot. What would be needed to get the things back in runlevel to get at least modules to load? 

Side note to self make sure cage is locked before going to work and the 
keyboards and sessions locked.

Don't know about anyone else but I'd love to see the appropriate 
sections of his .bash_history file.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] how to control portage space usage

2005-08-08 Thread Sean Reiser

Fernando Meira wrote:

Hi Tero,
what I meant with redo my partitions was in the way that I will 
expand my gentoo partition (or try to).

I have:
# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda4 4.6G  3.8G  803M  83% /
udev  252M  808K  252M   1% /dev
/dev/hda5  23G   20G  3.3G  86% /mnt/share
/dev/hda1 9.8G  8.0G  1.8G  82% /mnt/windows
none  252M 0  252M   0% /dev/shm

 - erase hda1 (win$) and merge with with hda4.
 - somehow rearrange hda5 (which is FAT) and split it 2, and merge a 
part to hda4.

The question is...can you live without the windows partition?  if you 
don't need it I would look at this:

1) Merge hda1 and hda4.  Assuming this is desktop box that should be 
plenty of space for the system and applications
2) Create a /boot partition (assuming you don't currently have one on 
your box that wasn't mounted when you did the df).  This way if your 
system crashes at least /boot will not be corrupted.
3) Convert hda5 to ext3|reiserfs|jfs|mature non-fat fs of choice.  Mount 
it as /home.
4) Consider creating a swap partition.  Even if you have plenty of RAM, 
in my experience Linux just runs better with a swap partition mounted. 

I would strongly suggest that you do a full backup before doing any of 
this.  I know there are partition resizing and reformatting utilities 
but they I wouldn't trust them without a backup. 



-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] how to control portage space usage

2005-08-08 Thread Sean Reiser

Fernando Meira wrote:

The question is...can you live without the windows partition?   

Well, maybe. The problem is that sometimes I need to use something 
that works only under windows (or better under windows). Besides that 
I only use windows for video-conference (I haven't found the time to 
look for a linux replacement, assuming that my webcam works under linux).

mmhmm... the webcam / video-conference stuff is not something I have 
much expirience with either, sorry to say.  As far as the other software 
is concerned I would look at the crossover office fork of wine (assuming 
that wine itself won't run it) or maybe some virtualization software 
such as vmare.

 if you don't need it I would look at this:

1) Merge hda1 and hda4.  Assuming this is desktop box that should be
plenty of space for the system and applications

Yes, that would be the best I could do. But, assuming that I can't 
remove entirely windows from my laptop, what about reduce it to it's 
minimum (windows + apps that I really need) and run it by VMware, 
always under Gentoo? The spare space from unused apps would merge it 
with gentoo's partition.. I estimate it of about 4Gb. What do you say 
about this?

With VMWare you create a virtual disk, which can be expanded as needed.  
This is one way to go.  As mentioned Wine is the other.

3) Convert hda5 to ext3|reiserfs|jfs|mature non-fat fs of
choice.  Mount
it as /home. 

The reason it is FAT32 is to windows be able to access it. With 
windows away, I could do that.

Right.  Keep in mind that with VMWare you can mount your linux home 
directory as a SMB share.

Another advantage of a seperate  /home is that you can reinstall the OS 
without effecting your important personal data and settings.   I realize 
on your current system /mnt/share really handled some of that but 
thought I'd mention it as well.

4) Consider creating a swap partition.  Even if you have plenty of
in my experience Linux just runs better with a swap partition

I have. 512mb swap. df shows it slitted into 2 other: udev and none

OK... blury vision... that email was part of an allnighter.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] how to control portage space usage

2005-08-09 Thread Sean Reiser

On 8/8/05, *Sean Reiser* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

mmhmm... the webcam / video-conference stuff is not something I have
much expirience with either, sorry to say.  As far as the other
is concerned I would look at the crossover office fork of wine
that wine itself won't run it) or maybe some virtualization software
such as vmare.

Yes, that might be the best I can do now.
I been looking for VMWare and Wine and from what I read, I prefer 
Wine, but does it run everything, most of it or almost nothing?

heh... that's exactly right. :)  It really depends on who you are 
and what you are doing.  I think I mentioned that I'm using the 
codeweaver crossover office port (  Take a 
look both the wine site and their site to see if the applications you 
are looking to run will run.

I read it is must harder to install/configure, but I'll give it a try. 
Or is there anyone to convince me that VMWare is better?

They are entirely different products (I use both).  WINE is an api layer 
where VMWareis a true VM.  You'll get better better compatibility at the 
cost of RAM and performance.  I tend to use VMWare for a testing 
environment and WINE for running applications. 

I'll erase my windows partition and merge it with gentoo's one. I'll 
end up with ~15Gb for gentoo... which seems to be fairly acceptable. 
In a future stage, I might convert my share partition from FAT32 to 
a linux like. By the way, I use reiserfs on my gentoo's partition. 
Will I have problems to resize it?

Even though reiserfs lets you do it I wouldn't resize the volume with it 
mounted (seems far too risky for my gut).  As I mentioned I would do a 
backup first (can't stress that enough).  Any time I've done this type 
of work I have booted from a live CD, backed up (and verified), scrogged 
and repartitioned, and then restored. 

FileSystem Caveat:  Although my last name is Reiser, I am not related or 
associated with reiserfs (or to Hans himself). Do not believe that I 
know more about reiserfs based on the strength of my last name.

 3) Convert hda5 to ext3|reiserfs|jfs|mature non-fat fs of
 choice.  Mount
 it as /home.

 The reason it is FAT32 is to windows be able to access it. With
 windows away, I could do that.

Right.  Keep in mind that with VMWare you can mount your linux home
directory as a SMB share.

Another advantage of a seperate  /home is that you can reinstall
the OS
without effecting your important personal data and settings.   I
on your current system /mnt/share really handled some of that but
thought I'd mention it as well.

Yes, that was the main reason to have my personal files on other 
As I said, converting this partition will be the next step after 
removing windows and installing wine.

Sounds like a good direction.

Good Luck.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] DVD recorder recommendations

2005-08-19 Thread Sean Johnson
I'm pretty stuck on Plextor drives. I've found them to all be very
reliable, and will tend to read damaged disks that other drives choke

Just my 2c.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Personal firewall for Linux?

2005-08-29 Thread Sean Higgins


Check out net-firewall/firestarter,, it is a gui 
frontend for iptables and has a way to monitor the communication.


On Monday 29 August 2005 02:54 pm, Matt Randolph wrote:
 I've seen related threads here recently, but I think my question is
 different enough to warrant a new thread.

 I'm looking for a personal firewall along the lines of the ZoneAlarm
 product for Windows.  I don't want to take the time to teach myself
 iptables if there is a simple alternative.

 I'm not trying to do anything complicated like protect a LAN or include
 a DMZ or run an ftp server or anything like that.  I'm just looking for
 a quick and easy way to add another layer of protection to my desktop by
 closing all unused ports.

 A GUI is preferred but is not required.

 Any suggestions?

 (If you dare answer,) what firewall do you use and why did you choose it?

Sean Higgins, [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Where information becomes knowledge.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] How to work with etc-updates.

2005-08-30 Thread Sean Higgins
On Tuesday 30 August 2005 01:22 pm, Neil Bothwick wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 12:06:29 -0400, Eric Crossman wrote:
  While I agree that etc-update is a vast improvement over other package
  systems, it would be nice to have a CVS type merge where I only have to
  make choices when the system can't figure it out. It seems like
  etc-update (and friends) should be able to take advantage of mtime
  metadata and md5 checksums to determine if I've made any modifications
  to the default config file. That way an unmodified default config from
  version N can just safely be replaced with the new default for version N
  +1. Does this functionality already exist with the current etc-update?

 It exists as an option with dispatch-conf, as do options to automatically
 replace files if the only differences are whitespace and comments.

But, it does not automatically do an update if the original file has not 
changed.  That would be a cool feature.  How often are files changed, for 
example in /etc/init.d, but you have not changed that file?  I would love the 
option to automatically update any configuration file that I did not change 
from the original install.

Right on Eric!


Sean Higgins, [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Where information becomes knowledge.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Doubts about how to create a free software project

2005-09-17 Thread Sean Crandall
If you're not looking for a patent yourself, but want to make sure that 
nobody else pulls one on you, you may want to look into the USPTO's 
Statutory Invention Registration program.  It basically creates a public 
domain patent of your invention so nobody else can invent it and claim 
priority.  And it's cheap (something like $100 IIRC).

Sean Crandall

Uwe Thiem wrote:

On 16 September 2005 04:31, Raphael Melo de Oliveira Bastos Sales wrote:

Hi everyone,

  I work with biotech and for about an 1 year I've been working on a
web interface for genome/proteome data analysis. And I'd like to make
it free software. But I still have doubts about legal problems I might
face and about intellectual property.
   Basically, I don't want to restrict people on using and
contributing with source or whatever, but don't want anyone taking
credit for my work or pateting it and sending me a cease-and-desist
  If anyone has any insight, references or links on this subject,
please let me know.

1. Step
You make sure the stuff is your. So you stamp a copyright message all over it. 
Basically, you put a copyright notification in each and every file. Now you 
have made clear it is *your* intellectual property.

2. Step
You have to put it under an OSS license that suits you best. I guess the two 
most widely used OSS licenses are the General Public License (GPL) and the 
BSD license. There are quite some differences between them. In a nutshell: 
The GPL does not allow to include any of your stuff in a piece of software 
that is not under the GPL. In other words, Whoever wants to build software 
based on yours has to make the result OSS under GPL as well. The BSD license 
basically allows any use of your software as long as the copyright remains 
unchanged (which prevents anyone from patenting it) and the result credits 

All that said, if someone with a lot of money grabs your stuff an - say - 
patents it you still have to challenge them in court which can take 
considerable time and money. The GPL has a slight advantage in this case 
because the Free Software Foundation (FSF) will help you legally.

You should read through the available licenses even if they are a boring 
read. ;-)


-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] How do I unsubscribe

2020-06-21 Thread Sean O'Myers
How do How do I unsubscribe   please unsubscribe  me

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

RE: [gentoo-user] =dev-lang/spidermonkey-60.5.2_p0-r4 fails @world update

2020-06-21 Thread Sean O'Myers
How do I unscripted

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Peter Humphrey
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2020 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] =dev-lang/spidermonkey-60.5.2_p0-r4 fails @world 

On Saturday, 20 June 2020 00:07:45 BST wrote:

> I haven't thought about these things in a long time. I've never had more
> than 4GB of RAM.

Welcome to the world of compiling everything from source.


RE: [gentoo-user] emerge -u fails with "OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory"

2020-06-20 Thread Sean O'Myers
How do unsubscrib

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: J. Roeleveld
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] emerge -u fails with "OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot 
allocate memory"

On 16 June 2020 20:31:56 CEST, n952162  wrote:
>Admonished to get everything updated, I turned to my raspberry pi with
>Sakaki's binary image.  Synced and updated portage with no problem.
>Then I did an emerge -u @world and got (after *hours* of dependency
> >>> Jobs: 0 of 206 complete, 1 running Load avg: 2.84, 3.44, 3.85
> >>> Emerging binary (1 of 206) sys-libs/glibc-2.31-r5::gentoo
> >>> Jobs: 0 of 206 complete, 1 running Load avg: 2.84, 3.44, 3.85
> >>> Jobs: 0 of 206 complete Load avg: 3.60, 3.54, 3.87
> >>> Installing (1 of 206) sys-libs/glibc-2.31-r5::gentoo
> >>> Jobs: 0 of 206 complete Load avg: 3.60, 3.54, 3.87
>Exception in callback AsynchronousTask._exit_listener_cb(method...0x7f9180d9d8>>)
>handle: method...0x7f9180d9d8>>)>
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run
> self._callback(*self._args)
>   File
>"/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/_emerge/", line
>201, in _exit_listener_cb
> listener(self)
>   File
>"/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/_emerge/", line
>31, in _fetcher_exit
> self._start_task(verifier, self._verifier_exit)
>   File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/_emerge/",
>line 113, in _start_task
> task.start()
>   File
>"/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/_emerge/", line
>30, in start
> self._start()
>   File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/_emerge/",
>line 59, in _start
> self._digester_exit)
>   File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/_emerge/",
>line 113, in _start_task
> task.start()
>   File
>"/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/_emerge/", line
>30, in start
> self._start()
>   File
>line 30, in _start
> ForkProcess._start(self)
>   File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/_emerge/",
>line 112, in _start
> retval = self._spawn(self.args, **kwargs)
>   File
>line 24, in _spawn
> pid = os.fork()
>   File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/portage/", line
>246, in __call__
> rval = self._func(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
>OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory
>What's the recommended course of action here?
>Log attached.

1) ensure you only have 1 job running and absolutely no parallel builds. 
"--jobs 1" for both emerge and make

2) get SWAP, preferably on USB stick/harddrive so as not to kill the SD card.

Because rasppis are low on memory and they have very specific uses, I tend not 
to bother with Gentoo on them.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

RE: [gentoo-user] What's with all these "acct-group" ebuilds recently?

2020-06-20 Thread Sean O'Myers
How do unsubscrip from all

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Walter Dnes
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2020 12:05 AM
To: Gentoo Users List
Subject: [gentoo-user] What's with all these "acct-group" ebuilds recently?

  Inquiring minds want to know.  What exactly do they accomplish,
besides cluttering up a database somewhere?

Walter Dnes 
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

RE: [gentoo-user] docutils needing py2.7, but not wanting py2.7?

2020-06-04 Thread Sean O'Myers
I know this off the subject  but could you tell me where I can buy Gentoo I
Try buying one from the cd was Fragmented

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Ashley Dixon
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] docutils needing py2.7, but not wanting py2.7?

On Thu, Jun 04, 2020 at 05:56:04PM -0500, Dale wrote:
> Seeing the output of emerge --info for that package may shed some light
> on the problem but allowing etc-update to change the config isn't going
> to help.  It's in one of its circular problems that comes from something
> else.
> Maybe we will get more info shortly.

Are you able to replicate this problem, attempting to install all the  mentioned
packages with the --pretend option  and  USE="-python_targets_python2_7" ?  I've
been trying various things for about  half-an-hour  and  still  can't  see  this
behaviour on my own machine.


Ashley Dixon

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