Re: [geo] A Little Question on Marine Cloud Brightening

2014-05-22 Thread Stephen Salter

Michael, Nathan

My knowledge of marine biology is slight but CLAW feels right.  If we 
could be kinder to phytoplankton we might not have to work so hard at 
marine cloud brightening.

We can save the Arctic ice without going near it because we are 
intercepting heat from low latitudes on the way there.  I believe that 
it is impossible to moor wave sinks and so it seems better to let them 
drift freely round gyres and only adjust the distance from the centre of 
the gyre.  They will probably be quite a long way from the Arctic and 
along the hurricane breedingtracks.

A very large fraction of the world's oceans are a wet desert with marine 
life only where upwellings or a low density gradient allow nutrients to 
mix upwards.  The wave sinks ought to replicate this effect.  Marine 
cloud brightening would have a smaller effect on nutrients but still in 
the right direction.

I hope that small experiments with multiple superposition of aligned 
satellite images with give us some numbers for amplification or 
attenuation of the unknown feedback loops. Meanwhile I have to make some 


On 21/05/2014 23:26, Michael Hayes wrote:

Steven, Nathan et. al.,

I believe it would be difficult for anyone to support the view that 
Arctic wave sinks would have little effect. Beyond the clear 
biological importance of surface water mixing, the patent clearly 
shows the use of attached mariculture operations which can support 
algal/DMS production. Further, wave sinks are deployable at a non-GE 
scale and thus the empirical biological data can be collected while 
operating within IMO/CBD guidelines.

In short, an Arctic deployment of wave sinks and MCB equipment, on a 
scale which can produce meaningful data, seems to be technically 
achievable today without further debate and there are multiple 
scientific questions that can possibly be answered through a field 
campaign. Also, it would be highly interesting if the equipment was 
divided between active methane ebullition fields and non-ebullition 
areas. The importance of gaining practical working knowledge regarding 
the reduction of ebullition rates is obvious. Actually demonstrating 
that the methanogenic (benthic) biota can be protected from over 
oxygenation while stimulating the methanotrophs in the water column 
with mixing/oxygenation, while actively cooling the surface water via 
MCB/Wave Sinks (while not over oxygenating the methanogens), would 
provide a wealth of information for a wide spectrum of 'experts' to 
work with. The questions surrounding DMS/CLAW would also be address 
during the campaign and there are a number of other scientific and 
technical issues which can be folded into the campaign.


On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 9:57:20 AM UTC-7, Nathan Currier wrote:

Hi, Stephen –

My speaking of the “the wrong direction” referred to what you had
written, which assumed that with added warming DMSP-producing
phytoplankton become starved of nutrients, hence leading to less
DMS. While certainly true in much warmer regions (and I mentioned
in what I first wrote that in such conditions MCB might work
better than projected as a result), the Gabric study (thanks for
the full paper) as well as others, point in the opposite direction
for Arctic conditions – the projection is that DMS will go /up/ in
the arctic with warming, not /down/. Indeed, if you looked at the
paper, the nutrients are themselves assumed to go up, one stated
reason being that the shallow mixed layer depth can increase the
concentration (and changes quite sensitively with season,
sometimes inversely to actual nutrient content – see paper, 396-398).

Now, there are lots of complex links in the chain between
organisms making DMSP and the final climate impact – so, grazing
of them by other organisms, the turning of their DMSP to DMS by a
variety of means, then the conditions altering the flux rate of
that DMS into the atmosphere (winds, etc), and then the various
other constituents leading to good nucleation (various
bio-organics, etc.) with the DMS, or to the “Twomey”-related
changes on already existent clouds (i.e., what the clouds are like).

The Gabric paper also mentioned another possible complication: the
possibility that their modeling could not reflect what will happen
because of a new ecological regime with coming warming and the
idea of an increasing “Atlantification” of at least parts of the
Arctic ocean. Yet even then, the predictions are that there would
likely be an influx of big DMS makers like eHux (Emeliana Huxleyi
– currently there are more diatoms making DMS in the arctic than
elsewhere, but that could change), so still probably an
/increase/, not a /decrease/.

Perhaps it just seems like too much of a can of worms to bother
about, but I would just say simply that 1. DMS is certainly one of
the most important CCNs, 2. 

Re: [geo] A Little Question on Marine Cloud Brightening

2014-05-22 Thread Michael Hayes
Steven, Nathan et. al.,

I believe it would be difficult for anyone to support the view that Arctic 
wave sinks would have little effect. Beyond the clear biological importance 
of surface water mixing, the patent clearly shows the use of attached 
mariculture operations which can support algal/DMS production. Further, 
wave sinks are deployable at a non-GE scale and thus the empirical 
biological data can be collected while operating within IMO/CBD guidelines. 

In short, an Arctic deployment of wave sinks and MCB equipment, on a scale 
which can produce meaningful data, seems to be technically achievable today 
without further debate and there are multiple scientific questions that can 
possibly be answered through a field campaign. Also, it would be highly 
interesting if the equipment was divided between active methane ebullition 
fields and non-ebullition areas. The importance of gaining practical 
working knowledge regarding the reduction of ebullition rates is obvious. 
Actually demonstrating that the methanogenic (benthic) biota can be 
protected from over oxygenation while stimulating the methanotrophs in the 
water column with mixing/oxygenation, while actively cooling the surface 
water via MCB/Wave Sinks (while not over oxygenating the methanogens), 
would provide a wealth of information for a wide spectrum of 'experts' to 
work with. The questions surrounding DMS/CLAW would also be address during 
the campaign and there are a number of other scientific and technical 
issues which can be folded into the campaign.





On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 9:57:20 AM UTC-7, Nathan Currier wrote:

 Hi, Stephen – 

 My speaking of the “the wrong direction” referred to what you had written, 
 which assumed that with added warming DMSP-producing phytoplankton become 
 starved of nutrients, hence leading to less DMS. While certainly true in 
 much warmer regions (and I mentioned in what I first wrote that in such 
 conditions MCB might work better than projected as a result), the Gabric 
 study (thanks for the full paper) as well as others, point in the opposite 
 direction for Arctic conditions – the projection is that DMS will go *up*in 
 the arctic with warming, not 
 *down*. Indeed, if you looked at the paper, the nutrients are themselves 
 assumed to go up, one stated reason being that the shallow mixed layer 
 depth can increase the concentration (and changes quite sensitively with 
 season, sometimes inversely to actual nutrient content – see paper, 

 Now, there are lots of complex links in the chain between organisms making 
 DMSP and the final climate impact – so, grazing of them by other organisms, 
 the turning of their DMSP to DMS by a variety of means, then the conditions 
 altering the flux rate of that DMS into the atmosphere (winds, etc), and 
 then the various other constituents leading to good nucleation (various 
 bio-organics, etc.) with the DMS, or to the “Twomey”-related changes on 
 already existent clouds (i.e., what the clouds are like). 

 The Gabric paper also mentioned another possible complication: the 
 possibility that their modeling could not reflect what will happen because 
 of a new ecological regime with coming warming and the idea of an 
 increasing “Atlantification” of at least parts of the Arctic ocean. Yet 
 even then, the predictions are that there would likely be an influx of big 
 DMS makers like eHux (Emeliana Huxleyi – currently there are more diatoms 
 making DMS in the arctic than elsewhere, but that could change), so still 
 probably an *increase*, not a *decrease*. 

 Perhaps it just seems like too much of a can of worms to bother about, but 
 I would just say simply that 1. DMS is certainly one of the most important 
 CCNs, 2. almost all of this atmospheric sulfur is created by these 
 phytoplankton, and 3. if you are going to geoengineer, it is your moral 
 responsibility to try to think of everything that could possibly go wrong, 
 not to try to simplify the situation and say, well, this is awfully complex 
 and probably doesn’t matter anyhow (which is why we’re in the mess we’re 

 Therefore I don’t think that you can ignore this issue of potential 
 entanglement with CLAW. Remember, the real issue is something not mentioned 
 in any of the above – and that’s whether there’s a loop closure, and so 
 whether the production is thus sensitive to the final conditions of the 
 clouds (whether it be in terms of their alterations of surface radiation, 
 changes in sea-surface conditions, etc) – in which case the potentially bad 
 scenario is conceivable in which the DMS producers could adapt by producing 
 less if you’re “doing their work” for them. 
 Even the Quinn and Bates paper does not say, by the way, that this loop 
 does not exist, it just says that it is likely that it does not exist, and 
 that there’s great complexity in all the links of this chain (which is 
 unquestionable). Given the significance of 

[geo] RE: Invitation that appears in the Washington Geoengineering Consortium web site for articles and publications, in spanish, on the subject of 'geoingeniería' (geoengineering)

2014-05-22 Thread Oscar Escobar
What do your newspapers say about geoengineering?

Note: This is the english form of the article ¿Que dicen tus periódicos 
sobre la geoingeniería?

*“Typically, surveys of public opinion find that less than 5 % of 
respondents claim any substantive knowledge about the issue, although a 
somewhat higher number are able to offer a broadly accurate definition of 
the term ‘climate engineering’ (Mercer et al. 2011).”*

From: Like artificial trees? The effect of framing by natural analogy on 
public perceptions of geoengineeringAdam Corner  Nick Pidgeon (May 2014) 

Although there is a very short and incomplete definition for 
‘geoingeniería’ or ‘ingenieria climatica’ in Wikipedia (written by me) the term 
‘geoingenieria’ has no meaning in the dictionary from the ‘Real Academia 
Española’ (RAE)

A search in (RAE) results in a message saying that the word is not in the 
Given that the concept itself has no official ‘word’ and much less a 
definition in the spanish language I would think that for spanish speaking 
societies the number of people with* ‘any substantive knowledge about the 
issue’ *would be far below 5%.

Searches on Google ngram viewer for the term ‘geoingenieria’ and the term 
‘captura de carbono’ also yield zero results.  

These terms (‘geoingenieria’ and ‘captura de carbono’) and their concepts 
may appear in some articles, studies or books. But searches on various 
Spanish speaking written newspapers in the majority of cases yield zero 
returns; with very few exceptions e.g. El País (Spain) [2], ABC (Spain) 
[3], El Universal (Mexico) [4].

It is notable that carbon capture and sequestration (captura y 
almacenamiento de carbono) technologies are being developed in some 
Ibero-American countries e.g. Mexico, [5] Brazil [6] and in Spain [7] as 
well, but the term geoengineering (geoingenieria) is being carefully 
avoided, no doubt for fear of negative backlash, and aided by the lack of 
official language concepts.

But to be fair, here in the United States, ‘news purveyors’ of high profile 
e.g. The Drudge Report also seem to be involved in a concerted effort to 
not-to-inform the public.

Over the past two years repeated searches on the Drudge Report web site 
with the term ‘geoengineering’ netted zero results. This continues to be 
the case as of today May 21, 2014

Searching for the term ‘geo engineering’ yields 2 results:

STUDY: Geo-engineering solutions for 'global warming' ineffective... ^
From the February 25, 2014 19:20:47 GMT edition of the Drudge Report.

STUDY: Geo-engineering proposals for 'global warming' ineffective... ^
From the February 25, 2014 18:20:28 GMT edition of the Drudge Report.

Alas, following the links, a message indicating that the page does not 
exist or it is unavailable.

Searching for ‘carbon capture’, ‘carbon sequestration, ‘beccs’, ‘biochar’or 
‘afforestation’ also yields zero results.

A search for ‘biofuel’ yielded 14 results dating from 2007 to 2014.

*16:20 pm May 21, 2014 Update-* 

Searching for 'climate engineering' nets 1 result with an active link:

'Human Engineering' Could Combat Climate Change... ^
From the March 12, 2012 21:20:35 GMT edition of the Drudge Report.

*End of update. *

Efforts like these by the fossil fuel industry, or entities supportive of 
it and from its detractors as well, to keep the public ‘un-informed’ reek 
of manipulation.

This should be unacceptable.

It is for that reason that efforts to not only ‘open up’ the 
global-public’s participation in the geoengineering debate, but to also 
intelligently inform that debate should be welcomed, regardless of how 
averse ‘we’ may feel towards the issue.

*Thus, even though no single technology has been scientifically proven to 
be safe and feasible, climate engineering has moved from the realm of 
science fiction to concrete political, academic and economic 
considerations.**“Climate engineering thus warrants attention from Pacific 
island and other states for two reasons. First, given the possible severity 
of climate impacts, a sober and serious consideration is needed regarding 
the potentials, limits and risks of climate engineering. Second – and 
perhaps more importantly **–** to be informed and able to make sound 
decisions should the Pacific island states be approached by governments, 
business people, activists, or others (including scientists in search of 
research platforms) with regard to the topic.”*

Workshop Report - Perspectives on Climate Engineering from Pacific Small 
Island States [9]

So, let us hope for the vigorous, civil and well informed ‘climate 
geoengineering’ debate!
And in all languages!

Conscious of my limitations as a ‘lay person’ but hoping to contribute to 
the debate in a positive way, I have written this post, prompted by a 

[geo] It's a bit like a tree: How comparing geoengineering to the natural world bolsters support | Carbon Brief

2014-05-22 Thread Andrew Lockley

It’s a bit like a tree: How comparing geoengineering to the natural world
bolsters support

22 May 2014, 10:49
Ros Donald Katie Walker

Using pipes to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, and storing it
underground: doesn't sound very natural. But what if you were encouraged to
think of the process as similar to the role trees perform in nature? A new
study finds likening geoengineering to bits of the natural world is more
likely to make people feel supportive of technologies that change the
climate.Most people are very attached to nature, and strongly opposed to
processes that appear to tamper with it - like so-called geoengineering,
which aims to artificially cool the climate.

Working from this starting point, a new study from Cardiff University tests
whether likening geoengineering to natural processes might reverse some of
that negative feeling.Because geoengineering is a relatively new idea,
researchers talking about it have to find ways to explain what it is. Using
analogies is one easy way, as Dr Adam Corner, a co-author of the research,
says:Scientists and researchers talking about geoengineering are looking
for analogies to describe their research. They may describe sucking carbon
dioxide out of the air as similar to the workings of an artificial tree, or
pumping particles into the air to reflect heat away in terms of how
volcanoes work.

These analogies can be suggested by the way some geoengineering processes
are supposed to work, he says:

Lots of this language makes sense in some ways - for example, the idea of
pumping sulphate particles into the air comes from the study of volcanoes,
which naturally cool the climate. Our question was that given people care
so much about nature - and they see natural things as less of a threat than
artificial things - how do these analogies affect our perception of

Finding ways to talk about geoengineering

Geoengineering technologies broadly take two forms: either they suck carbon
dioxide out of the air, or they reflect the sun's heat away from the earth.

So far, geoengineering technologies haven't been tested on a large scale,
but even with the limited research that has taken place, there are already
some high-profile examples of public backlash against geoengineering trials.

That's perhaps not surprising. Research looking at geoengineering and other
nature-modifying technologies such as genetic modification suggests people
have a strong instinctive response to them. As the new paper says, people
tend to be fearful of the unintended consequences of climatic intervention
and wary of the possibility that the risks of geoengineering will be
greater than those of the problem they are designed to solve.

It adds that while there appears to be limited support for the idea of
careful, incremental and transparent research into geoengineering, most
people are especially concerned about deploying more drastic-seeming

Putting numbers to the researchTo gain a better understanding of people's
feelings about geoengineering and nature, the researchers asked a
nationally-representative group of 412 participants to take part in an
online survey.

Respondents answered questions about their views on climate change. They
also answered whether or not they knew much about geoengineering.

Next, they read factsheets drawn up by the researchers that either likened
geoengineering processes to natural ones, like the actions of trees or
volcanoes, or used more neutral technical language.After reading the
descriptions, the respondents answered questions about their attitudes to
geoengineering, rating each statement from one to five - the mean of these
ratings is given on the Y axis on the graph below.

As the graph shows, the researchers found that using the natural analogies
gave a small but significant increase in support for geoengineering,
especially among those who are less skeptical about climate change. (The
left-hand column.)They were also asked to give some more nuanced views, for
example, answering whether geoengineering would help the climate more than
hurt it and whether the risks of geoengineering would outweigh the
benefits.They were also asked whether they believed global temperatures
were just too complex to be altered by humans, whether they believed
geoengineering was natural, and whether it was simply wrong to manipulate
nature.In all cases, the paper suggests that the more people associated
geoengineering with natural processes, the more likely it was that people
would say they were supportive of geoengineering.It adds that the results
are quite subtle, but that effects outside of the lab may be more dramatic.
If people in the real world heard natural analogies to describe
geoengineering, they may be significantly more likely to support it.Corner

This finding is important for 

Re: [geo] Re: Sea Ice

2014-05-22 Thread Mike MacCracken
I¹m a bit baffled (and late in responding. The sea water temperatures are
typically very near freezing. The idea might work in the fall but I don¹t
see how it works the rest of the year (ocean temperatures too near freezing
in the winter; air temperatures too high in spring and summer).


On 5/17/14 5:57 PM, ecologist wrote:

 Greg, Ron, Peter, Geo-group
 The technology proposed by Zhou and Flynn [1]
 Ocean_Currents_A_Cost_Assessment/file/60b7d51ae05c2c75ae.pdf  to ³re-ice the
 Arctic² during the winter uses snow cannons powered by wind turbines floating
 on barges.
 In his doctoral thesis of Dr. Denis Bonnelle proposed a similar technology
 called ³Polar air and water freezing towers² for Polar Regions like in
 northern Norway or Alaska, where high mountains are close to the sea.
 The scheme of the thermal device proposed by Bonnelle (pages 120-125
 gy-towers_etc.pdf ) consist in transporting sea water till the top of
 northern mountains where the air is very cold, have a heat exchange between
 the cold air and the water which is carried back downhill to the ocean just
 before freezing, where floating ice and saltier water are released. The water
 is transported up and down in an open conveyor, cooled at the top of the
 mountain under a tall chimney, where the air that cooled the water has been
 warmed up and rises. The buoyancy of this hotter air than ambient warms drives
 turbines at the bottom of the chimney, producing renewable energy.
 There are multiple benefits provided by this thermal device: at the tower
 output moist air is released, which can favor snow falls, and thus increase
 the polar albedo replacing old ice on glaciers, probably polluted with soot
 and black carbon by whiter and fresher snow with high albedo. The ice released
 in the sea increases sea ice content, and increases Earth albedo. The saltier
 water released helps to the preservation of downwelling ocean currents and,
 last but not least, carbon-free electricity is produced.
 The capacity of these ³Polar air and water freezing towers² and ³ice-producing
 barges² to re-ice the Arctic, increase Earth albedo and to prevent methane
 hydrates destabilization deserves more scientific studies to prove the
 concept, which is worth being evaluated in light of the potential multiple
 Many other similar concepts are proposed in
 Scheme of the ³snow-cannons to re-ice the Arctic² proposed by P. Flynn [1]
 Image: A.Naeg/AFP/Scanpix. The ³ice-producing barges² are powered by wind
 Scheme of the ³water freezing towers² to re-ice the Arctic proposed by D.
 Bonnelle [2]
 gy-towers_etc.pdf , also in [3]
 [1] S. Zhou  P.C. Flynn. Geoengineering downwelling ocean currents: a cost
 , Clim Change, 71 (1-2) (2005), pp. 203-220.
 [2] D. Bonnelle. Solar chimney, water spraying energy tower, and linked
 renewable energy conversion devices: presentation, criticism and proposals.
 Doctoral thesis, July 2004 at University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France
 gy-towers_etc.pdf  (Registration Number: 129-2004)
 [3] D. Bonnelle. Vent artificiel OETall is Beautifull¹. Cosmogone Ed. 2003,
 ISBN: 2-914238-33-9
 =26 , Lyon, France [in French].
 Le mardi 13 mai 2014 17:07:43 UTC+2, peter.flynn a écrit :

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[geo] Nature's OIF

2014-05-22 Thread Rau, Greg
Move over Russ George.
the team estimated that the flux of bioavailable iron into the ocean from 
glaciers currently is between 400,000 and 2.5 million metric tons annually from 
Greenland and up to 100,000 metric tons from Antarctica.
Governance that.

Glacial melt pouring iron into the ocean -- study

Christa Marshall, EE reporter

Published: Thursday, May 22, 2014

Call it natural geoengineering.

Scientists report in a new study this week that glacial melt may be funneling 
significant amounts of reactive iron into the ocean, where it may counter some 
of the negative effects of climate change by boosting algal blooms that capture 
carbon. The paper, published in Nature Communications, adds to a body of 
research suggesting that melting ice at both poles may have widespread 
consequences beyond rising sea levels.

The theory goes that the more iron you add, the more productive these plankton 
are, and thus the more CO2 is taken out of the atmosphere in photosynthesis, 
said Jon Hawkings, a doctoral student at the University of Bristol and lead 
author of the 
 Plankton 'fix' CO2 much like trees.

The work could help improve climate models of the future and fill in data holes 
about major climate transitions and ice ages in the past, he said. The effects 
on Antarctica in particular will need additional examination, he said, as iron 
currently is limited in the Southern Ocean.

Hawkings and a research team from four United Kingdom-based universities tested 
meltwater collected from the Leverett glacier in Greenland during summer 2012 
and detected large amounts of iron nanoparticles known as ferrihydrite. 
Ferrihydrite is considered to be bioavailable iron because it is easily used 
by plankton in lab experiments, Hawkings said.

Through the detected iron mineral levels in their samples, the team estimated 
that the flux of bioavailable iron into the ocean from glaciers currently is 
between 400,000 and 2.5 million metric tons annually from Greenland and up to 
100,000 metric tons from Antarctica.

That means that polar regions may rival wind-blown dust as a source of ocean 
iron. The contribution from Greenland alone could range from 8 to 50 percent of 
the global ocean flux of bioavailable iron, Hawkings said.

The iron ore counter-effect

A decade ago, a common hypothesis was that rivers and dust supplied the ocean 
with most of its iron. Since then, scientists have reported in several papers 
that icebergs and deep-sea hydrothermal vents also may be significant 

A study last year found that a Greenland glacier was releasing iron, but it did 
not assess as large an area and for as long of a period of time as his study, 
Hawkings said. The studied area of the Leverett glacier, for instance, is more 
than 600 kilometers squared, while earlier work assessed a glacier about 5 
kilometers squared, he said.

Our study is the first to date to follow a whole melt season and the first to 
have looked at a large glacial catchment, he said.

Matt Charette, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 
and co-author of an 
earlierpaper on 
Greenland-supplied iron, said although the new study overlaps somewhat with his 
prior work, it provides new details.

A case could be made that a larger system like the one they studied is more 
appropriate for scaling up to the entire ice sheet, he said.

Kenneth Coale, a scientist at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, said the paper 
was nicely done and added to understanding of how iron may provide a 
counter-effect to climate change.

The Greenland iron originates from stored subglacial meltwater that gets 
flushed out by surface waters carried through tunnels and cracks in ice 
during the melt season, Hawkings said. It's not fully understood how far the 
iron travels once in the ocean, but it likely stays near both poles. Evidence 
exists for transport a few 100 kilometers out to sea, but only limited amounts 
will reach the open ocean, he said.

It's also not fully understood how the iron will interact with polar 
ecosystems. Scientists have long known that iron-fueled algae can eat up 
carbon, leading to speculation that iron fertilization might be a 
geoengineering option to cool the planet. It also holds the possibility of 
boosting marine life that feed on plankton. A community in Canada two years 
ago, for instance, dumped large amounts of iron dust into the ocean to try to 
boost salmon stocks.

In the case of natural iron fertilization via ice sheets, the positive likely 
outweighs the negative, in the sense that carbon will be removed in an area 
highly vulnerable to warming, and extra algae may help polar marine life 
threatened by warming, Hawkings said. He noted that algae can boost krill, 
which can in turn can feed fish, whales and seals.

However, he pointed to a 

Re: [geo] Re: Sea Ice

2014-05-22 Thread Stephen Salter


During winter if you suck the water up fast from a bit below the surface 
you should be able to pump it some distance before it is frozen 
especially if we can use insulted pipes.  You would not be able to stop 
but you could back away from the edge of the extending ice.  We need to 
do the sums about latent heat and heat transfer from air to a moving 
jet.  The ideal would be freezing shortly after landing but, if the ice 
is fairly flat, the rate of draining will be quite slow.

If there is any chance of a break in energy supply we would need to warm 
up frozen pumping equipment but I understand that Canadians have to do 
this every winter morning to start their cars so it is not a show stopper.


On 22/05/2014 15:46, Mike MacCracken wrote:
Re: [geo] Re: Sea Ice I'm a bit baffled (and late in responding. The 
sea water temperatures are typically very near freezing. The idea 
might work in the fall but I don't see how it works the rest of the 
year (ocean temperatures too near freezing in the winter; air 
temperatures too high in spring and summer).


On 5/17/14 5:57 PM, ecologist wrote:

Greg, Ron, Peter, Geo-group

The technology proposed by Zhou and Flynn [1]
 to /re-ice the Arctic/ during the winter uses snow cannons
powered by wind turbines floating on barges.

In his doctoral thesis of Dr. Denis Bonnelle proposed a similar
technology called /Polar air and water freezing towers/ for
Polar Regions like in northern Norway or Alaska, where high
mountains are close to the sea.
The scheme of the thermal device proposed by Bonnelle (pages
) consist in transporting sea water till the top of northern
mountains where the air is very cold, have a heat exchange between
the cold air and the water which is carried back downhill to the
ocean just before freezing, where floating ice and saltier water
are released. The water is transported up and down in an open
conveyor, cooled at the top of the mountain under a tall chimney,
where the air that cooled the water has been warmed up and rises.
The buoyancy of this hotter air than ambient warms drives turbines
at the bottom of the chimney, producing renewable energy.
There are multiple benefits provided by this thermal device: at
the tower output moist air is released, which can favor snow
falls, and thus increase the polar albedo _replacing old ice on
glaciers, probably polluted with soot and black carbon by whiter
and fresher snow with high albedo_. The ice released in the sea
increases sea ice content, and increases Earth albedo. The saltier
water released helps to the preservation of downwelling ocean
currents and, last but not least, carbon-free electricity is produced.
The capacity of these /Polar air and water freezing towers/ and
/ice-producing barges/ to *re-ice the Arctic, increase Earth
albedo and to prevent methane hydrates destabilization* deserves
more scientific studies to prove the concept, which is worth being
evaluated in light of the potential multiple benefits.
Many other similar concepts are proposed in

/Scheme of the snow-cannons to re-ice the Arctic**proposed by P.
Flynn [1]

/Image: A.Naeg/AFP/Scanpix. The /ice-producing barges /are
powered by wind turbines.

Scheme of the /water freezing towers/ to re-ice the
Arctic**proposed by D. Bonnelle [2]
, also in [3]

[1] S. Zhou  P.C. Flynn. Geoengineering downwelling ocean
currents: a cost assessment
, Clim Change, 71 (1-2) (2005), pp. 203--220.
[2] D. Bonnelle. Solar chimney, water spraying energy tower, and
linked renewable energy conversion devices: presentation,
criticism and proposals. Doctoral thesis, July 2004 at University
Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France

Re: [geo] Nature's OIF

2014-05-22 Thread Andrew Lockley
Whether that's a positive or negative feedback depends on the albedo impact
of the species promoted.

This is the subject of my current research.

On 22 May 2014 17:37, Rau, Greg wrote:

  Move over Russ George.
 the team estimated that the flux of bioavailable iron into the ocean
 from glaciers currently is between 400,000 and 2.5 million metric tons
 annually from Greenland and up to 100,000 metric tons from Antarctica.
  Governance that.

  RESEARCH: Glacial melt pouring iron into the ocean -- study

 Christa Marshall, EE reporter
 Published: Thursday, May 22, 2014

 Call it natural geoengineering.

 Scientists report in a new study this week that glacial melt may be
 funneling significant amounts of reactive iron into the ocean, where it may
 counter some of the negative effects of climate change by boosting algal
 blooms that capture carbon. The paper, published in *Nature
 Communications*, adds to a body of research suggesting that melting ice
 at both poles may have widespread consequences beyond rising sea levels.

 The theory goes that the more iron you add, the more productive these
 plankton are, and thus the more CO2 is taken out of the atmosphere in
 photosynthesis, said Jon Hawkings, a doctoral student at the University of
 Bristol and lead author of the 
 Plankton 'fix' CO2 much like trees.

 The work could help improve climate models of the future and fill in data
 holes about major climate transitions and ice ages in the past, he said.
 The effects on Antarctica in particular will need additional examination,
 he said, as iron currently is limited in the Southern Ocean.

 Hawkings and a research team from four United Kingdom-based universities
 tested meltwater collected from the Leverett glacier in Greenland during
 summer 2012 and detected large amounts of iron nanoparticles known as
 ferrihydrite. Ferrihydrite is considered to be bioavailable iron because
 it is easily used by plankton in lab experiments, Hawkings said.

 Through the detected iron mineral levels in their samples, the team
 estimated that the flux of bioavailable iron into the ocean from glaciers
 currently is between 400,000 and 2.5 million metric tons annually from
 Greenland and up to 100,000 metric tons from Antarctica.

 That means that polar regions may rival wind-blown dust as a source of
 ocean iron. The contribution from Greenland alone could range from 8 to 50
 percent of the global ocean flux of bioavailable iron, Hawkings said.
  The iron ore counter-effect

 A decade ago, a common hypothesis was that rivers and dust supplied the
 ocean with most of its iron. Since then, scientists have reported in
 several papers that icebergs and deep-sea hydrothermal vents also may be
 significant contributors.

 A study last year found that a Greenland glacier was releasing iron, but
 it did not assess as large an area and for as long of a period of time as
 his study, Hawkings said. The studied area of the Leverett glacier, for
 instance, is more than 600 kilometers squared, while earlier work assessed
 a glacier about 5 kilometers squared, he said.

 Our study is the first to date to follow a whole melt season and the
 first to have looked at a large glacial catchment, he said.

 Matt Charette, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic
 Institution and co-author of an 
 earlierpaper on
 Greenland-supplied iron, said although the new study overlaps somewhat with
 his prior work, it provides new details.

 A case could be made that a larger system like the one they studied is
 more appropriate for scaling up to the entire ice sheet, he said.

 Kenneth Coale, a scientist at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, said the
 paper was nicely done and added to understanding of how iron may provide
 a counter-effect to climate change.

 The Greenland iron originates from stored subglacial meltwater that gets
 flushed out by surface waters carried through tunnels and cracks in ice
 during the melt season, Hawkings said. It's not fully understood how far
 the iron travels once in the ocean, but it likely stays near both poles.
 Evidence exists for transport a few 100 kilometers out to sea, but only
 limited amounts will reach the open ocean, he said.

 It's also not fully understood how the iron will interact with polar
 ecosystems. Scientists have long known that iron-fueled algae can eat up
 carbon, leading to speculation that iron fertilization might be a
 geoengineering option to cool the planet. It also holds the possibility of
 boosting marine life that feed on plankton. A community in Canada two years
 ago, for instance, dumped large amounts of iron dust into the ocean to try
 to boost salmon stocks.

 In the case of natural iron fertilization via ice sheets, the positive
 likely outweighs the negative, in the sense that carbon will be removed in
 an area 

[geo] EGU GE post mortem

2014-05-22 Thread Rau, Greg

Selected quotes:

If it's enough of an emergency to deploy the solar geoengineering system, it's 
enough of an emergency to stop deploying devices--power plants, 
automobiles--that make the problem worse.

We should wait until we see that the emissions are stabilized in the 
atmosphere before we think about advancing emergency button scenarios such as 

Accelerating melting of the the globe's major ice sheets isn't an planetary 
emergency right now?

If you take an assessment of the current state of knowledge for all of the 
proposed techniques to remove CO2 from the atmosphere--at least the ones that I 
am aware of--you have to account for very long time scales, generally in 
decades, before you would have a significant impact from these techniques, he 
said. We can't count on proposed CO2 removal measures to notably supplement 
mitigation measures anytime in the near future.

H... 55% of our current CO2 emissions don't stay in the atmosphere due to 
natural CDR.  I'd say that's beating the heck out any emissions reduction we've 
achieved. Unthinkable that we can't up this percentage some, in the near term, 
just in case that emissions reduction thing doesn't get the job done?


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