OT Downloading BBC radio shows with ANDROID.

2020-06-02 Thread batguano999
There's info about using get_iplayer with ANDROID here...

I don't know whether it works or not.
There has been no feedback since it was posted way back in 2015.

But BBC radio shows can be downloaded with ANDROID using youtube-dl program 
instead of get_iplayer.
No need for that Sounds app.

And youtube-dl is useful for many other sites too.
eg SoundCloud
and others...

youtube-dl is a "command-line" program so to run it with ANDROID a "terminal 
emulation" app such as Termux is needed.

There is info all over the www about youtube-dl and Termux and ANDROID.

This is a very good how-to...

But where are the files going to be downloaded?
Well, in my case, I changed directory first.
$ cd storage/shared
But you can download them somewhere else if you wish.
eg to an sdcard
So cd first before you run youtube-dl commands.

To download a file...
$ youtube-dl 
$ youtube-dl [params] 

Lots of help at...
$ youtube-dl --help

The [params] that I use are...
--format worstaudio
For the low-bitrate versions.

Info about youtube-dl is here...
Info about Termux is here...

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Re "Issues with Large Files" and "Recent Radio Downloads Not Playing".

2017-01-28 Thread batguano999
> Many portable players have limited fast forward 
>and skipping capabilities so it makes it easier to skip to a file part way 
>through to resume listening.

I only split the files because my mp3 player won't play m4a files with duration 
greater than 30 minutes.
But yes, I agree, even if my player would play long m4a files it would probably 
be troublesome to seek and fast forward with a 2-hour or 3-hour file on this 
little player.

The re-muxed segmented files look like this...

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Re "Issues with Large Files" and "Recent Radio Downloads Not Playing".

2017-01-27 Thread batguano999

>The resultant file with a duration of 1800s 
>(30min) did play on the AGPtEK player, but durations of 1900s and more did 
>not play. That is an improvement on 14min

So you could probably download a m4a radio show that is not longer than 1800 
get_iplayer --force --mode=dashhigh --raw --type=radio url=
Then de-mux it...
ffmpeg -i foo.m4a -c copy foo.aac
Then re-mux it...
mp4creator -create=foo.aac NEW_foo.m4a

I do something like this all with the all de-mux/re-mux done in a --command.
get_iplayer --force --mode=dashhigh --raw --type=radio url= 

Also with long shows I use a --command to split them into half hour segments 
and de-mux/re-mux them all.
The files play sequentially in my mp3 player.
After each half hour there is a "clunk" as the file changes.
Like an 8-track cart player back in the day.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Re "Issues with Large Files" and "Recent Radio Downloads Not Playing".

2017-01-25 Thread batguano999

>The next question is how to convert AVC3 to AVC1 or AAC. I have already 
>tried using ffmpeg and its aac codec. It was very slow and I still couldn't 
>play the file. I have also tried the Nero encoder
This is pointless.
If you're converting from lossy to lossy aac you might as well convert from 
lossy to lossy mp3.

By the way, what about this?
>Create a 30 minute "raw aac" test file with FFmpeg...
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i sine=d=1800 -y 1800_testfile.aac
>Mux it into m4a with mp4creator...
mp4creator -create=1800_testfile.aac 1800_testfile.m4a
>See if it plays OK... with your "£19 AGPtEK player"

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Converting DASHhigh to FLAC with ffmpeg

2017-01-24 Thread batguano999

>I am now talking about current half hour radio program downloads which 
>suddenly no longer play. 
>Nobody else has reported the recent problem with relatively short files 
>so I do not know if this is a bug in GiP or my system and nobody else is 
>joining this discussion. 

This isn't helpful at all - "current half hour radio program downloads".
You need to run your command with --verbose and copy/paste all the console 
If your downloaded file won't play then post all the (anonymized) output to 
pastebin or text attachment or whatever.
Maybe others can then run the same command and confirm that their files have 
the "Unknown profile" symptom or not.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Re "Issues with Large Files" and "Recent Radio Downloads Not Playing".

2017-01-23 Thread batguano999

>What does it mean if the shorter M4A/AAC files play but longer ones don't, 
>because that is the situation I have? I can get the files to play if I run 
>mp4box, which introduces 500ms interleaving, but only for files up to about 
>Do you have any suggestions for multiplexers which work better with problem 
Probably it means that your hardware player is very picky about how the aac is 
Not as lenient as the software players such as VLC.

I am able to play m4a files up to 30 minutes duration when muxed with 
mp4creator program.

Create a 30 minute "raw aac" test file with FFmpeg...
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i sine=d=1800 -y 1800_testfile.aac

Mux it into m4a with mp4creator...
mp4creator -create=1800_testfile.aac 1800_testfile.m4a

See if it plays OK.

mp4creator is here ---> 

It works with Linux and Wine too...
~ $ wine ./mp4creator.exe -version
Z:\home\user\mp4creator.exe - mpeg4ip version 1.6.1e-pre

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Re "Issues with Large Files" and "Recent Radio Downloads Not Playing".

2017-01-23 Thread batguano999

>I would point out however that these files are mono at about 70 kbp/s 
To emulate the BBC files the command would be like this... 
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i sine=d=900 -y -c:a aac -b:a 320k -ac 2 -ar 48000 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Re "Issues with Large Files" and "Recent Radio Downloads Not Playing".

2017-01-23 Thread batguano999

>Trouble is, if this is due to ffmpeg update, I have no idea when change 
>took place but certainly within the last week or so. (Or on reflection 
>was it when I upgraded from openSUSE 42.1 to 42.2??? Groan) How can I 
>find that info on my system? That would at least enable me to test and 
>if correct demonstrate to ffmpeg that they have introduced a bug. 

To check whether your version of FFmpeg creates m4a files that play nice with 
the Linn...
Create some test files with different durations... 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 
minutes etc. up to 3 hours.
If they all play OK then you can eliminate FFmpeg.

This is how to ceate a 15 minute (900 second) test file.
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i sine=d=900 -y 900_FFmpeg.m4a
@mint ~ $ ffmpeg -f lavfi -i sine=d=900 -y 900_FFmpeg.m4a
ffmpeg version git-2017-01-21-cde007d Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg 
 built with gcc 5.4.0 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 20160609
 configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libvorbis 
 libavutil 55. 43.100 / 55. 43.100
 libavcodec 57. 75.100 / 57. 75.100
 libavformat 57. 62.100 / 57. 62.100
 libavdevice 57. 2.100 / 57. 2.100
 libavfilter 6. 69.100 / 6. 69.100
 libswscale 4. 3.101 / 4. 3.101
 libswresample 2. 4.100 / 2. 4.100
 libpostproc 54. 2.100 / 54. 2.100
Input #0, lavfi, from 'sine=d=900':
 Duration: N/A, start: 0.00, bitrate: 705 kb/s
 Stream #0:0: Audio: pcm_s16le, 44100 Hz, mono, s16, 705 kb/s
Output #0, ipod, to '900_FFmpeg.m4a':
 encoder : Lavf57.62.100
 Stream #0:0: Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, mono, fltp, 69 kb/s
 encoder : Lavc57.75.100 aac
Stream mapping:
 Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (pcm_s16le (native) -> aac (native))
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
size= 7765kB time=00:15:00.00 bitrate= 70.7kbits/s speed=51.4x 
video:0kB audio:7613kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing 
overhead: 1.999211%
[aac @ 0x372b8e0] Qavg: 314.807
@mint ~ $ AtomicParsley 900_FFmpeg.m4a -T 1
AtomicParsley version: 0.9.6 (utf8)
Movie duration: 900.024 seconds (15:0.02) - 69.29* kbp/sec bitrate 
Low-level details. Total tracks: 1
Trk Type Handler Kind Lang Bytes
1 soun SoundHandler mp4a und 7795324
 69.29 kbp/s MPEG-4 AAC Low Complexity/LC Profile channels: [1]

get_iplayer mailing list

Re "Issues with Large Files" and "Recent Radio Downloads Not Playing".

2017-01-23 Thread batguano999

I think that your problems are caused because the aac files muxed by FFmpeg 
into m4a when using get_iplayer are not compatible with your Linn DS devices.
This is also the case with some other hardware players. I know from personal 
Linn have told you "...the problems are caused by the file..."
And if you can be bothered to file a bug report to FFmpeg they will probably 
tell you that it is your player that's "buggy".
To play the BBC music files with their original aac data unconverted you might 
be able to do this by using a different m4a muxer instead of FFmpeg.
That's what I have to do.

But some work is needed, chatter about "radio 3 operas" and "The News Quiz" 
won't cut it.

get_iplayer mailing list

Fix this dumb mailing list.

2017-01-23 Thread batguano999

"Message has a suspicious header".

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Audio/Video Out of Sync

2016-08-18 Thread batguano999

>I'll git and build a current version of ffmpeg as it is about time I did 
>this anyway. But the gip related question this raises in my mind is that, 
>having done this, how best to have gip use such a new version for its 
>after-fetch conversions? 

If you have a version of FFmpeg, either compiled and installed by yourself or a 
static one in a folder somewhere downloaded from 
You can tell get_iplayer to use it each time (or set it for good in the 
get_iplayer preferences).
External Program Options:
 --ffmpeg   Location of ffmpeg or avconv binary. 
Synonyms: --avconv

get_iplayer --mode=hlsstd --type=radio --verbose --force --ffmpeg 
/home/user/ffmpeg http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07nn8kd

See from the paste ---> http://pastebin.com/raw/JUY8ZeWg

It has used the static FFmpeg...
ffmpeg version N-81378-gbba6a03-static http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/  
Copyright (c) 2000-2016 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 5.4.1 (Debian 5.4.1-1) 20160803

Instead of my own (installed) FFmpeg...
ffmpeg version git-2016-08-17-fabff10 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 the FFmpeg 
  built with gcc 4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3)

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Audio/Video Out of Sync

2016-08-15 Thread batguano999

 > I think so far we have worked out quite a lot about the problems ...

Those hls streams give problems with "some" radio shows too...

Flash downloads OK...
$ get_iplayer --force --mode=flashstd --stream --type=radio 
--url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07nn86s | \
ffmpeg -y -i - -ac 1 -ar 16000 -sample_fmt s16 -map_metadata -1 

Output #0, flac, to 'flashstd_flac.flac':
encoder : Lavf57.46.101
Stream #0:0: Audio: flac, 16000 Hz, mono, s16, 128 kb/s
  encoder : Lavc57.51.102 flac
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (aac (native) -> flac (native))
180355.014 kB / 10995.18 sec (99.9%)size=  218872kB time=03:03:10.36 bitrate= 
163.1kbits/s speed=30.6x
Download complete

INFO: Streaming completed successfully
size=  218961kB time=03:03:15.20 bitrate= 163.1kbits/s speed=30.6x
video:0kB audio:218953kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB 
muxing overhead: 0.003697%

But hls throws out garbage (sometimes)...
$ get_iplayer --force --mode=hlsstd --stream --type=radio 
--url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07nn86s | \
ffmpeg -y -i - -ac 1 -ar 16000 -sample_fmt s16 -map_metadata -1 hlsstd_flac.flac

Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] channel element 2.14 is not allocated
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] channel element 3.8 is not allocated
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Reserved bit set.
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] channel element 3.7 is not allocated
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Sample rate index in program config element does not match 
the sample rate index configured by the container.
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Remapped id too large
[aac @ 0xacb29c0]  is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest 
one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a 
feature which has not been implemented.
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to 
ftp://upload.ffmpeg.org/incoming/ and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. 
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Not yet implemented in FFmpeg, patches welcome
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Number of scalefactor bands in group (15) exceeds limit (14).
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Reserved bit set.
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] channel element 2.8 is not allocated
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] channel element 2.1 is not allocated
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Prediction is not allowed in AAC-LC.
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Number of bands (20) exceeds limit (4).
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] channel element 3.9 is not allocated
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Number of bands (7) exceeds limit (1).
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Sample rate index in program config element does not match 
the sample rate index configured by the container.
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] Inconsistent channel configuration.
[aac @ 0xacb29c0] get_buffer() failed
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid argum

And sometimes hls is OK...
$ get_iplayer --force --mode=hlsstd --stream --type=radio 
--url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07nnbjr | \
ffmpeg -y -i - -ac 1 -ar 16000 -sample_fmt s16 -map_metadata -1 

Output #0, flac, to 'hlsstd_flac2.flac':
encoder : Lavf57.46.101
Stream #0:0: Audio: flac, 16000 Hz, mono, s16, 128 kb/s
  encoder : Lavc57.51.102 flacINFO: Streaming completed successfully
size=2745kB time=00:02:13.52 bitrate= 168.4kbits/s speed=29.2x
video:0kB audio:2737kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing 
overhead: 0.295743%

Re: Another BBC News Clip

2016-02-05 Thread batguano999

 On Fri, 05 Feb 2016 15:02:48 + CJB  wrote  
>OK - guys. Please how can I download these clips: 
They can be downloaded with RTMPDump if there isn't a get_iplayer method.
Information here ---> http://pastebin.com/raw/CwFHNM4d

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: OT: Help with Broken Downloads Please

2015-12-22 Thread batguano999

>... is there a Linux command that would apply 
>that line to all aac files in a folder, taking the existing name.aac and 
>using it to output name.mp4? Something like a Windows wild card which 
>would ren *.aac to *.m4a? All the file names are as gip/BBC delivered 
>them so they are complex, with underscore characters and date/time stamps. 
This seems to be OK...
for f in *.aac; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc "${f%.aac}".m4a; 

>Then, if it could recursively do that to each folder beneath the upper 
>level - well, that really would be the icing on the cake. 
Dream on

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: OT: Help with Broken Downloads Please

2015-12-22 Thread batguano999

 > I believe this confirms my view that there is something there!!! 
 > I assume running it through ffmpeg will sort it out but I need help with 
 > correct commands. 
 > ___ 
 > get_iplayer mailing list 
 > get_iplayer@lists.infradead.org 
 > http://lists.infradead.org/mailman/listinfo/get_iplayer 
Your original post says they contain aac.
So an FFmpeg command would be like this...
ffmpeg -i foo.mp3 -c copy foo.m4a

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: OT: Help with Broken Downloads Please

2015-12-22 Thread batguano999

>Here is what file reports:- 
>:~/GiP_Recordings> file 
>Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0 
>I believe this confirms my view that there is something there!!! 
It would be good to find out what's there with "MediaInfo" program.

get_iplayer mailing list

[SOLVED] Need help with "command" function.

2015-11-12 Thread batguano999

I am not able to use "reply" or "reply all" at present.

Thanks Vangelis.
I had used "XfileprefixX.mp3" and "XfileprefixX.m4a".
Should have used ".mp3" and "".

This works with Ubuntu Linux. Quick conversion - no artwork, no metadata.

get_iplayer --raw --force --type=radio -c 'ffmpeg -i "" -f wav - | 
gogo -b 96 stdin ".mp3"; rm ""' --get "Bells on Sunday"

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: [SOLVED] Need help with "command" function.

2015-11-12 Thread batguano999

>Hope you get to the bottom of it soon... :-) 
Seems to be working again now.
>So, in your setup the OS knows where to find the ffmpeg binary 
>by simply issuing "ffmpeg"; the same should be true with the GOGO-no-coda
Yes, that's right. 
>> no artwork, no metadata. 
My mp3 player doesn't show artwork or metadata.

get_iplayer mailing list

Need help with "command" function.

2015-11-06 Thread batguano999

Please can somebody show me a working example of the "command" function.

This is what I'm trying...
get_iplayer --force --type=radio --mode=flashaaclow --command="ffmpeg -i 
XfileprefixX.m4a -vn -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 96k XfileprefixX.mp3; rm 
XfileprefixX.m4a" --get "Bells on Sunday"

But it ignores the "command" to leave only the downloaded m4a file and an error 
XfileprefixX.m4a: No such file or directory
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
ERROR: Command Exit Code: 1

It can't seem to find the m4a file to let it re-encode and delete.
Should I be using something else instead of "XfileprefixX.mp3" and 

My operating system is Ubuntu-12.04.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Paywall for iPlayer?

2015-07-06 Thread batguano999

You have broadband and a computer / 'smart' sic TV. Egro, you are 
equipped to access iplayer, thus require a license.

That's a computer license then.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: My bat_iplayer script now has a problem.

2015-06-06 Thread batguano999

 On Fri, 05 Jun 2015 00:43:13 + Vangelis 
forthnetnorthmed...@the.forthnet.gr wrote  
  On Thu Jun 4 09:47:34 BST 2015, Jon Davies wrote: 
   this should work: 
   TITLE=$(wget --quiet -O - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/$PID.rdf | 
   grep dc:title | sed -re s/ *dc:title(.*?)#92;/dc:title/#92;1/) 
   Hi, Jon! 
   No doubt batguano999 would be thankful for your code... 

Not at all, it doesn't work.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: My bat_iplayer script now has a problem.

2015-06-03 Thread batguano999

Line 28 of your bash script uses the blocked 
XML playlist URL - as per my comments above, 
this won't get you now the proper prog title :-( 

Yes, it fails to generate the title so it defaults to lines 30/31/32

if [ -z $TITLE ]

so the result is radio_b05wndrq.m4a with radio instead of the title.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: Another download failure ...

2015-02-16 Thread batguano999
.. I tried to fetch this using a normal command-line command...

We can't see it though.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Another download failure ...

2015-02-16 Thread batguano999

  .. I tried to fetch this using a normal command-line command... 
 My bad, picked up part way through a thread.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GitHub repo moved

2014-12-15 Thread batguano999

 On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 07:01:37 -0800 dinkypumpkin  wrote  
GitHub repo has been moved to: 

It's working OK for me.
Just changed address

This shows date last updated...
@xubuntu:~$  ls -lh /usr/bin | grep -i get_iplayer
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root   root391K Nov 28 13:21 get_iplayer
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root  11 Oct 17  2011 get-iplayer - get_iplayer

This is my update command...
cd ~/; sudo rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; \
wget github.com/get-iplayer/get_iplayer/archive/master.tar.gz -qO- | tar -xz; 
cd get_iplayer-master; \
sudo cp get_iplayer /usr/bin/get_iplayer

This shows new date...
@xubuntu:~/build/get_iplayer-master$ ls -lh /usr/bin | grep -i get_iplayer
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root   root413K Dec 15 16:42 get_iplayer
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root  11 Oct 17  2011 get-iplayer - get_iplayer

(Perhaps there is a slick way to download only the latest script and put it 
into /usr/bin without cloning the whole git, but my method works OK.)

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GitHub repo moved

2014-12-15 Thread batguano999
  so you can use wget or curl  
  to download just the get_iplayer script: 

Yes, this is the modified command...
cd ~/; sudo rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; \
curl -kLO https://raw.github.com/get-iplayer/get_iplayer/master/get_iplayer; \
sudo cp get_iplayer /usr/bin/get_iplayer

@xubuntu:~$ ls -lh /usr/bin | grep -i get_iplayer
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root   root413K Dec 15 17:31 get_iplayer
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root  11 Oct 17  2011 get-iplayer - get_iplayer

It's strange...
The master.tar.gz file is 266.4KB.
The get_iplayer file on it's own is 412.4 KB.
The wonders of gzip!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-08 Thread batguano999
What I'm hoping to do using get_iplayer is to be able to compare such 
results with an analysis or decoding to LPCM of the flv by other means. 
i.e. use ffmpeg or similar. I'm wondering if anyone else here has already 
done this, or has comments that would help. 
Are you asking for instructions how to use FFmpeg to convert an m4a file 
downloaded with get_iplayer to a different format?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer 2.87 released

2014-10-19 Thread batguano999

 On Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:14:37 -0700 dinkypumpkindinkypump...@gmail.com 
  Release notes here: 
Hi dinkypumpkin
I've updated to v2.87 by replacing the get_iplayer script with the one 
available at
wget github.com/dinkypumpkin/get_iplayer/archive/master.tar.gz

And it shows...
@Xubuntu:~$ get_iplayer
get_iplayer v2.88, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis

Line 27 of the script shows...
my $version = 2.88

Is this intentional, to keep the git version one ahead of the released version?

(Im not complaining, just asking)

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Re: [ANN] get_iplayer 2.87 released

2014-10-19 Thread batguano999

 ... and reverted it back to 2.87

Reverted OK.

@Xubuntu:~$ get_iplayer
get_iplayer v2.87, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis

get_iplayer mailing list

How to download get_iplayer git HEAD snapshot using wget?

2014-04-23 Thread batguano999
To download get_iplayer git HEAD snapshot using wget the command is (currently)

With FFmpeg and X264 (and others) it's possible to use generic commands...
wget git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=snapshot;h=HEAD;sf=tgz
wget git.videolan.org/?p=x264.git;a=snapshot;h=HEAD;sf=tgz

Similarly with github
wget github.com/mstorsjo/fdk-aac/archive/master.tar.gz

Is there a generic wget command to download get_iplayer git HEAD snapshot?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: How to download get_iplayer git HEAD snapshot using wget?

2014-04-23 Thread batguano999

Is there a generic wget command to download get_iplayer git HEAD snapshot? 
If it's not possible to do this with the infradead git I will use 
dinkypumpkin's git. :-)
wget github.com/dinkypumpkin/get_iplayer/archive/master.tar.gz -qO- | tar -xz

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: How to download get_iplayer git HEAD snapshot using wget?

2014-04-23 Thread batguano999

 Our emails crossed.
Yes I will use dinkypumpkin's git.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: How to download get_iplayer git HEAD snapshot using wget?

2014-04-23 Thread batguano999

Our emails crossed.
Yes I will use the dinkypumpkin git.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: War Walks - Green Line

2014-03-19 Thread batguano999
 post their results. 

Looks OK --- http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/702/xt2i.png

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Flashlow and wma only available for some programs

2014-02-22 Thread batguano999

Curious - anyone got any ideas? 

Same result here.
Only flashaaclow versions for those two shows at present.
It is curious, but I suppose it's up to the BBC to decide which streams they 
make available (where and when).

INFO: No specified modes (flashaacstd) available for this programme with 
version 'default' (try using --modes=flashaaclow,rtspaaclow,wma)
ERROR: Failed to record 'Afternoon Drama - McLevy: 1. A Different Path 

INFO: No specified modes (flashaacstd) available for this programme with 
version 'default' (try using --modes=flashaaclow,rtspaaclow,wma)
ERROR: Failed to record 'The Exorcist - Episode 2 (b03vh22d)'

Advanced Audio Codec
Format profile: HE-AACv2 / HE-AAC / LC
Codec ID  : 40
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate  : 48.0 Kbps
Channel(s): 2 channels / 1 channel / 1 channel
Channel positions : Front: L R / Front: C / Front: C
Sampling rate : 44.1 KHz / 44.1 KHz / 22.05 KHz

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Remuxing m4a radio files for digital audio player

2014-02-20 Thread batguano999

... You need to specify an output filename for MP4Box... 
You sure about that? 
It seems that the Windows version of MP4Box does need both INPUT and OUTPUT.
But the Linux version will accept INPUT without OUTPUT, and overwrite.

get_iplayer mailing list

RE: Creating divx encoded files

2014-02-20 Thread batguano999

- Downloaded a short program to test this and ended up with a .avi file 
All good so far, but when I try to play it, I get the audio but no 
video. I've tried several media players that I have installed but they 
are all the same.
Even though you have created an avi file, it still contains the original AVC 
video and AAC audio tracks.
It will play OK in VLC and SMPlayer media players (because they are very 
And these players...DivX player, Windows Media Player and Windows Media Player 
Classic might be too picky.

Also, as others have previously said, the AVC/AAC avi files might not play nice 
with TV sets etc.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Remuxing m4a radio files for digital audio player

2014-02-20 Thread batguano999

It seems that the Windows version of MP4Box 
does need both INPUT and OUTPUT. 
Actually batguano99, I am not seeing this on WinVista SP2 x86; 

Using a 32bit Windows build of MP4Box 
( GPAC version: 0.5.1-DEV-rev4214), I 
input a GiP recorded audio file and ran: 
mp4box -ipod gip.m4a 
Input file was processed and output file overwrote it...

Hi Vangelis
I've just tried again with Windows XP and MPBox-version 0.4.6-DEV
$ MP4Box -ipod foo.m4a
and it worked OK with overwrite as you said.

Previously I might have goofed using the Windows command line. :-(

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Remuxing m4a radio files for digital audio player

2014-02-19 Thread batguano999

I recently bought a new Sandisk Sansa Clip+ portable audio player, and 
I've updated the firmware to Rockbox to allow it to play a greater 
range of files. I can now play get_iplayer radio downloads in M4A 

But they only seek correctly if I remux them using MP4Box 
using the -ipod switch

When you run this command:-
get_iplayer --type=radio --mode=flashaacstd --pid=b03vcywt --force

Does it result in an m4a 128Kbps AAC-LC file?
And does it not seek with Sandisk Sansa Clip+ with Rockbox unless you re-mux it 
with MP4Box -ipod switch?
Is that what you're saying?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Remuxing m4a radio files for digital audio player

2014-02-19 Thread batguano999

aha, I misunderstood the documentation. Thought that filename was something 
more complicated. :-)

So to download and re-mux m4a with overwrite the command is like this:-
get_iplayer --type=radio --mode=flashaacstd --command='MP4Box -ipod 
filename' --pid=b03vcywt

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Remuxing m4a radio files for digital audio player

2014-02-19 Thread batguano999

... You need to specify an output filename for MP4Box...

You sure about that?

--command='MP4Box -ipod filename'

Gives overwrite with this version:-
@Xubuntu:~$ MP4Box -version
MP4Box - GPAC version 0.4.6-DEV-rev

get_iplayer mailing list

RE: 4GB filesize limit

2014-02-13 Thread batguano999

 On Thu, 13 Feb 2014 10:00:22 -0800 Andy Wedge  wrote  

 4GB file limit sounds a lot more like an OS-/Filesystem-driven 
limitation than 
 a get_iplayer limitation. 
Agreed. Sounds like you have hit the FAT32 file size limit. 

I think the 4GB limit might be caused by RTMPDump.
I've downloaded the file using RTMPDump directly, without get_iplayer, and it 
cuts out at 3.99 GiB.
(Using 32-bit Ubuntu-12.04, Ext4 file system)

See here --- http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=MJQnrcpH

In the past I've seen bug reports about some versions of RTMPDump 'bailing out' 
at 4GB. :-(

get_iplayer mailing list

RE: 4GB filesize limit

2014-02-13 Thread batguano999

 4GB file limit sounds a lot more like an OS-/Filesystem-driven
limitation than
 a get_iplayer limitation.

Agreed. Sounds like you have hit the FAT32 file size limit.

I think the 4GB limit might be caused by RTMPDump.
I've downloaded the file using RTMPDump directly, without get_iplayer, and it 
cuts out at 3.99 GiB.
(Using 32-bit Ubuntu-12.04, Ext4 file system)

See here --- http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=MJQnrcpH

In the past I've seen bug reports about some versions of RTMPDump 'bailing out' 
at 4GB. :-(

get_iplayer mailing list

RE: Downloading radio programmes from the BBC radio archive collections

2014-01-19 Thread batguano999

Is there a way to generate an MP4 when downloading?

No, not for this type of archive video clip.
They use Sorenson Spark video codec, it's not suitable for mp4 files.
(You would need to convert the avi file to mp4 using an external program).

The radio is an MP3 as I have --aactomp3 in my preferences so that's OK. 

This type of archive audio clip already uses mp3 codec, get_iplayer will ignore 
the --aactomp3 preference.
(No need to convert from mp3 to mp3).

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Downloading radio programmes from the BBC radio archive collections

2014-01-18 Thread batguano999
Is it possible to use get_iplayer to download programmes / clips from the 
radio archive? 
For example James Bond: 

Yes it's possible.

Like this for audio clips:-
get_iplayer --type=radio 

Like this for video clips:-
get_iplayer --url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/james_bond/12602.shtml;

get_iplayer mailing list