[Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] NumberedBookmarks : Allow warning of bookmarks becoming invalid to be suppressed (Feature Request) (Issue #1367)

2024-07-19 Thread rovf via Github-comments
The NumberedBookmarks plugin saves the bookmarks. If Geany is terminated and 
the file modified, and later again opened by Geany, the plugin issues a warning 
for every open file, that the bookmarks can't be restored.

This is annoying, when working  - for instance - with Git. When I terminate 
Geany, checkout a different branch, and restart Geany, the files will be 
reloaded, but of course based on the version of the new branch. This will 
invalidate the bookmarks of all files. This can't be helped, but in this case, 
I don't want to manually acknowledge the bookmark warning for every file. I 
would prefer instead that the bookmarks silently are reset, if it is not 
possible to restore them. 

Since not everyone will probably want this behaviour, this should be 

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Feature request: Allow all markers (bookmark) in a document to be removed at with one go (Issue #3925)

2024-07-18 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Thanks a lot. This works.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Feature request: Allow all markers (bookmark) in a document to be removed at with one go (Issue #3925)

2024-07-16 Thread rovf via Github-comments
It would be handy to have a shortcut / menu entry, which would remove all 
markers set in the current document.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Feature request: NumberedBookmarks Plugin should remember bookmarks when Geany is exited. (Issue #1366)

2024-07-16 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Currently, the plugin remembers bookmarks only when I save the file.

If I just look at a file and set bookmarks for the purpose of analysis, and 
then quit Geany (since nothing in the file is changed, I can't force Geany to 
"save" the file), the bookmarks are lost.

It would be great, if bookmark remembering would not only happen on saving, but 
also on quitting.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] Vertical Scrollbar nearly invisible after update to Geany 2.0 (Issue #55)

2024-03-06 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Right you are. There was a syntax error, which was hard to spot: A spare `/` 
character had been inserted somewhere in the edit buffer. I guess I 
accidentally hit this key when editing, without noticing. Works now!

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] Vertical Scrollbar nearly invisible after update to Geany 2.0 (Issue #55)

2024-03-06 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Thank you very much for your attempts to help. I put the code you suggested 
into geany.css (using a min-width of 22px), since I want to have the wide 
scrollbar independent of the theme, and after restarting got indeed a think 
scrollbar, which was convenient to use. However, after terminating Geany and 
starting it a second time,  I had the old, thin scrollbar back, although I 
could verify, that geany.css *does* have the changes. It's a mystery to me

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Make updatechecker plugin for MacOS (Issue #1314)

2024-03-03 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Sadly, Geany has no builtin way to check for updates. It would be great to have 
an updatechecker plugin for MacOS, similar to the one for Linux and Windows.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] "Change Font" does not seem to have effect (Issue #53)

2024-03-03 Thread rovf via Github-comments
The Update Checker does not show up in the Plugin List of Geany, and looking at 
the website for the updatechecker, I see no installation instructions for 
MacOS. My guess is that it is not implemented yet for the Mac.

The font issue can be closed. I think I will open an issue for making the 
updatechecker available for MacOS.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] Vertical Scrollbar nearly invisible after update to Geany 2.0 (Issue #55)

2024-02-27 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Perhaps due to an limitation of MacOS, styling the scrollbar in GTK is  not 
possible. For instance, setting `scrollbar-width` does not have any effect, and 
I found [this 
discussion](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5399376?sortBy=best), which 
confirms that it is not possible to set the scrollbar width on MacOS. The 
"solution" suggested is to change the screen resolution in a way, that 
everything (and hence also the scrollbars) appear bigger.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] Vertical Scrollbar nearly invisible after update to Geany 2.0 (Issue #55)

2024-02-27 Thread rovf via Github-comments
I found that rebooting my Mac improved the situation. The screenshot I appended 
to this issue was taken after I installed geany 2.0. Last night I shut down the 
Mac, and today the scrollbar is wider than before. I would still love to have 
even wider, but at least it is usable as it is right now.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] Vertical Scrollbar nearly invisible after update to Geany 2.0 (Issue #55)

2024-02-27 Thread rovf via Github-comments
I don't see in geany.css any CSS command which would correspond to the 

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany-themes] Metallic Bottle Theme - foreground and background identical (Issue #70)

2024-02-26 Thread rovf via Github-comments
In metallic-bottle.conf, we find the following definitions:


This means that if I have a syntactic element styled as _preprocessor_ (for 
instance, a _symbol_ (`:abc`) in Ruby source code, and select it with a mouse, 
foreground and background look identical and I can't see anymore the selected 

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany-osx] Vertical Scrollbar nearly invisible after update to Geany 2.0 (Issue #55)

2024-02-26 Thread rovf via Github-comments
MacOS Monterey, running Geany 2.0

After updating from Geany 1.38 to Geany 2.0, the vertical scrollbar became so 
narrow, that I find it nearly impossible to grab it with the mouse. In 1.38, 
its width was pretty much the same than other Apple application (scrollbar 
width seems to be kind of an Apple GUI standard).

This screenshot shows how the scrollbar looks like in the new version:


I don't have Geany 1.38 installed anymore, but here is for comparision another 
text editor, showing a scrollbar with a "typical" width:


If Geany decides to draw its scrollbar manually, I suggest that you offer in 
the preferences the possibility to define the scrollbar width.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] "Change Font" does not seem to have effect (Issue #53)

2024-02-26 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Ah, I see. This works indeed.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] "Change Font" does not seem to have effect (Issue #53)

2024-02-26 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Just tried it on Geany 2.0. Same effect. Font does not change. I tried the 
change from the font Jet Brains Mono Medium to the font Jet Brains Mono Light 
Italic (on the grounds that if I change to an italic font, the change would be 
immediately visible).  In the status bar, I get the message

14:49:51: Font updated (JetBrains Mono Light Italic Condensed 17).

but the font itself does not change.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] Bug in Geany theme (Issue #54)

2024-02-26 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Good point. I see that symbols are coloured in the theme as _preprocessor_. I 
don't need to change the filetype settings, but simply can set the desired 
colour in the theme for the token "preprocessor". Thanks a lot. Issue solve. 
Still I think it would be a good idea, if the theme bundled with Geany, would 
also fix this. Having a syntactic element in the same foreground colour as the 
selection colour, leads to trouble.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] Bug in Geany theme (Issue #54)

2024-02-26 Thread rovf via Github-comments
I found the theme, but I can't recognize, which setting effects the colouring 
of Ruby symbols (i.e. a colon, followed by alphanumeric characters). The symbol 
as such is recognized as syntactic entity, because it is coloured differently; 
just which setting in the theme file affects this colour?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] Shortcut to toggle case does not work (Issue #52)

2024-02-26 Thread rovf via Github-comments
This is currently set to `u`. I guess `` is the 
denotation of the "Apple" key (labelled _command_ on the Apple keyboard)?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] "Change Font" does not seem to have effect (Issue #53)

2024-02-26 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Well, simply that I did not know that 2.0 is available for MacOS already. 
Sadly, Geany does not have a builtin update checker. What do I have to do for 
updating it, in order to have my old settings (preferences, list of recent 
files etc.) preserved? I guess if I just download the dmg file for 2.0, I get a 
clean, new copy and all my settings are gone.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany-osx] Shortcut to toggle case does not work (Issue #52)

2024-02-26 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Well, I don't have a globbal keybinding for ctrl+alt+u, so I don't think there 
is a conflict.

How can I explicitly define the keybinding in Geany?

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany-osx] Bug in Geany theme (Issue #54)

2024-02-22 Thread rovf via Github-comments
MacOS 12.7.3 with Geany 1.38

I'm using the colour scheme called "Metallic Bottle" to edit Ruby programs. The 
thema is very pleasant to use, but has one problem: It colours Ruby symbols  in 
the same colour, which is also used as the background for highlighting. This 
means that if I have a statement

`attr_reader :abcd`

and select the :abcd with the mouse, I can't read anything, because foreground 
and background are the same colour. 

I wanted to fix it locally, but can't find the definition file for this thema. 
BTW, my `.config/geany/colorschemes` directory is empty; I don't know where the 
Geany installer put its theme files. 

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany-osx] "Change Font" does not seem to have effect (Issue #53)

2024-02-15 Thread rovf via Github-comments
MacOS 12.7.3
Geany 1.38
Color Schema: Metallic Bottle

When I use View/ChangeFont and select a different font, not actual font change 
happens - neither in the user interface nor in the edit pane. I wonder what the 
"Change Font" function is actually supposed to be for?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] "Change Font" does not seem to have effect (Issue #3766)

2024-02-15 Thread rovf via Github-comments
I got a list of fonts, and double-clicked on a different font than the one 
currently selected. But just doing a single click on the font, and then 
clicking the select button, has no effect either.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany-osx] Shortcut to toggle case does not work (Issue #52)

2024-02-15 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Geany 1.38 on MacOS:

According to the annotation in the menu, Edit/Format/ToggleCase is assigned to 
the shortcut Option-Command-U. However, pressing this key combination does not 
have any observable effect, while selecting "ToggleCase" from the menu works.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Shortcut to toggle case does not work (Issue #3767)

2024-02-15 Thread rovf via Github-comments
Geany 1.38 on MacOS:

According to the annotation in the menu, Edit/Format/ToggleCase is assigned to 
the shortcut Option-Command-U. However, pressing this key combination does not 
have any observable effect, while selecting "ToggleCase" from the menu works.

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Message ID: 

[Github-comments] [geany/geany] "Change Font" does not seem to have effect (Issue #3766)

2024-02-15 Thread rovf via Github-comments
MacOS 12.7.3
Geany 1.38
Color Schema: Metallic Bottle

When I use View/ChangeFont and select a different font, not actual font change 
happens - neither in the user interface nor in the edit pane. I wonder what the 
"Change Font" function is actually supposed to be for?

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Geany refuses to save a file (under yet undetermined conditions) (#1500)

2023-05-22 Thread rovf via Github-comments
I certainly don't want the files to be stored in the Geany folder, and the 
Desktop doesn't make even less sense, as this would leave my Desktop cluttered 
with icons for a file. As you can see from the screenshot of my original 
question, I have my project directories for storing the file. And I must add 
that meanwhile the error does not occur anymore. Either something was fixed in 
Geany, or there had been a Windows problem. Windows is really weird at times. 
For instance (this is not necessarily related to the problem I experienced back 
them), I do have an empty directory on Windows, which I had created long time 
ago, but can't delete - not even with admin rights.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany-osx] Feature request: Change strange keyboard assignment for "goto beginning/end of line" (Issue #44)

2023-05-09 Thread rovf via Github-comments
This is for geany 1.38 on MacOS.

On the Mac, the commonly used key combination for placing the cursor to the 
start and end of the line is

command+cursor_left : Start of line
command+cursor_right : End of line

Command+cursor_right does not seem to have any effect in Geany. Checking the 
Keyboard assignments in the Geany Preferences, I can see that "Cursor start of 
the line" is assigned to "Home" and "Cursor end of the line" is assigned to 

The keys "Home" and "End" don't have a representation on the Mac keyboard. Of 
course I can re-assign those two functions to what I like, but I suggest that 
Geany for the Mac initially uses those key assignments which are commonly used 
on the Mac.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Feature request: Change strange keyboard assignment for "goto beginning/end of line" (Issue #3491)

2023-05-09 Thread rovf via Github-comments
This is for geany 1.38 on MacOS.

On the Mac, the commonly used key combination for placing the cursor to the 
start and end of the line is

command+cursor_left : Start of line
command+cursor_right : End of line

Command+cursor_right does not seem to have any effect in Geany. Checking the 
Keyboard assignments in the Geany Preferences, I can see that "Cursor start of 
the line" is assigned to "Home" and "Cursor end of the line" is assigned to 

The keys "Home" and "End" don't have a representation on the Mac keyboard. Of 
course I can re-assign those two functions to what I like, but I suggest that 
Geany for the Mac initially uses those key assignments which are commonly used 
on the Mac.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2023-01-12 Thread rovf via Github-comments
I'm now on Geany 1.36 and haven't seen the issue again. In the course of the 
update, I also upgraded to Windows 10, so I don't know whether the problem was 
solved in Geany or some dependency on the operating system.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Feature request: Make characters upper case (Issue #3336)

2022-11-15 Thread rovf
I agree to most of your comments, except that, for instance, in Ruby

Σ = あ * x

would be perfectly legal code. However, I don't think many users would worry 
about toggling the case in such situations. 

BTW (since in Ruby, the case of an identifier mattres), Ruby does treat Σ  as 
uppercase and あ as lower case in the Ruby-sense of naming entities.

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Feature request: Make characters upper case (Issue #3336)

2022-11-15 Thread rovf
Well, the problem with Σ is whether the letter is at the end of a word or 
inside a word; otherwise it would be unique. But I agree that it is sufficient 
to restrict it to the ASCII subset. A formulation in English would perhaps be 
"cycle case"

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[Github-comments] Re: [geany/geany] Feature request: Make characters upper case (Issue #3336)

2022-11-15 Thread rovf
I see. I was mislead by the description: I'm using the German version of Geany, 
and the menu item explicitly states that it inverts mixed case to the 
respective opposite case. Admittedly, the actual behaviour is a bit tricky to 
express in German.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Feature request: Make characters upper case (Issue #3336)

2022-11-15 Thread rovf
There is already a function "Toggle Case" (Control-Alt-U), which excanges upper 
and lower case in the selection. It would also be great to have a function, 
which converts all characters to upper case.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany does not react on "goto line" shortcut. (#2554)

2020-07-22 Thread rovf
Ah! Of course! I had expected to always bring up the dialogue, but I see now, 
that it indeed just moves the cursor to the "go to line" entry in the toolbar. 
Stupid me! I should have known this.

Interestingly, when I use this function from the menu, i.e. "Suchen/Gehe zu 
Zeile ...", it always brings up the dialogue.

I feel it would be helpful if Geany would make it visually more appearant what 
happens.  For instance, my insert caret is defined as a block cursor (so I can 
easily see). When I use the 'goto line' keyboard shortcut, the block cursor 
stays visible in the text (just a little bit dimmed), and the focus indeed goes 
to the Goto Line bos in the toolbar, but as a thin, vertical-bar-cursor, which 
is hardly visible. If it would be also a thick cursor there, ideally blinking, 
and mayb the background would even change the colour, it would be more obvious 
to see what is going on. Whether this can be done with GTK, I don't know.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany does not react on "goto line" shortcut. (#2554)

2020-07-22 Thread rovf
> As I don't speak German, I don't know what "Gehe zu Zeile" is.

It literally means "go to line", so it's just the direct translation.

> So please show what it says on the Geany keybindings dialog for the action

As I wrote, on the keybindings dialog it says, for example, "l" or, 
after my most recent change, "F7".

l would work, if I assign it to a different action. For instance, I 
assigned it to the action "Drucken", and pressing Strg-L now brings up the 
print menu, as expected. The problem is certainly not the key itself.


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany does not react on "goto line" shortcut. (#2554)

2020-07-21 Thread rovf
If I press the Ctrl-Key together with the "L" key, I get a lower-case-L anyway. 
For upper case I would have to press the shift key.  So I think I did it right, 
in particular since Ctrl-F7 also doesn't work. 

If you don't agree with this, suggest me a key combination I should try out for 
"Gehe zu Zeile", and I will test it.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany does not react on "goto line" shortcut. (#2554)

2020-07-21 Thread rovf
I made one more test: I assigned the combination Ctrl-F7 to "Gehe zu Zeile". 
The menu entry correctly shows **Strg+F7**, but Ctrl-F7 has no effect. Given 
that all of these combination works, makes it unlikely that it has something to 
do with the keyboard layout (which basically would effect only the letters Y 
and Z, and most special characters, such as $ or % etc.). If this feature works 
in the English version of Geany, it's likely that the error came in somehow 
with the German translation.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany does not react on "goto line" shortcut. (#2554)

2020-07-21 Thread rovf
The keys are on the same place, and: Does GTK make a difference between shifted 
and unshifted positions when it comes to "Ctrl"? In any case, the original key 
setting was displayed as `**l**` in the setup dialogue, respectively 
as `Strg+L' (upper case) in the menu, and when I redefined it to Alt+g, it also 
displays as "Alt+G" in the menu. 

As for the uppercase/lowercase issue, it is interesting that "mark all" is 
displayed as Strg+A (i.e. uppercase A) in the menu, but I have to press it as 
Ctrl + a key (as it is common in Windows to get the effect). In the menu, the 
key combinations are always displayed with upper case letters. So, basically, 
keyboard shortcuts **do** work in general. They just don't work in the "goto" 
menu. Could it be that there is an error in the association of "Goto Line" and 
its shortcut in the German version (where the menu entry reads "Gehe zu" inside 
the "Suchen" menu?). The other assignments in this menu seem to work. For 
example, "Finden" is annotated with **Strg+F**, and indeed pressing ctrl with 
the 'f' key brings up the search dialogue.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany does not react on "goto line" shortcut. (#2554)

2020-07-21 Thread rovf
Running the German version of Geany 1.36 (which is compiled with GTK 2.24.32 
and GLib v2.60.6) on Windows 10. The "about Geany" box also displays the 
information "Poliff, kompiliert am 2019-09-28 oder später", in case this 

I have a problem to use the "Gehe zu" (i.e. "goto line) keyboard shortcut.

"Goto line" is by default bound to Ctrl-L. This is also shown in the menu bar. 
However, while manually selecting this from the menu bar works, doing a Ctrl-L 
does not have any effect.

I tried to reassign a different key: I assigned Alt-g to this function. Now the 
menu bar entry correctly shows the updated "Alt-g", pressing the Key 
combination Alt-g does not works. This makes me thinking that this feature is 
broken, and not, that Windows is somehow stealing this key as a shortcut for 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany ignores theme name in .gtkrc-2.0 (#2429)

2020-01-30 Thread rovf
Copying the themes worked, but it turned out to be more complicated than 
expected. Geany installs itself by default into "C:\Program Files (x86)", and 
it turned out that I did not have permissions to modify this directory. I 
finally started a new shell using "administrator privileges", and copied the 
theme files from this shell, and now my themes show up.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany ignores theme name in .gtkrc-2.0 (#2429)

2020-01-30 Thread rovf
I don't know how official it is with respect to the GTK+ distribution, but I'm 
using the selector by Alexander Shaduri which officially belongs to a prodget 
[pidgin](https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using%20Pidgin#win32_gtk_theme). I 
don't know however to what extend pidgin is officially related to GTK.
I'll copy the themes over to Geany\share\themes, as you suggested.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany ignores theme name in .gtkrc-2.0 (#2429)

2020-01-29 Thread rovf
How can i find, which themes are installed, respectively where does Geany look 
for them? I thought that, if the GTK theme chooser is offering me a theme for 
selection, that the theme is there. 

For instance I found on my disk the following locations for the nodoka themes:


My Geany is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\bin\geany.exe"

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany ignores theme name in .gtkrc-2.0 (#2429)

2020-01-28 Thread rovf
My .gtkrc-2.0 has the following content: 

# Auto-written by gtk2_prefs. Do not edit.
gtk-theme-name = "Nodoka-Squared"
style "user-font"
font_name="Yu Gothic Light, Light 11"
widget_class "*" style "user-font"%   

When starting Geany, the font is taken from these settings, but the theme seems 
to be ignored.

Geany 1.36 on Windows 10, with GTK+v2.24.32

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] "Help" button does not work (#2405)

2019-11-28 Thread rovf
> @rovf does the main help work when clicking the Help->Help menu item?

Exactly. The main help (bound to F1) works. 

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] "Help" button does not work (#2405)

2019-11-26 Thread rovf
When inside the "Einstellungen" (preferences) dialogue I click on "Hilfe" 
(help), no Helpwindows opens, instead I get the error message in the message 

14:21:42: Konnte URI "C:/Program Files 
(x86)/Geany/share/doc/geany/html/index.html#general-startup-preferences" nicht 
öffnen: Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

I don't understand, why this error message pops up, because using Windows 
Explorer, I can locate the index.html under exactly this path.

My guess is that this is related to the weird Windows naming conventions, where 
several alias names are used for the same folder, depending on the locale of 
the Windows installation. So, while Windows Explorer can find the html 
directory when pasting the string

_C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\share\doc\geany\html_

into the Windows explorer bar, the left side pane (which shows the directory 
tree) displays the top-level directory not as "Program Files (x86)", but as 
"Programme (x86)", so perhaps the correct path to be used should be

   _C:\Programme (x86)\Geany\share\doc\geany\html_

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany on Windows: Mixture between German and English (#1919)

2018-08-13 Thread rovf
On Sat, Aug 11, 2018, at 00:43, Matthew Brush wrote:
> I'm pretty sure the `LANG` variable is the way to do it for both Geany 
> and GTK+ (gettext) on Windows. It can be [set for a particular shortcut]
> (https://netlicensing.io/blog/2012/06/15/set-environment-variables-in-windows-shortcut/)
> which avoids the need to switch all programs using gettext into the same 
> language system-wide.

You were perfectly right! If I set up the shortcut in the way you have 
proposed, the menus are displayed uniformly in English!

Funny side note: I found in this particular case, that it is sufficient to set 
the LANG variable to ANY value in order to get the menus in English. Even if I 
set it to de, fr or ja, I get English menus throughout. I guess that there are 
simply no other language packs installed for Geany, and since the LANG variable 
is set, Geany doesn't bother GTK with doing helping in the translation.


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany on Windows: Mixture between German and English (#1919)

2018-08-10 Thread rovf
On Wed, Aug 8, 2018, at 15:25, Colomban Wendling wrote:
> @rovf oh, OK :)
> Reading in more details what you see, is it possible that you actually 
> don't have Geany's translation files, but GTK is installed with its own?  
> That might explain it, with you seeing strings from GTK translated, and 
> strings from Geany untranslated (because you e.g. didn't install the 
> translations).

I do use gtk2_prefs.exe to set the appearance of all my GTK applications. 
However, this program allows only to configure colouring schema and font 
properties. There is nothing which looks like a language set up.

What translation file do I need to have Geany display all menus in English?


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany on Windows: Mixture between German and English (#1919)

2018-08-08 Thread rovf

On Wed, Aug 8, 2018, at 10:02, Colomban Wendling wrote:
> A workaround could be (re)moving Geany's translation files so it uses 
> the untranslated (US English) version.

Yes I could do this ... but your suggestion makes me recognize that I didn't 
state the purpose of my posting in a clear way:

It is not that the spurious German texts bother be. I understand them perfectly 
well, and I don't mind living with a bi-language-Geany. 

The reason why I posted this, is, because the language mixture might be caused 
by an error in Geany, and the developers of Geany should at least be aware of 
this effect, and *if* they want to research on this, they can contact me for 
further information if necessary.


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany on Windows: Mixture between German and English (#1919)

2018-08-08 Thread rovf
On Tue, Aug 7, 2018, at 22:21, elextr wrote:
> There is not a selection on install, GTK uses the LANG environment 
> variable, part of the locale.  So to run an application in another 
> language the command (on *ix) `LANG=en geany` is needed.  Not sure how 
> you set environments on windows.

You *can* set environment variables on windows too, though the "canonical" way 
to do it is to set it in a system-wide manner, so that any application sees the 
same environment, which we don't want here. To set an environment for a single 
application, the only way I am aware of is to create a batch file to start this 
application, and this batch file would implicitly create a command window. 
Possible, but awkward.

In any case, I would be surprised if LANG is the only parameter which 
influences the interface language of Geany, because the LANG variable is rarely 
used in Windows, and Windows has its own way to supply the default language.

The typical way to set a language in an "application specific" way - at least 
on Windows - is, that the application itself provides this choice. Many 
applications do this at the time of installation, and some allow to change the 
interface language "on the fly" while using the program, using a setting in the 
preferences. If I remember right, I did select "English" at installation time, 
but I don't know whether this applies only to the installation routine, or also 
to the installed program. At least this would explain why the vast majority of 
interface elements is correctly displayed in English.


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany on Windows: Mixture between German and English (#1919)

2018-08-07 Thread rovf
On Tue, Aug 7, 2018, at 10:12, elextr wrote:
> > Zurücksetzen
> Its a translation for "Reset".
> Not sure why the Compile and Build don't translate, they have 
> translations in the po.de file, [eg]
> (https://github.com/geany/geany/blob/3f20ad363a38e9f6b08877d5ade1290d7c69e670/po/de.po#L3785)
> Absolutely no idea why the menu isn't in German, @eht16 how German is 
> your windows Geany? :)

Actually, I would *prefer* it to be English. I don't remember how I installed 
it, but if there was a language choice, I have for sure selected "English". I'm 
just wondering why some (a few) entries are German.


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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany on Windows: Mixture between German and English (#1919)

2018-08-07 Thread rovf
I'm using Geany 1.30.1 on (German) Windows 7. 

What puzzles me is, that the Geany user interface shows a mixture of English 
and German. The Menu (File, Edit, Search, ...) is completely in English, but 
the toolbar below is mostly in German, but with English interspersed (Saying 
"Neu", "öffnen", "Speichern", "Save All", "Zurücksetzen" (whatever this means), 
"Schließen", "Zurück", "Vor", "Compile", "Build", "Ausführen").

I understand that Geany uses GTK+ to present itself, and that it is a bit 
difficult to persuade a GTK+ Application to use a certain language. I do not 
understand, how I can get such a mixture of languages though.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can not set bookmarks using the mouse (#1699)

2017-11-30 Thread rovf
Is there a way to have it coloured differently, so that I can at least see it? 
If not, this would be a feature request.  It would also be convenient to be 
able to style the line number area (foreground/background colour).

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can not set bookmarks using the mouse (#1699)

2017-11-30 Thread rovf
This gave a hint to a problem. First, I confused in my description "left" and 
"right" click, because I have set my mouse to left handed. More importantly, I 
found that with what is commonly known as "left click", it indeed DOES add a 
bookmark, but the problem is that the "left margin" is not, as I thought, the 
area with the line numbers, but a very tiny (small) area between the line 
number and the edit pane. Since it also is coloured the same as the line number 
area, it is virtually impossible to see. I just found it by accident.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can not set bookmarks using the mouse (#1699)

2017-11-30 Thread rovf
I can set a bookmark using the keyboard shortcut control-m, but I can not set 
it with the mouse. When I move the mouse to the left margin (i.e. where the 
line numbers are displayed) and do a context-click (left-click), I get the 
normal context menu, and this does not provide a "set bookmark" entry.

Using Geany 1.30.1 on Windows 7.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany does pick up the correct filetype extension for syntax highlighting. (#1657)

2017-10-23 Thread rovf
Using Geany 1.30.1 on Windows 7:

In order to recognize files such as .irbrc or private_irbrc as a Ruby files 
when it comes to syntax highlighting, I have opened 
Tools/ConfigurationFiles/filetypes_configuration.conf and changed the line for 
the Ruby file extensions to


However, the file .irbrc is still not considered as Ruby-File, but as file of 
type "Conf". Looking up the definition of the "Conf" file type, I find the line


This doesn't make sense! The file name ".irbrc" obviously does *not* match any 
of the pattern in the "Conf" definition! Why is Geany picking up the wrong file 
type here?

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany refuses to save a file (under yet undetermined conditions) (#1500)

2017-05-22 Thread rovf
> I presume that means the windows dialogs didn't help :(

This is correct.

If someone could provide me a special, instrumented version, which logs what is 
going on during saving, I could run it until the problem occurs again, and then 
send the logs.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany refuses to save a file (under yet undetermined conditions) (#1500)

2017-05-22 Thread rovf
ADDITIONAL NOTE: After continuing to edit my files (after restarting Geany) for 
maybe 15 minutes, the error occured again. It is not possible to save the file.

Unfortunately, this version of Geany is not usable for me. I will therefore 
switch to a different editor, BUTif one of the Geany maintainers wants me to 
try out something, I will of course turn back to Geany, because I want to help 
to find the bug. 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany refuses to save a file (under yet undetermined conditions) (#1500)

2017-05-22 Thread rovf
(1) The number one is, are you running any plugins?

I'm not aware of. I have installed Geany today, and did not fiddle around with 
Plugins. Of course, it might be that Geany, out of the box, uses some Plugins 
which need to be disabled. In any case, the settings have a checkmark in "use 
plugins". If the pane which shows the map of my functions, is displayed by a 
plugin, then I would conclude that at least this plugin is running alongside.

(2) I presume you retried the save and the "permission denied" continued after 
you had checked that nobody had a handle on the file?

Of course, and, as I said, I for sure did not do anything with this file from a 
different program. Plus, the error occured on 3 files out of 5. And, I could 
save these files earlier in the same edit session.

(3) Are you using windows native dialogs or GTK dialogs?

They are GTK dialogs. I have now changed the settings to use Windows dialogues, 
but honestly, I like the GTK ones better.

(4) Does the problem occur if you have neither use_atomic_file_saving nor 
use_gio_unsafe_file_saving nor gio_unsafe_save_backup set?

Yes, the other ones were disabled as well, but this didn't have any influence.

I wonder whether the problem might be related to a temporary directory or 
backup directory. Is Geany using some of them under the hood, maybe in my 
Windows Profile Data space? This is certainly an area which Geany should better 
keep its fingers off

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Geany refuses to save a file (under yet undetermined conditions) (#1500)

2017-05-22 Thread rovf
I'm using Geany 1.30.1 on Windows 7.

After happily editing a file over some time, suddenly Geany refuses to save it 
with this error message:

I know that Windows sometimes grabs a lock on a file when I'm just looking at 
it with another tool, but I am pretty sure that the only way I'm operating on 
this file since the last bootup of my machine, is by editing it in Geany. 
Still, for the safe side, I run the 
[Handle](https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653) utility to 
see whether someone has a handle to either the file or the directory where the 
file is in - nothing. I also used Geany's "File/Properties" to check, whether 
maybe the file secretly became  readonly; this is also not the case. Finally I 
turned on the gio_unsafe_save_backup and tried again, but same result. Note 
that it is a local file, so there can't be network issues involved either.

Then I tried "save as" with "rename", to store it under a new name in the same 
directory. This was refused with the same error message. I could see that the 
file got renamed, but still had the old content. This is weird: If the cause 
would be a directory lock, the rename should ALSO have failed.

Needless to say that it is not a disk space problem either.

I resolved the problem temporarily by using the following strategy:

1. Using "Save as" to save it to a completely different directory.
2. Copying the file back (on the command line)
3. Closing the Buffer in Geany
4. Reopening it

I then checked with my remaining open files in Geany. Modifying the buffer and 
saving, caused the same error with two of the files, while it worked fine with 
two others. One of the two where the error occured too, belonged to a different 
directory, while all the others - including those which could be saved - 
belonged to the same directory as the file where the problem occured initially.

I don't see yet in what respect the two files which did not have the problem, 
differed significantly from the two files where the problem occured. 

Closing Geany, starting it, and I can continue editing like normal, but my 
feeling is that it will be only a question of time until the problem occurs 
again. Is there anything I can do to help the Geany developers to nail down the 
cause of this strange problem?

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Highlighting bug in Ruby files (#927)

2016-03-01 Thread rovf
Oh, sorry, my mistake! I had a space in front of the equal sign, which I didn't 
notice. Sorry for bothering.

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[Github-comments] [geany] Color scheme bug for Ruby files (#927)

2016-03-01 Thread rovf
The syntax highlighter does not recognize multi-line comments in Ruby and 
highlights the comment, as if it were executable code. Example



for class 



_for_ and _class_ are colored like reserved words.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-21 Thread rovf
Just for the record: After a few days without problems, I had two crashes 
within one hour. Again, I'm not aware that I was doing something peculiar. In 
one case, I had switched the tab and wanted to start editing, when Geany 
suddenly crashed. In the other case, I was scrolling the buffer.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-19 Thread rovf
@elextr : I was not aware of this. I found in my settings the checkbox 
"Windows-typische Dialoge nutzen" (=use Windows dialogues), which is unchecked. 
I also found - this might be relevant too - the checkbox "Autofokus", which is 

I would interpret this in the way that GTK dialogs are used, and that child 
windows automatically get the focus. Should I change one of these settings and 
see, whether the error still occurs?

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-18 Thread rovf
What is meant by "windows native dialogs"? I have plain Windows 7, configured 
to "focus-follows-mouse". As with X, you can configure Windows, whether a 
window should get the focus by moving the cursor on top of it, or by moving the 
cursor in clicking on the Window. The main difference to X is, that is a bit 
cumbersome to change the configuration, and it doesn't always work reliable ... 
well, it's Windows, after all.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-17 Thread rovf
@kugel: You mention, that the event-focus plays a role in this scenario. Do you 
mean by this, which (visible) Window has the focus? I'm using 
"focus-follows-mouse" policy, which means that the window, where the mouse is 
hovering, gets the focus.

In any case, here are my plugin settings:


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-17 Thread rovf
>  But you are the only one who has reported this issue, so it seems like it 
> simply isn't happening in the real world as often as network filesystem 
> glitches.

I think, with bugs in general, frequency of occurance is hard to guess. For 
example, in the majority of my past projects, I was the only one who actually 
*reported* issues with software. Most other people either ignored the problem, 
or switch to a different software. Especially in the case of a free text 
editor, by far most users who experience this kind of problem more than once, 
will simple turn to a different program.

> What I am objecting to is suggestions that make the plugin stop working when 
> it fails

It doesn't need to "stop working". If the plugin catches the error - in the way 
I outlined above - and displays its own error message ("Plugin can not save 
this time because the file is locked"), the user knows what's going on. The 
plugin needs to make sure that the clock counting until the next attempt of 
saving the file, is reset to zero when the user clicks the OK button of the 
pop-up message. He has then time to save the file under a different name (if he 
sees no possibility to remove the lock).

> I think people who edit over flakey network links [just to save themselves 
> copying the file] deserve what they lose

I don't know to what extent the network is flakey, but in many companies, it is 
strongly discouraged to have *any* file on your local drive (becaue it doesn't 
get up). In my case it is an exception that the majority of my files is local, 
and I care about my own backup, but it is not the usual way. The problem is not 
so much editing over the network, but editing files which are accessible to 
many people, and of course this can lead to race conditions, which would also 
exist if I would copy the file to my local disk, and write it back when I'm 
done. Here too, there is not much an individual programmer can do against it.

> Sadly finding out that files are on a network share is not portably possible

Well, we are talking about Windows here (I never experienced similar problems 
when working on Linux), and I think there must be a fairly reliable way to find 
out, whether the file is on a network: If I type 'net use' on the command line, 
I can see from the format of the output, whether a drive letter points to a 
local directory or to somewhere on the network, and if the path is not 
specified with a drive letter, but as an UNC path, it always can be treated as 
being on the network. 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-16 Thread rovf
@codebrainz: You consider it a very rare problem, but if you think again about 
my example of files being locked accross a Network share, this is not so rare.

If I just want to protect myself from locking a file on my own disk, I can use 
tools like LockHunter to find the process which is doing the locking, and force 
the lock to go away (which at least often is the right thing to do anyway), but 
this would not work with Network shares.

I understand your argument about compile-time type safety in your C code, but 
even if you followed my suggestion of going va_arg, you give up type safety 
only for one (i.e. the last) parameter in the signature of only one function. 

If you consider this too dangerous, you can still use cover-functions, which 
are type safe: You rename the existing 'save(X,Y,Z)'  into a 
'save_general(X,Y,Z,bool)', and then define two functions 'save(X,Y,Z) and 
'save_nonmodal(X,Y,Z)', which just forward to save_general, but have different 
parameter signatures. If you do this, you stay typesafe, and existing 
applications just have to be recompiled. Only inside that one plugin, we have 
to call 'save_nonmodal' and implement an appropriate error handling.

Maybe an alternative way would be to offer in the plugin configuration a 
checkbox, that, if selected, causes the auto-saving NOT do be done on files 
residing on a Network share. This would be simpler to implement (since we don't 
have to care about error handling), but at the cost that it might need some 
verbosity to explain to the user, why selecting this checkbox might make sense.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-16 Thread rovf
You can even stick with only one "save" function and just simulate defaults. 
Say your function has the signature

void save(X,Y,Z)

where X, Y and Z are some types, and you would like to simulate 

void save(X,Y, Z,bool=false)

where setting the bool parameter to true would cause the new behaviour - no 
popup on failure, but storing the error message in a global variable 
save_last_error. To do this in C, you would use a variable argument list, i.e.

void save(X,Y,...)

and use va_arg to scan for the parameters which are present, and deduce the 
value of the bool from it.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-16 Thread rovf
As for changing the API, the usual solution would be to add the new parameter 
and provide a default argument for it (and the default would be the "normal" 
behaviour, so other plugins don't even notice that there is something new). If 
I am not mistaken, Geany is implemented in C, and C doesn't have the feature of 
default arguments builtin, but there are several ways to achieve this 
functionality in C too. 

All the other arguments you gave, are really convincing, so IMO, the best (and 
maybe easiest) way would be to extend the API.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-16 Thread rovf
As for the extra button, I actually thought that it makes sense in the general 
save dialogue, not only just for the plugin. For example, someone is locking my 
file. I don't know who it is or how to reach that person, but I need to save my 
work somehow. In a normal "save" dialogue, the pop up would occur, I would 
click OK, then go to "File" and "Save As..". If the popup dialogue already has 
a "Save As" button, it would more convenient to use.

As for my other two suggestions, implementing them would mean that the plugin 
would not use the normal "save file"-API, but has to implement a modified 
version. If this is not practical, a poor-man's solution would be, that the 
plugin would first check, whether file and directory have write permission, and 
only if they do, invoke the "save file" function. This is not a completely 
clean solution, because between checking the permissions and actually saving 
the file, there is a tiny time slot, during which the file might become locked. 
This should be very rare though.

Even then, it is easy to fix, I think: I guess the plugin is using some API 
function to save a file. One could extend this API by an additional parameter, 
which defines what to do in case of error: Show a pop-up, or return an error 
message to the caller (i.e. the plugin), which then handles the error in its 
own way.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-15 Thread rovf
Technically, the plugin is not behaving "wrong", because it exactly does as 
advertised. Still, what is doing is dangerous: If the file is not locked by me, 
but - as in case of a file on a network share, which might be locked by a 
completely different person, and I even don't know by whom -, I'm losing all my 
unsaved work.

How about this: 

Make the popup-dialogue non-modal and modify the plugin in that way, that it 
does not show a popup for a certain file (to be saved), if there is one still 

Another possibility would be that the plugin - if Geany plugins have access to 
the status bar - do not show up the dialogue box, but instead display a message 
"file can't be saved because it is locked". While this is not a very 
user-friendly way - messages can easily be overseen -, it's still better than 
risking that work gets lost.

A third possibility would be that the plugin, if we change the popup. Instead 
of having only one button ("OK"), we now have two buttons ("OK", "Save as..."), 
which permits the user to save the file under a different name. This would be 
handy even if the plugin is not active, because we always may run into the 
problem that our file has been locked and we can't do anything against it, but 
at least we want to quickly save our work.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-15 Thread rovf
> Do you happen to have any plugins active like the save actions one?

Good point. I have one activated which - I'm using the German version - is 
called "Speicheraktionen". It came with Geany. This must be the one you are 
referring to. 

Now, if I *disable* it, and try to save the file, and get the error pop up, the 
popup goes away.

This means that it is this plugin which causes the problem!

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-15 Thread rovf
I finally can reproduce it. Once you know it, it is simple  ;-)

(1) Open a sufficiently large text file (more than 25 lines) using Geany.
(2) Open a "DOS" Command Shell and display the file with the command
   more FILENAME
(this causes a lock on the file).
(3) Modify the file in Geany and try to save it.

You will get the error message about the file lock, and there is no way to 
remove the message and continue working with Geany, until the 'more' command is 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-15 Thread rovf
> What are the actual permissions of the file and the directory it is in?

I have write permission to file and directory - after all, I *could* change the 
file with a different editor.

> Is Geany running with the same permissions as the other editors?

I think it does. At least I didn't run it in "Windows Elevated Mode". Is there 
something else I could check in this respect?

> What are the values of the settings discussed 

Just the defaults. use_gio_unsafe_file_saving is on and the other two are off.

> Are you sure the file isn't locked

Well, I don't know the Windows locking policies so much, so let's put it like 
this: It's quite possible that another file was holding kind of a lock - not a 
"real" file lock, because there were such I lock, I could not have modified the 
file with another editor. However, elextr pointed me to the settings for saving 
the file, and from my settings, Geany seems to directly overwrite the file, 
while the other editor I used, likely created a temporary file first and then 
renamed. Maybe Windows has a locking mode, which allows the latter, but forbids 
the former.

This theory is also supported by the fact, that the locking problem went away, 
after rebooting Windows.

However, the real "bug" IMO is not the file locking itself (as annoying as it 
might be), but that Geany gets *unresponsive* if this occurs. Even if we really 
have the case a "legal" file locking, I don't think that Geany should become 

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[Github-comments] [geany] Geany hangs on saving a certain file (reproducible) (#815)

2015-12-14 Thread rovf
I switched today from Geany 125 to 126 With the new version (running on Windows 
7 64bit), I have (reproducibly) a strange problem with one file (its name is 
`irbrc`) which I had created with 125: When I want to save the file, an error 
popup occurs (see screenshot) which gives a "permission denied" message 
Moreover, this popup can not be clicked away (more precisely, when I click on 
OK, the popup seems to disappear for a fraction of a second, only to reappear 
again) I think, this behaviour of the popup window is clearly an error, because 
it is a modal dialogue, and I have to kill Geany with the task manager in order 
to continue my work It could be that Geany, after I clicked OK, tries again to 
fulfil the *Save* request, and finds - for whatever reason - the file still 
write-protected and brings up the same dialogue again

BTW, I don't think that this is *really* a permission issue, even though the 
message says so, because I can happily edit this file with other text editors I 
don't know why this file is special It is neither the name nor the content - I 
can use "save as" to save the file into a different directory


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-14 Thread rovf
On Mon, Dec 14, 2015, at 13:19, elextr wrote:
> I assume you can display the file in some other application that shows
> the Japanese characters correctly, but is it using the same font?  To see
> the Geany font see Menu->View->Change Font and check its the same as that
> being used by the other application.

Ah! That's it!! It was the font.

This happens when you work on a Mac most of the time. When on Windows,
it is easy to forget, that you need to select yourself a suitable

At least we now know, that the crashes and the font problem were not
related. BTW, until now, I didn't experience any crash with Geany 1.26
yet. Hope this issue will be gone with the new version ...

Thanks for helping!


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-14 Thread rovf
I installed Geany 1.26. As for the unability to display the Japanese text, it 
is the same as in 1.25. I can't say much about the crashes. Will have to use it 
for some hours to see whether it happens. Unfortunatel I don't have much 
editing work to do this week.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-14 Thread rovf
Here the attached screenshot (with Geany 1.25):


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-12 Thread rovf
> > [...]  I use the file geany-1.25_setup.exe [...]
> I believe this is the one without a bundled GTK+ so you must have GTK+
> 2.24 in your `%PATH%` from somewhere else. It should still work though,
> assuming no weird build options were enabled for that GTK+ build.

I found in my Geany directory DLLs with name 'gtk':


If *these* are the GTK+ libraries, I would conclude that it is version

Aside from this, no dll files containing the string 'gtk' in any
directory within my PATH. I do have other GTK dlls installed (for
Cygwin), but these directories are not in the PATH when I start Geany.

> I'm kind of curious if the latest release (1.26) fixes the issue somehow.
> You might like to try it, and using the one with a GTK+ build bundled in
> it.

I'l do this next week and report back my findings.

> Is that the output when it crashes or just during a normal run? I was
> hoping before it terminated abnormally, it would print some assertion
> failures or such messages on its way down.

It was during the normal run. According to Murphys law, I didn't have
any crashes *this* time.


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-12 Thread rovf
BTW, here is another Gist on the same issue, possibly easier to deal


This one consist of only one single line, and it shows the same problem.

I've attached to this mail a screenshot. The number of "Null" displayed
by Geany corresponds exactly to the number of Japanese characters in
this text.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-12 Thread rovf
On Fri, Dec 11, 2015, at 10:30, elextr wrote:
> Also after you open the file, look in the menu->help->debug messages and
> see what encoding Geany thought the file was (it is parens at the end of
> the open message).

It says "UTF-8".

BTW, this can also be seen in the status line of Geany.


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-12 Thread rovf
On Fri, Dec 11, 2015, at 10:19, elextr wrote:
> > Would it help if I send this file to the developers for inspection? I can 
> > send the file as it is - it doesn't contain any company secrets.
> Can't hurt, can you put it in a Gist?

Created here:


> I might add that (on Linux) I have happily edited files containing mixed
> Latin and Japanese characters with no problems, but thats on a completely
> UTF-8 system.

Maybe it's a good idea to double check *my* file with Linux too. Maybe
it's something special at this particular file ...


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-11 Thread rovf
On Fri, Dec 11, 2015, at 09:46, elextr wrote:
> > Geany displays each of them as a tiny square with the digits 0 0 0 0 
> > inscribed.
> That is a character with the value 0, which should never occur in the
> buffer because it will cause problems.  It may even cause your crashes.  

If it just were so simple! I checked the source code with a hex editor,
and there are no 0-bytes in the *file*. If Geany has Nullbytes in the
*buffer*, it means that it does something weird when loading the file.

Two interesting observations here:

- It could well be that the crashes occured only when one of the tabs
had a file with Japanese text and I had the files created with a
different editor.
- After editing the file with Geany (not touching the Japanese part) and
saving, the saved file contains the correct text and the program
produces the correct output.

Would it help if I send this file to the developers for inspection? I
can send the file as it is - it doesn't contain any company secrets.
Even if the crashes can't be reproduced, it should be easy to verify the
strange display of the characters. Or, I could try to reproduce the
problem with a smaller file, containing just a few characters (Western
and Japanese mixed). For comparision, it should be sufficient if the
developer opens this file with Geany, and with an editor which displays
the text correctly (I'm using Code::Blocks as my other editor, but most
UTF-8 enabled editors should work well).

BTW: The file has Unix-Lineendings (0A) ... just in case that this fact


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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-10 Thread rovf

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015, at 23:10, elextr wrote:
> The same question as I asked on the ML, what were you doing when Geany
> crashed?

In one case, I was switching to a different tab. After the tab switch,
the error popup occured.

In the other cases, I was typing some text, and out of a sudden it

I didn't see a pattern yet. Also, the crashes are not really frequent
but since I don't use Geany everyday, it's difficult to estimate the

My impression was that the crashes came more often recently, but this
could also be just by accident (I had two crashes within one day).

One odd observation (but I don't know whether this could be related): I
have all my document encodings set to UTF-8, and one of the files I
edited, has Japanese characters in it. While I can see them well with
other text editors, Geany displays each of them as a tiny square with
the digits 0 0 0 0 inscribed. I guess this is a replacement character,
which Geany is using when it somehow thinks that it can't display them.
However, the characters comprise just normal Japanese text. Could it be
that an issue related to the encoding is causing the crash?

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-10 Thread rovf

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015, at 16:06, Matthew Brush wrote:
> A few questions:
> - What version of Windows is that?

Windows 7 (64 Bit)

> - Is it the Geany installer that comes with GTK+ bundled or did you
> provide own GTK+ (if so, what version)?

I don't remember exactly, but I think it is the version with GTK+
included. In any case, I use the file geany-1.25_setup.exe with size

> - What plugins are activated, if any, when the abort/exception occurs?

According to the Plugin Manager, I have currently plugins activated
which identify themselves with the following names:

"Fenster teilen"
"Zeichen für HTML"

In at least one case, I had this type of crash also with the plugins

> - What significance is the Java version (as Geany doesn't use Java at
> all)?

My mistake! I somehow thought to remember, that Geany was implemented in
Java (for portability), but I see that this is not the case.

> You might try to run Geany from command prompt[0], passing the `-v`
> option, which will make it write out debug messages to the command
> prompt. I'm guessing the messages will contain a bunch of warnings/error
> messages leading up to the abort/unhandled exception. If so, and you
> could paste the output here, that would be really useful to troubleshoot
> the issue.

Here it comes:

Geany: Geany 1.25, German_Germany.1252
Geany: GTK 2.24.10, GLib 2.28.8
Geany: System data dir: C:\p\geany\data
Geany: User config dir: C:\Users\fisrona\AppData\Roaming\geany
Geany: System plugin path: C:\p\geany\lib\geany
Geany: Added filetype Clojure (61).
Geany: Added filetype CUDA (62).
Geany: Added filetype Cython (63).
Geany: Added filetype Genie (64).
Geany: Added filetype Graphviz (65).
Geany: Added filetype JSON (66).
Geany: Added filetype Scala (67).
Geany: Loaded:   C:\p\geany\lib\geany\splitwindow.dll (Fenster teilen)
Geany: Loaded:   C:\p\geany\lib\geany\saveactions.dll (Speicheraktionen)
Geany: Loaded:   C:\p\geany\lib\geany\htmlchars.dll (Zeichen für HTML)
Geany: C:\cygwin64\home\fisrona\exp\jr6\rbsrc\vpruby.rb : Ruby (UTF-8)

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[Github-comments] [geany] Geany crashes suddenly (#795)

2015-12-10 Thread rovf
The following crash happened recently several times without noticeable reason:


It's Geany 1.25 on Windows, Java 1.7

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