Re: Recursion on TypeNats

2014-10-27 Thread Barney Hilken
 No, there's not another way to do this with built-in Nats, and there probably 
 won't ever be.

I do hope you're wrong.

 There are two advantages to the built-in Nats over hand-rolled ones: 1) 
 Better syntax / error messages. 2) Built-in Nats are much more efficient than 
 hand-rolled ones, because the hand-rolled ones are unary and take up space 
 linear in the value of the number. If you re-hash your proposal for a 
 Successor constructor down to the term level, it looks juts like 
 (n+k)-patterns, which were discarded as a bad idea.

(n+k) patterns are clearly a bad idea on integers, because the integers don't 
have the inductive structure, but they're a good idea on natural numbers, which 
is why they were in the language originally.

 The reason that the type-level numbers are natural numbers and not integers 
 is because natural numbers have a simpler theory to solve for. I'm personally 
 hoping for proper type-level integers at some point, and the type-checker 
 plugins approach may make that a reality sooner than later.

Type-level integers could well be useful, but they shouldn't replace type-level 
naturals, because they have completely different uses. At the value level, you 
can fudge the differences, because you can always return bottom, but at the 
type level you have to take correctness much more seriously if your type system 
is to be any use at all.

The fact that Carter (and I) are forced to define hand-rolled nats on top of 
the built in ones demonstrates a clear need for this feature. It seems to me a 
valuable extension, whether the syntax uses Successor or (n+k). Why can't we 
combine the advantages of built-in Nats and hand-rolled ones?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Recursion on TypeNats

2014-10-27 Thread Barney Hilken
Ok, I've created a ticket

Unfortunately I don't know enough about ghc internals to try implementing it.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Recursion on TypeNats

2014-10-25 Thread Barney Hilken
If you define your own type level naturals by promoting

data Nat = Z | S Nat

you can define data families recursively, for example

data family Power :: Nat - * - *
data instance Power Z a = PowerZ
data instance Power (S n) a = PowerS a (Power n a)

But if you use the built-in type level Nat, I can find no way to do the same 
thing. You can define a closed type family

type family Power (n :: Nat) a where
Power 0 a = ()
Power n a = (a, Power (n-1) a)

but this isn't the same thing (and requires UndecidableInstances).

Have I missed something? The user guide page is pretty sparse, and not up to 
date anyway.

If not, are there plans to add a Successor constructor to Nat? I would have 
thought this was the main point of using Nat rather than Int.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Recursion on TypeNats

2014-10-25 Thread Barney Hilken
 you want the following (which doesnt require undediable instances)
 data Nat = Z | S Nat
 type family U (x :: Nat) where 
  U  0 = Z
  U n = S (U (n-1))
 this lets you convert type lits into your own peanos or whatever

Yes, you can do that, but why should you have to? Nat is already the natural 
numbers, so already has this structure. Why do we have to define it again, 
making our code that much less clear and readable?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Recursion on TypeNats

2014-10-25 Thread Barney Hilken
 because you haven't helped write a patch change it yet :) 

Would this be possible with the new type checker plugins? 

btw, your example gives me

Nested type family application
  in the type family application: U (n - 1)
(Use UndecidableInstances to permit this)
In the equations for closed type family ā€˜Uā€™
In the type family declaration for ā€˜Uā€™
Failed, modules loaded: none.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Type checker plugins

2014-10-16 Thread Barney Hilken
I can think of a use for a non-equality constraint: an alphabetical ordering on 
Symbol. This would allow experimental implementations of extensible records 
(without shadowing) which keep the labels sorted.

An order constraint on Nat might be useful, too.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Type checker plugins

2014-10-16 Thread Barney Hilken
Ok, I hadn't realised that. Looking in the user's guide, I see = and =? for 
Nat, but I couldn't find anything about Symbol. I must try them out!

 From: Carter Schonwald
 the alphabetical ordering on Symbol is already exposed via TypeLits... this 
 would be some machinery to help maintain that ordering with less user 
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 6:59 PM, Barney Hilken wrote:
 I can think of a use for a non-equality constraint: an alphabetical ordering 
 on Symbol. This would allow experimental implementations of extensible 
 records (without shadowing) which keep the labels sorted.
 An order constraint on Nat might be useful, too.
 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
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Re: Field accessor type inference woes

2013-07-04 Thread Barney Hilken
The two points in AntC's message suggest a possible compromise solution. Unless 
I've missed something,
this allows nested fields, fixed type projections, and HR fields. The only 
restriction is that HR fields must be
fixed type, though they can still be used in multiple records.

1. Use an associated type class for Has, to solve the nesting problem:

class Has (r :: *) (x :: Symbol) where
type GetField r x :: *
getField :: r - GetField r x

(Maybe a fundep would also work, but I'm more used to thinking with associated 

2. Introduce a declaration for fixed type fields:

field bar :: Bar

is translated as:

class Has_bar r where
bar :: r - Bar

instance Has_bar r = Has r bar where
GetType r bar = Bar
getField = bar

3. Undeclared fields and those declared typeless don't have their own class:

field bar

is translated as

bar :: Has r bar = r - GetType r bar
bar = getField

4. Now you can use HR fields, provided you declare them first:

field bar :: forall b. b - b

is translated as:

class Has_bar r where
bar :: r - forall b. b - b

instance Has_bar r = Has r bar where
GetType r bar = forall b. b - b
getField = bar

which doesn't look impredicative to me.

Does this work, or have I missed something?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Overloaded record fields

2013-07-01 Thread Barney Hilken
(sorry, accidentally failed to send this to the list)

All this extra syntax, whether it's ., #, or {} seems very heavy for a problem 
described as very rare.
Why not simply use a declaration

field name

whose effect is to declare 

name :: r {name ::t} = r - t
name = getFld

unless name is already in scope as a field name, in which case the declaration 
does nothing?
Then we could continue to use standard functional notation for projection, and 
still deal with the
case of unused projections.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Overloaded record fields

2013-06-27 Thread Barney Hilken
This (AntC's points 1-8) is the best plan yet. By getting rid of dot notation, 
become more compatible with existing code. The only dodgy bit is import/export 
in point 7:

 7. Implement -XPolyRecordFields, not quite per Plan.
   This generates a poly-record field selector function:
   x :: r {x :: t} = r - t-- Has r x t = ...
   x = getFld
And means that H98 syntax still works:
   x e -- we must know e's type to pick which instance
But note that it must generate only one definition
for the whole module, even if x is declared in multiple data types.
(Or in both a declared and an imported.)
But not per the Plan:
Do _not_ export the generated field selector functions.
(If an importing module wants field selectors,
 it must set the extension, and generate them for imported data types.
 Otherwise we risk name clash on the import.
 This effectively blocks H98-style modules
 from using the 'new' record selectors, I fear.)
Or perhaps I mean that the importing module could choose
whether to bring in the field selector function??
Or perhaps we export/import-control the selector function
separately to the record and field name???

I don't see the problem with H98 name clash. A field declared in a 
module is just a polymorphic function; of course you can't use it in record 
syntax in a
-XNoPolyRecordFields module, but you can still use it.

I think a -XPolyRecordFields module should automatically hide all imported H98 
field names and
generate one Has instance per name on import. That way you could import two 
clashing H98
modules and the clash would be resolved automatically.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: thoughts on the record update problem

2012-03-08 Thread Barney Hilken
 This worries me:
 3. The syntax of record updates must be changed to include the class:
   r {Rcls| n1 = x1, n2 = x2}

This is really the core of the proposal. If my understanding of the problem is 
at all accurate, the whole reason we have trouble is that update is dependent 
on the class, and the Haskel98 syntax doesn't give you enough information to 
determine what the class is. You could always add an ad-hoc rule which says 
something like if there is only one record class in scope which uses all the 
labels in the update, assume that one but it would lead to horribly fragile 

 And if I understand correctly this proposal is still uncertain on some
 edge cases.

According to SPJ, the new version of impredicative polymorphism should allow us 
to use polymorphic types in contexts, which fixes the only problem I know of. 
Unfortunately, we can't yet experiment with it, since we won't know the details 
until the Haskel Symposium. If you have any other edge cases, please let me 
know what they are!

 I think it is time to close down the records discussion on the mail
 list and ask for an implementation
 The implementer should use any means at their disposal, probably by
 adding a new construct to the language. However, for now any new
 constructs or other implementation details should be kept internal so
 that we can maintain flexibility going forward.
 A lot of smart people are expending a huge amount of mental effort
 discussing how to shoehorn this problem into the existing Haskell
 machinery and the fine details of the best way to do it even though
 there is still no truly satisfactory solution. I would really like to
 see this effort instead go into an implementation.

This attitude is one I can't even begin to understand. How can you implement 
something before understanding it? What are you going to implement? Trying to 
close down discussion when no conclusion has been reached is not the action 
of a healthy community!


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: thoughts on the record update problem

2012-03-08 Thread Barney Hilken
 Just because Haskell currently resolves its types through type-classes
 does not mean we are forced to stop at type-classes for every aspect
 of the implementation.

No, we are not forced to use type classes for everything. But it makes the 
language much cleaner, more flexible, easier to learn and easier to implement 
if we use existing structures rather than creating new ones.

 Moreover, with our best proposal here we are
 left in the peculiar position of declaring victory of resolving
 through type-classes without annotations, but now requiring a new form
 of type annotation for all record updates. It would make more sense
 just to not go full force on the type-class resolution and instead
 require a normal type annotation.

If you have a notation for this which actually solves the update problems, you 
should say what it is. I haven't seen any such suggestion which really works.

 The semantics that will be exposed to users have already been largely
 decide upon.

Please tell us what this agreed semantics is, so that we know what we have 
agreed to!

 If we like, we can continue to debate the fine details of
 the semantics we would like to expose. The problem is that we have
 been mixing the semantics with the implementation details and using it
 as an excuse to hold up any implementation.

What? I have seen no discussion of implementation details at all. The 
translations I gave in my proposal could be used as the basis for an 
implementation, but the point of them was to give an unambiguous semantics for 
the new language features. I read the translations given by others in the same 
way: as semantics, not implementation. I assume that implementers would use 
some equivalent but more efficient method depending on the internals of ghc.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

thoughts on the record update problem

2012-03-05 Thread Barney Hilken
There are actually four problems with overloaded record update, not three as 
mentioned on the SORF page. This is an attempt to solve them.

  The SORF update mechanism.

SORF suggests adding a member set to the class Has which does the actual 
updating just as get does the selecting. So

set :: Has r f t = t - r - r

and r {n1 = x1, n2 = x2} is translated as

set @ n2 x2 (set @ n1 x1)

  The Problems.

1. It's not clear how to define set for virtual record selectors. For example, 
we might define

data Complex = Complex {re :: Float, im :: Float}

instance Has Complex arg Float where
get r = atan2

but if we want to set arg, what should be kept constant? The obvious answer 
is mod, but we haven't even defined it, and there are plenty of cases where 
there is no obvious answer.

2. If the data type has one or more parameters, updates can change the type of 
the record. Set can never do this, because of its type. What is more, if 
several fields depend on the parameter, for example

data Twice a = Twice {first :: a, second :: a}

any update of first which changes the type must also update second at the 
same time to keep the type correct. No hacked version of set can do this.

3. The Haskel implementation of impredicative polymorphism (from the Boxy Types 
paper) isn't strong enough to cope with higher rank field types in instances of 

4. The translation of multiple updates into multiple applications of set is not 
the same as the definition of updates in the Haskel report, where updates are 
simultaneous not sequential. This would be less efficient, and in the case of 
virtual record selectors, it wouldn't be equal, and is arguably incorrect.

Point 3 could possibly be fixed by improving the strength of the type system, 
but SPJ says this is a hard problem, and no-one else seems ready to tackle it. 
Points 1, 2  4 suggest that any solution must deal not with individual fields 
but with sets of fields that can sensibly be updated together.

  The Proposed Solution.

This is an extension to SORF. I don't know if the same approach could be 
applied to other label systems.

1. Introduce a new form of class declaration:

class Rcls r where
r {n1 :: t1, n2 :: t2}

is translated as

class (Has r n1 t1, Has r n2 t2) = Rcls r where
setRcls :: t1 - t2 - r - r

setRcls is used internally but hidden from the user.

2. Instances of record classes can use a special form of default. So

data Rec = Rec {n1 :: t1, n2 :: t2}

instance Rcls Rec

is translated as

instance Rcls Rec where
setRcls x1 y1 (Rec _ _) = Rec x1 y1

provided all the fields in the class occur in the data type with the correct 
types. In general, the definition of the update function is the same as the 
Haskel98 translation of update, solving problem 4.

3. The syntax of record updates must be changed to include the class:

r {Rcls| n1 = x1, n2 = x2}

is translated as

setRcls x1 x2 r

Updating a subset of the fields is allowed, so

r {Rcls| n1 = x1}

is translated as

setRcls x1 (r.n2) r

4. Non default instances use the syntax:

instance Rcls Rec where
r {Rcls| n1 = x1, n2 = x2} = ...x1..x2..

which is translated as

instance Rcls Rec where
setRcls x1 y1 r = ...x1..x2..

in order to allow virtual selectors. This solves problem 1, because updates are 
grouped together in a meaningful way. An extended example is given below.

5. Record classes can have parameters, so

class TwiceClass r where
r a {first :: a, second :: a}
data Twice a = Twice {first :: a, second :: a}
instance TwiceClass Twice

translates as

class TwiceClass r where
setTwiceClass :: a - a - r b - r a
data Twice a = Twice {first :: a, second :: a}
instance TwiceClass Twice where
setTwiceClass x y (Twice _ _) = Twice x y

which allows updates to change the type correctly. This solves problem 2.

6. Problem 3 *almost* works. The translation of

class HRClass r where
r {rev :: forall a. [a] - [a]}


class Has r rev (forall a. [a] - [a]) = HRClass r where
setHRClass :: (forall a.[a] - [a]) - r - r

which is fine as far as updating is concerned, but the context is not 
(currently) allowed by ghc. I have no idea whether allowing polymorphic types 
in contexts would be a hard problem for ghc or not. None of my attempted 
work-rounds have been entirely satisfactory, but I might have missed something.


1. This makes the special syntax for Has pretty useless. When you have a set 
of labels you want to use together, you usually want to use update as well as 
selection, so it's 

Re: Records in Haskell

2012-02-26 Thread Barney Hilken
 I'm not sure it's a good proposal, but it seems like the only way to handle 
 this issue is to (1) introduce a new kind for semantically-oriented field 
 names, and (2) make the Has class use that kind rather than a type-level 

The second half of my message showed exactly how to handle the problem, using 
nothing more than existing Haskel features (and SORF for the record fields). 
The point is that the extra complexity of DORF is completely unnecessary.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2012-02-26 Thread Barney Hilken

 Please remember SPJ's request on the Records wiki to stick
 to the namespace issue. We're trying to make something
 better that H98's name clash. We are not trying to build
 some ideal polymorphic record system.

I must admit that this attitude really gets my hackles up. You are effectively 
saying that, so long as the one narrow problem you have come across is solved, 
it doesn't matter how bad the design is in other ways. This is the attitude 
that gave us the H98 records system with all its problems, and the opposite of 
the attitude which gave us type classes and all the valuable work that has 
flowed from them. Haskel is supposed to be a theoretically sound, cleanly 
designed language, and if we lose sight of this we might as well use C++. 
Whatever new records system gets chosen for Haskel, we are almost certain to be 
stuck with it for a long time, so it is important to get it right.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2012-02-25 Thread Barney Hilken
After more pondering, I finally think I understand what the DORFistas want. 
Here is an example:

You want to define records which describe people, and include (among other 
things) a field called name. There might be several different record types 
with a name field, depending on whether the record refers to a customer, an 
employee, a business contact etc., but in each case name is the name of the 
person to which the record refers. You then write various functions which 
assume this, such as

   spam :: Has r name String = r - String
   spam r = Dear  ++ ++ \nHave you heard...

Now I want to define records which describe products, and I also use a field 
name in the same way, except that it is the brand name of the product. I also 
define functions such as

   offer :: Has r name String = r - String
   offer r = Reduced!  ++ ++  50% off!

It doesn't make any sense to apply your functions to my records or vice-versa, 
but because we both chose the same label, the compiler allows it. Putting the 
code in separate modules makes no difference, since labels are global.

Here is a simple solution, using SORF:

The real problem is that the polymorphism of spam and offer is too general. We 
should each define new classes

   class Has r name String = HasPersonalName r
   class Has r name String = HasBrandName r

and make  each of our record types an instance of this class

   instance HasPersonalName EmployeeRecord
   instance HasPersonalName CustomerRecord
   instance HasBrandName FoodRecord

then we can define functions with a more specific polymorphism

   spam :: HasPersonalName r = r - String
   spam r = Dear  ++ ++ \nHave you heard...

   offer :: HasBrandName r = r - String
   offer r = Reduced!  ++ ++  50% off!

Now there is no danger of confusing the two uses of name, because my records 
are not instances of HasPersonalName, they are instances of HasBrandName. You 
only use the class Has if you really want things to be polymorphic over all 
records, otherwise you use the more specific class.

This seems to me a much simpler approach than building the mechanism in to the 
language as DORF does, and it's also more general, because it isn't hard linked 
to the module system. Does it have any disadvantages?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2012-02-25 Thread Barney Hilken
 My objection is that I'm not sure if there is ever a case where you
 really want things to be polymorphic over all records.

Well, I don't have a simple, really convincing example, but there are certainly 
things I want to play with.
More importantly, DORF automatically attaches one class to each label, but this 
is often not what you want. For example, if you have two fields firstname and 
lastname the associated classes are less useful: what you really want is 

  class (Has r firstname String, Has r lastname String) = 
 HasPersonalName r

so that you can define

   fullname :: HasPersonalName r = r - String
   fullname r = r.firstname ++   ++ r.lastname

You may also want to define subclasses to express more specific conditions. In 
general, the compiler cannot automatically deduce what is semantically 
important: you need to define it yourself. The Has class is the base on which 
you can build.

 It doesn't seem like the
 Haskell way to have the less safe thing as the one that's default and
 convenient, and to allow the programmer to layer a more-safe thing on
 top of it if he or she wants to. It seems more like the Haskell way to
 have the safer thing be the default and to require extra work if you
 want to do something less safe*.

I think you are using the word safe in a slightly misleading way. None of 
this is mathematically unsafe, because projections are natural (truly 
polymorphic). The safety that is broken here is nothing to do with the 
semantics of the language, it is to do with the semantics of the system being 
implemented, and that is something the compiler cannot infer. As my example 
above shows, it doesn't always correspond one to one with the labels.
The Haskel way is to make things as polymorphic as is mathematically safe, even 
when this goes beyond the programmers original intention. You can then restrict 
this polymorphism by giving explicit less general types in the same way as in 
my examples. I think my approach is more Haskel like.

Another important Haskel design consideration is to reuse parts of the language 
where possible, rather than introduce new structures. Type classes were 
originally introduced to deal with equality and numeric functions, but were 
reused for many things including monads. My approach achieves the same as DORF 
(and more), but using existing language features instead of introducing new 


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2012-02-24 Thread Barney Hilken

 This should be used to generate
 internal constraints and not be exposed to the end user and not
 automatically abstract over fields.

Every one of your messages about records stresses your dislike for polymorphic 
projections, and your insistence that the Has class should be hidden from the 
user. I've read all of your explanations, but I'm still totally unconvinced. 
All your arguments about the semantics of labels are based on the way you want 
to use them, not on what they are. They are projection functions! Semantically, 
the only difference between them is the types. Polymorphism makes perfect sense 
and is completely natural. There is nothing untyped about it.

I feel you are pushing a narrow personal agenda here. I think the Has class 
would be useful to programmers and no harder to understand than other Haskel 
classes. It should not be hidden.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2012-02-24 Thread Barney Hilken
I'm sorry Greg, I didn't mean to be offensive. I just feel that all your 
arguments in favour of this restriction are based on one particular application 
of records, rather than a general notion of what records are. Obviously this 
application is what motivates you to do all the valuable work you have done, 
and I appreciate that. But people are going to use records in many different 
ways, and I don't think that a restriction which makes perfect sense in your 
application should be allowed to restrict the ways other people want to write 


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2012-02-24 Thread Barney Hilken
 I share Greg's concerns about polymorphic projections. For example,
 given a function
sort :: Ord a = ...
 we don't allow any 'a' that happens to export a operator that's
 spelled = to be passed to 'sort'. We have the user explicitly create
 an instance and thereby defining that their = is e.g. a strict weak
 ordering and thus make sense when used with 'sort'. This explicitness
 is useful, it communicates the contract of the function to the reader
 and lets us catch mistakes in a way that automatically polymorphic
 projections don't.

But the difference is that = is (potentially) an arbitrary function, so we 
need to be careful that the instances make sense. A formally correct system 
would insist that all instances are (at least) reflexive and transitive. But in 
the case of records, we know what the instances are: they are projection 
functions. Every single (automatically generated) instance does exactly the 
same thing: it projects out one component of a record. This isn't like OO 
polymorphism, where messages are actually arbitrary functions which could do 
anything, the polymorphism is exactly the same as that of fst and snd.

 At the very least use two different LANGUAGE pragmas so users can have
 one without the other.

This I can agree with. It was the way that Greg mentioned it in every single 
email which was starting to worry me.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2011-11-07 Thread Barney Hilken

 The problem with this approach is that different labels do not have
 different representations at the value level. 

I think this is an advantage, because it means you don't have to carry this 
stuff about at runtime.

 This allows me to pattern match records, since I can construct record
 patterns that contain fixed labels:
X : MyName1 := myValue1 : MyName2 := myValue2
 I cannot see how this could be done using kind String. Do you see a
 solution for this?
 A similar problem arises when you want to define a selector function.
 You could implement a function get that receives a record and a label as
 arguments. However, you could not say something like the following then:
get myRecord MyName1
 Instead, you would have to write something like this:
get myRecord (Label :: MyName1)

Just define a constant

myName1 = Label :: MyName1

for each label you actually use, and you can use it in both get and pattern 


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

deep record update

2011-09-19 Thread Barney Hilken
All this talk about records got me thinking. I don't really like the current 
syntax for record update (because it looks too much like function application) 
but here is an extension to it which might be useful.

If you use nested records, many languages allow you to update the inner records 
directly, for example rect.bottomLeft.xCoord += 3. We could allow a similar 
thing in Haskell by extending the syntax like this:

fbind   -  qvar = exp
|   qvar { fbind1 , ... , fbindn }


rec { l1 { l2 = x }}

would mean

rec { l1 = (l1 rec) { l2 = x }}

The advantage (apart from convenience) is that we don't have to repeat rec, 
which could be a complex expression.

Is this any use?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2011-09-16 Thread Barney Hilken
I have added my proposal to the wiki.The only downsides to it that I can see 

1. If the types can be resolved at compile time, the compiler needs to optimise 
away the dictionaries, otherwise there will be a performance cost. Since this 
is always the case for type classes, I assume this is a well-studied problem.

2. The olegites are going to use the Label mechanism for other things, and ask 
for extra features. What features would be worth implementing? Do we want a 
member function to return the name as a string? How about a lexicographic 
ordering type function so we can implement extensible records? Where do we stop?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2011-09-15 Thread Barney Hilken
As formulated on the wiki page, the narrow issue is a problem without a good 
solution. The reason the community rejected TDNR is because it's basically 
polymorphism done wrong. Since we already have polymorphism done right, why 
would we want it?

The right way to deal with records is first to agree a mechanism for writing a 
context which means

a is a datatype with a field named n of type b

then give the selector n the type

a is a datatype with a field named n of type b = n :: a - b

There is no reason why this shouldn't be used with the current syntax (although 
it might clash with more advanced features like first-class labels).


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2011-09-15 Thread Barney Hilken
Here is a simple concrete proposal:

Nonextensible records with polymorphic selectors.

1. Introduce a built-in class Label, whose members are strings at the type 
level. We need a notation for them; I will use double single quotes, so 
''string'' is automatically an instance of Label, and you can't define other 

2. Define a class (in a library somewhere)

class Label n = Contains r n where
type field r n :: *
select :: r - n - field r n
update :: r - n - field r n - r

3. Declarations with field labels such as

data C = F {l1 :: t1, l2 :: t2} | G {l2 :: t2}

are syntactic sugar for

data C = F t1 t2 | G t2

instance Contains C ''l1'' where
field C ''l1'' = t1
select (F x y) _ = x
update (F x y) _ x' = F x' y

instance Contains C ''l2'' where
field C ''l2'' = t2
select (F x y) _ = y
select (G y) _ = y
update (F x y) _ y' = F x y'
update (G y) _ y' = G y'

4. Selector functions only need to be defined once, however many types they are 
used in

l1 :: Contains r ''l1'' = r - field r ''l1''
l1 = select r (undef ::''l1'')

l2 :: Contains r ''l2'' = r - field r ''l2''
l2 = select r (undef ::''l2'')

5. Constructors are exactly as before

6. Updates such as

r {l1 = x}

are syntactic sugar for

update r (undef::''l1'') x


This has the advantage that the extension to Haskell is fairly small, and it's 
compatible with existing user code, but if we later decide we want extensible 
records, we need only add a type function to order Label lexicographically.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2011-09-15 Thread Barney Hilken
Typos in my last message: the identifier field should be Field throughout, 
and undef should be undefined. Here is the corrected version:

Nonextensible records with polymorphic selectors.

1. Introduce a built-in class Label, whose members are strings at the type 
level. We need a notation for them; I will use double single quotes, so 
''string'' is automatically an instance of Label, and you can't define other 

2. Define a class (in a library somewhere)

class Label n = Contains r n where
type Field r n :: *
select :: r - n - Field r n
update :: r - n - Field r n - r

3. Declarations with field labels such as

data C = F {l1 :: t1, l2 :: t2} | G {l2 :: t2}

are syntactic sugar for

data C = F t1 t2 | G t2

instance Contains C ''l1'' where
Field C ''l1'' = t1
select (F x y) _ = x
update (F x y) _ x' = F x' y

instance Contains C ''l2'' where
Field C ''l2'' = t2
select (F x y) _ = y
select (G y) _ = y
update (F x y) _ y' = F x y'
update (G y) _ y' = G y'

4. Selector functions only need to be defined once, however many types they are 
used in

l1 :: Contains r ''l1'' = r - Field r ''l1''
l1 = select r (undefined ::''l1'')

l2 :: Contains r ''l2'' = r - Field r ''l2''
l2 = select r (undefined ::''l2'')

5. Constructors are exactly as before

6. Updates such as

r {l1 = x}

are syntactic sugar for

update r (undefined::''l1'') x


Sorry about that.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Extensible Records

2007-11-12 Thread Barney Hilken
I've tried to summarise the important differences between the various  
proposals on the wiki page, but it still needs lots of illustrative  
examples. Anyone who is interested, please contribute!


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Extensible Records

2007-11-11 Thread Barney Hilken
I think this would be a BIG mistake. Whatever system GHC settles on  
is almost certain to become part of the Haskell standard, and this  
particular system has some deep limitations which could not be got  
round without ripping it all out and starting again.

The problem with this (and other Flex-like) systems is that they  
take record extension as the basic operation of record building,  
rather than record merging. This means that you can only ever add or  
update statically determined fields of a given record.

An important application which is made impossible by this approach is  
functions with optional arguments. For example, if you look at the  
definition of R (the statistics system) every function has a small  
number of mandatory positional arguments, and a very large number of  
optional named arguments, which take sensible default values. I want  
to be able to write:

f opts x = let vals = {Opt1 =: default1, ... } |: opts in
... vals ... x ...

where '{Opt1 =: default1, ... }' is some fixed record of default  
values, and '|:' is record overwrite. The type of f should be

f :: (a `Subrecord` {Opt1 :=: t1, ...}) = a - b - c

where '{Opt1 :=: t1, ...}' is the (fixed) type of '{Opt1 =:  
default1, ... }' (and x::b, and c is the type of the result).

The condition 'a `Subrecord` {Opt1 :=: t1, ...}' in the context of  
this type means that every field of 'opts :: a' must be a field of  
'{Opt1 :=: t1, ...}', but opts can have as few fields as you like.  
This is exactly what you want for optional arguments.

This could never be defined in any Flex-like system, because these  
systems depend on the fact that their record types can be reduced to  
a type variable extended by a fixed set of labels. This is a major  
restriction to what you can do with them: you can never define  
operations like '|:' or '+:' where the second argument does not have  
a constant set of fields.

This restriction does not hold for more flexible systems like that  
defined by Oleg  co using functional dependencies, or the one I  
proposed on this list using type families. Although these systems are  
much more flexible than the scoped labels system, they would take  
LESS work to add to GHC because they have less built-in syntax, and  
are almost entirely defined in a library.

I second the call for a records system, but please don't limit us to  
something like scoped labels!


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Extensible Records

2007-11-11 Thread Barney Hilken

Hugs.Trex :t let f opts x = (opt1=default|opts) in f
let {...} in f :: a\opt1 = Rec a - b - Rec (opt1 :: [Char] | a)

This completely loses the aim of optional arguments: with this type,  
the argument 'opts' cannot have a field 'opt1' (as shown by the  
context 'a\opt1'). The type we want should say that 'opts' cannot  
have any fields except 'opt1' (though that is optional). Flex cannot  
express this type.

 (btw, what is Flex-like?)

What I meant by Flex-like systems is that they can only extend  
record types by fixed fields. As well as the usual extraction and  
deletion of fields, I want first-class operators:

(+:) :: r `Disjoint` s = r - s - r :+: s
	x +: y is the concatenation of two records x and y, under the  
condition that they have no fields in common

r :+: s is the type of x +: y, assuming x::r and y::s

(|:) :: r `Subrecord` s = s - r - s
	x |: y is the update of x by y, under the condition that every field  
of y is a field of x of the same type

the type of x |: y is the same as the type of x

The conditions on the types of these operators are important, as they  
catch common errors. For example, if a function 'f' has optional  
arguments 'opt1::x1, ... optn::xn' you want 'f {optt1 = val}' to give  
a type error because you've misspelled 'opt1', not simply to ignore  
it. In other words, you need a condition that the fields of the  
record argument of f are a subset of {opt1, .., optn}.

These operators can be defined using type families: download the code  
This code would only need minimal extensions to GHC to make it  
completely useable.

some time ago (was that really 2 years? trac claims it was), i
suggested that any record system with first-class labels needs
language support for type sharing: if i import modules A and B,
each of which introduces a record-label X, i need some way of
telling the type system that A.X ~ B.X (Trex solved that problem
by not requiring label declarations at all, but Trex labels weren't
first-class objects, either).

I believe this issue is completely independent of records. Exactly  
the same problem would arise if the same datatype with the same  
constructors was defined in two different modules. To solve this we  
need a mechanism whereby identically defined types in different  
modules can be identified.

i propose to start Records project by composing list of
requirements/applications to fulfill; we can keep it on Wiki page.
this will create base for language theorists to investigate various
solutions. i think they will be more motivated seeing our large
interest in this extension

I am happy to contribute to this, but I am strongly biased in favour  
of my own records system!


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: unique id for data types

2007-09-19 Thread Barney Hilken

Ok, I'm stuck.

The Oleg stuff is great, and it looks like he did everything I've  
done long ago, without needing type functions or associated types.  
But I can't use the TTypeable stuff directly because you can't  
convert the relational style of Oleg's work (using functional  
dependencies) to the functional style I'm using (using type  
families). Rewriting all the basics in my style is no problem  
(especially as I only need a limited part of it) EXCEPT Derive  
depends on (at least the types of) Template Haskell, and TH can't  
define type family or associated type instances.

So I'm back where I started.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

unique id for data types

2007-09-18 Thread Barney Hilken
In order to make my records system practically useable, I need a type  

type family NameCmp n m

which totally orders datatypes. More precisely, it should return one  
of the

following types:

data NameLT = NameLT
data NameEQ = NameEQ
data NameGT = NameGT

for each pair of datatypes n  m, according to whether n  m, n = m,  
or n  m
in some global ordering. This ordering needs to be independent of the  
so it can't be affected by whatever imports there are in the current  

What I want to know is: does GHC give datatypes any global id I could  
use to

generate such an ordering? Would fully qualified names work?

Secondly (assuming it's possible) how easy would it be for me to  
write a patch

to add NameCmp to GHC? Where in the source should I start looking?



Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: unique id for data types

2007-09-18 Thread Barney Hilken

Hi Simon, thanks for the response.

In fact I really only need NameCmp to be defined for datatypes of the  

data T = T
but it's still a lot, so I was expecting to need an extension.  
Lexical comparison of fully qualified names is what I had in mind,  
but I wanted some confirmation that such things exist!

I could post a GHC feature request, but unless I get someone else  
interested in this, it would probably just sit in Trac indefinitely.  
Where should I look in the ghc source if I want to add it myself?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: unique id for data types

2007-09-18 Thread Barney Hilken

Hi Stefan,

That's great! Where can I get hold of your TTypable? It's not in  
Hackage and Google didn't find it. I don't know where else to look...


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: unique id for data types

2007-09-18 Thread Barney Hilken
Ah! your link lead me to the HList paper, where all questions are  



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