Re: [gNewSense-users] How to get a Libre distro from Devuan

2019-08-14 Thread Sam Geeraerts
On 11/08/19 20:06, Narcis Garcia wrote:
> Taken from

Thanks for getting in touch with them. It's clear from the thread that
Devuan's not looking to get FSDG certified, but it's good to know that
there are interested people in their ecosystem.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] help !

2019-08-14 Thread Sam Geeraerts
On 09/08/19 10:43, KTanaka wrote:
> $ LANG=C gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! ximagesink
> ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed: no element "videotestsrc".

gst-inspect-1.0 might give you some information to analyze your problem.

The GStreamer community [1] might be able to help you better with this


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Stepping down

2019-07-30 Thread Sam Geeraerts
On 29/07/19 18:53, Will Hill wrote:
> gNewSense with Guix is something I'm looking at again.  I'll miss the KDE 4 
> version of Konqueror but I think I'll gains system stability. 

"Do something with Guix" was on my todo list for gNewSense. I don't know
what that "something" would be, but I wanted a piece of that awesomeness.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Stepping down

2019-07-28 Thread Sam Geeraerts
On 25/07/19 00:40, Will Hill wrote:
> I'm not sure about Devuan's commitment to software freedom.  The last time I 
> looked, the default install seemed to include non free software and Mono, 
> both of which were backward steps from Debian.  I'm not entirely happy with 
> the direction Debian is moving either which is why I'm here.  

They're at least committed in spirit [1], but it's weird that they have
a non-free section in their package repo (that contains binary-only
packages, not just FDL docs) and that they keep blobs in their VCS [2].
I suspect that gNewSense (if it continues) basing on Devuan is more
likely that Devuan built on gNewSense.

My take on gNewSense was to follow Debian except where non-free software
is concerned. So even though I'm not a big fan of systemd myself, I had
no plans to do anything about that in gNewSense. If I had continued,
then I might have made you (almost) as unhappy. :)

> The folks at exe GNU/Linux might be better, starting with the GNU in their 
> name and inclusion of TDE desktop.  I attempted to contact David Hare on his, 
> oh my, Sourceforge project page.  I was unable find other contact information 
> in the time I spent looking.  Hopefully, he will be in touch with good news 
> and you two will have much to talk about.

Cool. I'm curious about what he has to say.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Stepping down

2019-07-24 Thread Sam Geeraerts
On 24/07/19 01:27, Will Hill wrote:
> More importantly, thanks for the offer to coach the next maintainer.  I think 
> the people at exe GNU/Linux would be very interested in your advice and I 
> will try to contact them.  Who knows, they might find GNewsense a better base 
> than Devuan.  

I hadn't heard about Exe yet. I believe Devuan have shown interest in
learning more about gNewSense's build process in the past. Unfortunately
we never hooked up with each other. If the Exe team feel like there's
something to gain from gNewSense, it might make more sense to see how we
can add the missing bit to Devuan.

> I'd like to help out with a few packages that I love, but don't think I have 
> the time to be much more than a user for at least the next six months.

If you're interested in specific packages, you can also help upstream,
be it Debian or the original maintainer(s). (Debian's not on the free
distro list, but nevertheless hugely important to free software.) And
there's varying degrees of involvement, e.g. testing new versions,
reporting or triaging bugs, packaging, developing or even just pointing
people to this cool software that you use and showing them how to get

gNewSense-users mailing list

[gNewSense-users] Stepping down

2019-07-23 Thread Sam Geeraerts
After much consideration, I've decided to step down as the maintainer of
gNewSense. It was the distro I fell in love with and it would hurt me to
see it disappear. Yet I must be honest with myself and the community and
face the facts. I feel like I can't give it the attention it needs to
keep it in a state worthy of a distro recommended by the FSF. I'm sorry
to disappoint current users and those anticipating a new release.

I would like to thank everyone who I've worked with and who contributed
to gNewSense since it sparked from Paul O'Malley's brain over a decade
ago. It's been fun and educational.

If someone wants to take over I will be quite happy to get that person
going. I then might still help out, but I'm not going to take the lead
anymore. Please get in touch or forward to anyone who might be interested.

I will keep the repositories and other infrastructure running for now.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Yeeloong users

2019-06-02 Thread Sam Geeraerts
On 26/05/19 20:58, wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> I still have a Yeelong and would be happy to use it with a new release
> of gnewsense.
> But I of course understand that you might have to make the decision to
> drop the support due to lacking resources.

Debian dropped support for the Yeeloong and the wider mipsel
architecture seems to be low on resources. I think that unless a mipsel
guru steps up it's unfeasible to keep support in gNewSense.

> Just out of curiosity and hope: When can one expect a new release of
> gnewsense (with or without mipsel)?

I've been pondering on the future of gNewSense for a while. I wonder
what you as users think about it. What do you expect from gNewSense? How
should it be different from other Debian (direct or indirect)
derivatives (Trisquel, PureOS, Devuan)? Where lies the balance between
differentiation and fragmentation (considering available resources)?

I'd like to hear your feedback.


gNewSense-users mailing list

[gNewSense-users] Yeeloong users

2019-05-26 Thread Sam Geeraerts

Is anyone still using a Yeeloong? I wonder if it still makes sense to
have gNewSense for mipsel.

Sam Geeraerts

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] [Gnewsense-dev] twine_2.2.1_linux64 not working due to GLIBC_2.14 and GLIBC_2.17 not found.

2019-02-22 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sat, 16 Feb 2019 10:31:30 -0800
schreef "Johan Andersson" :

> Tried to start Twine (twine_2.2.1_linux64) 2.2.1 in gNewSense Release
> 4 (ucclia) 64-bit
> unpacked from
> That is 
> GLIBC and why is its so old on gNewsense?

That's due to very little free time to work on it.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] web site and package outage?

2018-09-15 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 14 Sep 2018 17:24:00 -0500
schreef Will Hill :

> Hi folks.  I was trying to do an install two weeks ago and noticed
> the website and package archives were down.  What's up?

I hadn't marked the domain renewal in my calendar. It's up again now.
Please let me know if you experience any more problems.

Sam Geeraerts

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Request For Packaging: IceCat web browser

2017-08-09 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 9 Aug 2017 09:55:42 +0200
schreef Narcis Garcia :

> Here is the information concerning to this proposal:
> GuixSD, Parabola and Trisquel already include IceCat in their
> repositories.

It makes a lot of sense for a free distro to include IceCat. And I must
admit that our Iceweasel is not in the state I would like it to be. But
I unsubscribed from Gnuzilla's mailing list a few months ago because I
got really tired of all the complaints, demands and rants without much
constructive contributions coming in. I think a discussion about what
we want a browser for a free distro to look like is needed and it's
also a continuous evaluation, but the IceCat community does/did not
seem to be welcoming to that.

So I'm currently not looking at IceCat. I might check it out again in
some time, hopefully getting a more positive impression then.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Problems with upgrade to Ucclia

2017-08-07 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 04 Aug 2017 11:44:05 -0400
schreef dww :

> I then did a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" with the following error:
> Calculating upgrade... Failed
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
> initscripts : Breaks: nfs-common (< 1:1.2.5-3) but
> 1:1.2.2-4squeeze2 is to be installed E: Error,
> pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by
> held packages. When I tried to open Update manager I get the error in
> the attached image.

With these "unmet dependencies" errors I usually fall back to
apt-get/aptitude and install some conflicte packages individually or in
small clusters. So in this case you could try:

apt-get install initscripts nfs-common

and then try dist-upgrade again.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] CDs and DVDs

2016-10-14 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 11 Oct 2016 17:31:36 -0600 (MDT)
schreef Harsha Godavari :

> Just as the sad-face appeared a message flashed in top right hand
> corner of the screen . Something about "Gnome 3 Failed load"? When I
> pressed Ctrl-Alt-F1, I was dropped to command prompt

It appears that your graphics hardware is incompatible with Gnome 3.
Gnome normally has a fallback mode for these situations, but that
doesn't seem to work for you.

You could try a different desktop environment. E.g. run 'sudo apt-get
install xfce4' on the command prompt and then try startx again.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] CDs and DVDs

2016-10-11 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 11 Oct 2016 15:15:50 -0600 (MDT)
schreef Harsha Godavari :

> I tried both 486 mode & 486 Fail Safe mode. In both cases almost near
> the end of booting ( I am guessing here), an error message appears,
> along with a sad face on a monitor saying: 
> "Oh No! Something has gone wrong. A problem has occurred and the
> system cannot recover. Please log out and try again" and a window
> opens with the word LOG OUT. 

Can you switch to a console (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-F1) when this happens?

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] CDs and DVDs

2016-10-10 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Mon, 10 Oct 2016 10:53:31 -0500
schreef Will Hill :

> Will I be able to install from the iso?  

Yes. Please choose version 4.0.

> I was unable to find a CD of DVD vendor.  Is there a vendor that
> offers GNewSense?  

None that I'm aware of.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Can not launch gNewSense 4 on Asus eee pc 1001HA netbook

2016-05-05 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 03 May 2016 22:36:49 +0200

> Hi, i can't launch the live cd of gNewSense 4 on an Asus eee pc
> 1001HA netbook. I tried the live session 686 and the failsafe 686
> session. See attached photos in this email.

Weird. Does the netboot image [1] work for you?


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Credentials user:live

2016-05-04 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 4 May 2016 09:23:01 +0200
schreef Narcis Garcia :

> I share a small tip:
> Live-DVD session works with normal account "user". This user has the
> password "live".
> This password can be needed, for example, if desktop/screensaver
> locks.

That's documented [1], but maybe not so obvious to find. :) Though I
think Felipe did quite a good job with the wiki structure.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense 4.0 released

2016-05-04 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 4 May 2016 08:04:48 +0200
schreef Marcus Moeller :

> Ok, thanks for the explenation. You could just have asked, because I
> know where things have to go in order to be displayed correctly and I
> have already sent you some hints on that in the past.

You're right. Will do next time. Maybe for a 4.1 version if we need it.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense 4.0 released

2016-05-03 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 3 May 2016 15:52:04 +0200
schreef Narcis Garcia :

> I don't feel this as a good news, when just on April 25th the final
> phase of life cycle for Debian 7 has started.
> Using oldstable version of Debian puts gNewSense project in a position
> for only odd scenarios of installations to recommend. More when
> default desktop is not a light desktop.
> I perform GNU/Linux installations every week and still cannot select
> gNewSense as a candidate in old computers, consumer desktops neither
> servers nor VPS containers and virtual machines.
> Trisquel still accomplishes very better for desktop targets.
> I hope a 5.0 version of gNewSense to be soon on the road, and based on
> last Debian stable.

I agree that gNewSense lags too much. I do my best to keep it going
while finding a balance with other commitments. I want to get started
on version 5 as soon as possible. I'll gladly accept offers for help
and I'm happy to mentor new volunteers. I don't mind doing that
privately if people don't feel confident enough to ask questions on the
public channels. And it's great that people learn new things even if
they don't contribute. But I'll point out that it does (initially) take
time away from development, so it'd be great if people who are
interested are serious about their commitment and stick around for a

That said, I invite everyone who's enthusiastic about helping out to
join me on the gnewsense-dev mailing list.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense 4.0 released

2016-05-03 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 3 May 2016 08:18:38 +0200
schreef Marcus Moeller :

> Haven't you included the artwork at all?
> At least the Live Media does not seem to have the wallpapers etc
> included.

My plan was to include the wallpapers and everything, but my first
concern regarding artwork was to override Debian's visible artwork,
e.g. in GRUB and the graphical installer. With the Gnome 3 change
including the rest of the artwork was not simply a matter of copying
the artwork patches from Parkes to Ucclia. So instead of postponing the
release further to fix that I decided to just push it out with less
pretty branding.

gNewSense-users mailing list

[gNewSense-users] gNewSense 4.0 released

2016-05-02 Thread Sam Geeraerts
I hereby announce the release of gNewSense 4, codenamed Ucclia. It's
based on a solid Debian, modified to respect the Free Software
Foundation's and is available for 3 architectures: i386, amd64 and
mipsel (Lemote Yeeloong).

Torrents ([1], [2]) for the live DVD images are available, as well
as direct downloads ([3], [4]) and netboot images ([5], [6], [7]).

[3] [4] [5]

Kind regards,
Sam Geeraerts

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Problems with an unreachable file-link during installation

2016-04-26 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 26 Apr 2016 13:17:02 +0200
schreef Mira-Katharina :

> # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
> #deb
> parkes-security main
> # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
> #deb-src 
> parkes-security main

Hm, I thought that was fixed in the latest images. In your sources.list
file you should replace all instances of with

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense-users Digest, Vol 106, Issue 3

2016-03-18 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sat, 12 Mar 2016 06:28:26 +0100
schreef "Mikel L. Forcada" :

> is there any alternative to pulseaudio?

Uninstalling Pulseaudio is the quick & dirty fix. There's probably a
way to make it work properly, but I have little experience with it.

JACK is also a sound server, but more geared towards sound recording and
music production. I doubt that it's easier to configure.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Sound doesn't work

2016-03-07 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Mon, 7 Mar 2016 17:17:11 +0100
schreef "Mikel L. Forcada" :

> What I cannot get to work is sound. If I go to
> System→Preferences→System Settings and check Sound, the Bark sound
> effect works. However, rhythmbox, vlc, etc. do not work. Any ideas?

Sound sometimes works better if you uninstall pulseaudio. You might
want to try that.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] ucclia status

2016-01-26 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sun, 24 Jan 2016 23:32:51 -0500
schreef dww :

> If it can be solved at a later date, can iceweasel be updated
> automatically?

If someone else succeeds in building it, I'll be happy to update it.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] ucclia status

2016-01-24 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 22 Jan 2016 22:01:41 -0500
schreef dww :

> I was curious as to the status of ucclia.

I've been trying to get the latest security update for Iceweasel in
Ucclia, but all my efforts have failed. I've now decided to stop
spending time on that. This means that Ucclia will no longer get
(security) updates for Iceweasel. :(

I'll be working on the release image this week.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] False positive result after clamav scan whit GUI clamtk?

2015-12-27 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sun, 27 Dec 2015 04:08:22 -0800
schreef "Johan Andersson" :

> Exept for clamav test files clamav scan whit GUI clamtk found four
> files that maybe contain tharts to computor:
> gnewsense-live-source-3.0-amd64-gnome/source/debian/e/evince/evince_2.30
> .3.orig.tar.gz Heuristics.Encrypted.PDF  
> gnewsense-live-source-3.0-amd64-gnome/source/debian/p/p7zip/p7zip_9.04~d
> fsg.1.orig.tar.gz  Heuristics.Encrypted.7Zip 
> gnewsense-live-source-3.1-amd64-gnome/source/debian/e/evince/evince_2.30
> .3.orig.tar.gz Heuristics.Encrypted.PDF  
> gnewsense-live-source-3.1-amd64-gnome/source/debian/p/p7zip/p7zip_9.04~d
> fsg.1.orig.tar.gz  Heuristics.Encrypted.7Zip

I've just verified that the source packages in gNewSense Parkes and
Debian Squeeze are the same. I suggest you report [1] the false
positives to ClamAV.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] "SSL handshake failed: A TLS fatal alert has been received." in web-browser

2015-12-17 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 16 Dec 2015 07:18:36 -0800
schreef "Johan Andersson" :

> How to use repository for gNewSense Ucclia(4) instead of Parkes?

Put the following in your /etc/apt/sources.list and run 'sudo aptitude
dist-upgrade'. This will upgrade your system to Ucclia.

deb ucclia main
deb ucclia-security main
deb ucclia-updates main

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] "SSL handshake failed: A TLS fatal alert has been received." in web-browser

2015-12-13 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 10 Dec 2015 21:40:03 -0800
schreef "Johan Andersson" :

> I think that SSL handshake failed: A TLS fatal alert has been received
> is because a to old gnutls after updating to
> libgnutls26_2.8.6-1+squeeze3 and libcurl3-gnutls_7.21.0-2.1+squeeze8
> it was possible to visit more https websites in Iceweasel 3.5.16. In
> epiphany 2.30.6 problem still remains.

Have you also tried with the browsers in (upcoming) gNewSense 4?

> Issue already addressed:

This bug report is about TLS on, not a TLS implementation.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Suggestion about GDM startup on Gnome 3.12 based distro live (Davide Marchi)

2015-11-08 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 6 Nov 2015 13:11:31 +0100
schreef Davide Marchi :

> My problem is that setting GDM as default greeter by dpkg-reconfigure
> obtain a black screen where should be GDM greeeter instead. I've try
> to set up GDM from startup service but nothing. I've tried running
> gdm from console (live session, single user) too.

Do find any errors or warnings in gdm and Xorg log files when this

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Suggestion about GDM startup on Gnome 3.12 based distro live

2015-11-04 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sun, 1 Nov 2015 13:15:05 +0100
schreef Davide Marchi :

> setting by dpkg-reconfigure, GDM as default greeter, instead of the 
> login window obtain a black screen and going to the first console
> appear "authentication failure" message.

I don't really understand your question. Do you want a live CD where
users get a GDM login screen when they boot?

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] the community and aging packages

2015-01-11 Thread Sam Geeraerts
The captcha and Editor page were introduced to combat the large amounts
of spam we've had in the past. Web server logs show that they're
effective and necessary, because there's still an excessive number of
spam attempts, but they're not getting through. Well, not completely
anyway: the spambot is not smart enough to get past the Editor page,
but it is smart enough to occasionally solve the captcha (70 new user
accounts out of 3 attempts per day).

You're right that the answers to the captcha aren't readily available.
I've been hesitant to put them on the wiki because that would make it
easier for the spammer to find the answers. I've added them to the FAQ
[1] now. Hopefully it won't increase the spammer's success rate.

MoinMoin suggests using a username of the format FirstnameLastname (as 1
word), but you're free to choose any name you like.

The Support page is one of the core pages of the website and editing is
reserved for a select group (see #acl line at the top of the source). I
got the impression that the !GNewSense group is more of a community
thing than a support channel. May I suggest you add the group's
information to the Communities [3] page? I've already added a header
for non-local communities.


P.S.: if the wiki is slow at times, also blame the spammers

Op Sun, 11 Jan 2015 12:34:13 -0500
schreef Bob Jonkman

 Hash: SHA1
 Sorry, the barrier for participation is too high.
 What should have been a single, simple page edit has now become a
 requirement for an account on the Wiki (OK, that's reasonable), an
 obscure requirement to add myself to an Editor page (I participate on
 many community Wikis; this is the first time I've run into that). Now
 there also seems to be a requirement to join the Developer's mailing
 list, and another to join the Savannah project site.
 It turns out that the Wiki signup page asked for my first and last
 names (reasonable), but that generated a user name of [[Bob Jonkman]],
 with a space.  Editing the Editor's page and my home page is nearly
 impossible, since the Preview button doesn't deal well with the
 embedded space. I munged the URL to use %20, but after two or three
 edits that becomes too onerous. And the Support page is still
 The Captcha is one of the strongest I've seen, requiring detailed
 knowledge of the gNewSense project (that's reasonable). However, the
 questions can't be readily answered from information on the wiki.
 There is no project history page to research the question What wiki
 software was used before MoinMoin (I found a casual mention in a blog
 post to PMWiki), and to answer the question Who is the maintainer of
 Linux-Libre I had to turn to Wikipedia since Alexandre Oliva is not
 listed on the gNewSense Credits page. And it seems .odt is not the
 correct answer to What's the common file extension for OpenDocument
 format text documents? Punctuation? Capitalization?
 So, while I'm happy to contribute to gNewSense in a casual, trivial
 way this has just become too difficult.

gNewSense-users mailing list

[gNewSense-users] Fw: Brother MFC9180 in gNewSense

2015-01-05 Thread Sam Geeraerts

Hope you don't mind me forwarding this to the right mailing list? ;)

Datum: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 15:51:33 -0500
Van: TJ
Onderwerp: Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Brother MFC9180 in gNewSense


This gave me trouble in the past as well, causing me to use the
non-free drivers from Brothers site.  

A better solution is to install system-config-printer through
synaptic and set up the printer through cups, of course you need to
install cups as well, if not I believe system-config-printer will pull
it in as a dependency. 

You may need to reboot after this so the system will load and recognize

Plug in your printer, run the above program and it should automatically
locate and recommend a free driver for you.  I have a Brother HL2270DW
and the Generic PCL Laser Printer works perfectly!  


El 05/01/15 a les 09:13, Sebastian Spieker ha escrit:
 Hello and happy new year!
 I am trying to install a brother MFC-9180 (printer/scanner/copy/fax
 multifunction device) in gNewSense. In a Ubuntu system it could be
 done by typing
 apt-get install brother-cups-wrapper-laser1
 ... but in the gnewsense package lists this package is not included as
 the driver is not open-source.
 - Is there an open-source driver for the device?
 - Does anybody know a website where people describe how they have
 managed to get there hardware running in gnewsense?

gNewSense-dev mailing list

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] the community and aging packages

2014-12-30 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:53:17 +0100
schreef Patrick Frank

 when I saw the talk of Richard Stallman at the Chaos Communication
 Congress yesterday I felt inspired to try to change my habits as user
 of the GNU/Linux operating system towards a more free approach in
 computing. The first thing that I have observed is that the community
 on IRC and mailing lists is very much silent.

My IRC activity has been quite low due to lack of time. I do try to
answer questions that come up on the mailing lists. Some people contact
me directly instead of using the mailing lists. That doesn't help to
build the community much, but I respect their choice.

 Another aspect that started to worry me is the aging of packages. As
 user I am not only restricted to free packages only which cuts out
 quite a few useful tools but they are based on a Debian release from
 May 2013 and the current alpha version will be based on that branch
 too when I am not mistaken.
 Is the project still vital at all?

The 2 main factors causing the lag are lack of time and support for
mipsel (Lemote Yeeloong). Newer versions of packages would be nice, but
I want to finish the Wheezy based release so as to not throw away the
work so far and to provide an upgrade path from Parkes.

 Where do gnewsense users meet these days to be social?

That should be the gnewsense-users mailing list and #gnewsense.

 What are the main release goals for gnewsense 4.0?

To have a free stable secure OS supporting x86 and mipsel.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Strange messages from console when using USB tethering with an Android phone

2014-12-23 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 23 Dec 2014 06:52:18 +0800
schreef River Chiang

 No, it doesn't. After switching USB porst to USB 2.0 mode, those
 messages disappeared.

I'm not sure in which Linux version the bug was fixed, but there's a
good chance that the GNU Linux-libre kernels don't suffer from it, so
you might want to try those if USB 3 is important to you.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Strange messages from console when using USB tethering with an Android phone

2014-12-22 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:51:53 +0800
schreef River Chiang

 Dec 22 10:28:03 gnewsense kernel: [ 9452.467963] xhci_hcd
 :00:14.0: ERROR no room on ep ring

I suspect that the USB 3 driver in our kernel version is a bit buggy
[1]. The message indicates that the device is transmitting more data
than the driver can handle. Does it also happen when you connect the
phone to a USB 2 port of your laptop?


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Blogposts for gNev:sense Blog

2014-12-22 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:14:46 +0530
schreef arnuld uttre

 In ragarding to contributing posts to gNewSense official blog:
 Can I post anything related to computer programming in general  (e.g.
 programming languages,  OSs) or I have to restrict my posts to
 gNewSense and Free Software only ?

Posts should not be too far off topic, so they should be related to
gNewSense in some way. But that includes software that is included in
gNewSense or which is not yet packaged but useful for users nonetheless.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense for OEM or sell

2014-12-13 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sat, 13 Dec 2014 09:11:15 +0100
schreef Narcis Garcia

 Okay, I suppose that there is no matter about some contained
 trademark, as it happens with Mozilla, Ubuntu, and some other.

There are no trademarks on gNewSense. I'd appreciate just the same if
the name were not abused. I think that's clear enough as a guideline. :)

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Hardware compatibility

2014-12-12 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:15:41 +0100
schreef Narcis Garcia

 Next months I have the possibility to mark hardware components and
 computers in a wholesale catalog as GNU Compatible or gNewSense
 compatible. But also I will can recommend the selecion of better
 alternatives to currently distributed hardware.

That sounds great. Are you actually going to test the hardware with
gNewSense? Then I hope to get a beta of gNewSense 4 out in time for you
to use.

 Is there some 100% FLOSS compatibility datababase, useful for

I think h-node [1] is the best resource for that. I don't know how many
entries it has that are tested with gNewSense.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] OpenVZ and LXC containers

2014-12-12 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:19:02 +0100
schreef Narcis Garcia

 Is there some docummented procedure to deploy precreated gNS
 containers to use in OpenVZ or LXC environments for a datacenter?

I have no experience with OpenVZ. I imagine the procedure would be quite
similar to Debian's. Maybe we have OpenVZ users on this list who can
explain how it works?

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense for OEM or sell

2014-12-12 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 11 Dec 2014 20:12:45 +0100
schreef Narcis Garcia

 Does gNewSense project have any distribution condition to limit the
 sell this operating system and/or include it preinstalled in ICT

As long as you abide by the letter and the spirit of the licenses, you
can do what you want. Please don't hesitate to share your experiences
with selling gNewSense, pre-installed or otherwise.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] ssl handshake failed

2014-12-02 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 28 Nov 2014 16:49:18 +0100
schreef Sebastian Spieker

 I'm new to gNewSense and this mailinglist. So I send a friendly hello
 to everyone in this mailinglist.


 I have installed gNewSense on a desktop PC as well as on a laptop. In 
 both cases I receive an error message in epiphaniy SSL handshake 
 failed: A TLS fatal alert has been received sometimes. Some pages
 open normally but some not. I don't understand why. Can anyone help?

With which websites do you see this error message?

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Installation USB

2014-09-11 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 11 Sep 2014 02:14:21 +0200
schreef bert

 can I still do it the old way, using the dd command ?:
 dd if=file of=device bs=4M; sync

Yes, that should be equivalent to the cat method.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Java plugin for iceweasel

2014-09-02 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:12:00 +0530
schreef arnuld uttre

 how can I install Java plugin for iceweasel ?  Debian had a package
 called icedtea-plugin but we do not have for gNewSense:
 We have something which does not look like a plugin to me. What I need
 to do Java work in browser ?

Java in Debian Squeeze has dependency bugs. We fixed that to some extent
in Parkes [1] so that much of Java can be installed. But fixing the
icedtea bug [2] requires time (and knowledge of the package) that we
don't have.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] (no subject)

2014-08-25 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 15 Aug 2014 21:20:18 -
schreef Paul A. Crable

 This morning I started my computer only to find that about 20% of my
 applications had disappeared from the Applications menus.  When I
 went to search for them, the file search program was among the
 missing.  I looked for the timekeeping program I had been using by
 running mlocate with the argument time.  I received over 2,000
 hits, and I won't live long enough to examine each one.
 I would like to know how it happened, what to do about it, and how to
 prevent it in the future.

Did you find the missing applications again? Did you check GNOME's menu
preferences to see if they were disabled somehow?

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Installing a Brother 3-in-one

2014-08-02 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sat, 2 Aug 2014 03:31:11 -
schreef Paul A. Crable

 I have been laboring for some time to install support for a Brother
 MFC-7360N printer/scanner/fax.  Contact with Brother yielded a URL to
 an installation program, which I executed, but I can neither print or
 scan from the device.

What's the URL and how did you run the program?

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense-users Digest, Vol 92, Issue 3

2014-06-24 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sat, 21 Jun 2014 17:17:11 +
schreef maksim litvinov

 But it didnot work constantly, dhcp is sleeping

Do you see any error messages (in /var/log/messages etc.)?

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] My two cents

2014-04-11 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 10 Apr 2014 16:14:37 +
schreef Gino Narni

 My two cents. I think the only limit of the completely free operating 
 systems like gNewSense, to compete with the other GNU / Linux, is
 in the running of the programs that replicate the non-free plugins
 such as Adobe Flash in the browser. In gNewSense Gnash works fine for
 YouTube but some websites do not open and streaming video, in some
 sites the browser chrashs. I have absolutely no idea of how to reduce
 this gap in the future because I am not a developer or an expert, but
 just someonean user, but I wonder if it is possible to improve the
 system. I thank those who work to develop free software. I will
 continue to use gNewSense on my computer hoping to be able to
 recommend to the greatest number of people.

There are several ways to help with the issue of non-free plugins.
Working on Gnash is one way to help. But most Flash applications are
non-free software anyway, so in those cases Gnash is still not useful
if you want to avoid proprietary software.

The best thing to do is to contact the people who run the website and
explain why software freedom and open standards are important and how
that relates to their website. They will not change it immediately, but
hopefully they will take your comments into account next time they
update the website.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Web crash

2014-04-06 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sun, 06 Apr 2014 14:50:25 +1000
schreef Andrew Stephenson

 Epiphany, yes, every time. I get an error in, segfault
 with font lock or something or rather.

I can reproduce it. The error does seem to originate from cairo, but I
don't have a fix for it. It doesn't happen with Iceweasel, so you can
use that as a workaround.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Web crash

2014-04-05 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sat, 05 Apr 2014 19:18:29 +1100
schreef Andrew Stephenson

 Whenever I visit in Web, Web crashes.
 I'm using the latest version of gNewSense.

Which Web browser are you using (Iceweasel, Epiphany, ...)? Does it
happen every time you visit that website?

If you're using Iceweasel, then you might want to use NoScript [1]. It
disables all Javascript, except the scripts you allow. If a script is
causing your browser to crash then you can block it that way.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Compiling Icecat 17.0.1 on gNewSense 3

2014-02-20 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 19 Feb 2014 10:31:59 +
schreef kpb

 I can log in to the gNewSense wiki but am not allowed to upload or
 edit anything.

To be able to edit normal wiki pages you must first add your username to
the EditorGroup [1]. This is an unfortunate but effective measure to
combat spam.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] AT SPI

2014-01-02 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 02 Jan 2014 01:12:34 +0100
schreef bert frohn

 Can I simply deactivate 'AT SPI Registry' (Startup Applications)? 
 It gives an error when I shut down the PC and I don't know why it's

If you don't need accessibility features then you can disable it. Or
even delete the at-spi package.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] A user's view

2013-12-29 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sun, 29 Dec 2013 21:31:50 +1030
schreef josh

 On Sat, 2013-12-28 at 21:25 +0100, Sam Geeraerts wrote:
  Op Sat, 28 Dec 2013 13:10:52 +1030
  schreef josh
 No. It asks for the password for root and once it's got it if I later
 ask, for example, for a root terminal I get :

You're right. I must have changed it on my system [1] because I also
find it annoying. When it asks for the root password it provides the
option to remember it for either the whole time you're logged in or

I'd like to change it so that it by default asks for the user's
password instead root's, but from relevant bug reports ([2], [3], [4])
I gather that it could break some configurations if it's not done

 Thanks. Unfortunately:
 root@gnewsense3:/# /usr/local/Brother/sane/setupSaneScan1 -i
 bash: /usr/local/Brother/sane/setupSaneScan1: No such file or

Sorry, for brscan2 that should be:

/usr/local/Brother/sane/setupSaneScan2 -i

 root@gnewsense3:/usr# cd local/Brother
 root@gnewsense3:/usr/local/Brother# ls

If brscan2 is installed correctly then you should have a sane directory

 Thank you for that small mercy. Maybe you should get a user of the
 immediately previous version to operate each new release and point
 out which everyday useful features have disappeared without trace.
 Having to grope around and guess where to find the things that were
 provided at your fingertips by the old version is a really senseless
 waste of time. I don't mean things that you set up yourself - just
 the defaults that came with the system.

I released 2 alpha versions [5][6] and 2 beta versions [7][8] before
the final release. I would have liked very much for more users to test
and compare them with the previous release.

 Yes, and it says that you can drop them onto the bottom of the main
 dialog box but I can find no way to make them stick to it.

As far as I know, GIMP in gNewSense 3 has no single window mode.

 Good point. I'm happy to have anyone read what I say, especially when
 they take the trouble to correct my errors.


[1] Install gconf-editor, start it (Applications - System Tools -
Configuration Editor) and set /apps/gksu/sudo-mode to true

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] A user's view

2013-12-28 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 27 Dec 2013 12:55:53 -0500
schreef Felipe López

 gNewSense needs more communicators or a community manager. If anyone
 can help with this, please join us [3].

I'd like this.

 I agree that free software distributions should and can be much more
 user friendly than they are right now. But to make that happen, I
 think some changes are needed:
 1. Users have to become contributors and help improve the libre tools
 they use.
 2. Contributors have to find a way to work full time on libre tools
 without starving.

+1 to both points.

 Both are really challenging changes, in my opinion.

Quite true.

gNewSense-users mailing list

[gNewSense-users] gNewSense 2 DeltaH end of life

2013-12-28 Thread Sam Geeraerts

The retirement of gNewSense 2, a.k.a. DeltaH, is long overdue. It no
longer receives security updates, nor do we want to support it any
longer in other ways. I strongly encourage anyone still using it to
migrate to gNewSense 3. There is no upgrade path from version 2 to
version 3, but you can have them both installed on the same disk. The
installation instruction for gNewSense 3 can be found on the website

The repository for gNewSense 2 will go offline next Friday, 2014-01-03.
Installations of gNewSense 2 will keep on working after that, but you
will no longer be able to install additional software.


Sam Geeraerts

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] SSL/TLS/GPG: how to trust gNewSense downloads?

2013-12-24 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 24 Dec 2013 14:01:40 +
schreef Sam Kuper

 Done.[2] Thank you :)

Likewise. :)


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] SSL/TLS/GPG: how to trust gNewSense downloads?

2013-12-23 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Mon, 23 Dec 2013 02:01:24 +
schreef Sam Kuper

 On 22/12/2013, Sam Geeraerts wrote:
 Would you (or someone else) be able to copy the repository key(s) to

How about this idea: submit a support request [1] for it, then I'll add
the key and the fingerprint to the ticket and you can get them over
Savannah's HTTPS connection.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] SSL/TLS/GPG: how to trust gNewSense downloads?

2013-12-22 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 20 Dec 2013 03:02:26 +
schreef Sam Kuper

 OK, so the next best thing is to download the gNewSense GPG keyring
 file gnewsense-keyring.gpg from somewhere that does have a secure
 ( )
 and try to verify downloads with that. First steps:

That's the keyring with the keys of the project members, not the
repository key. You can find the repository key in the
gnewsense-archive-keyring package [1] (file
keyrings/gnewsense-archive-keyring.gpg). You can check that it's the
right key by verifying the fingerprint, which listed on our website
[2], but I'll give it here to avoid any doubt:

4F8A 7A4A 66A7 83D1 5560  7F1E E4D0 9D08 BF11 9352

 If not, is there an ETA for the implementation of SSL/TLS on the
 gNewSense website; or a possibility the gNewSense project might start
 serving its files through Savannah instead of (or in addition to)
 directly from the gNewSense website, in order to benefit from
 Savannah's HTTPS?

Savannah is not designed to serve a distribution's package repository.

gNewSense has no money, so we can't get a certificate from the big CAs.
We might get one from CAcert, but that's not trusted by most browsers,
as far as I know. That might make it as trustworthy to you as a
self-signed certificate. So adding SSL support would be either 'better
than nothing' or 'a false sense of security', depending on your view.

I'm more of the former view, but implementing this is low on my
priority list, because I don't want to muck around with the web
server's configuration and I'd have to polish up my knowledge of
certificate administration.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Starting pavucontrol failed

2013-10-04 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 3 Oct 2013 19:12:17 +0100 (BST)
schreef Bert Frohn

 Installed volume control tool pavucontrol (0.9.9-1) with
 libglademm-2.4-1c2a (2.6.7-2) from Synaptic to configure/enable HDMI
 output. PulsAudio Volume Control appears in the Applications Sounds 
 Video menu.
 Starting either from menu or terminal/root terminal 
 gives the message Connection Failed: Connection Refused. 
 (Release 3.0, amd64, Kernel Linux 3.11.2-GNU; Pavucontrol works with
 same hardware and Debian OS).
 Does somebody know how to fix this ?

There's a Debian bug report [1] that describes the same symptom. It
suggests that you may need to install the pulseaudio package.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] On installing gNS 3 on a machine with i218-lm

2013-10-04 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 04 Oct 2013 12:54:15 +0900
schreef YAMAMOTO Kentaro

 The d-i fails because it cannot find the grub-related packages.  I
 don't know if this has something to do with the unavailability of
 network connection.

I just tried the live cd install again without a network connection. It
installed GRUB without any error messages. What's the exact error
message you're getting?

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Wireless adaptor problem

2013-10-02 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 2 Oct 2013 17:32:31 + (UTC)
schreef Hugh Mayfield

 I'm trying to get a Sumvision SVW311M USB wireless adaptor working
 under GNewSense.  It isn't detected by the live DVD.  I've got as far
 as establishing from lsusb that it uses a Ralink RT5370 chipset but
 I'm not sure what to do next.

According to h-node [1] it's not compatible with free software. The
FSF's hardware endorsement program [2] lists some wifi devices that can
be used with free software.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Can't access tty job control turned off

2013-09-29 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sat, 28 Sep 2013 22:07:43 +0900
schreef Karunakaran .M

 After a power failure, on switching on the PC, booting problem has
 occurred with an error message :  Can't access tty  job control turned
 How to make the OS functioning back?

Have you tried running a file system check from a live cd yet?

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] install GnewSense with debootstraping

2013-09-25 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:20:45 +0200
schreef josecho

 One more doubt, I have indicated that I have 2 partitions, gNewSense
 2.3 and Ubuntu. From where I perform the installation, starting the
 computer with gNewSense or Ubuntu? or can it be from either?

If you want to overwrite the gNewSense 2.3 partition then you'll have
to boot from Ubuntu.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] install GnewSense with debootstraping

2013-09-23 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Mon, 23 Sep 2013 11:46:51 +0200
schreef josecho

 GnewSense is:
 / in /dev/sda1
 /home in /dev/sda3
 Ubuntu is:
 The manual says:
 $ sudo mkdir /mnt/gns3
 $ sudo mount /dev/sda10 /mnt/gns3
 Should I replace /dev/sda10 for /dev/sda1?

Yes, you should mount the root partition and debootstrap to it.

 I intend to have a new and clean installation, no old data in /home.

Then you'd better reformat /dev/sda3 up front and mount it on /home
before adding users.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Not getting updates anymore on beta Parkes

2013-09-13 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 13 Sep 2013 11:14:21 -0400
schreef Chris Murphy

 Hello.  Me and my brother installed Parkes while it was still beta,
 but ever since the stable version came out, we haven't been getting
 new updates on apt.  Is there a new repository that we should connect
 our apts to?  Thanks!

Sorry, I must have forgotten to mention here that beta users should
change their sources.list. Please refer to the website [1] for the
current active repositories.


gNewSense-users mailing list

[gNewSense-users] New accounts disabled on wiki

2013-09-10 Thread Sam Geeraerts

To combat the flood of spam on our wiki in the short term I've disabled
the creation of new accounts. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please bear
with use while we work on a better solution.

Sam Geeraerts

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Grsecurity on gNewSense, but for real?

2013-09-04 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 04 Sep 2013 19:12:37 +0200
schreef mirovis

 Namely it is technically/morally/human-nature-wise possible that
 some of the administrators of the gNewSense mailing list has
 blocked the sending of the welcome-confirmation mail to
 all of the 3 (three) or 4 (four) addresses that I tried to
 send this reply from.

We don't, as far as I know.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] PCMCIA Wireless Card Recommendations

2013-08-17 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sat, 17 Aug 2013 13:03:07 +0100
schreef Chris Andrew

 It's been a while :-)

Welcome back.

 I've been given an old Dell laptop, and would like to purchase a
 wireless PCMCIA network card, for it. Keen to keep things as open as
 possible, can anyone recommend a manufacturer (or specific card) that
 would meet my requirements?

Did you check h-node [1] yet?


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Burning DVD from ISO

2013-08-16 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Fri, 16 Aug 2013 12:44:51 -0400
schreef Max Polk

 So is it the ISO file format, or is it the burner software, or is
 it Windows?  Here's Cygwin looking at the iso file.  Is there
 some flag or compatibility setting that is wrong inside the ISO
 file itself?

It's the filesystem: Windows (and I guess Cygwin) sees Joliet [1],
GNU/Linux sees Rock Ridge [2].


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Username and password for Gnewsense 3.0 live image?

2013-08-14 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 13 Aug 2013 09:25:10 -0400
schreef D. A. H.

 I am trying to run the subject live system, using the orca screen
 reader for accessibility;a m blind.  When I boot the system and start
 orca, I go through the initial screen reader setup, and am asked to
 log out and back in.  When I log back in, what username and password
 should I use? I've tried a bunch of combinations of username and
 password 'debian', 'live', 'user', 'live', 'gnewsense', 'lliveuser'...

I added the necessary credentials to our download page [1].

 Is there a menu option or boot command that starts orca in live
 session, that is not documented?

According to the live-boot manpage [2] setting boot parameter access
to v1, v2 or v3 should set the accessibility level for visually
impaired users. I didn't notice any changes when I used it.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Username and password for Gnewsense 3.0 live image?

2013-08-14 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 13 Aug 2013 15:50:08 -0400
schreef D. A. H.

 Gnewsense does not detect the network hardware on the Del Inspiron 
 machine I intended for this distro;

This is probably due to the older kernel we have.

 I'll leave the working Trisquel in place.  On my Asus EEPC 1015 PE,
 Gnewsense detects my wired and wireless devices, but I cannot connect
 to a wireless access point. Trisquel fully works on this machine, too.

You could give us more information with the output of the following

lspci -vmmnn
cat /var/log/messages

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] usb keyboard won't work splash screen usb flashdrive

2013-08-14 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 14 Aug 2013 11:01:13 -0700 (PDT)
schreef Christopher Patrick

 don't have a blank DVD to try it with, will try to get some today and
 let you know if it works


I plugged the USB keyboard I have on hand here into my laptop and I'm
able to use it in GRUB.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] usb keyboard won't work splash screen usb flashdrive

2013-08-13 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Mon, 12 Aug 2013 18:20:14 -0700 (PDT)
schreef Christopher Patrick

 I downloaded the gnewsense 3.0 64 bit ISO,  md5sum checks out ok, and
 when I made a usb flashdrive of the iso, and when i get to the grub
 screen I cannot use my usb keyboard to select anything. Keyboard I am

Did you also try with a CD instead of a USB drive? Or a different USB
port? Perhaps the keyboard doesn't get enough power when the USB drive
is also plugged in.

gNewSense-users mailing list

[gNewSense-users] Spreading the word

2013-08-11 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Do any of you want to write about the new gNewSense release and are
looking for some graphics to liven up your article? Our resident artist
made some promotional images for you to use [1]. If you don't feel like
writing, but still want to publish something anyway, then you can use
the HTML page that can serve as a portal to our website.

You can download all the artwork at the Galaxia project website [2].


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] [Gnewsense-dev] gNewSense 3.0 Parkes stable

2013-08-07 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 07 Aug 2013 17:28:22 +1000
schreef Karl Goetz

 Congrats mate, thats a huge achievement!


 It wasn't looking like a three release would ever materialise when
 you took up the challenge but here it is.

Lucky for me someone already configured some servers and stuff I could
use and taught me some of his l33t Deb skillz. ;)

 I cant express how pleased i am that you managed to pull this off!

You and me both. I guess this must be how female elephants feel: you
spend a long time growing a baby while everybody thinks you're just
playing with your trunk, until you poop it out after 2 days of labour
and then everyone says it's great and they want to get one at home. :p

I think I'll not take that analogy any further.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense 3.0 Parkes stable

2013-08-07 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 07 Aug 2013 12:30:44 -0600
schreef Germán Arias

 The website needs be updated

On my todo list.

 and a post at Planet GNU would be great.

I hadn't thought of that. We don't really have a suitable channel to
publish there, but I'll see what we can manage.

Thanks for the feedback.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Sound not working

2013-07-29 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sun, 28 Jul 2013 18:53:51 -0400
schreef sam2025

 When I ran the command /aplay --list-devices/ I get:
 aplay: device_list:268: no soundcards found...
 If I run /cat /proc/asound/cards/ it returns with
 --- no soundcards ---
 Running /cat /proc/modules
 *snd_hda_intel 346264 0 - Live 0xf8cb4000*

So ALSA doesn't see the device and nothing is using the snd_hda_intel
module. Let's check if udev sees it. What's the output of

sudo udevadm trigger --verbose --subsystem-match=sound

gNewSense-users mailing list

[gNewSense-users] Package update: encryption disabled in Berkeley DB

2013-07-20 Thread Sam Geeraerts

To solve a release critical bug [1] in gNewSense 3.0 I had to disable
encryption in Berkeley DB (a.k.a. libdb4.6, libdb4.7, libdb4.8). That
means that encryption as well as decryption of Berkeley database files
will no longer be available.

As far as I can tell, this feature is seldomly used by packages in our
repository. Only slapd uses it directly (but not by default). Python,
Ruby, Perl and CLisp have bindings for this feature, but it's hard to
see if it's actually used by any program. I don't know of a guaranteed
way to check if you are affected by this. If you suspect that a program
you use stores information in Berkeley DB format, check if you can
disable the encryption before you update your system, so that you won't
lose access to your data.

gNewSense 2 suffers from the same problem, so it will be disabled there
as well.

Sorry for the inconvenience, especially at a time when technology that
protects our privacy is more important than ever. I'm working to get
this feature included again in the near future.


Sam Geeraerts

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Icedove in parkes

2013-07-17 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 17 Jul 2013 22:36:30 +0300
schreef Lars Noodén

 I'm looking for Icedove (or Thunderbird) in Parkes.  I can find a lot
 of localization packages and a few other packages that depend on
 Icedove, but not the package itself.  Where should I look and what am
 I missing?

Icedove points to non-free extensions [1] and it's not patched yet for
Parkes, so it's still blacklisted. The blacklist entry was copied from
gNewSense 2 with a reference to its bug report. No bug was reported
for gNewSense 3. That's an oversight, so I submitted one now [2].


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] /usr/bin/lsusb missing?

2013-07-17 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 17 Jul 2013 23:42:22 +0300
schreef Lars Noodén

 lsusb seems to be missing from Parkes.  I think it was there before
 because this page mentions it:
 It's also present in Debian Wheezy, but not in Parkes.  Should a bug
 report be filed?

'apt-cache search lsusb' suggests it's part of usbutils. That is
confirmed by 'dpkg -L usbutils'. I see usbutils in the repository [1]
and 'aptitude download usbutils' works for me. Do you get an error
message when you try to install it?


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] some issues

2013-07-14 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Sun, 14 Jul 2013 12:50:50 +0100 (BST)
schreef Snoopys Woodstock

 gns3 runs on my lemote yeeloong. yeah nice thing! But its a bit slow.
 How can I speed it up?

There are still some optimizations ([1], [2], [3]) on our todo list. I
don't expect huge improvements from them, though. It's the nature of
the hardware.

 Even the boot process took some while. Or is it normal?

What Michał says. Parkes boots fairly quickly once kernel (and optional
initrd) are loaded, IMO.

 I find the epiphany browser crashes a lot. Thanks for iceweasel!
 At least for the moment, some windows are too big and I cant small
 them. Any suggestions for these problems?

Alt+dragging should work. Upstream projects have some bug reports
(e.g. [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]) about small resolutions.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Sound not working

2013-07-11 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 10 Jul 2013 23:49:22 -0400
schreef sam2025

   sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel
 gives no output (error or otherwise).

Good, then the module is loads ok. Check if your audio device is listed
in /proc/asound/cards. If it is, check if ALSA sees it by running:

aplay --list-devices

 When i do
 sudo modprobe -l '*hda*'
 I didn't figure out how to get the version of the modules so not sure
 if they are old or now.

Their version is the same as the kernel's version. This doesn't say

 Is the path to the packages that the Synaptic Package Manager
 displays different then the one used for installed binaries?

The package manager only keeps track of actual packages (i.e. *.deb
files). Software that you install without using the package manager
(e.g. with make install) is not recognized as a package. To the
system it's just a bunch of files.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Youtube.

2013-07-11 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 11 Jul 2013 00:04:52 -0400
schreef sam2025

 Not sure if I want to spend time troubleshooting it or try Iceweasel
 or something else... I also like Youtube:)

I've used the Good Old YouTube Downloader addon [1] a few times. The
xpi file does not have any license information, but the version
information section on the download page links to MPL, so it should be
free software. The page claims that it doesn't work anymore now. I
haven't tried it now.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Thunderbird spell checker

2013-07-11 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 11 Jul 2013 00:32:21 -0400
schreef sam2025

 Do you have a good reference that explains how user/program
 permissions work under linux?

The book Introduction to the Command Line [1] has a section [2] about

 Concerned about not catching any viruses/spyware and may want to
 share some files across multiple users.

If you only install software from the package repository and don't run
any random scripts you find on the Web, then chances are very small
that you will catch malware.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Sound not working

2013-07-10 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 10 Jul 2013 01:29:54 -0400
schreef sam2025

 No errors that I can see. No sound after I reboot.
 Looking at the Synaptic Package Manager I still see the alsa-base 
 module with the old version (1.0.16 installed by gNewSense
 Since the install seemed to work, shouldn't at least that version
 have updated? Same thing happens for the alsa-lib and alsa-util, they
 keep their original version numbers.

The package manager only sees packages, not binaries that are installed

 There is an audio device return by lspci -v.
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e20 (rev
 04) Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Unknown device 841a
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 14
Memory at f731 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]
Capabilities: access denied
 Any ideas what else I can try to get Sound working?

Try this and see if it gives you errors:

sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense 3.0 Parkes Beta 2

2013-07-07 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 4 Jul 2013 15:06:49 -0500
schreef Felipe Lopez

 The theme used by the Live installer looks older and different[1]
 to the theme used when GUI installer is selected in the Boot menu.[2]

Thanks for testing. Debian Squeeze does use the right theme, so it must
be a mistake in gNewSense. Please report a bug for this.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense 3.0 Parkes Beta 2

2013-07-04 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Netboot images are also available now:


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Nvidia support for gNewSense v 2.3

2013-07-02 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 2 Jul 2013 13:24:00 -0700
schreef William Stahl

 I have read your email. I have two days off so I can devote some time
 to install gNewSense 3.0 Parkes. I have as you know already installed
 2.3 Will this install on top of that, or do I need to reformat the
 drive where gNewSense 2.3 resides before installing.

At the stage where you select the disk partition to install to, you can
choose Manual. There you can select the partition where you installed
2.3 and set the option to reformat before installing 3.0 (data on this
partition will of course be deleted). The other options to set there are
ext4 for the file system and / for the mount point. Your disk will
not be touched until you select save and write changes to disk.

The text installer can be a bit intimidating and I'm afraid our
installation manual [1] is not yet updated for 3.0. If you have not yet
written the changes to disk then you can select go back and choose to
abort the installation with no harm done.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense ISO mirror in Romania

2013-06-11 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Tue, 11 Jun 2013 08:10:48 +0300
schreef Tiberiu C. Turbureanu

 Please add this gNewSense ISO mirror to CD Downloads #Secondary: [0]

Added (using correct links). Thanks a bunch for your bandwidth donation.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Fwd: Re: Hello, i'm back.

2013-06-07 Thread Sam Geeraerts
 I've asked this before but can somebody please remove my email
 address from this list the unsubscribe feature is broken.

Hi Oliver,

The list owner [1] should be able to help you.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] On installation of Parkes

2013-05-30 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 29 May 2013 23:16:44 +0200
schreef Sam Geeraerts

 Op Wed, 29 May 2013 20:57:04 +0900
 schreef YAMAMOTO Kentaro
  5. Can the wireless network adapter be used in WPA2-encrypted
  network? (I couldn't make it work in metad.)
 I believe so. I'll try to verify that tomorrow if I have time.

Works like a charm.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Installing gThumb Image Viewer in gNewSense 3.0 Parkes Beta 1

2013-05-30 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 30 May 2013 09:44:15 +0100 (BST)
schreef Bert Frohn

 Installing gThumb through Synaptic Package Manager requires
 gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs which conflicts with
 gnome-desktop-environment. But gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs is not a hard
 dependency, and it depends on yours APT configuration wanting to
 install also Recommended and Suggested packages.
 As a workaround, I tried successfully:
   # apt-get install gthumb gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs-
 (thanks to David Paleino).

Thanks for checking that out. Too bad that the maintainer doesn't seem
interested in finding a better solution for this bug [1]. But it's not
the only package that depends on gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs, so perhaps
there's a bigger picture that will be resolved in the future.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] gNewSense 3.0 Parkes Beta 1

2013-05-29 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Mon, 27 May 2013 17:50:04 -0400
schreef dww

 I installed the Beta using mini.iso installed on a USB stick using
 FSUSBi on an older desktop machine.

Thanks for testing.

 The only 2 issues that I saw were
 1. On a slaved hard drive I have Windows XP with NTFS format. The
 install process recognized it and the message seemed to imply it was
 going to be added as secondary boot option in Grub. When the
 installation process was complete Windows XP was not an option in the
 Grub boot menu.  Not that I really care about XP anymore but that it
 should be reported as an issue for newer users switching from Windows.

Check your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file for any reference to the missing
drive. Perhaps the configuration contains an error or the entries were
commented out for some reason.

 2. The KDE GUI environment was installed by default. I have always
 used Gnome and earlier installs of gNewSense installed Gnome by
 default including the Parkes Alpha installer.  On the login page
 Gnome was not a SessionType option.

I tried the beta1 mini.iso again myself. The graphical desktop
environment option installed Gnome for me. Did you select any other
special option?

 3. It seems that root is no longer a user one can log into. Earlier
 versions of gNewSense had the 'admin' user but perhaps that was an
 Ubuntu thing.

I can log in succesfully as root on a console. It's generally not a
good idea to log in as root in the GUI. On gNewSense 2 members of the
admin group may gain root privileges. On Parkes the same goes for the
sudo group.

 Otherwise every else seem smooth.


 Let me know if installing with the Live CD would be worthwhile to

Will be announced on this list.

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] On installation of Parkes

2013-05-29 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 29 May 2013 20:05:21 +0900
schreef YAMAMOTO Kentaro

 1. Is it possible for me to update the distribution by using apt, not
 by booting from USB or something?

Yes, you can replace your sources.list file, but don't expect this to
go smooothly. I had to handle some broken dependencies along the way
when I did the upgrade. I used aptitude, maybe apt-get works better for

 2. Do I have to use debootstrapping to install parkes from scratch, or
 can I boot from USB flash memory?

You can put the netboot image and kernel [1] on a USB drive and boot
from that.

 3. It seems that Debian now ships with blob-free Linux.  In what way
 is Parks different from the version of Debian (I believe it's Squeeze)
 on which it is based?

gNewSense does not steer you towards non-free software, e.g. the
installer and kernel don't ask you to provide non-free firmware,
browsers don't suggest non-free plugins, video players don't encourage
the use of non-free codecs. In short, people who care about software
freedom can be assured that any software, documentation or media they
install by using the package manager or scripts that download from
third parties or by following suggestions in documentation respects
that freedom.


gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Notebook 100% Free

2013-02-06 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 6 Feb 2013 08:57:42 -0200
schreef Albino Biasutti Neto
 I was researching and reading some articles, I found this notebook
 [1][2] :-)

i.e. the Lemote Yeeloong

 It is 100% free, freedom and Open Source, according to the text. The
 Dr. Richard Stallman have he [3] and some users of gNewSense.

There's always room for improvement [1], but in the laptop space it's
the closest thing so far.

 You can purchase the product in Brazil (import it maybe)? The price
 it pays?
 My last information was that this model is not yet being manufactured.

It can be purchased from Tekmote [2], KD85 [3] and (if you're a real
sweet talker) Freedom Included [4]. (I nor gNewSense have a commercial
relationship with these companies.) I don't know any shops in South
America that have it.


P.S.: I think unnecessary URL shortening is bad and usually don't click
those links. Here are some reasons why:

gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Translate Wiki for pt_BR

2013-02-04 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Mon, 4 Feb 2013 14:09:16 -0200
schreef Albino Biasutti Neto

 My name is Albino Biasutti Neto. I am user GNU/Linux many years.
 I am voluntareers in others projects as Apache OpenOffice, FSFLA,
 PostgreSQL, PSL-Brasil, Community Tux-ES and others in Brazil.
 I want contribute with the project gNewSense, starting in translate
 [1], I am user distro.
 1 -

Hello and welcome.

I see that you've already found our introduction for
translators. It says that you should form a team with at least one
other person. We prefer that so that the team can improve each other's
writings (e.g. one is great at translating and the other at spelling)
and to make sure that gNewSense is wonderful doesn't get translated
to gNewSense is crap by someone with bad intentions. Also, if one
person stops, then the rest of the team could still go on.

However, that rule is not set in stone and I'm quite happy that you
want to work on the Portugese translation. Feel free to dive in at any
time. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

gNewSense-users mailing list

[gNewSense-users] Wiki security

2013-01-09 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Hi all,

Debian recently discovered a security incident with their wiki [1].
gNewSense uses the same wiki software, but I found no evidence of a
similar security breach on our server. I installed the fix when Debian
released it.

This incident does show that it's important to avoid using the same
password for multiple user accounts. If you don't already do this as a
policy, please update your credentials (for gNewSense and other)


gNewSense-users mailing list

[gNewSense-users] Archive key expired

2012-12-27 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Hi all,

The archive signing GPG key for Deltah has expired (again [1]). I'm
fixing it right now. More news later today.



gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Archive key expired

2012-12-27 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Thu, 27 Dec 2012 10:38:09 +0100
schreef Sam Geeraerts
 The archive signing GPG key for Deltah has expired (again [1]). I'm
 fixing it right now. More news later today.

You can find the refreshed key attached. You can update it with:

sudo apt-key add updated-gns-build-key.gpg

I'll also make it available with the base-files package in the next 24

Description: application/pgp-encrypted
gNewSense-users mailing list

Re: [gNewSense-users] Lemote Yeeloong will not boot into GUI - only terminal

2012-12-20 Thread Sam Geeraerts
Op Wed, 19 Dec 2012 14:54:15 -0400
schreef Mark Wojtasiak

 One thing I noticed is that Epiphany seems to crash quite
 a bit.

Thanks for mentioning it. I've been mostly using Iceweasel myself, so I
hadn't noticed it. Debian has quite a few bug reports [1] about crashes
and segmentation faults. If you recognize your situation in any of them
you might find a workaround in the bug report or contribute to a
solution if you can tell them how to reproduce the crash.


gNewSense-users mailing list

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