Re: How does Linux handle DST/ST? It's all about time...

2020-11-10 Thread Michael ODonnell

If some variation of that sleazy hack doesn't work and you can't
find some some source for the info you want (maybe something like :) then you'll have to determine
if DST is active on your own.

That requires a timezone file for your locale and some source of "current
UTC time"; your system clock chip can presumably supply the latter.

Here's hoping you can find existing code (like a Python library) to
paddle around in timezone files.

If not, you can dump a timezone file with zdump; the output shows (among
other things) the exact dates/times of transitions into and out of DST,
as well as your locale's offset from UTC after each transition.

The timezone files typically live in /usr/{share,lib}/zoneinfo/

The timezone file governing your system is specified in /etc/timezone

So, on my Ubuntu system this command dumps the current timezone file:

   zdump -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/$(cat /etc/timezone) a text format that could be parsed to discover if DST is in effect
in my timezone.  Ick.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: How does Linux handle DST/ST? It's all about time...

2020-11-10 Thread Michael ODonnell

You can mess around with DST and such but this slightly sleazy hack
might serve an alternative: find some way to get your "dumb" machine to
tell your "smart" machine what time it thinks it is currently, and then
force the smart machine to that time.  For example, if SSH works from
the smart machine to the dumb one then from the smart one you might say:

 % x="$(ssh dumb date)"
 % sudo date --set="$x"

...or some variation on that theme.


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

YouTube - Jon "maddog" Hall talks Unix and Linux history

2018-04-01 Thread Michael ODonnell

Posted from Linaro Connect 2018, Hong Kong:

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ISO: Free In-House Kanban/Scrum Web-Based Board

2018-03-31 Thread Michael ODonnell

A former cow-orker on another list says:

> Trello is usually what I start with recommending as it is
> very visual, uses sticky notes, and you can try it for free
> (although it charges at group and enterprise level).
> For open source versions of trello, you should check out
> this link:

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: tech recruiters you like?

2016-09-01 Thread Michael ODonnell
I shouted with joy when it was announced that the completely vile
practice of prospective employers demanding that you reveal your
compensation history will (at least in MA) become illegal next year:

...and even though it's reported as being intended largely to defend
against gender discrimination it is *long* overdue in all cases.
Our skills/abilities/services have a market value and it's arrogant
for a prospective employer to attempt to decide what's "proper" based
on whatever our previous circumstances were; if I was overpaid in my
previous gig it's not their responsibility to perpetuate that error,
and if I was underpaid they are not somehow entitled to continue
the punishment, either.

I'm mentioning this because in my experience headhunters/ recruiters
ask early and often for lots of sensitive info about a candidate's
circumstances (not just compensation) while offering as little as
possible in return.  This new legislation applies directly to them
because in many cases they end up being your employer in contract
situations, even though it's easy to forget that because you may
never lay eyes on them or their place of business.

I've had some success deflecting rudely inapprpriate questions
along these lines by ignoring them and countering with:

   What do you know about the client?
   Do you have an existing relationship?
   What do you know about the hiring manager(s)?  the team?
 [ Too often, they only know what
   they've scraped off the prospective
   client's WWW site, ie.  nothing...  ]
   What's their budget?
   What rate would you intend to charge them for my services?
   What rate are you offering me?
   How do you account for the difference?"

...etc.  Obviously, every situation is different; sometimes
we're in the driver's seat and sometimes we're nearly powerless,
often it's a distasteful mix.


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

TESTING - please ignore

2016-09-01 Thread Michael ODonnell
Debugging postfix - sorry for the noise...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: "Attention, graying geeks: Send me your BASIC memories, as the language turns 50" -- David Brooks

2014-05-04 Thread Michael ODonnell
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Sniffing gigabit ethernet? 1000baseT LAN taps?

2014-04-14 Thread Michael ODonnell

I don't know what your situation is but if there's a managed
switch involved I believe that some of them can be rigged to
echo traffic to one or more specified ports for analysis/debug.

Or if your problem isn't specific to GigE (and you can tolerate
10baseT speeds) I have a little NetGear hub you might be able
to hook all three lines into for eavesdropping...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: "Attention, graying geeks: Send me your BASIC memories, as the language turns 50" -- David Brooks

2014-04-11 Thread Michael ODonnell

I worked at Data Precision (Analogic) and one of our guys wrote a
BASIC interpreter (in 68000 assembler!) for incorporation into a
product (D6000 Waveform Analyzer) as embedded code.  I can't remember
whether it was Kemeny or Kurtz but one of them visited circa 1982
to give it a test drive and our guy felt honored at receiving such
attention.  One thing that sticks in my mind was how he tried to trip
up the interpreter to see if it properly discriminated stuff like:

   FOR K = S TO P

...from this:


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Systems guy available (Chelmsford, MA)

2014-03-10 Thread Michael ODonnell

I'm a generalist looking for work (SysEng/SysAdmin/other?)
within reasonable commuting distance from Chelmsford, MA.

Please email me if you have any leads or want further info...


  --Michael O'Donnell

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: su: cannot set user id: Resource temporarily unavailable

2014-03-10 Thread Michael ODonnell

Another vote for strace.  Depending on circumstances I
sometimes first startup a separate session thus:

   script /tmp/tediousDebugSession.log

...and then just allow the strace+program command to let
fly via stdout.  It can be a mess but having program output
intermixed with the resultant strace spewage can sometimes
help when trying to divine which parts are relevant.

P.S.  It's "jibe" not "jive"...   ;->

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Chromcast

2014-03-08 Thread Michael ODonnell

> I'm running Ubuntu 12.4 on a dual boot laptop.  I have a
> Chromcast dongle on my TV.  I am unable to cast to it.

I received a Chromecast as a gift but haven't messed with it
much; I, too, am disappointed but not surprised at Google's
refusal to support Linux users.

I think the Chromecast device for the most part (we'll ignore
"tab-casting" mode for now) operates independently, pulling
content directly from providers like YouTube and rendering it
on your TV via HDMI.  You tell it what to stream using commands
transmitted locally via WiFI from a Chromecast-enabled app
(I'll call that app the CA) running on something like a Windows
or Android machine.

I think the CA can only (using something like the DIAL protocol)
discover Chromecast devices that have associated with the same
WiFi Access Point, though an interesting question might be:
will a CA on my laptop still work if I disable WiFi but remain
connected via wired Enet to the same LAN the Chromecast is on?

I'm guessing there are no CAs for Linux because Google needs
the CA to be easily able to comandeer the WiFi connection on
its host platform, and there are too many variables involved
in doing that on the average Linux box.

> I must switch to Windows Vista on this computer to cast.  It is
> the only time I ever boot to Windows, which is very slw.
> Has anybody been able to cast to Chromcast from Ubuntu?
> The technicians at Google have been no help.  I don't remember
> seeing this topic on this forum.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

[OT-IGNORE] de-ComCastification test

2014-02-11 Thread Michael ODonnell

Pardon the noise - just verifying that I can post
to the GNHLUG list using my non-ComCast email address..

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Fifo buffer question

2014-02-06 Thread Michael ODonnell

Ah!  forgot about that screen/tmux approach (screen, in my case) -
I, too, have had good results with it, circumstances permitting...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Fifo buffer question

2014-02-06 Thread Michael ODonnell

> Could I start the process with " > fifo-buffer.txt" and then
> when I want to check the output, run a "tail -f fifo-buffer.txt"

If your fifo-buffer.txt is a plain file that isn't managed
(log rotation, etc) then the risk is that it wastes or
exhausts disk space.  If it's a named pipe any writes to it
will block until somebody opens it for reading and if they
subsequently close it the writer will see an error (SIGPIPE?)
that it'd better be prepared to handle.

Rigging your process to route its output into a managed
logfile is fairly easy using the logger tool and configuring
log rotation isn't too hard, either.

The venerable SIGUSR1 trick that ChrisL suggested works well
in some situations and is employed by dd, among others.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: What are you doing for home NAS?

2013-12-30 Thread Michael ODonnell

I don't know what the current crop of WD Desktop drives
is like but when I was evaluating them for inclusion in
a product about 4 yrs ago they didn't make the cut.

In addition to mediocre xfer speeds their design seemed
to indicate unfamiliarity with (or disregard for)
basic concerns like physical stability.  Their stylish
pedestal package had blinkenlights and a dramatic sci-fi
appearance, but the center of gravity was so high and
the pedestal's footprint so small that they tipped over
given the slightest nudge.  Also, they offered no (or too
little) control over the permanently enabled power-saving
"feature", the device taking long enough to spin back up
and become available that it was sometimes abandoned by the
kernel as faulty.  I suspect the single design criterion
was the usual does-it-work-with-Windows.

If they've addressed such concerns in the meantime then
they may deserve consideration, otherwise...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

[OT] Comedian rants about passwords/account mgmt

2013-11-22 Thread Michael ODonnell
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: DoS attacks on

2013-11-19 Thread Michael ODonnell

I'm sure some would not be displeased to see the
term "open source" get Embraced And Extended and
turned into a pejorative the way "hacker" was...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

ARTICLE - Fixing UNIX/Linux filenames

2013-10-31 Thread Michael ODonnell

You may find witches, ghosts and zombies at your door this
evening but this discusses something even more horrible:
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

911 calls from unsubscribed devices

2013-09-10 Thread Michael ODonnell

My understanding is that mobile phone service providers
are required to transmit/relay all 911 calls regardless of
whether the originating device is registered/subscribed to the
provider in question.  If so, what kind of (preferably minimal
and unobtrusive) HW/SW would a generic laptop (running Linux,
of course) have to be equipped with to exploit that requirement
to have a basic 911 Panic Button capability?

I assume that, ideally, a 911 operator would like to
have a conversation with the caller to better assess the
nature/urgency of the emergency, but I also assume that's not
strictly necessary as long as location info is included in the
transmission, as obtained either via GPS or tower-triangulation.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Installing Ubuntu on an EFI-based Intel system

2013-08-22 Thread Michael ODonnell

> Halfway through the install the machine signaled an overheat
> condition and stopped.  Turned out I hadn't installed the CPU
> heat sink correctly.  Doh!  With this fixed the machine seems
> OK, but I can't figure out how to boot the CD again.

If you were trying to perform the installation on an otherwise
functional system (and the fact that you made it halfway
through indicates a lot of stuff was working fine) I'd say
it's unlikely that the overheat/shutdown incident resulted in
any permanent damage or config changes.  Some of the things
I might try next could include:

 - Bring up (what's typically called) the Boot Menu, usually
   accomplished via some Function key and often mentioned as
   an option in early BIOS screens.  Verify that the CD is
   offered as a boot option and that booting is possible when
   it's chosen.

 - Temporarily disable the RAID controller or disconnect
   the drives to eliminate RAID as a candidate for Boot Device.

 - If you were starting with a truly virgin system there ought
   be no harm in reloading all factory defaults.  This may or
   may not disable / undo your RAID configuration but if it
   works you'll at least have a place to stand as you restart
   your effort...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: "assistive" ?

2013-07-18 Thread Michael ODonnell

>> Seriously?  That WWW page renders (at least on my Android phone
>> and on Firefox on my desktop box) as small-print, low-contrast
>> grey font on dark purple background...
> I spoke to Jonathan last night about it.  You need to remember
> that Jonathan is blind, and is not able to view his websites
> in the same manner as sighted person.

I daresay that didn't occur to any of us.  I'm guessing, then, that
during the process of WWW site design/layout he uses some of the
assistive technologies in question (screen-scrapers, OCR and such?)
which don't have to concern themselves with issues like contrast,
color choices or font sizes as long as they're able to capture the
textual content being presented.

And I guess he chose a canned WWW site "style" without being aware
that (like so damned many many others!)  it's nearly unreadable.
I'm no WWW site hacker but I wonder if there aren't canned styles
that have been specifically designed to be readable by all, with
or without impaired vision.

The style problem is, of course, much bigger than this one instance.
Far too many of the WWW sites out there seem have been designed by
"artiste wannabees" who seem to think that exotic font and color
choices are more important than, ya know, like, readability?

It's to the point these days where I almost automatically apply
the super extremely wonderful "zap style sheets" bookmarklet:


...before reading most WWW pages.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list "assistive" ?

2013-07-17 Thread Michael ODonnell

> Sonar aims to be an accessible GNU/Linux distribution to people
> of all needs.  Its goal is to bring awareness of Free accessible
> software to people that depend on assistive technology.
>New Sonar home page:

Seriously?  That WWW page renders (at least on my Android phone
and on Firefox on my desktop box) as small-print, low-contrast
grey font on dark purple background...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ClearCase (was: MacOS/Samba not playing nice)

2013-07-12 Thread Michael ODonnell

I haven't worked with ClearCase in quite a while but have done so
at several different companies.  Every source control system and
build/configuration manager has its problems and I certainly had
occasion to curse ClearCase from time to time, but in its (mild)
defense I'll mention some things I recall admiring about it:

 - I liked the way your (view of your) repository appeared as
   just a plain old filesystem hierarchy so you could operate on
   the files/ dirs therein with all the standard tools.  We even
   kept the tool chains in ClearCase so we'd be sure to have all
   the correct compilers and stuff for recreating ancient builds.

 - I liked (what we used to call) The Wayback Machine aspect
   where you could easily fall back to whatever versions were
   current at any particular time - useful for quickly finding
   when something got b0rken.

 - I liked the ClearCase-aware make that could determine if (as
   was often the case) a given target already existed in somebody
   else's view and, if so, perform a "wink-in" instead of having
   to build it locally.

On the other hand, anything but the most trivial deployment
(in which case, why bother with CC?) requires a dedicated,
savvy admin.  Distributed development was difficult.  And IIRC
the customer service from Rational wasn't great...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: *sigh* I guess I'm going mobile (Linux-compatible smartphones?)

2013-06-14 Thread Michael ODonnell

> When I plug that into my Linux box, it automounts, but there
> is nothing there.  Plugging into my work Win7, the iPhone also
> automounts, but I get the directory with any photos taken by
> the iPhone. [...] A conspiracy?

My phone presents multiple USB mass-storage devices so it's
possible yours does, too, but your various systems are choosing
different devices to mount.  Maybe try something like 'fdisk -l'
to see what's presented.  In my case I then used dosfslabel to
name the internal and external filesystems in my DroidX2 and
then added lines like these to my fstab:

  LABEL=DROIDINT /mnt/DROIDINT vfat defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 0
  LABEL=DROIDEXT /mnt/DROIDEXT vfat defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 0

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: *sigh* I guess I'm going mobile (Linux-compatible smartphones?)

2013-06-14 Thread Michael ODonnell

> What smartphones will I have the least amount of trouble
> with if I need/want to connect them with my Linux computer?

If by "connect" you mean "move photo/movie/sound/ringtone/etc
files between host and phone" then I'll echo Curt's response.
My by-now-ancient DroidX2 behaves perfectly with USB (and
Bluetooth, I assume, though I've never tried it) for approved
activities like that, presenting two block devices - one for the
permanent internal storage and one for the removable storage -
that I can mount and access trivially.

AFAIK there's no tool (linux or other) that enables
non-powerusers like me to install/change apps on my unrooted
phone; the only way is by connecting back to the mothership
over the air via WiFi or 3G to ask permission and gain access
to the approved app repositories.

OTOH, if by "connect" you mean "use the phone as my computer's
Internet connection" (AKA "tethering") that's a much more
interesting - and usually expensive - matter.  I've been
curious about Clearwire as a possible solution to mobile
Internet - anybody have any experience with them?  The fact
that they're going through a rather melodramatic acquisition
battle involving Sprint and Dish Network makes me want to hang
back until the dust settles, though...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Is this normal? (Google crawling my "hidden" content?)

2013-06-13 Thread Michael ODonnell

> I don't think we can reach that conclusion.  Jim posted a message
> to the public GNHLUG mailing list that included a web address.

Hey, right!  now that you mention it (duh) isn't that how WWW
indexing is *designed* to work in the first place?  ;->

Forgot about the archived GNHLUG postings, and the mentions of
Jim's URL therein are just the sort of reference the crawlers
seek, rather than having to rely on "pure" from-the-root discovery.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Is this normal? (Google crawling my "hidden" content?)

2013-06-13 Thread Michael ODonnell

> Any suggestion that LUG communication is being specifically and
> intentionally monitored by Google or others would be laughable.
> So can we please not go there?

I didn't get the impression that specific monitoring of GNHLUG
was suggested, just that it was surprising (disappointing?)
to learn that URLs obtained from sources other than WWW
crawling were used to get find WWW pages that were "hidden"
using only a security-by-obscurity approach.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2013-06-11 Thread Michael ODonnell

Would anybody here with an RHCSA / RHCE care to
chat w/me offline about what it's like prepping
for and obtaining the cert?

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Presention software?

2013-06-07 Thread Michael ODonnell

Bret Victor (definitely a Renaissance Man) will break your
heart with this video of a tool for creating presentations
that he says he'll be releasing...  someday:
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Mother of all xterms?

2013-05-28 Thread Michael ODonnell

I watch this thread with bemused interest as I use (am deeply
addicted to) CTWM, which was forked from TWM in order to add
"virtual desktops" (now more commonly referred to as workspaces)
and I believe that in this case the C refers to the first name
of the guy who did the work, Claude LeCommandeur.  It's an
obscure little window manager but not an orphan - I contributed
some changes upstream as recently as a couple of months ago.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Ethernet - WiFi bridge

2013-05-23 Thread Michael ODonnell

>> there may be a use for that WRT54GL of mine with
>> the blown WAN port.  (mod - you had one too, right?)
>Yah, the WAN port on mine failed, as well.

Hey, wait a minute!  ;-> I think the one you have *IS*
my old one - I offered it on this channel back in 2009
after the WAN port failed and didn't you claim it?

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Ethernet - WiFi bridge

2013-05-23 Thread Michael ODonnell

> It occurs to me (as I wait for the replacement fror my laptop's
> WiFi/BT module *) that there may be a use for that WRT54GL of
> mine with the blown WAN port.  (mod - you had one too, right?)

Yah, the WAN port on mine failed, as well.  I believe there's
nothing special about the port marked WAN - it's just that the
factory software is only configured to use it as such - so if
you flashed the unit with something like DD-WRT it should work
OK with the remaining ports - just configure one as the WAN port.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Permissions on /tmp

2013-05-23 Thread Michael ODonnell

> A subdir in /tmp can certainly have my ownership and permissions.
> And I guess they can't delete the directory because it isn't
> empty, but with permissions on the parent directory, can't they
> move it?

Picky, picky, picky.  Well, for completeness I suppose we should
mention the "deleted file" trick (not necessarily better than your
flock trick) where your app creates its secret-squirrel file in
/tmp and then deletes it while holding it open.  (This trick is
popular with malware eg. the Flash plugin)  

Your confederates can identify likely instances of your app using
ps and then verify by reading the secret-squirrel file via the
symlinked handle in /proc/$yourPIDhere/fd.  Since the file has
no directory entry it can't be deleted by friend or foe and only
those with appropriate privileges can access it as described,
and all traces vanish upon process termination.


  # echo HiMom > /tmp/SecretSquirrelFile

  # sleep 1000 < /tmp/SecretSquirrelFile &
  [2] 29570

  # rm  /tmp/SecretSquirrelFile

  # ls -laF /tmp/SecretSquirrelFile
  ls: cannot access /tmp/SecretSquirrelFile: No such file or directory

  # ls -laF /proc/$(pidof sleep)/fd
  total 0
  dr-x-- 2 mod mod  0 May 23 08:58 ./
  dr-xr-xr-x 8 mod mod  0 May 23 08:57 ../
  lr-x-- 1 mod mod 64 May 23 08:58 0 -> /tmp/SecretSquirrelFile (deleted)
  lrwx-- 1 mod mod 64 May 23 08:58 1 -> /dev/pts/0
  lrwx-- 1 mod mod 64 May 23 08:58 2 -> /dev/pts/0

  # readlink /proc/$(pidof sleep)/fd/0
  /tmp/SecretSquirrelFile (deleted)

  # cat /proc/$(pidof sleep)/fd/0

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Mother of all xterms? (command history)

2013-05-22 Thread Michael ODonnell

Note that with bash if you say something like this:

   export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%Y%m%d%H%M%S: ''ll see your history marked accordingly with timestamps.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Mother of all xterms?

2013-05-22 Thread Michael ODonnell

There's some newfangled thing called Terminology:

I've never used it.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Permissions on /tmp

2013-05-22 Thread Michael ODonnell

> the downside of tmp is that any process can also delete my
> pid file (as opposed to having to be either root or the user
> created for the program)

Create a subdirectory of /tmp.  Your PID file will be safe
in there but still get tidied up on reboot.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

ARTICLE - Analysis of semtex.c exploit

2013-05-21 Thread Michael ODonnell

A nicely readable analysis (if you happen to like this stuff)
of the exploit recently demonstrated via semtex.c :
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

ARTICLE - Gigabit-to-the-home for $35/mo in Vt.

2013-04-28 Thread Michael ODonnell

With some now ranking the US down near 30th worldwide (and
falling) in terms of fastest/cheapest Internet availability, and
with our monopolist carriers like Verizon/ComCast/Cox pretending
like it's the Natural Order for things to be the way they are as
they inflict "vertical integration" on their captive customers,
I can't decide if this makes me want to cheer or sob:

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: FYI (large devices = looooonnngg processing times)

2013-04-27 Thread Michael ODonnell

Even on just a silly little RAID1 mirror on a multi-Tb
array I dread seeing the various messages announcing
"routine" maintenance and diagnostic operations as
they take forever and don't come for free, resource-wise...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Any Octave users? What is this code snippet actually doing?

2013-04-06 Thread Michael ODonnell

> kmax=1;
> kfactor=(kmax-1.0)/delta/(orderbc+1.0)/delbc^orderbc;

> Unless matlab treats floats and ints differently than most other
> languages, I'd say its a bug because zero over anything is always zero.

Shame on anybody who'd intentionally code something like
that without also providing a comment about such a seemingly
counterintuitive approach.  >-/ Let's hope it's simply a bug...

Out of morbid curiosity, how does Octave report the value of
kfactor after


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: google interview

2013-04-02 Thread Michael ODonnell

> [...] guy sounded like he knew what he was talking about,
> Computer Science-wise.  Unless they have a rotating thing
> where Google engineers have to interview a person every week
> or whatever, he knew WAY more than he needed for his job.

Overall, Google's standards seem high - no argument there.
However, I know a number of current Google employees who got
their positions as a result of being employed at companies
Google acquired, and some of them have expressed doubts that
they'd survive the Google hiring process even though they're
thriving in their current positions...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: google interview

2013-04-02 Thread Michael ODonnell

On several occasions I've heard (from Google insiders) about
open positions inside (regional instantiations of) Google and
even though the work involved was nothing that required the
applicants to have 133+ h@x0r skillzz they still insisted on
inflicting that ritual abuse crap on the applicants during
the interview process.  It seems to be some sort of fetish...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

TAKEN - Dr. Dobbs 1980-1984 plus Volume 1 Number 2

2013-02-24 Thread Michael ODonnell

Magazines have been claimed.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

FREE - Dr. Dobbs 1980-1984 plus Volume 1 Number 2

2013-02-24 Thread Michael ODonnell

Just unearthed some Dr. Dobbs magazines from the years
1980 thru 1984 (complete except for a handful of issues)
and also Volume 1 Number 2 from 1976.  Anybody want 'em?
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Files, unlinking, access, oh my.

2013-02-19 Thread Michael ODonnell

> Some processes do this deliberately for temporary files:
> They create/open a new file and then immediately unlink it.
> This yields an "anonymous file", which won't need to be specially
> cleaned up, even if the program crashes.

Bad Guys do this, too, because such "deleted" files aren't
easily found so they draw less unwanted attention.  One way
to spot them is this:

   ls -lF /proc/*/fd

...where "deleted" files are marked as such.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: IPMI security article

2013-02-19 Thread Michael ODonnell

IPMI was involved with reestablishing communications with
your Dom-0 ?   Interesting.  Was that via Serial-Over-LAN?

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Files, unliking, access, oh my.

2013-02-19 Thread Michael ODonnell

>Can that space that the file takes up be overwritten during
>this interim?  Or does the OS hold the inode sacrosanct until
>both references AND processes are no longer making use of it?

Right - the OS's official record of a file's state is the
(in-memory copy of the) inode - the directory entries are
simply tags.  Once a file is opened the kernel's relationship
with that file is entirely via the inode and deletion of one
or all of the corresponding directory entries has no effect
on that relationship, which persists until the refcount goes to
zero, ie.  all procs that had it open have closed it.  Only then
will allocated disk space be released and eligible for reuse.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

[OT] Corner cases in Ruby/Javascript (WAT!)

2013-02-18 Thread Michael ODonnell

For entertainment puprposes only: a brief (4:18) video poking
fun at corner cases of some Ruby/Javascript operators/syntax -
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: grep for craigslist?

2013-02-14 Thread Michael ODonnell

> I've already contemplated such a move...  (my service would
> be called Greg'sList...  it's Craigslist, only better :-)
> But, their TOS explicitly limits any such possibility.

Heh.  Their interface is so easy to scrape (and the sheer
volume of stuff available so overwhwelming) that various
sites that aggregate/filter/repackage Craigslist content
are constantly popping up and being shut down.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Bunny Huang's tour of a USB memory stick factory

2013-02-12 Thread Michael ODonnell
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Looking for Acme Packet employee (nothing to do w/Oracle!)

2013-02-12 Thread Michael ODonnell

I got no responses to my previous request, which I now realize
(in light of their impending acquisition by Oracle) might have
had something to do with my use of the term "insider".

This is nothing to do with that; just an employment-related
inquiry about corporate culture, work environment, etc,
ideally from somebody familiar with their platform dev team.

Anybody?(possible referral bounty...)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Looking for any Acme Packet insider

2013-02-07 Thread Michael ODonnell

Looking for any Acme Packet employee - I have
a few questions about the company...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Looking for Acme Packet insider

2013-02-07 Thread Michael ODonnell

To whomever it was at the GNHLUG presentation last night
that said they're with Acme Packet: please contact me.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Linux-centric curricula in New England?

2013-01-09 Thread Michael ODonnell

Are there schools in New England that grant undergrad
technical degrees (IT or CS) where the courses and
professors emphasize Linux and FOSS rather than being
thinly disguised proxies for Micro$oft's marketing dept?
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

TAKEN - one APC SmartUPS (model su1400rm2u)

2012-12-29 Thread Michael ODonnell

Item has been claimed.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: FREE - one APC SmartUPS (model su1400rm2u)

2012-12-29 Thread Michael ODonnell

Some corrections/additions to my original post:

It's a 1400 VA unit, not 3000 as implied by my accidentally
pasting the wrong string into my email.

  APC Smart-UPS, 950 Watts / 1400 VA

Also, I've seen some search engines return pix of the deskside
freestanding unit when using su1400rm2u as a search term,
so be aware that this is the rack mountable 2U version.

> Offered is one APC SmartUPS 1400 (model su1400rm2u) in
> original packaging.
> I have never seen this unit in operation but I was given
> it in supposedly unused condition when Mission Critical
> Linux failed in 2002 and it's been in storage ever since,
> so what I can say is that it's not-known-not-to-work.
>  - This unit has a 30-amp plug so don't expect to connect
>it into your standard houshold-type AC receptacle.
>  - It's heavy.
>  - Not sure how the battery will have fared in storage but
>when I searched online earlier this year replacement
>battery packs were under $100.
> We're near Drum Hill in North Chelmsford .
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

FREE - one APC SmartUPS3000 (model su1400rm2u)

2012-12-29 Thread Michael ODonnell

Offered is one APC SmartUPS3000 (model su1400rm2u) in
original packaging.

I have never seen this unit in operation but I was given
it in supposedly unused condition when Mission Critical
Linux failed in 2002 and it's been in storage ever since,
so what I can say is that it's not-known-not-to-work.

 - This unit has a 30-amp plug so don't expect to connect
   it into your standard houshold-type AC receptacle.

 - It's heavy.

 - Not sure how the battery will have fared in storage but
   when I searched online earlier this year replacement
   battery packs were under $100.

We're near Drum Hill in North Chelmsford .

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ARTICLE - Bunny Huang (Chumby and such) building open source laptop

2012-12-21 Thread Michael ODonnell

>> The aim, however, is not to produce a cheap laptop for Huang,
>> it's more about the exclusivity of a handmade product of this
>> kind and it would be priced to reflect that.
>It seems like there's room in the laptop market between "cheap"
>and "artisanal".

Yah, I'm happy to enourage his efforts but if he ends up with
what amounts to just another obscure, custom design I sure
don't want to pay boutique prices for it.  Chicken and egg?

The dream, of course, is to somehow end up with open "standards"
for laptop/fondleslab/tablet paraphenalia (power supplies, cases,
connectors, peripherals, etc) as we have for desktop boxes...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

ARTICLE - Bunny Huang (Chumby and such) building open source laptop

2012-12-21 Thread Michael ODonnell

Traffic has been light here for some time - hope y'all are well.
Season's greetings, etc...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: grub issue

2012-10-23 Thread Michael ODonnell

H, semi-repeatable failures to boot all the way up to
a GUI-based login?

My first guess might be:

 - Maybe your graphics subsystem couldn't be initialized.

  Maybe your adapter has problems after a warm boot?

  Maybe driver not allowing enough time for initialization?

  Maybe compare output from "lsmod" for each case?

  See previous suggestions about /var/log/Xorg.0.log and friends.

Another (rather less probable) shot-in-the-dark guess:

 - Maybe GRUB is intermittently loading the wrong kernel or
   handing it the wrong commandline.

  Are we sure you're running the same kernel in both situations?

  Maybe compare output from "uname -a" and "cat /proc/cmdline"
  for each case?

I only mention that because the sort-of-cyclic nature you
described made me think it's just barely possible you're
enjoying some variant of this little bit of GRUB hell:
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Asus USB-BT211 / Atheros AR3011 firmware loading?

2012-09-05 Thread Michael ODonnell

You've so far done everything right; ath3k is the correct
device-specific driver for the USB gizmo in question and
/lib/firmware/ath3k-1.fw is the correct firmware file,
in the proper location, and the USB infrastructure even
noticed the device and reported some generic info about it.

Unfortunately, you're likely enjoying a known bug in the
handling of that device: backports may be the path of least resistance.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: HTTPS connection attempts from Facebook?

2012-08-06 Thread Michael ODonnell

>> When you say "nuke the connection attempt" do you mean
>> [...]
>Nuke as in (continue to) deny the connection attempt.


Hmmm, I did end up in a situation recently (and reluctantly)
where I was obliged to install a Firefox add-in involved
with use of MacroMedia's AdobeConnect (grrr!  don't even
get me started griping about *that* little bit of hell...)
though the other party was not Facebook so it didn't occur to
me that there might be a connection.  But now that I think of
it I might have read some war stories about debugging early
versions of that add-in and IIRC somebody might have mentioned
that opening up port 443 on their firewall was somehow a remedy
for some problem, so maybe they're related...?  I don't get
the Facebook connection but then so many WWW sites these days have
been rigged with XSS attacks^H^H^H^H^H^H^H "Like us on Facebook!"
buttons that one never knows...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: HTTPS connection attempts from Facebook?

2012-08-06 Thread Michael ODonnell

>> It's *just* a home connection?  No services?  Nuke the connection
>> attempt.
> If you're on a network with DHCP (most residential connections),
> it's possible someone else wrote an app that points to a DNS
> name that points to your IP address.  Still safe to nuke it.

When you say "nuke the connection attempt" do you mean
kill the process that's attempting to open the connection?
I can't, because it's an inbound connection and that process is
(apparently) somewhere inside Facebook.  I only have control
over the response at my end which, in my case, is nothing at all
since the port is blocked, with failed attempts logged as shown.

An nmap scan of the machines behind my firewall currently shows
nothing (legitimate or otherwise) listening on port 443, so
I don't have any suspects to "nuke" at the moment here inside
the walls.

I was mostly just wondering if these connection attempts are
examples of some intentional Facebook behavior, or whether I
should instead bring it to their attention as evidence that
one of their systems (or personnel) may have been compromised.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

HTTPS connection attempts from Facebook?

2012-08-06 Thread Michael ODonnell

This is the second time this week that my firewall has reported
the following:

 [DoS Attack: ACK Scan] from source:, port 443, Sunday, August 
05,2012 20:25:40

The reported IP address is within a range owned by Facebook
and DNS shows a hostname that (FWIW) is at least plausibly in
keeping with corporate naming schemes.

I do have a Facebook account and may or may not have allowed
a "session" to remain active overnight, though I'll claim
that shouldn't matter as I ask the following: is there *ANY*
legitimate reason why anything should be attempting to connect
from Facebook to my home IP address, which offers no such
services?  I assume, of course, that the answer is "No".

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Malware for Linux

2012-07-19 Thread Michael ODonnell

>> Those who use terms like "immune" or "virus-proof" when
>> discussing Linux do everybody a disservice since neither
>> is true.

Ooops.  I forgot about your signature line.  ;->

> I gave careful consideration to adopting my current signature
> line, for exactly the reason of the problems of conveying an
> inference of "immune" -- when that is not, and cannot possibly
> be, the case.

Ah.  I'll probably concede any point you want to make about
the dictionary definition of "-proof" as a modifier not meaning
"perfect", but definitions and proper usage often seem to matter
less than we'd like.  (And, yes - I *could* care less!  >-/ )

The security-is-a-process-not-a-product dictum reminds us of our
burden; the "process" of security costs vigilance and resources.
So, given any problem P, calling a thing "P-proof" makes it
tempting to tick the SOLVED box and move on; vigilance wanes or
vanishes, dictionaries remain safely undisturbed on the shelf.

News-beings reporting on high profile penetrations or malware
infestations these days don't even bother to mention a specific
OS or vendor; the generic term "computer" is sufficient and,
statistically, it's likely that the reporter and most of the
audience all conjure the same image when that term is used.
It's to the point where the only reason it's newsworthy to
mention the OS in question is when it's *not* Windows or Mac.

Since it's likely (inevitable?) that compromised Linux systems
will someday be involved in sensational headlines, I'd think
it would be even more humiliating if somebody can dig up claims
that Linux is "virus-proof" or "immune" or "uncrackable" or...

FWIW, some term that conveys the "process" idea, or the notion
that "perfect-security-is-impossible-but-we're-better-than-most"
would be preferable.  I sorta like "hardened".


(Bill, I didn't mean to single you out, and if my life
 depended on cracking your machine I'd be damned sure my
 will was up to date.)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Malware for Linux

2012-07-13 Thread Michael ODonnell

Those who use terms like "immune" or "virus-proof" when
discussing Linux do everybody a disservice since neither
is true.  We are, for now, statistically less likely to be
compromised because there aren't as many of us and because
privilege separation has been more the custom with us than
with Windows users.  Those factors are changing, though...

> Once it has found out which operating system you are running,
> the Java class file will download the appropriate flavour of
> malware, with the intention of opening a backdoor that will
> give hackers remote access to your computer.

Do we know the nature of the compromise when the "flavour"
is Linux?  Is the JVM itself vulnerable or are additional
non-Java scripts/binaries brought onboard?

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Obtaining user input via interactive child proc

2012-06-25 Thread Michael ODonnell

> I've thought about this problem during my commute for a week
> now, and I haven't been able to come up with a simple solution
> that satisfies the constraints.

It's an interesting puzzle.  You mention constraints but we
don't really have a clear "problem statement".

> [...]  the problem could be solved simply with a small
> temporary file that parent+child agreed to use.  A robust,
> simple implementation could probably be put together in no more
> than 10 minutes.  I'm a big fan of "simple".

Me, too, though communicating results from the interactive process
back to the parent process (the one desiring User input) may only
be part of the puzzle.  If we hope to provide a flexible solution
we should allow for the possibility that no TTY style interaction
may be possible.  Does the parent have its std{in,out,err}
connected to something suitable for interactive use, or indeed
to anything?  Maybe it's a daemon or something launched from cron.
An X-based solution could still work in such circumstances; it
might even be preferable in some ways as it would likely leave
std{in,out,err} free for communications with the parent.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Capturing file descriptor 3, or alternatives.

2012-06-21 Thread Michael ODonnell

> What I haven't figured out is how to return the results to the
> parent shell.  Not because I can't write it somewhere other
> than the tty, but because I don't know how to get the shell to
> hook up a pipe to that extra fd, to which I can write, and from
> which the shell can later read (while leaving the tty connected
> to the usual fds.

I was suggesting the possibility that an existing tool might
help you by somehow interacting with the user via some channel
other than stdout and then uttering the results back to the
parent shell via stdout, relieving you of the task of messing
with additional pipes and such.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Trying to remember a quote on SPAM...

2012-06-21 Thread Michael ODonnell

I can't supply a specific quote but I've previously seen
some anti-SPAM measures likened to Lupus and RA (Rheumatoid
Arthritis) as examples of autoimmune systems run amok.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Capturing file descriptor 3, or alternatives.

2012-06-19 Thread Michael ODonnell

Here is a more complete list of candidates some of which may
handle the fd gymnastics in question for you and then simply
utter the desired results on their stdout:

 python-dialog - Python module for making Text/Console-mode user interfaces

 dialog- Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts
 kommander - visual dialog builder and executor tool
 ssft  - Shell Scripts Frontend Tool
 whiptail  - Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts

 xmessage  - display a message or query in a window (X-based /bin/echo)
 gxmessage - xmessage clone based on GTK+
 zenity- Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts
 kaptain   - universal graphical front-end for command line programs

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Capturing file descriptor 3, or alternatives.

2012-06-19 Thread Michael ODonnell

Is something like whiptail ruled out?

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Tracking The Trackers (was StatusNet, anyone?)

2012-06-12 Thread Michael ODonnell

>> Is that the one that gives you a map of the URLs that are
>> receiving information from your cookies?

He might be referring to Collusion - fascinating:


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: GRUB2 problems [was: Errors scrolling]

2012-04-09 Thread Michael ODonnell

I believe that if you hold down the Shift key at strategic
points during GRUB2 startup it will present the interactive
menu that allows you to edit the boot commandline instead
of just hurling itself off into the void...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Am I 32-bit, or 64-bit?

2012-04-05 Thread Michael ODonnell

> I have seen that in 64-bit Linux, 32-bit processes tend to execute
> a bit faster.  I've seen a number of cases where 32-bit apps run
> faster than their 64-bit version, but I've also seen 64-bit apps
> run faster than their 32-bit versions.  

The 1g/3g memory split I mentioned allowed the kernel to "share"
the page tables with every process rather than using a dedicated
supervisor page table, obviating the page table switch (and the
associated TLB flushes, etc) that would otherwise be incurred
with every crossing of the User/Kernel boundary.  Since the x86_64
kernels do use a dedicated supervisor page table I have to assume
that some syscall-intensive 32bit apps do run a bit slower than
they would on an "equivalent" (whatever that means) x86 kernel.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Am I 32-bit, or 64-bit?

2012-04-05 Thread Michael ODonnell

> In the meantime...  is there any possible downside of having
> a 64-bit kernel in a 32-bit userspace?  Everything -- drivers,
> camera, apps -- seems just ducky.

I've seen instances where 32bit apps and libraries disagreed
with some 64bit drivers about the layout of the data structures
that get passed back and forth (earlier versions of the FireWire
driver versus libraw1394 come to mind) but in general, stuff
should Just Work.  The 32bit binaries execute natively (ie.
no emulation or translation overhead) and I think by now most
kernel code has been taught to do the right thing when it
sees that the current process is a 32bit binary.  One upside
is that the 32bit processes are able to address an extra Gb
of memory since the kernel no longer claims the top 1/4 of
their address space...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Am I 32-bit, or 64-bit?

2012-04-05 Thread Michael ODonnell

> but they've heavily favored the 32bit version and seem either
> unable or unwilling to produce and support a stable 64bit plugin.

I meant to say " *consistently* produce..."

In fairness, the 64bit Flash plugin I have running with Firefox
right now has actually been quite stable, especially compared
with some of the preceding 64bit versions, or with the 32bit
versions when executed via the "helper" process, which is (I
think) different from Firefox's separate plugin-container process.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Am I 32-bit, or 64-bit?

2012-04-05 Thread Michael ODonnell

> What does 32bit do that 64 won't?  Besides browser plugins,
> though that's gotten beter too.

Lack of 64bit browser plugins (particularly Flash) is a big deal
for some.  Adobe's official stance on the matter has been all
over the map (I don't know whether their problem is technical
or political) but they've heavily favored the 32bit version and
seem either unable or unwilling to produce and support a stable
64bit plugin.  The most recent announcement from them that I'm
aware of is that they (once again) plan to abandon the 64bit
version altogether.  It's possible to run the 32bit plugin using
some kind of "helper" process but the last time I tried that
(admittedly some time ago) it was too unstable to bother with.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Am I 32-bit, or 64-bit?

2012-04-05 Thread Michael ODonnell

>On Thu, 05 Apr 2012 10:29:23 -0400 "Michael ODonnell"
> wrote
>> BTW, for recent kernel sources I think the value you wanted to
>> use for ARCH is i686 rather than i386, even though the latter
>> may be what the "arch" command reports.
>Well... here's my /usr/src/linux/arch directory:
>avr32 frvKconfig  mipspowerpc   sparc  x86

Wooops!  dainbramage...  I meant to say that my arch command
reports i686 but (as you've indicated) that's not one of
the options.  This is what works for me:

   ARCH=x86 make V=1
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Am I 32-bit, or 64-bit?

2012-04-05 Thread Michael ODonnell

It'd take some pretty bizarre build errors to generate a kernel
that describes itself as x86_64 when it isn't.  Therefore,
(assuming you're really running in the filesystem that your x86
system was based on) what's likely happening is that the exec()
machinery that allows mixed use of x86 and x86_64 binaries is
doing its thing and it wasn't until the Chrome installer asked
the kernel which flavor it is and then started looking for the
(absent) x86_64 loader and libraries that you even noticed.

BTW, for recent kernel sources I think the value you wanted to
use for ARCH is i686 rather than i386, even though the latter
may be what the "arch" command reports.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: CLVM + DRBD dual primary? (was Re: replicated file system?)

2012-02-29 Thread Michael ODonnell

> To my knowledge DBRD can only do mirroring.  So no higher RAID
> levels are supported.

That's my understanding, too.  So, in an Active/Standby situation (at
least the ones in the configs we had rigged up) DRBD could provide you
with a hot block-level copy on the Standby machine that you'd hope to
carry on with after a failover.  However, being a hot copy means any
filesystem metadata would be in whatever state the failed node left
them, which may or may not be an acceptable risk in some situations.
Some sort of distributed filesystem (on redundant storage) shared among
all the machines in question seems preferable...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: replicated file system?

2012-02-28 Thread Michael ODonnell

> (DRBD>LVM>iSCSI>Heartbeat)

Heh.  I suspect that will somehow look familiar to Mr. Lussier... ;->
He did indicate a wish to have an Active/Active rig but I believe
that approach only allows Active/Standby, yes?

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Protecting privacy

2012-02-21 Thread Michael ODonnell

> Here's the problem I ran into: I wanted to be logged out when
> using Google as a search engine.  [...]  I don't even use them
> for that anymore, so it seems kind of moot, but with their web
> bugs and trackers all over it really isn't.

I use in an attempt to at least hinder
the wholesale collection of info about my browsing habits and
WWW searches.  Developments such as Evercookies or the recent
complaints about Google "accidentally" ignoring browser's
privacy settings make one wonder if it isn't a quixotic waste
of time, but Illegitimi Non Carborundum...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

OBTAINED: temporary use of a zip100 drive

2012-02-13 Thread Michael ODonnell

Thanks to all.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

WANTED: temporary use of a zip100 drive

2012-02-11 Thread Michael ODonnell

Hoping to briefly borrow a drive capable of reading zip100
media.  Discovered a small number of zip100 disks in an office
environment where the corresponding drives are no longer
available and want to see if the disks contain any data of
value to the company before discarding them.  Alternatively,
might instead travel to your location (I'm in Chelmsford, MA)
and use your hardware to quickly dd the images to my USB Flash
drive for later analysis.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Slashdot: NH Passes Open-Source bill

2012-02-07 Thread Michael ODonnell

Would that all bills before legislative bodies were
that readable and straightforward.  Nice work.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Accessing partitions in drive images

2012-01-31 Thread Michael ODonnell

> Anything old will have its share of historical accidents, to be
> sure.  But there's reasonable design failings, and then there's
> design by the infinite monkey method.

You have insulted an infinite number of monkeys.  IBM used to
publish the source codes for their BIOS in the little 3-ring
binder full of docs they supplied with each PeeCee.  Let's be
charitable and just say that they were clear evidence that
the author(s) had little (if any) experience with assembler
language programming or the 8088 architecture.  At best (we
surmised at the time) they were an attempt to more or less
blindly translate fragments of CP/M code from 8080 to 8088.
Naturally, that glop was enshrined as a global standard...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Accessing partitions in drive images (was: drive recovery of dual-boot system)

2012-01-26 Thread Michael ODonnell

> Filesystems (and therefore "fsck" targets) reside on partitions
> of the disk, something like "/dev/sdc3", rather than the entire
> device (or an image of it).  This is inherent in the design of the
> system and is independent of the types of filesystems or how they
> are mixed.

Picking nits here: most filesystems do normally reside on partitions
but that's not actually inherent in the design of the system,
it's just a very sensible convention.  It's certainly possible
to write a filesystem onto (say) /dev/sdc (the whole disk rather
than a partition thereof) and then mount /dev/sdc somewhere; in my
experience everything Just Works.  That violates the Principle Of
Least Astonishment these days, though, so use partitions unless you
have a clear need to do otherwise.  And, certainly, in the OP's case
where his dd'd image was pulled from a partitioned device, an fsck
run against that entire image (instead of one of its partitions)
is guaranteed to fail.

> In order to access partitions within an image file, you want
> the "kpartx" utility:

A very handy tool.  Before kpartx I'd compute offsets of partitions
by hand when rummaging around inside partitioned images, using loop
devices to access them.  Fun...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Testing direct IO with FIO

2012-01-23 Thread Michael ODonnell

Does your strace output show any fcntl() calls?  I believe it's
possible (maybe even necessary?) to set attributes like O_DIRECT
and O_ASYNC using fcntl() as well as during the original open().
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

WANTED: rebuildable/salvageable computers/components

2012-01-21 Thread Michael ODonnell

I've been assembling computer systems from donated/scavenged
components, installing Linux and then giving them away on
Freecycle to folks who are glad to receive them, no matter how
humble the machine.  I naturally prefer to obtain otherwise
functional systems whose only affliction is the presence of
Microsoft products on the disk (easily cured) but I've also
created some Frankenstein monsters with components from several
other carcasses.

So, if you're tossing a machine (or usable components thereof)
please consider sending me a description and I might be able
to put all or part of it back into service instead of it ending
up wasted in a landfill.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: home design + construction + landscape design software? (CAD)

2012-01-08 Thread Michael ODonnell

Coincidentally, GigaOM recently posted this:
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: home design + construction + landscape design software? (CAD, remodelling)

2012-01-07 Thread Michael ODonnell

I'd forgotten that I, too, have a friend (in an NYC architectural
firm) who recommends Google's Sketchup.  I've not used it.

I daydream about being able to walk around the house snapping
photos and feeding them to some app where I click on key points
while specifying dimensions and such, from which the app then
deduces the entire layout and generates a manipulable wire-frame,
3d renderings, a materials list, etc, etc.

 [ IIRC, I may have seen a gizmo on This Old House that will scan a
   room with a laser and do many of the things in my wish list, but
   it's probably expensive and almost certainly not Linux-related.   ]

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: home design + construction + landscape design software?

2012-01-07 Thread Michael ODonnell

Yeah, to really be useful a program like the one you (many
of us!)  are looking for ends up being a serious CAD system
and, unsurprisingly, nobody's giving those away.

I've used that sweethome3d and it's nice for fooling around
with general layouts (even that took me a fair bit of noodling)
but back when I tried it (approx 2 yrs ago) I concluded it
was unsuitable for planning an actual remodelling project.

I still have some of the images I rendered:
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mint

2012-01-04 Thread Michael ODonnell

> My solution was to flip gnome 3 the bird and switch to XFCE.

Me, too - I switched to the XFCE-based Xubuntu.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: SCP from STDIN: "-t" option undocumented?

2011-12-23 Thread Michael ODonnell

>> Maybe a patch to the scp manpage would be accepted, with that rationale?
>The issue IMHO, is the lack of documentation for the -t option.

Can't you guys agree about anything?
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: SCP from STDIN: "-t" option undocumented?

2011-12-22 Thread Michael ODonnell

>Use it anyways, no one has ever accused you of being a human -=]

[ahem!]  Yes, well, on that note, I offer my wishes to the sentient
beings on this channel (and also to Patrick) that this season
brings you all the happiness you might prudently wish for...  ;->
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: SCP from STDIN: "-t" option undocumented?

2011-12-22 Thread Michael ODonnell

Having just now quickly RTFSC and done a few superficial
experiments I conclude that the -t option (mnemonic for "to";
there's also a secret "from" flag -f) is not suitable for
use by humans.  It tells scp that it's in "server" mode and
should expect to communicate with its counterpart using some
undocumented protocol that appears to mix commands and data
in-band via stdin.  That's not the droid you're looking for...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

FREE - collection of RJ11 phone cords

2011-12-04 Thread Michael ODonnell

Offered is an assortment of phone cords (approx 100 pcs)
fitted with RJ11 (standard 4-conductor) connectors.
Cables range in length from a few inches to approx 10ft,
many still in original packaging.  Found these leftovers
from a failed startup while cleaning the basement...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [semi-OT] SPAM email headers don't mention my email address?

2011-11-06 Thread Michael ODonnell

Yah, I had believed that the headers were consulted (rather
than merely updated) as the message was transferred from server
to server, but there's apparently some other (or additional)
conversation taking place between the servers that governs routing.

Yet more stuff to put on my list of things-to-read...
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

[semi-OT] SPAM email headers don't mention my email address?

2011-11-05 Thread Michael ODonnell

I'm getting much less SPAM in the last year or so (yay!)
and I gather that's at least partly due to the shutdown of some
botnets.  And I hate to say anything positive about ComCast but
I think another factor is that their filters are pretty good.

SPAM volume is now low enough that it's remarkable when one gets
through, so when one arrived this morning I had a look at the
headers and it reminded me of a question I've had for some time:

   How does a message like this get delivered to me even
   though the headers (at least those present in the
   message as delivered) never mention my email address?

Last time I started to look into this (over a year ago) I think
I got as far as concluding that the trick somehow involved
the Blind-CC mechanism but then I got distracted by another
matter and didn't pursue it.  Headers shown below, FWIW...


 Delivery-Date: Sat Nov  5 11:39:36 2011
 Received: from []
 by e521 with POP3 (fetchmail-6.3.21)
 for  (single-drop); Sat, 05 Nov 2011 11:39:36 -0400 
 Received: from (LHLO ( by with LMTP; Sat, 5 Nov 2011 15:39:08 + (UTC)
 Received: from ([])
 by with comcast
 id tTez1h00k1g8YXW0STezhX; Sat, 05 Nov 2011 15:38:59 +
 X-Authority-Analysis: v=2.0 cv=UarTuduN c=1 sm=1
  a=WrUgakHed+VHdk3FP2kkYg==:17 a=VCTXmKFSj3YA:10 a=f8_S3n9t2uQA:10
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  a=hwKpi8rf1Y5EqC0roIQA:7 a=9daKMJ2I1S0dwtf8Y3hdTg==:117
 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 05 
Nov 2011 15:39:06 -
 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 05 
Nov 2011 15:39:06 -
 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 05 Nov 
2011 15:39:06 -
 X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3
 Received: (qmail 29188 invoked by uid 60001); 5 Nov 2011 15:39:05 -
 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s1024; 
t=1320507545; bh=djPEoozqfRJKQbYHAd1etW1lhDCPWfD2jWmr1jlw4Rc=; 
 DomainKey-Signature:a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;
 X-YMail-OSG: bFbjLbcVM1lU92viLeIGHB8MjhPuQjk_J23PN8wcsE1uVkW
 Received: from [] by via HTTP; 
Sat, 05 Nov 2011 08:39:05 PDT
 X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/
 Message-ID: <>
 Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2011 08:39:05 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Brittny Leonardo 
 Reply-To: Brittny Leonardo 
 Subject: Solidworks 2011 SP / AUTOCAD / PTC PRO ENGINEER / MASTERCAM  / CATIA
 To: "" 
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 Hello,=0A=A0=0A=A0 =0A=A0 It has come to my attention that you might have a=
 n interest in purchasing =0Athe operating system=0AWindows 7 Ultimate versi=
 on & OFFICE 2010 =0A.=0A=A0=0A=A0 I am selling Windows 7 Ultimate DVD --- t=
 he FULL Ultimate version. =0AThis is not the retail version from the store =
 shelf, but it is the one that =0AMicrosoft gives out at=0AIT Professional C=

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