Re: [GNC] Plot Size on Piechart reports

2019-08-15 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 15 augustus 2019 06:52:45 CEST schreef David T.:
> Geert,
> I was beginning to understand this point as well. Not that it makes
> sense in any way. Why would a user choose to define an image along with
> its accompanying text box by pixel?

I appreciate your user perspective on this and I can see the usefulness of 
strictly defining only the plot size in some way. While obvious from the 
outside it's unfortunately much less so when trying to implement this.

Assuming we define the plot size only, then where should the legend be 
rendered ? On-screen you could argue the canvas size is infinite so it can go 
next to the plot even beyond the borders of the window. But what should happen 
with it when printed ?

Note the choice for pixels is historical. Nowadays people are more interested 
in millimeters or inches. That adds the challenge of getting proper screen 
resolutions from the system to convert this back to pixels on-screen.

And there are plenty more technical challenges. I believe most likely all can 
be solved, but it requires some thorough analysis of the report use cases, 
wishes and constraints.

> Further: the setting is "Plot width"
> --and not "Width of pie and accompanying text box" or something equally
> dense but accurate. "Plot" to me means "the image portion of this report."
I presume "Plot width" was the most dense the original author of that code 
could come up with a long time ago. Or originally there were no legends for 
the charts. Or we have changed chart rendering engines three times by now (and 
four times soon). Perhaps the original rendering engine did it differently.

> I won't even go into the odd ways that these reports get jammed into a
> multi column report, since I can't begin to understand what the various
> factor are there. Suffice to say the result is not predictable or expected.
> Now that I understand the idiosyncrasy, I will let the matter drop.
> Maybe someday someone will investigate an improved method for rendering
> these reports

It will first require someone to clearly describe the exact requirements of 
such an improved method of rendering. Feel free to focus your thoughts in an 
enhancement request!


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Re: [GNC] Plot Size on Piechart reports

2019-08-14 Thread Geert Janssens
Your screenshot doesn't show this, but did you report also display a legend ?

I believe the legend and chart together are fitted into the dimensions you 
set. If the text in the legend varies from report to report, that my explain 
why the charts themselves vary as well.


Op dinsdag 13 augustus 2019 10:47:43 CEST schreef David T. via gnucash-user:
> I'm pretty sure that this code isn't making sizing decisions based on
> readability-- at least not in my experience.  It is perfectly happy to cram
> huge amounts of data into tiny on screen areas... Percentages default to
> 100%, but remember previously stored values. 
>   On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 13:24, Adrien
> Monteleone wrote:   I could see how more
> actual slices (regardless of how many accounts were chosen) would maybe
> trigger a larger size than a really small one specified for readability.
> But still, that should be only a default behavior and should not override a
> specified size.
> I think yes, the percentage is based on the width of the ‘printable’ area of
> the report. (and it looks like the default is 100% or else it just
> remembers what I used last)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Aug 13, 2019, at 2:45 AM, David T.  wrote:
> > 
> > I will try using percentages, although why a percentage (based off what?
> > Window dimensions?) would be more reliable is beyond my ability to
> > comprehend.
> > 
> > 
> > As for number of slices, they all are set to the same value; it's just
> > that the number of matching accounts is limited.  Again, why that would
> > affect overall pie size goes beyond my comprehension.
> > 
> > 
> > David
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Re: [GNC] Windows Report Options Dialog Setting

2019-08-14 Thread Geert Janssens
I agree. GnuCash should store the exact state of the windows it manages. If 
they are in "Maximized" state, that's what should be saved. Please file it as 
a bug.



Op maandag 12 augustus 2019 06:11:00 CEST schreef David T. via gnucash-user:
> Hello,
> GnuCash 3.5 on Windows 10.
> I have discovered a UI problem that I believe to be a bug. It appears
> that if a user maximizes the Options dialog for a report, and then saves
> the options by clicking OK, the maximized window size becomes the
> default options window size from that point forward. This newly-saved
> window has the added unfortunate behavior that the edges of this window
> are not resizable without first moving the window, so it appears to the
> user as if the new arrangement for this dialog is a permanent change.
> This is confusing; I was prepared to ask the list how I should get back
> the options dialog as a window, but ultimately figured out the odd steps
> needed to reset the window dimensions.
> I would expect that the original window size would remain in effect, and
> that the maximized toggle status would also remain in effect. In other
> words, if I reopen the options dialog, I would either expect to see the
> original dialog window dimensions *or* a maximized dialog window that
> allows me to toggle back to normal size.
> Instead, some version of the maximized window size is saved as the new
> dialog size. I say "some size" because the options window that opens up
> on subsequent tries is not the full screen--and the maximize button
> opens the (previously maximized) dialog a little bit more.
> As I said, I believe this behavior is a bug.
> David T.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Gnucash fails to run after upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04

2019-08-09 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 9 augustus 2019 12:07:33 CEST schreef James E:
> Q dpkg-query -L gnucash
> A The attached file shows the output at the terminal.
>   gnucash_fail_20190806_05.odt
>  odt>

Ok, I see where it goes wrong.

The source guile files have extension ".scm" and the compiled guile files have 
extension ".go". However it seems like on Ubuntu 16.04 guile is looking for a 
compiled file by extension ".scm.go" rather than ".go". As gnucash ships only 
".go" files, guile won't find what it's looking for and starts autocompiling 
all files to ".scm.go" files.

I'm not sure what this is happening exactly, though I vaguely remember this to 
be a bug in certain older versions of guile.

There's not much that can be done from the gnucash project side. Perhaps the 
Ubuntu maintainer could request an updated version of guile although I don't 
know how package updates are handled for LTS releases.



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Re: [GNC] Gnucash fails to run after upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04

2019-08-09 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 8 augustus 2019 15:32:17 CEST schreef James E:
> gnucash_fail_20190806_04.odt
>  odt>
> Q Which version of guile is installed on the system.
> A
> jm@jm-OptiPlex-9020:~$ guile -v
> guile (GNU Guile) 2.0.11
> Packaged by Debian (2.0.11-deb+1-10ubuntu0.1)
> Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> License LGPLv3+: GNU LGPL 3 or later .
> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
> There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
> Q Which version  of guile was used to build gnucash .
> A  I do not know how to do this .
> Q Also what is the contents of
> $HOME/.cache/guile/ccache/
> A There is folder " 2.0-LE-8-2.0 "  with sub folders below.
> I deleted this file and ran gnucash again .
> The attached file show the output at the terminal.
> Gnucash  now runs successfully .
> *Geert thank you very much .
> *

Good that this got you to run gnucash successfully.

I note from the log gnucash still resorts to autocompiling the guile scripts 
though. That means you may run into the same issue on the next gnucash 

Can you post a list of all files that were installed with the gnucash package 
? I believe you can use the command
dpkg-query -L gnucash
for this (I'm not on Ubuntu myself, so I'm not completely sure).



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Re: [GNC] Gnucash fails to run after upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04

2019-08-08 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 8 augustus 2019 08:41:33 CEST schreef James E:
> I  used to run  Gnucash 2.6.12  in Ubuntu 14.04 .
> I upgraded  to Ubuntu 16.04. During the upgrade  I was asked if I wanted
> to keep several Gnucash   files/piece of information – one of which was 
> the Alpha Advantage API key .  I replied that I did .
> The upgrade appeared to have finished successfully  . All of the
> programmes/applications worked   but  with  one exception – Gnucash.
> The Gnucash loading screen and the tip of the day showed  up for a several
> seconds
> and both disappeared  again.
> I  then decided to install  Gnucash  from the  Ubuntu Software centre –
> hoping that this would be compatible with 16.04   . So I removed the
> existing  Gnucash  using the Ubuntu Software centre and installed Gnucash  .
> This failed  in the same way - the Gnucash loading screen and the tip of the
> day showed up for a several seconds  and both disappeared again.
> I found from research that Ubuntu repositories usually contain a version of
> Gnucash that is a release or two behind the latest stable version and  that
> Gnucash 2.6.12 is included in Ubuntu 16.04 –  this is the  same Gnucash
> version as I was using   in Ubuntu  14.04 .
> I give below  the terminal output  when I tried to run Gnucash :
> jm@jm-OptiPlex-9020:~$ gnucash
> ;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
> ;;;   or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
> ;;; compiling /usr/share/gnucash/scm/gnucash/business-gnome.scm
> ;;; compiling /usr/share/gnucash/scm/gnucash/report/business-reports.scm
> ;;; WARNING: compilation of
> /usr/share/gnucash/scm/gnucash/report/business-reports.scm failed:
> ;;; ERROR: In procedure #: Unbound variable:
> gnc:menuname-business-reports
> ;;; WARNING: compilation of
> /usr/share/gnucash/scm/gnucash/business-gnome.scm failed:
> ;;; ERROR: In procedure #: Unbound variable:
> gnc:menuname-business-reports
> Backtrace:
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>  157: 11 [catch #t # ...]
> In unknown file:
>?: 10 [apply-smob/1 #]
>?: 9 [call-with-input-string "(gnc:report-menu-setup)" ...]
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
> 2401: 8 [save-module-excursion # ice-9/eval-string.scm:65:9 ()>]
> In ice-9/eval-string.scm:
>   44: 7 [read-and-eval # #:lang ...]
>   37: 6 [lp (gnc:report-menu-setup)]
> In gnucash/report/report-gnome.scm:
>  155: 5 [gnc:report-menu-setup]
> In unknown file:
>?: 4 [gnc-hook-run "hook_report" ()]
> In ice-9/eval.scm:
>  387: 3 [eval # #]
>  387: 2 [eval # #]
>  393: 1 [eval # # 561137149870>]
> In unknown file:
>?: 0 [memoize-variable-access! # #]
> ERROR: In procedure memoize-variable-access!:
> ERROR: Unbound variable: gnc:menuname-business-reports
> jm@jm-OptiPlex-9020:~$

GnuCash is partly written in the guile language, which is a scripting language 
that supports just in time compilation of the source files. The WARNINGs above 
indicate that this is happening on your system the first time you run gnucash.

However as gnucash should have been shipped with the proper pre-compiled 
source files, this auto compilation should not have happened and is in fact 
causing issues: one of the auto compilation steps fails which is why 
everything seems to come to a halt.

So it is now a matter of figuring out why this goes wrong. Colin's questions 
may be a first step to get more details.

It would also be interesting to know which version of guile is installed on 
your system and possibly which version of guile was used to build gnucash. 
These should be the same.

Also what is the contents of

Next, can you empty that directory and try to run gnucash again ? (It's safe 
to empty this directory, it's just a build cache for guile, you won't lose any 
Does it give the same error in the trace file ?



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Re: [GNC] Proposed change of "U+R" and "R" in the Import main matcher.

2019-08-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 7 augustus 2019 10:06:45 CEST schreef Christopher Lam:
> Hi Geert
> Wish to add a small contribution:
> On Wed., 7 Aug. 2019, 15:43 Geert Janssens, 
> wrote:
> > For the other importers, this isn't implemented. The idea is that you
> > typically import from bank statements in qif/ofx/csv format and banks
> > don't
> > have reconcilation information. The other acounting application I use can
> > also
> > import bank statements, but won't reconcile them either.
> The qif importer does have ability to set a split's reconciliation status.
> The qif C line may specify * cleared X reconciled ! budgeted (unused by
> importer) transactions, but I guess only quicken exports should have this
> information.

Thanks for correcting me :)


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Re: [GNC] Proposed change of "U+R" and "R" in the Import main matcher.

2019-08-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 7 augustus 2019 04:41:02 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Just curious here,
> So, if a user has years (decades even) of historical transactions that have
> already long ago been officially reconciled, the GnuCash importer does not
> offer the option of importing this historical data as reconciled but only
> ‘cleared’?
> Thus, someone coming to GnuCash and wanting to import historical records for
> continuity (taking advantage of reporting that GnuCash offers which other
> software may not) the user has to re-reconcile each and every period for
> their entire historical import? Really?
Yes and no.

The csv import can import reconciliation info so in principle you could import 
reconciled transactions.

For the other importers, this isn't implemented. The idea is that you 
typically import from bank statements in qif/ofx/csv format and banks don't 
have reconcilation information. The other acounting application I use can also 
import bank statements, but won't reconcile them either.

Note that correctly imported data is very easy to reconcile: You can just run 
a reconcile once at the date of the last imported transaction. The reconcile 
process will automatically select each cleared transaction (split actually) 
for reconciliation. So assuming there were no errors in the import process, 
the user could simply complete the reconciliation by clicking the finish 



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Re: [GNC] Miscalculation in cashflow reports

2019-07-31 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 31 juli 2019 08:09:51 CEST schreef
> Hello.
> I'm not as interested in “input from users with actual accounting
> backgrounds” as in what IFRS for SMEs actually says.

Ok. In that case the current cash flow report is not what you're looking for. 
It's not compliant at all with IFRS for SME as far as I understand. In 
addition I don't think the proposed changes in
show_bug.cgi?id=797093 are sufficient to fix that. The report simply does 
something else than its name implies.


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Re: [GNC] Saving UI settings

2019-07-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 30 juli 2019 08:00:58 CEST schreef David Carlson:
> Should I take the deafening silence to indicate that there is no
> accelerator or shortcut to save the window arrangement and report settings
> without closing and re-opening the entire program?
> David Carlson

We're in the summer holiday period, which may partially be the reason of the 
lack of responses. However I unfortunately don't know of such a shortcut nor a 

I seem to remember you or someone else opened an enhancement request to make 
gnucash save the window positions and such when hitting save and not only on 
quit. I believe that's the best future fix for this issue.



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Re: [GNC] Concern with the lengthy list of "Known Issues"

2019-07-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 22 juli 2019 00:09:02 CEST schreef David Cousens via gnucash-user:
> Scott,
> I have been using GnuCash 3.6 on Linux Mint 19.1 since it was released (and
> most of the V3 releases usually within a few days of their release) without
> any significant issues at all. My usage is mainly for personal accounting
> but I do use  a subset of the business features as well for a couple of
> small ventures. The early V3.x versions certainly had a few more serious
> issues but nearly all could be worked around fairly easily. Those have
> largely been eliminated over the first 3-4 releases in the series.  The vast
> majority of the list of remaining  issues largely qualify as minor
> inconveniences and do not affect the core functionality of GnuCash. Others
> with more demanding use of GnuCash than mine may disagree however.
> The major issue with the shift from the 2.6 series to the v3 series is the
> change in location of the configurations and the need to copy any stored
> reports etc from the old location to the new location. These changes are
> described in the wiki and there are posts in the GnuCash User archive
> around the issues with stored reports.
> (

Allow me to stress this particular issue should be fixed for most users. 
Gnucash is supposed to do this migration for you, but due to a few bugs in the 
early 3.x releases this failed in several cases. The migration should be much 
improved in more recent releases.

If you still encounter this particular issue, please do report it and please 
do follow up on future fixes by emulating a migration to verify if these fixes 
would have solved your migration.

So how can you emulate a migration ?
1. You need your original DOT_GNUCASH_DIR [1] (.gnucash) still present on your 
2. Rename your GNC_DATA_DIR [1] and GNC_CONFIG_DIR [1] to something like 
GnuCash-good (Note that on Macos and Windows GNC_DATA_DIR [1] and 
GNC_CONFIG_DIR [1] are one and the same directory so there's only one 
directory to rename on those platforms). Note this serves both as a backup of 
your known good data and to reset the migration. If these directories exist, 
the migration won't run.
3. Start gnucash 3.x
4. Verify
- it pops up a metadata migration notice.
- gnucash opens with the same tabs open as when you last closed your book in 
gnucash 2.6 (ypu may have opened and closed tabs in the 3.x series but we're 
migrating from the 2.6 situation!)
- your saved report configurations are there (again as they were in gnucash 
2.6 - you may have made changes meanwhile by running gnucash 3.x on your book 
for some time).
6. If they are, migration works for you. If not, there is still a bug in the 
migration that needs fixing. Please file a bug report [2] and attach the most 
recent tracefile [3] (the one that was generated while testing the migration).

Last but not least:
7. quit GnuCash
8. Remove the newly created GNC_DATA_DIR [1] and GNC_CONFIG_DIR [1]
8. Rename GNC_DATA_DIR [1] and GNC_CONFIG_DIR [1] from GnuCash-good back to 
their original names on your platform



[1] I'm using symbolic names for these directories as their exact names are 
platform dependent. You can find the exact names for your platform here:
[2] Refer to on how to use our bug 

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Re: [GNC] best accounting practice for refund

2019-07-30 Thread Geert Janssens
It took me a while to respond as I was on holidays :)

First off, I can't read the second screenshot, so I don't know what's in 

In your first screenshot I see three transactions:
1. An "Invoice type" (I) transaction, named Credit Note 2019 (don't worry 
about it being called "Invoice type", that's the proper type for credit note 

2. A "Lot Link type" (L) transaction, that handles the offsetting of Invoice 
368 and 374 with credit note 377.

3. A "Payment type" (P) transaction for a payment against supposedly the same 
customer. Is this one related to the payment you are having issues with ?

In any case, looking better at this it will be slightly more complicate to 

The easiest way out is probably to restart this payment after cleaning up the 
unwanted parts.

That would mean:
1. find the unwanted payment transaction to the liabilities account and delete 
2. find the transaction that represents the offset between your invoice and 
credit note we're trying to correct here and delete it as well.
3. Create a new payment via Process Payment and this time set the payment and 
refund boxes to 0 after selecting the invoice and credit note to keep the 
remaining credit note balance open.



Op zondag 14 juli 2019 01:17:36 CEST schreef Eric Rathhaus (general):
> Hi Geert -  You’re correct about what happened.  However, I can’t see how to
> change the offset. The transactions appear as follows in my AR account
> The only  place I can see to reduce theis the payment transaction before gnu
> automatically sends the amount from AR to liabilities.  But I can’t edit
> that transaction.  Would I just delete it?
> > On Jul 3, 2019, at 10:50 PM, Eric Rathhaus (general)
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks, Adrien for your assistance and patience.
> > 
> >> On Jul 3, 2019, at 10:35 PM, Adrien Monteleone
> >>  wrote:
> >> 
> >> Short answer — yes.
> >> 
> >> Slightly longer answer — figure out what caused that to happen, undo it,
> >> and then redo the payment properly.
> >> 
> >> The reason for doing so rather than just creating a correcting entry is
> >> so that you learn what went wrong and don’t repeat the same situation in
> >> the future. (you’d also need to make good notations in the correcting
> >> entry so that far in the future, you don’t question why it is there)
> >> 
> >> I’d suspect that you chose the liability account as a source account like
> >> you’d choose some asset account. You don’t need to select an account
> >> when doing an offset.
> >> 
> >> Regards,
> >> Adrien
> >> 
> >>> On Jul 4, 2019, at 12:04 AM, Eric Rathhaus (general)
> >>>  wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> So I did assign the credit note to the AR account and then processed two
> >>> payments by selecting the posted invoices and the credit note all in
> >>> the AR account.  I didn’t do anything else but somehow the remaining
> >>> balance of the credit note ended up in a liability account. Should I
> >>> just move it back to the AR account to keep it simple?>> 
> >> ___
> >> gnucash-user mailing list
> >>
> >> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
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Re: [GNC] How to update Description info in Payment Field of Customer Report?

2019-07-30 Thread Geert Janssens
The other (more conservative) option is to right-click on the payment 
transaction in the AR account and then select "Edit Payment...". That way 
you're consistently using the same window to set all your payment memos.



Op vrijdag 12 juli 2019 16:45:46 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> I just edited one of my memos for a customer’s payment noting it applied to
> a certain invoice and then refreshed the Customer Report. It updated the
> description field for me as expected.
> Be sure you are entering info in the `memo` and not the `notes` field of the
> transaction.
> `memo` is the text area for each split.
> `notes` is the text area just below `description` and is only visible if you
> have Double Line Mode turned on in the View Menu.
> There is a bug report filed already that the `notes` text is not used for
> this report as expected.
> If you intend to use this description column for the purpose I just
> mentioned, indicating what invoice(s) it applies to, you may want to take a
> look at the revised report here linked in this thread on the -devel list:
> This newer version (work in progress) has the ability to show you that info
> as its own column. (see the screen shots on the linked github page)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jul 12, 2019, at 4:13 AM, L. D. James  wrote:
> > 
> > On many of my Payments entries, I inadvertently don't write a Memo or
> > mistype the correct note when processing the payment.  I can correct this
> > by editing the Memo field in the Accounts Receivable page.
> > 
> > It's great having the correct information recorded and available, however,
> > it doesn't show up on the Customer Report page, whereas the counterpart
> > on that page has a "Description" field.
> > 
> > Initially, they are the same.  Is there a way to have the updated Memo
> > field in the Account Receivable chart match the Payment Description field
> > of the Customer Report page?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for any input/suggestions.
> > 
> > -- L. James
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Fwd: how to copy "Customers Overview" table for spreadsheet.

2019-07-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 8 juli 2019 21:46:23 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> David,
> The OP was asking about the Customer Overview, not Customer Summary Report.
> The Customer Summary Report doesn’t show the same info as the Customer
> Overview. Notably, customer ID, address, and phone#. The overview is
> essentially a table of *some* of the data for each customer like what might
> be found if there were a way to export customers. (the same problem exists
> for vendors)
Hmm, I made the same mixup. Please ignore my reply (still catching up on a 
backlog of several weeks...).



> GnuCash can import this data, but can’t export it.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > From: 
> > Date: Mon, Jul 8, 2019, 11:07
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Have you tried highlighting the report contents and pasting into a
> > spreadsheet? In Windows, I can run the Customer Summary report, press
> > CTRL-A, CTRL-C , open a spreadsheet, and press CTRL-V. The results are
> > reasonably sane. I haven't tried on a Mac recently, but ISTR that it
> > worked
> > in a similar fashion there.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] how to copy "Customers Overview" table for spreadsheet.

2019-07-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 8 juli 2019 19:15:43 CEST schreef Jonathan Francoeur via gnucash-
> I'd like to copy and paste the data from the "Customers Overview" table
> into a spreadsheet.  Any ideas how?

* Select the table by dragging your mouse cursor over it (I only selected the 
* Hit ctrl-C (or cmd-C on Macos)
* Open your spreadsheet and paste. At this point you may have to enter a few 
conversion parameters such as language, or number format.

I have just tested this with libreoffice on Fedora 29. Works like a charm 
though your mileage may vary with other spreadsheets.



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Re: [GNC] Miscalculation in cashflow reports

2019-07-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 13 juli 2019 17:20:41 CEST schreef John Ralls:
> There hasn't been much of a response, perhaps because the presentation here
> isn't clear.
> The bug,, complains that the
> Cash Flow report on a single bank account reports the following
> transaction:
> Assets:Bank Cr 500
> Assets:Other   Cr 500
> Expenses:Payroll  Dr 1000
> as
> Money in:
>Assets: Other 500
> Money Out:
>Expenses: Payroll1000
> Difference: -500
> Which isn't right: Although the net at the bottom is correct, the report
> implies that 500 flowed through the Bank and it didn't.
> Where it gets more interesting is when there are multiple in and out splits
> in a single transaction, e.g.
> Assets:Bank   Cr 500
> Assets:Other  Cr 200
> Expenses:PayrollDr 600
> Expenses:ElseDr 200
> In that case, the Cash Flow report on Assets:Bank should show an outflow of
> 500, but how should it be apportioned between Expenses:Payroll and
> Expenses:Else? 500 to Payroll, 300 to Payroll and 200 to Else, 375 to
> Payroll and 125 to Else, or something else?
Does it even make sense to try to determine the "cash flow" on a single 
account ? I can imagine one would see the cash flow for a business and the 
details of how that cash flow was generated. Trying to to so on a single 
account may yield results that don't make sense.

> Or does it even matter?
What does matter to me is an accounting package shouldn't make assumptions. If 
multiple valid distributions are possible it's the user that should be able to 
mark those somehow.

I really would like to have input from users with actual accounting 
backgrounds on 
1. what a cash flow report really should display
2. whether our current cash flow report actually does that or is in effect a 
totally different kind of report with a misleading name.


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Re: [GNC] gnucash 3.6 -- reports -- "URL cannot be shown"

2019-07-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 7 juli 2019 23:22:07 CEST schreef Harry G McGavran Jr:
> Hello Geert --
> >Unfortunately I don't know the reason of this failure. If the guid does
> >exist, it may be that the gnc-register protocol failed to register with
> >webkit.
> >
> >This is a protocol (similar to http or ftp) internal to gnucash and we use
> >it to tell webkit to open an account register window. There are other
> >similar protocols to open the report options windows, invoices/bills,
> >customers/ vendors,...
> >
> >If you go to the transaction report and click on the "Edit report options"
> >link, does that work ?
>   No -- it generates the same "URL cannot be shown"
> >Geert
> Thanks for your response!

So that means there's an issue with registering our custom url handlers on 
your version of webkit. I'm afraid I can't help much further here.


P.S. I didn't see you sent the message to me in private as well as to the 
list. So please ignore my other reply about keeping it on-list.

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[GNC] Fwd: RE: gnucash 3.6 -- reports -- "URL cannot be shown"

2019-07-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Please keep responses on the list so others can follow the conversation :)



--  Doorgestuurd bericht  --

Onderwerp: RE: [GNC] gnucash 3.6 -- reports -- "URL cannot be shown"
Datum: zondag 7 juli 2019, 23:25:26 CEST
Van: Harry G. McGavran, Jr. 
Aan: Geert Janssens 

Hello Geert --

Transaction Report -> Edit Report Options generates the same
"URL cannot be shown"

Thanks for your response!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [GNC] gnucash 3.6 -- reports -- "URL cannot be shown"
From: Geert Janssens 
Date: Sun, July 07, 2019 3:04 pm

Unfortunately I don't know the reason of this failure. If the guid does exist, 
it may be that the gnc-register protocol failed to register with webkit.

This is a protocol (similar to http or ftp) internal to gnucash and we use it 
to tell webkit to open an account register window. There are other similar 
protocols to open the report options windows, invoices/bills, customers/

If you go to the transaction report and click on the "Edit report options" 
link, does that work ?


Op zondag 7 juli 2019 21:04:51 CEST schreef Harry G McGavran Jr:
> Here is the correct search for missing guids:
> * 13:01:29  WARN  [gnc_load_app_icons()] No icon named
> 'gnucash-icon' found. Some gui elements may be missing their icons
> * 13:01:56 ERROR  [webkit_load_failed_cb()] WebKit load of
> gnc-register:acct-guid=c354c0333b962e8e024562e6557942d6# failed due to
> URL cannot be shown
> * 13:01:56 ERROR <> guint
> webkit_uri_response_get_status_code(WebKitURIResponse*): assertion
> 'WEBKIT_IS_URI_RESPONSE(response)' failed
> * 13:01:56 ERROR  [webkit_resource_load_failed_cb()] Load of
> resource at gnc-register:acct-guid=c354c0333b962e8e024562e6557942d6#
> failed with error URL cannot be shown and status code 0.
>   Dogs
>   c354c0333b962e8e024562e6557942d6
>   100
>   df746150c088e990c8ad8bb8d123fad4
> ___
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Re: [GNC] gnucash 3.6 -- reports -- "URL cannot be shown"

2019-07-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Unfortunately I don't know the reason of this failure. If the guid does exist, 
it may be that the gnc-register protocol failed to register with webkit.

This is a protocol (similar to http or ftp) internal to gnucash and we use it 
to tell webkit to open an account register window. There are other similar 
protocols to open the report options windows, invoices/bills, customers/

If you go to the transaction report and click on the "Edit report options" 
link, does that work ?


Op zondag 7 juli 2019 21:04:51 CEST schreef Harry G McGavran Jr:
> Here is the correct search for missing guids:
> * 13:01:29  WARN  [gnc_load_app_icons()] No icon named
> 'gnucash-icon' found. Some gui elements may be missing their icons
> * 13:01:56 ERROR  [webkit_load_failed_cb()] WebKit load of
> gnc-register:acct-guid=c354c0333b962e8e024562e6557942d6# failed due to
> URL cannot be shown
> * 13:01:56 ERROR <> guint
> webkit_uri_response_get_status_code(WebKitURIResponse*): assertion
> 'WEBKIT_IS_URI_RESPONSE(response)' failed
> * 13:01:56 ERROR  [webkit_resource_load_failed_cb()] Load of
> resource at gnc-register:acct-guid=c354c0333b962e8e024562e6557942d6#
> failed with error URL cannot be shown and status code 0.
>   Dogs
>   c354c0333b962e8e024562e6557942d6
>   100
>   df746150c088e990c8ad8bb8d123fad4
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Import Price from CSV Bug? (Robin Chattopadhyay)

2019-07-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 6 juli 2019 23:06:56 CEST schreef Robin Chattopadhyay:
> Hi Art-
> I found this Bug that was fixed in 3.6 that is the source of the new
> Namespace requirement.
> You're right, the intro screen to the import does now mention the need for
> the Namespace field.

That bit is worth a bug report on its own. Can you submit one ?

Thank you,


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Re: [GNC] Bulk export/import of transactions?

2019-07-06 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 6 juli 2019 08:01:30 CEST schreef sunfish62--- via gnucash-user:
> Ok. This comes up from time to time. Others may chime in with additional
> pointers, but here's how I'd go about it.
> 1) I would change the date of the Opening Balance transaction to the day
> before your starting date (December 31, 2017 for example), and change the
> amounts of both lines in this transaction (i.e., both the debit and the
> credit) to reflect the amount on that date. So, if your checking account
> April 1 opening balance entry is $500, but your December 31 balance was
> $350, change the debit and credit amount in the Opening Balance transaction
> from $500 to $350 and set the date to December 31. 2) I would then enter
> every transaction in the gap period.
> 3) I would then take the hopeful step of pulling my *most recent* reconciled
> statement and trying to re-reconcile. Presumably, the only differences
> between the previous reconciliation and this pass will be the transactions
> you entered from the previous gap period, and when you select all these
> earlier transactions, it should balance out, and you can finish the
> reconciliation. If this works, then you are done with the process.
> If for some reason this doesn't work, you'd most likely have to de-reconcile
> everything then and work through month by month from bank statements, which
> would pinpoint the discrepancies and allow you to work them out. This,
> admittedly, is much more painful, and off the top of my head, I cannot
> think of a simple way to reset the reconcile tag.

That's actually really simple: you click on each "Y" in the reconcile column 
to unreconcile a transaction. You will get a warning for what you are about to 
undo. If you have many to unreconcile, save your choice for the current 
session so the warning will not continue to pop up while you're resetting.

If you don't get this warning and instead can't unreconcile, that probably 
means you have in the past told gnucash to not carry on with the action and 
remember that decision for the future. That warning can then be reset via 
Actions->Reset warnings.

Do note that this may give unexpected starting balances on the next 
reconciliation action. Normally whatever gnucash proposes a starting balance 
should be kept. Only the ending balance on the reconcile date should be set to 
what is on the bank statements.



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Re: [GNC] Change a batch of transactions from income to Expense

2019-07-04 Thread Geert Janssens
In gnucash a transaction is always between two accounts, but your csv file 
only hints at one. That means you need to help gnucash to learn what the 
second account should be.

What you have created now are transactions from the "Camps Out" to the "Camps 
Out" account, which really means no transaction at all.

What does your csv file really represent ? Is it money spent via a particular 
bank account ? In that case the implicit account is that bank account. And you 
can specify this account in the CSV importer at the top-right of the preview 

That is however only one way to use the csv importer and may not be what you 
are after.

In addition to your csv file can you post some details on what you want the 
imported result to look like in the end ? What are the transfer accounts for 
the Camps Out transactions you want to see in the end ?


Op donderdag 4 juli 2019 13:28:29 CEST schreef morayweb:
> I have followed the user manual word for word and seperated my accounts into
> seperate csv files.  Here is a screenshot of the transaction journal
> Transaction Journal screenshot
> also the csv of the section i used to import is here  CSV file
> Thank you.
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
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Re: [GNC] best accounting practice for refund

2019-07-04 Thread Geert Janssens
As guess as to what might have happened:
When you select the invoice and credit note in the payment window, gnucash 
will automatically calculate the difference between them and set the payment 
or refund field to that amount. That is, it assumes you intend to fully "pay" 
for all the documents selected so far.
If you then just hit ok, it will create a payment or refund split for the 
difference amount to the account that was still selected as transfer account 
(which presumably was your liabilities account as gnucash remembers the last 
transfer account from a previous transaction).

If on the other hand you only want to use part of the credit note to pay the 
invoice, you have to tweak the fields in the lower half of the payment window. 
I think in your particular case you want to change the amount (payment or 
refund) to zero before clicking Ok.

Moving the split back to A/R is not a good idea in this case. It will probably 
confuse matters more. From what I understand your payment transaction will 
have three splits:
- One for the full invoice amount (in AR)
- One for the full credit note amount (in AR)
- One for the offsetting payment (in Liabilities)

The payment procedure as I describe it above on the other hand will only have 
result in two splits:
- One for the full invoice amount (in AR)
- One for the credit note amount offsetting the invoice (in AR)

So you could manually correct your payment transaction by
- Deleting the offsetting payment split
- Change the credit note split to be exactly the offset of the invoice



Op donderdag 4 juli 2019 07:04:03 CEST schreef Eric Rathhaus (general) via 
> So I did assign the credit note to the AR account and then processed two
> payments by selecting the posted invoices and the credit note all in the AR
> account.  I didn’t do anything else but somehow the remaining balance of
> the credit note ended up in a liability account. Should I just move it back
> to the AR account to keep it simple?
> > On Jul 3, 2019, at 10:58 AM, Adrien Monteleone
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > If you didn’t involve a liability account initially, the remaining credit
> > on the credit note would sit in AR. But if you ‘paid’ the credit note
> > with a liability, you transferred that amount from AR to the liability,
> > which is the account you will ‘pay’ future invoices from when offsetting
> > with the credit.
> > 
> > Be mindful that the credit note should have been posted to AR initially.
> > 
> > Also that the credit note’s line items should have all been assigned to
> > some income account, NOT a liability account. You want to decrease your
> > income accounts with a credit note that the original invoice(s)
> > increased. Not sure I follow u here. The first transaction was an invoice
> > and payment to the business checking account. Now part of that payment is
> > the credit note.  I assumed that paying the invoices in the AR account
> > with the credit note is a reduction of an income account.
> > 
> > Here’s a simplified transaction walk through:
> > 
> > 
> > Original Invoice
> > -
> > Dr. Accounts Receivable $1000
> > 
> > Cr. Income  $1000
> > 
> > Original Payment by check
> > -
> > Dr. Undeposited funds   $1000
> > 
> > Cr. Accounts Receivable $1000
> > 
> > Depositing of check
> > -
> > Dr. Checking$1000
> > 
> > Cr. Undeposited Funds   $1000
> > 
> > Issuance of Credit Note
> > -
> > Dr. Income  $100
> > 
> > Cr. Accounts Receivable $100
> > 
> > IF you ‘pay’ (transfer) the credit note with a liability account
> > -
> > Dr. Accounts Receivable $100
> > 
> > Cr. Customer Deposits   $100
> > 
> > When you offset a future invoice with the liability
> > -
> > Dr. Customer Deposits   $100
> > 
> > Cr. Accounts Receivable $100
> > 
> > OR if you don’t involve a liability account at all, offsetting a future
> > invoice -
> > Dr. Accounts Receivable $100
> > 
> > Cr. Accounts Receivable $100
> > 
> > (in this case the money doesn’t move accounts, but gets ‘assigned’ to a
> > different document, from the credit note to the invoice)
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> > 
> >> On Jul 3, 2019, at 12:15 AM, Eric Rathhaus (general)
> >>  wrote:
> >> 
> >> Hi again - so everything worked the first time.  I back off all the
> >> transactions and put the credit note in the AR account, selected two
> >> invoices and the credit note , credit note reduced by that amount and
> >> the payments showed.  But I need to run another offset and the credit
> >> note no longer appears in the AR account.  The system moved it to a
> >> liabilities account and automatically opens the liabilities account when
> >> processing a payment for that company.  Is this how it should work?> 
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list

Re: [GNC] print check register

2019-07-02 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi Chris,

You can use View->Filter By... on the register to filter on a date range. 
After that select Reports->Account Report as David mentioned.



Op woensdag 3 juli 2019 05:20:33 CEST schreef Chris Tsuji:
>Thank you
>How about printing a range of date.
>Example 6/1/18 to 7/1/19
>Thanks in advance.
>chris tsuji
>Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2019 at 7:57 PM
>From: "David T." 
>To: "" ,
>Subject: Re: [GNC] print check register
>While in the register, try Reports->Account Report.
>On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 6:40, Chris Tsuji
> wrote:
>How do you print the check register?
>Chris Tsuji
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Re: [GNC] Custom reports don't survive upgrade to v3

2019-07-02 Thread Geert Janssens

Can you attach the "not terribly instructive" stack trace here ?
Also when you run the other custom reports resulting in the generic report 
error, can you check the contents of the trace file [1] ?
Typically that file will have more information.




Op dinsdag 2 juli 2019 03:48:33 CEST schreef Macho Philipovich:
> Dear gnucash users,
> I decided to upgrade from the long-term support version of Ubuntu to the
> current stable version this weekend.
> This change, I would later learn, entailed upgrading gnucash from
> v2.6.19 to v3.4.
> The upgrade went fine, except that none of my four or five custom
> reports work any more.
> They mostly don't give any helpful error information but just show:
> *Report error*
> An error occurred while running the report.
> One of the reports does, however, give some sort of stack trace, though
> it's not terribly instructive either.
> It's been quite a while since I've looked at any of this, so revisions
> currently feel a bit daunting, but I do rely significantly on these
> custom reports.
> If anyone could point me to any resources on the changes to the reports
> API since v2 and to any debugging resources, it would also be greatly
> appreciated.
> The reports are my own creations, except that one is an extremely
> helpful year-to-date budget report that Phil Longstaff (in cc) provided
> me some time ago over this list in a file he called ytd-budget.scm.
> Phil, if by chance you've revised your report, I'd greatly appreciate a
> copy. And I would very much +1 this report becoming part of the standard
> reports provided within gnucash.
> Many thanks,
> Macho
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Finance-Quote 1.49 released!

2019-06-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Well the thanks extends to this release as well :)


Op zondag 30 juni 2019 12:21:24 CEST schreef Erik Colson:
> New version 1.49 of Finance-Quote is available with the following changes:
> * Alphavantage: Removed Time::HiRes dependency due to mswin32
>   not supporting clock_gettime calls.
> Authors:
>   - Dj Padzensky , PadzNet, Inc.
>   - Linas Vepstas 
>   - Yannick LE NY 
>   - Paul Fenwick 
>   - Brent Neal 
>   - Volker Stuerzl 
>   - Keith Refson 
>   - Rob Sessink 
>   - Leigh Wedding 
>   - Tobias Vancura 
>   - James Treacy 
>   - Bradley Dean 
>   - Erik Colson 
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Finance-Quote 1.48 released!

2019-06-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Thanks a lot Eric and team!


Op zondag 30 juni 2019 01:19:45 CEST schreef Erik Colson:
> New version 1.48 of Finance-Quote is available with the following changes:
> * Alphavantage: Add a waiting mechanism to comply to
>   alphavantage use terms
> * Alphavantage: Added several stock exchange support and
>   currency
> * Updated modules: Union, Deka, Indiamutual, ASX, Yahoojson,
>   TSP, AEX, Fool
> * New modules: IEXTrading, MorningstarAU, MorningstarCH,
>   IEXCloud
> * Yahoo: removed modules referring to yahoo API, which yahoo
>   stopped
> * BUGFIX: 'use of uninitialized value' returned by perl could
>   make gnucash fail when more than 15 quotes where requested
> * BUGFIX: MS Windows does not support %T in strftime call
> * Added new documentation files: Release.txt, Hackers-Guide,
>   Modules-README.yml
> * We started moving known failing tests into TODO blocks
> * This release is the result of hard work by Bruce Schuck,
>   Vincent Lucarelli, Pieter-Jan Vandormael, Manuel Friedli,
>   Jalon Avens, Chris Good, Mark J. Cox, Eelco Dolstra, Henrik
>   Ahlgren, Vinay Shastry, Mike Alexander, Erik Colson.
> * Special thanks go to Bruce Schuck and Vincent Lucarelli
>   which joined the maintainers team!
> Authors:
>   - Dj Padzensky , PadzNet, Inc.
>   - Linas Vepstas 
>   - Yannick LE NY 
>   - Paul Fenwick 
>   - Brent Neal 
>   - Volker Stuerzl 
>   - Keith Refson 
>   - Rob Sessink 
>   - Leigh Wedding 
>   - Tobias Vancura 
>   - James Treacy 
>   - Bradley Dean 
>   - Erik Colson 
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Disappointing Screen Display on Windows

2019-06-29 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 29 juni 2019 09:25:59 CEST schreef D T via gnucash-user:
> Hello,
> I thought I’d follow up on a thread I started a little ways back about
> difficulties moving GnuCash from a Mac to Windows. As may be recalled, I
> was a little flummoxed by which files would need to be brought from the Mac
> to the Windows machine. Thanks to others here, I was able to get everything
> (mostly) working smoothly.
> Unfortunately, I have found that the use of account colors is radically
> different in Windows than in macOS. Specifically, under Windows, only a
> very limited set of screen objects appear to respond to account color
> settings. To be clear, by “account color settings”, I mean the color choice
> a user can make from the account setting window.
> On the Mac, setting an account color changes the color for the entire row of
> an account in the Chart of Accounts (COA). On Windows, it only affects one
> specific column—the “Account Color” column. All other columns remain the
> default.
> Additionally, on a Mac, if an account is opened for viewing, the
> corresponding tab takes the color assigned to it. On Windows, nope.
> It would seem that the Windows implementation is broken with regard to this
> feature, sadly.

Both behaviors are optional.

Do you have them enabled under Edit->Preferences->Account->Account Color ?



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Re: [GNC] best accounting practice for refund

2019-06-26 Thread Geert Janssens
The way I understand your scenario I believe you can model what the customer 
does almost one to one into gnucash actions.

1. Customer prepays for expenses -> Create a payment for that customer using 
Business->Customer->Process Payment
You can choose to map this payment to outstanding invoices or not. If you 
don't, it will simply register a prepayment for the customer.

2. At some point you send an invoice to the user -> Create this invoice using
Business->Customer->New Invoice... and post it.

3. Now you can choose - does your invoice have (some of) the prepaid expenses 
? If so, apply (part of) that prepayment to your invoice using Business-
>Customer->Process Payment
After this there may be an outstanding balance the customer still has to pay.

4. If the customer pays that outstanding balance, create the payment via 
Business->Customer->Process payment.

Then repeat for the next cycle/invoice.

If you are importing your payments instead of manually entering them, you can 
also select the payment in the respective account, right-click and choose 
"Assign as payment..." instead of the above mentioned "Process Payment"

As Adrien also suggests at any time you could look at the Receivables Aging or 
Customer report to see what's the customer's current balance.



Op woensdag 26 juni 2019 21:52:43 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> You have at least 2 options I can think of at the moment:
> #1 - continue to issue credit notes in your system, but don’t send them out
> or pay them with a check. When you have the next positive invoice, ‘pay’ a
> portion (or all) of that invoice with the credit note. Simply process a
> payment, select the credit note line and an invoice line you want to apply
> it to in the top part of the window. GnuCash will offset the invoice with
> the credit note for you. If the credit note is more than the invoice, it
> will retain the left over as remaining AR credit to be used on subsequent
> invoices. You can see the customer’s balance any time either by looking at
> an AR aging report, or a Customer Report. Outstanding credit notes appear
> in the Invoices Due Reminder window.
> #2 - If your client regularly pays in advance based on an estimate and you
> invoice later, instead of applying the payment to an invoice, apply it to a
> Liabilities:Customer Deposits account. Then when you create and post the
> final invoice, process a payment for it from this account. You could keep a
> separate deposit account for each customer but that might get tedious. You
> can run a report on the account sorted by payee to show that info and even
> keep that report open in a tab if desired, choosing to refresh it as
> needed. If this might only happen for pre-paid expenses, then you can still
> use this method, but only for the pre-paid expense part, which you could
> (or not) choose to invoice separately.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jun 26, 2019, at 1:46 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
> > 
> > Hi - I have a client for whom I have many jobs.  On some of these jobs,
> > the client prepaid expenses that I did not use.  In the past, I’ve always
> > created a credit note for a refund and sent the client a check.  However,
> > my client prefers instead that I credit this amount towards future work. 
> > I’m not sure how to accomplish this cleanly.  I could keep a running
> > total of the amount and discount from the total prepayment until it’s
> > used up.  But this seems clunky and maybe not the best practice.  Any
> > other suggestions on how to account for the refund against future work?
> > 
> > Kind regards,
> > 
> > Eric W. Rathhaus
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Re: [GNC] Column Detection when Importing Transactions from CSV

2019-06-26 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 26 juni 2019 21:31:54 CEST schreef Patrick:
> When importing transactions from a CSV file, is there a way to have GnuCash
> automatically detect the meaning of the columns based on the CSV headers?
> The headers in my CSV file are "Date", "Description", "Account", etc., so I
> was wondering if GnuCash had the ability to determine what the columns were
> from these headers, so that I don't have to select them from the dropdown
> menus every time I do an import.
> Regards,
> Patrick

GnuCash can't guess, but as of version 3.0 you can set the columns once and 
save this preset for a future import. So if the columns in your csv files are 
not changing this should reduce the amount of work on import.



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Re: [GNC] Cannot run v3 on Windows 7 since a year

2019-06-19 Thread Geert Janssens

When you say you do a test run of v2.6.1, and afterwards v3.5 again, does that 
mean you have both of them installed simultaneously on your system ?

I see a few potential issues in the information you have provided so far:
1. "The procedure entry point 'inflateValidate' could not be found in DLL 
'zlib1.dll'". If I understand you correctly this is a different error than 
what you got in your initial report ? (The one indicating "This application 
has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way".)

If so we seem to have a moving target here and it's best we first eliminate 
the cause of that one again. This suggests gnucash has an issue finding the 
proper zlib packages. Can you run a search on your system for all possible 
zlib1.dll files and return a list ? 

2. When you move .gnucash and %appdata%\GnuCash out of the way, gnucash runs 
but gives a warning:
C:\Users\Oliver.Kopfnuss\AppData\Roaming is not a suitable base directory for 
the user data. Trying temporary directory instead.
(Error: boost::filesystem::read_symlink: Die Anforderung wird nicht 
unterst\xfctzt: "C:/Users\Oliver.Kopfnuss"
I'm not sure what causes this, but it's a bug worth investigating on its own.
Can you check directory C:\Users\Oliver.Kopfnuss\AppData\Roaming exists and is 
writable ?

3. Looking better at the sysinternals log, your original issue seems to start 
from gnc_filepath_init or gnc_path_find_localized_html_file or something in 
that area. That may be partially related to the above warning.

At this point I'm not sure what to advise exactly here. I'd need more details 
on exactly where this goes wrong. I'll try to reproduce on my Windows VM.


Op woensdag 12 juni 2019 10:38:08 CEST schreef Oliver Heidelbach:
> Okay,
> so I installed cygwin and ran GNUCash with gdb like proposed.
> I just renamed the current 3.5 program directory, not uninstalled it
> though. There was no new .gnucash directory in my home directory. I then
> re-renamed the two directories previously renamed (see below).
> I did a test start and the old 2.6.1. came up ok. I then installed 3.5.
> and it would not start like before, but now I got another Windows error
> message.
> Initially I got "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate
> it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for
> more information".
> Now I got (retranslated from German): "The procedure entry point
> 'inflateValidate' could not be found in DLL 'zlib1.dll'".
> I attach three times the gdb output:
> 1) "GC 3.5 gdb ok.txt": This is the first run with v3.5 starting fine
> after following your step-by-step advisory
> 2) "GC 2.6.1. gdb ok.txt": This is v2.6.1 starting fine after the
> re-renaming.
> 3) "GC 3.5 gdb not ok.txt": This is v3.5 not starting after reinstalling
> without those directories renamed.
> Hope it helps. Please let me know if you need more or other setups.
> Oliver
> Am 27.05.2019 um 15:53 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> > Unfortunately I can't interpret the Sysinternals stuff either.
> > 
> > Will gnucash 3.x start for a different user on your system ? That is, can
> > you log in as a user that never has used gnucash before and then try to
> > start gnucash ?
> > 
> > If it does, it may be tripping over some metadata on your PC or the
> > metadata migration, can you test the following:
> > - locate the .gnucash directory in your user's home directory
> > 
> >This is typically c:\Users\\.gnucash
> > 
> > - rename this directory to something else, like .gnucash.bkp
> > - locate the %appdata%\GnuCash directory and rename it as well to
> > something
> > like GnuCash.bkp
> > - then install gnucash 3.5 and see if it starts.
> > 
> > Let us know if gnucash starts under these conditions.
> > Note this is not intended to be your final setup! It will be missing your
> > saved reports, any open reports and tabs and other settings.
> > It's a first start in trying to narrow down where it goes wrong.
> > 
> > Potentially a gdb backtrace could also shed a bit more light. As you had
> > Cygwin installed before, you may reinstall it and then use it to install
> > gdb. Next run gnucash from within gdb.
> > 
> > Geert
> > 
> > On zondag 21 april 2019 20:05:06 CEST Oliver Heidelbach via gnucash-user
> > 
> > wrote:
> >> Yes, I had Cygwin installed and now deinstalled it accoording to their
> >> uninstall instructions including removing the registry entries.
> >> 
> >> Same problem as before

Re: [GNC] Pending Edit Behavior in GnuCash

2019-06-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 7 juni 2019 11:06:28 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> > On Jun 7, 2019, at 3:57 AM, jeffrey black 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > I think I missed something here Adrien.  I only get a /months worth /of
> > transactions in a tab across some but not all accounts which have
> > entries.  What am I not setting right in preferences? (Windoze 10 =>
> > Version: 3.5 Build ID: 3.5+(2019-03-30) Finance::Quote: -)
> Check Edit > Filter By...
> The General Journal defaults to a 30 day window if I’m not mistaken. (mine
> was set as such) Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a preference to set
> this. You have to change it each time you open it.

Recent versions of GnuCash allow you to save your preference, even for the 
General Journal. This was implemented by Robert Fewell somewhere in the 3.x 


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Re: [GNC] Unsplitting a transaction

2019-06-06 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 6 juni 2019 19:27:37 CEST schreef David Carlson:
> Adrien, I thought there was also an option to turn on or off the blue line
> in the register after today's date. I cannot find that either.

Are you looking for File->Properties->Accounts->Day treshold for read-only 
transactions ?


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Re: [GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports

2019-06-03 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 3 juni 2019 17:28:50 CEST schreef Chris Good:
> > Message: 4
> > Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2019 22:34:14 +0200
> > From: Geert Janssens 
> > To:
> > Cc: Elmar 
> > Subject: Re: [GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports
> > Message-ID: <2151924.l4l8crl...@legolas.kobaltwit.lan>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> > 
> > Op zondag 2 juni 2019 20:37:44 CEST schreef Elmar:
> >> OK, this is a weird.  I was editing some of the options in a report,
> >> specifically unhighlighting one account and highlighting another to
> >> include, and tried to save the report.  GC crashed to desktop.
> >> Reopening it (open anyway), now GC tells me that I have no saved reports
> >> at all!  Looking in .gnucash folder, I see saved-reports-2.4 (and its
> >> backup file) dated in 2018, so they are there, and they are in the
> >> backup 7zip archive dated 15APR2019 (created by BackupGnuCash.jar along
> >> with the .gnucash.gcm and the .gnucash files itself).  OTOH aqbanking
> >> works fine.  This is GC 3.5 running under Linux Mint 19.1 Mate desktop.
> >> How do I get my reports back? - Elmar
> > 
> > For gnucash 3.x and up gnucash looks for this file in
> > $HOME/.local/share/gnucash
> > Are files in that directory also backed up by BackupGnuCash.jar ? You
> > should restore to that directory as well if you want gnucash to find your
> > saved reports again.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Geert
> Hi Elmar and Geert,
> Yes latest BackupGnuCash (1.3.1) handles all the default locations for
> GnuCash 3.x Configuration files.
> See
> Or
> Regards, Chris Good

Good to hear that. Thanks for the update!


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Re: [GNC] GNUCASH Android

2019-06-03 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 3 juni 2019 17:02:33 CEST schreef Derek Atkins:
> Hi,
> nor via gnucash-user  writes:
> > Some more feedback for Mr. Jon,when i try to open a file saved with
> > gnucash
> > desktop v.3.5 (windows) the error reports,  "unable to parse transaction
> > time 2019-04-30 20:00:00" However, same file could be opened when exported
> > as "Export Accounts" in xml format. i.e file without any transactions. nor
> Well, sure, because when you Export Accounts, there are no transactions,
> so the transaction parser is never used on read.
> A better question is, what's wrong with that transaction time and why is
> the parser barfing on it?
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek

John recently changed the date format in Gnucash to no longer include timezone 
information, but gnucash-on-android still expects it to be there.

We got aware of this issue last week and John updated the gnucash side again 
to include the timezone information to accomodate the Android users.


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Re: [GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports

2019-06-03 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 3 juni 2019 13:54:00 CEST schreef Elmar:
> That did it, thanks.  Went to the .local and it had 2.4 and an empty
> 2.8, so renamed the 2.4 to 2.8 and thus they reappeared.  I don't think
> the jar routine looks here though. - Elmar

I was afraid of that. You may want to inform the author of that jar file about 
the changed locations. We have a wiki page detailing all relevant file 
locations here:



> On 6/2/19 4:34 PM, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > Op zondag 2 juni 2019 20:37:44 CEST schreef Elmar:
> >> OK, this is a weird.  I was editing some of the options in a report,
> >> specifically unhighlighting one account and highlighting another to
> >> include, and tried to save the report.  GC crashed to desktop.
> >> Reopening it (open anyway), now GC tells me that I have no saved reports
> >> at all!  Looking in .gnucash folder, I see saved-reports-2.4 (and its
> >> backup file) dated in 2018, so they are there, and they are in the
> >> backup 7zip archive dated 15APR2019 (created by BackupGnuCash.jar along
> >> with the .gnucash.gcm and the .gnucash files itself).  OTOH aqbanking
> >> works fine.  This is GC 3.5 running under Linux Mint 19.1 Mate desktop.
> >> How do I get my reports back? - Elmar
> > 
> > For gnucash 3.x and up gnucash looks for this file in
> > $HOME/.local/share/gnucash
> > Are files in that directory also backed up by BackupGnuCash.jar ? You
> > should restore to that directory as well if you want gnucash to find your
> > saved reports again.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Geert
> ___
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Re: [GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports

2019-06-02 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 2 juni 2019 20:37:44 CEST schreef Elmar:
> OK, this is a weird.  I was editing some of the options in a report,
> specifically unhighlighting one account and highlighting another to
> include, and tried to save the report.  GC crashed to desktop. 
> Reopening it (open anyway), now GC tells me that I have no saved reports
> at all!  Looking in .gnucash folder, I see saved-reports-2.4 (and its
> backup file) dated in 2018, so they are there, and they are in the
> backup 7zip archive dated 15APR2019 (created by BackupGnuCash.jar along
> with the .gnucash.gcm and the .gnucash files itself).  OTOH aqbanking
> works fine.  This is GC 3.5 running under Linux Mint 19.1 Mate desktop. 
> How do I get my reports back? - Elmar

For gnucash 3.x and up gnucash looks for this file in
Are files in that directory also backed up by BackupGnuCash.jar ? You should 
restore to that directory as well if you want gnucash to find your saved 
reports again.



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Re: [GNC] Fwd: Impossible to generate reports.

2019-05-28 Thread Geert Janssens
Other things to look for:
What do you get if you export the report (even though it's blank in GnuCash) ? 
Does the exported file actually contain html you can open in Chrome or Firefox 
Are there message in the trace file [1] after you tried to open the report ?



Op dinsdag 28 mei 2019 16:49:59 CEST schreef Derek Atkins:
> Hi,
> writes:
> > For me it's not a "new instal".
> > 
> > I have been using Win10 for a couple of years and generated many
> > reports during that time. I don't know what blocked me all of a
> > sudden.
> I am afraid I have no other suggestions.
> I don't actually use Windows.
> Maybe someone else can help?
> Sorry,
> -derek

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Re: [GNC] Fwd: Impossible to generate reports.

2019-05-28 Thread Geert Janssens
- And overzealeous anti-virus program perhaps ? Try disabling it temporarily.
- Have you tried running gnucash as a different (windows) user to rule out 
user specific issues ?

As Derek I'm not using Windows, so I can only offer generic suggestions.


Op dinsdag 28 mei 2019 16:49:59 CEST schreef Derek Atkins:
> Hi,
> writes:
> > For me it's not a "new instal".
> > 
> > I have been using Win10 for a couple of years and generated many
> > reports during that time. I don't know what blocked me all of a
> > sudden.
> I am afraid I have no other suggestions.
> I don't actually use Windows.
> Maybe someone else can help?
> Sorry,
> -derek

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Re: [GNC] Xcode project/buildable non X11 Mac version?

2019-05-27 Thread Geert Janssens
Where did you download your GnuCash version from ?

The one you find on the gnucash webpage is using a Quarz backend on MacOS, not 



On maandag 27 mei 2019 18:33:29 CEST kentsor wrote:
> Much as I'd like to use a QB alternative, as a Mac user I can not stand
> looking at GNUCash as it is now. The UI is staggeringly bad. The money I
> save is not worth using this.
> There must have been attempts by other Mac people to replace the UI in the
> past. Most likely abandoned years ago so it'd be old versions but that's ok,
> my accounting needs are straightforward. Where can I go to download (dare I
> hope) an old Xcode project for an UI replacement for GNUCash ?
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
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Re: [GNC] GNUCASH Android

2019-05-27 Thread Geert Janssens
On maandag 27 mei 2019 16:21:34 CEST John Ralls wrote:
> > On May 27, 2019, at 1:48 AM, Geert Janssens 
> > wrote:> 
> > Op zondag 26 mei 2019 16:01:07 CEST schreef John Ralls:
> >>> On May 26, 2019, at 3:27 AM, nor via gnucash-user
> >>>  wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> I am aware that it is not a part of GNUC development. However it a
> >>> lovely
> >>> app on move specifically to view records/transactions from
> >>> desktop.Unfortunately, Desktop XML ver 3.5 is not compatible with
> >>> android
> >>> version and hence cannot be imported.XML file in uncompressed.
> >>> Appreciate
> >>> advise.regardsnor
> >> 
> >> In which does the file not open, GnuCash or GnuCash for Android. On what
> >> operating system for GnuCash? Have you tested earlier GnuCash versions?
> >> If
> >> so, what is the latest one that works?
> >> 
> >> We haven't made any changes to the XML file schema in many years, so it's
> >> unlikely that that's the problem.
> >> 
> >> Regards,
> >> John Ralls
> > 
> > I just saw a ticket coming in on GnuCash for Android's bug tracker which
> > complains about not understanding the date format.
> > 
> > I can't find a public link to this ticket unfortunately, however here's
> > the
> > content:
> > 
> > -
> > hello, when i try to open a file saved with gnucash desktop v.3.5 (linux)
> > i
> > receive an error on the datetime format.
> > The errore says: "unable to parse transaction time - 2011-12-05 23:00:00"
> > 
> > I looked into the XML file but I don't see anything strange. This date is
> > under the  node.
> > 
> > I hope you can help me.
> > thank you
> > -
> > 
> > Did we change something in that area ?
> Yes, I changed the times to save as UTC with no timezone offset instead of
> the local time with an offset to turn it back to UTC. Our parser didn't
> need any changes, seems GforA's doesn't take that into account. Since Ngewi
> seems to be busy with other stuff maybe I should make it write out a 
> offset on each date to accommodate him.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

That looks like a reasonable workaround.


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Re: [GNC] Cannot run v3 on Windows 7 since a year

2019-05-27 Thread Geert Janssens
Unfortunately I can't interpret the Sysinternals stuff either.

Will gnucash 3.x start for a different user on your system ? That is, can you 
log in as a user that never has used gnucash before and then try to start 
gnucash ?

If it does, it may be tripping over some metadata on your PC or the metadata 
migration, can you test the following:
- locate the .gnucash directory in your user's home directory
  This is typically c:\Users\\.gnucash
- rename this directory to something else, like .gnucash.bkp
- locate the %appdata%\GnuCash directory and rename it as well to something 
like GnuCash.bkp
- then install gnucash 3.5 and see if it starts.

Let us know if gnucash starts under these conditions.
Note this is not intended to be your final setup! It will be missing your 
saved reports, any open reports and tabs and other settings.
It's a first start in trying to narrow down where it goes wrong.

Potentially a gdb backtrace could also shed a bit more light. As you had 
Cygwin installed before, you may reinstall it and then use it to install gdb. 
Next run gnucash from within gdb.


On zondag 21 april 2019 20:05:06 CEST Oliver Heidelbach via gnucash-user 
> Yes, I had Cygwin installed and now deinstalled it accoording to their
> uninstall instructions including removing the registry entries.
> Same problem as before unfortunately.
> The following is the call stack from the Sysinternals Process Explorer:
> wow64cpu.dll!CpuGetContext+0x4
> wow64.dll!Wow64KiUserCallbackDispatcher+0xcb
> wow64win.dll+0x32bf9
> ntdll.dll!KiUserCallbackDispatcher+0x1f
> wow64win.dll+0x3fd4a
> wow64win.dll+0x1ad9b
> wow64.dll!Wow64SystemServiceEx+0xd7
> wow64cpu.dll!TurboDispatchJumpAddressEnd+0x2d
> wow64.dll!Wow64SystemServiceEx+0x1ce
> wow64.dll!Wow64LdrpInitialize+0x42a
> ntdll.dll!RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData+0x19a3
> ntdll.dll!longjmp+0x2ca60
> ntdll.dll!LdrInitializeThunk+0xe
> USER32.dll!PeekMessageW+0x17b
> USER32.dll!PeekMessageW+0x197
> USER32.dll!DialogBoxIndirectParamW+0xfb
> USER32.dll!DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW+0x108
> USER32.dll!SoftModalMessageBox+0x757
> USER32.dll!SoftModalMessageBox+0xa33
> USER32.dll!MessageBoxTimeoutW+0x52
> USER32.dll!MessageBoxTimeoutA+0x76
> USER32.dll!MessageBoxExA+0x1b
> USER32.dll!MessageBoxA+0x18
> msvcrt.dll!strerror_s+0x649
> msvcrt.dll!__threadhandle+0x466
> msvcrt.dll!abort+0x26
> libstdc++-6.dll!_ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv+0x163
> libstdc++-6.dll!__cxa_throw+0x5c
> msvcrt.dll!free+0x39
> libgnc-core-utils.dll!_ZN5boost9iterators6detail23operator_arrow_dispatchIRN
> S_10filesystem15directory_entryEPS4_E5applyES5_+0x11 msvcrt.dll!free+0x46
> libgnc-core-utils.dll!_ZNK5boost9iterators6detail20iterator_facade_baseINS_1
> 0filesystem28recursive_directory_iteratorENS3_15directory_entryENS0_25single
> _pass_traversal_tagERS5_iLb0ELb0EEptEv+0x22
> libgnc-core-utils.dll!gnc_path_find_localized_html_file+0x980
> libgnc-core-utils.dll!gnc_path_find_localized_html_file+0xfce
> libgnc-core-utils.dll!gnc_filepath_init+0xca
> gnucash.exe+0x3b33
> gnucash.exe+0x138b
> ntdll.dll!RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast+0x35f
> I cannot interpret that, but maybe someone here can?
> Oliver
> Am 20.04.2019 um 11:09 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> > Do you have other applications on your system that use guile (like
> > Lilypond
> > for example) ?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Geert
> > 
> > Op donderdag 18 april 2019 13:26:08 CEST schreef Oliver Heidelbach via
> > 
> > gnucash-user:
> >> I reinstalled the current version again to see the log.
> >> 
> >> It does not write any log file since the Visual C++ runtime pops with
> >> that error.
> >> 
> >> I don't know if this helps, but I tried to run guile.exe from the
> >> command line and this happened:
> >> 
> >> ###
> >> C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>guile
> >> 
> >> Throw without catch before boot:
> >> Throw to key misc-error with args ("primitive-load-path" "Unable to find
> >> file ~S in load path" ("ice-9/boot-9") #f)Aborting.
> >> 
> >> This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusua
> >> Please contact the application's support team for more information.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> If I run gnucash.exe from the command line, I get the same popup error
> >> message I have gotten before, containing the last part of the above
> >> error message.
> >> 
> >> Oliver
> >> 
> >> Am 09.04.2019 um 11:27 schrieb Colin Law:
> >>> Hav

Re: [GNC] Problem with saving to NAS Drive

2019-05-27 Thread Geert Janssens

Nothing has changed on the gnucash side in this respect between version 3.3 or 
3.5 that I'm aware of.

You didn't state what OS you are on. Is that on Windows as well ?



On zaterdag 18 mei 2019 19:08:57 CEST John Underwood wrote:
> I came accross this problem today after several years of using GNUCash with
> files housed on Network drives (Not usually NAS but drives on other network
> computers). In fact, I suspect but cannot be completely certain, that I have
> never stored a GNUCash file on, or retreieved one from, a local drive.I
> found a workaround for the problem, using two very simple procedures:
> Uninstall and Install. In uninstalled GNUCash 3.5 and installed GGNU Cash
> 3.3 (From which I had "upgraded" earlier - 3.4 showed the same 
> problem).Now I am back to where I have been for several years. The
> impossible today appears to have been the normal in the very recent past. I
> can now open a network GNUCash file and GNUCash opens and displaye it.This
> is not a solution! I am reliant on a version of GNUCash which is no longer
> supported. Apart from other problems which will not be solved for me, there
> is the security problem. My tolerance of errors in security is very low.
> Unless this problem can be dealt with in the near future, I will have to
> consider tha possibility of an alternative accounting package (with the
> effort involved in coversion to it) simply because GNUCash, in spit of its
> excellent qualities, does not meet my essential operational requirements.
> And that, in spite of the additional costs of a non-open source
> product.This is not a uestion of a conflict between Windows and Unix. The
> issue is concerned with the standards for file (and path) naming which have
> long included a hostname. It is my contention that GNUCash was compliant in
> version 3.3 but is not in 3.4 or 3.5.
> John Ralls-2 wrote
> > On Jul 24, 2013, at 7:53 PM, Robert Kesterson <
> > 
> > robertk@
> > 
> > > wrote:> John Ralls wrote:>> Gtk isn't going to change the file
> > chooser in Gtk 2-24. Somebody did just that last year and we got a lot of
> > grief from the distros about making major changes to a maintenance branch.
> > There's also no Windows maintainer at this point, so an enhancement
> > request for a Windows-only feature isn't likely to go anywhere even for
> > Gtk 3.9 (the current development version). > How tightly coupled is the
> > Gnucash engine to the GTK GUI?  If the engine is loosely coupled, maybe
> > some enterprising soul could write a native Windows (or Mac) GUI and hook
> > it to the engine?It's doable. One of us, Christian Stimming, has written a
> > basic GUI using Qt. It's called "Cutecash" and it's buildable from an SVN
> > checkout if you're interested in playing with it. The Gnucash engine is
> > pretty unix-y and heavily dependent upon GLib, so getting it to build in
> > MSVS would take a bit of work before one could even start on the GUI.
> > That's less of an obstacle on Mac because of the Unix underneath the
> > pretty GUI.Regards,John
> > Ralls___gnucash-user mailing
> > list
> > 
> > gnucash-user@
> > 
> >
> > remember to CC this list on all your replies.You can do this by using
> > Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information. -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

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Re: [GNC] GNUCASH Android

2019-05-27 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 26 mei 2019 16:01:07 CEST schreef John Ralls:
> > On May 26, 2019, at 3:27 AM, nor via gnucash-user
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > I am aware that it is not a part of GNUC development. However it a lovely
> > app on move specifically to view records/transactions from
> > desktop.Unfortunately, Desktop XML ver 3.5 is not compatible with android
> > version and hence cannot be imported.XML file in uncompressed. Appreciate
> > advise.regardsnor
> In which does the file not open, GnuCash or GnuCash for Android. On what
> operating system for GnuCash? Have you tested earlier GnuCash versions? If
> so, what is the latest one that works?
> We haven't made any changes to the XML file schema in many years, so it's
> unlikely that that's the problem.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

I just saw a ticket coming in on GnuCash for Android's bug tracker which 
complains about not understanding the date format.

I can't find a public link to this ticket unfortunately, however here's the 

hello, when i try to open a file saved with gnucash desktop v.3.5 (linux) i 
receive an error on the datetime format.
The errore says: "unable to parse transaction time - 2011-12-05 23:00:00"

I looked into the XML file but I don't see anything strange. This date is 
under the  node.

I hope you can help me.
thank you

Did we change something in that area ?


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Re: [GNC] Upcoming report deprecation

2019-05-24 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 24 mei 2019 18:20:22 CEST schreef Derek Atkins:
> Hi,
> On Fri, May 24, 2019 12:12 pm, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> >> On May 24, 2019, at 7:41 AM, Geert Janssens 
> >> wrote:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> My ideal solution would have been this:
> >> - we provide an online repository with user contributed reports, similar
> >> to
> >> how kde-look or gnome-look websites host themes or wallpapers for their
> >> respective desktops
> > 
> > Is it possible to accomplish this using GitHub? Just curious...
> I don't think so.  It would require people to push to github, which is
> effectively the same as current commiters.
> The wiki would be a better place.  It opens it up to more people.
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek

The wiki was what David T suggested initially in the bug report. John didn't 
think a wiki to be a good place to park source files and I tend to agree.

As for the github suggestion: it *is* currently our de facto online 
repository. And a repository with benefits: all reports in there are at least 
guaranteed to compile...
The downside of this particular repo of course is it has limited write access 
and we're not inclined to change that soon.

Both options still depend on the user copying a source file from somewhere 
into a specific location on their PC and write a line of code in another file. 
It's all still manual.


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Re: [GNC] Upcoming report deprecation

2019-05-24 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 24 mei 2019 02:49:10 CEST schreef Frank H. Ellenberger:
> Am Do., 23. Mai 2019 um 22:26 Uhr schrieb Geert Janssens
> > People that still want these reports can install them as explained in our
> > Custom Reports wiki page [1].
> That is ways to complicated and
> where is the translation of that page to our over 50 supported languages?
I appreciate localization is your point of attention. However I take missing 
translations as an unfair objection. This is akin to asking to drop all 
undocumented features precisely because they lack documentation/translations.
More in general I don't think it's realistic to block change just because it 
would require new documentation or translations.
Keep in mind we're assuming the reports are not used (and other than your 
testimony there has been noone else so far claiming they have used or still 
use them). So it's not like we're asking everyone to jump through several 

As to the complexity of adding such a report, yes it's more complex.

My ideal solution would have been this:
- we provide an online repository with user contributed reports, similar to 
how kde-look or gnome-look websites host themes or wallpapers for their 
respective desktops
- in gnucash you integrate an interface to this repository such that a user 
can browse available reports and install those that interest them.

Unfortunately I don't have time to implement this.
And I want to balance the work to spend on that against the general use of 
these reports. For popular reports such effort could pay off though popular 
reports would likely get included in the main code instead. So far it looks 
like the reports we talk about are hardly used if at all.

But I'll wait some more for feedback from other lists.



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Re: [GNC] Upcoming report deprecation

2019-05-24 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 24 mei 2019 02:49:10 CEST schreef Frank H. Ellenberger:
> Because these reports are translated, they serve also as a fallback
> for the missing translation of the incomplete documentation as they
> show a few aspects of what can be done with reports.

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to convey here. Can you clarify 
what you mean ?

Fwiw I have looked over the strings in these reports:
The daily reports has 4 strings that are unique to the report. Those are the 
names of the reports and a short description.
In addition it has two strings it only shares with average-balance.scm 
(related to showing subaccounts). I believe those should actually be aligned 
with the other reports. They are not unique to these two reports, only 
slightly formulated differently.
The average balance report adds 17 unique strings of which two are for the 
report title and description and most others are for options specific to this 
report. Of those again a number sound very similar to options in other reports 
and can likely be aligned.
hello-world.scm probably does add the most unique strings, though most of them 
are translations of things you'll need to understand in English anyway to 
effectively write a custom report ("text option", "multi-column option",...). 
The programming world unfortunately is very biased towards English. Function 
names are almost always based on English terms. So I have my doubts on the 
merits of translating those strings.

> When I played around decades ago with gnucash they had a promotional
> and a didactical use for me.
> Without them I had probaly choosen a different product, because the
> standard reports with their default setting were very US-GAAP
> oriented. And the examples told me it should be possible to get
> something conforming DE-GOB.

This part interests me more. I am curious now which report(s) exactly you are 
referring to here ?


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Re: [GNC] Upcoming report deprecation

2019-05-24 Thread Geert Janssens
Too much to deal with in one reply. I'll split it up in smaller chunks.

Op vrijdag 24 mei 2019 02:49:10 CEST schreef Frank H. Ellenberger:
> Am Do., 23. Mai 2019 um 22:26 Uhr schrieb Geert Janssens
> :
> > For clarity: I recommend the --extra switch *only* to experiment with
> > these
> > example reports (and possibly a few other experimental features). If you
> > want to continue to use one for production reports, it should be
> > installed as a custom report [1]
> I am still against removing or hiding them, special behind the same
> flag as the bit rotten register2.

I could argue the reports we're talking about are equally bit rotten. Both 
still compile and run, but other than that don't get any developer attention 
at all.

I believe we'll simply have to agree to disagree here. And find a compromise 
that can work.

> That is where menus are for: you can choose, there is no need to eat
> the complete card.

Again, I have different opinion. Going with your analogy: if there's too much 
on the menu it would take me too much time to find what I want to eat.

Large projects like LibreOffice or their commercial counterpart Ms Office are 
aware of this and they do large usability studies in hopes of improving this. 
In the past I read several pointing out that too many options on a menu is 
actually a bad thing. Unfortunately we don't have access to such surveys for 
the GnuCash interface, so we have to work from limited data. At worst if no 
one reacts now the amount of user complaints afterwards could serve as our 
poor man's survey. If many complain then we can equally revert (part of) the 

> The next time somebody may complain the business menu entries are
> cluttering the whole appearance.
I actually agree with that statement. In the past I have pondered a lot on how 
to shift to a different concept to group gnucash functionality in a way that's 
is more accessible than it is now. That is however a completely different 
topic and merits a thorough discussion on its own.

The important difference though is we know the business features are actively 
used. So far no one indicated to be using the reports that were proposed to be 
removed from the menus. (With the notorious exception that you wrote they were 
useful to you in some way early on. I'll get back to that part in another 

> > So far noone who's actually using these reports has stepped up. A few have
> > expressed concerns we may be dropping potentially valuable reports.
> You asked only english speaking users. You did not ask on the other
> lanhuage lists.
Fair enough. I have now sent a similar mail on gnucash-nl. Feel free to 
solicit the other lists as well as I'm not subscribed there.


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Re: [GNC] Upcoming report deprecation

2019-05-23 Thread Geert Janssens
For clarity: I recommend the --extra switch *only* to experiment with these 
example reports (and possibly a few other experimental features). If you want 
to continue to use one for production reports, it should be installed as a 
custom report [1]

So far noone who's actually using these reports has stepped up. A few have 
expressed concerns we may be dropping potentially valuable reports.

As it stands I plan to go ahead as explained though only for the GnuCash 4.x 

People that still want these reports can install them as explained in our 
Custom Reports wiki page [1]. At the same time I will add pointers there to 
the example reports and how to experiment with them.



Op dinsdag 21 mei 2019 21:06:00 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone via gnucash-
> Ah, missed that, thanks! So even less of a hurdle then to use/play with
> those reports...
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On May 21, 2019, at 12:49 PM, D  wrote:
> > 
> > Adrien,
> > 
> > I'll note that Geert's proposal only requires the user to add a switch at
> > run time--i.e., "gnucash --extra". There is no need for the prospective
> > report writer to recompile.I
> > 
> > David
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information. -
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> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

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Re: [GNC] Fw: Upcoming report deprecation

2019-05-23 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 18 mei 2019 20:31:58 CEST schreef Matthew Forbis via gnucash-user:
> Sending to list from correct email address.
>   The Average Balance report would seem to have merit in my mind, such as
> tracking a portfolio over time, but I decided to test it to see what it's
> capable of.  In my testing, I found it can be rmostly eplicated by using
> the Net Worth linechart graph (most significant difference is you can't
> show only the assets line, and it's a line chart instead of a bar chart). 
> The Average Balance report has the downside of taking about 15-20 minutes
> to run and generate the initial report versus the minute or so for the Net
> Worth linechart graphic.  So, while I think the average balance report has
> it's uses, I don't think it's a great report to use.  If it were to be
> improved, I don't know if I would relegate it to the extra menu, or merge
> it entirely with the Net Worth line charts.
I'd be inclined to do the latter. Or extend/improve the flexibility of the Net 
Worth charts such that it can report what the average balance report does.

That's one report less to maintain and less duplication.



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Re: [GNC] Fwd: Impossible to generate reports.

2019-05-22 Thread Geert Janssens
The bug being referred to is

The issue seems to have something to do with selecting a default browser on a 
fresh windows install. Somehow it seems Windows - or WebKitGtk on Windows - 
blocks all output until the user has made this choice. To date we still 
haven't figured out the details or whether this is something we can fix in 

The workaround has worked on many occasions though.



Op dinsdag 21 mei 2019 20:34:06 CEST schreef David Carlson:
> I agree that it seems like it should not have worked even then, but it did
> for me on a couple of machines and for a lot of other users as well.  I
> think there is some strange kind of software leak that gets repaired by
> that procedure.
> David Carlson
> On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 1:18 PM David Carlson 
> wrote:
> > The instructions that Derek was quoting were originally taken from a very
> > old bug report dating back to Windows XP days.  They do actually work in
> > those older OSes, and there are hints every so often that the same bug
> > still exists in Windows 7 and Windows 10.  That is why some of us continue
> > to mention them when this type of problem appears for some users.  Windows
> > 10 has re-vamped the UI surrounding the suspected settings, and this is an
> > attempt to get to the offending setting.  I am not sure if it is correct,
> > as I don't have that problem on my wife's Windows 10 computer, but I think
> > this addresses that setting.
> > 
> > On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 12:51 PM John Ralls  wrote:
> >> I'll be amazed if that works. GnuCash has its own instance of WebKit and
> >> reports don't interact with the system browser at all, unless of course
> >> one
> >> exports HTML from the report and then opens it with the system browser.
> >> 
> >> Which the OP might consider for a workaround.
> >> 
> >> Regards,
> >> John Ralls
> >> 
> >> > On May 21, 2019, at 9:14 AM, David Carlson
> >> > 
> >> 
> >> wrote:
> >> > On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 8:16 AM Derek Atkins  wrote:
> >> >> Hi,
> >> >> 
> >> >> You are trying to configure the way Windows displays HTML pages.
> >> >> You are not configuring GnuCash.
> >> >> 
> >> >> As the instructions say:
> >> >> 
> >> >> * Select the bottom option "Set program access and computer defaults"
> >> >> * You are then asked to chose a configuration:
> >> >> * Extend the "Custom" configuration section by clicking on the double
> >> 
> >> down
> >> 
> >> >> arrow at the right (this step may not be necessary). If you are
> >> >> already
> >> >> using a "Custom" configuration, note the settings so you can go back
> >> >> to
> >> >> them once the problem is fixed.
> >> >> * Scroll up then click on the radio button to use the "Microsoft
> >> 
> >> Windows"
> >> 
> >> >> configuration.
> >> >> 
> >> >> So once you select "Set program access and computer defaults" you need
> >> >> to extend the Custom configuration section and then click on the radio
> >> >> button for "Microsoft Windows" configuration.
> >> >> 
> >> >> Note:  I don't use Windows, so I am just helping you follow the
> >> >> instructions provided by others.
> >> >> 
> >> >> -derek
> >> >> 
> >> >>   Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
> >> >>
> >> >>   Computer and Internet Security Consultant
> >> >> 
> >> >> ___
> >> >> gnucash-user mailing list
> >> >>
> >> >> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >> >>
> >> >> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> >> >> for more information.
> >> >> -
> >> >> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> >> >> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> >> > 
> >> > In Windows 7 it is under Internet Options, or in Windows 10 under
> >> > Settings.
> >> > Choose Default Apps
> >> > From there, scroll down to Choose Default Apps by filetype.  Scroll
> >> 
> >> down to
> >> 
> >> > .html.  Click on whatever it is currently set to, such as Google
> >> > Chrome.
> >> > Change it to Microsoft Edge or something different.  Then close
> >> 
> >> settings,
> >> 
> >> > reboot the computer, go back to settings and change the Default App for
> >> > .html back to your previous App.
> >> > 
> >> > Now try looking at HTML reports in GnuCash.  You may still need to wait
> >> > several minutes before they appear.
> >> > 
> >> > --
> >> > David Carlson
> >> > ___
> >> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >> >
> >> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >> >
> >> > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> >> 
> >> more information.
> >> 
> >> > -
> >> > Please remember to CC this l

Re: [GNC] Upcoming report deprecation

2019-05-20 Thread Geert Janssens
You can choose to install the report as a custom report as explained in our 

The whole assumption here is these reports are rarely used and unmaintained. 
We don't want to completely remove them as they can serve as examples of what 
can be done with the report system, but at the same time we want to remove 
clutter from the menus. So they stick around as development examples, not as 
ready to use reports.



Op zaterdag 18 mei 2019 19:18:42 CEST schreef Stephen C. Camidge:
> I am a Mac user - I like options.
> No, I do not use those report.
> Steve
> > Steve,
> > 
> > Do you use any of these reports?
> > 
> > If not, then you won't suffer from the loss. The whole point of hiding
> > these reports is that they aren't generally used.
> > 
> > David
> > 
> > On May 18, 2019, at 9:27 PM, "Stephen C. Camidge" 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > How will this work for those of us who do not use a command line? A new
> > preference?
> > 
> > Steve
> > 
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I'm looking at
> > > This bug proposes to remove a number of reports from the reports menu on
> > > the assumption these reports are primarily demo's of what can be
> > > achieved in gnucash, but have limited actual value. This is about the
> > > following reports:
> > > 
> > > Average Balance
> > > Expenses vs. Day of Week
> > > Income vs. Day of Week
> > > Sample Report with Examples
> > > 
> > > Instead of completely removing them I plan to move them to a separate
> > > "Examples" sub menu (the former "Sample & Custom" menu) and hide this
> > > menu by default. It could be made visible by running gnucash with the
> > > '--extra' command line switch.
> > > 
> > > If you are actively using any of these reports please let us know which
> > > ones and also how these reports benefit you in practice.
> > > 
> > > Regards,
> > > 
> > > Geert
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ___
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[GNC] Upcoming report deprecation

2019-05-18 Thread Geert Janssens

I'm looking at
This bug proposes to remove a number of reports from the reports menu on the 
assumption these reports are primarily demo's of what can be achieved in 
gnucash, but have limited actual value. This is about the following reports:

Average Balance
Expenses vs. Day of Week
Income vs. Day of Week
Sample Report with Examples

Instead of completely removing them I plan to move them to a separate 
"Examples" sub menu (the former "Sample & Custom" menu) and hide this menu by 
default. It could be made visible by running gnucash with the '--extra' 
command line switch.

If you are actively using any of these reports please let us know which ones 
and also how these reports benefit you in practice.



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Re: [GNC] Import CSV Multi-currency

2019-05-13 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 13 mei 2019 16:32:46 CEST schreef Derek Atkins:
> Hi,
> boldstripe  writes:
> > Just checking: am I correct in expecting Gnucash 3.5 to have the same
> > problem with multiple-currency CSV data as Gnucash 3.4?
> > 
> > The origina bug report is here:
> >
> This bug is still open, so I would not expect the status to have changed
> in the code.
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek

Nothing has changed yet. 



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Re: [GNC] Mail formatting

2019-05-13 Thread Geert Janssens
(It's Geert by the way)

Hi Eric,

Hmm, I should have remembered that if I'm cc'd I get your original message 
rather than the mailing list's. So of course I saw your html markup, while 
others on the list wouldn't.

As Derek says, our mailing list software strips off html from a mail. Or in 
some more detail, when you write an e-mail your e-mail program will create two 
versions of what you write:
- one with all the html markup you added
- one in plain text
The one in plain text is made to resemble the html version as closely as 
possible. Some mail clients simply strip all the markup, others replace it 
with symbolic pseudo-markup (like the asterisks or slashes). What these 
replacements are depend on your mail client.



Op maandag 13 mei 2019 11:28:24 CEST schreef Eric Coates:
> Hi Gert
> For you (and other list recipients) perhaps but ...
> In your response you included my message; on my system I see *bold* with
> the letters in bold  and /italic/ with the letters in italic - almost
> but not quite completely the same as you can see below. (I've
> deliberately avoided using quotes marks around the offending texts
> fearing they'd get messed with).
> And, the message you sent (duplicated below) on the copy I'm looking at
> is in blue.
> Oh well, it's another week and there'll be other challenges.
> Best wishes
> Eric

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Re: [GNC] Mail formatting (was: Price Editor Problems)

2019-05-13 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi Eric,

Your change seems to have fixed the editing. I now see your html message 
properly formatted.



Op zaterdag 11 mei 2019 22:17:08 CEST schreef Eric Coates:
> Gert
> Thank you for the tip. I have (I think!) found the "offending" setting.
> I have unset it.
> I think it's possibly something to do with the mailing list - sending a
> message with *bold* and /italic/ text to another of my email addresses
> shows no problems.
> Everybody
> Please forgive the small experiment.
> Best wishes
> Eric
> ===
> On 11/05/2019 18:11, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > It looks like you have sent an html formatted mail and that got converted
> > to plain text somewhere. In plain text mails asterisks are typically the
> > replacement of the bold markup. So the text between two asterisks is
> > considered boldface.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Geert

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Re: [GNC] Price Editor Problems

2019-05-11 Thread Geert Janssens
It looks like you have sent an html formatted mail and that got converted to 
plain text somewhere. In plain text mails asterisks are typically the 
replacement of the bold markup. So the text between two asterisks is 
considered boldface.



Op zaterdag 11 mei 2019 12:20:11 CEST schreef Eric Coates:
> My apologies.
> I am going to swear!
> The message below is not the one I sent; lots of asterixes have been
> added, to get the correct message remove all of them (and if you want to
> see the original, enbolden the text they delineate)
> I was trying to make the text more readable by emphasising the important
> bits - I'm going to have to rethink how that's possible.
> Eric
> On 11/05/2019 11:12, Eric Coates wrote:
> > Hi (again!)
> > 
> > OK, if you had AlphaVantage working at some time you'll have an
> > AlphAvantage API key.
> > 
> > (In GnuCash 3.5 you can confirm this by going through*Edit >
> > Preferences > Online Quotes *and confirming that the key appears there)
> > 
> > It sounds as if you've hit the problem with AlphaVantage throttling
> > the queries; the way to overcome this is to modify the file
> > ** I had problems finding the correct file to modify
> > but I think in Ubuntu 18.04 it is
> > at*/usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1/Finance/Quote*; in 19.04 it's at
> > *usr/share/perl5/Finance/Quote/*. Or, to be more exact,
> > that's where it was/is on my system; if it's not there a hint (given
> > by John Ralls a while ago) is to look in the */etc/share* directory
> > and look in folders called perl or perl5.
> > 
> > Having found the file it needs to be modified to add in a delay that
> > overcomes the throttling problem. Very close to the end of the file
> > there is a line
> > 
> > *select(undef, undef, undef, .7) if ($quantity);*
> > 
> > (although, to be honest, I can't swear that the final semi-colon
> > appears) that needs to be modified to read
> > 
> > *select(undef, undef, undef, .7) if ($quantity); sleep(15);*
> > 
> > (the modified line does need the semi-colon).
> > 
> > It took me some time to gather the courage to go in and modify a
> > "system" file; if you share my discomfort I can provide some guidance
> > on how to do it.
> > 
> > Best wishes
> > 
> > Eric
> > **
> > 
> > On 11/05/2019 02:18, DaveW wrote:
> >> Where, please, can I get wo-to-go instructions to get my stock Price
> >> Editor (Re)working??
> >> 
> >> I am running Ubuntu 18.04.  GNC ver 3.5.  My stock is all on the ASX
> >> (Australia).  Things worked wonderfully until the Yahoo demise and
> >> then for a while I was able to use Alphvantage but that stopped too.
> >> 
> >> I have tried all sorts of fixes randomly and fear I have completely
> >> confused GNC in the process.
> >> 
> >> I would greatly appreciate some step by step assistance.
> >> 
> >> Dave W
> >> ___
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> > 
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Re: [GNC] undo close?

2019-05-08 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 8 mei 2019 13:21:46 CEST schreef Maf. King:
> Assume for a moment that the code path was somehow triggered.  What would
> the effect be on a book?  what would OP actually see happen?  Do you know /
> can you deduce from the code?  If it is not what ToddandMargo saw happen
> then maybe it didn't trigger the code path?
> Since it seems that only ToddandMargo can see the function, we're all at a
> disadvantage!
> Maf.

Good suggestion.

If the code could be executed it would open an assistant to set up accounting 

The first page on this assistant would read:

"This assistant will help you setup and use accounting periods. 
Danger: this feature does not work correctly at this time; it is still under 
development. It will probably damage your data in such a way that it cannot be 



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Re: [GNC] Strange keyboard behaviour with new version

2019-05-08 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 8 mei 2019 12:35:11 CEST schreef Adam Funk:
> On 2019-02-13, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > Op woensdag 13 februari 2019 12:49:46 CET schreef Adam Funk:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I upgraded my laptop from Ubuntu 18.04 to 18.10 a little over a month
> >> ago.  I think the gnucash version changed from 2.6.19 to 3.3 (Ubuntu
> >> package versions 1:2.6.19-1 to 1:3.3-2).  At first it crashed every
> >> time, but I used a xim workaround like this to get it running.
> >> 
> >> <>
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Since then, I've been getting weird behaviour if I have some
> >> highlighted/selected text in a field (especially the transaction and
> >> memo fields) and try to use the arrow, home, or end keys.  For
> >> example, previously, if I typed a few letters & let it autocomplete, I
> >> could press the end key to deselect the automatically generated text
> >> and move the cursor to the end of the field.  Now it does nothing, so
> >> I have to take my hand off the keyboard to use the mouse.
> >> 
> >> Any suggestions?
> > 
> > There have been additional keyboard fixes in gnucash 3.4 which I believe
> > may fix your problem. So my suggestion: find a way to install gnucash
> > 3.4.
> Just to add: this is fixed in 3.4-1 on Ubuntu 19.04.
> Thanks for the information.

Thanks for reporting back.

I'm glad it works now.


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Re: [GNC] undo close?

2019-05-08 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 8 mei 2019 09:34:18 CEST schreef ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user:
> On 5/8/19 12:27 AM, Maf. King wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 8 May 2019 08:14:05 BST Geert Janssens wrote:
> >> And actually it's very odd your copy of gnucash has this button to begin
> >> with. So that begs the question: what version of gnucash are you using ?
> >> And from what source did you install it ?
> >> 
> >> Regards,
> >> 
> >> Geert
> > 
> > Wow, Geert.  top notch detective work finding that obscure possibility!
> > 
> > take a round of applause from me.
> > 
> > Maf.
> 2+
> :-)

Thanks for the praise, but we're not there yet...

I really don't see how this could possibly have been triggered :(

I have looked at the build Fedora 30 build configuration (which can be found 
here by the way:
To activate the obscure code path one would have to define the the constant 
CLOSE_BOOKS_ACTUALLY_WORKS somewhere and that doesn't seem to be the case.
And even if that constant would have been set the extra function to archive is 
not added to any tool button or menu item. So in theory there is no way to 
trigger this functionality from the GUI.

/me is puzzled...

Todd, do you remember which tab was open when you accidentally clicked the 
close button ? Was it a report tab, a register tab or an accounts tab or even 
something else ?

And could you remember the exact message you received after closing that 
specific tab ? I have searched all of the gnucash source code and there's 
really only one message using the word "archive". The message lead me to the 
obscure function I pointed out before. But that doesn't seem to be 


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Re: [GNC] undo close?

2019-05-08 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 8 mei 2019 04:16:51 CEST schreef ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user:
> On 5/7/19 6:48 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > What do you mean archived?
> It was GnuCash's wording.  And I don't know
> what it means.  I tought it meant I was done
> editing for the day.
Hmm, had to look that up.

It seems gnucash has a "Close" button that actually means "Close Books" with 
description: "Archive old data using accounting periods".

That button is experimental and by default not even compiled in. Given its 
experimental nature and not being there by default I understand the confusion 
on this thread.

And actually it's very odd your copy of gnucash has this button to begin with.
So that begs the question: what version of gnucash are you using ? And from 
what source did you install it ?



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Re: [GNC] gtk-3.0 is empty

2019-05-06 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi Sachin,

I believe this file is not created by default. If you like to use it for style 
modifications you can create it yourself. It's an ordinary plain text file.



Op maandag 6 mei 2019 05:10:47 CEST schreef Sachin Danave:
> Dear All,
> I have installed Gnucash on Windows 10 and it is working smoothly.
> Based on the feedback in this group, I wanted to check my settings.ini
> file. Surprisingly, when I navigated to :
> C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Local\gtk-3.0
> the directory is empty.
> The roaming profile has Gnucash directory and has *.gcm files.
> Any clues on this ? As a result, I am not able to customize the screens to
> suite my color preferences.
> Thanks and regards
> Sachin
> ___
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Re: [GNC] GC won't load on Ubuntu 19.04

2019-05-02 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 2 mei 2019 10:41:55 CEST schreef Dennis Powless:
> dennis@dennisLaptop1:~$ whereis gnucash
> gnucash: /home/dennis/.local/bin/gnucash
> I'm surprised that I didn't have more.  I don't see any other directories.
> dennis@dennisLaptop1:~/.local/bin$ ls
> gnc-fq-check  gnc-fq-helper  gnucash
> gnc-fq-dump   gnc-fq-update  gnucash-valgrind
> This is the contents of that directory.
> D

There will probably also be a
/home/dennis/.local/lib (or lib64, libexec)

Those are all artifacts from a gnucash built from source (well, the last one 
will hold lots of settings from various packages in addition to build 
artifacts from your private gnucash build).

So it seems you have a local build that is interfering with the gnucash 
package installed by your package manager. I would suggest to remove your 
local installation.

The safest way to clean this up is to go back to your gnucash build directory 
and run
make uninstall
This presumes you haven't touched it after the last time you built and 
installed gnucash from source.

If that's no longer possible, you can safely remove
/home/dennis/.local/lib (or lib64, libexec)

You can't do the same with /home/dennis/.local/share as it contains a mix of 
files installed from your build and configuration settings stored by running 
That will be more of a mess to untangle :(

/home/dennis/.local/share/gnucash you can remove the following files and 

In addition from
/home/dennis/.local/share you can remove the following files and directories:

Next remove

Finally a couple of files are also stored in icons. But those shouldn't 



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Re: [GNC] De-Reconciliation Settings

2019-05-01 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 1 mei 2019 21:01:19 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> > On May 1, 2019, at 1:40 PM, Geert Janssens 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > For what it's worth all business accounting packages I have used in
> > Belgium
> > protect the full transaction once reconciled. There's not a single field I
> > can still change.
> Even on paper, I was taught to do all accounting in ink and make correcting
> entries to fix errors. No editing or erasing was allowed.
> A strict implementation of this would be possible since GnuCash already has
> the ‘reverse transaction’ feature, but I doubt many would be happy with
> that move.
> If this were a corporate accounting package, that would probably be a
> necessity. (and likely address, though not solve, many questions of
> ’security’ some people have from time to time on the list - hey, look,
> another option!)
> > I have no hard opinion on what is best or how to best tackle this to work
> > for most people. Though I think getting a warning you're about to alter a
> > reconciled transaction should not be that bad. It prevents accidental
> > changes and still allows deliberate changes (which currently require a
> > reconcile).
> > 
> > What we could perhaps do is this: keep the warning pretty strict, but only
> > undo reconciliation if the change would alter the reconciliation balance
> > (either a date change causes the transaction to fall outside of the
> > reconciliation period is was in or the amount was changed). And document
> > clearly what gnucash does.
> Not sure which would be easier, fire the warning on one set of criteria, but
> only clear the flag based on a subset, or fire the warning for everything,
> but only clear the flag if there is a boolean option in the dialog set to
> do so. (checked by default, or implemented as action buttons)
> I would think the latter would involve less code, or at least less testing
> of criteria, thus a little cheaper. (I’m aware things that look cheap for
> code, aren’t always, but it sure looks that way abstractly to me for now)

It's one of those cases... The dialog that's currently used to pop-up the 
"change a reconciled transaction" is a generic one that's used for all the 
warnings we have. And that generic dialog has no provision for an extra 
boolean option. So if we want to go that route that means creating a separate  
dialog specifically for this use case. In addition the choice the user makes 
in this dialog has to be stored. Again this is one common method for all 
warnings. Adding a boolean option means we have to special case the storage of 
this warning.

Having said all that perhaps giving the user the choice is wiser after all in 
this case.



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Re: [GNC] De-Reconciliation Settings

2019-05-01 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 1 mei 2019 20:24:23 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> > Certainly, changing the account or amount will require a re-reconcile.
> > However, I would rather not have to re-reconcile for immaterial changes
> > to transaction date, transaction number, transaction description, or
> > split description.
> If *you* know the change was immaterial, simply click the Reconcile button
> in the toolbar while *still* viewing the account, change the date to the
> end of the affected period, check off the one transaction and click the
> button to complete the reconciliation.
> We had a thread a few months back about what really needs to trigger the
> clearing of the flag. I’m of the opinion that only date and amount matter,
> I can see that perhaps NUM *might* be wise to keep, but personally don’t
> use it as a transaction number often. Certainly, correcting a typo in
> Description, notes, memo splits, or any splits that don’t affect the
> current register, should not clear the flag.

Thanks for bringing that up. While I see the point, I am not fully convinced. 
Of course fixing a typo should not matter for reconciliation. But what if you 
accidentally change a description to something completely different (say you 
were confused and really wanted to change the transaction right above, a bad 
copy/paste, whatever human error you can think of, ...) and not immediately 

That means you now have changed the meaning of that transaction and it may be 
hard to find it back later in queries.

I believe the issue is there are several definitions of what reconciliation 
really is supposed to mean and hence what should or should not be protected.

For what it's worth all business accounting packages I have used in Belgium 
protect the full transaction once reconciled. There's not a single field I can 
still change.

I have no hard opinion on what is best or how to best tackle this to work for 
most people. Though I think getting a warning you're about to alter a 
reconciled transaction should not be that bad. It prevents accidental changes 
and still allows deliberate changes (which currently require a reconcile).

What we could perhaps do is this: keep the warning pretty strict, but only 
undo reconciliation if the change would alter the reconciliation balance 
(either a date change causes the transaction to fall outside of the 
reconciliation period is was in or the amount was changed). And document 
clearly what gnucash does.

> > It would seem the opinion here is whether "transaction description" (and
> > the others) is a material change.  It seems like that would be a good
> > choice for an option, maybe per-attribute (tran date, tran num, tran
> > desc, split num, split desc).
> File an RFE on Bugzilla and/or contribute code to make it happen...

Preferably the latter...



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Re: [GNC] Segmentation Fault GC 3.5

2019-04-29 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 28 april 2019 21:36:53 CEST schreef Mike stagl:
> I don't know how you figured that out, but you are correct!
The information was in your stack trace:
#2  0x7fffd62070ca in  ()
at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/

That combined with the fact this issue pops up regularly helped me quickly 
draw the conclusion.

> I am using the MATE desktop on my Debian 9 laptop, so I tried:
> That reurned: xim.
> So I ran:
> export $GTK_IM_MODULE="ibus"
> Then I opened GnuCash. Everything appears to work thus far!
> Now I just need to figure our how to make the GTK_IM_MODULE change to
> ibus persistent.
You could add that line in your $HOME/.bashrc file

That would ensure it's executed each time you log in. There may be other ways 
to do it via the Mate control panel, but I have no idea where that would be.



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Re: [GNC] Segmentation Fault GC 3.5

2019-04-28 Thread Geert Janssens
You seem to have xim installed as input method. Gtk (the framework gnucash is 
built on) is known to have issues with this input method. Please switch to 
another input method.
There is a related bug report in our bug database:
Or upstream in Gtk:



Op zondag 28 april 2019 19:15:15 CEST schreef Mike stagl:
> I rebuilt gnucash with the debug option you mentioned, and I ran
> gnucash in the gdb debugger as referenced on the wiki.
> I've attached the results of the gdb command bt full to this email. 
> Hopefully the attachment is picked up by the mailing list.
> I appreciate any advice you can give,
> Thanks!
> Mike
> On Sun, 2019-04-28 at 08:18 -0700, John Ralls wrote:
> > > On Apr 28, 2019, at 7:43 AM, Mike stagl 
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > I just finished building gnucash 3.5 per the instructions on the
> > > wiki
> > > Building on Linux.
> > > 
> > > I'm running a Debian 9 (x64) system.
> > > 
> > > I can get GnuCash to install and open successfully.  When I create
> > > a
> > > simple checkbook, as soon as I enter any information in the
> > > register,
> > > GnuCash crashes.  I have a gnucash.trace file that shows the
> > > following:
> > 
> > 
> > Run it in the debugger and get a proper stack trace. If you didn't do
> > a debug build, do one first by uninstalling, cleaning, and
> > rebuilding, passing -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to cmake.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Paying business vendor invoice: enter vendor's name twice

2019-04-28 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 27 april 2019 21:03:37 CEST schreef Rich Shepard:
> On Sat, 27 Apr 2019, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > Notice the ‘else’ at the beginning of the second sentence. Only use that
> > select button to open a find dialog if GnuCash doesn’t manage to give you
> > the desired vendor in an auto-complete list.
> Ah so. Having the 'Select' button immediately adjacent to the vendor name
> text entry widget _implies_ the user wants to select that vendor. It has not
> be obvious (or 'intuitive' as applications like to call it) that after
> entering the vendor's name I just click the OK button. The position of the
> dialog box suggested to me that gnucash should select the entered name.

A bit of history of how this came about:
The select button used to be the only way to select a vendor. Originally you 
couldn't type anything in the box. That was even more burdensome. Then 
directly typing a vendor name (and selecting it in the dropdown list) was 
added, which was in many cases a big improvement. The select button wasn't 
removed as sometimes you don't know the exact vendor name (different prefix or 
something), or you need to enter a new one. Both options are still possible 
via the select button.

I do agree the halfway fix is not perfect and can cause some confusion.



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Re: [GNC] Unexpected behaviour of locking mechanis

2019-04-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 20 april 2019 17:08:02 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> I figured the lock was in the db, but wasn’t certain.
> I just tested with my current data file:
> Clean exit via GnuCash > Quit GnuCash
> Copy & Rename file to `test-1234.gnucash`
> Re-open GnuCash
> File > Open > `test-1234.gnucash`
> The file opened fine, save none of the open tabs from when I exited were
> re-opened. (doesn’t bother me any, and might even be intended behavior, but
> it confirms what mc found in that respect)
That is indeed normal. The state of the open tabs and such is saved in an 
independent state file, linked to the data file by its filename. If you change 
this filename outside of gnucash, gnucash won't be able to link it back to 
that state file.


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Re: [GNC] Cannot run v3 on Windows 7 since a year

2019-04-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Do you have other applications on your system that use guile (like Lilypond 
for example) ?



Op donderdag 18 april 2019 13:26:08 CEST schreef Oliver Heidelbach via 
> I reinstalled the current version again to see the log.
> It does not write any log file since the Visual C++ runtime pops with
> that error.
> I don't know if this helps, but I tried to run guile.exe from the
> command line and this happened:
> ###
> C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>guile
> Throw without catch before boot:
> Throw to key misc-error with args ("primitive-load-path" "Unable to find
> file ~S in load path" ("ice-9/boot-9") #f)Aborting.
> This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusua
> Please contact the application's support team for more information.
> If I run gnucash.exe from the command line, I get the same popup error
> message I have gotten before, containing the last part of the above
> error message.
> Oliver
> Am 09.04.2019 um 11:27 schrieb Colin Law:
> > Have a look in the gnucash trace file after you try to start it.
> >
> > 
> > Colin
> > 
> > On Tue, 9 Apr 2019 at 10:25, ohei2 via gnucash-user
> > 
> >  wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I just tried to install v3.5 on my Win7 64bit. It installed and on the
> >> the
> >> first attempt to start it I get
> >> 
> >> /This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual
> >> way. Please contact the application's support team for more information/
> >> 
> >> I also tried an uninstall and deleting the leftover directory like
> >> suggested in a similar thread. Same error message.
> >> 
> >> I did switch back to 2.6.21 which runs without any problems.
> >> 
> >> About one year ago I tried to install 3.0 which also would not run back
> >> then and switched back to the older version.
> >> 
> >> I am a bit clueless on how to proceed. Sitting it out does not seem to
> >> work
> >> obviously.
> >> 
> >> Regards, ohei2
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> --
> >> Sent from:
> >>
> >> ___
> >> gnucash-user mailing list
> >>
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Re: [GNC] I can't see above the current widow

2019-04-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 17 april 2019 11:24:51 CEST schreef Jonathan Silvey:
> For some reason, I cannot go above the top line of a window. I have been
> through the Preferences and Help pages without success.
> Two possible clues are that the Accounts totals are correct, so the
> information is there somewhere. But when I add a Description which I have
> used many times before (but not in the current window), the Description is
> treated as though I’ve never used it before, ie I have to type the whole
> entry.
> I use Gnucash 2.6.3 on Windows 10.

Please upgrade to at least gnucash 2.6.21 first. There have been a ton bug 
fixes since 2.6.3 which may fix your issue.

If that doesn't fix it we can try to dig deeper.



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Re: [GNC] CSV import lags and burns CPU; can't report bug

2019-04-19 Thread Geert Janssens
GnuCash 3 is using a different way to store import matcher heuristics 
internally. The first time the csv importer is run, any heuristics in the old 
format are converted to the newer format. Depending on how large this 
heuristics database is, this can take a considerable amount of time. And 
unfortunately there is no visual indication this process is running - an 
unfortunate omission. The dev that implemented the conversion probably didn't 
expect this to be an issue (and I wouldn't have either tbh).

So maybe this internal conversion is what you experienced. As it should only 
run once (if you let it complete) subsequent imports should be faster.



Op donderdag 11 april 2019 01:12:53 CEST schreef Mark Hedges via gnucash-user:
> It was super super slow... until it wasn't.  I tried the import over again
> with the descriptions modified with an "x" so they don't stomp on
> autocomplete for previously filed transactions.  It imported 160
> transactions in about 2 seconds today.  So I don't know what was up.  Evil
> gnomes?
> Mark
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 3:55 PM John Ralls  wrote:
> > Huh. Another corner of the Windows Installer I hadn't noticed before.
> > 
> > Fixed, will be in the next nightly build.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > John Ralls
> > 
> > > On Apr 8, 2019, at 12:57 PM, Adrien Monteleone <
> > 
> >> wrote:
> > > GnuCash’s Bugzilla database moved to several moons ago.
> > > 
> > > I can’t find any similar shortcut for bug filing on MacOS, so this is
> > 
> > probably for the Windows version only. (I don’t ever recall seeing it with
> > Linux versions either)
> > 
> > > You should file a bug on that as well, since it needs to point to the
> > 
> > correct location.
> > 
> > > Regards,
> > > Adrien
> > > 
> > >> On Apr 8, 2019, at 1:51 PM, Mark Hedges via gnucash-user <
> > 
> >> wrote:
> > >> Hi.  I'm trying to import transactions from a very simple CSV file,
> > 
> > using a
> > 
> > >> default account and a single transfer account in a CSV field.  I get to
> > 
> > the
> > 
> > >> stage to go from "Transaction Information" where it says "On the
> > 
> > following
> > 
> > >> page you will be able to associate each transaction to a category."
> > 
> > Even a
> > 
> > >> 1-line CSV test file takes about 10 or 15 seconds to get to the next
> > 
> > page.
> > 
> > >> With 160 transactions, the program stops responding, though it is
> > 
> > burning
> > 
> > >>> 30% CPU.  I assume it will finish eventually, but this process seems
> > 
> > to be
> > 
> > >> very inefficient.
> > >> 
> > >> I can't seem to report a bug anymore.  I just installed GnuCash 3.5.
> > 
> > When
> > 
> > >> I go to Start > GnuCash > Report a GnuCash Bug (Online), this takes me
> > 
> > to
> > 
> > >>  It says that most projects have migrated to
> > 
> > GitLab,
> > 
> > >> but for GnuCash I should NOT go to GitLab.  When I try to log into
> > >> bugzilla, it says "Sorry, entering a bug into the product GnuCash has
> > 
> > been
> > 
> > >> disabled."  However, the GitLab site linked from the BugZilla page does
> > 
> > not
> > 
> > >> seem to have a GnuCash project.  Where should we report bugs these
> > >> days?
> > >> 
> > >> Thanks.
> > >> 
> > >> Mark Hedges
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > gnucash-user mailing list
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> > > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> > 
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Re: [GNC] Downgrading to 2.6.21

2019-04-08 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 8 april 2019 01:04:39 CEST schreef Greg Feneis:
> John,
> I misread your instructions and only attempted to save outside of the
> Dropbox folder, but not in my ...\Users\Greg\... folder, so I tried this
> path and file name:
> C:\Xobpord\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official Working
> File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (117 chars, outside of
> Dropbox, Failure!)
> The error message reads:
> "You attempted to save in H[gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash
> or a subdirectory thereof. This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that
> directory for internal usePlease try again in a different directory.
> (close).
It's suspicious the error message suggests you're saving in a subdirectory of 
what gnucash understands as your GNC_DATA_HOME directory. So something odd is 
going on here. And probably the "giggerish" in there is a clue.

> Then I read your email again before starting a reply and realized you
> spec'd the home directory, so I tried the following path and file name:
> C:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official
> Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (128 chars, outside of
> Dropbox, inside user folder, success!)
> So, appears with 3.5 I can only have a generous path while saving within
> the windows user folder?



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Re: [GNC] Error While Saving in GnuCash 3.5 on Win7-64

2019-04-05 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi Greg,

It was "hijacked" in the sense that you seem to have started it by replying to 
John Ralls' reply on the "help lost data file" thread. So my mail client did 
hide your message in that thread. Apparently that also happened for Frank.

Of course I can't *know* what you did exactly. It just *looks* like this is 
what you did: take an existing message, hit reply (or reply to list/all), 
change subject and body, send. That would cause such a message to end up 
hidden in the original thread.

In any case I also didn't immediately see your message.



Op vrijdag 5 april 2019 15:56:24 CEST schreef Greg Feneis:
> Hi Frank,
> I started this thread. I've been driving this thread since I started it.
> What made you think I hijacked?
> I was aware of bugzilla, but it's not an email list.  I had some concern
> that the process had changed from when I last monitored this list many
> months ago.  Previously an error like this gets discussed, and someone, a
> developer or person who works more closely with the project, asks the
> reporter to log it to bugzilla.
> Kind regards,
> Greg Feneis 
> On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 10:43 PM Frank H. Ellenberger <
>> wrote:
> > Am 04.04.19 um 17:28 schrieb Greg Feneis:
> > > Is there some other gnucash list I should use to report program errors?
> > 
> > Yes, Greg,
> > read for the details.
> > 
> > BTW: Next time instead of hijacking other threads start a new one. ;-)
> > 
> > Regards frank
> > 
> > > Kind regards,
> > > 
> > > Greg Feneis 
> > > 
> > > On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 5:41 PM Greg Feneis  wrote:
> > >> Hi,
> > >> 
> > >> I just upgraded to 3.5 from 2.6.21.
> > >> 
> > >> I've been using 2.6.x for a few years, and never had trouble saving to
> > >> this directory, but after upgrading to 3.5, I tried to save and it
> > 
> > gives me
> > 
> > >> an error message.
> > >> 
> > >> "You attempted to save in "can't be displayed" or a subdirectory
> > 
> > thereof.
> > 
> > >> This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that director for internal use.
> > >> 
> > >> Please try again in a different directory."  (close)
> > >> 
> > >> 
> > >> Here's a link to a screen shot of the error message:
> > >>
> > >> 
> > >> Note that where I wrote "can't be displayed" is actually a strange
> > 
> > graphic
> > 
> > >> like when an emoji can't be displayed.  See the screen shot.
> > >> 
> > >> It appears when the error message was generated, the file path couldn't
> > 
> > be
> > 
> > >> parsed.  This makes me think GnuCash isn't capable of parsing the save
> > 
> > to
> > 
> > >> path.  I suspect it's a path length issue.  I tried shorter paths and
> > >> it
> > >> worked.  FSR, the new GnuCash seem like it can't save to the same
> > >> length
> > >> path that the old series was capable of.
> > >> 
> > >> Sorry if this is already a known issue
> > >> 
> > >> Kind regards,
> > >> 
> > >> Greg Feneis 
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > gnucash-user mailing list
> > >
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> > >
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> > 
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> > 
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> > > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] Bills in Gnucash

2019-04-02 Thread Geert Janssens
The preference was added by Christian back in the 2.6 days. I'm not sure of 
the end goal of this feature but I believe it was indeed mostly meant to 
persistently add a few convenience buttons on the tool bar. I'm sure it 
doesn't manage the availability of the AR/AP accounts and it equally won't 
show or hide the Business releated menu options.

That may be an enhancement of its own at some point.



Op dinsdag 2 april 2019 09:03:59 CEST schreef Derek Atkins:
> If this preference is added, it should also remove the A/R and A/P Account
> type choices!
> -derek
> On Mon, April 1, 2019 11:21 pm, David Carlson wrote:
> > Back in 2014 I used to think that going to Edit > Preferences > Business
> > and checking Enable Extra Buttons was about enabling business features,
> > but
> > I was told then that it is only about adding some un-named buttons on some
> > menus that were never documented.  I agree that there should be a feature
> > to turn off business features for those of us that don't use them, because
> > sometimes they cause grief if accidentally or ignorantly activated.
> > 
> > David Carlson
> > 
> > On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 8:55 PM Adrien Monteleone <
> > 
> >> wrote:
> >> Thanks David,
> >> 
> >> I was looking for that the other day and somehow glanced over it.
> >> Indeed,
> >> it is still there in 3.4. (about to install 3.5 shortly) I suppose,
> >> then,
> >> since preferences are user rather than book based that’s why the buttons
> >> were already there. I didn’t try to start GC from a fresh user
> >> perspective.
> >> I’d have to try an old copy of 2.6, but I seem to recall this being
> >> labeled
> >> as ‘enable business features’ (which also added the special accounts and
> >> added the Business menu) not just ‘enable extra buttons’, but my memory
> >> could be faulty.
> >> 
> >> Regards,
> >> Adrien
> >> 
> >> > On Apr 1, 2019, at 7:33 PM, David Carlson
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> wrote:
> >> > So far none of you have mentioned going to Edit > Preferences >
> >> 
> >> Business
> >> and checking Enable Extra Buttons.  Back in the Release 2.6.xx days that
> >> was necessary to even see the buttons to create invoices or whatever
> >> that I
> >> have never looked for because I was not using them.
> >> 
> >> > David Carlson
> >> > 
> >> > On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 5:39 PM Adrien Monteleone <
> >> 
> >>> wrote:
> >> > > On Mar 31, 2019, at 3:35 AM, David T. via gnucash-user <
> >> 
> >>> wrote:
> >> > > Oh.  Let me go to nabble to figure out that you're replying to my
> >> 
> >> post... now, having closed all the spammy windows for super resume...
> >> 
> >> > Or just use e-mail instead of Nabble? (or I’m sure something like
> >> 
> >> uBlock
> >> Origin could zap those windows before they come into existence)
> >> 
> >> > > Having the new account assistant create a specific set of accounts
> >> 
> >> IN
> >> NO WAY is "enabling business features." It's just a bunch of accounts.
> >> The
> >> features are always "enabled." We might as well speak of "enabling"
> >> double
> >> entry features in Gnucash when we open a register in transaction view.
> >> 
> >> > > It is convenient, to be sure, to have these accounts created for me,
> >> 
> >> but this is in no way something in preferences, as was implied in the
> >> message to which I was responding.
> >> 
> >> > > There is NO special setting. To quote Monty Python, there is NO
> >> 
> >> severed head beneath the bed.
> >> 
> >> > > David T.
> >> > 
> >> > I just opened a new file, chose the default ‘common accounts’ which
> >> 
> >> did
> >> not include A/R and A/P and sure enough, the “Business” menu is visible
> >> as
> >> was the “New Invoice” button. (I didn’t go through the trouble of
> >> creating
> >> an invoice or bill and seeing what would happen)
> >> 
> >> > This was not always the case, certainly not at some point in the 2.6
> >> 
> >> series. I distinctly remember having to ‘enable business features’ to
> >> both
> >> get the Business menu as well as making the New Invoice button visible.
> >> I
> >> think doing so also created the special A/R and A/P accounts in my tree.
> >> 
> >> > Perhaps the business features which were originally an add-on module
> >> 
> >> were finally integrated into the main program at some point.
> >> 
> >> > Regards,
> >> > Adrien
> >> > ___
> >> 
> >> ___
> >> gnucash-user mailing list
> >>
> >> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >>
> >> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> >> for more information.
> >> -
> >> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> >> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> > 
> > --
> > David Carlson
> > ___
> >

Re: [GNC] Bills in Gnucash

2019-03-29 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi Gustav,

Welcome to gnucash!

It's not clear what you mean with "I don't have a way to log in a bill...". Did 
you try
Business->Vendor->New Bill... ?
What exactly didn't work ?



Op donderdag 28 maart 2019 21:24:41 CET schreef Gustav Kriek:
> Hi there
> I'm new to using Gnucash and its also the first time I'm doing my own
> books. I just started working for myself, and as sole proprietor I need to
> keep better track of things.
> Ive set up all of my accounts and brought everything up to date...took me
> quite a few hours to be honest. I just realised I dont have a way to log in
> a bill, see when its must be paid or indicate it has been paid. I presume I
> didnt make the correct selection when I chose my hierarchy. I don't want to
> create a new profile because it took so long. Is there a way I can add this
> in to what I already have?
> I would appreciate any advise.
> Gustav
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Compiling Problem version 3.1.4+b10

2019-03-29 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi Carl,

The error suggests the code can't find the definition of function

That's a new function that was introduced for the gnucash 3-series. So if you 
get this error while 
trying to run gnucash 3.1, that suggests a packaging bug.

There are two likely causes:
1. gnucash finds an older version of
2. the swig bindings weren't properly rebuilt for this package, instead using 
the bindings that 
don't know the new function yet.

Where did this gnucash you tried to install come from ?

As a sidenote I will point out gnucash 3.1 is not the most recent version and 
there have been 
plenty of bugfixes in more recent releases. The current version is 3.4, with 
3.5 planned for this 
weekend. If you can get a more recent version you will most likely have a 
better experience 
with gnucash.



Op vrijdag 29 maart 2019 07:38:52 CET schreef Carl:
> Hello Folks!
> I'm not sure if I have the correct method of doing this here!
> but I'm just trying to install gnucash in debian buster and I keep
> getting this funny output whenever I type gnucash from the command
> prompt and the program refuses to run
> Can anyone tell me what this means? see output below, thanks for your
> help!!:
> Backtrace:
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>2994:20 19 (_)
> 2312:4 18 (save-module-excursion _)
>3014:26 17 (_)
> In unknown file:
>16 (primitive-load-path "gnucash/utilities" #)
> In utilities.scm:
>   28:0 15 (_)
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>3377:20 14 (process-use-modules _)
> 222:17 13 (map1 (((gnucash core-utils
>3378:31 12 (_ ((gnucash core-utils)))
>2800:17 11 (resolve-interface (gnucash core-utils) #:select _ # _ # …)
> In ice-9/threads.scm:
>  390:8 10 (_ _)
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>2726:13  9 (_)
> In ice-9/threads.scm:
>  390:8  8 (_ _)
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>2994:20  7 (_)
> 2312:4  6 (save-module-excursion _)
>3014:26  5 (_)
> In unknown file:
> 4 (primitive-load-path "gnucash/core-utils" #)
> In core-utils.scm:
>   40:0  3 (_)
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>2071:24  2 (call-with-deferred-observers #)
> 260:13  1 (for-each # …)
> In unknown file:
> 0 (scm-error misc-error #f "~A ~S" ("Undefined variab…" …) …)
> ERROR: In procedure scm-error:
> Undefined variable: gnc-build-userdata-path
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Example of multi-split feature of CSV importer?

2019-03-28 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 28 maart 2019 20:18:57 CET schreef David Carlson:
> I would like to add that the generic importer shows the memos of matched
> existing transactions rather than the descriptions on the page where
> incoming transactions are matched to existing since it better fits the
> notion of matching to the base 'split' account.  I presume that the
> improved CSV importer follows that behavior.
That part of the importer hasn't been touched. So it should still be as it was 
in GnuCash 2.6.



> David Carlson
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 8:35 PM Patrick  wrote:
> > David, Geert,
> > 
> > Thank you for this helpful guidance. I hope to try this soon.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Patrick
> > 
> > On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 5:18 AM Geert Janssens  > 
> > wrote:
> > > Op zondag 24 maart 2019 02:47:37 CET schreef David Cousens:
> > > > Patrick,
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > When the Transaction is opened with the split button, the Description
> > > 
> > > field
> > > 
> > > > name should change to Memo. There are other changes in the headings as
> > > > 
> > > > described in the documentation (
> > > > 
> > > >
> > 
> > ).
> > 
> > > If
> > > 
> > > > my understanding is correct, each split of a transaction has its own
> > 
> > Memo
> > 
> > > > field while the Description field is attached to the transaction which
> > > > 
> > > > consists of 2 or more splits. The same description should also come up
> > 
> > if
> > 
> > > > you open the transaction in another register that there is a split to.
> > > 
> > > You
> > > 
> > > > can enter different information in the Memo field if you wish.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I think the importer matches on the Description field for the
> > > 
> > > transaction by
> > > 
> > > > tokenizing its content and matching to the tokenized forms of the
> > > > 
> > > > description field of existing transactions which is weighted along
> > > > with
> > > 
> > > the
> > > 
> > > > matching of amounts, dates, etc. I don't think the Memo field is
> > 
> > involved
> > 
> > > > in matching AFAIK but I haven't checked the code out to see. Geert may
> > 
> > be
> > 
> > > > able to comment on that as he is more familiar with the code than I
> > > > am.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I think you can specify the Memo field in the multisplit format as
> > > > well
> > > 
> > > as
> > > 
> > > > the Description field. I am away from home at the moment so I can't
> > 
> > check
> > 
> > > > for sure.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > David
> > > 
> > > That explains it very well indeed.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > In short: transactions have a description, splits have a memo. If you
> > 
> > want
> > 
> > > each individual split to have some descriptive information, you can add
> > > this in the memo field (which is also supported by the importer). If you
> > > want the whole transaction to have some descriptive information, you can
> > > add this in the transaction's description field.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > And as David says, the csv importer will use the description field (and
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Re: [GNC] import from csv messing with trailing quotation marks

2019-03-28 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 10 maart 2019 12:11:55 CET schreef Andrea Borgia:
> reply to self to add: also leading marks are affected.
> basically, all marks that appear at the very beginning or end of a
> description.


What version of GnuCash is this ? I can't seem to reproduce this with the 
current maint branch (which will soon become released as gnucash 3.5).


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Re: [GNC] How to suppress automatic refund fill-in for overpayment

2019-03-27 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi Tim,

I had sent this before but my mail was blocked by your hosting provider. I'll 
now resend to list 
only, perhaps this will reach you. To all others, sorry for the double post.

Op dinsdag 26 maart 2019 17:50:58 CET schreef Tim Quinn:
> Hi, all. I’m running GC Build ID: 3.4+ (2018-12-30) on Mac (High Sierra).
> My wife offers clients a discount if they pay for several tutoring sessions
> in advance.
> When I process the payment (which exceeds the first session’s invoice
> amount), GnuCash always computes and fills in the “Refund” amount with the
> excess payment.
> This is never what I want, so I always have to clear out the Refund field
> manually before proceeding.
> I have not found a preference setting to control this behavior, nor did I
> find anything in the mailing list archive. Have I missed it?
> Clearly this is not a huge problem, but it’s a frequent mild annoyance I
> would like to avoid if I could.

Hi Tim,

Just to be sure I understand correctly what's happening:

So you have at some point used the Process Payment window to enter a 
prepayment for a customer.
That at some point later you write the first invoice for that customer.
As the customer has already paid in advance you'd now like to link part of the 
prepayment to that invoice.
If you use the process payment window to do so (by selecting both the 
prepayment and the invoice) it will fill the Refund field.

When doing this manually it will always fill that field indeed. The only way I 
have  found to avoid this is to configure gnucash to automatically pay 
invoices on posting. You can enable this via
Edit->Preferences->Business->(Invoices)Process Payments on Posting



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Re: [GNC] XML data file load times

2019-03-27 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 26 maart 2019 23:21:11 CET schreef Rare Bear:
> I just upgraded from 3.3 to 3.4 and noticed a dramatic improvement 
in the
> loading time of the XML datafile.  Was this an improvement in the 
code or
> just my imagination?

There was at least one change in the 3.4 work that could potentially 
improve load performance indeed. It looks like it did for you. Nice! :)


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Re: [GNC] How to change register colors in gnucash 3.x?

2019-03-26 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 26 maart 2019 20:38:24 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> My bad. I was misreading both the wiki page and the chart. Both %APPDATA%
> and %LOCALAPPDATA% are used, but one for GNC_CONFIG_HOME and the other for
> GTK_CONFIG_HOME and I was confused thinking both locations were used for
> both purposes. (though the wiki page and chart clearly indicate which is
> used where)
> Just my trying to read the page too fast.
> Sorry for the confusion.
Well, I don't blame you. The various locations where config files can be stored 
are pretty 
complicated. David's diagrams do help IMO.

> As for the original problem, unless there is an issue with the CSS file, I
> don’t think I have any more ideas as to why it is not working.

Neither do I...

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Re: [GNC] How to change register colors in gnucash 3.x?

2019-03-26 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 26 maart 2019 20:08:10 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Hmmm.. The wiki lists both \Roaming and \Local, only reason why I suggested
> it.

Where did you see this ? If it does that would be a wiki bug :)


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Re: [GNC] How to change register colors in gnucash 3.x?

2019-03-26 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 26 maart 2019 19:45:35 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Interesting, the preference works the opposite for me. I’m on a Mac, but
> that shouldn’t matter.
> Windows has two locations you can put that file.
> C:\Users\\AppData\Local\GnuCash

No, this location is not used by gnucash.

There is
to store Gtk related config files and you may try and use that one as well. Do 
note in this case Gtk uses a different file name for its css configuration. 



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Re: [GNC] How to suppress automatic refund fill-in for overpayment

2019-03-26 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 26 maart 2019 17:50:58 CET schreef Tim Quinn:
> Hi, all. I’m running GC Build ID: 3.4+ (2018-12-30) on Mac (High Sierra).
> My wife offers clients a discount if they pay for several tutoring sessions
> in advance.
> When I process the payment (which exceeds the first session’s invoice
> amount), GnuCash always computes and fills in the “Refund” amount with the
> excess payment.
> This is never what I want, so I always have to clear out the Refund field
> manually before proceeding.
> I have not found a preference setting to control this behavior, nor did I
> find anything in the mailing list archive. Have I missed it?
> Clearly this is not a huge problem, but it’s a frequent mild annoyance I
> would like to avoid if I could.

Hi Tim,

Just to be sure I understand correctly what's happening:

So you have at some point used the Process Payment window to enter a 
prepayment for a customer.
That at some point later you write the first invoice for that customer.
As the customer has already paid in advance you'd now like to link part of the 
prepayment to that invoice.
If you use the process payment window to do so (by selecting both the 
prepayment and the invoice) it will fill the Refund field.

When doing this manually it will always fill that field indeed. The only way I 
have  found to avoid this is to configure gnucash to automatically pay 
invoices on posting. You can enable this via
Edit->Preferences->Business->(Invoices)Process Payments on Posting



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Re: [GNC] Example of multi-split feature of CSV importer?

2019-03-25 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 24 maart 2019 02:47:37 CET schreef David Cousens:
> Patrick,
> When the Transaction is opened with the split button, the Description field
> name should change to Memo. There are other changes in the headings as
> described in the documentation (
> If
> my understanding is correct, each split of a transaction has its own Memo
> field while the Description field is attached to the transaction which
> consists of 2 or more splits. The same description should also come up if
> you open the transaction in another register that there is a split to.  You
> can enter different information in the Memo field if you wish.
> I think the importer matches on the Description field for the transaction by
> tokenizing its content and matching to the tokenized forms of the
> description field of existing transactions which is weighted along with the
> matching of amounts, dates, etc. I don't think the Memo field is involved
> in matching AFAIK but I haven't checked the code out to see. Geert may be
> able to comment on that as he is more familiar with the code than I am.
> I think you can specify the Memo field in the multisplit format as well as
> the Description field. I am away from home at the moment so I can't check
> for sure.
> David

That explains it very well indeed.

In short: transactions have a description, splits have a memo. If you want each 
individual split to 
have some descriptive information, you can add this in the memo field (which is 
also supported 
by the importer). If you want the whole transaction to have some descriptive 
information, you 
can add this in the transaction's description field.

And as David says, the csv importer will use the description field (and all 
other transaction 
related fields) to determine transaction boundaries. As the memo fields is a 
related to splits its 
contents will not affect this boundary detection.

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Re: [GNC] The Meaning of Split (previously Example of multi-split feature of CSV importer?)

2019-03-22 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 22 maart 2019 21:00:02 CET schreef Derek Atkins:
> > Why not just use the term 'parts' or 'transaction parts' or even invent a
> > new word 'transparts'; (after all, GnuCash is a made up word too.)
> > Just because GnuCash developers previously defined the 'parts' of a
> > transaction as 'splits' doesn't mean that the definition shouldn't be
> > changed to make it clearer.
> The data file contains "Splits".  Having different terms in the UI vs the
> underlying data is a way to cause irreperable brain damage down the road
> when someone not alive today becomes a developer in a couple decades and
> tries to mentally map a Foobob to a Split and doesn't understand why the
> name was changed.
This is a valid point. It only makes sense to change the term if it happens on 
all levels. That's 
what I hinted at in one of my first replies (that it would be hard to make this 
change and 
potentially create an extra burden on our translators).

> Not saying we CAN'T do it, but seriously, how many words in the English
> language have both a verb and a noun and can mean slightly different
> things?  (cheating answer:  many).
There are many. The confusion however comes from the fact that split (noun) is 
ambiguous in 
itself. It sometimes means the parts you get after splitting something (like in 
your wine 
example), and sometimes it refers to the gap between the pieces instead. The 
latter meaning is 
clearly the more obvious one for Micheal and Alan. So if we can avoid this 
confusion by using 
another term that could make gnucash easier to learn.

Pondering it some more among a few developers the term "entry" without the 
explicit "ledger" 
comes up as the most likely alternative so far. It can be disambiguated in 
certain contexts with 
account, invoice, bill,...


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Re: [GNC] Processing refunds

2019-03-22 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 22 maart 2019 19:41:23 CET schreef Geert Janssens:
> Hi Martijn,
> You create a Credit Memo by selecting
> Business->Customer->New Invoice...
> And then in the invoice window select Credit Note rather than invoice.
> As a sidenote, please trim your reply and fix the subject if you reply to 
> digest message. Thanks.
...which I promptly failed to do myself :( Sorry about that. I must be tired.

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Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 192, Issue 50

2019-03-22 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi Martijn,

You create a Credit Memo by selecting
Business->Customer->New Invoice...
And then in the invoice window select Credit Note rather than invoice.

As a sidenote, please trim your reply and fix the subject if you reply to a 
digest message. 



Op vrijdag 22 maart 2019 13:29:29 CET schreef Martijn Heuts:
> Hello Geert, thanks for helping out. In my case the client returned an item.
> How would you create the credit memo?
> ⁣Martijn Heuts
> Sent from BlueMail ​
> On Mar 21, 2019, 12:01 PM, at 12:01 PM, 
> wrote:
> >Send gnucash-user mailing list submissions to
> >
> >
> >
> >To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> >
> >
> >
> >or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> >
> >
> >
> >You can reach the person managing the list at
> >
> >
> >
> >When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> >than "Re: Contents of gnucash-user digest..."
> >
> >Today's Topics:
> >   1.  Processing refunds (Martijn Heuts)
> >   2. Re:  Unable to add prices to some securities (Derek Atkins)
> >   3. Re:  Unable to add prices to some securities (Alan Taylor)
> >   4. Re:  End of year rollover (Derek Atkins)
> >   5. Re:  The Meaning of Split (previously Example of multi-split
> >   
> >  feature of CSV importer?) (Derek Atkins)
> >   
> >   6. Re:  Processing refunds (Geert Janssens)
> >   7. Re:  The Meaning of Split (previously Example of multi-split
> >   
> >  feature of CSV importer?) (D)
> >   
> >   8. Re:  Unable to add prices to some securities (Adrien Monteleone)
> >   9. Re:  macOS Mojave 10.14.3 cannot open GNUCASH (suk wah Bernstein)
> >  
> >  10. Re:  The Meaning of Split (previously Example of multi-split
> >  
> >  feature of CSV importer?) (Adrien Monteleone)
> >
> >--
> >
> >Message: 1
> >Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 13:59:29 + (UTC)
> >From: Martijn Heuts 
> >To:
> >Subject: [GNC] Processing refunds
> >Message-ID: <>
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> >
> >Hello,
> >When I process a refund I pull up the customer's invoice, click on 'Pay
> >invoices' and enter therefund amount in the 'refund' column.
> >My P&L report did not show a difference when I compared it before and
> >after processing the refund.Is there another way I should process the
> >refund or is there a better report to show this refund?
> >I would think the total income on the P&L should be less the refund.
> >Thanks for giving my better insight in GNUcash!
> >Martijn
> >
> >
> >--
> >
> >Message: 2
> >Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 10:07:43 -0400
> >From: Derek Atkins 
> >To: Alan Taylor 
> >Cc: gnucash-user mailing list 
> >Subject: Re: [GNC] Unable to add prices to some securities
> >Message-ID: 
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> >
> >Alan,
> >
> >Alan Taylor  writes:
> >> Ah ok ? well thank you for your work on a great program.
> >> 
> >> Without wanting to start any flame wars, can I ask for your opinion ?
> >> I have been using GnuCash for a long time, 10 years+ and it is an
> >> important program for me.
> >> I could run it on Linux, MacOS or Windows - given the choice of all
> >> three which would you recommend as the best host, purely for GnuCash
> >
> >?
> >
> >In my opinion (humble or otherwise), I feel that Linux is #1, then
> >MacOS, and then Windows.  Windows is by far a second-class citizen;
> >none
> >of the developers actually do main development on Windows, whereas John
> >DOES do main development on Mac.  Most devs still use Linux.
> >
> >Of course, just my $0.02, so YMMV.
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Re: [GNC] Processing refunds

2019-03-21 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 21 maart 2019 14:59:29 CET schreef Martijn Heuts:
> Hello,
> When I process a refund I pull up the customer's invoice, click on 'Pay
> invoices' and enter therefund amount in the 'refund' column. My P&L report
> did not show a difference when I compared it before and after processing
> the refund.Is there another way I should process the refund or is there a
> better report to show this refund? I would think the total income on the
> P&L should be less the refund. Thanks for giving my better insight in
> GNUcash!
> Martijn

As far as I understand paying a refund doesn't change your income. It only 
moves money from 
one asset account (your bank account) to another asset account (your accounts 

Your exact use case is not very clear from your description. What's the reason 
of the refund ?
* Did the customer pay you more than you invoiced ? In that case the income was 
created by the invoice, the (over)payment and refund were merely asset moves.

* Was part of an invoice disputed and the user requested a reduction ? In that 
case you should 
create a credit note first (which would decrease your income), and the refund 
would be to "pay" 
for this credit note.


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Re: [GNC] The Meaning of Split (previously Example of multi-split feature of CSV importer?)

2019-03-21 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 20 maart 2019 12:35:40 CET schreef Michael Hendry:
> > On 20 Mar 2019, at 10:52, Geert Janssens 
> > wrote:> 
> > Op woensdag 20 maart 2019 10:51:55 CET schreef Michael Hendry:
> >> Would anyone think it odd that a different process would be required when
> >> importing a compound transaction than when importing a simple one?
> > 
> > I think that depends on the input source format: csv is generic and
> > doesn't
> > strictly define how to encode accounting data.
> > 
> > GnuCash tries cater for as many formats as possible. So it offers a way to
> > import csv files with only one transaction per line or a csv file where
> > each line consists of one ledger entry/split and hence transaction can
> > span multiple lines.
> So the choice is between importing “Simple Transactions” and “Compound
> Transactions”, with a two-line simple transaction as a special case of a
> compound transaction.

Right. So would "simple transaction" vs "compound transaction" be a good 
candidate for 
better terminology ?


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Re: [GNC] Language support: RE: Saved report configurations

2019-03-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 20 maart 2019 16:14:46 CET schreef
> Geert,
> Not sure how it works but version 2.6 installed in Spanish on a Spanish
> language Windows 7 computer with the correct Spanish accounting vocabulary.
> I don't have to translate for my accountant. Very cool! From your answer,
> I'm assuming version 3.4 will do likewise.
> Thanks much,
> Roger

It should.



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Re: [GNC] Example of multi-split feature of CSV importer?

2019-03-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 20 maart 2019 10:51:55 CET schreef Michael Hendry:
> Which supports my contention that the use of the term “split” for a Ledger
> Entry causes confusion.
Fair enough. As I said if there's a concise yet more clear term to use I'm 
happy to switch to it.

Personally I'm not convinced yet "Ledger Entry" would be that replacement. 
Surely it would appeal to people with an accounting  background, but it 
doesn't feel like very intuitive for the casual user just wishing to keep 
track of its personal finances in GnuCash. As English is not my native 
language that may be a translation issue though. However perhaps more informal 
terminology exists to describe subparts of a transaction ?

In addition it seems to me this thread has now evolved to discussing two 
distinct terminology issues:
* the use of the  word "split" in itself
* the use of the term "multi" in "multi-split" to mean "more than two" rather 
than "two or more".

> Would anyone think it odd that a different process would be required when
> importing a compound transaction than when importing a simple one?
I think that depends on the input source format: csv is generic and doesn't 
strictly define how to encode accounting data.

GnuCash tries cater for as many formats as possible. So it offers a way to 
import csv files with only one transaction per line or a csv file where each 
line consists of one ledger entry/split and hence transaction can span 
multiple lines.

As GnuCash doesn't define the input sources (those come from banks, a 
spreadsheet, another accounting application,...) I don't see how that could be 
covered  with only one import interface.



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Re: [GNC] Saving visible Accounts columns between GnuCash runs

2019-03-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi James,

I'm happy it's working again, though please remember to reply to the list 
instead of me personally. That way others are also informed of the status.



Op woensdag 20 maart 2019 10:31:41 CET schreef James Walker:
> Hi Geert,
> Thanks for getting back to me.
> Interestingly, after rebooting, this issue seems to have resolved itself.
> I'm at a loss as to what the problem was, but perhaps some form of
> permission/lock issue (although I discovered the relevant files are in
> %appdata%, so permissions shouldn't be an issue...)
> I must apologise for not including the versions; my bad for omitting that
> information.
> For the record it's GnuCash 3.4 (2018-12-30) on Windows 10 (1803).
> I'll let you know if the situation regresses; I was surprised to find it
> suddenly working after a reboot...
> -James
> -Original Message-
> From: Geert Janssens 
> Sent: 20 March 2019 08:15
> To:
> Cc: James Walker 
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Saving visible Accounts columns between GnuCash runs
> Hi James,
> This should be saved automatically, so either you have an uncommon setup or
> there is a bug in the code.
> You didn't mention the version of gnucash nor your operating system.
> Also can you post the contents of the gnucash trace file [1] for the two
> gnucash runs: * run gnucash, set the columns to your liking, quit gnucash
> an copy the trace file * run gnucash, observe the column settings are
> reset, quit gnucash and copy the trace file.
> Regards,
> Geert
> [1]
> Op dinsdag 19 maart 2019 13:23:48 CET schreef James Walker:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I'm very new to GnuCash and enjoying the program so far.
> > 
> > I've got a particular issue which I can't find a solution to after
> > extensive searching of the manual.
> > 
> > In the chart of accounts, I want many more columns to be visible than
> > are displayed by default:
> > 
> > [cid:image001.jpg@01D4DE4E.997CB810]
> > 
> > 
> > [cid:image002.png@01D4DE4E.997CB810]
> > 
> > However, after I exit the program, my customised field arrangement is
> > lost.
> > How do you get the order and display settings of Accounts columns to
> > persist on save?
> > 
> > No matter what I select from the dropdown, all the non-default fields
> > are lost after closing and restarting GnuCash. I can't see any other
> > method in the interface to save the Accounts view configuration.
> > 
> > This is quite frustrating having to spend a minute each time I start
> > GnuCash, setting up the chart of accounts screen again...
> > 
> > Kind regards,
> > James Walker
> > 
> > 
> > [cid:image004.jpg@01D4DE4E.997CB810]<>James
> > Walker, Director<>
> > 
> > Heron Web
> > 07475931048
> ><>
> > 3 Farm Lane, Crawley, Oxfordshire, OX29 9TL

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Re: [GNC] Saved report configurations

2019-03-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 20 maart 2019 02:10:11 CET schreef Roger Oliver:
> That worked. Thanks. You are correct, my intention was to experiment with
> 3.4. I thought I would try copying the stylesheet file to the test computer
> as well. That did not work, I suspect because the picture file is not in
> the test computer.
You can try to copy that picture to the test computer as well. But it will 
have to be stored in exactly the same path to be found by gnucash. If it's in 
another path, you will have to update the stylesheet from within gnucash.

> I take it that 3.4 will install with the Spanish accounting terms, etc., on
> a Window 7 computer with the Windows language set to Spanish. Is that
> correct? Spanish is not a language choice on the list when installing the
> program but it installed on our working computer in Spanish anyway. That
> was a boon for us.

Yes. The language selection in the installer is only used for the messages 
found in the installer. No one has offered us a Spanish translation of these 
installer messages yet hence the installer will not offer Spanish.

Regardless of the language you choose in the installer, gnucash will be 
installed with all the languages it supports and so if it supports your PC's 
language it will try to use that.



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Re: [GNC] Example of multi-split feature of CSV importer?

2019-03-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 19 maart 2019 22:10:29 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> I never understood the need or benefit to differentiate simple vs. split
> transactions since *all* transactions are split into two entries at least
> once. Perhaps dropping that distinction is in order, or does it serve some
> purpose that isn’t outweighed by the confusion it causes?
> Regards,
> Adrien
To my mind it serves a case in that we can offer a simplified input interface 
for the two-split transactions.

We have long had the single-line interface to enter two-split transactions as 
most new users find that interface easier to understand and use.

But this simplified interface can't be extended generically to also support 3-
or-more split transactions. In the personal accounting use case these are less 
common however so we have optimized for the two-split use case (at least 
that's what I suppose - it has been like that before I came into the project).

So you are right that all transactions are multi-split and it's not for the 
transactions themselves we differentiate. We differentiate because for the 
special case of only two splits we can offer simplified input interfaces.



> > On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 5:45 AM Michael Hendry 
> > 
> > wrote:
> >> David,
> >> 
> >> The guide says:
> >> 
> >> "Every transaction in GnuCash has at least two splits, but a transaction
> >> can have more than two splits. A transaction with only two splits is
> >> called
> >> a simple transaction, since it only involves the current account and a
> >> single remote account. A transaction with three or more accounts is
> >> called
> >> a split transaction.”
> >> 
> >> A recurrent observation on this list is that GnuCash is based on the
> >> traditional paper-and-pen double-entry bookkeeping system, often linked
> >> with the comment that many of the queries that come up are not problems
> >> with GnuCash but with the poster’s lack of understanding of the manual
> >> system.
> >> 
> >> There seems to be no good reason for introducing the term “split”, and
> >> wielding  Occam’s Razor I suggest:
> >> 
> >> "Every transaction in GnuCash has at least two Ledger Entries, but a
> >> transaction can have more than two Ledger Entries.”
> >> 
> >> “A transaction with two Ledger Entries is called a simple transaction.”
> >> 
> >> “A transaction with more than two Ledger Entries is called a compound
> >> transaction.”
> >> 
> >> These three statements are entirely in keeping with bookkeeping usage,
> >> whereas saying that a transaction with three “splits” is a split
> >> transaction and then that one with two “splits” is something else is
> >> muddling.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Saving visible Accounts columns between GnuCash runs

2019-03-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi James,

This should be saved automatically, so either you have an uncommon setup or 
there is a bug in the code.

You didn't mention the version of gnucash nor your operating system.

Also can you post the contents of the gnucash trace file [1] for the two 
gnucash runs:
* run gnucash, set the columns to your liking, quit gnucash an copy the trace 
* run gnucash, observe the column settings are reset, quit gnucash and copy 
the trace file.




Op dinsdag 19 maart 2019 13:23:48 CET schreef James Walker:
> Hello all,
> I'm very new to GnuCash and enjoying the program so far.
> I've got a particular issue which I can't find a solution to after extensive
> searching of the manual.
> In the chart of accounts, I want many more columns to be visible than are
> displayed by default:
> [cid:image001.jpg@01D4DE4E.997CB810]
> [cid:image002.png@01D4DE4E.997CB810]
> However, after I exit the program, my customised field arrangement is lost.
> How do you get the order and display settings of Accounts columns to
> persist on save?
> No matter what I select from the dropdown, all the non-default fields are
> lost after closing and restarting GnuCash. I can't see any other method in
> the interface to save the Accounts view configuration.
> This is quite frustrating having to spend a minute each time I start
> GnuCash, setting up the chart of accounts screen again...
> Kind regards,
> James Walker
> [cid:image004.jpg@01D4DE4E.997CB810]James
> Walker, Director
> Heron Web
> 07475931048
> 3 Farm Lane, Crawley, Oxfordshire, OX29 9TL

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Re: [GNC] Saved report configurations

2019-03-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 19 maart 2019 20:33:32 CET schreef
> Thanks Geert,
> Windows 7. I found the file in C:/Users/TOSHIBA/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.4.
> Out of curiosity, I looked for it on my Windows 10 computer and didn't find
> it. I didn't see anything special for Windows 10 in the wiki. Not important
> really as long as the update takes care of that.
> You said, " If you want to force the migration, you should move the
> directory aside before running gnucash 3.x." Will it work to copy the 2.4
> file to the 3.4 directory? I saved the 2.4 file from the working pc to a
> USB.  I'm guessing I'll have to delete the 3.4 saved reports file, if it
> even exists as I have not saved any reports on the test computer. I would
> like to give it a try.
> Roger

Hi Roger,

If I understand correctly from your reply to John, the new computer is only to 
experiment with 3.4. It will not be used to actually upgrade from 2.6 to 3.4 ?

In that case you can indeed copy the saved-reports-2.4 file to the new pc.

If you enter a Windows Explorer on that PC, and type
in its address bar, that should open the proper location to store the saved 
reports file for gnucash 3.4 (provided you have run gnucash 3.4 before at 
least once). Note don't copy the file there while gnucash is running. It may 
be overwritten as gnucash closes.



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Re: [GNC] Saved report configurations

2019-03-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 19 maart 2019 18:08:29 CET schreef
> Version 2.6.17
> I looked at the wiki and am not sure where to start. If possible, just need
> to know:
> What is the name of the file where the saved report configurations are
> stored?
> Should those saved configurations be available when I update versions?
> Thanks,
> Roger
The file is called saved-reports-2.x where 'x' depends on your gnucash version 
as does its location. For 2.6.17 the filename will be saved-reports-2.4 and it 
will be stored in DOT_GNUCASH_DIR as described for your OS (which you haven't 
provided yet) under

For GnuCash 3.0 and up the file will be in for your 
OS. GnuCash will look for a file named saved-reports-2.8 first in there and if 
missing it will try to open saved-reports-2.4 in the same directory.

As for updates, if you update gnucash from 2.6.x to 3.x it will copy these 
saved reports from the old location to the new one for you, but only if the 
new location didn't exist yet! So if you ran tests on your new PC with only 
3.x and then install 2.6.x on that system, the migration will not run again 
after upgrading to 3.x. If you want to force the migration, you should move 
directory aside before running gnucash 3.x.



> -Original Message-
> From: John Ralls 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 10:43 AM
> To:
> Cc: GnuCash 
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Saved report configurations
> > On Mar 19, 2019, at 9:33 AM,  
> wrote:
> > Where are the saved report configurations kept. Apparently they are
> > not part of the GnuCash data file. I installed vs 3.4 on another
> > computer to test it and opened the data file transferred via USB. The
> > saved report configurations are not there. Found one file that may be
> > where they are stored, same name as the data file with the extension
> > .LCK
> It depends on what operating system and GnuCash version, see
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> ___
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Re: [GNC] no printer to select in print dialog

2019-03-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 11 maart 2019 04:48:03 CET schreef Chris Roy-Smith:
> On 10/3/19 7:45 pm, Colin Law wrote:
> > Thanks Chris.  That could indeed be useful.  One should always
> > remember, though, that with a ppa one is reliant on the integrity of
> > the packager to build what you are expecting.  There is nothing to
> > stop someone modifying the code for nefarious purposes and building it
> > into a ppa.  Looking at the packagers profile, however, there does not
> > seem to be anything that would lead one to worry about his/her
> > integrity.
> > 
> > Colin
> I also tried running GnuCash using this command
> flatpak run --device=all org.gnucash.GnuCash
> But I still don't get any printers!
> perhaps I misunderstood the notes at
> ea=default
> regards, Chris

Hi Chris,

This part was new to me so it took me some research to figure out what's 

The --device option is not meant for printers. It's for accessing controllers 
or webcams. For printing flatpak provides a portal mechanism.

On the other side GnuCash does not handle printing directly. It relies on the 
underlying toolkits to do so.

For example for check printing we delegate to Gtk's built-in print 
functionality. Gtk is aware of the flatpak portal mechanism, so your printers 
should show up if you try to print a check.

For report printing, GnuCash delegates the request to webkit's built-in 
printing functionality (as we rely on webkit for displaying reports). 
Unfortunately webkit seems to be unaware of the flatpak portal mechanism. 
Hence no printers are listed.

I'm not sure if we can work around this in GnuCash or with flatpak command 
switches. That is to be investigated. I have opened
to track this further.



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