Re: [GNC] Slow migration

2022-10-16 Thread Ken Farley
I just did this for about 12 years of old Quicken data. I've had dozens 
of different accounts over the years, most of which are gone.

My technique was arrived at after trying a lot of different things, 
reading the Wiki, etc.

First, I had to get my hands on an old computer that I could use to 
install my Q 2011 (from CD, of all things).

I installed Quicken 2011 and plugged in a USB stick with all my old QDF 

After trying a lot of things, getting a massive mess of nonsense, etc. I 
arrived at a method that worked really well for me.

I arbitrarily decided I'd tackle the data one year at a time.

I had Quicken spit out a QIF for the first year of interest, 2000, with 
a complete set of data from its beginnings (in 1990s) until 2000-12-31. 
I don't know about your previous software, but I found I had to 
*explicitly* dictate the program to give me all the data. I defaulted to 
just what it considered important, skipping stuff like securities and 
other important stuff.

I started a new Gnucash file, cancelling out of the account creation it 
starts with. I didn't want to set up any accounts, 'cause I learned it 
was easier to rename and reorganize the stuff pulled in from the QIF 
file than try to remember the admittedly unrefined organization I 
implemented 20 years ago.

I imported the 2000 and earlier QIF file, taking everything it had. For 
me, all the accounts except a few were brought into Gnucash as top 
level. This is good I thought, because I was then able to move things 
into the appropriate sub-accounts, like Assets, Expenses, and the like.

Now was the toughest part. Re-organizing. I created a "proper" structure 
of top-level accounts and sub-accounts, in line with what I do in my 
current Gnucash data files. I found it previous experimentation that it 
was best if I moved virtually all the accounts created by the QIF import 
into sub-accounts. For example, what came in as

"ABC Checking Account"

was now in

"Assets->Bank->Checking->ABC Checking Account"

Reorganizing let me take all the weird things Quicken does (it handles 
stock splits in a goofy way, for example) and implement them in the 
Gnucash fashion, which is really much more understandable. Quicken also 
seems to have allowed me to make stupid mistakes that I was hopefully 
able to correct during my review and reorganization.

Once I had that first years worth of stuff imported and fixed up, the 
next steps were easier.

Read the next year's worth of data in. I don't know what you intend to 
do, or currently do, but I keep my taxes, income, expenses in 
sub-accounts for each year. Bringing in each year's data (from, for 
example, 2001-01-01 to 2001-12-31) I could easily re-organize it into 
the proper sub-account structure. It's a lot of editing and checking, 
but hey, you've gotta have a hobby, right?

The two Gnucash program features that were amazingly helpful for this 
task were:

(1) Editing accounts and changing their parent. This makes re-organizing 
the structure incredibly easy.

(2) Being able to delete an account and move its transactions to another 
account. This was how I got all the transactions for the year's data I 
just read in to be included in the previous years' data. For example I 
can delete the "ABC Checking Account" from the most recent year's data 
and put all the transactions into the "Assets->Bank->Checking->ABC 
Checking Account" one.

So, it's a tedious process, but you can work through it pretty quickly 
once you get the knack. I'll say this, I'm amazed at how nice Gnucash is 
to do this kind of massive data manipulation. Quicken gave me a lot of 
"unspecified" stuff, probably my fault for entering it improperly, but 
Gnucash let me clean it up pretty easily. And the aforementioned account 
editing was a lifesaver.

Hopefully your previous software is available to let you export 
sufficient data for import into Gnucash. If you want to have all that 
historical data it is really nice. Plus, even with a file with hundreds 
and hundreds of accounts and a decade of data, Gnucash is incredibly 
fast to read it and let me navigate around. And I have all my old stuff 
at hand, instead of buried in data files I honestly couldn't read anymore.

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Re: [GNC] Gnucash on MacOS 12.5 ?

2022-10-23 Thread Ken Farley
Been running on a Mac based system for a very long time, since 2011, 
including my current Mac Mini M1. Runs perfectly. Have no fear. If you 
run into any oddities, just check the other Mac related posts on this 
forum and you'll likely find answers.

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Re: [GNC] Gnucash on MacOS 12.5 ?

2022-10-24 Thread Ken Farley
I wrote a long post a bit ago when I first got my M1 based Mac and I had 
to wrestle with getting Finance:Quote to work. I scoured the internet 
and managed to put together a method for fixing it, that I also added to 
the Wiki.

It's nice that folks put all their findings on how to fix stuff in the 
Wiki, gives a good place to shop for solutions. I'll have to take a look 
at the formatting stuff sometime.

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[GNC] Double width lines in accounts listing?

2022-10-24 Thread Ken Farley

I just updated to version 4.12, running on macOS 12.6.

When I have an account with a fractional shares, amount greater than 
1000 (i.e. 1234.567 shares), the lines in the account list are double 
the width of the rest of the lines in the list, with the extra white 
space before and after the actual line. I've tried changing the account 
name and description to shorter strings, but it does not affect 
anything. I just happened to notice that the shares are the common 
denominator between the erroneously displayed lines.

So, might there be some sort of setting I could adjust, or even a 
formatting setting that will prevent this odd behavior? Should I report 
a bug (maybe I should just give that a try, too)?

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Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote and

2022-11-12 Thread Ken Farley
If I remember correctly, when I made my own module to grab US EE Bond 
prices, in order for GnuCash to allow my module to be used, I had to add 
it to the MODULES list in I'm working on a Mac, so your path 
might differ, but for me it's in /Library/Perl/5.30/Finance. I added a 
line between two of the entries in For example, here's the 
chunk of that file for me, where I've added "USBonds" to reference my 
Perl module "".

@MODULES = qw/
    ... (many many modules)

If that's not helpful, and something more has to be done, I don't know 
what it might be. I don't recall having to do anything else except 
restarting GnuCash.

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Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote and

2022-11-12 Thread Ken Farley
Yeah I just messed about a bit with my install of GnuCash (v4.12) and 
Toronto Stock Exchange is grayed out.

I looked at the module and the only thing I changed was that there was a 
reference to in the header. I changed it to, then ran the 
quoting update script provided with GnuCash (gnc-fq-update), and now 
"tmx" shows up in the "Unknown" listing.

No matter what I do, the Toronto Exchange entry in the "normal" quote 
source list stays greyed out. I don't know what quote source (i.e. what 
is its name) that one is looking for.

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Re: [GNC] importing simple investment account

2022-11-20 Thread Ken Farley
I don't know how complicated the data you are attempting to transfer is. 
I can tell you that I recently had access to an old computer with 
Quicken 2011. I used this to write out 10 years of .QIF files, one file 
for each year, data for that year only. I had it include everything that 
it would for me - accounts, all transactions, securities, etc. I seem to 
remember, when I first ditched the old program for Gnucash, that I had a 
bit of a hard time attempting to convert data. I eventually gave up and 
just started with an empty file and manually constructed the account 
structure, put in all the transactions for the last year or so, and ran 
both Gnucash and Quicken concurrently until I was able to switch over 

This last go at it, with the latest Gnucash (4.12) I was able to read 
all those .QIF files very easily. The only data troubles I had were the 
result of my carelessness all those years ago in making Quicken entries, 
and maybe some oddities in how Quicken handles stock splits. Easy stuff 
to fix. The only thing I never got to transfer over was the price 
database from Quicken. None of the historical prices seemed to get 
through. Again, probably my fault.

So, if you're not averse to updating to the latest version of Gnucash, 
I'd recommend it for this type of thing. The interface was rather nice, 
once I got used to it. Reading stuff in, checking it, fixing problems, 
was pretty straightforward to me.

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Re: [GNC] importing simple investment account

2022-11-20 Thread Ken Farley
Um, I wasn't responding to your question, but rather to the one 
referenced in the Subject.

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Re: [GNC] New user: how to migrate Quicken checking account as a single, flat, checking account

2022-12-04 Thread Ken Farley
This is a common concern whenever someone (including me) is migrating to 
Gnucash. As is noted elsewhere, it's a conceptual change based on 
Quicken Category => Gnucash Account. What I realized when I converted 
years and years of data over is just how terrible I was at maintaining 
some sort of consistency in Categories. I'd have dozens of accounts, 
each with maybe one or two transactions, that all were basically the 
same thing. They were likely the result of typing errors or "eh, I'll 
fix it later" transaction entries.

Once I had converted all my data, I found that it was much easier to 
organize the accounts that were categories into a reasonable structure. 
It takes a bit of work, but it is nice to have "clean" accounts without 
the weird random categories I had in Quicken.

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Re: [GNC] Why doesn't GnuCash have an Export function?

2022-12-04 Thread Ken Farley
I'm using Gnucash on MacOS and under the menu there is File->Export 
which has options to export:

Account Tree to CSV

Transactions to CSV

Active Register to CSV


But to be honest, if you want to migrate to another system, you could 
look here:

Which I found by typing "gnucash migrate to new system" into a search 

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Re: [GNC] GNUcash is using 538MB

2022-12-17 Thread Ken Farley
I think the originator of this thread was talking about file size on 
disk. My guess is they're saving to uncompressed XML or something. I've 
got files with 10 years of data, many accounts, lots of securities, lots 
of price data. Only need ~870KB of disk space as a compressed XML file.

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Re: [GNC] Improvement suggestion

2022-12-22 Thread Ken Farley
This kind of thing is generally your responsibility. I can't think of a 
single bit of software I use for work - be it CAD, document writing, 
spreadsheet, or whatever - that does backup of my data for me. That task 
is on me, and rightly so. The time my computer suffered a complete 
crash, the data lost was my fault. Set yourself up a nice automated 
backup for your data (like Time Machine on MacOS).

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Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-26 Thread Ken Farley
"Go to a backup file" Why? You know you can change the date on a 
transaction after it has been entered, right? You can use the "+" and 
"-" keys to move up and down as many days as you want. The transactions 
are not permanently entered and unalterable.

About 90% or more of the transactions I enter are "today" transaction - 
payments, purchases, deposits, withdrawals, charges, etc. Not having the 
date default to today would be annoying.

If I enter a transaction and it's supposed to have been in the past, oh 
well it's at the very end of the register, the register opens up to it. 
I can just fix the date to move it to the proper region of the register. 
If I accidentally enter a transaction with a past date, it disappears to 
the past I'll only notice it if this happens to be an account I 

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Re: [GNC] QIF format for StkSplit

2023-01-05 Thread Ken Farley
When I was doing a bunch of Quicken conversions using QIF files, what 
happened was pretty much what you described here, I think. My original 
shares were removed in one transaction, while the split amount was added 
back. For example, 200 shares that needed at 2 for 1 resulted in a 200 
share removal with a subsequent 400 share addition. Maybe this is how 
Quicken handled splits "behind the scenes"?

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Re: [GNC] Adding new accounts

2023-02-05 Thread Ken Farley
I've done this very thing to myself in the past. Turns out I wanted to 
stop seeing a bunch of zero value accounts and didn't make them 
"hidden", but instead unclicked the

View->Filter By..->Other->Show Zero Total Accounts checkbox.

Since new accounts have a zero balance, voila (or maybe un-voila?) they 
disappear as soon as they're created. What fun.

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[GNC] My MacOS Finance::Quote Successful Tweaks

2021-11-04 Thread Ken Farley
Not a question, just my notes on how I got Finance::Quote to work on a 
new Mac Mini M1.

Operating system is OS X 11.6 (Big Sur)

GnuCash Version is 4.8 (from the -2.dmg)

My initial install left me unable to download quotes (via 
Finance::Quote). Research online eventually led to a Reddit discussion 
about similar problems. Apparently the root cause of the trouble was 
that module Mozilla::CA provides certificates for inquiries, but was not 
installed with the  default Perl. Sequence of installs necessary for 
success was:

sudo cpan -i B::Keywords
sudo cpan -i Test2
sudo cpan -i DateTime
sudo cpan -i DateTime::Locale
sudo cpan -i DateTime::Format::Strptime
sudo cpan -i Mozilla::CA

Once those are all done then go to:


and run the Finance::Quote fixing script:

sudo ./gnc-fq-update

After all the above, all the wonderful quotes were downloaded 
beautifully. Now, if I could only get the courage to "upgrade" to 

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Re: [GNC] My MacOS Finance::Quote Successful Tweaks

2021-11-07 Thread Ken Farley
Hope it works out for you. I noticed there are sporadic questions
about this kind of thing and thought it might be nice to have a place
where all the stuff that worked for someone (me, in this case) is
spelled out in a straightforward fashion, rather than spread over a
whole heap of messages.
So glad the GTK-3 stuff I figured out for 3.11 is still okay for 4.8.
Also, the speed of loading on the M1 is really remarkable. What used
to take a bit of time is almost a blink and you miss it.

On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 11:36 PM David H  wrote:
> Ken,
> Thanks for that, I haven't had FQ running on Big Sur since I upgraded to it 
> during the beta's :-)  Will try that on my iMac running Big Sur in a moment.  
> It came good on my MacBook Pro after upgrading to Monterey and running 
> gnc-fq-update I think it was but I still haven't got it running on BS.  The 
> modules you listed are all ones that FQ Update had issues with when I tried 
> to update on BS so here goes :-)
> Cheers David H.
> On Fri, 5 Nov 2021 at 12:58, Ken Farley  wrote:
>> Not a question, just my notes on how I got Finance::Quote to work on a
>> new Mac Mini M1.
>> Operating system is OS X 11.6 (Big Sur)
>> GnuCash Version is 4.8 (from the -2.dmg)
>> My initial install left me unable to download quotes (via
>> Finance::Quote). Research online eventually led to a Reddit discussion
>> about similar problems. Apparently the root cause of the trouble was
>> that module Mozilla::CA provides certificates for inquiries, but was not
>> installed with the  default Perl. Sequence of installs necessary for
>> success was:
>> sudo cpan -i B::Keywords
>> sudo cpan -i Test2
>> sudo cpan -i DateTime
>> sudo cpan -i DateTime::Locale
>> sudo cpan -i DateTime::Format::Strptime
>> sudo cpan -i Mozilla::CA
>> Once those are all done then go to:
>> /Applications/Gnucash/Contents/Resources/bin
>> and run the Finance::Quote fixing script:
>> sudo ./gnc-fq-update
>> After all the above, all the wonderful quotes were downloaded
>> beautifully. Now, if I could only get the courage to "upgrade" to
>> Monterey...
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
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>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
>> for more information.
>> -
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] My MacOS Finance::Quote Successful Tweaks

2021-11-08 Thread Ken Farley
I would think that someone updating such a thing would need to:
(a) Have the proper credentials. I assume this but know nothing about
Wiki editing.
(b) Have conducted the proper tests to verify that the instructions
are correct and will not cause harm to someone's system.
(c) Have a much more detailed understanding of the oddities of Perl
than my rudimentary knowledge. I *think* I understand what is going
on, but am not entirely sure. We're talking about a good deal of
upward facing palms and shrugging motions when it comes to Perl, for

I'll look into it, however, to satisfy my curiosity.

On Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 4:42 AM Frank H. Ellenberger
> Hi Ken,
> Am 07.11.21 um 16:21 schrieb Ken Farley:
> > Hope it works out for you. I noticed there are sporadic questions
> > about this kind of thing and thought it might be nice to have a place
> > where all the stuff that worked for someone (me, in this case) is
> > spelled out in a straightforward fashion, rather than spread over a
> > whole heap of messages.
> isn't the right place? Ir's
> awaiting your updates. ;-)
> Regards
> Frank
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Re: [GNC] My MacOS Finance::Quote Successful Tweaks

2021-11-15 Thread Ken Farley
Okay, so I put my findings into the Wiki. Turns out it's relatively 
easy. Hopefully if something I wrote is too vague or wrong someone 
correct it. The toughest part was figuring out where to put the stuff.

On 2021-11-07 10:21, Ken Farley wrote:

Hope it works out for you. I noticed there are sporadic questions
about this kind of thing and thought it might be nice to have a place
where all the stuff that worked for someone (me, in this case) is
spelled out in a straightforward fashion, rather than spread over a
whole heap of messages.
So glad the GTK-3 stuff I figured out for 3.11 is still okay for 4.8.
Also, the speed of loading on the M1 is really remarkable. What used
to take a bit of time is almost a blink and you miss it.

On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 11:36 PM David H  wrote:


Thanks for that, I haven't had FQ running on Big Sur since I upgraded to it 
during the beta's :-)  Will try that on my iMac running Big Sur in a moment.  
It came good on my MacBook Pro after upgrading to Monterey and running 
gnc-fq-update I think it was but I still haven't got it running on BS.  The 
modules you listed are all ones that FQ Update had issues with when I tried to 
update on BS so here goes :-)

Cheers David H.

On Fri, 5 Nov 2021 at 12:58, Ken Farley  wrote:

Not a question, just my notes on how I got Finance::Quote to work on a
new Mac Mini M1.

Operating system is OS X 11.6 (Big Sur)

GnuCash Version is 4.8 (from the -2.dmg)

My initial install left me unable to download quotes (via
Finance::Quote). Research online eventually led to a Reddit discussion
about similar problems. Apparently the root cause of the trouble was
that module Mozilla::CA provides certificates for inquiries, but was not
installed with the  default Perl. Sequence of installs necessary for
success was:

sudo cpan -i B::Keywords
sudo cpan -i Test2
sudo cpan -i DateTime
sudo cpan -i DateTime::Locale
sudo cpan -i DateTime::Format::Strptime
sudo cpan -i Mozilla::CA

Once those are all done then go to:


and run the Finance::Quote fixing script:

sudo ./gnc-fq-update

After all the above, all the wonderful quotes were downloaded
beautifully. Now, if I could only get the courage to "upgrade" to

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Re: [GNC] My MacOS Finance::Quote Successful Tweaks

2021-11-16 Thread Ken Farley
Maybe it would be best if the entire Wiki was subdivided into major
sections dealing with the three operating system types? I know from my
own experience that having Windows stuff intermingled with MacOS and
Linux is a pain if that's what I'm interested in, and vice versa for
all the others. I'll take a look at it when I get home tonight, a bit
of wordsmithing and all that. Quite a bit more than what I originally
intended to do, but that's how it goes...maybe I'll learn something.

On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 7:03 AM Frank H. Ellenberger
> Hi Ken,
> Am 16.11.21 um 02:32 schrieb Ken Farley:
> > Okay, so I put my findings into the Wiki. Turns out it's relatively
> > easy.
> Congrats!
> > Hopefully if something I wrote is too vague or wrong someone
> > correct it. The toughest part was figuring out where to put the stuff.
> Right, we have now
> Installing Finance::Quote on macOS:
>  Until GnuCash 3.6
> Installing Finance::Quote on macOS from a Terminal prompt:
>  New security requirements for macOS 10.14.6
> Technical details on macOS:
>  When you upgrade macOS
>  For macOS Version 11.6 (Big Sur) Finance::Quote may be inoperable due
> to missing modules
> Perhaps it would be easier, if one of you Mac experts would reorder it like:
>  Maintaining Finance::Quote on macOS:
>   Installing on macOS
>Since macOS 10.14.6
>Before upto GnuCash 3.6
>   On Updating macOS
> Regards
> Frank
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Re: [GNC] Changing colors and layout on 4.8

2021-12-09 Thread Ken Farley
The settings are almost the same from 3.x to 4.x, but coincidentally, 
the things to change Gnucash specific items (like register colors) are 
different. I'm attaching my own gtk.css with my own preferred settings. 
I spent a good amount of time delving into the interface settings 
available in general for GTK3 by looking at other much more complicated 
themes people have written, etc.

Hope it helps.

On 2021-12-09 20:14, AC wrote:
I see information in the wiki on Gnucash 3.x because it changed to 
GTK3.  Is it safe to assume that Gnucash 4 is still using GTK3 so the 
instructions would be the same?

On 2021-12-09 17:08, D. wrote:
Much of the interface (such as tab height) can be controlled through 
css. The colors in the register may be special, however, and not as 
readily changed (but I could be wrong). Others have documented these 
settings on the lists and in the wiki. Searches in the list archives 
and on the wiki should help you.

 Original Message 
From: AC 
Sent: Thu Dec 09 19:01:05 EST 2021
To: GnuCash users group 
Subject: [GNC] Changing colors and layout on 4.8

Ok, finally got upgraded to 4.8, so far so good.

A couple things I want to change if at all possible:

First is the color schemes, I'd like to change the ledger to dark grays
and also change the overall UI to have a darker color if possible.

The other thing I was hoping to do is reduce the size of the tabs.  They
seem to be using a touchscreen sizing (large areas of empty space to
allow for finger tapping) and I'd like to shrink that down, especially
the register tabs (I have them set to the left and they are quite tall).

Where would I go about making these changes if possible?
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 * Author: Kenneth J. Farley
 * Date:   2021-11-16
 * GTK3 CSS file for use with GnuCash.
 * Developed by looking at complete theme definitions,
 * and scouring the internet for documentation.

/* --- [ Variable Definitions ] 
 * Definitions of colors so they can be used in many
 * places and subsequently changed conveniently, rather than
 * trying to find all uses of a particular color, etc.

@define-color hueClear  rgba(   0,   0,   0, 0.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGButton   rgba( 240, 240, 240, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGDropdown rgba( 250, 235, 215, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGMain rgba( 220, 220, 220, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGNormal   rgba( 220, 220, 220, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGScroll   rgba( 250, 250, 250, 0.40 ) ;
@define-color hueBGSlider   rgba(  72,  61, 139, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGTooltip  rgba(   0,   0,   0, 0.80 ) ;
@define-color hueBGTrough   rgba( 150, 150, 150, 0.80 ) ;
@define-color hueBGSelected rgba(   0, 128, 128, 1.00 ) ;
 * Hover   Custom Orange  = 255, 136,  77
 * Chartreuse = 127, 255,   0
 * Carolina Blue  =  87, 160, 211
 * Neon Green =  57, 255,  20
@define-color hueHover  rgba( 255, 136,  77, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueHoverLorgba( 255, 136,  77, 0.10 ) ;
@define-color hueHoverMdrgba( 255, 136,  77, 0.20 ) ;
@define-color hueHoverHirgba( 255, 136,  77, 0.50 ) ;
@define-color hueHoverBorderrgba( 255, 136,  77, 1.00 ) ;
 * Tabs
@define-color hueTabHover   rgba(  26, 140, 255, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueTabHoverLo rgba(  26, 140, 255, 0.10 ) ;
@define-color hueTabHoverMd rgba(  26, 140, 255, 0.20 ) ;
@define-color hueTabHoverHi rgba(  26, 140, 255, 0.50 ) ;
@define-color hueTabHoverBorder rgba(  26, 140, 255, 1.00 ) ;
 * Shade   LightCyan  = 224, 255, 255
 * LightSteelBlue = 176, 196, 222
 * LightYellow= 255, 255, 214
@define-color hueShadedLo   rgba( 176, 196, 222, 0.05 ) ;
@define-color hueShadedMd   rgba( 176, 196, 222, 0.20 ) ;
@define-color hueShadedHi   rgba( 176, 196, 222, 0.50 ) ;
 * Hilite  White  = 255, 255, 255
@define-color hueHiliteLo   rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.10 ) ;
@define-color hueHiliteMd   rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.25 ) ;
@define-color hueHiliteHi   rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.50

Re: [GNC] access to Gnucash Nabble

2022-01-16 Thread Ken Farley
I will concur with all the other responders to this, that it's very 
common to want to customize the font and many other things about the 
program to make it more appealing or readable, etc. The thing about CSS 
files, if I understand things correctly, is that they are kind of a 
"read thru once" type of file. You specify the broad aspects of the 
appearances at the beginning of the file and then narrow down the scope 
of your changes as you progress down through the rest of the file.

I'm using GnuCash on a Mac so the location of settings files and the 
like is different from a Windows based operating system. But, the syntax 
used to make the settings is the same, as far as the CSS file goes. The 
Wiki is a good place to get an idea of the different places for the 
different configuration files, as has been suggested by others.

I do use Windows at work, and one of my pet peeves about their 
philosophy is making things "simple" for users with respect to file 
types and the like. In this area, simple seems to equal ignorant. They 
default to hiding "known" file types, as if that is some great favor to 
you, so you don't have to worry your little self about such things. 
Argh. This makes it incredibly difficult to help someone when they're 
looking at a directory of files and it shows three "setup" files, 
because Windows is saving you the bother of knowing there is a 
setup.bat, setup.exe, and setup.ini file. Unless you turn off that 
particular option, you don't know which file is which.

So, in case you are being cursed with the "it says it's gtk-3.0.css but 
I think it's saving as gtk-3.0.css.txt", attached is a gtk-3.0.css file 
that only contains the font settings listed in the messages below. You 
can try to copy this file in the location(s) specified by the Wiki, or 
any other suggestions you find in other messages about this topic, from 
the past. You close GnuCash, copy it to the directory you think will 
work, then start GnuCash, see if it did anything, etc. This is the 
method of testing settings if you're changing them by editing the .css file.

Once you get this initial setting working, you can maybe take a look at 
any of the other customizations people have done. You can really do some 
nice stuff with the GTK settings.

On 2022-01-16 13:44, David JamesTK wrote:

Thanks Glen, yup, removed TXT as this also appeared when first editing 
settings.ini file.

It is still a text file tho', as opposed to a configuration file (settings.ini)

That link is useful, i'll try a few examples and go from there rather not take 
up anymore of folks time.

Appreciate the help.


From: Glenn Fowler
Sent: 16 January 2022 18:20
To: David JamesTK
Cc: D.; D. via gnucash-user
Subject: Re: [GNC] access to Gnucash Nabble

Hi David,

Even though it's a txt file make sure you save it as gtk-3.0.css not 

Use this syntax instead of the one you posted:

* {
font: 24px arial;

Here is an example css with other things that you might want to change:

On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 11:23 AM David JamesTK>> wrote:
Followed to the letter but no change.

Desktop which is a new build and new GNUCash install does have this path above, 
results should match your own.

Created a text file gtk-3.0.css in C:\Users\david\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\

The text file only contains the below

* {
font-size: 24px;
font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;

Has no one else asked to change the font before ?

Cheers all

From: D.>>
Sent: 16 January 2022 13:29
To: David JamesTK>>
Cc: David H>>; D. via gnucash-user>>
Subject: Re: [GNC] access to Gnucash Nabble


Until you create gtk-3.0.css, it's not going to exist.

Use Notepad, copy and paste what I sent (maybe use "24px" as a test), and Save 
it as:


Then start gnucash and see if things are changed.

From: David JamesTK
Sent: Sun Jan 16 00:16:05 EST 2022
To: "D."
Cc: David H , ""
Subject: Re: [GNC] access to Gnucash Nabble

Thanks D, searched C: drive but no gtk-3.0.css file found.

With Windows 10 changing the overall size of everything is easy, can be done in 
small increments too only problem is all items are made larger - Chrome is 
already bordering on too big at the moment.


Yes, sorry the title is a bit misleading as originally asking where the Nabble 
mailing list forum (not a forum) thingy had moved to, thought support may have 

David H, can I respond to you also, the wiki page is my reference point too, if 
you can highlight what needs to be typed i.e correct syntax as per D response 
that would be great.


Re: [GNC] Finance Quote installation Mac

2022-02-13 Thread Ken Farley
There's been a good deal of difficulty, including for me, in getting 
Finance::Quote to run properly on MacOS. Seems like the Perl stuff on 
Macs gets botched up and no matter what you do it won't work. So, I did 
a whole lot of searching, found a good deal of other people's 
experiments and experiences and finally got the thing working. If you're 
looking for a good source of things to try, definitely check out the 
Wiki that has been compiled about this:

I put my findings in there, under the "Technical Details on macOS" section.

This topic comes up periodically on this mailing list, usually after a 
new release of macOS. I know my last fight with this was after getting a 
new computer.

On 2022-02-12 17:49, First Name Last Name wrote:


I followed the instructions in the manual for finance quote installation for 

I downloaded x code.
I ran gnc fq update
It ran in terminal for a few minutes.. then said ‘process completed’.

When in gnucash the ‘online quotes ’ option is still greyed out.

When I run ‘gnc fq check’ it says i need to install the perl module 

When looking over the long string of text from the installation,

It seems that there were in fact some errors.


First try:

88 warnings generated

Error 225

Errors/warnings found in prerequisites

2nd attempt:

Do not have write permissions…

Can’t create ‘/Library/Perl/5.3/Web’
….. permission denied at …(directory) .. line489


Error 13


Errors/warnings found in prerequisites


And a lot of other info that goes way over my head.

Is this normal? Is this what is causing the problem? Is it possible to get this 
going for a lay person? I simply did the default options during the 
installation as suggested in the manual.

If anyone can help I’d really appreciate it. Let me know if there is any 
specific info from the installation terminal text that would help.

Thank you

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Re: [GNC] defining key strokes

2023-04-09 Thread Ken Farley
I'm still running 4.13 on MacOS, haven't updated yet. I, too notice when 
I check the "About" settings, I see GnuCash in the directory 
specifications, but the actual directory on the file system ends with 
"Gnucash", in other words, no "GnuCash". I don't really use key 
mappings, but do have extensive GTK formatting applied to the interface 
and it is working just fine. This though, as you stated, on a Unix based 
system like MacOS, GnuCash is not equal to Gnucash. Unlike windows based 

I guess I have a couple of ideas:

(1) maybe try creating a directory in the Application Data directory 
that is spelled Gnucash, copy the keymapping file in there and see if 
things work.

(2) Maybe the stuff being displayed in the About window is not actually 
pertinent? Not likely, but maybe? When I click on the GNC_USERCONFIG_DIR 
in the About, which the interface says is user modifiable, I get the 
error message you indicated:"GnuCash could not find the linked 
document", This leads me to believe the stuff in the About display is 
maybe hardcoded, incorrectly, and isn't representative of the actual 
path used by the program. This is just me guessing based upon what's 
happening, hopefully someone with more intimate knowledge of the 
program's operation will clear things up.

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Re: [GNC] defining key strokes

2023-04-09 Thread Ken Farley

So did the directory specification change for 4.14 and/or 5.0?

I swear my customizations are in

~/Library/Application Support/Gnucash

No capital "C" in there. This is copied directly from my shell window, 
not transcribed by me.

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Re: [GNC] defining key strokes

2023-04-09 Thread Ken Farley
Turns out MacOS shows directories with specific cases, but if you cd 
down one with different case characters it kind of does an "alias on the 
fly". If I cd using "GNUCASH" or "GNUcash" or whatever mix of characters 
I chose (i.e. "GnUcAsH") it will cd into the directory just fine and 
spit back the new character string if I issue a "pwd" command. MacOS has 
apparently changed what I considered normal behavior, likely to 
accommodate someone, maybe Windows users? I don't know. Weird.

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Re: [GNC] different height of rows in account tree

2023-04-13 Thread Ken Farley
I just installed 4.14 (I usually wait a bit before jumping to the next 
major release), and this bit of a glitch is still there. I didn't see it 
as a bug that was addressed in the release notes, so no surprise. It's a 
little strange, but doesn't affect the function of the program, so I 
live with it. At least, as you can see if you look at the bug report, 
it's being worked on, we just have to be patient.

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Re: [GNC] Online quotes

2023-04-22 Thread Ken Farley

From the release notes:

The Online Quotes facility has been completely rewritten and the old 
gnc-fq-check, gnc-fq-dump, and gnc-fq-helper programs have been replaced 
with finance-quote-wrapper. The functions performed by those programs 
may now be accomplished by passing commands to gnucash-cli -Q, see 
gnucash-cli --help for specifics. The perl module requirements have 
changed with the rewrite: The new version doesn't need Date::Manip but 
needs JSON::Parse instead. gnc-fq-update has been, er, updated to 
reflect that.

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Re: [GNC] Security namespaces

2023-04-22 Thread Ken Farley

Security Editor

Pick your security

Use drop-down list or if you want to create a new namespace, type it in 
the box.

The weirdest thing about it is being able to type a new thing into the 
dropdown. Usually dropdowns are kind of a restricted list, but in 
Gnucash you can add new ones there, too.

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Re: [GNC] Security Namespace colon

2023-04-22 Thread Ken Farley

I think there's a conceptual misunderstanding here.

Securities are intended to represent things like stocks, bonds, funds, 
ETFs or other investments. They are not, in and of themselves, taxable 
or nontaxable.

You can own shares of a security in both taxable and non-taxable 
accounts. For example, I may own shares of AMZN in my regular brokerage 
account. Any dividends or capital gains I make in that account will be 
taxable. The same type of gains for the same security in a non-taxable 
account, like a Roth IRA, are untaxed.

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Re: [GNC] How do I reply to a topic?

2023-05-02 Thread Ken Farley
I have my account settings on the mail list to not send me any of the 
topics directly. Instead, I prefer to browse through the discussions via 
the following link:

When I see a discussion I want to reply to, I click on the e-mail 
address of the message I'm currently viewing, and am automatically taken 
to my e-mail program with the To: field already filled in with 
"", subject Re: the topic I was looking at,, and 
I just have to type my message (like this one) and send.

I didn't like getting all the e-mails spewed into my mailbox - probably 
less than 5% of them were something I would be interested in, due to my 
particular use of the software, etc. Plus if I don't check my mail 
diligently it would be packed with so much stuff...

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Re: [GNC] Yahoo JSON - throwing unauthorized error

2023-05-04 Thread Ken Farley
Don't know if this is going to be a periodic thing that happens, or if 
it is just me, but this is going on again. Guess I'll wait a day or two 
and see if it "recovers", unless someone feels it's only my setup that 
is failing...

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Re: [GNC] Yahoo JSON - throwing unauthorized error

2023-05-06 Thread Ken Farley
This message from the list contains links to the development bug reports 
for the Finance:Quote module:

If you look at those reports, there are alternate queries discussed that 
could provide the data needed. They need to be implemented. If you are 
able to work with Perl you could code your own module to get quotes 
based on the suggestions.

If you do decide to pursue this kind of thing, you'll also need to 
research how to add your module to the list of modules Gnucash will 
provide to you. You basically have to (very carefully) include it in the 
list of modules presented in the module.

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Re: [GNC] Yahoo JSON - throwing unauthorized error

2023-05-06 Thread Ken Farley


It's okay, I'm not an expert with Perl, but have done a lot of 
programming. I used one of the methods proposed to extract the data I 
need and use it. It's not elegant code, but as with all such 
investigations that eventually get solved, it's so satisfying to have 
done it. And I learned a bit more of the language in the process.

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Re: [GNC] Crashes on .LCK file

2023-05-13 Thread Ken Farley

You do not specify the version or operating system you are running.

Are you "switching to another data file" by using the File->Open menu, 
or by double clicking on the file you want to open next in a file 
folder? Gnucash behaves differently, as I understand it, depending on 
what your operating system is. For example, on MacOS, which I run, 
double clicking on a file opens the program, but with the file I last 
opened. Id does NOT open the file I clicked on. Don't know if this is 
what you're experiencing.

Also, the .LCK file, if you have previously crashed or "killed" the 
program, will not let you open the same file again. It's a preventative 
measure meant to keep two people (or you) from having the same file open 
at the once, thus creating a "last one to save wins" situation. You 
always have to delete the .LCK file after an unexpected exit.

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Re: [GNC] Tax report options

2023-05-14 Thread Ken Farley
Form 1116 has cost me at least a couple of iterations of filing my taxes 
in the past. It would be nice if something told me I needed it...but 
unless I was paying taxes to a foreign nation directly, meaning a 
transaction occurs in one of my accounts, I don't see how I would have 
it included in this report. Dividends I get, interest received, capital 
gains, etc. These are all entries into my ledgers that the report can be 
told to use. The taxes paid that are useful for the Form 1116 tax credit 
are only known to me when I get my 1099 Forms from my investment 
brokerage. I have absolutely no idea what they will be until I see that 
entry in the form. So, I don't understand how the tax report in Gnucash 
would be able to supply you with this information?

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Re: [GNC] Tax report options

2023-05-14 Thread Ken Farley
Why yes, John, that's exactly it. I've only owned foreign stocks in 
mutual funds (and ETFs). So if you ask me right now, almost halfway 
through the year, how much foreign taxes I've paid or had paid for me, I 
just shrug. I won't know until next February. Oddly enough, one of the 
past letters I've gotten from the IRS was not a "you botched this, and 
owe us" but rather "you missed this and we owe you". All part of the 
Byzantine puzzle we are forced to endure every year, I suppose.

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Re: [GNC] gunzip test.gnucash fails

2023-05-28 Thread Ken Farley
Where did you get the impression that you could use gunzip to uncompress 
the files?

To "uncompress" the file you need to change your preferences in Gnucash 
to turn off "Compress Files", then save your file. This will make the 
file uncompressed.

Best practice would be to copy the uncompressed file to another file 
before doing any sort of manual editing. That's a delicate thing that 
could cause problems.

By the way, the file extensions of a file that is passed to any sort of 
uncompression software is usually how the program determines how it will 
handle the file. ".gnucash" is not a standard compressed file extension. 
gunzip most likely is expecting ".gz". That being said, unless it's 
explicitly stated in the Gnucash documentation somewhere, I wouldn't 
assume the Gnucash compression algorithm is compatible with any 
uncompression software.

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Re: [GNC] Modify Buttons on Select

2023-06-04 Thread Ken Farley
I spent some time looking at lots of stuff pertaining to this and ended 
up with the settings I currently use in my gtk.css file, attached. Have 
a look and see if you can use any of my "tricks".
 * Author: Kenneth J. Farley
 * Date:   2021-12-11
 * GTK3 CSS file for use with GnuCash.
 * Developed by looking at complete theme definitions,
 * and scouring the internet for documentation.

/* --- [ Variable Definitions ] 
 * Definitions of colors so they can be used in many
 * places and subsequently changed conveniently, rather than
 * trying to find all uses of a particular color, etc.

@define-color hueClear  rgba(   0,   0,   0, 0.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGButton   rgba( 240, 240, 240, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGDropdown rgba( 250, 235, 215, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGMain rgba( 220, 220, 220, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGNormal   rgba( 220, 220, 220, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGScroll   rgba( 250, 250, 250, 0.40 ) ;
@define-color hueBGSlider   rgba(  72,  61, 139, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueBGTooltip  rgba(   0,   0,   0, 0.80 ) ;
@define-color hueBGTrough   rgba( 150, 150, 150, 0.80 ) ;
@define-color hueBGSelected rgba(   0, 128, 128, 1.00 ) ;
 * Hover   Custom Orange  = 255, 136,  77
 * Chartreuse = 127, 255,   0
 * Carolina Blue  =  87, 160, 211
 * Neon Green =  57, 255,  20
@define-color hueHover  rgba( 255, 136,  77, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueHoverLorgba( 255, 136,  77, 0.10 ) ;
@define-color hueHoverMdrgba( 255, 136,  77, 0.20 ) ;
@define-color hueHoverHirgba( 255, 136,  77, 0.50 ) ;
@define-color hueHoverBorderrgba( 255, 136,  77, 1.00 ) ;
 * Tabs
@define-color hueTabHover   rgba(  26, 140, 255, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueTabHoverLo rgba(  26, 140, 255, 0.10 ) ;
@define-color hueTabHoverMd rgba(  26, 140, 255, 0.20 ) ;
@define-color hueTabHoverHi rgba(  26, 140, 255, 0.50 ) ;
@define-color hueTabHoverBorder rgba(  26, 140, 255, 1.00 ) ;
 * Shade   LightCyan  = 224, 255, 255
 * LightSteelBlue = 176, 196, 222
 * LightYellow= 255, 255, 214
@define-color hueShadedLo   rgba( 176, 196, 222, 0.05 ) ;
@define-color hueShadedMd   rgba( 176, 196, 222, 0.20 ) ;
@define-color hueShadedHi   rgba( 176, 196, 222, 0.50 ) ;
 * Hilite  White  = 255, 255, 255
@define-color hueHiliteLo   rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.10 ) ;
@define-color hueHiliteMd   rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.25 ) ;
@define-color hueHiliteHi   rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.50 ) ;
@define-color hueBorderNormal   lightsteelblue ;
@define-color hueProgress   rgba(   0, 102, 102, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueRegCursor  rgba( 230, 195,   0, 1.00 ) ;
@define-color hueRegDarklightsteelblue ;
@define-color hueRegHeader  darkslateblue ;
@define-color hueRegLight   lemonchiffon ;
@define-color hueTextNormal black ;
@define-color hueTextInverted   white ;

 * --- [ Overall Appearance ] --
 * Settings that will affect all occurrences of the
 * indicated components, unless they are overriden later.

  font-family:  "Lucida Grande", sans-serif ;
  font-size:11pt ;

  background-color: @hueBGButton ;
  background-image: linear-gradient(@hueShadedLo,@hueShadedMd,@hueShadedHi) ;
  border-radius:6px ;
  border-style: solid ;
  border-color: @hueBGNormal ;
  border-width: 1px ;

  background-color: @hueBGButton ;
  background-image: linear-gradient(@hueHoverLo,@hueHoverMd,@hueHoverHi) ;
  border-style: solid ;
  border-color: @hueHoverBorder ;
  border-width: 1px ;

 * --- [ Status Bar ] --
 * The bar at the bottom of the frame window that gives
 * a brief bit of info like the file name, and also holds
 * the progress bar that shows status of a read or save.

statusbar label
  font-size:11pt ;
  font-weight:  bold ;
  color:@hueTextNormal ;

  background-color: @hueClear ;
  font-size:10pt ;
  margin:   0px 2px 2px 0px ;

progressbar.horizontal trough,
levelbar.horizontal trough,
progressbar.horizontal progress
  min-height:10px ;
  border-radius: 5px ;

progressbar progress
  background-color: @hueProgress ;
  background-image: linear-gradient(@hueHiliteLo,@hueHiliteMd,@hueHiliteHi) ;
  height:   auto ;
  border-style: none ;

 * --- [ Main Window Bottom Bar ] --
 * The small bar at the bottom of the application that
 * is visible for all operations.

  background-color: @hueBGMain ;

 * --- [ Summary Bar ] -
 * The "button" at the bottom of the Accounts page that
 * shows the total worth, profit, etc.

  background-color: @hueBGMain ;


Re: [GNC] "Easy" way to revert to default Gnucash?

2023-06-25 Thread Ken Farley
I am running Gnucash on MacOS, but presumably the philosophy behind 
customizing the look if the interface is the same. The way things look 
as far as "themes" go is dictated by a file called "gtk.css". I don't 
know where this particular file is saved on a Windows system, but you 
could probably find out by looking in the Wiki, or checking past mailing 
list messages and searching for GTK or something like that. Once you 
find the file, you could try renaming it to something like 
"gtk.css-old", start up Gnucash, and see what things look like.

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Re: [GNC] Finance-Quote 1.57 released!

2023-07-04 Thread Ken Farley
My understanding of the new Yahooweb module is that it uses the current 
date when reporting prices. I believe this is because the data source 
from which the quote is built does not provide a "quote date" or that 
sort of information. Therefore, the author of the new module had to do 
something to satisfy the requirements of Gnucash, so they chose to use 
today's date. It does, judging from the Perl code, make adjustments if 
the date returned is not a "work day", but doesn't do any other sort of 
"date correction".

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Re: [GNC] Unable to get TIAA-CREF price quotes

2023-07-05 Thread Ken Farley
I don't know if this ever worked for you, but when I run it with the 
verbose flag "-v", I get the following:

 [ Begin try with gnc-fq-dump ] 

CMD> ./gnc-fq-dump -v tiaacref QCBMPX
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: QCBMPX (deduced)    <=== required
  date: ** missing **    <=== recommended
  currency: ** missing **    <=== required
  last: **missing**  <=\
   nav: **missing**  <=== one of these
 price: **missing**  <=/
  timezone:  <=== optional

** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!

All fields returned by Finance::Quote for stock QCBMPX

stock   field  value
-   -  -
QCBMPX  errormsg: Failed to fetch session key from TIAA site. Please 
contact the developers for further assistance.

QCBMPX  last: **missing**
QCBMPX   nav: **missing**
QCBMPX price: **missing**
QCBMPX   success: 0

 [ End try ] 

Perhaps the behavior of the TIAA-CREF site has changed? Have you been 
able to obtain quotes in the past?

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Re: [GNC] installing Gnucash

2023-07-15 Thread Ken Farley
From your signature, it appears you are running on a Windows machine. 
Since you're talking about installing, most likely you got the latest 
version, 5.3.

If you downloaded the correct installer for Windows, you should have a 
file named "gnucash-5.3.setup.exe". Windows notoriously tries to be 
"helpful" (it isn't) by excluding the extension of a file (in this case 
the ".exe") so you might only be seeing "gnucash-5.3.setup". As for 
where this file is stored, if things are in the default places, you 
should be able to start up a Windows Explorer window and it will be in 
the sidebar under "Downloads".

You need to double click on that "gnucash-5.3.setup.exe" file to execute 
it. To be able to install stuff on a Windows system you need to have 
administrative rights. Hopefully you have those, otherwise you'll get a 
pop-up window demanding that you give a password. Once that is done 
you'll hopefully be in the process of installing it.

Once everything is installed, there should be (maybe) an icon on your 
desktop to run Gnucash, or at the very least it should be somewhere in 
your Start menu. Click on that and it should start up Gnucash.

Bear in mind, I use Gnucash on a MacOS system. But I use a Windows 10 
system at work. I'm making conjectures about this process based on the 
way I have to do things when I'm installing software at work.

Hopefully this might be a bit more helpful. Apologies if it seems rather 
rudimentary but it's hard to tell what kind of experience you have with 
setting up software on PCs. A lot of stuff seems to be installed with 
web-based applications these days.

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Re: [GNC] Issue with Finance::Quote

2023-07-25 Thread Ken Farley
Are you able to get quotes for that particular security using any of the 
other sources in F::Q, like googleweb, yahooweb, yahoo_json? I get 
prices from any one of those.

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Re: [GNC] gnucash-cli -Q get

2023-07-28 Thread Ken Farley
I've not used this functionality but from what I read in the 
documentation the command you're referencing is intended to be used to 
update prices in a Gnucash data file. Presumably it's a way to execute 
the task of Tools->Price Database->Get Quotes, without actually starting 
up the Gnucash GUI. The filename called for is your Gnucash data file.

gnucash-cli --quotes get|/|gnucash-filename |/|I'd imagine you need to have securities properly set up so you could 
perform the price update within the Gnucash database in order for this 
program to work.|/||/|

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Re: [GNC] Advance portfolio report between two dates

2023-09-02 Thread Ken Farley
That doesn't seem to be something the Advanced Portfolio report is made 
to do. It is meant to provide a snapshot of things at a particular point 
in time, based upon the cost/earnings/increase in value of investments. 
I think, if I wanted to do this, I'd approach it thus, unless someone 
else has an easier way:

(1) Set the ending date of the report to the start date of the timespan 
of interest.

(2) Export the report for the start date.

(3) Set the ending date of the report to the ending date of the timespan.

(4) Export the report for the ending date.

(5) Use a text editor or any other means you might have of editing an 
HTML file, to "convert" the HTML code to a format that is acceptable for 
a spreadsheet program. Probably CSV or something like that. Do this for 
both files.

(6) Read the two files into a spreadsheet program, then do whatever you 
like with the data.

It's not an elegant one-button approach, but it will get you the info 
you need.

Again that's my "first guess" as to a method. Maybe someone more 
conversant in such activities will provide a more efficient method.

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Re: [GNC] gnucash_user: rounding errors and significant digits

2023-09-09 Thread Ken Farley

I really don't see what is so difficult to understand about this.

The key equation is AMOUNT = PRICE * SHARES

Gnucash works under the philosophy that two of those terms must be 
maintained precisely:

AMOUNT - the total cost of the transaction. What you ultimately paid in 
the currency of your particular account.

SHARES - how many units of the security were sold/bought.

The PRICE, the amount paid per SHARE for this one transaction, is 
calculated using the other two. It's more an informative value than 
anything else.

What I really care about when I get my statements from investment 
institutions, or trade notifications, is the number of SHARES involved 
and the total cost to me. It truly does not matter as far as maintaining 
a good set of books for my finances, what the exact to-the-20th-decimal 
PRICE was. I just want the SHARES and my current cash balance to be in 
agreement when compared to a financial institution's statement.

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Re: [GNC] Gnu Cash stopped working 2 days ago.

2023-09-17 Thread Ken Farley
I think you might be missing some of the steps you were asked to 
perform, so here they are:

(1) Run Gnucash while telling it to save a trace file. This file lists 
all the actions of the program. This is done with the command (on MacOS):

/Applications/ --debug

This will run Gnucash, presumably until it crashes, while writing a 
trace file in the directory specified by the environment variable TMPDIR 
on your system.

(2) To make the trace file more accessible, you copy it to your user 
directory. To be sure it's in this location, perform the following two 


cp $TMPDIR/gnucash.trace .

(3) Now that you have this tracefile, you want to provide it to the 
folks on the mailing list who can interpret such things. Since it's 
likely a very long file, it is not a good idea to copy and paste it's 
contents into a message. Instead, when you reply to the mailing list, 
you attach the file to the message, usually by dragging and dropping the 
file in Outlook, or using the "Attach File" button, etc.

Hopefully, if you do these things, someone will be able to figure out 
where your installation is going wrong.

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Re: [GNC] Gnu Cash stopped working 2 days ago.

2023-09-17 Thread Ken Farley
Read very carefully the steps I listed. They differ in two key respects 
from the things you were told before:

(a) The command to run is "/Applications/Gnu..." NOT "/Application/Gnu..."

(b) The trace file is NOT in $TEMPDIR/gnucash.trace, but in 

Typos were made in previous responses to you. You should just execute 
the steps again and see what you get. I am pretty sure they will work 
because I tried them out before I posted them.

I'm not sure the crash file is of any use to the people in the know (who 
are not me). The trace file is a very detailed list of the operations 
being performed by the program as it starts up, hopefully to the point 
of giving an indication of the point of failure. The crash file? I don't 
know what that can help with.

On 2023-09-17 12:13, (Alan) David Smith wrote:

There is still no trace file. But you now have crash report.

On 17/09/2023, 15:13, "gnucash-user on behalf of Ken Farley"behalf of>  wrote:

 I think you might be missing some of the steps you were asked to
 perform, so here they are:

 (1) Run Gnucash while telling it to save a trace file. This file lists
 all the actions of the program. This is done with the command (on MacOS):

 /Applications/ --debug

 This will run Gnucash, presumably until it crashes, while writing a
 trace file in the directory specified by the environment variable TMPDIR
 on your system.

 (2) To make the trace file more accessible, you copy it to your user
 directory. To be sure it's in this location, perform the following two


 cp $TMPDIR/gnucash.trace .

 (3) Now that you have this tracefile, you want to provide it to the
 folks on the mailing list who can interpret such things. Since it's
 likely a very long file, it is not a good idea to copy and paste it's
 contents into a message. Instead, when you reply to the mailing list,
 you attach the file to the message, usually by dragging and dropping the
 file in Outlook, or using the "Attach File" button, etc.

 Hopefully, if you do these things, someone will be able to figure out
 where your installation is going wrong.
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Re: [GNC] Importing stock prices from a CSV file

2023-09-29 Thread Ken Farley
I'm not sure about the process. I'm led to believe it's built into 
GnuCash and relatively simple to use?

Here's a past discussion prompted by someone having difficulties  and 
eventually figuring it out:

Hopefully this will be helpful, at least it gives some examples of 
correct format, etc.

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Re: [GNC] F::Q XAU & XAG quotes not retrieving for 2 years

2023-10-04 Thread Ken Farley
Yahoo seems to use "GC=F" as the symbol for Gold. I am able to get the 
price of gold as shown in the following output from gnc-fq-dump

--> gnc-fq-dump yahoo_json GC=F

Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: GC=F <=== required
  date: 10/04/2023   <=== recommended
  currency: USD  <=== required
  last: 1837.3   <=\
   nav:  <=== one of these
 price:  <=/
  timezone:  <=== optional

In a similar fashion, silver is apparently "SI=F".

--> gnc-fq-dump yahoo_json SI=F

Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: SI=F <=== required
  date: 10/04/2023   <=== recommended
  currency: USD  <=== required
  last: 21.19    <=\
   nav:  <=== one of these
 price:  <=/
  timezone:  <=== optional
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Re: [GNC] F::Q XAU & XAG quotes not retrieving for 2 years

2023-10-05 Thread Ken Farley
Oh I don't think you have to do anything terribly complicated. I've had 
mutual funds change their trading symbols in the past, and it was as 
simple as editing the security via

Tools-> Security Editor

Changing all the perinent information for the affected securities. 
Gnucash uses that info, not the accounts, to determine what price 
applies to which particular lot of a particular security. I'll admit I 
also changed the name and description of the accounts, but that's only 
because I use the security name as the account name for a particular 
asset (i.e. Assets:Investments:My Brokerage:XYZ is the sub-account of 
"My Brokerage" that tracks my shares of "XYZ").

Alternatively, I suppose you could just change the "Symbol/abbreviation" 
to the relevant "code". That is the text that is used in online quote 
retrieval. Leave "XAU" and "XAG" as the display symbols for each. I'll 
admit I've not done this myself, so you'll have to see how it works out 
for you as far as reports and such look. But I definitely have never had 
to create new accounts to deal with symbol changes.

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Re: [GNC] F::Q XAU & XAG quotes not retrieving for 2 years

2023-10-12 Thread Ken Farley
My guess would be that it's because they were created as a "currency" 
and can't be changed? I don't use any currencies as investments, so I 
don't have any experience with this kind of thing.

If there is a way you can specify the source of the quotes (i.e. not 
Alphavantage), you could take the unusual route of making your own Perl 
module that when asked for "XAG" or "XUA", uses one of the other sources 
like yahoo_json to get the quote using their symbols and spits back a 
quote using the symbol you need. I did something like this years ago 
when my employer insisted on giving us shares in a weird Employee Stock 
Ownership Plan, whose shares were equivalent to a strange fraction of 
the company's stock price. I'd get the stock quote, multiply it by the 
fraction, and off I went.

Not an elegant solution, but it will work.
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Re: [GNC] Cash in investment has a "price"?

2023-10-28 Thread Ken Farley
I used to have my cash balance in the Brokerage account, but somewhere 
along the line I found it "cleaner" (?) to use something like the 
following structure for my various investment accounts (Brokerage, IRAs, 



*Brokerage Account*

*  = Cash Account =   <-- an account of type "Bank"*

*Security Account A  <-- Stock or Mutual Fund

*Security Account B  <-- Stock or Mutual Fund*


This structure has worked very well for me. I use the "=" characters 
around the Cash Account name to force this account to be sorted to the 
top of the list in the sub-accounts. When I changed the structure, I did 
something like this:

(1) Added the Bank account to hold my cash balance

(2) Moved all the transactions in the top level "Brokerage Account" (or 
whatever it is called) to this new Bank account.

(3) Changed the top level Brokerage Account to be a Placeholder account 
(to keep me from habitually entering transactions into it).

It was kind of a pain to move the transactions, but that's what tea and 
coffee are for, I suppose...

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Re: [GNC] Cash in investment has a "price"?

2023-10-30 Thread Ken Farley
I see that my structure has been messed up, presumably because I tried 
to use different fonts or whatnot.

Here's what I was trying to show

Brokerage Account
  = Cash Account =    <-- an account of type "Bank"
  Security Account A  <-- Stock or Mutual Fund
  Security Account B  <-- Stock or Mutual Fund
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Re: [GNC] Old book not opening

2023-11-12 Thread Ken Farley
I'm using Gnucash on Mac OS, but I would think the file locations are 
used for the same functions. The directory for "books" on my machine is 
"~/Library/Application Support/Gnucash/books". Different location, same 
purpose. This directory contains a bunch of files with names like Name>.gnucash.gcm. These are not Gnucash files that you'd open with 

The files you want to open have names of the format "Name>.gnucash". You need to find those files, without the .gcm or any 
other suffix.

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Re: [GNC] Delete, copy and paste to fix mistakes?

2023-11-19 Thread Ken Farley
A caveat about this. Any method of storing data could be used by 
multiple people, as long as they have access/permissions to the data. 
However, this is one person at a time. Simultaneous changing of the data 
is not allowed. I believe it's a case of "whoever saves last wins". The 
program reads the data from the database when you open the file only. 
All work you do is only affecting the data in your computer's' memory. 
The data in the database is only updated when you execute a save 
operation in the program.

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Re: [GNC] Moving from Quicken

2024-01-07 Thread Ken Farley
Others will likely help you get going on things like downloading bank 
transactions and the other things. As far as bringing Quicken data over 
to Gnucash, I did a big block of that a little over a year ago, because 
I wanted to have all the history available. Here's a regurgitation of a 
long message I wrote to a previous inquiry, detailing my process.

--- [ Past Message about Quicken Data Transfer ] ---

I just did this for about 12 years of old Quicken data. I've had dozens
of different accounts over the years, most of which are gone.

My technique was arrived at after trying a lot of different things,
reading the Wiki, etc.

First, I had to get my hands on an old computer that I could use to
install my Q 2011 (from CD, of all things).

I installed Quicken 2011 and plugged in a USB stick with all my old QDF

After trying a lot of things, getting a massive mess of nonsense, etc. I
arrived at a method that worked really well for me.

I arbitrarily decided I'd tackle the data one year at a time.

I had Quicken spit out a QIF for the first year of interest, 2000, with
a complete set of data from its beginnings (in 1990s) until 2000-12-31.
I don't know about your previous software, but I found I had to
*explicitly* dictate the program to give me all the data. It defaulted to
just what it considered important, skipping stuff like securities and
other important stuff.

I started a new Gnucash file, cancelling out of the account creation it
starts with. I didn't want to set up any accounts, 'cause I learned it
was easier to rename and reorganize the stuff pulled in from the QIF
file than try to remember the admittedly unrefined organization I
implemented 20 years ago.

I imported the 2000 and earlier QIF file, taking everything it had. For
me, all the accounts except a few were brought into Gnucash as top
level. This is good I thought, because I was then able to move things
into the appropriate sub-accounts, like Assets, Expenses, and the like.

Now was the toughest part. Re-organizing. I created a "proper" structure
of top-level accounts and sub-accounts, in line with what I do in my
current Gnucash data files. I found in previous experimentation that it
was best if I moved virtually all the accounts created by the QIF import
into sub-accounts. For example, what came in as

"ABC Checking Account"

was now in

"Assets->Bank->Checking->ABC Checking Account"

Reorganizing let me take all the weird things Quicken does (it handles
stock splits in a goofy way, for example) and implement them in the
Gnucash fashion, which is really much more understandable. Quicken also
seems to have allowed me to make stupid mistakes that I was hopefully
able to correct during my review and reorganization.

Once I had that first years worth of stuff imported and fixed up, the
next steps were easier.

Read the next year's worth of data in. I don't know what you intend to
do, or currently do, but I keep my taxes, income, expenses in
sub-accounts for each year. Bringing in each year's data (from, for
example, 2001-01-01 to 2001-12-31) I could easily re-organize it into
the proper sub-account structure. It's a lot of editing and checking,
but hey, you've gotta have a hobby, right?

The two Gnucash program features that were amazingly helpful for this
task were:

(1) Editing accounts and changing their parent. This makes re-organizing
the structure incredibly easy.

(2) Being able to delete an account and move its transactions to another
account. This was how I got all the transactions for the year's data I
just read in to be included in the previous years' data. For example I
can delete the "ABC Checking Account" from the most recent year's data
and put all the transactions into the "Assets->Bank->Checking->ABC
Checking Account" one.

So, it's a tedious process, but you can work through it pretty quickly
once you get the knack. I'll say this, I'm amazed at how nice Gnucash is
to do this kind of massive data manipulation. Quicken gave me a lot of
"unspecified" stuff, probably my fault for entering it improperly, but
Gnucash let me clean it up pretty easily. And the aforementioned account
editing was a lifesaver.

Hopefully your previous software is available to let you export
sufficient data for import into Gnucash. If you want to have all that
historical data it is really nice. Plus, even with a file with hundreds
and hundreds of accounts and a decade of data, Gnucash is incredibly
fast to read it and let me navigate around. And I have all my old stuff
at hand, instead of buried in data files I honestly couldn't read anymore.
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Re: [GNC] Custom Gtk theme (was: Formatting the Register header?)

2020-01-14 Thread Ken Farley
I don't really remember ALL the places I tried. Pretty much all the
places recommended by the Wiki about this stuff for Gnucash. Some
examples of other attempts:
~/Library/Application Support/config/themes
~/Library/Application Support/themes
~Library/Application Support/Gnucash/config/gtk-3.0/themes

What I'm asking is: Applying a theme supposed to be as simple as
putting a directory of theme data somewhere, then putting a
settings.ini file somewhere else to tell GTK to use that theme. If you
are running Gnucash on MacOS, what are those two locations? I just
want an example of a setup that works.

On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 4:01 AM Geert Janssens
> Op dinsdag 14 januari 2020 01:49:12 CET schreef farleykj:
> > P.S. I cannot, no matter where I put the settings.ini or theme files, get
> > any downloaded themes to do anything whatsoever to the GUI appearance. Has
> > anyone running on a Mac had any luck with this, and if so, where do you put
> > your settings and stuff?
> Can you be more specific about what exactly you tried ? Where did you put the
> settings.ini file and where did you store your themes ?
> Geert
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Re: [GNC] UNSUBCRIBE and Lemmy.World

2024-03-16 Thread Ken Farley
Unsubscribing isn't done by the list, it's just posts of questions like 

To unsubscribe, you need to go to:

To be honest, I don't allow the deluge of emails to come to me, either. 
Too many to have to sift through every day.

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Re: [GNC] UNSUBCRIBE and Lemmy.World

2024-03-16 Thread Ken Farley
Nah. Filters that store all that stuff are for things I need to look at. 
I find it much more efficient to go to:

and browse through the messages to see the very small percentage of them 
I'm interested in. That way I don't have to delete a pile of unwanted 
stuff, on my computer and also on my e-mail provider's site.

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Re: [GNC] Finance Quotes Yahho of the rails again?

2024-03-23 Thread Ken Farley
You don't mention what version of Gnucash you are using, or what 
operating system. This can be important, particularly when dealing with 
the idiosyncrasies of Finance::Quote.

Regardless, I'm using MacOS, Version 4.14.

When I use the shell commands provided with this version, I get the 
following results:

[11:04]:/Applications/> ./gnc-fq-dump 
yahoo_json vz

Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: vz   <=== required
  date: 03/22/2024   <=== recommended
  currency: USD  <=== required
  last: 40.37    <=\
   nav:  <=== one of these
 price:  <=/
  timezone:  <=== optional
[11:04]:/Applications/> ./gnc-fq-dump 
yahooweb vz

Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: vz   <=== required
  date: 03/22/2024   <=== recommended
  currency: USD  <=== required
  last:  <=\
   nav:  <=== one of these
 price:  <=/
  timezone:  <=== optional

So it appears that yahoo_json is providing data that can be used, but 
yahooweb is not. Why? I have no idea. If you try "googleweb" as the 
quote source, it also works fine.

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Re: [GNC] GNC Past email archives

2024-04-06 Thread Ken Farley
I believe there is something on the mailing list site (the one 
referenced at the bottom of every message) that gives you a link for a 
"helper" Google search that is tailored to search the archives. I find 
it helpful to find "that answer I remember seeing that I can't for the 
life of me remember when" inquiries.

I, too, used to Nabble, but it's a dead one, now. A pity.
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Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote::Fool

2024-04-07 Thread Ken Farley
That one has never seemed to work for very long. Perhaps they notice any 
increased traffic and change, or are just the kind of folks who update 
their code regularly? Oh well.

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Re: [GNC] CSS GTK Register padding/spacing

2024-04-07 Thread Ken Farley
Don't know if you ever solved this, or if a solution is possible, but 
these are the lines from my GTK3 CSS file that deal with the register lines.

  background-color: @hueRegLight ;
  color:    @hueTextNormal ;

  background-color: @hueRegDark ;
  color:    @hueTextNormal ;

I don't know if the padding values are available to change. You'd have 
to try it. First, make sure you are setting the register settings that 
are available by making the color something ridiculous like pink, to be 
sure your syntax is correct. You can always change it back to white or 
whatever you were using. I have variables set in my CSS file that I can 
reference in many setting statements, so if I want to change a setting 
for "normal text" everywhere, I only have to change it once, at the 
beginning of the file.

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Re: [GNC] FYI Web tables, CSV, prices info and inquiry

2024-04-14 Thread Ken Farley
I found this information extremely enlightening. I didn't know that 
there was a capability to use Google's capabilities to make a 
spreadsheet and automatically include pricing data. It's as if Libre 
Office Calc or Excel had an inbuilt function to retrieve pricing info. 
Very useful information.

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[GNC] How to get mutual fund quotes with

2024-04-15 Thread Ken Farley
If I go directly to the Google Finance site and ask for a quote for a 
mutual fund, for example SNXFX, I get all the info I am seeking.

If I try to load prices into Gnucash using the "googleweb" source, 
stocks are fine, ETFs are fine, but mutual funds like the above don't 
work. My suspicions about it are:

(1) Mutual funds are from a different "exchange". Their info is 
presented with a "MUTF" prepended to the symbol (i.e. MUTF:SNXFX). 
Perhaps the Perl module doesn't handle this kind of symbol?

(2) Mutual funds maybe don't provide sufficient information for the 
module to build a quote to Gnucash standards.

Does anyone have an idea on this?

Full disclosure, I'm using other sources, like the freshly minted 
YahooJSON, to get these quotes. I'm just interested in whether I'm 
missing something in the security definitions, like a different symbol 
format or something.

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Re: [GNC] How to get mutual fund quotes with

2024-04-15 Thread Ken Farley
Once I sent the last message and had a bit of time to think about it, I 
realized I could try something, and it worked.

There's a line in the module that uses a few exchange names to find the 
correct data on the HTML page:

  $taglink = $tree->look_down(_tag => 'a', href => 

Changing this to add the mutual fund exchange makes it work:

  $taglink = $tree->look_down(_tag => 'a', href => 

What a fun bit of detective work that was.
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Re: [GNC] How to get mutual fund quotes with

2024-04-16 Thread Ken Farley
Guilty as charged. Using version 1.57. I wasn't having any troubles, so 
didn't update regularly. No ice cream for me tonight.

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Re: [GNC] Identify error transaction in QIF import

2024-04-21 Thread Ken Farley
Converting from Quicken seems to come up a lot here. Here's a long post 
I made after I'd converted over a lot of data:

There is a lot of advice in the form of wiki pages and the like, too.

To address your specific inquiry, just looking at the line you posted, 
the date format looks kind of wonky. I would expect something like " 5/ 
4/21" or better would be something like 2021-05-04. I don't recall if 
Quicken will let you specify the date format when you export to QIF (the 
last time I did this stuff was 2018).

Given that QIF files appear to be binary, I don't know how you could go 
about correcting things even if you knew which part of a record was bad. 
At least the ones I have from when I did the process are binary.

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Re: [GNC] Identify error transaction in QIF import

2024-04-21 Thread Ken Farley

Sorry, I was  being an idiot and opened the QDF file, not the QIF file.

My QIF files definitely have the date format you are seeing, something 
like  "11/21/97" for pre-2000 years, and " 4/ 5' 3"

It looks like the price lines you are being told about a lacking a 
numeric price. All the price lines in a random QIF I opened up are like 


"AMGN",68.82," 6/ 7' 1"


It seems like the lines being flagged for you are perhaps lacking a 
valid numeric value for the price? Is that what the lines look like in 
your QIF file?

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Re: [GNC] Identify error transaction in QIF import

2024-04-21 Thread Ken Farley
Ah yes, hex editing. Alas, gone are the days when one could utilize 
skills in assembly language programming and the like, at least with 
modern code. Do then even attempt to teach anyone assembly language anymore?

The other thing that makes editing binary data difficult is that it is 
also often compressed, too. Whee.

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Re: [GNC] Simultaneous access

2024-05-15 Thread Ken Farley


Using an SQL database just means you are deciding where you are going to 
save your data. The way the program works is that it loads your data 
file into memory and any changes you make are done in memory. Data is 
not saved anywhere until you specifically write it to wherever you store 
it. There's no multiple access, no simultaneous updating. If someone 
else loads the same datafile into memory, whatever changes either user 
makes, the file that becomes the permanent data file is the one written 

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Re: [GNC] Accounts page error

2024-05-19 Thread Ken Farley
I have seen "overnight" massive gains when there's been a stock split I 
wasn't aware of, a 10 to 1 reverse split, or something like that. 
Usually it is the opposite effect of what you are seeing, where suddenly 
I'm down a lot of net worth.

The only other thing I can think of is that maybe one of your quote 
sources for securities is giving prices in a different currency than 
expected? I think there was some sort of oddness  recently where prices 
were being reported in pence rather than pounds, or some such. A 100X 
overprice would mess things up.

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Re: [GNC] Watch me mess this up. Deposited money

2024-08-10 Thread Ken Farley
So, you typed in an incorrectly formatted expression and it was 
rejected. What did you expect?

Gnucash, thankfully, allows one to input arithmetic expressions and it 
will evaluate them to provide the desired value. For example, you could 
enter "123 / 2" and the result of that calculation, 61.50, will be put 
in the field. What it will not do is try to interpret garbage or 
malformed expressions. You can write "two thousand and 13/100" on the 
face of a check, but Gnucash isn't going to understand that archaic 
expression and is going to give you an error in response.

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Re: [GNC] TSP Quote error in GnuCash

2024-08-11 Thread Ken Farley
Since I don't know what you've set up in Gnucash for your particular 
accounts, I'll just list the things done to get online quotes.

(A) Set up a security. This is the "definition" of the actual security, 
the stuff that will be used by Gnucash to get quotes, via Perl's 
Finance::Quote. Looking at the TSP quote retrieval module for Perl, I 
see that the available symbols for TSP funds are C, F, G, I, S, and the 
various "L" funds, like L2020, L2024, or whatever.

(B) So, an example would be a security for the common stock fund. I'd 
create this security with the following:

Full Name -> TSP Common Stock Fund

Symbol/abbreviation -> C

Display symbol -> C

Namespace -> FUND

Check Get Online Quotes

Set Source to Single, scroll down to the TSP one you noted, US Govt 
Thrift Savings Plan

(C) Now when you tell Gnucash to get quotes, it should retrieve the last 
price for this fund, etc. It'll generate entries in the price database. 
If you use the security by setting the Use Security/Currency field on an 
account, that price will be used to calculate the current value of the 

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Re: [GNC] Stock w/ no shares, but get quotes

2024-08-18 Thread Ken Farley
You can look at the Security Editor (Tools->Security Editor) and it will 
list in the "Source" column where prices are being obtained from. If the 
online quotes part of the security definition is not checked, that 
column will be blank.

You could use the Advanced Portfolio report and turn off online quotes 
for any security that is NOT in the report. I just had a go and you can 
have both open at the same time. You're just going to have to edit all 
the unneeded quote acquirers.

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Re: [GNC] Advanced Portfolio report - missing stocks

2024-08-31 Thread Ken Farley
Looking at the Advanced Portfolio report it seems that there are only 
two calculations done for a security that involve a division: Rate of 
Gain and Rate of Return.

Both of these calculations use Money In as the divisor.

So I'd suspect that something is amiss with the security you are having 
trouble with in terms of the accumulation of lot(s) of share * price for 
any buys you made. First thing I'd try is making sure you are showing 
zero total accounts, and probably showing hidden accounts, too. When I 
sell out of a particular security and no more shares are there, I 
usually hide that account, so my chart of accounts page isn't clogged 
with "dead" securities.

A second guess is that somewhere along the line a dividend reinvestment 
transaction was wrong? That's one of the transactions that, for mutual 
funds and the like, has non-integer share amounts, etc. Messed up 
transactions might cause the Money In to be goofy, maybe?

Doesn't seem like it's going to be an easy detective job, but if you 
scour your accounts you should be able to find it. You could always use 
the report options or even judicious account hiding to zero in on the 
top level account that contains the bad security. I.e. hide all but one 
top level account, try advanced portfolio report, if it is okay, go to 
next top level account, etc. Then concentrate on the next level down 
accounts to find the culprit there, etc. Tedious to be sure, but it 
might just work. At least it's not a program crash that happens when the 
bad security is encountered...

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Re: [GNC] Help with importing into GnuCash

2024-09-14 Thread Ken Farley

Some previous discussions of this:

These are just a sample of the ideas available on this topic. You should 
try searching the archives of this list via the following:

You'll find many pages of past queries like your own.
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Re: [GNC] How to keep responding on mailing list?

2024-09-15 Thread Ken Farley
Since I haven't seen it suggested yet, I'll pipe in with how I 
participate in this list.

I subscribed as everyone else suggested, but I don't want to be deluged 
with e-mails, so I turn off the digest and the forwarding of all e-mails.

To see what's currently being discussed, I go to the list, in my 
browser, via the following:

Which was previously suggested.

When I see a topic of interest, I click on it and it opens in the 
browser window. If I want to reply, I click on the hyperlink of the 
author of the post, which is the first line of the post being displayed. 
It automatically starts up my e-mail program (for me, Thunderbird) with 
"gnucash-user@gnucash-org" in the "To" field. Works every time, and I 
don't end up directly e-mailing anyone by accident. I think, but I'm not 
sure, that the pipermail site does all this for me so I don't have to 
worry about the specifics.

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Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-29 Thread Ken Farley
The only CPAN-related stuff I've done was updating Finance::Quote during 
the Yahoo-caused quote debacle. Other than that, I tend to leave things 
as is, since OS X is allegedly pretty snotty about having things mucked 
about with.

Near as I can figure the problem is solely with the 
site. I've substituted other URLs, like, etc. and it spews 
back all the nice HTML stuff.

I've communicated back and forth with the Treasury Direct people, but 
gotten rather superficial and maybe even snarky responses back. I don't 
think the people communicating via their "contact us" are conversant in 
technical information. At least not the ones I've gotten "information" from.

On 2017-12-28 23:18, John Ralls wrote:

On Dec 28, 2017, at 3:52 PM, farleykj  wrote:

I get the results you get from "curl". A whole lot of code. So this narrows
my troubles down to the use of Perl for requests? I'm currently using
version 5.18.

So am I, and I ran in a relatively clean (i.e. not in a Gtk-OSX build shell) 
MacOS 10.13 environment. I have run gnc-fq-update recently so my Perl 
environment will have been updated with all of those dependencies.

Since it broke suddenly for you it seems possible that it was something you did 
on your system. Do you remember hitting on CPAN for anything in the last couple 
of weeks?

I’d start by studying LWP::UserAgent and searching on something like “lwp 
connection debugging”.

John Ralls

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Re: Finance::Quote for EE Savings Bonds

2018-01-31 Thread Ken Farley
Yes, I was able to get my code to work again. I don't think EE bonds
have CUSIPs despite what others have told me. This kind of makes the
treasurydirect API a mystery. Unless there are options and other info
that can be fed to the site to get EE info.
My Perl stuff uses the savings bond calculator to calculate the
values, then extracts them from the (hidden) tables that are created.
I'm not able to access the code file right now, but I could send it
later, or post it here if that is okay...

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 2:49 PM, Robin Chattopadhyay
> Ken-
> Were you able to get quotes for EE Savings bonds? I can't figure out how to
> determine the CUSIP for these.
> (I figured out how to find CUSIPs at but it doesn't seem
> to have savings bond CUSIPs.)
> Robin
> On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 2:46 PM, farleykj  wrote:
>> So, after trying different methods of communicating with the
>> treasurydirect
>> site, I finally bit the bullet and updated my Perl modules (via a cpan
>> "upgrade" command) and the problem has been fixed. Don't know which module
>> was mucked up or how it got that way, but things are working fine, now. I
>> noticed when I checked on the versions of things (using the cpan "r"
>> command) that a lot of modules were pretty old. Perhaps they just "aged
>> out"
>> of usefulness? I don't know.
>> A beneficial side effect of this is that after digging deep into my Perl
>> code to get quotes for E/EE/I bonds, it's a lot cleaner and perhaps a bit
>> easier to read. Well, as easy as Perl gets, I suppose.
>> -
>> Ken Farley
>> --
>> Sent from:
>> ___
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Re: [GNC] Import from Quicken to GnuCash not Working

2024-09-22 Thread Ken Farley
A suggestion that comes up many times in the past and even in some of 
the responses you got is to break up the file and perhaps not try to 
import the whole thing in one go.

That being said, 14Mb is really not a very large file. The last time I 
did this kind of thing a couple of years ago I loaded about 20 years of 
data in a year at a time. The files were maybe 3Mb max each and imported 
in minutes, not hours.

I imported a year at a time, starting with the oldest. I found that 
Quicken had allowed me to make some bad transactions. Also, Quicken did 
some weird stuff to account for stock splits that don't concur with the 
method Gnucash uses. So I slogged through all the years by reading a 
year in, fixing all the messed up stuff, checking balances, saving. I'd 
copy the latest "good" file to a safe spot on my hard drive as I went 
along, in case a catastrophe occurred.

If you're getting the kind of failure you're seeing, my approach would 
be to split the file into two pieces. First half of years in one file, 
second half of years in another file. Try importing each half of the 
data. If one fails and not the other, split the failed one into two 
halves and try importing each of them, etc. You  should be able to zero 
in on the portion(s) of the QIF data that is "bad". You might have to 
look into the actual QIF data (it's just a text file) and see if there 
are any weird characters in there or something. 30 years of data 
probably modified by dozens of different versions of Quicken might have 
some strange entries like corrupted text fields and the like.

Once you find (and maybe fix) the bad QIF data, I'd suggest starting a 
fresh new Gnucash file and then import all the "good" QIF file(s) into 
that, oldest first.

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Re: [GNC] Import from Quicken to GnuCash not Working

2024-09-22 Thread Ken Farley
Here's a search of the mailing list archives that lists many past 
inquiries of the same thing.

It's a very long link. Alternatively you could search the archives 
yourself and find all these past discussions.

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