[Goanet]Re: The Atheist Professor!

2005-07-04 Thread Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza
From: domnic fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here is something interesting I came across I thought I'd share with
> Goanetters:

> "LET ME EXPLAIN the problem science has with Jesus Christ." The atheist
> professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his
> students to stand. "You're a Christian, aren't you, son?" "Yes, Sir." "So
> you believe in God?" "Absolutely." "Is God good?" "Sure! God's good." "Is
> God all-powerful? Can God do anything?" "Yes." "Are you good or evil?"
> Bible says I'm evil."

*--Well done, Dominic. May the scientists who have brain understand that
there is a God, who revealed himself in and through Jesus of Nazareth, the
Christ, who has entered the human history to transform it by strengthening
human freedom, and who manifests himself in various ways... God can be,and
is, experienced by scientists, but is beyond empirical science...
Ivo da C.Souza


2005-07-04 Thread George Pinto
Why are so many married men reading the Cybermatrimonials in such detail?  Most 
of those who have
commented on the 'RC Brahmin' [SIC] post are married men.

Hmmm. ;-)))


[Goanet]NRI phone call

2005-07-04 Thread afra dias
or just dial from UK 08444394646 then at a prompt, dial the full Goa/Indian No.
It will cost you just 3p a minute. No a/c needed.
Pl Note:
I have not tested this service, however, a call was made to GOA on 2nd july 
for 8.37minutes and BT call advise service tells/says  it cost  total 38p 
(this will only be confirmed once the bill updated online).

Some of my friends used it before and said they were charged 3p plus the BT 
charged them the normal price. I don't know how true this is.
Check it for urselves (when the bill comes - till then be cautious).
I use Alpha telecom.

[Goanet]Spinal Surgery

2005-07-04 Thread Jack Halliday
I have just read your article about the spinal implant performed in the  
Apollo Hospital Goa. As I am awaiting surgery for a similar condition I would 
be pleased if you could send me details of how I might contact the hospital to 
obtain further details.
Many thanks,
Jack Halliday

Re: [Goanet]Caste... and all that

2005-07-04 Thread Neal Pinto
Something just occurred to me on the subject of casteism in
matrimonial advertisements.  I can't quite articulate it now but I'll
give it a try:

If a Goan were to marry another Goan, there may (depending on the
family) be some pretentiousness regarding caste.

If these SAME Goans families were presented with a fiancé/fiancée of
Catholic European descent, would they be just as rigid in questioning
the pedigree of this white person's lineage?

Neal Pinto

On 7/4/05, Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the question of whether one can be a Brahmin and an anti-casteist at
> the same time, perhaps the question would be better framed if it had
> asked whether one can subscribe to Brahminism and believe in
> anti-casteism at the same time.

[Goanet]Goa-linked article on cardiovascular disease mortality and lifestyle

2005-07-04 Thread Frederick Noronha
Int J Cardiol. 2005; ; : 
Correlation of regional cardiovascular disease mortality in India with
lifestyle and nutritional factors.

Gupta R, Misra A, Pais P, Rastogi P, Gupta VP
Department of Medicine, Monilek Hospital and Research Centre, Jawahar
Nagar, Jaipur 302004, India.
OBJECTIVE: There is a wide disparity in prevalence and cardiovascular
disease mortality in different Indian states. To determine significance
of various nutritional factors and other lifestyle variables in
explaining this difference in cardiovascular disease mortality we
performed an analysis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Mortality data were obtained
from the Registrar General of India. In 1998 the annual death rate for
India was 840/100,000 population. Cardiovascular diseases contribute to
27% of these deaths and its crude mortality rate was 227/100,000. Major
differences in cardiovascular disease mortality rates in different
Indian states were reported varying from 75-100 in sub-Himalayan states
of Nagaland, Meghalaya, Himachal! Pradesh and Sikkim to a high of
360-430 in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Goa. Lifestyle data
were obtained from national surveys conducted by the government of
India. The second National Family Health Survey (26 states, 92,447
households, 301,984 adults) conducted in 1998-1999 reported on various
demographic and lifestyle variables and India Nutrition Profile Study
reported dietary intake of 177,841 adults (18 states, 75,229 men,
102,612 women). Cardiovascular disease mortality rates were correlated
with smoking, literacy levels, prevalence of stunted growth at 3-years
(as marker of fetal undernutrition), adult mean body mass index,
prevalence of overweight and obesity, dietary consumption of calories,
cereals and pulses, green leafy vegetables, roots, tubers and other
vegetables, milk and milk products, fats and oils, and sugar and
jaggery. As a major confounder in different states is poverty, all the
partial correlation coefficients were adjusted for illiteracy,
fertility! rate and infant mortality rate. There was a significant
positive correlation of cardiovascular disease mortality with prevalence
of obesity (R=0.37) and dietary consumption of fats (R=0.67), milk and
its products (R=0.27) and sugars (R=0.51) and negative correlation with
green leafy vegetable intake (R=-0.42) (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: There are
large disparities in cardiovascular disease mortality in different
Indian states. This can be epidemiologically explained by difference in
dietary consumption of fats, milk, sugar and green-leafy vegetables and
prevalence of obesity.
PMID: 15978684

[Goanet]View From The Outer Harbour (04-7-2005)

2005-07-04 Thread Thalmann Pereira
View  From  The Outer Harbour

By: Thalmann Pradeep Pereira


  The Chinese revolutionary Mao Ze Dong had said that women 
must hold up half the sky. No wonder China is rapidly progressing. In India, 
Parliament is continuously postponing the Constitutional amendment providing 
for one-third reservation for women in the Parliament and State Legislatures. 
Mulayam Singh Yadav's Samajwadi Party is the main opponent of the bill, on the 
specious ground of wanting caste quotas within the proposed reservation for 

  That this is just a gimmick to hide their real male-
chauvinist position has now been exposed with the Imrana case which is making 
the headlines in the last few days. Imrana is a Muslim lady from Muzaffarnagar 
in UP. The mother of five kids, her marriage turned into a nightmare, after 
she was raped by her own father-in-law. Rape is rape, even under the Islamic 
Shariat Code which prescribes death by stoning for a rapist. Imrana's husband 
boldly stood by her to seek justice against his own wretched father. Imrana 
filed a complaint before the local police.

  But the police dithered to arrest the rapist, under pressure 
from some Muslim fundamentalist organizations. The Mullahs hijacked the 
criminal law of the land, and instead began persecuting Imrana and her 
husband. Mulayam's police, too, instead of giving police protection to Imrana, 
left her to the mercy of the wolves in religious clothing. A fatwa was issued 
by the Mullahs stating that Imrana can no longer remain married to her husband 
but must instead marry her rapist father-in-law. As if there is no difference 
between a prostitute and a rape victim!

  At this point in the story, various progressive women's 
organizations began demanding the immediate arrest of the rapist. Brave Muslim 
social workers, men and women, came forward to condemn the fatwa. They 
declared that they will not allow Imrana's marriage to be jeopardised and 
reiterated that the Govt.'s focus should be to punish the rapist.

  But instead, Mulayam, the brave crusader for caste quotas 
within women's reservation, declared that he will abide by the verdict of 
the "learned" Mullahs who issued the fatwa. Sonia Gandhi's Congress took the 
stand that Muslim Personal Law is also the law of the land and that they would 
work to uphold the law of the land! The BJP immediately blew the trumpet of 
Uniform Civil Code as the solution. What a fine gang-up to hush up the real 
issue of rape. The fatwa must be condemned by all right-thinking persons as a 
communal interference with the provisions of Section 376 of the Indian Penal 
Code, 1860, which is a uniform criminal law of the land. There can be no 
playing around with the marital status of a rape victim.

  In 1985, in the Shah Bano case the Supreme Court upheld the 
Muslim woman's right to seek maintenance under Section 125 of the Criminal 
Procedure Code, 1973, which is also a part of our uniform criminal law. Then 
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, whose anti-people economic policies were hurting 
the poor people, decided to buy the support of the Mullahs and enacted a law 
making Sec. 125 inapplicable to Muslim wives. When the BJP protested, Rajiv 
promptly mollified them by opening the locks on the Ayodhya mosque and 
permitting the installation of a Ram idol there. The rest, as they say, is 

  Today, after one year in office, the UPA Govt. led by Sonia 
Gandhi has increased petrol prices four times, wants to sell off the core-
sector profit-making Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited and is seeking to make 
users pay the full price for necessities like water, gas and electricity by 
cutting all social subsidies. As the UPA Govt. pushes its own popularity 
downwards, it will seek to make compromises by casting helpless Imranas into 
the clutches of the religious wolves. The religious hyenas of the other 
variety, will then demand their own pound of flesh.

  Communalism cannot be fought by shouting "S-E-C-U-L-A-R-I-S-
M". It has to be fought by unitedly fighting against the anti-people economic 
policies of the govt. Communalism must be recognised for what it actually is: -
 a diabolic attempt to divide the people and keep them under the thrall of 
their respective obscurantist leaders, in order to facilitate their further 

  Till the next Monday, then, Happy Thinking! 

"Harbour Times" (04-7-2005)

[Goanet]Costs of democracy

2005-07-04 Thread Aloysius D'Souza
Hi John,

Add to this add the yearly allotment  --  I think Rs. One Crore  --  for him 
to spend on development of his constitution  --  much of which ends up in his 
own or his near relatives' pockets

In Rajasthan two hundred village women went to Jaipur and demanded to know how 
their local MLS, Collector, etc had spent the development funds of about Rs. 
one crore allocated to their villages  --  the Collector produced a list of 
roads built, bridges / culverts constructed, etc  --- all of which did not in 
reality EXIST  --  the women were there to prove it  --  eventually Rs. 96 
lakhs were recovered from Government officials, contractors, etc and were then 
used to actually carry out the projects budgeted for.

And there was a protest from MLAs and Corporators in Bombay because under 
the "Right to Information Act" the same persons who elected them are now 
calling for an accounting !!!

I am sure that if more of us call for an accounting from our MLAs, 
Corporators, MPs, Panch and Sarpanch we could end up having a better 
Government  --  of the people  --  by the people  --  for the people

Let us all work towards and look forward to that day



- Original Message - 
  From: John Eric Gomes 
  Subject: Fw: Costs of democracy

  Salary & Some of Govt. Concessions for a Member of Parliament (MP)
  Monthly Salary : 12,000
  Expense for Constitution per month : 10,000
  Office expenditure per month : 14,000
  Travelling concession (Rs. 8 per km) : 48,000 (For a visit to Delhi & 
return: 6000 km)
  Daily BETA during parliament meets : 500
  Charge for 1 class (A/C) in train : Free (Any number of times - All over 
  Charge for Business Class in flights : Free for 40 trips / year (With wife 
or Companion.)
  Rent for MP hostel at Delhi : Free
  Electricity costs at home : Free up to 50,000 units
  Local phone call charge : Free up to 1,70,000 calls.
  TOTAL expense for a MP per year : 32,00,000
  And they are elected by THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, through the largest democratic 
process in the world.  Like to add the costs of MLAs/MLCs?

[Goanet]Christian Bashing?

2005-07-04 Thread afra dias
You have missed the whole point from my writing. I regret that
agnosticism will not allow you to see more than what you want...
Ivo da C.Souza

Dear Goanetters,

I think Fr Ivo has got it all wrong.
Any one who raises their opinion is a 'Christian Basher'?
God is a man made belief.
Bible is a history, writen by 5 different tribes who lived in the desert. It 
is not the word of God/s.
If you want to call it the word of God - good luck to you.
Santhosh is entitled to his opinion, and there are many who agree with him. 
Bible Floods did not take place in America or India it happend only in the 
Desert, God had nothing to do with it.
Manna did not come down from Heaven, - In America frogs rain down from the 
sky - got nothing to do with God.
In UK Tomatoes and fishes rained down from the the sky - nothing to do with 
the Gods.
These are natural phenomenons that happened and has been recorded by the 
people of the desert, THERE WERE NO OTHER BOOKS. 
Only these books existed; that does not mean it is the word of God.
Afra Dias. (london)

[Goanet]RE: Goan "CHRISTIANS' -- Caste

2005-07-04 Thread Cynthia Fernandes
Dear Aloysius,

Well written... but who pays heed to all this.. its like pouring water over a 
duck body. 

Anyway all i hope is that at least one part of your messege goes 
through i.e. Life is TO SHORT to waste on frivolous discussions.


[Goanet]Goan "CHRISTIANS' -- Caste

2005-07-04 Thread Aloysius D'Souza
Dear Goans Everywhere,

I am fed up of reading messages since the last TEN  YEARS  over this business 
of Caste among Goan Christians  ---

Being a CHRISTIAN  automatically means that we believe that all men (and 
women) are equal  --  there is no such thing as being born
into different castes  --  you are born a  HUMAN  BEING.

If any so-called "Christian" believes in Castes  --  Brahmin, Chadda, Sudra, 
etc  --

So I think we should all agree that since there are no Castes among Christians 
this wasteful correspondence should CEASE.

Also I find that now we seem to be bringing in differences between Goans, 
Mangaloreans, East Indians, Anglo Indians  --  all
supposedly Christians  --  what about the off-shoots?  The MAN-GOs, EI-GOs, AI-
GOs, etc, etc  --   Are we going to create different
niches for all of these???

I personally feel that this group should try to promote any one of our group 
to achieve his/her full stature  --  remember Our
Lord's parable  " Ten Talents, Five Talents and One Talent"  --  most of us 
Christians are like the guy with ONE TALENT  --  He
buried it and did no good either to himself or to any other  --  I like the 

"When you were born you were crying and all around you were smiling !!

Live your life so that when you die, you (in your coffin) will be smiling
and all around you will be crying."

Life is TO  SHORT to waste on frivolous discussions which contribute 
nothing to the well being of  OUR  COMMUNITY  --  Let's
pull ourselves up so that our Community can produce a better and more 
successful (in the true sense) next generation.



[Goanet]Re: Church initiative on treating labour with dignity

2005-07-04 Thread Aloysius D'Souza
Hi Fred,

How can one get in touch with Fr Xavier Pinto?

I am glad that some priests and nuns have now vowed to treat their servants 
(Christians and non-Christians) as people with human
dignity and not extract work out of them without any consideration whatsoever.

The Catholic Church pioneered the movement to give workers dignity and justice 
without being exploited  --  to this extent we should
refer to the following Encyclicals:

1.  RERUM  NOVARUM  (ON CAPITAL & LABOUR)   by Pope Leo XIII on May 15th 1891

2.  MATER  ET  MAGISTRA by Pope John XXIII of May 15th, 1961.

(Both these Encyclicals -- English translation  --  can be accessed from Papal 
Encyclicals online  www.papalencyclicals.net  --  )

However, my own observations have been that a very large number of priests, 
nuns and religious do not seem to have read or digested
the Church's teaching on this subject even to the extent that they rarely 
encourage formation of workers' unions nor do they advise
employees to join such unions in their places of work.  Where some courageous 
priests and nuns have taken up the challenge of
helping workers get their rightful dues and treatment, their superiors have in 
most cases condemned their actions.

I think most Christian teachers in Christian schools have heard "God will 
Bless you" from their religious priest or nun Principal
when they are called upon to do extra work  without payment of over time --  
while non-Christian teachers are not called upon nor
expected to do this type of extra work.

Today we see new very well equipped modern schools being set up by private 
bodies / politicians, which pay their teachers very
handsome salaries, do not expect their students to take tuitions nor encourage 
their teachers to give tuitions and yet make
fantastic profits  --  whereas our schools and colleges are permanently crying 
poverty and yet giving dedicated service to the
education of the young without consideration of caste, religion or class  --  
in many cases making such education facilities
available to those who could not ordinarily pay for this service.

Our Lord said "The worker is worthy of this hire"  --  I wish  our priests and 
nuns in schools, hospitals, parishes would ensure
that their employees get salaries which would enable to live DECENT  LIVES.

Fr Xavier Pinto has started by converting priests and nuns in Asansol  --  I 
pray that he and others like him will convert all
priests and nuns throughout India to dealing with their employees with justice 
and dignity.



 Original Message -
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Priests, Nuns Of Asansol Diocese Resolve To Treat Workers With Dignity


ASANSOL, West Bengal (SAR NEWS) -- Workers of the Church institutions
and parishes of Asansol Diocese, cheer. For, the Catholic priests and
nuns have vowed to shun flippancy towards their employees and treat them
with dignity.

[Goanet]Re:-The tragic story of Goa's Pele.

2005-07-04 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
There are heroes in sports, who have done extremely well in their field and we 
also have plenty of forgotten heroes in Goa and elsewhere. We should recognize 
them, isn't?  Heroes have the courage, the guts we sometimes wish we had. It 
is easy to admire, much more difficult to generate.

We have our very own Menino Caldeira affectionately called as Goan Pele who 
was admired and cherished by all the sports lovers, at one time but today he 
is a deserted man. He is at the moment going through a pitiable and pathetic 
phase of his life where all have isolated him even his family and friends. He 
has to beg for a living... when this man had given his life to football and 
thrilled his fans.  Is it not the quirk of fate that has played on such a 
popular hero?  As Menino is suffering from gangrene, he may loose both his 
feet (God forbid), if proper treatment is not made available to him.  At the 
moment Menino is at Mother Tereza's Home of Destitutes, Quepem.  He was picked 
up by one of his friend Mr. Mario Coelho from Ponda and taken to Mother 
Tereza's Home.  Menino has shown a lot of improvement after being admitted 
here and looks better but a lot of funds are needed to get him back to his 
normal life.

 With his feet he enthralled and captivated the football lovers in the 70's 
and early 80's, but what has he got in return?  What are the clubs like 
Salgaocars, Vasco, Dempo, Morarji Mills and Piramal Mills doing for Menino who 
has given them victorious moments? Is he a forgotten hero for them? It is 
clubs like these and sports lovers who should come together to help recoup 
Menino's frailty. 

Mr. Savio Messias, Secretary of Goa Football Association was very disturbed 
when he heard Menino's sad plight and is working towards shifting him to 
Apollo Hospital, Margao and give him the best treatment.  All this needs funds 
and to acknowledge the accomplishments of such a football player, he needs our 
support in prayers and ofcourse funding for his medical bills.  Will all the 
football lovers, clubs join hands and raise funds to help Menino who is in 
dire need of help as this could happen to any of our present stars. 

Any one wishing to contact Mr. Savio Messias can do so at   
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and his contact cell no. is 9823056261

Mapuca - Goa

[Goanet]Re: Plain Text and GoaNet

2005-07-04 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
In a message dated 7/4/2005 3:36:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Here's a tip-sheet on how to send AOL mail via plain text
http://www.frontierfleet.net/email/howto.php?prog=aol (both for AOL 5.0
and earlier, and for AOL 6.0).

Dear Fred,
Here's a three-line message that should not take up too much bandwidth: 
You speak of AOL 5.0 and 6.0. We are using AOL 9.0. Goanet seems to be lagging 
way behind the times.

[Goanet]8th July FRIDAY BALCAO:Should Goa have a Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

2005-07-04 Thread GOACAN

Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
Read the Balcao Synopsis on the website

Dear Cybergaokars on GoaNet,

Friday Balcao the fortnightly discussion event
to be held on 8th July will focus on the
Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for Goa.

The recent statement of the Union Finance Minister
that Goa should consider having a Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
has sparked of a debate. Central to the discussion is what
are the different kinds of SEZ's and what are the benefits for
Goa and Goans.

Also of great importance is the social, cultural, environmental and
economic impacts of a SEZ. Goa could develop as a major
exports hub and possibly create lot of direct and indirect employment
opportunities for the local youth. The SEZ  would be a specifically
delineated duty-free enclave and be deemed to be a foreign territory
for the purposes of trade operations, duties and tariffs. The SEZ
could improve infrastructure like roads and bridges.

Since land is the most important requirement for setting up a SEZ
the availability of around 1,000 hectares would be crucial in Goa.

What are the guarantees that the jobs generated in a SEZ will go
to the local youth ? Will the labour laws be different ? Will the
SEZ turn Goa into a predominantly industrial area and thereby lose its
charm as a tourist destination ? Will the SEZ attract high spending
business tourists and therefore require projects like golf courses,
casinos and more five star luxury hotels ?

What has been the performance of the existing ten odd industrial
estates including that of Verna ? Can the Goa Govt.ensure that they
are in a position to supply basic inputs like water and electricity to
the SEZ without causing inconvenience to the local residents ?

How will the proposed SEZ impact Goa, its population, culture and
environment as projects like the proposed Mopa International Airport
in the North, the Naval Sea Bird project in the South and proposed
Cruise liner Terminal on the West ?

The Balcao discussion will cover these questions and
also evolve an agenda for action by citizens on the issue.

Friday Balcao will be from 4pm to 6pm
at the Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11 Liberty Apartments Feira Alta,
Mapusa and is open to  members of the public.

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the Friday Balcao event
but if you cannot attend, then please send your
views and action plan suggestions by post to
FRIDAY BALCAO Post Box 78, Mapusa 403 507
or by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Those of you who would like to receive
the regular invitation to Friday Balcao and a one page synopsis
of the fortnightly session can subscribe for the same
by sending Rs.100/- to cover printing and mailing costs.

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

Re: [Goanet]Please respect opposing views

2005-07-04 Thread Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza
From: Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Kevin,
> Here is a nice email I
> received from one such person...
> Marlon
> Marlon ,
>   Don't mess with Chriatianity , and least of all
> Jesus who is God !!
>   Consider this a Warning as well as Friendly advice .
> ..
>> --- Kevin Saldanha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear Joe Vaz and other believers on this list,
> >
> > Your right to believe in a God and follow the
> > religion of your choice is
> > as "hallowed" as my right NOT TO!  GoaNet is a
> > secular forum and
> > opposing viewpoints can be made without resorting to
> > personal
> > invective...
*--Although I do not agree with the tone of the letter and the threat, yet I
admire the courage of convictions of the one who wrote it. God/Jesus
respects our freedom while calling us to be human and humane through his
healing, forgiving Love.
   Ivo da C.Souza

Re: [Goanet]RE:SEZ - with Nitin Kukolienkar - NT Panorama - Jul 3, 2005

2005-07-04 Thread Bernado Colaco
It is an ardous task but the whole of Goa should be
reorganized dating 61. Goan identity should be at the
forefront. A free or special administrative (not only
trade)region would benefit Goa.

B. Colaco

>  I agree with the view  in some goanet circles that
> the whole of Goa should
> be considered an autonomous free trade area.

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet]RE: 90% of how many voters?

2005-07-04 Thread JoeGoaUk

as of early morning of 5th July...

The said 90% is now 90.80% of 185 votes (i.e.168 votes).
Check the link below for updated results.

However, 185 votes do not necessarily mean 185 different voters.
As one person entitled to one vote per day, one can cast as many as 7 votes per 
or 15 times in 15 days.


or to cast your vote, pl go to Goanet home page and see your right just below 
a donation'
just click here to go there


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet]Another Indian budget airline 'Paramount Airways' but this one is for Business Class travellers only (No Ey.Class)

2005-07-04 Thread JoeGoaUk

Paramount buys Embraer planes for Rs 620 cr


MUMBAI: In a surprise development at the Paris air show on Tuesday, 
start-up airline, Paramount Airways, signed up with Brazilian aircraft 
Embraer to buy five Emb 170/175 aircraft, in a deal valued at $138m (Rs 620 

In an interesting deviation from the low-cost model that most airlines are
following, the airline will have no economy class seating. It will offer an
all-business class service on the first two Embraer 170 aircraft and a first and
business class on the next three Embraer 175s. “The premium seats will be 
priced at
lower than existing business class seats”, airline sources said. 

Paramount MD M Thiagarajan said the airline will offer direct services to 
cities in India and connect primary metros. It will focus on providing the 
traveller with an aircraft that offers cabin amenities such as wider aisles and
seats, greater baggage stowage and overhead bins and full-service galleys while
maintaining smaller jet economies. 

The airline is promoted by the Paramount group, a leading player in textiles 
interests in banking. Promoter M Thiagarajan is a pilot and is the MD of 
Mills. His grand father Karumuttu Thiagarajan was the founder of Bank of 
Madura. The
airline plans to start operations by August ’05 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet]Two more Konkani Song 'RingTones' Just Received: You can compose it too, see how..

2005-07-04 Thread JoeGoaUk

Two more tones just received from GOA (I dont know from whom) but a request was 
via sms to all my 18 usual contacts.

Previously, I had two viz 


TWO NEW Tones(as below)




This one I dont remember properly..

Its from the film 'Nirmonn' I think & sung by Shalini (who also sang 'Claudia')
It was very popular on All India Radio Ponje (in 1970/80's)
It starts like this.. (song tile I think 'Mollbavelo dhou')

Mogan poddon khorem
jivak dison purem (??)


Start Sending your requests now..
(Not yet ready to send right now but in the mean time let your requests keep 


Have you got a phone which has 'composer' facility?
Why not try to compose yourself? 
You can do this by keying in the foll.(in composor mode)

16c1 16c1 16a1 16a1 16f1 16c1 8d1 16g1 4- 16f1 16g1 8- 16#al 16#a1 16cl 16cl

To get 16cl press 1 (it will display 1cl, 2cl etc to make this 16cl keep on 
8 till u get 16cl its goes 1cl, 2cl,4cl,8cl,16cl & 32cl)

Now to get  16al just press 6, for f or  16fl just press 4, for d press 2, for g
press 5.
To get 4- or 8- press 0 and then increase it by pressing 8 i.e. it goes from 
1-, 2-,

to get 16#al press 6 and then #

Pl try and this should play the above 'pisso' Tone.

Some of the Nokia phones which has composer features are like model 3210, 3310,
5210 or 5210i etc

Composor feature usually located under  menu 'Tones' or 'setting' and then 'tone

Need any help?

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And forget me not

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Re: [Goanet]The Atheist Professor!

2005-07-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo
domnic fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is something interesting I came across I
> thought I'd share with 
> Goanetters:
> Moi-mogan,
> Domnic Fernandes
> Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
> "LET ME EXPLAIN the problem science has with Jesus
> Christ." The atheist 
> professor of philosophy pauses before his class and
> then asks one of his new 
> students to stand. "You're a Christian, aren't you,
> son?" "Yes, Sir." "So you believe in 
> God?" "Absolutely." "Is God good?"

Oh! Domnic,
You have made the switch from posting your own work to
posting others art.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [Goanet] Footprints

2005-07-04 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>RESPONSE: Hello not so fast! I should have copied a
bit >more from the link;


It seems like there is an ongoing dispute about the
authorship of that poem. There are three versions of
that poem, apparently written by three different
people, including Mary Stevenson and Margaret Fishback
Powers. Here is the link for them:

Here is the link for a discussion and statements about
the dispute:

The only thing we can be sure right now is that it
wasn't written by Cynthia Fernandes.



[Goanet]Could Goa gain from a site like this?

2005-07-04 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Belgium Web Site Helps Gov't Cut Red Tape

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Belgians suffering under a morass of contradictory,
complicated or just plain absurd regulations have for two years had a
place to make their complaints known: a Web site called Kafka set up by
their government.

The rare flash of bureacratic humor has had tangible results: a savings
of $281 million over two years, Belgian officials said Friday.

The site www.kafka.be was set up by the government in 2003, encouraging
individuals and businesses to come up with examples of needless rules
and regulations. It was named after Franz Kafka, the late Czech-German
author who hated irrational authority and whose work defined the
alienated modern world of the 20th century.

This multi-ethnic nation of 10 million has mind-numbingly complex
bureaucratic systems. The country is divided to 589 communes and run by
a national government and six other separate governments representing
the French, Dutch and German language groups and the Brussels, Waloon
and Flanders regions

Re: [Goanet]Re: False Innuendo, Insinuations and Accusations & S-P-A-M MAILS

2005-07-04 Thread Joe Vaz


Thank you for your crafty post that was carefully scribed and well scripted 
to suit your innuendo, in an attempt to support your excessively rampant 
raves and accusatory postings on Goanet.

Did we notice that Santosh is concealing sections of posts by using “blanks” 
 and is neither revealing the source of the malicious posts, nor 
disclosing the name of his anonymous friend? These posts are pertinent to 
the subject discussed and to which Santosh responded with ccs to me. Can 
Santosh tell us the truth, the whole truth, without obscuring facts, and by 
unmasking the blanks, and posting all private yet pertinent posts (in their 
entirety,) which originated from his friend and fellow-conspirator –--  i.e. 
one of his friends, whose name we saw on Santosh’s cc list of the advance 


Don’t be surprised that Santosh has left all readers baffled with those 
Dear: _ (blank) …suspense…    (blank)… suspense… _  (blank)… and 
superfluous drama.  Don’t worry, Santosh will have a good explanation for 
it, -- he always comes up with one, even so it be a spurious one -- and he 
will not fail to do the same this time too. Finally, you will also notice 
that he always so cleverly and habitually finds someone to pin any blame on, 
except himself, of course.

Now, may I ask the dignified, honorable Santosh Helekar to do the honors and 
lift the curtains of suspense, so that we (all) may see the “frankness” and 
“candidness” he often and so impudently brags about?  Also, the onus is now 
upon Santosh, to prove why he and his ‘support-group’ 
buddy-cum-co-conspirator were conspiring and successively spamming me with 
their seemingly private and personal conversations/posts?

I can see why Santosh is reluctant to publish those posts from his buddy, in 
their entirety that is, … and is hesitant to fill in the blanks… gaps… and 
holes he left in his recent post.  What’s the mystery? What’s the motive?  
Why the sudden flurry of posts and spams coming my way?  What were they 
trying to seek from me? Do we smell a rat or two?  The stink worsens; their 
plot thickens... as their suspense story emerges and begins to unfold.

Please do not take Santosh’s accusatory statements at face value, but 
examine the motives, check the facts, note the out-of-the-blue hits, and the 
sudden surge of unwarranted, unsolicited spams to me, including the posts 
that implicate other netters -- as can be seen from the (so far) unpublished 
posts, with attempts to blur actual facts.  What was their Motive, again?  
Well, once the unpublished posts are in the open, I am sure readers will see 
exactly that, and can decide for themselves.

"Santosh Helekar" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Re: [Goanet]Re: False Innuendo, Insinuations and Accusations & SPAM MAILS

The truth is I have merely replied to two emails
to me and Joe, on his own initiative, by a person
known to both of us, and copied my replies to

1.   The real truth is that I, at any time, did NOT take any initiative to 
instigate, initiate or solicit any PRIVATE discussions from either Santosh’s 
support-group/friend/s or with Santosh himself.  I can only emphatically and 
categorically say that there was NO need -- absolutely NO NEED -- to send me 
unwarranted and unsolicited flurry of posts, in the form of ccs/spams, which 
Santosh & company successively posted me.  These are Signs of Guilty 

2.   Santosh’s above claim is absolutely untrue, -- that his 
friend-cum-co-conspirator is known to me.  Santosh’s friend is a perfect 
stranger to me, inasmuch as Santosh is.  Well, didn’t you read Santosh’s 
post saying that Joe doesn’t know Santosh Helekar?  How can then Santosh say 
that I know his “support-group” buddy that I have never ever met?  This is 
nothing but a malicious implication and delusion to detract readers and 
deflect blame -- I have nothing to do with Santosh’s friend, and I do NOT 
associate with conspirators.  Remember: Truth, my friend, is stranger than 

3.   I am not fabricating it – the truth is that I received unsolicited ccs 
of private posts involving personal discussions by and between Santosh and 
his co-conspirator, incriminating and maligning other netters.  I really 
don’t know why Santosh & company wanted to implicate me, and make me an 
(unwilling) party to their unethical attacks, innuendo, unscrupulous 
discourses involving other netters.

Joe Vaz is clearly distressed…

4.   I am NOT distressed, do you see me distressed?  To the contrary, it is 
abundantly clear that Santosh and his buddies are at their very low points, 
i.e. desperate, distressed, panicked and guilt-stricken to the extent that 
they will resort to anything, stoop to any level, maliciously slur anyone 
who’d have the guts to stand-up to them. Worse still their posts incriminate 
other people, implicate and malign other netters, -- merely to find out who 
let the cat out of the bag.  Unfortunately, another on

[Goanet]Re: 90% of how many voters?

2005-07-04 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Cecil Pinto wrote: 

> I have not been following the 'aviation' related discussions but 
> would  like to know how many people actually participated in the poll that 
> Phillip Thomas refers to.

> Will the GoaNet Admin Team please oblige and give us the number of votes 
> polled rather than a percentage?

Please take a look at 

When I checked, the figures were: 
Total votes: 183
Navy should hand it back to civilian authorities: 91 % (167)
Government should build a new airport at Mopa 2.73 % (5)
Operate existing airport more efficiently 6 % (11)
No solution...who cares for the commuter in India? (0)

Figures in brackets show the votes cast.

Did you vote? 


[Goanet]Caste... and all that

2005-07-04 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
It's easy to say forget about caste, don't get obsessed with the issue
and the like... as long as we are not ourselves victims of casteism. Or,
if we want to pretend that this issue doesn't exist.

It does! It's more honest to acknowledge it.

As my friend and journalist P Sainath told me once, as we crossed the
ferry from Chopdem (Pernem) to Siolim, "If you were born in a Dalit
family, you would have known the meaning of caste... and your place in
the world... by the age of two."

Sainath, incidentally, is the grandson of the late V V Giri, the
one-time vice-president of India. A great journo, who has spent years
looking at the 'other' India.

Likewise, it's a bunkum to argue that Catholicism doesn't recognise
casteism, ergo caste doesn't exist in Catholicism. Caste may have no
sanction at the ritual level; but does that mean it doesn't exist (and
have widespread acceptance) at the social level among the Catholic
community in Goa (and elsewhere in India, including Kerala, etc)?

On the question of whether one can be a Brahmin and an anti-casteist at
the same time, perhaps the question would be better framed if it had
asked whether one can subscribe to Brahminism and believe in
anti-casteism at the same time. 

(You can fall into one category by accidents of birth, and into the
other by subscribing to a value system which, perhaps not wrongly, has
come to be seen as keystone to upholding the inequities of the caste

Just a few thoughts that struck me while reading some recent posts.FN
Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Independent Journalist


2005-07-04 Thread Cecil Pinto

Joe Vaz wrote:
The above is not mudslinging - insinuation; it is a fact that you have been
sending ccs of your post as "advance notice" to selective support-group
members, with whom you have been discussing Goanet posts privately. So you
say this is not "fact" but fiction or insinuation?

As one of the recipients of a c.c. from Santosh of a posting, I would like 
to state that I am not part of any 'support-group' for Santosh, or anybody 
else for that matter. I will support anyone's opinion when I agree with it 
and will also criticize the same person's opinion, on some other matter, if 
I strongly disagree with it. And of course sometimes I just cannot find the 
time to comment on a matter that I have a strong viewpoint about.

I have stated on this and other forums that for reasons of time and 
convenience I subscribe to the Daily Digest format. I find Santosh's 
explanation about his c.c. to me quite satisfactory.


Joe Vaz:
Santosh, I don't think you can defend your indefensible posts above. Again,
this is an irrefutably assertion, which is confirmed beyond any doubt, --
now that you/your support-group are sending me unsolicited (spam) emails. I
challenge you to refute the above by calling it a fiction, fabrication or
insinuation. Please refrain from playing games and tricks on netters.

If anyone is sending you hate mail of any sort please name that person 
(with valid evidence of course) and I will be the first to condemn such a 
despicable act. I think you are seeing a conspiracy where indeed there is none.

Santosh for sure does not need a 'support group' to defend his views. He 
has time and again proved himself quite capable of doing so on his own.


Re: [Goanet]Re: Plain Text and GoaNet

2005-07-04 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 04/07/05, Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Goanet needs volunteer-time and money (go to www.goanet.org and click on
> Paypal... so far only a handful have come forward, and we're grateful to
> them!) to keep its work going. Rather than criticism and suspicion,
> almost at every single turn of the road. FN

RESPONSE: I am more than glad that you have at long last come out and
explained all. I also appreciate your appeal for a donation. No need
to get tetchy though!

I am sure all the hard hitters on this forum will have contributed! If
not, I urge them to come forward. I am impressed with your appeal and
I shall make a further small donation.

I would request all our readers to contribute, even if it is in a
small way. We should not only talk the talk but also walk the walk.

Mog asundi.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England.

[Goanet]The Atheist Professor!

2005-07-04 Thread domnic fernandes
Here is something interesting I came across I thought I'd share with 

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA


"LET ME EXPLAIN the problem science has with Jesus Christ." The atheist 
professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new 
students to stand. "You're a Christian, aren't you, son?" "Yes, Sir." "So 
you believe in God?" "Absolutely." "Is God good?" "Sure! God's good." "Is 
God all-powerful? Can God do anything?" "Yes." "Are you good or evil?" "The 
Bible says I'm evil."

The professor grins knowingly. "Ahh! THE BIBLE!" He considers for a moment. 
"Here's one for you. Let's say there's a sick person over here and you can 
cure him. You can do it. Would you help them? Would you try?" "Yes sir, I 
would." "So you're good...!" "I wouldn't say that." "Why not say that? You 
would help a sick and maimed person if you could... in fact most of us would 
if we could...God doesn't." No answer.

"He doesn't, does he? My brother was a Christian who died of cancer even 
though he prayed to Jesus to heal him. How is this Jesus good? Hmmm? Can you 
answer that one?" No answer.

The elderly man is sympathetic. "No, you can't, can you?" He takes a sip of 
water from a glass on his desk to give the student time to relax. In 
philosophy, you have to go easy with the new ones. "Let's start again young 
fella. Is God good?" "Er... Yes." "Is Satan good?" "No." "Where does Satan 
come from?" The student falters. "From... God..."
"That's right. God made Satan, didn't he?" The elderly man runs his bony 
fingers through his thinning hair and turns to the smirking, student 
audience. "I think we're going to have a lot of fun this semester, ladies 
and gentlemen." He turns back to the Christian. "Tell me, son. Is there evil 
in this world?" "Yes, sir." "Evil's everywhere, isn't it? Did God make 
everything?" "Yes." "Who created evil?" No answer.

"Is there sickness in this world? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All the 
terrible things - do they exist in this world?" The student squirms on his 
feet. "Yes." "Who created them?” No answer. The professor suddenly shouts at 
his student. "WHO CREATED THEM? TELL ME, PLEASE!" The professor closes in 
for the kill and climbs into the Christian's face. In a still small voice: 
"God created all evil, didn't He, son?" No answer.

The student tries to hold the steady, experienced gaze and fails. Suddenly 
the lecturer breaks away to pace the front of the classroom like an aging 
panther. The class is mesmerized. "Tell me," he continues, "How is it that 
this God is good if He created all evil throughout all time?" The professor 
swishes his arms around to encompass the wickedness of the world. "All the 
hatred, the brutality, all the pain, all the torture, all the death and 
ugliness and all the suffering created by this good God is all over the 
world, isn't it, young man?" No answer.

"Don't you see it all over the place? Huh? "Don't you?" The professor leans 
into the student's face again and whispers, "Is God good?" No answer. "Do 
you believe in Jesus Christ, son?" The student's voice betrays him and 
cracks. "Yes, professor. I do." The old man shakes his head sadly. "Science 
says you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around 
you. Have you ever seen God?" "No, sir. I've never seen Him." "Then tell us 
if you've ever heard your Jesus?" "No, sir. I have not." "Have you ever felt 
your Jesus, tasted your Jesus or smelt your Jesus... in fact, do you have 
any sensory perception of your God whatsoever?" No answer.

"Answer me, please." "No, sir, I'm afraid I haven't." "You're AFRAID... you 
haven't ?" "No, Sir." "Yet you still believe in him?" "...yes..." "That 
takes FAITH!" the professor smiles sagely at the underling. "According to 
the rules of empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your 
God doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son? Where is your God now?" The 
student doesn't answer. "Sit down, please." The Christian sits...Defeated.

Another Christian raises his hand. "Professor, may I address the class?" The 
professor turns and smiles. "Ah, another Christian in the vanguard! Come, 
come, young man. Speak some proper wisdom to the gathering." The Christian 
looks around the room. "Some interesting points you are making, sir. Now 
I've got a question for you. Is there such a thing as heat?" "Yes," the 
professor replies. "There's heat." "Is there such a thing as cold?" "Yes, 
son, there's cold too." "No, sir, there isn't." The professor's grin 
freezes. The room suddenly goes very cold.

The second Christian continues. "You can have lots of heat, even more heat, 
super-heat, mega-heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat but we don't 
have anything called 'cold'. We can hit 458 degrees below zero, which is no 
heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as 
cold, otherwise we would be able to go colder than 458. You see, sir, col

Re: [Goanet]Please respect opposing views

2005-07-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BTW, any tips from anyone on the best ways to
> protect
> myself from the impending lightning strike that is
> about to hit my head :)

I am told the best protection is to wear an
uninsulated metal cap with a spike in it.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[Goanet]Re: Plain Text and GoaNet

2005-07-04 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Victor Rangel Ribeiro wrote:

> While I appreciate your helpful advice, Bosco and Gabe, both of you 
> have sidestepped the question I posed: 

Different mailing lists run on diverse mailing-list manager softwares.
See a list of the variety involved at

> I belong to other groups, SASIALIT (South Asian Literature) and
> Africa-Orientalia among them. Some of my emails to them are
> exceptionally long, running to two pages sometimes, because of the
> nature of the topics being discussed; I do not send them in Plain Text

These are two separate issues. Goanet too carried long pieces. All we
say is when you're citing an already-posted message, please trim it down
to the minimum.

Regarding the use of plain-text format, this is a requirement because of
the proportionately large ratio of 'digest' version subscribers on
Goanet. Many opt for the 'digest' version, because the load of postings
can, itself, be heavy. As noted above, different mailing-list managers
handle their mail differently. 

Yahoogroups manages some of these issues. But then, Yahoogroups has
restrictions on what it allows you to do (say, how many subscribers you
can add each day to your list), or how you access and download your
archives, etc. 

Hence, we request all Goanetters to follow certain protocols, that would
make life easier for all of us. Please be assured that we keep
continually looking at various solutions, software upgrades, etc within
the constraints we work. 

Incidentally, messages not in plain-text format are often painstakingly
re-formatted (by Bosco). It does mean a delay in your post going
through, and extra work for the volunteers -- and hence our request to
post in plain text.

We have had other problems with AOL subscribers not getting their Goanet
mail too, at some other time. You can't win 'em all!

PS: Here's a tip-sheet on how to send AOL mail via plain text
http://www.frontierfleet.net/email/howto.php?prog=aol (both for AOL 5.0
and earlier, and for AOL 6.0).

Cecil Pinto wrote:

> These matters are basically decided by Fred, who is an ardent devotee
> of the Open Source Software line of thinking.

Cecil's statement is based on a lack of knowledge. The first part of the
statement is untrue. Even before I was on the scene, a number of
mailing-list managers have opted for Free Software, because these tend
to be both reasonably priced and stable, compared to their proprietorial
counterparts. Old-timers on the list would recall the use of Majordomo.

Secondly, I consider myself to be a supporter of Free Software, not Open
Source. Free as in freedom, not free beer. For details and clarification
read http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html

> There are thousands of Yahoo Groups (and other groups) which allow
> only plain text, but 'formatted' text posted there is automatically
> stripped of all formatting and appears as plain text.

Yahoogroups works okay for smaller groups. But not when there's a heavy
load, going to many readers, and the limited space quota can run out in
no time. We have explored these avenues in the past.

Incidentally, HTML was created for web-pages... not email. Why overload
the system with fancy fonts? If you think this is just a personal view,
please read http://www.frontierfleet.net/email/ 

QUOTE: HTML is for web pages. Email is a text communication, a message
meant to be read, not an artwork.It all boils down to whether you are
interested in every recipient being able to read what you write. UNQUOTE

Goanet needs volunteer-time and money (go to www.goanet.org and click on
Paypal... so far only a handful have come forward, and we're grateful to
them!) to keep its work going. Rather than criticism and suspicion,
almost at every single turn of the road. FN

[Goanet]Portuguese-influenced Goan surnames...

2005-07-04 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
This is from a posting at 

From: "salusoz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mangalorean/Goan Surnames and Meanings

Mangalorean/Goan Surnames and Meanings

Abreu - elf's counsel
Afonso - noble is ready
Aguiar - haunt of eagles
Alberto - noble is famous
Albuquerque - white oak tree
Alcantara - arch
Aldeia - village
Alemao - German
Almeida - plateau
Alvares - all true
alves - all true
Amaral - black grapes
Ambrose nectar
Amor - ove
Andrade - man
Aranaha - spider
Aurora - dawn
Azevedo - Someone who lives near holly bushes 
Baptista - wash
Barboz - one who lives in bushes
Barcelos - a city in Portugal
Barco - Boat
Barnes - One who works at a barn
Barreto - mud
Barros - someone who lives on a patch of clay soil
Benedicto - Blessed
Benjamin - southerner
Bennis - blessed
Bento - holy
Bacardo - A logical way of arguing
Botelho - A gatherer of seaweeds
Branco - white
Bruno - brown
Caeiro - lime maker
Caiado - whitended
Calado - quiet
Caldeira - cauldron
Calisto - unlucky
Camara - room
Campos - open land
Cardinho - small thistle
Cardoso - one who lives on a land of thistles
Caridade - charity
carlos - man
Carmo - orchard
Carneiro - sheep
Carrasco - hangman
Carvalho - oak tree
Castanha - chestnut
Castelino - castle
Catao - austere man
Cavaco - peeler
Cereja - cherry
Chico - small
Clement - merciful
Coelho - rabbit
Colaco - foster brother
Coma - head with hair
Conceicao - conception
Concesso - permitted
Corda - rope
Cordeiro - lamb
Cordo - wise
Correia - leather strap
Corte - cut
Cortez - polite
Costa - remark
Coutinho small shelter
Couto - shelter
Crasta - couryard
Crasto - palace
Criado - foster child
Cruz - Cross
Cunha - wedge
Dantas - someone who lives near pillers
Delgado - a thin person
Dias - days
Diniz - follower
Dourado - golden
Dourte - forture guard
Egipsy - Egyptian
Esperance - hope
Eseves - crown
Facho - torch
Falcao - hawk
Felizardo - lucky
Ferndinando - brave expendition
Fernandes -brave expendition
Ferrao - sting
Ferraz - fruitful
Ferreira - sea-bream
Fialho - fine thread
Figueira - fig tree
Figueiredo - orchard of fig trees
Fonseca - stream
Fores - strong
Fragoso - craggy
Francisco - Frenchman
Franco - free
Freitas - rocky ground
Frias - cold
Furtado - stolen
Gama - doe
Gomes - man
Gonsalves - safe bottle
Gouveia - city of Portugal
Gracias - charming
Granjo long-legged
Guarda - guard
Guia - guide
Guiao - banner
Henriques - home power
Heredia - ancestral estates
Jacques - He will trip by the heel
Joanes - Yahweh is gracious
Joao - Yahweh is gracious
Jorge - farmer
Lacerda - thick haired person
Lazarus - may God help him
Leitao - a sucking ping
Leite - milk
Lemos - elm
Lewis - fame war
Lima - a file
Lobato - small wolf
Lobo - wolf
Lopes - wolf
Lourenco - a town in Italy
Louzado - made o flat stones
Loyola - a city of Spain
Luis - French gold coin
Machado - axe
Madeira - timber
Marcal - war god
Marques - someone who lives near a boundary
Martha/Madtha - weasel
Martins - Roman god of war
Mascarenhas - Umbrella
Matias - gift of God
Melo - black bird
Mendes - entire tribute
Mendocna - a cold mountain
Menezes - battlement
Mergulhao - a wine branch turned bow shape
Mesquita - mosque
Messias - annointed
Milagres - miracle
Miranda - lovely
Monserrate - a city of Spain
Monte - hill
Moneiro - hunter
Morais/Moras - One who lives near mulberry rush
Moreira - mulberry tree
Murzello - black colour
Nazareth/Nazare - to guard
Neto - grandson
Nogueira - someone who lives near walnut tree
Norris - northerner
Norton - enclosure
Novais - land recently cleared
Olivera - Olive tree
Ozorio - mountain
Pacheco - fat man
Pais sea
Paiva - someone living by the river Paiva in Portugal
Paixao - Passion
Palha - straw
Palmeira - palm tree
Parado - stopped
Parras - someone who lives by an enclosure
Patrao - Patron
Paula - small
Pegado - glued
Peixoto - a kind of fish
Penha - rock
Pereira - grower or seller of pears
Peres/Pires - rock
Picardo - someone from Picardy in north France
Piedade - piety
Pimenta - pepper
Pinheiro - pine tree
Pinho - pine wood
Pinto - small chicken
Po - dust
Pontes - someone who lived near a bridge
Prazeres - joy
Proenca - province
Queiroz - a place in west Spain
Raposo - male fox
Rato - rat
Ratos - rats
Rebelo - a projecting strip of land
Rego - furro
Reis - small coin in Portugal
Remedios - remedy
Ribeiro - someone who lives near a river
Ricardo - strong power
Rivera - river
Rocha - rock
Rodrigues - renown power
Rosa - rose
Rosario - rosary
Sa - someone employed at a manor house
Sacrafamilia - holy family
Salem - salutation
Sales - salty
Sanches - saint
Santis - holy
Santa Maria - Holy Mary
Santomaior - great saint
Santos - saint
Sardinha - sardine
Seixas - someone who lives by a patch of dry land
Serra - someone who lives on hills
Silva - someone who lives in wood
Silvano - wood
Silveira - someone who lives in a wood
Simoes - yahweh has heard
Soares - a person with a reddish hair
Sobrinho - nephew
Sousa/souza - salt marsh
Tauro - bull
Teixeira - someone who li

Re: [Goanet]To an advert in the cybermatrimonials

2005-07-04 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 04/07/05, Clinton Vaz from Benaulim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I read your advert on cybermatrimonials and have the following to say to
> you: Shame on you!
> It's a shame that you believe in caste in this day and age. I know not what
> my caste is and am not interested in learning about that either. It is only
> small-minded people that believe in caste.
> I do hope others also inform you that you are misguided in your beliefs.
> Clinton..
> Message: 1
> From: "jose colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: goanet@goanet.org
> >Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 16:24:23 +1000
> Goan RC Brahmin spinster 34 years of age, slim fair, homely, MA in English
> Literature, teacher by profession, well settled and only daughter  seeks
> Bachelors from India or Abroad who are well settled.Caste and community no
> bar
> jc

RESPONSE: What I find difficult to come to terms with, is that the
posting is from an U.K. Email. I would have thought that this sort of
attitude would have been long put to rest. Even though the advert says
Caste and Community no bar; the fact that the advertiser has put up
their own Caste shows what their aspirations are!

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

Re: [Goanet] Footprints

2005-07-04 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 04/07/05, Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > RESPONSE: I Googled footprints and got a different
> > result! :-
> >
> Gabe,
> Margaret Fishback Powers won the copyright for this
> poem. Please see the following for the full story:
> http://www.zondervan.com/pathways/archive/volume1/issue3/first_steps.htm
> Cheers,
> Santosh

RESPONSE: Hello not so fast! I should have copied a bit more from the link;

Mary wrote 'Footprints' in 1936 when she was very
young and knew nothing of copyrighting. For many years handwritten
copies were distributed by Mary to those who needed something to give
them comfort at a low point in their lives. It was sometime after this
that friends of Mary saw it in print and wondered why she wasn't given
credit for writing it. An attorney at that time told her that it would
be very hard to prove her the author since it had been used by many
publishers of religious materials and greeting cards. Discouraged she
didn't pursue it any further.

In 1984 while cleaning out the garage to prepare to move from her
house, in a small suitcase, among her other poems, she rediscovered a
very old handwritten copy that she thought was lost. It was one of the
copies Mary had made and dated 1939, just three years after she wrote
the original. Later that year the U.S. copyright office awarded her a
copyright for 'Footprints in the Sand' 48 years after it was written.
It was another 11 years before her handwritten copy was authenticated
by a forensic specialist as to its age. Margaret Fishback-Powers and
many others have tried to falsely claim authorship, but none can show
significant proof such as this.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]July 16th @ Holy Joe's in TORONTO!!

2005-07-04 Thread Neal Pinto
Fellow Goanetters,

If any of you are near the Toronto area on Saturday July 16th, I'm
playing HOLY JOE'S (651 Queen St. West).

Just to let you know, I am a Goan-Canadian singer/songwriter who is
influcened by Ben Harper, Bob Marley, Duncan Sheik, Ian Thornley and
Peter Gabriel. I will be doing a solo set with electric-guitar and
stage-piano. There are more details on my site at

I'm looking forward to seeing you there and please spread the word! :)

If anyone would like to contact me directly for more details, please
e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] - my address on GOANET receives too
much traffic for me to notice individual e-mail.


Neal Pinto

[Goanet]Caste adverts.

2005-07-04 Thread Vivian D'Souza
I agree with Dr. Jose Colaco that we should prohibit
cyber matrimonial ads on GoaNet, which describes a
person's caste.  This is casteeism at its worst, and
GoaNet should take the lead in stopping such blatantly
casteeist ads.


Re: [Goanet]Caste Lineage

2005-07-04 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 04/07/05, D'Souza, Avelino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Antonio,
  However, after reading your
> piece several times, I am unable to pinpoint your caste, which you
> intentionally or unintentionally seem to elude.
> If possible, I like to read the full version of the story, as your brief
> did not throw light on your caste lineage.
> Avelino
> Bastora/Kuwait

RESPONSE: The man has made it abundantly clear - he has no caste! His
ancestors were deprived of belonging to any caste.

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

Re: [Goanet]Please respect opposing views

2005-07-04 Thread Marlon Menezes

Obviously, some of the fundamentalists on this list
simply "do not get it". Here is a nice email I
received from one such person. I have deleted his
email to protect his identity. The threat was not from
any one recently involved in the various debates on

BTW, any tips from anyone on the best ways to protect
myself from the impending lightning strike that is
about to hit my head :)



Marlon ,

  Don't mess with Chriatianity , and least of all
Jesus who is God !!

  Consider this a Warning as well as Friendly advice .

--- Kevin Saldanha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Joe Vaz and other believers on this list,
> Your right to believe in a God and follow the
> religion of your choice is 
> as "hallowed" as my right NOT TO!  GoaNet is a
> secular forum and 
> opposing viewpoints can be made without resorting to
> personal 
> invective.  I was on Santosh's cc list but have not
> been spamming your 
> mailbox, just in case I get accused of doing so.  My
> reply to GoaNet was 
> delayed due to formatting errors but I was grateful
> to him for keeping 
> me informed as I subscribe to the digest version of
> GoaNet which makes 
> for cumbersome replies in a timely fashion.
> Every religion cannot be 'the true way' as they
> righteously claim and so 
> logically, none can claim that victory.  Religion
> bashing is a poor way 
> of making a point as is claiming to be the 'only way
> to salvation' that 
> we keep hearing from the Christian evangelicals. 
> However, one 
> occasionally has to resort to 'blasphemy' to make a
> point as we have 
> seen in Santosh Rushdie's case ;-)

Re: [Goanet]Dangers posed to the third world countries.

2005-07-04 Thread Bernado Colaco
The greatest danger to the 3rd world comes from
within. They can not rule or have not learnt to rule.
Today the result of forced decolonisation can be
vividly seen from Goa to nearly the whole of Africa.
Do not blame the Columbus or Vasco. 

B. Colaco

 However, the points 
> that she otherwise makes has much merit.
> Sachin Phadte

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet]Caste and Community bars

2005-07-04 Thread Cecil Pinto

From CyberMatrimonials:
Goan RC Brahmin spinster 34 years of age, slim fair, homely, MA in
English Literature, teacher by profession, well settled and only daughter
seeks Bachelors from India or Abroad who are well settled.Caste and
community no bar.Please reply with particulars and photograph to


Dear Ms. Future Partner,

You mention your caste, community and religion very prominently and yet 
write that you have no bar against 'caste and community'. I have a few 
unmarried friends who are looking out for a life-mate and I am helping them 
out. Just a few questions:

1) Would you marry a non-Catholic?
2) Would you marry a non-Brahmin?
3) Would you marry a non-Goan?
4) Isn't your mention of your caste at odds with your professed Catholic 



[Goanet]CYBERMATRIMONIALS and Goan RC Brahmin spinster

2005-07-04 Thread Aloysius D'Souza
If "caste & community no bar"  why does she specify that she is "Brahmin"

- Original Message -
From: "jose colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 12:44 AM
Subject: RE: [Goanet]CYBERMATRIMONIALS and Goan RC Brahmin spinster

| >From: "Christina Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| >Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 16:24:23 +1000
| Goan RC Brahmin spinster 34 years of age, slim fair, homely, MA in English
| Literature, teacher by profession, well settled and only daughter  seeks
| Bachelors from India or Abroad who are well settled.Caste and community no
| bar.Please reply with particulars and photograph to
| =
| I hope that we would discourage this type of caste propagation within Goan
| lists
| just my view
| jc
| _
| Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee®
| Security. http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963

[Goanet]To an advert in the cybermatrimonials

2005-07-04 Thread Clinton Vaz from Benaulim

I read your advert on cybermatrimonials and have the following to say to
you: Shame on you!

It's a shame that you believe in caste in this day and age. I know not what
my caste is and am not interested in learning about that either. It is only
small-minded people that believe in caste.

I do hope others also inform you that you are misguided in your beliefs.


Message: 1
From: "jose colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org

>Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 16:24:23 +1000

Goan RC Brahmin spinster 34 years of age, slim fair, homely, MA in English 
Literature, teacher by profession, well settled and only daughter  seeks 
Bachelors from India or Abroad who are well settled.Caste and community no 
bar.Please reply with particulars and photograph to 


I hope that we would discourage this type of caste propagation within Goan 

just my view


Is your PC

[Goanet]Bhupathi-Pierce savour triumph

2005-07-04 Thread Eustaquio Santimano

Bhupathi-Pierce savour triumph
July 04, 2005 19:12 IST

After the heady combine of Leander Paes and Martina Navratilova, Indian  
tennis fans now have another equally exciting partnership to celebrate --   
Mahesh Bhupathi and Mary Pierce, the 2005 Wimbledon mixed doubles  

Bhupathi already has three Grand Slam mixed doubles titles, besides four  
men's doubles crowns, but the Indian star would sure treat the latest  
addition to his overflowing cupboard as special.

The former world number one doubles player terms it as 'divine  
intervention' which brought him and the French Miss together.

"We have a common friend. He set us up together. I didn't have a partner  
last minute, and Mary doesn't normally play mixed. But, you know, I would  
say divine intervention, she wanted to play mixed this fortnight. He asked  
me. I said sure," was how Bhupathi described the circumstances that led to  
his joining hands with Pierce.

His eighth Grand Slam title would be all the more memorable for Bhupathi  
since his doubles pairing with the 16-time Grand Slam champion Todd  
Woodbridge failed to live up to their expectations and the Aussie legend  
announced his retirement from the game after the second round loss to  
eventual champions Stephen Huss and Wesley Moodie.

"Todd is a legend. It was very exciting for me to get a chance to play  
with him. I definitely enjoyed it a lot, especially since we had Mark  
Woodforde coaching us. It was a great four or five months," said Bhupathi  
on his association with Woodbridge, who had won nine titles at Wimbledon  

"But, yeah, it was a little disappointing because we were looking forward  
to ending on a great note here. It would have been nice to give him a 10th  
Wimbledon. But those guys [Stephen Huss and Wesley Moodie] won the  
tournament, so obviously it wasn't a bad loss."

But that did not stop him and Pierce from enjoying their time together on  
the famous lawns.

Pierce was all praise for her partner.

"I had a great time. I mean, that was the most fun I've ever had playing  
mixed doubles. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Mahesh as a  
player. He's done a lot of great things," said the US-based player for  
whom it was the first title of any kind at the All England championships.

Bhupathi said: "You know, we had a very tough draw. We had the defending  
champions early. All the big teams were in our half. I think one thing we  
just kept saying to each other before the match was, 'Let's have some  

Pierce also had a great time in winning her maiden title at Wimbledon.

"Feels fantastic. So happy. I was really excited. I was just saying to  
Mahesh before we went to get our trophies, 'There's something special  
about this tournament, something special about winning here'," she said.

Bhupathi also talked about the "chemistry" that existed between him and  
Pierce and why two great doubles players don't always make for a winning  

"I guess it's just a matter of complementing each other to the highest  
level," said Bhupathi who won three Grand Slam titles with compatriot  
Leander Paes before they split.

"Todd, especially because he's won so many Grand Slams, he's won nine  
times here, I guess he's used to a certain chemistry -- the chemistry at  
the highest level.

"When you see Moodie and Huss, they played two tournaments together,  
they're Wimbledon champions. That chemistry you can't teach. It's probably  
built in between them.

"Tomorrow you probably put Moodie with me, we won't get past the first  
round. It just happens. It's a tough question to answer. You find that  
chemistry or you don't."

Bhupathi will play the rest of the season with Martin Damm of the Czech  

"I have always believed that he has kind of underachieved because he  
hasn't had the right partners. He's a fabulous doubles player. So  
hopefully we'll give it a shot and get going soon."

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/

[Goanet]Plain Text and GoaNet

2005-07-04 Thread Cecil Pinto

Victor Rangel-Ribeiro writes:
While I appreciate your helpful advice, Bosco and Gabe, both of you have
sidestepped the question I posed: I belong to other groups, SASIALIT (South
Asian Literature) and Africa-Orientalia among them. Some of my emails to them
are exceptionally long, running to two pages sometimes, because of the nature
of the topics being discussed; I do not send them in Plain Text but the way I
send emails to Goanet. Yet---the moderators and administrators on those sites
do not complain that the posts "use up unnecessary bandwidth", or demand that
I post in Plain Text.
Why, I wonder? What is different about those sites, that allows them to
accept postings that Goanet cannot cope with? Is there a different way in
which Goanet can function, that will help a number of others who also find
themselves in my position? Has Goanet's administration looked into this


Dear Victor,

These matters are basically decided by Fred, who is an ardent devotee of 
the Open Source Software line of thinking. Thanks to Fred's obstinacy in 
these matters Bosco has to spend hours everyday un-formatting text. And 
also many subscribers find their posts rejected or delayed for this rather 
frivolous and selfish reason.

There are thousands of Yahoo Groups (and other groups) which allow only 
plain text, but 'formatted' text posted there is automatically stripped of 
all formatting and appears as plain text.

Such an automated feature can be implemented on GoaNet and would give so 
much relief to the Admin Team and the subscribers - but no such luck. I 
have spent many, many hours over months trying to convince the Admin Team 
about the logic of such a solution but for inexplicable reasons they 
continue to stick to the present format of manually re-formatting, or 
rejecting, non-plain text posts. I have reason to believe that it has 
something to do with Fred's devotion to Open Source Software.

Rest assured this posting of mine will be replied to with a lot of 
technical mumbo-jumbo reasons but the truth is somewhere else.



[Goanet]90% of how many voters?

2005-07-04 Thread Cecil Pinto

Philip Thomas wrote:
I thank the goanetter who suggested a poll on Goa's vexatious aviation scene
and goanet admin for implementing it. Over 90% of those participating seem
to want the Navy to pull out of Dabolim to allow the facility to flower as a
civilian airport. Good!


I have not been following the 'aviation' related discussions but 
would  like to know how many people actually participated in the poll that 
Phillip Thomas refers to.

Will the GoaNet Admin Team please oblige and give us the number of votes 
polled rather than a percentage?

Please understand this is just out of curiosity. I have no fixed opinion 
about the Dabolim-Navy debate as I have not studied the matter closely.



Re: [Goanet] Footprints

2005-07-04 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> RESPONSE: I Googled footprints and got a different
> result! :-


Margaret Fishback Powers won the copyright for this
poem. Please see the following for the full story:



[Goanet]Panjim Municipal Garden - Victim of selfish greed - Ethel Da Costa

2005-07-04 Thread Cecil Pinto

HEART 2 HEART - Herald, July 3

Will flowers bloom again at `Garcia de Orta'?

For common folks, you and me, the Municipal Garden at Panjim has sighed its 
last breath. With a heavy heart, this is a requiem for the good spirits of 
a once happy garden. The garden that we helped revive with the city's music 
and people's participation. Happy memories of happy faces that get you 
misty-eyed when you see the ruin. The spaces which once sprang to life with 
the melodies of Hema Sardessai, Remo Fernandes, Lucio Miranda. Where the 
city's veterans like Percival Noronha and Shrinivas Dempo pledged 
commitment to revive and make Panjim the best city in the country and they 
still do. Do you remember the laughter of children shrieking with mischief 
and innocence while Forefront played a tune? The soothing notes of jazz, 
the energy of rock, the creative brush strokes of Mario Miranda and the 
dozens of artists who set camp and painted their tributes to a vibrant Goa. 
No longer will fashion hot step to a pathway ramp walk under the mango 
tree, because rubble and neglect have now eaten into its delicate tapestry. 
The odours of dirt, grime and greed hang in the mist, which once lured 
gourmets to the delicious, finger-licking vindalo of Chef Fernando, while a 
smiling Linda of `Viva Panjim' stoked the fires of her tandoor. I attempted 
a walk through the fragments of the Municipal Garden's torn up earth, 
brutally ravaged and left to bleed, I turned home in despair. Is this what 
people do to their loved spaces? I understand love is conditional in these 

The Municipal Garden has fallen victim to the alleged greed of those who 
claimed to give her a new lease of life (or was it their pockets?). 
Consultants (Arch Raya Shankwalker, M/S S N Bhobe and Associates), 
contractor (Simplex Piles (I) Pvt Ltd) and GSIDC (appointed as nodal body 
for implementing and creating necessary infrastructure for IFFI), who have 
now washed their hands off because their love for the city is conditional. 
Only money talks for these guys. Simple. In this column's seven years of 
bouquets and brickbats, time has taught me lessons in sniffing out a fake. 
It is only the faces that keep changing. The Municipal Garden's intention 
to murder has a well-planned strategy - during the BJP reign in Goa, mind 
games came packaged with back-buttering sycophancy and pseudo 
intellectualism in exchange for cuts, commissions, paybacks and contracts. 
Files were designed and doctored to contain foolproof paperwork, because 
the BJP had never reckoned the booting out of power to risk discovery. It 
was undoubtedly the reign of the blue-eyed boys and girls.

I learn that initial plans which were submitted under the glory days of the 
'Together for Panjim' campaign for city beautification, paid local 
architects (members of the TGF campaign then) a 1% of the cost of the works 
(Those who believe the architects, assorted engineers and advisors services 
were free, because TGF was a voluntary outfit, can now do a re-think. It 
was not. Those who did do work free, became victims of ego battles. So they 
quit). However, while services of the architects were discontinued at a 
later period, one blue-eyed boy continued to be the blue-eyed boy as 
consultant of the garden.

The 'Heritage' Garden restoration cost estimates were presented to GSIDC at 
Rs 98.44 lakhs (an additional three or four lakhs for the beautification of 
the area around the Municipal Garden was included on another estimate), 
with a time limit set for completion of work as eight months from the date 
of commencement, i.e., February 19, 2004. A tender for the project was 
issued dated December 29, 2003, while tenders opened on January 15, 2004 
and acceptance signed on February 12, 2004. The agreement with the 
construction contractor, Simplex Piles Ltd was then signed on April 15, 
2004, which means according to the project's paperwork, restoration work on 
the garden should have been completed in December, 2004! I must mention 
here that S.N. Bhobe and Associates also charged a 1% of the cost of the 
project as fees towards consultancy services.

Interestingly, in the mad rush of IFFI, even though the garden belongs to 
the CCP, restoration plans of 'Garcia de Orta' were not put up to the 
Corporation. "Plans of eight projects, including the above, found their way 
directly to the GSIDC office where tenders were floated by the GSIDC on 
29.12.2003, opened on 15.1.2004 and subsequently (as a mere formality), the 
Standing Committee of the CCP decided to forward these plans to the GSIDC 
for carrying out the works on 5.2.2004," says Corporator Patricia Pinto. 
Corporators allege that while the Corporation authorities initially 
acknowledged and told them at meetings that plans had been scrutinized, 
"When the garden was in shambles they claimed no idea whatsoever of having 
seen the restoration plans of the garden ever. Even functional fountains 
which were ins

Re: [Goanet]Fw: Your posts

2005-07-04 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have always found your posts to be of impeccable
>integrity and credibility. They are informed and well
>thought out. Keep it up.

Hi Cornel,

I appreciate your kindness. The sentiment is mutual.



[Goanet]just for the record - once again

2005-07-04 Thread Basilio
To goanet readers: 

The below statement by Joe Vaz is inaccurate. Similar or same statement has
been made in the past, and I thought I had issued a correction. May I
re-iterate the correction once again.
I was the organizer of the Symposium on Goan Diaspora: Issues of Integration
and Identity. It was held at the College of New Rochelle in New York, but
NOT for the students. It had select audience of about 25 participants. Among
others, Victor Rangel Ribeiro, Ralph de Souza, James G. Almeida presented
short papers. I read Santosh Helekar's paper because he could not be there
due to last moment family circumstances. No one was baffled with Mr.
Helekar's paper, or there was any confusion. We had congenial, thoughtful
and substantive conversation/discussion/deliberation on various points
raised by the participants. No one pointed to any inaccuracies in Mr.
Helekar's paper at the Symposium.

I hope the below will not be repeated again.
I am not interested to be part of this exchange; however, in the interest of
factual record, I am clarifying the above for the second time.

Thanks for your consideration.

Basilio Monteiro  

>Your subject claim lacks credence or substance, and the rest of what you
>say is invariably subject to validation -- as >in the case of your
>confusing and inaccurate data that baffled the New Rochelle

Santosh, you need to reread your article -- ³A Migrant's View On Who We Are²
(by Santosh A. Helekar) -- and confirm that has no inaccuracies. One does
not have to be a historian, to spot apparent inaccuracies.

[Goanet]Ek Kovita: Ieo Vegim

2005-07-04 Thread lino dourado
   Ieo Vegim

  Tujea hatacho
   Bizle sarkelo xok lagil’lo,
  To mhojea kuddint rigun ul’la
  Ieo vegim, ani
 Jivitachi roshnni pettoi.

  Mojea hodd’dean
 Pormollit fulam bhag asa,
Premi udkan ximpunk ravlam
  Ieo vegim, ani
   Mogacho kollo fuloi.

  Tujea avazan
   Ekmullea jinnenk rong aila,
   Sonvsar ek voikuntt* zalam
  Ieo vegim, ani
Mhojem eksurponn sompoi

 Lino B. Dourado



Yahoo! Sports 
Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football 

[Goanet]Konkani VCDs: Good News!! Can now be sent anywhere in the world (please read more..)

2005-07-04 Thread JoeGoaUk

Dear all Konkani Lovers,

I did come out with an exciting offer (free to all in UK/EU and half price 
to US/Canada) but strangely there were no takers (except 2 from UK), perhaps, 
of you may thought I was doing some charity work etc and this was just not for 

If that was the case, here is another offer (where you pay the full postage &

Here, this is what you will have to pay in total:

Recently, I have posted (1st class) 3 vcds & 5 vcds in uk. It cost me  94p & 
respectively. Both parties got it on the very next day.
It was put in a jiffy/bubble envelope.

Any 3 VCDs
To anywhere in UK and EU (Europe).postage will be around £1 (Rs.80)

To anywhere in Gulf/Canada (or almost rest of the world)..£2.89 (Rs.235)

other charges:
Jiffy envelope..40p (Rs.35, I could find it cheaper in India)
10 minutes walk to the nearest post office... Nil
Average 10 minutes spent in Q at PO...Nil
My commission (u believe or not)..Nil

So, if any Gulfies (or rest of the world), wanted 3 vcds costing say Rs.199 
all he will have to pay is Rs.199x3+Rs.235+Rs.35=Rs.869

The Same, for any one in UK or EU will be Rs.712

Interested? just check the list below and make your selection now.
Right now I dont have any but can send you later..

Any risks such as 'lost in the post' 'damaged' etc will be borned by me i.e. you
will not have to pay a penny. 
What more? you dont even have to pay in advance.
Once received, you can even pay in GOA, or thru paypal, banks, cheques etc.

Now, some of you (may be all) may say, WHY DO I DO THIS?

Well, if my MOTHER (tongue) ask me one day..


At least I will have some answers.


Note: I only send Konkani or Goa related VCDs but not Konkani Audio CDs but 
MP3 can be included as there are only 3 in GOA so far)

You may pl ignore my scoring (its my personal and can differ person to person).

If you have any  ORIGINAL VCDs other than the listed below,
please let me know 

Thanks for your support:


VCDs available so far.. 

Bhuimkamp  - by Mark Araujo etc 

Rontto   -  by Candido & Ratnakar
Devan Dilem Devcharan Velem - By Jose Rod

Zababdari(film) - Bonifacio Dias, Anil kumar 
Tukach Lagon - Khell Tiatr by Minino Mario
Soirikar   - Khell Tiatr by Minino Mario 
Dor Taka sodnaka -  Actors John D silva,Domnic etc

O my God -Commedian Domnic & Luis Bacchan. March 2004

Sorry PAI -Commedy Film by Comedian Agostinho.Apr04

Tujem Sambau-Khell Tiatr by Minino Mario-April 2004

Moriad -Film by Bonifacio dias- March/April 2004

Devak Zai Zalear – Film-Ben Evangelisto July/Aug2004

Kavllo Rodlo Lozen- Songs& Jokes-Rosary Ferns Aug 2004

Mog -a short film by Peter Roshan August 2004

Vantte, A drama by Allan D’Costs/Sidon Sil Aug/2004

Manfas’s Musical show, songs. June/2004

GOA Bombay- with GOA/Bombay Actors by Tony Dias oct/04

Dol Mojea Bai (Film)- Candido Araujo/Sinari Nov/04

Kantiantlem Ful (Film)- D’Costa Production/Sinari Nov/04

Sunday- Comedy by Comedian Agostino/Manfa Music Nov/04

Sangat Ami Bhurgim Konnachim by Mario Menezes Dec/04

Axirvad by Jesus Antao (TBR)

PURTUGUESE GOENKAR by Samuel Carvalho/Manfa

KALLZACHE GHAVE By Teotonio d'Costa


MAINCHEM KALLIZ by Agnelo Da Costa

DOGANCH PURO by Comedian Ambe

AUNCH TO by Rafael de majorda

SANGATIN a Candido Araujo production

TUKAI TENCH RAUTA by Rafael De Majorta  july/04

HANV NOKHO ZALOM by Rafael De Majorda july/04

BHADDEACHO KUSVO By Machi Mogi St.Cruz April/05

KOR MOJEM KALLIZ TUJEA KALLZA SARKEM by Tony Dias (Conny Enerprises) April/o5

KERELACHI TOPI by Comedian Prince Leslie  April/05

KONNECH LOZCHEN NHUI By nini Mario june/05

VCDs on GOA etc
GOA a Paradise by Agostinho Da Cruz Nov.2003
Beaches of GOA by Taresh Sabharwal March 2004
A film on Life of St.Francis Xavier- Grace Cuts & Glory 
VCD on the life of JESUS
GOA An Indian Paradise (a Video Guide)   

I have the foll VCDs and watched them all and made my
own comparision/scoring which is given below for your info.

VCD/Name   Drama Commedy   Songs  Popular  Price
   Actors Rs.
 1.Bhuimkamp 8  58  4250

 2.Rontto7  54  4200

 3.Devan Dilem 
   Devcharan Velem   9  96 10200

 4.Zababdari(flm)8  64  9250

 5.Moriad Film   8  75  9250

 6.To dis Udelo  8  78  8250

 7.Devak Zai Zalear  8 10+   7 10200

 8.MOG   8  99  9150


[Goanet]Goanet News Bytes (In Brief) * July 4, 2005 * Margao resident goes to court over poor parking space

2005-07-04 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
G o a n e t * News Bytes In Brief * July 4, 2005

  RAINS IN GOA: Short, sharp spells, but heavy showers
  too. Obviously the heavy downpour in Gujarat is is
  also having its impact on Goa.

* Sanjeev Dessai is the BJP party candidate for the Rajya
  Sabha seat. BJP delayed announcing their candidate till
  virtually the last minute. Congress's Shantaram Naik
  files his nomination. Today is the last day for filing 
  nominations. (DigitalGoa.com)

* Robbers stab Panjim PSI Pravin Pawar at midnight at Sant Inez.

* Herald earlier reported: "BJP adds spice to Rajya Sabha poll".
  It was determined not to get the Congress in Goa the seat
  without some tension and drama. (Rajya Sabha elections are via
  indirect elections, only MLAs can vote. Congress MLAs have a
  majority in the Assembly currently.)

* Jose Carlos Gracias, a resident of Margao, filed a high court petition
  against owners and builders of 16 buildings in Margao for not
  keeping adequate parking space. (GT)

* Dhoom machale on the Aldona bridge: Speed-crazy teens show off their
  stunts on modified bikes. (GT)

* Voices from Quepem for English as primary medium of education (GT)
* Eduardo Faleiro to continue in politics; he said he did not want
  to take any high posts as he was not prepared to leave the country
  due to personal commitments. Eduardo Faleiro has just completed
  a long stint as Goa's lone representative in the upper house of
  the Indian parliament, the Rajya Sabha. (Vithasdas Hegde, GT)
* Cuncolim roads to get black topping soon, says Alemao. (H)
* Cortalim sarpanch Rosalina Martins faces no-trust vote today.(H)
* Functioning of Merces panchayat flayed, dissolution demanded. (H)
* Pascoal D'Souza elected Vasco boat owners chief. (H)
* Asst Public Prosecturo of Margao Raymond Gonsalves  hurt
  in road accident, says report from Quepem. (H)
* Ponda BJP meet debates garbage issue. (H)
* Bicholim telephone (BSNL) users upset over poor service. (H)
* Roman script is the soul of Konkani, writes Nelson Lopes. (H)
* Douts raised over methods used to check road mishaps. (NT)
* Raju Ram Kumar Sharma, of Delhi, held for allegedly sexually
  abusing a five-year-old boy at Dona Paula. (NT)
* Tree plantation programme held in Vasco. Murgao Patrakar
  Lekhak Sangh organised the program. (NT)
* Archbishop visits Velim parish. (NT)
* Fire services personnel clear many uprooted trees in Salcete.NT
* Supreme Court judge S N Variava happy over judicial facilities
  available in Goa. (GT)
* Farming in full swing at Pernem, despite late monsoons. (GT)

National and international news:

* Live8 rocks the world, but will it help the poor? (Reuters)
* BJP national secretary, ex-journo Sudheendra Kulkarni, quits party.
* Shiv Sena heading towards a vertical split in Mumbai; senior
  party leader Narayan Rane expelled, claims 42 MLAs backing him (PTI)
* Asom Gana Parishad founder-president ex Assam CM Prafulla Kumar
  Mahanta expelled. (PTI)
* Flood-hit Gujarat launches massive relief operations. (NT)
  Gujarat heaves a sigh of relief as rains abate. (GT)
* Graham Staines' killer, Dara Singh, to join politics. (GT)


* Rufina Fernandes of Caeiro Vaddo VELIM, b 1948.
* Joao Francisco de Araujo, ex-Beira, Mozambique and from
  Cabeca in Santa Cruz. Husband of Maria Santana, son
  of late Rosario Caetano and late Natalia, father-in-law of
  Rosario/Jesuina, late Rita, Mena/Xavier. b 1915.
* Jose Lourenco Estibeiro, ex-Mobil Shipping Co, Tumbabhat
  Macasana. Son of late Miguel Filipe Estibeiro and late
  Rosada Estibeiro, husband of Lourdes (o/o Asst Welfare
  Commissioner's Office-Central Panjim). Funeral on July 4
  at 4 pm. 
* Bengali Cultural Association of Panjim mourns the sudden
  death of their member, Goutam Bhattacharya b 1966.

CULINARY CORNER * Special from Daisy Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED]


4 boneless skinless breast fillet, 1 eight-oz can of pineapple chunks
(save juice), 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon dry

Rinse chicken, pat dry. Preheat oven to 350 F. Combine the pineapple
juice, sugar, lemon juice, and mustard in a small bowl. Mix together and
stir in the pineapple. Place chicken breast in a baking dish coated with
cooking spray. Spread the pineapple mixture over the chicken. Bake in
preheated oven for 45 min or until juices run clear.

Different method: You can also cut up the chicken in cubes, marina

[Goanet]RE:SEZ - with Nitin Kukolienkar - NT Panorama - Jul 3, 2005

2005-07-04 Thread Philip Thomas
This kind of dope is much more useful than the stuff we saw earlier. But the
political bit at the end struck a discordant note and is best avoided. Also
the SEZ information is a bit generalised, sounding as if it is straight out
of some procedural manual. It has to be given much more of a Goa flavour.

For starters, which are the parties who are interested in coming to set up
business in a big way in Goa? Where best can they be clustered for SEZ
purposes, in North Goa or South? Remember that if Goa as a whole has to
benefit from employment and infrastructure development then  it makes little
sense to talk about these from isolated SEZ project perspectives. There
would have to be some minimum criticial mass of SEZ(s).

 I agree with the view  in some goanet circles that the whole of Goa should
be considered an autonomous free trade area. Existing firms have to simply
distinguish between sales to rest of India and to export markets for duty
payment purposes. What's so difficult about that?

RE: [Goanet]Caste Lineage

2005-07-04 Thread D'Souza, Avelino

I am pleased that my question "could you clarify where in the caste
hierarchy you belong?" triggered to share your family thesis on
migratory culture of beautiful and courageous girls, from yours and
surrounding villages to the shores of Bardez and Salcette, by crossing a
risky river and dacoit-infested forests.  These young and beautiful
girls are to be commended for their heroic decisions to cross the river
and find young and handsome men.

Which are the unlucky girls you feel sorry for?  Those who stayed back
and married lesser mortals or the ones who were unable to find new

It's an interesting piece from your family treasure with a smidgen of
vivid sexual practices in your vicinity.  However, after reading your
piece several times, I am unable to pinpoint your caste, which you
intentionally or unintentionally seem to elude.

If possible, I like to read the full version of the story, as your brief
did not throw light on your caste lineage.



Antonio Menezes wrote:

Mr. Avelino D'Souza  of Bastora/kuwait asks me: could you clarify
where on the caste hierarchy you belong?

I must say it is a very good question. However , therre is no clear
cut answer but I shall try , as briefly as possible,  to tell a story
that has been with our families  for the last two and half centuries.
we do believe it for it concerns our family members.

Some of these nubile girls attract the attention of priests  who
entice them into concubinage.  I don't blame the priests, for it
happens all the time and everywhere.  The children of these  illicit
unions , however, have some problems . To which caste do they belong
to ? not the upper caste, of course.  Hence there is resentment .  If
they continue  living on the outskirts of the temple, they are
considered to be outcasts. So what do they do ?

Let me state, at this stage, that it was a very small number of
children  of such illicit unions  who migrated across the river and
settled down  in the first villages  they came across in
Bardez/Salcete  area  and became catholics.  The young men got married
and  claimed 'high' status no matter in which caste they got married
into, but some young women who did likewise,were, however, not so


[Goanet]What's happening at the Central Right To Information level..

2005-07-04 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
The Department of Personnel and Training has issued circulars to the
Department of Information Technology re operationalising some of the
mandatory provisions of the RTI Act 2005. These have been scanned and
uploaded on to the IT Departments' Website 
and are really worth a look.
 The circulars include:

1) Circular re the setting up of Basic Infrastructure in the Department of
IT- in particular the nomination of a Nodal Officer (RTI), PIO (RTI) in the
Department of IT (headquarters) and the setting up of a Public Information
Counter in the Department.

2) Department of IT, Office Order re the nomination of a Nodal Officer and
PIO, RTI in the Department.

3) DoPT circular advising Ministries and Departments to take advance
preparatory action of provisions of the RTI Act.

4) Letter to the Department from DoPT outlining main features of the Act and
the obligations of the Department re proactive disclosure, the framing of
rules etc.

5) DoPT Tentative Action Plan for the Department of IT  re setting up basic
infrastructure for complying with mandatory provisions of the RTI Act.

Kind Regards

Mandakini Devasher

Project Assistant
Right to Information Programme
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
CHRI New Delhi Office
B-117, Second Floor, Sarvodaya Enclave
New Delhi - 110 017
Tel: +91-11-2685-0523, 2652-8152, 2686-4678
Fax: +91-11-2686-4688

Re: [Goanet]Re: George Pinto's patently faux story .....

2005-07-04 Thread Marlon Menezes
Haha Peter, that is good point! Obviously both sides
of the debate can resort to hyperbole to make, or
should I say, weaken their case.

> Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asks:
> > Joe,
> > 
> > How does questioning the authenticity of Jesus's
> > alleged miracles constitute a "gruesome attack" on
> > christianity! [...]
> > Marlon
> >

--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marlon,
> In the same way that an inspirational story can
> cause "grievous harm" to
> society. Perhaps?
> Peter

[Goanet]Fw: Your posts

2005-07-04 Thread cornel

Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 8:44 AM
Subject: Your posts

I have always found your posts to be of impeccable integrity and 
credibility. They

are informed and well thought out. Keep it up.

Re: [Goanet]Footprints

2005-07-04 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 04/07/05, Salus Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cynthia wrote:
> One night I dreamed a dream.
> As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
> Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
> ___
> Dear Cynthia,
> The important issue here is that you are not giving due credits to the 
> authors, poets or writers.  And that is not right at all.  Please ensure that 
> whenever you post someone else's work, you must give the person credit.  
> Sometimes some work is covered by a copyright, and you can get Goanet in a 
> mess if you do not have permission to reprint in such cases.
> For your information, and for the information of Goanet readers, "Footprints" 
> was written by Margaret Fishback Powers in 1964, and she holds the copyright 
> to her works.  Her publishers are HarperCollins Publishers [Australia] Pty 
> Limited Group.  She has also authored a book bearing the same name in 1993.

RESPONSE: I Googled footprints and got a different result! :-


Footprints in the Sand has been seen in print by people the world over
since the late 1940's. All that time no author has been credited with
this immortal work, only 'Author Anonymous' has appeared at the
bottom. This web site was created to bring to light the story behind
'Footprints in the Sand' and it's author Mary Stevenson (Zangare).



Gabe Menezes.
London, England