Re: [Goanet] Re: Goans headed for minority status in Goa

2006-01-24 Thread carlos6143

George  Floriano,

Floriano is right to be upset. Here is an honest person who could not 
get elected. We know that a corrupt society supports/elects corrupt 
leaders. To change things in Goa assembly, we need to have a minimum of 
21 honest leaders with a vision. Is this possible when we have a 
corrupt society?  One or Two honest leaders or even an honest CM will 
not be able to survive too long in power. And what role should the 
church play in a corrupt society?

But lets keep hope alive  Otherwise there is no point living.

When I was in Goa last month, I heard from reliable sources that the 
muslim population is rising drastically in Goa, followed by a moderate 
increase in Hindu population and a comparitevely small increase in 
christian population. The increase in muslim and hindu population is 
mostly due to the new comers. I will not be suprised to see very soon 
the Muslim population in Goa larger than the Christian population. When 
(not if) that happens, will Goa still be a peacefull place to live or 
will it be like any other heavily populated muslim cities in India? The 
good thing in this may be the people in Goa will wake up early after 
hearing a wake up call from the Iman. Will the foreign tourist still 
consider Goa a safe destination?


From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Goa's premiere mailing list,estb. 


To: Goanet 
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Goans headed for minority status in Goa 
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 10:40:22 -0800 (PST) 
--- floriano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 No! I am not skeptical. Goans deserve the boot. 
People deserve the leaders they elect. Goans seem to have dug their 

own graves. 



[Goanet] Gerard Da Cunha still to receive award

2005-11-05 Thread carlos6143

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Gerard Da Cunha still to receive award
Panaji, Nov. 4 (PTI): Goa's noted architect Gerard Da Cunha, winner of 
Prime Minister's prestigious national award for excellence in urban 
planning and designs 1998-99, has dashed a letter to Prime Minister's 
Office complaining about not receiving the award.
I won the award for Vidyanagar township in Karnataka in 1998-99 but 
till now I am yet to receive the award, complained Da Cunha in a 
letter written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
The award is given by the Ministry of Urban Development and carries sum 
of Rs. 5 lakhs. Besides, it also carries name of the office of the 
Prime Minister, said Da Cunha.
Da Cunha, an alumini of Delhi's School of Planning and Architecture, 
had prepared the model township for Jindal Vijaynagar Steel Limited in 
Karnataka, which bagged him the prestigious award.
According to him, the award was constituted during tenure of I K Gujral 
as Prime Minister, and was instituted hoping to raise the standards of 
urban projects.
It's been so many years since the competition, but for some 
inexplicable reason, I am still to receive my award, says Da Cunha in 
a letter written to Prime Minister.
Last year, they organised the ceremony to present the award but at the 
last minute it was cancelled, he told PTI.


[Goanet] Terrorists might target Goa: Dy CM

2005-10-31 Thread carlos6143

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Panaji, Oct 31: Expressing fear that Goa might be the target of 
terrorist attacks, Deputy Chief Minister Wilfred D'Souza said he had 
been warned by foreign intelligence agencies that state might be 
witness to a Bali type of situation even as police said they had no 
such knowledge of such an alert.
We have to be very careful. I have been warned by foreign intelligence 
agencies that Goa might be witness to Bali type of situation. I have 
already alerted the Chief Minister and the police over the issue. We 
have to guard our people and tourist against such an attack, D'Souza 
told reporters here.

However, DIG Ujjwal Mishra said that he had received no specific alert.
We are not aware of any such alert. The only instructions that we have 
received are of a general nature that we got after the blasts in Delhi. 
In keeping with that we had issued a high alert in the state and 
tightened security, Mishra said here.
We have been keeping a lookout on tourist spots according to the 
instructions we have received. However, we have not received any 
specific alert of this nature, he added.
When asked if he had received any instructions from the Chief 
Minister's Office, he said, not so far, but perhaps it is on the way.


[Goanet] 'Bush to come to India with New Year N-gift'

2005-10-19 Thread carlos6143

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Press Trust of India
Posted online: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 0953 hours IST
Washington, October 19: With India voting alongside United States on 
the Iranian nuclear issue at the IAEA, Congressional opposition to the 
Indo-US nuclear agreement has disappeared, Undersecretary of State for 
Political Affairs Nicholas Burns today said.
There should now be substantial support for the agreement with the 
Congress approving it by the time President George W Bush visits India 
early next year, Burns told the Asia Society in New York on the eve of 
his visit to India.
On the issue of expansion of Security Council, he said the US is fully 
prepared to look at the question of Security Council expansion after 
the UN is reformed ground up, including management reforms, human 
rights council reforms and other issues.
The world, he said, has certainly seen India's emergence as a more 
powerful actor on the world stage and the United States has begun to 
shift its view of India's place in the world and America's relationship 
with New Delhi.
The engagement of the US with India rests on very solid foundations 
--shared values, shared interests, and shared views on how best to 
promote democracy, peace and stability in the 21st century.
Both countries were multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-religious 
democracies that prized individual freedom, the rule of law and 
constitutional government based on free and fair elections.
India is acquiring all the characteristics of a global power--economic, 
political and strategic--and it is certainly in the us national 
interest to see that it develops forward, burns said.
India as the world's largest democracy and the US as the world's oldest 
democracy need to work together in the future, including at the UN.


|  1st Young Goans International Essay contest 2005  |
|   Theme: WHAT CAN I DO FOR GOA |
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[Goanet] India ranked 88th on corruption index

2005-10-18 Thread carlos6143

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By Lachlan Carmichael in London
Tuesday, 18 October , 2005, 18:47

Sleaze watchdog Transparency International has placed India 88th in a 
list of 159 countries surveyed for the level of corruption. India ranks 
weay below United States, Norway and Australia in the list topped by 
Iceland. India emerged seven ranks lower than its neighbour Sri Lanka 
rated 82nd.

Chad, Bangladesh, Turkmenistan and Myanmar were perceived as the most 
corrupt countries in the world.

Transparency International said in its annual report on Tuesday that 
serious levels of corruption existed in two thirds of the 159 countries 
surveyed, and that there was a clear link between poverty and 

Most of the countries that landed at the bottom of the list were 
African countries, while those which came in at the top were 
industrialized Asian and western countries, according to Berlin-based 
Transparency International.

The nations perceived as the most corrupt also rank among the world's 
poorest, which shows how corruption and poverty feed off each other, 
according to the organization's 2005 Corruption Perceptions Index 

Corruption is a major cause of poverty as well as a barrier to 
overcoming it, locking poor countries in a cycle of misery, said 
Transparency International Chairman Peter Eigen.

Corruption must be vigorously addressed if aid is to make a real 
difference in freeing people from poverty, he said.

Despite progress on many fronts, including the imminent entry into 
force of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, 70 countries 
scored less than three on the CPI, indicating a severe corruption 
problem, the report said.

The CPI index score relates to perceptions of the degree of corruption 
as seen by business people and country analysts and ranges between 10, 
which is highly clean and zero, which is highly corrupt.

For example, the United States was ranked 17th with a score of 7.6.

Iceland topped the list with a score of 9.7, followed by Finland (9.6), 
New Zealand (9.6), Denmark (9.5), Singapore (9.4), Sweden (9.2), 
Switzerland (9.1) Norway (8.9), Australia (8.8) and Austria (8.7)

Bottom of the list was Chad (1.7) followed by Bangladesh (1.7), 
Turkmenistan (1.8), Myanmar (1.8), Haiti (1.8), Nigeria (1.9), 
Equatorial Guinea (1.9), Cote d'Ivoire (1.9), Angola (2.0) and 
Tajikistan (2.1).

The rankings included shifts in performance over the last year.

An increase in perceived corruption from 2004 to 2005 can be measured 
in countries such as Costa Rica, Gabon, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, 
Russia, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and 
Uruguay, it said.

With a score of 3.2, Sri Lanka ranked number 82 on the list.

On the other hand, a number of countries and territories show a decline 
in perceptions of corruption over the past year, including Estonia, 
France, Hong Kong, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Qatar, Taiwan 
and Turkey, it said.

Hong Kong ranked 15 at 8.3, Japan was 21 at 7.3, France was 18 at 7.5, 
Taiwan and Qatar were both ranked 32 at 5.9, Jordan was 37 at 5.7, and 
Turkey was 65 at 3.5, while India was 88 at 2.9.


|  1st Young Goans International Essay contest 2005  |
|   Theme: WHAT CAN I DO FOR GOA |
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[Goanet] NCP not happy with Rane's functioning

2005-10-05 Thread carlos6143


Rupesh Samant / Panaji
The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) is once again coming out in the 
open to express its bitterness over the functioning of Chief Minister 
Pratapsingh Rane. This time, NCP leaders have met Governor SC Jamir and 
put across their sentiments.
NCP Goa chief Dr Wilfred D'Souza along with legislator and Minister in 
the Rane Cabinet Micky Pacheco met the Governor on Tuesday expressing 
their unhappiness over happenings in the Government, in a written 
complaint. The party, however, did not mention whether it was intending 
to withdraw from the Government.
Bitterness between the two factions of the coalition Government - the 
NCP and the Congress - first came to the fore when the State Government 
decided to appoint Goa Youth Congress president Girish Chodankar as 
chairman of Goa's Horticulture Corporation. Mr Pacheco, who is the 
Agriculture Minister, claimed he was not consulted before Mr 
Chodankar's appointment.
It is understood that the Congress and the NCP, while joining hands to 
form the Government, had an understanding on appointments to various 
Corporations. According to that understanding, the Horticulture 
Corporation's chairman was supposed to be a person of NCP's choice. 
However, Chief Minister Rane chose to ignore this deal, the NCP feels.
Even as the controversy simmered, Mr Pacheco issued a notice to 
Director of Agriculture Ramesh Joshi for Mr Chodankar's appointment as 
Even before this controversy could die down, another was kicked off 
when the State Government refused to appoint Mr Pacheco as chairman of 
Goa's Government-owned animal slaughter plant which falls under the 
Animal Husbandry Ministry, a portfolio Mr Pacheco holds. However, the 
Chief Minister appointed Development Commissioner KJ Dadu as chairman 
of the Goa meat complex.
Faced with these humiliations, Mr Pacheco, led by party leader Dr 
D'Souza, has sought the Governor's intervention in the matter. Although 
the NCP is bitter about the entire episode, none of its leaders has 
commented on withdrawing support from the Government.


[Goanet] Govt accepts Mopa report

2005-10-01 Thread carlos6143

PANJIM, SEPT 30 -- The techno-feasibility report on Mopa  international 
airport prepared by the Canada-based consultant International Civil 
Aviation Organisation (ICAO), was today accepted by the Goa government 
with some modifications, the Chief Secretary, Kiran Dhingra said here.
The feasibility report was discussed at the Steering Committee on Mopa 
chaired by the Chief Minister Pratapsing Rane at the Secretariat in 
Porvorim on Friday evening.

K Gallego, President (technical bureau) ICAO, deputy director of the 
organisation, Bassir, Transport Minister Pandurang Madkaikar, two MLAs 
Jitendra Deshprabhu,  Manohar (Babu) Azgaonkar, Development 
Commissioner J K Dadoo, Special Land Acquisition Officer Swapnil Naik, 
and  Transport Director besides the chief secretary were present among 
others.The modifications to the report are mainly pertaining to the 
projections of air traffic. It is roughly estimated at by 2035, the 
traffic may touch 10 million. With additional suggestions coming in, 
the report will take quit a few days before it is finalised.
Only after the report is finalised, ICAO will start drawing up tender 
document. The steering committee will scrutinise the tender document 
when it is ready which may be in November-end. The approximate cost of 
the project is estimated to be around 200 million dollars. The 
important aspect of government?s share in the project is yet to be 
decided. Sources said this might be done after the response to the 
tenders is received.


Re: [Goanet] RED LIGHT FOR YOU' from your friend Floriano

2005-09-20 Thread carlos6143
I also heard that this Agnelo guy is in Presidente Pandurang's payroll 
as a professional entertainer (PE).

-Original Message-
From: halur rasho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 21:37:38 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [Goanet] RED LIGHT FOR YOU' from your friend Floriano

This Agnelo guy is an Indian double agent, paid by the
occupying forces to make goans look silly.


Senhor Eric:

Senhor Eric, I'm Goan Paclo, Goan Portuguese, the
Goan Patriot, the Brave
Heart. I don't have to edit nothing as you mentioned
below. I want Indians
leave my motherland Goa, otherwise we will force

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: [Goanet] RE: Dabolim versus Mopa replacement airport.

2005-09-11 Thread carlos6143

Philip Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The actual sequence should be:

1. Navy should curtail its training flights at Dabolim so that civilian
flights can expand.

Response: Agree

2. Navy should expedite clearance and construction of Seabird airfield 


feet) and shift its flights to Seabird.

Response: Agree

3. Mopa should begin as a basic domestic airport and evolve over a 

couple of

decades into a mega airport along with Dabolim.
Response: Disagree. If this happens, Dabolim will eventually be closed. 
And the Goans will be coned again.
Why a tiny place like Goa needs a second airport? Are there any studies 
made that Goa needs two airports in the next 25 or 50 years? If Dabolim 
needs extra land for runways, it can be acquired. There is also an 
option of constructing an extension of runways into the sea.


[Goanet] Alemaoji - Keep up the pressure

2005-09-08 Thread carlos6143
News -- Goa: Congress a Divided House over Construction of Mopa 
International Airport

from Rupesh Samant in Panaji for Daijiworld News Network - Goa
Panaji, Sep 8: It is Congress versus Congress in Goa. The Congress 
party in Goa seems to be divided vertically over the construction of 
international airport on the northern tip of Goa -- Mopa.
Lok Sabha member of parliament Churchill Alemao has crossed swords with 
chief minister Pratapsingh Rane over the Mopa airport issue. Alemao has 
decided to oppose the new airport at Mopa tooth and nail saying. It 
will kill the tourism industry in south Goa.''
The proposed new airport is to be situated on the Northern tip of Goa 
bordering Maharashtra. This, according to Alemao, would benefit Konkan 
belt in Maharashtra more, killing tourism industry in south Goa.
Instead, Alemao and few other congressmen including his brother Joaquim 
Alemao (a minister in Rane cabinet) has insisted, thet existing Dabolim 
airport should be retained with the state government. Currently, 
Dabolim airport besides allowing civilian aircrafts is a naval base.
The issue had attained serious proportions as All India Congress 
committee (AICC) general secretary Margaret Alva, during her recent 
visit to Goa, had to intervene between both the bigwig politicians to 
resolve the differences.
Chief minister Rane, commenting on the controversy, strongly supported 
Mopa airport project stating, The new airport is required keeping in 
mind the requirement of next 25 years.''
Existing airport has restrictions. It can't accommodate huge 
aircrafts. We have to think of the future,'' he said. When asked about 
its possible effects on south Goa's tourism industry, Rane quipped, We 
can start a railway shuttle between south Goa and Mopa airport. The 
tourists will naturally travel to south Goa.''
But this has failed to stem the controversy. Alemao, time and again, is 
issuing press statements criticizing state government over the Mopa 
Alva who tried troubleshooting seems to have failed in her mission with 
even after her visit the Congressmen having continued locking horns 
over the issue.



2005-09-03 Thread carlos6143

Philip Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Finally a ray of hope in the bleak managerial landscape of Goa! There 

some basis for gaining traction instead of simply spinning wheels.

Chairperson of the Congress Coordination Committee, Margaret Alva, on 

a two
day visit to Goa, has made it clear that Dabolim airport will not be 


down .. even when the new airport [at Mopa] starts functioning.

I do not see a ray of hope. Alva is only trying to pacify the Goans by 
saying that Dabolim airport will not be closed. What happens if the 
major airlines choose Mopa with state of the art facilities over 
Dabolim. Then Dabolim will see less and less civilian traffic (may be 
with only Alva Airlines operating) and ultimately becoming a 100% Naval 
The Goa Govt. needs to cancel the Mopa project in its entirety, and 
move the Navy out of Dabolim. I also do not think there is enough air 
traffic to support two civilian airports in tiny Goa.


[Goanet] Saldanha and Alemao for Dabolim Airport

2005-09-02 Thread carlos6143
MARGAO, SEPT 1 - Cortalim MLA Matanhy Saldanha has congratulated MP 
Churchill Alemao for his demand to shift the Naval enclave to the Sea 
Bird at Karwar and restore total civilian control over Dabolim airport 
as an international airport instead of Mopa airport.
In a statement, Saldanha said that Churchill is the first MP who had 
the courage to tell the government of India that the Dabolim airport is 
totally civilian airport illegally occupied as war gains after Vijaya 
Operation in 1961.
He was not guided by the bureaucrats who have least interest of Goa to 
whom most of the spineless Goan politicians had succumbed in the past, 
Saldanha said and called upon the three MPs from Goa to jointly 
petition to the government of India to shift the Naval enclave to Sea 
Bird, Karwar and restore total civilian control over the entire Dabolim 
The Cortalim MLA said the Goa government can transfer over all the 
money to the defence ministry that would be invested to build a 
non-sustainable airport of Mopa, making sure that the navy shifts. He 
further said that Goa has lost Anjedive Island to defence without any 
benefits for Goa, and hence called for an official agreement with 
He said the demand for the Mopa Airport is to fulfill the interest of 
one landlord who wants to divest the tenants of the land which they 
possess under the Tenancy Act.
The MLA said that some of the politicians in Goa, Maharashtra and 
businessmen have purchased land in the Sindhudurg district of 
Maharashtra and the whole purpose of the airport is to help these 
politicians to enhance land prices at the cost of the state interests 
and hardship to the people of Goa.


[Goanet] Mumbai to Goa cruises

2005-08-24 Thread carlos6143
Indian holidaymakers can soon cruise in style:
By Lola Nayar, New Delhi: The world's third largest cruise line is 
gearing up to make a foray into Indian waters to lure the growing 
number of people who see a leisurely sailing trip as the best break 
from the pressures of everyday life.
Beginning Oct 2, Star Cruises will offer options through the week for 
those keen to set sail for a holiday featuring live entertainment, 
sporting events, shopping and sightseeing.
Naresh Rawal, marketing manager of Star Cruises India, said: 
Considering the increasingly large number of Indians who fly out to 
Singapore to experience cruise holidays, Star Cruises has decided to 
come to Indian waters.
From its fleet of 22 ships, Star Cruises is currently refurbishing the 
17-year-old, 42,000-tonne cruise liner SuperStar Libra, which formerly 
sailed between the US and Mexico, for operations in Indian waters.
The 10-deck ship is being refurbished and fabricated to meet Indian 
needs, particularly the corporate clientele. Special Indian cuisine 
requirements like tandoor are also being fitted in, said Rawal.
Complete with coffee shops, bars, cocktail lounges, a stardust lounge 
for live shows, Brazilian dancers, Chinese acrobats, opera singers from 
Belarus and even a childcare centre with a trained nanny - the cruise 
promises to offer plentiful choices.The cruise liner will begin its 
full service from Oct 2. Every Sunday it will set sail on a four-day 
trip from Mumbai to Goa via Lakshdweep. It will return to Mumbai 
Thursday afternoon to begin another two-day trip to Goa and back.
For those keen on a weekend break, there will be the high-sea trip from 
Saturday till Sunday noon.The cruise timetable will be maintained 
during the peak tourist season from September till April, when the seas 
tend to get choppy.


[Goanet] HC grants interim relief to Goa MLA

2005-08-23 Thread carlos6143

Panaji, Aug 23: Granting interim relief to disqualified Goa MLA Mathany 
Saldanha, the Panaji Bench of the Bombay High Court today allowed him 
to sit in the House, but restricted his rights, leaving a question mark 
on the scheduled by-poll announced in his constituency of Cortalim.
Admitting his petition challenging the Speaker's order disqualifying 
him from being a member of the Goa Legislative Assembly, a two-judge 
Bench allowed Saldanha to attend the House, but restricted his rights 
in the Assembly wherein he would not be able to vote or participate in 
any debate, until hearing of his petition.
The Election Commission had announced September 28 as the date for the 
by-polls to Cortalim constituency, after Speaker Francisco Sardinha had 
notified it of the vacancy.
However, Sardinha today said he would intimate the EC that in view of 
the order, there appeared to be no vacancy in the constituency. I have 
not yet received today's order, but as soon as I do, I will notify the 
commission that in view of the High Court order, it appears that no 
such vacancy exists. After that, it is up to the Election Commission, 
Sardinha told reporters here.


[Goanet]Flourishing Flesh Trade: It all begins with a whisper

2005-08-12 Thread carlos6143
NT Staff Reporter
Panaji Aug 11: The modus operandi adopted by sex workers is unique. A 
telephone call goes to a party, the moment it receives a positive 
reply, the second party is ready with the girl of his choice and the 
customer is informed about the fees.
A driver of a cab or Maruti van drops the girl right in front of the 
customer within no time and that too at a destination where he desires. 
The third party is so prompt that it acts as per the command of the 
customer and is ever ready to serve him at their doorstep.
This job is perfectly done by tourist taxiwallas who are rarely seen on 
the stands. They operate on contract basis and they know their job very 
well. The moment they find a tourist alighting from Mumbai, Kolhapur or 
Pune-bound buses at the Volvo bus stand, they approach them.
The first sentence which they whisper in their ears is ?Sab, apko kahan 
jana hain. Sab, mai aapko saste mein le chalunga.? The moment a tourist 
shows interest in him, the driver achieves major milestone. And when a 
tourist asks the driver with a smile ?O kidhar milega??, the driver 
promptly replies, ?Sab samjho aap ka kaam hogaya, chalo gadi mein 
Then the real conversation begins on the mobile. Mind you, some times, 
before the customer could reach the destination point, the girl of his 
choice is already there. Still, sometimes these drivers are instructed 
to keep a watch on the girls coming from Mumbai or any other 
destinations so that they reach in safe hands at any hour of the night.
The girls do not come alone to Goa. They are always accompanied by 
somebody and they know who the boy is or who the girl is and the cab, 
provision for dinner or breakfast depending upon the time is made for 
them besides reserving a suit in a posh hotel, or simple lodge or a 
hired room in a rented house kept ready for them. Where these women of 
ill-repute can entertain their daily customers.
These girls usually wear jean pants and tops as per the prevailing 
latest fashion. And if anyone of them is caught in the act, then they 
say that he is their boyfriend and vice-versa.
Some poverty-stricken local girls are also involved in soliciting the 
tourists. They are just a phone call away. This is being done either by 
the well-managed receptionists or managers appointed to entertain such 
customers besides waiters and room boys.
The interesting thing in this kind of flesh trade is that there are few 
hotels and some lodges which have become brothels. In these there are 
permanently stationed girls/women living as guests and doing nothing 
but acting at the command of the hoteliers and lodgewallas.
Some girls come in groups everyday to the city from villages and 
pretend as if they are employed in some private firms or offices to 
their parents, families and friends but visit hotels, lodges and rented 


[Goanet]There's no minority in India: Supreme Court

2005-08-10 Thread carlos6143
Pioneer News service / New Delhi
The Supreme Court has said the practice of notifying religious groups 
as minority communities should be discouraged as it promotes divisive 
tendencies that weaken the nation.
Observing that the tendency should be gradually done away with, the 
apex court reminded the minorities commissions set up by the Centre and 
State Governments that the goal of the Constitution was to create 
social conditions where there was no need to shield or protect rights 
of minority or majority communities. These observations were made by a 
three-judge bench comprising Chief Justice RC Lahoti, Justice DM 
Dharmadhikari and Justice PK Balasubramnyan.
The commissions, instead of encouraging claims from different 
communities for being added to a list of notified minorities under the 
Act, should suggest ways to help create social conditions where the 
list of notified minorities is gradually reduced and done away with 
altogether, said Justice Dharmadhikari. This observation was made by 
the court while disposing of a petition demanding minority status for 
the Jain community. The bench accepted the Centre's stand that it was 
for the states to determine whether Jains were a minority community 
depending on their social condition in their respective states.
The court observed, in a caste-ridden society, no section or distinct 
groups of people can claim to be in majority. All are minorities among 
Hindus. Many of them claim such status because of their number and 
expect protection from the State on the ground that they are backward.


[Goanet]Goa MLA disqualified for flouting party whip

2005-08-09 Thread carlos6143
Posted online: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at 0143 hours IST
PANAJI, AUGUST 9: Matanhy Saldanha, the lone legislator of the United 
Goans? Democratic Party who had voted in favour of the BJP-led state 
government during the trial of strength, was today disqualified under 
the anti-defection law for disobeying the party whip.
Speaker Fransisco Sardinha?s decision followed an affidavit by the UGDP 
in March this year that its MLA had violated the party whip and 
supported the BJP government led by Manohar Parrikar. Saldanha was a 
minister in the Parrikar government and had refused to withdraw support 
to the BJP and join hands with the Congress.


[Goanet]Goa: Government Approves Monorail Project

2005-08-09 Thread carlos6143

from Rupesh Samant in Panaji - for Daijworrld News Network - Goa
Panaji, Aug 9: The Konkan Railway Corporation's ambitious plans to 
start sky bus railway in Goa came dashing down as Pratapsingh Rane 
government on Tuesday approved setting up of Monorail service.
The Rane cabinet which met this afternoon approved Monorail service 
connecting major towns of the state.
The monorail, Mr Rane said, is much cheaper and eco-friendly mode of 
transport. Such rails exists in the states like Malaysia, Thailand and 
The state government will invite expression of interest from global 
players. The chief minister said that the government will tender the 
project either on BOOT (built-own-operate and transfer) or BOOM 
(built-own-operate and manage) basis.
The chief minister favouring monorail said that the tracks for rail can 
be installed adjacent to the main road.

Not only passenger traffic but the rail will also carry freight.

[Goanet]Demand for Roman script revives Goa Konkani controversy

2005-08-06 Thread carlos6143
DH News Service Panaji:
The war of words over the latest demand that the Roman script be also 
accorded official recognition has divided Konkaniwadis in Goa.
It is 18 years since Goa got its official language, Konkani. But the 
victory hard won could now be undone, say Konkani stalwarts who are 
watching in alarm as the pitch is being raised to adopt the Roman 
script for the language in Goa and Maharashtra.
A multiplicity of scripts would hinder rather than promote the Konkani 
cause, say some of its leading writers in Goa. Devanagari is officially 
recognised as the script for Konkani by the Sahitya Academy and the 
state government. ?When the need is to remain united, such a demand 
will only divide the Konkani people,? says Sahitya Academy member 
Damodar Mauzo. Some 5 million people in the Konkan region stretching 
from Maharashtra to Kerala speak the language.
Steering the case for the adoption of the Roman script Fr Pratap Naik, 
director of Thomas Stephens Konkanni Kendra believes an injustice was 
meted out to ?large sections of the Konkani people who knew Konkani 
only in the Roman script?, when the decision was taken to adopt only 
Devanagari in Goa.
?Eighteen years down the line we are confronted with the reality: 
Devanagari has not taken root in Goa. It is also obvious that the 
script became a tool for Saraswats to corner posts and positions,? he 
told Deccan Herald.
The Jesuit priest was pivotal in getting the First Canara Konkani 
Convention in December 2004 to adopt a resolution backing the use of 
the Roman script. A similar resolution was adopted by a largely 
Christian convention in Mumbai some weeks ago, and is expected to find 
favour at Monday?s meeting in Margao.

Going backwards
Fr Naik, who has developed an orthography for Konkani in Roman script 
using modified international phonetic symbols denies he is steering 
Goa?s language debate to a communal impasse and insists that the 
Saraswats have failed Goa?s Konkani cause. ?Konkani is alive in Goa 
purely because of the Catholic schools. Where are the Konkani schools 
run by the majority community?? he asks.
Angered and hurt by his accusations, Goa?s Konkani writers have 
questioned the priest?s motives. ?He succeeded in dividing the Konkani 
people in Karnataka and wants to do the same here,? says Mauzo.
Former editor and writer Uday Bhembre believes Goa would be better off 
emulating Kerala Konkanis who have worked diligently to replace the 
Malayalam script with Devanagari use. ?To debate over the script at 
this point would be going backwards,? says journalist Raju Naik. He 
also dismisses the contention that writers in the Roman script are 
denied grants and literary prizes.
The church, which has so far steered clear of the debate, could be 
compelled at some point to take a stand on the issue. The church runs 
125 Konkani medium primary schools here. All of them teach in the 
Devanagari script. ?We have no official position on the script,? said 
church spokesman Fr Loyola Pereira


[Goanet]Rain-soaked Goa ? nature at its best

2005-08-06 Thread carlos6143
Anil Sastry
Dudhsagar Falls, true to its name, resembles an ocean of milk
PANAJI: To see Nature at its best during the monsoon one has to be in 
Goa. Blessed with a charming coastline on its west and the Western 
Ghats on its east, it presents a beautiful blend of coastal beauty and 
the wilderness.
While the Arabian Sea at the height of its ferocity coupled with the 
unabated rain would at times unnerve a newcomer, the cloud-clad thick 
evergreen forests on the mountains present a stunning view.
Though deforestation has had its impact on the monsoon, Goa still has a 
thick cover of evergreen forests, extending over 50 per cent of its 
geographical area. Despite having a belated start, the monsoon here 
brought 210 cm of rain till August 5 this year as against the average 
annual rainfall of 277 cm.
Depending mainly on tourism, the state has tapped the monsoon 
advantage. Almost all hotels and the state-run Tourism Development 
Corporation have been offering the `monsoon package' at almost half the 
seasonal price.
As a result, most of the popular beaches here were packed with tourists 
despite heavy rains, though the Mumbai deluge had an impact on the 
inflow this year.
However, the hinterland that offers an altogether different experience 
still remains to be exploited.
Many estate owners have started providing lodging and catering 
facilities but arrivals have yet to pick up.
To have a taste of the hinterland during the monsoon is to travel by 
train between the Madgaon-Londa section.
A number of trains - Goa Express, Amaravati Express, Vasco-Yeshwantpur 
bi-weekly express and Vasco-Chennai weekly express pass through this 
difficult terrain, offering an unrestricted view of the forests and 
mountains at their best to a traveller.
The main attraction would be none other than the stunning Dudhsagar 
Falls on the Goa-Karnataka border.
True to its name, Dudhsagar resembles an ocean of milk from top to 
Said to be the highest waterfalls in the country, Dudhsagar drops from 
a height of 600 metres from the Deccan Plateau through a near vertical 
cliff to enter the coastal region.
In summer it can be reached by a kutcha road, which becomes unusable 
during rains as it is submerged by swollen streams. So trains are the 
only option.
Besides, the entire stretch between Kulem (Goa) and Castlerock 
(Karnataka) is worth seeing during the monsoon.
While overflowing streams every 100 metres, cloud-clad green mountains 
and chill winds greet a traveller, thin layers of cloud embrace him at 
times if he is standing at the door of the coach.


[Goanet]Best overall performance award to Punjab Goa

2005-08-06 Thread carlos6143,0008.htm
Punjab walked away with the best overall performance award among bigger 
states while Goa took the top honours in the small states category at 
the Chief Ministers' Conclave organised by the India Today Group.
Kerala and Himachal Pradesh were the first and second runners up 
respectively among big states, while Delhi was followed by Pondicherry 
among small states.
Bihar was ranked lowest among big states while the dubious place among 
small states belonged to Meghalaya.
Punjab was also top ranked in four categories viz budget and 
prosperity, infrastructure, agriculture and consumer market.
Vice-President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat gave away the awards at a 
glittering function organised to unveil the third annual ranking of 
Indian states here.
The annual 'State of the States' survey claims to objectively rank 
states considering their performance on eight counts viz macro-economic 
performance, agriculture, size of consumer markets, education, health, 
law and order, infrastructure and investment scenario.
Kerala took the top honours in law and order, primary health. It also 
fared better than other big states on critical yardsticks of governance 
viz education and health.
Gujarat was ranked number one in the 'Best Investment Environment 
category' and on the 'Economic Freedom' scale.
Chhattisgarh was adjudged as the 'Best Facilitator' for business, Tamil 
Nadu for being the 'Best Protector' while Maharashtra the 'Best 
Himachal Pradesh had the best primary education facilities, while Jammu 
and Kashmir was found to have the lowest poverty


[Goanet]Santimano Robert Moraes held for bank robbery bid

2005-08-05 Thread carlos6143
NT News Service
Margao, Aug 4: A 53-year-old armed and masked man was arrested today 
for attempting to rob a city bank in a broad daylight. However, alert 
bank employees foiled his attempt.
Margao police sources informed that one Santimano Robert Moraes, a 
Cuncolim resident, entered the Margao branch of the State Bank of 
Mysore today afternoon. He was wearing a mask and carrying a .22 
caliber pistol.
The masked man fired two rounds in an attempt to terrorise the bank 
employees so as to rob the bank, and damaged bank property. Mirror of a 
cabin of the bank was damaged in firing. There was no watchman in the 
bank, the sources said.
The armed bank robber attacked bank employees and injured the bank 
manager, Mr Herald Sequeira and the cashier, Mr Andrew Agnelo Mendes. 
The cashier has been admitted to the Goa Medical College, Bambolim with 
injuries on his face, while the bank manager was inflicted with leg 
injuries, the sources informed.
However, the bank robber was overpowered by the bank employees and 
handed him over to the Margao police. The police said that Moraes is 
being interrogated to get the real reason of the robbery bid.


Re: [Goanet]Dinesh D'Souza; East Indian....

2005-08-05 Thread carlos6143

Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This forum is what it is all about! The fact that he has
made millions, is your criteria of a person's 'worth' speaks volumes
about yourself. Our Goan Politicians too have made millions; we must
not forget to applaud them too!

RESPONSE: I do not think this forum is for people (crab mentality) to 
destroy another Goan or Indian. To destroy Dinesh and to compare him to 
a Goan politician is absolutely nonsense, and speaks volumes of 
yourself. Dinesh has not made his money thru corruption. Though I may 
not agree with all of Dinesh viewpoints, I still respect him as a 
person. Remember, a weak debater makes personal attacks against his 
opponent rather than debate the issues.


Re: [Goanet]Dinesh D'Souza; East Indian....

2005-08-04 Thread carlos6143


You are absolutely correct. To say that Dinesh was hired because he is 
East Indian is nonsense and not worth arguing. He was hired because of 
his merits. And, Yes there will always be someone on this net to bring 
him down. No matter what they say, he has already established himself 
and made millions.


-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 08:28:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Dinesh D'Souza; East Indian

--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If Dinesh D'Souza were not East Indian, he would
simply have no role to play for the Right: there
would be no White House credentials, no
appointments as scholar,.

Mario responds:

For anyone to suggest that he was hired by the Reagan
White House because he was an Indian displays a very
high level of ignorance. 

[Goanet]Cong MLA urges locals to benefit from SEZ and Mopa

2005-07-21 Thread carlos6143

NT News Service
Mapusa July 20: Stating that the proposed airport at Mopa in Pernem 
would generate around 7,500 jobs of different skills, the Pernem MLA, 
Mr Jeetendra Deshprabhu urged local students to qualify themselves for 
these employment opportunities.
He also said that Pernem would be coming under the Special Economic 
Zone (SEZ) for which, the students should be prepared.
According to a press release, Mr Deshprabhu was speaking as the chief 
guest of the function held to felicitate the last batch of graduates at 
the Government College of Arts and Commerce, Virnoda-Pernem, recently.
He strongly proposed a science stream at the college, with residential 
facilities for about 30 students. Mr Deshprabhu also launched the 
Ex-students (Alumni) Association of the college on the occasion.
Lauding the efforts of the principal, Dr B A Gomes in taking the other 
government colleges of Sanquelim and Quepem to high levels of 
accreditation by NAAC, Mr Deshprabhu said he had the same expectations 
for the Government College at Pernem.
In his welcome address, Dr Gomes elaborated on the purpose of the 
get-together and appealed to the students to rise up to the values 
learnt through the college and be an important component of the college 
Ms Prajakti Kavthankar who secured distinction at TYBA (Hindi), in the 
April/May 2005 examination, was felicitated by the special invitee and 
local sarpanch, Mr Mohan Gawde. The senior lecturer Mr Oscar de Noronha 
also spoke.
The function was followed by a short cultural programme and a tree 
plantation programme by the chief guest, principal and staff members of 
the scenic college campus, the press release said.

Does Goa really need SEZ ?. I recall Mathany as well as Floriano saying 
that SEZ will benefit mostly Non Goans.


[Goanet]Dr. T. B. Cunha Goa International Airport

2005-07-18 Thread carlos6143

Outgoing Rajya Sabha MP Eduardo Faleiro says he has requested
Prime Minister to name Dabolim airport after freedom fighter
T B Cunha. (NavhindTimes, July 16/17, 2005)

Naming of Goa airport after Dr. Cunha may finally become a reality. It 
will be a fitting tribute to the Father of Goa Liberation Movement.
I recall making this suggestion on Goanet and cc'd to Mr. Eduardo 
Faleiro on May 7, 2005.


Dr. T. B. d' Cunha Goa International Airport
Sat May 7 10:50:02 2005

Why don't we request to name the new Goa Airport to be called Dr. T.
B. d' Cunha Goa International Airport.
Jai Hind!

[Goanet]UK citizen arrested in Goa Paeodophile case

2005-07-17 Thread carlos6143

Duncan Grant would be taken to Goa
A STAFF REPORTER | Saturday, July 09, 2005 12:50:7 IST
The Esplanade Court remanded Duncan Grant, the UK citizen arrested in 
connection with a paedophile case, to police custody till July 21. 
Police brought to the notice of the court that Duncan is also required 
in a case recorded by Panaji police in Goa in the year 1998. Duncan 
wanted by Colaba police in paedophile case recorded in November 2001, 
was arrested on June 30 when he retuned from London. In the case police 
have found out that Duncan along with Allan Waters, also a British 
citizen and William D'Souza, an Indian had been involved in sexual 
abuse of street children at Anchorage Shelter, a home for homeless 
street children. After arresting Duncan police tried to find out 
details about the functioning and legal aspects in forming the 
Anchorage shelter in Mumbai. He has also built a similar shelter at 
Murud in Raigad district. They also tried to extract information about 
the collection of funds for running the shelters. Though Duncan refused 
to impart much information it has been revealed that huge amount of 
money was collected by the accused from individuals. Though Duncan 
denied, police found out that the account in the name of anchorage 
exist in HDFC bank.
Police have also managed to find out that many foreigners visited Murud 
for the paedophilic activity and in Goa the Panaji police had also 
recorded a case on complaint of one boy Mangesh Nandulkar, in the year 
1998. The said Mangesh in his statement before the court has deposed 
that Duncan has been involved in paedophilic activities. The police in 
the remand application requested the court that Duncan be allowed to be 
taken to Goa for making further enquiry.


[Goanet]Proposed SEZ to affect state, says Mathany

2005-07-15 Thread carlos6143
NT Staff Reporter
Panaji July 15: The United Goans Democratic Party MLA from Cortalim, Mr 
Mathany Saldanha said that the proposed special economic zone (SEZ) to 
be set up either at Quepem or Verna will adversely affect Goa.
?The state is too small for such a zone and will not be able to bear 
the pressures of infrastructure as well as manpower required by the 
same,? he predicted.
Addressing a press conference, Mr Saldanha said that the SEZ is like an 
embassy, a country within a country with different sets of laws enacted 
by a council and not by the legislators, municipalities or panchayats.
He further said that there are a number of questions such as what would 
be the status and powers of the municipalities and panchayats which 
will be included into the SEZ, what guarantee is there that the Mundcar 
Act, the land to the Tiller Act and the subsequent amendments will not 
be nullified to fulfill the demand for land and whether the citizens of 
Goa be allowed to move freely in and out of the SEZ area or will there 
be entry permits and Goans be treated as strangers or suspects in their 
own land, that need to be answered before setting up a SEZ in Goa.
Mr Saldanha also expressed doubt as to whether the green belts would be 
destroyed due to the pressure for land requirements, more so, with the 
idea of establishing a cluster of four SEZ units starting with the 
Quepem taluka.
The Cortalim MLA also pointed out that a SEZ requires huge land, a 
minimum of 200 sq kms, as per the Price Water House Coopers Report. The 
report also envisages 20 lakh jobs made available by such zone, he 
said, questioning ?if we consider one lakh to be the unemployed 
population of Goa, then from where will the rest of the 19 lakh 
work-force be made available??
Mr Saldanha also said that there would be uncontrolled influx of people 
into the state, which could prove to be a serious threat to the 
security of the local people.
?The projects like SEZ and Free Port are successful only in nation 
states like Singapore and Mauritius, dictatorial countries like China 
or quasi-dictatorial states like Banana Republic of South America,? he 
Replying to a question regarding the local industrial fraternity 
welcoming the SEZ in Goa, Mr Saldanha said that it is the opinion of 
the businessmen who are more interested in profits. ?The SEZ, on the 
other hand, will give no guarantee of protection of jobs to the 
workers,? he predicted.


Re: [Goanet]RE: Graphic details

2005-07-15 Thread carlos6143


Wow! Are you serious?

-Original Message-
From: Radhakrishnan Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 16:26:51 +0530
Subject: [Goanet]RE: Graphic details

(Veronica Fernandes: Local Pressmen came fully prepared and the next 
day Arab Times, the local daily brought in its front page as headline, 
photographic review of the funeral, my photo appeared at the very 
strategic place holding Francis Sister who was screaming and trying to 
rush to the coffin to open it in defiance of the instruction but I was 
holding her very tightly with the help of others too because inspite of 
my top physical fitness that time since I was still a top foot-baller 
in Kuwait 
amongst the Indians, I was totally subdued by the sudden mighty 
physical power of Francis sister) 

Wow! Great narrative! 
-- RKN 
Job hunting? Get the right one! Log 
on to TODAY 


[Goanet]An Atheist and a Bear

2005-07-14 Thread carlos6143
An atheist was taking a walk through the woods, admiring all that 
evolution had created.
What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!, 
he said to himself. As he was walking along the river, he heard a 
rustling in the bushes behind him. When he turned to see what the casue 
was, he saw a 7-foot grizzly charging right towards him. He ran as fast 
as he could. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was 
closing, He ran even faster, crying in fear. He looked over his 
shoulder again, and the bear was even closer. His heart was pounding 
and he tried to run even faster. He tripped and fell on the ground. He 
rolled over to pick himself up, but saw the bear right on top of him, 
reaching for him with his left paw and raising his right paw to strike 
At that moment, the Atheist cried out Oh my God! Time stopped. 
The bear froze. The forest was silent. Even the river stopped moving.
As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky, You 
deny my existence for all of these years; teach others I don''t exist; 
and even credit creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help 
you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?
The atheist looked directly into the light It would be hypocritical of 
me to suddenly ask You to treat me as Christian now, but perhaps could 
you make the bear a Christian? Very well, said the voice.
The light went out. The river ran again. And the sounds of the forest 
And then the bear dropped his right paw . brought both paws 
together...bowed his head and spoke: Lord, for this food which I am 
about to receive, I am truly thankful.


Re: [Goanet]New rules for GoaNet poster identification - Unofficial

2005-07-09 Thread carlos6143


If one needs personal information for posting on Goanet, caste, skin 
color, and size of your house/hut in Goa should aslo be given. Besides, 
it would also make sense to add if one is Hindu/Catholic basher.


-Original Message-
From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat, 09 Jul 2005 14:33:58 +0530
Subject: [Goanet]New rules for GoaNet poster identification - Unofficial

In addition to the announcement by George Pinto, about GoaNet being 
hived off into seprate segments depending one's caste related views, 
the Admin Team has decided on a new rule for posters to identify 

Everyone will now sign off in the format below: 
Name Surname, Current Permanent Residence - Family Goa origins 
Gender/ Age/ Religion/ Sexual Preference 
In years 
C = Catholic 
H = Hindu 
M = Muslim 
Hm = Humanist 
At = Atheist 
Ag = Agnostic 
O = Other 
CC = Cafeteria Catholic 
CH = Canteen Hindu 
The prefix NP- can be used to signify Non-practicing 
Sexual preference: 
G=Gay/ Lesbian 
The prefix NP- can be used to signify Non-practicing 
Please note that this is an unofficial announcement. The Admin Team is 
still deciding whether caste should be mentioned or not. According to 
Fred it is not required as from your surname and village he can 
calculate one's caste. Viviana's comment was Huh? Really?. 

Cecil Pinto, Panjim - Aldona 
M/ 38/ NP-CC/ NP-H 

Re: [Goanet]cybermatrimonials

2005-07-09 Thread carlos6143


There is no need to mention caste in the Obituary, because the living 
eartlings on earth have no use for a dead person. St Peter is the only 
one who needs to know who is coming to Heaven and he knows them all, 
especially the Goans with  complex. And then he puts them in special 
rooms reserved only for Goans; each caste has separate rooms. The room 
size also varies depending on the caste.


-Original Message-
From: Cip Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat, 9 Jul 2005 20:08:00 +0100
Subject: RE: [Goanet]cybermatrimonials

Wonder why so-called Goan Roman Catholics castists DO NOT MENTION their
caste in their OBITUARY / DEATH NOTICE/ANNOUNCEMENTS neither on 

nor Goanet?

Just curios!


-Original Message-
Alba Fernandes, Sent: 08 July 2005 22:02

Hello Goanetters,

Well said Dr. Ambert Pimenta, Eugene Correia and Frederick Noronha.  To
marry and who to marry is a very personal choice and should be left as a
personal matter.  Every person has a right to decide on what to choose 
life.  So the rest who are against this whole issue should mind their 

business rather than interfere into  someone else's.

Thanks and regards,

Alba Fernandes

[Goanet]Manmohan calls terror a global problem

2005-07-08 Thread carlos6143
NDTV Correspondent
Friday, July 8, 2005 (Oxford):

A clearly emotional Dr Manmohan Singh tried to reach out to the British 
public today, while receiving an honourary degree in civil law in 
Expressing shock over the terrorist attacks in London, the Prime 
Minister said that India, which has been a victim of terror, stood by 
the British people.
My sincere condolences to the families of those who died. We stand 
behind UK and especially London. I express shock and anger, he said.
In fact, combating terror and a collective effort in defeating it was 
the central theme that the Prime Minister is taking to every platform, 
from Gleneagles to Oxford.

Transnational operations
Today also the PM started by deviating from his written speech to 
emphasise on the danger that global terrorism poses.
It is a threat to all and feeds on hatred and cynicism. All of us who 
believe in the rule of law must join hands to wipe the scourge out, he 
In the current globalised world, the terror industry too has 
transnational operations. It can strike anywhere, from New York, Bali 
and Madrid to Ayodhya or even London.
It therefore needs a global effort to strike at its root and that's the 
message that the Indian Prime Minister has been making strongly in 
Oxford, England.

This insane cowardly act on UK should be condemned by everybody. As 
Bush rightly said, Either you are with us or you are with the 
terrorists. This is not the time to point fingers. This is an attack 
against UK and everyone should be united to support Blair.


[Goanet]Centre extends ban on terrorist outfit responsible for explosions in Churches - Goa, Karnataka

2005-07-07 Thread carlos6143

Centre extends ban on Deendar Anjuman
Syed Amin Jafri in Hyderabad | July 07, 2005 18:07 IST
The Central government has extended the ban on Deendar Anjuman, a 
fundamentalist religious organisation responsible for a series of 
blasts in places of worship in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Goa in 
2000, for a further two years.
The organisation was declared unlawful by the government? in 2001 
after its links with Pakistan were established. The organisation was 
accused of indulging in communal and anti-national activities, which 
were detrimental to peace and communal harmony.
According to an official release, the Central government was of the 
opinion that if the unlawful activities of Deendar Anjuman are not 
curbed and controlled, the association will try to create tension among 
various communities with a view to disturb the social fabric of the 
Deendar Anjuman is accused of causing explosions in nine churches, a 
temple and a mosque. This sectarian group is also charged with engaging 
in distribution of objectionable anti-Christian literature and 
pamphlets and indulging in espionage activities.
The AP police had filed 14 criminal cases against 50 Deendar Anjuman 
activists in connection with serial blasts carried out at places of 
worship at Machilipatnam,? Vijayawada, Medak, Vikarabad, 
Tadepalligudem, Ongole and Guntur with a view to create communal 
tension. The accused were arrested in July 2000. While seven of the 
accused, who were Pakistani nationals, were at large, three accused 
A special court trying the serial bomb blasts sentenced 39 activists of 
the outlawed outfit to six-months imprisonment for criminal conspiracy 
in November 2004. Five of the 39 accused were also sentenced to undergo 
four years' rigorous imprisonment and pay a fine of Rs 1,000 each under 
section 5 of the Explosives Substances Act for possessing explosive 
substances. Both punishments ran concurrently.
The outfit's present religious head Zia-ul-Hassan, based at Mardan in 
Pakistan, developed contacts with the Inter Services Intelligence and 
organised?sabotage activities in south India. He had plans to create 
communal flare-ups in India.


[Goanet]PM slams London blasts

2005-07-07 Thread carlos6143

PM slams London blasts
NDTV Correspondent
Thursday, July 7, 2005 (Gleneagles):
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has strongly condemned the blasts in 
London today.
Singh, who is in Scotland to attend the G-8 summit, said terrorism 
today is a global crisis, and does not know international boundaries.
The PM's scheduled meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair has 
been cancelled.
Meanwhile, other G-8 leaders have also slammed the attacks, saying the 
G8 stands united against terrorism.

This insane cowardly act should be condemned by everybody. As Bush 
rightly said, Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.


[Goanet]Indian Navy's 14th air squadron commisioned in Goa

2005-07-07 Thread carlos6143
Jul. 7, 2005
The Indian Navy today commissioned its fourteenth air squadron at its 
premier Naval Air Base, INS Hansa at Goa. This air squadron INAS 552 is 
the first one to be commissioned after a long gap of fourteen years. 
The commissioning was done by S.C. Jamir, Governor of Goa. Almela 
Jamir, wife of S.C. Jamir unveiled the plaque. The basic purpose of 
this air squadron will be to train pilots for navy's Sea Harrier planes 
which are of British make. This air squadron will be under Western 
India Naval Command and will be under Rear Admiral Shekhar Sinha, Flag 
Officer in Commanding, Naval Aviation Wing. Rear Admiral Sinha also 
said that a new air squadron having MiG 29K will be raised soon with a 
purpose to take out the war into enemy territories. This will enhance 
Indian Navy's present reach and also bolster the defences. When the 
harrier goes on board the aircraft carrier we will always take the war 
to the enemy territory and therefore war has to be fought from the sea 
that is what these aircrafts are meant for. That is why I said our 
maritime interests. As the technology is advancing we require a little 
more advanced weapon system. So MiG 29K has a bigger reach, can fly for 
longer. It will have a little more advanced weapon system. As a result 
our ability to fight the war away from our homeland has improved. It is 
technologically advanced, said Rear Admiral Shekhar Sinha, Flag 
Officer in Commanding, Naval Aviation Wing, Western Naval Command. The 
Naval Air Arm is by itself a multi-faceted combat force and maintains 
diverse aircrafts as Sea Harrier, Seaking 42B, TU-142M, KM 31, Advance 
Light Helicopters and Unmanned Air Vehicles. It is placed at par with 
the air wings of the most advanced navy's of the world.


Fwd: [Goanet]Freedom Fighters.

2005-06-30 Thread carlos6143

A. Veronica Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
sadly I was surprised there were no hindus from Goa); . Let it be 
known to everyone and to everywhere in the Goan World that for the 
good cause of Goa only the Christians worked and fought hard though the 
benefits of their hard work and hard fought battles were enjoyed by 
those who were watching from distance silently. 

First of all, I am not surprised to see this hate mail against the 
majority community of Goa. Let it be known that if the majority 
community were not tolerant or agreeable to the demands made by the 
minority community (30% of Goans), Konkani or Statehood would not have 
happened. We have Konkani and Statehood because majority of Goans 
(Hindus, Catholics and others) wanted it. 


Re: [Goanet]Freedom Fighters.

2005-06-29 Thread carlos6143

A. Veronica Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
sadly I was surprised there were no hindus from Goa); . Let it be 
known to everyone and to everywhere in the Goan World that for the 
good cause of Goa only the Christians worked and fought hard though the 
benefits of their hard work and hard fought battles were enjoyed by 
those who were watching from distance silently.


First of all, I am not surprised to see this hate mail against the 
decent majority community of Goa on Goanet which is common and 
disgusting. This is expected on Goanet forum, where facts are sometimes 
twisted. Let it be known to everyone that if the majority community 
were not tolerant or agreeable to the demands made by the minority 
community (30% of Goans), Konkani or Statehood would not have happened. 
We have Konkani and Statehood because majority of Goans wanted it and 
not only because of Catholics.


Re: [Goanet]Re: Everyone is a Goan

2005-06-23 Thread carlos6143


Very true. George Bush family also hails from Goa. Bush family comes 
from Moira, their Aryan ancestors had migrated to India during the 
Aryan invasion and then settled in Gomantak, now called Goa.


-Original Message-
From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 08:30:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Everyone is a Goan


I was doing some non-historical research at the Panjim Central Library 

morning and this is
what I learnt:

Zubin Metha was born Zerome Mendes and grew up in Salcette.  As a young 

while playing at
Colva beach, he got the idea to become a conductor and took the stage 
name Zubin

Metha.  It is not
well known that his first job was a bus conductor on the Vasco-Panjim 

which inspired him to
Philharmonic conducting. In fact, a bus conductor job inspires most to 

except bus

Englebert Humperdick was born in Chicalim. His birth name was Joao but 
when he

visited Benaulim
some people called him John. To avoid any confusion and a 

conflict, he settled
on the name Englebert Humperdick which is spelt in Romi Konkani as 

Humperdick. He used
to hang out in Vasco as a teenager where the girls ignored him, hence 
the song A


Cliff Richards was born in Anjuna. His birth name was Richards 
Fernandes. As a

young boy he played
by the Anjuna cliffs (this was before greedy developers stole the sand 
and the

cliffs collapsed).
His parents used to yell out and say Cliff, Richards to warn him from 

too close to the
cliff's edge. Hence the name Cliff Richards. He often visited his 
summer home in

Moira over the
school holidays, hence the title of his new album SOMETHING'S GOIN ON.  
As a

matter of fact, all
of us know something is going on in Moira, we just don?t know WHAT is 
going on.

Mahesh Gopalnath took the Aldona ferry as a young man and like his 

posts, his ferry ride
converted into a long, meandering voyage to America where he took the 
name Mario

Goveia upon his
initiation into the white-Christian party (Republicans as Howard Dean 

them).  However, his
primary motivation for the name change to a nice Catholic sounding name 
was to

confess his

To the non-Goans (and hidden spammers) on this list, please know that 

is a Goan, all the
world is Goa.  Classified archaeological research soon to be made 

under the Freedom of
Information Act will show humankind originated in Goa.  The Book of 
Genesis will

show Goa was
created in 6.5 days (perfection takes awhile), the rest of the 
imperfect world

took half a day.

So know you know the truth.


Fwd: [Goanet]Susie a Goan? Then Sonny is, too.

2005-06-23 Thread carlos6143

Mario  Eric,

Thanks Eric for the info. We can now say Susie is a Goan and Sonny is a 
Goan son-in law. I had heard that Susie's Dad was from Portugal.



Her late father, who i have met, was with the World
Bank in Washington. She is a niece of the Conductor,
Caesar Coelho and Prof. Yvette Coelho Aguiar - all
Porvorim Nobles. Yvette, 90, founded the Alliance
Francaise de Westchester, New York, fifteen years
ago. eric.

Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

Goan? Then Sonny is, too.

Good point. This may make Sonny Bono a Goan

Re: [Goanet]Susie a Goan?

2005-06-22 Thread carlos6143


I heard on this net that Manglorians were originally from Goa. So Susie 
could be a Goan.


-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 13:07:57 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [Goanet]What if Zubin's heart is in Goa?

I'm still trying to figure out the significance of a
mansion in Arpora.  Someone said previously that
Englebert was from Cuncolim.

My criterion is the old adage that Home is where the
heart is.  Unfortunately we will never know where
Sonny Bono's heart was, and I'm not sure Susie is a
Goan.  I heard she's a Mangy.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:
No, indeed, 'aapro' Zubin would not
qualify as being a Goan, not even if he owned a
sumptuous mansion in Arpora.


Zubin never expected long discussions on Goanet on
required to be a Goan. He thought Feni/Sorpatel
would do. He was wrong.
So he is now thinking of becoming UN-GOAN.

Mario, Do you know if Late Sonny Bono could be
qualified as a Goan. His
third ex-wife is our famous Susuie Coelho (HGTV) and
she is originally
from our GREAT INDIA.


Re: [Goanet]What if Zubin's heart is in Goa?

2005-06-22 Thread carlos6143

Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

No, indeed, 'aapro' Zubin would not
qualify as being a Goan, not even if he owned a
sumptuous mansion in Arpora.


Zubin never expected long discussions on Goanet on qualifications 
required to be a Goan. He thought Feni/Sorpatel would do. He was wrong. 
So he is now thinking of becoming UN-GOAN.

Mario, Do you know if Late Sonny Bono could be qualified as a Goan. His 
third ex-wife is our famous Susuie Coelho (HGTV) and she is originally 
from our GREAT INDIA.


Re: [Goanet]Macs in advertising...

2005-06-22 Thread carlos6143

Frederick Noronha (FN) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Macs, or makapaos -- the almost derogatory term that Christians are
sometimes referred to in Mumbai (Bombay)


I thought Mumbai Catholic Goans were called Makapaos (maka pao di - 
give me bread). Are Keralite Christian also called Makapaos? And what 
is the correct spelling of Makapaos (or Macapaos)?



2005-06-19 Thread carlos6143

jerry fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

When BJP ruled, they had their leaders visit Goa number of times, but
surprising that our present PM declined the offer of visiting Goa. I 

what brought the BJP to Goa on so many times, was it Goa?s famous pork 

fenny? And why Dr. Manmohan Singh cancelled his plans especially when 

this was

Goa?s important day?

PM should not have cancelled his visit to Goa. It only shows that Goa 
and Rane's Gov't are not in his priority list.
Whereas BJP folks in New Delhi gave importance to Goa and Parrikar 


Re: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

2005-06-16 Thread carlos6143

What Willy said about Congress may be right. Especially true, when the 
president of Goa Congress and CM are both non-catholics. Why did 
Congress not select a Catholic for one of these positions? Are Catholic 
votes taken for granted by Congress?  It sure seems like. It appears to 
me, it is OK if Congress discriminates against Catholics, but it is not 
OK if BJP does it. Lets be fair and measure both these parites with the 
same yardstick.
If Parrikar supports Willy for CM, then we can get the best of both 
worlds. The history shows that they were the best CM's of Goa.


-Original Message-
From: D'Souza, Avelino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 13:00:11 +0300
Subject: RE: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

It seems, I may be wrong, that you have not followed what Willy said
about Congress being more communal than BJP.

In other words, BJP wants Willy to be CM by supporting NCP.  By doing
so, BJP will have a say in the day to day functioning of the government
which is secondary to Parrikar's plan.  The primary focus, as far as
Parrikar is concerned, is to starve the BJP traitors, the infamous five,
by keeping them away from juicy portfolios.

Willy will behave like a good one in fresh saffron robes.



Cip Fernandes wrote:


 Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one 

Could you please justify your statement with true premises?

Your statement appears to be based either on assumptions well known to
or logical inconsistency.

Further, I will appreciate your description of so-called a good one.

Personally, I do not have any dispute with either Carlos or Dr. Willy -
dispute is with Carlos' statement.

Just curious!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16 June 2005 01:00


Just watch. Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one.



Maybe now that he has hit bottom, he will re-infvent
himself and become a full-fledged Congressmen, or if
spurned will then become a full fledged saffronite ?
It is obvious that this person is not committed to any
ideology or principles. Chameleons !
Lets see what unfolds in the next few days or hours.

Re: [Goanet]Engelbert Humperdinck - where is Santosh when we need him

2005-06-15 Thread carlos6143


I heard Zubin Mehta also wants to be a Goan. What qualifications are 
reqd to be a Goan?


-Original Message-

From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:50:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Engelbert Humperdinck - where is Santosh when we 

need him

Would you please confirm or debunk these urban
legends, please, before they get out of hand.  Now
Englebert who does not even acknowledge he is an
Indian, as far as I know, and used to be an
Anglo-Indian from Chennai, has become a Goan from

Re: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

2005-06-15 Thread carlos6143


Just watch. Willy will be the next CM of Goa and he will be a good one.


-Original Message-
From: Vivian D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:51:39 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Goanet]Willy without portfolio ??

Maybe now that he has hit bottom, he will re-infvent
himself and become a full-fledged Congressmen, or if
spurned will then become a full fledged saffronite ?
It is obvious that this person is not committed to any
ideology or principles. Chameleons !
Lets see what unfolds in the next few days or hours.

[Goanet]Rane govt has huge task ahead

2005-06-12 Thread carlos6143

Rane govt has huge task ahead
PANJIM, JUNE 12 -- The five-day Pratapsing Rane government which has 
bounced back to power with much difficulty and continues to have 
hiccups, has a long way to go to prove that the Congress government can 
give good governance and a better administration to the people.
The stark reality is that the Congress government has several issues ? 
new as well as pending ? to attend to. Besides, they will have to come 
up with innovative people-oriented schemes and projects if they have to 
make a mark for themselves before the next general assembly elections.
For more than four months, Goa hardly had a government that could take 
decision as per the aspirations of the people. The hands of Governor S 
C Jamir though he tried to some extent, were tied as no policy decision 
could be taken under the President?s Rule. However, his ?sermons? to 
the senior bureaucrats on being responsive to the people was not 
reflected on the ground reality.
In this backdrop, the Rane government, considering that the BJP would 
function as a vociferous Opposition, has a long way to go in delivering 
a good system.
Among the burning issues, the government needs to resolve on priority 
are common entrance test (CET), computer teachers? grievances, clarity 
on IFFI, etc.
After the delay caused by the BJP government on CET, the administration 
under the President?s Rule instead of correcting the situation, 
aggravated it further. Incidentally, it was one of the former chief 
minister Manohar Parrikar?s favourite bureaucrat, Vijay Madan who was 
in-charge of the department that was responsible for GCET-2005. 
Interestingly, Madan who was the development commissioner reportedly 
asked for a transfer sometime back and has since been relieved.
River Princess is another issue which is also looking for government 
attention. Besides
the issue of failure to remove the ship, the Rane government may also 
to have go into what caused the delay and whether the company that was 
given the contract fulfilled all the specifications and condition laid 
down in the tender. Besides, the issue of accountability. Whether only 
one officer was responsible for the entire operation or whether he was 
made a scapegoat which seems to be the case, in order to protect the 
interest of some senior bureaucrats.
Stability of the government, no doubt, would be the prime issue before 
the chief minister. He would have to ensure that some kind of 
discipline is maintained in the party set up so that wrong signals are 
not sent out. This can hamper investment opportunities however best one 
may try to attract industries to Goa. Political stability is what every 
entrepreneur would like to cherish.
Rane has a difficult task to maintain a balance between the senior 
politicians who have once again shown their true colours ? of grabbing 
power ? instead of allowing new faces to get into the ministry.
Some of the other issues include preparation of the Budget for the 
remaining part of the financial year. A vote on account for four months 
was passed in the parliament in March. Then chief minister Manohar 
Parrikar had just initiated Budget discussions when his government 
collapsed after a major revolt in the BJP.
In a couple of months, the state government would have to be ready with 
the proposals to be placed before the Planning Commission as well as 
the Finance Commission.
If the government has plans to come up with welfare schemes or to 
undertake developmental works in rural areas, the Rane government?s 
main objective would be to effectively manage its finances. No doubt 
some lessons could be learnt from Parrikar who could bring about 
progress in the infrastructure sector and beautification programmes 
mainly because he knew how to manage the state finances. Revenue 
generation he managed was never seen in the past. Whether the same 
trend would continue or not is to be seen.
The BJP government however, went in for huge loans and the debt burden 
is quite heavy as of now. Rane government would have to work out ways 
and means to reduce the debt.
On the industrial front, the government may have to take up on priority 
is the decision on special economic zone (SEZ) which was announced by 
the Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram. Decisions on Mopa airport, 
Tillari irrigation project and Madei issue will also be keenly awaited.
It is the same concept which is pending before the government for long. 
The Parrikar government kept it on the back-burner for reasons best 
known to then chief minister. The only thing that happened was that it 
was transferred from one department to another and the other was 
identification of some areas.
BJP-led NDA government was in power until a year ago but the situation 
didn?t change. If the Parrikar government had to put in even 25 per 
cent of the work it ?invested? on IFFI, SEZ might have been a reality 
by now. It would be important for the Rane government to take the local 

[Goanet]Stability, CET, River Princess, SEZ?

2005-06-12 Thread carlos6143

Stability, CET, River Princess, SEZ?
Rane govt has huge task ahead
PANJIM, JUNE 12 -- The five-day Pratapsing Rane government which has 
bounced back to power with much difficulty and continues to have 
hiccups, has a long way to go to prove that the Congress government can 
give good governance and a better administration to the people.
The stark reality is that the Congress government has several issues ? 
new as well as pending ? to attend to. Besides, they will have to come 
up with innovative people-oriented schemes and projects if they have to 
make a mark for themselves before the next general assembly elections.
For more than four months, Goa hardly had a government that could take 
decision as per the aspirations of the people. The hands of Governor S 
C Jamir though he tried to some extent, were tied as no policy decision 
could be taken under the President?s Rule. However, his ?sermons? to 
the senior bureaucrats on being responsive to the people was not 
reflected on the ground reality.
In this backdrop, the Rane government, considering that the BJP would 
function as a vociferous Opposition, has a long way to go in delivering 
a good system.
Among the burning issues, the government needs to resolve on priority 
are common entrance test (CET), computer teachers? grievances, clarity 
on IFFI, etc.
After the delay caused by the BJP government on CET, the administration 
under the President?s Rule instead of correcting the situation, 
aggravated it further. Incidentally, it was one of the former chief 
minister Manohar Parrikar?s favourite bureaucrat, Vijay Madan who was 
in-charge of the department that was responsible for GCET-2005. 
Interestingly, Madan who was the development commissioner reportedly 
asked for a transfer sometime back and has since been relieved.
River Princess is another issue which is also looking for government 
attention. Besides
the issue of failure to remove the ship, the Rane government may also 
to have go into what caused the delay and whether the company that was 
given the contract fulfilled all the specifications and condition laid 
down in the tender. Besides, the issue of accountability. Whether only 
one officer was responsible for the entire operation or whether he was 
made a scapegoat which seems to be the case, in order to protect the 
interest of some senior bureaucrats.
Stability of the government, no doubt, would be the prime issue before 
the chief minister. He would have to ensure that some kind of 
discipline is maintained in the party set up so that wrong signals are 
not sent out. This can hamper investment opportunities however best one 
may try to attract industries to Goa. Political stability is what every 
entrepreneur would like to cherish.
Rane has a difficult task to maintain a balance between the senior 
politicians who have once again shown their true colours ? of grabbing 
power ? instead of allowing new faces to get into the ministry.
 Some of the other issues include preparation of the Budget for the 
remaining part of the financial year. A vote on account for four months 
was passed in the parliament in March. Then chief minister Manohar 
Parrikar had just initiated Budget discussions when his government 
collapsed after a major revolt in the BJP.
In a couple of months, the state government would have to be ready with 
the proposals to be placed before the Planning Commission as well as 
the Finance Commission.
If the government has plans to come up with welfare schemes or to 
undertake developmental works in rural areas, the Rane government?s 
main objective would be to effectively manage its finances. No doubt 
some lessons could be learnt from Parrikar who could bring about 
progress in the infrastructure sector and beautification programmes 
mainly because he knew how to manage the state finances. Revenue 
generation he managed was never seen in the past. Whether the same 
trend would continue or not is to be seen.
 The BJP government however, went in for huge loans and the debt burden 
is quite heavy as of now.  Rane government would have to work out ways 
and means to reduce the debt.
On the industrial front, the government may have to take up on priority 
is the decision on special economic zone (SEZ)  which was announced by 
the Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram. Decisions on Mopa airport, 
Tillari irrigation project and Madei issue will also be keenly awaited.
It is the same concept which is pending before the government for long. 
The Parrikar government kept it on the back-burner for reasons best 
known to then chief minister. The only thing that happened was that it 
was transferred from one department to another and the other was 
identification of some areas.
BJP-led NDA government was in power until a year ago but the situation 
didn?t change. If the Parrikar government had to put in even 25 per 
cent of the work it ?invested? on IFFI, SEZ might have been a reality 
by now.  It would be important 

[Goanet]Planet Hollywood comes to Goa

2005-06-12 Thread carlos6143

India's date with Hollywood

By Siddharth Srivastava

NEW DELHI - Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Justin Timberlake, 
possibly with Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore and Arnold Schwarzenegger are 
headed for India. Even Britney Spears is rumored to be on the way. The 
cream of the American entertainment business is scheduled to fly down 
on the occasion of the launch of Planet Hollywood in India. The 
restaurant, most famous for providing dine-in experience along with 
some of Hollywood's biggest stars, has sought out India as a 
destination for diners and food lovers and will be investing close to 
US$15 million to set up five restaurants in the country by 2010.
Planet Hollywood's foray into India comes in the wake of America's $288 
billion Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, making a pitch for 
India's largely untapped retail market. Food, jewelry and textiles form 
the bulk of sales in this segment, with a McKinsey report predicting 
that opening up foreign direct investment in this sector will help 
retail businesses to grow from the present $180 billion to $460 billion 
to $470 billion by 2010. Foreign retail businesses now have to work 
through an Indian franchisee, but the Indian government is seriously 
considering opening up the sector. Foreign players have already been 
allowed into real estate.
The international players currently in India include McDonald's, Pizza 
Hut, Domino's, Levi's, Lee, Nike, Adidas, TGIF, Benetton, Swarovski, 
Sony, Sharp, Kodak, and the Medicine Shoppe. Planet Hollywood 
founder-chairman Robert Earl said there is huge potential in the Indian 
market for his brand. Our presence will bring the excitement of 
Hollywood and combine it with the power of Bollywood in a very special 
way, he said in a statement.
For its entry into the Indian market, Planet Hollywood has signed a 
franchisee agreement with the US-based Arch Millennium Corp, promoted 
by Indian-origin businessmen that run several other hotel and 
restaurant chains. The plans are to open one restaurant each in Mumbai, 
Delhi, Bangalore, Goa and Hyderabad. We will be bringing in big stars 
like Willis and Stallone to India as part of our promotional 
activities, while also trying to get others like Paris Hilton and 
Justin Timberlake, said Arch Millennium president and chief executive 
officer Siddharth Mobar.
The world has already acquired a taste for Indian curry and tandoori 
chicken. With Planet Hollywood, Indians will be able to test their 
palates with the likes of Chicken Crunch, a Demi Moore recipe, and 
Banana Strudel, from Schwarzenegger's mother's kitchen. Bollywood 
stars will be roped in to provide the right spice and local flavor. The 
cuisine will be classically Californian with a variety of pastas, 
exotic salads, burgers, pizzas and a variety of vegetarian offerings, 
smoked and grilled meats and fish. Plus the opportunity to wine and 
dine with the stars themselves, with Willis and Stallone mixing the 
cocktails and tossing the salad during the opening.
As per the standards followed by the chain, each Planet Hollywood 
restaurant will display memorabilia from old classics as well as new 
movies. The interior decor will reflect various film genres, including 
action, horror and sci-fi, and the audio-visual system will play the 
latest movie trailers, clips, music videos and celebrity visits. A 
guest in a Planet Hollywood India restaurant will be able to watch the 
proceedings at restaurant locations such as New York, Las Vegas, 
Orlando, London and Paris.
The first restaurant is likely to begin serving next year in Mumbai, 
with an initial investment of $2.5 million to $3 million. The potential 
customer base is large. A new survey by a hospitality industry platform 
on restaurants in the main cities of India shows that 260,000 people 
eat out more than once a week in Kolkata, followed by 175,000 in 
Bangalore. Then there are Mumbai, Chennai and New Delhi. Average 
spending on an outdoor meal is $5, which is reasonable by Indian 
Planet Hollywood could do well to learn from McDonald's, which 
continues to expand in the country with an aim to reach 100 restaurants 
by the end of 2006. Apart from cheap pricing, the food chain has 
tailored its menu to the Indian market, creating dishes such as the 
Paneer Salsa Wrap, McCurry Pan, McAloo Tikki and innovating with mutton 
in a country where most do not eat beef.
According to a McKinsey report, the share of an Indian household's 
spending on food is one of the highest in the world at over 50% of 
income. Food sales have grown to $20 billion from $7 billion in 1996. 
The organized retail food and grocery sector constitutes the largest 
opportunity for growth and accounts for 2% of total sales at present. 
According to a study on the food and grocery retail market by KSA 
Technopak, the food and grocery sector now accounts for 14% of total 
organized (chain) retail, after clothing and 

[Goanet]All about Mickky -- O Heraldo

2005-06-12 Thread carlos6143

MARGAO, JUNE 10 - Mickky Pacheco appeared calm and relaxed on Friday, 
notwithstanding that he wasn't one of the seven MLAs sworn in as 
ministers in the Pratapsing Rane cabinet. But, the flamboyant MLA 
dropped enough hints that Saturday's NCP meeting scheduled in Goa would 
decide the state of things to come vis-a-vis his denial of a cabinet 
berth and other related issues.
According to him, Dr Wilfred de Souza and NCP leader Tariq Anwar are 
coming to the state from Mumbai by the 5.30 am flight, adding that the 
NCP meeting would take place soon thereafter.
Whatever that is decided at tomorrow's meeting would be acceptable to 
me, was how Mickky reacted, saying that all issues would be discussed 
threadbare at the meeting.
Asked whether he would agree to any decision taken at tomorrow's 
meeting to form the government with BJP's support, Pacheco reiterated 
whatever decision my party takes will be binding on me. Who knows what 
would be the situation tomorrow.
Saying he has no ill-feeling after having been denied the ministerial 
berth, Pacheco sounded philosophical a happy man will never have 
problems. I am relaxed. I am not worried at all.
He further added that whatever he wants would be given to him by the 
Party President, Sharad Pawar. I have full faith in Sharad Pawar that 
he would do justice for me. That's the reason why he has deputed NCP 
leaders to Goa for tomorrow's meeting, he added.

» add new comment

Goa for goondas
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 2005-06-11 20:46.
Well, if one could go by the results of the just concluded electons, it 
is shameful to say that Goans are compared to the illitrate lot of 
Biharis. We elect notorious candidates, criminals , and the likes 
similar to the situation in Bihar.

It is disgusting to say, that we long to run away from Goa due to the 
looting being done by the politicians from the sincere and good goans.

» reply
It is unfortunate that Micky
Submitted by satrod (not verified) on Sat, 2005-06-11 19:28.
It is unfortunate that Micky Mouse got elected by the Benaulim 
electorate. People had not learnt their lessons and I blame it on greed 
of the people who later complain of 'No Developement'. How can a goon 
and adulterous man like the one in the picture above think of the 
welfare of the people? He is as adulterous as the old haggard dotor of 
Siolim. Micky might have won but not with people's power but money 
power, of course, not of his own but from a dead black lady from the 
States. Remember, Micky jumped off the BJP wagon only when it almost 
sank off. Sorry to the people of Benaulim, you voted out good 

» reply
political gimmick!
Submitted by avi (not verified) on Sat, 2005-06-11 15:22.
Mr. Micky was offered Congress ticket but he opted for NCP. Dr. Willy 
was the main mentor behind it. Dr. Egocentric knows very well how and 
when to play political cards that creates political turmoil. Goans 
please save Goa from these kind of politicians.

» reply
What a shame
Submitted by joe (not verified) on Sat, 2005-06-11 15:17.
It is a sad commentary on the affairs of Goan politics. Imagine, 
ministers like Madkaikar, who is the most corrupt and illiterate in the 
Rane ministry. What has happened to good and honest politicians. Have 
Goans become so gullible and money-minded that they will vote for 
anyone who offers them monetary benefits. Why can't Goans think in the 
long term and for the development of Goa? These clowns will continue 
with their game of musical chairs. Otherwise, why would they spend 
around 4 to 5 crores to win an election?

» reply
Selfish politicians
Submitted by avi (not verified) on Sat, 2005-06-11 14:24.
Dr. Willy is the most egoistic MLA in Goa legislative assembly. He says 
that he will ask for everything from the new government. NCP has only 
two seats in Goa and yet he creates an political uncertainity. Next 
assembly election will be the end of Saligao MLA.

» reply
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 2005-06-11 13:45.

» reply
Good God!!!
Submitted by Chapis (not verified) on Sat, 2005-06-11 05:34.
My most dear fellow goans,
Please take a good look at the picture of our MLA above!!! That is the 
face of Goa others see
It is disgraceful 

[Goanet]Merrier with more millionaires

2005-06-11 Thread carlos6143

Washington, June 10, 2005,00050001.htm?headline=Merrier~with~more~Indian~millionaires
India's teeming millions are rising to a rich vortex. The number of 
millionaires in India has shot up to 70,000 during 2004 ? a 14.6 per 
cent rise over the previous year, in tandem with the country's overall 
growth trends. The past year saw a whopping addition of 9,000 moneybags 
to India's millionaires club.
The World Wealth Report 2005, released by Merrill Lynch and Capgemini 
in New York on Thursday, points out that the Indian growth in the 
number of millionaires is among the highest.
In global terms, however, the figure may still be at the low end. In 
contrast to India's 70,000, Brazil has 98,000 millionaires, China 
300,000, UK 418,000 and the US a whopping 2,498,000.
When it talks of millionaires, the report means high net worth 
individuals ? those with a net worth of at least US $1 million, 
excluding their primary residence.
Worldwide, there are 8.3 million such individuals, up by 600,000 over 
their number in 2003. This upswing has been led by Asia and North 
America. Overall, North America has 2.7 million of these millionaires, 
Europe 2.6 million and Asia-Pacific 2.3 million.
The total worth of the world's wealthy elite is now estimated at 30.2 
trillion dollars. India, along with Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia, 
saw the highest rates of growth of millionaires in the Asia-Pacific 


[Goanet]NCP leaders to visit Goa

2005-06-11 Thread carlos6143

NDTV Correspondent
Saturday, June 11, 2005 (Panaji):
There is once again trouble brewing in the Goa government.
Senior NCP leaders Tariq Anwar and Chhagan Bhujbal are visiting Goa 
today after NCP's Micky Pacheco was denied a cabinet berth in the 
Congress-led Pratapsinh Rane govt.
NCP president Sharad Pawar described Pacheco's non-inclusion as a 
breach of promise made on the eve of the polls in Goa, which the 
Congress and NCP had fought jointly.
NCP Goa leader Wilfred DSouza went a step further and described it as a 
case of communal politics.


[Goanet]Re: Was Jinnah Secular?

2005-06-10 Thread carlos6143
If any one who should be annoyed by Lalji?s (Advani) remark, it should 
be the Congress,? George Fernandes said in Guwahati. Quoting veteran 
politicians and historians, Fernandes said it was Jawaharlal Nehru and 
the Congress who were responsible for the country?s division.
It was the Congress?s ?betrayal? which had forced Jinnah to demand a 
separate nation on the basis of religion.
?It was in 1935 that the Congress and Jinnah?s party entered into an 
agreement to jointly contest in the ensuing elections and to form a 
government together. But after the elections, Nehru backtracked from 
the earlier promise,? Fernandes said.
This development, he added, had pushed Jinnah out of secular politics. 
Fernandes also called for a national debate on the issue.


halur rasho [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:
If Jinnah was secular, Pakisan would not exist. Or else the two-nation 

is highest form of secularism? And why two-nation theory? Was Jinnah 

against Christians? If he was secular, he would have demanded a 


country for Indian christians too

On 09/06/05, sandeep heble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
., Mr. Advani reportedly described Jinnah as
``a great man'' who had espoused the cause of secular

Re: [Goanet]Re: Was Jinnah Secular?

2005-06-10 Thread carlos6143

If the socialist Nehru had allowed Jinnah to be the PM of India, 
Pakistan would not have existed. We all could have lived as a happy 
familly in a true secular India.


halur rasho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If Jinnah was secular, Pakisan would not exist. Or else the two-nation 

is highest form of secularism? And why two-nation theory? Was Jinnah 

against Christians? If he was secular, he would have demanded a 


country for Indian christians too

On 09/06/05, sandeep heble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
., Mr. Advani reportedly described Jinnah as
``a great man'' who had espoused the cause of secular

[Goanet]Advani becomes a hit with Pak media

2005-06-10 Thread carlos6143

Advani becomes a hit with Pak media

Indo-Asian News Service

Islamabad, June 9, 2005|15:33 IST
BJP leader LK Advani's resignation as party president has sparked off a 
guessing game in the Pakistan media over his motives, with some saying 
that it was meant to widen his support base.
Most leading Pakistani newspapers on Thursday carried editorials trying 
to decode Advani's laudatory comments on Mohammed Ali Jinnah during his 
weeklong visit to the country and his subsequent resignation.
In an editorial headlined Advani's new clothes, The News said, His 
remarks have certainly given him a new look among the Pakistani people, 
who otherwise would reject him as a hardcore radical with nothing good 
to contribute to peace.
It interpreted Advani's statement calling the Pakistan founder 
secular as part of his drive to create new constituencies to serve 
his prime ministerial ambitions.
Advani, shrewd and astute as he is, appears to be more responsive to 
the emerging environment in the region and also to the public mood in 
India that is supportive of peace and coexistence with Pakistan.
He appears to be ready to capitalise on the moderate and liberal 
elements within his party as well as outside. Perhaps he is looking 
forward to creating new constituencies, the editorial elaborated.
What his hardliner partners cannot read now is something Advani has 
foreseen - there is no place for radical politics in the changing 
global geo-political scenario.
The Daily Times, in its editorial entitled Mr Advani's masterful 
hand, saw in Advani's remarks his desire to acquire an Atal Bihari 
Vajpayee-like liberal appeal as a potential prime minister-in-waiting.
It now appears from Advani's statements in Pakistan that he is trying 
to acquire the same image and stature as Vajpayee. So he has started by 
placating Pakistanis on some of the more emotive issues, said the 
He talked about the Babri Masjid and offered a mea culpa of sorts; he 
spoke of India-Pakistan peace and the need to resolve Kashmir; he went 
to the Qaid's mazar and called him a secularist. In doing all this, 
Advani came across as a seasoned and mature politician, said the Daily 
Calling it a masterstroke, the editorial posed the all-important 
question - Will the BJP wag its Parivar tail or will the tail, the 
Parivar that is, wag the BJP?
Advani's gamble is likely to work. If he returns, he will be more 
entrenched than he was before. He will also have unshackled himself 
from the Parivar. In such a situation, he will be the winner all round.
In an editorial, The Dawn saw in Advani's remarks a provocation for a 
radical reappraisal of religion-based politics in the subcontinent. The 
controversy managed to bring into sharp focus the dilemma of 
religio-political parties in today's rapidly globalising, and 
inevitably secularising, world.
The politics of extremism and of exploiting religious sentiments for 
political purposes may become irrelevant even in limited, regional 
In an attempt to place Advani's resignation in the wider context, the 
Dawn editorial adopted a soul-searching note. This is not only an 
Indian or a BJP problem. Pakistan too faces similar issues, perhaps in 
an acuter form because our constitution specifically provides for a 
state based on religion and is thus a durable point of reference for 
religious parties, it said.
The editorial advised parties to stop extracting mileage out of 
religious politics. Otherwise, we can easily become an anachronism in 
a world changing around us.

Jai Hind!

Tension persists with India over Kashmir and a nuclear arms race began 
after 'Pokhran nuclear explosions', though CBMs are in full swing.

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[Goanet]Congress is communal says Dr. Willy

2005-06-09 Thread carlos6143

Cong govt in Goa in trouble as NCP threatnes to pull the rug
Panaji/Surat, June 9, 2005,000900040002.htm

The Congress-led government on Thursday night appeared headed towards 
trouble as key coalition partner NCP threatened to withdraw support 
protesting non-inclusion of one of its MLAs in the ministry which is 
set to be expanded on Friday with the induction of seven new faces.
The NCP Goa chief Wilfred D'souza told reporters in Surat tonight we 
have threatened to withdraw the support if the commitment of including 
our representative (Mikky Pacheco) is not honoured.
The Congress and its allies like NCP have 21 while main opposition BJP 
and allies have 17 in the 40-member state assembly with an effective 
strength of 39. One MLA Philippe Neri Rodriquez has been qualified.
D'souza charged that Congress was being very very communal and 
Congress is turning out to be more communal than BJP.
He said Pacheco was one of the five MLAs who had resigned from the 
state assembly when BJP was in power reducing the saffron party-led 
government to minority in March this year. Out of the five MLAs, four 
returned triumphant in recent by-polls and if three of them could be 
given ministerial berths why not Pacheco, he asked.
And why not one? Because he is Mikky Pacheco? said D'souza alleging, 
This is communal, very very communal. Congress is turning out to be 
more communal than BJP.
The threat by NCP came just a couple of days after a coalition 
government headed by veteran Congressman Pratapsinh Rane was sworn in 
ending three months of President's Rule in the state and came a day 
ahead of expansion of the ministry by the Chief Minister.

Jai Hind!

Re: [Goanet]Come back BJP all is forgiven!

2005-06-09 Thread carlos6143

This news of instability is not suprising at all when Congress is in 
power. It was expected but not this soon. It could be great news for 
Goans who want to see Goa developed and not looted. Hope Willy becomes 
the CM with the BJP support.

Viva Willy!
Jai Hind!

-Original Message-
From: Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 23:32:02 +0100
Subject: [Goanet]Come back BJP all is forgiven!
Willy threatens to withdraw support
Sandesh Prabhudesai
9 June 2005
The four-day old Pratapsing Rane government has plunged into crisis as
deputy chief minister Wilfred de Souza, belonging to the Nationalist
Congress Party, has threatened to withdraw support to the Congress-led
ruling alliance.

[Goanet]Goa govt faces threat to stability

2005-06-08 Thread carlos6143

NDTV Correspondent
Wednesday, June 8, 2005 (Panjim):
It's evident that jockeying in the Congress has postponed the party's 
MLAs from being inducted into the Cabinet.
Yesterday, Pratapsingh Rane was sworn in for his seventh term and NCP 
leader Wilfred D'Souza was inducted in as Deputy Chief Minister.
But now the new Chief Minister faces a new challenge  finding seats for 
all those who broke from the BJP to join him and his own party MLAs.
We want all ministers, who resigned and sacrificed their seats for the 
Congress, to get berths, said Wilfred D'Souza, Deputy Chief Minister, 
Congress MLAs are already unhappy, because after making four new recent 
recruits ministers and one minister from the MGP, there will be only 
five seats left among 13 of the Congress MLAs.

Tough times
The threat of instability remains.
If the government does well, we will support it based on issues. But I 
hope there is stability for the next two years. I wish them luck, said 
Manohar Parrikar, former chief minister, Goa.
With a promise of political stability to the Goans for the next two 
years, Rane has been sworn as Goa's 15th Chief Minister in 15 years.
But the real trouble lies ahead as there will be many Congress MLAs 
aspiring for ministerial berths


Re: [Goanet]Goanet News Bytes * June 7, 2005 *

2005-06-07 Thread carlos6143


Yes, Rane is a good non corrupt man as I know him; educated in US and 
went back to Goa to add value there. But what about the ministers who 
report to him. That is where the problem is. If all his cabinet members 
were like him, Goa would be happy.


-Original Message-
From: Cip Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 10:34:57 +0100
Subject: RE: [Goanet]Goanet News Bytes * June 7, 2005 *

It is a very good news that NON-CORRUPT Shri Pratapsing Rane is 
sworn-in as

chief minister of Goa for the seventh time..  Now, it appears that Goans
have a very bright future ahead of them.

Just curious to know if the current NON-CORRUPT Congress Rane 
has any provision to create a job for Shri Vishwajit Rane either right 

or bit later?

Perhaps, Floriano Lobo may have some inside information.


-Original Message-
Of Goanet News Service Sent: 07 June 2005 07:32

o Pratapsing Rane was sworn-in as chief minister of Goa at 10.07 am
 today. Dr Wilfred de Souza took oath as deputy CM, while
 Sudin Dhavalikar of the MGP did so as a Cabinet minister.
o EARLIER REPORTS: Rane to be sworn-in as CM today. Dr Willy,
  Dhavalikar to be administered oath. Alva to head co-ordination panel. 

 Pratapsing Rane to be sworn-in for the seventh time. (GT)
o Anti-Goa BJP decisions will be reviewed: Rane

   Rane's tenures as chief minister:
   16 Jan 1980-07 Jan 1985
   07 Jan 1985-30 May 1987
   30 May 1985
   09 Jan 1990-27 Mar 1990
   16 Dec 1994-29 Jul 1998
   02 Feb 2005-04 Mar 2005  Source: Herald

Re: [Goanet]Fw: A Good Goan/Dead Goan?

2005-06-06 Thread carlos6143

floriano/alberto wrote:
Subject: A Good Goan?
Goa is a literate State.  Unfortunately Goans have shown that they 

have no
political taste. And, as things stand today, the feeling is that a 

Good Goan

is a Dead Goan.


There are good Goans in Goa, they prefer to stay away from the others. 
they play by the rules,they work hard, and they mind their own 
business. How many are there, you may need to help me there!  Is Goa a 
literate corrupt state?


[Goanet]Kentucky diocese settles for $120M for child molestation cases

2005-06-03 Thread carlos6143
Nation's largest settlement for child molestation cases
Friday, June 3, 2005 Posted: 10:14 PM EDT (0214 GMT)
COVINGTON, Kentucky (AP) -- The Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington 
agreed Friday to set up a $120 million fund to compensate hundreds of 
victims of child-molesting priests and other employees.
It would be the nation's biggest settlement in the scandal that has 
staggered the church.
The settlement, which is subject to approval by a Kentucky judge, would 
bring to a close a class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of victims 
abused over a 50-year period. It accuses the diocese of a cover-up of 
sexual abuse by priests and others during that time.
After personally meeting with more than 70 victims, I am painfully 
aware that no amount of money can compensate for the harm these victims 
suffered as innocent children, Covington Bishop Roger Foys said in a 
Nevertheless, I pray that this settlement will bring some measure of 
peace and healing to victims and their loved ones.
Victims will be grouped into four categories based on the severity of 
abuse, and compensation will range from $5,000 to $450,000 per person 
before attorney fees are deducted.
A portion will be set aside to provide counseling, the statement said. 
Any money not used for claims or other expenses would be returned to 
the diocese, it said.
According to the statement, the class of victims encompasses all 
persons, known and unknown, who were abused during the 50-year class 
period. Lawyers for plaintiffs and the diocese have said that number 
would be in the hundreds. It could be months before an exact number is 
known, however, the lawyers have said.
The additional anxiety and stress that would have occurred to the 
victims had there been a trial has been eliminated, said Stan Chesley, 
the plaintiffs' chief attorney.

Real estate, investments and insurance
A spokesman for the diocese would not comment on how the diocese could 
afford the settlement -- or why the amount was so much larger than 
agreements reached in other abuse settlements. Both parties have 
agreed not to comment on the details of the settlement at this time, 
said spokesman Tim Fitzgerald.
Last year, the Orange County, California Diocese agreed to a settlement 
that participants said would pay $100 million to 87 victims. In 2003 
the Boston Archdiocese, where the scandal first erupted, settled with 
552 victims for $85 million.
Covington -- a suburb of Cincinnati, which is across the Ohio River -- 
is far smaller than Boston, the nation's fourth-largest diocese with 
about 2.1 million parishioners. The Covington Diocese spans 14 counties 
and has 89,000 parishioners. The lawsuit also covers some Kentucky 
counties that were part of the Covington Diocese until 1988, when a new 
diocese in Lexington formed.
In a statement the diocese and plaintiffs' attorneys said $40 million 
of the settlement fund would come from a combination of church real 
estate and investments, and $80 million would come from insurance.
Sue Archibald, head of the clergy-abuse victims advocacy group The 
Linkup, called the settlement fair and commended the diocese for its 
It's difficult to put a dollar figure on damages that can't be valued, 
but the size of the settlement signifies how serious the abuse and its 
effects were, Archibald said. I hope the settlement enables the 
survivors to move forward with their healing.
In addition to the dioceses that have reached major settlements, three 
-- in Tucson, Arizona; Portland, Oregon, and Spokane, Washington -- 
have filed bankruptcy claims because of abuse allegations.
With the lawsuit pending, the Covington Diocese settled other claims, 
paying $4 million from its savings and $6.5 million from insurance over 
the last 18 months to resolve 56 sex abuse claims. It recently said it 
would move its offices to a medical center to cut costs and earlier 
announced some layoffs.
I don't know that the money is ever a remedy for what was taken from 
us, said Kay Montgomery of Lexington, central Kentucky director of 
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. She settled separately 
with the Covington diocese and is not part of the new settlement.
It doesn't bring back the lost innocence for the victims, and it 
certainly will not bring the innocent life back to them, she said.


[Goanet]MLAs urged to have personal interaction with people

2005-06-03 Thread carlos6143

Navhind Times News Desk
Panaji June 3: The Diocesan Service Centre for social action has 
written a personal letter to all the members of the Goa assembly urging 
them to have personal interaction with the people for exchange of ideas 
for finding effective ways to uphold human dignity and promote human 
values to stop injustice prevailing in today?s society.
The letter said: ?if you feel this ought to be done, please contact us 
to arrange a suitable date and time for the meeting.?
Earlier the centre organised an interactive session with the people who 
expressed their expectations from their elected representatives.
The centre forwarded five from among the many expectations expressed by 
the people to the legislators.
The people feel the need for participatory democracy. The government 
should create channels for effective participation of all the people in 
decision making before finalising of policies. Newspaper advertisements 
and publicity through local self-government institutions are suggested 
as means to invite people?s comments/options/suggestions.
The emphasised on the need for free flow of information. All 
administrative procedures should be fully transparent. The right of any 
citizen to seek information on any issue related to public interest at 
all levels of administration should be respected. The Right to 
Information Act should be suitably amended.
There should be accountability. All ministers as well as the other 
elected members of the legislative assembly should be accountable to 
the people. This principle also applies to the bureaucracy.
The elected representative should respect the votes of the people and 
not betray the peoples? mandate. The traditional communal harmony which 
has characterised Goan society should be maintained and nurtured, it 


[Goanet]Advani Betrayed the Hindus

2005-06-02 Thread carlos6143

PTI[ THURSDAY, JUNE 02, 2005 03:39:57 PM ]'Advani~betrayed,~insulted~Hindus'

CHENNAI: Accusing BJP president L K Advani of having betrayed the 
Hindus, VHP working president Ashok Singhal on Thursday demanded a 
public apology from him for describing the December 6, 1992 Ayodhya 
incident as the saddest day of his life.
He (Advani) should publicly apologise. He has betrayed the Hindus of 
our country. Regretting now, particularly from Pakistani soil, is an 
insult to 90 crore Hindus, Singhal told reporters here.
Alleging that Pakistan was behind the jehadi movements in various parts 
of the country and for the Kargil war, he said Advani's statement, that 
too from Pakistani soil when he had himself accused Pakistan of waging 
proxy war in India, is most shameful.
On friendship with Pakistan, Singhal countered friendship for what? To 
enhance jehadi movement?.
He claimed 43 per cent of districts in India were facing the problem of 
terrorism. Who is teaching them, (terrorists) who is providing 
training to them, he asked.
Referring to the desaffronisation of history lessons from schools by 
the Union Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh, he claimed 
that despite strong historical evidence, the students were now being 
taught obsolete theories like Aryans invaded India.


Re: [Goanet]Goa's Caste System --of (church) Gaumkars, Bamonns Chaddi

2005-06-01 Thread carlos6143


Pl.Note: I belong to one of the abv caste too.
Tea bhair hanv Dev bhiranticho munis.


Caste will stay as the Dalit and other caste politicians use their 
caste to defeat the Brahmins  Chaddis. That is why Eduardo Faleiro 
lost the elections in South Goa. He is the best MP Goa has and yet he 


Re: [Goanet]News: It's Official - Kannada Script for Konkani in Schools

2005-05-31 Thread carlos6143

Sixty-seven people responded. Of these, 44 opted for the Kannada 

script, 19
for the Devanagari script, two for the Roman script and two were not 


about their choice.

What happened to Goenkars? Is Konkani now outsourced to Karnataka?


Re: [Goanet]Re: When and to what extent should priests/nuns be involved in politics?

2005-05-28 Thread carlos6143

Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:
The Christian cannot be silent when there is rampant corruption, 

violence and


Dear Fr. Ivo,
I am in total agreement with your statement. Wished every Goan Catholic 
politician had the same view. Can the Goa Church help educate these 
people (The politicians as well as the people who voted them) with 
morals and values?



2005-05-28 Thread carlos6143

Philip Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Madgao First demanded that the
Dabolim airport should continue to be domestic airport even after 

opening of

international airport at Mopa, the news report says. This is entirely
consistent with the stand taken by Churchill Alemao, MP, in his speech 


Parliament earlier this year.


This is the game played by the Goa Corrupt politicians who want to 
appease both sides for their votes. Lets have Mopa and lets have 
Dabolim too so that pro-Dabolim folks are onboard with us at present. 
You know what will happen next. All the Air traffic will go to Mopa as 
it will be the new airport with all the infrastructure that the 
airlines prefer. Once Mopa is built, we can kiss goodbye to Dabolim.
Our Goa Conmen cannot argue with the Delhi Congmen who have already 
made up their mind on Mopa.

Best regards,

Re: [Goanet]Re: Floriano Lobo's trip to the election ring

2005-05-25 Thread carlos6143

Fr. Agnelo Gomes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The church has an obligation not only to speak against moral
corruption but corruption in all areas of our life. This obligation 
comes from
Christ who constantly spoke against the evil and corrupt structures of 


Dear Fr. Agnelo:

I responded to a similar email from Dr. Jose before I found your email.
I am particularly speaking on the rampant corruption that is happening 
in Goa such as:

Govt Employees taking bribes
Corrupt Catholic politicians/elected representatives
Neighbors/relatives who appear from nowhere and claim your property
People who do harm to others
People who do not follow the laws such as building on your property 
lines (boundaries)


I see all these people involved in above activities attend the Church 
on Sunday's. What a great place to bring these issues up.

Where is the Church on these issues and why is it not taking a firm 


Re: [Goanet]Re: : Floriano's election Carlos' church trips

2005-05-25 Thread carlos6143

jose colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How many times, Carlos have you spoken out (on these lists or in the 

newspapers) about corruption


Sorry for not responding earlier, as I was busy at work.

I want to reiterate that Corruption is Wrong period. No matter who does 
it and where and how it happens. Lets deal with the current issues. I 
still believe that the Church needs to take a strong stand on it. Who 
else can preach morals and values better than your own family and the 
Church? The family could be weak on morals and values. Is the Church 
also weak? I hope not and it should never be.
What are the top most priorities for the Church? Is it for collecting 
donations for the development work in the parish? Or is it to preach 
morals and values? Or is it to gain souls for God? What is it and I am 
waiting for the answer.

Let's not beat around the bush, but let's tackle Corruption head on?

Best regards,

Re: [Goanet]Re: Floriano Lobo's trip to the election ring

2005-05-23 Thread carlos6143

jose colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

Here is where I disagree with you: 


1.  Why can't the CHURCH take a stand on corruption? .  

BTW when last have you been to church in Goa? Maybe you do not/cannot 
understand that poorly constructed nasal-dialect of Marathi pretending 
to be Konkani that is heard in the churches of Goa. 


2. Even if they do. the CHURCH is not doing enough. 

Again, I am a strong believer of separation of Church and State. 
Otherwise we'd be no different from those Islamic fundamentalists who 
are now taking control of the deserts, and those Hindu fundamentalist 
who are trying to make a comeback in your favourite country. 

Not to forget the Rt. Wing Christians wherever they exist  their 


1.  I go to Goa frequently and I am there at every Sunday mass. Never 
did I hear the church preaching on corruption.
2.  I am also a strong believer of separation of Church and State. 
Corruption is widespread, starting from politicians to govt employees 
to neighbors/relatives. I believe the Church need to stress on morals 
and values.

Mog asundi,

Re: [Goanet]RE: Five thoughts for double-digit inclusive growth -

2005-05-21 Thread carlos6143

Philip Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

Even as regards India, this would have been
as valid 50 years ago as it is today and perhaps 5 years hence! What 

is new in it?

Continuation of Advani's speech:Some Highlights

India could break the chains of under-achievement and begin attaining 
higher rates of economic growth in the 1990s only after it discarded 
the influence of that Soviet model.

I never cease to be amazed by the hypocrisy of the Indian communists. 
For them, it is okay if China carries out economic reforms, but India 
must not. It is okay if China becomes a nuclear weapon nation, but 
India must not.
It is okay if a Chinese leader says, It does not matter of which 
colour the cat is, so long as it catches the mice, but for the 
Communists, India must follow the dictum: It does not matter if the 
cat cannot catch the mice, but it must be of red colour.
I wish to caution Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh: Your dependence 
on communist support will prove to be a liability for anything good you 
may wish to do.
If 8 % growth was Mungeri Lals Haseen Sapne, then would Double-Digit 
Growth be Mungeri Lals Hallucinations? A very responsible leader of 
the UPA had sought to rubbish the Vajpayee governments attempts to 
achieve 8% GDP growth rate as Mungeri Lals Haseen Sapne. By that 
logic, our present discussion on how India should achieve double-digit 
growth must qualify to be called not just Mungeri Lals Haseen Sapne, 
but Mungeri Lals Hallucinations!
While on the point of good governance, I must emphasise that this 
should not be confined only to Raisina Hill; it is also needed in 
Nariman Point. Corporate India must also follow the relevant norms and 
rules of good corporate governanceboth in letter and in spirit.


Re: [Goanet]Re: Two Goans among the Four Indian students - won the Intel ISEF awrds

2005-05-21 Thread carlos6143

Bernado Colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Miguel Braganza speaks kanadda. Does he become a kanadiga?
Carlos u must be a stud that's why you got voted.

Bernado et al,

If one lives in Karnataka and wants to be a Kanadigan, so be it, no one 
should stop him.
Imagine if Bangalore and Mumbai closed their borders for Goans, who 
will suffer? My two cousins currently working in Bangalore as software 
engineers would not get the job they like. Imagine if UK and US did the 
But I do agree that Goan culture should be maintained and Konkani is 
what will keep us united. It is a now a complex question on how to keep 
Goan identity especially when selfish corrupt politicians the Goan 
Catholics elect, encourage outsiders (blue collared workers) to get 
registered for their vote bank which mostly goes to Congress. Example: 
Margao Monte which is seeing influx of immigrant Muslim blue collared 
voters for the last 20 years. Why do the politicians want these people 
(who are mostly illiterate and will care less to vote) to get 
registered for elections? I feel the real danger to Goa is from flood 
of blue collared immigrants who can change the state demographic 
conditions. Unfortunately Goa needs them for its development. Congress 
knows that they will get the Catholic  Muslim vote bank even if they 
put a dummy or dead person on the ticket. Why can't they put honest 
trustworthy people. Why can't people force them to do it?


[Goanet]Five thoughts for double-digit inclusive growth - India

2005-05-20 Thread carlos6143 
Advani's 5-point plan for double-digit growth 
May 18, 2005 18:05 IST - Rediff 
India could break the chains of under-achievement and begin attaining 
higher rates of economic growth in the 1990s only after it discarded 
the influence of that Soviet model, said Bharatiya Janata Party 
President L K Advani at the CII's Annual Session and National 
Conference in New Delhi on Wednesday.  
He also laid down a roadmap to achieve double-digit GDP growth rate for 
the country.  
Following is the partial text of his speech:  
Friends, I did not want my address today on a business platform to have 
political overtones. But I had to place the theme of my address -- 'How 
to Achieve Double Digit Inclusive Growth' -- in its proper national 
context. Now I turn, briefly, to presenting five specific thoughts. 
both the central and state governments must continue to focus on rapid 
expansion and modernisation of our infrastructure. We must especially 
consolidate our gains in information technology and other areas of the 
knowledge economy.  
The work on ambitious infrastructure projects such as the National 
Highway Development Project, the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, the 
Indian Railways' Rashtriya Rail Vikas Yojana, modernisation of our 
airports and construction of greenfield airports, the Sagar Mala 
project for the modernisation of our ports infrastructure, the many 
initiatives on urban renewal, implementation of power sector reforms as 
per the Electricity Bill 2003, strengthening of our Science  
Technology infrastructure -- all this must receive strong, focused and 
sustained attention.  
I am sorry to say that the implementation of many of these projects has 
slowed down, especially the power sector reforms. If the alarming 
situation in Mumbai and Maharashtra is any pointer, then we must 
realise that we cannot live in the past and continue with old attitudes 
about the role of the private sector in electricity generation, 
transmission, and distribution. 
 not just physical infrastructure but also our social infrastructure 
needs similar strong, focused and sustained attention. In particular, 
the needs of our SC, ST and OBC brethren must become our collective 
priority. Faster economic growth without social justice is an affront 
to our Constitutional ideals. 
Here, learning from past experience, we must admit that the capability 
of government agencies to implement social sectors programmes and 
deliver results does not inspire confidence. Therefore, I am all for 
the widening and deepening the scope for public-private partnerships in 
education, health-care, drinking water supply, sanitation, housing for 
the poor and middle-classes, slum rehabilitation, etc. 
a big area of much-needed reforms is agriculture. Your incoming 
President has made a name for himself on agricultural issues and I hope 
that in his Presidency, CII will promote reforms in agriculture, 
marketing, technology transfer, food processing, etc. I am aware that 
agriculture is a state subject and states have to take the lead. I am 
pleased that Madhya Pradesh, a BJP-ruled state has been leading the 
reforms in agriculture marketing. 
 another important issue is to promote good governance reforms, both at 
the Centre and in states. I've long held that Swaraj in India was not 
followed by Su-Raj. I understand that CII has recently done some 
brainstorming workshops on this subject of state-related reforms. This 
is important, and you must push as hard for reforms in states as you 
did for economic reforms at the Centre in the last twelve years. We 
need to make state governments -- the executive, the legislature, and 
the judiciary -- realise the importance of faster reforms.  
In this context, you will be pleased to know that earlier this month we 
organised a three-day training workshop near Mumbai for all the 
ministers of the BJP-ruled states -- Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya 
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and Nagaland (our party is a 
coalition partner in the last two states). It was the first of its kind 
for any political party in the country.  
While on the point of good governance, I must emphasise that this 
should not be confined only to Raisina Hill; it is also needed in 
Nariman Point. Corporate India must also follow the relevant norms and 
rules of good corporate governance -- both in letter and in spirit. 
the imperative of achieving high growth with employment and equity has 
to be a common commitment for both governments and the business 
community. India's overwhelmingly young population needs adequate 
opportunities for rewarding employment and for realising their 
increasingly ambitious dreams.  
The informal sector and the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector 
have the highest potential to generate employment. Therefore, there is 
an urgent need to remove the difficulties being faced by these 

Re: [Goanet]Two Goans among the Four Indian students - won the Intel ISEF awrds

2005-05-19 Thread carlos6143

Frederick Noronha (FN) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Carlos' post did strike me as somewhat tongue-in-cheek. But behind the 
humour, he did have a serious point to make.
When I was reporting on the Baina issue, one of the young men I met 
was a Kannadiga who spoke Konkani fluently in the Catholic Sashti 
dialect -- he worked on a trawler and lived in Baina.

Thanks. It has been couple of years since we last met at Aires place in 
The point I was trying to make in the subject title is INCLUSIVENESS
I thought twice before I decided to include Dhillon as a Goan. Few 
hours later, I noticed Navhind Times also referred him as a Goan.
We need to know that to survive, we cannot isolate ourselves as a 
group. Isolation only benefits the weak politicians who are using us, 
not individuals. Weak and corrupt politicians use religion to get the 
votes. We need to understand that.
I was elected a student secretary in an Engineering College in Southern 
India during the Emergency, even lathi charged because I opposed 
Emergency rule. I was an outsider, the only Goan Christian in the 
College and still got elected by landlside without spending a pie as 
compared to my opponents. How did I get elected? We have to assimilate 
ourselves into the mainstream.
Regarding Konkani, if we want Konkani to survive, more and more people 
need to speak Konkani, including neo Goans.


Re: [Goanet]India's Right Wing: Hindu Nationalism, or Plain

2005-05-18 Thread carlos6143

---Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Carlos, you have old Bushie all wrong. You only end up
at Gitmo if you are violently against freedom and
democracy and are captured on the battlefield.  The
separation part will have to be handled by Manmohan,
unless, of course, he cannot deal with the Taliban
Goans alone.
The last time I spoke with him, he was in agreement to make exception 
to Taliban Goans.
Taliban Goans  -Watch out -- Bush is watching you. You may end up in 

Jai Hind!

Re: [Goanet]RE : India's Right Wing: Hindu Nationalism, or Plain

2005-05-17 Thread carlos6143
Mario wrote:
Mario asks the mythical Halur Rasho:Halur, my dear fellow
Lighten up guys. It was only a joke from Halur on how to identify FAke 
Halur, see what you started

[Goanet]Andaman tribals: Study shows African ancestry

2005-05-17 Thread carlos6143
Andaman tribals: Study shows African ancestry
T S Sudhir
Tuesday, May 17, 2005 (Hyderabad):
It's a fact that's been suspected for years, and has now been 

A study by the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) 
establishes that the tribals on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands have 
African ancestry and have nothing in common with the Indian 

According to the study, the first persons to leave Africa landed in 
India and thereafter settled down on the Andaman Islands.

And now, the tribal population from Goa down to Kerala, will be the 
object of a DNA study to be conducted by the CCMB.

Conducting tests
Scientists will study tribes along India's west coast because that is 
the route the early humans apparently took to travel from Africa 
through the Red Sea, and finally to the Andamans.

The scientists believe there could be tribes with traces of African 
origin and older than the ones found in the Andamans.

The Hyderabad-based CCMB's three-year long research has established 
that the Great Andamanese and Onges tribes on the Andaman islands are 
closer to the Africans rather than to any tribes in the Indian 

The first man who left Africa took the sea route and reached the 
Andamans. And he stayed put there, said Dr Lalji Singh, Director, CCMB.

Warning sounded
The scientists, who established the origin after comparing a specific 
kind of genetic material called mitochondrial DNA of the tribes with 
those of existing populations in Africa, however sound a warning.

They are more threatened today than they were before. Just like our 
lions and tigers are threatened as the natural habitat is dwindling. We 
are forcing them to indulge in inbreeding and inbreeding leads to 
extinction in future,'' said Lalji Singh.

The tribals bury their dead, but with many of them hostile to 
outsiders, it has not yet been possible to study the bones of the dead.

Scientists believe the graves could provide answers to what may have 
happened thousands of years ago.
Jai Hind!

Re: [Goanet]Constructive bashing

2005-05-17 Thread carlos6143
A good posting.
I would like to add that the best thing to do is to ignore the posting 
when it gets personal or dirty.
Let's show respect to each other, maturity and decency.
The silent people on the net are smart enough to make a judgment on 
every posting they choose to read.
Regarding the tuti frutty joke, I think I missed reading it.

Best Regards,

[Goanet]In per capita list, Goa comes first, Delhi comes second

2005-05-17 Thread carlos6143
Financial health report, released by Walia, says Delhiites per capita 
income (2003-04) is more than double that of the national average at Rs 
51, 664 compared to Rs 20, 989.

Express News Service
New Delhi, May 16: DELHI gets prosperous. This is the loud and clear 
verdict from Delhis financial health report, released by Finance 
Minister Dr A.K. Walia today.

The Estimates of State Domestic Product of Delhi said the Capitals per 
capita income is about two-and-half times the national average and is 
the second-highest in the country (after Goa). While Delhiites per 
capita income is at Rs 51,664 for 2003-04, the national average is Rs 
20,989 for 2003-04.

The report said it grew by 8.9 pc from the previous years (2002-03) Rs 
47,441 as the per capita income.

The Gross State Domestic Product grew by 12.1 pc, compared to 11.7 pc 
in national GDP. Delhis contribution is about 3.1 pc in national 
income, compared to its 1.4 pc share in total population of the 
country, Dr Walia said.

Comparing the Delhis GSDP at current prices, the highest growth of 25 
pc was achieved in the communication sector during 2003-04, followed by 
17 pc in the transport sector, 13 pc in trade, hotels and restaurants 
and 12 pc growth was achieved in each sector like manufacturing, 
construction and real estate and business services sector.

The minister said the tertiary sector has an important role in the 
Capitals economy and its contribution, in real terms, is about 78 pc. 
The secondary sector is contributing 21 pc and remaining 1 pc is the 
contribution of primary sector.

In the tertiary sector, banking and insurance, real estate and business 
services sector is contributing about 29 pc in Delhis economy followed 
by 21 pc by trade, hotels and restaurants, 15 pc by transport, storage 
and communication, 13 pc by community, social and personal services.

In the secondary sector, the registered manufacturing sector is 
contributing about 5 pc and unregistered manufacturing sector 
contributes about 7 pc, while 8 pc contribution is from the 
construction sector in Delhis economy
Jai Hind!

[Goanet]SpiceJet launches flights for Rs 99

2005-05-17 Thread carlos6143
SpiceJet launches flights for Rs 99
IANS[ TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 06:24:12 PM ]
NEW DELHI: India's growing budget air travel market spiced up on 
Tuesday with the launch of low cost carrier SpiceJet, which begins 
operating on domestic routes next week with a debut price of Rs 99.

With a fleet of three Boeing 737-800 aircraft and an initial investment 
of $25 million, SpiceJet will operate its first flight on Monday on the 
Delhi-Ahmedabad-Mumbai route.

On May 27, the airline will fly to Goa and on June 13, to Pune and 

We see ourselves taking train traffic and putting it in air, creating 
a new market for seniors, students, leisure and train travellers, said 
SpiceJet CEO Mark Winders.

Some 30 pilots are on board the new budget operator.
Right now we are only looking at the domestic market. We are offering 
one-and-a-half to two-hour flights as an alternative to train journeys 
of more than six hours.

He said by January 2006, the airline would have 10 brand new aircraft. 
We see ourselves with a fleet of 20-30 airplanes eventually.

The company aims to issue convertible bonds in June to raise $90 
million for its fleet expansion plans.

Within hours of its online booking facilities opening at 0600 IST. 
Tuesday, the airline had registered 5,000 bookings.

Winders said to celebrate the launch of the airline, SpiceJet would 
offer over 30,000 Red Hot Special Fares starting at Rs 99 for the 
first 99 days of its operation.

These fares would also be available at Rs 499 and Rs 799. Over 9,000 
seats would be available under the introductory offer and all flights 
would offer between five to 10 seats daily at low prices.

The airline offers a single class in all its 189-seater planes, with 
complementary snacks and water.

Initial destinations include Delhi, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Goa, Bangalore 
and Pune.

It is not just the price, but what we offer at that price and our 
commitment to high quality service that will differentiate and position 
SpiceJet, Winders asserted.

Company director Ajay Singh said SpiceJet, a reincarnate of ModiLuft, 
was 20 per cent owned by foreign institutional investors and other 
institutions such as Citibank, ABN Amro and Goldman Sachs.

Royal Holdings Services Limited, a Nevada-based company, has a major 
stake in SpiceJet.
Jai Hind!

Re: [Goanet]RE : India's Right Wing: Hindu Nationalism, or Plain

2005-05-16 Thread carlos6143
Jose Colaco wrote:
BTW: I believe the following

1. The law should be fair and equitable. If the laws are the same for 
citizen of a country, then
a: Kashmir should be open to ALL citizens

b. However, IF a contract has been signed before the Accession of 
it should be honoured.
c. If Kashmiris do not allow Goans to buy land in Kashmir, Kashmiris 
be barred from holding land in Goa.
How about that ?!


Prezado Senhor Jose,
It was nice chatting with you privately. As I said earlier, you are one 
of the few ones over here who do not get personal. It shows maturity. 
May be because we have roots to a common village in Goa.

a.  I agree. Kashmir should have been open to all citizens as in Goa. 
If this had happened, ground realities today would have been different.

b. Hell with the contract (sorry to say that). The sub continent should 
not have been partitioned based on religion. Who got a better deal?

c. I fully agree.
Mog asundi and Jai Hind as usual!

[Goanet]India's Right Wing: Hindu Nationalism, or Plain Old Conservatism?

2005-05-16 Thread carlos6143
India's Right Wing: Hindu Nationalism, or Plain Old Conservatism?
by Kannan Raghunandan
Editorial Note: In this article, Mr. Kannan Raghunandan seeks to 
examine the stand of the BJP on various issues and arrive at a 
conclusion as to whether the BJP is merely a right-of-center political 
party, or whether it is Hindu nationalist, as it is often 
characterized, usually in a derogatory sense, by Indian and 
International media.

Minority Rights
Successive governments in India have gone to great lengths to have a 
strong minorities commission in India. However, they have been 
studiously silent about the plight of the Pandit community in Kashmir. 
Almost the entire Pandit community (about 500,000) has been ethnically 
cleansed out of Kashmir since 1989. Why is the Minorities Commission of 
India impotent with respect to the Pandits plight? Because they are 
Hindus, and Kashmir is the only Muslim-majority state in India. In 
addition, a special provision in the Indian constitution (article 370) 
enables the state government to prohibit purchase of land, in the 
Muslim majority area, by Hindus from other parts of India.

There are hate-crimes laws on the books in the USA. The interesting 
issue is that such laws have been used both when white criminals have 
perpetrated crimes on African-Americans, and when African-American 
criminals have perpetrated such crimes on whites or Asian-Americans. 
The argument that such laws should be applicable exclusively when the 
perpetrators are white will not (and does not) fly. If politicians were 
to suggest that hate-crime laws should not be applicable in inner 
cities (which are predominantly African-American) especially when the 
perpetrator is African-American, that argument will be rightly 
dismissed as a dangerous double-standard. In addition, if the District 
of Columbia or any of the major cities with a black majority population 
prohibited real-estate purchases by non-blacks to preserve their black 
majority status, would any responsible politician support such 

The BJP is the only party which has consistently fought against this 
double standard, of giving second-hand treatment to Hindus. 
Incidentally, removing the special treatment which enables a Muslim 
majority state to prohibit real-estate purchase by Hindus is one of the 
three main controversial issues in the BJP platform. Should the BJP 
be called anti-secular or Hindu nationalist for this?

 No other democracy (for that matter, any other country) in the world 
has different forms of justice for different people, depending on their 
religion. Even Pakistan (Indias Muslim neighbor) and Indonesia (the 
most populous Muslim country) have a uniform civil code. India is the 
only country, where the rules of justice are different depending on 
your religion! (This came about because an earlier Congress Party 
government, to capture the Muslim votes, promised that Muslim men need 
not pay alimony in case of divorce -- keep in mind that a big 
proportion of Muslim women are not educated, and would vote as per the 
diktat of the husband in elections. The Congress Party government which 
at that time had a massive parliamentary majority, deemed it fit to 
change the law after a decision by the Indian supreme court. 
Incidentally, I have wondered why the so-called secular press and the 
self-labeled fighters-for-social-justice in India and elsewhere have 
not deemed it fit to call the Congress Party and others who support 
such blatantly anti-women laws as sexist or misogynists.)

If the Jews and Muslims in the USA demanded that the common-law should 
not be applicable for them, but that the Torah and the Koranic laws, 
respectively, should be applicable for disputes involving Jews or 
Muslims, will it be given any serious consideration by any politician 
or public figure?

The BJPs promise to bring a uniform civil code, which will be 
applicable for the entire population, is the second primary reason for 
the BJPs Hindu nationalist label. Is seeking uniformity, as opposed 
to differential treatment based on religion, anti-secular or Hindu 
nationalist? (As an aside, the very same pseudo-secularists who raise 
a hue and cry about Muslim personal law are conspicuously silent when 
it comes to criminal law. Nobody ever raised a voice about Islamic 
Shariat punishments being applicable for Muslims convicted of criminal 
acts. Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander, right? But then, 
Shariat criminal punishments are in general more severe!)

 In India, minority educational institutions are governed by special 
law. In general, they are subject to far less regulation even if they 
receive a part or the whole of their operating budget from the 
taxpayer. They are not subject to laws regarding hiring and firing of 
employees, admission of students, or other operating activities (for 
example, minority institutions can force everyone to 

[Goanet]Hindu card in Goa

2005-05-16 Thread carlos6143
Delivery less Prime Minister--- The Pioneer, May 16
 UPA leaders are getting ready for a party on May 22. The occasion is 
the Government's completion of a year in office. Meanwhile, the PMO is 
planning to mark the occasion by preparing annual report cards of 
ministers. But what about Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's own 
Manmohan Singh cannot be compared with his predecessors like Indira 
Gandhi, V P Singh, P V Narasimha Rao, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, H D Deve 
Gowda or I K Gujral. In the past year, he didn't take one decision that 
touched the man on the street. Neither has he shown the spark of an 
inspiring leader, nor has he displayed any capability to deliver on his 
promises. He has even failed to take forward the economic reforms 
process. The Government's one year in office has shown that governance 
is an extremely difficult proposition without a politically tempered 
Committee Raj
Manmohan Singh's Government is of babus, by babus and for babus. I was 
expecting him to reform bureaucracy and make Government servants 
accountable. However, just the opposite has happened.
Singh is entirely dependant on bureaucrats. He is comfortable with 
Montek Singh Ahluwalia and T K A Nair and party. He avoids his 
ministers and political leaders. In fact, he is running the Government 
through committees. He has created a record by setting up more than 52 
committees in a year. Whenever he faces a problem, he appoints a 

Hindu card in Goa
At last, the Congress has appointed a Hindu as president of its Goa 
unit. Interestingly, party general secretary in charge Margaret Alva, a 
Christian, had to force Sonia to have Ravi Naik in the seat. Sources 
say Alva had threatened to resign if Naik was not appointed to the 
post. She told Sonia that Goa had only 30 per cent Christians, yet the 
Governor, the two MPs and she were Christians. She told Sonia the issue 
could be exploited by the BJP during the by-elections for five Assembly 
Convinced, Sonia finalised the name of Ravi Naik. But before his name 
could be announced by the AICC, Oscar Fernandes got the process 
stalled. He convinced Sonia to anoint a Christian as Goa Congress 
president. Sonia agreed with Fernandes and changed her decision. When 
Alva threatened to resign and told her to forget about winning any of 
the seats, Sonia again handed the throne back to Ravi Naik.
Jai Hind!

[Goanet]Soft drinks to be banned in trains

2005-05-14 Thread carlos6143
Soft drinks to be banned in trains: Lalu
Chhindwara (MP), May. 14 (PTI): Continuing his swadeshi drive, Union 
Railway Minister Lalu Prasad, today announced that sale of soft drinks 
would be banned in trains as well as at stations which will be 
substituted by indigenous products like butter-milk.

A ban will be imposed on serving of cold drinks like Pepsi, Cola and 
Fanta in trains as well as at railway stations, he said at a public 
meeting after laying the foundation stone of the Rs 384 crore 
Chhindwara-Nagpur broad-gauge line project.

From now onwards, passengers would be treated to milk, butter-milk and 
other tasty drinks in the trains, said the Railway Minister who had 
introduced 'Kulhars' (earthern cups) for serving tea to passengers soon 
after he took over last year.

Vote for Lalu's govt for tasty milky drinks!

[Goanet]Secularism - A tool of dividing politics

2005-05-14 Thread carlos6143
Secularism - A tool of dividing politics --
By S Gurumurthy 
Why did the Karnataka Chief Minister and other seculars proudly 
participate in the mass proselytising event of Benny Hinn, who abused 
Hindus and Hindu Gods? 
How is it that E Ahmed of the Muslim League is 'secular' and L K Advani 
of the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) 'communal'? 
Why is the Kanchi Mutt being hounded while the raid on the Islamic 
religious school at Nadwa to catch ISI insurgents was called off and 
Central Ministers sent to apologise to Ali Mian for the raid? 
How is it that 'secular' intellectuals are asking for the release of 
the Godhra accused and none of them is bothered about Vijayendra 
Saraswathi in jail? 
How come even a Congress Chief Minister like A K Antony could not stand 
the pseudo-'secular' polity and was forced to charge the organised 
minorities for perverting secularism? Why..? How...? These and similar 
questions repeatedly arise. But no one cares to answer them. You want 
answers to these questions? Read on... 
For 'secular' India, secularism is not divorced between the State and 
religion. For them secularism is exclusively for the benefit of the 
minorities. Extend it, secularism means pampering the minorities. Go 
further, it includes being allergic to the majority. 
That is, unless one explicitly appeases the minorities and is overtly 
allergic to Hindus, one is not 'secular' enough. How did secularism 
acquire these new dimensions? Simple: it became a tool of politics. 
Politics is all about uniting the supporters and dividing the 
In Indian politics, uniting a minority for votes is 'secular'. It is 
'secular' to divide the majority into this or that caste for votes. 
Consequently, uniting the majority is anti-'secular'. And organising 
the majority is fundamentalist. 
In contrast, protecting organised minority is a 'secular' duty. This is 
the high point of 'secular' India. A novice in Christian history would 
know that secularism originated in Christendom as a rule of separation 
of the Christian church and the Christian State. But how come what 
started off as an issue of Christian church versus the Christian State 
has become an issue of majority versus minority? 
Now we need to trespass into some history - not an interesting subject 
for many. With Martin Luther's revolt against the 'Catholic Church' 
arrived the 'Protestant Church'. This weakened the Papacy and 
eventually broke up the Holy Roman Empire. The broken pieces of the 
Empire, by permutation and combination, became the modern Nation-States 
in Europe. 
But these separated Nation-States also owed allegiance to Christ and 
Bible. These developments were all intra-Christian, within Christendom. 
No other religion was in the picture. 
The Church had ensured that no indigenous faith survived after 
Christianity took charge of Europe. Till this point no one had heard of 
secularism. It was only when the national Christian churches clashed 
with the national Christian states for primacy that a formula had to be 
worked out. 
That formula was that the Christian State would prevail in worldly 
issues that were considered to be 'secular' in Christian theology. In 
the Abrahamic world all matters pertaining to the 'other world' were 
sacred, and the worldly issues 'secular'. This was how secularism was 
born. It separated what Christianity regarded as 'sacred' from what it 
classified as 'secular'. 
But the common denominator was the Christian theology and what it 
certified as sacred and 'secular'. In the European model, the Christian 
State was not actually creed-neutral. It was neutrality between the 
Christian State and the Christian church within Christianity. 
Secularism mandated that the Christian church would not interfere in 
matters of the Christian State. 
It was the advent of democracy, not secularism, which gave the survival 
space for non-Christian faiths in Christendom. The Christian States 
ruled by Christian monarchs began clashing with the people when the 
people began demanding more rights. This is where individualism began 
conflicting with monarchies. The clashes triggered movements for 
It was democracy that really shaped the institution of secularism as 
later understood in the modern West. With individualism becoming the 
supreme institution, the society in the West lost its legitimacy. So 
religion became a personal affair, an individual right. 
Still, secularism in the West was an all-Christian affair. It was an 
intra-Christian discipline. The State stood neutral between the 
Christian church and Christians, whether faithfuls or heretics. 
But democracy offered space for atheists and agnostics. Added to that 
was emigration from the rest of the world which turned the Christian 
West multi-religious and multi-racial. This brought in the issue of 
religious minorities. 
But in the West, 

Re: [Goanet]Two Goans among the Four Indian students - won the Intel ISEF awrds

2005-05-14 Thread carlos6143
Bernardo Colaco wrote:
Come to Goa, come to Goa and become a Goan!

Why not? Goa needs them to keep Konkani alive.
Keralite Goans and North Indian Goans speak better Konkani and are 
proud to speak Konkani than many of us. At least they will keep the 
language alive.


Re: [Goanet]NIRMALA SAWANT to contest as INDEPENDENT

2005-05-14 Thread carlos6143

godfrey gonsalves wrote:
The people of Goa were shocked to learn that Ms
Nirmala Prabhakar Sawant ex MLA of 14- Cumbarjua
Assembly Constituency, Tiswadi   ex Minister for
Power, ex-Goa Pradesh Congress Committee, President, a
staunch loyalist, quit the Indian National Party
She must be regretting why she did not resign from INC much earlier.
A party of the corrupt, for the corrupt, and by the corrupt.

[Goanet]Gullible Goa

2005-05-08 Thread carlos6143
Edits 8may: -Strange that Goans do not learn from their mistakes. 
Strange that Goans do not wake up to the fact that they are being 
cheated with their eyes open. Strange that despite all the warnings 
issued by the authorities and the police, Goans still get attracted to 
such weird finance and employment schemes only to get their fingers 
burnt at the last moment. What is driving Goans towards such schemes 
and when will Goans ever learn? That is the question one must ask as 
Goa contemplates the ruins of yet another quick rich scheme  Salient 
Online Private Ltd. Why are Goans so gullible?

The reason is not far to see. No doubt it is everyones desire to make 
money and get rich as fast as possible but at what cost? Today, in Goa, 
that desperation has reached epidemic stages. Goans just do not care 
and they will do anything to make as much money as possible. Two 
reasons can be attributed to this  the lack of opportunities in the 
State especially employment and the other, Goans susegad lifestyle. 
Take it easy and make quick money. So it is not surprising that many 
Goans do not want to rise to any challenge or put their minds to a 
task. They grab opportunities that are least taxing but financially 
sustainable. So it is not surprising Goans will rush to the Gulf to 
become slaves to another master. Accept beatings, abuse and sometimes 
torture, all for that extra buck so that they can come back home and 
pretend they are lords of the manor. And on the other hand back home, 
most Goans are content to sit on their balcao and take it easy. When 
such schemes come up where easy money can be made, it is not surprising 
to find hordes of Goans rushing to take advantage of it. Has anyone 
checked into the antecedents of the company? Has anyone checked into 
the financial viability of the company, its past history, its balance 
sheet? How can Goans be so gullible to be fooled by sweet dreams and 
tall promises?
Sad but Goa is getting a history where cheats and fraudsters make 
merry. What are the authorities doing and why are these companies being 
allowed to enter the State? Where are the authorities to caution the 
people and why do we have to wait for the last moment and then wring 
our hands in dismay when everything has failed and everyone gets 
cheated? It is high time the government starts looking into this matter 
and question any scheme that starts operating in Goa. After all it is 
the States reputation, which is at stake and the peoples hard earned 
money. And if we are not too careful there may be a time when someone 
may just sell the State away. Who knows it is all ready happening with 
these schemes?


[Goanet]Indian war veterans revered in Italy

2005-05-08 Thread carlos6143

Sunday, May 8, 2005 (Rome):
As Europe remembers the millions of people who were killed in World War 
II, in India the response to the 60th anniversary of the Allied victory 
over Nazi Germany has been muted.

This is despite the fact that thousands of Indian soldiers were killed 
in the war against fascism.

Kirpal Singh, the young sapper in The English Patient may have been a 
figment of Michael Ondaatje's imagination, but there were thousands of 
young Indians who were the real heroes during the war.

Forgotten heroes
They are our forgotten soldiers, men who fought thousands of kilometres 
away from home for the liberation of another country.

Though there is still no memorial in India to honour them, Indian 
soldiers continue to be respected and remembered in Italy, particularly 
on days like April 25, the Liberation day in Italy--when Nazi forces 
were driven out of the country.

For decades, school children in Italy have been taught that Indian 
soldiers in were fighting for the wrong side, the British in the war, 
and nationalistic politics at the time dictated the manner in which 
these soldiers would be honoured.

'The liberators'
Going beyond the politics of the time, one may remember stories of some 
of the thousands of Indian soldiers who died fighting in what were 
among the most brutal military campaigns in history.

Over 5000 Indians died fighting in Italy between 1943 and 1945, and 
were an integral part of the multi-national coalition that won the 
Italian campaign.

In Italy, these men are considered liberators, and Major General 
Eustice D'Souza was one of them. The 84-year-old General is now among 
only a handful of Italy veterans still alive in India.

We got four battle honours in Italy, one Victoria Cross. Namdeo Jadav 
got the Victoria Cross for outstanding gallantry, said Major General 
Eustice D'Souza.

There was another Naik Hari Lakde. The advance of the whole division 
was held up because of one German post with a machine gun. This chap 
crawled up through a gully or valley and pulled the hot machine gun 
with his bare hands and got rid of the Germans, his hands were burnt.

'Hellish encounters'
The Allied assault in Italy followed the Axis surrender in North Africa 
in May 1943, and began with an invasion of Sicily -- the start of a 
campaign that has been described as being a little short of hell.

The 4th, 5th, 8th and 210th divisions of the Indian Army, fighting 
under the legendary 8th Indian Army that had defeated Rommel in North 
Africa, fought northwards through the Italian peninsula.

These divisions liberated towns like Pescara, Terni, Florence, Rimini, 
Ferrara and Pisa.

Though the Allied invasion struck a huge blow to Italian 
self-confidence, which resulted in Mussolini being deposed, taking on 
the German Army was an altogether different story.

Battle of attrition
The Indians had to fight through two main defensive lines, the Gustav 
line across the centre of the Italian peninsula and the Gothic line 
further north.

Battles along these defences in places such as Monte Cassino proved to 
be a battle of attrition. The allies suffered huge casualties while 
taking on the Germans firmly lodged in secure positions.

The Indian soldiers, fighting for a host of regiments which form some 
of the most famed units in the modern day Indian army, had all sorts of 

Most were common infantry soldiers and gunners, while others were 
sappers, drivers and medical attendants. Many were only in their teens, 
no older than 16.

Clearly, even as the heroism of these men remains largely ignored in 
India, they are highly revered in Italy where they served with valour 
and pride.
Jai Hind!

[Goanet]Dr. T. B. d' Cunha Goa International Airport

2005-05-07 Thread carlos6143
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|   Today's Events include Fruit Carving - Decor - Watermelon eating |
|Fancy Dress.Check out  | 
Frederick Noronha (FN) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How to stem the rot in Goa ... 
By Eduardo Faleiro - Syndicate Features 
The leader of Goa Freedom Movement was Dr. T.B. d'Cunha. At the time 
of his death in 1958, in a condolence resolution the Indian National 
Congress described him as the Father of the Goan Liberation Movement. 

Why don't we request to name the new Goa Airport to be called Dr. T. 
B. d' Cunha Goa International Airport.
(to the few Anti- Liberation guys on the net - Sorry to make this 

Jai Hind!
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
Make your mother in Goa happy on Mothers' Day.

Limited Mother's Happiness packages. First come, first serve.

[Goanet]From rogues to riches

2005-05-06 Thread carlos6143
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|   Today's Events include Fruit Carving - Decor - Watermelon eating |
|Fancy Dress.Check out  | 
From rogues to riches
O P Batra
Why has Indian politics become a safe haven for rogues and why do good 
people hesitate to join politics? Questions such as these need to be 
addressed. It is true that the political degeneration started during 
the times of Nehru. But of course, it gained momentum during the years 
of the Janata Party, and later on during Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi 
and VP Singh.

Even Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who was considered among the best Asian 
prime ministers in 2001, could not stem this rot. Perhaps the worst 
phase witnessed was during the installation of the UPA Government, 
where tainted ministers and sycophant governors were all accommodated. 
NDA's detractors say it was equally corrupt forgetting that its 
taints like Bangaru Laxman and DP Yadav were immediately 

Today every discerning person is puzzled to see that though India has 
progressed a lot in every sphere, we have failed to meet the basic 
needs of the suffering population. The majority from all walks of life 
is dissatisfied with the manner in which our democracy functions. So 
many evils have crept into the system that the good and the honest men 
have shunned politics completely.

Modern day politicians with brash manners, supercilious outlook and 
brazen highhandedness appear out to make money out of everything at 
their disposal. The political tussles seen in the recent Assembly 
elections especially in Bihar and Jharkhand between Mr Lalu Yadav, Mr 
Ram Vilas Paswan, Mr Shibu Soren et al are nothing short of sheer 
opportunism. Flouting the norms both within and outside the Parliament, 
accumulation of black money, criminalisation, interference in the 
judiciary, etc. add to their sagging image.

More disturbing is the overall deterioration in efficiency especially 
in the functioning of public sector undertakings impeding our progress. 
These institutions were introduced with great fanfare by Pandit Nehru. 
Unfortunately, most of them have turned out to be white elephants. The 
lack of accountability of those manning them is costing the nation 
heavily. Disinvestments initiatives started by the Vajpayee Government 
have now been totally reversed by the Congress-led UPA Government due 
to the strong opposition by Left parties. The end product is the threat 
by the employees of undertakings, who have long been used to living on 
heavy doles in the form of fat salaries and perks without any work.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's defence of the tainted 
ministers-especially of Mr Lalu Prasad Yadav whose 24 MPs are 
imperative to the survival of the UPA Government-is gradually casting a 
shadow on his image of honesty. Now Congress's legal eagle, Law 
Minister HR Bharadwaj too, has come to Mr Yadav's rescue wondering why 
the Opposition should be so worked up over any minister being tainted 
as long as he is not convicted by the court. What an excuse. Given the 
poor rate of conviction of politicians, India has no hope left of a 
clean polity.

The tragedy is further compounded when there is hardly any protest over 
the unjustified raise in taxes, rates of electricity, water, etc. 
Though the main culprits for bringing anarchy into our system are our 
political leaders, there is no legal action taken against them. Indians 
appear a pitiable morose lot with no urge to protest against all the 
wrongs done unto them. It is time the Indian voter took judicious 
decision in selecting right leaders so that we can dream of a vibrant 
and truly prosperous nation. The other way out is, Do unto them what 
you would have them do unto others!


* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
Make your mother in Goa happy on Mothers' Day.

Limited Mother's Happiness packages. First come, first serve.

[Goanet]NRI in White House

2005-05-06 Thread carlos6143
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|  Today's Events include Mango Eating Competition, Fruit carving and|
|  Cultural Programs. Check out | 
Six NRIs elected to British Parliament
Friday, 06 May , 2005, 19:11
London: The newly-elected British Parliament will have six 
Indian-origin MPs, the same as in the dissolved House, with veteran 
Keith Vaz winning with a record margin of 15,800.
Indian-American appointed CFO of White House

TIMES NEWS NETWORK[ FRIDAY, MAY 06, 2005 12:00:00 AM ]
WASHINGTON: An Indian-American will be minding the White House purse 
strings. Gopal Khanna, who is currently the Chief Financial Officer of 
the Peace Corps, has been appointed CFO of the Executive Office of the 

Khanna will join the White House staff effective May 8, Peace Corps 
Director Gaddi Vasquez announced. The position is currently listed as 
vacant following the departure of the last CFO Jim Daniels.


* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
Make your mother in Goa happy on Mothers' Day.

Limited Mother's Happiness packages. First come, first serve.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Preference to MLAs who quit

2005-05-05 Thread carlos6143
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|  Today's Events include Mango Eating Competition, Fruit carving and|
|  Cultural Programs. Check out | 
yes, give them preference..
 And once ellected, give them preference for Ministership too, if not 
let them do
another sacrifice, then ellections again and so on. We are the 

Unfortunately majority of Goans prefer to elect jumping frogs. These 
jumping frogs get elected over and over again. And then the Natak 
begins all over again. And who is to be blamed for this is the selfish 
Goans who at this time are in majority who elect these very people. 
There are lots of questions we ask. 
Why can't Congress put up honest Catholic candidates? 
Why there are no  Clean Catholic Leaders elected? In the past, 
especially during the 60's, we had Catholic leaders who were not 
What has happened now and why? 
Why are the present generation of Catholic politicians corrupt? 
Why can't Catholic church oppose corruption? Are the priest corrupt too?
Why can good honest people get elected? Is it because selfish corrupt 
people are in majority? 
Cry O' my beloved Goa, why do you need to suffer?
Mog asundi, 

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
Make your mother in Goa happy on Mothers' Day.

Limited Mother's Happiness packages. First come, first serve.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Goa the cancer capital of India

2005-05-03 Thread carlos6143
Just the opposite. It is the Goan Catholics who have high risk for 
cancer because of late marriages, red meat, alcohol, etc. They will be 
replaced by your Bharatis.Your Bharatis are smart; they don't have Feni 
with sorpatel and beef steak.

---B. Colaco wrote;
This report is good news for Goans, the bharatis now
know that it is a risk migrating to Goa. You Goans
stop being literate.
B. Colaco
--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Goa the cancer capital of India, PTI[ SUNDAY, MAY
01, 2005 12:15:04 PM ]
 PANAJI: Late marriage and delayed child-bearing
for women and substantial
 intake of red meat and alcohol have led to giving
Goa with the highest number
 of cancer patients per lakh in the country,
according to a doctor.

[Goanet]Churches in US, Europe turn to India for priests

2005-05-03 Thread carlos6143
The spiritual and moral problems faced by Catholic parishioners the 
world over are similar and Indian priests fill in well in countries 
that need their services.
It may not be called outsourcing just yet, but an acute shortage of 
young priests is driving Catholic churches in the US, Europe and Latin 
America to look to India, particularly Kerala, for shepherds of the 

Church officials here say in America and European countries, the 
greying phenomenon is causing much concern. Youngsters are not coming 
forward to become priests; for one, because Catholic priests have to be 
celibate, Syro-Malabar Catholic Church spokesman Father Paul Thelekatt 
says. Another thing worrying churches abroad is dwindling attendance of 
young people at Sunday mass.
The Catholic Church is like a family. It is the spirit of the church 
to share personnel and resources when there is a need and from where 
they are in plenty, Fr Thelekatt says. Earlier, missionaries from 
Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Italy came to India for church activities. 
Time has come full circle and now priests from India are being sought 
after, he says.

He says though priests have been sent abroad for many years, of late 
this tendency is on the rise due to the severe shortage
All the expenses of priests, including boarding and lodging, are met 
either by the church or the government of the host country. They are 
also entitled to two months vacation, free travel and salary.

About 50 per cent of Indian Catholics are from south India with Kerala 
accounting for 25 per cent.

[Goanet]Rumsfeld offered to free Saddam: Report

2005-05-01 Thread carlos6143
Rumsfeld offered to free Saddam: Report
May 01, 2005 15:28 IST
United States Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, paid a secret 
visit to former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and offered him freedom 
and possible return to public life if he?made a televised request to 
armed groups for a ceasefire with allied forces, a media report said.

Saddam promptly rejected the offer, Ynetnews reported quoting 
London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi daily.

Complete Coverage: Gulf War II
Rumsfeld made the offer when he visited?Iraq about two weeks ago and 
only a few Iraqi officials in Jordan knew of it, the Arab daily 

Two weeks ago, Britain's Telegraph had reported that Iraqi gunmen were 
offered a deal to halt all attacks in return for a reduced sentence 
for Saddam, who is likely to be sentenced to death.

[Goanet]A promenade that attracts-Panjim

2005-05-01 Thread carlos6143
A promenade that attracts - Anil Sastry
PANAJI: It was conceptualised to carpet the capital city of this 
Paradise on the Earth a-la Cannes on the eve of the 35th 
International Film Festival of India (IFFI)  Goa. And now, this 
one-and-a half-km promenade alongside the river Mandovi has become the 
most sought-after place for tourists and locals alike.

Stretching from Kala Academy to the Ferry Point along side the 
Children's Park and the Mandovi, the promenade is beautifully done with 
concrete paves.

A creation of the former Chief Minister, Manohar Parrikar, the 
promenade also has a spacious corner opposite the Old Goa Medical 
College (GMC) hosting various cultural programmes on special occasions. 
The promenade in its new attire provides a pleasant venue for evening 
walkers  tourists and Panjimites alike. As the four-lane road 
alongside the promenade buzzes with speeding vehicles and the designer 
lights lit up during nightfall, the breeze on this long stretch along 
the quiet Mandovi provides pedestrians a cool freshness.

The Miramar Beach besides the Mandovi estuary is only a kilometre away. 
There are numerous stalls selling a variety of eatables from Pani 
Pooris to Grilled Chicken. The beach was also the venue for the beach 
screening of blockbusters during the IFFI.

Added to all these attractions, there now comes the wine festival  the 
Grape Escape  early this month. A wide array of films , and a wide 
variety of food and wines would surely provide a distinct experience to 
one and all.


[Goanet]Re: Cafetaria Catholics -Priesthood is not about things he does, but about who he is.

2005-04-29 Thread carlos6143
Fr.  Ivo wrote:The points that I have tried to answer briefly do not 
contain the ordination
of women. This is a point that you me want to discuss

Fr. Ivo,
You may agree with me on this one.
The catechism of the catholic church states that the priest is one who 
serves the people. This service could be put in the context of a 
spousal relationship in which the bridegroom loves the bride so greatly 
that he is willing to give up his life for her, just as Christ died for 
the church. The priest stands in the person of Christ, who was a male. 
As such the priest alter Christus (another Christ) represents Christ 
the bridegroom and servant to the church, his bride.
In a world like ours, where men and women do so many of the same 
things, it is difficult to understand why women cannot be priests. But 
priesthood is not about the things he does, but about who he is.

Mog assundi (hope I spelt it right)

Re: [Goanet]Press Statement for kind favour of Publication.

2005-04-29 Thread carlos6143
Floriano wrote:
(Goa Su-Raj Party hopes that more Thomas Menezes's will come forward to 
more government officials irrespective of whether they swoon or not when
caught in the act of receiving bribes.

I agree with you that we need to salute Thomas Menezes. We need more 
people like him.
But we need to catch the bigger fish ie the Politicians. People in Goa 
may be afraid to go after them without fearing retribution, and even 
the Goa press does not expose them.
What can you do, being a leader of a rising political party to 
accomplish this task of getting the looters to the place where they 
belong. Any thoughts? We can help you if you have developed a road map 
to achieve this result.
Best regards,

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