[Goanet] Graves in Goa

2007-06-17 Thread Mervyn Maciel
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Somehow, a post I sent sometime last month  wasn't posted as I sent it to 
the wrong address presumably.(Apologies!)
Could it now be include please. Here it is.
I was truly shocked to read about graves in Goa being allocated on a caste 
basis. What a disgrace!
  I am sure you all remember this quote :-
Sceptre and crown must tumble down,
 And in the dust be equal made

I have been following some of Cornel's posts on this subject with interest. 
Speaking personally, I find the whole
question of  caste distinction abhorrent, and could never subscribe to 
something so repugnant.
How can we honestly talk about being discriminated against in, say the U.K. 
or U.S.A. when we so blatantly discriminate against our own??
  I sincerely hope we can put an end to this disgraceful practice.

Mervyn Maciel 

[Goanet] Holy land of ALL People

2007-06-17 Thread edward desilva
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Selma Quoted:
This is what Veer Savarkar had to write about Christians and Muslims:
they do not look upon India as their holy land, their holy land is far off 
in Arabia and Palestine. Consequently their names and their outlook smack of 
foreign origin. Their love is divided.
1) An Indian Muslim in UK walks in the street with long white Arabian robe, 
a beard and headcap.
Does wearing of Arabian clothes make one a Muslim?
Does circumcision make one a muslim!
Soldiers during the WWII from Britain were told to circumcise themselves 
before going to the Middle East, did it make them Muslims? Those who went to 
Burma or India were not circumcised.
2) Is India a Holy Land of the Hindus only? Did the Pope kiss the soil of 
India when he got off the plane?
3) People like Veer should not be taken seriously. 

Re: [Goanet] ross and cazar

2007-06-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
On 15/06/07, Eugene Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maria Coutto has provided a good understanding of
 Hindu traditions incorporated into Goan Christianity
 in her book, Goa - A Daughter's Story.
 I have just glaced at Dominic Fernandes's book on Goa
 and he too has provided his personal views on many
 Goan Catholic traditions. Silviano has weaved some of
 these traditions into his book.
 Dr. Olivinho Gomes's book (forgot the name) also deals
 with traditions in Goa. Most of these are lived
 experiences that all of born or grew up in Goa were
 familiar with. Even people like me who went to Goa on
 summer holidays were witnesses to many of these
 traditions that continue to be praticed (though losing
 significance and dominance now) even today.

 Eugene Correia

Comment: On Friday night, on BBC 2, there was a programme entitled
'Wedding stories'. This featured 4 different couples and their pre
wedding arrangemnts. One was a Gay Banker who eventually married his
Brazilian lover, after having got the required Visa. The other was a
Greek couple, the tradition being that money notes are attached to
both the bride and groom. The theme was pink and they received a lot
of pink notes (£50) They grossed in £35,000; quite a sizeable amount.

There was also this Goan Catholic girl who was getting married to an
Indian (non Goan) Hindu, who came from a vegetarian family.

They showed the Ros being carried out on her and she was swearing like
a trooper. Both my wife and I were taken aback at her behaviour and
renditions. She swore almost through out and it made it all the worse
as they were showing the altar in her parents home with the holy
pictures and other religious artifacts.

I do hope the viewers did not think that all Goan Catholics behave in
such an unbecoming manner. Her parents told her to keep quiet in
konkani, to no avail.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Pro portuguese absconders

2007-06-17 Thread Rahul Almeida
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

I have observed that, most of the people who complain about indian rule and 
try to compare it with the portuguese .. are those who have failed to make a 
mark on the indian soil, they are absconders who are sitting miles away and 
flushing stinking emails out of their WC's which are sending wrong signals 
to the people connected to Goanet about Goan RC's being pro portuguese.

You absconders are failures... youll are famous for your complaining nature, 
we goan christians who have succeeded on our home soil will never support 
you absconders even though we belong to the same faith, now we have Goan 
IITians ready to take over India, (check this week's herald) even though 
youll have the moneypower, your grandchildren or great greatgrandchildren 
wont have the capacity to compete for an IIT seat.

Tell your grandmas about portuguese and keep these talks for your balcao 

only one man who is miles away but still displays the Bharathi spirit is Dr 
Carmo Dcruz, because he knows that it's the IIT tag which has earned him the 

Hey you educated (Semi educated people, who were driven away by Idi Amin and 
are now hiding in Gulf, US and Canada) ...please discontinue this anti-India 

We christians love India...Jai Bharat, Jai Goa..

Rahul Almeida
Land of Freedom Fighters

[Goanet] Does Religion Matter and what of the future?

2007-06-17 Thread jocelyn britto
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
An intersting part of writing I discovered on the Internet. Hope you guys 
like it.

 I hear some colleagues say that religion as we know it today will no longer 
be the same or not even similar in 50 years or more.

Albert Einstein writes with vision in his 1931 book Cosmic Religion, with 
Other Opinions and Aphorisms: The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the 
rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors 
the servant and has forgotten the sacred gift of the intuitive mind. (I 
especially like that reference to the intuitive mind as a sacred gift and 
the rational mind as the faithful servant because it supports my beliefs in 
the essential foundation and the messages from our Transcendentalist 
heritage.) Einstein predicts that the religion of the future will be a 
cosmic religion. It should transcend definitions of God, and avoid theology 
and dogmas. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based 
on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things as a 
meaningful unity.

From Dave Daugherty's weekend quotes I find one of my favorite lines of 
William Wordsworth: Life is divided into three terms: that which was, which 
is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present 
and from the present to live better for the future. And so, we believe, 
without belief, beyond belief.

What this means to me at the end of the day is that individually we arrive 
at our beliefs through search and that these convictions will change from 
time to time. Without beliefs--gives us freedom to depart from traditional 
dogmas and progress with scientific and technological developments as we 
embrace them and incorporate them with moral gravity into our daily lives. 
And the most exciting of all beyond beliefs sparks my mind and spirit with 
the sweet mystery of life itself. For beyond belief from my perspective 
reminds me of a favorite Bible verse, I Corinthians 13:13, always an 
inspiration in times of apprehension for the future:

Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no dashing of 
its hope; it can outlast anything. It is, in fact, the one thing that still 
stands when all else is fallen  And now abideth, faith, hope, love, 
these three; but the greatest of these is love.


The link for reference http://www.uufhc.net/s010819.html

The above is a part of Rev. Dorris Dow Alcott Delivery on August 19, 2001
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Harford County
We Believe, Without Belief, Beyond Belief:
Why Religion Matters
Rev. Dorris Dow Alcott
Delivered on August 19, 2001
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Harford County


[Goanet] Is Mr. Diagabara a Goan?

2007-06-17 Thread ivo faleiro
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Pls check if the new CM of Goa is from Goa or Karnataka.
I salute Mr. Kamat for being the first non-Goan CM.

From: Ivo Oscar Faleiro,
  Margao - Goa. 403601.  INDIA.
PHONE: 00-91-832-2735790 (Residential)
 00-91-9226779988 (Mobile) 

[Goanet] A list for Paulo Dias - A reply to Sunith Velho.

2007-06-17 Thread Roland Francis
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
I neither know Sunith or Paulo personally nor have I exchanged emails
or contacted either of them. Therefore what I have to say is purely
based on what I read on Goanet.

Sunith, you must know that you can only hope to attain the maturity of
thinking and expression of a Paulo Colaco Dias in your dreams. There
is such a wide chasm in the quality of what he writes and what you do,
irrespective of either's views, that if there is a real joke it must
be undoubtedly you.

I note your hypocrisy at every step.

You decry organized religion when your education has been the product
of it (unless you went to a 'Patshala').

You decry Portuguese colonial rule when your ancestors have been the
receivers of it's munificence. Don't for a moment think that anyone
with half a mind has fallen for your spin i.e. they made it on their
own blah blah blah.

No one is asking you to praise Portuguese rule. We all have own own
opinion about it. But to say that you have rights now that you didn't
have before is a bit much. I'd like to know what those rights are when
you have to face Monserrate's goons in Panjim if you choose to cross
him. That wouldn't have occurred in Portuguese Goa.

You show that you have it in for colonialism, but in fact you chose to
go for whatever reason and for however long, in the mothercountry of

You have shown a lack of respect. Your posts ooze of arrogance and
brashness either caused due to an absence of a Goan upbringing, or
because even that didn't help you.

And last but not least, you throw in the old men phrase once too
often when you are at the losing end of an argument. You could be an
ageist or you could be leading yourself to believe you will be 25 or
whatever, forever.

Cheers, Roland.

 On 16/06/07, Sunith Velho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The real joke is you continuously comparing the rights of Goans under the
  Portuguese colonial regime with those that EVERY  GOAN enjoys today as part
  of the Indian union, a privilege they were able to enjoy almost two decades
  before the Portuguese people themselves.

[Goanet] Goanet News Bytes: A government school from Canacona... that offers a model

2007-06-17 Thread Goanet News
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 


* Government high school at Sadolxen Canacona is being
  described as a 'model school' of Goa. Various projects
  include clay models, bird-care centre, preparation of
  formula charts, match and sketch, plnatation of wheat crop,
  identification of plants, grammatical charts, dancing ball,
  herbal plantation, honeybees, children's park, rope
  climbing and Shantiniketan (open classroom). (H)
* All land conversions before Reg Plan 2011 to be void: Kamat


* Goa Univ gets new vice chancellor: Dr Dileep Deobagkar
  He is head of Zoology at Pune University. (GT/W)
* India to get first tribal university in MP. (IANS)
* Vrundavan offers admission for BSc Nursing.


* Portuguese Olympic Ctee chief impressed with Goa Under14 (NT)
* Former Raia coach Nobert Gonsalves to coach Vasco. (NT)
* Profits from football should be shared with clubs: Dempo GT


* Monsoon showers trigger landslides in port town Vasco. (H)
* UP native gets lifer for wife's murder: Margao. (NT)
* Burglars making hay as policemen fumble: Margao. (H)
* CM seeks status report on Sonsodo waste plant.
  Broken bins, garbage heaps greet Kamat (H)
* Traffic police add to chaos in Canacona market. (H)
* Kanapur couple held for robbery. (GT/W)
* Goods of Rs 155,000 stolen from Margao shops. (GT/W)
* One held for Splendour bike theft: Mapusa. (NT)
* One arrested for stealing watch: Vasco. (NT)
* Mobiles worth Rs 150,000 stole: Margao. (NT)


* Dempo College exstudents' panel to intensify stir.H
* Margao traders, builders asked to prevent vector diseases.H
* Canacona ex-sarpanch piqued over growing constructions.(NT)


* Goa's only upright Steinway piano in great working
  condition for sale. Call 9822982182 or 9860602182.


* GPCC wants 'defectors' out. (H)
* Matka bookies feel the heat (of elections). (H)
* Supporting Congress govt a political game: MGP's Raut.(H)
* GPCC chief Ravi Naik willing to surrender mantle if told.
* Groupism caused setback to Cong: Ravi Naik (GT/W)
* Panchayat polls before assembly proved costly for Cong: Ravi
* Digambar to leave for Delhi on Monday. (NT)
* Cong faces tough task of pleasing partymen, allies. (NT)


* I have not yet finished reading Domnic's Goa, a nostalgic
  journey into his village's (Anjuna) and Goa's past. The
  publishers are Abbe Faria Publications (their maiden
  venture?) owned by Cecil Pinto, the humorist and successful
  entrepreneur. However, I have read the reviews in the local
  media, fortunately for Domnic, generally favourable. His
  book will sell well, as nostalgia tops the preferences of
  Goan readers, particularly the NRIs. -- Mario Cabral e Sa
  in The Navhind Times, A Requiem for Domnic's Goa. (NT)


* Trawler activities comes to a grinding halt. (H)
* Fire officials come to a cow's rescue at Santa Cruz. (H)
* Freedom fighter releases book 'Digambarbab', book on CM.(H)
* Sikkim Manipal Univ offers MBA in retail operations. (H)
* Goa's last Governor General Vasalo Silva remembered. (H)
* Don Bosco Tech Inst Fatorda open for admission. (H)
* Vascular Diseases Helpline 9325 637387 Dr Irineu A Pereira
* The disappearing Goan kitchen: article by Lourdes B da Costa.
* MGP Limbo 2: Valmiki Faleiro in the Herald. Also read it on
  Goanet: http://mgpinlimbo2.notlong.com
* Father's Day remembered in GT/W. Daddy Cool by Patricia Ann
  Alvares. (GT/W)
* Ervelle E Menezes writes on Robert Altman, great filmmaker.
* Income Tax Department is makign the filing of returns more
  difficult with a plethora of forms replacing the
  time-tested one-page Saral form, writes Ahva D'Souzaa.(GTW)
* Ajobachi Rai of Keri: Rajendra P Kerkar. (NT)
* Providing a corruption-free governance: Tomazinho Cardozo(NT)
* In search of Queen Kamaladevi: Prajal Sakhardande. (NT)
* Goan electorate at a tippling point: Chandrakant Keni. (NT)
* Pio Esteves reviews Daniel F De Souza's Koslich Malis Nastana
* Savia Viegas: In The Time Of The Rain. (NT)
* Eduardo inaugurates children's park at Shiroda. (NT)
* Ponda ready to face any rain-related eventuality. (NT)


* Sao Joao Fest, June 23-24 at Ronil's Baga.
* Admission to ITIs in Goa, forms on sale till July 31.
* HCN, Herald's cable network, promised soon.

SOME GOA-RELATED mailing lists:

Compiled by:
FN: Frederick Noronha Phone 0091-832-2409490 http://wikiwikiweb.de/MyContacts

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Sumannant ek dis sutti kiteak?

2007-06-17 Thread lino dourado
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
      Sumannant ek dis sutti kiteak?
  Kollejint xiktanam Anil ani Lina-cho mog zal’lo.
Anil Hindu zalear Lina Kristi ghorabeantlem aslem.
Tannim aple mogak, dhormancho zago diunk naslo ani
heach khatir Anil-alea kuttumbanchim vangddim, tanchea
mogacher add aslim. Dusre vatten Lina-chea
avoi-bapain, aple dhuvek zaiti sozmaileli. Punn
kosloch faido nam zalo. Anil-Lina-cho mog oslea
tengxer pavil’lo, thoinsorlo doxim korunk fokot
tanchea morn’nan zatalem. Punn, tenvuim-i itlea vegim
  Anil-achea ghorcheanim, dogaim premichim janam
kundali (Birth Charts vo horoscope) soddun kadleli.
Nakshatras-a (Vedic Astrology) pormonnem sogllem
eksarkem zoddunk laglem. Tancho zolm, zolm tarik,
vell, zolmacho ganv ani barrabor tanchim nanvam pasun
tanchea noxibachea tare ani gire-ank (stars  planets)
sor zaunk laglim. ANIL-achem nanv portean vachlear
LINA zatelean, odikuch tanchem natem (relationship)
fuddarachim ghov-bail oxem dakoun ditalem. Torui
astanam, Anil-achi avoi hea lognank toyar nasli ani
hakach lagun, ek dis ghorcheank sangum nastanam
Anil-an Dubai poll kaddli. Thoddea mhoinea uprant Lina
vorvim tankam ghomun ailem, tancho put Anil, salamot
Dubai vhodd zut’ti korta mhonn. Anil-Lina-cho niz mog
mhonntoch, anik addkolincho porvot bandpacho nikalus
naslo. Ani ek dis……….
   LINA: Aikolam tunvem?
ANIL: Sanglear aikotolo nhi?
  LINA: Polle. Kazarachi soglli toyari zali.
ANIL: Ani tujem kitem?
  LINA: Mhonnchem?
ANIL: Tum toyar zalem ki nam?
  LINA: Chup. Bestoch chavoi naka. Tin vorsam tum
Dubai. Jiv tollmollta. Hem sogllem, tuje ai-ik lagun
ANIL: Visor tem adlem. Ek sang. Tunvem, Bhatt-ak vo
amche hindu padrik toyar kelo?
  LINA: Tumchea ghorant asa nhi re Bhatt? Tuji aii?
ANIL: Iad kortam. Fuddarachi sasu ti. Tem asum atam.
Dhean diun aik. Thodde bhov, amche poramporik ani
vhoddilanche nem’ ani kaide asat. Hem soglem zatoch
tuje khuxe pormonnem ami dogaim, tumchea Kristi
Igorjent votlim.
  LINA: Tujea moga khatir, chondrar vochunk poddlem
zalear pasun hanv…… 
  ANIL: Naka, naka. Chondrar vechi goroz nam.
Aerospace engineer astronaut, Kalpana Chawla, chondrar
ghel’li ti porot jivi sonvsarant ailich nam.
  LINA: Ok baba. Tuka naka tor, hanv vocho nam. Punn,
tumche nem’ ani kaide sang nhoi?
ANIL: Madhuparka korunk zai.
  LINA: Madhuparka? Hem kitem?
ANIL: Jedna hanv ani amcho lok, logn disa tumgelea
ghora ietlim tedna, tugele avoin thodde bhou tandun
ani kumkum mhojer xivravun mhaka fuddaracho zanvoim
mhonn ievkar diun, svikar korunk zai. Mhagelea kapalak
kumkum soit ek tandun chitkaun ani tigele donui
hatachim tatam (palms) mhagele tokler dovorun axirvadd
dinvchelo asa. Bhatt asa to, thoddem Hindu dhormik
mantras vachtolo. Ani chodda ghorjechem mhonnlear
Madhuparka. Mhov, curd, ani tup (honey, yoghurt and
ghee) misol korun tugelea bapain mhaka pieunk diunk
zai ani toxench hajir axill’lea soireank. Honey, hi ek
khunna dakholl korta (symbolises) suvaddik jivitachi
ghoddsan ani curd kuddichi takott. Zanvoim-nk ievkar
diucheli hi ek poromporik amchi chal. Hanv, Gõy
pavtoch amche hindu lognachem, urill’leo chal-riti
Pathramni, Kanyadaan, Hasta Medap, Vastra Dhaaran ani
Granth Bandhan, Havan, Shapth Grahan, Sindoor Dan adi
adi., uprant kolloitolom.
  LINA: Borem baba. Hem ghott monan dovortam. Punn
aiz, tuka fon korchelem kharan mhonnlear ami kazaracho
rop kaddunk vetelim?
  ANIL: Konnank kopddeancho unnav poddla?
  LINA: Hindu cholo tum. Kainch nokoi. Deddeank
(bride’s maids) ani flower girls hankam xinvunk ani
toxench mhaka thamddo saddeachem lugot, ani yer
gorjecheo vostu kazaracho rop kaddtanam ghetat.
ANIL: Punn, tunvem mhaka kazaracheo vostu gheunk
shopping list dadil’lem. Hanvem tem sogttem ghetlam 
  LINA: English film star Paris Hilton nhesta tosleo
bhitorli mustaki ghetleat mhu?
ANIL: Soddeak Miss Hilton bondkonnint asa. Kitem
nhesta mhonn konn zannam. Dor disachim nanvam asleleo
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, ani
Sunday tugelea avddicheo branded under wears ghetleat.

  LINA: Monday kiteak gheunk nam?
ANIL: Kristanvanchi choli tum. Atam tuka Monday vo
Somar dis ho kainch kollchelem nam. Fuddarak sogllem
somzotelem. Sov dis kam’ kelea uprant satvo dis
suttiecho mhonn khobor nam? Hoi? Amchea xastran
somvruth vo Somarak upas ani jinvar dovortat.
Mhonntokoch, tunvem Monday nhespachi ani mhaka
kaddpachi gorozuch zali nam nhi?
  Lino B. Dourado


[Goanet] 3.5 years old singing..

2007-06-17 Thread JoeGoaUk
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
3.5 years old singing..


This was captured from this..

  for Goa  NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

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[Goanet] Dr Gilbert Lawrence elected to President of Radiation Therapy and Oncology Society (Regional Chapter)

2007-06-17 Thread Goanet News Service
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Dr. Gilbert Lawrence is from Aldona, Goa.
He is a graduate of Loyola High school, Margao, Goa.
Medical graduate from GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Bombay 
Received his radiation oncology training at Hammersmith Hospital and the 
London Hospital in London, England.
At the Fellow of the Royal College of Radiology (FRCR) examination in 1976, 
he was awarded the Rohan William Medal for standing first at the Radiation 
Oncology examination.  Dr. Lawrence is the first Asian to receive this award 
from the British Royal College of Radiology.

For a photo of Dr Gilbert Lawrence:


Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare (FSLH) Physician Elected to President of 
Regional Chapter of Radiation Therapy and Oncology Society

Gilbert Lawrence, MD, DMRT, FRCR, and Chairman of Faxton-St. Luke's 
Healthcare's (FSLH) Radiation Oncology Department, was elected President of 
the Upstate New York Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 
(UNYSTRO). This regional society, made up of the major universities and 
radiation oncology departments of the major cities throughout New York 
State, excluding New York City, is part of the American Society of 
Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO).

UNYSTRO goal is to promote the science of the field and the practice and 
economics of radiation oncology. Radiation oncology residents will find 
UNYSTRO a forum to get an opportunity to meet their peers in the upstate 
region and vice-versa. Each meeting features a presentation by an oncologist 
and a paper by a radiation oncology resident and are held twice a year.

Dr. Lawrence began his radiation oncology career 30 years ago as a Research 
Fellow at Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, NY. He has held 
various positions in the field including Assistant Professor of Radiation 
Oncology at Northwestern University in Chicago, IL, and Clinical Professor 
of Radiation Oncology at Kansas University Medical School in Kansas City, 
KS. He joins Secretary Dr. Muhammad Iqbal of Auburn and Treasurer Dr. 
Charles Albrecht of Clifton Springs on the UNYSTRO elected committee for 

I am very elated to step into the shoes of some major stalwarts in the 
radiation oncology field who were past presidents of this regional chapter, 
Dr. Lawrence said. He credits the excellent work at The Regional Cancer 
Center at FSLH. This election is a reflection of a very progressive 
radiation oncology department with an excellent staff of which I am very 
proud to be Chairman.

The Regional Cancer Center is a pioneer in the use of Intensity Modulated 
Radiation Therapy (IMRT) capabilities. The Center was one of the first in 
the state to introduce  this technology more than  seven years ago. The IMRT 
technology delivers high doses of radiation to the cancer while avoiding the 
surrounding normal cells. This technology allows advanced treatment of head, 
neck, brain and prostate cancers, and more recently, the treatment of 
breast, lung, esophagus and pelvic cancers.

The IMRT technology has permitted radiation oncology to achieve higher cure 
rates while reducing complications and side effects, said Dr. Lawrence. The 
Regional Cancer Center has a number of other new technologies including 
On-Board Imagining (OBI) and Linear Accelerators at the Center and the 
satellites in Herkimer and Rome. All of these cutting-edge technologies are 
a further advancement and application of CT scans and computer-guided 
radiation that targets the radiation beam to a three-dimensionally imaged 
tumor within the body.

For more information about Dr. Lawrence or The Regional Cancer Center, call 
the Center at (315) 624-5200.

For a photo of Dr Gilbert Lawrence:


[Goanet] VCD on GOA (by Goa Education Dept)

2007-06-17 Thread JoeGoaUk
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
VCD on GOA (by Goa Education Dept) 

This is what happened about 450 years ago
Hindus were forcibly converted into Christianity
(VCD shows even some priest involved physically forcing Hindus etc)

I also know most of the Goan churches are built by Portuguese by demolishing 

I also remember Cuncolim martyrs etc
My mom explained me at Raitura Church (Thre were some picture frames on the 
wall about
Cumcolim Martyr killings etc)

We all know what happened in the past (may we learn it at school, college, 
books, movies,
parents, grandparents etc)

Just because it's a history now we simply cannot close the book just like that.
As we know it already, every youngster from this generation and the coming 
generation has a
right to know.

Abrahan Lincoln, Civil war, american slavery, Boston tea Party, French 
Revolution, Maria
Antoinette, Luis the X1X, World war I  II etc  that's history too.
Jesus Christ birth (X'Mas), his life, suffering, Crucifixion, death, 
resurrection etc that's
history too.
Mohamed Akbar, mecca, Ram Krishna Laxman, Sita that's history too
Goa Adil Shah, Salazar, portuguese, fortes etc that's history too.
All these things should be available in the form of books and audio-visual for 
present and
future generation/references.

History is history
History is not story
History should be protected in it's original form.

This VCD is also history.

Let's discuss if there is any 'story' in it
Let's discuss if there is any 'cooked up' facts in it.
Let's discuss if there is any 'adulterated' material in it

The production of the VCD is quite natural
Let's also try to put ourselves in 'Hindus' shoes

They brought it up, we objected it and they stopped it. That's it.
But we go on and on in the name of VCD
Sometimes it looks like our target is not the VCD but the BJP.

Or, our target is not VCD but Hindus.

It also reminds me of the controversial DVC movie.
It was OK in the form of books but the same was not OK in the form of 

This VCD was 'made and approved' by Education Dept.
This VCD was 'cleared' by the film censor board
This VCD in full was shown on Goa Television on Goa Liberation Day

You watch it here (just a part) and let's discuss.

No religion is above any religion.
All religions lead to same destination

After death..
People of all religions go to the same place  - God's place i.e Heaven
If there is no such place like heaven, then people from all religions go to no 
where but
just confined to 'ash to ash, dust to dust (Hindus)  and 'earth to earth' 

No religion is superior than the other.
If you think yours is the best or superior, then you are probably 'brain-washed'
'Brain-washed'  is bad,  very bad to us and to this world. 
Sept.11, Balli Bombing etc etc are the effects of 'brainwashed' 

This one taken from the Net: 

The Goan inquisition is regarded by all contemporary portrayals as the most 
inquisition ever executed by the Portuguese Catholic Church. It lasted from 
1560 to 1812

by Christian historian, Dr. T. R. de Souza

  for Goa  NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it

[Goanet] Goan rights and lefts - a response to Sunith Velho's post - final

2007-06-17 Thread Jose Colaco
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Sunith Velho wrote

a: All those who see nothing wrong about parades in Goa which involve the 
waving of Portuguese flags(my original point). So far the list consists of 
3. Jose Colaco
b: Those classed by me as ignorants are those who think that this has no 
effect on the way Catholics are percieved in Goa and the rest of India. Make 
that list up for yourself.
c: please tell my why there are no similar parades taken out by football 
supporters of Brazil or Argentina of whom there are a similar(or much more) 
number in Goa.
d: re Paulo's point: A basic democratic right which was denied for centuries 
under the Portuguese continued to be denied by the new rulers who are 
supposed to have liberated us after 1961
e: Sunith: The real joke is you continuously comparing the rights of Goans 
under the Portuguese colonial regime with those that EVERY  GOAN enjoys 
today as part of the Indian union, a privilege they were able to enjoy 
almost two decades before the Portuguese people themselves.
f: If you or anyone provide me a list of CONSTITUTIONAL rights enjoyed by 
Goans both pre and post liberation, I will shut up. Go ahead... what are you 
waiting for?

My dear Paulo,

I found this post of Sunith's intriguing. Here is my 2 pence worth

re a: If one reads Sunith's above post, could one say that Sunith Velho is 
misrepresenting what JC stated or even what he himself stated?

I submit here that without the words during a world/european cup football 
tournament, the parade that Mr. Velho speaks about would appear to be 
'political' in nature. If this statement is allowed to go uncorrected, it 
could easily be misused like the St Francis Xavier asked for the 
Inquisition statement. Good that I did not have to go to any archives in 
Lisbon to selectively translate whatever.

There is a lot of anger in Trinidad (which has a significant East Indian 
population) when the Indian flag is waved by East Indians at cricket matches 
involving India and the West Indies. The underlying reason of course is that 
the Afro-Caribbeans have for about a hundred years been treated as thrash by 
the East Indians. They have been called words like Kalloo, Kala, Bandar, 
Khapar and Rakshash I will not detail any further - there are scores of 
texts available.

However, the majority among the AfroCaribbean community is now highly 
educated and liberal in thinking. They know that this flag waving has 
nothing to do with anyone's allegiance to a foreign country - only support 
for the Indian Cricketers. Hopefully, the grown up among Goans will think 
like that.

re b: I did not have to wait for Sunith to classify me as one of those 
'ignorants'. Carmo was already telling all and sundry that anyone who was 
not an engineer from the IIT was an ignorant. I am happy to continue as 

Ignorant as I might be (according to the Sunith Velho classification) I am 
unwilling to forever 'look over my shoulder' and care about how 'Catholics 
are perceived in Goa and the rest of India' - As long as I am careful NOT to 
break any rule that Indian has in situ (in its Constitution or Penal Code)

I KNOW how Goans are perceived. Please look up the texts. Please view the 
movies...and please look up the foot of the latest Dr Barad post on GoaNet.

Understand me clearly, Sunith Velho. Goans who are paranoid enough to 
forever worry about How Others Perceive them ...are the same chameleons who 
supported (and made poixe during) Salazar's dictatorship.


re c: Ask yourself - WHY?


re d  e: Is Paulo wrong in what he stated? WHY


re f: I can jot down several rights that Goans now REALLY enjoy.

1. The right NOT to have their name  removed from the electoral register by 
a person who allegedly forges the signature of another.

2. The right to secure a nomination to be the party candidate for an 
election without approval from Lisbon or giving poixe to someone.

3. They can (and do) elect an honest person to represent them

4. The right to select their own chief minister - without having to fly to 

5. The right to CLEAN hospitals - albeit with running water (from where?!) 
and running rodents, dogs and cats

6. The right to non-chaos on the roads which can be safely crossed at 
pedestrian crossings

7. The right to show the Portuguese how sardines (the human variety) can be 
efficiently packed in buses.

8. The right to clean water

9. The right to an efficient police and judicial system

10.The right to go to Lisbon or London for further education - if one does 
not have 

[Goanet] Of Constitutions, Dogmas and Sunith Velho

2007-06-17 Thread Roland Francis
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Sunith wrote:
Fortunately, the Indian constitution provides laws against all forms of
discrimination. Unfortunately, Indian politicians(of all castes) and the
bureaucracy have been very lax in applying these laws.

If you don't apply laws that have been painstakingly legislated, you
have a chaotic society in which there can be no meaningful progress or
respect for the rights of the individual or of society. Goa is a prime
example. Yet when I wrote about the Mess that is Goa, Sunith reacted
as if he found a bee in his billiards pocket

Sunith also wrote:
I pray for an end to all forms of organised religion based on dogmas,  and
sincerely believe that peace will come once this is achieved.

Obviously Sunith needs a nudge towards the dictionary which says of dogma:
1. a system of principles or tenets, as of a church.
2. a specific tenet or doctrine authoritatively laid down, as by a
church: the dogma of the Assumption.

Nothing wrong with dogma or organized religion. It is when religion is
misused for one's own agenda, that a problem arises. I hope Sunith
meant that religion is a matter for one's private life and has no
place in the public domain as Jose Colaco said and that God will take
Sunith's prayers with a pinch of salt.

Re: [Goanet] Madame President

2007-06-17 Thread Miguel Braganza
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
George Pinto wrote:

No, all things being equal it would be superficial. However, women have not 
had things equal, theyhave been and continue to be marginalized either 
legally or in practice.
This discrimination starts in the home, continues in schools and the 
workplace. Institutions discriminate in theirpractices like the White House 
which has never had a woman or non-white President. The entire system is set 
up for a white male to be elected.  And so on So when a woman gets to 
the top it is still a rarity and is to be celebrated. Notwithstanding their 
brilliance, their gender is to be noted too on these very rare occasions.
 Btw, there is only 1 woman out of 40  MLAs in Goa, de facto and prima
facie evidence of a system stacked against and discriminating against women. 
A truly egalitarian
structure would be closer to 50-50%, reflecting the general population.
When I was in Paro-Bhutan to facilitate and document an International 
Conference of mountain women the world over, we came across what I then 
thought was unique to Bhutan. The women ran all the small businesses...from 
grocery shops to tavernas...and the 'room boys' were actually girls. 
However, when the business upscaled to become a departmental store or a 
hotel, the men took over.
Back in India, we see 33 % reservations for women at the Panchayat, 
Municipality and Zilla Panchayat level BUT at the the State Legislative 
Assembly and Parliament level [even in the nominated membership of the Rajya 
Sabha or Senate], it is mostly a man's world. We have Indian women heading 
MNC conglomerates and even going on space missions. We have had a lady Prime 
Minister in Indira Gandhi and Chief Ministers from Shashikala Kakodkar to 
Jayalalitha to Uma Bharati and now to Vasundhara Raje and Mayawati, yet 
somewhere in the back of our MCP minds we think that women are not capable.

 Pratibha Patil Shekhawat has impecable credentials: 23 years of MLA, 
including 15 years as Minister and 5 years as Leader of Opposition; 5 years 
of Rajya Sabha MP including 2 years as Deputy Chairperson [next post after 
Vice-President of India, held by only one other woman, Najma Heptullah]; 
member of the Lok Sabha and now 2 years plus as a Governor in a BJP ruled 
state where she has had the courage to return an 'anti-conversion' back to 
the legislative Assembly and is now monitoring with a massive Gujjar 
uprising in the state, with socio-political implications for the entire 
Hindi-speaking Indo-Gangetic plains. Yet, hardly anyone has heard of 
her...or criticism of her functioning.

Being a wife of a Rajasthani Shekhawat, she takes the air out of Bhairon 
Singh Shekhawat's caste appeal. Being a Maharastrian, Marathi-speaking 
Patil, she gets the natural support of the Shiv Sena and NCP. Being the 
first woman with striking distance of the President's post since Najma 
Heptullah, she is a threat to BJP's stand on Women's Reservation Bill. If 
M.Karunanidhi is the one who first thought of her, than she has the Southern 
comfort, too. The Congress, DMK and the Leftists cannot be wrongeven if 
they are not the ultra Right like the BJP.

Viva India.


Re: [Goanet] Bhandare speaks the truth at last

2007-06-17 Thread Carvalho
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

--- C. A. Bhandare [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 dear Frederick:
 Your advice that We need to work to reform the
 negative things on our own side of the fence,
 of criticising others and feeling morally superior!
 is very good
 But you urself have criticised the RSS and BJP so
 times on this forum...seems like ur advice (like
 advice) is for others !
 I dont think you have given this advice  to
 gadgil, lok shakti,goasuraj and many others on this
 forum who routinely  villify and criticise the Sangh

I know I said I wasn't going to write on this issue
anymore but Cecil was right, I couldn't let this
opportunity pass by.

At last Bhandare, I am glad that you've been honest
enough to lay your cards on the table. You are a
supporter of the BJP, the RSS and the Sangh Parivar in
political and militant totality. So telling this forum
that you have no intentions of being hostile to any
religion was not quite honest, was it?

You see Bhandare, I have always been blessed with a
rather rare gift. I am an excellent judge of character
and am very good at getting to the kernel of what
someone is trying to say and now atlast you have said
it openly and plainly. It must feel good to reveal
your inner convictions. They were waiting to get out
but were disguised in a bit of pseudo-secular talk. 

I take consolation in the fact that your band of
brothers is a very small one and lives on the fringes
of society. As long as there are good men like V
Gadgil, people like me will sleep peacefully at night.



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[Goanet] God is MY buddy

2007-06-17 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
We have reached the point where two self described
atheist are defending the religion of their fathers. I
find this hilarious.

The best is yet to come! The person who will make the
funniest statement is the person who is absolutely
convinced that, God is MY buddy. 

As always, the longer a religious debate goes on, the
funnier it gets. Unless, of course, the politician
joins in. Its easy, real easy to sway the faithful. In
the most extreme situation, the top politician gets
the most popular preacher in the country to stand by
his side while he declares, God is on our side and
launches a war on some other people. Yes, in order to
do so, there have to be people that God is not with.

God is silent. Now if we can only get man to shut up.
- Woody Allen -

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Re: [Goanet] CA Bhandare JC and FN.......

2007-06-17 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Dear Bhandare: When I last checked, the RSS and BJP were neither
religions nor faith-based traditions. Forget the claims of the RSS
being a cultural organisation. They are political ideologies...
based on hate and fear, may I add. Ideologies which have the best
chance of dividing-up  India and its existing plurality (not just on
lines religion, but also based on caste, gender and regional
In my view, Vidyadhar Gadgil, Lok Shakti and related others are doing
a great job by pressing for reform and progressive change within their
own traditions. We all need to emulate them, by working on our own.
This advice is not just reserved for you. This is also not advice;
it is my opinion. It goes out to all others like you who find it
easier to criticise others' beliefs (as a way of reinforcing their own
biases) on the religious front... a dangerous game indeed, in my view!
I would say the same whether they are Ahmeds, Bhandaris or Colacos...  --FN

On 16/06/07, C. A. Bhandare [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 dear Frederick:
 Your advice that We need to work to reform the
 negative things on our own side of the fence, instead
 of criticising others and feeling morally superior!
 is very good
 But you yourself have criticised the RSS and BJP so many
 times on this forum...seems like ur advice (like most
 advice) is for others !
 I dont think you have given this advice  to Vidhyadhar
 gadgil, lok shakti,goasuraj and many others on this
 forum who routinely  villify and criticise the Sangh
 Why is it only reserved for me? because i criticise
 your catholic Church?  because i have a hindu name?
 Like Dr Helekar says, it is very educative to see
 pople who otherwise pretend to be secular and liberal
 and everything rush to defend their own beliefs when
 their faith is threatened

Re: [Goanet] Selma's last post

2007-06-17 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
What about noism-ism? That is also an ideology! FN

 Selma wrote:
 So this is my last post on the issue of religion,colonialism, pluralism,
 and every other ism.

FN: Frederick Noronha
Phone 0091-832-2409490

Re: [Goanet] Flags, Colonialism and Sleeping in a History

2007-06-17 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
I have not been following this thread. However some comments in this post 
interested me.  Some similar views were voiced by Albert Desouza in his post 
Great thinkers and philosophers. 

In the field of medicine, we currently have levels of evidence to support a 
claim or recommendation (to treat an illness).  Perhaps one should adopt a 
similar approach in evaluating the veracity of historical facts, if a system 
does not already exist. 
On Goanet, the best level of evidence is to state factual details, preferably 
with references. 
The second level of evidence is one's opinion and insights supported by and 
deduced from actual facts, reading of various reports and analysis of the 

The third level of evidence one would include circumstantial evidence and other 
surrogate data.
Next to the last level of evidence is petoita murree with absolutely no 
facts.  At this level one may include fantasy or rhetorical statements ... 
just for argument sake.  You know, we Goans are good at What if .?.:=)) 
Additionally as Albert points out there is the Could have? Should 
have.? Would have?
The poorest level of evidence is when insight is confused with insults and / 
or personalizing the issues. In fact, likely one will resort to this when there 
is little else to stand on.
Regards, GL

--- Paulo Colaco: 
BTW, who died and made you the single expert in Goan history? ... I feel most 
amused when I read posts from people like yourself that claim that those who 
oppose their views are ignorant of Goan history.

[Goanet] Celebrating Reginald's novels.

2007-06-17 Thread English Book Al Ahsa
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Hello Minguel

Thanks for bringing such a wonderful news of Reginald, the Patxai
Romanxincho. He has been only person, who made me read in Konkani many rains
ago when I read his first romans, Arebeska, after that, it was non stop
reading, by borrowing from someone or the other. 

The fearful time I had when I read the Devcharacho Sangati, and Lucifer, the
wonderful adventure I had when reading Udenticho Vatsur, and many others is
very difficult to forget. 

I hope his books get re published so that the modern generation may read it
and satisfy their appetite. 

I would appreciate if you or any others, would be able to tell me the names
of the songs written by Reginald and if they are still in circulation and
who sings them. 

Thanks and Cheers


Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 21:01:41 -0400
From: Miguel Braganza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Celebrating Reginald's novels.

Reginald Fernandes from Siolim was a prolific writer when he was not playing

music. He would have been 93 years old today if he lived on. His 165 plus 
[no one knows exactly how many] published Roman script Konkani novels 
['Romansi' is the word in Konkani in preference to the word 'Kadambari' 
normally used in Marathi] and 313 songs with both lyrics and notes penned by

him, live on.

One man, Brazinho Soares, has read almost all of Reginald's novels and has a

collection of 100-odd novels to prove it. This Brazinho Soares collection of

Reginald's novels was put on exhibition at the main hall of the Institute 
Menezes Braganza [IMB] hall, Panaji. Padmashree receipient singer and 
musician from Siolim, Remo Fernandes, declared the exhibition open in the 
august presence of Brazinho Soares, Chairman of Goa Konkani Akademi Pundalik

Naik, Director of Art  Culture Prasad Lolienkar, President of Dalgado 
Konkani Akademi Tomazinho Cardoz, Director of thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr 
Dr. Pratap Naik; Konkani writer-publisher Prabhakar Tendulkar; writers 
Premanand Lotlikar, Willy Goes, Daniel F.D'Souza, Dr. Olivinho Gomes, 
Goencho Ulo Editor Joel D'Souza; musician-writer Bonaventure D'Pietro; 
cartoonist Alexyz Fernandes; columnist, social activist and physician 
Dr.Francisco Colaco  and many others.

Remo stated that he was informed that his ganv-bav Reginaldo wrote the 
novels to dispel the  the longing he felt for his native land while on music

playing assignments all over India. This is a better way to remember one's 
native soil then by partying as most Goans abroad tend to do, he said. 
Reginald's work added value to the lives of his fellow men. We all can 
follow his example , he advised.

The Chief Guest of the day, Pundalik Naik, emphasized that we must promote 
literature in Konkani irrespective of the script. He recalled that Tomazinho

Cardoz had demanded that the funds of the GKA shold be spent half and half 
for the two scripts used in Goa. Let us use 60% for the Roman script, if 
needed to offset the perceived lack of funding in previous years, he added. 
He informed that 5 Tiatrs and 5 Natak scripts were published last year 
through GKA. About 25 books in Roman script were also funded by GKA last 
year. Five selected works of Reginald Fernandes would be published as an 
omnibus shortly he informed.

Mr. Tomazinho Cardoz stated that research needs to be done on the works of 
Reginald Fernandes and review/critique made of each of his novels. A lot of 
documentation needs to be done and all his works need to be assembled for 
future scholars to work on. A project wouold be prepared by the DKA and 
submitted for funding by either the Dept. of Art  Culture or the GKA.

Earlier, Willy Goes introduced the novels and style of writing used by 
Reginald Fernandes while Cosme Dias spoke on the enduring songs of Reginald,

including the popular song at the end of wedding and other functions Adios 
korcho vellu ailo [ It is time to bid 'Good Bye']. Tomazinho Cardoz and his

wife Irene sang this song using the original  lyrics and notes of Reginald .

Jose Salvador Fernandes, Secretary of DKA proposed the Vote of Thanks.

There will be a workshop for budding Konkani writers tomorrow.



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[Goanet] Convention : From Goa into the World - Lisboa 15-17 June

2007-06-17 Thread teodesouza
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
The convention was inaugurated on 15th in the Casa de Goa by the
President of the Association Dr. Narana Coissoró who spoke in
Portuguese and in English, including some greetings in Konkani. Goa
was represented by quite a few active youth including Cinton Vaz,
Wendell Rodricks and Ethel da Costa. Goa's official representatives
were the Chief Secretary Dr. J.P. Singh and Mr. Ulhas D. Kamat,
representing Dr. Eduardo Faleiro. There were not enough chairs for all
the participants in the main hall of the Casa de Goa, and Dr. Narana
Coissoró decided that all chairs be taken away and recalled the
standing participation of the British parliamentarians! While Mr.
Ulhas Kamat read out a message from Dr. Eduardo Faleiro, Dr. J.P.Singh
assured the on-going interest of Goa Government in supporting the
Goans in Diaspora and revealed several schemes of the Goa Goverment in
this respect, including a Goa Card which would guarantee discounts in
hotels and other purchases during visits to Goa.
The participants in the convention were hosted to a gala dinner by a
Portugal-based Goan businessman Vilberto Mascarenhas in his holiday
home at Palmela in the suburbs of Lisbon.
The bulk of presentations tooks place yesterday. More reports will
certainly follow, coming from some active participants in Goanet who
were also present at the Convention, such as Rene Barreto, Kevin
Saldanha and Jason K. Fernandes. Jason himself presented a critical
analysis of the Goa University and the education policies of the Goa
Government. Clinton, Wendell and Ethel represented the promising youth
for the Goans in Diaspora. Their presentations, along with that of
Jason, were greatly appreciated by all present.
I had the opportunity of moderating the presentations of Victor Rangel
Ribeiro and Portugal-based Dr. Valentino Viegas. This moderation was
particularly meaningful for me, because of my contributions to the
forthcoming «Goa Book» (sponsored by Raj Salgãocar), edited by Vitor
Rangel Ribeiro. In a chapter dealing with Goan Diaspora in Portugal I
have written more at length about some of the Portugal-based Goans who
participated actively in this Convention, including Narana Coissoró,
Valentino Viegas and Leão Fernandes. Dr. Valentino Viegas from
Taleigão left Goa in the wake of what he insists in calling «Indian
invasion» and hopes against hopes to see Goa regaining its
independence from any external domination. The convention rules did
not encourage any debate on issues that could upset the spirit of
harmony among the participants. Among such issues were also comments
of Dr.Susana Sardo who chaired the session on Goan music. She claimed
that Goans did not have one standard Konkani and that Konkani was not
an important link of communication among the Goans in Diaspora.
Basilio Magno and Jeronimo Silva were two speakers at this session,
neither of them profissional musicians, but both regaled the audience
with their admirable contribution to Goan musical tradition. Jeronimo
Silva provided music to the anthem of the Casa de Goa. It was sung at
the end of the inaugural session of the Convention.
The last speakers I had the opportunity of hearing yesterday were
Ethel, Constantino and Leão, all three representing media initiatives.
While Ethel informed about her initiatives to train young Goans into
media openings in Goa, Constantino analysed how internet had thrown
open new challenges to Goans to collaborate from distance, but also
warned against the danger of people isolating themselves from the
reality and living in a virtual world of unfulfilled dreams and
Today the participants will have an opportunity to pay their respects
to Our Lady of Fatima, and will be back to a session of final
reflections before dispersing.

[Goanet] Amancio again (Time Out, Mumbai)

2007-06-17 Thread Goanet News
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Amancio again

His sound travels from Parel to London and back. Naresh Fernandes
profiles the late guitarist Amancio D'Silva, whose sinuous melodies
can be heard once again with the re-release of his records.

It's the sound of music on the move. Originating in Mumbai's mill
district of Parel, swinging for the royal family of Jaipur and
eventually finding its way into wax in the recording studios of
London, the pioneering Indo-jazz fusion tunes of Amancio D'Silva are
being rediscovered with great delight a decade after the guitar player
passed away in July 1996 – and more than three decades after they were
first recorded.

The Amancio revival gathered pace with the issue in the a few weeks
ago of Konkan Dance, an album recorded in 1974 that inexplicably has
never been published before. Predating by several years the
now-celebrated fusion sounds of Shakti and running almost parallel to
the efforts of American saxman John Coltrane's far-better-known
efforts to use an Indian approach to jazz improvisation, the five
albums D'Silva recorded between 1969 and 1972 after he moved to
Britain are finally being accorded their rightful place in jazz

The titles of D'Silva's compositions give a clue to the things that
are important to him: Jaipur and Maharani pay homage to his mentor
Gayatri Devi, Joyce Country is named for his wife, What Maria Sees
and Song for Francesca are named for his two daughters, while the
Konkan Dance album opens with a tune about the city of his birth, A
Street in Bombay.

The re-evaluation of the musician's work started in earnest in 2003
when BBC Radio 1 DJ Giles Petersen included Jaipur on a collection
of underground and progressive British jazz from the '60s, and the
momentum increased when Impressed with Gilles Petersen Vol 2 released
the next year featured another D'Silva track, A Street in Bombay .

Finally, 18 months ago, Universal decided to re-release Integration,
an album that featured Hindustani-tinged tunes composed by the Indian
musician and performed along with some of the most cutting-edge
British jazzmen of the time. The critics were more than satisfied. The
album was described by Time Out London as a revelation and it
praised D'Silva's reinvention of jazz as a music forged in Bombay,
not New Orleans . The Guardian noted: Of all the attempts to bring
together jazz and Indian music, this must be one of the most
successful…[The tunes] strike a perfect balance between the two
idioms, and there is none of that phoney 'Eastern' flavouring,
featuring sitars and such like, so fashionable at the time. D'Silva
plays electric guitar throughout, and the music swings in a completely
natural way.

To be fair, they were only echoing the observations that critics had
made when the record was first released. The compositions… reflect
his preoccupation with effecting an Indian music-jazz blend, the
influential Melody Maker magazine said of D'Silva in 1970. Since
Coltrane, this has been a vogue… D'Silva's grasp of both styles
ensures that his blend is far more authentic than a lot of the
jazz-raga which is hawked about. His playing too has an individual

The renewed interest in Amancio D'Silva's music has thrilled his
family. I just dig that the music can get to the people who might dig
it, D'Silva's son, Stephano, said in an email interview from London .
The rest is just a by-product of the real thing.

Stephano D'Silva, himself a musician, said that a bundle of factors is
responsible for the re-issue of his father's albums. The first thing
I remember happening is my asking Universal (whom I'd been told had
inherited EMI's Columbia catalogue, who had made the albums) if they
indeed had rights to the recordings, he said. They were a little
unclear at first, and then bingo! Gilles Petersons' Impressed was on
the cards, with Jaipur, taken from Hum Dono, the album with [West
Indian saxophonist] Joe Harriot. It seems timing is everything.

The renewed availability of the albums is also being keenly followed
in Mumbai, where D'Silva grew up. I'm very proud of my brother, his
sister Antoinette Fernandes, who lives in Bandra, told Time Out. Added
Raymond Albuquerque, who got his first job playing drums in a quartet
led by Amancio D'Silva at Juhu's Sun and Sand hotel in 1965, He was
in a league of his own. I heard [British guitar great] John McLaughlin
when he played in Bombay with [pioneering mid-1970s world music group]
Shakti, but I didn't find it 

[Goanet] Colin D’Cruz knows how to get heard, says Amit Gurbaxani. (Time Out Mumbai)

2007-06-17 Thread Goanet News
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Bass instinct   

Colin D'Cruz knows how to get heard, says Amit Gurbaxani.

Bass player Colin D'Cruz has lost count of the number of bands he's
played with over the last three decades. However, out of the 50-plus
ensembles he's been a part of, he has one clear favourite: the Brown
Indian Band, an outfit of floating Hindustani, Carnatic and jazz
musicians that he formed in 1994.  It's my ultimate outlet for my
musical creativity, where I can say the music is mine, said D'Cruz.

These days, the fusion band, which currently includes flautist Dhiraj
Kapadia, percussionist Sanket Athle and keyboard player Clifton
Rodricks, can be heard every afternoon spontaneously improvising to
Indian classical ragas at the JW Marriott hotel. That's a slight shift
from their earlier avatar, which performed tunes composed by D'Cruz.
Both versions are special to D'Cruz because the Brown Indian Band is
the only one of his bands that exclusively plays originals.

His other bands include Jazz Junction, and the Bassman's Band, a new
act that starts a one-year residency at the Taj Land's End from August
1. As a result, D'Cruz will go from playing just four to five gigs a
month to performing two gigs every day. How did a musician with no
family background or formal training in music become Mumbai's busiest
live act?  By using a combination of talent, hard work, unbridled
enthusiasm, a keen sense of enterprise and canny networking skills.

A self-taught musician, 46-year-old D'Cruz started performing in
school and college bands before graduating to the wedding band
circuit. His first break arrived in 1980 when jazz pianist Bonny
Remedios offered him a spot in his band. D'Cruz says that, at the
time, the repertoire of bands that performed at five-star hotels was
90 per cent jazz, which meant he had to learn on the job. I
developed an ear for music, by playing music I didn't know, said
D'Cruz. I used to take the stage everyday and wonder what would
happen next.

For the next ten years, he moved from nightclub to nightclub, playing
with all the veterans of the Indian jazz scene. Between 1980 and
1990, I played almost every night, D'Cruz said. When he ventured out
on his own in the early '90s, D'Cruz dabbled in a variety of genres.
He played blues with Blue Genes and Blues Power, fusion with the Brown
Indian Band, country with the Country Funks, pop with Showtime, jazz
with Just Jazz, and Latin music with Obligato.

Remedios, who has continued to perform with D'Cruz over the years,
believes the bass player's versatility is one of the main reasons for
his popularity. He's not uncomfortable in any genre, Remedios said.
That's a talent which not many others have.

In an environment where many establishments are doing away with live
music in favour of DJs and piped music, D'Cruz has almost magically
found a way to stay on stage. Keyboard player Harmeet Mansetta, who
began his career playing with D'Cruz, pins the latter's longevity down
to his never-say-die attitude. His greatest quality is his tenacity,
said Mansetta. Colin has always managed to find gigs. He is one
person who never gives up.

Remedios is more candid while talking about his former protégé: He
makes his presence felt. He doesn't shy away from giving his visiting
card to people. He keeps fishing and he keeps finding fish. D'Cruz is
one of the few Indian musicians to have harnessed the internet to
promote his music. He runs a frequently-updated website that contains
micro-sites to all his bands. It's helped him get in touch with a
number of international musicians, some of whom have performed at Jazz
Junction's monthly spot at Starters and More.

But D'Cruz is not just about self-advertisement. In the last five
years, he has grown into one of the few flag bearers of the local jazz
scenes in Mumbai and his home state of Goa. In 2000, he set up Jazz
Goa with drummer Lester Godhino and pianist George Fernandez. Jazz Goa
is an informal organisation of jazz lovers that promotes local and
visiting musicians by organising concerts and releasing live records.
D'Cruz himself has released no less than four albums in the last two
years (including a self-titled EP by the Brown Indian Band).

D'Cruz says there's a reason why he's been giving the Energizer Bunny
a run for its money: he plans to shift base to Goa next year to set up
his own recording studio. He agrees that Mumbai's more commercially
lucrative but finds Goa both more 

Re: [Goanet] Madame President..she is qualified to be!

2007-06-17 Thread Miguel Braganza
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 21:43:40 +0530
From: Deelip Menezes
Looks like we are going to have a woman for a President in our 60th
year of independence. A woman president is a good idea. It would have been a
better idea if she was not a loyalist of the Nehru-Gandhi family.
Deelip Menezes www.deelipmenezes.com

It is not just about her gender...or closeness to the Nehru-Gandhi family. 
Even the incumbent President , Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam...a technocrat, 
non-political, consensus candidate proposed by the NDA.has said one word 
about Pratibha Patil's selection, Fantastic! I believe he is more 
qualified to speak...he has been the Presidient all this while, and what a 
great President he has been

Ms. Pratibha Patil aged 72 years is an Indian lady who uses her maiden name 
till today although she is maried to a Shekawat and has a son who was Mayor 
of Amravati, in her native state Maharashtra.

Born on 19 December, 1934 [27 years before Goa's liberation on the same 
date] in Jalgaon, Pratibha practiced as a lawyer before joining politics. 
She was a MLA in Maharashtra continuously between 1962 and 1985, a Minister 
for a number of times, rising to be the Leader of the Opposition in 1979. 
She was elected to the Rajya Sabha in 1985 and served as the Deputy 
Chairperson of the Upper House between 1986 and 1988. She then went back to 
state politics to head the MPCCI till she was elected to the Lok Sabha in 
1991. She has never lost an election in her life...and it is unlikely that 
she will lose one now.

She has been the first Lady Governor of Rajasthan [with a BJP CM]since 2004, 
after a break from active politics since 1996. That should provide her with 
sufficient experience to take on another Executive first at Raisina Hill in 
Lutyen's Delhi.

It will be great to have a lady storm another male bastion in the era of 
equality. What is sauce for the gander is increasingly becoming sauce for 
the goose!!

Viva India.


Let us hope that Victoria has a victory in the race to the Ministerial 
berth. She is the lone lady in the house of forty.

Mog asundi,
Botanical Society of Goa 

[Goanet] Goan culinary experts to campaign for rev ival of Goa's inestimable culinary legacy !!!!

2007-06-17 Thread INDOLOGY GOA
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Goan culinary experts to campaign for revival of Goa's inestimable culinary 
legacy at International Cuisine Conference, Goa - September 2-5, 2007

Over the years, Goa has evolved from a very quiet little state with 
beautiful virgin beaches to a bustling tourist epicenter. This has enticed 
loads of business consisting primarily of restaurants, which started serving 
multi/fusion cuisines. Due to the lack of dedication and passion to maintain 
accuracy by such restaurants, Goan cuisine had started to lose its 

With the influx of domestic and foreign tourists Goan Hoteliers initially 
started as multi-cuisine restaurants, but over the years they realized that 
the trend of 'Fusion Cuisine' had started infecting the Goan cuisine and 
that such a decline would be distressingly appalling, therefore we committed 
all our vigor in reviving our splendid cuisine.

The secrets of this cuisine are however, held by the Dear Mothers of Goa. 
Customarily, all the family recipes and the fine art of cooking them were 
imparted within the family, in form of direct teaching. Goan entrepreneurs 
realized that the only way to prepare bona fide Goan food is to learn 
directly from these gifted mothers. The complexities of preparing Goan food 
and the usage of traditional methods, which was cooking and serving in 
earthen-ware, are necessary from the nutritional point of view for some of 
the special dishes.

To breathe life into the passion that was once in the Goan food Goan 
culinary experts will be presenting special lectures and demonstration on 
various challenging aspects pertaining to Goan cuisine and the revival of 
Goa's inestimable legacy at the International Cuisine conference to be 
organised in September 2007. Chef Fernando Da Costa (Nostalgia, Margao), 
Culinary experts Rony and Suzette Martins (Mum's Kitchen, Panaji), Dr.Nilesh 
Korde, Prof.Bhushan Bhave and a few experts will make special presentations 
on this vital issue.

Goa being placed on the coastal belt, the Goans, both - Hindus as well as 
the Catholics, relishes Rice, Coconut and Fish (and a wide range of sea food 
as well) as their staple food. It is the base ingredient in the famous Goan 
curries, be it the plain daily fish-curry or the elaborate special 'Xacuti' 
(pronounced as - 'Shaa - koo - tee'). Unlike the Hindu Goans, where they 
will not cook vegetables without adding coconut, if health permits, the 
Catholics use in moderation. Irrespective of caste and creed, rice was 
consumed thrice a day. In villages, a farmer's routine would be as: 10 
o'clock in the morning he would take Gruel rice or Kanji with fish, 
vegetables, pickles and chutney (a preparation done out of coconut and 
coriander). They would also prepare an array of dishes from rice, like: 
'Kanji' (Pez), rice-curry referred as- 'Xitt-Coddi', rice with pungent gravy 
identified in Goa as 'Agsal' and many more. The native Hindu-Goans never 
added salt when rice was cooked, where as the Catholics always did.

Goan Catholics savour meat and consider it as a key ingredient in their 
meals. Hence, the food prepared in Christian homes is predominantly meat 
based: beef, pork and chicken. On realizing this; they unanimously decided 
to give up eating meat for a period of 40 days, which is known as Lent, it 
is witnessed immediately after the Carnival, falling around end of February, 
during this period only vegetarian food is cooked and meat is completely 
avoided. This has been religiously practiced over centuries.

Mussles  In contrast they have some very mouth watering meat based 
preparations as well: 'Feijoada', 'Balchao', 'Xacuti', 'Fish - Recheiado', 
'Xeqxeq', 'Caldeirada de Peixe', 'Pasteloa' - (mixed pork pie), 'Cabidel', 
'Sorpotel', etc. are dished out as an extensive meal by the Goan Christians 
and many restaurants today.

'Feijoada' is both a Portuguese as well as Brazilian specialty. The Goans 
add spicy 'Goan-sausages' or salted pork to bring out the zest in 
'Feijoada', while the Portuguese add sausages, carrots, couve (type of 
cabbage) and bean sprouts.

In Goa, where very little is grilled, the chicken is fried and condiments 
are added, like: lime, garlic and Piripiri (small hot chilies locally known 
as 'Putquepari' or 'Portugali') are added to the meat and seasoned with 
salt. 'Vindalho' is the modified Portuguese version 'Vinho de Alho' (a 
bundle of garlic) and 'Sorpotel' is the adaptation of 'Sarrabulho', and 
'Cabidel' that of 'Cabidela'. The Goan sausage, 'Chourico' is the prototype 
of the 


2007-06-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Goa to the world is the Velhas Conquistas (Old
Conquests where the erstwhile rule of the Portuguese
(25.11.1510 to 19.12.1961)created a symbiosis of the
East meets West a Rome of the East because of
prosyletisation meaning the religion of the King (of
Portugal ) ought to be that of the ruled.

The Kashi of the South a reference to the temples in
Goa  in the Novas Conquistas(New Conquests) 1763 to
19.12.1961 and its predominantly Hindu  culture is
till today not believed by people  the world over to
be a part of Goa.

Blame it on the promotion policy of projecting  only
the coastal (102 kms coastline ) tourism in Goa in the
early post-Liberation period.  Yet even today with the
promotion of the western ghat talukas (Goa has
three regions coastal, midland (mining) and western
ghat talukas) --eco tourism or adventure tourism --
Goa 365 days   still many tourists national and
international descend only to relish the charms of the
Velhas Conquistas.

A shocking reality today however is that while the
Cristaos  were the dominant community during the
Portuguese era with the Konkno Bammon  always
playing  second fiddle today there is a clandestine
rapid reversal of roles with the  Konkno Bammon 
taking over as the dominant community.

Partnership  firms galore were testimony of this
Cristao Konknno Bammon combine -- there was
Dempo-Souza, Agencia Sequeira (Dr Jack de Sequeira and
Damodar Nayak) and several others.  

The Portuguese always gave commercial and industrial 
licences to Cristaos even if a Konknno Bammon
expressed his desire to run one . 

But with the rule of Dr Salazar the winds of freedom
were fanned in Goa and during this period there was a
silent revolution taking place to ensure the supremacy
of the Konknno Bammon to replace the Cristao dominance
in political social and especially economic spheres
once the Portuguese were shown the door.

There was never a Cristao Konknno togetherness but a
mere tolerance owing to political reasons.

It was in the year 1925 when the RSS was formed in
India and in unliberated Goa the Hindu Mahasabha
founded  its roots.  The Gomant Vidya Niketan in
Margao was founded in the same year.  The first
Konkani Parishad which was held in 1939 in Karwar to
promote one language (Konkani) one script (Devnagari)
was the outcome of this ideology --- to relagate the
Cristao to second position post Liberation.

Many of the age old relations based solely on trust
word of mouth uttor and a semblance of
inter-religious unity began to shred apart or to
witness revolts and were subject matter of long drawn
litigations --- a sudden friends turning foes era was
given birth. Eventually partnerships viz Dempo Souza  
became merely Dempo while the Souza was sent into
wilderness after a protracted legal battle in
Portugal. The Sequeiras were given the outdated
Leyland while the lucrative venture of the Tatas went
to the Nayaks ( whose kin was the late Anant Narcinva
Naik) Post liberation  the Albuquerque Khaunte
partnership ALCONS fizzled out with each partner going
its own way. These are some of the notable splits that

Many of the Cristaos who had considered the Konknno
Bammons  as their friends were indeed deceived.  They
took over most of the Cristao run establishments. 
Margao city can easily provide a case study of this
ground reality. They also clandestinely took over the
properties hitherto abandoned by those that went to
Portugal.  Many of them also encroached literally
grabbed land from the Cristaos or created third party
rights and usurped unoccupied land or land belonging
to absentee Cristao landowners. Communidade land is no
acception to this malaise.  There were others who were
tenanted but refused to leave and entered into long
drawn litigation under the obsolete Rent Control Act
and came into adverse possession of properties that
belonged to the Cristaos.

Even to this day many Cristaos find it difficult to
evict their Hindu colleagues who were given shelter in
their back yards on compassionate ground as they had
come in to earn their living in the Velhas Conquistas.
 Today many a Cristao land owner also finds it
difficult to sell their lands because the political
forces support these tenants to demand more then their
legitimate dues.

The situation for the Cristaos is so alarming that
eviction even with a pragmatic consideration is no
longer possible.

But according to the Konknne Bammons that this writer
spoke to many who are colleagus and friends   agree
that it is the Cristaos who are owners of vast

[Goanet] Goa news for June 18, 2007

2007-06-17 Thread Goanet News Service
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Goa News from Yahoo! News and Goanet.org

Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** A Goa Sunset (About.com)

A Goa Sunset


*** Goa's Arambol Beach (About.com)

Goa's Arambol Beach


*** Goa, Rajasthan Hot Destinations for Weddings in India

One such glamour couple to solemnize their wedding in Goa in
April was Nirvana Chaudhary and Swasti Mittal. Nirvana is the
son of business tycoon Binod Chaudhary and the heir to a
multimillion-dollar business empire...


*** Vedanta's open offer for Sesa Goa stake postponed (The

Kolkata June 15 Vedanta Group has indefinitely postponed the
open offer for 20 per cent stake in Sesa Goa. ICICI Securities
Primary Dealership Ltd, the manager to the offer, on behalf of
the acquirers of controlling stake in Sesa Goa, Westglobe Ltd,
Mauritius and Richter Holding Ltd, Cyprus along with the PAC -
Vedanta Resources Plc, UK, had issued a public announcement
dated on April 27, 2007, ...


*** Heavy rains forecast in Goa, Kerala, Lakshadweep, northeast
(New Kerala)

Pune, June 17: The Southwest Monsoon has been vigorous in
Arunachal Pradesh and active in Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland,
Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim,
and coastal Karnataka.


*** Governor, CM remember freedom fighters on Goa Revolution
Day (Navhind Times)

Panaji, June 17 The Governor, Mr S C Jamir and the Chief
Minister, Mr Digambar V Kamat have remembered the sacrifices of
martyrs and freedom fighters for the cause of Goas freedom on
the occasion of Goa Revolution Day to be observed on June 18.


*** Prof Deobagkar is new Vice-Chancellor of Goa University
(Navhind Times)

Panaji, June 17 The senior professor of zoology at the Pune
University, Prof Dileep Deobagkar has been appointed as the new
Vice-Chancellor of Goa University. Prof Deobagkar will take
charge from June 20.


*** Goa cabinet expansion likely next week (Outlook India)

Cabinet expansion is appearing to be a tedious task for the
Digamber Kamat-led government in Goa, as the Chief Minister will
have to satisfy all its alliance partners.


*** Pratapsinh Rane new Speaker of Goa Assembly (ANI via Yahoo!
India News)

Panaji, June 15 (ANI): Former Goa Chief Minister Pratapsinh
Rane was today elected the Speaker of the State Assembly.
Rane#39;s election was unopposed, as Opposition nominee
Laxmikant Parsekar of the BJP and independent candidate Anil
Salgaoncar withdrew their nominations just before the election.
I am pleased to have a senior person like Rane as Speaker of
the legislative assembly, ...


*** Deobagkar appointed Goa University V-C (Indian Express via
Yahoo! India News)

PROF Dileep Deobagkar of the University of Pune has been
appointed as Vice-Chancellor of Goa University. He will take
over from V-C PS Zacharias on June 20. Deobagkar is a Shivaji
University alumni and has done his PhD in molecular biology from
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He joined the UoP in
1985 and is director, Institute of Bioinformatics 
Biotechnology. He has taught subjects in ...


Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] KONKANI FILM: BLACK Nhesop Atanchem Fashion releasing August 10, 2007

2007-06-17 Thread Goanet AE
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
   The First Konkani E-Cinema   

BLACK Nhesop Atanchem Fashion

a T-Bush Film Presentation


Releasing August 10, 2007  in  Kuwait

Screening on wide screen with digital sound at Hawalli A.C. Auditorium, 


From the Writer/Director/Producer of the International

Award Winning English Film THE LETTER


The movie revolves around a musician who is involved in trivial assignments 
of traditional music. Culture and music means everything to the self-born 
maestro who just cannot give up on his passion for music. His effort to 
persuade the young genre to keep the art living in the face of fading 
tradition runs to an emotional zenith as the movie unfolds.


Lyrics.: Braz de Parra

Music..: Norman Cardozo

Singers: Gracy Morais, Maggie,  Philip Pereira  T-Bush.

Backstage Music: Sunil Kumar/Norman Cardozo/T-Bush

Audio Visaul...: TONI

Lighting...: Joaquim Rodrigues

Recording Engineers: Aurvil/Suresh

Publicity Coordinators: Gasper Crasto/Gaspar Almeida

Cinematography/Editor/Writer/Director:  T-BUSH.

More promotional photos:








I have always liked cinema because it is the most powerful media of our 
time - T-Bush


Goanet AE

[Goanet] looking for anirudh gadgil

2007-06-17 Thread suresh ramchandani
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
dear all

 i have studied in goa ( vasco) and then at goa medical college. i am 
looking for anirudh gadgils e mail id. can anybody help me
if this goes to you anirudh. please get in touch with me.

dr suresh ramchandani 

[Goanet] BLOGWATCH: http://fromgoa.blogspot.com/

2007-06-17 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
A new blog that has Goa-related photographs.


Photos of Goa..Bendiechi Koddi, Goan House.maybe more to 

- Bosco 

[Goanet] School Info required

2007-06-17 Thread suzanna valladaris
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
I would like to know if there is any Cambridge boarding school in Goa for 
Boys or IGCSC school in GOA as I would be interested for my son.

Appreciate if you could help.


Read all Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] Brother, do you remember the 18th of June?

2007-06-17 Thread Pravin Sabnis
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
When the water turned blood and the blood began to boil

Brother, do you remember the 18th of June?

Goa's greatest poet, Manoharrai Sardessai is at his best when he revisits 
the powerful imagery of the historic date and eventually the irony that true 
freedom has still eluded the son of the soil.

Can we ponder, too?

Can we rededicate ourselves to the cause of our motherland?

Otthra June
by Manoharrai Sardesai

Udok legit zal'lem rogot
Ani rogot zal'lem hun

Bhava tuka iad asa
Otthra Jun?

Bondkhonniche dukhest chire
Nove axen dhodd'dhoddle

Finrgealem mostem bonder
Thorthorot somzolem
Vavzhoddint vetlem mhonnun
Pinzun Pinzun
Bhava tuka iad asa
Otthra Jun?

Mongllaracho aslo dis
Pavs nettan poddttalo
Ambeamullant gavddeapor
Kuddkuddot roddttalo
Lokhnnacho ailo purus
Khoim sakun konna khobor
Tujea xinvaulean gelim

Amchim bhuzam xinxinvun
Thoran poram ailim dhanvot
Konnak khobor khoim sakun
Zulmachea tubkantlean
Ujeagulle gele suttun
Rogtachi ub mellun
Bhuim amchi zali hun
Bhava tuka iad asa
Otthra Jun?

Soddnnukecho ailo dis
Utthun ubo ravlo monis
Sogle pas poddle tuttun
Bhava tuka iad asa
Otthra Jun?

Kitle oxe aile gele
Otthra Jun!
Ambeamullant Kuddkuddta
Gavddeacho por ozun
Bhangrachem Goem amchem
Kitlem asa pois ozun!

Mollbacho mattov pinzun
Kupam foddun, goddgoddun
Zoglachea zhogzhogant
Ghiss korun zhogzhogun
Doddkevori lottun, futtun
Ienv di porot Otthra Jun!
Bhava tuka iad asa?

Tea disa ugddasan
Hodd'ddem mhojem pett'ta oz.
Bhava tuka iad asa
Otthra Jun?

Pravin K. Sabnis (cell: 9422640141)
visit: www.unlearningunlimited.blogspot.com

[Goanet] Selmas hypocrisy

2007-06-17 Thread C. A. Bhandare
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Dear Cecil:

You have been proved right! Selma has broken her own
promise and written another inane post on some ism

Selma's hypocrisy is amazing. 

She says  My contention has always been that a lot of
people do not share your visceral hatred of the
Portuguese and that these people should not be
trivialised or denigrated for not doing so, by words
such as being brainwashed or suffering from a slave

But in anothe rpost she proclaims 'I don't want to
waste anymore of my time debating you or the other
misinformed bigots

So calling brainwashed is bad but calling someone
misinformed bigot is fine

C A Bhandare


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[Goanet] Of Constitutions, Dogmas and Roland Francis

2007-06-17 Thread Sunith D Velho
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

 If you don't apply laws that have been painstakingly legislated, you
 have a chaotic society in which there can be no meaningful progress or
 respect for the rights of the individual or of society. Goa is a prime
 example. Yet when I wrote about the Mess that is Goa, Sunith reacted
 as if he found a bee in his billiards pocket

Are you perhaps refering to that weepy post where you stated you that 
you were happy that you sold your house in Goa and were now overjoyed 
to be Canadian and that you had finaly achieved 'closure'. You also 
derided other Goans for selling theirs, a classic case of hypocrisy.

Didn't I reply that if you had truly achieved closure you would be 
posting those views on a Canadian forum where they would be more 
relevant, and not on Goanet.

 Obviously Sunith needs a nudge towards the dictionary which says of dogma:
 1. a system of principles or tenets, as of a church.
 2. a specific tenet or doctrine authoritatively laid down, as by a
 church: the dogma of the Assumption.

Perhaps it is you Roland who need to a jolt towards modern concepts and 
definitions. Here is a more comprehensive definition from Wikipedia.

(Quote)Dogma (the plural is either dogmata or dogmas, Greek äüãìá, 
plural äüãìáôá) is the established belief or doctrine held by a 
religion, ideology or any kind of organization, thought to be 
authoritative and not to be disputed or doubted. While in the context 
of religion the term is largely descriptive, outside of religion its 
current usage tends to carry a pejorative connotation — referring to 
concepts as being established only according to a particular point of 
view, and thus one of doubtful foundation.(end of quote)

Sunith Velho
Sunith D Velho

[Goanet] Liberation of Goa ?

2007-06-17 Thread Albert Desouza
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
On Dec 19th 1961 Goa was liberated from the colonial rule of the portuguese. 
Actually  only the  flags changed  and people  who used to rule Goa changed 
but no goan really became free.On the contrary  we are bondaged 
people.Changing of flags have handcuffed us .We are totally  depended on our 
luck and at the mercy of the so called policy makers and policy 
executioners. Both are b lood suckers.Take for example education. We   do 
not have  any freedom to select the type of education  we want,the  type of 
subjects we want. The SSC board are l oaded with teachers who spell a 
felline as kat.We have no freedom to walk freely on the road.Two type of 
monsters may attack you one with four legs and one wit h two and two  
tyres.School boys  coming from families where money is extra will zoom past 
you. Roads are narrow and if you  own any vehicle and want to go to the city 
park ing is the problem for over decades.You are at the mercy of  the 
shopkeepers who will see that every blood from your flesh is  drained 
out.Whether it is a meat,or fish vegetables or eggs you are  the victim. 
Your son is harrased in school. He has to study maths which he does not 
like,science which is made less interesting,drill which he has to  do in the 
hot su n, etc etc.He has been given a computer for one thousand which will 
start only when you hit it hard.Even when a child grows into an adult and 
wants to marry a girl of his choice he will have to wage war first with his  
parents then with the religious heads and if any of the member is of other 
religion hell with you.
At least when war starts in th e country it is one sided.The war in case of 
partners of different religion is both sides. The catholic parents will not 
give you NOC,and the hindu parents will lead you to the  same junction. If 
you have  courage run and get married and if not then we may find you in the 
river.You have money and want to build   a house, better to live in 
somebody's corridor than to venture to build a house for you are harrased on 
all sides and finally you discover you are suffering from diabetes or high 
cholestrol  or blood pressure . O  Lord then  comes the harrasment by the so 
called  doctors.Already your eyes have popped out and will you survive once 
you see the doctor? It looks you are back to  school.You have to learn lotof 
things .ecg, fasting blood sugar, CT scan and something i think MER or 
something rubbish,sonography,and lalita graphy,etc etc.Finally time comes 
for you to  go to the grave.At least you may close your eyes and go 
peacefully?,I hope so.Your children will curse you.To get death certificate 
?.Ifsomeone  dies  in GMC God forbid.Better to tell the person who is dying 
please fill the form first so that I can take the certificate along when I 
take your body.. Then the  fight for properyty -suddenly you discover that 
your father's birth certificate  and death certificate is not matching.The 
fellow who filled the form did not know his proper name and if he was called 
pedulo for peter, then pedul'  lo will appear on the death certificate  then 
the affidavit to  state that pedul'lo and paddul'lo and pedro are o ne and 
the same  person as if the notary knows better who you are.If a goan wants 
to add any  name onthe ration card he has to go from Rome to London  and 
from Alaskha to Sao Francisco.But if your bayi wants a full new ration card 
it will be given to her and she will be asked to bring another ten hundred 
of bayis  .If I build a simple wall round my property  i have to   do a 
number of rounds first to  the  office of the authority and then once I am i 
nside I have go  round and round the chair of my patraom sitting over 
there.But if my bayii wants to construct a mansion in her neighbours  
property she can built ten of  those houses.She will get  water connection, 
electricity,and her house first will bear a n umber   with ( ILL) not sick 
but illegal  even on her ratio ncard and o nthe eve of the elections that 
ILL will dissappear and she gets a legal title.Where is the freedom here? if 
I want to throw my bayii I will hve to go to  court and go on fighting.You 
may find that the bayii has already moved out from that place and got 
another  bigger  place and this she has sold it to another strong bayii
and her mutation has already been done while you are left skin and bones 

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2007-06-17 Thread Sanny Vaz
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Somest-ank mozo maie-mogacho nomoskar, poile suvater hanv Bab Domingos 
Araujo haka mozo salam patoitam karan tanem jem kitem soth assa tem koslich 
mallis nastanam sobemazar sanglem mhunon, tech porim hanv Bab JoeGoaUK anik 
Bab Lino Dourado hankaim mozo salam potoitam tanim aplea monantlem sanglem 

Pun itlean zaunk-nam, hache voir mhojem thodem sangchem assa tem hanv 
sangonk sodtam koslich mallis nastanam, Domingos Bab tumi sanglam kim 
tiatrist-anche zomatik bhou thode tiatrist asle mhunon, anik tuvem 
tiatrist-ancher xinn kelo. Xinn korpachoch, aiz hanvuim xinn kortam, tie 
zomatik maka apounem naslem, tor kiteak? Orxim soglea zomatink hanv mozo 
kimti vell dhivun hajir astalom pun tech zomatik maka apounk-nam. Hanv noko 
kitea passot, zaum eta hanv ek tiatrist nhuim, poile suvater maka ti meeting 
assa mhunon khobor passun nasli, meeting zatoch dusrea disa mhojea ixtt-ani 
maka vinchar kelo hanv tie meeting-ek kiteak naslo? Hanvem sorol sanglem 
maka konnech sangonk-nam Konkani passot meeting apoilea mhunon, teach 
borobor hanvem sanglem Congress-ache meeting-ek BJP Candidate koso astolo? 
Vegozar kitea passot?

Sogleank khobor assa tea adim heach Romi Konkani-chea vixaia voir GOANS 
MEETING FOR ROMI KONKANI: It's on Monday, 31st July 2006 at the Village Inn 
Restaurant , Kuwait City at 7:00 p.m. ek Meeting apoileli tednam thuim 
zaite Tiatrist ani Non-tiatrist hajir asle koslich mallis nastanam fokot 
Romi Konkani passot including, tia dissa tho aslear hanv nam mhuntat tem 
chollonk nam, kiteak sorv Konkani Mogue thuim hajir asle Romi Konkani-k aplo 
tenko divunk koslich mallis nastanam.

Dusrem sangpachem mhutlear halinch hanv Goem aslom Elisao-am velar, Sogle 
amche Tiatrist bhau Tiatr nachonk itle busy asle kim tankam khobor passun 
nasli tancho amdar konn poi tho, tanchea sangata Kuwait tan gelele kaim 
tiatrist asle, SGF hea pongdak tiatrist support kori, ek tori tiatrist 
umedvar kosso ubo ravonk zai aslo pun ektoi ravonk nam, tiatrist umedvar 
koso raulolo zalear tiatr konn nachtolo aslo? Amcho Kunvor Jacob-ak sogot 
tiatrist-ani fudarponn dhivun sogleam-cho tallo (voice) kosso fudem dadlolo, 
pun tovui khuim tori xirkon urlo, tanem tori SGF pokxacho ek umedvar kosso 
ravonk zai aslo, harlear kaim porva nasli, konn tori tiatrist Romi Konkani 
passot elisao-ank ubo raulolo mhunon hitiasin urtelem aslem.

Tumi soth mandath vho mandinakath, hea 2007 elisao-am velar amchea 
tiatrist-ani zodlam titlem tanim kednach zoddunk-nam oxem maka dista, kiteak 
sogle tiatr amdar-ani ap-aple constituency-n don-don pautt dakoileat lokak 
khoxi korunk, anik tiatrist-anchem tondh bondh korunk, soth sangchem 
mhutlear Xidkauni vho tiatr amchea Quepem gauman 3 pautt dakoilo SGF 
pongdan, tea uprant William de Curtorim hacho tiatr 2 pautt dakoilo, ticket 
nastanam (Tiatrist paid by SGF) hanthun lokui khoxi anik tiatrist-ui khoxi. 
Oxe dusrea gaum-ani dusre tiatr kitle pautt dakoile astele? Tori tumich 
sangat tiatrist hie tiatr nachtele asle vho Romi Konkani passot zuztele 
asle, aiz ek opar yeadh zali Tuka meuta tem aizuch chor, oslo soeog faleam 
meucho-nam oslich goth amchea tiatrist bhav-anchi zali.

Tisri khobor oxi, Amche Romi Konkani bhaxek Devnagri hadun tenkoili, tachea 
uprant Marathi hadun zodli anik atam amchea Gawda Baban Kanad bhaxen Kokani 
xinkouchi mhunon Goem-chea Serkara laguim magnem kelam, hea fudem anik 
khuim-chi bhaxea hevun Konkani-cho asro gheit tem math sangonk zainam. 
Zagruth ravat circus atam suru zalea, anik zaite item nodrek heuche assat.

Tum ani hanv. Konknni, Konknni, Konknni Punn boroupam amchim 
Inglezint? Tiatracheo jahirateo Inglezint? Ani tiatrists. Konknni, 
Konknni, Konknni ? Hem kim soth, ami Konkani-vadi mhunon firgi bhaxen nare 
laitaum, zaum eta tench amche Konkani bhaxen borounk amkam loz dista, vho 
zaum eta firgi bhaxen boroun ami pordeshank zagoitaum nhuim Goemkar-ank. 
Anik oxem zaitem assa pun soglem boroun kobar zaumchem-nam, anik boroilear 
passun thode kanar gheuche-nam, torui pun barik chintun poiat anik vaurath 
amche Konkani passot kitem tori borem korun, nhuim partidam Romi 

Mog assume dhi,
Tumcho khalto,


Lino Dourado wrote:

mon'xank pixeaponn somzonam tea mon'nank xanneaponnancho orth sangun koslo 
faido? Omtea kollxear udok nhi?


[Goanet] Since we were talking about the RSS... a review

2007-06-17 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Author : Jyotimaya Sharma
Publisher : Penguin
Cost : Indian Rupees 295

This little book, which summarises the thoughts of MS Golwalkar, the
head of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh from 1940 until his death in
June 1973, packs a punch. Using clear prose that keeps the pace swift,
Sharma takes you through every detail of Golwalkar's beliefs in an
economical manner. From his days at the Benares Hindu University to
his early years with the Sangh, his stringent efforts at carving an
insidious political space for the Sangh in independent India and
finally – and ironically –  his uncertain and tentative definitions of
the terms Hindu and Hinduism. That was a real surprise.

While there are many fountainheads spouting the ideology of Hindutva,
the language, ideas, and concepts used by Golwalkar will resonate with
a special clarity for the contemporary reader. After all, Golwalkar's
transparent prejudices – against Islam, secularism, Gandhism and a
non-puritanical and sensual Hinduism – inspire Sangh followers even

The best part of the book is the extensive research Sharma employs to
show how Golwalkar's (and the Sangh's) ideas are direct descendants of
a dated, orientalist vision of Hinduism. It reinforced my own
prejudice against Hindutva by reminding me that the ideology is
extremely foreign and so blindly imitative of some European thoughts
that it seriously violates my indigenous sensibilities.

What the book also reveals is that the gods of ideas and utopias are
alive and kicking. It was breathtaking to see how intensely the
thoughts and beliefs of a man can fortify ideologies and keep them
dynamic. This should motivate all those who are disturbed by the
appropriation of Hinduism by the Hindutva brigade to never
underestimate the power of rhetoric and fantasy as useful weapons.
After being disturbed by the book, I switched on the television and
fiercely enjoyed every bit of Lage Raho Munna Bhai. Rahul Srivastava
Source : Time Out Mumbai ISSUE 21 Friday, June 15, 2007

[Goanet] Interesting...

2007-06-17 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Goa, a son's story:
FN: Frederick Noronha
Phone 0091-832-2409490

[Goanet] Death of Goa?

2007-06-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Death of Goa

Click on, or cut and paste, the link below.
