[Goanet] One more horrible project

2007-11-12 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil

DSR unveils massive Goa project
by Robert Carry
International property development company David Stanley Redfern
has launched it´s latest Asian project, the sprawling Peace Valley
in Goa.

The township covers 55,125 square metres at Sirvoi, Quepem and
consists of 23 villas and 174 apartments. The units range from one
to five rooms and are set in a guarded communal neighbourhood with
swimming pools, golf course, tennis court, running track and horse
stables. The landscaped development also features a children’s
playground and a club house with gym and sauna. Plans are also in
place for a Peace Valley flying club which will give residents a
facility for the use of micro and ultra-light aircrafts.

Peace valley is 50 minutes from Goa´s capital, Panjim, 40 minutes
from Dabolim Airport and  20 minutes from the beaches of Colva and

The overseas property specialists, who have developments in over
forty countries worldwide, are offering units in the development
from US$39,485 for a one-room apartment.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

[Goanet] Corruption in Government Offices in Goa...to JoeGoaUK

2007-11-12 Thread cedrico dacosta
Corruption in Govt Offices in Goa...To Joe GOA UK

Mogall JoeGOAUK

i must say you are lucky to get off so easily...by saying this i am not trying 
to rub salt to your wounds...i understand your plight totally.

High level corruption exists all over Goa in most of the Government offices, 
many in Goa are feeling dejected with the way the government offices are 
functioning and are asking bribes openly.

Today the way the government functions..it is much easy for an immigrant to get 
his work done than a NIZ GOENKAR cause the immigrant will have some political 
patronage and if the constituency is Margao...the patron saint of the 
immigrants will ensure that he bends backwards to appease them.

In high level states all over the world including Dubai, the authorities will 
pay a surprise visit and put to task on the spot erring officials...in Goa the 
government officials are either politicians chamchas or some ministers bacho 
and meuno and kumar and kumparso we cant expect much.

I am personally aware of high scale corruption at Margao at the RTO, collectors 
and MMC offfices...and the attitude of the government servants, specialy those 
who have benefited from the sc st seats leaves much to be desired as they have 
no PR or simple basic mannerism to handle a client.

I was once asked RS 100.- by a top clerk at the MMC to issue a birth 
certificatevarious excuses were given like white ants ate your book of 
records, i have to make a new one etci waited patiently for a week, for a 
job that takes less than an hour...finally when i met the then CO of MMC he 
also tried to take me for a jolly good ride...finally out of sheer desperation 
I mentioned to him that I was a journalist and i wish to carry this incident in 
the dailies...

My job was done in less than 15 minutes flat...but what of the aam aadmi who is 
not a journalist?

Most of us at Margao who know the true colours of the parrot that chants aam 
aadmi know what is going on...there is no justice for the common man...and 
besides the very own person who was responsible for harrassing minorities and 
using official government machinery to haress innocent and senior citizens of 
his own constituency can do nothing better than lie to the people and fool them 
using the aam aadmi tactic which is hollow and transparent and most people in 
goa have started seeing through it...and more tamasha in the name of the aam 
aadmi is yet to come.

I was on holiday in Goa in dec 2006...my friend had built his new house at 
Nuvem...till the eve of the new house the electricity meter ws not 
allocated...trips after trips went wasted...dejected he tried to explain to me 
the situation...at all the levels in the electricity dept, the employees tried 
to tell him...patrao saibak kitem dhi...foreign kai adunkna?

and lo! when my friend sent him some imported chocolates, the meter arrived 
with much fanfare to the opening of imported scotch which the engineer on duty 
greedily gulped and then drove off in his official jeep...the minister for 
power then, was our todays CM.

Cedric da Costa

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Re: [Goanet] Flash ....Banana ratna, Bal Thackeray of Goa etc

2007-11-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 10/11/2007, Bhandare [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Goanet moderation is indeed a thankless task and
 inspite of a few disagreements and a lot of
 ideological differences i must say that Bosco and
 others are doing this job fantastically

 i was amused at the gall of a particular poster to
 volunteer for this position...this same poster had
 previously 'volunteered to be on Regional plan


RESPONSE: The only hilarious thing on Goanet is Bhandare; a laughing
stock, with unlimited potential for stupidity, as well trying to get
into 'good books' after all the recent hammering taken. This is once
again a poster shooting off, without knowing the facts. The matter is,
that I was approached by the owner of this site requesting that I
volunteer my services.

I don't think there is anyone disputing the work input by the
moderators. We definitely need a moderator in Goa and one perhaps in
Europe. Frederick inferred that Viviana is not pulling her weight,
either that or he forgot to mention that she too was doing sterling
work !

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Mundkar Law can be ammended if the tenant is a supporter of a Politician, at least in Margao it did

2007-11-12 Thread cedrico dacosta
Mundkar Law can be ammended if the tenant is a supporter of a Politician, at 
least it did in Margao

Many tenants in Margao, particularly supporters of a political party and of the 
patron of the immigrants in Margao benefit when the mundkar law is ammended 
(ghostly) to benefit the tenants who have taken the bhatkcar of the landowners 
to court saying they were mundcars and have lived over 20 plus years in that 

I personally have been a victim of such actions, the modus operandhi is simple, 
these tenants, mostly immigrants go and subscribe to a certain political party, 
then the chief patron of the immigrants at margao will send his henchmen in the 
municipality, formerly in our case former MMC chief officer Ashok Naik, now 
awarded by his mentor to the post of collector of margao,  played the perfect 
henchmen in my case wherein he even threatened to send MMC trucks to clear our 
house and garden and threatening to use government machinery to threaten my 
family to give in to the demand of the tenants.

Further, things are manupulated at the mamlatdar level and also Margao police 
is used to threaten and haress your family to give in to the tenants demand.

All along the authorities clearly say that the tenants have the hand of the 
parton of Ghantis on their head and you will not win against him.

this is the ground reality of how the mundcar law works and at least in margao.

Cedric da Costa

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[Goanet] Radio Goa for Konkani music

2007-11-12 Thread Michael Ali
A new website www.radiogoa.net offer a very wide selection of Konkani   
Manglorean music 24/7.

The website is in the testing stage now and will be officially open from 
December 1. It is based in Dubai.

Warm regards,

Michael Ali
Karachi, Pakistan

[Goanet] Demand dismissal of Goa government

2007-11-12 Thread Venantius Pinto
Dear Rajan,
Well put, in no uncertain terms. I do not know what repercussions there will
be if one Party X1 topples, and Party X2 comes in. It looks like it will be
the same until people wake up. It also means that all parties have similar
agendas. Your point about the activists factoring all issues including deals
-- the negating of which may cost the politicos their lives, as well an a
clear party-blind statement, is very evocative of how far the stakes have
risen OR perhaps have to be dug. Sort of like killing Dracula!


Rajan P. Parrikar wrote (excepted):
You try to screw us, we the people will bury you alive.

Mile high reams of cash
have exchanged hands, and the lives of politicians
are on the line if they fail to deliver on the nefarious
promises made to the builders' mafia.

To preempt charges that the GBA is targeting Party A
or Party B, it should come out clearly with a statement
that it is party-blind, that every govt in power will be
put under the GBA lens.


Re: [Goanet] Foreigners Only need be White............

2007-11-12 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
There are very good posts on this subject, some light in flavour (Cecil  Selma 
below), others rather dark in their demeanor (no names, you know who you are), 
but all the same, there is much to be said in favour, and against.  Overall, I 
think we all agree there are many facets to this foreigners only debate, much 
depends on your taste for a fight over it, if its a personal choice, for a 
woman in her 40's who has probably had some very disappointing partner(s) who 
were of either her parents choosing or a broken heart / bank balance etc, for 
her maybe its time to make a quick get-away from Goa, and try her luck in 
another country. That is why she is choosing a foreigner?
  If a matrimonial request for a foreigner is anything to go by, then this may 
well be the case, she may be a business woman, with own house etc, but it does  
not mean she is intent to staying on, or maybe she is, but would prefer to 
choose a foreigner (she does not specify if its to be a Japanese sushi maker 
or a Swiss banker but I can hazard a guess its not to be a dalit, but guess 
which she may choose), but we know nothing of this lady's past, or her present 
situation but I am guessing her future lies elsewhere and is not really what we 
are discussing here.
  She has a choice of whom she wishes to spend the rest of her days with,  
good luck to her, may she find her happiness in cooking rice, slicing raw fish 
for her sushi-making husband  -  its totally her choice who chooses as her 
mate, alternatively she may be in her counting house, counting all her money, 
cerainly not picking up human excrement with her hands!  
  Its HER choice, our feeling of discrimination against the Goan is totally 
different here, we are concerned at the rape of Goa, the undebated SEZ, housing 
 employment needs, local parks  beaches where Poo, Piss  Panjim are debated 
 generally to why Goans have to put up with anti-Goan discrimination, be it 
treatment on public transport, or just bad service.
  Goa is not a small field with a few metres of sparse land around it, its a 
rich and diverse place, much is going on in all areas, but we cannot just leave 
areas fallow, to rot  be forgotten.  Some areas DO need some life-giving 
employment  a reason to go on living. laughing  working.  We cannot just sit 
back and say we should NOT build AT ALL.  Housing IS needed, but its HOW  
WHERE the planners  developers are taking this that is the issue.  Some of 
Joe's  Fred's links have brought much to light over the past few days, 
shocking things going on, much of it under the table  very quick, no 
discussion or public notification.  Any of this in the newspapers in advance?  
  The declarations we have seen on these links, under the publics right to 
information, were any of these plans put to the public, for a public meeting in 
a local authority building where all the developments etc were put to 
discussion.  Where there any protests on the planning applications?  Is there 
such a thing as a protest against a developer  the planners who wish to 
purchase land and build upon it, or is it all rubber-stamped at Central Office, 
in Delhi or Mumbai?
  No need to spoil and destroy forested or tranquil areas that are beneficial 
to man  beast, there are ways of coping with the need for housing AND the 
environment.  I am against building new apartment blocks in rural areas while 
there are plenty of brown-field sites that need regeneration, that is the key 
to it, build where once it was built but left to decay (not the historic old 
relics in the countryside, they are needed for the coming generations to enjoy, 
its the old rotting buildings that have been left by their owners, so to 
enhance in value only for them, left to decay for decades that need to be 
pulled down  turned into affordable housing).
  Maybe its just me, getting a bit grouchy in my old age, also probably too 
late in years  yearning for things to return to how they used to be (silly old 
man).  Of course its also foolish if we stand still  just day-dream, we need a 
shot of reality every now  then, to make us turn around and throw stones  
yes, cast aspersions on those who foul the gardens, the beaches  public areas, 
shout from (and in) the buses when insulted or discriminated against, giving 
disapproving looks to those vendors who sell bad food, and those who do not 
have licenses to do so, in the first place.
  Its not just a Goan problem, but here on Goanet, it is very much a Goan 
problem.  What happens elsewhere usually happens eventually in Goa, as in 
England we watch what is happening in the USA, its guaranteed that within 
months or certainly within a year, it will either be available in England or is 
already happening here.  Goa has a long way to go, it seems everyone knows this 
and is taking advantages of Goan hospitality, time to show a bit of Goan 
hostility for a change?  Not used to it? Not much time, you have learn quickly!

[Goanet] Sad Demis of Our Dear Cuncolkar Sunny De Quepen-9th Nov

2007-11-12 Thread Nassim Desouza
The President, Managing Committee and the Cuncolim- Goa Committee  of
The Cuncolim Welfare Trust deeply mourns the demise of our Dear
Mr Sunny de Quepem in Kuwait.

May the Almighty Give strength and guidance to the his family to
overcome this great loss

Eternal rest grant to him OH Lord and let perpetual light shine on him,
May his soul Rest in Peace Amen.

With deep Sympathy.

Nassim DeSouza-President Cuncolim Welfare Trust

[Goanet] Good Bye Sanny

2007-11-12 Thread Albert Desouza

Dear Goanetters
Its very sad to wish our dear Sanny good bye. If he was born in 1951 and 
studied at Monte de Guirim surely he was with me in school at Monte de Guirim. 
God had His plans when He created Sanny and wanted him to be in this world only 
for 56 years. It must have been quite hard on the mother, wife and children to 
wish him adieu never to see again. Such is our life. Goanetter has lost a good 
friend, tiatrist and tiatr polloinar have lost an eminent artist and his family 
has lost a member. Words cannot console the grief of the heart of those who 
loved him. A friend has gone, a light has been extinguished. May God be with 
him. Good bye Sanny we will never see you again, we will never read your 
postings on the goanet again.
Call friends with PC-to-PC calling -- FREE

[Goanet] Again its for Mr. Eduardo Faleiro for Goa Govt. jobs..for Goan origins..

2007-11-12 Thread W.F.

Joaquim Fernadnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Joaquim Fernadnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:Joaquim Fernadnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 00:31:13 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: [Gulf Goans] Eduardo Faliero and team to meet Goans

joaquim fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From: joaquim fernandes 
Subject: RE: [Gulf Goans] Eduardo Faliero and team to meet Goans
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 13:34:14 +0530

Can anyone tell me if they have promised anything in concrete for Goan 
community in Kuwait? or its all party time out here.

Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2007 21:49:15 -0800
Subject: Fwd: RE: [Gulf Goans] Eduardo Faliero and team to meet Goans

Srvs  Dlvry.- QA- Maria Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Subject: RE: 
[Gulf Goans] Eduardo Faliero and team to meet Goans
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 08:57:41 +0400
From: Srvs  Dlvry.- QA- Maria Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gulfgoans [EMAIL PROTECTED],

  I absolutely agree with you. They just come to Gulf for a good vacation. 
  Thank you for bringing it up - it is indeed a very grave issue. But can we do 
something about it?
  The politicians in Goa have to do something for the people in Goa - Look at 
the low salary a Goan executive gets.  It is sometimes lower then a housemaid 
in Gulf . But if a non-Goan or European is employed in Goa, he will get a 
salary 20 times higher and lots of allowances.
  The salaries in the private sector in Goa have to be screened by the 
Government so that there is an end to exploitation of Goan private sector 
  My maid is qualified up till - HSSC  a beauticians She was working as a 
sales girl for a while then she was a beautician. But, she came here to work 
here as a maid, though she had a job in Goa, her salary was less then half of 
what I pay her here. This is just one small example. There are so many Goans 
lost here like her - just because the Government does not look at the private 
sector employees. 
  The private Employer in Goa will keep sucking their employees till this issue 
is taken up by some one. 
  The corporate guys in goa like Salgaonkar / Dempo / CMM / chowgule - have the 
best comforts at the cost of these poor people - who need to get something 
better in return for their sweat.
There is a good scale only for Government Sector. Due to the Rane's rule 
for more than 15 years, every government office / institution you go - you will 
see only people from Sattari / Sanguem / Valpoi. 

  When I go to Goa - it is a sad sight to see well qualified people either 
jobless or working for peanuts - as there is no scale set for private sector 
  We should talk about the living conditions of our people then politics and 
  I never see the issue of private sector wages / wage scale raised. Can 
somebody do something about this issue through this forum so that we can help 
our people back in Goa? 
  I hope someone in this group will find this issue worth an excavation 
followed by a serious thought. 

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of W.F.
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 7:18 PM
To: gulfgoans; goan-nri; Goan-Music; goanet
Subject: [Gulf Goans] Eduardo Faliero and team to meet Goans in Doha on 10th 
November 2007

  Dear All,
  Reading this below msg. from Qatar - Goans  I have a comment
  Will Mr. Eduardo Faleiro.do something for the goans here in Gulf...Will 
he give us Goa Govt. jobs..with good salaries in Goa...? so that all Goans will 
be in Goaand give more support to Konkani Mother tongue and the Konkani 
Roman Script Language.? Our old Goan Traditional Carnaval..than those 
Rajasthani dances for the Carnival parade.. I hope so...
  Does anyone reading this agree with me.
  Mrs. Fernandes

johndesa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: johndesa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2007 12:01:54 -
Subject: [qatar-goans] Eduardo Faliero and team to meet Goans in Doha on 10th 
November 2007

Dear Goan Bretheren,

Mr Eduardo Faleiro, Commissioner for NRI Affairs,
Government of Goa is visiting Qatar on November
10, 2007. His entourage includes his office
colleagues, Vice Admiral (Retd) Mr. John C. D'Silva,
Chairman, Overseas Employment Agency of Goa and Mr.
Ulhas D. Kamat, Director for NRI Affairs of Goa and Sabina Martins 
of Bailancho Saad.

Mr. Faleiro along with his team shall listen to Qatar Goans' 
grieviances, problems / suggestions on Saturday 10th November at 
7pm at Shalimar Hotel, near Crazy Signals (Beside Kebab King).

All Goans are coordially invited to attend the 

Re: [Goanet] response for Vinay natekar

2007-11-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 11/11/2007, Bhandare [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Vinay:

 I would advise you not to get caught up in meaningless
 discussions with people like gadgil ...this particular
 person has little regards for truth and is brazenly
 dishonest in the domain of public discourse...
 he spreads these biased reports written by dubious
 characters ( and i am not grudging him that right)
 and when any clarification is sought he adopts a
 holier than thou postion usually supplemented with a
 good dose of righteous indignation and neatly
 sidesteps the issue.

 giving his types to much attention only emboldens them
 and gives their hate filled ideology more currency...

 i wold suggest that you network more with people whose
 views and opinions match with yours and thus we can
 get something constructive done.



RESPONSE: Why don't you set up your own network, to accommodate
yourself and people who think like minded. Then take the whole lot and

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Hill Cutting at Bambolim...where are the NGO's

2007-11-12 Thread cedrico dacosta
Hill Cutting at Bambolim -- where are the NGO's

I am given to understand that there goes rampant hill cutting in Goa specially 
at Bambolim and also by several mine owners...

i am sure that our elected representatives have eyes and ears...

i also wonder where the NGOs of Goa are specially the group called 
LOKSHAKTi...i understand they went up to Baina to protest...at one time...

can we see them rush to the various places to stop the illegal destroying of 

Cedric da Costa

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Re: [Goanet] Konknni Talkies: The Tom Bhembre Show

2007-11-12 Thread Sebastian Borges
Mogall Miguel bab,
You wrote: 
 .writer, author and reader of Konkani written
in Romi script [NOT Romi Konkani as some want
tomisrepresent it now a days.]

My comment:
Is this a belated realization on your part? 
Dhomprantlem koplant pavonk itlo vell laglo? And why
blame others for your own sins?  You and your CAMP has
been using the expression Romi Konknni to mean
variously:(1) Konkani written in Roman script, (2)
Konkani spoken by the Roman Catholics in Goa, (3) the
Bardexi dialect of Konkani, (4) the Konkani used in
the Roman Catholic Church litturgy in Goa.  Some of
you (e.g. Fr. Conceicao D’Silva)have even been
claiming to be SPEAKING IN Romi Konknni. A couple of
editorials in English dailies said much the same
thing.  Two years ago,I gave a talk in Konkani about
Msgr. Dalgado at Menezes Braganza Hall,Panjim.  And
Godfrey Gonsalves (you too?) reported that, though my
speech was distributed in Devanagari, what I SPOKE was
in Romi! But none in your CAMP thought of correcting
this; so, why now? And further, has this revised
attitude of yours to the term  Romi Konkani been
ratified by your CAMP?  I doubt it, because I find
Tomazinho Cardozo (the originator of the controversy
and the General of your CAMP) still using the same
term (see e.g. yesterday’s NT Panorama p. 2).  Or is
Tomazinho also misrepresenting it?  

You wrote:
 .both, you and your sleeping stalwart, are
members of the GKA Executive Committee. Why do you not
ask this question there? All the members are expected
to exercise due diligence and have due accountability
...and perhaps even paid sitting fees... to do this

My comment:
I did not ask you any question.  I only gave you an
instance of how the accusing / complaining side too
did not help matters.  He did undertake this perfectly
VOLUNTARY activity.  But he is a busy person and has
his own priorities.  He is not saying that he will not
complete it.  Some work has been completed and the
rest is being attended to.  HE HAS NOT TAKEN ANY
Akademi cannot compel him to complete it; they can
only coax him.  But the same cannot be said about
another leader of your CAMP (a past Secretary of
Dalgado Konkani Akademi, nothing less, and 
'publisher' of a Romi Konkani Monthly too!)who has
TAKEN AN ADVANCE of Rs. Thirty thousand only for a
research project on Mando.  He failed to submit the
Report for over a year beyond the stipulated and
agreed time schedule for completion.  During this
period, he was sent several reminders and warnings. 
Finally he went to GKA office and left a CD on the
President's table (in the latter's absence), without
even a covering letter. All that the CD contains is
THREE TYPED PAGES OF TEXT.  This matter came up during
a meeting of the Executive.  Tomazinho rang him up
from there itself.  He was told that everything was
there in the CD except for the performance which is
also a part of the contract. Tomazinho requested him
to come over to the GKA ofice some time and help open
the CD. But, FOUR MONTHS down the line, he has not
found the time to do so.  In fact, he did come there
at least twice; but always in a hurry, as he had to
distribute invitations!  And the same scoundrel
berates the GKA from the platform as well as in the
press.  (You must have attended the publication
function of the Biography of M. Boyer on October 11
last at Kala Akademi, and also read GT of the days
preceding and following the event.)  Such people are
real assets for your movement which has always THRIVED

You wrote:
. I worked long enough in Government and
semi-government autonomous bodies to know how the
system works. In the PWD, if one does not wish a
particular contractor to bid there are some simple
solutions 1. Disqualify his class [as for Romi
writers] 2. Do not accept his application for tender
form [concept of book] 3. Accept the application but
not the completed tender [manuscript]. After that one
can, WITH ALL HONESTY, say that the particular tender
was never
rejected because it was NEVER RECEIVED in the first

I believe that the Goa Konkani Akademi is a
semi-Government autonomous body manned by full-time
government servants from the member-Secretary

My comment:
Just because you indulged in some dishonest acts while
working in Government or semi-Government autonomous
organizations or because such acts are quite common in
such offices, you cannot presume that GKA did
likewise; you have to provide proof.  And it better be
fool-proof; too many members of your CAMP have been
exposed as LIARS.

You wrote:
 The two of you have worked together on some book
projects of GKA, too. So he is part of YOUR CAMP,too.
Or do you want to deny it now?

My response:
Jointly working with sleeping stalwart on some
projects does not necessarily make me amember of
his/your CAMP.  So the question of denying NOW or EVER
just does not arise.  You seem to conveniently forget
when it suits you.  Don't 

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Sanny de Quepem - Goanet will miss you!!

2007-11-12 Thread Wilson Daniel
Dear Bosco,

I am very greatful  to you to send this email to me, as Late Sanny Vas was
very dear friend of mine from our village Kepem.

I know him personally as we grew up together, played football and acted all
the dramas staged in Kepem  by Mr. Jess Fernandes, Felix Perrira and Raul
Perrira together.

I left for Saudi Arabia in 1976 and he joined later but different company
and reign

You rightly said that he was gr8 composer.

I am thankful to you and your team.

May his Soul Rest in Peace

On Nov 11, 2007 9:18 AM, Bosco - Goanet Volunteer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 * G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
  For RR; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
 It was with shock and sadness that we learnt of the passing of Goanetter,
 Sanny de Quepem in Kuwait on November 9, 2007. He was a thorough Goenkar -
 born and bred in Goa. Living in Kuwait did not diminish his love for
 everything Goan. He promoted Konkani, Konkani Music and the tiatr. While
 very talented Sanny was a very humble and down-to-earth person.

 Tragically Sanny passed away the day before the Goan community in Kuwait
 set out to celebrate GOA DAY 2007.

 In early 2006 Sanny released his first Music CD titled Saibinnicho Tisro
 Segred. A review of the CD by Silviano Barbosa who himself produced a
 Konkani CD titled Classic Goa can be found at:


 A few months ago Sanny released his second music CD titled NRI - a
 to Non Resident Indian Goans. Once again the CD was reviewed by Silviano
 Barbosa last month and can be found at:


 For an image of the CD cover:


 To hear Sanny de Quepem's melodious voice on the title track of the CD,


 A profile of Sanny de Quepem by Gaspar Almedia can be found at:


 Sanny de Quepem will forever have a place in the galaxy of Goan stars of
 Konkani stage and music world. We will miss him here at Goanet.

 So long our friend..Adeus tuca korta!!

 Bosco D'Mello
 Where Goans Connect

Wilson Daniel
Managing Partner
Human Resources Consultants
Tel. 00 91 22 2920 7044 cell 00 91 9819308240 Reliance Cell 09324212393
Fax 00 91 22 2920 1033
Website : www.wilsontourstravels.com

Re: [Goanet] Flash ....Banana ratna, Bal Thackeray of Goa etc

2007-11-12 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
Gabe, is there some way you could keep your strong opinions in
abeyance while you were moderator? There was a time when I too would
open up the Goanet Info Page and log-in the first thing I got up. You
can infer what you wish from my coded messages above. When in Berlin,
I lived in Nollendorfplatz (at a time when it's airport was smaller
than Dabolim's, with some element of exaggeration). FN

On 12/11/2007, Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/11/2007, Bhandare [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Goanet moderation is indeed a thankless task and
  inspite of a few disagreements and a lot of
  ideological differences i must say that Bosco and
  others are doing this job fantastically
  i was amused at the gall of a particular poster to
  volunteer for this position...this same poster had
  previously 'volunteered to be on Regional plan

 RESPONSE: The only hilarious thing on Goanet is Bhandare; a laughing
 stock, with unlimited potential for stupidity, as well trying to get
 into 'good books' after all the recent hammering taken. This is once
 again a poster shooting off, without knowing the facts. The matter is,
 that I was approached by the owner of this site requesting that I
 volunteer my services.

 I don't think there is anyone disputing the work input by the
 moderators. We definitely need a moderator in Goa and one perhaps in
 Europe. Frederick inferred that Viviana is not pulling her weight,
 either that or he forgot to mention that she too was doing sterling
 work !

 Gabe Menezes.
 London, England

Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph 0091-832-2409490
12000+ downloadable, sharable hi-res photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/

Re: [Goanet] Radio Goa for Konkani music

2007-11-12 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
 From: Michael Ali [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Goanet] Radio Goa for Konkani music
  A new website www.radiogoa.net offer a very wide selection of
Konkani   Manglorean music 24/7.

Also try http://radioverve.com/konkani. Radioverve is an Indie
Indian Music Radio Site.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

[Goanet] VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests in Maharashtra

2007-11-12 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil

VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests in Maharashtra

Kanhaiya Singh / CNN-IBN

Sunday , November 11, 2007 at 15:25

Mumbai: With broken ribs and a fractured leg, Father Victor
Pareira is just one of the 25 victims, who were brutally beaten up
allegedly by members of Vanvasi Kalyan Parishad, an oraganisation
affiliated to the VHP.

“My rib is fractured and my leg is broken. I am undergoing a lot
of pain,” Pareira said.

What is even more shocking is that the injured priest had to
travel over 30 kilometers to meet the Director General of Police
to demand justice as the local police station failed to act on his

“They (victims) have complained that the police did not take
enough action. Therefore, I have instructed them to submit a
report to me,” Director General of Police, Maharashtra, PS
Pasricha said.

But this contingent of victims, which is led by the Vice-Chairman
of the State Minorities Commission Abrahim Mathai raises a much
bigger issue.

In the last one month there has been five such instances. All of
them in Thane rural areas adjoining the Gujarat border, which
include the tribal areas of Wada, Manor, Vikramgarh and Mokhada.

“People from Gujarat come frequently to this part of Maharashtra
and create problem in these tribal areas,” Mathai said.

However, this is a charge the VHP leaders deny, but they are also
quick to raise the contentious conversion issue, which clearly is
an attempt to defend the culprits.

“It was done by the village sarpanch (head) and the people. VHP
has nothing to do with it,” VHP Secretary Arun Handa said.

But even as these tribals walk out of the office of the Director
General of Police with an assurance that they will not be
attacked, the fear of being harassed is etched on their faces.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

[Goanet] A Tribute to Sanny de Quepem

2007-11-12 Thread rabindra pimenta

A Tribute to Cruz Sanny Vaz
A voice that was so mild and melodious is silenced forever
In a shocking revelation, the news of the passing away of a renowned 
Sanny de Quepem, who left us so suddenly, on the 9th of November, 2007, has 
not only his family members but also all those who knew him closely.
In his passing away, Goa has lost a worthy son, who toiled, all his life, for 
the greater glory of
Goa and Goans. Undoubtedly, he has left an indelible mark on the sands of time 
and will be long
remembered for the wonderful work he had undertaken to serve his fellow Goans. 
It is indeed sad 
that, due to his untimely death, he had to leave his work unfinished. He has 
gone but his memory 
will linger on and on.
It was my privilege to know him personally and also to talk to him in the 
morning on 9th November,
during the celebrations of Goa Day 2007. His last performance on the Konkani 
stage was around 
8.00 p.m., where he enthralled the audience with his beautiful voice while 
rendering a meaningful
konkani song, his own composition. I was in shock when I learnt of his sad 
demise, which occurred
after he went home later that night, due to a severe cardiac attack.
Let us all pray for the repose of his soul in his heavenly abode and pray God 
grants enough courage
and strength to his wife, children and other loved ones, to bear the 
irreparable loss that has befallen
the family. May his soul rest in peace.
Yours in sorrow,
Rabindra Pimenta
Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word scramble 
challenge with star power.

Re: [Goanet] [Secular Goa] VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests in Maharashtra

2007-11-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 12/11/2007, Vidyadhar Gadgil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests in Maharashtra

COMMENT: Now this is what the VHP and their family organisations do;
not the propaganda perpetrated here,  of rescuing 80 priests on their
way to a wedding !

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] Konknni Talkies : the Tom Bhembre Show - a correction

2007-11-12 Thread Sebastian Borges
Mogall Miguel bab,
Proffuse apologies for the error which cropped in my
earlier post.  The article in NT Panorama to which I
referred in a bracket was by Mario Cabral e Sa and NOT
by Tomazinho Cardozo.  The bracket may please be
expunged and me excused.  But for this and the comment
thereon, the post is free of error.
When I typed the matter, I did not have the NT at
hand. But after leaving the Cyber, I visited a friend
in Margao where I had an opportunity to check and
realise my error. Extremely sorry for the gaffe.

Mog asum.
S. M. Borges

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[Goanet] Go peacefully friend, you've (more than) done your part

2007-11-12 Thread Miguel Braganza

It is always good to celebrate life and the living! What is the use of
wreaths and awards on the grave??

Four cities in which Homer begged;
Fight for the pride of Homer dead!

Dom Martin's Vicente Xavier Verodiano specifically acknowledges
individuals and associations who have not been as yet acknowledged by
any other organisation. It is not like a Padma Shree being awarded a
low-value State award ...and getting greater mileage by refusing it.
The GBA will be able to do more things with the VXV Award's cash
component ...as must have been the case of Jan Ugahi a few years ago.

The Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Porvorim, is one institution that
believes in celebrating life. No awards are given posthumously. The
only posthumous acknowledgement of great contributions is by naming
the award after the person,  like Fr. Antonio Pereira sj Puroskar or
the Floriano Vaz Puroskar. The receipients must be alive, though often
at the fag end of their life . because there are so many persons
in Goa whose life and works have gone unacknowledged. Did anyone
honour Sanny de Quepem in Goa?

The Dalgado Konkani Academy has followed suit. Between TSKK and DKA,
they have managed to acknowledge the contributions of many.

At age 87 years, an author of 23 books in Konkani since 1945 who
learnt Devanagri in the sunset years of his life to write books which
have since been printed, a person who walked the streets of Mumbai
[then Bombay] to sell books by other Goan authors and to popularise
them ... Bernardino Evaristo Mendes  has received the TSKK's
Antonio Pereira puroskar last month. Yesterday's Ph.D. students like
Dr. Jayanti Nayak have received Kala Academy's SAHITYA PUROSKAR ...but
not Bernardine Mendes, even though he has written Konkani in Devanagri
script as per their standards. Did his 21st, 22nd or 23rd book not
deserve an award because he wrote the first 20 in Roman script? Or is
he unsuitable for an award because he is a Catholic? We will know
shortly. His name is being recommended for the Life Time Award or
Gomant Sharada Puroskar that is given for literature in any language
and in any script.

It would be nice to document the lives of such unacknowledged greats
for the future generations to draw inspiration form them. Archives of
Netgroups and Google are just not enough for that. Michael Gracias'
documentation of M.Boyer is a step in the right direction. Who has
documented Ulhas Buyao or Dr.Manohar Rai Sardesai?

Mog asundi.

Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 00:15:10 +0530
From:  Frederick [FN] Noronha *  ??? 
Subject: [Goanet] Go peacefully friend, you've (more than) done your

I didn't know the name of Sanny de Quepem till very recently, which
reflects more on my own ignorance than Sanny's significant
contribution via  the world of the Konkani stage, the Gulf-based expat
network, writing, cyberinitiatives and more.

In my twelve years on Goanet, I don't recall many who have been so
persistent (more so, sitting as he did in the Gulf) in keeping track
of Goa-related news and sharing it with the others. Excepting maybe
JoeGoaUK, Uly and Gaspar, Eddie Fernandes, Joel, Gabe Menezes, my
classmate Avelino and a handful of others. (This is not to suggest
that others don't contribute in their own way, or add to the

 Sanny de Quepem did his best, and I was very much
taken up by his determination to share all the Goa-related news he
came across. In these fading days of community-spirted individuals,
Sanny was a welcome difference.

For someone like me, who believes in celebrating -- when possible --
people while they are around (not lamenting after they're gone),
Sanny's was a full life. He went quick, but he did a lot! He shared
(what he knew), he posted, he linked up, and he made a difference to
many of us in terms of what we read. Sanny may have died early, but
I'm sure he will be remembered by many of us on Goanet and other

Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] response for Vinay natekar

2007-11-12 Thread Bhandare
If I start such a list will you be its moderator? :-)

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Re: [Goanet] First Ever Goan Narkasur in America_burnin love

2007-11-12 Thread Santosh Helekar
Dear Venantius,

Thanks very much. Good to have a creation critiqued by
a real creator. The outfit reflects a fusion with
Halloween. Note the orange, black and green. I have
not yet come up with a good justification for the
polka dot underpants. Made the little kids less scared
of him though. Perhaps, it was a stroke of McInsight!



--- Venantius Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dear Santosh,
 I can see that your creation was inbued with a
 terrific Narkasurain spirit.
 Very appealing color schema. What I found funny was
 that for a throughly
 flammable Narkasur, he/it was attired in a fire
 retardant skirt. Also,
 reminded me of the Mawale outfit. Cool. Really
 terrific. The kids must be
 terribly thrilled to have you as the Doctor Creator
 in their midst.

[Goanet] Poignant words; at today's Funeral.

2007-11-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
I attended a funeral today and some poignant words:

The tragedy is not in dying - but in not having really lived.

The hurt is not in that there has to be a limit to our days. The hurt
is the terrible waste of the days we have, while we still have them.

Call forth the knowledge that no good deed ever really disappears.
Just as energy never evaporates into nothingness in the physical
world, so acts of kindness are transformed into memories in the
spiritual world.


I have been blessed in having lived a fulfilled life, I hope that you
have too ! I forgive those b'#5a4ds, who have sinned against me and
ask for forgiveness if I have offended any b'#5a4ds !

'In God we trust' the official moto of the USA and don't anyone tell
you the USA is not a Christian Nation. Everyone knows this and those
who believe otherwise are on a 'smoking' trip.

The rest are happy to pick up the 'mighty' US dollar.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Good-bye my friend, Sanny

2007-11-12 Thread domnic fernandes

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened my email today and read that our 
mogacho Sanny de Quepem was no more.
Although I never met Sanny, we exchanged a
couple of messages and he had agreed to meet with me in Goa
on his next vacation, but alas that will never happen now.  

Sanny’s death is a great loss to the Goan
community all over the world, as he kept us informed of the day-to-day
happenings in Goa through his continuous postings.  Sanny’s image and his 
outstanding work will
remain with us for a long time.  


My family and I extend our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved


May Sanny’s soul rest in eternal peace.




Domnic Fernandes

Anjuna, Bardez, Goa

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[Goanet] NRI Goan Seminar in Kuwait

2007-11-12 Thread Wilson Coelho
Seminar on NRI Goan Issues - A Report
The NRI delegation from Goa, headed by Honorable Commissioner for NRI Affairs, 
Government of Goa , Shri Eduardo Faleiro, attended along with other members of 
the visiting delegation, Vice Admiral John C. D'Silva, Chairman, Overseas 
Employment Agency of Goa, Shri Ullas D. Kamat, Director of NRI Affairs and Ms. 
Sabina Martins, President of the 'Bailancho Saad' organization of Goa, the 
Seminar on NRI Goan issues, which was held at Carlton Towers Hotel on 6th 
November, 2007 between 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm. H.E. the Ambassador of India to 
Kuwait, M. Ganapathi, and other dignitaries from the Embassy of India, Kuwait 
also graced the occasion by their distinguished presence amidts a fairly large 
gathering of Goans. The proceeding of the Seminar were conducted by Mr. Wilson 
Coelho, President of the Goan Welfare Society - Kuwait, on behalf of the 
organising committee, comprising of other Goan Clubs/organizations.  He 
introduced each of the dignitaties on the dais and highlighted their crede
Shri Eduardo Faleiro, Commissioner for NRI Affairs, Goa, spoke of the 
achievements of the Commission, from the time of its establishment and till 
date. He also highlighted the various NRI Issues that were addressed from time 
to time for the benefit of the NRI Goans and the results that emerged 
consequent to the work of the Commission. He urged the Goans present at this 
seminar to present their issues, preferable in writing, so that he could study 
the same and take appropriate steps for redressal of the isssues raised, on his 
return to Goa.
H.E. the Ambassador of India, M. Ganapathi, in his address welcomed Shri 
Faleiro and the delegation to Kuwait and stated that Shri Faleiro, whom he knew 
well when the later was a Union Minister in the Government of India, for 
several years. He went on to state that Shri Faleiro was a committed leader and 
was passionate about serving his people with utmost devotion and dedication and 
that the Goans were fortunate to have such a leader at the helm of affairs to 
address the NRI Goan issues. He praised the manner in which he was welcomed and 
was pleased at the way the seminar was conducted. Stressing on the need to stay 
united, while in a foreign country, he said much could be achieved unitedly and 
encouraged all Goans to forge unity at all times.
The Director of NRI Affairs, Goa, Shri Ullas D. Kamat, presented a detailed 
report of activities taken up by the Commissioner's office and their 
achievements. He also distributed Report of the Global Goans Covention held 
between 3-5 January, 2007 in Goa along with a CD on Goan music entitled 'DAIZ', 
a collection of authentic Goan music. In his address he has welcomed all NRI 
Goans to send their issues to the Commissioner's office and assured that he 
would personally ensure that each of the issues will get due attention from his 
Mr. John C. D'Silva, Chairman of the Overseas Employment Agency of Goa, spoke 
about the purpose of establishing this Agency for the benefit of Goan Youth who 
seek jobs abroad. He said that the Agency also conducts training and gives 
guidance in line with their policy. He contented that Goans abroad, who are in 
a position to help fellow Goans back home, in finding suitable jobs should 
recommend the Employment Agency of Goa and that from his side he would provide 
the required candidates, wherever possible.
Thereafter, Ms. Sabina Martins, President of 'Bailancho Saad', spoke about the 
purpose of her visit to Kuwait and explained how her organisation works for the 
protection of the rights of women worldwide. She highlighted the work 
undertaken by their organization for the alleviation of the hardships faced by 
women due to various social causes. She has appealed to Goon organizations to 
help her in her cause by registering as volunteers.
Several questions on varied Goon issues were put forward to the Commissioner of 
NRI Affairs and he has assured that he would look into each case and try to 
find suitable solutions and communicate with them the status after taking up 
the matters with the concerned authorities. Towards the end there was a musical 
performance by Aggie - The One Man Band, backed up by sound system provided by 
Rupert D'Costa, together they entertained the delegates while refreshments and 
snacks were served.
The Seminar on NRI Goan Issues was sponsored by WESTERN UNION Money Transfer, 
who incidentally are also the sponsors of Goa Day 2007 to be held on 9th 
November, 2007 at the India Community School, Salmiya, Kuwait.
Explore the seven wonders of the world

[Goanet] Goa news for November 13, 2007

2007-11-12 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Roque Dias apprises CM about SAI schemes for Goa - Navhind
[21 hours ago]  Mr Dias pointed out that all states and uts
under his jurisdiction, had availed maximum financial benefit
from SAI after signing an mou and that only Goa ...

*** Strong Professional League needed: Houghton - Navhind Times
[4 hours ago]  The seminar was attended by representatives from
Air-India (Mumbai), Churchill Brothers (Goa), Dempo Sports Club
(Goa), JCT Phagwara (Punjab), ...

*** 2-yr old raped in South Goa - Navhind Times
[21 hours ago]  The victim has been sent for a medical
examination to the Goa Medical College and Hospital, Bambolim
and the report is awaited.

*** Goa\'s complete online news edition - Monday, November 12,
2007 - Herald Publications
[20 hours ago]  Crew of Jonathan mckee and Guillermo Altadill
of Estrella Damm is pictured, on Sunday in Barcelona, during the
start of Barcelona World Race, non-stop round ...

*** Goa set for Sunburn - inthemix
[1 hour ago]  [more] Sunburn is looking to be one of the most
wanted parties in Asia this summer, happening on the beaches of
Candolim, Goa, in India. ...

*** AI to deploy wide-body aircraft on Kozhikode-Sharjah route
- Economic Times
[8 hours ago]  The 279-seater A330-200 aircraft would operate
four times a week on Mumbai-Kozhikode-Kochi-Sharjah route,
thrice a week on Mumbai-Goa-Kozhikode-Sharjah and ...

*** DSR unveils massive Goa project - Asia Property Report
[19 hours ago]  by Robert Carry International property
development company David Stanley Redfern has launched it´s
latest Asian project, the sprawling Peace Valley in Goa. ...

*** Blackie swaps Goa for Warsop - Mansfield Chad
[11 hours ago]  She and her husband Bob fell for the pooch
during one of their several trips to Goa  where they go to carry
out charity work with local youngsters. ...

*** Goa U-19 girls blank Bihar 5-0 - Navhind Times
[4 hours ago]  Margao, Nov 12 Goa U-19 girls football team got
off to a winning start to their 53rd National School Games
campaign scoring a comfortable 5-0 victory over ...

*** Hidden cost of mining in Goa - NDTV.com
[7 hours ago]  Few are awarethat Goa is one of the biggest
exporters of iron ore in the country. And while this has been an
economic triggerfor the state it's come at a ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] GOACAN to observe Children's Road Safety Traffic Management Awareness Fortnight

2007-11-12 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your family members,
relatives, neighbours and friends. Help others be BETTER INFORMED

GOACAN to observe Children's Road Safety  Traffic Management
Awareness Fortnight from 14th to 27th November
The Goa Civic and Consumer Action Network (GOACAN) through its

Young Civic and Consumer Movement (YCM) will organise a Children's

Road Safety  Traffic Management Awareness Fortnight from 14th to

27th November.

Starting on Children's Day 14th November GOACAN through the village based
Consumer Forums and the campus based Consumer Clubs  Cells will highlight
the importance of providing children information on road safety  traffic
management, protecting them from harassment  danger during travel and
ensuring their right to complain  their right to redressal of their

During the fortnight Consumer Forum volunteers will interact with various
authorities like the Director of Transport, Superintendent of Traffic
Police, Director of Education,   Director of Women  Child Development,
Chairperson of Bal Bhavan Chief Engineer Public Works Department (PWD),
District Collectors, Chairpersons of Regional Transport Authority (RTA) and
the Goa State Commission for Children (GSCC).

During the fortnight special emphasis will be placed on the dangers of
driving without a licence  over-speeding and the importance of wearing
helmets  seatbelts during travel, implementation of the 50% bus concession
to all students and an end to the harassment meted out to them by certain
bus conductors  operators. Volunteers will also review signages 
conditions of infrastructure like bus stops, foot paths, speed breakers 
rumblers, zebra crossings, subways parking facilities near educational

Consumers are requested to send copies of their complaints/suggestions on
Children's Road Safety  Traffic Management by post to GOACAN, Post Box 187,

Goa 403 601 or by email to  [EMAIL PROTECTED] during this fortnight.
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78   Mapusa, Goa 403 507


Re: [Goanet] Waiting for change in Goa

2007-11-12 Thread J. Colaço jc
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote: One fellow writes pompously that things don't
remain static, that we have to accept change. This is a hackneyed

Mervyn Lobo responded thus to Rajan:

1:  You are clearly afraid to debate anyone of Goanet. In fact, you
are scared enough not to mention the person you are referring to.
Given this condition of yours, I wonder how on earth you are going to
challenge those that you disagree with.

2: The Indian Govt is also paying for the maintenance of historical
buildings in Goa. The situation in Goa today is the way it is because
of the GOAN politicians GOANS have elected.

== jc's response

My dear Mervyn,

I doubt that Rajan is afraid of debating anyone ON GoaNet. My view is
that he does not care to do so. Individuals who know that they alone
are right, do not need to debate. They make pronouncements. After that
it is My Way or Highway.

Having said that, let me hasten to say this ...I believe that Rajan
Parrikar is quite right in many of his statements. It's his solutions
that (I believe) are out of whack.

Rajan Parrikar has written that the Chougulos (oops Chowgules) are
involved in the Paithona environmental destruction. Are these the same
Chowgules to whom Ashok Chowgule belongs? Yes ...Ashok Chowgule who
heads the Mumbai chapter of the VHP (cousin of BJP) and
ex-prominent Goanetter who spouted the same talking points one
sometimes reads from Rajan and Bhandare?

And what, if I may ask,  will happen to this project IF the BJP take
over in Goa?

It appears that Rajan's heart is in the right place, but not his head
- unless the primary or collateral intent is to encourage the Goan
populace to bring down THIS government so that a BJP led coalition
can take over in Goa!

Be cautious Goans for what you wish your wishes may actually be
fulfilled. Please engage your brains before you carry yourselves (as
mesmerized pawns to do the bidding for others) on to the roads.

Mervyn, I also suggest that you may be ONLY partially correct about # 2 (above)

Please advise us wrt following:

Accepting that some politicians are using these slums et al as voting
banks, What exactly can anybody do to stop (say for example) the
entire population of Bihar from migrating to Goa?

I invite you to visit the city centre in Margao and Dharavi 2 in Zuari
nagar. Ask yourself - How did this debacle happen? Is there any method
of preventing it from wosening?

I submit that it is impossible for Goan to be legally able to
withstand the inevitable.

just my view

BTW: re Waiting for change in Goa .Change of what? ...Government? !!

[Goanet] Goa's Regional Plan GBA's long term strategy

2007-11-12 Thread George Pinto
This is Miguel's response to my post yesterday. I will respond in the near 
future. Miguel is with
the GBA movement and is actively working to SAVE GOA. He has integrity and 
honesty, traits Goan
politicians are allergic to.

George Pinto

--- Miguel Braganza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear George,

The GBA has consciously decided to be apolitical ...although its
members are drawn from many political hues. It is like the white light
made of a rainbow of colours ...from Violet to Green to Saffron! As
per the latest reports the co-Convenor of GBA, Shridhar Kamat, has
begun showing his true colours ;-(

I hope the above reports are unfounded and we are not seeing the KPA
experience unfold once more in the GBA. Substituting the Portugal
domination with the Partagal domination is no solution to Goa's many
issues that concern Goa's masses. The Aam Admi is not the Mango Man
...and, in any case, it is not the mango season yet!

Money is the root of all evil. The GBA was necessary because of the
money inflows. If GBA's coffers start bursting one will need another
movement to put it in place. Right now the GBA has Rs.1,00,000/-
received as the cash component of the Vicente Xavier Verodiano Award
instituted by Dom Martin. Most of the people who attend the GBA
meetings do it at their own expense. If I remember correctly, only one
group asked for money to pay for the buses they allegedly hired. The
KPA record apparently reveals that only Adv. Uday Bhembre claimed
Rs.1000/- as petrol reimbursement. The rest worked as if it was an
honoris causa. So there!

I know you offered to raise money way back in January, 2007 and had
even sent you the Bank account number of the GBA for local deposits.
We will look at overseas funding when we need it. Right now what is
needed most is HONEST, DEDICATED PEOPLE IN GOA to fight for the cause.
Those overseas can raise the issue with the NRI Commissioner, Eduardo
Faleiro, who is now on a Arabian Gulf Tour, or send representations to
the Nodal Officer of the TASK FORCE on Regional Plan [
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]. Mr. S.T. Putturaju, the Senior Town Planner
[STP] in the hotseat is a nice man ...perhaps better than our own
Babush Godinho [also a STP] who has allegedly signed two DIFFERENT
construction plans with the TCP stamp for the ALDEIA DE GOA project

If NRIs feel strogly about Escola Medica or Old GMC  Hospital at
Dayanand Bandodkar Road on the Mandovi Riverfront, Panaji, write to
Society of Goa, Ms. Nandini Paliwal, thinks the Goans fighting to
preserve their heritage are a bunch of jokers not half as
entertaining as a shopping mall at the Escoal Medica heritage
building. If NRGs think differently, it is better to write to her. She
does not understan Konkani or Portuguese. I guess she understands

Our own Anju Timblo is on record saying there is no such thing called
ILLEGAL when one is building in one's own property because  hold

Religion, region, emigrant, immigrant are all relative terms
...relative to the amount of money being pumped in.

I am not making any allegations. Why should anyone allege a truth?

Mog asundi.


[Goanet] Summary of meetings with Digambar Kamat

2007-11-12 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

I was present today, in the morning and in the afternoon,
at the meetings Digambar Kamat, the Chief Minister of Goa,
had with two separate groups, one representing the Goa
Bachao Abhiyan (GBA), the other representing the Goan
Movement Against SEZs (GMAS).  My impressions are
summarized below.  I want to state that I am not a member
of, or beholden to, any political party, group, or clique, and
I have no axe to grind, personal or otherwise, with any of
these fine folks who give of their time for the good cause.
My opinions and prejudices are all my own.

In the morning meeting with GBA, Patricia Pinto and
Ritu Kumar forcefully demanded answers from the Chief
Minister as well as the Chief Town Planner, Ahmed Morad,
about the recent regularizing of the hill cutting carried
out by Aldeia de Goa in Bambolim.

The bureaucratic rat Morad tried - unsuccessfully - to
hide behind a wall of obfuscation, but Patricia had
done her homework well.  Morad cut a sorry figure,
reminding me of Sinclair's memorable observation:
It is difficult to get a man to understand something
when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.

Digu feigned ignorance of the details of the Aldeia de Goa
project and said he needed to study the chronology.  This
is, of course, pure bullshit.  It is inconceivable that Digu, a
builder himself, wouldn't know of the machinations of
Aldeia de Goa, the biggest real estate project in Goa,
and the recent volte face by his own government.  When
it was pointed out that the TCP dept had violated its
own laws, neither Morad nor Digu accepted responsibility
for the infractions.

What we witnessed was a farce.  I can well imagine
Digu and Morad having a laugh later at lunch, ribbing
one another about how they put up a fine schtick, almost
a scene out of Yes, Minister.  Patricia Pinto was the
only one who asked the tough questions and wanted
to get to the bottom of it all.  The rest of the core GBA
reps seemed content with banalities.

Digu has agreed to issue a stop-order on the hill cutting.
But the root of the issue remains untouched  unaddressed.
Are we going to go through this same exercise ad infinitum?
With the current GBA approach I'm afraid the answer is
Yes.  Digu himself inadvertently provided a clue when
he said that what happened under the previous regimes
was none of his business, that he didn't want to go digging
into past violations.  You can rest assured that the next
crook to occupy the CM's chair will reprise this line apropos
of violations undertaken during he current regime.  The
politicians have figured out that the GBA fellows can
be taken for procedural wonks and that they can buy
time.  What we need to give the politicos is an earthquake,
instead the GBA is content with tap dances.

The afternoon meeting was led by Matanhy Saldanha who
crisply told Digu that SEZs are a no-go in Goa, that he has
to cancel all the pending SEZ applications, and revoke
the 2 licenses already approved.  Digu says he won't
approve the pending applications for now.  Apropos
of the latter, Digu has promised to study them before issuing
his verdict.  Digu didn't want any deadlines set but GMAS
told him that he needs to turn in his homework assignment
by Nov 20.  Aires Rodrigues also chipped in forcefully.

After being witness to both the meetings, I asked myself
the following question -

Is the current government of Goa on the side of the Goan
people or on the side of those seeking to wreck it?
Looking at Digu, his body language, the lack of urgency,
and his overall demeanour, I have my answer.  Digu's
refrain about him not doing anything to harm the interests
of the Goan people is prima facie counterfeit.  All the
actions of his govt are calculated to aid the builders,
not to save Goa.

Photographs of the two sessions are at the following links -



Joke of the day: Digu saying that he isn't hungry to
occupy the CM's chair.  But Digu has in the past 4 months
entered more temples and churches than many swamis
and priests do in their entire lifetime, has had himself
weighed against ladoos at Shirdi, taken a pilgrimage
to Tirupati, and successfully cracked open coconuts for
a zillion Satyanarayan poojas.  Not to be outdone, the
fervour of Digu's wife's fasts to insure stability of
Digu's chair would leave Jenny Craig green with envy.

Warm regards,


ps: Puzzle of the day: whose side is Sridhar Kamat on?
Digu's or GBA's?

[Goanet] Art Exhibition: HARSHADA KERKAR

2007-11-12 Thread Goanet AE

Kerkar Art Complex

An exhibition of charcoal drawings by


14th - 20th November 2007
9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Kerkar Art Complex, Holiday Street, Gaurawaddo, Calangute, Goa - 403516. 
Tel: 0832 - 2276017   www.subodhkerkar.com

[Goanet] Bambolim construction project: CM agrees to issue stop work orders

2007-11-12 Thread Goanet News Service

Bambolim construction project: CM agrees to issue stop work orders

Panaji, Nov 12 Conceding to demand of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan, the Chief 
Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat today agreed to immediately issue stop work 
orders against the massive construction project coming up on the Bambolim 
plateau that involved hill cutting.

Earlier during the day, the GBA activists demonstrated near the Chief 
Minister's residence demanding stoppage of the construction work and 
scrapping of the SEZs in Goa.

Speaking to 'The Navhind Times', the GBA convenor, Dr Oscar Rebello, who led 
a delegation of the GBA and others before the Chief Minister today, said 
that Mr Kamat gave them a patient hearing and agreed to issue stop work 
orders against the Bambolim project immediately. While the Chief Minister 
studies the matter, the GBA will have to keep a watch on this, Dr Rebello 

In a letter to the Chief Minister, the GBA expressed shock that the chief 
town planner, Mr Morad Ahmed, did not place the proper facts before the 
Chief Minister when referring the said file to the government for 
regularisation. We are also surprised that the chief town planner relied 
only on the explanation from the developers of the property to justify the 
hill cutting carried out by them. The complainants should also have been 
heard by the chief town planner before arriving at any decision, the letter 

The Bambolim project was stopped in December 2006 after the government 
issued a stop work order following complaints of hill cutting by the GBA. In 
May 2007, the town and country planning department also filed a FIR in the 
Agacaim police station against the developers for illegal hill cutting.

So the GBA was shocked when on November 2, 2007, the town and country 
planning department wrote to the developers that the matter had been 
referred to the government and that the government had agreed to withdraw 
not only the stop work order but also the FIR. Based on this letter, the 
additional collector withdrew the stop work order and the developer 
restarted work. The developers also issued front-page newspaper 
advertisements for plots, apartments and villas on the Bambolim plateau.

During today's meeting with the Chief Minister, the chief town planner was 
also present. Reportedly, he explained that the developer in an affidavit 
justified the hill cutting saying that his plan was dated 2006 and was 
before the Section 17-A (permission for hill cutting) was inserted into the 
Town and Country Planning Act.

But the contention of the GBA is that in 1993, the developer was permitted 
change in land use subsequent to the Regional Plan 2001 to the extent of 
the area within permissible gradient. Also in 1996, the construction plan 
was approved and NOC given with the condition that in areas having gradient 
between 15 to 25 per cent, excavation is strictly prohibited and as the 
land is sloppy, care should be taken so that minimum cutting of hill is 
resorted to specially within 35 and 50 contour lines.


[Goanet] Holidays - response for cedrico

2007-11-12 Thread Bhandare
Dear cedrico:

i think you are completely missing the point as usual.
Parrikar merely made the holidays restricted so that
those who wish to go to the Fest can take a holiday
and enjoy while others would work..ditto for the hindu
fstival of mahashivratri.

please understand the situation before you writ
something...no one was stopped from going t the feast 


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[Goanet] Bold CO of MMC...Political patronage to Immigrant daily wage workers!

2007-11-12 Thread cedrico dacosta
Dear Goanetters...

Please read the below attached news clip that appeared in the NT 

I salute the CO of MMC for standing up to the political inteference...

A lot of immigrants have been employed in the MMC and like i mentioned in my 
past mails...they enjoy more powers than NIZ GOENKARS...

Hope more and more Goenkars and Madgaonkars wake up to the actual scnario at 
MArgao...and expose the political patron of migrants...


Cedric da Costa

Unpaid wages of 35 contract workers, thorny issue at MMC 
NT News Service

Margao, Nov 12 Will the issue of unpaid wages of 35 contract workers cost the 
Margao municipal council chief officer, Mr N D Agrawal his job?
The chief officer was apparently summoned to the Chief Minister’s residence, on 
Monday, to thrash out the issue of unpaid wages of 35 contract workers. But 
much to the dismay of the contract workers, the chief officer, refused to pay 
their wages, a source disclosed.
According to the source, the chief officer made it very clear that he would not 
be a party to an illegal act, as the council had no record of the contract 
workers’ claim, the source added.
But a politician backing the contract workers reportedly kept on demanding that 
the wages be paid and the issue resolved, immediately. The chief officer, known 
for his toughness, stuck to his stand and told his political bosses that he 
would not mind if he was relieved from the job, the source disclosed.
The chief officer, however, denied having any discussion on the contract 
workers issue. “I did go to meet the Chief Minister and we discussed issues on 
the development front. But there was no discussion on the contract workers,” Mr 
Agrawal said.
However, the chief officer received strong backing of the MMC chairperson, Mr 
Johnson Fernandes and vice chairperson, Mr Narayan Fondekar.
“If required I will move a resolution in the Council so that the chief officer 
is retained in Margao,” the chairperson said.
The vice chairperson also criticised the powers that be for trying to shift 
upright officers, who were carrying out their duties conscientiously. It may be 
recalled that the chief officer who had joined in mid-August had taken up 
development works with gusto.
He had also managed to shake up the civic officials in an attempt to make the 
administration transparent and efficient. His recent drive against 
encroachments also received the backing of NGOs and citizens in Margao

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[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (13NOV07)

2007-11-12 Thread alexyz fernandes

The Murder of Bambolim Hillby Congress.

Now Showing Goans All Over

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org 

[Goanet] Currency values

2007-11-12 Thread Mario Goveia
Mervyn Lobo mervynalobo at yahoo.ca
Sat Nov 10 19:59:47 PST 2007 wrote:

Inflation in the US is running at 5.1%. As you know,
the US has an unique method of measuring inflation. It
does not take into account the cost of food and
petrol. Maybe this is because US residents are not
concerned about those two components. Pensioners
living in the US are faced with the prospect of losing
half the purchasing power of their pensions if they
live over ten years.

Mario responds:

I was surprised to read this as I did not recognize
two of the assertions made therein: a) that inflation
in the US is running at 5.1%, and b) that the US
excludes the cost of food and gasoline (petrol) in
calculating US inflation.

Shown below are two URLs that address these issues:

a) Historical Inflation data from 1914 to the present:


The report's opening paragraph reads as follows:

The following table provides all the Inflation data
from 1914 to the Present. For the current inflation
rate data just since the year 2000, see Inflation
page. The Inflation rate is calculated from the
Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) which is compiled by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics and is based upon a 1982
Base of 100. To view the actual Consumer Price Index
data that this inflation data is calculated from, go
to the Historical CPI table.

Comment: The table shown in the URL indicates that US
inflation has been well below 5.1% for quite sometime.

b) What goods and services does the US CPI include?

Frequently asked questions from the US Bureau of Labor
Statistics about how the US consumer price index is

The CPI represents all goods and services purchased
for consumption by the reference population (U or W)
BLS has classified all expenditure items into more
than 200 categories, arranged into eight major groups.
Major groups and examples of categories in each are as

FOOD AND BEVERAGES (breakfast cereal, milk, coffee,
chicken, wine, service meals and snacks) 
HOUSING (rent of primary residence, owners' equivalent
rent, fuel oil, bedroom furniture) 
APPAREL (men's shirts and sweaters, women's dresses,
TRANSPORTATION (new vehicles, airline fares, gasoline,
motor vehicle insurance) 
MEDICAL CARE (prescription drugs and medical supplies,
physicians' services, eyeglasses and eye care,
hospital services) 
RECREATION (televisions, pets and pet products, sports
equipment, admissions); 
EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION (college tuition, postage,
telephone services, computer software and
OTHER GOODS AND SERVICES (tobacco and smoking
products, haircuts and other personal services,
funeral expenses).

Comment: Food and gasoline (petrol) are specifically
mentioned as included by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, the official US Government agency that is
responsible for this data.

Re: [Goanet] Konknni Talkies: The Tom Bhembre Show

2007-11-12 Thread Miguel Braganza
Mogall Sebastiao-bab,

You wrote: Godfrey Gonsalves (you too?) reported that, though my
speech was distributed in Devanagari, what I SPOKE was
in Romi! But none in your CAMP thought of correcting this; so, why
now? A couple of editorials in English dailies said much the same

Comment: I speak Konkani [written as Konknni in Romi lipi,
phonetically and not fanatically]. The spoken form has no script or
lipi. If the Editor of the oHERALDo or Godfrey writes about speaking
in a script, I hold no brief for them. What is wrong is wrong, even if
the error is not yours. However, do not add me to the ranks of people
who do not know the difference between a language, a dialect and a
script. I may not have a Ph.D. ...but I am not a dud like the veneral
Dr.Tanaji Halarnkar, former Editor of the G.U.'s Konkani
Encyclopaedia, who calls dialects as facets ...and fools no one
except himself!

The only CAMPs I know are the camps I attended during my days in Boy
Scouts and NCC. Unlike the President of USA, I have no Camp David type
of holiday ranch.

You wrote: Tomazinho Cardozo (the originator of the controversy
and the General of your CAMP) still using the same term (see e.g.
yesterday?s NT Panorama p. 2).  Or is Tomazinho also misrepresenting

Comment: You have subsequently corrected yourself on this count and
accepted that it was Mario Cabral e Sa who wrote it in the NT
Panaorama. I have accepted that. To err is human. the error and the
retraction only reinforces my firm belief that you are human  and
the goodness is not lost to the Devanagri cause as in the case of some
others from Margao whom I know only too well by now.

You wrote: Just because you indulged in some dishonest acts while
working in Government or semi-Government autonomous organizations or
because such acts are quite common in
such offices, you cannot presume that GKA did likewise; you have to
provide proof.  And it better be fool-proof; too many members of your
CAMP have been exposed as LIARS.

Comment: If you are accusing me of being dishonest, you better be
careful. I have an impeccable record for honesty and dedication to
work, where ever I have served. I have been brought up on the basis of
When honour is lost, it is a relief to die.  I do not excuse such
allegations against my character on the grounds of age, education or
senility of the accuser. You know what I said about Fr. Moreno de
Souza sj while he was alive after the Catholics for Devanagri meeting
in the Art Gallery of IMB, Panaji. It is good for one to maintain his
own respect. I hope I do not need to remind you of that.

The record of what has not been entered in the books cannot be
produced now. How much the GKA wants the Romi lipi writers to use its
schemes is answered by its latest CITIZEN'S CHARTER published in
Konkani in Devanagri script and English in Roman script!  So what
happens to applicants who write Konkani in Romi lipi as per GKA's own
orthography co-authored by you?

In response to a GT question on whether the Goa Government's proposed
Tiatr Academy should have its research in Roman script Serafin-bab
of your very own Konkani Ekvot replied in the afirmative thus, YES.
It should be writen in English Such are the devious ways of your
companions and fellow Ekvot,ek samaj, ek lipi votaries. The duplicity
of your other Ekvoter, Shridhar Kamat is exposed by the Goa 365
channel this evening. The Trojan horse of the Digu-bab lobby in the
GBA is not as smart as the Rane's Uday of the KPA.

 The GKA office has not been able to give a complete answer to a RTI
application on books subsidized by it. If you can fill in the gaps, I
would be obliged. The Guard File copy will be accessible to you as an
Executive member of the GKA, I presume ...or else, I can make a photo
copy of the reply available to you. When the proof is available to you
in-house, why ask me to produce it to you.

Mog asundi.


Message: 12
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 00:47:19 -0800 (PST)
From: Sebastian Borges [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Konknni Talkies: The Tom  Bhembre Show
Mogall Miguel bab,
You wrote:
 .writer, author and reader of Konkani written
in Romi script [NOT Romi Konkani as some want
tomisrepresent it now a days.]

My comment:
Is this a belated realization on your part?
Dhomprantlem koplant pavonk itlo vell laglo? And why
blame others for your own sins?  You and your CAMP has
been using the expression Romi Konknni to mean
variously:(1) Konkani written in Roman script, (2)
Konkani spoken by the Roman Catholics in Goa, (3) the
Bardexi dialect of Konkani, (4) the Konkani used in
the Roman Catholic Church litturgy in Goa.  Some of
you (e.g. Fr. Conceicao D?Silva)have even been
claiming to be SPEAKING IN Romi Konknni. A couple of
editorials in English dailies said much the same
thing.  Two years ago,I gave a talk in Konkani about
Msgr. Dalgado at Menezes Braganza Hall,Panjim.  And
Godfrey Gonsalves (you too?) reported that, though my
speech was distributed in Devanagari, what 

Re: [Goanet] VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests (Vidyaghar)

2007-11-12 Thread J. Colaço jc
On 12/11/2007, Vidyadhar Gadgil [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted the following:
VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests in Maharashtra
Kanhaiya Singh / CNN-IBN

Mumbai: With broken ribs and a fractured leg, Father Victor Pareira is
just one of the 25 victims, who were brutally beaten up allegedly by
members of Vanvasi Kalyan Parishad, an oraganisation affiliated to the

The injured priest had to travel over 30 kilometers to meet the
Director General of Police to demand justice as the local police
station failed to act on his complaint.

... a charge the VHP leaders deny It was done by the village sarpanch
(head) and the people. VHP has nothing to do with it, VHP Secretary
Arun Handa said.

jc's comment:

I fail to fathom Vidyaghar's primary purpose of reposting the above
quoted item - that too, without even bothering to analyse the story.

I do not believe that there were 25 priests in one village in
Maharashtra at one time - unless they were there for a convention.

Without prejudice, I ask ... Why were these 25 individuals there?

Were they trespassing on anybody's land?

What were the antecedants to this incident?

This is NOT to say that the VHP is known for their peace or for
accepting responsibility for the actions of those who are affiliated
to it.

It is absolutely wrong for anyone to take law into his/her own hands.
It is equally daft for someone to show up at a strange place and not
expect trouble.

IMHO many of Vidyaghar's postings on GoaNet are as unreasonably and
unnecessarily biased as Bhandare and Rajan's.


Vidyaghar:  Question everything -- Karl Marx
JC: and yet, the Marxists are NOT very well known for providing true
answers - IF at all!

Re: [Goanet] Waiting for change in Goa

2007-11-12 Thread Mervyn Lobo
J. Colaço wrote:
 I doubt that Rajan is afraid of debating anyone ON GoaNet. My view is
 that he does not care to do so. Individuals who know that they alone
 are right, do not need to debate. They make pronouncements. After that
 it is My Way or Highway.
I guess my semantics were not on the dot. 
The afraid I was talking about is the fear of being shown that one is not 

 Mervyn, I also suggest that you may be ONLY partially correct about # 2 
 Please advise us wrt following:
 Accepting that some politicians are using these slums et al as voting
 banks, What exactly can anybody do to stop (say for example) the
 entire population of Bihar from migrating to Goa?

There are lots of methods:
1) You can have a resident card. A resident being one who pays taxes in the 
2) You can have a head tax i.e. taxes for the services you receive by virtue of 
living in the state. 

 I invite you to visit the city centre in Margao and Dharavi 2 in Zuari
 nagar. Ask yourself - How did this debacle happen? Is there any method
 of preventing it from wosening?

One does not need to go there to see whats happening. After living in the west 
for so long, I have become hyper sensitive to poverty. In Bardez you can see 
hundreds of families living by the side of the highways. Entire families living 
in hessian cloth shelters. No one seems to give a damn to their situation.

 I submit that it is impossible for Goan to be legally able to
 withstand the inevitable.
We were addressed by a Mumbai based Goan a few months ago. He had interesting 
ideas on how to tackle the situation. I am waiting for him to come out with a 
concrete plan.

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[Goanet] 25 FRAMES'07 features again at IFFI

2007-11-12 Thread Ethel Dacosta

25 FRAMES'07 features again at IFFI

* Annual Short Film Making Competition to be held during IFFI 2007.

After an overwhelming response to the short film making competition held 
last year as part of the 37th International Film Festival of India, Goa, 
2006, this time the Department of Art and Culture, Govt. of Goa is 
organising this competition on a national scale, intending to discover and 
promote budding talent in the field of film-making. This competition is 
being collectively organised by the Department of Art  Culture, Govt. of 
Goa and Vinsan Graphics Production, in association with the Entertainment 
Society of Goa.

Details/Criteria of the Competition

1.  The Competition will be held from 24th November to 28th November 2007.

2.  The Theme of the film will be IMMORTAL

3.  The competition is for Indian Filmmakers only.

4.  There is No Entry Fee.

5.  The Director of the film should submit a proposal with the script.

6.  The Proposal with Selected Script will be entitled for the competition.

7.  The film can be either in Hindi, English or could be a Silent Film.

8.  A panel of three judges will select the script.

9.  The director of the film will head the team and the Team will be known 
by the Director.

10. Total 16 no. of selected Entries will be entitled to participate in the 

11. The Film will be shot in 3 CCD/ Mini DV Format

12. The Film duration should be from Minimum of three minutes to a maximum 
of Six minutes.

13. No age bar for the Director.

14. The Organisers will provide the movie camera and editing system.

15. Participating groups will have to arrange for their own Mini DV Tapes 
required for film making.

16. Participants will have to make their own arrangement for background 

17. The participating group can arrange their own cameraman/editor. However 
organizers will provide them with cameraman/editor, if required.

18. In case of Special Effects and Animation, the Competing group will have 
to arrange for the expert. However the organizers, on advance request, can 
provide software for 3D Animation and Special Effects.

19. Each day four groups will participate with the following schedule.
First day 9.00 A.M to 9.00 P.M - Shooting
Second day 9.00 A.M to 9.00 P.M - Editing

20.  Panel of three Judges from the field of Film will judge the Competing 

21.  Prizes for the wining Films
   1st Prize Rs.  15,000/-.
   2nd Prize Rs.  10,000/-.
   3rd Prize Rs.   8,000/-.

22.  The COPYRIGHT of the Films will remain with the Director of the Film. 
However, Department of Art  Culture, Goa will posses a copy of each Film 
made under this Competition and will have the right to screen the same as 
and when required.

23.  The last date to submit the entries with the script is 20th November 

24.  The proposal should include the following:
1.   Duly Completed Entry form.
2.   Directors Profile.
3.   Script.

at the Department of Art  Culture, 5th floor, Shrama Shakti Bhavan, Patto, 
Panaji. Completed forms can be submitted  to the Dept of Art  Culture or to 

[Goanet] 'The whole of the BJP is debased’ : Interview with Swami Agnivesh

2007-11-12 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
'The whole of the BJP is debased’: Interview with Swami Agnivesh

Tehelka Magazine, Vol 4, Issue 44, Dated Nov 17, 2007

Shailendra Pandey

Swami Agnivesh tells S. ANAND about Gujarat during the riots, and
about Hindutva’s assault on Hinduism. Swami Agnivesh, who has been
called ‘a Marxist in ochre robes’, is the president of the World
Council of Arya Samaj. He pioneered the liberation of bonded
labourers through the Bandhua Mukti Morcha, an organisation he

You worked in Gujarat after the 2002 pogrom. There seems to be a
lack of outrage over a genocide of such magnitude.
To an extent, I witnessed this genocide. I visited Gujarat between
April 1 and 5, 2002 as part of a group. Rear Admiral Ramdas,
Nirmala Deshpande, Valson Thampu, Father Dominic Immanuel, the
Maulanas of Jamait-e-Islami and Jamait-e- Ulema-e-Hind, and others
were part of the group. We were on a healing mission. On the
second day, we were to stay for the night at a place called Eshwar
Bhavan in the Ahmedabad’s Navrangpura area. There, we were
accosted by a group of well-dressed Hindu fundamentalists. They
told us, point blank, that we were most welcome to stay in the
Bhavan but our Muslim colleagues must go stay in a masjid. We
said, “We are all together, we are here just to ask everyone to
stop this madness.” They simply insisted that Muslims must be
separated from the rest. When we said this was not acceptable,
they warned us that if the Muslims stayed they would blast bombs
at the site.

Which Hindutva outfit did they represent?
They seemed to be from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad. After they left
— it was about 9 in the evening — we decided to go to Gandhi’s
Sabarmati Asharm on the outskirts of the city. On reaching there,
we realised the goons had followed us in their cars. They
reiterated their demand. They said, “Don’t think you will be
spared because you take shelter in Gandhi’s ashram. We will
detonate bombs here and unleash terror as long as these Muslims
are with you.” Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee was to arrive
the next day, and so we reasoned with them that such violence
would be send an inappropriate message. Their reply was, “This has
nothing to do with Vajpayee or Modi. This is dharma yudh and we do
not want Muslims around.” Ramdas and Nirmala then contacted the
Army in Gandhinagar and they gave us protection.

The state machinery was paralysed. TEHELKA offered proof of this.
What I saw on TV and read in TEHELKA gave me goose bumps. A man is
boasting how he slit a pregnant woman’s womb; men are talking
about hoisting a dead pig atop a mosque. And these men are roaming
free. This genocide, and the state’s total complicity… we had
sensed all this. But still there was reason to give [them] the
benefit of doubt. But after the TEHELKA report, I am beginning to
feel that Godhra itself was staged.

TEHELKA’s dissection of Godhra and the fire in Sabarmati Express,
does raise some disturbing questions.
About the same time, along with Inder Gujral, Harsh Mander and
others, I met Vajpayee at Panchvati. I requested Vajpayee for a
white paper on Godhra. I said, find out exactly who was
responsible for Godhra. The PM just laughed and said the inquiry
was on. Early in April, when the rioting was at its peak, Vajpayee
had expressed regret over the carnage, and had famously wondered
how he would face the world. He had admonished Modi in this speech
and reminded him of his raj dharma (duty as the chief minister).
Our esteem for Vajpayee went up. We thought he was one truthful
person. We thought he would remove Modi from the chief
ministership. Nothing happened. Later, in Goa, Vajpayee took a
U-turn, and began to praise Modi. After that statement he was
totally exposed.

But Vajpayee has always maintained he was a Sanghi.
After the 2002 election and Modi’s victory, Vajpayee was once
asked by a reporter if they would repeat the Gujarat experiment in
Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan which were going to the polls.
Vajpayee’s reply was dangerous and irresponsible. As PM, he asked,
“Will Godhra be repeated?” No prime minister has made such a dirty
statement. Without waiting for what the inquiry said, he had made
up his mind on who was behind Godhra and justified the genocide.
That’s when we realised this entire party is debased. On our
return to Delhi, Nirmala Deshpande, Nafisa Ali and I filed a case
in the High Court seeking BJP’s de-recognition as a political
party under the Representation of the People (PR) Act. Our
contention was that the RSS, VHP, Ba-.jrang Dal and BJP are all
one. These different names and different leaders are just for
show; their identity is one. If all of them are violent, communal
and have participated in genocide, the BJP as the political wing
of the Sangh Parivar should necessarily be de-recognised under the
RP Act. The judgment on the case is not yet out.

But what is the alternative to the BJP? The Congress behaves like
its B-team. Take their role in the 1984 pogrom.
What is the alternative in Gujarat? We 

[Goanet] joe goa uk's photo

2007-11-12 Thread Bhandare
seems like joegoa uk's photo has done the trick...
we now have the self styled humanists and proponents
of economic equalities and human dignity calling
fellow human beings filth and all...

rather than do the kumabaaya with the ghantis they are
suggesting innovative methods to solve the problem..

the moral zeitgeist has indeed shifted :-) 


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[Goanet] Monserrate holding Panjim hostage

2007-11-12 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

The CCP has conducted several raids on the encroachers
and unauthorized vendors in Panjim in the past few weeks
but the illegal hawkers/squatters magically re-appear
with their wares unscathed and resume operations.  I
decided to investigate this seeming immortality of the
violators of Panjim's city laws.  The spoor lead me
to an unusually candid top official who gave me all
the dirt.

In one sentence: Whatever good the CCP does,
Monserrate undoes.

Monserrate and his coterie of about 4 corporators are
responsible for Panjim going to the dogs.  They shelter
ghatis and provide them protection.  Ghatis are a rich
source of haftas and pliant votes.  I was told that the
CCP can clean up the mess in the entire city within a
space of a couple of days if only Monserrate and his
thugs would let it do its job.  This is an outrage and
I wonder why the citizens of Panjim are taking it lying
down.  Monserrate  Co are allowing ghatis to take
over the city, and it doesn't seem to bother anyone.

It also raises another question: why hasn't Manohar
Parrikar, the MLA of Panjim, not addressed this issue?
I have penciled in an appointment with him and will
follow it up.

I was also told of the extent of bullying done by
the outsiders.  A top Bengali official in the Goa govt
has thrown his weight around the CCP demanding
that Bengali fisherfolk be given the rights to do
business under the Mandovi bridge.  Can any Goan
even dream of an obverse scenario in ANY other
Indian state?  The Goan will be cut up into pieces
and fed to the wolves.  But anyone can today
walk into Goa and screw you, the Goan.

Dear Panjimites - sleep now at your own peril.
Your children will soon have to dodge ghati
cycles and turds at every city corner.

Warm regards,


[Goanet] Clever Selma

2007-11-12 Thread Bernado Colaco
Selma's idea of getting rid of the turd is clever. But there is something 
missing in the process. The plastic bags will strewn around by the durds and 
will have more mess. Therefore may I suggest that Digu invests in a Turd 
collection point and export the stuff to G. Bush in the US to get some vital FE 
for India.


Now, a similar law has to be instituted in Goa. Anyone
defecating in public will have to carry their own
turds back home in a plastic bag, whereupon he can
place it wherever he wishes. Perhaps his own doorstep
would be a good place for him to put it.

Want ideas for reducing your carbon footprint? Visit Yahoo! For Good  

[Goanet] Petition on Nandigram violence

2007-11-12 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil

Below is the start of the text of the petition
To:  The General Secretaries of Revolutionary Socialist Party
(RSP), Communist Party of India (CPI), All India Forward Block (AIFB)

Respected friends,

We are horrified by the barbaric attack on the people of Nandigram
by a veritable army of CPI(M) cadres and anti-social elements. In
a clearly pre-planned move, co-ordinated with the West Bengal
government, the CPI(M) is out to recapture what it identifies as
lost territory, and to teach the people of Nandigram a lesson for
originally resisting the acquisition of their lands for
establishment of an SEZ.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

[Goanet] TCP exposed on hill cutting

2007-11-12 Thread Goanet News Service

TCP exposed on hill cutting

PANJIM, NOV 12 - The Town and Country Planning (TCP) Department was today 
thoroughly exposed by the Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) over the project at 
Bambolim when at a meeting it came to light that the TCP department 
succumbed to pressure from project developers for withdrawing stop work 
orders and the police complaint.

During a meeting on Monday between the chief minister and the GBA, the chief 
town planner Morad Ahmad revealed that the stop work orders issued on the 
project last year were withdrawn on the grounds that the orders could not be 
in force indefinitely and a decision has to be taken as a year had almost 

The CTP disclosed that the orders were withdrawn, as the project developers 
had furnished affidavits certifying that it had undertaken excavations of 
the Bambolim hill slopes on survey number 95/1 and 96/1 prior to 1997 and 
therefore did not violate section 17-A of the TCP Act.

However, Ahmad's explanation for the withdrawal of the stop work orders and 
the police complaint received flak from the GBA over TCP's unilateral 
decision favouring the land developers and not consulting the GBA who were 
the main complainants in the matter.

Ahmad was unable to answer queries pertaining to the police complaint filed 
at the Agassaim police where it also came to light that during the last ten 
months no investigation has been carried out into the violations of section 
17-A of the TCP Act by the real estate developers.

The GBA informed the chief minister that the police were instead protecting 
the developers and harassing the locals residing in the area.

The GBA also furnished documents to the chief minister highlighting rules 
and regulations prescribed in the TCP Act pertaining to hill slopes and that 
of the Regional Plan 2001 protecting hill slopes with gradient upto 25 per 

In a very amusing moment during the meeting, Ahmad himself raised a query as 
to how the TCP permitted the construction within the prescribed protected 

The chief minister was also shown two-three different plans of the Bambolim 
project approved by the TCP department.

The GBA urged Kamat to direct Ahmad to put in order all files pertaining to 
the housing project, which are presently missing.


[Goanet] Hidden cost of mining in Goa

2007-11-12 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Hidden cost of mining in Goa
Priyanka Kakodkar
Monday, November 12, 2007 (Goa)

Few are aware that Goa is one of the biggest exporters of iron ore in
the country. And while this has been an economic trigger for the state
it's come at a cost to Goa's ecology and local residents.

Nearly 70 mines that stretch across the state work overtime to dig up
half a country's iron ore exports. The boom in Chinese demand has seen
extraction doubling in just five years - from16 million tones in 2001 to
30 million tones in 2006.

Goa's mining leases are set for renewal this month. But as we drive
through the mining belt there's little sign of regulation to control the
fallout of the surge in mining.

Like the old mining pit in Sangeum taluka abandoned after the ore was
taken out and scores of craters across the state once lush hills now
reduced to waste land. Even though the law says they must be refilled
and replanted.

''Mining leases in Goa are being operated without following a single
environmental norm. Every year 60,000 tonnes of mud, silt and iron ore
goes into the two main rivers in Goa,'' said Claude Alvares, Director,
the Goa Foundation.

Flouting rules

At the forest in Sangeum a mine is at work and the government is
flouting its own rules by clearing mining leases not just in the forest
but also in wildlife sanctuaries.

It was only after a supreme court order in 2003 that mining in wildlife
sanctuaries was halted.

''These leases were the legacy of the Portuguese, but the ministry of
environment and forests has become very stringent when it comes to the
renewal of leases,'' said J P Singh, Chief Secretary.

However, there's little sign of regulation at the Khandepar River which
has turned red with mining waste.

People are now weighing the jobs generated by mining against the costs
of living around the mines.


