[Goanet] India's outsourcing bubble is bursting

2008-10-04 Thread MD"Mello
There are 37 million poor Americans. Most poor Americans are in the
workforce, yet still cannot afford to make ends meet (one can imagine it by
the numbers of house foreclosures each month). And too many poor Americans
are single mothers who are raising children, probably depend on welfare and
no 'medical coverage'.

There is no more fundamental American right than the right to vote. Before
the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act, barriers such as literacy tests, poll
taxes and property requirements disenfranchised many Americans, especially
minorities. More than 40 years later, there are still numerous obstacles to
ensuring that every citizen has the ability to vote.

Barack Obama intends to implement a 21st century economic agenda to help
ensure that America can compete in a global economy, and ensure the middle
class is thriving and growing. He will increase investments in
infrastructure (which is falling behind, it's nuclear reactors are becoming
old).  Nuclear plants, wind produce environmentally clean energy, reduce
dependence on foreign oil, improve education, research and development;
modernize and simplify tax code that provides greater opportunity and relief
to more Americans; He intends to mplement trade policies that benefit
American workers and increase the export of American goods.

Before the war in Iraq ever started, Senator Obama said that it was wrong in
its conception. In 2002, then Illinois State Senator Obama said Saddam
Hussein posed no imminent threat to the United States and that invasion
would lead to an occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost,
with undetermined consequences. Since then, Senator Obama has laid out a
plan on the way forward in Iraq that has largely been affirmed by the
bipartisan Iraq Study Group led by James Baker and Lee Hamilton.

Just imagine the amount America has so far spent on Iraq, despite all that
the absolute winner is Iran, as Shia majority that is ruling Iraq, has more
loyalty to fellow Shia Iran, the invasion induced Al-Qaida to establish in
Iraq, the Sunnis are given incentives to contain violence, and even
Hezbollah has become part of the Lebanese government.  The money saved from
Iraq will help American domestic economy.

India's domestic economy is flourishing so much, it does not even has to
look out for export.  In fact when they controlled export of rice, the price
went up in no timein Canada! and consumers began hoarding rice!  In fact I
heard quite a few Americans are working in Bangalore!  Finally it is not so
easy to abruptly stop the already outsourced jobs, as the cost of relocating
them back to USA may be prohibitive.

Without prejudice and information obtained from the world Wide Web.

Maurice D.

[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Of late increasing blasts and waves of violence are rocking city after city
in India. After every blast or violence one or other outfits / mastermind is
named as suspect. Thereafter that case(s) is transferred from the Police to
the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) and then from the ATS to the Central Bureau
of Investigation (CBI). And finally 'Operation Cover-up' takes place only
with a covert view not to punish the culprit(s). This raises the obvious
question: does continuance of intimidation indicate that our apex
investigation agencies or judiciary are not discharging their functional
duties as is required? There might be "n" numbers of reasons for initiating
'Operation Cover-up' as there might be equal numbers of reasons for
terrorism activities flaring up.  

Considering the gravity of "n" numbers, government's action plan as is being
suggested by intellectuals need not only be zero tolerance but must also be
zero chances approach. In this context let's see, one among many, Zero
chance measure that would have complimented to normalize the turbulent
situation long back. But no, it's still kept brewing for vote bank

Recently at the annual conference of State Minorities Commissions in New
Delhi, our beloved Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh stressed pluralism of
the Indian culture saying "India does not belong to any single race and that
it belongs to a mosaic of religiously, linguistically and culturally varied
communities ... India must remain a nation where pluralism and
socio-religious variety are respected. In a pluralistic society like ours,
national identity cannot be adjudged by any litmus test ... This nation does
not belong to any single race." This expression is absolutely true and in
line with the Constitution of India. But the biggest question is: Is his
government practicing what he is preaching? On the contrary, his government
is seen pampering "minorities" and yet not willing to finalize "minority"
related 103rd Amendment - a perfect double role strategy which smells

In this context, for better understanding, let me divide the period from
1540 to date into four phases. First phase: Times started becoming different
from 1540 when Portuguese landed in Goa. That was a disturbing phase due to
Inquisition and fervor of religious conviction either by force or by
coercion.  Phase Two: even after first phase, all Goans (Hindus, Christians
and Muslims) lived in perfect harmony intermixing with each other. Third
Phase: Our harmonically intermixing attitude turned our Goan mindset to get
our Goa liberated from colonial bondage. We achieved what we wanted and
again lived harmoniously. No signs of hatred at any level were visible.
Fourth Phase: Today in liberated Goa we see disturbances from all fronts.
Goans openly say "any thing can happen to our Goa at any time.. This is more
because our politicians are pampering Influx, slum dwellers and the
Minorities ". At the start of the fourth phase Goa did witness influx,
slums, minorities but pampering attitude like today was hardly noticeable. 

All this is going on unnoticed only because the term "Minority" is not
defined legally & logically nor any Intellectual, Individual, organization,
or NGOs made any attempt to specify as to what parameters need to be
considered to declare certain group as "Minority" in the state or nation. 

In 2005, politicians were literarily shaken by two judgments of apex court
i.e. 1) T. M. A. Pai Foundation vs. State of Karnataka case, wherein eleven
judges bench raised important question as to 'What is the meaning and
content of the expression "minority" in Article 30 of the Constitution of
India?'. This bench also spelt out that "Linguistic and religious minorities
are covered by the expression "minority" under Article 30 of the
Constitution. Since reorganization of the States in India has been on
linguistic lines, therefore, for the purpose of determining the minority,
the unit will be the State and not the whole of India. Thus, religious and
linguistic minorities, who have been put on a par in Article 30, have to be
considered state wise"; 2) Subsequent to this judgment, Supreme Court, after
T. M. A. Pai Foundation case judgment, once again, in Bal Patil & Others vs.
Union of India case reinterred the same stand. (Hence forth these two cases
will be referred as "landmark judgments)'. 

Factually, for the Ministry of Minority Affairs in India, redefining
"minority" state wise, in accordance with apex court's landmark judgments
has become a task as tough as bringing out water from a rock. And the bill
for giving constitutional status to National Commission for Minorities (NCM)
is hanging since 2004 and in view of the sensitive issues involved in it
nobody wants to put their hand in it. The Ministry is in a fix over defining
the term "minority" for more than one reasons - firstly in view of the
coming elections and secondly opposition from the so-called minorities.

The cabinet cleared the official a

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Moderation

2008-10-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Bosco wrote:
> Question: Are you implying that you do not write to Goanet to antagonize and 
> provoke fellow Goanetters??

I am on Goanet for only one reason: To learn.
I think that life is to short to go around antagonizing people. I certainly
do not want to be a provoker. Maybe in trying to amuse, I have crossed the
line. However, I think people would inform me when that happens.

> Request: When you see a poster use foul language or is often writing 
> provoking posts, please respond to the person publicly and tell him politely 
> what you think of his post. As I said in my first message, the easiest thing 
> to do is blame the moderators; don't fall for that. Be a part of the solution 
> of dealing with such posters who are here not in the interests of the 
> community at large.

I always reply in private to an exceptional post. 
The problem is that when I tell a poster that his language is unacceptable, the 
I get is in worse language. Prime example is our photographer friend. And may I 
that I was not the only person to experience foul language from him. Several 
Goanetter's have posted what they have experienced when they told him privately
what they felt about his language. 

There are serial/repeat offenders here. All you have to do is tell them to 
clean up 
their act or the moderators will do so. It is a pity that three or four posters 
have to 
consume most of the moderators time.


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[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Mhojea Pustokak PUROSKAR Lablo?

2008-10-04 Thread lino dourado
  Mhojea Pustokak PUROSKAR Lablo? 
Ghelea sumanant Setembrachea 28ver Aitara disa, Fonddem ravpi mhojea dusrea 
bhavagher ghel’lom. Tagelea cheddeacho zolm dis aslo. Soirim, xezarim, 
ixtt–mitr asun tagelem ghor bhoril’lem. Toddea soireanchi vollok kortana 
samkarachea dusrea flat-an ravpi tanchi ek xezarnn mhaka porbim diit uloili. 
“Aitaracheo Katkutleo pustokantle lekh vachtam-vachtam sonvsari rattovolichem 
vozonn tokler asa tem, unnem zata kai dista. Vachteleak hanspachim pirlam 
dileant. Ani itlench nhoi. Kalchea disa amche Kristi Somudayechea zomatin tujea 
pustokant aslolo “Duddvancho Zor Toklek Choddta Tedna” ho lekh vachun, ami 
tacher ‘niall’ kela. Khoreaninch, boro example tujea borpavollin tuvem dila. 
Dusrea-i vaddeantle Somudayek ami ulo marla ho lekh muzrot tanchea sumanache 
zomatimni vachun niall korcho mhunn. Amche Holy Family Somudayechea nanvan 
porbim tuka.” 
“Dev borem korum,” mhaka porbim dil’lea bodol hanvem tiche upkar attoile ani 
hanv dusrea kuddint vochun boslom. Itlean mhoji sundori (bail) aili ani mhojea 
vhoddlea bhavacho logn vad’dis (wedding anniversary) mhunn ugdass kelo. 
Sokallcho ak’khoch ades soddun donparchea vellar tinnem yad keli mhunn hanvem 
sundorecher xinn kelo. Punn tichi mhunn kosli chuk? Mhoje porim tichea 
mendvachi memory card piraye pormonnem unnem zait veta. 
“Happy wedding anniversary” mhoje sundore fattlean hanvem vhoddlea bhavak vad’ 
disache porbim dilelim tim svikar kortana tannem mhonnlem. 
“Az, amche Utodd’deche igorjentle padri vigaran, tuji khobor sanglea.” 
“Mhoji khobor? Ani kitem mhunn?” hanvem ojapun vichar kele. 
“Aichea sermavant, xezareamni koxe toren ekvottan cholunk zai te bhes bore 
nomune (examples) ditana tujea ‘Aitaracheo Katkutleo’ pustokantlo borea ani 
vaitt xezaream vixim ek lekh asa to igorjent ekvottlelea lokak vachla ani tujea 
borpavollichi tust kelea.” 
Bhavachim utram aikon mhoje khuxallkayek xim-mer na zali. Mhojea poilea 
pustokantlo ek lekh  zaum ti Kristi Somudayen ani Igorjent pavo sarkelo astolo 
mhunn hanvem sopnant porian chintunk na. Mhojem pustok bhair sorlear ek mhoino 
zait ailo ani okosmat pustokachi tokhnnai dhormik mon’xanchea tonddantlean bair 
sorleli aikon khoinchea borovpeak obhiman bhogcho na? Hea vixim Vigar Fr. 
Britto Fernandes thaim vicharlem tedna tannem sanglem. 
“Todde pavtti boro vixei povitr vedicher ubo ravun amchea sermavant loka meren 
pavoitolo zalear dhormik pustokuch nhoi, punn lokachea jivitak lagu zatelim 
borpavoll tumchea oslea lekhokancho aspav asta mhunn lokak sangchelo kaido 
amcho. Tujea pustokan xazareanche ixttagotticher attapun aslolo lekh justush 
mhogelea aichea provochonan bostalo. Dekhunuch hanvem upeg korun xezareancho 
mog koso togunk zai to ugddas kela.” 
Foddemche Holy Family Somudayleant ani Fr. Britto koddlean vhodd vakanni mhaka 
eksarkeli favli ani mhaka ek puroskar vo award mell’lelea porim dislem. Dor ek 
potr-masikar ani internet-ar mhagelea lekham vixim toknnai toxich constructive 
ttika marlealeank hanvem sodanch ugtea monan mandun ghetleat ani tanche abar 
mandleat. Ani hech toren tumcho sohokar dusrea novea borovpeank mellot zalear 
Konknni mollar amkam anikui Konknniche fulte bonge melltele. 
Lino B. Dourado 
‘AITARACHEO KATKUTLEO’ Pustok hangasor melltat: 
MARGOA: Zito Almeida (Cine Lata lagsor), Remedian Vaz Book Stall (Pornnem 
Bazarant). M P Raikar Book Stall (Bank of India lagsor), Narayan D. Munz 
(Bombay Café lagsor) 
PANJIM: Singbal’s Book House (Igorje lagsor), St. Paul ’s Book Store (Bombay 
Bazar lagsor) Varsha Book Stall (Ponnje-Betim dokea lagsor) 
PONDA: Roop Rohan Agency (Public Café lagsor) Parish Youth (Mount Carmel 
PILAR: Prof. Jose Salvador Fernandes (9881810832) 
MAJORDA: Nile Gen. Store & Book Stall 
UTORDA: Parish Youth (O.L. of Lourdes Church )

[Goanet] Nostalgia #21

2008-10-04 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Nostalgia pic #21

1924 - 2004: then and now - Secretariat, Panjim - 80 years
apart. Apparently the oldest standing building in Panjim (Goa?),
the Idalcao or Adil Shah's palace built in 1500, served as a rest-
house for Portuguese Governors, then the Viceroy's residence after
the 1759 remodeling. The picture on the left was taken half a dozen
years after the 1918 cosmetic changes, when government departments
like the Captain of Ports and the Attorney General started using it.

After Liberation it became known as the "Secretariat" and housed the
Legislative Assembly of the Goa government, on the banks of the Mandovi.
The Pic on the right shows the Secretariat more recently -  the Legislative
Assembly has moved to the new complex at Porvorim. Back to Adil Shah!


Pictures - courtesy: Sanjeev Sardessai; Kenilworth Hotels.



[Goanet] Report on Bajrang Dal in India Today.

2008-10-04 Thread marshallmendonza
It is tragic that violence continues unabated against christians in Orissa for 
over a month without any state intervention. The allegations of 'forced 
conversions' levelled against christians has become a sic joke as reports of 
christians being terrorised under threat of death to renounce their religion 
and become hindus. Pl see report on Bajrang Dal in India Today.




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[Goanet] Goan music-9: HERALD(Goa), Oct 5, 2008

2008-10-04 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

By Valmiki Faleiro

Shankar Bhandari (1928-87), of the landed gentry of Cumbarjua, was a rare 
A creative writer with unambiguous opinions, great wit and genuine Goan values, 
crafted programmes for All India Radio. I longed to be in his presence, even if 
only for a
few moments, when, as a casual artiste in my college days, I often went for 
talk recordings – no, I can only croak, not sing! – at AIR’s Panjim studios.

Pearls flowed from his fertile mind! One reason, perhaps, I was more impressed 
that he hailed from the same village as that of my maternal grandfather – an 
exotic little
“Republic” of my childhood images.

Shankar Bhandari was a man of cool courage, and conviction. And one who defied 
adage, ‘When the wine is in, the wit is out.’ True (not Dutch) courage it would 
take when,
some years after 1961, he penned a verse on India’s ‘Ganarajya’ (Republic.) In 
that era,
India was the only nation besides the Soviet Union to define “sedition” amongst 
gravest offences under the penal law.

‘Ganarajya’ was a parody on India. Goa had been integrated into the Indian 
Union on
March 27, 1962. Shankar Bhandari daringly asked: “Gonachem Ailam Raj / Khuincho
Gana Konn Zanna?”

The governance of ‘Gana’ has arrived (upon Goa), but who knows this ‘Gana’ or
wherefrom (it comes)? In the name of ‘Gana,’ Andhra and Telangana fight each 
Maharashtra and Vidarbha tussle over the (waters of) Godavari. Who knows this 

If you’re still wondering which ‘Gana’ (no, not another song) he was on, think 
of the
national anthem … “Jana, Gana, Mana.” That was Shankar Bhandari. Like him or
lampoon him. No Goan freedom fighter dared report him “anti-national.”

He could come up with rare ones like “Goenkar: ratche torrad, sokallche 
honrrad!” Or his
riddle, “Why does Bandodkar always face the river Mandovi?” (When CM, mineowner
Bandodkar’s chamber faced the river, after demise, his statue by the old 
Secretariat also
faced the river.) His answer: “To count his barges carrying ore, he doesn’t 
trust his

The ‘Trio Kings,’ Conception-Nelson-Anthony, were notorious for stage songs 
Bandodkar’s policies to pieces. They thwarted his moves to woo the Catholic 
vote bank.
Their songs ruffled the CM’s feathers more than Opposition MLAs ever did. When 
all his
offers to rein in the Trio failed, Bandodkar imposed a Tiatr tax!

Tiatrists faced tough days, but none suffered as Kid Boxer did.

Sometime in 1958, Siolim-born Kid Boxer (Caetano Manuel Pereira, 1917-1991) 
sang an
“anti-India” song in Bombay. Goan freedom fighters there got him jailed. Kid 
was then
deported to Goa. The Portuguese immediately employed him at the Goa Radio. As an
artiste, he worked with the likes of Jacinto Vaz, Allen Costa and Georgina 
According to my Candolim friend in Kuwait, Anthony Veronica Fernandes, a walking
encyclopaedia on Konknni songsters, Kid was the highest paid Konknni artiste.

The songs he recorded at Goa Radio were runaway hits, like:

Divo pettounk guineanacher / Uzvadd ieunk chintnacher / Zo kon zanna konnem 
bandleant tim pongeranchea zaddancher.

Suskar soddlet maeyani / Dolle bhortat dukhani / Aiz putancheo maeyom duddu na
zaun, rodtat zorinnim.

The true meaning of his riddlesome lyrics was known only to close friends. Yet, 
lapped up his songs. The one above was scripted in the wake of a Govt. of India 
ban on
both money transfers and travel by Bombay-Goans to Goa.

After liberation, Kid Boxer was arrested again when singing on stage at Mapusa. 
song that earned official ire went as follows:

Tum bhitor sorlai chukon, mortoloi sukon, dusreacho desh pochona;
Tum nestai fokot valo, ani khatai fokot palo, hem matui hanga sobona;
Tum panpotti khatai, ani poch'chu korun thuktai, lozui kaim dissona…

After things cooled down, Kid returned to Bombay and began stage acting again. 
a Tiatr, as he sang one of his by now famous ‘zupattis’ (tongue-lashings), 
fighter Evagrio George in the audience raised a ruckus over Kid’s 
“anti-national” song.
“Audience was with Kid but the law was not,” says Veronica. Kid was arrested 
yet again,
incarcerated at Nasik jail for six months, where he was physically – and 
mercilessly –
tortured. His spirit didn’t break. In jail, Kid wrote another Tiatr, "Somzonnem Zali 
He sang a hit in it, "Sov mhoine Nasik conventan kaddle, torui converter zaunk 
(Despite six months at the Nasik “convent,” I was not converted.)

Kid Boxer was incomparable, especially when delivering melodious ‘zupattis,’ 
“Nesson dusreachem kapodd, hath paiem kamrun bosleat makodd.” Obviously alluding
to his conviction that Goa was invaded and illegally occupied by India.

Lucky that Kid Boxer was not charged with sedition! (Concludes.)

Pics courtesy: Kid Boxer (Fausto da Costa, ‘Tiatr ani Tiatrist’, Vol-I, The 
Goan Review
publication, 1994), TrioKings Conception-Nelson-Anthony (JoeGoaUK, 

[Goanet] song with mog

2008-10-04 Thread JoeGoaUk
Thanks Jane,

The song/Mando tracks you mentioned below is available in these two 
'Goa CLips' which was captured about 14 yrs ago

some dulpods also added



[Goanet] song with mog
JANE ALPHONSO mogjjandson at btinternet.com 
Fri Oct 3 14:38:32 PDT 2008 

Hi guys hope you'll will like this one
1. Surya noketranche porim porzolleta
Mogachea mhojea anjea.
Tum 'bemfeit' mhunnun mannka.
'Adorar (u) kortam tuka.
ch.  Io Io, gopantulea anjea
Ekuch punn beij(u) dhi re mhaka.
2. Alambrad(u) tuje pole, mogreanche kolle
Distal motianch'zodde
Jiigjigetai mhoje dolle
Kalliz lobdol're tuje kodde.
ch Io, io, gopantulea anjea.
3. Tirxe, garxe tuje dolle, bigbigtai polle
Bhultai sogle chole
Axeun rautam zon'lakodde
Dixtti pottol' mhunn bainkodde.
ch. Io, io, gopantulea anjea..

mog from jjandson


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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[Goanet] Vote for Neha Karmarkar

2008-10-04 Thread Vinay Natekar
Dear Goanetters
Neha Karmarkar a  young girl from Dhavlikar High School Ponda has reached 
finals of Zee TV realty show sa re ga ma pa Marathi.
Please vote for Neha Karmarkar. The voting information is as per below.
SMS ZMSGP 3 and send to 57575
Idea Mobile users call on  55454012
BSNL users call on 1250115
You can see her singing in sa re ga ma pa on 
Kamat appeals to vote for Neha  in musical show
Panaji (PTI): Goa's Neha Subhash Karmarkar, who rubbed shoulders with Bollywood 
singer Sadhana Sargam during International Film Festival of India (IFFI) 2007 
is making waves in a television music reality show. 
Karmarkar, a 9th standard student from a local school has reached the finals of 
Zee Marathi Saregamapa Little Champs. 
"I am very happy that Goa's talent is hogging limelight in the country. I 
appeal to all the people to vote for her through SMSs, Goa Chief Minister 
Digamber Kamat said in a public appeal made on Friday. 
Encouraging the little champ, who had sung with Sargam during IFFI 2007, Kamat 
appreciated the way the girl rose to the final platform. "Everybody should 
support her so that she can emerge victorious bringing pride to Goa," he said. 
The Chief Minister organised a special press conference here yesterday to 
appeal to the people through media to vote for Neha, who was present along with 
her family and school headmistress. 
Neha said that her father Raghunath Karmarkar was her first tutor who has 
supported her throughout. 
"Participating in the reality show was a good experience I learnt a lot there.. 
with your blessings, I am sure to emerge as winner," the 14-year-old said. 
Her parents have decided to launch a campaign through their well wishers in the 
state so that she garners maximum SMSs. 

[Goanet] TimeOut Bengaluru: Borscht on the beach

2008-10-04 Thread

Borscht on the beach

By Vivek Menezes gorges his way through the state's best restaurants

Vegan in the land of vindaloo? Do you seek borscht instead of bebinca? Want 
to eat at the best Burmese restaurant on the planet? You've come to the 
right place. Goa has it all, with world-class chefs hidden away behind 
coconut palms, and an amazingly diverse culinary landscape during the 
tourist season.

Let's be clear - the majority of restaurants and shacks in this state are 
mediocre and overpriced, and it is very easy to lose your way as you wander 
the thickets of food outlets that line every beach road. But we've checked 
all those indifferent places out so that you don't have to. Keep your eyes 
on our top 21 restaurants in Goa and you just can't go wrong. These are 
establishments with a track record of excellence. They are simply the best 
Goa has to offer.

Unless you have a seriously skilled Goan grandmother, this is the closest 
you're going to get to the soul of Goan Catholic home cooking. Michael 
Fernandes and his wife and mother-in-law run this cheery boite of a 
restaurant like an extension of their own home, packed daily with regular 
customers who know they've found a good thing. Take Michael's advice on the 
day's catch, and try the beef chili fry without fail.
Fontainhas, Panjim (0832-243-1788). Mon-Sat 11am-3pm, 7-10pm. Meal for two 
approx Rs 500.

Bean Me Up
More a mini-conglomerate than a mere restaurant, this wonderful North Goa 
institution boasts of rooms for hire, a massage area, an excellent 
delicatessen, a surprisingly complete boutique, a children's area, and, oh, 
yes, a huge range of vegetarian dishes featuring world-class home-made tofu, 
tempeh, seitan and other natural food products.
1639 Deulvaddo, near petrol pump, Anjuna-Vagator (0832-227-3479). Daily 
9.30am-10.30pm. Meal for two approx Rs 800.

Yes, it really is true. This is the best Burmese restaurant in the world. 
London-trained Bawmra Jap is an inspired dynamo in the kitchen. The flavours 
of Burma and his Kachin homeland dance at his fingertips. It's stunningly 
original and delicious food. We think it's worth a trip to Goa just to eat 
at Bomra's.
Souza Vaddo, Candolim (98221-49633). Daily noon-2.30pm, 7-10pm. Meal for two 
approx Rs 1,200.

Café Chocolatti
The best lunch place on the North Goa tourist strip. Great grilled 
sandwiches, bountiful salads and an outstanding selection of fresh-baked 
biscuits and cakes. Don't miss the hand-made chili chocolate truffles, and 
much more for sale in the little shop attached. The kids will love this cute 
garden restaurant.
Fort Aguada Road (0832-247-9340). Mon-Sat 9.30am-7pm. Meal for two approx Rs 

The Copper Bowl
We generally don't like the restaurants in the luxury hotels of Goa. But 
Pousada Tauma is different, a highly distinctive, terracotta-shaded property 
that's full of charm. The in-house restaurant is amazingly secluded and 
private. This is a serious contender for best Goan food in the state.
Pousada Tauma Porbavaddo, Calangute (0832-227-9061). Daily 7.30am-10.30pm. 
Meal for two approx Rs 1,500.

This is the clubhouse you've been waiting for all your life. High ceilings, 
comfortable armchairs, great music on the stereo, constant breezes coming 
from the Municipal Garden that's spread below the double-height windows - 
all of this adds up to an unbeatable combination. And now you also have the 
inspired cooking of Chef Vasquito to bring you back to this lovely relic of 
Old Panjim.
Clube Vasco da Gama, Souza Towers, Municipal Garden (98230-15921). 
Daily11am-3pm, 6.30-11pm. Meal for two approx Rs 400.

Page 3-types, you've found your mecca. This undeniably stylish restaurant, 
run by two ex-models, is the in-house clubhouse of the flashbulb-friendly 
set when they're in Goa. We have always liked Fiesta, and think especially 
highly of its mouthwatering desserts. But all that bling is getting to us, 
as is this rapidly deteriorating location that forces you to drive through 
crowds that resemble Churchgate at rush hour.
Saunta Vaddo, Baga (0832-227-9894). Wed-Mon 7pm-midnight. Meal for two 
approx Rs 2,000.

Fisherman's Wharf
This is a South Goa rarity - a reliable, international-standard restaurant 
that's outside the mammoth five-star complexes that have come to dominate 
this part of the coast. It's a genuinely beautiful spot, right bang on the 
slow-moving River Sal, and this is a tightly ticking professional set-up 
that consistently delivers good value for money.
Mobor, Cavelossim (93261-29810). Daily 11am-midnight. Meal for two approx Rs 

It sits right on Patnem beach, one of the prettiest and most pristine 
strands of the Goan coastline. The layout couldn't be more picturesque, 
tables laid out in the sand with the ocean blue as backdrop, with 
comfortable floor-level seating on one side. But don't be fooled by the 
idyllic setting. This is a hard-working, professional set-up that 

[Goanet] DNA - India - 'Highly skilled immigration to Britain will increase' - Daily News & Analysis

2008-10-04 Thread Ruby Goes

Anyone for Britain?


[Goanet] Bevinda Colaco's interesting take on secularism

2008-10-04 Thread U P Kamath
How naive of me! I thought Cicil Pinto's views were sarcastic!

Re: [Goanet] Open letter to Goanet and other Goan related websites

2008-10-04 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer

Miguel Braganza wrote:

The original thread of this discussion about MODERATION on Goanet is
"[Goanet] Open letter to Goanet and other Goan related websites"

The golden rules of Goanet state that no one should change the subject 

Herman is not a REGULAR poster and hence cannot be a "habitual
offender" to deserve a "Rejection" notice. He has, however, broken
one of the golden rules in changing the above subject line to
"[Goanet] Goanet Moderation".

1. Herman has changed the subject line ...
2. Bosco has continued with the new subject line

RESPONSE: Arre mhojea ixtta...shanneponn bond kor and borem bashem 
uloi..boshto fugar zainakai. There is nothing that cannot be discussed 
in a civil manner. We are on the same team afterall.

Neither Herman nor Bosco broke any Goanet Rules. Even you participated in 
this thread. Now you raise a phony claim. Our responses took off from Mervyn 
Lobo's message that initiated this thread. The first message can be found 


On another note, Goanet Rules do not BAN changing subject lines. On the 
contrary Goanet Rules have indicated how to change subject lines if the need 
arise. Please refer to the 'subject line' section in Goanet Rules at:


Please curtail this aimless arguing. It is wasting your time, my time and a 
lot of bandwidth that serves no purpose. Thank you.

- Bosco
Goanet Admin

[Goanet] Brian Mendonca's blog

2008-10-04 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Do see 'Last Bus to Vasco', the blog maintained by Brian Mendonca,
editor at OUP in Delhi and my former classmate at the GU. He has also
come out with a book of verse by the same name:
Rgds. FN
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
M: +91-9822122436 P: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Goa news for October 5, 2008

2008-10-04 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Player Ratings: Sporting Club De Goa 3-0 Mohammedan
Sporting Club - Goal.com
[9 hours ago]  Sporting Club de Goa put on a classy second
display to overcome Mohammedan and go to the top of the I league
table. Goal.com rates the performances of both ...

*** Scarlett case: Goa Minister threatens to sue British daily
- Hindu
[Oct 3, 2008]  Panaji (PTI): Goa Home Minister, Ravi Naik on
Fridaythreatened to sue a British daily for linking his son's
involvement in the murder of two British ...

*** Goa tourism industry unperturbed by smoking ban - Hindu
[16 hours ago]  Panaji (PTI): As the Union Health Ministry's
ban on smoking in public places evokes mixed reactions from
across the country, Goa's multi-million tourism ...

*** Leicester under-14 soccer team to play in Goa - Economic
[3 hours ago]  And global Indians from football crazy UK are
set to Bend it like Beckham in Goa. Players from Leicester City
Football Club, which tops the Football League ...

*** SEZ promoters to meet CM for alternate proposals in Goa:
Naik - Press Trust of India
[8 hours ago]  Panaji, Oct 4 (PTI) Three notified SEZ promoters
in Goa may hold talks with the Chief Minister Digamber Kamat to
try for alternate proposals in the state, ...

*** Sesa Goa: Hold - Business Line
[5 hours ago]  The stock of iron ore producer, Sesa Goa, has
witnessed a sharp fall in the recent market meltdown, tracking
falling commodity prices. ...

*** A great creative silence - Times of India
[2 hours ago]  Chakravarti, who moved to Goa from Delhi in 2004
with his wife and ten-year-old daughter, is one of a number of
writers, journalists and artists whove made ...

*** Rajinikanth in Goa - Times of India
[17 hours ago]  Instead, the superstar will be in Goa, starting
the talkie portion of his Shankar magnum opus Enthiran with
Aishwarya Rai, and a few of the supporting cast ...

*** Goa airport needs urgent expansion: official - Hindu
[17 hours ago]  Panaji (PTI): Goa airport is being used beyond
its prescribed capacity and there was an urgent need for its
expansion, an official has said. ...

*** will CBI succeed where Goa police failed - Hindustan Times
[11 hours ago]  Act two of British teenager Scarlett Keeling's
murder trial will unfold at the Goa bench of the Bombay High
Court onMonday when the Central Bureau of ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Goanet Top Posters (2004/July)

2008-10-04 Thread JoeGoaUk
GMT 0015 1.8.04   (4 years ago)

Number of postings per member (decending order):
   Cecil Pinto  11
FN  84  Jerry Fernades  11
Gabe Menezes83  Lino Dourado11
Gilbert Lawrence  75Miguel Bragnza  11
@Goanet.org 65  Goa’sPride  10
R barreto60 Jorge/Livia Abr 10
Domnic Fdes 55  Floriano Lobo   9
Sebdc   38  HelgadoRosario  9
Joagoauk 34 Godfrey Gonsalv 8
Eddie Fernandes 29  Marlon Menezes  8
Eugene Correia  28  Mervyn Lobo 8
George pinto27  Radhakrishna Nai  8
Estaquio Santem.  24Vivian D’Souza  8
Cornel  22  Constatino Xav. 7
Eddie   22  Alfrede Tavares 6
Lory D’Souza21  Fausto  6
Rui Colaco  21  Florina D’Souza 6
Santosh Helekar 20  Gilbert Menezes 6
Bosco D’Melo19  Halur Rasho 6
Goa Desc 17 Norman Lobo 6
Sachin Phardte  17  Ricardo Nunes   6
Bernado Colaco  16  Silvano Barbosa 6
Vivek Araujo16  Tim De melo 6
C.Fernandes 15  Vincent Fdes6
Nasci Caldeira  15  A.Veronica  5
Jose lourenco   12  Anisa Fernandes 5
Paulo Colaco12  Joel Disouza5
Venatius Pinto  12  


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] EE Weekend * Valentine & Anna Coelho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2008-10-04 Thread Goanet Reformat
-- Forwarded message --
From: Valentine & Anna Coelho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008/10/4
Subject: EE Weekend

Dear friends,

We have not had an Engaged Encounter weekend for almost 3 years now.
Last month we received a call from a couple who seemed interested and
kept on calling us to organize a weekend for them.

So we have finally decided to organize a weekend from 17 (7pm) to 19
oct (6pm).  The venue has not yet been fixed.  As soon as we receive
more names we will book the place.  This weekend is for engaged
couples or newly married couples of all faiths.  The registration fee
is Rs 200 and couples will be given a blank envelope at the for their
donation towards the cost of the weekend.  No couple is turned off for
lack of funds.

Please pass on this information to all your relatives and friends and
also keep the weekend in prayer.

Thank you and may God bless you.

Valentine (Vally) & Anna Coelho
Visit our blog: http://tob-attitudes.blogspot.com/

[Goanet] Avocado, how to grow...

2008-10-04 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Thanks to Ruby Goes for sending this link on how to grow an avocado
Just thought of sharing it with you. As you know, we have a plant at
home. Despite the skepticism, the avocado actually fruits in Goa. FN
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
M: +91-9822122436 P: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Fwd: Konkan Shakti : Childhood Dream

2008-10-04 Thread Avinash Patankar
 Dear Cynthia,

It was your wonderful piece of write up I came across, and I relived my
childhood days, as if, it was just in the past.

In the days when the Bombay - Goa road was almost non exixtent, it was the
steamer service on < Goa Line >, that catered to the masses from the costal
area of Maharashtra, south of and including Ratnagiri. To the north of
Ratnagiri, it was mailnly the , with comparitively smaller

Myself being from Devgad in the Ratnagiri district, ( now part
of Sindhurgdurg district,) steamers were very convenient, to and from
Mumbai. As you described the minutest details of the steamer travel to
Panajim, I could not keep quiet, and rushed for some old Photo albums, to
make some digital snaps of the < Old Beauty > taken in those good old days
using Agfa < Click III >, ultimate gift to a obidient child, by middle class

The dates appearing on the snaps are a gentle reminder of the fact that,
many monsoons have drenched my beautiful land, from the time the Click III,
clicked the originals, and technogy has enabled me to share these memories
in digital form with you, via this mail.

I trust you may find yourselves sitting on the open deck enjoying the
breeze, just above the transom of this childhod love,
< Konkan Shakti >

Warm regards,
Avinash Patankar

[Goanet] Anjuna dreams: Mayabhushan Nagvenkar takes the temperature in his home village.

2008-10-04 Thread Goanet News

Anjuna dreams
Mayabhushan Nagvenkar takes the temperature in his home village.

We moved into Anjuna in the late 1970s. We were the first Hindu
household in Doxoxxir, a predominantly Catholic ward, until another
Hindu family moved in next door sometime later. Mutual suspicion
marked the first few years in the neighbourhood, which later gave way
to curiosity. Gradually as interaction increased, those around us
considered us good enough neighbours.Things were as normal as a quiet
neighbourhood would allow, until less than a decade ago there was a
renewed wave of collective doubt.

A family of foreigners had moved in on rent next door. (The word
"foreigner" in Anjuna, automatically implies white) The family
comprised a blonde haired toddler named Benjamin and his mum Anna, who
hailed from Denmark. Anna ran a stall at the Wednesday flea market in
Anjuna for most part of the season, while little Benjamin played in
the gravel all day wearing a muslin kurti, ate dal and rice and loved

Some years ago, Benjamin rushed into our yard chasing a cricket ball
and bumped into my mother and apologised to her in fluent Konkani,
which stumped her. Next, he wanted her to play cricket with him.

While the term globalisation is somewhat recent coinage, the spirit of
this phenomenon has been in currency in Anjuna for decades now, its
roots going back several centuries.

Social historian Teresa Albuquerque, who belongs to Anjuna by way of
marriage – records in her book Anjuna: Profile of a Village in Goa
that maritime history knew the village of Anjuna and its ward Chapora
as Hanjamana and Shah pura, circa 1100 AD.

"Hanjamana was a prosperous Arab commercial settlement and an
important port along the west coast during medieval times,"
Albuquerque writes. "Hanjaman corresponds to Hanjuman – a merchant

In another book A Life Well Spent: A Biography of Pascoal de Mello,
Albuquerque notes:
 "The port of Chapora had for long been a vital maritime hub. It was
once a gateway to the holy city of Mecca and many ships were anchored,
repaired and even built there. To Chapora came Arab dhows loaded with
horses bound for the great market at Pernem, across the creek."

For centuries now, Anjuna has served as an interesting port of call
for merchants, adventurers, and soldiers among others. While in the
early days, it was the loosely strung fleets of Arab dhows, which
sailed across the Arabian Sea, the tide continues to bring travellers
to this shore. Perhaps, the village remained etched in the
consciousness of global travellers, much in the way the memory of a
journey made long ago throbs faintly within a wandering bull
elephant's head.

After the Arab dhows ceased to haul anchor in Anjuna due to numerous
geopolitical reasons, the village lived for a while like a bough
without a single blossom. It carried on as a sleepy fishing village,
until the 1960s saw it bloom once again with the coming of the flower

Dominic Fernandes, who lives in Gaumvaddy, a ward located near the
Anjuna tinto, recalled his first brush with hippies in the late 1960s.
"They were walking by me in a group. They wore strange clothes and
sported strange hairstyles, which I later learnt, were modelled after
the Beatles. They were in love with this place. And we fell in love
with them, because of they money they brought along," Fernandes said,
not too fondly. But he does have fond memories of the Beatles hairdo,
which he too sported after the hippies.

Two score years later, Fernandes worries less about hippies. His major
concern is a mammoth housing project that's under construction in a
plot located right next to the Chapel of St John. A huge structure has
cast a dark shadow over the bust of Fr Agnelo, an illustrious
nineteenth-century priest who also hailed from Anjuna.

Fernandes is not the only one perturbed by an Anjuna that's crowding
far more quickly than imagined, with the springing up of one mega
housing project after another. There are some like Sarjano, a gnarled,
temperamental Italian chef and author. Sarjano lives in Anjuna and has
been running an Italian restaurant in Vagator for some years now. But
he thinks it's now time to pack his bags forever. Sarjano's on the
lookout for an elusive Eden, somewhere on the South African coast,
which was "discovered" some years ago by vagabonds of the sun and sea
like him, but whose location is a closely guarded secret. "It's
getting too crowded here," he said. "More and more people of my
generation don't come here anymore. There are other places springing
up like Laos or the beaches of Cambodia."

Sarjano, who's been coming to Anjuna for the last 30-odd years, does
not categorically say it, but drops hints that Anjuna-philes like him
are being crowded out. "Indians tourists from Mumbai, Pune and Delhi
are slowly replacing us foreigners," he said. "But there are other
places which offer cleaner beaches and a 

[Goanet] re the Off Topic and never ending state of the U.S. economy and the price of gold from Mario G.

2008-10-04 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 19:11:33 +1000
From: "Ruby Goes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mario responds:
Your mentioning me in the title demonstrates that you haven't followed the off 
topic thread you have alluded to very closely.  My role has simply been to 
correct obvious misrepresentations of fact that were being repeated for no 
apparent reason, while also providing an opinion about how to analyse the 
validity of financial advice being gratuitously provided in this internet 
forum, based on my own professional experience in dealing with financial 
advisors seeking contracts to invest millions from a pension fund.
Since you seem to have an obvious interest in gold, and in internet web sites, 
this one may be of interest to you.  It demonstrates that gold has been highly 
volatile and a poor investment vehicle over the long haul, while being a very 
good investment over short periods, for example from 1976 to 1979 and from 2001 
to now. 
In January 2008, 28 years after the all-time record high of price of $850 in 
January 1980, the nominal broke the record. In inflation adjusted US dollars, 
the price would have to reach about $2,200 to break the record in real terms.

[Goanet] India's outsourcing bubble is bursting

2008-10-04 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 23:28:38 -0400
From: "Goanet News Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
India's outsourcing bubble is bursting
By Saritha Rai, silicon.com
Bangalore, India--Once a high-flying tech hub, Bangalore is seeing more 
sober days in the wake of the credit crisis.
It looks like the global economic turmoil and the dramatic Wall Street 
meltdown is beginning to hit Bangalore.
Mario responds:
This is the inevitable result of the end of a business cycle in the US, the 
economic engine of the world economy, the economic turmoil in Europe, and 
inflation in India.
Before 1992, before outsourcing and globalization caught on, a US business 
cycle was three to four years.  The last two have been seven to eight years.  
These cycles never last for more than six months, and there is no reason to 
believe that this one will be any different, since the excesses of the banking 
industry are already shaking out and the US always addresses its problems 
rather quickly.
What will be bad news for India will be if Barack Obama is elected this 
November for several reasons, a) his policy of raising taxes, he says he will 
cut tax rates for 95% of income earners, but some 40% of income earners pay no 
income taxes to begin with, b) his policy of using expensive and inefficient 
government programs as opposed to the private marketplace to solve social and 
economic problems, c) his policy of trade protectionism to maintain his 
political support from the American labor unions, which will directly impact 
outsourcing, and d) the relative lack of checks and balances on his policies 
because the Congress is likely to be controlled by his own party.

Re: [Goanet] Christians forced to hide in the woods as new wave of Hindu violence sweeps India

2008-10-04 Thread Roland Francis
Actually Gabe, the problem with inaction by the Central Govt against
the killings of the Christian tribals in Orissa by the Bajrang Dal is
not so much an anti-Christian sentiment at Delhi but the general lack
of value for human lives in India for the most part.

This is obvious to anyone who has lived in India from the 70s onwards
and then moved to the west where a human life has a value like no
other. I don't know whether this lack of value for human life in India
is the result of her huge population numbers or just the poverty and
hopelessness of the majority of the people who have not participated
in it's economic resurgence.

As the most common example, see the way a dead body is treated in a
public mishap. JoeGoaUK has shown us pictures of drowning cases on
Goan shores where bodies recovered on the beach were treated in the
most ignominous manner. Look at the way bomb blast victims in Jaipur,
Ahmedabad, Delhi and several other places were taken away. I look at
scenes like that and I am embarrased to realize that I come from the
same country that is being depicted in those photographs.

Although secularism in India has been taking a severe beating in
recent years, I have faith that it will survive. The waffling at the
Centre about action to be taken against the Orissa state govt is due
to one individual alone - Shivraj Patil the Home Minister. He has been
severely criticized by his cabinet colleagues but he continues to
waffle. He knows that he will soon be dropped as Home Minister so he
just doesn't care. He is living out his last days as a Minister.

This sympathy in Delhi, is little consolation to those being killed in
Orissa. But as I said, what's a few hundred more lives expended before
some action can finally be taken.


On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 6:36 AM, Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1067789/Christians-forced-hide-woods-new-wave-Hindu-violence-sweeps-India.html#

[Goanet] Only woman left on Goanet?

2008-10-04 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Joe,
Of the 33 names you posted , please check how many of the ones that I have 
retained below are actually Women or Woe-man or We-men.

And if the "Sebastian" you call a woman happens to be the geology Prof., you 
are headed for trouble in Devanagri! ;-( You may even get stoned ... with 

Check out "Jeevan" before you get a Mrutyu-dandd , death sentence.

Mog asundi.


Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 13:10:58 + (GMT)
Subject: [Goanet] Only woman left on Goanet?

Only one woman left on Goanet? I don't think so.

After doing a quick scan on last months posts, I have found over 33 women.

Perhaps, 'the only woman left of goanet' was meant to say the only woman on 
Goanet to figure in 'top 10 posters' :-) 

Following women posted at least one msg during the month of Sept.2008

Ken & Alice
Merwyn & Elsie
Vandana & Arun


In Goa, Dial? 1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 

Re: [Goanet] Lornas New Album - Dennem

2008-10-04 Thread Roland Francis
Apologies Eddie.

I realized the fallacy of my post moments after I wrote it. By then it
was too late to retrieve.

I agree that selling anything to the average Goan even at cost, is a
challenge that will drain the most fortituous individual. While there
are sensible elements of the community who are grateful to be provided
a service like the one you undertook, they are few and far between.

Cecil probably knows this. He once complained about some Goans who
were asking Domnic (yes, that's the spelling) to write his
reminiscences in the form of a book, but didn't buy a copy once
Domnic's Goa was published.

However Cecil markets to the general disapora, so he would be best
placed to do it (with profit).


On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 8:24 AM, Eddie Fernandes
> Dear Roland,
> With respect, fine sentiments but have you tried marketing any of these
> products to the Community yourself?  I have twice attempted to act as  UK
> agent for books, selling them at cost + postage (nothing charged for packing
> or handling) and it was disastrous. I could write a book about my
> experiences!
> Goan Associations have a primary responsibility to their members and do not
> have the resources to take on a wider role.

Re: [Goanet] Lornas New Album - Dennem

2008-10-04 Thread angel

Hello Eddie,
You can buy Goan music online at www.angelav.com we ship worldwide.We have 
been online for over 15 years now (perhaps India's 1st e-commerce site 
thanks to Marlon, even before fabmart etc.)


With respect, fine sentiments but have you tried marketing any of these
products to the Community yourself?  I have twice attempted to act as  UK
agent for books, selling them at cost + postage (nothing charged for 

or handling) and it was disastrous. I could write a book about my

Goan Associations have a primary responsibility to their members and do 

have the resources to take on a wider role.

A simpler solution would be for an entrepreneur (are you listening, 

in Goa to sell such products via ebay with the option of accepting payment
via PayPal. 

Re: [Goanet] Lornas New Album - Dennem

2008-10-04 Thread Eddie Fernandes
From: Roland Francis
>There are Goan Associations throughout the world who
>should be rendering such service to Goan artistes. Singers,
>songwriters, authors, painters and so many others. After all, 
>are such associations meant only to promote grand dances ?

Dear Roland,

With respect, fine sentiments but have you tried marketing any of these
products to the Community yourself?  I have twice attempted to act as  UK
agent for books, selling them at cost + postage (nothing charged for packing
or handling) and it was disastrous. I could write a book about my

Goan Associations have a primary responsibility to their members and do not
have the resources to take on a wider role.

A simpler solution would be for an entrepreneur (are you listening, Cecil?)
in Goa to sell such products via ebay with the option of accepting payment
via PayPal.

There are British expats who have set up businesses  in Goa marketing local
clothes, costume jewellery, handicrafts etc.   As orders are received they
buy the items and dispatch them overseas by post.  


Eddie Fernandes
London, UK

[Goanet] re the Off Topic and never ending state of the U.S. economy and the price of gold from Mario G.

2008-10-04 Thread Ruby Goes

Dear Mario and Mervyn,
Here's a well written account about gold.

Have a good weekend.

[Goanet] This one is a young tiatrist died last month

2008-10-04 Thread JoeGoaUk
This one is a young tiatrist died last month

The cause of death not known (as  I only saw this ad in H 2 days ago).



for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Moderation

2008-10-04 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
If the following fact is true - "regarding hundreds of unexplained post 
rejects" on Goanet, I would suggest the moderators should find more dramatic / 
drastic means to deal with the authors of these innumerable inappropriate 
posts. This would be better than the moderators wasting their valuable time 
rejecting posts with or without an explanation.  
If there are "hundreds of unexplained post rejects", likely the moderators have 
automated their response with a press of a button. And who can blame them for 
that?  Of course, the "hundreds of unexplained post rejects", may be just 
another exaggeration that we often see on Goanet, when fiction replaces fact.
To Bosco, given your post below, our sympathies are with you and other 
moderators.  You have shown the ability to remain polite in the most hostile 
exchanges. I want the moderators to remember for every poster who resents your 
characterization of their post as "inappropriate", there are many posters who 
thank you from saving them from self-embarrassment. And there are a whole group 
of Goanetters who thank you for sparing us from these "inappropriate posts". 
The fact that Goanet has survived successfully for so long, is in itself a 
credit to the moderators. Many Goan chat sites have seen their demise or are on 
a respirator with no activity.
To be helpful, here are a selection of explanations that the moderators can 
automatically added to the "inappropriate post"
"substituting chutzpah with learning"
"You have not read or understood the post you are responding to"
"more Xapottam than knowledge"
"same old ... same old"
"More wind than substance"
"The brow-beating in your post is a poor substitute for reasoning"
And there is the whole selection of "choice phraseology" that our English 
professor from Goa, Augusto Pinto, has kindly provided, starting with 
Regards, GL
I was not attacking the person but the systemic mess that Goanet is in 
regarding hundreds of unexplained post rejects.

- Bosco - Goanet Volunteer 

To paraphrase an infamous clich, Hell hath no fury like a Goan whose 
message was rejected for posting on Goanet.  There has been much bafflegab on 
this issue over the past few days by a couple 'experts' in this field. 
The exceptions are FEW (emphasis). These are habitual violators of Goanet 

[Goanet] Young Darren (20) dies in Canada

2008-10-04 Thread JoeGoaUk

Young Darren (20) dies in Canada in a road accident.

Migrated to Canada only 5 years ago, was popular figure in the Goan Community 


The family owns ‘sunshine beach resort’, Calangute-goa


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Morris Minor

2008-10-04 Thread Ana Maria de souza-Goswami
Reading Francis Rodrigues posting about the Morris Minor, reminds me of 
ours.  My father bought it in Ajmer way back in 1951. He was then posted in 
a small cantonment called Nasirabad which was the regimental centre of the 
Grenadiers.  It travelled all over with us. From Nasirabad to Delhi to Simla 
to Poona, to Ambala to Jammu, back to Nasirabad to Bangalore and finally in 
1969 when my father retired to Moira.  Both my parents drove the car. My 
father taught my brother Tony to drive using the Morris. After he died in 
1989 we sold the car. I think all of us wept to see our beloved Morris leave 
our house in Moira.

Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami 
-- next part --

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[Goanet] Major Days of the Morris Minor

2008-10-04 Thread Tony de Sa
Francis Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Major Days of the Morris Minor

by Tony Fernandes

I can remember that I went through a similar experience in the sixties. I
had to cycle from Moira to Nachinola to fetch Dr. Silveiro Souza[1] to
attend to the patient. Oft times, this was in the dead of night and as my
cycle did not have a dynamo, I had to carry a torch in one hand.

These errands continued for a long time through the time that I acquired a
scooter and later on a car. People still do ask for help though now, since
many people in the vaddo own cars and scooters.

[1] Dr. Silveiro Souza represented Aldona Constituency in the Goa
Legislative Assembly as a United Goans MLA

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470148
M: +91 9975 162 897
Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one's levels of
aspiration and expectation. - Jack Nicklaus

[Goanet] Christians forced to hide in the woods as new wave of Hindu violence sweeps India

2008-10-04 Thread Gabe Menezes

Christians forced to hide in the woods as new wave of Hindu violence
sweeps India

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:12 PM on 03rd October 2008

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>From the rape of a nun to arson and killings, Christian leaders in
India accuse Hindu nationalist groups of deliberately targeting
Christians in eastern India to support their political agenda and
shore up their support base.

The accusations come as authorities in Orissa state say they have
arrested four people and ordered a probe into reports of the gang rape
of a nun in August, and suspended the officer who was in charge of the
investigation for dereliction of duty.

A string of attacks on Christians in three states has killed at least
34 people and forced thousands to flee to government camps or hide in

Anger: Christians attend a protest against the recent killings and
atrocities on Christians in Orissa and Karnataka, in New Delhi

The troubles have been sparked by controversial conversion campaigns
by Christian groups in poor tribal areas.

"(There is) a hidden agenda to (make) the entirety of Orissa into a
Hindu state", said Archbishop Raphael Cheenath of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar
in Orissa, where most of the violence has been concentrated.

Cheenath compared the violence to the slaughter of over 2,000 Muslims
in the state of Gujarat in 2002.

He said that hardliners were "following the Modi style", referring to
the state's Chief Minister Narendra Modi from the Hindu nationalist
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), who has been accused of giving Hindu
mobs a free run to carry out the carnage.

Orissa police say they have arrested more than 300 people over the
clashes, including local leaders of the BJP, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad
(VHP) and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

Clashes: The government deployed hundreds more federal police to
eastern India on Friday after one person was killed and several
injured in fresh clashes between Hindus and Christians

Hindu nationalist groups have denied their involvement.

While over 4,000 federal police have been deployed in Orissa,
Christian leaders and human rights groups say the violence has not
been brought under control, and called on the state government, run by
Hindu nationalists, to do more.

"The state government has not rooted out the violence - that is quite
disconcerting," a spokesman for Amnesty International said.

"The people in the relief camps who wanted to return have been told
they have to re-convert to Hinduism.

"That should be taken very seriously by the state government."

Cheenath said Hindu activists are trying to scare Christians into
leaving the camps by throwing bombs nearby, aiming to forcibly
reconvert them to Hinduism once they are outside.

The All India Christian Council has listed assaults against Christians
it says were carried out since August, including murder, rape, and
attacks on churches and schools.

Peace plea: More than 700 federal police are being sent to Orissa
state after the death in rural Kandhamal district following clashes
between Christians and Hindus on Thursday

The Hindu, a respected national newspaper, this week carried reports a
nun was stripped naked and gang-raped. It said a priest who tried to
stop the attack was beaten and doused in kerosene in full view of the

According to Orissa authorities, a medical report has confirmed a rape
took place.
"We were not impressed by the reaction of the state government", said
A.M. Chinnappa, Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore.

Pope Benedict has condemned the attacks and Roman Catholic bishops
have urged the European Union to treat persecution of Christians as a
humanitarian emergency.
Hindus have opposed missionaries' conversions of lower-caste Hindus,
which they said were sometimes carried out by force.

A BJP spokesman in Orissa blamed clashes on the murder of a prominent
Hindu missionary belonging to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and a
vocal opponent of Christian proselytising.

"Police failure to arrest the criminals who killed Swamiji and others
has angered the local people," the spokesman said."

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has called the violence a "national
shame", and on Friday the Home Minister Shivraj Patil called on the
Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik to do more to control the


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Ban on Smoking in Public Places

2008-10-04 Thread Vinay Natekar
Any civilised Goan will be frustrated to see the  horrible and
unhygienic sight of stinking spit red marks on walls, corners and
footpaths of our cities made by Gootka, tobbaco and Paan eating
ghantis, migrants and the  domestic tourists as well. 

Another sight you will see everyday of urination and defecating at
public places like river banks, seaside and rail tracks  by the hoards
of ghantis. 

Urination at the roadside presents such an ugly picture that if one is
accompanied by family members, especially women, it becomes embarrassing
and sometimes difficult to make the young ones understand why the uncle
is 'wetting' the wall. The government has provided land to Sulabh
Sauchalaya in almost every  city which undertook this social mission for
providing hygienic toilet facilities to the people who visit cities from
outside, and also for those who flock commercial places day in and day
out. One can find 'Sulabh toilets and bathrooms' everywhere and the
organisation has been giving the facility to urinate free of cost while
the charges for using toilets etc are easily affordable. Even then these
people pay no heed to the calls of environment and show no sense in
contributing to make our social surroundings clean and fresh. 

In some cases some Goans too does not differ much from  these
uncivilized ghantis as far as smoking and spitting at public places are
concerned. I have seen many times even well to do people do not hesitate
in urinating  around the public places.

I feel there should be still punishment like heavy fine and  jail
sentence for repeating this offence. Then only we can  keep our state
clean and beautiful . 





 Original Message 

Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 13:54:40 -0400


Ban on Smoking in Public Places


Dear Goanet Readers

What about ban on Spitting, Urinating and Defecating in Public?

More than Smoking, these are the biggest public health hazards in India.






[Goanet] BBC E-mail: Four arrested over India nun rape

2008-10-04 Thread rubygoes
rubygoes saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it.

** Four arrested over India nun rape **
Police in the Indian state of Orissa arrest four people in connection with the 
rape of a Catholic nun.
< http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/2/hi/south_asia/7649984.stm >

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[Goanet] Goa tourism industry unperturbed by smoking ban

2008-10-04 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Goa tourism industry unperturbed by smoking ban 

Panaji (PTI): As the Union Health Ministry's ban on smoking in public
places evokes mixed reactions from across the country, Goa's
multi-million tourism industry sees no reason to worry about the move. 

"The ban will not affect tourism as people are already aware of it,"
Travel and Tourism Association of Goa president Ralf D'Souza told PTI. 

When the Centre was considering the ban, the tourism industry here had
kept its fingers crossed with apprehensions it could deter tourists who
arrive in the state for leisure. 

D'Souza, who heads the body of tour operators bringing in international
clients, however, is not perturbed over the ban which has come into
effect from October 2. 

He said since Goa already had its own anti-smoking legislation in place,
the implementation of the Central act should not be a hassle. "If you go
as per the Central Government Act, you are allowed to smoke in the

The exclusion of places like parks and beaches in the Act is a major
relief for the tourism industry, the lifeline of Goa's economy. Almost
90 per cent of visitors to Goa visit beaches. 

The anti-smoking Act, whose implementation will be monitored by a
special task force headed by a bureaucrat, is likely to receive flak
from two major quarters - beach shacks and casinos, which come under the

Beach shack owners have already expressed disappointment over the law
which, according to them, would 'shoo away' customers for whom a drink
and a smoke generally go together. 




[Goanet] Goa airport needs urgent expansion: official

2008-10-04 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Goa airport needs urgent expansion: official 

Panaji (PTI): Goa airport is being used beyond its prescribed capacity
and there was an urgent need for its expansion, an official has said. 

The airport, located in the port town of Vasco, is managed by Indian
Navy which has its airbase there from where it holds regular trainings. 

Existing facilities at the airport have reached their saturation point.
The terminal building, which can accommodate 700 passengers at a time,
is now serving 1,500 to 2,000 travellers, Airport Director Paul Manickam

In a presentation during a discussion organised by Goa Chamber of
Commerce and Industries (GCCI) here yesterday, he said in the absence of
another airport, the existing one needs expansion to accommodate the
growing number of air passengers visiting the tourist state. 

"All the six parking bays are full most of the time," the Airports
Authority of India (AAI) official said. 

The Centre has sanctioned Rs 500-crore expansion plan for the airport
but it was not taking off because of non- availability of land which is
in Navy's possession. 

During 2007-08, 25.80 lakh passengers used the airport arriving in
23,742 flights. In addition, 763 international chartered flights brought
in around two lakh tourists, he said, adding a new terminal building is
urgently required. 

The airport was handed over to the Navy after Goa was liberated from the
Portuguese rule. Later, civilian flights were allowed from the airport,
whose infrastructure is now under strain due to manifold rise in number
of tourists arriving every year in the the coastal state. 




[Goanet] Conflict in Cyberspace: How to Resolve Conflict Online

2008-10-04 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Conflict in Cyberspace: How to Resolve Conflict Online
Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist

Have you ever noticed how conflict can get blown out of proportion
online? What may begin as a small difference of opinion, or
misunderstanding, becomes a major issue very quickly. Conflict can be
difficult at the best of times, but what is it about online
communication that seems to ignite "flaming" and make conflicts more
difficult to resolve? 

There are a number of reasons to explain why conflict may be heightened
online. One is the absence of visual and auditory cues. When we talk to
someone in person, we see their facial expressions, their body language,
and hear their tone of voice. Someone can say the exact same thing in a
number of different ways, and that usually effects how we respond. 

For example, someone could shout and shake their finger at you, or they
could speak gently and with kindness. They could stand up and tower over
you, or they could sit down beside you. How you feel, interpret, and
respond to someone's message often depends on how they speak to you,
even when it's a difficult message to hear. 

In online communications, we have no visual or auditory cues to help us
to decipher the intent, meaning, and tone of the messenger. All we have
are the words on a computer screen, and how we hear those words in our
head. While people who know each other have a better chance at
accurately understanding each others' meaning and intentions, even they
can have arguments online that they would not have in-person.

Projections and Transference

While many people are convinced that how they read an email is the only
way it can be read, the truth is, how we read a text, or view a work of
art, often says more about ourselves than it does about the message or
the messenger. 

All of our communications, online and in real-time, are filled with
projections. We perceive the world through our expectations, needs,
desires, fantasies, and feelings, and we project those onto other
people. For example, if we expect people to be critical of us, we
perceive other people's communication as being critical - it sounds
critical to us even though it may not be. We do the same thing online;
in fact we are more likely to project when we are online precisely
because we don't have the visual or auditory cues to guide us in our
interpretations. How we "hear" an email or post is how we hear it in our
own heads, which may or may not reflect the tone or attitude of the

We usually can't know from an email or post alone whether someone is
shouting, using a criticizing tone, or speaking kindly. Unless the tone
is clearly and carefully communicated by the messenger, and/or we are
very skilled at understanding text and human communication, we most
likely hear the voice we hear, or create in our head and react to that.
This is one of the reasons why controversial or potentially conflictual
issues are best dealt with by using great care and explicit expressions
of our tone, meaning, and intent. 

Where do projections come from? They come from our life experiences -
how we've been treated, how important figures in our lives have behaved,
how we felt growing up, how we responded and coped, etc. All of us
project or transfer our feelings and views of important figures in our
lives onto other people. 

To take a look at your own projections or transference with people
online, think back to the last time you felt angry at someone online.
What was it about them or their email that made you so angry? What did
you believe that they were doing to you or someone else? How did you
react internally and externally? Was your reaction to this person
(whether spoken or not) influenced by someone or something from your
past? While it certainly happens that people are treated with disrespect
and anger online, if there are any parallels between this experience and
any of your past experiences, it's likely that how you felt and
responded was coloured by your past. When our past is involved,
particularly when we are unaware of it happening, we invariably project
and transfer old feelings onto the present situation.

More at:




[Goanet] Major Days of the Morris Minor

2008-10-04 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Major Days of the Morris Minor

by Tony Fernandes

As I grew up in Goa during the 1950’s and 1960’s it was quite common
to see American and European cars on the roads then. Although no one
in my family owned a car, I was very happy to receive a new adult-size
bicycle (I think it was as though even the bicycle was bought keeping
the usual 'vaddtea angar' benefits in mind for a fast growing teenager)
and an occasional ride in a Morris Minor that belonged to our family physician.

The Morris was quite a popular car among other 'foreign' cars those days.
They were seen in many colours: black, dark blue, grey or white, and were
mainly owned by landlords, doctors, lawyers, merchants and priests.

As a young lad I ran errands for many households in the village other
than my own. One of these errands, on many occasions, was to get a
doctor to the village in an emergency. Sometimes I would be summoned
by a neighbour for a short brief: name of the town, name of the doctor
and directions, not forgetting to let the doctor know that’s it is urgent
and that he has to come as soon as he possibly can.

One of these doctors who often visited our village had a clinic in the town
of Mapusa, Bardez - a district in North Goa.And, of course, he happened to
own one of these fine cars of yesteryear – the ‘Mighty’ Morris Minor.

Having made it to the doctor’s clinic on my bicycle, I would first make
sure I locked my bike. Then briefly speaking to the nurse with a request
for the doctor’s visit, I would wait outside for the doctor to conclude
examinations of his remaining patients in the clinic, if there were any.
Leaving my cycle there, I would ride along with the doctor giving him
the directions to the patient’s house in the village.

It was customary those days, for the errand runner to carry the doctor’s
medical kit bag from the car to the house. As for me, it was a great
experience doing that. For a brief 3 minutes’ walk to the house, from
the winding road that ran through the village, I felt as if I was actually
the doctor. I momentarily also got carried away in my thoughts: “Some day
I will be a doctor” and 'someone else will have to carry this bag” I thought.

After examining ‘The Goan Patient’ this is what the doctor would usually
say to the folks of the household, having been convinced he had diagnosed
the illness: “Binaka re. Tum zatlo boro. Rexeth boroun ditam. Hem vokot,
hea burgeak Mapusa thaun porot hetanam, adduni. Ani koxem dista
tem porot maka faleam gomon dilea puro."

What the doctor said: ‘Don’t worry. You will get alright. I’m writing a
prescription. Tell this lad to buy this medicine on his way back from
Mapusa. And tomorrow let me know how you feel.’

After putting the sphygmomanometer and stethoscope back into the bag,
the doctor washed his hands with new soap on the window sill while I
poured water on his hands, and he wiped his hands on the clean towel.
Suddenly my thoughts wandered off, thinking as if I was in the village
chapel doing the duties of an altar boy. As a courtesy he then asked
about the general health of the rest of the family members. Soon after
that, it was time for me to pick upthe doctor’s bag and accompany him to
the Morris car when he was kind in inquiring as to how I was doing in school.

After getting back on my bicycle from the doctor’s clinic, I would quickly
ride to the pharmacy where I had to wait till the pharmacist made the
concoction ready, and pasted the paper cut-out notches, that indicated
the doses, on the bottle.

With the added benefit of riding in the doctor’s Morris Minor, it was also
an enjoyable and major errand for me. My reward depended on the
affordability of the family of the patient. Sometimes it was a ‘falooda’,
sometimes tea and patties or at times just a limboo-soda, in the interim
period while the medicines got ready.

Tony Fernandes


[Goanet] Daily Grook #237

2008-10-04 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

she wiggled her two
we were in torment,
she evidently knew
what harassment!

puns & word-play of all kinds,
if you read between the lines!
