[Goanet] Smitha's books released

2009-04-28 Thread
Smitha's books released

PANJIM (HND): Two books authored by Ms Smitha Bhandare Kamat, titled, 
and 'Fullati Fulla', were released at the hands of Mrs Pallavi S Dempo, 
Vasantrao Dempo Education and Research Foundation.

Souldrops is a collection of select published poems in English, while Fullati 
is her second book of short stories in Konkani for pre-teens.

Pallavi Dempo appreciated the works of Smitha Kamat, and urged her and 
individuals to keep the ink of the literary pen flowing. She also stressed upon 
fact that books serve as one of the finest gifts that can be offered to society.

Naguesh Karmali reviewed both the books and concluded that the works encompass 
issues that touch, impact and heal the soul of the reader.

Bhaskar Naik highlighted how aptitude tests serve to identify potentials of 
youngsters so that they can be coaxed early in the right direction and not 
one's talents by trial and error.

Souldrops was sponsored by Vasantrao Dempo Education and Research Foundation 
Third Millennium published the same. Fullati Fulla was sponsored by Konkani 
and published by Jait Publication.


Re: [Goanet] Free Trip to Goa - Info session May 9th

2009-04-28 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-- Forwarded message --
From: G.O.A. News and Announcements 
Date: Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 7:26 PM
Subject: Free Trip to Goa - Info session May 9th
To: News and Announcements Subscriber 

Dear Friends,

The G.O.A. is having a special event on Saturday May 9th to introduce you to 
youth who travelled to Goa in December 2008 as part of the Know Goa Programme. 
out where they went, what they did and why you should apply!

Perhaps you, a family member or friend is interested to participate for 2009. 
us on Saturday May 9th to learn how you can:

  a.. Journey through Goa on an all expense paid trip with other young Goans 
18-26) from around the world
  b.. Discover Goa's cultural heritage
If you can not see the embedded video, please click on this link to view it or 
us our website

Saturday May 9th at 11:30am
Mimico Centennial Library
47 Station Road, Toronto, ON (Lakeshore Blvd. W & Royal York Rd.)
FREE admission (All ages are welcome)
Refreshments will be served
RSVP TODAY to mpere...@goatoronto.com

[Goanet] GOACAN holds awareness action on Save the Frogs Day.

2009-04-28 Thread Goa Desc

Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your   family members,
relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help others be BETTER INFORMED
GOACAN holds awareness action on Save the Frogs Day.


On the occasion of  Save the Frogs Day, 28th April

Consumer Forum volunteers under the banner of GOACAN

held an Awareness Action in Margao to highlight the urgent

need to stop the indiscriminate killing of Frogs and to appeal

to consumers to stop eating Frog meat.

The Forum volunteers carrying colourful flags and placards,

distributed information handouts to consumers informing them

that during the monsoon which is the mating season for many

species of frogs and these frogs get hunted for the purpose

of commercial sale to restaurants and for home consumption.

The consumers were further informed that frogs feed on

mosquitos and other insects which are responsible for the

spread of malaria and other vector borne diseases therefore

the frogs have to be protected. Similarly, the increasing

incidence of snakes encroaching on human habitation and

settlement areas is also attributed to the dwindling population

of frogs in Goa.

Many consumers were surprised to know that Bull frogs

are protected under the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972

whereby catching, selling, killing frogs or serving and eating

frog meat contravenes the provision of the Act and attracts

stringent punishment of  imprisonment for a period of three

years and a fine of Rs 25,000.

Forum volunteers explained to consumers that killing of frogs

is also an ecological crime against the food chain and therefore

it is important that consumers should become environmentally

conscious and say NO to frog meat.

Meanwhile GOACAN has decided to encourage consumers

to discuss the issue of the dwindling frog population and the

spread of malaria in the forthcoming Gram Sabhas in their

respective villages. GOACAN will also write to the officials

of the Forest Department and the Police Department to

intensify its vigilance to curb the hunting of frogs and to take

appropriate steps to book the persons apprehended with the

relevant sections of the Wildlife (Protection) Act.

GOACAN will also be approaching the Tourism Department

and the Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) to

caution all hotels and restaurants as well as domestic and foreign

tourists that eating of frog meat is banned by the Govt. of India.

promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78   Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mailto: goa...@bsnl.in

[Goanet] Daily Grook #390

2009-04-28 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

swine flu's such a boar
i never sausage a recall,
ham'ful pigs from mexico
so trying tequilas all!

puns & word-play of all kinds,
hey...read between the lines!

Share photos with friends on Windows Live Messenger


2009-04-28 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "Mario Goveia" 

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, MD  wrote:

Science is no match for religioud (sic) belief.

Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 16:23:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar 

But good faith is not good science.  That is all I am saying. I am forced
to say it because of the false claims made by Fr. Ivo, and now Gilbert,
that their religion is scientific.

Mario observes:

As a practicing Catholic and a believer in objective science, it 

to boggle the mind when otherwise serious individuals confuse science and
faith, which is the basis of religion.
***Mario, I am not confusing Science with Faith. But what is faith for 
"Beliefs" without any historical-scientific basis? We can always eleborate 
these points.

I have already given some of them.

Several weeks ago I got Fr. Ivo to agree that the existence of God cannot
be either proven or disproven by science; which should have ended this
thread right there.  Yet, a month later, the verbal mud-wrestling
continues, much to my amazement and amusement, especially Fr. Ivo's very
personal version of English as I highlighted in

The belief in the existence of God or a supernatural being is based on
faith and some circumstantial evidence that does not constitute 

proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

***Why do you believe in God? Review this question.
I only repeated that Science does not prove nor disprove the existence of 

Does it mean that there are no grounds for the existence of God.
Is Science the only source of knowledge? Christian faith is historical 
faith, not mythical,
therefore it has historical-scientific basis. Not scientific, in the sense 
that it can be empirically proved,
like physical phenomena, but in its historical background (as much as 
scientific test can do for the
spiritual-supernatural phenomena with their sensible wrappings), its 
consequences, individual and societal...

We know that even the saintly Mother

Theresa was wracked by doubts about the existence of God and worked to do
good in spite of it.
***I am afraid that even Mother Teresa would not agree with Mario. We 
of "spiritual aridity/dryness". Saints like Teresa of Avila and Teresa of 

had 'spiritual aridity', they could not find consolation and 'sensible'
happiness. Mother Teresa could not have doubts about the existence of God.
She was praying before the Eucharistic Jesus (Blessed Sacrament) every 

She was embracing the ostracised people because she could see the image of
God in them. She told her Spiritual Father about it.
My stand should be clear: I only said from the very outset that Science
neither proves nor disproves the existence of God, because Science does 
deal with the existence of God. It is theology that deals with the 

of God. Therefore, to say that "that should have ended this thread right
there" is wrong. Because if Science does not tell us of the existence of
God--nor can Science do this job--it does not mean that we deny the
existence of God. Religion tells us about God. Reason speaks to us.

What good is being convinced that God exists and not living what that
should mean on a day-to-day basis?  On the other hand, wouldn't God
approve of someone who cannot believe HE exists but lives their lives as
if HE did - in the true Christian spirit - anyway?

***How can also be easy doing good without faith in God? Jesus himself
spoke to us about his intimacy with the Father (God) and told us to do
good.If Mother Teresa has done what she did, it is because she lived in
communion with God.

I have always argued that once we accept and live by at least the last
seven of the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and the Sermon on the
Mount, the rest is all window dressing and a full employment scheme for
thousands of religious persons.
***Who has given Ten Commandments? Who has spoken of Golden Rule with its 
new foundation,

and the Sermon on the Mount?
If Jesus of Nazareth has spoken to us, what did he say about God?

In the meantime, as a cancer survivor who had to put up with the most
Godawful stuff dripped into me, not to mention the cutting and stitching
and burning with mysterious rays I had to endure - all of which worked
splendidly in my case, I would rather follow the serious debate on why
untested placebos have become so popular in the practice of medicine.
***Homeopathy has its benefits. This is clear. I am not telling you to 
follow only homeopathy, leaving allopathy.
Both can work in these cases. Allopathy can work together with the adjunct 
therapies. By the way,
they are white small wonderful pills, not "pink" pills. Dr.S.C.Madan and 
Dr.S.R.Wadia would be able to tell you better

about your disease.

[Goanet] Lyrics of Lorna's song

2009-04-28 Thread Fausto Da Costa
If my memory serves me right this song is sung by Rita Rose, composed by 
Alfred Rose and I think the lyrics feature in one of Alfred Rose's song 


Lino wrote:


If you could send me the lyrics of the no KUDDO PASUN TO ZALO

This song I had heard during college time. I asked some of my friends
but they don't have.

This song is about the boy going to save the girl and in that incident
becomes blind and she

tells him even if you have become blind I will get married to you.

If you could email me this lyrics I will be grateful to you.

Have a nice day.

Thanks & Regards


[Goanet] Closing of thread - "Religion and Science"

2009-04-28 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer

The discussion thread, "Religion and Science" and its variants:

Religion and Science (part 2)

will be closed April 30, 2009 at 10pm EST.

Please note as per Goanet Rules, Goanetters are "limited to a maximum of four 
a day on the list. The moderators may relax this rule in the exceptional 
circumstance that more than four of a member's posts are of a high quality 
add an important perspective to a time-sensitive or on-going discussion."


Please do not deluge us with messages to meet the deadline.

Thank you - Bosco
Goanet Admin

[Goanet] Dr Samir Heble: How to be healthy, feel great - now

2009-04-28 Thread Eddie Fernandes

29 Apr. 2009: Taranaki Daily News (New Zealand). Dr Samir Heble, 37, works
for the Taranaki District Health Board and is one of the youngest clinical
directors of mental health in New Zealand.  He came to New Zealand seven
years ago from Goa. "I was seeing the different types of illnesses in the
Western cultures and I felt the treatments we were doing were helping some
but not everybody." He thought something from the Eastern cultures might be
helpful . 

Photo and text, 1324 words at

Or follow the link from the Photo Gallery at http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/

Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Goa Cursed By Its Mineral Wealth

2009-04-28 Thread Cecil Pinto


Goa Cursed By Its Mineral Wealth

by Emily Bild, Special to CorpWatch

April 23rd, 2009

Set on India's west coast, Goa is renowned as a beach paradise popular
with Indian and foreign tourists alike. Just a few miles inland from
the quaint restaurants and the pristine waves lapping the silver
shores of India's smallest state, iron-ore mining is destroying the
environment, say activists and locals.

Shirgao is just one of many North Goan villages feeling the effects of
the boom in iron ore mining since 2000. “The mining companies have
mined below the water table and destroyed all our water sources,” says
Dinanath Gaonker, 55, a resident of the village. “In our village,
people are dependent on the paddy fields for earning a living. But for
the past seven years, they haven’t been able to cultivate their fields
as there are no longer any irrigation facilities. Traditional
occupations are being destroyed. People are also suffering from
tuberculosis and other diseases [worsened or] caused by pollution.
We’re living a miserable life now.”

The landscape around Gaonker’s village is scarred by vast mines, dug
deep into the rich red earth. The companies operating there include
two of the largest iron ore mining operators in the state – Dempo
Mining and the Chowgules Group.

The state accounts for more than 30 percent of India’s iron-ore
exports, according to export figures from 2008. Industry profits flow
to the federal government and more than 100 mining companies in the
state, many of which are small-scale privately owned operators. The
largest mining company in Goa is Sesa Goa, a subsidiary of the
British-based Vedanta Resources. Sesa Goa exported 4 million tons of
iron ore in 2008 and reported post-tax profits of US $296,178,660.
Other major players in the industry include Dempo Mining, Sociedade de
Fomento, the Chowgules Group and Salgaocar Mining Industries. All
these companies have their head offices in Goa.

Between 2002 and 2007 they and the smaller players helped double Goa’s
iron ore exports to almost 40 million tons per year. The boom was
spurred primarily by increased demand from China’s steel industry.
That all of Goa's iron ore is exported abroad further galls
environmentalists, who bolster their call for the mines to be closed
by charging that their state is being destroyed to develop China’s

Indeed, the iron ore industry that brings riches to the federal
government and to mining companies accounts for less than 1 percent of
Goa’s total revenues. Activists and industry critics say that the
mining companies are not giving enough back to the state and to people
like Gaonker.

One problem is a royalty system under which Goa and other iron-rich
states receive a fixed rate of between $.08 and $.52 per ton,
depending on the grade of the ore. This system ensures that India’s
iron is among the cheapest in the world, since most countries use an
ad valorem evaluation (a proportion of the value of the good) that
adjusts with the international market price.

Mineral-rich states such as Goa estimate that they would double their
earnings from mining if India switched to an adjustable system. “The
royalties are completely arbitrary," says Ritwick Dutta, a leading
environmental lawyer and founder of the Delhi-based Environmental
Impact Assessment Resource and Response Center (ERC). "How do you
arrive at that figure? Environmental and social impacts are not
factored in at all.”

Revenues to the states are further diminished by allowing the industry
to self-report production levels, thus presenting companies with ample
opportunity to under-declare in order to increase profits. Sujay
Gupta, vice president of communications for one of Goa’s largest
mining companies, Sociedade de Fomento, confirms that abuses occur,
but says they are confined to companies recently established to cash
in on the iron ore boom.

“The fly-by-night operators are simply stealing. A lot more [iron ore]
is being mined than is being declared,” he says.

The Goa mining department is “currently examining these claims and
looking for ways to clamp down on illegal activity,” says Shri A. T.
D’Souza, senior geologist at the mining division of the Goa state

Companies such as the Resourceful Group, which operates a mine in the
Sanguem area of South Goa, defend the industry as the "backbone of
Goa’s economy," noting that mining employs 11,000 people directly and
a similar number indirectly, through transport of the ore. But most of
these employees are migrant laborers from states such as Bihar and
Uttar Pradesh, with high levels of poverty and unemployment.

“In Goa, it is not the industry which determines lifestyles but
lifestyles that determine the industry,” says Dr. Claude Alvares,
director of the Goa Foundation, a 20-year-old environmental
organization. “Goans will take time off for religious festivals and
other occasions. So mining companies want to employ n

Re: [Goanet] Religion and Science

2009-04-28 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "Gilbert Lawrence" 
Can Santosh, support his statement (below) about my claim that "their 
religion is scientific."?

Please just post my quote and the context the statement was made.
Please do not give me your interpretation of my writings about my religion.

I am really getting tired of reading posts where alleged intelligent authors 
"put words" in other peoples' writing - and the demagogue it ad infinity. 
The last time a famous Goanetter was asked to back his evidence (quoting 
others) on caste, he vanished from goanet.


From: Santosh Helekar 

But good faith is not good science. That is all I am saying. I am forced to 
say it because of the false claims made by Fr. Ivo, and now Gilbert, that 
their religion is scientific.
***I never said that "their (my) religion is scientific". But I have said 
that there is no conflict whatsoever between Science and Religion. They are 
two wings opening to the Truth and Reality. It could not be otherwise... 
History backs Religion in general, Christianity in particular. Dr.Santosh 
does not understand either scientific, or theological language...


[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (29Apr09)

2009-04-28 Thread alexyz fernandes
"Looks like Goans Don't Die a NATURAL DEATH anymore"






To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Religion and Science

2009-04-28 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Your reply to my request deserves the courtesy of a  response.  Your reply 
displays your skill to read and understand what is written. As a scientist, I 
would have expected better from you.

To begin, both Religion and Science are very broad subjects.  Yet, any 
intelligent individual will see the stretch in your logic in reading my 
statement below.  A person with half-a-brain will know that religion is 
religion; and science is science.  For some science is their religion. 
Figuratively speaking!  For some religion could be their science; though I have 
never met one who makes that claim; and who cannot make that distinction. There 
may be some exceptions, in right wing conservative preachers.

Stating that biology is a lot of chemical reactions, is it a claim that biology 
becomes chemistry? 
Stating that radiation oncology involves a study of radiation, is it a claim 
that radiation oncology is physics?
Or to make is more easy for you, if I state that neuroscience involves a study 
of (electric) brain waves, is it a claim that neuroscience become electrical 

I will consider your characterization below of my statement, as being an 
oversight. If you want to have a serious dialog on science, then you have to 
dialog like a scientist and not resort to  machinations, which you are prone to 
do.  For you to claim that Fr. Ivo was engaging in pseudo-religion, when my 
comment about pseudo-religion referred to you, was a poor attempt to appear 
inept.  You shared with us your knowledge and its source about religion. Thank 
you for that response too and its honesty.

I would appreciate not to dialog with someone where every sentence has to be 
explained in detail.  Some have lost all sense of courteous dialog; and survive 
on being adversarial.  As the saying goes, "A hammer thinks everything it sees 
is a nail."  

I do not plan to continue this dialog; because this has nothing to do with 
religion or science or any common sense. Please do not waste my, and likely 
your, time. Neither of us are retired with an entire day ... day after day ... 
to idly waste..  
Regards, GL

-- Santosh Helekar 
Here is the quote and a link to the context:
"So IMO both Religion and Science can be scientific endeavors."

--- Gilbert Lawrence 
Can Santosh, support his statement (below) about my claim that "their religion 
is scientific." Please just post my quote and the context the statement was 

 Santosh Helekar 

 But good faith is not good science.  That is all I am saying. I am forced to 
say it because of the false claims made by Fr. Ivo, and now Gilbert, that their 
religion is scientific.

[Goanet] Migrant employment perspective

2009-04-28 Thread Arwin Mesquita
 A common argument is that "Migrants are doing jobs that Goans do not want
to do!"  Surely this is true but then, there are un-necessary employment
opportunities that we create to facilitate migrants. For example, is it not
true that with every mega-project (which mostly are for non-goans) we are
not only destroying/polluting Goa & changing the demographics, but also are
bringing in some many migrants into Goa; for this unnecessary development?
Have our selfish politicians identified employment needs for Goans first
before approving any industries/companies subject?

Arwin Mesquita (UAE)

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" :

3. "Rape of Chicalim : "http://rapeofchicalim.wordpress.com/

4. "Boycott Cidade de Goa" : http://boycotthotelcidadedegoa.blogspot.com/

5.  MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


2009-04-28 Thread Simon D'Silva
  AND  Splash


 (Dine & Dance)

7th May 2009
Time: 9:00pm ONWARDS

25000 WATTS SOUND: Unique Sound & Lighting

FOREFRONT India's Leading & Goa's No.1 Band

Highlights: Crowning of May Queen

Choreographer: Slumdog Millionaire

Top Bollywood Comedian

QRS 150/- Single by 3rd May
QRS 100/- Children Under 10 years
After 3rd May QRS. 300/- (Sub to availability)

Tickets Available:
Centrepoint ALSAAD
Designers Tailors
Kebab King Restaurant

Re: [Goanet] Religion and Science

2009-04-28 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "Santosh Helekar" 
--- On Sun, 4/26/09, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:

Can Santosh, support his statement (below) about my claim that "their 
 >religion is scientific."? Please just post my quote and the context the 
 >statement was made.

Here is the quote and a link to the context:

"So IMO both Religion and Science can be scientific endeavors."
Gilbert Lawrence


***Science is Science with its empirical method, Religion follows its own 
method. Philosophy of Science studies it. Theology has its methods, 
exegetical historical, hermeneutical, it is a science. It is a "scientific 
endeavor", it is being developed by history, archaeology, textual criticism, 
different types of research... (Empirical) Science goes together with 
Philosophy and Theology...


[Goanet] Goa Nite 2009 (Singapore)

2009-04-28 Thread FRIENDS OF GOA
Goa Nite  2009
Dinner 'n' Dance
at the Singapore Swimming Club,
Tanjong Rhy Road, Singapore

6th June 2009,  7[m to 1am

Adult - $60
3-12yrs - $30
below 3yrs - free

Petula Rodericks & Beven Fonseca
Live Band from Mumbai

Goan Sausages
(Chorizo) Air Lifted from Goa

Cashew Fenny Shots
Courtesy Madame Rosa (Goa)

Limited free flow of Tiger beer

Community Sunset Mass at 6pm - Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace, 4 Sandy Lane, 

Organised by Friends of Goa residing in Singapore.
Reserve your invitations by e-mailing to singapore_go...@yahoo.com.sg
Reserve seating with a purchase of 10 tickets

*Rights of Admission Reserved

If you Drink, don't Drive.



[Goanet] Goa news for April 29, 2009

2009-04-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa voters show lacklustre response - Times of India

*** Swine flu: Goa to screen foreign tourists - Hindu

*** Re-polling in one booth in North Goa begins - Times of
olling on a booth for North Goa Lok Sabha constituency began on
Monday peacefully with 23.58% voting recorded till noon. The
election authorities had declared to hold re-polling on a booth
in Sankhalim ...

*** Goa policemen broke my elbow: German rape victim - Times of
ear-old German girl who was allegedly raped by Goa education
minister Atanasio Monserrate's son last year has accused the
police of having treated her "mercilessly" and broken her elbow
while dragging her out of her home for ...

*** Govt dilutes criteria to classify panchayats as rich -
Times of India

*** Three Year Old Minor Sexually Abused by Father at Old Goa -
ear-old migrant, originally hailing ...

*** Indian Debate: Is There A Power Shift From Kolkata To Goa?
- Goal.com
eague 2008-2009, Goal.com's Subhankar Mondal wonders whether
Goa is surpassing Kolkatain terms of footballing power¦.. In the
last five years, Goan clubs have won the Indian national league
four ...

*** Dacoits strike again in S Goa - Times of India
our hours after dacoits looted an elderly couple's home in
Alto-Dabolim, Vasco, a gang of eight broke into a bungalow near
the Khareband bridge, Benaulim, and decamped with gold ornaments
worth Rs 8.5 lakh. The incident that occurred ...

*** Sesa Goa dips further - Myiris.com
ay high of Rs 121.75 and low of Rs 113.90. The total volume of
shares traded at the BSE is 934160. In the earlier session, the
shares lost 2.29%, or Rs 2.85, at Rs 121.60. Currently, the
stock is trading down 73.9% from ...

*** ***CHINA IRON ORE CONF: Sesa Goa will produce 22-25m tonnes
in ˜09 - Metalbulletin.com (subscription)
2 million tonnes of iron ore in 2009, a source at the company
told MB on the sidelines of MB's China Iron... You are currently
only viewing a sample of a 147 word article. To view the full
article you must be a ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Chicken - soup

2009-04-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Mon, 4/27/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza  wrote:
>In medical science there is not yet a cure for cancer, as you know.

This is a myth that has been propagated by lay people, journalists and 
old-fashioned out-of-touch doctors who have not bothered to keep track of how 
modern evidence-based scientific medicine has progressed over the past two or 
three decades. The following cancers are now completely curable even in 
advanced stages:

Choriocarcinoma (placenta)
Testicular cancer (testicle)
Acute lymphoid leukemia in children (blood)
Large cell lymphoma (lymphoid tissue)
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (blood)
Burkitt's lymphoma (lymphoid tissue)
Hodgkin's disease (lymphoid tissue)
Ewing's sarcoma (bone)
Rhabdomyosarcoma (muscle)
Wilm's tumor (kidney)

In addition, many other cancers, including certain types of lung and breast 
cancers, are curable if diagnosed and treated in the early stages with modern 
scientific medical treatments.




Re: [Goanet] Chicken - soup

2009-04-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 00:11:30 +0530
From: "Fr. Ivo C. de Souza" 

We are not going to 're-incarnate', Mario. This is against Science.

Mario responds:

Unfortunately for Padre Ivo and JGR, I have been re-incarnated and sent to keep 
an eye out for poppycock on Goanet:-))

However, Padre Ivo says re-incarnation is against science, but it is not 
against religion, yet Padre Ivo sees no conflict between religion and science.

Padre Ivo wrote:

In medical science there is not yet a cure for cancer, as you know.

Mario responds:

No, I don't know, because I have been declared "cured" by my physician, and 
more importantly, by my insurance company:-))

Padre Ivo wrote:

Dr.Gilbert is a good oncologist and would not give you chicken soup for curing 
your disease, but only to give you some strength.

Mario responds:

I tried his chicken-soup treatment.  Unfortunately, instead of losing weight as 
cancer patients often do, I gained weight:-))

I had to fire one of my physicians who had promised me I would lose weight 
without exercising, just by getting cancer:-))  Then he wanted me to exercise.  
I told him, what good is having cancer if I can't lose weight because of it?

Padre Ivo wrote:

No real DOCTOR can do anything for you, except pray and ask for a miracle, 

Mario responds:

This is false.  My doctors did a lot for me and left the praying to others.

Padre Ivo wrote:

Yesterday only we were speaking about one lady from Majorda, Goa, who has been 
cured of breast cancer by the intercession of the Venerable Padre Agnelo Sousa 
and is still living.

Mario asks:

Yes, your speaking about it surely sounds like sound science.  Did you also 
speak about the thousands of others who also prayed to Fr. Agnel, but were not 
cured?  That may have improved the quality of your science:-))

Padre Ivo wrote:

The Vatican does not accept cancer cures as miracles because of 'remissions'...

Mario asks:

Saiba boggus!  Now Padre Ivo is even challenging the Vatican!  I wonder if he 
told Pope Benny about the lady from Majorda.

Padre Ivo wrote:

I did not say that homeopathy can cure cancer.

Mario observes:

I understand.  You recommend it simply to help the homeopaths make money from 
gullible people:-))

Padre Ivo wrote:

If you think it is 'bogus', like Dr.Santosh, you should not accept our 
recommendation at all and stick to 'allopathic palliatives'...

Mario responds:

I KNOW it is as bogus as drinking feni as a medication, so I will stick to feni 
and REAL medicine if you don't mind:-))

Re: [Goanet] Washington papers

2009-04-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Santosh Helekar wrote:

> But it is important to allow people in a democracy and a free society to 
> express their opinions freely and fearlessly against those in power, and 
> those who are entrusted with duty and responsibility towards the public. 
> Those who live in autocratic countries like China and Saudi Arabia, or 
> still have a pre-1961 Salazar mindset do not understand this.
> Here are links to claims as to why Barack Obama is a liar:
> http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/nov/02/obama-is-a-liar/
> http://washingtontimes.com/news/2009/apr/20/obamas-gun-lies/

Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 17:40:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo 

For those of you who are not aware of it, The Washington Times is a newspaper 
for the propaganda of the extreme right wing. 

Mario responds:

This scurrilous attempt to demonize The Washington Times also shows a 
significant lack of understanding of the US by a Canadian resident, and of the 
difference between news reporting and editorial opinion.

As the only voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet, it is incumbent upon me 
to correct such poppycock.  In the US media, within each newspaper there is a 
dileanation between straight news reporting, which is supposed to factually 
report the news, and editorial opinion, which can reflect the personal opinions 
of the editorial board.  All American newspapers must report news fairly or 
lose credibility with readers.  Their editorial opinions can be whatever they 
please.  Most Americans understand this, but apparently some foreigners, like 
the poster, do not.

Thus, The Washington Times is a standard newspaper, no more biased in favor of 
political right wing propaganda than The Washington Post, The New York Times, 
The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, and numerous major newspapers 
across the US as well as weekly news magazines like Newsweek and Time Magazine 
are biased in favor of political left wing propaganda.

The pertinent question in this thread, however, is why is a poster trying to 
blatantly demonize the messenger instead of addressing the message?  Did he 
really think no one would notice?

We see that no attempt has been made to address the facts in the news
items under reference, just an unsubstantiated attack on the newspaper.

Unfortunately, the facts at issue can also be confirmed from other credible 

For example, here is one assertion from:

"Despite all the details Mrs. Stanek provided in her testimony, Mr. Obama
voted against the Induced Infant Liability Act in the Illinois legislature in 
2002 - a bill that would give legal protection and medical assistance to a baby 
born from a botched abortion. Mr. Obama stated that he feared the bill could 
undermine Roe v. Wade. When a similar bill was put to Congress, other lawmakers 
had better sense and bigger hearts: The Born Alive Infants Protection Act 
passed the Senate with a vote of 98-0. It was signed into law by President Bush 
on Aug. 5, 2002. Infants born alive are now recognized as legal persons with 
full rights."

Here is what Jill Stanek said on the issue, in her own words, in

Here is another documented assertion from:

"It is completely untrue that 90 percent of guns recovered in Mexico are
from America. The Mexican government separates guns it confiscates that were 
made in the United States and sends them here to be traced. U.S. weapons are 
easy to identify because of clear markings. 

"Of the ones sent here to be traced, 90 percent turn out to be from
America, but most guns recovered in Mexico are not sent here so are not 
included in the count. Fox News reported that 17 percent is a more accurate 

Here is what Factcheck.org had to say on the issue:

Other well known fibs by President Obama:

a) That the surge in Iraq was not working in 2008.  In fact, the surge was
working and every honest investigator confirmed this.   

b) That he would post a new bill on the internet for five days before signing 
it.  In fact, the biggest spending bill in US history was signed after no one 
in the public had read it and most Congressmen, Senators or the President had 
not read it either.  They just did not have the time, because the President and 
the Democrats who control the Legislature rushed it through.

c) That he would go through spending bills line by line to cut out wasteful
federal spending.  In fact, he did not even read the huge spending bills he has 
signed so far.

d) That he opposes earmarks in a federal budget.  In fact, the new Federal
Budget Bill contained some 8,500 earmarks.

e) That he did not genuflect before King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia as per his 
spokesman. In fact, the video clip of the incident showed Obama not only bowing 
deeply before the King, his head reaching as

[Goanet] Awards at TSKK

2009-04-28 Thread pratap naik

“TSKK chooses the right people for its awards and TSKK awards are greater
than the Sahitya Akademi awards because, they are given to deserving people
and they are given by our own household institution.” said Mr. Pandharinath
Lotlikar, the ex-director of Panaji Doordarshan. He was speaking as the
Chief Guest at Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr’s (TSKK) awards giving
function.  He further said “Devanagari and Roman scripts are twin children
of a mother. A real mother cannot kill one child for the sake of another. A
mother loves her both kids. Let both scripts flourish in Goa in unity. Let
the government extend equal facilities to Roman script which are at present
exclusively available to Nagari script”.  He praised TSKK for its service to
Konknni and said that TSKK instead of inviting politicians as Chief guests
has set a good example by inviting only veteran Konknni stalwarts to
felicitate its awardees. The function was held at TSKK premises at Alto
Porvorim, Goa on 28 April at 5.30 pm. The Chief Guest confirmed the
prestigious Antonio Pereira Konknni Puroskar (APKP) of Thomas Stephens
Konknni Kendr (TSKK) on Fr. Almir de Sousa for his contribution to religious
Konknni literature. Fr Almir has worked with passion and zeal for the last
forty years to implement the Vatican Second Council’s vision to promote
local languages in liturgy and para-liturgical domains.  Since Konknni is
the official language of the liturgy in the archdiocese of Goa, Fr. Almir
worked tirelessly to promote Konknni in Goa through his books, articles and
Konknni ministry. He is the nineteenth recipient of APKP. The award
consisted of a shawl, memento and cash Rs. 25,000/-. The previous recipients
of APKP Mr. Tomazinho Cardozo and Mr. Yusuf Sheikh and over hundred fifty
people were present for the function.

Fr. Almir has written and edited 25 Konknni books. Some of the important
books are *Utor ani Jivit* a Series containing of five books; *Magnneacho
Turo*  6 booklets, *Somiachem Jevonn, Mis* and 8 books of Konknni Catechism.

Fr. Almir held many responsible positions in the Goa Archdiocese.  He has
served as the prefect of Saligão Seminary, Pro-Notary in Archbishop’s House,
Secretary of Diocesan Catechetical Centre, Secretary of Diocesan Liturgical
Centre, and Director of Pastoral Centre. He has served as a Parish Priest at
St. Estevão and Verna. At present he is the Parish priest of Ucassaim in
Bardes taluka.  He started the Parish bulletins *St. Estevanchi Zap*
and *Vernechi
Zap* at St. Estevão and Verna respectively. At Ucassaim he improved the
parish bulletin *Zagruti*. Fr. Almir still continues to promote Konknni in
liturgical and other religious services in Goa.  In his speech Fr. Almir
stressed that all Goans must contribute their mite to uplift Konknni by
speaking, reading and writing. He expressed his desire that every household
should subscribe at least one Konknni periodical and read it.

At the same function Konknni poet Walter Menezes was given TSKK’s ‘*Konknni
Martir Floriano Vaz Puroskar (KMFVP)’* for his poetry book *Zoit* as the
best Konknni book of 2009 year written in Roman script.  Walter Menezes is a
noted Konknni writer. Besides Konknni, he writes articles in English.  The
award consisted of a shawl, memento and cash Rs. 5,000/-.  Ms Shilpa Salvi
and Ms Joanita D’Silva of TSKK recited two Konknni poems of Walter Menezes
from his book *Zoit*. While replying to the award, Walter said that he would
continue to serve Konknni in roman script and dedicate his next book to
Konknni Martir Floriano Vaz and release it on his death day, namely on 20

Fr. Ave Maria Afonso, the executive editor of Konknni monthly *Dor
Mhoineachi Rotti* for the last three years was felicitated by the chief
guest during this function.  Ms Preeta Naik Parab introduced Fr. Ave to the
audience. The guest of honour and the Provincial Superior of Goa Jesuit
Province Rev. Dr. Anthony da Silva, S.J. thanked Fr. Ave for his three years
of dedicated service to Jesuits. At this occasion Ms Concy Fernandes, a XII
standard student from Vasco was awarded Lourenço Umbelina scholarship by Mr.
Walter Fernandes.
Fr. Pratap Naik, S.J. the director of TSKK welcomed the gathering. Ms Netra
Kundaikar gave vote of thanks. Konknni writer and last year’s KMFVP
recipient Mr. Daniel D’Souza compered the function with his excellent style.

Pratap Naik, S.J.



2009-04-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Tue, 4/28/09, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:
>I had asked Santoshbab for evidence that 'Prayer does not work'. He >referred 
>me to two papers which I have not yet reviewed.

The papers to which I referred were reviews and meta-analyses of all 
intercessory prayer studies done until now. I will post a brief lay summary of 
my own analysis of all studies separately.  

> Now ... you say you have evidence (possibly from your prayer groups) >that 
> prayer works. Would you please direct me (or someone else) to the 
> >'evidence', so that it can be scientifically analysed? I belong to the >set 
> of individuals who believes that prayer helps them. However, for me >to say 
> that it is likely to help others, I will have to provide >scientific proof.

Let me point out that I have been talking only about distant intercessory 
prayer i.e. prayer conducted by other people that someone located at a distant 
place from them be healed or cured, without his/her knowledge. As far as 
personal prayer and faith are concerned, no proper scientific study has ever 
been conducted to evaluate their efficacy. But I am of the opinion that people 
who believe in them should continue to pray. Irrespective of whether personal 
prayer works or not, it is a harmless practice, as long as proper modern 
scientific treatment is also taken at the same time. Its value might be in the 
fact that at the very least it gives you personal satisfaction, and elevates 
your mood.

As far as asking Fr. Ivo to produce scientific evidence is concerned, you might 
have better luck if you prayed for a miracle. 

Fr. Ivo appears to be not the least bit familiar with peer-reviewed medical 
scientific literature, and as a professional priest and theologian, clearly and 
understandably, does not have the background and training required to evaluate 
genuine scientific evidence and cutting-edge scientific research. 

Besides, as I have said before, and as Mario has now realized, Fr. Ivo has 
redefined science for himself in his mind. He has his own imaginary definition 
of science that has nothing to do with what is taught in a modern science 




[Goanet] Death: Rose Santamaria

2009-04-28 Thread Eddie Fernandes
24 Apr: Streatham, London. MRS ROSE SANTAMARIA. (Ex Byculla, Bombay).  Wife
of the late Dr. John Santamaria. Mother of Dr Sheila Menezes, Drs.
Brenda/Oscar Viegas, Drs. Neil/Shanti Santamaria, and Ian/Ruby Santamaria.
Funeral Mass on 6 May at 10.00am at 143, Central Hill, Upper Norwood,
London, SE19 1RT.  Burial - 11.30am at Streatham Park Cemetery, Rowan Road
SW16 5JG. No flowers please only Masses to be offered for her Soul.
Condolences to Sheila.santamaria at googlemail.com or neilsantmaria at

Forwarded by Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Goans worst racists?

2009-04-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Sun Apr 26 22:20:20 PDT 2009
Ulla Quiterio wrote:

Indians (Goans) in Europe, Canada, USA, etc are called "Pakis" and other racist 

Mario responds:

The comment above is pure poppycock.  I have no idea what they call Indians or 
Goans in Europe or Canada, but in 38 years of living in the US I have never 
heard of any white American use the term "Pakis" or any other derogatory racist 
words for Indians or Goans, with the exception of Sen. George Allen's stupid 
"macaca" reference for which he was severely punished by Virginia voters in the 
subsequent election.  Most Americans respect Indians in the USA.

Ulla wrote:

We think that racist acts are committed only by white men only.

Mario responds:

Perhaps those who are ignorant may think so, but they should know that 
discrimination based purely on an accident of birth was invented by Indians, 
5,000 years ago, and some Goan Catholics still cling to the pretense that they 
belong to some mythical caste.


2009-04-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 18:53:57 +0530
From: "Fr. Ivo C. de Souza" 

Virginal conception of Jesus has a historical basis (cf.Mt 1:18-23). The 
"Holy Trinity" is based on the revelation of Jesus: God is his Father, Jesus is 
the Son, and after his death and Resurrection, Jesus sent the Spirit. 
Resurrection has a historical basis in the Gospel accounts, therefore, we do 
accept his Resurrection (on the basis of the empty tomb and his appearances to 
the disciples), his ascension to heaven (to the Father). Mary is the first 
creature to share in the Resurrection of Jesus, she was taken to heaven, to the 

Re. the existence of Heaven and Hell:
Again, it is the teaching of Jesus, the teaching of the New Testament. 
Jesus is a historical person, he is the Redeemer. You can always study more 

Historical-scientific evidence is there for "core beliefs", for the 
Resurrection of Jesus, the foundation of the Christian Faith, for miracles, for 

God is a 'structural dimension' of the human being. God has made 
us "to his own likeness and similarity" (Gen 1:27). Reason is illuminated by 
Faith: it tells us that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in the teaching of 
Jesus, therefore I do believe in the existence of God, the Father.

What about other truths? Can Science exhaust the truth, the 
whole Reality? Are all Sciences following the same method? Empirical 
sciences and the human sciences, the theological sciences?

This is the "proof positive" that you do not understand what "revealed 
Religion" is, of what is historical Revelation, of what is the witness of 
the Gospels. In short, you do not see the difference...between empirical 
sciences and other sciences, including theology.

Finally, you land up with homeopathy. But homeopathy has nothing to do 
with Religion. This is not 'faith', this is Science. But remember, Science 
requires also faith. Therefore, I am not mixing science with faith: our life 
itself is made up of faith and science. Science will not work without faith, 
nor faith without science...

Mario responds:

Thanks for confirming with this determined attack on the English language that 
your beliefs are purely based on your faith, and have nothing to do with 
science as most English speakers understand the language.

Padre Ivo apparently has his own definition of what science means.

Padre Ivo wrote:

Today we need also "fancy clothes" and "Gucci shoes"... These are the signs of 
the times!

Mario responds:

Aye, aye, aye!  Mother Theresa must be spinning in her grave:-))  I wonder who 
pays for those fancy clothes and Gucci shoes?  I must remember this the next 
time they ask for money:-))

Padre Ivo wrote:

that there is no "a-theist", that denying the existence of God does not mean 
that the 'a-theist' lives without the Absolute, the Ground of Human 

Mario responds:

Once again, there is no recognizable English in this comment.


2009-04-28 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
 Dear Fr. Ivo,

I had asked Santoshbab for evidence that 'Prayer does not work'. He
referred me to two papers which I have not yet reviewed.

When I review them, I will put them through the following series of
evaluatory questions

a: How was the study sample collected?
b: Was it random or consecutive?
c: If it was random, how was the sample randomised?
d: Was the study double-blind prospective or was it a retrospective analysis?
e: What statistical tests were used in the analysis of the data?
(remember ...some tests are weaker than others)
f: What was the 'p' value? i.e. What was the probability that the
result was obtained only by chance?

Now ... you say you have evidence (possibly from your prayer groups)
that prayer works. Would you please direct me (or someone else) to the
'evidence', so that it can be scientifically analysed?

I belong to the set of individuals who believes that prayer helps
them. However, for me to say that it is likely to help others, I will
have to provide scientific proof.

If I may say it Fr. Ivo, your posts epitomise why there is such a
dichotomy between the Church and the Scientific community. And yet,
many among the Scientists are Catholic.

It is my personal belief that certain priests will drive away
scientists (except the Yes-guys) away from the Church.

Look at your position on Homeopathy: I must say that it is astonishing.

Why would a learned person NOT wish to allow a scientific study of a
discipline which might of  benefit (or be a detriment) to other

I could advise you that a couple of law suits will probably do the
trick. It certainly did that to Allopathy.



( ps: this subject appears to be going nowhere. You, Fr Ivo, are
taking an impossible stand. It looks unlikely that you are interested
in dialogue. And that is unfortunate for me, a practising Catholic, to
see that a Catholic priest is so intransigent. I have grown up in the
Jesuit system which has taught me to reason and question matters which
affect others. Your posts indicate a diametrically opposite

One day next month, I will write about my encounters with Raul
Gonsalves (the Bishop ...not the fake one generated by Rajan Narayan)
on the matter of Family Planning.


Fr. Ivo C. de Souza  wrote:

[1] Regarding the power of the intercessory prayer, Dr.Santosh
"recognizes" that "evidence indicates that intercessory prayer does
not work".

[2] Is this "belief" or "scientific proof"?

[3] We have evidence that it works...

[4] Medical experiments do reveal it, from our prayer groups there is
more than enough evidence...

[Goanet] Konkani name for Kulatha

2009-04-28 Thread Sebastian Borges

Dear friends,
In Goa kulatha is called 'kullid' (kuLid) and the decoction 'kulldam kald' 
(kuLdAM kAld); 'kald' is from the Portuguese word for soup.  It is a sure fire 
medicine for stubborn colds, and was my mother's favourite in this regard.  It 
is also used as a general tonic for healthy people.  It is still being used as 
such in my house.  I do not know the meaning of 'kaat' in Mangalore Konkani.  
Or is it a corruption of the Goan 'kald'?  The meaning I know in Goan Konkani 
(catechu juice) does not fit here..
I always wondered why it is called 'horse gram' in English.  Now Maurice D. has 
cleared that.  Thanks Maurice..
I had a hearty laugh on reading the word 'Godialle chonne' because this is a 
literal translation of 'horse gram'; but when I read that the source is TSKK, I 
calmed down because this research centre specialises in coining words by 
translation from English, even for commonplace things.  One example is 'ainnya 
madd' (AiNya mAD) for palmyra (Borassus flabellifer) which is commonplace in my 
region and goes by the Konkani name 'tattmadd' (tATmAD).  In Gujarat, where 
this tree yields toddy and neera, it is called 'tadd'  (tAD) and the kernel of 
its nuts is sold as 'taddgola' (tADgolA) in Mumbai.  The Konkani names of most 
commonplace things always bear some resemblance to their counterparts in 
neighbouring languages.  Therefore, I think we should look around before 
rushing to translate English words. 
Mog asum.
Sebastian Borges  

On 26 Apr 2009 (message #6, GD 429), Maurice D  wrote:
This Indian Pulse is called Horse Gram in English and even now called
Kulthi in Hindi and is still known as 'kuLith' in Konkani.  It is
boiled and fed to animals used for ploughing the rice fields, like
Buffaloes, oxen or even milking cows.(in the Kanara region buffaloes
were/are preferred over oxen pair to plough). I believe even now
horses are fed this pulse after boiling it thoroughly. British must
have observed this and called this pulse 'Horse Gram'   In
Mangalore/Kerala, Buffaloe race called 'kambaLa' is famous even now.
This is grown after the first rice crop an secondary crop like 'Udid
dhal' and it's roots produce nourishing mineareals in the soil of the

After boiling this pulse, the drained water was used to prepare a soup
dish (like 'rasam') by farming community who had buffeloes for
ploughing purpose.  This soup or broth is  called 'kuLta kaat'

Maurice D.

On 25 Apr 2009 (Message: #3  GD 427),  
 Venantius Pinto  wrote:
Dear Maria Josefa,
It would be Godialle chonne in Konknni. Godia=horse. I found this from Ms
Shilpa Salvi of TSKK--who btw, is a lovely woman. Hope these eamils were of
help. Bye now.

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[Goanet] What is our Basic knowledge of Democracy? Please comment at http://goapanchayat.blogspot.com/

2009-04-28 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Govt dilutes criteria to classify panchayats as rich

Success of democratic values depend on making this Panchayat bodies self 
dependent. All the Panchayats with in mining area are rich Panchayats in Goa. 

Government grants to Panchayats is also dependent on percentage recovery of 
house tax. Higher the percentage higher the revenue. 

There are many other think which unless Panch of a village knows will help our 
democracy. In other wards, what should a Panch of a Village in Goa must know?

Can we make a questionnaire for our  Panch members from Goa, regarding 

1.  What he must know in respect of 
a. His own Panchayat
b. Goa
c. India

2. What He must know of
a. Indian Penal code
b. Other acts relevant to citizens.

There are many other  issue which you feel that a Panch should know .. please 
add in comments… 

Lets work together for our Democracy. 

Please comment at

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter 

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (28Apr09)

2009-04-28 Thread alexyz fernandes

"Aunty...Ever since Uncle stood for ELECTIONS...HE reminds me of English 

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Eating out... in Goa?

2009-04-28 Thread augusto pinto
Try the gadda at Ribandar just after Patto that serves beef and pork
steaks; and in the annexe to the chapel close bye  for some of the
same sort of stuff. Incidentally I think the chapel annexe is a good
use of scarce space. ;-)



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350


2009-04-28 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "J. Colaco < jc>" 

Santosh Helekar  wrote:

[1] I believe in the goodness of all normal human beings, irrespective
of creed.

[2] I believe that that remark was just a thoughtless gaffe, the kind
of which none of us are immune from.

[3] But I think it is important that we not take our beliefs too
seriously - that we not be excessively self-righteous or overzealous.

[4] It might also be worthwhile to recognize that evidence indicates
that intercessory prayer does not work.
***Dr.Santosh "believes" in the goodness of all normal humanbeings, 
irrespective of creed, but at the same time he "thinks" that it is important 
that we not take our beliefs too seriously... This is really "serious" 
Regarding the power of the intercessory prayer, Dr.Santosh "recognizes" that 
"evidence indicates that intercessory prayer does not work". Is this 
"belief" or "scientific proof"? We have evidence that it works... Medical 
experiments do reveal it, from our prayer groups there is more than enough 
evidence... Worldvision is important while evaluating the evidence.


> Dear all,

It is interesting to note #s 1 & 2 supra where Santoshbab says he 

He gave me additional reason to believe in my beliefs until he places
#3 wherein he then goes on to say that we (should) we not take our
beliefs too seriously. Hummh!

Seriously though, I'd like to study the evidence Santoshbab refers to in 



Re: [Goanet] lyrics of Lorna's songs

2009-04-28 Thread Edward Verdes

First of all the song is not sung by Lorna but Rita Rose.

Lyrics of this song along with many other songs are available
on http://edskantaram.blogspot.com/ . Check songs of Rita Rose No. 10

You can hear this song at this site: 

Song no 138. Tuzo samball Kortelim.

Dev borem korum

If you could send me the lyrics of the no KUDDO PASUN TO ZALO

This song I had heard during college time. I asked some of my friends
but they don't have.

This song is about the boy going to save the girl and in that incident
becomes blind and she

tells him even if you have become blind I will get married to you.

If you could email me this lyrics I will be grateful to you.

Have a nice day.

Thanks & Regards


[Goanet] Goa worst Racist?

2009-04-28 Thread anesimo56

Dear Goanet readers

I wish to ask our Swidish daughter-in-Law the following questions.

Which part of Western World and for that matter Indian State, have more 
than 40% Immigrants?

Besides India, Where do the Immigrants Occupy Public land 
illigally,Spit,urinate and defecate in Public places?

Which part of Western World Uses illigal migrants as vote banks?

Where in the world the immigrants get Ration Cards,housing,Water and 
elctricity on priority?

If Goans were racist and intolerant, we would have civil war in Goa. 
One of the reasons these hordes of "Ghatis" descend down on Goa is 
because of the Tolerant and hospitable nature of Goans which is a rare 
commodity both in India and the rest of the world.

Using the word racism is become a fashion in the Politically Correct 
Western World. As far as Goans are concerned, the issue about "ghatis," 
it is about Ethnic Cleansing and not Racism.


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2009-04-28 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "Mistri Ganguli" 
<<***Religion is a part and parcel of human history. We believe in God. Jesus 
has given us also the knowledge of God, his Father...


Re: [Goanet] Chicken - soup

2009-04-28 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "Mario Goveia" 
I strongly suspect Gilbert is a major stockholder in Cambell's Soup, which 
he hasn't denied.

BTW, I have had chicken soup at least a couple of times a week for 
decades, but I still got cancer.  When I was diagnosed, I drank only 
chicken soup for three days on the recommendation of someone from 
Gilbert's school of medicine, but the cancer would not go away, so I had 
to give up and go see a REAL doctor:-))

Next time I'll try homeopathy first, per the recommendation of that other 
Goanet physician named Padre Ivo:-))
***We are not going to 're-incarnate', Mario. This is against Science. In 
medical science there is not yet a cure for cancer, as you know. Therefore, 
you can always try conventional medicine and homeopathy, without forgetting 
chicken soup as an adjunct therapy... Dr.Gilbert is a good oncologist and 
would not give you chicken soup for curing your disease, but only to give 
you some strength. No real DOCTOR can do anything for you, except pray and 
ask for a miracle, which is possible, but nobody can demand it. Yesterday 
only we were speaking about one lady from Majorda, Goa, who has been cured 
of breast cancer by the intercession of the Venerable Padre Agnelo Sousa and 
is still living. The Vatican does not accept cancer cures as miracles 
because of 'remissions'...
I did not say that homeopathy can cure cancer. I do not have any experience 
in this disease. If Dr.S.Chander Madan, from Delhi, has seen anything 
wonderful in this line of treatment, I would be eager to know... Certainly, 
homeopathy is not 'bogus' for him. If you think it is 'bogus', like 
Dr.Santosh, you should not accept our recommendation at all and stick to 
'allopathic palliatives'...


Re: [Goanet] Religion and Science

2009-04-28 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "Mario Goveia" 
<< From: "Fr. Ivo C. de Souza" 

I cannot study Theology without studying Science at all.

Padre Ivo,

With all due respect, if you are continuing to insist that the existence 
of God

can be proven by science, after once agreeing that science cannot prove or
disprove the existence of God, then, as Goanet's lone voice of reason, 

and peace, I am forced to conclude that you may have studied Theology and
Science, but understood little of both.
***Sorry, Mario, you have misunderstood me totally. You are completely 
wrong. This is neither "voice of reason", nor of "truth", nor of "peace"...
I never said that "the existence of God can be proven by science" 
(empirically). I have repeated this basic tenet from the outset. God is not 
a natural pheonomenon. God is beyond all natural phenomena. God is a 
transcendent and immanent being, the ground of all reality, the beginning 
and the end.
It does not mean that there is no relationship between Science and Theology. 
There is no conflict between them: because one truth cannot contradict 
another. There is harmony of life.


Re: [Goanet] Our Lady Of Fatima celebration May 3 and 4 - and Qubec Goan Associations - Mass

2009-04-28 Thread renebarreto


From: Michael Ali 

Our Lady Of Fatima celebration May 3 and 4

On May 3 & 4, the Our Lady of Fatima is coming to Assumption  Church , 
Peekskill and as  part 
of our Celebration, the Goan Association is sponsoring a  Konkani mass Sunday, 
May 3 at 3 pm.  
Our Lady of  Fatimais very  special to us all, and I would like to call upon 
everyone to come  
together for this special mass and pray as a community to our blessed  Mother. 
The program is as follows: 
1. If you wish to make flower offerings  please bring them to the church after 
the Saturday, 
7pm Spanish mass or  Sunday before our Lady arrives at 7am. 
2. Sunday, May 3:7am: Our Lady of Fatima will arrive at the 
Church. Please  
come as we welcome her. 
3pm: Konkani Mass. 
4.30pm: Talk on our Lady of Fatima by guest  speaker. 
3. Monday, May 4:   5.00pm: Rosary. Our Lady leaves after the  
4. If any family wishes to sponsor this  mass, please email me. 
5. Candles can be placed for a nominal  donation ($1) to the church. 
6. Hymns practice conducted by Vincy Dias  will be held Saturday, May 2. For 
on location and time contact  Perpet Ribeiro (737-5420) who will coordinate. 
Even though all this happened at short  notice, we take this opportunity to 
welcome our Mother 
into our hearts and  spend as much time as we can with her. Please spread this 
good news to  
everyone. I will be sending out another email by Wednesday giving more  details 
of the program. 
On behalf of the Committee members, I thank  you all for your support. 
Louis D’Souza 
President, Goan Association of Hudson Valley  

A Memorial Mass will be offered for the late Olinda Furtardo. 
Sunday May 3rd 2009, at 1.30pm 
Holy Name of Jesus Church
899 Chomedy Blvd. 
Chomedy Laval 

Olinda Furtardo peacefully passed away in Goa, India.

She is the mother of Antonio [Blanche] Dacosta and 
the grand-mother of Aaron and Amber. 

May her soul rest in peace.

Best Regards,
Felix D'Sa


[Goanet] Goans worst racists?

2009-04-28 Thread Fausto Da Costa
Your views make a lot of sense Florianobab. But it's not only our 
politicians who are to be blamed but we the citizens are largely to be 
blamed for this state of affairs in Goa. In fact the migrants in Goa speak 
Konkani while Goans don't. And sometimes it is difficult to distinguish a 
goan from a non-goan.
Hence Goenkaramno, Konknni uloi, Konknni vach, Konknni boroi, ani 
Konknnintleanuch Goenkarponn fuloi! Na zalear amchea Goeant ami kholas ani 
bhaile zindabad.


Florian wrote:
Some people say 'So what'? Mumbai is full of  outsiders. But one must
realise that Mumbai is not Maharashtra. One must go outside Mumbai to see
that Maharashtra is Maharashtra.  It is not the same with  Goa. Goa is
practically a 'one city' state. You allow Goa to be loaded without strict
'policies'  to safe-guard Goan Identity, then Goa and Goans are surely lost

Bernado is very right. Ulla does not know what she is talking about. Or 

is mixing issues. One must know what is racism in the first place.

Will Sweden allow immigrants to do what they want and how they want?. Does
the Swedish government survive on the immigrant's vote?
These things have been happening in Goa to the detriment of Goa and Goans.
Our Goan political class has become prostitutes, cultivating these migrant
votebanks for their survival and in the bargain Goa is put on the death 

Goans need the migrants labour, and there is no doubt about that for Goa
does not have the labour class any more. But that does not mean that
migrants should be welcomed to integrate in the Goan society and 

allowed to vote and choose the government in Goa for the Goans.

Let Ulla go to any of the major towns and cities or the market places in 

and try ask for directions in Konkani.

Some people say 'So what'? Mumbai is full of  outsiders. But one must
realise that Mumbai is not Maharashtra. One must go outside Mumbai to see
that Maharashtra is Maharashtra.  It is not the same with  Goa. Goa is
practically a 'one city' state. You allow Goa to be loaded without strict
'policies'  to safe-guard Goan Identity, then Goa and Goans are surely 


What concerned Goans are protesting is that migrants should not get voting
rights in GOA as easily as it is available today. Let them come to Goa  to
find work ( Goa is become the Dubai for the migrants) but not be allowed 

become Goans overnight.



2009-04-28 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Every little bit of constructive criticism strengthens our faltering
democracy but it is unfortunate that some politicians take things too
personally and try to crush any criticism, if not eliminate the source of it
and even sometimes uses the police as a tool to meet this end.

Over the years I have had the privilege of being associated with various
student and other agitations during the then Chief Minister Mrs. Shashikala
Kakodkar's regime and later during the tenure of Mr. Pratapsingh Rane and
other Chief Ministers.

In 1986 during the Konkani language movement, the then Chief Minister
Pratapsingh Rane ordered my detention under the National Security Act (NSA)
on that Christmas Eve only to be released by the Bombay High Court on New
Year’s Eve.

In sharp contrast Mrs Shashikala Kakodkar was definitely never
vindictive.  Though
I was a very close family friend of the Kakodkar family, Shashikala
respected my right to oppose some of her government’s policies and
decisions. And for this I respected and still hold her in high esteem. She
was more than a "Tai" to me. She was always and perhaps still is very
concerned about my well being.

Aires Rodrigues

[Goanet] Daily Grook #389

2009-04-28 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

pigs can't really fly
sow, how'd they get to
the big sty in the sky,
i guess the swine flu!

puns & word-play of all kinds,
hey...read between the lines!

Share photos with friends on Windows Live Messenger

[Goanet] A Living Will - Especially For Goenkars

2009-04-28 Thread Roland Francis
Under no circumstances should my fate be put in the hands of pinhead
politicians who couldn't pass ninth grade biology if their lives
depended on it, or lawyers and doctors interested in simply running up
their bills.

I,__, being of sound mind and body, wish to place the
following conditions if I have to be kept alive by artificial means:

If a reasonable amount of time passes and I fail to ask for at least
three of the following:

Glass of Feni
Malcurado mangoes
Sorpotel and Xacuti
Freshly fried bangde;

Goan style milk toffee
Kraft cheese on crackers
Bebinca and Doce Baji
Fat grain rice and prawn curry;

Pattoyo in leaves
Tea with condensed milk
Apa de camarao;

 Pork vindaloo and ambott tik
 Chickoos from the front yard
 Soor and tender coconuts
 Dodol with extra jaggery;

 Old monk with Kickapoo
 Ponos or borkoi
 Not forgetting kalvam and tisreo;

The it should be presumed that I won't ever get better. When such a
determination is reached, I hereby instruct my lawfully appointed
attorney and attending physicians to pull the plug, reel in the tubes,
let the 'fat lady sing,' and call it a day. After Beyonce and Frieda
Pinto sing me a Lull-a-bye of course.

Have a char-bottam (four finger) peg  IT'S 7 O'CLOCK SOMEWHERE!

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371


2009-04-28 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "Santosh Helekar" 

[Goanet] Goa news for April 28, 2009

2009-04-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa voters show lacklustre response - Times of India

*** Re-polling in one booth in North Goa begins - Times of
olling on a booth for North Goa Lok Sabha constituency began on
Monday peacefully with 23.58% voting recorded till noon. The
election authorities had declared to hold re-polling on a booth
in Sankhalim ...

*** Charge sheet to be filed against Goa Minister - Hindu

*** Cover Sonsoddo site with tarpaulin, HC directs MMC - Times
of India

*** Goa fire department to recruit women - Indopia

*** File SEZ pleas by May 7, HC directs petitioners - Times of
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: The high court of Bombay at Goa on
Monday directed all advocates appearing in petitions relating to
special economic zones (SEZs) in the state to finish filing and
exchanging their pleadings by [May 7, 2009]  . A division bench
of Justice BP ...

*** Rickshaw Run\' team in Goa after covering over 4000 km -
Times of India
mes of India, IndiaOrganisers told TOI that the next edition of
the Rickshaw Run' will be flagged off by the Goa government on
September 13 from Colva to reachKathmandu. "Meanwhile, all the
vehicles will be sent to Vasco for repairs before a fresh team
starts arriving," ...

*** Tiger worship in Goa - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaTigers were once an integral part of Goa's
rich forests and roamed freely in the wild. However, over the
last few decades, due to degradation of their natural habitat
and poaching there is a sharp decline in the tiger population in
the state. ...

*** Re-poll in Sanquelim witnesses 53.33% turnout - Times of
oll in polling station 18 in Bayem-Surla village of Sanquelim
assembly constituency (North Goa) on Monday, registered 53.33%
turnout. The repoll exercise was peaceful, sources in the office
of the chief electoral officer said. ...

*** Dacoits strike again in S Goa - Times of India
our hours after dacoits looted an elderly couple's home in
Alto-Dabolim, Vasco, a gang of eight broke into a bungalow near
the Khareband bridge, Benaulim, and decamped with gold ornaments
worth Rs 8.5 lakh. The incident that occurred ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] (British) Overseas support for the Save Goa Campaign (Posted with permission from Susan Casey)

2009-04-28 Thread Arwin Mesquita
 (British) Overseas support for the Save Goa Campaign
CommentTimeMay 27th 2008

Good afternoon to all at the Save Goa campaign,

I wanted to write a mail to you to express my support for your campaign. It
may sound a little crazy but I am also a resident of England and I have been
in the very fortunate position of visiting India and Goa for over 11 years
now and I not only feel outraged by the current situation in Goa posed by
the infiltration of so many tourists and foreign settlers but really
severely sickened. I know that not all foreigners arrive with a negative
view and influence and some really do feel the same as we all do here in
this forum but I cannot express my sorrow and apologies enough to the Goan
residents for the severity of the situation both ecologically and culturally
due to the demands of the ever growing tourist sector. I adore Goa and its
people as I do India as a whole but my recent visits to Goa have left me
with a very bad taste, and this I may conclude is not due to the influence
of Goans but from the negative influence of my fellow man visiting from
various parts of Europe and the westernised world. And yet with every visit
I make to Goa the evidence is laid bare with more and more land being
converted to apartment blocks and hotel / housing projects at an alarming
rate that the scene is only set to worsen. The situation has upset me so
much that I decided to devote my major university project to the
documentation of the negative effects felt through over and irresponsible
tourism practices within Goa, both on an ecological and cultural basis. My
project looked not only at the coastal belt but at the blatant destruction
and demise of important ecological niches and cultural inheritance across
all areas including the Goan interior and as far as the majestic Sahyadris.

Unfortunately the supermarket culture of the UK and other westernised
countries is encroaching into your homestead and I urge you take action
before it is too late. The very reason that people began to flock to Goa was
due its incredible display of natural beauty in all its varied and diverse
forms along with the wonderful susegad lifestyle. In this whimsical world we
live, once the natural beauty has expired due to degradation caused by the
ever increasing demands of the tourism industry the tourists themselves
would never return. This may sound over the top and melodramatic but
unfortunately, and I am ashamed to say that this is the mantra of a huge
percentage of our society as ours is increasingly delving into the deepest
depths of a throw away society / lifestyle. I know that with a healthy
tourism sector money comes too, but as time passes more and more
international chains and foreign investments are taking over the market in
Goa and as they do the demise of local industries goes hand in hand. Who is
actually benefiting from this infiltration?

I hope to return to Goa for many years to come as my experiences, mainly
away from the coastal belt still leave me intoxicated by the beauty and
warmth displayed by the nature and incredible people of Goa. Please do not
let my countrymen spoil the beauty you behold, it is far too vitally
important on so many levels to let that happen. Allow the beauty which Goa
beholds to shine out for many years to come; please do not allow it to
become another statistic as a ruined and rotten place which was once so much
more. On a biodiversity point your species richness within the state of Goa
is really quite phenomenal but already it is massive decline again partly
due to the influence of over and irresponsible tourism with its destruction
and fragmentation of important habitat sites, excess garbage contaminating
ground water and killing marine and terrestrial species and wasteful energy
consumption. Goa has well and truly exceeded its carrying capacity and
without careful reconsideration of how to build its future the future could
look very bleak indeed. It is up to us all to provide safe and protected
areas for all species to thrive, the beaches, forests and hills which are
now effected were for thousands of years home to other species other than
man himself, we should all respect this fact and help in this plight to
provide protection at every level.

I thank you for your patience and I wish you every success with this

Kind Regards
Susan Casey.Yorkshire,England.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" :

3. "Rape of Chicalim : "http://rapeofchicalim.wordpress.com/

4. "Boycott Cidade de Goa" : http://boycotthotelcidadedegoa.blogspot.com/

5.  MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :


2009-04-28 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "Mario Goveia" 

As a practicing Catholic and a believer in objective science, it
continues to boggle the mind when otherwise serious individuals confuse
science and faith, which is the basis of religion.

From: "Fr. Ivo C. de Souza" 
But what is faith for you? "Beliefs" without any historical-scientific 

<<< Yes.  For example, what historic or scientific basis can you cite for 
the Virgin Birth, The Holy Trinity, the Resurrection of Christ, His 
Ascension into Heaven, and the Assumption of Mary into Heaven?
***Virginal conception of Jesus has a historical basis (cf.Mt 1:18-23). The 
"Holy Trinity" is based on the revelation of Jesus: God is his Father, Jesus 
is the Son, and after his death and Resurrection, Jesus sent the Spirit. 
Resurrection has a historical basis in the Gospel accounts, therefore, we do 
accept his Resurrection ( on the basis of the empty tomb and his appearances 
to the disciples), his ascension to heaven (to the Father). Mary is the 
first creature to share in the Resurrection of Jesus, she was taken to 
heaven, to the Father.

What scientific basis can you cite for the existence of Heaven, or Hell?
**Again, it is the teaching of Jesus, the teaching of the New Testament. 
Jesus is a historical person, he is the Redeemer. You can always study more 

<<< Once I have accepted certain core beliefs based on certain 
circumstantial evidence, the rest is based on faith, without any objective 
scientific proof in either history or science.
***Historical-scientific evidence is there for "core beliefs", for the 
Resurrection of Jesus, the foundation of the Christian Faith, for miracles, 
for 'dogmas' (official expression of the Christian Faith" .

To begin with, I try to focus on the essentials of Christ's teaching, 
which can all be summarized in a couple of pages.  These are the Ten 
Commandments, especially the last seven, The Golden Rule, and the Sermon 
on the Mount.
***You accept the teaching of Jesus, you accept him, as proposed by the 
Gospels. You have 'faith' in the historical person of Jesus.
> The rest means little to me.  Most of it is designed to provide full 
> employment and a good living for Padres and Madres.  Except that I have 
> far more respect for those Padres and Madres who toil tirelessly and 
> endlessly and thanklessly in missions where they physically help those 
> unable to help themselves.  Those are the ones I try to help, not those 
> who wear fancy clothes and Gucci shoes:-))
***We need everything and everyone for our historical faith... Each one 
works according to his/her vocation. The engineer does his work, the mason 
does his... Both are needed for the building. The missionaries do their 
work, the bishops do theirs. It is 'missionary' work only for every 
Christian. All are needed for the building up of the Kingdom of God! What do 
you mean by "the rest means little to me"? Today we need also "fancy 
clothes" and "Gucci shoes"... These are the signs of the times!

Why do you believe in God?
To tell you the truth, it is based on my gut-feeling that something 
supernatural had to get the evolution of the universe started, that I 
can't reconcile the engineering complexities of living things and of 
thoughts and feelings and memories with simple evolution, and, finally, 
the fact that many eminent scientists have been unable disprove the 
existence of God.
**You are right. Our Reason tells us. I also think that Science alone cannot 
explain the complexities of the Universe, the very beginning of the 
Universe. God is a 'structural dimension' of the human being. God has made 
us "to his own likeness and similarity" (Gen 1:27). Reason is illuminated by 
Faith: it tells us that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in the teaching 
of Jesus, therefore I do believe in the existence of God, the Father.

> Is Science the only source of knowledge?
Yes, if you want to know something for sure or within a certain rational 
probability.  Otherwise it's all speculation and conjecture.
***Not at all. What about other truths? Can Science exhaust the truth, the 
whole Reality? Are all Sciences following the same method? Empirical 
sciences and the human sciences, the theological sciences?
Christian faith is historical faith, not mythical, therefore it has 
historical-scientific basis. Not scientific, in the sense that it can be 
empirically proved, like physical phenomena, but in its historical 
background (as much as scientific test can do for the 
spiritual-supernatural phenomena with their sensible wrappings), its

consequences, individual and societal...

> Religion tells us about God. Reason speaks to us.

This is proof positive that you have no idea of what most people refer to 
as  objective science.
***This is the "proof positive" that you do not understand what "revealed 
Religion" is, of what is historical Revelation, of what is the witness of 
the Gospels. In short, you do not see the difference...between empirical 
sciences and ot

[Goanet] lyrics of Lorna's songs

2009-04-28 Thread Lino


If you could send me the lyrics of the no KUDDO PASUN TO ZALO


This song I had heard during college time. I asked some of my friends
but they don't have.

This song is about the boy going to save the girl and in that incident
becomes blind and she

tells him even if you have become blind I will get married to you.


If you could email me this lyrics I will be grateful to you.


Have a nice day.


Thanks & Regards
