[Goanet] article

2009-05-05 Thread Joel Moraes

Goemchea Saiba,Rakh Goem Xarak.
The one time very beautiful state of Goa got ruined at a very rapid pace after 
liberation.Our Green fields have turned into concrete jungles,hills are razed 
into flat surfaces,virgin beaches were miserably raped and we so called niz 
goemkars turned to be mere spectators.Our beautiful green hills which were once 
known for chunnam,charam,kan'dam turned out to be white,a fine example is on NH 
17 between Dandevaddo and Sarzora where one can witness the turning of green 
hills into white on the right while proceeding towards Margao.This is how Goa 
has been miserably raped with the help of elected representatives during broad 
daylight and we the sons of the soils in spite of being fine and fit turn out 
to be handicapped.Let us continue with our same behavior and soon we will turn 
out to be strangers in our own houses.
In Goa the book of law is only for the poor and the non-influential.Goan kharvi 
community which forms a great part of our culture is in difficulty at this 
hour,their aged old structures are on the verge on demolition in the name of 
CRZ, is  CRZ is not applicable for the star hotels?The entrance of one of Goa's 
beaches has been blocked by one of the star hotels and nobody dared to 
challenge them,is this not buying of the law?Is this what is called as 
freedom?These elected representatives are not to save Goa but to ruin and loot 
and that's what they have done.They had almost sold Goa in the name of regional 
plan 2011 and they will sell again in the name of RP 2021.
The famous River Princess is there as it was.Does our country don't have 
any professionals to remove the same vessel?The entire North Goa coastal belt 
has been polluted by the same but nothing happened.In places like USA, if one 
has been caught for polluting the sea with a drop of oil than the same is in 
trouble but in Goa tonnes of oil was discharged in Goa with regard to River 
Princess,nothing happened,because it's Goa,one can buy the law with money and 
that's what we witness.In Goa things have really changed after liberation but 
not from good to better but from bad to worst.
Niz Goemkar's all around the world are known as crabs in a bucket,we ourselves 
will not try get out of the same and will not all others also.We are been very 
good to the world but we are not so to our fellow goemkars  and this is one of 
the major reasons we are on the verge of total loss.We are very well known for 
fights among ourselves in the name Churches,chapels,temples,caste etc but in 
reality unity among ourselves forgetting all the differences is the need of the 
hour.Let us forget what has happened between us in the past and all of us turn 
out to be of one mind with a common intention of saving what is remaining in 
Goa for our next generation.
In spite of witnessing so many ugly incidents in Goa,I still say,Viva Goa! Viva 
Goemkar! Goemchea Saiba,rakh amkam,Samball amkam!
Joel Morais

Re: [Goanet] Pub- Fare, Goa.

2009-05-05 Thread eric pinto

--- On Tue, 4/28/09, augusto pinto  wrote:

Try the gadda at Ribandar just after Patto that serves beef and pork
steaks;  --   Thank 
you, Augusto, and the magic word is CHOPS !  I can now drop those Heathrow 
interludes, where for a hundred years I have responded to the form query 
"Reason for visit ?" with the words "roasts, chops and ale," always invoking 
smiles from natives not accustomed to praise directed at British cuisine.


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350


Re: [Goanet] Career in Ayurveda!

2009-05-05 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

Since you've asked, here some "clips":
Note: As you probably know, Monash University is one of the leading 
universities in Australia which imparts study of medicine... 

Acupuncture in Australian general practice: practitioner characteristics

There is interest among general practitioners (GPs) in therapies that are not 
part of traditional medical practice: alternative or complementary therapies.A 
recent MJA editorial stated that: "If 50% of Australians are using alternative 
treatments each year, it is essential that doctors recognise this fact and be 
prepared to discuss such use with their patients in a non-judgemental manner", 
while American physicians are exhorted "to begin now to integrate some aspects 
of alternative medicine into family practice".

General practitioners are heeding this exhortation; alternative treatments are 
used by 16% of GPs in Britain and Canada, and by 30% in New Zealand. In 
Germany, which has a tradition of incorporating alternative therapies into 
orthodox medicine, 95% of GPs use them. Even doctors who do not use such 
therapies refer patients to medical and non-medical practitioners, at rates 
ranging from 41% of doctors in Israel to 80% in New Zealand.  Non-medical 
practitioners report that about 10% of their patients are referred from doctors.

Acupuncture is frequently reported in studies of GPs' use of alternative 
therapies overseas. Meta-analyses on acupuncture, homoeopathy and spinal 
manipulation do not provide evidence for their efficacy, apart from acupuncture 
for adult postoperative and chemotherapy nausea and postoperative dental pain, 
and spinal manipulation for lower-back pain. Other explanations for adoption of 
these therapies by doctors must therefore be sought. The fact that medicine is 
a profession in which clinical judgement is considered paramount is important. 
Interviews with doctors using alternative therapies in Queensland found they 
justified such use on the basis of clinical experience.

We studied use of acupuncture to examine doctors' use of alternative therapies. 
The primary reason for selecting acupuncture was that information on use was 
available from Medicare data; a specific item in the Medicare Benefits Schedule 
(now, item 173; before 1991, item 980) has been used at any attendance where 
acupuncture was performed by a medical practitioner since 1984. Other 
alternative therapies do not attract a rebate or are not clearly specified. 
Acupuncture is of interest in that its cost to Medicare is calculable.   

Endorsing Registration For Acupuncture

Since 1 January 2005, all medical practitioners who practise acupuncture must 
be registered with the Chinese Medicine Registration Board or have their 
registration endorsed by the Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria. Doctors 
practising other forms of Chinese Medicine are required to be registered by the 
Chinese Medicine Registration Board. 

The Chinese Medicine Registration Act 2000 came into operation on 1 January 
2002 establishing the Chinese Medicine Registration Board. The primary role of 
the Chinese Medicine Registration Board is to protect the public by registering 
practitioners of Chinese medicine to ensure only suitably qualified people who 
meet approved competency standards are registered as Chinese medicine 
practitioners in Victoria. Health practitioners who are already registered with 
another health board that has endorsed their registration to practise Chinese 
medicine are exempt from registering with the Chinese Medicine Registration 

Graduate Certificate in Medical Acupuncture for 2009 
Course overview

This course is designed for registered general practitioners who wish to gain 
an understanding of the history and philosophy of acupuncture, and to see 
clearly its interlocking role in modern medical care. They will acquire the 
skills to address the facets of illness which are important in an acupuncture 
diagnosis and be able to begin practising medical acupuncture with confidence 
on their own patients in appropriate clinical conditions. Non-pharmacological 
pain management strategies are also covered. The program is supported by the 
Australian Medical Acupuncture College.

The four core units cover history and philosophy, channels and points in 
acupuncture, physiology and assessment of pain, acupuncture techniques and 
therapeutics and clinical practice.

Hope this helps ...


- Original Message 
From: Santosh Helekar 
To: estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list 
Sent: Wednesday, 6 May, 2009 12:11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Career in Ayurveda!

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, Gabriel de Figueiredo  wrote:
> You mean like registered GPs practicing acupuncture and
> Chinese herbals? If I am not mistaken, we have some of those
> here in Melbourne ..


2009-05-05 Thread eric pinto


--- On Mon, 5/4/09, B P G PAI  wrote:

From: B P G PAI bpgpai@


 very interesting. a peek at history
The city of Bombay originally consisted of seven islands, namely 
Colaba, Mazagaon, Old Woman's Island, Wadala, Mahim, Parel, and 
Matunga-Sion. This group  of islands, formed part of the kingdom of King Ashoka 
(170 B.C.), which have since been  joined together by a series of reclamations. 
After his death, these islands passed in to the hands of various Hindu 
rulers until 1343. In that year, the 'Muslim Rulers' of Gujarat took 
possession of the islands, and ruled that province  for the next two centuries. 
The only vestige of their dominion over these islands that remains today is the 
 mosque at Mahim. Who tore everything down? The Portuguese/British perhaps? 
Post partition anti-muslim mobs perhaps? 
In 1534 the Portuguese, who already possessed many important trading centers  
on the western coast, such as Panjim (Goa), Daman, and Diu, took Bombay by  
force of arms from the 'Mohammedans' . This led to the establishment of  
numerous churches which were constructed in areas where the majority  of people 
were  Roman Catholics. There used to be two areas in Bombay called 
'Portuguese Church'. However, only one church with Portuguese-style facade 
still   remains; it is the St. Andrew's church at Bandra. The Portuguese also 
fortified their  possession by building forts at Sion, Mahim, Bandra, and 
Bassien  which, although in disrepair, can still be seen. They named their new 
possession as 'Bom Baia' which in Portuguese means 'Good Bay'. 
This name was later changed to 'Bombay' by the British and much later  
challenged by the Shiv Sainiks, a  political party in the state, saying that 
the name of the city was ' Mumbai' from the Mumbadevi temple. Nobody really  
put up a fight. The fact of the matter is the Kohlis who are the fishermen of  
that area, called a small section (Babulnath to be precise) of the 
islands, 'Mumba'. This in the mid 1990's became a huge political issue with the 
Shiv Sena party, who were losing a grip on the city.  
About 130 years later the islands were given as dowry to the English 
King Charles II on his marriage to Portuguese Princess Catherine of Braganza 
in 1662. In 1668 the islands were acquired by the British East India Company 
on  lease from the crown for 10 pounds in gold/per annum. Obviously the British 
did not value these islands at that time. The Company, which was operating from 
Surat, was in search for another deeper water port so that larger vessels could 
dock, and found the islands of Bombay suitable for development. The 
shifting of the East India Company's headquarters to Bombay in 1687 led to the 
eclipse of Surat as a principal trading center. The British corrupted the  
Portuguese name 'Bom Baia' to ' Bombay'.

The first Parsi to arrive in Bombay was Dorabji Nanabhoy Patel in 1640. The 
Parsis, originally from Iran, migrated to India about 900 years ago. This they  
did to save their religion, Zoroastrianism,  from invading Arabs who 
proselytized Islam. However, in 1689-90, when a severe plague had struck down 
most of the Europeans, the Siddi Chief of Janjira made several attempts to  
re-possess the islands by force, but the son of the former, a trader named 
Rustomji Dorabji Patel (1667-1763), successfully warded off the attacks on 
behalf of the British with the help of the 'Kolis', the original fisher-folk 
inhabitants  of these islands. The remnants of the Koli settlements can still 
be seen at Backbay reclamation, Mahim, Bandra, Khar, Bassien and Madh island. 
Bombay then had a sucession of British governers, who attracted Gujarati 
traders, Parsi ship builders, Hindu and Muslim businessmen; and made the city 
more populous. A city court was started to uphold the law. A fort was also 
built, none of which remains, except a small portion of the wall.  Governers 
like Oxenden, Aungier & Grant helped Bombay grow and set up hospitals, roads 
The Zoroastrian Towers of Silence on Malabar hill were built by Seth Modi Hirji 
Vachha in 1672.The first fire-temple was also built in the same year by Seth 
Vachha opposite his residence at Modikhana within the British fort. Both of the 
these structures can still be seen today although they have been  expanded and 
The inroads of the sea at Worli, Mahim, and Mahalaxmi turned the ground between 
the islands into swamps making Bombay an extremely unhealthy place at that 
time. Reclamation work to stop the breeches at Mahalaxmi and Worli were 
undertaken. In 1803 Bombay was connected with Salsette by a causeway at Sion. 
The island of Colaba was joined to Bombay in 1838 by a causeway now called 
Colaba Causeway and the Causeway connecting Mahim and Bandra was completed in  
1845, which was done by Lady Avabai Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy. 
In the mid 1800's the cattle that people owned used to graze at the lush Camp 
Maidan (Azad Maidan). The British, alwa

Re: [Goanet] education

2009-05-05 Thread rcabral
There are three types of Primary schools in Goa, government run, private aided 
schools and private unaided schools.Government and aided schools are free. In 
government schools textbooks, uniforms, notebooks and raincoats are free. No 
fees are charged. In aided schools books, notebooks are free. However a nominal 
fee is charged for maintenance. Teachers are paid by the government. The 
government also pays rent to the management of these aided schools besides 
maintenance charges. Unaided schools charge for everything.
Have a nice day!
Richard Cabral

 "ken.bowkett"  wrote: 
> Hello I am new here just a few questions really, can someone tell me the
> cost of primary school education in goa, probably at one of the catholic
> schools there, and would those cost include uniform, books and transport
> etc, as I am considering sponsoring a child there, also do you have to pay
> for health care, and how does that work.
> Many thanks
> Ken bowkett

[Goanet] Mahanand confesses to killing fourth woman Kesar Ragunath Naik in 2007.

2009-05-05 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help others be better informed CONSUMERS.
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Email: goad...@bsnl.in

Mahanand confesses to killing yet another woman
The Ponda police on Monday informed that the rape
accused Mahanand Ramanth Naik of Tarvalem, Shiroda,
has confessed to killing one more woman Kesar Ragunath
Naik from Mapa, Panchawadi in 2007.

Mahanand has already confessed to murdering three women
for greed of gold. He made these confessions after he was
arrested on April 22 for allegedly raping a 22-year-old girl
from Shiroda.

Giving details of the confession of the fourth murder, Ponda
PI, Mr C L Patil informed that Mahanand posed as Keshav,
a rich man from Ponda, and befriended 33-year-old Kesar.
He told her that he owns a cupboard shop at Sanvordem.
Falling for his tactics, Kesar on June 18, 2007 decked
herself  up with gold of around 60 grams and went with him
to Sanvordem in a private bus. Before leaving home, she
had told her parents that she was going out with her lover
Keshav. She did not return home.

On June 19, 2007 her brother, Mr Rajaram Raghu Naik
lodged a complaint with the police stating that his sister
was missing.

On Monday, the complainant came to the police station
and immediately identified Mahanand who posed as Keshav
and used to drop his sister at home, said Mr Patil, who is
investigating the case under the supervision of the DySP,
Mr Serafin Dias.

During the confession made in presence of Mr Rajaram Naik,
Mahanand said he took Kesar to Sanvordem and strangulated
her to death in the bushes and pushed the dead body into the
waters. Mr Patil hinted that more cases of murders committed
by Mahanand might come to light.

Meanwhile, sources alleged that Mahanand had backing of a
politician and that perhaps encouraged him to commit murders.
The Navhind Times 05/5/09 page 1
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mailto: goa...@bsnl.in

Re: [Goanet] DEATH - Bro. (Dr.) Peter Rato (O.F.M. CAP) - Monte deGuirim

2009-05-05 Thread Tony Fernandes
Bro. Peter - The Healing Friar of Monte de Guirim

It is with great sadness that I learned about the death of Bro. Peter Ratos.

Bro. Peter Ratos, OFM Cap., was in charge of the "Infirmary" at St. Anthony's 
School, Monte de Guirim, Bardez, Goa. He was already there at Monte in the year 
when I joined the school. He served there for many more years after that before 
moving on to the Capuchin Minor Seminary at Navelim. He celebrated his 100th 
birthday recently.

Boarding students who fell ill would be entrusted into his care. The Infirmary 
equipped with beds for sick students. It was located away from the classrooms. 
Students would be confined to these quarters until they fully recovered and 
were fit 
to attend classes. He was also in charge of the vaccinations/inoculations that 
regularly carried out at the school. Students were also given medical 
check-ups, and 
age, heights and weight were recorded under his supervision.

During the afternoon recess we often played on the terrace below the Refectory. 
Should any of the students were injured or happened to have a bruise from a 
they would immediately run to Bro. Peter who would dab tincture, ointment, 
antisepetic or apply a band-aid.

But most of all what he was best known for was his cure for the deadly snake 
These cures were nothing short of miracles. Brother Peter was a simple and 
friar, and completely dedicated to a way of life of caring for students and the 
folks around Goa in the true sense of the word. He never bragged of his 
prowess. He 
did not boast of his competence nor did he expect any reward or demand money in 
return. People had faith in him. He cured all for free. He was well respected 
his humility and his special ability in his field. He had a remedy for them all.

He must have certainly been bestowed by the Almighty with the powers of healing 
by touch and prayers. The medicine he applied or prescribed must be acting as a 
go-between - a mediator and a catalyst.

What a great and long life of dedicated service to humanity. He lived a cool 
years. Definitely a great healer of a bygone era, Brother Peter Ratos, the 
Capuchin Friar of Monte de Guirim.

Requiescat In Pace, Bro. Peter Ratos.

My sincere condolences to relatives, friends, students and Friars at Monte de 

Tony Fernandes
Ex-Student, S.A.H.S.
Monte de Guirim
Class of 1964

[Goanet] Fr Apollo Cardozo s.j. - Visit To Toronto

2009-05-05 Thread bmx
Dearest BMXers,

We have the pleasure to invite all BMXers who are or will be in Toronto
this Friday May 8th 2009 to a Dinner get-together to host the Principal of
St. Britto's High School,Mapuca who will be in Toronto on a short visit.
As you are aware Fr.Apollo Cardozo is the Principal for the last 8 years.
Prior to his current appointment he was the Prefect of Britto's boarding
from 1973-1976.He has been instrumental in taking the school to even
greater heights in spite of the stiff competition from the other schools
in and around Mapuca. I am sure you will hear firsthand from him on the
great accomplishments of this renowned institution. So fellow Britto boys,
Green Chillies, (St Mary's Convent students) and Xaverites, join us for an
evening to honor and express our gratitude to this hard working Principal.

Location - Nawab Authentic Indian Cuisine
168 Queen Street South
Streetsville, Mississauga - L5M1K8
Tel 905 567 2800

Free parking is available behind the restaurant which you can access off
Tannery Street.

Time : 7.30pm ( Plse be on time)

Cost :- S20 plus Tax - Dinner Buffet(inclusive of Soft Drinks and
Coffee).The cash price will be 22$ inclusive of 10% Gratuity.

Alcohol: $5 (Inclusive of Tax) Premium Beer or Liquor.

We are making arrangements to have either a Band or recorded music for the

Plse check this attached link for the information of the Restaurant [
http://www.nawabindiancuisine.ca/ ]http://www.nawabindiancuisine.ca/

and the location page is  [ http://www.nawabindiancuisine.ca/contact.html

It would be nice if you could confirm your attendance by email or with any
committee member however due to the short notice, feel free to show up at
the Restaurant. Those of you who are unable to come and wish to send a
message to Fr. Apollo, plse send it to us and we will read it to him
during the Dinner.

Thanks and hope to see you on Friday.

God Bless You.

Joe Nunes

Re: [Goanet] Scandal at Goa University - Bare Facts from AgostinhoProenca

2009-05-05 Thread goasuraj

Thank you JC.

I am aware ( I live in Goa and I do have a political ear to the ground...
you know?? thing)  that our dear Goa University is a hot-bed of political
wheelings and dealings and not a 'temple of learning' as it should be.  And
this sexual harrassment thing which has culminated from the  'ragging' thing
is believed to be a ploy to get the ragging affair  neutralised. It is my
belief that there are really very worthy 'bad elements' involved in the
ragging  ( as well as deliberate class-room disturbances) case and therefore
the intriguing sex-plot. That is why I have demanded that an unbiased, high
level investigation into this unholy mess  with politicians of all sorts
kept very much out, including the undersigned.  I say that Aureliano
Fernandes, HOD of Political Science is a good friend of mine. I know that he
has voted for me (one of the 207 votes I collected in the Taleigao
by-elections in 2005). But I will want to see him fried (well-done too) if
he is involved in this sexual harrassment case. But the verdict must come
from a highly unbiased, reliable and  accepted morally upright sources
restricting themselves to the evidence at hand and depositions made .
Otherwise there is bound to be a good deal of trouble for the Goa Uninersity
and those who are involved in this masquerade. I can only promise you that.

BECAUSE, apart from all the administrative innovations that  goasuraj stands
for, the EDUCATION system in the state of Goa is its prime concern and every
iota of goasuraj's efforts will go into re-shaping,  improving, modernizing 
and making

the EDUCATION System in Goa one of the best in the WORLD. And this has been
spelt out in GOASURAJ'S  ROAD MAP FOR GOA. Therefore, impasses like these
shall not be tolerated  and  snuffed out in the bud.


- Original Message - 
From: "J. Colaco < jc>" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Scandal at Goa University - Bare Facts from


I fail to understand why Manohar Parrikar  had to be involved in the
first place in the affairs of the University. Were there no other
'non-political' personages in Goa who could be approached to look into
this matter??

I have filed an RTI application  asking for the relevant details of
the 'sexual' as well as 'ragging' encounters.. and I will want this
entire thing to be thoroughly investigated, impartially, at the
highest level, without any political ..influence whatsoever and the
culprits brought to book irrespective (of who it is)


My dear Florianobab,

When I first saw the AGOSTINHO PROENÇA note on GoaNet, I thought
"Not again". However, I held back my thoughts on the matter as
there were too many gaps and much vagueness in the PROENÇA post, and
he declared himself unavailable for further interaction - which was
kind of unfortunate.

I applaud you for your very appropriate stand & action you have

Re: [Goanet] Career in Ayurveda!

2009-05-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, Gabriel de Figueiredo  wrote:
> You mean like registered GPs practicing acupuncture and
> Chinese herbals? If I am not mistaken, we have some of those
> here in Melbourne ...

I would be surprised if a licensed conventional physician is ethically allowed 
to practice acupuncture without a separate specialized license in Melbourne. 
The same with prescribing untested Chinese herbals. In the U.S. a physician 
would lose his/her license for doing the former. In the latter case, he/she 
would lose the license if it can be shown that the safety of the herbal 
medication has not been established in relation to conventional treatment, and 
the consequences of its interactions with conventional medications have not 
been documented. Besides, such a physician exposes himself to be sued for 
malpractice, and his/her malpractice insurance is unlikely to cover the damages.




[Goanet] VIDEO: Strings protest in the park ...

2009-05-05 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
Strings protest in the park
In Goa, citizens from Dona Paula, are upset over government plans to
set up an 'IT Park' in their (semi urbanised) village. They see this
as a land-grab. To protest this, they organised a musical concert
there in April 2009.

* * *

Goodbye to a teacher, friend and guide
Ivan Rocha, a popular teacher from North Goa's Mapusa town's St
Britto's died at 61, and here are some scenes from his funeral at the
village of Parra.

* * *

Gearing up for the feast... in Saligao
At the 'salve' (a week-long series of evenings of religious rites and
entertainment), children from Sonarbhat and Sequeirvaddo in Saligao go
on stage to entertain the village audience. Here are the tiny tots
FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/fn
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
http://fredericknoronha.multiply.com/ http://goa1556.goa-india.org

"In 5 years, OS/2 will be the answer to a trivia question." - Marty Taucher

[Goanet] Goa news for May 6, 2009

2009-05-05 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** From football in Goa to fame in Jo\'burg - Hindustan Times

*** Goa takes preventive measures against flu - Times of India

*** It\'s Goa calling super five - Calcutta Telegraph

*** Shiney-Soha quickie Accident in Goa - Times of India

*** To the Editor: - Hellenic News of America
llenic News of America, PAThe various articleson the GOA
covering the unraveling at the seams by the ever vigilant Greek
American press shows how our faith has deteriorated in the years
after the death of Archbishop Iacovos. The former archdiocese of
North and South America ...

*** Despite odds, Russians rush to Goa - Times of India
oing Russians this season, the sunhas continued to shine in
Goa. Even as the coastal state with its palm-fringed coastline
and sun-soaked beaches saw a drop in ...

*** Swine flu: Med Chief visits Goa hospital, airport - Indopia
dopia, IndiaPanaji , May 5 Dr RK Srivastava, director general
of health services, arrived in Goa today to take stock of the
state&aposs preparedness to tackleswine flu. Srivastava on his
arrival today from New Delhi checked the facilities at the
airport and also ...

Faith News (press release)
0 East 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106 Tel: (212) 570-3530
Fax: (212) 774-0

*** Where is 61% Goa\'s Ind waste going? - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: Just 39% of Goa's industrial
hazardous waste is disposed at Taloja, Maharashtra, with no one
certain of how the rest of the 12098 metric tonnes is disposed.
In the absence of an industrial waste treatment, storage and
disposal plant in the ...

*** Suspected Goa serial killer linked to five murders - Times
of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: Police said Tuesday a
suspectedserial killer arrested in Goa is thought to have
murdered at least five women after duping them with promises of
marriage. Mahanand Naik, who was arrested last month on
suspicion of rape and blackmail, ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] GOACAN calls for intervention by DGP & Women’s Commission on crimes against women in Goa.

2009-05-05 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help others be better informed CONSUMERS.
GOACAN calls for intervention by DGP & Women’s
Commission on crimes against women in Goa.
GOACAN is deeply concerned about the outcome of the
police investigations being conducted at the Ponda Police
Station into the rape and murder cases involving the suspect
Mahanand Naik as it presents the harsh realties & challenges
facing Goan Society.

While the confessions by the accused during the Police
investigation now point out that the murders were part of a
serial killing exercise, most of the victims were reported as
missing to the Police at various points of time.

While GOACAN appreciates the efforts of the team of
officials at the Ponda Police Station in making this breakthrough
through their investigation, it calls upon the Director General
of Police (DGP) Mr. Bhinsain Bassi to undertake an urgent
review so as to identify possible lapses that have occurred in
the functioning of the police personnel during the past 15 years.

GOACAN is also concerned that very little attention was paid
by the police to the various missing complaints filed by the family
members of the women in the past and is of the opinion that the
DGP must call for the records of all such missing complaints of
women from the police outposts & police stations all over Goa
so that a comprehensive review be undertaken of these cases.

GOACAN also calls upon the Chairperson of the Goa State
Women's Commission, Dr. Pramod Salgaocar to take up the
sexual abuse, rape and murder cases of young girls and women
reported from the Ponda Police Station and those that have
occurred in the Ponda Taluka and appoint a Fact Finding
Team to go into the social, economic and political
circumstances that led to these crimes.

GOACAN also calls upon the Women’s Commission to
set up a Task Force on Crimes Against Women to identify
the measures, both short & long term that need to be taken
by various stakeholders to end these heinous crimes.

Meanwhile the recently formed Goa Womens Forum a
collective of women volunteers of Consumer Forums will
observe a “Crimes Against Women Awareness Fortnight”
from 17th to 30th May to highlight the role and responsibility
of various Govt. and Non-Govt. agencies in tackling
crimes against women.
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mailto: goa...@bsnl.in

[Goanet] Black man as President

2009-05-05 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 14:13:14 +0100
From: Mistri Ganguli 

It was once said that a black man would be president, "when pigs fly!"

Indeed, 100 days into Obama's presidency..  the Swine Flu!

Mario adds:

Perhaps it was said by someone who had no idea what he or she was talking 
about:-))  To begin with, there have been numerous black men who have served as 
President of various African and Latin American countries.

Even if Ganguli is talking only about the US, which his rference to Obama 
suggests, it may be that pigs have already flown, 208 years ago, which will 
come as a crushing disappointment to Mr. Ganguli, who seems to adore the 
current American president, who has done nothing but harm to Indian interests 
since he took office by restricting H1-B visas and putting restrictions on 
Indian nurses working in the US in the idiotic belief that this will create 
more jobs for Americans:-))  Actually, he is more interested in rewarding his 
union supporters in a classic display of vote bank politics - American style.

In the US, African Americans consider anyone who has even "one drop" of African 
blood to be an African American.  By this standard, the half-white Barack Obama 
certainly qualifies, though the teleprompter he cannot speak two sentences 
without is probably 100% Japanese:-))



However, there are some who believe Obama is the SIXTH African American US 
President by the "one drop" standard.

This has apparently been documented in a book titled, "Black People And Their 
Place In World History", which alleges that Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, 
Abraham Lincoln, Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge all had some African blood 
in their ancestry, though this information was never admitted to or made public 
for racial reasons prevalent at a time when blacks were second class citizens 
and had limited civil rights.


Joel A. Rogers and Dr. Auset Bakhufu have both written books documenting that 
at least five former presidents of the United States had Black people among 
their ancestors. If one considers the fact that European men far outnumbered 
European women during the founding of this country, and that the rape and 
impregnation of an African female slave was not considered a crime, it is even 
more surprising that these two authors could not document Black ancestors among 
an ever larger number of former presidents. The president’s names include 
Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Warren Harding, and Calvin 

[end of excerpt]

[Goanet] Tiatr DEVULL by John D' Silva

2009-05-05 Thread JoeGoaUk

Tiatr DEVULL by John D' Silva

Few weeks ago, John D' Silva wrote to me/requested me to upload two of his 
comedy scenes from his latest VCD Film.

Soon, I replied to him to say that the same and others are already on the net 
uploaded by somebody else.


It looks like there were at least two new actors like Rosy and Ignatius de 

Elvis and his wife Carmen who were with John for along time are now not seen.

Tiatr DEVULL  is more of religious type and as such it was best suited for 
Korezm or lent.

There was at least 3-4 times Bible readings besides 3-4 times quotes from the 

I like the new comer Ignatius in both acting and singing.

Comedy by John d' Silva was as usual making every body laugh 
including non speakers of Konkani.  The audience itself had about
50% migrants and I could see that they were desperately waiting for John's 

The Free show was presented by Holy Cross Association (Panjim Fish Market)

See the tiatr/stage with crowed

Did you know? There is small chapel within the fish market i.e. 
behind the place where they sell salt fish etc.
Today was it’s Feast and hence the annual tiatr on feast day.

Check inside of the chapel here

Peter de Pedda, Joe, Aplon, Com. Michael, Remy etc were at their best.

There was a trio (see a clip) in which they say due to Good Friday Holiday 
removal etc we saw the fall of BJP.  Similarly, they say there will be a fall 
of Congress if Garbage treatment plant comes at Baingini which is near to Old 
Goa churches.

Some Pics

Tiatr  DEVULL - a trailer


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Attn JoeGoaUk, press conf at CCP to prevent DIRTYPANJIM pics! ; -)

2009-05-05 Thread JoeGoaUk

Attn JoeGoaUk, press conf at CCP to prevent DIRTYPANJIM pics! ; -)

Thank you.

JoeGoaUk khush hua

Today’s new pics (5/5/09)

Feast of Holy Cross at Campal art park  (opp. INOX)

To the left of it (Cross) there is a pay toilet (about 10 metres)

And this is to the right  (top right decorations (bonderam) also seen)

Distance to toilet is only about 20 meters

The following links can also be used for 'slide show presentation'


Dear Goanetters, especially JoeGoaUk!

I've been looking at the pics  you've been posting and after some 
discussions with some ccp persons, we feel that your pictures help put 
the pressure on keeping panjim clean. There's lots we can do to work 
together, so will e-mail you offlist soon, in the meantime, here's 
something you might find interesting!

The Corporation of the City of Panaji will hold a press conference 
tomorrow at 11am at the CCP Meeting Hall on the 3rd floor of the CCP 
building at Panaji. The subject that would be discusses is the recent 
activities organized by the corporation in managing sections of its 
waste as well as generation of compost for use in farming and gardening. 
This would be done with a photographic presentation, and pictures would 
be made available to the press during the meeting, along with free 
samples of 1 kg of compost.

This meeting is specially for all print and video press persons, 
however, others, including lay persons have been invited to attend.

This shall be first of the many interactive sessions regarding waste 
management. Kindly do make it, though this is announced in such short 
notice as we have put in a lot of information that will be distributed 
during this presentation. Do call me before 11am for any details.


Clinton Vaz
(representing the CCP as an Associate Officer)
+91 9890936828


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Two new VCDs

2009-05-05 Thread JoeGoaUk

Today, I bought two new VCDs at John D' Silva 's Tiatr
DEVULL, Panjim Goa.

VCD No: 247
2 NUMBER BHANGAR by Co. Ambe & Com. Michael
With Ambe, Michael, Com. Dias etc
Rs.150 May/2009

VCD No. 248
With Com. Ambe, Jessica, Janet, Piedade, Esmerald,  Com. Succoro, 
Com. Dias,Com. Sudakar, Justin, Cong. Subash Shirodkar, 
Betty Alvares, Rosario de Benaulim
Rs.150 May/2009


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] NEWS: GU sub-committee submits report in ragging complaints

2009-05-05 Thread Goanet News

GU sub-committee submits report in ragging complaints

While the report of the Prevention of the Sexual Harassment Committee
is likely to be delayed further, the sub-committee appointed to do
some fact finding in the ragging complaints made by students of the
Political Science Department at the Goa University submitted its
report on Monday.
Registrar GU M M Sangodkar said the sub-committee submitted the report
to him and the Vice-Chancellor and the same has been handed over to
the chairman of the Anti-Ragging Committee.
When asked to comment on the fact findings mentioned in the report,
Sangodkar said it wouldn’t be correct on his part to comment on the
contents before the Anti-Ragging Committee does a thorough examination
of the same in its meeting.
On the question of when the Anti-Ragging Committee would give its
final verdict on the sub-committee’s fact findings, he replied, “We
are expecting the verdict before the Executive Council meeting takes
place on May 9. In case the committee requires more time then it will
have to communicate the same to the EC.”
When asked to comment on the date on which the Prevention of Sexual
Harassment Committee would submit its final report, Sangodkar
answered, “It is likely the committee requires more time. However, it
has not communicated to us. It will have to come to the EC.”
The Anti-Ragging Committee and the Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Committees are probing into complaints made by students of the
Political Science Department which have alleged sexual harassment at
the hands of the HoD of the said department.
The university said even though the sexual and ragging charges were
interlinked both were being probed independently by the two
committees. It said the matter would be laid threadbare once both the
committees give their respective verdicts.
Some of the students have alleged the HoD, who has denied all charges
made against him, had forced them to file the ragging complaint to
divert the focus into the sexual harassment case.

[Goanet] NEWS: Goa University unveils quarterly news bulletin

2009-05-05 Thread Goanet News

Goa University unveils quarterly News Bulletin

Goa University has come out with its first quarterly News Bulletin
(January-March) to disseminate information about the university and
from the next issue has proposed to appoint student reporters to write
about the programmes in their respective departments.
Assistant Registrar-Public Relations GU Rajesh Bhatikar said the basic
idea behind the bulletin was to portray not just the activities
happening at the university but also its strengths. Keeping this in
mind we think student reporters from each department would do a good
job in covering workshops, seminars, guest lectures and other
activities happening on the campus, he mentioned.
“For the coming issue which will be out in July when the next academic
year begins the bulletin will have several reports written by the
university’s student reporters,” he stated.
He said the April-June issue would be different wherein more focus
would be laid on the programmes of the different departments at the
university. “Since the said period is time for both vacation and
examination there won’t be much happening in terms of activities so
the focus would be on the programmes for the next academic year,” he
Bhatikar informed they had printed 200 copies of the first volume on
trial basis and the same have been kept at the departments and some of
them would be sent to selected universities in the country.
The first issue of eight pages highlights the 21st Annual Convocation
of the university which was graced by Governor S S Siddhu and other
educational luminaries. It also features news round-up at the
university and other write-ups, he added.
He said the bulletin will be available on the GU website along with
the annual report and other publications.

Re: [Goanet] Attn JoeGoaUk, press conf at CCP to prevent DIRTYPANJIM pics! ; -)

2009-05-05 Thread George Pinto

Dear JoeGoaUk, Clinton

Solidarity with all your valiant efforts.

In gratitude,

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, Clinton Vaz  wrote:

Dear Goanetters, especially JoeGoaUk!

I've been looking at the pics  you've been posting and after some discussions 
with some ccp persons, we feel that your pictures help put the pressure on 
keeping panjim clean. There's lots we can do to work together, so will e-mail 
you offlist soon, in the meantime, here's something you might find interesting!


2009-05-05 Thread CAJETAN DE
The managing committee and members of Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonstha (KGTS) - 
Kuwait, Guardian Angel Club (Sanvordem) - Kuwait, Goan Welfare Society (GWS) - 
Kuwait and United Friends Club (UFC) - Kuwait, Wish to thank the Almighty God 
for the successful surgery of our beloved friend/member Jose Rod. We would also 
like to thank Goa-World.com. Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter, Goanet.org, Goancauses, 
Goan-NRI, Goa.Kranti and other internet forums and all the kind hearts who 
prayed. Please continue your prayers for his complete and speedy recovery.
Once again a big 'Thank You' and may God Bless You All.

Re: [Goanet] Cancer free for the last 25 years

2009-05-05 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Santosh,  keep thinking and understand what others write; rather than 
writing and writing.

Anecdotal cases does not make science. Yet, GOOD science would / should  also 
explain anecdotal cases.  Take your time and think about this.  

It is OK to control your urge to respond without much thought.  If science 
cannot explain anecdotal cases, it is an issue for GOOD scientists to give it a 
deep thought.  If one does not have any thoughts, they should give some 
consideration to others, with some thoughts.  That does not mean they should 
accept any reasoning; but certainly should have an open mind.

Everything one reads, should be analyzed with common sense and healthy dose of 
skepticism.  Remember, what one thinks one reads, is not necessarily what is 
written.  "The eyes read, what the mind understands"
Many others have alluded to your writings before on other topics. Web search 
and web links is a poor substitute to knowledge. I hope my explanation about 
"cure" in the prior post helps you understand. Do not feel bad. Even practicing 
physicians use the word "cure" in cancer without truly knowing what it means.  
Some specialists inter-changeably use words like cancer cure, cancer control, 
cancer eradication, cancer remission, cancer elimination, 5-year survival etc.. 

If you are a 'real' scientist, it may hurt you to know that, what wins the 
fight against cancer, in an older patient, is not infrequently the final bell - 
if you know what I mean.  As a clinician I am not attempting to control 
cancer after the patient has passed away. But that is not scientifically a 
"CURE" of what is truly could be a "latent cancer".

So scientists can and do massage their data when they present it.  And people 
like you buy it because you do not understand the nuances. I hope you take this 
information in the positive way in which it is given.  Goanet is not a 
scientific forum, but I am sure Goanetters got a good understanding what the 
doctors (or web) say ... and ... what the patients may think the doctors (web) 
said ... and why the discrepancy.  

This is my final contribution on this topic. You can continue arguing this 
topic with your side-kicks. For me to argue cancer management with you, is like 
a PhD in chemistry arguing with someone with a Bachelor's degree. "An empty can 
makes the most noise"
Regards, GL
--- Santosh Helekar 
I thought Gilbert was agreeing with Fr. Ivo earlier in his claim that 
homeopathy was a science and that anecdotal evidence was scientific.

- Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

In medicine we call that a "snake oil salesman" which is euphemism for 

Re: [Goanet] Scandal at Goa University - Bare Facts from Ag ostinho Proen�a

2009-05-05 Thread Roland Francis
Hey Floriano,

Could you please elaborate on "the sexual live bombs parading in the
University as students".

Perhaps my next trip to Goa should include Goa University!!.


On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 10:18 PM, floriano  wrote:
> investigated, impartially, at the highest level, without any political
> influence whatsoever and the culprits brought to book irrespective whether
> it is Aureliano Fernandes, the ragging masters and mistresses and the sexual
> live bombs parading in the University as students.

[Goanet] Basically, people are bad. What makes them good is the law. Dipankar Gupta

2009-05-05 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE


'No constituency in India can be won on caste grounds'

Do you believe Mayawati [Images] is not winning because she is getting votes of 
her caste? 

Are Dalits not voting en masse for the Bahujan Samaj Party? Are Indian 
elections not won essentially with help of caste-based voting? Not at all, says 
Professor Dipankar Gupta, who has devoted substantive energy and time in 
understanding class and caste in India. He is a scholar of political sociology 
at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi [Images].

His book Interrogating Caste; Understanding Hierarchy and Difference in Indian 
Society is a must-read for anyone who wishes to understand India.

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to 

Re: [Goanet] Scandal at Goa University - Bare Facts from Agostinho Proenca

2009-05-05 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

I fail to understand why Manohar Parrikar  had to be involved in the
first place in the affairs of the University. Were there no other
'non-political' personages in Goa who could be approached to look into
this matter??

I have filed an RTI application  asking for the relevant details of
the 'sexual' as well as 'ragging' encounters.. and I will want this
entire thing to be thoroughly investigated, impartially, at the
highest level, without any political ..influence whatsoever and the
culprits brought to book irrespective (of who it is)


My dear Florianobab,

When I first saw the AGOSTINHO PROENÇA note on GoaNet, I thought
"Not again". However, I held back my thoughts on the matter as
there were too many gaps and much vagueness in the PROENÇA post, and
he declared himself unavailable for further interaction - which was
kind of unfortunate.

I applaud you for your very appropriate stand & action you have taken.

That is how it should be. Let the chips fall where they should. I use
this opportunity to comment generically on the PROENÇA (AP) post:
BARE FACTS on the matter of SEXUAL HARASSMENT at Goa University:

AP 1. Sexual Harassment took place towards the end of October 2008.

JC 1: 'Took Place' or 'Allegedly Took Place'?


AP 2: Brought to the notice of the Vice Chancellor by the first week
of November nothing was done.
JC 2: If this is accurate, the V-C needs to be investigated.


AP 2b: Women’s Commission refused to entertain the issue, quoting it
was a University problem.
JC 2b: Perhaps, the Women's Commission need to be asked if this is accurate.


AP 2c: NGOs and other Page 3 personalities when approached with the
issue, did nothing.
JC 2c: This is vague. Which NGO was approached by whom? Was it done in
writing and with what evidence?


AP 3:  The issue stagnated till the ragging complaint was registered.
JC 3:  Registered with the police? By the 'alleged victim/? or
somebody else? Why the delay?


AP 4:   Again the Women’s Commission/NGOs were approached, with no
results on both issues.
JC 4:  See 2b (supra)


AP 5:  A contact was made with me; and a meeting was arranged with the
affected students and their parents, in order to study the matter
first hand.
JC 5: Why was Mr. PROENÇA contacted? What is his expertise in matters
of harassment? Who contacted him?


AP 6:  I contacted the Leader of the Opposition, Manohar Parrikar and
discussed the issue threadbare with him.
JC 6:  Does Goa University come under the portfolio of the Leader of
the Opposition? If Not, why was the appropriate Govt Ministry
responsible for GU not contacted? Was express consent sought from the
'alleged victim' for the discussion of her case with a third party? If
NOT, were her rights to Confidentiality violated?


AP 8:  After interaction with the affected students and their parents,
he was convinced that there was a serious problem at the Goa
University. He then made a commitment that he would meet the Vice
Chancellor personally within 48 hours; which he did.
JC 8: Again ...about time to investigate this V-C.


AP 9:  It was only after this meeting with the V.C that Sexual,
Ragging and Grievance Committees were formed/activated and the
proceedings commenced.
JC 9: If this is accurate, time to haul the VC over hot coals.


AP 10:  When the Committee was engaged in investigations, what is
unfortunate is that the girls had a Press Conference with both the
visual and print media and even handed over to the press the Letter
from the victim of sexual harassment;
JC 10: Why is it unfortunate? Isn't it the right of the 'alleged
victims' to make their own case wherever they wish to make it?


AP 10b: What is also bizarre is the counseling session that was held
for the students in the presence of Alito (Sequeira) in his house.
JC 10b: Here, a name is plastered on GoaNet with NO explanation as to
who this Alito is and what his role is in this matter.


AP 10c: Would like to state here that I expressly appealed to the
parents and students to refrain from going to the press, until the
Committee had wound up their investigations.
JC 10c: Why should they refrain from exercising their rights? and when
will these 'investigations' be wound up, anyway?


AP 11:  Now it is alleged that the Church as well as the local MLA
have approached the victim of sexual harassment and are trying to
coerce her into compromising and withdrawing  by using the Cristão
card;  considering that the only person who came forward to help was
from the BJP with an RSS background.
JC 11: I see now that Mr PROENÇA has introduced a 'religion card'.


AP 12:  I would like to state here that Mr. Parrikar’s personal visit
to the University motivated the V.C. to act right away.
JC 12: If it is accurately determined that this VC needed a visit from
a politician to motivate him to carry out his responsibilities, he
should be fired forthwith.


AP 13: The undersigned will not entertain any further deb

[Goanet] youth camp for girls 15yrs to 30yrs

2009-05-05 Thread jane gillian rodrigues
My dear Friends, 


Mumbai, invites young women, aged 15 years to 30years of all religious 
communities to a Youth Empowerment Camp 2009, THEME  “ Born Equal”, on 
Saturday, 16th May, 2009 and Sunday, 17th May, 2009.

PIYA trains youth to plan plenty of easy, fun and creative individual and group 
activities, to make the most of their youth and bring good ideas and also a 
sense of ownership, and will  teach them responsibility and respect. 

Youth are encouraged to use excess energy productively by educational outings 
like visits to see personally, the work of NGOs carried out in Mumbai. Many 
NGOs have been set up in a particular neighbourhood as they have specific 
programmes to meet the needs of a particular area. This way the youth can have 
a day of fun while nurturing and stimulating their young minds.

YWCA provides many opportunities for youth to explore their abilities and 
further develop their talents. 

Future programmes of PIYA committee will be :- (1) Medical check-up camp for 
in-mates of Byculla jail for women and children (2) Inter-collegiate Poster, 
Debate and Drama Competitions, (3) Outreach programmes which include 10 visits 
to centres conducting womens empowerment and awareness programmes, centes for 
women and children in distress, Clean Mumbai campaigns etc. (4) Leadership 
training workshops and (5) A Peace conference Seminar.

The following are the words of the late Madame Susan Mathai :-
Our experience as a YWCA movement which has worked in the voluntary sector for 
over one hundred years leads us to believe that volunteerism has an important 
role in building civil society. The challenge today is to mobilize like-minded 
people to play an effective role in working for a society that is just and 
humane and upholds democratic values. In the social, economic, political and 
communal upheavals of the times, there is need for people with vision to work 
for the transformation of society. 
November 2000, (Late) Susan Mathai, National President,YWCA of India




Date: SATURDAY 16th and  SUNDAY, 17th May, 2009
Time: 9.00 am to 6.30 pm
Venue Day 1: YWCA, 18 Madame Cama Rd, Fort, Mumbai 400 001
Venue Day 2: Elephanta Caves

DAY 1 -  SATURDAY -  16th May, 2009

09.00 am to 10.00 am Tea, Snacks and Registration
10.00 am to 10.15 am Devotion
10.15 am to 11.30 am Games and Action Song 
11.30 am to 11.45 am Break
11.45 am to 01.00 pm Know Your Self 
01.00 pm to 02.00 pm Lunch Break
02.00 pm to 02.30 pm Games and Action Song
02.30 pm to 03.15 pm YWCA presentation and Tea
03.15 pm to 04.30 pm (Movie + Discussion) Excluded Communities 
04.30 pm to 04.45 pm Tea Break
05.00 pm to 06.00 pm Urban Reality of Youth
06.00 pm to 06.30 pm Preparation for 16th May, 2009

DAY 2 -SUNDAY,  17th May, 2009

08.00 am Meet at YWCA
08.00 am to 8.45 am Tea and snacks + Distribution of Lunch boxes
09.00 am Departure from Gateway to Elephanta Caves
10.30 am to 11.00 am Refreshments
11.00 am to 12.15 pm Sight seeing
12.15 pm to 01.00 pm Session 1 Debate Born Equal [Womens Rights]
01.00 pm to 02.00 pm Lunch
02.00 pm to 03.15 pm Session 2 +Poster making [Environment / Earth Concerns]
03.15 pm to 03.30 pm Refreshments
03.30 pm to 04.45 pm Games + SELF-DEFENCE
05.00 pm Departure to Gateway 

Membership Fee (15yrs to 18yrs) (From April 2009 to March 2010] Rs. 50/-
Membership Fee (18yrs to 24yrs) [From April, 2009 to March, 2010] Rs. 100/-
Membership Fee (25yrs to 30yrs) [From April, 2009 to March, 2010] Rs. 300/-
Registration Fee for the Youth Camp Rs. 100/-
[For both days including Breakfast, Lunch and Evening Snacks and travel to and 
from  Elephanta Caves]





Kindly hand over registration charges vide M.O./Demand Draft/Cheque/Cash, along 
with 1 passport-size photograph and details of name, age, d-o-b, address, mo 
no./ph.no., educational qualifications to YWCA, by courier or personal visit to 
YWCA office.

PH. No:. 022/22823411/22833768 
Mo.No.:- +919930921422
E-mail - ywcafo...@rediffmail.com

Address: YWCA, Madame Cama Road, Colaba, Mumbai -400 001
Office : Monday to Saturday – 9am  to 4pm daily.


[Goanet] Black man as President

2009-05-05 Thread Mistri Ganguli
It was once said that a black man would be president, "when pigs fly!"

Indeed, 100 days into Obama's presidency..  the Swine Flu!

[Goanet] Attn JoeGoaUk, press conf at CCP to prevent DIRTYPANJIM pics! ; -)

2009-05-05 Thread Clinton Vaz

Dear Goanetters, especially JoeGoaUk!

I've been looking at the pics  you've been posting and after some 
discussions with some ccp persons, we feel that your pictures help put 
the pressure on keeping panjim clean. There's lots we can do to work 
together, so will e-mail you offlist soon, in the meantime, here's 
something you might find interesting!

The Corporation of the City of Panaji will hold a press conference 
tomorrow at 11am at the CCP Meeting Hall on the 3rd floor of the CCP 
building at Panaji. The subject that would be discusses is the recent 
activities organized by the corporation in managing sections of its 
waste as well as generation of compost for use in farming and gardening. 
This would be done with a photographic presentation, and pictures would 
be made available to the press during the meeting, along with free 
samples of 1 kg of compost.

This meeting is specially for all print and video press persons, 
however, others, including lay persons have been invited to attend.

This shall be first of the many interactive sessions regarding waste 
management. Kindly do make it, though this is announced in such short 
notice as we have put in a lot of information that will be distributed 
during this presentation. Do call me before 11am for any details.


Clinton Vaz
(representing the CCP as an Associate Officer)
+91 9890936828

[Goanet] education

2009-05-05 Thread ken.bowkett
Hello I am new here just a few questions really, can someone tell me the
cost of primary school education in goa, probably at one of the catholic
schools there, and would those cost include uniform, books and transport
etc, as I am considering sponsoring a child there, also do you have to pay
for health care, and how does that work.

Many thanks

Ken bowkett

Re: [Goanet] Career in Ayurveda!

2009-05-05 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

You mean like registered GPs practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbals? If I 
am not mistaken, we have some of those here in Melbourne ...

- Original Message 
From: Santosh Helekar 
To: estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list 
Sent: Tuesday, 5 May, 2009 4:44:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Career in Ayurveda!

I have no idea how they are ethically and legally allowed to practice both, if 
indeed they are. As if a lack of understanding of the genuine science behind 
any disease is not enough, the utter ignorance about potentially dangerous 
interactions between conventional drugs and untested Ayurvedic preparations 
would make this type of hodge-podge practice criminal.



  Enjoy a better web experience. Upgrade to the new Internet Explorer 8 
optimised for Yahoo!7. Get it now.


2009-05-05 Thread CAJETAN DE
The managing committee and members of Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonstha (KGTS) - 
Kuwait, Guardian Angel Club (Sanvordem) (GAC) - Kuwait, Goan Welfare Society 
(GWS) - Kuwait and United Friends Club (UFC) - Kuwait. Wish to thank the 
Almighty God for the successful surgery of or beloved friend/member Jose Rod. 
We would also like to thank all the kind hearts who prayed and are still 
praying for his complete and speedy recovery.
Once again a big 'Thank You' and may God Bless You All.

[Goanet] Remembering Frank Fernand

2009-05-05 Thread Pravin Sabnis

Many of us have been huge fans 
of Frank Fernand's music...
He was born on 3 May 1919 at Curchorem

My AV tribute to the Great Goan
was my first amateur attempt at movie-maker
based on a script by Isidore Dantas
and family photos sent by Frank's daughters
Doris, Elfin & Larissa

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[Goanet] Murder victim's sister blames Ponda Police for working under political influence.

2009-05-05 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help others be better informed CONSUMERS.
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Email: goad...@bsnl.in

Murder victim's sister blames cops
Had the Ponda police taken stern and prompt action against
the accused Mahanand Ramnath Naik after Vasanti Anant
Gaude's death in September 1995 and Darshana Naik's
death a year before, Yogita Naik, the girl killed in 2009,
may have survived, said Vasanti's elder sister.

Alleging that the Ponda police work under political influence,
Jenny Anant Gaude alias Jenny Babani Gaude, Vasanti's elder
sister, said that the family had lodged a complaint of kidnapping
against the accused, soon after she disappeared.

However, Naik was released by the Ponda police few hours
after his arrest. "His release gave him the impetus to carry on
committing more crimes," Jenny charged.

She alleged that the police had even called both parties for
discussion. "Despite this, the police paid no heed to our words
and freed the accused." Claiming that the accused has a "sharp
criminal mind", she said that they still do not know where he
met Vasanti.

"However on September 10, 1995, Mahanand had come to
our house at Vadalwada, Marcaim. But, we do not know
what he told her (Vasanti). My sister was happy and went to
meet her cousin brother at Wadi to fetch the passbook of her
bank account," Jenny told TOI.

Before being done to death, the victim was working as a
domestic help in Khadpabandh, Ponda. Prior to the incident,
Vasanti was at home and the accused had come to their house
in a rickshaw bearing registration number GA 01, W 0929.

On September 11, 1995, they came to the Ponda bus stand
where the accused used to park his rickshaw. On reaching
the bus stand, the accused took her in his rickshaw and went
towards Shantinagar, Ponda.

Vasanti's cousin brother had been waiting for her at the bank
but since she failed to show up, her cousin left for home.
On September 13, Vasanti's family members lodged a
complaint with the Ponda police against the accused for
kidnapping her.

However, the police arrested the accused under Section 41
(suspicion) of the Criminal Procedure Code and released
him after conducting a preliminary inquiry.

Not satisfied with the action taken by the police, the family
members on September 22 lodged another complaint with
the deputy collector of Ponda. "However, all our efforts
went in vain," Jenny recollected.
Times of India (Goa) 04/5/09 page 2
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mailto: goa...@bsnl.in

[Goanet] DEATH - Bro. (Dr.) Peter Rato (O.F.M. CAP) - Monte de Guirim

2009-05-05 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com



Born: 14-3-1910   -- Died: 4-5-2009
A Capuchin Friar, from Betalbatim, belonging to St. Anthony Vice-Province, Goa 
died on 4 May 2009.  He was involved in healing ministry and social work for 
many years, at Padre Pio Friary, Navelim.   
The Eucharistic Celebration will be held on 6 May 2009 (Wednesday) at 3:00 p.m. 
at Padre Pio Friary Chapel (Jackniband), Modi-Navelim.
After the Eucharistic Celebration, the body will be immediately taken to 
Alverno Friary, Monte de Guirim, Bardez, for the final prayers and burial.
Those willing to pay their final respects are kindly requested to do so on 
Wednesday, 6 May 2009 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. only at Padre Pio Friary, 
Friends and relatives, kindly accept this as the only intimation.

Goa World   


[Goanet] Dalgado’s 154th Birth Anniversary to b e observed on 8th May 2009

2009-05-05 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com


Press Note
Panjim: 04th April, 2009
Dalgado’s 154th Birth Anniversary
Dalgado Konkani Akademi (DKA) will observe the 154th birth anniversary of Mons. 
Sebastiao Rudolf Dalgado on 8th May, 2009 from 9. 45 a.m. onwards with a full 
day programme at the Black Box, Kala Akademy, Panjim.  Dr. Olivinho Gomes, a 
renowned Konkani writer and the former Head of Department of Konkani in Goa 
University will be the Chief Guest. The President of DKA, Shri. Premanand 
Lotlikar will preside over the function. 
The brief inaugural function will be followed by a workshop on writing of 
‘Short Stories’ in Konkani. Shri. Damodar Mauzo, Sahitya Akademy award winner, 
will guide the participants on writing and on finer aspects of ‘Short Stories’. 
The post lunch session will be on the writing of ‘Novel’ in Konkani. This 
session will be conducted by Shri. Pundalik Naik, Sahitya Akademi awardee and 
the Chairman of Advisory Committee for Konkani, Sahitya Akademy, Delhi. Both 
sessions will be chaired by Shri. Tomazinho Cardozo, President of Tiatr Akademi 
Goa. These workshops are being organized in order to improve the quality of 
‘Short Stories’ and ‘Novels’ in Konkani. 
All Konkani writers particularly writers of Konkani in Roman script are invited 
to attend the workshops. Those interested may contact the Secretary of DKA, 
Jose Salvador Fernandes or the office in charge Mr. Caitano Pereira, on or 
before 7th May, 2009. 
Goa-World.Com Team adds:
This Press Release is as forwarded by Tomazinho Cardoso to Gulf-Goans 
Due to short time available, we are providing DKA Secretary's private email 
konk...@gmail.com for possible last minute contact enquiries.
As always, the goa-world.com team insists - as in the past few years -  that 
all Konkani related activities sent as press release/reports/news items, should 
also be forwarded to us (and all Konkani lovers) translated in Konkani (romi, 
nagri script - no problem)!  All should note and implement.
Related links: 

Goa World  
TGF Writers' Sketchpad  www.colaco.net
 www.goa-world.com/goa/ music/    - The Online Music Station for KONKANI 

EXPRESSIONS - THE FLOWER SHOP http://www.goa-world.com/expressions/
COLVA CONDOS - Your Holiday Home in Goa 
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that 
take our breath away.
Mapusa Feast - A video clip

[Goanet] The Reader’s Digest version

2009-05-05 Thread Cecil Pinto
The Reader’s Digest version
Laughter and other good medicines

By Cecil Pinto

On a lark I decided to conduct a random survey regarding public
awareness of Reader’s Digest and also reading styles. As expected
everyone I spoke to had heard of Reader’s Digest and encountered it
many times if not regularly. What was unexpected was the technique
used to ‘consume’ a Digest. Almost everyone I spoke to used the same
approach – Jokes First!

First published in USA in February 1922 by DeWitt and Lila Wallace the
Reader’s Digest was conceived as a ‘digest of articles of topical
interest and entertainment value condensed from other periodicals’.
Today the Readers Digest Association is a publishing conglomerate but
its monthly pocket sized digest is still the flagship and has a
readership of more than a 100 million with 50 editions in 20 languages
in 70 countries around the world – and we’re not counting the Braille

I can’t recall the exact age at which I was first introduced to the
Reader’s Digest but it has definitely been a fixture around the house
all my child and adult life. It has changed a whole lot over the
decades but then so have I. My modus operandi in devouring it though,
remains the same.

Round #1

A quick look at the cover. Skip the Contents and Letters to Editor
pages. Browse through Right Here-Right Now or Around the World with
One Question and Facts. Make mental notes for further detailed reading
in Round #2. Aha! Here is All in a Days’Work, which I will read fully.
Check out the theme for Word Power but do not attempt it.

Reading all the Quotable Quotes is not just an educational, but also a
humbling experience. Forget Nobel laureates, how can even Hollywood
actors and sportspeople be so witty and profound? How come I can never
think of anything uniquely smart to say when they phone me for some
Vox Populi sort of thing in the local newspapers? How come the clever
remarks dawn on me only much later?

Ok, where was I? Rush past My Story, Traveller’s Tales, Kindness of
Strangers and all those similar features that are written by ordinary
people. I want to get to the main body of the Digest. Articles written
and edited by professional writers and editors. Scan the synopsis
below each article heading and store it for later reference. Read the
captions of all the photos. But I do not, repeat do not, read the
articles themselves. The only stuff I read are the jokes used as space
fillers at the end of each article. And of course all the dedicated
joke sections – Life’s Like That, Humour in Uniform and my favourite -
Laughter the Best Medicine.

All these years I’ve been thinking to myself that I naturally
gravitated to the jokes because of my inbuilt interest as a wannabe
humour writer. Now I learn that all my friends read the Reader’s
Digest jokes first. Why was no formal survey done on this strange
habit? Why did I go through life thinking my approach was unique?
Looks like everyone on the planet has the same technique.

After the main feature we have the RD Living section. Strangely up
until a few years back I never would read the RD Health section - or
maybe very rarely. Today, as I complete forty two, I find myself
reading about Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Low Carbohydrate diets
and the difference between Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise for weight
loss. Someday soon I will actually put all this knowledge to good use.

RD Food holds little interest for me nor does RD Home DIY. I know
precious nothing about cooking and don’t intend starting now, and why
should I do something myself and make a complete mess when paid
professionals can do it for much less? I do read RD Tech just to get
some perverse pleasure in reading something I know about already.
Their anti-virus and similar PC advice is aimed at people with much
less computer knowledge than mine. Of course I need to feel good after
reading the RD Money section where their idea of a ‘middle class’
family has an income more than four times mine. So what if I’m lower
middle class, at least I know how to avoid computer viruses.

Then there’s the Challenge page which I conveniently ignore. In fact I
turn an absolute blind eye to this page. Until about five years back
every few months I would make an attempt at solving the Challenge but
never got anywhere remotely close to the solution. I think they
purposely put in that page so that the feel-good thing that the other
articles bring about is brought down a few pegs by your inability to
solve the puzzle.

I always pause at the Studio page and read the write up about the
artist and try my best to appreciate art that I don’t always

Round #2

Now the second round need not immediately follow the first round. It
all depends on time and inclination, and could be hours or even days
later. But when it does come this is the rough sequence. Read the
Editorial, Letters to the Editor and all the first few small articles
and pause at Word Power. Now if the theme is something I am familiar

Re: [Goanet] Talking Photo: Nocturnal scene (5 churches in thebackground etc)

2009-05-05 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

>From what my Dad told me, Bom Jesus was originally whitewashed, 
>to "water-proof" the porous laterite during monsoons, as were all other 

This whitewash coating was removed from the cathedral before the 1952 
exposition, according to my Dad, on a suggestion by some architect (who had no 
idea about the ferocity of the monsoons), presumably to display the beauty of 
the natural stone.  Whereas this might be ok for bluestone (or basalt) as used 
in European church buildings, this is definitely not OK for Goa, and I wish 
someone with guts would "suggest" to the ASI to re-cover the edifice with 
"chuno" (not cement, as the cement tends to crack with heat/cold variations, 
whereas chuno is more tolerant to the variations in temperature), if the 
building is to survive another few centuries. 

Experienced architects please feel free to comment on my observations.


- Original Message 
From: JoeGoaUk 
To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Sunday, 26 April, 2009 6:45:38 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Talking Photo: Nocturnal scene (5 churches in thebackground 

Bom Jesus is visible?
I Thought Basilica of Bom Jesus is the only church with original bricks colour 
and not white washed

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Re: [Goanet] A visit to Asilo de Majorda (Azilant, alberint or Home for the aged)

2009-05-05 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

"Albergue" is a refuge / shelter / asylum.  

In terms of tourism, albergues are something like - someone correct me if I'm 
wrong here - backpackers lodgings.

"Asilo" also translates to above.  

How we got it? Thank the pakles who set up the institution of Assistencia de 
Provedoria Publica a few centuries ago along with Asilos and Albergues along 
the years. 

(Anyone remember the "sortio" of Cruz Vermelha? And the sellers spruiking them 
"sorte  sorte - faleam abertur...")  


- Original Message 
From: JoeGoaUk 
To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, 5 May, 2009 2:17:03 PM
Subject: [Goanet] A visit to Asilo de Majorda (Azilant, alberint or Home for 
the aged)

Also, it would be nice if any body come back on this:
- What’s alber or how we got it ?

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