[Goanet] Religion is not the same as communalism; atheism isn't secularism Was: Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India's communal tensions?

2009-10-11 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Sandeep Heble is making a straw-man out of my arguments, and going on to
merrily (of course) demolish the same!

There is a lot of tacit and implicit confusion in this and related debates:
between religion and communalism, between atheism and secularism. To my
mind, religion does not equal communalism, and atheism isn't secularism!

One good example of a person who was *both* atheist and communal is "Veer"
Savarkar. There are people who are religious but not communal (many!) too.

In the light of the lionising of Jawaharlal Nehru's approach towards
secularism at the Sunaparanta meet, I felt there is need to point out that
his almost-disdainful attitude towards religion in a highly-religious
country like India is problematic, to say the least.

On this issue, I believe Gandhi perhaps had a better approach toward being
religious and non-communal at the same time.

If religion is discredited and pushed underground, we will soon find the
worst elements of each religion surfacing (as we see in today's India)
instead of the better faces showing. I see no reason why we should demonise
the views of believers (in whatever faith) on Goanet, and go on heaping
labels, abuse and insinuations against their intelligence! Can't we just
accept diversity and agree to disagree?


2009/10/11 Sandeep Heble 

> I am afraid Frederick is trying to distort his own words, words which
> he spoke at the Panel Discussion.
> Frederick made a very specific charge against Jawaharlal Nehru and not
> against some early politicians as he tries to suggest now in his
> response.
> He categorically tried to assert that it was Nehru's policies
> (promoting scientific/rational concepts or irreligious) that are
> responsible for the India’s communal tensions.
> By invoking contrasting personalities like Gandhi, Advani and Jinnah
> in the same picture, he tried to make a case that India’s problems
> were not with “Religious” people but with the “Irreligious” ones. He
> tried to equate religion with tolerance and atheism with intolerance.
> To make his point in favour of religion and against atheism and
> rationalism, the liberal rationalist Nehru was thus made a convenient
> scapegoat. How Jawaharlal Nehru can be held responsible for the riots,
> religious strife and other communal tensions that are occurring in
> India, many years after his death, is something that beats my wildest
> imagination.
> Frederick’s logic is nothing but bizarre, absurd and weird

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

Re: [Goanet] Nobel prize win 'humbles' Obama.

2009-10-11 Thread Oscar Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Noble Peace Award for President Obama.

People are divided on the decision taken by the Norwegian Noble Prize Committee 
(NNPC) to award President Obama with a Noble Prize.

While it may seem to be premature for some people many of us may have 
overlooked the 
fact that he is the first Black American President in the history of America.  
in itself is an achievement as he has risen up from the down trodden community 
he has commenced some good initiatives for the people of America. Instead of 
spanner in his good works it is better to put an Award to make him do some 
work being at the helm of his career.

Encouragement brings out the best in people. Criticism brings out the worst. 
many of us fall in each category!

We Goans need to learn from all this.  How many of our genuine Goans have 
contributed and continuing a great job in keeping our Goan culture and identity 
alive? We know a few Goans in Goa, Middle East, Canada, Spain etc; and what 
encouragement have we given to our Goans other than cheap shooting of e-mails 
washing dirty linen in public?  Do we know that Goanet is also read by 
non-Goans in 
India and elsewhere as there is no restriction to be a member of Goanet.

Recently a south Indian said to me - Do you know Mr. Lobo why Goans are not 
progressing? I was curious and asked him why to which he replied "Because your 
community is suffering from Tall Poppy syndrome (Aum shanoh in Konkani) and 

Let us therefore wake up to these observations by non-Goans and if necessary 
apologise to our fellow Goenkars if you believe we have hurt people because of 
or perhaps miss judgement.

The most important commandment from Jesus was "Love one another as I have loved 
This is precisely what is missing in us Goans and quicker we start loving our 
community the quicker we will stand to gain.

Zeal without knowledge is like fire without light.

Oscar C. Lobo

[Goanet] Panjim by night... the old mint, and an unusual club

2009-10-11 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

In the photos in this folder, mostly scenes from the Case de Moeda,
which turns 175 years old in early Nov 2009.
Click to go to hi-res (10 mega pixels).

And here's an interview with the UK-returned gynaec Dr Luis Dias (who
follows in his mum's footsteps, and four generations in the medical
Goa's Mint House, 175 years in November 2009: Dr Luis Dias, a gynaec
returned from the UK, is busy working to organise the 175th
anniversary of Case de Moeda, the mint house in Panjim. This historic
institution is his family home. Check out more about it, and the
celebrations are spread over three days in the first fortnight of Nov
2009. diasfl...@yahoo.com Address: Casa da Moeda, Near Head Post
Office, Panjim Goa 403001.

Btw, Dr Luis is looking out for any links and information (specially
photos) related to the old Goa Mint, where his house is located. If
you could share any, please contact him at the above address. Rgds, FN

PS: Another short on the SEQC:

Sexy, fashionable and in... a quiz-club in Goa: The joke behind the
name of one of the more unusual quiz clubs in India today, is that its
abbreviation gets prounced like "sexy". It's actually the Sunday
Evening Quiz Club. Between some laughs and jokes, its founder-members
architect Rajiv D'Silva and writer Aniruddha "Annie" Sen Gupta explain
what's behind this fast-growing network where having fun and a good
time is more important than mere competition-at-all-costs.
Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism
Goa,1556: http://goa1556.goa-india.org

[Goanet] "Zulpea Xett" No More

2009-10-11 Thread Freddy Fernandes

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Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

"Zulpea Xett" No More 


"Zulpea Xett" a low lying field which use to remain water logged during the
rainy season, would be a  centre of sporting activity during the rest of the
year, most of the Schools around Cuncolim use to hold their annual sports meet
on this beautiful and one of the best natural turfs, which infact could put a
lot of artificial turfs of today to shame, apart from the school sports,
football, cricket and hockey games were played at this venue, over all, it use
to be a natural habitat for the sweet water life and frogs during the rainy
season, one use to also see a lot of birds like the cranes around this water
logged ground but it use to be a hub of sporting activities after the rains. I
use to see thousands of people, young and the old gathered around this ground to
watch the sporting activities, whenever I use to pass by and use to admire
natures gift to the people of Culvaddo, near Sanvorcotto. 


This particular ground was gifted to the Cuncolim Union, which is a mighty
powerful body in the Cuncolim social and political strata, headed by president
Elvis Gomes, a former tourism director, the well known politician Ramesh Dessai
as it's secretary,  of late this body has become a law unto it's self, they have
filled up this beautiful natural turf without any clearance from the Land
Conversation Authorities, they have committed an offence of illegally filling up
the paddy field without the permission of the South Goa planning and development
Authority, the filling up of the paddy field  attracts penalty under section 7
of the Town and country planning act. A high ranking Police Officer, another
elite of the Cuncolim Union and it's vice president had been trying to build a
road on the other side of this ground, where he has his property, for a long
time, which was opposed by the locals and now he is served on a platter, how
very convenient ? Now with the powerful politicians and the police together with
their own agendas, law becomes a bystander, this is the law of the "jungle"
known as Goa today. If you are powerful enough you can get away with practically
anything, If the law makers and the protectors of the law, themselves do not
adhere to the laws, what it the point of the laws or are the laws, only for the
underprivileged and the Aam Aadmi ?


Elvis being a former tourism director should have been in the fore front in
protecting the environment but instead, he is a party to the destruction of the
environment. I do feel sorry for the people of Culvaddo, most of whom oppose
this destruction of nature but have no voice because of the powerful political
lobby within the Cuncolim Union, I am very much surprised that the
environmentalists as well as the well known journalist like Guilherme Almeida
and Armstrong Vaz, sons of the soil have not come out strongly against this
issue, the very people who have shown great concern for the environment all over
Goa have failed to raise a voice in their own backyard, probably what is good
for the goose is not good for the gander. Pen is said to be mightier than the
sword, but here most probably the repercussions of standing against the powerful
elite of the Cuncolim Union have made their pens run out of ink or their
ballpoints and nibs somehow turned into jelly. It's a real pity that mother
nature has been let down by it's sons in Cuncolim.


Filling up of this field will certainly affect the water levels from here on,
during the rainy season, we have seen what a cloud burst did to the residence of
Canacona, playing with nature is as dangerous as playing with fire, development
at the cost of nature is not what is required in Cuncolim or for that matter in
Goa, our political elite have shown very little respect for nature and ecology,
hope the flood in Canacona is an eye opener for our Politicians and Authorities
alike, for a clearer vision. 


Save the environment, save Goa


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) at Canacona.

2009-10-11 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Vaidya Bhide clears the meaning of the term SENDRIYA (ORGANIC) (Sendriyam
Chetana Dravyam Nirendriyam Achetanam) related to living and non living 
(Sajeev, Nirjeev).

The Ayurvedic preparations made of Nirendriya are accepted by living body
without harm.

Shrikant Vinayak Barve
Convener: We Love Ayurved

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[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (12Oct09)

2009-10-11 Thread alexyz fernandes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

***   Spare Parts   ***

"Hows Business? Very Good! More pot-holes than Last Year..!"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org 

Re: [Goanet] Indian ancestry revealed in massive study

2009-10-11 Thread Bosco Dsouza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Much is now  being said of the Aryan-Dravidian divide.There is enough of 
evidence(read great historians like Romila Thappar) who very clearly show that 
was invaded by the Aryans.and they brought in  Brahmanism to our country


[Goanet] Critical review of Priolkar's Goa Inquisition - Exposing the smears, Part 1

2009-10-11 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

The Goan historian A. K. Priolkar has been gratuitously smeared in this forum 
as being biased, communally and politically motivated, and by way of hints and 
insinuations, as being aligned with Hindutva extremists. His credentials as a 
historian have been shamelessly questioned, all because he has written a book 
on the Goan inquisition, which somehow appears to be offensive or threatening 
to these smear-artistes and their beliefs. The smearing and questioning has 
been done by non-historians who have no track record of contributing anything 
substantive to the study of Goan history, have no independent factual knowledge 
about the inquisition, and in all likelihood, have not carefully read or 
familiarized themselves with the contents of Priolkar’s book. 

When asked to provide factual evidence to support their slander they have 
quietly slunk away, and in one case, stuck to their self-serving belief that 
their publicly stated adverse opinions about others do not have to be backed by 
facts, among other convenient excuses.

In this thread, by critically reviewing Priolkar’s book in multiple parts in a 
substantive manner, I would like to expose the dishonesty of the slurs against 
him and rectify the grave disservice that the frivolous smear merchants have 
done towards Goanetters and Goans by besmirching the reputation of this 
illustrious son of the Goan soil.

To give you a sense of the honorable motives and dispassionate spirit with 
which Priolkar undertook the writing of his book, I would like to begin in this 
post by quoting what he said in the introduction to his book. It should give 
you a good idea of the ethical responsibility and seriousness with which he 
regarded his scholarly endeavor. Here is what he said:

But the book on the Inquisition was not deliberately delayed to make its 
publication coincide with the quater-centenary of its establishment. The delay 
in its publication is in large measure due to the fact that the task of writing 
a history of the Inquisition was more difficult and much less pleasant and it 
was undertaken after considerable hesitation. The history of the printing press 
in India is a record of achievement and progress and an Indian writer who 
traces it is called upon to discharge the pleasant duty of acknowledging with 
gratitude the debt which India owes to the pioneering work of the Portuguese 
and other Europeans. On the other hand, the story of the Inquisition is a 
dismal record of callousness and cruelty, tyranny and injustice, espionage and 
blackmail, avarice and corruption, repression of thought and culture and 
promotion of obscurantism and an Indian writer who undertakes to tell it can 
easily be accused of being inspired by
 ulterior motives. From this point of view, it would have been appropriate if 
the task had been undertaken by a Portuguese historian of the stature of 
Oliveira Martins, Pinheiro Chagas, Alexandre Herculano or Cunha Rivara. Such a 
writer would have done fuller justice to the subject. But in the present 
circumstances there is little chance that a popular work of this nature from 
the pen of a Portuguese writer would be forthcoming in the near future. Works 
of historical research like those by Antonio Baiao, which have been drawn upon 
in the preparation of the present volume, are likely to interest the student of 
history rather than the general reader. In the present volume scrupulous care 
has been taken to eschew bias and present a dispassionate and objective account 
of the working of the Goa Inquisition. In spite of this, the picture that 
emerges is undoubtedly grim. But this could not be helped as truth had to be 
told. In situations of this nature the
 historian should be guided by the following memorable words of Pope Leo XIII:

"Endeavour most earnestly to refute all forgeries and false statements, after 
investigating the sources of the subject matter. The historians should keep 
foremost in their minds the fact that the first law of history is that no one 
should dare to utter falsehood and hesitate to state the truth"
 Letter of Leo XIII of 18th August 1883 to the Cardinals: De Luca, Pitra 

..Introduction to “The Goa Inquisition, being a Quatercentenary 
Commemoration Study of the Inquisition in India” by Anant Kakba Priolkar




[Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India's communal tensions?

2009-10-11 Thread Sandeep Heble

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Floriano Lobo writes: “How about 'Marathi Manoos' and its long term
implications for example??”

My response:

A policy that is inherently fundamentally flawed is bound to have both
immediate as well as future disastrous repercussions. Besides, laws
that may have looked great in the past may be found to be flawed in
the present. If we critically examine all our religious books, we are
bound to find a lot of flaws in our ancient Religious laws, customs
and traditions. Therefore, we must constantly update old laws, customs
and traditions. The process of reform must be continuous.

Nehru was a liberal who followed the principles of rationalism and
secularism. He tried to reform the Indian society from all the ills
and evils of religion. His governance may not have been perfect, but
to blame Nehru’s adoption of the principles of secularism and
rationalism, for the acts of terror and violence by religious
fundamentalists that we see today, will be the height of absurdity.
Secularism, after all, is the very antithesis of religion.

Let’s blame the right people for our present woes, not invent
imaginary enemies.  If the Governments were to forcefully pursue the
policies of Secularism and Rationalism and govern with an iron hand,
we would not have had the riots in Mumbai, Delhi, Gujarat or Orissa.
We will not see a Book banned, a Film withdrawn or Art galleries
ransacked on flimsy whimsical grounds.

For religious acts of violence, how can anyone in his right frame of
mind blame secularism? Shouldn’t religion be blamed for Religious

[Goanet] Daily Grook #541

2009-10-11 Thread Francis Rodrigues

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

by Francis Rodrigues

every composer
of rebel songs,
thinks they're
writing wrongs!

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
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[Goanet] Goa: Swearing of new Chief Information Commissioner, Monday Oct 12, 2009

2009-10-11 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible


October 11, 2009

Governor Dr. S. S. Sidhu will administer the oath of office to Shri
Motilal S. Keni as the chief Information Commissioner under Right to
Information Act 2005 tomorrow, October 12, 2009.

As per the  programme chalked out by the Department of Information &
Publicity, the swearing in ceremony of the new  Chief Information
Commissioner will be held at Durbar Hall Raj Bhavan at 4.30 p.m.
tomorrow to be attended by Chief Minister, Shri Digambar Kamat, chief
Secretary, Shri Sanjay K. Srivastava, Secretary, Information and
Publicity, Shri Narendra Kumar who is also functioning as secretary to
the Governor.

Presently the Commission under Right to Information Act 2005 has only
on State Information Commissioner, Shri Afonso Araujo


Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism
Blog: http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Indian ancestry revealed in massive study

2009-10-11 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 16:18:12 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" 

I do not think that the article can be read to substantiate the Aryan
Invasion Theory.  But I am not an expert in this subject.

But around the same time, there was an article in The Times of India with
the title "Aryan-Dravidian divide a myth: Study".  It is available at:


Mario observes:

All very interesting as part of history but worthless in judging an individual.

As the lone voice on Goanet of reason, truth and peace, I recommend to everyone 
on Goanet an adaptation of the most valuable and immortal insight of Martin 
Luther King, Jr. "I have a dream that my children will one day live in a nation 
where they will not be judged by their ANCESTRY but by the content of their 

Re: [Goanet] Selma Carvalho: Who the bleep cares about Goan etiquette?

2009-10-11 Thread Mervyn Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Selma Carvalho wrote:
> There have been countless occasions when I've sat in reception rooms, nearly
> epileptic with uncontrollable spasm of fear, as these huge canine demons
> from hell, growling that guttural growl which would put any Arab to shame
> and baring their teeth at me as if inviting me to canine Hades, leap onto me
> to sniff my hair, while the owner sits demurely nibbling at bolinas and
> smiles, "oh he won't do anything."

You missed the first line dog guardians usually ask before they display the 
beast to you.
They question, "Do you like dogs?"
And the reply to that question, always is, "Yes please, with a some peanut 
Either you or the dog will never be seen at that residence again. 

> Lastly but perhaps most importantly, we must get rid of this tradition of
> forcing our guests, to "have one for the road." 

I am told that in the Goan phyche, this actually is a safety precaution. You 
will never, 
ever, read in a Goan newspaper about two drunks who crashed into each other.
What usually happens is that the drunk crashes into the guy walking home from 
his second/third job.

The Goan who offers you, 'one for the road' is, in his mind, trying to protect 

> First of all this tradition and the phrase, I'm sure started somewhere in the 
> tundra region where having one last shot of bourbon or maybe melted seal 
> fat made it possible to endure the homeward journey in an open-sleigh 
> driven by reindeers. 

This is where you mess up completely. The people from the tundra region,
in both Canada and Russia, are the only people who had not discovered 
fermentation, or alcohol. It is too cold in those parts for any thing to 

Hopefully, there will be more research before your next article.


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Re: [Goanet] A tale of ulhas-os

2009-10-11 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

 Antonio Menezes wrote: "It all started when a plague VIRUS descended
upon the inhabitants of Old Goa  in mid 18th century"

Dear AM,

I enjoy reading your posts - as I enjoy fiction.

I do not know why my good friend Valmiki took you to Lakaki without
giving you the opportunity to explain your facts (and their
manufacturing process).

Having said that . I must confess that I did not know that the
disease, Plague (which hit Old Goa) .. was caused by the Plague

Thank you for making me aware of this previously unknown information.

Now I know why I read your posts. It is because you check,
double-check and recheck your "facts" before you send them to GoaNet.

good wishes



Please do NOT refer me to :

If you wish, you may refer to:

http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/235627-overview  or

http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/plague/  or


Re: [Goanet] The Cardinal who pulled the rug on Goa!

2009-10-11 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Xac, I would be grateful if you could send me the citation and the exact
text. Thanks, FN

2009/10/10 Bernado Colaco 

> Sorry it is no more an allegation. Read the book by Frank Moraes. A traitor
> is a traitor forget the caste.
> BC
> Very easy to make all kinds of allegations without naming names! I
> sometimes suspect the condescending attitude towards Valerian Cardinal
> Gracias, in part at least, stems from the fact that he didn't belong
> to the Catholic caste elite that long dominated Goa. FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

Re: [Goanet] A tale of ulhas-os

2009-10-11 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Antonio Menezes,

Please stop spreading such unadulterated rubbish. If you don't know enough,
or in doubt, you must "leave out" -- or "find out."

1. Where was the "epicentre" of "the plague"? In Carambolim, now Karmali?

2. What caused the plague ... the same grandmother story of dead elephants in
the Carambolim lake? Or was it sanitation in the city proper?

3. Did the plague "descend" upon Old Goa in the mid-18th Century? Check your
dates from recorded history.

4. Did your "Korbomle"-kars migrate only to "Vel-he" (Velim)? Have you heard of
the Lobos and others in Bardez (chiefly in Calangute)? Where did they migrate 
What about those settled in St. Estevam (Jua)?

5. Families like Colaco, Barros and Vaz Falcao settled in Ambelim and Velim,
on the eastern banks of Salcete's River Sal. But what about those in Orlim, by 
Salcete river's western banks? Were they your ''Speedy Gonzalez '' who dropped
from heaven?

6. Are you a "CHONNEKAR" from Velim, as against a "ZONNKAR" from Carambolim?
If not, why the factually incorrect assertion in the last sentence of your Para 
1? (Or were
you jilted by a 'zonnkar' girl that now evokes your misplaced ire/tepid fire?)

7. More rubbish in your Paragraph 2. What about the Valladares settled in 
Verna, and
the Mussolini Pachecos in Majorda? Did they also "speedily" fall like manna 
from the
skies? As against your articulated facade, your ignorance stand out.

8. If something itches your one hand, scratch just that one. The absurd 
diatribe below,
denigrating an entire community, is entirely sick and uncalled for.

9. If you didn't know, other than Fidalgos and some so-called native Brahmin 
the community from Carambolim, was for long the richest village community of 
both pre- and post-plague.

Check your facts, pal, before you look at your foot and decide to open your 

- Original Message - 
From: "Antonio Menezes" 

To: "goanet" 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 7:16 PM
Subject: [Goanet] A tale of ulhas-os

It all started when a plague virus descended upon the inhabitants of Old
Goa  in mid 18th century.
Its people ran away as far as they could from the epicentre of the plague.
Most of them migrated to
Bardez via canoes plying in the rivers between Divar and Chorao islands. The
well to do proceeded
towards Panjim  the new capital of Goa. But there were others from villages
surrounding Old Goa
like Korbomle who apparently did not fit in well with those who migrated to
Bardez and Panjim and
so they chose to flee down to South.They ran like ''Speedy Gonzalez '' till
they reached Vel-he and
did not wish to proceed any farther south.  So like an American general,
made their Custer's Last
Stand  and dug in Vel=he. Settled down in this village as moradores but
succeeded in landowning
business so much that they as moradores bhatkars  gave a sort of complex to
local gaunkar

I wonder why bhatkars say from, Cansaulim, Majorda . Varca. Navelim and
Chinchinim did not welcome \
them in their midst, could it be  they suspected them to be potential
carriers, well, answers may
never be found.

Being so close and now so far away in Vel-he  for over two centuries from
the centro of power  in Old Goa
/Panjim may have made their hearts grow fonder  and it would be appear they
are still very much in
love with the Portuguese.

Re: [Goanet] Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) at Canacona.

2009-10-11 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

--- On Sun, 10/11/09, SHRIKANT BARVE  wrote:
>Ayurved can regenerate tissue functioning due to organic(Sanskrut word
> SENDRIYA) view towards medicine.

It appears that the approach here is to fool the public by using politically 
appealing words such as "organic", with misunderstood and mis-applied New Age 
connotations. It is much easier than doing the honest hard work of actually 
gathering objective scientific evidence for their incredible claims. I have 
already pointed out that this vaidya does not know the scientific meanings of 
the words "organic" and "inorganic".




[Goanet] Empathy – Monday-muse (12 Oct ’09)

2009-10-11 Thread Pravin Sabnis

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

MONDAY MUSE (12 October 2009)

Our ability to connect with another’s predicament can vary from insensitive 
indifference to responsive understanding called empathy. Empathy is distinct 
from pity, sympathy and emotional contagion. Pity is ‘feeling sorry’ for 
someone in trouble and in need of help. Sympathy is feeling compassion or 
concern for another, the wish to see them better off or happier. Emotional 
contagion is when we imitatively 'catch' the emotions that others are showing 
without necessarily recognizing this is happening. 
In 1993, just before Diwali, the Latur earthquake uprooted lives, families and 
homes. All of us felt pity and sympathy for the affected people. Some of us 
joined the emotional contagion of donating money and material. But the most 
valuable lesson came from the families who chose to scale down Diwali 
celebrations to the bare minimum… as they would have if tragedy were to strike 
their own home. The money was instead spent for relief work. 
Andre Gide queried aptly, ‘Are you then unable to recognize unless it has the 
same sound as yours?’ Empathy is about recognizing the ‘sound’ of another’s 
experience even if it is unlike any of ours. It is about putting oneself into 
the psychological frame of reference of another, so that the other person’s 
feelings, thinking and actions are understood.
However, empathy should not be an occasional emotion… to be unravelled only in 
times of great tragedy. For instance, we cuddle contradictions if we practise 
empathy as a response to ecological calamities while ignoring the fact that 
they are a result of man-made decisions that trigger the disaster. Hence, we 
must hear the ‘sounds’ of struggle of people who strive to save their lives, 
lands and livelihoods. Real empathy is about consistency in our actions to be 
responsible and responsive human beings. 
To BE BETTER at the attitude of empathy…
Let’s move beyond situational sympathy!
- Pravin K. Sabnis 

  Now, send attachments up to 25MB with Yahoo! India Mail. Learn how. 

Re: [Goanet] Selma Carvalho: Who the bleep cares about Goan etiquette?

2009-10-11 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

2009/10/11 Eddie Fernandes ed...@fernandes.u-net.com

> Title: Who the bleep cares about Goan etiquette?
> By Selma Carvalho
> There have been countless occasions when I've sat in reception rooms,
> nearly
> epileptic with uncontrollable spasm of fear, as these huge canine demons
> from hell, growling that guttural growl which would put any Arab to shame
> and baring their teeth at me as if inviting me to canine Hades, leap onto
> me
> to sniff my hair, while the owner sits demurely nibbling at bolinas and
> smiles, "oh he won't do anything."
> RESPONSE: We had as many as five dogs in Nairobi, all lived outdoors. I had
a Rottweiler in H.K. which I transported at great cost, including
quarantine, to the U.K. Latterly I also had a 50 Kg Japanese Akita, both
lived in the house. My dogs were trained not to enter the living room and
they would not approach any guests, unless commanded to do so.

So I do agree with you regarding people and their dogs - the dogs should
know their place!

My next dogs in Goa will be either English bull terriers or Belgian Shepherd
(Malinois). Can anyone in Goa, kindly inform me if these breeds are
available? I would love to have a Caucasian *Shepherd* *Dog* (Ovcharka).
Tibetan Mastiff or Anatolian Karabash but the hot weather in Goa would be a

Both my previous dogs were powerful beasts who kept unwanted intruders away
from our home.

[Goanet] Prehistoric Rock Art Gallery in Goa

2009-10-11 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

To Goanet -



[Goanet] Goa news for October 12, 2009

2009-10-11 Thread Goanet News Service

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Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa: Bus trapped in deep flood waters - NDTV.com
arnataka border in a place called Kudal, which is about 100 km
from Goa. ...

*** I-League: Sporting - Air India Match Postponed Due To Heavy
Showers - Goal.com
eague hasn't been the best so far for the state of Goa as rains
have played a spoilsport... For the second consecutive day, ...

*** Goa BJP wants govt to use IFFI funds for relief work -
Press Trust of India
IFFI funds to aid flood-hit people in Canacona: BJP

*** Sesa Goa - A long-term bet - Myiris.com

*** Goa's biggest offshore casino unfit, inferior: Ministry -
Times of India
biggest offshore casino unfit, inferior: Ministry

*** PREP FOOTBALL: Muir loses on late field goa, 9-6 - Pasadena
ewsBURBANK - Michael Solano kicked a 21-yard field goal with 9
seconds left to lift Burroughs High School to a 9-6 victory

*** A kiss of Goa across the border - Times of India
RM">and more »

*** Remo laments Goa's woes in latest video - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Rampant mining, beach erosion and over
zealous exploitation of land resources in Goa find 'top of the
chart' mention in noted musician and singer ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/news/city/goa/Remo-laments-Goas-woes-in-latest-video/articleshow/5086948.cms&usg=AFQjCNHc7YOiZgyRWRI7ji8c5jIQNMAXJQ

*** Goa changes stand on edu hub yet again - Times of India
oM">and more »

*** Goa denied calamity relief funds - Herald Publications
rald PublicationsGoa tops the list of five States that have
been released no money from the central Calamity Relief Fund
(CRF) as they did not submit the utilisation ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://oheraldo.in/pagedetails.asp?nid=28177&cid=2&usg=AFQjCNHgDnrJ4IR75_JFFrnX0OCXEaHnSw

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Looking for Volunteers for Climate Change Event on 24th OCT

2009-10-11 Thread Gabe Menezes

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Making your 'dream wedding' possible

2009/10/12 Clinton Vaz klint...@gmail.com

> The 24th is approaching! It's theGlobal Day of Climate Change Action.
> People all over the world will be organizing activities to highloght climate
> change. We in Goa will be doing stuff too!
> We need volunteers that help organize the events for the day.
> 350 meters of cloth will be turned into banners and cloth bags.

RESPONSE: M. Goveia will be in Goa shortly -- Perhaps be will volunteer his
services; to show he cares and to show that he contributes (not just hot air
here, day in day out), if not monetarily, then with strident effort!

> --

[Goanet] Looking for Volunteers for Climate Change Event on 24th OCT

2009-10-11 Thread Clinton Vaz

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

The 24th is approaching! It's theGlobal Day of Climate Change Action. 
People all over the world will be organizing activities to highloght 
climate change. We in Goa will be doing stuff too!

We need volunteers that help organize the events for the day.
350 meters of cloth will be turned into banners and cloth bags.

Vasco, Margao, Panjim and Ponda shall have volunteers help with the 
banner.  Each city shall have a portion of this banner on which people 
can write their messages.

We already have Jen and Shirnivas from Vasco helping that side!

Aaron and a few more from Panjim will help there too.

We need volunteers in Margao and Ponda.

On the 24th, two or more volunteers will be manning  a table on which 
the banner will be signed, sketched and drawn on by Goans that care 
about Climate Change. Subject to funds, we will also put up info banners 
about climate change at all these venues.

If anybody can help offset the costs of stiching cloth bags, screen 
printing a message or just provide logistical help, it would be much 
appreceated. We really need all the help we can get, so please do call 
back if you want to help.


seal the deal campaign plans
ruchi jain 
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 01:14:37 +0530


Dar Aparna ,

I hope you are well.

Would you be able to provide 350 meters to Clinto Vaz for his campaign. 
I would also like as many as banners possible for the signature campaign 
for our Mumbai rally on 24th Oct.

Also can you confirm the rally details on 24th oct starting from Gandhi 


Ruchi Jain
350.org  Coordinator,
Agents of Change Director
Indian Youth Climate Network
e: ru...@350.org ,ruchij...@iycn.in 

m: 9969085224


We are the youth of India. Climate change is going to affect OUR future. 
The decision makers of today, won't be around in 50 years time to see 
the effects of their inaction. Hence we need take the action required to 
ensure that our future will be bright, clean and green.
The Indian Youth Climate Network (IYCN) is a coalition uniting Indian 
youth and Indian youth oriented organizations who are concerned about 
climate change. We as the future leaders of the country can generate 
awareness and establish consensus on what role India should play in the 
global debate, and how it should address domestic issues of climate 
justice and adaptation. It is a monumental effort but one with immense 

Support. Unite. Share. Engage. Inspire. Change.

Come be a part of something new, something bold: Indian Youth Climate 

[Goanet] Aga Mhatar Xepai Pai! Tuka Cazar kiteak Zai?

2009-10-11 Thread JoeGoaUk

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Making your 'dream wedding' possible

[Goanet] Aga Mhatar Xepai Pai! Tuka Cazar kiteak Zai?
Oi, kui kui
Fiu fiu fiu fiu
Anko yo

Ago mhujea Jakinu bai
Tuka ani kazar zai?
Ritin mauxek, nouro sodunk lai
Ok. Check these some parkonnim
Edoso bhurgo edhem potonnem nesona.
Zabab: Sui (needle with thread).
Sokann uttota baint uddki marta
Zabab: Bindul or kollso
Sonkann uttota ani soglem ghor bounta
Zabab: Sarun (broom) or zaddu
Sonkann uttota gobram-lepddota
Z: Aidonam (Vattieo, tost, boxio etc) used to clean with ash (gobor)
Now we have Vim, Nirma powder, washing liquids teepool etcetc
Maim mota put zata (mother dies, son born) 
Z: Kelli ani Kellsumbo (banana tree and banana sampling)
Raza jeuta ani kombo choita
Z: Divo or chimnne divo (kerosene lamp)
Now we have electricity.
Edoso bhurgo maink hapaita (a child beats him mom)
Z: Gannt (Churh bell etc)
Vhoddlem ghor asa, ul malia konn zap dinam
Z: Ximitor (cemetery) 
You said..
Aum mhatro dekhun-u
Golleant gailam tambdde bentin-u
(Never made sense to me though)
Z: I may have one version
Generally, what’s church going age?
7-16 altar boys etc
17-60 adulthood -after girls, money etc
60+ back to church
Week day mass majority would be from the above 1st and the 3rd group.
See, it’s as simple as that :-)

Finally, don’t remember the same old story of
Kolmama ani Kolmami?
Where Kolomam bomka pus-pusun zambllam udoita
Kolmamaghe ghor xennachem
Kolmameghe ghor mennachem
In the end, all Kanionnio had this defaut ending
Ghor dar korta Raz choloita or Ranni choloita etc

Here is some homework:

Ek razu, tuntt-tuntton potta
Kit tem sang?
Don piddeavoilean mhar daunta
Kit tem sang
Bhonkant danddo, jilant ubo
Kit tem sang
Gu ha muzo


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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[Goanet] SaligaoCivic.ConsumerCell AT Gmail.Com

2009-10-11 Thread muriel & mario

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Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Netters,

This is the email id of the Saligao Civic & Consumer Cell:

We would be glad to hear from you.

Warm regards and solidarity.


there *is* anOTHERgoa 
muriel & mario,
"villa faria", 
5/3 donvaddo, saligao.  
bardez.  goa.  403511.
tel: 0832-2278276 / 240

[Goanet] Garbage Plant at Gaumvaddy scrapped

2009-10-11 Thread Clinton Vaz

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Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Dominic,

I got a bit confused when you said garbage plant in the subject, and then say 
dumping ground on a hill in the body of the message. Both are entirely separate 

The problem is people confuse the two and as a result good projects get stalled 
too. Dumping grounds all over Goa need to be closed at all costs, however 
Garbage Plants are much better. However, Garbage plants can also have problems 
too, and this is especially prevalent when faulty choice of technology is made 
due to kickbacks and corruption.

I'm not saying that the scrapping of the project was bad or good. That's a 
different matter. The fact still is that garbage is still being generated at 
the village level too, and nothing is being done about managing it. But please 
don't confuse the terms, as that appears to create a negative feeling among 
people even with good waste management projects.

+91 9890936828

Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 13:26:57 -0400
From: "Domnic Fernandes" 
To: "Goanet" 
Subject: [Goanet] Garbage Plant at Gaumvaddy scrapped


At the Gram Sabha meeting held on Sunday, September 27, 2009, the Sarpanch of 
Anjuna-Caisua Panchayat agreed to scrap their plan to use our hill as a dumping 
ground for garbage.

The whole credit goes to Gaumvaddy youth who took up the matter and followed through 
until the plan was dropped. The youth is our future!! So, let us prepare and entrust 
them with responsibilities. The elderly and senior citizens like me should extend 
their full support and guide the youngsters in their missions.

Recently, Gram Sabha meetings have become one of the most powerful tools in the 
hands of villagers. Let us grab this opportunity and use it whenever there are 
issues to be addressed in our communities.

As the old adage goes.'Together we stand, divided we fall!'


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Mob: 9420979201

[Goanet] Canacona Floods & The Art of Farting!

2009-10-11 Thread Anthony M Barreto

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Making your 'dream wedding' possible

The unprecedented Canacona flood is something many Kankonkars are very likely 
to remember like a bad nightmare for the rest of their life.
Hence I do not mean to negate the intensity of the disaster for those who were 
left without a roof over their head or were seriously affected in a number of 
other ways. 
Still the truth was somewhat like farting. Post flood many actually got 
diarrhea but others were only farting. Some people farted silently without 
making an exhibition of their turmoil within. Others farted openly making no 
secret of their troubles so that everyone that matters should notice. There 
were still others who not only farted shamelessly but held a mike to their arse 
to amplify it for better effect. The worst culprits are those who faked farting 
and did it so loudly that the Canacona Executive Magistrate (Mamlatdar) was too 
much of a fart to suspect anything.  
The response of the politicians and other opportunists to the disaster was 
inconceivable, nauseating, disgusting and at the same time amusing.
One guy with his house on the Galgibaga coast who had sold his canoe a year 
back filed a claim for compensation signed by two witnesses vouching for the 
One Prabhudesai, who managed to get Rs. 12000/-, was the first among scores of 
others to get compensation merely because the rain water kissed the steps of 
their business establishment or house.  
Another guy EB claimed he lost 400 coconuts. How did the coconuts wash away 
when the gate of his compound was securely closed? This is the obvious question 
the two-penny govt. officials did not ask him.
A lady who fell at Chaudi while getting off a bus was reported by a local 
English daily as the victim of the flood.
There were numerous claims of vehicle damage before the panchayat and the 
mamlatdar office. Shouldn’t they be knocking the doors of the MV insurance co. 
or may be the idea is to have it both ways.
Nothing has changed for the scores of houses that were left flat in the wake of 
the flood but a certain former politician is taking up a bar restoration work 
on war-footing.
Shame! Shame! Many stinking-rich families availed packets of 2kg rice, quarter 
kg daal, quarter kg sugar, 3 potatoes 3 onions and a bar each of bath soap and 
washing soap. I wish they were given a soap to scrub their unfeeling souls.
Tony martin

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[Goanet] Keki Daruwalla weaves words around history in For Pepper & Christ

2009-10-11 Thread Luis Vas

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Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

 Keki Daruwalla weaves words around history in *For Pepper & Christ*

Indo-Asian News Service*
 New Delhi, May 11, 2009
 First Published: 21:43 IST(11/5/2009)
Last Updated: 16:09 IST(15/5/2009)


*Keki Daruwalla weaves words around history*
History has its own magic. Novels that build themselves on a historical
canvas, especially woven around events during the end of the 15th century
and the 16th century, are more compelling because that was the time the
world was truly becoming global, feels award-winning poet and short story
writer Keki N. Daruwalla.

"The 17th and the 18th centuries were not that great, but the 15th and 16th
centuries were full of interesting anecdotes. The spice trade was booming.
The Mamluks, slave soldiers of the Muslim sultans who were converted to
Islam and trained as a crack force, fought the Mongols and even defeated the
crusaders. Historically, Asia and Europe were in a ferment and it was an
exciting period in world history," Daruwalla, a former Indian Police Service
officer, told IANS in the capital.

His new book, "For Pepper and Christ", a historical novel, was released in
the capital Friday by veteran journalist Mark Tully.

Daruwalla's first novel - based on Vasco da Gama's voyage to India for the
spice trade and touching on the hunt of the Portuguese for the legendary
Prester John - is set in the 15th century, when the Portuguese scoured the
seas, collecting maps and sending spies along the Red Sea to find out how
the Arabs carried on their spice trade with India.

"I decided on this period because someone told me an incident - a legend
that is at the end of the book - sowing the seeds in my mind," Daruwalla

The writer brings alive a world of tumultuous voyaging during the time of da
Gama - an era when the search for spices triggered a passion for
exploration. The meat butchered in autumn and eaten in winter stank and
Europe was in desperate need of Asian spices to make their meals aromatic
and "give the meat a new flavour".

Legends of a magnificent Christian dominion nestled in the heart of the east
and ruled by the fabled Prester John also generated intense curiosity about
lands bordering the Indian Ocean.

Brother Figuero, a missionary, Taufiq, a sailor, Ehtesham, an artist, and
three men of power, a Muhtasib, a Zamorin and an Abbott, go on a journey of
discovery as the conflicts between Islam and Christianity intensify.
Individual destinies of the voyagers collide and change in the process.
While the missionary and the sailor are part of da Gama's fleet searching
"elusive spices and a legend", the three men in power play out their parts
in areas that they control - the souks of Cairo, Calicut under the Zamorin
and in the Christian shrines.

The book, says Daruwalla, took him over 10 years to complete.

"I started writing in 1996 and then left it midway because of a family
bereavement. But I decided to complete in 2006 when Penguin Books India
signed me up for it after publishing a volume of my poetry. I finished the
manuscript in 2007," the writer said.

The amount of research that went into collating the data was enormous. "Bulk
of it was done in Egypt. I went to Cairo for a month and visited the
American University where I found the translations of the 15th century
Arabian navigator Ibn Majid. Majid is known to have guided Vasco da Gama to
India. I went through the works, culling material for my book," Daruwalla

The book is also a travelogue, describing ancient navigation systems and
places along the Cape of Good Hope in detail. "But I have never sailed,"
says Daruwalla. "The only time I have visited Africa is when I spent six
weeks in Zimbabwe."

The writer, who was conferred the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1984 and the
Commonwealth Poetry Prize for Asia in 1987, has written two plays. "I plan
to work on a book of short stories called 'Long Story', as soon as I finish
revising my plays," he said.

*(Madhusree Chatterjee can be contacted at **madh...@ians.in*

 Review: *For Pepper and Christ*

  *Vijay Jung Thapa,
Hindustan Times*

Re: [Goanet] Girl 'eating herself to death' This also is in our undernourished India

2009-10-11 Thread Anthony M Barreto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Barve, I honestly don't get what you want to suggest by connecting a sick child 
to undernourished India.
Tony martin

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[Goanet] Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) at Canacona.

2009-10-11 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) at Canacona.

Vaidya Raghuveer Bhide visited Canacona and examined few patients to get first 
hand information of CRF cases. 
Its an unanswerable disease for ages.  Vaidya Bhide feels that Ayurved may find 
out answer for this. Its worth trying medically as also social point of view. 
Ayurved can regenerate tissue functioning due to organic(Sanskrut word 
SENDRIYA) view towards medicine.  He feels that failure of functioning kidney 
can be activated. 

“Series on Health” team which include Vaidya Raghuveer Bhide, Dr. Rajendra 
Tamba, Dr. Divakar Velip, Shrikant Barve,  Sanjay Barve , Vaishali Prabhu, Raj 
Kenkre and others visited Gondongrem, Palole, Agonda, To find out first hand 
report on Chronic Renal Failure cases in Canacona on Sunday Oct. 11, 2009.

It is very sad to note that only relief for such patient till now is dialyses, 
which extends their life by few years. 

There are many cases between age group of 25 to 35 and they know that they have 
to spend around Rs.500 per week to visit hospital for dialyses. Which itself 
force patient and the family to live their life at the mercy of God. 






Shrikant Vinayak Barve
Convener: We Love Ayurved

Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Yahoo! Messenger. Download 
Now! http://messenger.yahoo.com/download.php

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] 29th Sunday of the Year

2009-10-11 Thread Jude Botelho

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Making your 'dream wedding' possible


Dear Friend,

Many people desire to be great, to be at the top, and to excel in their field 
of work. While having some ambition in life can be a motivating force, being 
too ambitious is like a hunger; it obeys no law but its appetite. Most of the 
trouble in the world is caused by people wanting to be important. 
Paradoxically, those who are truly great do not need to prove themselves at the 
expense of others. They are most ready to serve and wait upon others! Have a 
reflective weekend thanking God, who everyday is ready to serve us! Fr. Jude

Sunday Reflections: Twenty-ninth Sunday of the year ‘To Serve not to be 
served!’ 18-Oct-2009
Isaiah 53: 10-11;   Hebrews 4: 14-16;  Mark 10: 35-45;

The first reading is an excerpt from Isaiah’s fourth servant song. The servant 
offers his life in atonement for the sins of the people. He takes on himself 
the sins of the people. His death will be the beginning of glorification for 
him and a source of blessings to many. By reflecting on passages such as this, 
the early Christians came to an understanding of the sufferings and death of 

Shining Example
The following story is told about John Ruskin, the 18th century English writer, 
when he was quite old. He was visiting with a friend, and he was standing 
looking out the front window of the house. It was night-time, and the 
lamp-lighter was lighting the street lamps. From the window one could see only 
the lamps that were being lit, and the light the lamp-lighter was carrying from 
one lamp to another. The lamp-lighter himself could not be seen. Ruskin 
remarked that the lamp-lighter was a good example of the genuine Christian. His 
way was clearly lit by the lights he lit, and the light he kept burning, even 
though he himself may not be known or seen. At the beginning of the gospel, 
Jesus said that he was the light that had come into the world. Today, he tells 
us that we are to become that light for others….. 
Jack Mc Ardle in ‘And that’s the Gospel Truth’

The second reading from the letter to the Hebrews tells us that we can approach 
Jesus with confidence because he is our high priest who knows our weaknesses 
and was like us in all things but sin. He can intercede on our behalf as he is 
fully qualified to be the high priest because he shares our humanity, enabling 
him to sympathize with us in our weakness. He knows what we are from his own 
personal experiences. We should therefore boldly approach him.

Incarnating God’s Love
When the great Japanese Christian Kagawa first heard about the life of Jesus, 
he cried out, “O God, make me like your Christ!” To be more like Christ, Kagawa 
left a comfortable home and went to live in the slums of Tokyo. There he shared 
himself and his possessions with whoever needed help. In his book Famous Life 
Decisions, Cecil Northcott says that Kagawa once gave away all his clothing. He 
was left standing in only a tattered kimono. On another occasion, even though 
deathly sick, he continued to preach to people in the rain, repeating over and 
over: ‘God is love! God is love! God is love! Where love is, there is God.” 
William Barclay gives us an insight into the heart and mind of Kagawa when he 
quotes the great man as saying: “God dwells among the lowliest of men. He is 
there with beggars. He is among the sick, he stands with the unemployed. 
Therefore let him who would meet God visit the prison cell before going to the 
temple. Before he goes
 to church let him visit the hospital. Before he reads his Bible let him help 
the beggar.”
Mark Link in ‘Sunday Homilies’

Jesus, time and again, reminded the disciples of the cost of discipleship but 
they still did not seem to understand His call. They could not accept the 
challenge of sacrifice that the following of Jesus demanded. We see how far the 
apostles were from the spirit of sacrifice. In today’s reading we are told that 
James and John approach Jesus with a request that they be given top places in 
his kingdom. Obviously they thought that his kingdom would be modelled on 
worldly kingdoms, where those in high places enjoy honour, power and glory. 
When the other ten disciples heard of the request of James and John they were 
indignant because they also had similar dreams of getting the best places in 
the kingdom. Jesus tells them that his disciples are not to imitate the 
Gentiles, whose rulers lord it over the people. In his kingdom, service is what 
makes one great. “Anyone wants to be great among you must be your servant, and 
anyone who wants to be first among you
 must be slave to all.” He wou

[Goanet] Garbage Plant at Gaumvaddy scrapped

2009-10-11 Thread Domnic Fernandes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible


At the Gram Sabha meeting held on Sunday, September 27, 2009, the Sarpanch of 
Anjuna-Caisua Panchayat agreed to scrap their plan to use our hill as a dumping 
ground for garbage.

The whole credit goes to Gaumvaddy youth who took up the matter and followed 
until the plan was dropped. The youth is our future!! So, let us prepare and 
them with responsibilities. The elderly and senior citizens like me should 
their full support and guide the youngsters in their missions.

Recently, Gram Sabha meetings have become one of the most powerful tools in the 
hands of villagers. Let us grab this opportunity and use it whenever there are 
issues to be addressed in our communities.

As the old adage goes.'Together we stand, divided we fall!'


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Mob: 9420979201



2009-10-11 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible


by Kuwait-based AGGY DIAS

The local music industry is in great demand. both locally and internationally, 
thanks to the Goans spread out all over the world who regularly medicate 
with lavish doses of Goan Konkani music. Whenever the pangs of homesickness get 
unbearable 'mandos', 'kantarans', 'dulpods', and other Konkanj songs are 

Agnelo Dias better known by his stage name Aggy has added to their collection. 
with his second album 'Goan Festive Nostalgia', his album sings a different 
tune. In 
Aggy's words, "It's an album that brings musicians into the limelight." A 
elucidation will bring to light his novel exercise. Aggy is a musician who 
plays not 
only the guitar and keyboards but also the clarinet, drums, flute, saxophone 
oboe. In his latest video album he has abundant use of wind instruments.

Goans were always known to add their charm to occasions by playing their brass 
instrument. However, the number of these 'jolly boys' are on the decline. The 
is that we are losing out on the beautiful sounds of these instruments. Besides 
using brass instruments this musician, who has also played in the Goa Symphony 
Orchestra, says that another highlight of his album is the concept of 
'mandos' and 'dulpods'.

These traditional Goan songs, presented in a contemporary instrumental style, 
you to sing along to the words that are printed beneath. So from 'Sorgar Uzvadd 
Noketrancho', 'Doriachen Lharari' to 'Ugdass Tela Mhaka', you can involve 
with the song - a great way to herald a Konakani karaoke revolution. "It is a 
way to learn these songs or teach it to children," he says.

Aggy has included three of his own compositions, one that he composed way back 
1986. All three showcase the Goan spirit, especially when experienced as a 
community. The composition 'Jua' is his tribute to his native land of St 
The old houses, landmarks and natural beauty all find a place in this song.

The songs have been shot at various locales across Goa. Aggy admits that 
and advertising add to the expenditure but nothing could be graver than the 
of piracy.

Criss-crossing between Kuwait, where he works, and Goa, his home, Aggy says he 
to continue coming up with more albums. An upcoming assignment is one 
comprising of 
instrumental Gospel songs. One wonders why the penchant for instrumental music. 
does not take much time to answer the question. "I can express myself best 
instrumental music," he says. Guess that's what they mean when they say "let 
music do the talking".

[This article has been first published in The Navhind Times (Wednesday, 
written by Clara A. Rodrigues/NT Network and pictures by Krishna Divkar)

Aggy Dias can be contacted by email: aggyn...@yahoo.com
Website: www.aggydproductions.com
Tel.: +965 66574781

[Info source: Mario Rebello for www.goa-world.com/gulf-goans e-newsletter].

Re: [Goanet] Indian ancestry revealed in massive study

2009-10-11 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

--- On Sun, 10/11/09, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:
> I do not think that the article can be read to substantiate
> the Aryan Invasion Theory.

This is not true. The Nature article does support the view that Indo-Europeans 
invaded and settled in India as the Ancient North Indians.

The lay news story in Times of India, on the other hand, is misleading and 



--- On Sun, 10/11/09, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:
> But around the same time, there was an article in The Times
> of India with
> the title "Aryan-Dravidian divide a myth: Study".  It
> is available at:
> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/news/india/Aryan-Dravidian-divide-a-myth-
> Study/articleshow/5053274.cms


[Goanet] Selma Carvalho: Who the bleep cares about Goan etiquette?

2009-10-11 Thread Eddie Fernandes

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Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Title: Who the bleep cares about Goan etiquette?
By Selma Carvalho
Source: Goan Voice Daily Newsletter 12 Oct. 2009-10-11
Full text: 

There is something about Goan etiquette which bothers me. Like for instance
the etiquette regarding a good host and his dog.
There have been countless occasions when I've sat in reception rooms, nearly
epileptic with uncontrollable spasm of fear, as these huge canine demons
from hell, growling that guttural growl which would put any Arab to shame
and baring their teeth at me as if inviting me to canine Hades, leap onto me
to sniff my hair, while the owner sits demurely nibbling at bolinas and
smiles, "oh he won't do anything."

Oh really? Is that why you named him Hitler? Or is that just his pet-name,
no puns or punches intended. Maybe Jack the Ripper is his real name. Anyway,
as precious as your dog maybe to you, whatever first-rate European dictator
you chose to name him after, that big slobbering animal or the small fuzz
ball does nothing for me. Mojo, Jojo or Cujo, it is best to keep your dogs
tied, chained or even nailed to some pillar while you have guests instead of
unleashing them onto unsuspecting, innocent victims like me who are very
afraid of getting rabies or being snuffed to death by fur.

The other thing that really bothers me is this incessant need to feed guests
once they arrive at a Goan house. The Goan hostess is obviously under the
impression that a recent famine has left her guests in dire need of food and
hence it is her incumbent duty to make them eat until they feel like puking.
I'm not quite sure where this tradition started, perhaps it started when
famines, cholera epidemic and all those other nasty things that generally
happened in the 18th century, meant that guests appreciated eating a whole
suckling pig with their bare hands. Those days are long past, all of us can
afford three square meals a day and judging by the size of some of us,
obviously at least five square meals a day. 

Lastly but perhaps most importantly, we must get rid of this tradition of
forcing our guests, to "have one for the road." First of all this tradition
and the phrase, I'm sure started somewhere in the tundra region where having
one last shot of bourbon or maybe melted seal fat made it possible to endure
the homeward journey in an open-sleigh driven by reindeers. How this
tradition found its way to Goa, given our scorching temperatures is beyond
me, where one shot of feni or whiskey just before leaving can only result in
profuse sweating, loss of bladder control and suddenly finding your wife
very attractive. Considering the number of accidents on the road, it's
really not a good idea to have one for the road, unless you're riding a
sleigh like Santa.

Do leave your feedback at carvalho_...@yahoo.com

[Goanet] Documentary on Darwin.

2009-10-11 Thread eric pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

It is titled "Darwin's Darkest  Hour", and it is on  PBS.ORG.
AT the site, click on NOVA, then on the show title.  You will enjoy it.    eric.


[Goanet] The Forgotten Tribe - MHAR - Part 7

2009-10-11 Thread Domnic Fernandes

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Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible



The "sotrekarn" was a female who carried a "tambddi, viludachi vo domaskachi 
(red, velvet umbrella) at weddings, religious ceremonies/processions, 
receptions of 
dignitaries, etc.

Usually, she was well-built and dark in complexion; she always had a smile on 
face. She came from the Mhar community.

At weddings, she wore a "suti" (cotton) or "chitachem" (printed calico - 
from the Portuguese word 'chita') kapodd. No matter what the quality of 
material of 
a kapodd was, she had to wear a red kapodd at a wedding ceremony.

In the past, when one's close relative(s) passed away, it was the norm to wear 
clothes in the first year of mourning.

If a sotrekarn who was arranged for a wedding ceremony was mourning, she would 
take up the assignment but would instead send another sotrekarn who was not 
and could wear red clothes.

At a wedding, she became part of the groom's and bride's company at every step, 
right from the beginning of the function till the end, including the 
(reciprocation) ceremony.

The tambddi viludachi sotri is big in size and quite heavy. "Sotrecho danddo" 
stick of the umbrella) is about 6 feet long. Golden tussles are fixed all 
around the 
border of the umbrella, which added to its allure.

On a wedding day, the sotrekarn is the first person to arrive at the 
residence with a folded sotri placed on her shoulder. Keep in mind the sotri is 
and heavy; so, she can't carry it in hand like an ordinary umbrella!

She would enter the mattov, proceed to the balcão, place the sotri in one of 
corners of the balcão and then take a seat on a sopo.

On learning that the sotrekarn has arrived, the "ezman" (groom's/bride's 
would take her to the temporary kitchen mattov behind the house and offer her 
tea in 
a "kanso" (bowl) and a couple of bread. She would eat one of the bread and 
place the 
other in a small cloth pouch, which was tucked to her kapodd at her waist line.

As soon as "besanv" (blessing) is over, the bride/groom leaves her/his home for 
Church. The sotrekarn opens the umbrella and accompanies the bride/groom to the 
(in the past it was a boilanchi ghaddi" (oxen-ridden carriage.)

When the bride/groom reaches the Church compound and alights from the boilanchi 
ghaddi or car, the sotrekarn again opens her umbrella and leads the bride/groom 
the entrance of the Church under the shelter of the tambddi sotri.

After the nuptials, the sotrekarn accompanies the bride/groom from the church 
to the boilanchi ghaddi or car.

Usually, the groom as well as the bride hired one viludachi tambddi sotri each 
the occasion. But sometimes, to show off, more than one viludacheo tambddeo 
were hired, mostly by the groom's side.

In such a case, one would witness three umbrellas instead of two - one from the 
bride's side and two from the groom's. If the bride's father was a well-off 
he, too, hired two umbrellas with two sotrekarni. Obviously, the sotrekarni had 
company and they also received good remuneration from both the parties!

Singing of Mandde/Dulpods/Dekhnni/Zoti at Goan weddings adds flavor to 
At every stage, a Manddo/Dulpod/Dekhnni/Zoti is sung. For e.g. when the bride's 
folks arrive at the groom's mattov, the following zoti is sung:

Man ghalun sokol
Kaibori cholta hi vokol
Man ghalun sokol
Kaibori cholta hi vokol

Novro voklek sangta kanni
Kaiborem voklechem nanv Annie
Novro voklek sangta kanni
Kaiborem voklechem nanv Annie

The sotrekarni were very good in singing Goan Mandde/Zoti, etc. They never 
to show off their singing talent, especially at weddings when they were treated 
differently; thus, they would give company to others who sang.

The following Dekhnni is sung at a portovnnem (reciprocation) ceremony. In this 
Dekhnni, bride's brother requests his brother-in-law to use an umbrella to take 
sister. He further requests him to take her under the shade of an umbrella so 
sunshine won't effect and make her dark:

Manank mojea sotri lavn, sotri lavn, vhor kunhada
Manank mojea sotri lavn, sotri lavn, vhor kunhada
(Please, brother-in-law, take my sister by using an umbrella)
Manank mojea savllechean, savllechean, vhor kunhada
Manank mojea savllechean, savllechean, vhor kunhada
(Please, brother-in-law, take my sister under the shade of an umbrella.)

One of the duties the "sotrekarn" was entrusted with was to look after the evil 
spirits throughout bride's journey from her ho

[Goanet] Second Prize winning tiatr from Penha de France

2009-10-11 Thread JoeGoaUk

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Second Prize winning tiatr from Penha de France



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[Goanet] Came across where?

2009-10-11 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza

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Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible


It is interesting that Rachol seminary priests are inventing a new
bogus-concept of neo-colonialism! Over time it will be a source of discredit
to those teaching philosophy to young candidates to priesthood at Rachol. It
is somewhat similar to a "judeo" of straw and old cloth of the Inquisition
tradition burnt on 24th June in Goa! 

More interesting would be to know where Noel DCosta found this text. Or is
he a dedicated friend of the author-priests who could not get their text
published anywhere else? 

Teotonio R. de Souza



Message: 7 

Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 14:38:47 +0530 (IST) 

From: Noel DCosta  

To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" 


Subject: [Goanet] Catholic Church beware of Neo colonoliasm 

Message-ID: <754684.47090...@web94806.mail.in2.yahoo.com> 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 



Dear Goa net readers, 

I came across this article and thought of sharing this with you. 



-?? ? ? ? ?By?Victor Ferrao and Boniface Furtado 


[Goanet] GOACAN calls for special status to the Goa Postal Division on the occasion of World Post Day

2009-10-11 Thread Goa Desc

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.

 GOACAN calls for special status to the Goa Postal Division
on the occasion of World Post Day.* *
On the occasion of World Post Day 9th October celebrated by the
Universal Postal Union (UPU) the Goa Civic and Consumer Action
Network (GOACAN) has demanded that Goa Postal Division be
granted  special status in the setup of the Postal Department and all
the vacancies in the senior officers positions in Goa be immediately
filled so that the postal services in the Goa Division are further
improved. As of date the positions such as Post Master General
(PMG), Director of Postal Services, Senior Superintendent and
Manager Customer Care Centre are all vacant as Goa is part of
the Maharashtra Circle.

Moreover although the Goa Division is one of the most financially
viable & profitable divisions it continues to lack the leadership it so
desperately requires. Being one of India’s well known tourist
destinations and seeing the arrivals of almost 25 lakhs tourist, the
Postal authorities have failed to take advantage of this reality and
increase the business and customer services by being innovative
in their programs & schemes.

GOACAN will petition the members of Parliament Mr. Shantaram
Naik, Mr. Shripad Naik and Mr. Francisco Sardinha to intervene
in the matter with the Union Ministry and get a better deal for
the consumers of the Postal Services of Goa.

Meanwhile as part of its Postal Consumer Rights Awareness Week,
GOACAN alongwith the village based Consumer Forums has started
an awareness drive on the rights of the consumers in the context of
the Postal services in Goa.

Consumer Forum volunteers will conduct visits to the various Head
Post Offices, Sub Post Offices and Extra Departmental Branch Post
Offices to get a better knowledge of the services offered, popularise
the use of the citizens charter, the suggestion cum complaint book
and the philatelic services.

Volunteers who had participated in the various Post Forum meetings
held earlier will also popularise the various new services offered in
Post Offices such as the availability of stamps for sale with the
Postman, payment of BSNL Telephone Bills by cheque at the Post
Office due to the availability of  the All Goa Clearing Facility, the new
speed post rates and the importance of using Pin Codes in addressing
letters for quicker delivery.

Forum volunteers will also popularise the use of the village based Extra
Departmental Branch Post Offices by publicising the timings & services
available. The efforts of the volunteers will be directed at promoting the
use of approximately 150 Branch Post Offices in Goa thereby getting
better and quicker service to the senior citizens and other consumers
in the village.

The Forum volunteers will make special efforts to focus on the facility
of sending Right To Information (RTI) applications to Central Govt.
Departments at no extra cost through those Post Offices designated
as APIO's. The importance of writing complaints/suggestions in the
complaint Book of the Post office and following up the same with the
Customer Care Centre, based at the Panaji Head Office will also be

Consumers are requested to send copies of their consumer complaints
/ suggestions on the postal services by post to GOACAN Post Box
187 Margao Goa 403 601 or by email to goa...@bsnl.in

promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail: goa...@bsnl.in

Re: [Goanet] A sea faring past by Selma Carvalho ( Herald Oct. 11 )

2009-10-11 Thread Carvalho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

--- On Sun, 10/11/09, Antonio Menezes  wrote:

> contact with the sea should be scrupulously avoided.
> By the way, even in Goa catholic brahmins never settled in
> our coastal
> villages. the exception being the kala pani bamons of
> Benaulim
Hi Antonio,
How are you?

Yes, the Salcete coastal villages, including neighbouring Vasco with the 
exception of pockets of Margao and the surrounding vicinities, is devoid of 
Brahmins but I have been told from quite a reliable source that in Verna, there 
used to be fish eating Brahims devoted to the temple there, which was extremely 
rare in India. Given the fact that there were settlements along the coast, it 
is not unlikely that they were sustained by the sea and river fishing. A failed 
crop in the hinterlands meant a resettlement along the coast.

Take care,


[Goanet] Aga Mhatar Xepai Pai! Tuka Cazar kiteak Zai?

2009-10-11 Thread Silviano Barbosa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Anyone remembers these old folk Saxtti songs?

1) Question to an old man? 

Aga Mhatar Xepai Pai
Tuka Cazar kiteak Zai?

Answer from the hott mathro:

Aum mhatro dekhun-u
Golleant gailam tambdde bentin-u

(Never made sense to me though)

(Just remembered this song when I saw that Bentin from Colva Fama from 
Joe_Goa_Uk's photos)

2) Haloili -Doloili,
Pontti Paloili
Nidlole Bailek-u Konnem uttaili?

3) Kolia Menddia
Divoll ghalum yea- re Koliea ,
Divoll ghalum-yea

4) Voir-voiru dongrar udoku kongrem
Udoku kongrem zalear , kolvont-u Mogrem!

Who wrote these age old ditties?

Remember the days and nights , when we had nothing to do?
We all used to sleep on a bamboo mat , the "ator" and used to force older folks 
to tell us "parkonnim" and 'kanneom"
1) Sokall fuddem utton baint uddi mata?
Kollso (so simple). Now of course it is the "tap" which has no water anyway.
2) Ek bhurgo vhoddlem pottonem nessota , voll zatri soddta? Kitem?
and so on and son .
I remember this old lady's kanni (kahani):
Ek diss mure ek dorji aslolo.
To sui ghen mure humis xinvtalo
Arre nidolo re? "Am" nhuddi re.
To nuimche doddier bosson mure fumsa butaom laitalo.
De repente (Okosmat) tegue sui udkam polli
"Am" I said for her to continue.
"Arre Am mhullear sui metta?" She asked?
I said "Na"
"Arre Na mhullea sui metta"
And this continued till I went to sleep.
Such sense-less kanneom those days. Atanche bhurge will say go to hell.

New! Faster Messenger access on the new MSN homepage

[Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India's communal tensions?

2009-10-11 Thread Sandeep Heble

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Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Frederick Noronha wrote:
"Besides, Santosh also tends to personalise the debate so much
(repeatedly dragging in names, with unflattering terms), which also
makes it not worth a debate! I leave it to readers to judge who's
saying what, and who's distorting who's words! FN"

My response:

I am afraid Frederick is trying to distort his own words, words which
he spoke at the Panel Discussion.

Frederick made a very specific charge against Jawaharlal Nehru and not
against some early politicians as he tries to suggest now in his

He categorically tried to assert that it was Nehru's policies
(promoting scientific/rational concepts or irreligious) that are
responsible for the India’s communal tensions.

By invoking contrasting personalities like Gandhi, Advani and Jinnah
in the same picture, he tried to make a case that India’s problems
were not with “Religious” people but with the “Irreligious” ones. He
tried to equate religion with tolerance and atheism with intolerance.

To make his point in favour of religion and against atheism and
rationalism, the liberal rationalist Nehru was thus made a convenient
scapegoat. How Jawaharlal Nehru can be held responsible for the riots,
religious strife and other communal tensions that are occurring in
India, many years after his death, is something that beats my wildest

Frederick’s logic is nothing but bizarre, absurd and weird.

It goes without saying that whether in the West or whether out here in
India, it is the concepts of Secularism and rationalism that have
given us all our rights, liberties and freedoms today. All concepts of
equality are based on modern scientific principles. Until then, humans
were not treated like humans and women were treated like inferior
citizens. Practices like “Sati” and “Untouchability” were religious
concepts, so was child marriage. The list of discriminatory, occult
and harmful religious practices will be endless.

Jahwaharlal Nehru must be credited for forcefully trying to implement
a Secular Rational model of governance. Not condemned!

[Goanet] Talking photos: Excuse me, which night bus you are waiting for?

2009-10-11 Thread JoeGoaUk

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Talking photos:  Excuse me, which night bus you are waiting for?

Excuse me, which night bus you are waiting for?

New mini-ambulances acquired by DoHC?

Where is Dada Vaidya road in Panjim?

How many chanio or squirrels can you see here ?


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[Goanet] Village Tinto Bugle, Oct 11

2009-10-11 Thread Village Tinto

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Making your 'dream wedding' possible

 Having trouble reading this email? View the Tinto Bugle in your

 11 october, 2009

 Armstrong Vaz | Historic Cuncolim house crumbles with neglect
 A dream home is reflective of the owners' attachment to his or her
own unique piece of architecture. But, what we see today with sadness
is that many old houses are crumbling on account of neglect. Read More

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 Viana Vaz | The Beggar: Poetry
 Alone on the sidewalk, a little boy sits, His clothes are all
tattered; his clothes are in bits, Every day as I walk home from
school, I see him sit there on his little stool. Read More

 Back to top

 Joel DSouza | 'Mini tsunamis' sans earthquakes? Happens in Goa
 Goa's Science and Technology Minister, Churchill Alemao has done it
again. He's just discovered a new cause for tsunamis. Mr Alemao
attributed the recent floods that ravaged the southern parts of the
state to a 'mini tsunami' in the Arabian Sea. Read More

 Back to top

 Glenn Costa | Goa in state of flux
 Goa is in a state of flux at present. This is a generally literate
state, with a western fusion type of culture - not just because of the
long Portuguese occupation - but also because migration has long been
an accepted and much used way of life. Read More

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 Fulrani bags National Award for best achievement
 Miss Fulrani Kinalekar with 100% locomotor disability and congenital
absence of upper and lower limbs since birth has been awarded the
national award for the best achievement by disabled by the National
Trust for Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Disabilities, New Delhi
at their annual award ceremony held in Delhi recently. Read More

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[Goanet] A sea faring past by Selma Carvalho ( Herald Oct. 11 )

2009-10-11 Thread Antonio Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

I think Joao de Veiga Coutinho, author of the book ''A kind of absence ''is
very much of a Goan hailing from Margao.  Some years back I remember reading
an article by Fr. Lucio de Veiga Coutinho  who boasted that St Francis
Xavier had written to his king in Portugal  stating how the brahmins of
India prostrated before him and requested him to baptize them Christians. Of
course it is a sheer nonsense for brahmins of the 16th century to give up
their social privileges in the Hindu society  to become commoners in the
Christian Goan society
However, when Joao writes that '''in Portugal, the sea is a call, an
invitation to  go beyond.In India till very recently black water (kala
pani ) dangerous and forbidden ''' he may not be entirely wrong for it was
the stupid bramanic doctrine that sea is somehow polluting and hence any
contact with the sea should be scrupulously avoided.
By the way, even in Goa catholic brahmins never settled in our coastal
villages. the exception being the kala pani bamons of Benaulim

[Goanet] Natural Flu Treatment

2009-10-11 Thread Con Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

 Five ways to fight the flu.

Information you can use.


[Goanet] Massive deforestation by mining in Goa

2009-10-11 Thread Carmen Miranda

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear All

We must not ignore and underestimate the seriousness of the problem of
deforestation in Goa. We need to support Sebastian’s work/campaign in
bringing this problem to our attention.

Drastic and urgent measures to protect forests in Goa should be part of
India's strategy to mitigate the effects of Climate Change.

We are now witnessing the results of irregularities and mistakes made by
MoEF in the process of giving Environmental Clearances to mining in forest
areas in Goa. They need to be corrected , before the environmental
destruction becomes irreversible, specially as Sonia Gandhi told Jairam
Ramesh the Minister of Environment and Forests when he got the post of
Minister of Environment and Foersts, that FORESTS  ARE  SACROSANCT! If they
indeed are, all the 400 or so new mining concessions in Goa should be
frozen, until an independent investigation is carried out about the legality
of those concessions in view of the irregularities of the environment
clearances. In my view, Environmental Clearances in forested areas must be
immediately revoked.  And  note, I am referring to the so called "legal"
concessions. Never mind the dozens of illegal mining going on!

The fact that a considerable number of govt. ministers in Goa have direct or
indirect involvement in the mining business is a serious obstacle to
environmental considerations and protection of forests in Goa. How can a
minister hold a portfolio of protection of forests in one hand and the
“private business portfolio” of mining exploration on the other and expect
to be taken seriously ?

I recently spent 3 weeks visiting the mining belt in Goa and talking to
people - right from the Minister of Environment and various government
officials, mine owners, NGOs, activists and communities at grass roots. Not
a pretty picture!

Only swift and drastic measures will arrest the process of irreversible
environmental destruction in Goa. We must demand immediate action from the
Ministry of Environment and Forests  in New Delhi, and from the Chief
Minister in Goa who is supposed to protect the forests!

Carmen Miranda

From: sebastian Rodrigues 


Subject: [Goanet] Massive deforestation in Sivsorem, Rivona, Goa


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

According to the reports just coming in there is massive destruction of
forest in Sivsorem in order to clear way to start open cast iron ore and
manganese mining. The mass scale tree cutting is going ahead in the land
that is demarcated as mining lease bearing T.C. No. 75/1952 in the name of
one Voicunta Canecar of Margao bearing name Chunimolo or Gotifondodatembo
covering area of 88.15 hectares of land recorded as in Colamb but existing
in Rivona Panchayat jurisdiction covering survey numbers 88/1, 88/2, part of
138, 139, 140, 141, 87/1 and 89.

Public Hearing required under the law was held in Sanguem town on 12/12/2006.
According to the sources in Forest department that spoke to Ramesh Gaouns on
the condition of anonymity they have been granted environmental clearance by
Indian Central Government's Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF). One
of the conservator of Forest who refused to be named spoke to Ramesh Gauns
and expressed his helplessness over the destruction of forest in Goa in
highly planned manner by MoEF by allotting Environmental Clearances to the
mining projects in Goa's Forest Areas. He said is applying for transfer to
another place in Goa as he is totally frustrated as the upright forest
officers hands are tight from taking any action against mining companies.

Conservator of Forest is lucky to have an option to go to another place in
the Country but what about people of Goa? Where are we to go if mining
companies continue their dangerous trend of transforming this State into
draught region by sucking our water bodies and destroying our Forests?

May the MoEF withdraw all the Environmental Clearances accorded to the
mining companies in the State of Goa. May it be blessed by universe and have
change of heart and stop showering misery on the State of Goa. May Indian
Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh be enlightened and carry forward the
mission to protect Goa and its forest with all the courage and honesty.

This is humble prayer from People of Goa. If the Indian Government is so
determined to see that Goa is wiped away from the World map we would surely
die with smile our face if this will satisfy sadistic pleasures of mining
companies and Indian Government. Once upon a time in 1961 on 19 December
Indian Government came to Goa as its liberator. Today on in 2

[Goanet] Money for one road was paid thrice

2009-10-11 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

I had posted an article how the now termed Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment
Guarantee Scheme has been prone for providing an opportunity for corruption.
Since then I had a thought.  The scheme is now being implemented in Goa.  It
stands to reason that the methods used elsewhere can well be used in Goa
also to siphone money from the scheme.  I hope the NGOs in Goa will be
vigilant in this case too.

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad 

[Goanet] Indian ancestry revealed in massive study

2009-10-11 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

In response to the article "Indian ancestry revealed in massive study", M
D'Mello writes: "In other words, the Aryan Invasion theory is
substantiated Can some one explain in simple terms please???"

I do not think that the article can be read to substantiate the Aryan
Invasion Theory.  But I am not an expert in this subject.

But around the same time, there was an article in The Times of India with
the title "Aryan-Dravidian divide a myth: Study".  It is available at:


Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad 

[Goanet] How to Fight Aging and Stay Young | Natural Health

2009-10-11 Thread Con Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

How to fight Aging and stay Young!

Keep reading...


[Goanet] FW: Thanks and Best Wishes to Bosco D'Mello, volunteer and NIZ GOAN who only GIVES!

2009-10-11 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Bosco,
Many happy returns of the day. Wish you good health and all the best. Thank
you for your help. 
Mumbai Goan Association

[Goanet] Traditional Colva Fama tomorrow (12.10.09)

2009-10-11 Thread JoeGoaUk

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Traditional Colva Fama tomorrow (12.10.09)
Check these photos
Foot bridge
(This appeared in GT today 11/10/09 stolen from the net?)
Church External
(This appeared in GT today 11/10/09 stolen from the net?)
Yet there was another pic from Bom Jesus Old Goa, which was wrongly shown 
as Colva Church Altar/interior 
All above appeared in an aticle by Colin S Coelho, in GT LOOK Magazine.
This is Colva Church main altar

Minin Jezu
Traditiona Bentina (Holy Chords?)

Video - 2008

>From achive: (Oct.17, 2006)
Which one is most popular ? 
Maddi/Fama or Salvi or Vespr or Fest ?
The answer is, off course, the 'Fest' or feast with vhodlem mis, sutt-butt, 
Feri-beri, Poskotte-boskotte, 
Kaddio-boddio, kermes-bermes, chonnem-bonnem, Cheurisam-bheurisam, 
housie-bousie, gollgoddo-bollgoddo, Soirim-dairim, Tiatr-biatr, dans-bans, 
dhirio-bhirio, muzg-buzg, 
soro-boro, san'nam-ban'nam, dukor-bukor, gai-bai, nustem-bustem, 
verdddur-berddur, undde-bundde, kellim-bellim, apol-bapol etc etc
But this one is different...
The Traditional 'Colva Fama' where the Fama is celebrated with pomp and gaiety. 
With high mas at early morning at 5.50am. 
Fama day here is like the 'Fest' Everything  usually seen on the feast 
(like above) you see  it on 'Fama' day.
The traditional Fama of miraculous Infant  Jesus (Minin Jesu) was celebrated 
today 16/10/06 at Colva Goa. 
The statue of Minino Jesus was brought down as usual (5.30am) 
followed by procession and 
then the  statue was kept open for kissing by the devotees till midnight.
Another peculiarity of this Fama/feast is the 'Betina' Black and yellow striped 
blessed holy cords (see pic). 
No where else you see this type of 'betina'. People usually tied it around 
their wrists or their gold chain or betin around their necks. (it's about half 
a metre long).
Although the miraculous Statue of Infant Jesus (known for healing powers) is 
about 170 years old (see pic) 
the golden ring with diamond it has on his finger is about 358 years old.  
As the original statue  (1648 ) was taken to Rachol Seminary in 1836, 
the said ring has slipped off from the original statue 
and the same was mounted on the new one. 
The original statue was located by a part of shipwrecked sailors led 
by Rev. Fr. Bento Ferreira, 
aJesuit missionary off the coast of Mozambique in the 17th century. 
He brought it to Colva Church when he was posted there in1648.
(info taken from holy picture/net)
In order, not to spent more time in the long Q, we decided to go there bit 
later, so we arrived at 8pm. 
It took us 20 minutes to  join the tail end of the double lined Q 
(so long is the Q that it was well into the Benaulim Road behind the Colva 
Church).  It took us 85 minutes in the Q to reach the church  main altar (see 
pic). where the statue was  (a priest was carrying the statue in his both 
hands  and quickly offer it for public to be kissed, not very close to the lips 
though) The Q was passing through the main road then behind the cemetery then 
on to the specially erected foot bridge (see pic).

We saw all types of people-Christians, Hindus and non Goans. We also 
saw  large number of people 
playing gollgoddo on the main road with plenty of police mama around.
As it was late, we quickly had Cheuris paum, Veg patices/crochets and beer, 
then gorom-gorom chonnem and we were back home just before midnight.
So, next time if you go there and  meet some Colvakars, how would you  wish 
them ?
Happy Feast or
Happy Fama ?
I guess, Happy Feast  will do..


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Re: [Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India'scommunaltensions?

2009-10-11 Thread floriano

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

What's wrong with diversity?

How about 'Marathi Manoos' and its long term implications for example??


- Original Message - 
From: "Frederick Noronha" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for 

Floriano, what's wrong with diversity?

2009/10/10 floriano :

Could Frederick have been pinning the blame on Nehru for disintegrating
instead of integrating India when he said

"India's languages (parochial India) and cultures are like mosaic which
needs to be preserved at all costs"?

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism 

[Goanet] Daily Grook #540

2009-10-11 Thread Francis Rodrigues

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

by Francis Rodrigues

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