2010-01-01 Thread Ivo da C.Souza


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


From: "Santosh Helekar" 

--- On Fri, 1/1/10, Ivo da C.Souza  wrote:
Scientifically, human life begins with the conception, therefore 
abortion is a murder. Averthanus D'Souza is doing a good job by guiding 
the readers in the right path. Let the readers have better guides in the 
New Year.

> I hope readers are guided by truth, accuracy and sound information in
the new year, as far as the natural world is concerned. The claim made
above on behalf of science is bogus.
***All documentation is from the scientists. Whom should we trust, 
Dr.Santosh, or the medical companies regarding cancer, or the scientists 
regarding the human life? I think that Dr.Santosh is misleading us in the 
New Year too (for the last six and half years I had to bear up with him). If 
Science cannot determine that a zygote is human life and not a bird (which 
is the specialization of Dr.Santosh), then Science is limited and impotent 
about the natural life itself. Dr.Santosh is trying to defeat all the 
statements coming from scientific circles as "bogus", fake, "garbage", 
"scientific illiteracy"... Enough is enough...

itself with the pious beliefs about the beginnings of life of any
particular religious denomination.
***The beginning of human life is not a "pious belief" of "any particular 
religious denomination".

I think that Dr.Santosh is totally wrong.

Science certainly has nothing to do with the determination of what

constitutes murder. But in a secular democracy its definition cannot
be dictated or hijacked by the parochial sectarian beliefs of any
religion or creed.
***Science does not deal with value-judgments and ethical values. But 
Science cannot be alien to them. The Church works in collaboration with the 
Pontifical Academy of Sciences. It is not the question of individual 
opinions, but of the Academy as such. Secular democracy cannot be without 
ethical values which come from the human nature itself: the value of Man.

There are many religions and religious organizations that have
explicitly stated views that are in support of embryonic stem cell
***I did not speak of "embryonic stem cell research". There are reasons for 
the Church to give her views and a word of caution on the stem cells.
  *I am quoting the scientists on the human life. If Dr.Santosh rejects 
these statements as "garbage", then I close this discussion by standing by 
what I am contending. Dr.Santosh will go on shouting his usual slogans and 
try to be the "last word", as usual...


(See Frederick T. Zugibe, M.S., M.D., Ph.D., FCAP,  FACC,  FAAFS, in "Many pro-abortionists utilize 
the definitions from Descartes and other philosophers who define a person as 
someone who acts rationally, is self conscious, is self-aware, and sentient. 
Some pro-abortionists like Peter Singer, the founder of the animal rights 
movement go so far as to argue that non-human animals like chimpanzees, dogs 
or pigs are more rational, self conscious, more aware and sentient than a 
human baby a week, a month or even a year old and therefore it appears that 
the latter are of less value than the life of these animals thus alluding 
that newborn babies should be used for experimentation before these animals. 
If the personhood principle depends on rationality, awareness, self 
consciousness, then we are in deep trouble because this would exclude full 
term fetuses, newborn infants, infants perhaps up to two years old, the 
markedly retarded, patients with organic mental syndrome. Alzheimer patients 
and patient's with cerebral trauma who are in coma. Since the personhood 
principle pervades the court system, one can readily see how euthanasia can 
gain easy entrance."

"Scientists Attest to Life Beginning at Conception
by Randy Alcorn

Some of the world's most prominent scientists and physicians testified to a 
U.S. Senate committee that human life begins at conception:

A United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee invited experts to testify on 
the question of when life begins. All of the quotes from the following 
experts come directly from the official government record of their 

Dr. Alfred M. Bongioanni, professor of pediatrics and obstetrics at the 
University of Pennsylvania, stated:

"I have learned from my earliest medical education that human life begins at 
the time of conception I submit that human life is present throughout 
this entire sequence, from conception to adulthood, and that any 
interruption at any point throughout this time constitutes a termination of 

[Goanet] Dr.Francisco's tribute to his Son

2010-01-01 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


“If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time,
because a dose of joy is a spiritual
---Dietrich Bohoeffer

> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 11:38:10 -0500
> From: celinap 
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dr.Francisco's tribute to his Son
> Francisco, my family and i surround you and your family with love and
> peace.
> Celina Pereira, MD
> Staff Physician
> Univ. of Rhode Islan

[Goanet] Migrant Control is Critical

2010-01-01 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Migrant Control is

I strongly oppose views of critics opposing migrant controls in Goa. Of
course, we know that migrations have taken place for centuries; not only in
Goa but also around the world. But we also should know that today, despite
these migrations, various countries (including Western Nations) and other
Indian States are keen to keep their respective identities & languages. Yes,
most other countries and States like Goa, still have outside migrant inflow
into their local populations but please let us appreciate some key facts (1)
Most of these countries and other Indian states have large populations to
withstand current influx of migrants and hence new migrants will NOT
significantly affect their local identities/languages and in time will also
start, in some measure, to integrate into their adopted countries/states (2)
Many Western Nations agreeably need migrants but are putting more & more
policies in place, to localize immigrants. Surely critics will appreciate
that Goa is different with respect to its size, population & capacity i.e.
the current rapid rate of uncontrolled migrant influx is too high be
integrated into Goa; needless to say the strain it will put on Goa’s scarce
resources and also increased traffic, pollution, contamination etc.

Today approximately 40% of Goa’s population is Non-Goan. If un-checked,
Goans will soon go into a minority. So looking at it practically, will it be
Non-Goans being integrated into Goan Identity, Language & Culture or will it
actually be the other way around i.e. Goans forced to integrate into the
multitude migrant identities/languages and which will of course mean, the
Ultimate of Goa’s Identity, Culture & Language!! If the latter is what the
critics want then, then can they at least have the courage to declare Goa,
as India’s first cosmopolitan state with no distinct local

Arwin Mesquita (UAE)

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. For the Love of Konkani:
6. Goa's Identity Movement website:
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):


2010-01-01 Thread Santosh Helekar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


--- On Fri, 1/1/10, Ivo da C.Souza  wrote:
>Scientifically, human life begins with the conception, therefore abortion >is 
>a murder. Science has Averthanus D'Souza is doing a good job by >guiding the 
>readers in the right path. Let the readers have better guides >in the New Year.

I hope readers are guided by truth, accuracy and sound information in the new 
year, as far as the natural world is concerned. The claim made above on behalf 
of science is bogus. Science has never concerned itself with the pious beliefs 
about the beginnings of life of any particular religious denomination. The U.S. 
National Academy of Sciences has clearly stated in a strong resolution that the 
above claim regarding human life "cannot stand up to the scrutiny of science", 
and that it is basically a "matter of moral and religious values". The 
academy's position has been supported in an independent petition by more than 
1200 eminent scientists, including 6 Nobel Laureates, one of whom is David 
Baltimore, a current member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. They stated 
that this claim is "a misuse and a misunderstanding of science," and that 
"science cannot define the moment at which 'actual human life' begins".

What science has done, however, is it has completely rejected the antiquated 
medieval ideas of vitalism, vital force, life energy, kundalini, chi, etc. It 
has shown that these speculations have no value in explaining the 
self-sustaining material and energetic processes that take place within every 
cell of the body, including the fertilized egg.

Science certainly has nothing to do with the determination of what constitutes 
murder. But in a secular democracy its definition cannot be dictated or 
hijacked by the parochial sectarian beliefs of any religion or creed. Those who 
try to do it are simply using it as a political weapon to demonize people of 
other religions and beliefs who do not agree with them.

There are many religions and religious organizations that have explicitly 
stated views that are in support of embryonic stem cell research. Other 
religious entities have refrained from stating their support or opposition to 
embryonic stem cell research, recognizing the diversity of personal moral 
positions adopted by their adherents based on their own life experiences and 
understanding. These two types of religions and religious organizations are as 

Episcopal Church
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A.
Anglican Church
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 
National Council of Churches

Happy New Year!




Re: [Goanet] Song Apurbayecho Kunvor by Dr. Colaco now on youtube

2010-01-01 Thread George Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


A beautiful song, remebering a wonderful life cut short. Must be so difficult 
for a parent to bury their child, nature did not intend it this way. Some 
solace they will unite in eternity. 

Heartfelt wishes to Dr. Colaco.


--- On Fri, 1/1/10, Francisco Colaco  wrote:
>  (beloved prince)
> Dedicated to his son DR. MELVIN COLAÇO
> Link:

[Goanet] IN VERSE: H.O. Nazareth's The Villagers

2010-01-01 Thread Frederick Noronha

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten



H. O. Nazareth

The sound of Angelus bells
floats over those returning
from evening walks
across the fields.
Oil-lamps are lit,
the sunset fades
to cricket-fiddled night.

At the village shop,
the labourers stop
to drink and talk:
F. X. Lobo's boy
has come to say goodbye
to his grandmother
before he goes abroad
like all the others ---
cooks, engineers on the high seas,
clerks in London, Nairobi ---
more lately, Abu Dhabi.

They return for holidays,
falter over the language,
make fun of religion.

Some emigrate
to the graveyard
or to alcohol's
but others go
in search of work ---
the pigs take over
their houses.

[Goanet] Fw: Letter To Editor

2010-01-01 Thread soter

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


(Edited version of this letter published in GT dtd. 1st january 2010)
While Dr. Oscar Rebello is definitely entitled to his personal views, the 
criticism of the Gram Sabhas (GT Weekender, 27 December 2009) in the capacity 
of a social activist of GBA fame and as a member of the Task-force on the RP 
2021 are absolutely disgusting. Dr. Rebello's comments smell more like those of 
politicians, bureaucrats and agents of the real estate lobby. One wonders 
whether he has ever bothered to take a look at Part IX of the Constitution of 
India and the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 before drawing such irresponsible 
The year 2009 -2010 has beeen dedicated as the Year of the Gram Sabha by the  
Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India. The circular from the Ministry 
of Panchayati Raj refers to the Gram Sabhas as of prime  importance in 
self-governance for transparent and accountable functioning of the Gram 
Panchayat. Some legal profesionals in Goa have refered to the Gram Sabha as a 
'People's Parliament'. So which are the agencies he is refering to when he 
says, "All the functions of the Gram Sabha are not explained to the villagers 
One does not need to be an expert in planning to understand that any 
socio-economic planning very much hinges around natural resource planning and 
management. But Dr. Rebello, who appears to speak more like the ambassador of 
the real estate and mining lobby in Goa, is determined to keep land-use 
planning away from the controls of the people. Going by his recent comments one 
can well imagine the anti-people role played by the then convenor of GBA in the 
Task force on RP 2021. 
Even supposing the Gram Sabhas were not delegated with powers on land-use 
planning, as a social activist Dr. Rebello and convenor of a people's movement 
should have campaigned for the devolution of powers to these local bodies. 
Unfortunately 'bhatkarxahi' continues to run deep in the veins and such slogans 
of 'Power to the people'  and titles like 'social activist'  remain mere brand 
labels to market aspiring politicians, woo donor agencies and as tools for 
Goa's exploitative forces to manipulate the 'aam admi'. 

-Soter D'Souza

[Goanet] What Are We Waiting For? (By Carmen Miranda)

2010-01-01 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


What Are We Waiting For?

Squeezed between the calamities of tourism and mining, Goa is on the brink,
says CARMEN MIRANDA, as she calls for change

As 2010 dawns, ending another decade, Goa’s
   destruction continues unabated, driven by the
   greed of a few people inspired by an economic system that has enormous
shortcomings, such as the environmental crisis that threatens to engulf us
We could have been the lucky ones, living in Goa with a pristine
environment, enjoying the simple things in life, enriched by an idea of
prosperity and happiness that did not know the hunger of consumerism that
dominates society today and which comes at an enormous cost to planet Earth,
and a deadly cost to Goa.
Goa, ‘the Pearl of the East’, among the smallest states in the country,
could have been a jewel in the crown of India – a model of sustainable
development that valued and cultivated its unique environment, culture and
traditions which sustained and guided countless generations. It could have
been an inspiration to the rest of the country.
Instead we ended up with a Goa which has lost its ‘pearl’ while being
stripped from its lush forests and disembowelled by mining operations, and
cursed by the worse kind of tourism one can imagine, fuelled by sex,
gambling, drugs and crime.
Our biggest misfortune has been the unscrupulous and ignorant politicians
with a misguided approach to development who have dominated politics for
decades and whose governance amounted to protection of narrow interests, an
assault on Goa’s dignity, traditions and environment, an assault on its
capacity to provide a happy, prosperous and peaceful existence. We have been
fooled into believing that this is the road to progress, but it has in
reality been just a long rugged path of decline.
Economic growth has become an end in itself, and the narrow business
interests of building contractors and mining barons have become sacred,
riding way above the interests of the rest of the population. Why?
Why do they have more rights to destroy the environment which is vital for
our survival than the rest of us, who want to preserve the fine ecological
balance of nature, and who know that our real wealth is in our irreplaceable
forests and biodiversity, our water resources, our fertile agricultural
land? What about our right to fight for our survival, and mitigate the
impact of extreme weather episodes that are about to hit us hard as result
of climate change caused largely by business and industry?
The environmental destruction has been justified as being in the pursuit of
‘sacrosanct’ economic growth – a myth that has spectacularly failed and
enslaved society, and failed the fragile ecological systems on which we
depend for survival.
Fortunately the search for an alternative to current destructive economic
model is on, and already producing interesting sustainable possibilities,
more in tune with the limitations of a finite planet. The sooner we accept
them and put them into practice the better. But first we must challenge the
status quo which is threatening our very survival.
Meanwhile Goa, ravaged by greed and irresponsible governance, lingers on
precariously, between the Arabian Sea that is beginning to engulf its
crowded beaches and the ever-increasing number of denuded gigantic dark
brown dusty craters of the mining belt. Squeezed between two calamities, the
Goans will soon have nowhere to run…
It’s obvious that many fellow Goans are aware of and fed-up with what is
happening in Goa. Their criticism of the politicians in power has been so
relentless that if the politicians had any shame and conscience, they would
have by now resigned and gone into hiding!
But they cling on, and the list of blunders continues to grow, together with
the list of measures that need to be taken urgently, before Goa reaches the
point of no return. It is these measures that we need to concentrate on. We
need to be clear about what we would do differently in Goa if we were in
power, and we must be careful to avoid the pitfalls and perceived
developmental needs that have misguided successive governments.
Given that criticism has not budged the culprits an inch nor moved them into
changing their ways, I ask you: are we going to continue being merely
helpless spectators of the destruction of Goa, or are we going to say ENOUGH
IS ENOUGH! – and actually do something about it, such as offering or even
imposing alternatives?
How can we move forward from just writing about it, into some concrete
action that will provoke a radical change? Are we going to get organised,
and get down to the busin

[Goanet] Life in Canada

2010-01-01 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The following is one of the funniest stories I heard during the holidays and 
one that I think is worth sharing here.

I was at a party a few days ago and while taking to one of my friends, I 
realized his wife was not at the party. 
So I asked him where she was. The friend answered that his wife was no 
longer talking to him. So I inquired why. 
Here is what he told me.


In Toronto, after one has been drinking too much, instead of taking a taxi to 
go home, you can call a service where 
two people drive out to meet you. One person gets into your car and drives it 
to your house while the second person 
follows you in their own car. Once they park your car at your house, the first 
person gets into the partners car and 
they both drive away. This service cost $10.00 more than the regular taxi 

There have been plenty of times when people realize that they have been 
drinking too much and debate whether or 
not to take a taxi home. Taking a taxi home means that they would have to wake 
up the next morning and take public 
transport to where they left the car, brush the snow off and then drive the 
car home. The very though of waking 
up and going out into the cold morning sometimes tilts the decision maker 
into taking the risk of driving home 
while impaired.

Well, my friend made the decision of calling up this service at 2.00 am. The 
team that came to collect him were two 
divorced ladies. They drove him to his house and parked his car on the 
drive-way. Then my friend decides to walk 
the person who drove his car to the car that was following him but which was 
now parked on the road. 

Unbeknown to him, his wife was on the second floor window watching this all 
When my friend got into his house, his wife says, "OK, sit down and explain to 
me who those two blonde women are."


Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 
Answers and share what you know at

[Goanet] "The Sting of Peppercorns" - A new npvel by Antonio Gomes

2010-01-01 Thread basilio Monteiro

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The Sting of Peppercorns
By Antonio Gomes
Published by Goa 1556
Forty eight years later Goans are still sorting out the tangled web of
their identities and allegiances, particularly those of the Catholic
heritage. In this fictional novel “The Sting of Peppercorns” Antonio
Gomes, an esteemed cardiologist within the medical community,
brilliantly illuminates complex strands of a citizenry, unsettled by
various forces foreign and domestic.
The colonial experience of Goans is not unique among the colonized;
nonetheless it is peculiar experience given that it took place at the
intersection of very powerful forces of the West, and the aspirations
of the regional kings, with its Christian, Islamic, and Hindu
convictions and trappings.  All this happened when Enlightenment was
yet to be dawned.
Goan society is layered complex of disparate forces, with each layer
as intriguing, fascinating, and delicious as the layers of “bebinca.”
In “The Sting of Peppercorns” each character epitomizes the layers of
the Goan embroiled in this web of identities. The author, Antonio
Gomes, understands the maddening history of the people of Goa, and
weaves a fantastic story to illuminate the stultifying appropriations,
assimilations, and internalizations of and by Goans over the
centuries, particularly those of the Catholic heritage.
The characters of Senhor Afonso, Dona Isabela, Dona Rosita, Paulo,
Amanda, Roberto, Carmina, Mari, Pedru, Winnie, Captain Antonio Borda
de Mar, Tulsi, Tucaram, Angelina de Tor, Ana Sofia, and Uma – all play
a critical role in each others life in baking a peculiar Goan
“bebinca,” which, either one learns to live with all its
contradictions, and charming complexity, or one engages into an
exercise of self-torture to un-layer the centuries old “camadas da
alma goesa.”
“The Sting of Pepperconrs” by Antonio Gomes is a “stinging” reading,
which will prick through the many strands of the cultural DNA of the
sons and daughters of this land called Goa; the reader will see
herself and himself in the novel as the story unfolds page after page,
as a mosaic of identities shaped through the centuries due to a
confluence of forces beyond any one’s control and imagination.
Antonio Gomes, a medical doctor with specialization in cardiology, a
poet, and a novelist, treats “The Sting of Peppercorns” with art and
surgical precision. It is an engaging reading, which will sooth the
restless soul of the Goan at home and in Diaspora.

Basilio Monteiro

[Goanet] Looking for a Kidney Donor

2010-01-01 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Dear All,
My cousin Linette needs a kidney transplant. One of her kidney has failed,
and has been given three months to find a donor. She lives in Goa.

If anyone is in a position to donate a kidney or knows of someone who has
considered it, do please get in touch with my brother Anthony Pinto at
F. Pinto" . He may also be reached via phone at the
following numbers; off: 6699 9863 (879) / res: 2294 3603 / mobile: 96195
62062. I would also appreciate any suggestions you may have. Of course we
are also going to try other interventions.

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Goa news for January 2, 2010

2010-01-01 Thread Goanet News Service

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Peddler being questioned, Goa cops say presence of drugs a
reality - Indian Express
probe girl's death at Goa music fest

*** Expect some upmove in Sesa Goa: Ambareesh Baliga -
V18, "For traders Sesa Goa is still a decent bet although there
was a dampener in between of the duty hike. ...

*** CD banned in south Goa - Herald Publications
Goa DM gags media

*** Sesa Goa ends on higher note - Hindu Business Line
eek high, but settled lower. This is indicative of recovery
through the year. ...

*** Top 10 party scenes in history - Reuters
utersIt became such a phenomenon that more than a few books were
written about the power of Goa in the '70s, the most notable
being Cleo Odzer's "Goa Freaks."

*** Harley-Davidson revs up to lure Indian fans - Financial
nancial TimesFor most Indians, the term "chopped hog" would
probably summon up visions of roast suckling pig in Goa, ...

*** Beach polo enthralls audience in Goa - Daily News & Analysis
ily News & AnalysisHundreds of tourists both foreigners and
locals thronged the Inter Continental The Grand Resort Goa
located at Raj Baga, Canacona, to witness the game. ...

*** Goa road to be repaired - Times of India
mes of IndiaDHARWAD: For those traveling from Dharwad to Goa via
Ramnagar, the nightmare of negotiating bad stretches will end
soon. The national highway No. ...

*** Ease CRZ norms for Goa, state tells Centre - Times of India
pecific amendment to the CRZ notification to ...

*** 12 accidents in Goa daily: stats - Herald Publications
rald PublicationsOn an average, Goa plays host to 12 accidents
everyday while one person is killed every 29 hours, statistics
provided by the traffic police reveal. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Song 'Apurbayecho Kunvor' by Dr. Francisco Colaco

2010-01-01 Thread Silviano Barbosa

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


"Apurbayecho Kunvor" song from the CD by Dr. Francisco


Heaving words sighing openly from the deepest core of a hurting heart
from a father from a loss so deep and for so long!

No father can do away with such a deep loss of his young son, even
though it may have been written on the book of life on The Sixth Night (Sottvi 
Raat) by

The song is long overdue!

The hurt will always be there, but this song from his CD will
at least mollify that pain!

Touching Konkani words, great soothing music and an all-encompassing video says 
it all!

An audio/visual presentation that will bring tears to the
eyes and accelerate palpitations from a listener's heart!

Dr. Francisco Colaco's various contributions towards musical
compositions, translations in Portuguese songs and his contributions towards
the Goan society, medicine and Konkanni will always be  remembered by true Niz 
Goans like him.

We are anxiously waiting for more such creative and powerful
songs from him for the Goan audience in future. 

Ready. Set. Get a great deal on Windows 7. See fantastic deals on Windows 7 now

[Goanet] Two great guys!

2010-01-01 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread or so I'm told. Maybe. But the
verbal fistfight between GBAs Dr.Oscar Rebello and Rajan Parrikar needs a
referee of sorts. I'd like to say at the start that I don't know either of
them but have a high respect for both from what they have said and written
on various issues in the past except for the recent verbal fistfight.

I'm reminded of the time when as a young boy Dr. Loyola Furtado and Dr. Jack
de Sequeira were not getting along at all and it seemed to me at the time a
great opportunity for development was discarded by the wayside. Decades
later I feel this way again. With so few good men in Goa today can we cannot
afford to lose two fine fellows. Although Rajan divides his time between Goa
and the USA he has contributed a lot and we should all show our appreciation
to him for his untiring efforts. As for Dr. Oscar  Rebello, I get the
impression he is a dedicated doctor and a reluctant politician! Perhaps he
was surprised at his own success as the 'face' of the GBA. He has has the
courage to admit he is naive. But is a naive person a criminal? Jesus has
said that unless we become like children we cannot go to heaven, so can it
be that bad? He has had the courage to admit that he has been 'playing
footsie'. He needs to explain in more detail. I personally think that he
should make a decision either to continue as a full-time physician or enter
politics. To continue as the apolitical 'face' of the GBA is to do more harm
than good, I think. But the decision is his to make. If he chooses to enter
the world of politics I believe he will be a great, honest, and capable
leader with a sense of justice. I hope Goans will back him completely. With
the start of a brand new year let bygones be bygones and let us all look to
the future. Best wishes, Joao

[Goanet] GOANET OBITUARIES: Anselmo Cordeiro, 1925-29.12.2009 (ex-Saligao, Abidan, Dar es Salaam, Nanaimo-Canada)

2010-01-01 Thread Frederick Noronha

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten




On Tuesday, December 29, 2009 our dear Dad (Anselmo Cordeiro) passed
away peacefully with his family around him.

Attached is an Obituary with information on the Memorial Service.

We would like to extend our special thanks to all our friends and family,
here in Canada and scattered around the world for their caring, support and
help through his illness.

> Life is not what it’s supposed to be. It’s what it is.
> The way we cope with it is what makes the difference. ~ Anon

CORDEIRO, Anselmo passed away peacefully on December 29, 2009 in the
Palliative Unit, Nanaimo General Hospital, after a long and courageous
battle with leukemia.

He will be deeply missed by his loving wife Vimy and his daughters
Frances (C.Y.Wong), Carol, Yvette and Vanessa (Sushil Peres-da-Silva)
and his grandchildren, Shaun, Althea, Kate and Rhea.

Anselmo was born in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania on April 21, 1925. He
spent his childhood in Goa, India, before pursuing a career in the oil
industry, first in Abadan, Iran and then in Tanzania, East Africa. For
the last 15 years he had made
his home in Nanaimo, Canada.

Anselmo will be remembered for his efforts in advocacy for social
justice in Goa. In Nanaimo, he was actively involved in the Marion and
Pro-life movements, with the Clay Tree Society and with the Knights of
Columbus. He will live on in the hearts of all those who knew and
loved him.

A memorial service will be held at Trinity Catholic Church, 6234
Spartan Rd, Nanaimo on Sat, January 2, 2010 at 1.30pm followed by a
Celebration of his Life.

The family would like to extend their special thanks to all their
friends and extended family for their caring, support and help through
his illness. We would also like to express our appreciation and
gratitude for the excellent care provided by those on his health care
team for their compassionate care and support.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to Canadian Cancer Society
or The Victoria Hospice Society.

Frederick Noronha
Landline :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] GBA exposed - more letters in Herald (Jan 2, 2010)

2010-01-01 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


To Goanet -

I am reproducing Soter's letter below. There are 2 more on 
the same topic.


A trick to distract?
Soter D'Souza, Socorro

This is in response to the false accusations made by Dr Oscar Rebello 
against me and Rajan Parrikar of baying for the blood of migrants, 
Muslims and foreigners in his letter titled `The options before 
GBA' (Herald, 30 Dec).

Our views as regards in-migration and communalism are in the 
public domain, unlike Dr Rebello, who now admits to having 
"danced footsie" with the Digamber Kamat government. Three 
years later he pretends to repent for letting down the people 
of Goa. Dr Rebello must answer the set of questions I have 
raised in cyberspace as regards the issue of migration, and 
read the views of Goa's internationally acclaimed fashion 
designer Wendell Rodricks on `cultural ethnocide'.

The minutes of GBA meetings clearly show the undue haste 
from June 2007, after Mr Kamat took over as CM, of pushing 
GBA to cooperate with the government in the RP Task Force 
despite members cautioning against such a move. The impact of
GBA's treachery will be realised by Goans once RP 2021 is out.

Dr Rebello's trick of labelling us communal is to distract from 
his own doings.


[Goanet] New Year Greetings!

2010-01-01 Thread Sandeep Heble

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Dear friends,

May you be blessed with happiness fun and cheer.

Have a wonderful 2010
warm regards

[Goanet] What's your vision for 2010?

2010-01-01 Thread Gasper D'souza

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


It's the end of a decade and the beginning of a new one - already!

As the years roll by, let us re-focus on that which is most important to
each of us.

*Wishing you a very Happy and Focussed New Decade!*

#gasper and the gang

Follow me on Twitter:
No one can go back and make a brand new start
Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Re: [Goanet] Dr.Francisco's tribute to his Son

2010-01-01 Thread celinap

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The song and the video on the Utube, touched me deeply, as it will every 
parent who ever lost a child to 
an untimely death. Our children live in our hearts, and their Birthdays and 
the Christmas times are 
extremely difficult for all of us. But we live in hope that we shall be all 
together again, and that this 
happened for a reason as part of God's bigger plan.
Francisco, my family and i surround you and your family with love and peace. 
Celina Pereira

Celina Pereira, MD
Staff Physician
Univ. of Rhode Island
Health Services 
6 Butterfield Road
Kingston, RI 02881
401-874-2586 fax

[Goanet] Song Apurbayecho Kunvor by Dr. Colaco now on youtube

2010-01-01 Thread Francisco Colaco

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten




 (beloved prince)

Dedicated to his son


a tribute from his family

Fernanda and Francisco (parents)
 Elaine and Anabelle (sisters).

Music, words, sung by Dr. Francisco Colaço 

Orchestration and Keyboards by Darryl Rodrigues
Drums and bass guitar programming by Tony Fernandes (Tidal Wave)

Braz Gonsalves on the soprano sax

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Aurvile Rodrigues
Video by Spirit

Edited by frezeo

Special thanks to 
Presley (Digital Innovations) and Seby
Rev.Fr. Valmiki Gonsalves.
and to Mr. Walter Menezes



[Goanet] Leslie de Noronha Re: Les de Noronha

2010-01-01 Thread Frederick Noronha

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Just for the record, the author is Leslie de Noronha (not Les, as
abbreviated by Ole Xac, I think).

More about his work, based on online links:

Review of The Dew Drop Inn (probably by Peter Nazareth), priced access

The Mango and the Tamarind Tree (awaiting cover upload and details)

The Dew Drop Inn  (awaiting cover upload and details)

Link... via Goa World
POEMS.  Leslie de Noronha. Writers' Workshop, Calcutta. 1975. Rs 20.

 Nationalities of Junior Staff
Leslie de Noronha
Br Med J  1961;2:1778, doi: 10.1136/bmj.2.5269.1778
Full text here:

Swinging Sixties, Gay Liberation in India
... a wonderfully badly written, yet campily fun novel called The Dew
Drop Inn by Leslie de Noronha, who was for years the theatre critic of
Mumbai's Catholic newsletter The Examiner. That novel paints a picture
of a freewheeling gay scene in Bombay and Delhi in the '60s, but
always in private and mostly at parties.

Jai Ratan, Jai Nimbkar, Manoj Das, Ruskin Bond, Bunny Reuben, Leslie
de Noronha, Murli Das Melwani, K N Daruwalla, and a host of others
have all the talent to break new ground..."Leslie+de+Noronha"&source=bl&ots=Xo21m4NaFA&sig=EEg8LMQLLwA_c3OKLkXBvBB2SDs&hl=en&ei=D7g9S-mdK86TkAXUoZDuCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CCAQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q="Leslie
de Noronha"&f=false

And a review of Jesus Christ Superstar from 1974 and in Bombay
(written by Leslie de Noronha, in The Examiner... this might be of
interest to some who grew up in the city of that era!):
(Leslie De Noronha for The Examiner, 4th May, 1974)
When JCS opened on Broadway about three years ago, it was a Show Biz
explosion. An overnight success in New York, then London, satellite
productions all over the world, box office bonanzas at every
performance, all time records in the disc business. Time magazine
cover, and the movie followed. And thousands of rock groups, soon
gyrating and belting out Hosanna Heysanna on their electric guitar
with all their might, long hair flying and bellbottoms flapping.
Simultaneous, I-love-Jesus stickers, buttons and patch-ups, and
sweatshirts and jeans featuring the familiar face appeared as teenage
cults blossomed on campus and in love-ins alike. The coincidence was
sinister. But Jesus Christ never had it so good.
Then Alyque Padamsee got onto the circus, and JCS was due for Bombay.
Alyque gave its advent the works. Special auditions for a singing cast
of seventy- five; a backstage crew of over fifty assembled Rock and
Beat groups were mobilized, the electronic equipment industry boomed.
Publicity campaigns even included TV and choirs and musician battled
with carpenters during months of rehearsal as special sets were built.
At last the show opened, two months ago, with sponsors galore,
scrimmages for tickets at Rs. 60, and House Full signs flashing on
like traffic lights. The press were not invited, but an enterprising
reporter sneaked into a dress rehearsal and got a newscoop. Audience
were filled with priests (many in soutanes) and nuns (all fortified by
the Vatican's approval of the original production) and with deadly
predictability, a controversy raged in these pages. At this point the
show had everything except a Pentecostal streak in protest.
Theatre Group's production of Jesus Christ Superstar aptly called
'amazing ' in the press ads had arrived, directed by Ayque Padamsee
Supershowman. A title he wells deserves. His production was polished,
magnificently orchestrated by three directors, Rex Lobo (music), Noel
Godin (song) and Coomie Wadia (choir), splendidly sung by three leads
and supports, gloriously performed by a meticulously trained cast of
seventy- five, elegantly and elaborately staged with the technological
expertise of Deryck Jeffereis, Debu Dutta and a battery of
technicians, and dominated by a "star" Nandu Bhende.
JCS is a rock musical based loosely on the Passion of Christ. It is
neither a literal enactment of the Passion, nor do the lyrics contain
any spiritual evaluations or mystical expressions of Christian faith.
As for content, as written and performed (again aptly) by a
multi-religion cast for multi-religion audience, it is the essence of
the life of Christ: the concept that humanity c

[Goanet] Leslie de Noronha.

2010-01-01 Thread eric pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


A patrician,  all six feet of his grim demeanour, I recall.  Born to the 
manor,  Porvorim and Bombay's Club Back Road, he was the son of physician 
parents, both dermatologists.  Socrates and Myrtle de Noronha were elected 
Members of the City Council.  Myrtle tabled the 1937  'Bombay Social Hygiene 
Act' that created and laid out the boundries of the 'girlie' triangular 
district in central Bombay, and required on site medical checks on the women 
employed by the 'shops.'
 Leslie spent decades in England before returning to the medical rooms on Mayo 
Road. A lifelong bachelor, he was indeed married to his true love: the Theater 
and creative writing.  I did miss the Examiner reviews, after I left home.   


Re: [Goanet] Lucazinho Ribeiro - The Creator of Goan Tiatr

2010-01-01 Thread Leopoldo Rocha

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Congratulations, Tomazinho!
Your "Lucazinho Ribeiro' is an important contribution to the history of our 
Goan Tiatr.I look forwarsd to more entries  from your part in this line line 
and style.

From: tomazinho cardozo 
To: Goanet 
Sent: Fri, January 1, 2010 2:16:48 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Lucazinho Ribeiro - The Creator of Goan Tiatr


                        Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Lucazinho Ribeiro - The Creator of Goan Tiatr
Tomazinho Cardozo

It is surprising to learn that the Goan Tiatr took birth in neighboring Bombay, 
almost 117 years back i.e. in 1892. A young man called Lucazinho Ribeiro 
from Sokolwaddo, Assagao in Bardez Taluka can be called the innovator of the 
because he along with Joao Agostinho Fernandes and others staged the first 
performance on the occasion of Easter on 17th April, 1892. The name of the 
Tiatr staged was "Italian Bhurgo". This Tiatr was written and directed by 
Ribeiro hence he can be called the creator of the unique form of Konkani drama 
called Tiatr.

There is no documentation at all which gives a clear picture of the staging of 
first Tiatr in 1892. It is only in 1943, on the occasion of Golden Jubilee of 
Tiatr that Joao Agostinho Fernandes, popularly known as Father of Tiatr, wrote 
article, which was published in the issue of 'Ave Maria', a weekly in Konkani 
Roman script, dated 28th November, 1943. In the beginning of his article Joao 
Agostinho Fernandes says, " As I have taken the responsibility to celebrate the 
Golden Jubilee of Konkani Tiatr, I feel it is my duty to make all Goans in 
and tiatr lovers in particular known who is the first Goan to write ans stage 
first Tiatr." In his brief article Mr. Fernandes describes how Lucazinho 
Ribeiro got 
a job in an Italian Opera Company and how he wrote the first tiatr 'Italian 
He also in this letter makes a mention of one Caitaninho who also assisted Mr. 
Rebeiro besides him to stage the First Tiatr in 1892. In the last paragraph of 
letter Joao Agostinho Fernandes says "Undoubtedly this credit goes to late Mr. 
Lucazinho Ribeiro on the Tiatr stage. I bow my head to Mr. Ribeiro, who was my 
and teacher and because of his guidance I still continue to present Tiatrs of 
values to the Tiatr lovers".

This article is the only source, which provides information about the 
innovation of 
the Tiatr and the staging of the first Tiatr. The information given in this 
is authentic because the letter was written by a person who was directly 
involved in 
staging the first Tiatr "Italian Bhurgo" in 1892.

Why did such a dramatic form come into existence? It was because the standard 
of the 
then existing dramatic forms 'Zagor' and 'Khell' or 'Fell' deteriorated due to 
introduction of elements of vulgarity to create fun and cheap entertainment for 
audience. This decline of quality in staging Zagor and Khell prevented many 
from witnessing these forms of entertainment. Educated people stopped 
the Zagor as well as the Khell. Goans were in need of good and qualitative 

During the centenary year of the Tiatr in the year 1992, I visited Assagao in 
to find out the roots of Lucazinho Ribeiro. I met Lucazinho Ribeiro's grand 
daughter-in-law Lucy who showed me the house of Lucazinho Ribeiro, which was 
all in 
ruins. Only the balcony existed without the roof over it. One had to climb 
steps to enter the collapsed balcony. She informed me that her father-in-law 
used to 
tell her that Lucazinho Ribeiro used to stage small cultural programmes of 
songs and skits by converting the balcony of his house into a temporary stage. 
used to make use of bed-sheets as curtains.

Young Lucazinho Ribeiro migrated to Bombay, as most of the Goans did, in search 
of a 
job. During that time Italian dramatic troupes were touring important cities of 
India such as Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi and Madras to stage Italian Operas. When 
India, they used to employ Indians mostly as back stage artistes. Lucazinho 
having love for dramatic art, tried his luck to get employment in one of the 
dramatic troupes. He got a job as a back stage artiste. The troupe was staging 
opera called "Italian Boy". When the 


2010-01-01 Thread Ivo da C.Souza


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


From: "Mario Goveia" 
For the rest of us who care about these things, human life has to begin 
at conception, i.e. with the embryo, because a) none of the other stuff 
will ever happen without an embryo, and b) genetic science can now 
distinguish with 100% certainty between a human embryo, the embryo of 
some other species, and a non-living thing.

***Mario, You are absolutely right. Scientifically, human life begins with 
the conception, therefore abortion is a murder. Averthanus D'Souza is doing 
a good job by guiding the readers in the right path. Let the readers have 
better guides in the New Year. I am quoting from the Website: 
World-renowned geneticists like Jerome Lejeune have already given us the 
statement in the light of modern sciences.

"Life Begin at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

The following references illustrate the fact that a new human embryo, the 
starting point for a human life, comes into existence with the formation of 
the one-celled zygote:

"Development of the embryo begins at Stage 1 when a sperm fertilizes an 
oocyte and together they form a zygote."
[England, Marjorie A. Life Before Birth. 2nd ed. England: Mosby-Wolfe, 1996, 

"Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ 
cells during a process known as fertilization (conception).
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a 
sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the fusion 
of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the 
mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, 
known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or 
primordium, of a human being."
[Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 
1988, p.2]

"Embryo: the developing organism from the time of fertilization until 
significant differentiation has occurred, when the organism becomes known as 
a fetus."
[Cloning Human Beings. Report and Recommendations of the National Bioethics 
Advisory Commission. Rockville, MD: GPO, 1997, Appendix-2.]

"Embryo: An organism in the earliest stage of development; in a man, from 
the time of conception to the end of the second month in the uterus."
[Dox, Ida G. et al. The Harper Collins Illustrated Medical Dictionary. New 
York: Harper Perennial, 1993, p. 146]

"Embryo: The early developing fertilized egg that is growing into another 
individual of the species. In man the term 'embryo' is usually restricted to 
the period of development from fertilization until the end of the eighth 
week of pregnancy."
[Walters, William and Singer, Peter (eds.). Test-Tube Babies. Melbourne: 
Oxford University Press, 1982, p. 160]

"The development of a human being begins with fertilization, a process by 
which two highly specialized cells, the spermatozoon from the male and the 
oocyte from the female, unite to give rise to a new organism, the zygote."
[Langman, Jan. Medical Embryology. 3rd edition. Baltimore: Williams and 
Wilkins, 1975, p. 3]

"Embryo: The developing individual between the union of the germ cells and 
the completion of the organs which characterize its body when it becomes a 
separate organism At the moment the sperm cell of the human male meets 
the ovum of the female and the union results in a fertilized ovum (zygote), 
a new life has begun The term embryo covers the several stages of early 
development from conception to the ninth or tenth week of life."
[Considine, Douglas (ed.). Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia. 5th 
edition. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1976, p. 943]

"I would say that among most scientists, the word 'embryo' includes the time 
from after fertilization..."
[Dr. John Eppig, Senior Staff Scientist, Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, 
Maine) and Member of the NIH Human Embryo Research Panel -- Panel 
Transcript, February 2

[Goanet] [OT] New Year Cheer

2010-01-01 Thread Tony de Sa

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


log on to google and without typing anything in the search box click on "I
am feeling lucky"
The result will amaze you
Tony de Sa
M   : +91 9975 162 897
  Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


[Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-01 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


You have not seen anything like this.
Observe the level of analysis, fact checking, quality of journalism.
Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine
venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Video - Breaking News Videos from - Tips to add years to your life

2010-01-01 Thread Con Menezes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Dr. Sanjay Gupta in in-depth interviews with anti-aging experts.

Watch this video.


[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Going without fireflies? Concerns on biodiversity... from Goa (Dr Nandkumar Kamat)

2010-01-01 Thread Goanet Reader

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


G o i n g   w i t h o u t   f i r e f l i e s ?


Dr.Nandkumar Kamat

I thought of sharing some concerns related to ecological
simplification and biodiversity in view of this being the
International Year of Biodiversity-2010.

Human interference in local ecosystems and presumptive
climate change: some interesting observations of Goa's
backyard natural history from my notebook in 2009.

         * Fireflies are vanishing. I kept records of the
         first rains and the first and last appearances of
         the fireflies (kazule, Photinus sp.) after I moved
         to Goa University campus at Taleigao, a grassland
         ecosystem with scrub vegetation.

In the year 2001, I noticed fireflies first on May 21 night
and the last sighting for the season was made on 15 Nov.
2001. Looks like we may have to launch another campaign "Save
Goa's fireflies/kazule" from 2010.

Very few fireflies were sighted this year and last sighting
was made in September, 2009 -- this is a trend which I
noticed since 2005. This is very alarming indeed. I can't
imagine a Goa without fireflies!

Millipedes (kotarli, gothani) and snails are dominating: This
is unusual. I found that millipedes have adjusted to climate
very well and now these are found from June to December. The
normal period is June to October. Then they hibernate till
monsoon. Snails are proliferating during the monsoon-in far
greater number as compared to the past.

* How could the beautiful Cassia fistula (golden showers,
bahavas or amaltash) flower in December? But this is
happening. The normal season is February to May.

         * The biological clock of the silk cotton trees
         (Savar, Bombax ceiba/Salmalia malabarica) is upset:
         These are keystone species in our campus under our
         research. I am familiar with 15 trees of different
         age. The earliest date of their flowering is
         December 8-10. But there is a delay of three weeks
         this year which is unusual. The trees are very
         sensitive to winds and rains.

* Termites are prospering: This is not new in humid tropics.
But the climate change has actually helped these industrious
social insects in Goa. There is heavier of infestation on
living trees for past few years. Now they're ferociously
coming indoors through smallest of crevices and even through
floor tiles. Their foraging behavior has also altered. A
promising future for pest control agencies in Goa.

* Kannam/Karondas (Carissa caronda) flowering during monsoon?
This is what I noticed on small scale during July on our
plateau since 2007. The insect pollinated flowers normally
appear at end of February but never during monsoon.

* Dangerous polistine paperwasps and stinging wasps/hornets
(Ganjil moos) moving and adapting to Goa's coastal urban
areas. So far these insects were confined to forests. Now
there is a wholescale migration and adaptation to urban and
semi urban environment in Goa. We destroyed a huge hornet's
nest at Santa Cruz, Tiswadi, built inside the drawer of an
old table dumped on terrace. There were similar reports from
Taleigao and Mashel (Marcela).

         * The troublesome weed Eupatorium occupying more
         open spaces: Most of Goa's natural roadside and
         hillslope vegetation has disappeared only to be
         replaced with Eupatorium odoratum (locally known as
         ranmari -- an invasive weed). It is throttling
         local biodiversity.

* Vanishing wildflower diversity in the countryside: All the
lateritic plateaus of Goa sport an amazing, kaleidoscopic
diversity of wildflowers from June to September. In my own
campus 60+ species were catalogued during 1995-6. This year
we could survey only 40-45. Mindless surface concretization
of our plateaus has fragmented their habitats. At the most we
can conserve what remains.

* Found a new species of Termitomyces mushroom in my garden
at Bondir, Santa Cruz: Having worked on mushroom biodiversity
for 23 years, this was an amazing discovery -- how climate
change is also influencing speciation in Genus Termitomyces,
Goa's most popular but overexploited and endangered wild
edible mushrooms (Download and read my research paper at
and on Ecoconservation aspects at

The species claimed to be new to science on perusal of all
available taxonomic literature is named Termitomyces
petaloides sp. nov. Kamat, Desouza and Priolkar (unde

[Goanet] For Union Leaders_strategies and stratagems

2010-01-01 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Good reading for Union Leaders: strategies and stratagems.
Civil War

By Bill Fletcher, Jr.  and Nelson
Lichtenstein , In These
Posted December 31, 2009.’s_civil_war


venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Novea Vorsachim Porbim!

2010-01-01 Thread jose fernandes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten



Borem magun,
jose salvador fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Colva

2010-01-01 Thread marlon menezes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Calvert is incommunicado, for obvious reasons. Some more facts on Calvert: He 
is another infamous alumnus from Mt. Abu and my classmate, who went by the pet 
name of "crow" or "Kallu" thanks to his name, dark complexion and his love of 
animals. He introduced me to birding and he and I would somtimes bunk school 
and go into the forests to check out the wildlife. Being in a bording school in 
the middle of nowhere, partaking in such an activity was highly illegal and 
subject to severe physical punishment. Luckily, we never got caught. While I 
have "reformed"  ;-) it looks like Calvert has continued to be a rebel.


- Original Message 
From: Frederick Noronha

Calvert "Dogui Bodmas" Gonsalves should be able to, as you appear to
be on his Facebook friends list :-)

2009/12/30 marlon menezes :

> For once I fully agree with Soter. The attack by the church
> mob on the person's property, and more specifically, one
> that was holding his mother, child and wife needs to
> be condemned. Hopefully, the publicity will result in
> greater commercial success of his music video.
> Is there anyone who can provide me with the name
> and contact information of the priest?

[Goanet] Progesterone May Improve Outcomes From Brain Injury - Life Extension

2010-01-01 Thread Con Menezes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Its making headlines around the world.
Neuroscientist discovers a hormone
that may improve outcomes from brain injury.More here.


[Goanet] Elezibaeths sequinned dress.

2010-01-01 Thread Con Menezes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Re Elizabeths tight fitting dress with bows front & back  makes me fantasize 
about her 'performance'
Mkes me drool Liz!

[Goanet] Les de Noronha

2010-01-01 Thread Bernado Colaco

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Exmo. Dr. Antonio,

Thanks for the titulo atribuido. Ami somos de mares pos 61. So we know the crap 
of the neo colonial rule. Before writing about the subject I have taken opnion 
of several amche bauh que viveram as duas epocas. 


I am sorry if our ''' Excelentissimo Cavalheiro da Ordem de Belem '''finds
my observations
on the Portuguese education during the period 1945 - 1961 as crap.
I had my Portuguese schooling  during the above mentioned period and one
could say
that I am talking from experience.  Did our  '''Grande Patriota  Portugues
que da praia
occidental de Gomantaka, por mares nunca dantes navegados, chegou no casino
de Macau'''


[Goanet] Aged Tires: A Driving Hazard? - ABC News

2010-01-01 Thread Con Menezes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Aged Car TyresDrving Hazard?
Watch this ABC video and learn more about tyre safety.


[Goanet] HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010

2010-01-01 Thread Olga Maciel

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


HAPPY NEW YEARIn pictures: New Year celebrations

Olga Maciel   
Got more than one Hotmail account? Save time by linking them together

Re: [Goanet] Goans face the sword

2010-01-01 Thread soter


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Frederick wrote :
"A sad comment on Soter's logic (or lack of it) that he chooses
everyone who disagrees with his xenophobic drive an "intellectual
prostitute". FN"

This is the exact problem. Whose logic is poor is known from the reply. 
Cowards do not give their names or do not attempt to reason out. Typical of 
feudalistic society of Goa. When an issue is raised pretend to have never 
heard it and walk away. On the quiet they will ridicule the peson by 
labelling him with all sorts of allegations which have nothing to do with 
the issue. I do not claim to possess the truth. I put forward my views. 
Without giving any sound refutation, a guy like Frederick and his band of 
disciples will cast labels of communal, casteist, xenophobic, chauvinistic, 
etc. Basically, Goa is infested with such feudalistic up market ass licking 
cowards who go around as intellectuals. When they are trapped they divert 
the attention from the reality by going off topic. Here I was talking about 
law discriminating Goans and migrants. That issue is coveniently brushed 
aside and comment goes onto my remark of 'intellectual prostitutes".


[Goanet] Ganesha of Khandola

2010-01-01 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


To Goanet -



[Goanet] ‘SATAN’ Saunstha,

2010-01-01 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


It is disgraceful if not ruinous of what is happening in Goa.We have 
organisations like the ‘Sanatan Saunstha’ on one hand and now an obviously not 
so disorganised the “Satan Saunstha”. Both these organisations have taken 
advantage of the ignorant and illiterates of their communities to manipulate 
them for achieving their own goal, and the ignoramus, with no roots to keep 
them standing tall, get blown in the direction of the wind. The “Satan 
Saunstha” is known by many for having manipulated community properties and 
funds; properties that have been gifted by predecessors on clear non-saleable 
condition; cohered with politicians for their personal benefits, misused their 
status to destroy the good work of their predecessors, etc., etc.  They feel 
their duty is only to preach, and that they can behave in an unworthy and 
unholy manner the rest of the day. What exemplary behaviour are they exhibiting 
to the community? Have they not undergone disciplinary teachings? Can they undo 
the damage they cause to the community with their unholy behaviour? And the one 
at the helm very diplomatically can only say to pray for them? If everything 
could be done by prayers, God would have given us only the mouth. No hands, no 
feet, no eyes, nothing else. It is the duty of those at the helm to discipline; 
else reciting daily “ I confess……in what I have failed to do…” is a parrot’s 
chant. Even God disciplined those who had made a market of His temple. What 
right do these perverse members have to misuse the official instrument for 
alerting the community? Was it not the duty of the in-charge to be in the 
forefront to desist the flock from taking reprehensible recourse more so being 
the Christmas season? It is but obvious to everyone that the cap fitted the 
head, and the reaction speaks volumes of the mentality.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

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[Goanet] Kidnap & Marry Underage Girls of Any Religion is OK for Muslims ... Rule our Courts

2010-01-01 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


I am not able to comprehend the post of Fredrick Noronha on the subject. 
I personally found it insensitive in this particular case, though he does
make some good contributions otherwise.  Here is a case of an underage Hindu
girl, who her parents allege was kidnapped, her religion changed to Islam
and then married to her alleged kidnapper.  Fredrick also introduces the
issue of the Curchorem riots, which happened more than two years ago.

I personally found Fredrick's post to have trivalised the tragedy of the

Best regards, and wish all of you a happy new year 2010.

Dr UG Barad 

[Goanet] Panjim Sports and Cultural Club: Health Run organised

2010-01-01 Thread Sandeep Heble

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Photographs available at:

To commemorate the ‘International Year of Youth’, Panjim Sports and
Cultural Club, a newly formed body of sports lovers, organized a
health run in the early hours of New Year’s Day. Club President
Custodio Araujo flagged off the race in the presence of Vice
Presidents Hilary Fernandes, Sandeep Heble and Rajaram Kundaikar;
committee members Joy Araujo and Shekhar Dhume along with other
participating children.

The event was organised to spread the awareness of the importance of
health and fitness and to herald the beginning of the 'Youth Year'.
The run started from Azad Maidan and culminated at the Indoor Stadium,
Campal-Panaji. The children along with the organizers ran in an
environment of fun and enthusiasm; in the backdrop of background music
played by the Police Band. Jerseys and refreshments were distributed
to all the participants.

Beginning on the 2nd of January,  the Club will also organize a two
day Football Coaching Camp, for children in the age categories of
below 10, below 14 and below 16 years. Children may report directly at
the SAG grounds, Campal-Panaji at 8 am on 2nd Jan. Jerseys will be
distributed to all the Camp attendees.

yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Vice President,
Panjim Sports and Cultural Club

[Goanet] Talking photos: A selection for today

2010-01-01 Thread JoeGoaUk

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Talking photos: A selection for today
We find them more on the roads than in their sheds
Ghottieant komi punn rostiar chodd
Stay away!!
This is my property now..

Beach safety rules – 
Never swim after sunset

An answer to previously asked question (Can u identify this beach?)
Windows 1600  (from 17th Century)

Mouth watering Goan specialtiy – 
there can be no Old Goa Novena/feast without it
Talkie Town-ant tuka eukar
'3 idiots' running now
Goan Hindu Weddings
'Get one and take one'
I mean, bring a present and taken one..

Ago, Maria, tuge mobail numbor  kit go?
- Hanvui tuj’ bhaxen muge numbor konnakui dinam
Konna zai zaliear mak’ imeil korun zata
Tor tuge imeil kit’ go?
- disti ponnam tuka?  Muj’ tokle voir choi mure

For fast and efficient  services.
Insist on ‘Blacky’s Couriers’
same old story – opp old secretariat

Note: Fun inflicted, no offence intended. 

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For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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