Re: [Goanet] Deccan Herald Interview

2010-05-05 Thread Santosh Helekar
Because of the wild accusations that the non-historian Gilbert has made against 
the Goan historian Teotonio De Souza concerning the latter's Deccan Herald 
Interview I had asked Gilbert to provide us with specific evidence for the 

1. That Teotonio R. De Souza misrepresented historical facts or gave us biased 
information regarding the inquisition in his answers to the interviewer.

2. That the sources that Gilbert is referring to for his own information 
regarding Goan history are genuine scholarly historical sources, and that they 
are unbiased.

3. That Gilbert himself does not have any conflicts of interest or biases of 
his own (or declare them if he does e.g. membership in any society or 
organization which has a stake in having the historical conclusions be slanted 
a certain way). This is especially important because Gilbert has made such a 
demand of Teotoniobab, and would not want himself to be perceived as a 

Now instead of providing this evidence, I notice that in this new post Gilbert 
continues to resort to innuendo against Teotonio De Souza. What is worse is 
that this time he lobs the following fabricated charge against Teotoniobab 
without mentioning his name:

"Yet what is outrageous is to link SFX (concerns about colonial abuses) as 
leading to the abuses of the inquisition; and further using SFX as the reason 
for the need of an Inquisition museum in Goa."
.Gilbert Lawrence

In contrast to the above slander, what Teotoniobab actually said is this:

"All research related to the Inquisition that played havoc in the lives of 
Goans needs to be welcomed. The fears are generally unfounded. The Inquisition 
was not a religious institution, but essentially a political institution for 
disciplining all colonial subjects. I have more than once proposed the creation 
of an Inquisition Museum that could be a wonderful instrument of education and 
would even add to the income of cultural tourism. I think only a prolonged 
debate over this issue could clear the minds from unwarranted fears and 
sectarian prejudices."
.Teotonio R. De Souza

Please note that no mention is made of SFX in connection with the need for an 
Inquisition Museum. The need for the museum is simply and rightly stated as 
educational and cultural. No sensible person should object to that. But Gilbert 
appears to have problem with such a museum, as is evident in the following twit 
meant to propagate another smear against Teotoniobab:

"Living in the West, I see a lot of speculation (a.k.a. 'fresh thinking') by 
those trying to create a niche for their work; which is so important for 
academic funding. The inquisition museum in Goa is one such "innovative idea." 
.Gilbert Lawrence

Now tell me why would a man who claims to be a history buff be against a 
history museum in Goa, and why would he use such a suggestion to question the 
motives of a historian?

I ask Gilbert to correct me if I am wrong about his opposition to such a 
museum, and to justify his opposition if I am right. And once again, I request 
him to provide specific evidence for his wild speculations and public 
accusations against a Goan historian by providing actual quotes, and revealing 
his own sources and conflicts of interest.

If he cannot do so it would be his intellectual and moral responsibility to 
retract his irresponsible public statements in this thread.



--- On Tue, 5/4/10, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:
> I am responding to a point because you wrote it twice,
> (see below) and as you edit historical articles; on which
> likely you "pass mustard."
> SFX's letters to the king in Lisbon and superiors in
> Rome,  clearly reflect SFX frustrations with the Portuguese
> colonial administration for:
> 1. Colonial Govt. corruption.
> 2. Lack of enforcing any legal and moral codes on the
> colonialists.
> 3. Exploitation of natives.  
> The response and support SFX received in reply, from those
> to whom he repeatedly wrote, was one of empty-lip service.
> Please feel free to contradict me with quotes and
> references. This may partly explain Xavier's short stay in
> Goa.
> Now you (and others) suggest SFX's letters had a greater
> impact after SFX died, than when he was alive. At best, I
> would say, SFX's letters were used by the powers-that-be to
> further ones agenda, just like his letters are used
> today.  At worse, claiming that SFX letters were "signposts
> for decision-makers in Rome, Lisbon and Goa for at least
> half a century after his death" is pure hogwash and wild
> speculation  unless you have govt.  documents (which
> references SFX letters) which can support this claim.  
> Yet what is outrageous is to link SFX (concerns about
> colonial abuses) as leading to the abuses of the
> inquisition; and further using SFX as the reason for the
> need of an Inquisition museum in Goa.  
> As a history buff I would look at events in 1555-1560,
> specifically at the imminent

Re: [Goanet] A Letter To The Bleddy Goans From An East Indian Bugger (Godfrey Pereira)

2010-05-05 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 5 May 2010 17:30, Eugene Correia  wrote:

> The "bloody" or "bleedy" piece, either taken from elsewhere and posted on
> Goanet, provokes debate as well as angers for words that hit at the "nuts."
> His language mocks Goans, but perhaps it can be taken as a satirical vein
> running through the piece.
> No doubt, Goa is undergoing vast changes that affect people in villages and
> towns. From the old mining barons to the new Russian mafia kings, Goa is
> raped and plundered. In this respect, I agree with Godfrey.

COMMENT: Now that was the best response we have had to the post. I agree,
Godfrey meant to provoke Goans into action and out of their slumber - alas
to no avail. We Goans shall go the same way as the East Indians - the bleedy

Many overseas residing Goans are taking the easy route or some may say the
hard route and selling lock, stock and barrel; they have no option, it is
either that or their land and homes are usurped by neighbours and/or

Unfortunately there is no simple choice to own a nice Villa in Goa and at
the same time enjoy the lifestyle of living overseas as well. Vivian might
be doing it, having his cake and eating it but he is the exception to the
rule me thinks.

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] TRIBUTE: Remembering Sushruta Agnelo Gomes Martin (Meenacshi Martins)

2010-05-05 Thread Goanet Reader
A tribute is to a popular homeopath who passed away in Goa last week.

By Dr Meenacshi Martins

  Amidst the bombs exploding and the Indian Army
  running around in our home, Sushruta decided to
  arrive prematurely, as if he could not wait to
  partake in the excitement of the times. A few days
  after the Liberation of Goa, he was born at the
  Asilo Hospital, extremely premature, a tiny blue
  fragile baby. Barely able to walk, I furiously
  guarded the door, protecting my little brother. A
  role I had to continue to play for many a decade.

With our parents actively involved in the freedom movement,
at the time at its feverish peak, Sushruta became my
responsibility and I remained his parent-surrogate. Caring
for a not-so-easy to comprehend personality was harrowing,
but interesting as well. He kept me enthralled with all his
tricks and trials all through our childhood.

We remained entwined together by destiny. With absent
parents, bonding unusually, more than most siblings do.
Growing up in a village with fields, rivers and a jungle
behind the house, gave an expansive dimension to our
brother-sister team that ruled the local children and
converted the entire village into a play ground.

Hide and seek games used up all houses, barns and wells.
Swimming, a routine evening past-time, was from one village
to another, Bathmodo to Britona and back. Often chasing
leaves, fish or just each other through the back waters of
Paitona village in Bardez. Our group was large, may be 20 odd
kids, and we all ran a riot during summer vacations.

We had a Youth Congress movement going on back then, with
full support of the then MP Purushottam Kakodkar, who had
given me a seal of the YCC. Sushruta and I would organize
meetings in our parents' garage, gather the kids to go around
the village, cleaning drains and helping school drop outs.

  I was six and he was four. I secretly believe that
  all the children just came for the gram and
  groundnuts that my mother distributed to them later
  in the evenings, or even the occasional batat
  kappas or shrikhand and puri that she would bring
  home from Mapusa.

There were many a quieter moment that we spent somewhere in
the wilderness of our backyard. We would take a tiffin of
canji and raw mango pickle, packed by our most bewildered
grandmother, and spend an entire day somewhere up in the
caves, perched on tree tops, in rain water storm drains or by
the river side.

What we talked about the whole day, just the two of us, beats
me. But we talked and talked. As he grew older, my
responsibility just kept mounting. That I was required to sit
with a young child who played around with a soldering iron,
building radios from a kit I had to order by post, was
taxing, to say in the least.

But I would buy him his kits for repairs of various things he
thought he should do. Radios, watches, recorders, cycles,
scooter, just about anything, with me as his assistant.

  When the village got electrified, he at the age of
  twelve decided to wire our home with a three phase
  supply with the help of an old uncle and me, on
  tall ladders. I would sort out the wires and pass
  them around, while he did he connections.

It was remarkable for a 12-year-old child to embark with
great confidence in things that are rarely a domain of
children. Yet the watch repair shop in Mapusa would keep the
most expensive and rare watches for Sushruta to repair after
school hours. Never mind the fact that at the time he had
difficulty saying the seven-times table. He was hardly coping
with school studies but preferred to sit at Baba's photo
studio rather than be in class.

Around that time, we also managed to save Rs 25 to buy our
first camera. It was a 120 mm box thing with an external
flash, the one with acid and bulbs. And we embarked on our
passion for photography. Converting one bathroom into a dark
room, we developed all our prints at home.

I had a pact with him. For every film exposed, he had to take
a few of my photographs. The result is known to many. Some of
my most exclusive pictures were taken by my brother at home.

Then he bought a Zeiss enlarger, and a new world opened up.
He knew the camera so well and easily out-smarted me in
technology and the sensitivity required of photography.

  His sensitivity came through even as a child. He
  was ultra caring and kind and generous to the point
  of irrationality. He would liberally give our home
  items to people and to whosoever came to my
  mother's clinic at home. If people returned the
  things he would cry.

His tearful explanations were so simplistic. The fisherwomen
needed the sandals more than my father did. Or the labourer,
a rain coat which my father could always b

[Goanet] Is there a code of conduct for ministers who hold posts in sports associations?

2010-05-05 Thread

 Is there a code of conduct for ministers who hold posts in sports 

That's what the Bombay High Court has asked the union
government to explain.

Read more at:

rene barreto


[Goanet] In defence of JoeGoauk - to Samir

2010-05-05 Thread Venantius J Pinto
> From: Samir Kelekar 
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet]  In defence of JoeGoauk - to Samir
> Message-ID: <>
> Samir:

> Hence, please note the caveat in my post. I said "correct me
> if I am wrong". Secondly, I was least bothered about announcing
> this in public and only because Selma fervently defended you,
> I posted this.
> vjp: Come on Samir. You actually say that you posted it "only because Selma
fervently defended you (JoeGoauk)". Why let your mind be propelled into
thought at her name. I mean this was about JueGoauk.


> >About copyright violations, I do agree it is wrong to film no matter how
> small or
> >no matter what the person intends to do with it, no matter if it is for
> profit or loss.?
> >Theft is a theft no matter how small or no matter how clean one?s
> conscious is.
> Samir:

> So, you agree you have been a thief !
vjp: Did you have to say this? The entity JoeGoauk said the above. Take it
at face value and respect the being. But you simply had to repeat it ---
even if meant rhetorically? Come on bro? Why? What does it gain anyone. Even
a shred of peace of mind bro?!


Re: [Goanet] Deccan Herald Interview

2010-05-05 Thread DAN DRISCOLL
I guess I'll have to disappoint you. At age 80 yrs I may simply have to
'wallow in my hogwash'. I'm not able to come up with citations. Having gone
through several thousands of lines about the early colonial period I simply
had an intuitive feeling that even Xavier himself had less than cordial
feelings about upper caste natives and may well have recommended that
colonial policy should see that they did not slide back into their
'superstitions and idolotories'. I even have a vague feeling that I read
somewhere that he did make a recommend of that sort---but I suppose that is
tantamount to blasphemy, and proof that the old divil hisself is on my

I suppose I'm in the wrong space here. Had the idea that these dialogue
sites are pretty well open to all comers and that academic criteria doesn't
prevail so much. Having followed Dr. Teotonio's work in local media I felt
that the kind of criticism I saw from you was a 'rush to judgement'; but you
have, perhaps quite rightly 'hoisted me on my own petard'. Surrounded by
people who are so RIGHT, I should perhaps unsubscribe.

On 5/5/10, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I am responding to a point because you wrote it twice, (see below) and as
> you edit historical articles; on which likely you "pass mustard."
> SFX's letters to the king in Lisbon and superiors in Rome,  clearly reflect
> SFX frustrations with the Portuguese colonial administration for:
> 1. Colonial Govt. corruption.
> 2. Lack of enforcing any legal and moral codes on the colonialists.
> 3. Exploitation of natives.
> The response and support SFX received in reply, from those to whom he
> repeatedly wrote, was one of empty-lip service. Please feel free to
> contradict me with quotes and references. This may partly explain Xavier's
> short stay in Goa.
> Now you (and others) suggest SFX's letters had a greater impact after SFX
> died, than when he was alive. At best, I would say, SFX's letters were used
> by the powers-that-be to further ones agenda, just like his letters are used
> today.  At worse, claiming that SFX letters were "signposts for
> decision-makers in Rome, Lisbon and Goa for at least half a century after
> his death" is pure hogwash and wild speculation  unless you have
> govt.  documents (which references SFX letters) which can support this
> claim.
> Yet what is outrageous is to link SFX (concerns about colonial abuses) as
> leading to the abuses of the inquisition; and further using SFX as the
> reason for the need of an Inquisition museum in Goa.
> As a history buff I would look at events in 1555-1560, specifically at the
> imminent dangers in 1560, to the causes(s) for introducing the Inquisition;
> rather than relying of documents/ letters received 17 years earlier, which
> could well have been gathering dust.
> As Goans we know that Teo is doing the best he can. Hence we give him the
> benefit of the doubt. With what you have written twice,  Teo's writings are
> more aimed to please Western academic speculative interest.  Living in the
> West, I see a lot of speculation (a.k.a. 'fresh thinking') by those trying
> to create a niche for their work; which is so important for academic
> funding. The inquisition museum in Goa is one such "innovative idea."
> Saying goes, "We may have been born at night; but we were not been born
> LAST NIGHT."  I hope we can see responses to questions to you in several
> posts.  Those responses should be easy for you with "extensive reading
> occasioned by an editing job I was asked to do involving historical
> writing."
> Regards, GL
> --- Dan Driscoll
> Might I venture an opinion, after some fairly extensive reading occasioned
> by an editing job I was asked to do involving historical writing:
> The link between Xavier's encouragement of inquisitorial policy in India
> and the time of his departure and eventual demise may be quite unaffected by
> the time dimension. Xavier was basically an Administrator (Provincial
> Superior) in Goa, and his recommendations (right down to his marginal notes)
> would have been the signposts for decision-makers in Rome, Lisbon and Goa
> for at least half a century after his death.
> Dr. Theotonio De Souza,   But we must not expect infallibility or total
> objectivity from him either. He has a difficult job to do, and he's doing it
> as best he can.
> I would say that the relationship between implementation of the
> inquisitiorial policy in the Region and the dating of Xavier's departure and
> eventual death need not at all negate his influence in the matter. I suspect
> that very little of any decision-making that came out of Rome and Lisboa for
> up to half a century after Xavier's passing would have been without heavy
> reliance on his judgement. Xavier and Ignatius were like two blood brothers.

Re: [Goanet] In defence of JOEGOAUK

2010-05-05 Thread Frederick Noronha

Rajesh Dessai wrote:

With such a lot of talk going on about copyright, I just wonder if
anyone of the writers has personally experienced , or knows about the
procedures for copyright registration in India.  The procedures are
very lengthy and long drawn.  At times it takes a few years for the
copyright to be registered in India.  It is not an easy or simple
process.  It is not enough for a music producer to claim that his
product is covered by copyright, as is the case with most of the music
cd's available on the shelves in India. 

I don't think the information given above is correct. Copyright is 
automatic, on the creation of a work (it can be registered too, but in 
any case, the process of creating a work leads to it being 'copyrighted'):


Is it necessary to register a work to claim copyright?

No. Acquisition of copyright is automatic and it does not require any 
formality. However, certificate of registration of copyright and the 
entries made therein serve as prima facie evidence in a court of law 
with reference to dispute relating to ownership of copyright.

What is the procedure for registration of a work under the Copyright 

Copyright comes into existence as soon as a work is created and no 
formality is required to be completed for acquiring copyright. However, 
facilities exist for having the work registered in the Register of 
Copyrights maintained in the Copyright Office of the Department of 
Education. The entries made in the Register of Copyrights serve as 
prima-facie evidence in the court of law. The Copyright Office has been 
set up to provide registration facilities to all types of works and is 
headed by a Registrar of Copyrights and is located at B.2/W.3, C.R. 
Barracks, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi- 110 003, Tel: 338 4387



I also believe India took a more cautious approach towards copyright in 
the past, though now we all want to make a fast buck out of it (and use 
it against people we don't like for whatever purpose :-))

Is it not true that strict application of the principle of protection of 
copyright hampers economic and cultural development of the society?

Yes. If copyright protection is applied rigidly, it can hamper progress 
of the society. However, copyright laws are enacted with necessary 
exceptions and limitations to ensure that a balance is maintained 
between the interests of the creators and of the community.

[Same website.]


Re: [Goanet] A Letter To The Bleddy Goans From An East Indian Bugger (Godfrey Pereira)

2010-05-05 Thread Eugene Correia
The "bloody" or "bleedy" piece, either taken from elsewhere and posted on 
Goanet, provokes debate as well as angers for words that hit at the "nuts." His 
language mocks Goans, but perhaps it can be taken as a satirical vein running 
through the piece.
No doubt, Goa is undergoing vast changes that affect people in villages and 
towns. From the old mining barons to the new Russian mafia kings, Goa is raped 
and plundered. In this respect, I agree with Godfrey.
With the same token, Bombay has undergone changes that should also wake up the 
East Indians. Check the East Indian strongholds from Mahim to Virar and one is 
shocked to see that East Indian lands are now in the possession of big builders.
Hundreds of East Indians have sold their houses and lands to these builders for 
good bucks and in return to a flat, whether one-bedroom one or more, in a 
high-rise building.
Even in East Indian pockets in the city, such as Cavel, Kothachiwadi, 
Matharpacady, Mazagoan, to mentions but a few, East Indian colonial houses have 
given way to modern buildings. Money can buy anything. In this sense, Goans 
have been also selling their lands to the rich from Mumbai and Delhi.
After Liberation, Goa became ripe for the picking. One cannot fault outsiders 
lusting over Goa's pristine land. The slow train of people from other parts 
have now become a tide. Can Goans stem the tide? Looking at the issue 
constitutionally, I don't see any remedies. Arwin, however, has some.
What Godfrey has failed to notice is that NGOs in Goa are putting up a fight to 
save Goa. It is a long, hard fight. Godfrey cannot expect each and every Goan 
to rise up to the cause and march to Panaji or go on a hunger strike. The 
Narmada Valley issue is a pointer. Despite valiant fight by those wanting to 
prevent the dam, their efforts bore little or no fruits.
Those who have been following what the Goan NGOs are doing perhaps have a 
scorecard where they have won, scored little success or failed.
Let's not get our "nuts" in a twist because of Godfrey's views. He could a 
gadfly, and as much as he has annoyed us by sitting on our noses or sniping or 
smelling our nuts we should just swap it with an well-documented and 
well-argued rebuttal.
East Indians lament that their beloved Mumbai has been taken over by the 
Maharashtrians. And if we make sense of what Godfrey says, we may come to 
lament Goa's passing into the hands of "outsiders", as many hardcore Goans 
called these "new Goans."
Let's not forget that Goans are screwing Goans, some of them robbing land or 
other property on the pretext of a lie. Some of these Goans project themselves 
as honest Goans or doing great voluntary service to Goans. We have seen family 
members or friends robbing each other of houses and other property. If we 
cannot be honest and true to each other, how can we expect non-Goans to be 
respectful, law-abiding and honest in their intentions? We can never learn the 
ulterior motives these people have just as we don't know the ulterior motives 
friends or just long-time acquitances have till they turn on you. I have recent 
experience where I have been falsely turned into a "liar" and from a "victim" 
to a "culprit". So, each of us Goan must be honest and true to oneself. .

PS: I think I know Godfrey as a journalist and I am bit unsure if he was in 
college with me.

[Goanet] Need to Save Goa for Future Generations

2010-05-05 Thread Arwin Mesquita
*Need to Save Goa for Future Generations
*GOA was loved by tourists because of its scenic beauty, its natural green
environment, clean beaches and hospitality of the local Goans. But alas, all
this will be gone in a few years. Just look at the pace at which the
greenery of Goa is being destroyed. Are the concrete jungles essential? And
for whom? Can Goa sustain the influx of heavy-pocketed people from other
states? How is the government going to cater to the needs of these people?
Think about the amount of garbage that is going to be produced. What are we
going to leave our children–polluted air, litter-strewn beaches, unsafe
chaotic roads, consistent power shutdowns and restricted water supply? Will
they ever be able to visualise a green Goa? How can the government turn a
blind eye to the influx of non-Goans? Non-Goans in Goa have outnumbered the
Goans and our very identity is at stake. The immigrants have started their
own organisations to propagate their language and their culture in Goa. Is
parasitism of cultures justifiable? The price of land has gone way beyond
the reach of the common man. What is the government doing about all this? I
fully agree with Mr Seshagiri Raghu Kumar who voiced his concern for Goa in
the letter ‘Save Goa’ (NT, April 29). Goa is not a destination for
employment like the metros of India. It is basically a tourist destination
and the government should do all it can to save the natural environment of
Goa. It should develop policies to safeguard the interest of Goans in the
employment sector by reserving 90 per cent quota for Goans before issuing
permission for industries, hotels etc. Are any of our Goan leaders
listening? More importantly, will they take the necessary action to save

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. For the Love of Konkani:
6. Goa's Identity Movement website:
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO to discuss the Pre-draft CRZ Notification 2010 & the special status for Goa.

2010-05-05 Thread Goa Desc
Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
  the fortnightly discussion event since 1999

Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 14th May from 4pm. to 6pm.
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
 No.11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa.

TOPIC: Pre-draft CRZ Notification 2010
 & the special status for Goa.
   SPEAKER: Sujeetkumar M. Dongre, Officer In Charge,
Goa State Office - Centre for Environment Education (CEE).

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the FRIDAY BALCAO
If you cannot attend, then please send
your views and action plan suggestions
by email to

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!

11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail to:

[Goanet] One meets watery grave in Pale

2010-05-05 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM MAY 4: A Sunday trip to nearby river turned tragic for a 45 year
old person from Ambeshi Pali when he was drowned in the river.

According to the available information the incident occurred on Sunday at
about 5.00 pm. One Raguvir Jana Gawde (45) from Ambeshi Pali along with
three of his friends went to nearby river for picnic. In the evening Raguvir
was drowned in the river. The search by his friends proved futile today his
body was recovered in the river.

PSI, T P Walke is further investigating the case.

[Goanet] TIATR, TIATR: Backstage at maRIO MENEZES's Fattlean Poi

2010-05-05 Thread Frederick Noronha
Backstage at maRIO MENEZES's Fattlean Poi (May 4, 2010)
Goa tiatr tragedy king maRIO MENEZES's latest tiat is Fattlean Poi
(Look Behind Yourself). Here, we talk to some dramatists offstage and
get a few glimpses on.

Photos from the tiatr:

Frederick Noronha
Books from Goa ::

[Goanet] In defence of JOEGOAUK

2010-05-05 Thread Rajesh Dessai
Selma wrote:

dear Samir,
I do believe in copyright but I don't believe that JoeGoaUk used the
internet for "commercial purposes' and made money off his postings.?I
also think we have to view this in light of the service that JoeGoaUk
does provide, the video documenting and photographs he disseminates
without any charge. Herald has often used his photographs without even
given him credit for it, and he has not made a hue and?cry about it.
He has provided his services free of cost when Rajan Parrikar needed
documentary evidence of vagrancy around Panjim. To hang him out to dry
now, is not being a good Goan. If tiatrists are being affected by his
posting of their artistic imput then a simple private warning would
have sufficed. Afterall, he is available on email even if he is an
unknown entity.

I agree with Selma that JoeGoaUk did not use the internet for
'commercial purposes' etc etc...  It is also true that Herald used his
photographs without giving him credit etc.  [Incidentally, he did make
a huge hue and cry about it]

However, we have a law, and laws are there for a purpose, and no one
is above the law, no one including our friend JoeGoaUK.  I dont think
for a moment that Joe had ulterior or financial motives for the work
he has done,  But the fact remains that if a product is covered and
registered under copyright laws, then it is imperative that the
applicable fees are paid or in some cases, permission obtained from
the holder of copyright.  There are some exceptions that have to be
considered, and I will come to that later.

With such a lot of talk going on about copyright, I just wonder if
anyone of the writers has personally experienced , or knows about the
procedures for copyright registration in India.  The procedures are
very lengthy and long drawn.  At times it takes a few years for the
copyright to be registered in India.  It is not an easy or simple
process.  It is not enough for a music producer to claim that his
product is covered by copyright, as is the case with most of the music
cd's available on the shelves in India.  Further, can anyone say for
sure that JoeGoaUK is actually copying a product covered under
copyright, or is he doing a recording at a public performance?  If he
is recording at a public performance, he is within his legal rights to
use a recorder and record the show.  I do know of many organisers
prohibiting the use of recorders at shows.  If the prohibition is
published on the ticket or pamphlet, it is valid, but in most cases,
the organisers tend to use personal enforcers.

In order to protect the interests of users, some exemptions have been
prescribed in respect of specific uses of works enjoying copyright.
Subject to certain conditions, a fair deal for research, study,
criticism, review and news reporting, as well as use of works in
library and schools and in the legislatures, is permitted without
specific permission of the copyright owners. Some of the exemptions
are the uses of the work

* for the purpose of research or private study,
* for criticism or review,
* for reporting current events,
* in connection with judicial proceeding,
* performance by an amateur club or society if the performance is
given to a non-paying audience, and
* the making of sound recordings of literary, dramatic or musical
works under certain conditions.

The above is actually an extract from the Copyright Act 1957.  So you
see, we can give our friend JoeGoaUK some leeway here!!!  Rules can be
bent and broken, but it is best in everyone's interest to abide by the
rule of law.

As for JoeGoaUK, my message to him is to be careful with what he does.
 One of these days he is going to be trapped, and he cannot hide under
his annonymous guise because many people already know who he is.  He
is doing a great job, yeoman service for Goa, but that will not be
enough to cover his back should someone decide to gun for him.

Good luck JoeGoaUK:  May there be many more clones of you in Goa.  Goa
needs you.

[Goanet] 13 plants that could kill you: Apples | MNN - Mother Nature Network

2010-05-05 Thread Con Menezes
These plants among others or their seeds could kill you. More here
'Mother Nature Network'

[Goanet] Underestimating the healing power of the mind

2010-05-05 Thread Con Menezes
Mind a powerful healing tool.
'Healthier Talk'

[Goanet] Foodie's Favourites ... a blog from Goa

2010-05-05 Thread Frederick Noronha

* Solkadi
* Scotch Eggs
* Prawn Vindaloo
* Palak Paneer
* Scrambled Eggs
* Fish & Chips
* Traditional English Trifle ... and more.
Send feedback to:

[Goanet] May 2010 issue of Gulab hits the stands

2010-05-05 Thread Fausto Da Costa

May issue of Gulab hits the news stand

The May 2010 issue of Goa's most popular Konkani monthly GULAB hits the news 
stand. This issue carries a special feature on today's eating habits and it's 
effect on health.

The editorial 'Aichim Jevnnam-khannam Ani Bholaiki' gives a blow by blow 
account of unhealthy preparations and preservation of foods today and their 
ill-effects on health. Soter Barreto  in his article 'Fast Foods Amche 
Tornne Pillgek Girastolim Kai? highlights the addiction of the youth towards 
the fast food, while Vincy Quadros in his article 'Bhailim Khannam, Jevnnam 
ani Pivonnam' dwells on the habit of today's families preference of 
consuming junk food or food prepared outside to the one being prepared in 
their own kitchens at home.

This issue also carries  Dilip Borkar's cover story on the Goan politicians 
holding the public to ransom - 'Konn Soddoit Amkam Hea Chopkeantlean!', 
besides thought provoking articles by the stalwarts Cursino R. Pinho, Sudha 
Amonkar, John M. Alfonso, Felix P. da Cruz, Guadalupe Dias, Willy Goes, 
Felicio Cardozo, John Aguiar etc. It also features an interview with Konkani 
Tiatr personality Chitra Shirvoikar e Afonso and short stories of 
Mahableshwar Sail 'Robotic Warfare' and Hema Naik's 'Benul'l'

Priced at Rs. 15/- this issue is available in Goa and Mumbai. For more 
details kindly contact 9821228684.

May mhoineacho Gulab ful'lo

GULAB hea lovkik Gõychea mhoinalleacho May mhoineacho ank bhair sorlo. Hea 
ankant  aichea kallar bhailim jevnnam jevtat te udexim kitem borem ani kitem 
ani kitlem vaitt zaum yeta tache voir uzvadd ghalpacho yotn kela. 'Aichim 
Jevnnam-khannam Ani Bholaiki' hea ogrlekhant aiz-kal jevnnam koxim toyar 
kortat ani te vorvim mon'xache bholaikecher koslo vaitt porinnam' zata tem 
dakhoilam. Soter Barreto hanchea 'Fast Foods Amche Tornne Pillgek Girastolim 
Kai? hea lekhant aichi pillgi 'fast food' hankam koxi boli poddlea tem 
uktadar kelam zalear  'Bhailim Khannam, Jevnnam ani Pivonnam' hea aplea 
lekhant Vincy Quadros hannim aiche ghorabe aplea ghorant randpachem soddun 
bhaileam jevnnam-khannank koxim bhul'leant te vixim uzvadd ghatla.

Hea ankant Bab Dilip Borkar hachi 'Konn Soddoit Amkam Hea Chopkeantlean!', 
hi kovor kanni asa zantun to  porjen vinchun kaddlole porjeche protinidhi 
aple porjek ani Gõyak koxe lutt'ttat tacher niyall dila. He xivay lovkik 
Konknni borovpi Cursino R. Pinho, Sudha S. Amonkar,  John M. Alfonso, Felix 
P. da Cruz, Guadalupe Dias, Felicio Cardoso, Willy Goes, John Aguiar adi. 
hanche moladik lekh hea ankant aspavtat. Xivay Konknni machiechi kolakarn 
Chitra Shirvoikar e Afonso hiche lagim mulakhot ani Mahableshwar Sail hachi 
'Robotic Warfare' ani Hema Naik hichi 'Benul'l' heo mottveo kotha aspavtat.

Hem ank 15 rupia molan Gõy toxem Mumboint vikrek asa. Odhik mahiti khatir 
sompork korum yeta 9821228684 hea ankddear.

[Goanet] Drugs And Condoms Found In School Bags

2010-05-05 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Drugs And Condoms Found In School Bags

Page 2 of Herald dated 5th May'10, has an article captioned "Tourism ill-effects
affecting children in Canacona," It is a bleak reminder that "all is not well
with our children today". It is not just in Canacona, the deadly epidemic has
engulfed the whole of Goa and not just limited to the coastal belt. 

It was indeed shocking to know that children were carrying drugs and condoms in
their school bags, were they going to school or a rave party ? It is not just
the duty of the teachers to be vigilant but it is the moral responsibility of
the parents and the home people to see, what their children are up to and should
by all means know what they carry to school. 

How is it possible that the parents are unaware of their kids involvement in
drugs, drug addiction is so very obvious. If parents and the home people cannot
detect then how do we expect the teachers to do it ? No doubt some schools and
teachers are sometimes offenders, when they try to hide such things because of
adverse publicity to their institutions, but they should know that morality and
the wellbeing of children is far more important than their reputation and as
such these cases should be dealt with accordingly. 

Goans in coastal areas have to be extra vigilant and take utmost care that their
loved ones do not fall prey to the glitter of drugs and sex. I have seen a lot
of people along the coast, hire their houses to the tourists and they themselves
live in sheds, that too has an adverse effect on the kids, who then value money
more than life. We should not make money our prime objective. NGO's and
organizations are trying their best to educate children on the ills of drugs and
casual sex. It is of paramount importance that the parents take up this cause
for their children.

Where is the Home Minister that said, that there were no drugs in Goa ? Has
reality hit him in the face or is he still in wonderland ? It is the
responsibility of Home Department and the duty of the security services to keep
our streets and neighbourhoods clean and clear off the unhealthy elements of
society trading in drugs and sex. 

With the nexus between the police and the drug lords being exposed, the police
have been hit where it hurts, hope they will do all they can to resurrect
themselves from the ashes of disgrace and prove themselves honest and competent.
After the exposure of the police, we await the exposure of the politicians
involved in the garbage pile, I won't be surprised, if it involves the next of
kin of the moron who said "No drugs in Goa"  

If money is lost - nothing is lost, if health is lost - also, nothing is lost,
but if the innocence of our children is lost - everything is lost ! Wake up Goan
parents and be vigilant. During our younger day at school, mom made sure we had
a holy picture in our bag as we made off for the boarding, who knew about drugs
and condoms then ?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] CBC News Indepth: Meditation

2010-05-05 Thread Con Menezes
More proof about the tremendous benefits of Meditation.
CBS  News .

[Goanet] When tiatrists encounter cyberspace ... Was: Re: Goan Observer, Rajan Narayan and his stray thoughts

2010-05-05 Thread Frederick Noronha

JoeGoaUk wrote:

> Fyi, JoeGoaUk (since 2004) only promotes the new arrival of VCDs with
> scanned copy of the VCDs Front Cover and with the names of the
> director/producer, other artistes, price tag and the month/year  in
> which it was released.
> JoeGoaUk does not sell VCDs

As happens with many issues, this one too is getting confused with so 
many allegations, "facts" and controversies being raked up, often based 
on a misunderstanding of the ground reality.

For one, I don't understand how the VCD issue got mixed up with the 
tiatr one. These are obviously very different concerns.

As far as the tiatrs go, here's one example of JoeGoaUk's postings:
It is far from a "complete recording" of the tiatr (as Samir suggested) 
and is what JoeGoaUk calls a "trailer".

Personally, I too see it as an introduction to the tiatr, meant to whet 
the potential audience's appetite, while giving full credit to the 
producer of the work and all the participating artistes.

It is similar to the book reviews I do. There is an element of quoting 
from the work, including short excerpts. The source is clearly 
mentioned; stating where the book is available would hopefully help the 
author/publisher to sell some copies.

[For the record, I also believe in sharing my own work, where possible. 
Some of our books published by Goa,1556 are available in full-text on 
the Net. This helps to *increase* interest in the book, rather than 
detract from it. In my experience, it helps to build sales, not reduce 
it. But such counter-intuitive logic takes time for it to be convincing.]

The issue of copyright for theatre has been widely studied, in other 
parts of the world too. For instance:

But the formal law is one thing, and undertstading what is in our best 
interest in another thing. For instance, I could use a "Copyright" under 
my photographs. But the bulk of my work use a Creative Commons "some 
conditions apply" license, which allows free reproduction for 
non-commercial purposes BUT with attribution.

The question is whether the tiatrists feel that such brief recordings 
help their work or detract from it. Does it help build awareness about 
their productions, or make their audiences shrink? I doubt it would be 
the latter case, though the proliferation of copyright-thinking makes us 
want to copyright anything within our grasp!

As I see it, for smaller cultures, the bigger threat is from 
*obscurity*, rather than "piracy".

The feeling I got from the April 17, 2010 discussion was that the 
tiatrists' attitude was ambivalent, if slightly tilting towards wanting 
the publicity too. This is all new technology. The Internet, as we know 
it, was not here for much of our adult life (except for the youngsters!) 
The tiatrist's job is in the auditorium, and the lack of an 
understanding of how cyberspace works only complicates things further.

At the TAG (Tiatr Academy of Goa) discussion, the tiatrists were more 
than willing to concede that they did benefit from some publicity in 
cyberspace. Some spoke about "unauthorised" recordings, and felt that it 
should be done "properly". (Privately, they'll willing to concede that 
it's too costly -- and probably not worth their while -- to do a 
professional recording, from which they see no immediate returns 
anyway.) At the same time, some tiatr tickets today carry a footnote 
which reads, "Video/mobile/camera recording of this tiatr or any part of 

To my mind, it would make more sense if the tiatrists entered into a 
creative dialogue to see how the new cybertechnologies could help their 
work and their art, rather than perceiving it just as a threat.

One or two persons who spoke seemed a bit miffed that they didn't quite 
know who JoeGoaUk was (because of his preference for anonymity). One 
person even felt that I should know who JoeGoaUk is, because, in any 
case, I'm spending a lot of time online :-)

If JoeGoaUk wants to spread awareness about Goa's cultural diversity 
behind anonymity, I think we're wasting our time focusing on this part 
of the debate. The big challenge is for traditional cultural products of 
Goa to be able to become visible globally in a cyber-age.

Needless to say, it will take some convincing before residual fears on 
this account are dealt with. In the meantime, I guess, anyone wanting to 
settle scores can use such issues, and marshall some half-facts, to rake 
up needless controversy.

JoeGoaUk, I think the true test on whether you're doing something 
positive or not, and whether your work is being effective, is that 
people sit up, take note, and start taking pot-shots. When this first 
hit me, I was quite taken aback! Now, I smile, sometimes have a good 
hearty laugh (it's entertainment without tax!), and just think to 
myself: "Sour grapes!"

Don't let it bother you. Just keep on doing what you're best at

[Goanet] Seasonal fruits in Herald today

2010-05-05 Thread JoeGoaUk
Today's (5/5/10)  Herald carried 11 of the pics on page 14
One may be able to view it here

Particularly those who unable to view in flickr.
Thanks to Herald
did you know?
A Goan  from abroad asked me if I could re-send all the originals pics with 
high resolution
to him so that he can print them and put up in his living room/house 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Saby, smile please!

2010-05-05 Thread Venantius J Pinto
One either has Balls/ the Balls or one doesn't

Some have them, some do not; others do not know about theirs. What could
they be. They are balls or gunteo. Sebastian D'Souza (Mirror Photo Ed.) had
the cohones and presence of mind (also, Madhukar Zende, CST Station
Master) on Nov 26, 2008 as did Sriram Vernekar (TOI).

Considering that women are up there on the ballsy-meter and rightfully so;
its time those men who have indeed lost theirs, find them soon. Decide once
and for all

venantius j pinto

> From: Marshall Mendonza 
> Subject: [Goanet] Saby, smile please!
> If a picture is worth a thousand words, Mumbai Mirror photographer
> Sebastian
> D?Souza deserves a Booker.
> (DEL)
> Highlighting the fact that Saby courageously followed Qasab and Ismail
> inside CST station, Tahaliyani said the Mirror photo editor took various
> positions to click the terrorist duo. ?The positions taken by D?Souza and
> how he went from one end of the station to the other to track Qasab and
> capture images have been duly considered while accepting D?Souza?s crucial
> evidence,? he said.
> (DEL)
> On June 15, when Saby deposed against Qasab and identified him as the
> ?short
> guy? of the three sitting in the dock, the photographer with an
> ever-smiling
> face had said chuckling, ?How can I forget him? He made me famous.?

[Goanet] (no subject)

2010-05-05 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Worth reading: *Safe Swiss Passage*

venantius j pinto

Message: 8
> Date: Tue, 04 May 2010 18:20:57 -0400
> From: Zenade Peu 
> To Goanet
> (deL)
> Indian people have read and have known about these facts. But the
> helpless people have neither time nor inclination to do anything in the
> matter.

[Goanet] Goa Mining Poster, Maps at Public Display in Bangalore

2010-05-05 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

Please click the links below for the poster on mining in Goa:

 is also reference to maps in this poster. The following are online 

1. Goa Mining Belt,73.92314&spn=0.040426,0.077162&z=14

 Panchwadi exclusive roads for mining through forest,74.067764&spn=0.081295,0.154324&z=13

 Mining in catchment area of Selaulim dam in Sanguem

 above got generated during series of three maps for making change 
workshops between December 2009 to April 2010. The workshops were 
organised in Delhi, Ahmadebad and Bangalore and participated by around 
40 people from all age groups and varied backgrounds learning to maps 
and redefine cartography itself at the same time with inputs from 
resources available via new media.

I was able to attend two these
 workshops one in Delhi on December 03, 2009 and another one in 
Bangalore on April 26-28, 2010. These were outcomes of joint 
collaboration between Centre of Internet and Society based in Bangalore 
and London based Tactical Technologies. My work on maps was made 
possible due to overwhelming public support in Goa and support in the 
form of Global Green Funds, USA for for the year 2009-2010. My thanks to
 Manshi Asher who got me to take GGF that made me to explore the GPS 
tool in more relaxed manner, Abhijit and Gaurav who came in as 
independent collaborators on maps and added important content to them 
and also more collaborators. Their enthusiasm and input has made this 
mapping project as one of the important ones as far as community 
participation is concerned.  Thank you guys!  I received whole heated 
support from GAKUVED team, people from Colamb village in Sanguem and 
Panchwadi village in Ponda.  I remain committed in struggle shoulder to 
shoulder with these villagers symbolize and signify.  Anja, Geetanjali, 
Kate, Pradeep, Namrata, Aliya, Madhuresh has been very helpful in 
teasing my talents out to get this out of me while at workshop in 
Bangalore. I thank all you folks!

Maps are made by using Google 
API maps with GPS data added on to them. They can be accessed by 
clicking respective links and can also viewed in Google Earth. Each 
waypoint generates independent weblinks that can be used as and how 
users desires to maneuver.

By the way this is second poster on 
this theme. The first poster Goa mining and metal sensitivity was 
displayed in Barcelona, Spain during 27-29 March 2010 and it is 
available at the following links:


 may write to me with feedbacks and suggestion at
 They are eagerly  awaited to be welcomed!


Catch the latest in the world of fashion

[Goanet] Trail of Borate

2010-05-05 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -


[Goanet] Celebrating Jaijai's Birthday Today ~ Cinco de Mayo!

A message to all members of THE JAZZ NETWORK WORLDWIDE

Celebrating my heart...Best birthday present I could 
have is to see all of you take chances in your careers that you've never 
taken...Fly...God Bless You All...Love,Jaijai


To control which emails you receive on the corner, or to opt-out, go to:

[Goanet] WASTE MANAGEMENT:Exhibition cum Demonstration by GOACAN at Margao on Thursday 6th May

2010-05-05 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.
Exhibition cum Demonstration at Margao
GOACAN in collaboration with the Civic
and Consumer Forums of Salcete is organising
an Exhibition cum Demonstration on low cost &
environmentally friendly methods of WASTE
MANAGEMENT with special focus on segregation
of toxic waste and the safe disposal of mercury.

The exhibition will be held on Thursday 6th May
at the Municipal Garden, Margao from 10am to 6pm.

This activity is being especially organised to help
households find ways & means to manage waste.
Housing Societies & Housing Associations will
find the information useful as it would also cater
to the individual flat owners as well. The exhibition
will also cover the use of Consumer Power to
reduce and eventually manage waste.

The exhibition seeks to create awareness on
waste management among the students & youth,
Mahila Mandals, Self Help Groups, neighbourhood
Associations & Clubs from Margao and the surrounding
villages of Salcete Taluka.

Clinton Vaz, environmentalist and Waste Management
Consultant will be present to offer guidance at the
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail: Visit:

[Goanet] SC scraps Mauvin Godinho’s power reba te

2010-05-05 Thread roger dsouza
SC scraps Mauvin Godinho’s power rebate

Now what do our Goan Ministers think they are up to? Yet another
con-scheme by that crook Mauvin Godinho, who from his generosity
breaks all the rules in the books and decides that his largesse and
kindness to his beneficiaries to the tune of Rs. 50 crores should
benefit who he chooses to reward! You can well imagine what he would
have pocketed consequently. All thieves and crooks masquerading as our
Goan Ministers! Here the Supreme Court has ruled on this.

This is from The Times of India.

SC scraps Mauvin Godinho’s power rebate

TNN, May 5, 2010, 03.00am IST
PANAJI: In a major reprieve to the Goa government that faced claims in
excess of Rs 50 crore made by industrial units based on power rebate
notifications issued by former power minister and current deputy
speaker Mauvin Godinho in 1996 bypassing the cabinet, the Supreme
Court on Monday held the notifications invalid as there was no cabinet
approval as required under the state's business rules.

A few industrial units had approached the Supreme Court after the high
court of Bombay at Goa in 2001 held that the notifications were null
and void as they were not issued in accordance with the business
rules. The HC order affected the power rebate claim of the units under
the 1996 notifications. The HC verdict was an outcome of a writ
petition filed by opposition leader Manohar Parrikar in 1998.

Upholding the high court order, a division bench comprising Justices R
V Raveendran and H L Dattu observed, "Neither did the minister of
power think it is proper and appropriate to place the proposals before
the council of ministers or the chief minister, nor did the secretary
concerned deem it appropriate to do so. The proposals were finalized
by the power minister at his level as per the modifications suggested
by him on 30.7.1996 which in our opinion are in violation of the
business rules."

During the hearing of the matter in the apex court, the industrial
units raised a plea that violation of conduct of business rules does
not vitiate the minister's decision, since the business rules are only
directives and not mandatory.

[Goanet] Goan Observer, Rajan Narayan and his stray thoughts

2010-05-05 Thread JoeGoaUk
Goan Observer, Rajan Narayan and his stray thoughts
Ref. GO dtd 1-7 May 2010
First time I come to know that JoeGoaUk figured in Rajan Narayan’s 
Straight Thoughts when I read a post in goajourno forum forwaded 
by Agusto Pinto on May 3.
Thenafter I also got a mail by the same Agusto with diff subject line but 
to about 50 others. 

 After I finished responding to it (cc to all) see quote 2 below, few hours 
 the same also appeared on Goanet, again by Agusto Pinto.
Yesterday, I bought the Copy of GO, and found out more about it.
It really surprised me to see RN besides taking on FN also took on JoeGoaUk.
Perhaps, he ran out of all other ‘Save Goa’ or politicians related issues or 
Also, it appears that RN,  while writing his thoughts, 
referred to some other published source (not being his own or GO’s) and 
hence it appears that  he did not know what he was talking about.  
Particularly,  when he accused JoeGoaUk  of ‘posting Konkani CDs 
without any permission of those who have brought out the CDs’

What CDs he was talking about, audio or VCDs?
It clearly reveals whatever information he got  is a borrowed one or
 second hand information or without knowing the facts.

Fyi, JoeGoaUk (since 2004) only promotes the new arrival of VCDs with 
scanned copy of the VCDs Front Cover and with the names of the  
director/producer, other artistes, price tag and the month/year  in 
which it was released.
JoeGoaUk does not sell VCDs
Here is a latest VCD/ Example
Quote (1)
VCD/DVD No.310
With Cersor board Certificate 
With Anil Pednekar, Selvy, Sandra, Anthony San, 
Master Aron, Spirit, Antonette de Maina etc etc
VCD/DVD Rs.200  April/2010
His collection even featured in Herald recently
Check it out here
Talking about copyright violations, RN or his GO pretends as if they have 
nothing to hide. 
They too steal other people’s work of which I was also a victim at least once 
(see quote 2)
Some may steal it with clear conscious others may do it with dirty mind
Having said all this, nowhere I am denying the fact that I myself is a thief
My next one would be on ‘Tiatr, Tiatrists, TAG & JoeGoaUk.
This is what I sent to all (including RN) on 3rd May.
Quote (2)
Looks like there are some misunderstanding particularly in respect to
posting of VCD Covers which is a free promotion of new VCD arrivals at
my cost.
Over 325 VCDs I have  and about half of them still remained sealed or 
And here i am,  like a fool, kept on buying the new arrivals as and
when they came out for sale only to promote them on net.
I really thought I was helping our Konkani
I really thought I was helping our artistes
I really thought I was helping in promoting our Goa and its culture & tradition
If tiatirsts or VCD producers have a problem, they should have at
least written to me once.
Most of them have their email IDs though. 
Looks like they want to make a 'news' first.
never mind.
My conscious is clean
but a lesson learnt
So, we all are thieves including Rajan Narayan's GO.
GO once used my 4in1 casino boat pics, w/o my permission (Jan.2009) as
if there were no copyright violations
this pic
I wrote to them (GO) and their reply was
Dear Mr Joe,
We're extremely sorry for not crediting your photograph in the
newspaper. We will do so in the forthcoming issue and we would be
 happy to send you a cheque for the photo we published if you could send 
us a mailing address. I apologise again for the error.
Jonquil Sudhir de Souza
I have a name 'Joe' so says GO in above reply
They say they would give the credit in the forthcoming issue but they didn’t .
So, what we learnt from this lesson?
‘Padrinche xermao vhoniek nhuim’
What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
May he who has no sin, cast the first stone
After all this agro,  you may now wish to know
If I would continue buying/reading GO?
- Why not?
Infact, I never miss it despite of the fact it recently gone up from Rs.5 to 
I always buy my copy even though it sometimes/always available online for free.
That’s my way of supporting Goan causes.
Further more, of the Rs.8,  I spent, the first Rs.3  I recover from the front 
next 2 from the cover story, then next 2 from stray thoughts and the remaining 
from the rest.
“We are for Goa. So we all say
Some  may show/prove it with louder noise 
Some may do it with moderate noise
Yet some may do it silently or anonymously”
Whatever they do in whatever ways they can..
Let them do it! 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: A Letter To The Bleddy Goans From An East Indian Bugger (Godfrey Pereira)

2010-05-05 Thread floriano
And you, my dear Ann, are going to sit on the rocking chair in your balcao 
with a hot cup-a-tea in your hand,  watching-waiting and praying that the 
ball does not cross the your compound wall and hits your balcao. Is it??

Hope you too will welcome the ball. If so let us know how.

from PPS to PPS

-- Original Message - 
From: "Ann de Souza" 

Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 3:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: A Letter To The Bleddy Goans From An 
East Indian Bugger (Godfrey Pereira)

We all seem to be squabbling like brats in reaction to the 'bloody 
letter'...let's take the letter and wash it of all its blood and yes, 
after the blood and flesh are removed, we have the skeleton and yep, the 
structure is there, it's there for all to see, it's happening, no matter 
how we might tend to look the other side...we can't take offence at the 
structure, though of course, the dressing was offensive…we have to do 
something about it...we have to come together, join forces and work 
towards a better Goa...that would be the appropriate  slap  in the face of 
the East Indian who had the effrontery to poke fun of the ‘sushegad’ 
nature and customs of our people…bring about the desired change, instead 
of childishly pointing a finger to his background…c’mon, grow up! That’s 
the way the ‘previous’ Goans would react, we are the ‘new’ Goans…a mature 
lot…let’s come together and douse the flames on our own land…let’s fight 
evil, but in the process, when we band together, we have to remain 
cautious that we never don on an eviler robe than our ghastly 
politicians…we should not be like the pigs in ‘Animal Farm’, who turned 
‘man’ out for his evil ways, only to get eviler….let’s appreciate the East 
Indian for his letter, for his biting truth, for his daring and most of 
all for getting us out of our comfort zones...let’s  appreciate Cecil for 
being a loyal Goan and jumping on behalf of us all at being pinched in the 
butt…but most importantly, who’s going to bell the cat? Any takers! 
Work out a strategy that will work and not fizzle out once the pain in the 
butt has lost its sting, then it’s victory forever to the East Indian….so 
see ya out there in action guys…save Goa, the ladies and the children…the 
ball is now in your court…good luck!!!

[Goanet] Public Library Services in India: Systems and Deficiencies (Goa comments... Dr. R. Bhattacharjee, Director, RRRLF 2002)

2010-05-05 Thread Frederick Noronha
 It is observed that out of 29 States and 6 Union Territory 
Administrations, only 11 states, as tabulated below, have so far passed 
library legislation, enabling the concerned State Government to provide 
a public library system:

   1. Tamilnadu Public Libraries Act, 1948 having provision for library 
cess (10%) on property tax;
   2. Andhra Pradesh Public Libraries Act, 1960 having provision for 
library cess (8%) on lands and buildings;
   3. Karnataka Public Libraries Act, 1965 having provision for library 
cess (6%) on lands, buildings, vehicles and profession;
   4. Maharashtra Public Libraries Act, 1967 - No library cess - State 
Government meets the expenditure;
   5. West Bengal Public Libraries Act, 1979 - No library cess - State 
Government meets the expenditure;

   6. Manipur Public Libraries Act, 1988 - No library cess;
   7. Kerala Public Libraries Act, 1989 having provision for library 
cess (5%) on property tax and not less than 1% of State expenditure on 

   8. Haryana Public Libraries Act, 1989 - Local bodies to levy cess;
   9. Goa Public Libraries Act, 1993 - Surcharge on IFML @ 0.50 ps. Per 
ltr. And 0.50 ps. On bulk bear per ltr. And 1% on State Education Budget;
  10. Mizoram Public Libraries Act, 1983 - No library cess - State 
Govt. meets the expenditure;

  11. Gujarat Public Libraries Act, 2002 - No library cess;
  12. Orissa Public Libraries Act, 2002 - No library cess.

Thus, it appears that the public library system prevailing in the four 
southern states and in the State of Goa in the West and Haryana in the 
north part of the country, follows one pattern, rather, one system i.e. 
library cess to meet the expenditure.

[Goanet] A talk on Islam (religion and politics) ‏

2010-05-05 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Sorry folks about the last email,
 the video was removed. Here's a separate link:

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis


Subject: A talk on Islam
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 22:27:49 +0530

Below is a video 
clip of a speech given by Lt.Col. (retd) Allen West who served as a 
commander in Iraq, and talking about Islam.  Listen to this man, and 
scroll barely down under his speaking platform, where you will not 
find his words printed on the screen as he speaks.  This man put Barack 
Hussein Obama, some of our leaders, politicians and the media to shame 
in his speech and never called any by name. You will probably listen to 
it more than once.

The history is okay, but motives debatable; just like the inquisition history.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
Invest your money wisely post Budget Sign up now.   
Climate, controversies and the changing signatures of nature

Re: [Goanet] Milind Raikar on tour in the USA

2010-05-05 Thread gabriel
Wish you a successfull tour.
Gable D'souza

On Wed, 05 May 2010 10:49:04 +0530  wrote
>thank you

Yours Musically,

Milind Raikar

Mob: 9892582671

--- On Mon, 3/5/10, Goanet A-C-E!  wrote:

From: Goanet A-C-E! 

Subject: Milind Raikar on tour in the USA


Date: Monday, 3 May, 2010, 9:14 AM

Accomplished Violinist, Milind Raikar will be on tour of the United States from 
May 8 - 13, 2010. Planned stops include Boston, Providence, RI, Baltimore / 
Washington DC, Raleigh and Los Angeles.

Goanet A-C-E!

Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

[Goanet] Eroding Goan Coastline

2010-05-05 Thread Freddy Fernandes
In response to:

Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 17:44:35 +0530

From: Pandu Lampiao 

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Eroding Goan Coastline


Hi Pandu,


Appreciate your interest in my post. I do know that the rise in water levels is
not the Goa government's fault, it's the fault of, the collective world leaders
and their respective governments, as the rise in water is the direct consequence
of the melting glaciers at the poles which on the other hand have been caused my
toxic emissions which are responsible for the rise in temperatures. That's the
reason I said "Man is only looking for answers without trying to stop
contributing to the destructive cause."


As you have said the erosion of our coastline is indeed a worrying aspect, I
have spent my childhood in my village and now I know how far and how high the
sea waters have reached in my village. If you see the erosion of land in and
around Khola in Canacona you'll be surprised at the devastation that has been
caused, the Panchayats and the MLAs are not at all interested in taking up the
cause, they are too busy with their own agendas and have ample time to play
musical chairs for the seat of power. 


In my village, the place our fisher folks pull up their boats has been a major
cause of concern, as erosion has been eating out the land on which they pulled
up their boats, so much so, that even during the normal season their boats are
at risk, last year itself there were four boats that were badly damaged or
destroyed during one of the spring tides. We also have a spring very close to
the sea, the excess to which could be cut off in just a years or two, due to
erosion. Kanaguinim and the coast up to Agonda too have the same problem. 


The property owners around the shores are fighting a loosing battle with the
sea, building laterite walls, but unfortunately most of them crumble or get
badly damaged during the rainy season and our government offers no help either.
Unless our Government comes up with a good action plan and that too ASAP our
coastline will be in tatters.


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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Re: [Goanet] Borges babak purave

2010-05-05 Thread Sebastian Borges
Hanvem odmas kel'lo tech pormannem, Tomazinho baban apli 'forgery' ("Press Note 
signed by Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa") mhaka dhaddun dili; ti hanga polleyat:
 Tech borobor anik tin "purave" dhaddleat. Ek 'forgery' toyar korpeak anik tin 
korunk bixat zai? Punn 'forgery' mat bhov bori zalea. Excellent work! Kam' 
itlea kurtidponnan kelam ki samki khorelich dista. Dalgado Konknni Akademi-cho 
ho dukument khoim. Tacher Dalgado Konknni Akademi-chem nanv ani pot'to 
asa. Sokol soy kelea thoim 'rubber stamp'-ui marlam. Dukumentachi tarikh mat 
khoinch disona. Punn poilich voll oxi asa: "A special meeting of the members of 
the Akademi was held on 9th October 1988.." Konn-ui to dukument khorelo 
mhunn mandunk fattim-fuddem zauncho na. Hanvui toxench mandtolom aslom. Punn 
DKAcho Logo add ailo. Tacher "Sthap: 1989" oxem spoxtt asa. Atam tumich chintun 
polleyat. 1989 vorsa sthaploli sonstha 1988chea Otubrant aplea membranchi 
'special meeting' gheunkuch xokona, oxem nhoi? ['Xokta' oxem tumkam dislem 
zalear, koxem tem mhaka kolloilear upkar zait.] Mhonnje to dukument ani DKAcho 
Logo hanche modem 'conflict' asa.
 Donui ekach borobor khore asunk xokonant; ek khoro aslear dusro khotto 
asunkuch zai. Tech khatir to dukument ek 'forgery' thorta.  Na zalear, DKAcho 
Logo fottkiro mhonnchem poddtta. Punn ho Logo khub temp amchea fuddeant 
asa. Hanvem V.Ixttak dhaddlolo to dhovear-kallo (black-n-white) nomuno 2004 
vorsa uzvaddailolea PORMOLL hea yadostikantlo. Internet-ar dhaddla to rogit 
nomuno halinch zal'lea uzvaddavnni suvalleachea amontronn karddantlo. {Donui 
hanga click korun polleyat:
Mhonnje fattlea 5-6 vorsanchea kallant ho Logo xembhor-don'xim pavtti tori 
chhapla ani hozaramni vachpeamni sabar pavtti to pollela astolo. To fottkiro 
mandunk kustar lagta.  To khotto mhunn provar korunk Tomazinho baban atam 
khoddegantt purave diunche poddttole.  Te nodren, Tomazinho baban fuddlea 
prosnank promannikponnim soroll zapo diuncheo:
1.  Sarkich konn tarkher DKA sonstha sthapon zali?  Tiche poilean poile Odheokx 
ani Sekretar konn aslole?
2.  Fr. Freddy DKAcho Odheokx aslolo zalear, kedna savn kedna poriant?  Tedna, 
tache borobor, Sekretar konn aslolo / aslole?
3.  DKAcho Logo kedna ani konnem toyar kel'lo?
4.  Logo-nt chuk asa mhunn tumche nodrek kedna tori ailolem?  Hoi zalear 
kedna?  Ani te vixim tumi kosli karvay keli?
5.  Logo-ntli ti chuk (asli zalear) nivllavpache yotn kedna tori keleat?  Hoi 
zalear, kedna ani kosle?  Ani sudharit Logo amkam kedna polleunk mellttolo?
Hea prosnanchi zap mellttokoch amcheamni dusrea prosnank hat ghalunk zatolem.  
Tomazinho bab sohokar ditolo mhunn patiyeun ravtam.

Sotachench zoit zatolem.
Mog asum.
Sebastian Borges

On 1 May 2010  tomazinho cardozo  wrote:
*Borges bab-ak Zabab*

*?Romi Konknni? ? Soglleo Fotti! Ekuch Sot!!*

Amcho Borges bab portun fotti marunk laglo. Adim hanvem tacheo 5 fotti
vachpeache nodrek haddloleo. Atam tannem anik fotti martat teo polloum-ia.

(1) *Sovi Fott: *Borges bab mhunntta, ?*Hanvem taka prosn kel'lo, Romi
Konknni Sommelonant je tharav ghetat te sogle Romi lipint Konknni vachpi
porjeche mhunn mandun ghevpache kai mhunn. Tor to mhonntta toxem mandun
ghevpachem na.? *Are Borges bab oxem hanvem mhunnokuch na. Khoim ani ken?na
havem toxem mhunttlam tem sang polloitam? Kiteak re baba fottincher fotti
marunk laglai?

(2) Pustok prodorxonn aslem tem soglleank dislem punn Borges babak dislem
na. Bongom tachem! Taka goddie dixttichem ?problem? asa zait. Monachi dixtt
nivoll zalea xivai babddea Borges-ak khorem kitem tem dischench na.  Punn
hea vixoya vixim mhoje lagim chorcha kortana to Tony Martins ani tacho proxn
derrepent kiteak haddlo re baba? Dusre dusre proxn misoll korun khorea
prosnnacher visor ghalpachem karya amche  ?maharajkarnni? bhes borem korta
mhunn ami zannanv.

(3)    *Satvi Fott:* ?Romi Konknni? he shobd sogllea poile hanvem suru
keleat mhunn   mhojer arop ghatlo. Mhaka zababdar korchekhatir hi jivi fott
tum uloilo. Hanvem tuka purave dile ki kitlim vorsam fattim tancho vapor
Padr. Nicolao Pereira, Prabhakar Tendulkar ani Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa hannem
kela mhunn. Atam te soglle purave zata zalear hea madeama vorvim daddun
ditam. Te vach ani uprant uprant kitem sangpachem asa tem sang. ?Forgery?
kelea mhunn tumvem anik ek arop kelo anik ek fott marli. Hi tuji fatllea att
disam bhitor satvi fott. Dusreancher arop ghalpachem kam? ?mharajkarnni?
fuddaream laginch sompeponnim zata mhunn hanga provar zata.

(4)    *Attvi Fott:* Borges bab mhojinch utram boroita,  ?'Toch lekh asa
zalear to dusare bhoxen koso yetolo tor? Tosoch yetolo nhoi? Hanvem zo lekh
Times of India haka daddlolo tachi proti zai zalear mhojean konnakui diunk
zata.'  Ani tea fuddem mhunntta, *?Mhonnche Internettar zo mathallo aila to
tannench dhaddlolo oxem zalem na?*?  Are Borges bab kiteak re orthacho
onorth kortai ani ghuspaghondoll rochunk sodhtai? Punn ek mat khorem.
Guspaghonddoll korunuc