[Goanet-News] Goa news for December 26, 2010

2010-12-26 Thread Goanet News Service
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** 'Sunburn Goa' organisers unhappy about delayed permission -
vents/Sunburn-fest-in-Goa/articleshow/7155367.cmsSunburn fest
in Goa

*** Aires ensures guv does not miss SIC date - Times of India
Raj Bhavan denies to give info to activist; gov summoned

*** Arrest Narvekars for forging son's birth record: Dr Salkar -
Herald Publications
acing-forgery-probe/Article1-642879.aspxGCA facing forgery

*** Hariprasad arrives today - Herald Publications
should ask its leaders to mind their words: NCP

*** Party on-board Goa's Santa Monica this Christmas - Daily
News  Analysis
ily News  AnalysisPlace: Panaji 

*** Security tightened for Xmas, New Year - Times of India
up in Goa over coastal alert

*** Spanco Ltd bags order from Goa State Electricity Board for
85 crores - Rupya
bags Rs 85 cr Goa IT project

*** To Goa for fun  frolic... - Deccan Herald
iddle class or middle-class Indian go to Goa when they can get
the same (and sometimes cheaper) air ...

*** Goa Governor's X-mas gift  a copy of RTI Act - NDTV.com
rapped copy of the Right To Information Act (RTI) Act - that's
one Christmas gift Goa Governor SS Sidhu might not forget for a
long while. ...

*** Massive inspection exercise of water sports facilities in
Goa on anvil - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe tourism department has also compiled a list of
water sports operators in Goa and sent copies to the captain of
ports and the marine police. ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet-News] Pakistan: The Christian contribution (Dawn, Karachi)

2010-12-26 Thread Goanet News
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Pakistan: The Christian contribution

By Qasim A. Moini

PHOTO: A Pakistani Christian woman and child decorate a
Christmas tree in a Catholic church in Peshawar, Pakistan on
Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. AP

KARACHI: Christmas seems like a natural time to ponder over
the Christian community's contribution to Karachi, as well as
the travails faced by the community in Pakistan in general
and the city in particular.

  Karachi is not and largely has not -- in its short
  history -- been a mono-cultural city. Speaking in
  the context of religion, though Muslims adhering to
  various interpretations may form the largest
  demographic group in the metropolis, it is home to
  various other faith groups.

  Christians of various denominations are one of the
  most visible of these groups, with perhaps the
  community's contributions to the city being greater
  in proportion to its size in numbers.

Despite the upsurge in violence targeting both the religious
minorities and majority in Pakistan following the events of
September 11, 2001, symbols of Christianity abound in the

They can be small and almost non-descript, such as a crucifix
hanging from the rear-view mirror of a taxi or rickshaw or
religious stickers plastered on the back of a school van. Or
they can be grand and very much part of the city's landscape,
such as the majestic St Patrick`s Cathedral or the Seventh
Day Adventist Hospital.

The most obvious symbols of the city's Christian heritage,
largely a product of the British colonial era, are the
magnificent places of worship. Aside from the aforementioned
St Patrick's, other notable city churches include the Holy
Trinity Cathedral, St Andrew's Church and St Anthony's.

Yet apart from these historic structures, more humble
Christian houses of worship can also be found in the city. A
visit to one of Karachi's shanty-towns with significant
Christian populations, such as Esa Nagri in Gulshan-i-Iqbal
and Pahar Ganj in North Nazimabad, will reveal modest
churches that look like ordinary buildings, the only thing
identifying the place as a church being the large cross over
the door.

The Christian community, along with other minority groups
such as Hindus and Parsis, has made major contributions to
the city's health and education needs.

Apart from Seventh Day Adventist, other major hospitals and
health facilities with Christian links include the Holy
Family Hospital and the Mary Adelaide Leprosy Centre. On the
other hand many of the city's top schools were established by
missionaries and for decades have produced students who have
gone to the top of their professions.

  As for the ethnic make-up of Karachi's Christian
  community, there are two distinct groups: Goan
  Christians, many of whom reside in Saddar around St
  Patrick's, and Punjabi Christians. Anglo-Indians
  are much less visible and it would be interesting
  to know how many still remain in Karachi.

Yet as mentioned earlier things are far from perfect for the
Christians of Karachi. Rising intolerance in society together
with external factors such as the war on terror have proved
to be a lethal mix, with ramifications for the city`s

Perceived injustices committed by Western governments in
Muslim lands are linked with local Christians, who have
nothing to do with the often questionable decisions taken in
Washington D.C., London and other western capitals.

Like their fellow Pakistanis, the Christians of Karachi have
not been spared the wrath of terrorism. One of the most
savage attacks against this community was the assault on an
NGO in Rimpa Plaza in 2002.

Signs that all is not well include security personnel posted
outside churches, with extra vigilance on Christmas. The
situation outside many mosques and Imambargahs of the city is
not too different.

Yet it is hoped that terrorism is a temporary plague and that
when it subsides, the communal harmony and tolerance that was
the hallmark of yesteryear can be re-established and that the
Christian citizens of Karachi will continue to contribute to
the progress of this metropolis.


[Goanet] Happy New Year All Ye Departed Ones

2010-12-26 Thread Roland Francis
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
This is from Albert, inviting the Monte de Guirim class of 68 to a reunion
in Panjim and moaning about how all the 100 students may not be able to make

Unfortunately some of them have died and cannot meet us.

The question that begs Albert is Are there others who have died and CAN
meet you?

Perhaps Albert being the tiatrist he is, has literally translated his
Konkani thinking to his English writing thus - zaite bapde melle anink amcam
meunk zaunche nam. 


-Original Message-
From: goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org
[mailto:goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org] On Behalf Of Albert Desouza
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2010 2:02 AM
To: Major domo goanet
Subject: [Goanet] Get together

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Dear GoanettersThis is for those studying in st Anthony's High School Monte
de Guirim and were in SSC during the year 1967-68 .We have named ourselves
as 1968 batch. We were 100 of us who appeared for SSC at that time.We met a
number of times here and there and had a get together after nearly 40,41
years. Unfortunately some of them have died and cannot meet us. 

Re: [Goanet] Oz Deportees.

2010-12-26 Thread Roland Francis
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Thus begat Nasci's Blood the Pusser's Rum still officially served on all
Her Majesty's Australian Naval Ships. 

That Rum acquired the nickname Nasci's Blood after Goa's Liberation in
1961. Lord Nasci's body was placed in a barrel of rum for preservation.
Legend has it that when the Anglican sailors learned of this, they drank the
rum. From that time on, grog was also known as Nasci's Blood. 


-Original Message-
From: goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org
[mailto:goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org] On Behalf Of eric pinto
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2010 7:09 PM
To: tonyd...@gmail.com; Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: [Goanet] Oz Deportees.

  Early marine manifests list a kindly brigadoon Master, Capt. Nasci
remembered fondly for his rum and beef rations to Catholics,only: Anglicans
excluded.  Will Rolly confirm !! eric.


[Goanet] Romi Konkani page on Facebook

2010-12-26 Thread Denzil Simoes
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

For the information of  those of you on Facebook, there is now a page in 
support of official recognition of the Konkani language in the Roman script 
from the government, alongside Konkani in the Devanagari script.

As you know, there are a huge number of people who solely or primarily use the 
Roman script. Roman script for Konkani has the oldest literary tradition 
beginning from the 16th century, but unfortunately, today the rich body of Romi 
Konkani literature is unrecognised and unrewarded.

Do visit this page, and if you support this cause, please 'Like' the page. You 
could go a step further and suggest the page to your friends.



[Goanet] Daily Grook #872

2010-12-26 Thread Francis Rodrigues
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

by Francis Rodrigues

christmas parties are nice
staff feel good and mellow,
kick the boss into the ice
freeze a jolly good fellow!

*GREAT ALL-OCCASION GIFT* http://www.KonkaniSongBook.com

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278


Re: [Goanet] Happy New Year All Ye Departed Ones

2010-12-26 Thread Frederick Noronha
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Roland, Firstly, you are a real Bomboicar... laughing at the
English-language handicaps we Goenkars in Goa suffer from! My
colleague Valentino Fernandes (of SXC Bombay pedigree, no less) has
been kinder to us all when he described the language we speak here as
Konklish. Thus giving us the right to claim dialect-status and make
others feel the odd-ones-out.

Secondly, is being a 'tiatrist' a disqualification? If so, isn't that
condescending? I might be a non-tiatrist and yet have a problem with
expressing myself in clear English.

Besides, given the fact that we often moan the loss of our culture,
should we not appreciate the work done by tiatrists? Asst Prof Rafael
Fernandes recently wrote a book, based on his PhD thesis, on tiatr and

Lastly, English is a tricky language, and can take on different
connotations depending on how we place our words:

Unfortunately some of them have died and cannot meet us.
Some of them have unfortunately died and cannot meet us.
Some of them have died and unfortunately cannot meet us.
Some of them have died and cannot meet -- unfortunately -- us.

Okay, the last one is stretching the point a bit too far! Happy
holidays (whatever that means!), to follow the phrase used by some
journalists before asking President Obama a question! FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 26 December 2010 13:32, Roland Francis roland.fran...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is from Albert, inviting the Monte de Guirim class of 68 to a reunion
 in Panjim and moaning about how all the 100 students may not be able to make

 Unfortunately some of them have died and cannot meet us.

 The question that begs Albert is Are there others who have died and CAN
 meet you?

 Perhaps Albert being the tiatrist he is, has literally translated his
 Konkani thinking to his English writing thus - zaite bapde melle anink amcam
 meunk zaunche nam.

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Stars in the sky

2010-12-26 Thread JoeGoaUk
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Talking Photos: Stars in the sky
When the sun is hidden by the moon, we call 'eclipse'
What do we call when the sun is hidden by a star?
Salida de Sol
Miramar - Night
Miramar Circle/Shrine


Panjim night
From Archive
Star of Agassaim


This one with the real moon (and the Stars)


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Christmas Carol

2010-12-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Vienna Boys Choir - Little Drummer Boy



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Selma Carvalho: Who the Bleep cares about a dog?

2010-12-26 Thread Eddie Fernandes
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Who the Bleep cares about a dog?  By Selma Carvalho

Source: Goan Voice UK Daily Newsletter, 26 Dec 2010 at www.goanvoice.org.uk 

103. Who the Bleep cares about a dog?

For the past month I can't stop thinking about that mutt Spike, named by my
brother after the infamous dog in the Tom and Jerry cartoons. For thirteen
years he lived with us and then he died. He didn't die a long lingering
death, where we watched him breathe his last in the bosom of our family;
buried him in our backyard which he had guarded all those years; mourned for
him as we put sand over his brown, slick coat, which my father always
insisted was that of a Doberman and my brother always said was of a common
mongrel. No, the miserable mutt had the audacity to spare us that pain. He
ran away from home and never came back. We knew he was dead because he had
an inoperable tumour right near his tail for some years. And now I can't
stop thinking about him.

Even though he was a family dog, he was my mother's dog really. He adopted
her from day one. He seldom left her side. Nor did he let anyone else near
her. Even her own children had to be granted permission by him to hug her.
Or else you'd suddenly find a rather large dog, snarling at you as dogs do
with their fangs bared and eyes all ferocious - as if he'd leapt straight
out of a Stephen King book. 

He hated kids - the neighbour kids, grand-kids, any kids that came to the
house. Because it took my mother's attention away from him and he couldn't
bear that. In all the thirteen years, he lived with us, I'd never seen him
be kind to a kid except that once. I caught him licking the face of a
four-year old in our garden, tugging at her dress, and acting like he was
the happiest dog in the world. I wondered if he knew what we all knew, that
she had cancer. Perhaps in his own way he was trying to relieve her from
that heavy melancholy which hangs over the world of grown-ups, when there is
a terminal illness diagnosed in children. She died six months later.

When I was pregnant, he's lie on my lap and listen to my stomach. I couldn't
help thinking that he was listening to the life growing inside me. Perhaps a
heartbeat, perhaps the swish of water in my womb, perhaps the tiny sighs of
breathing inside me; a human being becoming a child. Somehow Spike's life
was richer than mine. He already knew things that I didn't know about.

The only time, that mutt left the house as he grew old and the cancer had
sapped all the life out of him, was to follow my father on his walks.
Strangely enough he knew exactly where my father wanted to go. If you saw
them in the soft lighting of early evening, when a touch of darkness
obscures the view and makes us see things differently, you'd say there was a
dog taking a man out for a walk. They say dogs are so connected to their
owners, they can read their minds. I believe that. 

When my parent's children had grown and left the house, Spike remained with
them, a constant reminder they had once raised kids together. Now that the
house is empty and my parents are alone and we kids have lives of our own,
and the telephone is the only way to reach out to them, I can't help
thinking of Spike. He loved them so much; he loved us all so much. He was a
good ambassador of love and loyalty; such a role model for us human beings
as we celebrate Christmas.

Feliz Navidade to you all.

Do leave your feedback at carvalho_...@yahoo.com

[Goanet] Songs of the Day

2010-12-26 Thread Sandeep Heble
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Songs of the Day:

Christmas songs
Available at:





2010-12-26 Thread George Pinto
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Final reminder -

(See flyer at http://goasudharop.org/Goan%20NYE%20Flyer%202010-11.pdf)

Here is your opportunity to have a good time while bringing in the New Year and 
help a good cause. Don't wake up on Jan 1 and regret missing the New Year's eve 
party, too late then!! Bring your family and friends and bring in 2011.

The GEMAI Global Group (GEMAI stands for Goans, East Indians, Mangaloreans, 
Anglo Indians) cordially invites you to a gala New Year's event. Beat the 
recession blues, relax and dance the evening away as we usher in 2011. All for 
a good cause - 100% of proceeds to benefit Goa Sudharop Youth activities.

This is the second time so many groups are coming together for one memorable 
evening. Very central and convenient location. Plenty of free parking. All are 

Dinner  DJ dancing. The event is for the whole family (family-friendly event).

ADDRESS: 2748 East Olivera Road, Concord,
Northern California, USA, 94519

TIME: 7:45pm to 12:30am
$35 FOR AGES 13+
$22 FOR AGES 5-12

See menu and other details on the flyer at

Enjoy a wonderful evening and bring in the New Year. Beverages including 
Alcohol will be sold at reasonable price. By purchasing a ticket you agree to 
hold the event hosts and all parties harmless for any adverse results due to 
your alcohol consumption. i.e. you agree you are 100% responsible and liable 
for your alcohol consumption in connection with the event.

Please send for your tickets asap as this event will sell out. NO TICKETS WILL 
BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. Although those under age 5 are free, please include their 
names so we have a headcount for catering purposes. Mail your checks made 
payable to GOA SUDHAROP and mail to:
P.O. Box 6144
MORAGA, CA, 94570
Phone: 925-324-0513

Please email Acaria Almeida at jarks...@yahoo.com and let her know you mailed 
the check with the number of people in your party so she can keep track.

[Goanet] How to get rid of Corruption

2010-12-26 Thread cyril D'Souza
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
The Editor
Herald Publications
26th December 2010

Dear Sir,

With refrerence to the wonderful article titled: ' will we as voters stop
being corrupt' ( Herald 26th Dec.) Mr. Sujay Gupta has really writtern a
wonderful and thought provoking account on tthe main reasons why we goan
electorate get what we deserve . That is to say corruption from all levels
be it MPs , MLAs  and even ordinary panchayat members are involved in
corruption. Recently a friend of mine settled abroad had to construct a
compound wall which he did in record time of three weeks with all the
necessary licenses when I enquired he replied that he just gave the
'buggers' some baksheesh ! It is natural that when at election time the
candidates spend and distribute so much money they naturally have to recover
it and that they do fourfold. Now it is an accepted fact in Goa that votes
are given to the highest bidder nowonder the corruption has reached such
disgracing levels .  Its no use blaming the politicians when we ourselves
are corrupt , get our jobs done by paying bribes and vote and elect elements
who are not even fit to run the affairs of their homes leave alone those of
the state . It is high time people are warned against receiving money at
time of elections and told that the money they receive is cursed . It is
high time people give such unscrupulous panchas , MLAs and MPs
who contribute nothing towards the betterment of the state the boot.  *Both
politicians and diapers need to be changed often and for the same reason
**Col.Cyril P.D'Souza ( Retd.)
KHH phase 11
Gauravaddo - Calangute
Pin : 403516
Tel :08322282881

[Goanet] Pakistan: The Christian contribution (Dawn, Karachi)

2010-12-26 Thread Goanet News
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Pakistan: The Christian contribution

By Qasim A. Moini

PHOTO: A Pakistani Christian woman and child decorate a
Christmas tree in a Catholic church in Peshawar, Pakistan on
Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. AP

KARACHI: Christmas seems like a natural time to ponder over
the Christian community's contribution to Karachi, as well as
the travails faced by the community in Pakistan in general
and the city in particular.

  Karachi is not and largely has not -- in its short
  history -- been a mono-cultural city. Speaking in
  the context of religion, though Muslims adhering to
  various interpretations may form the largest
  demographic group in the metropolis, it is home to
  various other faith groups.

  Christians of various denominations are one of the
  most visible of these groups, with perhaps the
  community's contributions to the city being greater
  in proportion to its size in numbers.

Despite the upsurge in violence targeting both the religious
minorities and majority in Pakistan following the events of
September 11, 2001, symbols of Christianity abound in the

They can be small and almost non-descript, such as a crucifix
hanging from the rear-view mirror of a taxi or rickshaw or
religious stickers plastered on the back of a school van. Or
they can be grand and very much part of the city's landscape,
such as the majestic St Patrick`s Cathedral or the Seventh
Day Adventist Hospital.

The most obvious symbols of the city's Christian heritage,
largely a product of the British colonial era, are the
magnificent places of worship. Aside from the aforementioned
St Patrick's, other notable city churches include the Holy
Trinity Cathedral, St Andrew's Church and St Anthony's.

Yet apart from these historic structures, more humble
Christian houses of worship can also be found in the city. A
visit to one of Karachi's shanty-towns with significant
Christian populations, such as Esa Nagri in Gulshan-i-Iqbal
and Pahar Ganj in North Nazimabad, will reveal modest
churches that look like ordinary buildings, the only thing
identifying the place as a church being the large cross over
the door.

The Christian community, along with other minority groups
such as Hindus and Parsis, has made major contributions to
the city's health and education needs.

Apart from Seventh Day Adventist, other major hospitals and
health facilities with Christian links include the Holy
Family Hospital and the Mary Adelaide Leprosy Centre. On the
other hand many of the city's top schools were established by
missionaries and for decades have produced students who have
gone to the top of their professions.

  As for the ethnic make-up of Karachi's Christian
  community, there are two distinct groups: Goan
  Christians, many of whom reside in Saddar around St
  Patrick's, and Punjabi Christians. Anglo-Indians
  are much less visible and it would be interesting
  to know how many still remain in Karachi.

Yet as mentioned earlier things are far from perfect for the
Christians of Karachi. Rising intolerance in society together
with external factors such as the war on terror have proved
to be a lethal mix, with ramifications for the city`s

Perceived injustices committed by Western governments in
Muslim lands are linked with local Christians, who have
nothing to do with the often questionable decisions taken in
Washington D.C., London and other western capitals.

Like their fellow Pakistanis, the Christians of Karachi have
not been spared the wrath of terrorism. One of the most
savage attacks against this community was the assault on an
NGO in Rimpa Plaza in 2002.

Signs that all is not well include security personnel posted
outside churches, with extra vigilance on Christmas. The
situation outside many mosques and Imambargahs of the city is
not too different.

Yet it is hoped that terrorism is a temporary plague and that
when it subsides, the communal harmony and tolerance that was
the hallmark of yesteryear can be re-established and that the
Christian citizens of Karachi will continue to contribute to
the progress of this metropolis.


[Goanet] Lui Godinho

2010-12-26 Thread Frederick Noronha
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Belated condolences to Lui Godinho of Majorda, whose younger brother
passed away recently in the UK and was buried in Goa.

Some of you might know Lui, who was a trail-blazing photographer in
the Goa of the early 1980s and earlier (in between the time he came
back from East Africa and till he moved on to the UK with his ex-GMC
nurse-wife Ali). We worked together and I still recall some of the
superb photos he took.

Some new aircrafts landing at the Navy base at Dabolim, the newly
lit-up Mandovi bridge (before it collapsed) with a series of halogen
lights, if I recall right, lighting up the waters below and leaving a
trail of reflections. CHOGM photos, pre-event at the Taj, sneaking in
there. Etc, etc. Those were the days of BW photography in newspapers,
but Lui got the challenge right. Currently, Lui is at 2881110. Rgds,

PS: See http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2359503518/

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Family Tree in Goa

2010-12-26 Thread CRego87243

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
I came across your website which made interesting reading. I was 
wondering if you could help me. My grandmother originally came from Goa 
but dont know which part. Do you know how I could get access to the 
church records of births/marriages/deaths?. Could you recommend me where 
to find these records?

Conrad Rego

Read all Goanet messages at:


Re: [Goanet] Goanetters' meets...over the years 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005 and ... ?

2010-12-26 Thread Gerson da Cunha

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
wishing you christmas cheer and a great new year - congratulations on 
the continuing success of goanet and the constant improvements eg flickr 
- best, gerson da cunha

10 Fairlawn, 128 Maharshi Karve Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020

Tel : (91 22) 2288 6531/ 2282 6699
Fax: (91 22) 2287 3513
Email: dacunha.ger...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Who is Maria de Lima Pereira?

2010-12-26 Thread augusto pinto
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Could someone please tell me who is Maria de Lima  Pereira?


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

Re: [Goanet] MUSIC: A spellbinding performance of Samba and Jazz (The Navhind Times)

2010-12-26 Thread philip pereira

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
I was hoping to see a video of the performances so, naturally, was 

Phil. P.

--- On Tue, 12/21/10, Goanet News wrote:

A spellbinding performance of Samba and Jazz
Published on: December 20, 2010 - 23:40
More in: iWATCH

It was a home coming concert for Canadian jazz pianist and singer of
Goan origin, Jacinta Luis. Jacinta teaches piano and voice at the
prestigious Dawson College of music in Montreal, Canada. She also
travels the world with her quartet comprising accomplished Canadian
jazz artistes.

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (25Dec10)

2010-12-26 Thread alexyz fernandes

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
What I want for XMas and New Year? Just give our Politicians...loads of 
love to keep Goa Green for their children...they've no? and US?

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Boldog Karacsonyt !

2010-12-26 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

From: drferdina...@hotmail.com
To: goa...@goanet.org; i...@goanet.org
Subject: Boldog Karcsonyt !
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 20:49:24 +0530

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all Goanetters,

A beautiful Christmas Carol for you all for this Christmas :


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.



2010-12-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
r U saying that if we cannot defeat EVIL Saffronites then we must join them? 
Oh! Forward thinking indeed, to enforce backward culture!

I forsee that if yr type ever take full power in India; then the outside forces 
for 'Good' will combine and destroy the saffron fascist (Hitlerist) country; 
and the saffronites will be brought to their knees. Only trouble is that a lot 
of good innocent Indians wil be caught up and even die, in the crossfire.
 Only the saffronites will have to take the full blame; and will have to 
compensate  for all the wanton destruction and loss of life and livelyhoods, 
caused by them.

Down with fascist swastika culture NOW! Amen! Why don't YOU?

Nascy Caldeira. 

--- On Tue, 21/12/10, Charudatt Prabhudesai char-...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Falcao quote :  Can somebody please tell me, if animals
 from the Wild are given
  freedom to enter civilised areas without being tamed,
 and thereby causing
  havoc; who is to be blamed? The wild animals or the
 person who lets them loose?
  RE:- It depends how you interpret those terms. Please
 define the terms you seek
  answers to.
 In one earlier thread, Selma had written something to the
 effect that she is neither pro-Hindu 
 nor Pro - Goan Christian, and that she hopes to be
 interested in all this mess ONLY if Goa
 is willing to develop on its own terms? I wish to ask what
 those terms are.
 She had also used some important sounding words like
 'economic' and 'fiscal' and the like.
 What is all that, I wonder.
 And, What is Selma's agenda for Goa's growth on its own
 terms? X-Portuguese homeland
 for domestic tourism? That is already Goa's golden goose.
 Just for record, politically speaking ( religious
 fundamentalism is going to be the one major force 
 in world politics in the near future, whether we like it or
 not - against the left bloc) Goa has best 
 chance to align with the Hindu politics. Without that, she
 may as well be an exhibit in 
 Goa Chitra museum in Benaulim.


[Goanet] The sad fate of Christians in Iraq

2010-12-26 Thread Vasant Baliga

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Iraqi churches cancel Christmas festivities

The Associated Press

KIRKUK, Iraq -- No decorations, no midnight Mass. Even an appearance by 
Santa Claus has been nixed after Iraq's Christian leaders called off 
Christmas celebrations amid new al-Qaida threats on the tiny community 
still terrified from a bloody siege on a Baghdad church.

Christians across Iraq have been living in fear since the assault on Our 
Lady of Salvation Church as its Catholic congregation was celebrating 
Sunday Mass. Sixty-eight people were killed. Days later Islamic 
insurgents bombed Christian homes and neighborhoods across the capital.

On Tuesday, al-Qaida insurgents threatened more attacks on Iraq's 
beleaguered Christians, many of whom have fled their homes or the 
country since the church attack. A council representing Christian 
denominations across Iraq advised its followers to cancel public 
celebrations of Christmas out of concern for their lives and as a show 
of mourning for the victims.


[Goanet] HAPPY CHRISTMAS -see you in 2011

2010-12-26 Thread Ariosto Coelho

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Dearest Friends,
Here's wishing you and all with you the peace and joy of Christmas. I 
assure you of my prayers as I officiate at the Christmas Eucharist with 
the parishioners of St. John's in Hayward. Thank you for your prayerful 
support and friendship throughout 2010.

I'm attaching three very interesting links or e-cards I received during 
this Holiday season. May you and others with you enjoy these. I hope you 
are able to open them  and hear the music.

- A Christmas Card
- Another Card 
- A Carol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eLDvM7eSq0 and more 
Christmas Hymns on YouTube

Please let us know if you will be in India as Vivian, her brother 
Michael and I look forward to seeing you there.

Our current plans are as follows:
Jan 20 [Thursday]fly on Virgin Atlantic from San Francisco to London
Jan 21 [Friday] fly from London  to Madras or Bangalore
   visit Nagapattinam, Velankani and 
   [Pilgrimage to the grave of  Fr. 
Ariosto Xavier Coelho 1861-1923]

Jan 29 [Saturday] fly from Madras or Bangalore to Mumbai
   celebrate Don Bosco's feast on Jan 31
Feb 1 [Tuesday]   take overnight train or rent a car and drive to Goa
   visit family, participate in 
Integral Art book release [you are invited]

Feb 8 [Tuesday]   fly to Delhi and London
Feb 9 [Wednesday] fly back to San Francisco

Please convey my wishes to your family and friends, who know me, 
especially those who have no access to the internet. Take care. May 2011 
see the realization of your new dreams! Love and prayers form Vivian, 
Michael and all here who know you.


P.S. To see the pictures of my Art Exhibition 2010, please
check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxvMLjIH5Ts


2010-12-26 Thread Placido Menino Fernandes

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

  Faith makes all things possible; Hope makes all things work and 
Love makes all things beautiful. May you have all the three for this 

On this Christmas, remember, the joy that you give to others, is the joy 
that comes back to you. So be joyful and make others joyful too!
Joy resonates in the hearts of those who believe in the spirit of 
Christmas! Christmas is a state of mind when you cherish peace and 
goodwill. The real spirit of Christmas is to have mercy, love and faith.

 Wishing you all the peace, joy, and love of the Christmas season!

Merry Christmas!

Placido and Family.

Placido Fernandes

[Goanet] PIO, OCI, etc

2010-12-26 Thread Frederick Noronha
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
A senior friend of mine recently wrote in to say that, despite all the
promises about overseas Goans getting PIO or OCI (person of Indian
origin or overseas citizen of India) status, the reality was
different. She wrote: The small fry at the embassy counter make
things impossible, even when we show them our diplomas from Goan
colleges. I intend applying for a PIO as we have property in Goa.

I've heard this from others too... and apparently there could be some
problems arising from Goa's different historical background.

If you have had any experiences in this field, eitherway, would you
mind sharing it with Goanet?

The other long-pending problems is of Goan who emigrated to Pakistan.
As Manohar Parrikar once rightly pointed out, they were not
*political* but *economic* migrants to Karachi and other areas. That
too, in *pre-Partition* times. The kind of harassment they face while
travelling back to Goa, in terms of visas and reporting to the police,
is quite unfair. But nothing has been done over this issue, as far as
I am aware. Your thoughts and inputs would be helpful. FN

[Goanet] How to get rid of Corruption

2010-12-26 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On Sun Dec 26 06:42:56 PST 2010 cyril D'Souza cyril43desouza at
gmail.com wrote : With reference to the wonderful article titled: '
will we as voters stop being corrupt' ( Herald 26th Dec.) Mr. Sujay Gupta has
really written a wonderful and thought provoking account on the main reasons
why we Goan electorate get what we deserve……..


COMMENT : Corruption cannot be stopped. Be it the givers or the
takers. I may sound pessimistic, but the facts are very clear. So too the same
corrupt politicians will win, and they know it; maybe by a lesser margin, that
is why they invest in the slums of migrants. 

Take a look at the generation we have created post 1961. Have they
been imbibed in the education of discipline, morals, mannerism, obedience,
etiquettes, civility, etc.? How do you expect such a generation to be
civilised, disciplined, courteous, upright with integrity? If basically the
generation post 1961 is so short sighted and adapted to this short term
benefits, can the older generation do anything? Or for that matter the
generation that have been outside India and have seen facts of life?

One may try as much as possible to educate these people in this
bracket, it will be ‘water on duck’s back’. You cannot change a person’s habits
and customs once used to it for decades. You cannot mould clay once it is set.
That is why we need to imbibe this education right from school education, so
that they can even correct the elders in their homes and villages. But will
that take place when we have uneducated Ministers including one with Education

There is a Chinese saying : 
“If you want 1 year of
prosperity, grow grain. 
If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. 
If you
want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.”

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

Re: [Goanet] How to get rid of Corruption

2010-12-26 Thread J. Colaco jc
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cyril D'Souza makes some worthy points. Impossible points, now that
Goa has reached a point of no return, but worthy ones nonetheless.

I do, however, have a 'point of order' with regards to one particular
sentence in Cyril's post i.e.  Its no use blaming the politicians

Would it not, I ask, be more appropriate to restate that sentence as
follows:  Its no use blaming the politicians WHEN WE OURSELVES have
become CORRUPT?

When I read about the corruption that has infected all segments of the
Indian fabric, including the Indian armed forces and even cricket, I
submit that ALL that has happened to the Goan populace is that they
have joined mainstream India.

I sincerely hope someone disagree with my assessment, and does so by
advising that Goa was always corrupt and that India is not as corrupt
as the press makes it out to be. Then, I will provide personal
anecdotal evidence (for what it is worth) from Benaulim and Dabolim.
No, none of it involves Goans who have accepted or succumbed to  the
'either bribe or else' dictum.



cyril D'Souza cyril43deso...@gmail.com wrote:
The Editor, Herald Publications
Panjim, Goa
26th December 2010

Dear Sir,
With refrerence to the wonderful article titled: ' will we as voters
stop being corrupt' ( Herald 26th Dec.) Mr. Sujay Gupta has really
writtern a wonderful and thought provoking account on tthe main
reasons why we goan electorate get what we deserve . That is to say
corruption from all levels be it MPs , MLAs  and even ordinary
panchayat members are involved in corruption.

Recently a friend of mine settled abroad had to construct a compound
wall which he did in record time of three weeks with all the necessary
licenses when I enquired he replied that he just gave the 'buggers'
some baksheesh ! It is natural that when at election time the
candidates spend and distribute so much money they naturally have to
recover it and that they do fourfold.

Now it is an accepted fact in Goa that votes are given to the highest
bidder nowonder the corruption has reached such disgracing levels .
Its no use blaming the politicians WHEN WE OURSELVES ARE CORRUPT , get
our jobs done by paying bribes and vote and elect elements who are not
even fit to run the affairs of their homes leave alone those of the
state .

It is high time people are warned against receiving money at time of
elections and told that the money they receive is cursed . It is high
time people give such unscrupulous panchas , MLAs and MPs who
contribute nothing towards the betterment of the state the boot.
*Both politicians and diapers need to be changed often and for the
same reason !!f
**Col.Cyril P.D'Souza ( Retd.)

[Goanet] NEWS: Studying your village; each tiny area holds a story

2010-12-26 Thread Goanet News
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Each of Goa's tiny areas is packed with history, and stories waiting
to be told. That's the experience of scientist Dr Themistocles
D'Silva, who has recently worked on a book focussing on the village of

Tucked away at the southern end of Mormugao taluka (just before the
border with Salcete), Arossim is today better known for its scenic
beach. But behind that lies another reality -- of ponds and rice
fields painstakingly built over the centuries; prominent individuals
and one-room village schools that produced  scholars.

US-based D'Silva has spent several years of collecting information
from Goa and university libraries in the United States. His efforts
resulted in a book titled 'Beyond the Beach: The Village of Arossim,
Goa, in Historical Perspective'.

From its pre-Hindu and Hindu past, to its Catholic present, D'Silva
traces the geography of his village, its etymology and some local
social organisations.

Generations of villagers have depended on rice fields, village ponds
and the sea for their sustenance, and the author also looks at the
religious properties in the area -- first linked to the pre-conversion
temples and now owned by the Chapel and others.

Researching on the issue, D'Silva came across the existence of slavery
in the village, and he links up local memories with historic accounts
of the same.

Tiny Arossim has a link with World War II, was affected by non-stop
rains for over a fortnight in 1940, and lacks libraries or sporting
facilities, the author points out.

The 180-page book lists villages priests and nuns, and also prominent
local personalities from the past. Giving a hint that Goa definitely
lives in its villages -- even till this day, though urbanisation is
growing fast -- D'Silva points out that Arossim was the cradle for
judges, prolific writers, military-men, prominent doctors, lawyers,
musicians and others

Themistocles 'Themis' D'Silva studied in a one-room village school in
Arossim, attended the local public elementary school in Portuguese,
and then Loyola High School, Margão.

He graduated from St. Xavier's College, Bombay, and obtained a Ph.D.
in Organic Chemistry in the US. After post-doctoral research there, he
took up a position in industry, and is credited with many patents and
scientific publications. He recently authored a scholarly book on the
Bhopal disaster, The Black Box of Bhopal.

D'Silva will speak at the Xavier Centre of Historical Research's
History Hour on January 7, 2011 at 5.30 pm. The function is open to
all. The author can be contacted on phone 2754137 or on email
tdsilva at bellsouth.net

See: http://arossim-cover.notlong.com

[Goanet] BOOK 'Goans Making a Difference' released on Goa's Liberation Day

2010-12-26 Thread Goa World

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

BOOK 'Goans Making a Difference' released on Goa's Liberation Day

Photos:  http://bit.ly/evOgLj

Goa after the Liberation, 50 years on, an editorial by the publisher 
Hazel Fernandes, briefly sums up the five decades which Goans have 
encountered since the Portuguese left after 451 years and bade goodbye 
to the tiny state of India in December 1961.

Goans, as we know from history, have been migrating to better pastures, 
outside Estrada de Portuguese (Portugal India) and it is uniquely 
recorded that Goans have been to Kuwait and other parts of the Gulf 
region in particular since the mid-1940s.

At the official release of the first edition of the book entitled 'Goans 
- Making a Difference', the dignitaries headed by the President of Goan 
Overseas Association of Kuwait, Raymond D'Sa, was full of praise for the 
initiative taken by Hazel Fernandes to present the book to mark this 
glorious occasion. Among those who attended were a wide spectrum of 
personalities from the press fraternity, and internet media.

The program commenced with Gaspar Almeida doing the honors of 
introducing the publisher's team, and a brief on the book.  He expressed 
his proud feelings that this publication is yet again another first that 
Goans in Kuwait have achieved, which dwells on the individual efforts 
and achievements towards their success in the professional lifestyle as 
well as what they do to the community. We have to support the efforts 
of all, whether they are government officials or technocrats as we move 
forward for the betterment of Goa and Goans.

A wide range of issues from Goa's Freedom Movement, History of Goa, 
Reflections on the eve of Liberation Day, St. Francis Xavier, Festivals 
of Goa, Goa Hindu Festivals, Goa Muslim Festivals, Goan Culture, A Fat 
Goan Wedding, the Carnival, Goa Music, Goan Food, Goa Water Spots, the 
Dudhsagar Waterfalls, Goa Spice Plantations, Sao Joao Fest, Goa Tourism, 
Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary, Konkani essays which included Views and 
Opinions, Kuwait and Goans, the ever popular Goan statesman and NRI 
Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro, Goans in Kuwait, News Media, Goans in 
Kuwait, personalities in Kuwait from a wide spectrum of sports, theatre, 
artistes, writers, teachers, doctors, commercial professionals, the 
youngest pilot, Goa's young entrepreneurs in the IT and food trade, up 
to the recent mega international event - Global Goans Convention 2010 
held in November 2010 in Kuwait, takes pride of place.

“It's a collector's item featuring some of the respected personalities 
among us in Kuwait, it is my desire to see more editions in the near 
future,” said Navelim Youth Centre President Agnello A.S. Fernandes.

Due to the overwhelming response, the publishers and the team is set to 
have a second edition in the first quarter of 2011. The attendees at the 
release programme also included  Raymond Pereira, Neeta Fernandes, 
Norman Noronha, Tony Viegas, Rewon Gomes, Raymond Pereira, Sunoj Nambiar 
IIK, Gasper Crasto, Roshan Loreno, Mario Fernandes, Anthony Raymond, 
Manager of Darbar Restaurant, Cajetan Pereira [United Friends Club], 
Hazel Fernandes, Domingos Araujo [Kala Mogui Kuwait], Jacon Fernandes, 
Esperanca Crasto, among others, representing a wide spectrum of Goans 
and the Indian community involved in the banking, finance, trade and 
commerce, media, and other professions.

Many came forward on the dais and expressed pleasure in this unique book.

The overwhelming support expressed by Kuwait's leading business 
enterprises as well as prominent Goan supporters like Souk VIP Centre, 
UAE Exchange Co., Sanjiv Kumar, Albano Pinto, Taal Restaurant, Oriental 
Insurance/Bader Al Mulla  Bros Co., Pascal B. Pinto, Oriental 
Restaurant, Nazareth Brothers, Jacob I. Fernandes [Colva United Centre], 
English Optics, Fidelis Fernandes [Kuwait Goan Association], 
Myra-Joel-Monica Elvira-Joseph D'Souza, AlRashed International Shipping 
Co., and Caesar Holidays (Caesars Travel Group), made the publisher's 
job much easier. Among the writers whose English and Konkani 
contributions are included in the book include Lambert Mascarehnas - 
former editor of Goa Today magazine, Dr.Joe D'Souza, Lino B. Dourado, 
Gasper Crasto, Pio Esteves, Norman Noronha, John Aguiar, and Gaspar 
Almeida with still photography of the post and pre-liberation of Goa era 
as well as the flora, funa and natural bounty of scenic tourist state of 

Raymond D'Sa expressed his views that the concept of putting forward 
profiles of Goans in Kuwait and their organizational capabilities 
through the various cultural, sports, arts, and literally activities 
undertaken by their associations for a common 

[Goanet] Melbourne: the rambling 'Reddo' (Bostiao Xavier) - Dec 2010

2010-12-26 Thread Goanet News Service

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I enjoy speaking Konkani, my beloved language. And it gives me great joy 
when I see others speaking the language. To me, it is a sign that all is 
not yet lost. Even if our Goans in Goa are slowly switching over to 
speaking Hindi instead of Konkani, I can rest assured that Konkani still 
has hope. And the sacrifices of those who fought for recognition of 
Konkani will not be in vain. I believe the time will come, when our 
grandchildren will want to study about the language, besides speaking it.

I rambled to Noble Park on the 30th of October when I heard about the 
Konkani Musical program being held at St. Anthony’s. And in typical 
traditional Goan style, the show began late - over an hour late. What a 
real shame. The hall was full, people waiting for the show to begin, and 
we could see the organisers just walking about and chatting with their 
friends. An absolute show of disrespect for fellow Goans and their 
Aussie guests. And finally when the show began it was a great relief and 
it felt so good to listen to the good old Konkani songs. However, it 
soon got boring when we saw the same singer repeatedly coming up on 
stage to perform. As if there is no more Goan talent here in Melbourne.

As I write today, I realise that it is the feast of St Francis Xavier, 
our very own Goencho Saibha. Memories of the good days come to mind, 
when we used to wake up early at 4.30 in the morning, and ride our 
bicycles for the daily novena at Old Goa. And be back home in time for 
breakfast before going off to school! Those were the good old days of 
our youth. Things are so different today in Goa. Gone are the bicycles, 
replaced by scooters, motorcycles and even cars! Here in Melbourne, the 
Goan Association are having a mass to celebrate the feast on the 5th of 
this month. Well, I am looking forward to being there - longing to 
listen to and belt out the age old song to St Francis Xavier, which I 
hope will be sung!

And before we know it, Christmas will be upon us, followed by the New 
Year 2011. I would like to take this opportunity to wish my fellow 
Goencars the best for a blessed Christmas, and a prosperous New Year to 
follow... Viva Goenkar, viva Goa...

SOURCE: Ghozali (December 2010 edition)


[Goanet] If we do not stop the rot now, we are damned (Raul Fernandes)

2010-12-26 Thread Goanet News Service

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If we do not stop the rot now, we are damned

As we are on the verge of completing this year and beginning the next, I 
extend my greetings and warm wishes to all residents of Goa as well as 
those who love our land.

As we look forward to another year, we cannot however ignore the fact 
that Goa is teetering on the verge of a breakdown. Its ethical fabric is 
being stretched. The political class is a bunch of opportunists, who use 
every institution- religious, social or educational, to influence votes, 
without once giving back to the same institutions, an iota of what is 
promised to them.

Who benefits? The usual suspects- the powerful, friends of the powerful 
and those who grease the powerful. They bypass all laws, bend them, 
break them, even mould them to their benefits. No plan, regional or 
Central and no law can push them off any track or highway. If deviation 
is needed, to see that they are not touched, so be it. If rules meant to 
be followed by you and me are flouted by them or bypassed, it is 
allowed. Lawmakers and law enforcers and law breakers are not strange 
bedfellows. They have become natural bed fellows. And in some cases, 
they are one and the same.

This is a time when I call for an alliance. An alliance between the 
people of Goa and their own newspaper - O Herald O, which has been as 
much a part of their aspirations and struggles, as its tool for protest 
and change. If we do not strengthen this alliance, we are doomed. And if 
we do not see the need to do this now, we are damned.

I call upon all of us, the people who love and live in Goa to start a 
movement of rejection immediately. Reject corruption by not paying the 
policeman to protect your little drug racket, reject it by rejecting the 
person who pays the policeman and take it further by rejecting the 
politician who protects the policeman who protects the person who runs 
the drug racket.

Secondly change politics by rejecting your time trusted MLA’s who have 
made money for themselves and done you assorted favours in the process. 
It isn’t easy when it’s easier to ignore a politician who makes 
kickbacks out of awarding road contracts, or contracts to lay 
underground power cables in lieu of an NOC for a project or some 
assorted favour.

It’s a hard choice. Do you hold a politician accountable for moral 
misdeeds such as forging his son’s birth certificate to allow him to 
play in the under-15 Goa cricket team or just forget it for a possible 
favour of getting the panchayat to allow an FAR violation for your 
building. Easy choices are weak choices. With every weak choice, Goa is 
lowered further and you know what - you really do not have the easy 
choice. Make that hard choice and reject. And Herald will be with you.

Taking this further our Goa has always been a land of and for everyone 
and of every faith, creed or colour, for ages. Goa has been a great 
melting pot of cultures and faiths. Nowhere in this country do Hindus, 
Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and others live in such harmony, sharing 
lives and festivals. Goa is a celebration of diversity. However, of 
late, I feel that these strong bonds, are sought to be threatened.

When old Portuguese street signs are torn, when useless protests over 
the arrival of a Portuguese ships are taken to ridiculous melodramatic 
levels, you need to reject diseased minds and diseased politics. If this 
is not a handiwork of a diseased mind. It is the handiwork also of a 
communal mind.

If everything about Goa’s history is pitiable, then why do sons of these 
some of the so called “freedom fighters” have Portuguese passports. 
Reject double standards. There is much about our Portuguese past which 
works. Its systems, it mechanisms, its architecture and heritage.

Let this reiteration of this alliance between the people of Goa and O 
Herald O commence. Change has to happen when the old order of things 
cutting across parties needs to change. Shed the lethargy and act now.

If O-Herald-O is the voice of Goa, it needs to hear that voice. Yours.


[Goanet] 5th edition of Getting Married in Goa

2010-12-26 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The fifth edition of Getting Married in Goa: The Complete Guide is now 
available at leading bookshops in Goa and on India’s leading book 
website www.a1books.co.in, besides other online sites. Published by Plus 
Publications, the Guide contains everything to-be-weds would need while 
preparing for their big day. Over the years, Goa’s first wedding guide 
has proved to be an indispensable wedding planning tool for to-be-weds 
of all communities.

The 190-page publication will be formally launched in January 2011 along 
with a comprehensive wedding website, www.gettingmarriedingoa.com, which 
will cover Goa’s wedding industry and all other aspects of getting 
married in Goa.

Getting Married in Goa contains vital information on finding the right 
match, choosing wedding service-providers, wedding checklists, 
legalities, smart honeymoon destinations, wedding traditions and 
customs, and much more.

In keeping with recent trends, ideas for designer wedding stationery, 
setting up a wedding website, exotic wedding venues and innovative 
receptions have also been included. A bonus section provides tips on 
keeping the marriage alive, setting up home and finances, etc. The 
popular Choice Wedding Venues section gives information at a glance of 
leading venues in Goa.

The book is of special relevance given the fact Goa is fast growing as 
an international wedding destination, attracting to-be-weds from around 
the country, NRIs and foreigners.

The publishers, Plus Publications, have other well-known guides like 
Careers: The Complete Guide, Old Goa: The Complete Guide to their credit.

For details, contact: 9422058131, 2464687.

E-2, S-2, Martins Enclave,
Near Syndicate Bank, Kerant,
Caranzalem, Goa. (India) 403002.
Tel: 91-832-2464687, 9422058131

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

Re: [Goanet] The sad fate of Christians in Iraq

2010-12-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On 26 December 2010 18:25, Vasant Baliga vabal...@yahoo.com wrote:

 The Associated Press

 KIRKUK, Iraq -- No decorations, no midnight Mass. Even an appearance by
 Santa Claus has been nixed after Iraq's Christian leaders called off
 Christmas celebrations amid new al-Qaida threats on the tiny community still
 terrified from a bloody siege on a Baghdad church.

RESPONSE: We must thank George Bush and Tony Blair for their undoubted far
sightedness; what you sow you shall reap.

The status quo has been disturbed and the Shites are now in control - just
what every right wing Jack wanted, I guess?

Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Migrating Goans don’t deserve Goa.

2010-12-26 Thread Oscar Lobo

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dear Arwin,

It was good to chat with you yesterday – Christmas and to put your voice 
to name while you were enjoying your holidays in Goa! I have 
congratulated you for doing a fantastic job for Goa in your own\ space 
and tide.

Last evening, someone brought your e-mail of 24 December 2010 to my 
attention and they were keen to know your frame of mind on Christmas 
eve. Having seen the time, I am sure you did not take

copachem and attacked the keyboard.
Knowing that English is a funny language, what did you mean when you said
Quote One clear example of unjustified migration are cases of many Gulf 
Goans, who permanently migrate despite being financially well off for 
themselves  their kin. Regardless of why Goans permanently migrate, one 
thing should be crystal clear i.e. each one of them should know that 
they are contributing to the gradual decay of Goa  its Identity….  I 
guess Goans in General do not have the courage/vision to simply stay, 
make things better or contribute our resources/expertise, to the 
betterment of our land  our community. With such an attitude then 
perhaps, Beautiful Goa does not deserve to be with Goans!! Unquote.

As I said in my telephone conversation with you yesterday, you have done 
some fantastic marketing job for Goa by drilling home the message 
through internet and local Goan newspapers and I would not like people 
to think otherwise of your good intention even though I would like to 
take your statements with a pinch of salt.  You should have been 
recommended an award similar to what Mr.  Mrs. Rene Barretto were given 
although Rene went on his band wagon of Togetherness through Cultural 
identity equally important as your work.  However, he did not loose 
FOCUS and that is what aiming for stars is all about.

This is a time where Goans need to work together – having said that with 
every level of intelligence there is an element of madness and I would 
only hope that that was in your case.

Perhaps you may want to Please Explain if you wish.

Mog sodanch assum.

Cr. Oscar C. Lobo JP 



From: arwinmesqu...@.
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 19:19:13 +0530

The high rate of Goan Permanent Migration from Goa/India is a major 
reason for the rapid deterioration of Goa’s Identity. Whilst I 
appreciate that in some cases migration is justified, I actually think 
that in most cases (particularly today) Migration is actually a short 
sighted venture and is totally unjustified, particularly in view of the 
economic shift from the West to East, where we are clearly aware of 
rising GDP/Richness levels in Eastern Nations like China, India etc and 
the same declining in many western nations. One clear example of 
unjustified migration are cases of many Gulf Goans, who permanently 
migrate despite being financially well off for themselves  their kin. 
Regardless of why Goans permanently migrate, one thing should be crystal 
clear i.e. each one of them should know that they are contributing to 
the gradual decay of Goa  its Identity. People over time have fought 
with courage and given their lives for their land  their identities. 
Leave alone the latter, I guess Goans in General do not have the 
courage/vision to simply stay, make things better or contribute our 
resources/expertise, to the betterment of our land  our community. With 
such an attitude then perhaps, Beautiful Goa does not deserve to be with 

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

[Goanet] Police On Watch After Goa Church Break-In

2010-12-26 Thread Goa World

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Police On Watch After Goa Church Break-In
December 25, 2010 at 7:16 pm

Members of a Catholic parish in Goa have called for police protection 
after intruders entered their church at night and rummaged through the 

“It’s mysterious because nothing was missing,” said Father Frank Pinto, 
parish priest of St. Francis Xavier Church, Mormugao, a port town in the 

The break-in happened in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The priest 
had emptied donation box in the church the day before.

Father Pinto said he was surprised to find the church lights on and the 
side door ajar when he awoke for morning prayers.

At first he assumed that youngsters involved in crib-making until 2:30 
am had left it open by mistake. However, when he sat for meditation 
before the altar, he found the tabernacle open.

The priest found hosts lying on the floor under the tabernacle and the 
chalice nearby. He also found items in the sacristy cupboard in disarray.

“They did not damage anything, except for a two-wheeler parked outside 
that was pushed down,” the priest explained.

Police used dogs and fingerprint experts in their investigation. No 
arrests have been made so far.

“The burglars may have damaged the two-wheelers out of frustration as 
they were unable to decamp with cash or valuables from the church,” a 
police official said.

The culprits entered the church breaking a latch on the side door.

Edward Fernandes, moderator of the parish pastoral council, that 
parishioners have demanded the police intensify night patrolling in the 

Source: ucanews.com

[Goanet] Goa news for December 27, 2010

2010-12-26 Thread Goanet News Service
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Arrest Narvekars for forging son's birth record: Dr Salkar -
Herald Publications
acing-forgery-probe/Article1-642879.aspxGCA facing forgery

*** Sunburn promises â#130;¬ËGoa experienceâ#130;¬#132;¢ -
Herald Publications
fest Sunburn in Goa from tomorrow

*** Hari to meet G-10 members - Herald Publications
n-goa-congress-over-mickey-pacheco-75058Crisis in Goa Congress
over Mickey Pacheco

*** Two held in city for trafficking girls - Times of India
police bust prostitution racket operated by man from Bangalore

*** Shantadurga temple burgled at Fatorpa - Times of India

*** Mandrem locals allege SLC altered draft village plan - Times
of India
Morjim localsoppose parties

*** Goa police bust sex racket - Daily News  Analysis
ily News  AnalysisPlace: Panaji 

*** 'Allocate special infra funds to schools' - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Rajya Sabha member from Goa, Shantaram Naik,
has appealed to the government to allocate special funds to
develop infrastructure in schools such as ...a class=

*** Europe freezes, Goa feels the chill in peak season - Indian
1 due to ...a class=

*** 'Govt not serious about sports' - Times of India
mes of IndiaNeither the education department nor the Sports
Authority of Goa have taken the recommendations in its true
spirit, Narvekar said. ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Throw Sunburn out of Goa

2010-12-26 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

To Goanet -

If Goans had any self-respect, they would have told that Singh (or whatever that
uncouth N Indian's name is) to get lost.  But these days the words 'Goan' and
'self-respect' don't belong in the same sentence.  Look at Goa's politicos. 
schoolchildren who need minding they run to the High Command for
permission every time one of then wants to go to the toilet.  Some guy called
Hariprasad of Kangress, who is a nobody, is like the king of Goa these days.  
Is it any wonder that any third-rate outsider can walk into Goa and throw his 
(or her)
weight around with impunity?


[Goanet] SITEWATCH: Jason's realm... coins, etc

2010-12-26 Thread Frederick Noronha
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Welcome to Jason's Realm

I'm in the process of putting up my collection of personal stuff. My
favorite hobbies are Reading, Music, Stamp and Currency collection. At
present I'm uploading my Currency collection which I am very proud of. I
thank my family, friends and aquantancies that have helped me build this

Gradually, I will be adding other stuff that relate to my personal life.
Hope you like this site, browse through your leasure and feel free to send
any comments to thenoron...@gmail.com


Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

Re: [Goanet] How to get rid of Corruption

2010-12-26 Thread Santosh Helekar
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The rest of India is not responsible for the corruption we see in Goa. The year 
1961 has no relevance to the corruption we see today. The good news is that 
corruption in India is on the decline over the last 10 years. In the year 2000 
Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index for India was worse 
than it is today (2.8 compared to 3.3 today; higher the index the better it 

Corruption is defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. This 
definition should tell those who know history how to view it in the historical 
context in Goa and rest of India. Historically, a better identification with 
the national interest, commitment to secular democracy, reduced size of 
government, reduced bureaucracy, decentralization and prosperity of the nation, 
as a whole, has been found to lead to reduced corruption.




Re: [Goanet] *Language gives identity to each State*

2010-12-26 Thread Oscar Lobo

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dear Benedict et al

The only question that pops up to my mind is:

1. What have Goans in general (not particular) done for Goa apart from 
Goans outside Goa who are considered “Bhaile” by some?

2. The one who puts his/her chin up and gives us an account will enable 
us eat an humble pie?

3. Where Mangaloreans not Goans once upon a time; if in the affirmative 
are they not more loyal to Goans than Goan are loyal to their Goa?

4. Why are Mangloreans intellectually wise and better businessmen than 
Goans?  Is Batlee and going to the key board our main problem; or just 
being born “falador” our problem?

5. Goans Nazi’s (not Nascy)? is a question that was posed to me very 
recently. Are Goans a jealous race (can we blame the Portuguese for this 
after 49 years) are other set of questions
posed to me directly by Mangaloreans and Keralites.   I did not have an 
answer, any takers? to enable me to get back to the appropriate people?

Any chapatrist or chapotram are most welcome.

Mog sodanch assum

Cr. Oscar C. Lobo JP

From: Benedict Lobo

Konkani for Goa?

What about Mangalore/Malabar/ Karnataka ?

It was the Mangaloreans who got Konkani in the book of World Records.

It was the Mangloreans who opened the worlds first Konkani research 
centre in Kalangann

It was the Mangloreans who took the cause of konkani to the entire world 
this year spanning all the four continents.(Goan community was not even 
invited, when this happened in UAE)

It's in Mangalore where the Worlds first and the biggest  Konkani 
convention taking place as we speak, that to funded my the Magaloreans 
not the Karnataka Govt.

Its from Mangalore that we have the largest library of original Konkani 

Reminds me of the good old M. Boyer song.Boyer was right all along.God 
bless his soul.

Bhatam Bhesam amchim khon voronam re , Chintatat Goenkarani
Pun amche Konkni bhasek , te natak korit re, Duddu moddun lakh'ani
Amche bhurghe bhavam rodhoi nakam dukhanim
Goenkar ekvotan ravun , samballat Konkani.

And this is exactly what is happening.Wake up Goans !!

What about Marathi ? Its the official language of our beloved Goa too.
Loks like we are caught between two mothers.

Benedict Lobo

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 6:11 PM, ANTHONY (NRI Goan) wrote:

*Konkani  For  Goa
*Marathi  For  Maharashtra
*Panjabi  For  Panjab
*Gujrati  For  Gujrat
*Oriya  For  Orissa
*Telugu  For  Andhra Pradesh
*Tamil  For  Tamil Nadu
*Malayalam  For  Kerala
*Bengali  For  West Bengal
*Kannada  For  Karnataka


2010-12-26 Thread Bernado Colaco

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hi Marion,

Thank you for informing  on this drug laced event and writing to the 
organiser against having it in Goa. Every Goan effort will go a long way 
to save of what is left of our land. Unfortunately  some of us have 
taken over the extinct dodos. We find it difficult to fathom what is 
happening to Goa in front of our eyes. We have to be constantly 
prompted. Your message is an other wake up call.




Wake up !!  This is our Festive Season and all is quiet - where are you 

By they way The Goan Voice has an article on the Sunburn Fest which very

neatly takes you to comment on it and neatly into twitter where you can 
have access to Bollywood stars.  Sharuk Khan has already I believe made 
his way to Goa for the festival.

Now here is your opportunity to feedback on the damages being caused to 
Goa and for Bollywood to fund the restoration.


Please do not lose this opportunity to have your say.

I have already asked Mr Singh (the organiser of the Fest) to take the 
Fest to the Punjab.

lots of love and hugs
Marion Pereira

Re: [Goanet] Lui Godinho

2010-12-26 Thread joelds
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hi Rico, Thanks for Lui Godinho's photograph of the historic Konkani rally
at Azad Maidan in Panjim.
Lui is in Goa along with wife Ally and daughter Alethea. They live in
Majorda.  All the brothers and sisters were together after a very long time,
however, with Mario (who used to be the soul of any party or gathering with
his strong voice breaking into Elvis Presley songs any moment) no longer
alive. His pal Leslie St Anne and former cop JO D'Souza were present at the
funeral in Majorda.
Lui, Ally and Alethea visited us in Assagao yesterday. And we kept on
talking until his good friend Aexyz dropped in to say hello.
Lui was pleased to have a look at Valmiki's Patriotism in Action and Goa

Compliments of the Season. *[Joel]*

Re: [Goanet] Happy Liberation Day

2010-12-26 Thread Sebastian Borges
Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dear FN,
You seem to get unduly worked up on non-existent issues. No one, to my 
knowledge (and certainly not I), has said that you bear any bitterness (whether 
special or general) towards me. So your clarificatory preface  makes no sense. 
Even if you were to bear any bitterness, that would not be my concern, though 
it might be yours. Bitterness is not a necessary ingredient for any fruitful 
discussion or debate; in fact, it could spoil a good debate. But disagreement 
(with an open mind) is a sine qua non; two persons holding identical views wrt 
an issue cannot carry on a discussion on that issue. A discussion helps us to 
understand the issue more clearly. It enables one party to see the issue from 
the perspective of the other; it also affords the dispassionate reader a 
holistic view as well. And this is certainly a positive and desirable outcome. 
Through this medium I learn many new things. I come across facts which I would 
not otherwise have come by. If I find
 any information to be dubious I am free to check its veracity; and even if it 
turns out to be a dud, I welcome it as a positive addition to my knowledge. I 
may ignorantly harbour a wrong notion; but only when I present it in a 
discussion can it be corrected through the kind courtesy of my opponent/s in 
the discussion or even a fence-sitter. The concept of winning or losing an 
argument is too puerile to apply to discussions on forums such as the present 
one.  In stead, the goal of any debate should be to gain a deeper insight into 
the issue, if not (ideally) arriving at the ultimate truth. When two parties 
hold diametrically opposite views on an issue, the discussion may even be 
fierce, but should not generate any interpersonal bitterness. The rancour 
happens only when one or both the parties have a direct personal / material 
stake in the outcome. A fruitful debate should empower a reader to arrive at 
his own considered decision on the strength of
 knowledge and sound facts rather than ignorance, half-truths or plain 
distorted facts. Admittedly, every honest individual will not arrive at the 
same identical decision; this will depend on the relative weightage that one 
gives to each aspect. I would prefer, although many will frown at this, that a 
serious discussion be carried out anonymously or pseudonymously. This would 
help to do away with the type of mudslinging that some threads degenerate into. 
The focus being on the subject alone, the reader would be able to assess the 
issue shorn of any personal attitude towards the discussants who would also be 
saved the bitterness.  

Discussion should be ideally restricted to the issue at hand. Personalities 
should be avoided to the extent possible. Tonsorial appearance, sartorial 
habits and physical attributes, to my mind, do not have a bearing on any issue. 
If I were to quote you, I could not possibly avoid citing your name. Actions 
(or instances of inaction) of persons may be brought in only in so far as they 
directly bear on that particular issue. If wrongly reported, they can always be 
refuted or corrected. In the present issue, I was dealing with a post by Wilmix 
which was focused on Konkani language and scripts (Roman and Devanagari). As a 
journalist, you are certainly aware that Wilmix also happens to be the Convenor 
of Romi Lipi Action Front (which is hybrid for Action Front for Konkani in the 
Roman Script) that is campaigning for the inclusion of Roman script in the 
Official Language Act. He is also one of the tiatrists who, through their 
songs, exhort other Goans to
 speak publicly in Konkani, but themselves avoid doing so. Am I wrong in 
referring to his inaction in this regard off-stage? Should we not practise what 
we preach? I did not state or imply that 
you-act-in-Konkani-but-don't-write-in-Konkani. This is, I am sorry to say, 
your unwarranted inference. Speaking (and singing) in Konkani does not involve 
the use of any (Roman or Devanagari) script, but reading and writing do. And 
one cannot read something that is not written. Therefore, writing is the 
primary function of script. And, as so very convincingly exhorted by Lino 
Dourado on this forum, Goans must not only speak but also write in Konkani; not 
just write Konkani is my mothertongue in English. Is it therefore too much to 
expect that the head of an organization which claims to fight for Konkani in 
Roman script would also write in that language and script? And I have not asked 
him to write exclusively in Konkani, but to emulate others by doing so in
 Konkani in addition to English which he seems to prefer.
Now, let me react to the questions you have posed for debate.
(1) Nothing wrong. In 

[Goanet] Overnight Trek

2010-12-26 Thread Savio Fernandes

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wildtrek Adventures is all set to start the new year with a bang.
After an entire year of fun trekking and adventure in 2010, we start
with 2 events, on 1st Jan itself with wildlife special and on 2nd Jan
with a nature trail. WILDLIFE SPECIAL – an overnight in the
wilderness, wherein we sight deer, boars, reptiles and everything our
experts show us in the night trek. Next day we learn about spiders,
butterflies and birds in the adjoining forests of Bonda Wildlife
Sanctuary. With a package cost of Rs.900/- inclusive of dinner, bed,
breakfast, lunch, guiding/resources and transport, it’s a steal.
NATURE TRAIL – a walk in the wild learning about the birds, bees,
spiders  butterflies on 2nd Jan at Tambdi Surla. This trail package
costs Rs.400/- and includes, morning snack, lunch, guiding evening tea
and transport. Pickup and drop from Mapusa/Panaji. To be part of any
of these experiences call Dr. Prithvi 9822123458 / Savio 9822155805
for enquiries and bookings.

Re: [Goanet] Powerful Babe of Bethlehem

2010-12-26 Thread Ivo

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Dr.Ivo da Conceição Souza
  The Feast of Christmas dates back to the little town of Bethlehem, the 
city of  bread in Israel, where  2010 years (or six more) ago Jesus  of 
Nazareth was born in a manger. Joy  is expressed everywhere--in the 
churches,  homes,  mar­kets,  clubs,  seashores, among  old and young 
alike, among all people without discrimination of creed, caste, colour. Even 
non-Christians and atheists experience a unique atmosphere during this 
festive season. Our ears  are  full  of Christmas music: Joy to the  world 
for  the Saviour is born, O Come All ye faithful, Jingle bells. Shops 
remind us that we are in the festive season.

  Our centre of attention is the Crib, where Jesus was born as a simple 
child, laid in a cave-like manger (or stall), surrounded by Mary (Myriam), 
Joseph and animals, oxen and donkeys (cf.Is 1:3). It was the best and the 
driest place for the baby, being welcome by all. As the Gospel (Lk 2:6-7) 
runs: Now while they (Mary and  Joseph) were there (in Bethlehem), the time 
came for her to give birth; and  she gave birth to a son, her firstborn. She 
wrapped him in strips  of cloth and laid him down in a manger (PHATNE in 
Greek original), since there was no place for them in the lodgings 

  The exact date of Christmas is not registered in the Gos­pels, for they 
are not biographies of Jesus of Nazareth, but proclamation about his 
meaningfulness for the world as the Saviour. Rather than chronicling the 
facts of his life, they try to bring out the significance of his words and 
deeds for humankind. Infancy Gospel (rather than Infancy Narrative) is found 
only in the later Gospels, namely Luke and Matthew.

  Till the third century of the Christian Era, Christians were celebrating 
the birth of Jesus on different dates. It  was not until 350 CE., when Pope 
Julius I declared that December 25th was the day of the Christmas 
celebration, that most Western  Churches accepted the now traditional date. 
Julius I chose this date  with a meaning in mind, like a step towards 

   The Romans used December 25th to mark the birth of the Uncon­quered Sun 
(Solis Invicti), Sun God, Mithras. In Northern Europe the winter solstice of 
December 21 was traditionally the feast of Yule. Yule logs were burnt at 
this time in tribute to the gods,  Thor and Odin. By selecting December as 
Christ's  birthday, the Church could absorb and purify (rather than 
simplistically suppressing) mythical traditions and legends of the people. 
Christ is the Unconquered Sun (cf.Mal 4:2; see also Jn 8:12).

But why 25th? March 25th, which was the pagan festival of Spring, had 
been adopted by the Church as a day of angel Ga­briel's Annunciation to 
Mary. After nine months from March 25th, we arrive at the date of Christmas, 
December 25th.

The  Early Church had only one feast, Easter, celebrated weekly on 
Sunday and annually on Easter Day. But Christmas points out  to the death 
and Resurrection of Jesus and prepares us for Easter. Jesus is born in order 
to save the world with his death and Resurrection.

For Christians, Christmas is a part and  parcel of the Paschal Mystery, 
the mystery of death/Resurrection of Christ. Jesus is our Saviour and 
Incarnate Son of God, from the first moment of his human existence. Jesus is 
the Light of the World, the Saviour of Humankind.

In the past, more emphasis was laid on the religious aspect of the 
Feast. Today it is regarded by many as a social function, and by some it is 
celebrated, paradoxal as it may appear, as a Christmas without Christ... 
Some college students may say, Life is  to be enjoyed, Christmas is the 
best time for it. For some it may be holiday entertainment, for others 
business. Religious fervour may have gone down in some circles, whereas 
commercial gains  are stressed. Religious fervour may be dimmed by  rave 
parties, dances and balls. More emphasis is perhaps being laid on Christmas 
parties and dances. It is the best season for the tourists to visit Goa. We 
may be tempted to celebrate Christmas  without Christ. Shall we put Christ 
back into Christmas celebration?

I wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy, Fruitful Year!



Re: [Goanet] Pakistan: The Christian contribution (Dawn, Karachi)

2010-12-26 Thread Sister Mhs

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thank you! this is beautiful, the Christians in Karachi.  With a 
blessing prayer.

From: Goanet News

Pakistan: The Christian contribution

By Qasim A. Moini

PHOTO: A Pakistani Christian woman and child decorate a
Christmas tree in a Catholic church in Peshawar, Pakistan on
Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. AP

KARACHI: Christmas seems like a natural time to ponder over
the Christian community's contribution to Karachi, as well as
the travails faced by the community in Pakistan in general
and the city in particular.


2010-12-26 Thread Benedict Lobo

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Whats wrong with having a Music Festival ?
Is it become a trend to oppose anything and everything these days ,so 
that the real issues affecting Goa are sidelined.
This Cock and Bull story about drugs being sold at the festival makes me 
laugh.Come on people , we have spent half our lives living on the 
Calangute-Candolim  coastline.Drugs are sold everywhere in Goa and in 
the least of places you will expect.The 'drug dealer' is not foolish to 
sell dope at a public venue like the festival where he is being watched.
Music is an ingredient part of Goan lifestyle and runs deep in their 
blood.Goa can be a music Capital of the Country and should be promoted 
to be one.We are lucky to have so many international artists playing in 
Goa today, thanks to these festivals and thousands of national and 
international tourists who come at this time , adding to our economy.If 
we take away all this, the tourists will not have much to do in Goa.No 
doubt , the tourist numbers have fallen this year and most of these are 
moving towards South East Asia.Even the Middle East countries like UAE 
has started having international Music festivals and concerts by 
international artists to attract tourists here.I know many Goans and a 
lot Indians who fly all the way here just to attend a concert by Bryan 
Adams, Santana ect.

Alas for those that never sing,But die with all their music in them!

~Oliver Wendell Holmes

So let there be Music !!



2010/12/26 Marion Pereira mcpereir...@yahoo.co.uk

Wake up !!  This is our Festive Season and all is quiet - where are you 

By they way The Goan Voice has an article on the Sunburn Fest which very

neatly takes you to comment on it and neatly into twitter where you can 
have access to Bollywood stars.  Sharuk Khan has already I believe made 
his way to Goa for the festival.

Now here is your opportunity to feedback on the damages being caused to 
Goa and for Bollywood to fund the restoration.


Please do not lose this opportunity to have your say.

I have already asked Mr Singh (the organiser of the Fest) to take the 
Fest to the Punjab.

lots of love and hugs
Marion Pereira

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (27Dec10)

2010-12-26 Thread alexyz fernandes

Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread  More) in Panjim. Do come 
along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, f...@goa-india.org or 2409490 (after 2 pm).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

***   Abbe  Faria  ***

You want to go for a Dance...Go!


To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
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