[Goanet] The what-ifs of history...

2011-05-12 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
In 1484, Portugal officially rejected Christopher Columbus's idea of
reaching India from the west, because it was seen as unreasonable. Some
historians have claimed that the Portuguese had already performed fairly
accurate calculations concerning the size of the world and therefore knew
that sailing west to reach the Indies would require a far longer journey
than navigating to the east. However, this continues to be debated. Thus
began a long-lasting dispute which eventually resulted in the signing of the
Treaty of Tordesillas with Spain in 1494. The treaty divided the (largely
undiscovered) world equally between the Spanish and the Portuguese, along a
north-south meridian line 370 leagues (1770 km/1100 miles) west of the Cape
Verde islands, with all lands to the east belonging to Portugal and all
lands to the west to Spain.

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)
#784 Nr Lourdes Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
http://fn.goa-india.org http://goa1556.goa-india.org

Re: [Goanet] Konkani should compulsorily be taught upto class X- By S. Kamat- NT- My Take- May 12, 2011- Comments

2011-05-12 Thread floriano
When the medium of instruction row is on, it is time to take a decision on 
two important issues. The first is that Konkani, the official language of 
the state and the mother tongue of the majority of its residents should be 
compulsorily taught upto class X and there are no two opinions about it. 
There should be no choice about teaching Konkani upto this level in the 
schools, and it should not be made optional until class X is reached.

This will ensure that most of our children will have a fair knowledge of 
Konkani and those who wish to pursue language studies in Konkani in future 
are properly equipped. This measure will also facilitate the earlier 
implementation of using Konkani as the language of governance in our state.

There have been many opinions expressed amidst the medium row about how 
Konkani could not be suppressed even during the four hundred odd years of 
Portuguese rule though  they tried their best to do it and pursuing the 
English medium of instruction will not mean the end of Konkani. Surely this 
category of people will have no problem in accepting that their children 
along with English will study Konkani right upto class X.

The second thing is that when we are imminently in the process of deciding 
the medium issue, why should we not discard Marathi? It will only be Konkani 
which will be taught in Goan schools though Marathi could be taken as an 
optional third language. Since we did not cede to Maharashtra in the past, 
those that take pride in calling themselves Goans should not have a problem 
in discarding Marathi.

We have to do this at this juncture and there is no point in persisting with 
Marathi. The logic that the Marathi language gives the Hindu community their 
fount of art and culture is clearly a misguided notion. Many of the people 
who gave Marathi its culture in the fine arts were Goans like Bakibab 
Borkar, Jitendra Abhisheki, Mogubai Kurdikar,Kesarbai Kerkar, Kishori 
Amonkar, the Mangeshkar music family and many others.

The other disturbing fact is that in the majority of our temples in Goa the 
language used to appease the Gods is Marathi. Also, whenever a poster or 
notice of social functions is put up on the roads it is in Marathi. Why it 
cannot be in Konkani is something that is not understood?

An example for this can be taken from among the Konkani people themselves 
who were forced to flee Goa when the Portuguese came to Goa. The majority of 
these people settled along the coastal regions of Karnataka and Kerala. Over 
time this community has contributed in a major way to the life in these two 
states. Nowhere have these people forsaken the Konkani language. But for 
some introduction of Kannada and Malayalam words which have slopped into the 
Konkani language there has been no large-scale corruption of their mother 
tongue.  The konkani people settled in these areas have gone ahead and 
adapted the local language script and are writing Konkani in the Kanada  and 
Malayalam scripts.

Thus you will see that the Konkani people who left Goa did not give up their 
mother tongue but adapted it and made it more vibrant in their adopted 
states. In addition to that, there are some of the Konkani people who have 
excelled in the language of their adopted states and have won many laurels 
in their efforts in various fields.

In contrast in Goa the Hindu people were quick to forsake their mother 
tongue and adopt Marathi. The time to correct this aberration has come and 
we should for the future have only one official language - KONKANI and 
English. Just paying lip service to Konkani will not suffice and the average 
Konkani person in Goa should put their hand on their hart and support 
Konkani wholeheartedly.

[The writer is a resident of Alto Betim]


I salute Srinivas Kamat for having a square head on his shoulders for a 
Hindu Goan. As a matter of fact, I have heavily contradicted his piece of 
8th May, 2011 regarding the Portuguese apology to Goa. Therefore it must be 
remembered that I do not fight people. I fight issues. And I have reminded 
Srinivas Kamat when he thought that he had lost a friend. For me friendship 
is one thing and issues another thing altogether. Having said that, I have 
highlighted the portions in the above piece where my comments are warranted. 
Konkani compulsorily taught up to X class is what it should be. We must go 
with Konkani and English side by side together, with Konkani as the MOI in 
the primary section and English as a subject for smooth transition to the 
secondary level. Marathi has no meaning in all this as far as education and 
MOI is concerned. Marathi is the religious language of the Hindus of Goa 
like Latin was for the Catholic Christians in Goa. It would be a shame to 
call Marathi as Goa's mother tongue. And whereas the Catholic Christian 
community of Goa is patriotic to their motherland Goa, the Hindus of Goa are 
not. This is because the Catholic Christians have jettisoned Latin a


2011-05-12 Thread SOTER
Coincidentally, today is Friday the 13th, a date and day considered to be a bad 
omen. Probably this day will add to the sins of the Goan people as they fail to 
see the monster behind the issue of corruption. It is said that the road to 
hell is paved with roses. So also, the road to Hate politics is paved with good 
intentions of the desh premi type. And these covert designs will be manifested 
today at Azad Maidan where Goa's MBA generation will cry for the blood of 
politicians. Whether the Lokpal Bill will be able to even put a scratch on 
corruption will be seen after the Goa Assembly Election 2012. Till then let us 
the shameless masses that never seem to learn from history get carried away in 
a chariot of promise and expectations for a joy ride by the Hate Machines of 
God Save Goans!



2011-05-12 Thread Nascy Caldeira
dear all,
Aires Rodrigues has hereby proved that he has been and still is a sly and pro 
BJP/ saffron parties' Fascist fan. 
How else could an accomplished lawyer make such 'deliberate' blunders? Because 
his mind is clouded by saffron fascism!
Viva Anti Fascist forces.
Nascy Caldeira

From: "J. Colaco < jc>" 
To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, 12 May 2011 7:53 PM

Aires Rodrigues wrote:

[1] Rahul Gandhi's statement that he is ASHAMED TO BE AN INDIAN is an
outburst of immaturity.
[2] Could it be for being half Italian that Rahul Gandhi's feeling
Indian is only skin deep?
[3]  IT IS TIME now for every Indian to feel ashamed of Rahul Gandhi
and his statement.


The 1 Rupee question is this: Did Rahul Gandhi state that he is/was

The other xenophobic bias from Aires having been noted,  IT IS TIME
that "we" read carefully and quote accurately before "we" fly off the
proverbial handle.


[Goanet] Dr. Jack De Sequeira

2011-05-12 Thread JoeGoaUk

Dr. Jack De Sequeira (1915-1989)
Father of the Opinion Poll, Goa

At Calangute



This is at Dona Paula Circle
with some family members

Read more..


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: Jio, jio assunc, jio marunc, jiu boronc....

2011-05-12 Thread Frederick Noronha
Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

JIO, -I, -EM alive

JIO ASUNC to be alive, to live

JIO MARUNC to kill, to assassinate

JIO ZAUNC to rise from the dead, to come to life again

JIU m. life, soul, vigour

JIU ASONC to be alive

JIU BORONC to reanimate, to regain the strength


JIU DIUNC to commit suicide

JIU DIUNC to love extremely

JIU GEUNC to assassinate, to murder

JIU VOCHUNC to expire, to die, to feel acute pain

JIVANN n. a living creature

JIVAR UTTONC to disregard ones life, to be self-denying

JIVESSIM MARUNC to kill, to murder


JIVIT n. life

[Source: Konkani-English Pocket Dictionary/Concanim-Inglez Dicionar.
First published in 1930. Republished in 1991 and 1999 by the Asian
Educational Services, Rs 195 in India.]

E&OE: Errors and ommissions excepted.

NOTE: This text is being reproduced as it is copyright-free. Its source is a
dictionary dating back to 1930,  and is written style may have changed
since. If you have any suggestions about modern day usage for the above
words, please share via goa...@goanet.org

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Goa news for May 13, 2011

2011-05-12 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** 'Youth from elite Goa families addicted to drugs since 80s'
- Zee News
from elite Goa families addicted to drugs since 80s''

*** Customs fines, penalises Goa education minister - Daily News
& Analysis
ily News & AnalysisBy Sunchika B Pandey 

*** Goa anti-mining activist beaten up - iNewsOne
ining activist was Thursday beaten up by unidentified assailants
in South Goa district, allegedly because of his protest against
illegal transportation of iron ore near his village, police
said. ...

*** Social activists, NGOs divided over Hazare's visit - Times
of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI/MARGAO: Gandhian Anna Hazare's fast may have
inspired people in Delhi to take to the steets, but will it
bring about a revolution in Goa on Friday, too? NGOs and social
activists have mixed opinions over the issue. "Corruption has
become a way ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF_-zvvP6Rhak-fNHRQG7QuJtkp7Q&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Social-activists-NGOs-divided-over-Hazares-visit/articleshow/8281365.cms

*** Feast of Our Lady of Fatima at Chinchinim - Times of India
oa Velha on May 14, 'Youngsters of Dando' will organize a
musical show with singers from Goa Velha and surrounding
villages at 7pm. The show is supported by Tiatr ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFXKaVkSRg0ddMH9O8aW1XmvisTaQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Feast-of-Our-Lady-of-Fatima-at-Chinchinim/articleshow/8281295.cms

*** Goan vodka, whisky makes way to Ahmedabad - Daily News &
ade liquor was to be delivered from Nashik in Maharashtra to two
bootleggers in Gandhidham. The police said this is probably the
first time that Goa-made liquor has been seized as usually
liquor flows into Gujarat from Punjab, ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFN3n6LxXY0M76IjEWP6srtPkHoEA&url=http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report_goan-vodka-whisky-makes-way-to-ahmedabad_1542373

*** Students to get less sheera, more pav bhaji - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The midday meal scheme in Goa will see some
changes when the new academic year begins. Students will now be
served less of sheera and more of pav bhaji. Officials in the
directorate of education (DoE) informed that based on feedback
received ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFISvQNH8RBAxd_pa-w8U4yO0Aa6Q&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Students-to-get-less-sheera-more-pav-bhaji/articleshow/8280493.cms

*** 'Lokpal bench will have power to file FIR against HC judges'
- Times of India
orruption crusader Anna Hazare is expected to arrive in the
state on Friday, ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF47CYCxVFxxKMn8oqKkL6YVW2NFw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Lokpal-bench-will-have-power-to-file-FIR-against-HC-judges/articleshow/8281344.cms

*** I-League Division II: Sporting Clube De Goa President Peter
Vaz Laments About ... - Goal.com India
eague. By Anselm Noronha Irrespective of the result, the
President said that he is keen on building a full-fledged new
stadium. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEsB2mWKBQrs5o7ExLt9t5HPjU19g&url=http://www.goal.com/en-india/news/1838/i-league-division-ii/2011/05/13/2483481/i-league-division-ii-sporting-clube-de-goa-president-peter

*** Willy takes potshot at Churchill, asks for his education
status - Times of India
mes of IndiaAlemao reportedly called de Souza senile in response
to his charges that Alemao was responsible for the medium of
instruction fiasco in Goa because he had sided with Shashikala
Kakodkar in 1990 in denying grants to English medium schools.

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] The Overlooked Common Cause of Aching Joints

2011-05-12 Thread Con Menezes


Re: [Goanet] Is Goa doomed?

2011-05-12 Thread manuel tavares
Eugene Correia is right in looking at the positive aspects of India  and Goa 
and the strides it has made in the socio-economic sector. If only corruption 
had been tamed, how much further would India have Gone with the same resources? 
One has only to look at China as an example. It is a pity that for this disease 
called corruption, we have as yet to find a remedy.For this to occur, as I have 
stated before, a radical change emanating from the top of the political ranks 
must take place. This is truly a monumental task and will not transpire unless 
there is a genuine desire on the part of both the electorate AND the elected to 
be selfless and honest. What India needs, is a type of Democratic Dictatorship 
of Honest and trustworthy people who, leaving their human desire to enrich 
themselves at the expense of the people and the country, make it their sole 
desire to try and metermorphosize the system by providing systems of Governance 
endowed with strict checks and balance to ensure that the true Tenets of 
Democracy namely, The rule of the people for the people by the people, are 
truly observed. Then and only then will there be change in India. When I 
mention Democratic Dictatorship, I mean a system which has elected 
representatives sworn to better the lot of the people especially the poor and 
downtrodden who, in every aspect of humanity always bear the brunt of the 
attacks from those in power just for being Poor and underlings.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

Re: [Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: Noroc, norom, nort, norti dudduancheo...

2011-05-12 Thread lino dourado
From: Anselmo Johny De Souza johnyans...@gmail.com : Wrote

You are using 'C' in place of 'K'. It is not NOROC but NOROK

CORUNC is to be written- KORUNK

PODDUNC is to be written -PODDUNK

"C' was used for 'K' at the time of Portuguese. Konknni in Roman Script has 
improved much since then.


Mhaka borem dista Frederick baban adhunik (modern) kalachi Konknnicho vapor 
korcho. Dictionary-chem nanv ditam:
 Rajhaums New Generation Konkani-English Illustrated Dictionary. 
Borkar, Suresh J., Mukesh P. Thali & Damodar K. Ghanekar. 2004. Ponnjen mellta.
Amkam,1930 modelachi Konknni naka.

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Frederick Noronha wrote:

Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

NOROC bad smell, stinking

NOROM soft, tender

Read all Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] cock-and - buul story of Ibn Majid helping Vasco Da Gama

2011-05-12 Thread Ignatius Fernandes
It was in Malindi in Kenya  that 

Vasco Da Gama landed.
There was a plaque in honour of 

Vasco landing which the Kenya Government 

let it go to rack and ruin.
I do not think it is still there I saw it in 

the early seventies.
Ignatius Fernandes


2011-05-12 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Aires Rodrigues wrote:

[1] Rahul Gandhi's statement that he is ASHAMED TO BE AN INDIAN is an
outburst of immaturity.
[2] Could it be for being half Italian that Rahul Gandhi's feeling
Indian is only skin deep?
[3]  IT IS TIME now for every Indian to feel ashamed of Rahul Gandhi
and his statement.


The 1 Rupee question is this: Did Rahul Gandhi state that he is/was

The other xenophobic bias from Aires having been noted,  IT IS TIME
that "we" read carefully and quote accurately before "we" fly off the
proverbial handle.


TOI finding it difficult to separate PHAKT phrom PHIKTION



2011-05-12 Thread DAN DRISCOLL
Would'nt take it too seriously, myself. Really just 'a manner of speaking',
and the young man should be able to speak off the cuff once in a while, even
in public. As for the Italian reference---picky, picky.

On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Aires Rodrigues

> Rahul Gandhi's statement that he is ashamed to be an Indian is an
> outburst of immaturity. Whatever the context, one cannot understand
> how an Indian can ever be ashamed of his Nation. Could it be for being
> half Italian that Rahul Gandhi's feeling Indian is only skin deep?  On
> one hand, we have a bunch of corrupt politicians and on the other,
> pampered products of dynasty politics, propped up by sycophants. It is
> time now for every Indian to feel ashamed of Rahul Gandhi and his
> statement.
> Aires Rodrigues
> T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
> Ribandar - Goa - 403006
> Mobile: 9822684372

Re: [Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: Noroc, norom, nort, norti dudduancheo...

2011-05-12 Thread Frederick Noronha
You are right indeed! Show me an acceptable dictionary, preferably in
a copyright-free mode (or with publisher permission to reuse), and I
will immediately switch from the 1930 one. As of now, that's the most
convient one I have. FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)
#784 Nr Lourdes Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
http://fn.goa-india.org http://goa1556.goa-india.org

On 12 May 2011 17:01, Anselmo Johny De Souza  wrote:
> Sir,
> You are using 'C' in place of 'K'. It is not NOROC but NOROK
> CORUNC is to be written- KORUNK
> PODDUNC is to be written -PODDUNK
> "C' was used for 'K' at the time of Portuguese. Konknni in Roman Script has 
> improved much since then.
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Frederick Noronha wrote:
> Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:
> NOROC bad smell, stinking
> NOROM soft, tender

Re: [Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: Noroc, norom, nort, norti dudduancheo...

2011-05-12 Thread Frederick Noronha
Not sure whether we should see it as having "improved much" or just
changed :-) FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)
#784 Nr Lourdes Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
http://fn.goa-india.org http://goa1556.goa-india.org

On 12 May 2011 17:01, Anselmo Johny De Souza  wrote:
> "C' was used for 'K' at the time of Portuguese. Konknni in Roman Script has
> improved much since then.

[Goanet] Caurem youth leader Nilesh Gaokar attacked by goons with iron rods

2011-05-12 Thread Krishna Gaokar
COMMENTS: So far everyone thought that Goan mine owners were sober and
Vedanta the goon.
At Cavrem there is no Vedanta, but only our Tarcars & Ordinance fame Timblos
close to Digu.
Attack on Nilesh proves that our Goenkar mine owners are also goondas.

rajendra kakodkar
Caurem youth leader Nilesh Gaokar attacked an hour ago by goons with iron
rods outside Verna Ind Est, where he works as engineer. He is injured badly.
Verna police are taking him to Hospicio. Please rush to Hospicio to express
your solidarity against mining mafias. This second attack in a week by
Caurem Mafias after illegal confinement and physical damage to Reporter Gary

Re: [Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: Noroc, norom, nort, norti dudduancheo...

2011-05-12 Thread lino dourado

Clifford Fernandes wrote:

Udkachea PIPE-an udok naslear amchea ghorantle NOLL sodanch rite. 

-Original Message-
From: Frederick Noronha

Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

Re: [Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: hairann, hambog, hamlett, harcor‏‏‏

2011-05-12 Thread Frederick Noronha
Okay sir, fair enough! Please help in some way to make it easier to improve
Konkani skills via the Net then. FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)
#784 Nr Lourdes Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
http://fn.goa-india.org http://goa1556.goa-india.org

2011/5/12 Domnic Fernandes 

> Sorry, I can't accept the word *bangre" instead of 'bangdde' in written
> language.
> Moi-mogan,
> Domnic Fernandes
> Anjuna, Goa
> Mob: 9420979201
> True. You are right, Domnic and I get your point.
> Though, when Anglicised (or used in an English context), sometimes plural
> of
> Konkani words are formed in the English style (by adding an 's'). For
> instance -- mando and mandos.
> Technically, the Konkani plural should be mandde.
> Anyway, keeping that aside, would you accept *bangre*? I mean, using a 'g'
> instead of a double 'd'?

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Konkani Word A Day: Noroc, norom, nort, norti dudduancheo...

2011-05-12 Thread Frederick Noronha
Uh, hum... Looks like someone is reading this closely! Maybe we could do
with more Konkani-learning tools online. FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)
#784 Nr Lourdes Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
http://fn.goa-india.org http://goa1556.goa-india.org

On 12 May 2011 11:13, Clifford Fernandes , Senior Financial Controller <
cfernan...@dubaigolf.com> wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: goanet-news-boun...@lists.goanet.org [mailto:
> goanet-news-boun...@lists.goanet.org] On Behalf Of Frederick Noronha
> Sent: 11 May 2011 22:07
> To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
> Subject: [Goanet-News] Konkani Word A Day: Noroc, norom, nort, norti
> dudduancheo...
> Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:
> NOROC bad smell, stinking
> NOROM soft, tender
> NOROM CORUNC to soften, to modify
> NOROM PODDUNC to be spiritless
> NORT f north
> NORTI DUDDUANCHEO promissory notes of money
> NOS nerve, nerves
> NOSTO breakfast
> NOU m pipe
> NOULANCHO, -I, -EM surprising, amusing
> NOURI bride
> NOURO m bridegroom
> NOURO-OHOCOL bridal pair

[Goanet] Konkani word a day, hairann hambog, hamlett

2011-05-12 Thread Ignatius Fernandes
I have lived all my life abroad first in Kenya and now in U.K.
I have not forgotten my Konkani which I learnt from 

speaking to my parents who only knew Konkani 

with a smattering of  Hindi

I still speak Swahili after an absence of Thirty years 

from Kenya, with a passable Hindi, Punjabi an
Gujarati and a little Portuguese.

You do not forget a language if you spoke it before
maybe it becomes a little bit rusty.
Some of the Konkani words you post  F.N. tend to be
in Hindi rather than pukka (asli, genuine) Konkani
Like the word Hairann I would say it in Konkani
as bejar.
Ignatius Fernandes

[Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: Noroc, norom, nort, norti dudduancheo...‏

2011-05-12 Thread Domnic Fernandes

>Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:


>NOROC bad smell, stinking


COMMENT: Most of us use the Konkani word “ghann” – Rostear
kochro uddoitat tachi ghann ieta (the garbage thrown on the road stinks.)

>NOROM soft, tender

COMMENT: Most of us use the Konkani word ‘mou/mov’, which
also means soft – ‘mov mevta thoimsor konnui khonnddtta’ (everyone likes to dig
a soft spot or to take advantage of.)  

>NOROM CORUNC to soften, to modify


>NOROM PODDUNC to be spiritless


>NORT f north


COMMENT: Per my knowledge, the Konkani word for ‘North’ is
“Uttar” – mhojem ghor Uttar Goeant poddta (My house is in North Goa.) 


>NORTI DUDDUANCHEO promissory notes of money


COMMENT: The Konkani word that we mostly use for a ‘bill or
note’ is “Notti” – Dhor disa mhojea hatant hozaranim duddvancheo notti ghovtat
(Every day I handle thousands of bills or notes.)  


>NOS nerve, nerves


COMMENT: The word is correct but per today’s improved
Konkani it would be written thus – nôs.  


>NOSTO breakfast


>NOU m pipe


COMMENT: Most of us use the word “noll” for water tap –
Aiz-kal udkachea nollak sodanch sukti (these days, water tap is always dry.)


ADDITIONAL WORD – ‘NOLLI.’ A nolli is a thin pipe or conduit
– “Barik nolli funkunk bori” (a narrow pipe is easy to blow.) In the olden
days, a piece of nolli was used in a kitchen to blow fire in a chul or fire
place. The adage was also used on thin girls, as it has a double meaning.   


>NOULANCHO, -I, -EM surprising, amusing




COMMENT: The Konkani word for best man is “dheddo” and not
novreacho dheddo. 


>NOURI bride


COMMENT: The Konkani word for a bride is “vokol” 


>NOURO m bridegroom


>NOURO-OHOCOL bridal pair


COMMENT: The Konkani word for bridal couple is


Let us try and help people learn Konkani rather than confuse
them by giving out old/wrong words, which we ourselves don’t know. The
dictionary FN is using is a good guide to refer to provided one has the basic
knowledge of the language to differentiate between given words and their 


I would not recommend 1930 dictionary to beginners,
especially because Konkani has undergone a sea-change over the last decade or
so. We have to accept the changes and move with the times.




Since “E&OE - Errors and ommissions (omissions) excepted (expected)”
and “the written style may have changed since 1930,” Goanetters need to take
the words from the otherwise good “Dicionar” with a pinch of salt. Please refer
to the “Dicionar” when in need, but please avoid the (wrong) spelling. 


We request aspiring publishers of future editions to let us
have the benefit of an improved dictionary, because we definitely lack one.




Domnic Fernandes

Anjuna, Goa

Mob: 9420979201 


[Goanet] Fwd: Parabens to Colva Civic and Consumer Forum

2011-05-12 Thread Arwin Mesquita
-- Forwarded message --
From: Rupert Coutinho 
Date: 12 May 2011 12:59
Subject: Parabens to Colva Civic and Consumer Forum

*Parabens (Congratulations) *Colva Civic and Consumer Forum

Colva Civic and Consumer Forum have done a marvelous job which has inspired
Goans to replicate their success to other parts of Goa without losing hope.
Their dedication, resolve and resilience to rid their village of the filth,
garbage and sewage discharge has proved that no matter how much corrupt
minds collude with cheap and undignified individuals to circumvent the
rules, might is not always right. The High Court came down heavily on the
Colva Panchayat for severe discrepancies and negligence in giving
permissions and has further stayed any licenses from being issued to
commercial establishments till further orders. This is a motivating message
to all other Goans affected by the real estate and mining mafias to keep up
their fight and Colva Civic and Consumer Forum definitely deserves a big
Obrigado from all the Goans. If CCCF can succeed in Colva then I’m very
certain that every united forum and village group if united can also succeed
especially in other severely affected areas in North Goa like Calangute,
Miramar and Candolim. I wonder whether the free loaders and communal
eccentric dole fighters stealing from the Goan taxpayers have any such
contribution to the welfare of the people of Goa?

*Rupert Coutinho*


Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] "Baby, You R My love" - Konkani Music Album Released

2011-05-12 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

"Baby, You R My love" - Konkani Music Album Released on 08-05-2011



The anxiously awaited day, May 8th, finally dawned the release of the 
much-anticipated Konkani Album “Baby, You R My love”. The event was 
impressively brought in at Hotel Woodland, wherein several dignitaries 
graced the occasion to boost the release of the album; to name a few, 
the Guest of Honor, Hon. Minister of PWD, Churchill Alemao, Babu 
Kaudekar, Kedar Dhume, amongst others. The album’s release indeed marked 
another day in history for the distinctive creation of Goa’s new Konkani 
musical euphoria.

The album, recorded in Mumbai and Goa with India’s topmost legendary 
musical prodigies, the likes of Sudesh Bhosle, Sadhana Sargam and Goa’s 
very own Pop Sensation, Olavo Rodriguez (O’luv). The team, with their 
brilliant expertise, shelled out their best after sharing their ideas 
and suggestions towards the album’s melodious compositions.

Sudesh Bhosle, also the Chief Guest of the event, released the album, 
praising our very own Goa’s Pop sensation O’luv for being the most 
promising star of tomorrow with amazing potential and for his brilliant 
rendition of his title song with Sadhana Sargam, which he claimed was 
his favorite in the album. ‘Baby You R My Love’, is O’luv and Sadhana’s 
portrayal of a dreamy romance well depicted in the number.

The album also has a duet comic caper “Tension”, by the two phenomena’s 
themselves, Sudesh-Olavo, brilliantly executed, in their own distinct 
styles adding variations and exciting twists, making it a catchy and 
foot-tapping tune. “Tension” is also apparently the only Konkani 
rendition of the duo’s adaptations in four different languages, Konkani 
and English, sung by O’luv and Hindi and Marathi, by Sudesh.

The album also includes songs by singers Sharon, Deepika, Agostinho, 
Mini Mario and Elick. Another special attraction has been added to this 
album sung by O’luv, the much highlighted intersperse of O’luv playing 
the COMB with a piece of paper for a musical instrument, for the first 
time ever in a song in his entire career. The spirit and the attempt of 
these maestros to present to the listening audiences something out of 
the ordinary is definitely praiseworthy.

The Music and lyrics for the album were composed by Elick. The album is 
produced by A. Ferns Music Productions, Agostinho Fernandes, the CEO of 
A. Ferns Music Co

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

Source: Rohan Lobo

Re: [Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: Noroc, norom, nort, norti dudduancheo...

2011-05-12 Thread Therese Almeida

Much appreciated. Thank you.

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:36 PM, Frederick Noronha wrote:

Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

NOROC bad smell, stinking

NOROM soft, tender

[Goanet] Dadasaheb Phalke Academy Award 2011 (Link Navhind times)

2011-05-12 Thread damodar vinayak bale


[Goanet] Goa-related books... in Margao

2011-05-12 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Some Goa-related books which I picked up from the Golden Heart Emporium
(near GPO, Margao) just last evening, for my collection:

* KONKANI FOLK TALES, Retold by Olivinho Gomes.  NBT, 2007, reprint 2008.
ISBN 978-81-237-5083-5. Great VFM (value for money) at Rs 75 only for a 232
page book. (Today, books in India, paperback ones, are roughly priced at one
rupee a page.) Grab it if you can. Not easily available, perhaps because NBT
commissions work out very low on their low-priced books!

978-81-89837-08-2. Rs 150 . Pp 82. 2010. Somehow I had not seen this book
earlier, or did not know where to find it.

* WORLD OF BIRDS. By Anthony Carvalho. By Anthony Carvalho. 78pp. Rs 45. nd.
Interesting listing of birds of Goa. Originally in Romi Konkani, translated.
Probably have a copy of this book, but no problem in having an extra one,
specially since it is a self-published book and these can soon turn hard to

* KALEIDOSCOPE OF WOMEN IN GOA. Fatima da Silva Gracias. Pp 166. ISBN
81-7022-591-4. Rs 250. "This study provides a picture of the life styles of
women both Christian and non-Christian in Goa (a tiny state in the west
coast of India) during Portuguese rule." This is for a member of the Goa
Book Club who requested a copy!

* FRANCISCO LUIS GOMES. By Olivinho JF Gomes. Rs 90. ISBN 978-81-237-5801-5.
Pp 260. Another interesting NBT book! Published posthumously after the
untimely death of former acting Goa University vice chancellor and prolific
writer Dr Olivinho Gomes.

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)
#784 Nr Lourdes Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
Books from Goa http://bit.ly/kxRUBC

Re: [Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: Noroc, norom, nort, norti dudduancheo...

2011-05-12 Thread Clifford Fernandes


-Original Message-
From: Frederick Noronha

Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

Read all Goanet messages at:


Re: [Goanet] Cock-and-bull story of Ibn Majid helping Vasco da Gama

2011-05-12 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
[1] re: It is unlikely that Vasco da Gama would have traveled all the
way to Kenya - without having made some arrangements for the onward
route, Tony de Sa wrote:"Is debatable. There being no means of
communication other than by courier in those days, it is just possible
that VDG entered Lamu / Mombasa..."

[2] re: This resulted in many many residents of the subcontinent NOT
being forcibly circumcised, Tony de Sa wrote: "I am surprised, Doc,
that as a reputable Medic you should shun circumcision. I am informed
by usually reliable medical sources ..."

[3] re: re-obtaining Portuguese nationality and be gainfully employed
in Lisbon, Tony de Sa wrote: "don't forget to mention the hordes of
them in Swindon and other places in Europe thanks to the open border
policy of the European Union.


Dear Prof de Sa,

re [1] While your statements might be absolutely correct and
notwithstanding that I was not in Kenya when Vasco da Gama arrived
from Belem (Lisbon), I have reason to believe that Portuguese
travelers (i.e. scouts) were already in East Africa antes the arrival
of VDG there. I'd suggest that the scouts were there even prior to the
planning of the trip.

re [2] While the point being made was in reference to FORCED
circumcision, I bow to your medical knowledge. Perhaps, there also is
a time honoured reason for another circumcision i.e. female

re [3] I did mean Lisbon.

BTW: The ability for Portuguese Goans to enter the UK and look for
employment is not related to the 'open borders' policy to which the UK
does not subscribe (except with Ireland). And while the 'open borders'
policy is in danger of being revoked, it will - until further notice -
NOT affect the Art 25 (Movement of Persons - EC law) right of
Portuguese Goans to enter the UK (or any of the full member-states of
the EU) for the purposes of seeking employment.



[Goanet] Congrats Colva Forum

2011-05-12 Thread Arwin Mesquita
 A Big Well Done and Sincere Thanks to the Activists from the Colva Civic
and Consumer forum for their spirited fight for my village of Colva. The
recent positive news on the Sewege Case progress in the High Court, is just
another good example of the results being achieved at Colva by this forum.
Can this be an example to other Villages of what they can do for their
respective villages and towns? These few genuine Colva activists give people
like me hope that there is a chance of saving Colva and Goa, from the

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/


2011-05-12 Thread jorge
Baptism & Marriage certificates issued by the Roman Catholic Church in
Bombay are not valid in Bombay Muncipal Corporation, District Collectors
office or any Government department in Bombay and rest of Maharashtra.

Recently some eastindians (mobaikars) have urged the catholic church/clergy
in bombay to include in the baptism certificate a caste column mentioning in
the caste column ‘EastIndian’ so that it can enable EastIndians to get the
OBC certificate from the district collectors office. But what purpose the
caste column will serve when the Baptism Certificate is not valid in the
district collectors office ?

Will the Bishop & the Parish Priests in Bombay write to the Maharashtra
govt, MLAs, Ministers, Collectors, etc to pass a Govt. Resolution declaring
the Baptism & Marriage certificates issued by the Roman Catholic Church as
legal documents ? Unlikely. The Catholic Clergy of Bombay are pre-occupied
with catholic school affairs, church property affairs and God knows what
other affairs and they don’t have time to take up the problems faced by the
laity with the Government. The catholics in bombay have also been loosing
their lands to various government & private projects & projects involving
free housing for slumdwellers but the Clergy simply turns a blind eye to the
plight of the lay catholics who have been protesting & protesting against
the rampant injustice.

A few decades back some American Ships which were in transit from bombay
docks used to offload boxes of made in America canned foods and calcium,
vitamin-c, vitamin-a & vitamin-d tablets to the catholic missionaries and
the catholic missionaries through their mobile medical vans used to go in
some of the catholic gaothans in bombay and distribute the American goods to
the poor gaothan residents. Later on the Catholic missionaries stopped
distributing American goods in the catholic gaothans and instead distributed
the American goods to poor non-catholics living in slums. The Americans no
more send their ships but they send millions of dollars in aid to the
catholic missionaries which the missionaries use to set up Ashrams,
dispensaries, etc only where the poor non-catholics live. News about
missionaries being attacked by right wing hindu groups is nothing new but
there will come a time when the poor catholics will also start attacking the
catholic missionaries.

There a few catholic hospitals in bombay where our poor catholics have to
run from pillar to post and beg with the catholic nuns & administrators to
get concessional beds whereas the poor non-catholics are given prompt

The tactic which the clergy in bombay have been using to refuse admission to
children of poor and less influential catholics goes like this –When the
poor or less influential catholics approach the parish priest (who is also
the principal of the parish school) for admission of their children the
parish priest says all seats are full inspite of the fact that only 5 or 10%
of the seats have been occupied by the rich or influential catholics and 90
to 95% seats are still vacant which are obviously reserved for the
middle/upper class non-catholics. Next the poor & less influential catholics
go to other parish school for admission of their children the parish priest
of that other parish says that they don’t give admission to catholic
children from other parish. NA GHAR KA NA GHAT KA. Eventually the poor &
less influential catholics are left with no option but to send their
children to non-catholic schools.

Since majority of our catholics in bombay are poor, ignorant & disunited due
to which they are unable to understand the game which the clergy &
missionaries are playing.

Just because the catholic clergy don’t marry that does not mean they don’t
have any family. They have their parents, brothers, sisters, in-laws,
nieces, nephews, cousins, relatives and obviously the clergy share the
church wealth with their family & relatives.

Because of the misdeeds, mischief, and corrupt ways of a few clergy the lay
catholics are viewing all Clergy even the honest ones with suspicion.

The Church has always recognized that clergy bear a particular
responsibility to pattern their lives according to Jesus' example. Bishops,
priests and deacons are regarded by the faithful and the world as examples
of what Christian lives should be. Any moral offense by clergy is especially
damaging because it betrays that trust committed to them by the Church to
nurture and care for every member. Therefore, it is intolerable and morally
wrong for a clergyman to exploit the inherent power and trust in his office
to indulge in corrupt activities.

In recent years, however, it has become increasingly clear that some clergy
have engaged in corrupt activities. Frequently, offenders have been sent on
to another parish or diocese instead of expelling them from the catholic
religious orders. When a govt. servant is trapped by the anti-corruption
bureau accepting bribes the govt. servant is suspended

[Goanet] Meet Bondo and Jam with him - Sunday, May 15 @ 6pm at Don Bosco, Panjim

2011-05-12 Thread Goanet A-C-E!
On Sunday 15th May, 2011 at 6 p.m. the Brand Ambassador of Percussion, 
Goa’s very own Bondo, will interact with the youth at Don Bosco School, 
Panjim. He will talk on the evolution of his music and demonstrate the 
international range of percussion instruments that he uses.

Bondo has played with an array of some of the top Indian as well as
international music virtuosos. Remarkable and imaginative, his rhythmic 
genius has left a mark in countries all over the world. On the Jazz and 
Latin scene he has performed with some of the top musicians like Louis 
Banks, George Duke, Al Jarreau, George Brooks, Paco De Lucia’s Band, Rao 
kyao, Boston Art, Embryo, Dom Chacal, Earl Klugh, Ravi Coltrane, Dulce 
Pontes, Anita Malik etc. Bondo has shared his magic with Flamenco giants 
like Vincent Amigo, Bela Fleck, Tino de Geraldo, Raphael Requine, 
Manollo Sanlucar, Henrique Morente, Ketama, Wagner Tisu, and Pedro Joia 
besides having had the privilege of performing with the greatest Masters 
of Flamenco Dance like Joaquim Cortez, Antonio Canales and Belen 
Fernandes. In China he played with a 70 piece Orchestra led by Chinese 
Maestro won ki Wai.

In India too, Bondo has performed the best in the music industry with 
Indian Classical maestros like Ustad Sultan Khan, Pandit Ronu Mazumdar, 
Ustad Zakir Hussain, T.A.S. Mani, Ustad Rais Khan, Ranjit Barot, Braz 
Gonsalves, Asha Bhonsle, Hari Haran, Shivamani, Rama Mani, Master Vikku 
Vinayakram, Faizal Qureshi, Shankar Mahadevan, Ehsaan Loy, Bohanni 
Shankar, Salva Ganesh, Anu Malik, Shravan, Ismail Darbar, Daler Mehendi, 
Bali Bhrambhat, Rageshwari, Remo, Hema Sardesai and Shann. Bondo has 
recorded more than 60 albums worldwide.

Entry for the programme is free. You are invited to bring your own 
percussion instrument and jam with Bondo after the demonstration. The 
programme is supported by Department of Art and Culture and Don Bosco 
School. Any contributions made at the programme will go towards the 
welfare of street children through the Don Bosco Institute.

Calling all youth, come one and all and avail of this opportunity to 
interact with Blazing Drums “Bondo”.

Source: Diviya Kapur

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

Re: [Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: Noroc, norom, nort, norti dudduancheo...

2011-05-12 Thread Anselmo Johny De Souza


You are using 'C' in place of 'K'. It is not NOROC but NOROK

CORUNC is to be written- KORUNK

PODDUNC is to be written -PODDUNK

"C' was used for 'K' at the time of Portuguese. Konknni in Roman Script 
has improved much since then.

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Frederick Noronha wrote:

Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

NOROC bad smell, stinking

NOROM soft, tender

Read all Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: Chaddeo, chaddi, chai, chain, chainin galunc...

2011-05-12 Thread Frederick Noronha
Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

CHADDEO, -II, -IEM intriguer, a talebearer.

CHADDI f intrigue, calumny

CHADDI SANGUNC to intrigue against, to bear tales.

CHAI f fey.

CHAIN f sieve


CHAL f walk, habit, custom.

CHAL building in which rooms may be let, big house occupied by many tenants

CHALI-BOLI f friendly intercourse

CHALICHO, -I, -EM usual, accustomed

CHALLOUNC to scoff-at, to jest, to worry


[Source: Konkani-English Pocket Dictionary/Concanim-Inglez Dicionar. First
published in 1930. Republished in 1991 and 1999 by the Asian Educational
Services, Rs 195 in India.]

E&OE: Errors and ommissions excepted.
Text is from a 1930 dictionary, and the written style may have changed

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] All forms of violence needs to be eliminated first

2011-05-12 Thread SOTER
The attack on Nilesh Gaonkar with iron rods needs to be condemned by one and 
all. Intimidation and terror resorted to by desperate vested interests cannot 
be tolerated. If at all any issue needs urgent attention instead of the Lokpal 
Bill, it is the unleashing of terror against citizens by the drug, land and 
religous mafia that is assuming gigantic proportions in the State.  Goa which 
was known for its peace and tranquility is fast tuning into a Bihar, M.P. and 

-Soter D.

[Goanet] Parabens to Colva Civic and Consumer Forum

2011-05-12 Thread Rupert Coutinho
 *Parabens (Congratulations) *Colva Civic and Consumer Forum

Colva Civic and Consumer Forum have done a marvelous job which has inspired
Goans to replicate their success to other parts of Goa without losing hope.
Their dedication, resolve and resilience to rid their village of the filth,
garbage and sewage discharge has proved that no matter how much corrupt
minds collude with cheap and undignified individuals to circumvent the
rules, might is not always right. The High Court came down heavily on the
Colva Panchayat for severe discrepancies and negligence in giving
permissions and has further stayed any licenses from being issued to
commercial establishments till further orders. This is a motivating message
to all other Goans affected by the real estate and mining mafias to keep up
their fight and Colva Civic and Consumer Forum definitely deserves a big
Obrigado from all the Goans. If CCCF can succeed in Colva then I’m very
certain that every united forum and village group if united can also succeed
especially in other severely affected areas in North Goa like Calangute,
Miramar and Candolim. I wonder whether the free loaders and communal
eccentric dole fighters stealing from the Goan taxpayers have any such
contribution to the welfare of the people of Goa?

*Rupert Coutinho*


Re: [Goanet] Konkani Word A Day: hairann, hambog, hamlett, harcor‏‏‏

2011-05-12 Thread Domnic Fernandes

Sorry, I can't accept the word *bangre" instead of 'bangdde' in written 


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Mob: 9420979201 

True. You are right, Domnic and I get your point.
Though, when Anglicised (or used in an English context), sometimes plural of
Konkani words are formed in the English style (by adding an 's'). For
instance -- mando and mandos.
Technically, the Konkani plural should be mandde.
Anyway, keeping that aside, would you accept *bangre*? I mean, using a 'g'
instead of a double 'd'?


[Goanet] Goa's youngest jazz giant!

2011-05-12 Thread Colin D'Cruz
Colin D'Cruz has sent you a message on JAZZ NETWORKING WORLDWIDE AT ITS BEST!!

Subject: Goa's youngest jazz giant!

Goa's youngest jazz giant!
Pianist Joshua Costa is one of Goa's amazing young jazz giants. 
Checkout his latin-jazz composition 'Samba de Goa' over 

To reply to this message, click here: 

To control which emails you receive on JAZZ NETWORKING WORLDWIDE AT ITS BEST!!, 
go to:


2011-05-12 Thread Michael fernandes
Dear goanetters.
I totally disagree with the views of fr. Ivo on cancer being uncurable heres 
In the year 2007 my mother was diagnosed with cancer at Holy Family Hospital at 
Bandra, Mumbai. We, me and my wife, took her to Tata Memorial Hospital at 
Parel. After conducting many tests th cancer was confirmed. She had cancer of 
the duodenum and it was in the final stages. We were refered to the palliative 
care unit, where we were told that she has only three months to survive we were 
prepared for her death. We were also told that arrangements would be done to 
put her in Shanti Avedna Hospital for her final peaceful death. I put my foot 
down. We brought my frail weak, unable to stand mother home to Mira Road. My 
wife took it upon herself to tend to my mother in her last days. We celebrated 
her purported last birthday in july 2007 with all family memberts present.
I browsed the internet trying to find cures for cancer. At one site I learnt 
that mangosteen (bhinddam) juice and carrot juice were very much beneficial. 
Since mangosteen season was over, We started carrot juice theraphy on her, all 
her food intake including water was stopped. everyday we bought carrots at 
wholesale rate from Dadar market and she was just given carrot juice and 
nothing else, this went on till fifteen days. Also our friends and community 
people prayed for her. on the fifteenth day as me and my wife were sitting in 
the hall pondering we were shocked to see my mother come out of the bedroom 
walking erect without any help, she had also folded her bedding neatly and 
stacked it aside. The carrot juice theraphy continued of which she was fed up 
she wanted to eat proper food, by the grace of God, Almighty Father she is 
still living without any problembs, without any medication. 
Praise the Lord.


[Goanet] Caught in the net?

2011-05-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
The biggest fish to be caught up in the mess so far is Rajat Gupta, a former
board member of Goldman Sachs and ex-boss of McKinsey, who has been charged
by the SEC in an administrative proceeding for allegedly passing tips to Mr
Rajaratnam. Mr Gupta has sued the SEC and is asking to stand trial in front
of a jury. He may reconsider now that he has seen Mr Rajaratnam’s fate.

Read all about it @


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] SMILE....................... IT'S WEEKEND (12/05/2011)

2011-05-12 Thread CAJETAN DE

An employee (Minglu) walks into the Financial Department and asks to the 
Accountant (Teotu):-
Minglu: What is the meaning of this. I have been paid Rs:2000 less than what 
was decided upon. 

Teotu: I know about it, but you did not complain when we paid you Rs:2000 extra 
by mistake last month. 

Minglu: (snaps back) Yeah, I can bear with occasional mistakes but when you 
make it a habit I think I need to report.
Cajetan de Sanvordem

[Goanet] Cafe Prakash? Why?

2011-05-12 Thread Frederick Noronha
Voices from Goa tell you why Cafe Prakash, a tiny restaurant in Goa,
now has pretension of being the 'unofficial press club of Goa'. Listen
to Prakash Sakhalkar (after whom the restaurant is named), Ralino
Sequeira, campaigner Soter D'Souza, writer Nagueshbab Karmali, Manoj
Joshi, meet the staff, and hear homeopath Sushrut Martins, current
manager 'Babu' Kaplesh Sakhalkar, Miguel Braganza, and Gomantak Times
deputy news editor Ashley do Rosario. In English and Konkani.


Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490