[Goanet] Arundhati Roy’s anti-Anna tirade: High on anger, short on rigour

2011-08-30 Thread Sandeep Heble
Arundhati Roy’s anti-Anna tirade: High on anger, short on rigour by
Shalini Singh

While the rest of the world is saluting the birth of a miracle - the
manifestation of the best of the human spirit in a peaceful movement
that is uniting millions of people across religions, geographies and
social and economic groups - Arundhati Roy has seized the opportunity
to be intellectually irreverent.

Sadly, her vituperative dismissal of this powerful human revolution in
her piece, ‘I would rather not be Anna' published in the Hindu, is
short on factual rigor, even challenging her own convoluted reasoning
in places. According to her, “If what we're watching on TV is indeed a
revolution, then it has to be one of the more embarrassing and
unintelligible ones of recent times. For now, whatever questions you
may have about the Jan Lokpal Bill, here are the answers you're likely
to get: tick the box - (a) Vande Mataram (b) Bharat Mata ki Jai (c)
India is Anna, Anna is India (d) Jai Hind”.

The depth, magnitude and importance of this mass movement is clearly
lost on Roy. Had Roy watched television carefully, she would notice
that Team Anna has gone to great lengths to educate the public,
holding press briefings on minute aspects of the Jan Lokpal Bill,
while comparing it section by section with the government Lokpal Bill.
If the mood and expression of the audience is nationalistic, it is
only because they feel it is the best way to express solidarity. In no
way does it suggest that people are unable to differentiate between
the Jan Lokpal Bill and what they consider the toothless ‘Jokepal'
Bill so carelessly tossed up by the government - a bill which in Roy's
own admission, is indeed, “so flawed, that it was impossible to take

Roy believes that, “For completely different reasons, and in
completely different ways, you could say that the Maoists and the Jan
Lokpal Bill have one thing in common - they both seek the overthrow of
the Indian State. One working from the bottom up, by means of an armed
struggle, waged by a largely adivasi army, made up of the poorest of
the poor. The other, from the top down, by means of a bloodless
Gandhian coup, led by a freshly minted saint, and an army of largely
urban, and certainly better off people”.

The facts - if Roy had the time and patience to analyze them - speak
otherwise. Unlike the Maoist movement (in which Ms Roy may no doubt be
the expert), the Jan Lokpal Bill does not seek a change in regime. It
only seeks a change of response from the regime. Not a single word has
been spoken about bringing the government down and misunderstandings
to that effect have been effectively countered by Team Anna. Nor is
Anna's ‘army' largely urban or better off - it encompasses all
segments of society, with its ideology and sentiment even infiltrating
rural India.

Roy goes on to offer another blinkered spin of Anna's illegal prison
detention, not highlighting that it was illegal, but pointing out,
“cannily, he (Anna) refused to leave prison, but remained in Tihar
jail as an honored guest, where he began a fast, demanding the right
to fast in a public place. For three days, while crowds and television
vans gathered outside, members of Team Anna whizzed in and out of the
high security prison, carrying out his video messages, to be broadcast
on national TV on all channels. (Which other person would be granted
this luxury?)

Reality check Ms Roy: Anna Hazare was not in jail. After his release,
he was in the office of the DG–Prison, which does not qualify as
‘jail' under the jail manual. Movement to meet someone who is in the
office of the DG–Prison is different from someone who is jailed. No
video recordings were made or brought in and out of the Tihar premises
when Anna Hazare was in jail. The fact that Ms Roy blurs the
difference between jail (prison) and the DG's office because it is
situated in the same compound demonstrates her complete lack of
understanding of how the prison system works. While Roy could be
forgiven for not being able to comprehend such subtle differences, her
choosing to mislead the nation and demean the selfless sacrifice of a
man for the betterment of the country may not.

Yet, Roy persists. She writes: “Meanwhile 250 employees of the
Municipal Commission of Delhi, 15 trucks, and six earth movers worked
around the clock to ready the slushy Ramlila grounds for the grand
weekend spectacle. Now, waited upon hand and foot, watched over by
chanting crowds and crane-mounted cameras, attended to by India's most
expensive doctors, the third phase of Anna's fast to the death has
begun. “From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, India is One,” the TV anchors
tell us”.

For the past 65 years, the MCD has routinely undertaken maintenance
and preparation of grounds such as Ramlila for peaceful political
rallies and religious/social events - a guarantee offered under the
Constitution. This was not an exception, as Roy attempts to make it
out to be, especially since the government itself off


2011-08-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 29 August 2011 14:05, Aires Rodrigues  wrote:

> With some of the expenditure details yet to come in, the Goa
> Government has already incurred an expenditure of over Rs 12, 60, 000
> on the four day Global Goans Convention which was held at London from
> July 22nd to July 25th this year. This has been revealed in
> information obtained under the Right to Information Act.
> Aires Rodrigues
> T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
> Ribandar - Goa - 403006
> Mobile: 9822684372

COMMENT: Now let me write from the other side's point of view - champion,
who is gone (I am leaving on a jet plane) but not forgotten.

Do you know how much Vijay Mallya spends on his parties? Do you know how
much publicity was garnered for Goa?

Faleiro stayed, were he always does when he visits London. Do you know that
the Former Tourism Minister stayed at the Ritz - where tea with cucumber
sandwiches can set you back quite a bit and some more?

Now the the 64 thousand dollar question: will our darling ever return to
GoaNet or has she forever been muzzled, by her handlers?

P.S. Rumours are rife that I have won a substantial amount on the Lotto -
unfortunately, so such luck!  Don't come knocking on my door, my 50 kg
Japanese Akita bites and does awful damage. People with other dogs cross the
road to avoid us.


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Significance of Canons in the Church

2011-08-30 Thread Tony de Sa
Moira is blessed to have a son of the village, Can. Atanasio Lobo, (Cousin
to Florian Lobo) who at his advanced age is sprightly as ever. He prefers to
walk/ bus to the various chapels and novitiates or houses of formation where
he offers daily mass. His sermons are short but cover the subject adequately
like a good lady's skirt. It must be mentioned here that Can. Atanasio Lobo
also makes the daily trip to Old Goa, come rain or shine to participate in
the Canons Office which is said at the Se Cathedral.

I am rather proud that he is the Chaplain of Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel,
(Calizor Moira) which serves the vaddos of Attafondem, Calizor and Raint.

Canon Atanasio lives at home in Moira and is as upright and holy a priest as
is difficult to find nowadays. He lives a simple life and is unmoved by
monetary and worldly considerations. May his tribe increase.

Tony de Sa (In response to Nelson Lopes Article on the above subject)


"Tony de Sa"  < tonydesa at gmail dot com>

Re: [Goanet] Cremation of Catholics............

2011-08-30 Thread lyrawmn
Mr. D'Souza,
Here is information you may find interesting.
There is no evidence, 30 years later, that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus 
(which causes AIDS) can exist in soil, in potable water, or the air. 
The known modes of transmission remains sexual, dirty needles ( IV drugs) and 
blood product transfusion. 
" HIV cannot reproduce outside the human body. It is not spread by: 
Air or water. 
Insects, including mosquitoes. Studies conducted by CDC researchers and others 
have shown no evidence of HIV transmission from insects. 
Saliva, tears, or sweat. There is no documented case of HIV being transmitted 
by spitting. 
Casual contact like shaking hands or sharing dishes. 
Closed-mouth or “social” kissing. "
The issue of contamination of water supplies has been investigated extensively 
in the aftermath of natural disasters.
“ Contamination of water supplies by unburied bodies, burial sites, or 
temporary storage sites may result in the spread of gastoenteritis from normal 
intestinal contents. According to a Pan American Health Organization article on 
the Infectious Disease Risks From Dead Bodies Following Natural Disasters: 
“ “There is little evidence of microbiological contamination of groundwaterfrom 
burial [...] Where dead bodies have contaminated water supplies, 
gastroenteritis has been the most notable problem, although communities will 
rarely use a water supply where they know it to be contaminated by dead bodies. 
[...] Microorganisms involved in the decay process (putrefaction) are not 
pathogenic.” ”
To those in close contact with the dead, such as rescue workers, there is a 
health risk from chronic infectious diseases
which those killed may have been suffering from and which spread by direct 
contact, including hepatitis Band C, HIV,
enteric(intestinal) pathogens, tuberculosis, and others.”
I. Nunes
Vivian A. DSouza socorrokar@yahoo.comwrote:
<<<2. When a person dies of an infectious illness such as HIV, or Tuberculosis, 
when the
body is buried the pathogens enter the soil and eventually make their way to
underground aquifersFinally, underground aquifers are interlinked. 
Pathogens entering the soil in a 
cemetery can travel and radiate to a distance of several kilometers from the
cemetery. Since many people rin Goa rely on hand dug wells for their drinking
water do we test the water we drink ?

This is a subject that many will find disturbing. But we need to be informed.>>>


2011-08-30 Thread Gerald Fernandes


2011-08-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 30 August 2011 12:38, Cyprian Fernandes  wrote:

> Aires,
> This is a piece I wrote a few weeks ago:
> I was very impressed that the GA had taken on challenge of hosting the GGC
> as part of your own celebrations. However, in the quiet light of day, the
> convention raises many questions.
> I am not into criticising or detracting from the conference.
> Cyprian Fernandes

Dear Cyprian Fernandes,

if you are thinking or expecting that some spokesman/woman will respond to
this, your email, you are highly mistaken. Selma Carvalho has stated that
none of the referees are subscribed to this forum :-)) Yet still they have
the pulse of what is happening on this site, as have 15,000 subscribed
persons and what is regurgitated ten times over!

So if they are not on this site, not concerned - they should have not qualms
about what is written, comprende?


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Doctors and corruption

2011-08-30 Thread Santosh Helekar
Very sorry to hear that doctors in India are more corrupt than members of other 
professions such as engineers, teachers, contractors, judges, lawyers, 
government servants, politicians, political activists, priests, journalists, 
policemen, etc.



--- On Tue, 8/30/11, Tony de Sa  wrote:
> This has reference to the ongoing
> discussion on doctors and corruption. In
> this connection I would like to share the agony of a victim
> of these
> vultures.
> For the sake of privacy for the concerned victims, I am
> taking a few
> precautions in relating this true story which is being
> played out right now
> even as I write this mail.
> There is a person, an elderly person who was suffering from
> a persistent
> cold. So the person went for treatment to a doctor. The
> doctor ordered
> several tests in Goa and later in Mumbai and as a result,
> it was determined
> that the person had a cancerous growth in the nose. The
> growth was operated
> and the victim was also subjected to chemotheraphy. For a
> period of time all
> was well as can be imagined for a victim who has undergone
> chemo. After a
> few months the victim was unwell and it was suggested that
> the victim should
> undergo chemo in Mumbai. By this time the victim had spent
> Rs. 5 Lakhs.(USD
> 10, 800 at today's current rate)
> Now, the real trouble starts. The victim consulted a doctor
> specializing in
> cancer treatment and was made to undergo chemo at Rs.
> 10 (USD 2200) per
> session. The sessions were preceded by visits to a
> pathological lab. The lab
> is run by the doctors wife. She charges 5K per visit and
> the same amount or
> more for each test. Hence each session would cost around 40
> -50K, chemo
> sessions extra. After finishing the course, the victim is
> back in Goa. The
> doctors have told the relations that there is 'no hope' and
> only palliatives
> can be administered. It is only a matter of time. The agony
> of the family is
> increased by visits of other relatives who have been warned
> not to discuss
> the condition of the victim who does not know his fate.
> These people kept on
> shelling out for the chemo, the tests, the injections all
> with the hope that
> the victim whom they know is going to die anyway in the
> hope of keeping that
> person alive.
> Fleecing a dying victim is definitely not a part of
> Hippocrates's doctrine.
> Ironically, they swear the sacred Oath of Hippocrates which
> is thrown in the
> hazardous substances bin when they are interns and haven't
> really begun
> practising privately.

[Goanet] IAC Thanksgiving Rally - Press Reports

2011-08-30 Thread Sandeep Heble
Dear all,

Press Reports of the Thanksgiving Rally organised by India Against
Corruption(Goa Unit) are available at:


warm regards,
Sandeep Heble

Re: [Goanet] Doctors and corruption

2011-08-30 Thread Roland Francis
Tony, I have always been quite annoyed at the culture in Goa of not informing 
the patient of the prognosis of his illness especially if terminal or that he 
can expect impending death. Both physicians and relatives are to blame although 
doctors play the major role in this.

Everybody should have the right to be told if he is dying, especially since it 
gives him the time to put his temporal affairs in order and make his peace with 
God and his neighbors. Do his relatives presume he is a coward and not able to 
handle the news of his own fate?

I gnash my teeth and clench my fists every time I have come across such 
incidents in Goa and India. They simply do not happen in a civilized society 
where the doctor could be sued by the estate for withholding such crucial 
information as in the case of the story you have related, where the person 
concerned could have taken a decision to abort the chemo and other treatment to 
save his family the money and himself much needless pain and suffering. That is 
the sole decision of the patient and not his kin or his doctor.


This has reference to the ongoing discussion on doctors and corruption. In
this connection I would like to share the agony of a victim of these

Now, the real trouble starts. The victim consulted a doctor specializing in
cancer treatment and was made to undergo chemo at Rs. 10 (USD 2200) per
session. The sessions were preceded by visits to a pathological lab. The lab
is run by the doctors wife. She charges 5K per visit and the same amount or
more for each test. Hence each session would cost around 40 -50K, chemo
sessions extra. After finishing the course, the victim is back in Goa. The
doctors have told the relations that there is 'no hope' and only palliatives
can be administered. It is only a matter of time. The agony of the family is
increased by visits of other relatives who have been warned not to discuss
the condition of the victim who does not know his fate. These people kept on
shelling out for the chemo, the tests, the injections all with the hope that
the victim whom they know is going to die anyway in the hope of keeping that
person alive.
"Tony de Sa"  < tonydesa at gmail dot com>

[Goanet] 12th Five year plan-Plan to Win

2011-08-30 Thread Sabina Martins
*Plan to Win*

*- Sabina Martins*

We have just celebrated the 64th Independence Day with ritualistic
glorification of the freedom struggle that gave us freedom from colonial
rule, pronunciations of how far we have reached and lamentations of all the
ills that we are ridden with from poverty, inequalities to corruption,
peppered with promises for a new India. It is the promise for a better India
that keeps the electorate hopeful when an opportunity comes their way, may
be an agitation or an election.

The planning process for the next five year plan 2012-2017 by the Planning
Commission has begun. Deliberations are being held for the approach paper to
the twelfth five year Plan. This time around, to make the process inclusive
and participatory, the Planning Commission started a website, so that any
citizen of India could give inputs. This was a definite positive step
considering the fact that people have been denied this opportunity by their

We have not yet fully availed of the great opportunities that our democracy
offers. One of them is planning. The Constitution of India guarantees
participation of every citizen in the planning process through their local
bodies whether it is the Panchayat or Municipal body. We can participate in
the planning of the development and welfare of our state and determine our

Planning Commission is holding meetings with several stake holders like
dalits, tribals, people with disabilities, transgender, people in conflict
areas, women, children, minorities etc. This has come about due to people’s
struggles. Earlier the industry people had a major say in the planning
commission just like the builders and architects have in the Regional

Last December, as I sat through the National level discussions on what
should go as the gender component in the approach paper for the twelfth five
year plan, I thought a similar process would be held in Goa by the Planning
authorities to discuss the priorities of the State. No such process
involving the people has started so far.

Twelve challenges have been identified for the next five year plan.

Enhancing the capacity for growth, Enhancing Skills and faster rate of
generation of Employment, Managing the Environment, Market for Efficiency
and Inclusions, Decentralization Empowerment and Information, Technology and
Innovation, Securing the Energy Future of India, Accelerated Development and
Transport Infrastructure, Rural Transformation and Sustained growth in
Agriculture, Managing Urbanisation, Improved Access to quality education,
Better preventive and Curative health care.

 The women’s organizations got together to deliberate. Planning commission
members with their bureaucracy were present, making notes, while civil
society members working among different marginalized sections of women as
well as on varied issues impressed on the Commission the areas that need
redress. The appraisal of the 11th five year plan was done to see how the
centre and states had fared in implementing the gender specific themes.

Detail inputs were given under each head ranging from PPP projects, land
acquisition, agriculture and industry, micro financing, RTI, forest Act,
tribal rights, gram panchayats, laws, schemes and facilities for education,
health, employment. The response to the twelve challenges from a gender
perspective was given. Four areas were zeroed in encompassing all the
challenge areas.

1*.* Governance, Decision Making & Political Participation

2.* *Economic rights, environment, livelihood access to markets, technology
and skill development**

3.* *Violence against Women

4.* *Essential Services (Education, Health, Water, Food Security, Child Care
Services, Transportation and Infrastructure)**

The report has been submitted to the Planning Commission.

On April 21st 2011 the full Planning Commission met to deliberate on the
approach paper to the twelfth five year plan. Inputs have been sought from
all the states and stake holders.This will be finalised at the next meeting
on 20th August 2011. Sector level committees have been formed.  The National
Development Council which is the highest decision making body in development
matters will meet to deliberate on the national plan submitted by the
Planning Commission. By the end of the year the 12th five year plan will be
finalized. The state also has to prepare its five year plan based on the
guidelines given by NDC. From 1st April 2011 the twelfth five year plan
2012-2017 gets operational.

It is high time that  the people of Goa demand a say in the planning
process. The mass movement led by Goa Bachao Abhiyan made it possible for
the first time for people to give inputs into the draft Regional Plan 2021,
despite the government not making the requisite legal changes.

The Final Regional Plan 2021 is yet to be out with all the policies and
surface utilization plans. The government has dragged its feet for 4 years.
If and when the promised RP2021 does come out it will 

Re: [Goanet] Teachers Felicitated By P.C Trust

2011-08-30 Thread Tony de Sa
Congratulations to Nelson Lopes the CEO of the PC Trust on his initiative in
felicitating teachers. As he postulates, teachers who render years of
service cannot all be given the National and State awards, so in a small way
the PC Trust is filling in the gaps.

Anyway the Government sponsored awards are so riddled with political
considerations that it would require a citizen's movement to clear. The less
said about some of those who have been honoured the better.

More than awards, teachers deserve appreciation and recognition for the
services they are rendering/ have rendered to society. Very often the job is
frustrating and rewarded by ingratitude.

"Tony de Sa"  < tonydesa at gmail dot com>

Re: [Goanet] Cremation of the Catholics

2011-08-30 Thread Naguesh Bhatcar

In response to your following statement:
>In Bombay there is no question of asking permission from the Hindu community
> since the Electric Crematorium is a Municipal one. Is this not the case in
> Goa also? 
There is no question of asking permission from the Hindu community for any 
cremation in Goa also, as long as the familycan provide a valid death 
certificate to the municipality 
However, there is not a single electric crematorium in Goa! 
Naguesh Bhatcar
> From: roland.fran...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 18:46:27 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cremation of the Catholics
> Cremation was allowed by the Second Vatican Council since 1962. It is no
> fault of the Vatican that Roman Catholics in Goa are even today reluctant to
> that I suppose is they'd rather prefer to celebrate birthdays, weddings and
> saints' feast rather than do the parting in some style.


[Goanet] Steve Jobs, Apple.

2011-08-30 Thread eric pinto
His father was John Abdulfattah Jandali.  He was adopted by Paul Hagopian, who 
changed his name to Jobs.  The arid Rift did give the world some nice 
people.  eric.

[Goanet] CoQ10 and Resveratrol for Anti-aging

2011-08-30 Thread Con Menezes



2011-08-30 Thread Cyprian Fernandes


This is a piece I wrote a few weeks ago:

I was very impressed that the GA had taken on challenge of hosting the 
GGC as part of your own celebrations. However, in the quiet light of 
day, the convention raises many questions.

I am not into criticising or detracting from the conference. My efforts 
are aimed at setting out the facts. Is the convention worthwhile or not? 
If it is, why, what does it deliver? If the convention is to have a 
future, what is the best way forward? A professional redesign of the 
convention? I also have a problem with the use of the word “convention”. 
Perhaps it is a word favoured by spin doctors to make a meeting look 
grander than it actually is. According to the venerable Oxford English 
dictionary it is:

a large meeting or conference, especially of members of a political 
party or a particular profession or group:the party held its biennial 
North American an assembly of the delegates of a political party to 
select candidates for office.

a body set up by agreement to deal with a particular issue.
historical a meeting of Parliament without a summons from the sovereign.
I find it hard to defend the relevance of the whole thing. I do not know 
of one iota of the cause of Goans in UK or the wider Goan diaspora or 
the Goans in Goa was enhanced in any shape or form by the GGC. I also 
found those speakers quite irrelevant.I would even suggest that this 
meeting had more to do with drumming up business for the celebration of 
the golden jubiliee of Goa’s liberation/annexation than anything to do 
with the community of Goans or the dialogue therein. The argument is 
forwarded that the Goan Festival was the most successful ever. My answer 
is that you don't need a global convention to organise the festival. 
Goans from around the world have attended the festival on previous 

1. What was the purpose of the Goan Convention? What was the 
architecture of the conference: Aims, objectives, deliverables, key 
messages, tangible achievements in Goa, easier access and solution to 
personal/individual, property issues, opportunity for genuine dialogue 
rather than an opportunity to kowtow to people.

 2. Was this achieved in London, if yes, how was it achieved?

3. How did this convention benefit the Goans of UK or Goa?

4. With so many speakers focussing on the past, was this not a just a 
drumming exercise to celebrate the anniversary of annexation/liberation?

5. Would it be fair to say most of the speakers were irrelevant in terms 
of Goa's needs today and in the future (with the exception of Carmen 
Miranda)? Was this not the ideal opportunity to engage people in 
attempting to debate some of Goa's critical problems? Not just paying 
lip service, but serious transparent
commitment to beginning the path to repairing the damages of 
institutionalised corruption?

6. How much money, if any, did it cost the Goan Association? How much 
was contributed by the Goa Government? What is the total cost of the 
convention? How much interference was there from Goa? Why and what was 
it about?

7. What is your answer to your accusers who say these conventions are a 
waste of time, do not achieve anything and are just junket which 
benefits Sir Lunchalot or Lord Travelalot?

On the other hand, I have been hearing good things about the Know Goa 
programme. It seems to be a reasonable programme which is delivering 
what it has set out to do: allowing young Goans from around the world to 
get to know their ancestral motherland.

What I tried to do was establish the bona fides of the GGC. Is it a good 
thing? Does it deliver what it sets out to do? Does it enhance the lot 
of the Goan? Is there another project that would deliver better value 
for the Goan rupee?

If the answer is in the negative for most of these questions, then the 
GGC should be dumped and whole process rethought and given a fresh start 
with transparency in all facets.

Cyprian Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Doctors and corruption

2011-08-30 Thread Tony de Sa
This has reference to the ongoing discussion on doctors and corruption. In
this connection I would like to share the agony of a victim of these

For the sake of privacy for the concerned victims, I am taking a few
precautions in relating this true story which is being played out right now
even as I write this mail.

There is a person, an elderly person who was suffering from a persistent
cold. So the person went for treatment to a doctor. The doctor ordered
several tests in Goa and later in Mumbai and as a result, it was determined
that the person had a cancerous growth in the nose. The growth was operated
and the victim was also subjected to chemotheraphy. For a period of time all
was well as can be imagined for a victim who has undergone chemo. After a
few months the victim was unwell and it was suggested that the victim should
undergo chemo in Mumbai. By this time the victim had spent Rs. 5 Lakhs.(USD
10, 800 at today's current rate)

Now, the real trouble starts. The victim consulted a doctor specializing in
cancer treatment and was made to undergo chemo at Rs. 10 (USD 2200) per
session. The sessions were preceded by visits to a pathological lab. The lab
is run by the doctors wife. She charges 5K per visit and the same amount or
more for each test. Hence each session would cost around 40 -50K, chemo
sessions extra. After finishing the course, the victim is back in Goa. The
doctors have told the relations that there is 'no hope' and only palliatives
can be administered. It is only a matter of time. The agony of the family is
increased by visits of other relatives who have been warned not to discuss
the condition of the victim who does not know his fate. These people kept on
shelling out for the chemo, the tests, the injections all with the hope that
the victim whom they know is going to die anyway in the hope of keeping that
person alive.

Fleecing a dying victim is definitely not a part of Hippocrates's doctrine.
Ironically, they swear the sacred Oath of Hippocrates which is thrown in the
hazardous substances bin when they are interns and haven't really begun
practising privately.

"Tony de Sa"  < tonydesa at gmail dot com>

[Goanet] Cremation of Catholics............

2011-08-30 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
I am glad that Nelson has enlightened us on Cremation as an approved option for 
Cremation is preferable to burying the body for several reasons:
  1.  In a congested nation like India we can ill afford land to bury our dead.
   2. When a person dies of an infectious illness such as HIV, or Tuberculosis, 
when the
 body is buried the pathogens enter the soil and eventually make their 
way to
 underground aquifers.
    3.  In the USA, in addition to the coffin/casket,a waterproofed concrete 
container is
  placed in the grave and the casket is placed  within this container, 
which is then
 covered by a  waterproofed concrete lid, before the soil is placed 
over the burial
  site.  This helps prevent any leakage of body fluids into the soil.
        I appreciate the fact that we venerate the body after a person's 
demise.  But out
  of sight, out of mind.  Do we realize what happens in the process of 
the body's
  decomposition, with maggots and worms attacking the corpse. ?
  4.  In Goa the remains are disinterred after 3 or 4 years and  either 
placed in a 
   niche for those who can afford it, or  dumped in a  large pit.  
Grave diggers have
   scant reverence or respect for the bones that they dis-inter.  Where 
is the
   respect for the remains of the deceased ?
    Finally, underground aquifers are interlinked.   Pathogens entering the 
soil in a 
    cemetery  can travel and radiate to a distance  of several kilometers from 
    cemetery.  Since many people rin Goa rely on hand dug wells for their 
    water do we test the water we drink ?
This is a subject that many will find disturbing.   But we need to be informed.
Like Nelson,  I believe Cremation is the way to go and environmentally more 

[Goanet] CDC Identifies Four Key Healthy Behaviors To Prolong Life | Easy Health Options

2011-08-30 Thread Con Menezes



2011-08-30 Thread Mervyn & Elsie Maciel
-- Forwarded message --
From: Cyprian Fernandes 
Date: Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 1:58 PM
To: maciel 


From: skip...@live.com.au
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 09:53:24 +1030


This is a piece I wrote a few weeks ago:

I was very impressed that the GA had taken on challenge of hosting the GGC
as part of your own celebrations. However, in the quiet light of day, the
convention raises many questions.

I am not into criticising or detracting from the conference. My efforts are
aimed at setting out the facts. Is the convention worthwhile or not? If it
is, why, what does it deliver? If the convention is to have a future, what
is the best way forward? A professional redesign of the convention? I also
have a problem with the use of the word “convention”. Perhaps it is a word
favoured by spin doctors to make a meeting look grander than it actually is.
According to the venerable Oxford English dictionary it is:

   - a large meeting or conference, especially of members of a political
   party or a particular profession or group:*the party held its biennial
   - *North American *an assembly of the delegates of a political party to
   select candidates for office.
   - a body set up by agreement to deal with a particular issue.
   - *historical *a meeting of Parliament without a summons from the

I find it hard to defend the relevance of the whole thing. I do not know of
one iota of the cause of Goans in UK or the wider Goan diaspora or the Goans
in Goa was enhanced in any shape or form by the GGC. I also found those
speakers quite irrelevant.I would even suggest that this meeting had more to
do with drumming up business for the celebration of the golden jubiliee of
Goa’s liberation/annexation than anything to do with the community of Goans
or the dialogue therein. The argument is forwarded that the Goan Festival
was the most successful ever. My answer is that you don't need a global
convention to organise the festival. Goans from around the world have
attended the festival on previous occasions.

1. What was the purpose of the Goan Convention? What was the architecture of
the conference: Aims, objectives, deliverables, key messages, tangible
achievements in Goa, easier access and solution to personal/individual,
property issues, opportunity for genuine dialogue rather than an opportunity
to kowtow to people.

 2. Was this achieved in London, if yes, how was it achieved?

3. How did this convention benefit the Goans of UK or Goa?

4. With so many speakers focussing on the past, was this not a just a
drumming exercise to celebrate the anniversary of annexation/liberation?

5. Would it be fair to say most of the speakers were irrelevant in terms of
Goa's needs today and in the future (with the exception of Carmen Miranda)?
Was this not the ideal opportunity to engage people in attempting to debate
some of Goa's critical problems? Not just paying lip service, but serious
commitment to beginning the path to repairing the damages of
institutionalised corruption?

6. How much money, if any, did it cost the Goan Association? How much was
contributed by the Goa Government? What is the total cost of the convention?
How much interference was there from Goa? Why and what was it about?

7. What is your answer to your accusers who say these conventions are a
waste of time, do not achieve anything and are just junket which benefits
Sir Lunchalot or Lord Travelalot?

On the other hand, I have been hearing good things about the Know Goa
programme. It seems to be a reasonable programme which is delivering what it
has set out to do: allowing young Goans from around the world to get to know
their ancestral motherland.

What I tried to do was establish the bona fides of the GGC. Is it a good
thing? Does it deliver what it sets out to do? Does it enhance the lot of
the Goan? Is there another project that would deliver better value for the
Goan rupee?

If the answer is in the negative for most of these questions, then the GGC
should be dumped and whole process rethought and given a fresh start with
transparency in all facets.

Cyprian Fernandes

> Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 18:35:41 +0530
> From: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> With some of the expenditure details yet to come in, the Goa
> Government has already incurred an expenditure of over Rs 12, 60, 000
> on the four day Global Goans Convention which was held at London from
> July 22nd to July 25th this year. This has been revealed in
> information obtained under the Right to Information Act.
> The expenditure incurred includes a financial assistance of Rs 6, 11,
> 231 ( GBP 8500) given to the Goan Association (UK). An amount of R

[Goanet] Song for the day

2011-08-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
 Tony Brent
The Game Of Love


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Matoli items (fruits etc)

2011-08-30 Thread JoeGoaUk

Matoli  Items
It’s been raining whole day yesterday..
Now, identify these fruits

Not ‘Peram’
Not ‘chunam’

Extra: Many in one


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Daily Grook #1030

2011-08-30 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

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get so hard-pressed
and tired that in turn
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2011-08-30 Thread lyrawmn

Another example of pigs at the trough!
This shameless behavior of corrupt NRI bagmen is aided and abetted by the 
Goanese abroad endorsing these junkets, but funded by the good people of Goa 
who have no say in the matter.
In the name of Goan unity. Ha!
Surely tax revenue generated in Goa should stay in Goa for the much needed 
Not help subsidize conventions such as the July junket and other ridiculous NRI 
programs [Know Goa Programme (KGP) and Goa Scholarship Program for Diaspora 
Children] which give affluent Goans a free pass. Where is the fairness?
Those promoting these freebies in the name of global goan unity are in reality 
furthering their own agendas.
I. Nunes
AiresRodrigues >>


2011-08-30 Thread Cyprian Fernandes
Excellent work, Aires. I wonder if the same information can be gleaned 
from the Goan Association UK to make the whole process completely 

Cyprian Fernandes

[Goanet] Is Your House Making You Ill? - Page 1 - MSN Health & Fitness - Asthma

2011-08-30 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] Brief Highlights of the Students Rally and the Thanksgiving Programme organized by India Against Corruption (Goa unit)

2011-08-30 Thread Sandeep Heble
Highlights of the Students Rally and the Thanksgiving Programme
organized by India Against Corruption (Goa unit)

A massive Student’s Rally was held in the city of Panaji to celebrate
the success of Anna Hazare’s peaceful and non-violent Nation-wide
crusade against corruption.

Hundreds of School and college students, braving the rains and rough
weather, hit the streets of Panaji to participate in the victory
march. There were large numbers of students from the Institutions of
Mushtifund, Hedgewar, Kasturba, Progress, Dhempe College, Salgaocar
College of Law and Hotel Management Porvorim. In all, students from
around 14 Institutions and around 1500 participated in the victory

The rally was marked with cheer and jubilant celebrations; with
students playing dhols, waving the National flags, chanting patriotic
slogans, holding placards, etc. There was a celebratory mood all
around. Students were heard chanting slogans like ‘Anna Hazare
Zindabad’, ‘Jai Hind’ and ‘Vande Mataram’. The mood was set by the
School Band of Hedgewar School which played non stop celebratory music
on the occasion.

The Rally which began at the Church Square proceeded through the city
to culminate at the Azad Maidan, Panaji. Amidst loud cheers of welcome
chants and in a Red-Carpet styled welcome, IAC Goa Unit Members,
standing in long queues on either sides of the Azad Maidan entrance,
greeted the students and the Youth for being the driving force of this
movement in Goa.

Students after being welcomed paid homage at the Martyrs Memorial at
Azad Maidan.

Freedom Fighter Sharada Savoikar presided over the Thanksgiving
function which was held later. Addressing the large gathering of
students and other citizens who had gathered there to celebrate the
success of the movement, Ms Savoikar welcomed the younger generation,
the Activists, and other members of the Public and thanked them for
relentlessly supporting this struggle.

Enthusiastic students then recited poems and made speeches, amidst
thundering non stop cheers from the large gathering. Child Artists
displayed the Paintings which they had drawn to support the ‘Jan
Lokpal Bill’ and the Anti-Corruption call given by Anna Hazare at the

Ms Aparna Chari (Musthtifund High School), Mr. Sudin Kane(PTA
Chairman), Principals and Teachers of other Institutions also spoke
during the thanksgiving programme.

Prominent amongst others present were:

Dinesh Vaghela, Adv. Satish Sonak, Dr Meenakshi Martins, Valmiki Naik,
etc representing India Against Corruption(Goa Unit).

Malissa Simoes, Gaurang Panandikar and Suraj Shenai representing
‘Youth for Goa’.

Dr Hubert Gomes of Goa Speaks and other IAC Goa Unit coordinators,
namely Dattaprasad Naik, Sunil Pednekar, Sandeep Heble, Ricardo
Rebello, Shiv Kenkre, Siddharaj Mopkar and others.

Organizers while thanking the Public for their unstinting support to
the anti-corruption cause urged them to continue to support the
crusade until a strong Lokpal Bill was passed.  The programme was
compered by Manoj Joshi.

National Anthem was sung in chorus to culminate the victory and
thanksgiving celebrations.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
India Against Corruption (Goa unit)


2011-08-30 Thread Zena Costa
  Link to this post:
> https://plus.google.com/113591506435167299485/posts/eTHmkne8XxH?authuser=0
> The investment marks that moment in Indian football when intent turned into
> commitment. It’s kick-off time for the Dempo foray into truly international
> football.
> Goa's Dempo FC has acquired 34% stake in the Danish Club and football
> academy FC Midtjylland for € 12Mil via Share Subscription Agreement. Dempo
> investment in FC midtjylland is estimated at £8.6m. Besides 34% stake Dempo
> will also have presence on the board F C Midtjylland Holdings A S, the
> holding company for Herning and Ikast based club.
> The Share Subscription Agreement shall take effect after the final approval
> of the shareholders of FCM Holdings A S at an Extraordinary General Meeting
> to be held on 15 September.The deal is a long-term commercial and technical
> partnership between the parties, with Dempo investment strengthening the FCM
> capital base, and FCM committed to providing technical know-how to Dempo,
> which owns Dempo Sports Club, a first division I-League club.
> The understanding in brief envisages FCM sharing its football expertise
> with an Indian club, and establishing an academy in football-crazy Goa, in
> collaboration with Dempo.
> “It's a historic day for FC Midtjylland and the start of a new era for the
> Club. The agreement enables us to add value to the continuity of our soccer
> team and retain our own playing talent longer. We can enhance the level of
> talent development, and begin truly to internationalize the Academy,"
> explains FC Midtjylland CEO Søren Bach.
> Dempo Group chairman Shrinivas V Dempo said the agreement was aimed at
> raising the standard of Indian soccer.Our agreement is aimed at raising the
> playing standard of Indian soccer, and this tie-up with a first-rate
> European academy and team shall spur the development of the game even
> faster," Dempo

Re: [Goanet] Doctors and corruption

2011-08-30 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 11:26:12 -0700 , Tony de Sa wrote: <

Re: [Goanet] Cremation of the Catholics

2011-08-30 Thread Roland Francis
Cremation was allowed by the Second Vatican Council since 1962. It is no
fault of the Vatican that Roman Catholics in Goa are even today reluctant to
cremate although the obvious shortage of burial spaces has been present for
a long time. The problem is that the RCs are too steeped in useless
tradition like the Pharisees of biblical times. I say this since they seem
to give more importance to how they are buried or cremated than how much
good to do to others in their own lifetime. I am equally shocked to hear
that the deceased expresses his/her wish to be sent off in a certain way and
the family does the exact opposite. What kind of respect is this? 
In Bombay there is no question of asking permission from the Hindu community
since the Electric Crematorium is a Municipal one. Is this not the case in
Goa also? 
I have always wondered why no entrepreneur has yet established a
personalized (one-coffin- at- a- time) crematorium within a decent funeral
home with a skilled mortician on premises, instead of leaving the body in
the hospital morgue or in the home itself until interment. The answer to
that I suppose is they'd rather prefer to celebrate birthdays, weddings and
saints' feast rather than do the parting in some style.
-Original Message-
From: goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org
[mailto:goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org] On Behalf Of Nelson Lopes
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 9:27 AM
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Cremation of the Catholics
Funeral rites of Catholics
As per tradition and customs the Catholics are buried after death The
concept is changing and many a catholic opt for cremation as their
choice of final rites. 


2011-08-30 Thread JoeGoaUk
Re: Mr. Faleiro Air Ticket is 3 times more than UD Kamat..
May be it’s because the ticket cost quoted also includes Mrs. Faleiro and as 
such theirs could be Business class ticket and not Economy.
According to my estimates (based on the figures provided in RTI) the whole 
thing could cost Tax Payers 25 lacs including airfare of 14 member folk dance 
troupe around 7 lacs. Whoever sponsored their airfare should have also covered 
their Bombay Visa/Travel expenses, their food, hotel and daily allowance whilst 
in London
Mr & Mrs Faleiro in London

A section of 14 member Goan Hindu folk dance troupe in London
 Kala Academy Member Secretary Mr. Pandurang Phaldesai also seen (?)

btw, whose Idea was it  to bring in the folk dance troupe which performed or 
depicted mainly a Hindu dance Culture of Goa? 
I mean, there could be also Kunbi dance, Mando, Corrodinho etc.
I just found it odd, that’s all.
It was more of 'Shigmo' than 'Canrnival'


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Mahadeo Bali

2011-08-30 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Mahadeo Bali'

As soon as I saw the figure of Mahadeo Bali one evening in Korgaon, I knew that
I had a great subject for a portrait.  The first image below is a candid,
moments before he saw me with the lens pointed at him.  There is something very
Goan about him.  Men of [...]

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Rajan P. Parrikar


2011-08-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 29 August 2011 14:05, Aires Rodrigues  wrote:

> With some of the expenditure details yet to come in, the Goa
> Government has already incurred an expenditure of over Rs 12, 60, 000
> on the four day Global Goans Convention which was held at London from
> July 22nd to July 25th this year. This has been revealed in
> information obtained under the Right to Information Act.
> Aires Rodrigues
> T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
> Ribandar - Goa - 403006
> Mobile: 9822684372

Dear Aires,

You are indeed a champion; the people in London would have had to wait until
the cows came home, to get any figures from this, self proclaimed,  most
transparent bods ever!

Believe me you, they would have liked to and have controlled what can be
published and what is acceptable. My friend has been told to toe the line,
nudge, nudge - wink, wink.

The youngsters have spoken - function cancelled for want of support - time
to call it a day? not on your nelly, like limpets they cling on.


Gabe Menezes.


2011-08-30 Thread Democratic India Against Corruption

The level of corruption in our Nation today in every sphere of Governance:
Legislature, Executive and unfortunately even the Judiciary, is a violation
of the Constitution of India and unacceptable.  The deep-seated anger and
frustration of the citizens all over India, fostered by the rapid growth of
this cancer is definitely justifiable.

Citizens vehemently demand the elimination of corruption at all levels. The
signs of the collective opposition are evident everywhere. We, the Citizens
of India are fully convinced that urgent measures must be taken for
effective legislation to remedy this situation. Citizens at large have the
Constitutional right to deeply analyse the measures presently offered and
widely debate every aspect of these, and propose significant provisions to
make the final Law effective in spirit and action.

The flawed opinion among Elected Representatives is that Electoral Democracy
consists of the duty of citizens to elect their representatives in due time,
and to give them the mandate to act as they please, including the
advancement of their personal interests. The behaviour of many
Representatives conveys the message that the electorate cannot demand
accountability nor can they question policies enforced on civil society.

History warns us that widespread feeling of helplessness in the citizens
arising from consequences of unrelenting corruption at all levels of
Governance renders the citizens vulnerable to forces that may exploit the
situation for their vested interests.  In this context, the present
agitation by a section of citizens has evolved into a mass movement. The
movement is in reality an expression of pent up frustration, although most
of the participants are not even aware of the contents of the Jan Lok Pal
Bill that is sought to be imposed on the Nation as a legislation. That this
is being done by pressurising the Government and bypassing the Parliamentary
procedures, is a cause for worry and a potential threat to the future of
Democracy in our country.

It further needs to be emphasised that the Lok Pal drafts currently in
debate also suffer from several limitations in as far as such a Lok Pal will
be yet another investigative agency with powers to only recommend the charge
sheeting of the corrupt Elected Representatives and Functionaries of
Government. The ultimate powers for bringing to book the offenders will
continue to be vested in the existing Judicial System.  A reading of media
reports released, exposes the fact that the media presented a one-sided view
and failed to play it’s role of reporting facts which leads society to a
constructive analysis. A practical analysis of the components of the present
movements reveals that it has touched only the privileged and the powerful,
whereas the common masses, who suffer injustices at every step of their
lives and ought to have been a significant component of these movements, are

Corruption is too complex a problem to be attributed to a mere absence of
adequate legislation like a ‘Lok Pal Bill’.  The social situation of today
is that Corporate forces dictate the functioning of Governments and
Bureaucracy as Elections are surreptitiously funded by these powerful
bodies. On the other hand, citizens are equally responsible for the current
malaise of corruption as most have accepted the role of ‘Beneficiaries’
rather than ‘Stake holders’ and ‘Stewards’ of the Nation.

The present form of agitation being claimed as a ‘Satyagraha’ to destabilise
the duly elected Parliament of this country is a distortion of Mahatma
Gandhi’s teachings which taught that true freedom is based on ethics, morals
and faithful commitment to the progress of the nation. It is to be
remembered that the approach of indefinite fasting was adopted by Mahatma
Gandhiji against a foreign colonial power that ruled by the threat of a gun.
Hence, the projection of the duly elected Government as the second enemy of
the Nation and that this has to be rectified by a demand for a second
freedom struggle is unjustified.

The Founding Fathers of the Constitution of India in their wisdom and far
reaching Vision have established a representative form of Parliamentary
Democracy. The Constitution provides for Parliament and State Assemblies to
legislate and thereby legislations dictated from outside the precincts of
Parliament by a section of citizens violates the principles of democratic
decision making enshrined in the Constitution.

Undoubtedly, for a more effective eradication of corruption the solution
lies not in another piece of legislation among several others that already
exist, but in realising Gandhiji’s long unfulfilled dream for
decentralization of powers through ‘Gram Rajya’.  Greater powers on decision
making and accountability to the Gram Sabha will be a barrier to corrupt
practices of elected representatives. In this context full proof Electoral
reforms are also urgently needed. Our Democracy 

[Goanet] Can We Say Sayonara To Corruption Forever ?

2011-08-30 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Can we say sayonara to corruption forever ?

Thank You Annaji ! All the fizz and the buzz of the last two weeks has
finally died down, the news and the talks on TV were indeed getting
monotonous and overbearing and we, the Indian public have had enough
of it, to last us a life time and now the forever hungry Indian media
will have to wait for yet another fast or yet another scam to feast

Anna’s loud and aggressive tirade against corruption is a worthy cause
which people of all walks of life have embraced, with open arms and
clenched fists, there is no doubt that corruption has been a curse
that’s been usurped and promoted by our erstwhile and present
political luminaries to such an extent that in the last few years,
scams have been surfacing like mushrooms, on a mushroom farm,
curtailing and barricading the social and economic growth of the
states and the country.

There is absolutely no doubt that our politicians especially the
Congress, tried to bulldoze the bill with it’s dictatorial mindset
trying to emphasize that bill making was their congenital right as
elected representatives and the public should have to live with it,
come what may, but with Anna’s obstinacy and the dissenting voices
clamoring for a change, growing steadily louder by the day, a remedial
legislative action had to be taken for damage control, but
unfortunately the damage done by the Congress attitude and the delay
is certainly well beyond repairs.

Corruption, like bigotry can take on more insidious forms, if allowed
to incubate and spread, not that they both are a new found phenomena,
what I want to say is, if both are allowed open space and time, they
can be equally dangerous for the wellbeing of the people as well as
the country, so every marginalised group will have to be brought under
the ambit of this bill and we will also need to stigmatize corruption
as the perennial appendage of all evil and shame by punishing the
guilty with firmness and harshness, no matter who, leaving no doubt of
its far reaching and dire consequences, instead of just ostensibly
promising action against those professing and promoting corruption.

Even though Anna’s crusade has been supported by majority Indians
because of its critical issue, there has been criticism too from some
quarters because of his RSS background and the Modi issue, but these
however cannot dilute the efforts of this seventy four year old to
fight corruption. Knowing our politicians, we understand what they
stand for and why they stand for, so BJP’s double feet plunge in
support of Anna in the last days of fast can be very easily identified
and analyzed without much of an effort. So also some politicians form
either side of the great divide have made statements and showed their
presence in support of the anti corruption crusade of Anna but we all
know why, elections are just round the corner.

Anna being a simple man with a simple mind could be vulnerable to
manipulations from our highly skillful manipulators in all forms and
colours and I only hope Anna and his henchmen and women are wise and
cautious enough to identify the hyenas on the prowl in their midst.

If the Bill has to be a success we will have to be vigilant and cover
every loophole that may allow corruption to proliferate under it’s
very nose and eyes undetected and above all, to facilitate the
effectiveness of this Bill we ourselves will have to say no to
corruption and become incorruptible, but even then the monumental
question that perturbs me most is, will the Jan Lokpal Bill be the one
Bill army, a solution to all our myriad problems ? With this bill,
will we be able to say sayonara to corruption forever ?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (30Aug11)

2011-08-30 Thread alexyz fernandes

***   Parliament Road   ***

"Read that Hurricane Irene hit New York badly"

"Nothing like Hurricane Anna that battered Parliament"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org