2011-09-02 Thread J. Colaco jc
b: From Kunbi Zuze's information service, there has been nor is ANY
religion/caste/ barrier for the 'membership' of these
later-settler-Goans organizations  or their get-togethers 
conferences. (in the immediately preceding post)

- should be read as

b: From Kunbi Zuze's information service, there has not been nor is
there ANY religion/caste/ barrier for the 'membership' of these
later-settler-Goans organizations  or their get-togethers 


2011-09-02 Thread J. Colaco jc
anil desai anild...@gmail.com wrote:

Let me try to put it in plain English for you.

1. I was happy to attend this convention at the request of my friend
. My ONLY CRITICISM was that after the organisers declared that
there would be a question and answer session at the end, this was
cancelled for lack of time and the reason was an impromptu and
irrelevant talk by one member of the sponsoring team.

2. A convention organised by Hindus in the USA , if its overwhelming
membership is Hindu, would be as unacceptable to me as the one
organised by GOA for overwhelmingly catholic members, either to be
called Goan convention or to be eligible for govt funds from goa

3. Organisations that claim to work for the benefit of Goa and Goans
should not fleece Goan taxpayers under the pretext of discussing Goa's
problems sitting in London. OK to do it but at your own expense.

4: Is that clear, Ms Carvalho? By the way, did you attend the dinner
sponsored by Mr Faleiro and paid for by the Goan taxpayers?


A response from Kunbi Zuze, the mostest originalest Goan. This is
written for the attention of these bhaille i.e. later-settler-Goans
who continue with their Religion and Caste nonsense ad infinitum.


a: The 'ONLY CRITICISM' is noted. I recommend that additional
criticism should be filed at the nearest Post Office in triplicate. If
no action within 1 year, apply again. If no action within 1 year,
produce bogus VideoCD or call for 'voluntarily-enforced' Bandh or Bus
also known in Kunbi Konkani as 'BandhoBus'.

b: From Kunbi Zuze's information service, there has been nor is ANY
religion/caste/ barrier for the 'membership' of these
later-settler-Goans organizations  or their get-togethers 
conferences. I know for a fact that both the UK/Canada and US
organizations have reached out to members of other 'faiths' and
invited them to attend. I also understand that a few self-proclaimed
Atheists have attended (and even organised) these functions.

Forgive me rather, allow Kunbi Zuze to forgive the disgruntled folks
who are just making ghuspott and have now added a religious component
to this. I suppose they would like GOA UK to be Swadeshified while
they themselves like to pose for (even profile) pictures with the
suited and booted 'whiter than whites'. Hypocrisy unlimited.

c: I agree with # 3.

I am sure that evidence of 'fleecing' will be forthcoming.
Personally, I will look up the meaning of the word 'fleecing' to
ascertain IF the meaning changed since I last looked it up.

d: I agree with the general point being made in #4 above.

I strongly recommend that one should NOT attend sponsored dinners.
Somebody eventually pays for the cost, and it is usually the 'little
man' . As Anil has asked the question of Selma, I will leave it to
Selma to answer it - IF she chooses to.

I do, however, have a question for Anil; a question which he may or
may not choose to answer: Has Anil ever tasted/imbibed the offerings
at dinners/lunches sponsored by drug companies and/or do you
accept/have you accepted trinkets/junkets/other gifts offered by drug
company representatives? While you may take your time to answer this
question, I will leave you with this as my answer: NO! .because
(to repeat) some low lying Kunbi always pays. I know this from early
childhood. Ask me and I will tell you how I know.but first, answer
the question put to you..and 'B4 you cast (or is it caste) the
first stone, look first at thyself'. (In the interest of full
disclosure, this question may be answered by all those who are now
complaining about expenditure. Please do the honours without asking
Kunbi Zuze to go through RTI.

BTW: Kunbi Zuze is trying hard NOT to read a BJP/Congress or
Religion/Caste angle in some of these post-partum bickerings.

[Goanet] Books for sale in UK and elsewhere

2011-09-02 Thread Carvalho
Dear members,
The following newly released Goa books are for sale in the UK. The prices 
quoted are valid for UK residents and include packing and postage. Safe 
delivery within 3 days of receiving payment (trust me, I've done this loads of 
times before). Books may also be ordered by members in Europe, USA and Canada 
but add 5 UKPounds to the price and expect delivery within 15 days. Please 
check for stock before ordering. Discounts can be given for more than one book 

Medeival Goa by Dr Teotonio D'Souza - 10 UKP

Skin by Magarent Mascarenhas - 10 UKP

Mirror to Goa by Donna Young - 8 UKP

Goa Masala editor Ben Antao - 8 UKP

Images of Goa by Ben Antao* recommended - 12 UKP

Cry of the Kingfisher by Belinda Viegas - 8 UKP

Francisco Luis Gomes by Luis de Assis Correira (also includes the classic 
novels Os Brahmas and Marquis de Pombal) - 15 UKP

Picture postcard poverty by Frederick Noronha - 8 UKP

Another Goa by Frederick Noronha - 8 UKP

When the Curtain Rises (Tiatr) by Dr Rafael Fernandes - 10 UKP

Catarin Etc by Mario Cabral - 5 UPK

Jottings by Meurin (1) 5 UKP

Selma Carvalho

[Goanet] Visas for Pakistani Goans

2011-09-02 Thread Eugene Correia
It is heartening to know that the Indian government is considering giving
long-term visas to Goans in Pakistan. As we now know, the issue was raised
at the London Goan Convention. It is impossible that the Indian government
acted so fast in response to the issue raised at the convention. The issue
has been lying with the Indian government for a long time.
I remember this issue was raised with Eduardo Faleiro in Toronto when he was
part of a delegation to the UN and stopped by Toronto many years ago.
Faleiro, who was then the Minister of State for External Affairs, was hosted
to a reception by the Goan Overseas Association under the presidentship of
Alpoim Andrade.
The Indian consulate, under Chandra Mohan Bhandari, informed the GOA of
Faleiro's coming to Toronto and the GOA hastily organized a reception in the
same hotel, Chealsea Inn, where Faleiro was staying.
The selected group of Goans waited for at least an hour for Faleiro to come
down to the reception room. Since there was no sign of him, Alpoim and
myself went to Faleiro's room. We told him that the group was waiting for
him. He said he was not aware of any reception for him. It seemed strange
that the Indian consulate had not informed him.
However, he said he would be down in 15 minutes and he did come. It was here
that the issue of Pakistan Goans in Toronto having a hard time getting visas
to India was raised. In front of some of us, Faleiro told Bhandari to pursue
this matter with the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). I was bit surprised
that Faleiro directed the Indian consul-general to follow up on the matter
instead of assuring the GOA that he would personally take up the matter
within his own ministry.
In fact, the GOA had also raised the issue with the Indian consulate much
before Faleiro's visit. As usual nothing happened. What is surprising is
that the issue was not taken up by Faleiro on a priority basis when he was
the minister of state for external affairs. He was obviously in a position
to push for the granting of long-term visas to Pakistani Goans much earlier
than thought of now. Only Faleiro can explain why it didn't happen during
his time.
The visa applications of Pakistani Goans are submitted to the MEA in New
Delhi for a check-up and this takes up lot of time. The time delay obviously
frustrated Pakistani Goans. The Indian consulate's answer was that it was
helpless as the rule applied to all Pakistanis who wanted to visit India.
The rule is still in existence. I have seen at the Dubai Indian consulate
many Pakistanis voicing their frustrations for not getting replies to their
applications for weeks or more than a month.
It would be good that those Pakistani Goans wishing to get Indian
citizenships were allowed to do so. Perhaps it will not be easy as the
Indian government would obviously run background checks on the persons. In
the light of the recent attacks in India, it is imperative that India take
utmost measures to check thoroughly a person's background.
However, the new thinking on the MEA's part is welcome. The concession to be
made to Pakistani Goans in getting long-term visas is a good step.

Eugene Correia

[Goanet] Reponse to Fred's Who's Goan Where? in Heraldo

2011-09-02 Thread Eugene Correia
Fred Noronhan said that Gabe Menezes is doing a good job of being inhouse
critic though I fail to understand why he used a smiley. Was it a joke or a
poke? He also said that criticism is tolerable upto a point and beyond it it
becomes counter-productive. I would like to hear from Fred what yardstick he
would use to say that the final point is reached.
In this particular case of the Global Goan Convention, I haven't seen Fred
express his views. He would rather hold his comments but would not hold back
telling others that criticism is fine as long as it goes to a point after
which it becomes counter-productive. As a critic himself, since he writes
the Devil's Adovate column in Oheraldo (Aug 24), Fred perhaps knows when his
criticism or praise has reached that point when he would go no further. He
doesn't seem to be interested in what the convention achieved or not
achieved but he was keen to ask goanetters for information on the Goan
population in their respective areas. This accumulation of information made
his his recent column where he titled the piece, Who's Goan Where?
Like some headings to his pieces, I found this one also hard to understand.
What the hell is the question mark doing in the heading, may I ask the
erstwhile columnist. Fred has laid out the cold figures, and that too
without acknowledging the persons who gave him the details with the
exception of just one. That privileged person is John Nazareth whose photo
was on the Goanvoice.uk website. By the way John still lives in Toronto,
more specifically in Mississauga, and not lived in Uganda and Canada, as
Fred mention., He says that John is a statistician but does not mention
John's field of specialization. To the best of my knowledge, John worked in
the aviation industry or perhaps still does.  Neither does Fred questions
John on his methodology and sources. John has pulled the figures from the
sky, and Fred has said that John believes there are so many Goans in UK,
Kuwait, etc. The disturbing word is believes. Will Fred believe if I say
I believe that there are 200,000 Goans in Canada? Roland Francis has
provided his own figures and it is open to questions how accurate Roland
could be or, for that matter, John.
I wish to know when John undertook the task of calculating Goan migration
level worldwide and whether he tapped into the census figures in those
countries which in mentioned. This sort of guessestimates may help in
giving an overview of Goan population worldwide but it would not pass the
scrunity of a serious reearcher looking into the figures of Diaspora Goans.
Maybe when the Goa government sets up the institute of dispora studies, as
mentioned by the NRI department, will serious follow into how many Goans and
where they live around the world.
Fred says that even if Pakistani Goans are based oversea too, their place
of birth makes them suspect in the yes of Indian consular officials. This
is far from the fact. Pakistani Goans are not suspect, but indeed fall into
the same trap as other Pakistanis who seek to have a visitor's visa to
India. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) forwards all Pakistani
applications for visa to the Ministry of Home for checking the bonafides of
the applicant and also run their names through the police database.
Fred asks, What do these figures tell us? This is resource we've beem
ignoring for too long. Unfortunately, the Goa-expat equation is still based
on mutual selfishness; Goa looks to its expats only for their remittances,
and to make a fast buck on their affluence. At the same time, the expats
have traditionally though of Goa only as a place for the occasional holiday,
and to flee back to in case of a crisis. For example, Kuwait in the early
1990s and Uganda in the 1970s.
Fred misses the purpose of holding Global Goan Conventions. It is to make
expats Goans feel part of the their homeland and also to seek views how best
the Goa government could serve them and, in return, the expats could feel
at home in Goa that these annual rituals have been held. Wasn't a sesssion
held on NRI issues at the London convention? Weren't there discussions on
NRIs at the conventions held in Oman and Kuwait? The NRI department must
have got a good feedback from these conventions and probably made some
suggestions to the Goa government.  However, since no reports on past
conventions are on the globalgoans website many of us who were not present
at these conventions are not aware what discussions took place.
In similar fashion, the annual Bharatiya Pravasi Divas is held by the
central government to provide both the government and the diaspora Indian
community to exchange views and provide initiaves for plans that could be
mutually beneficial or maybe even unilaterally beneficial to either of the
party. It is through such conventions that the central government has
initiated the Person of India Origin (PIO) card and followed it up with the
Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card. The central government has also okayed

[Goanet] Daily Grook #1032

2011-09-02 Thread Francis Rodrigues



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2011-09-02 Thread Francisco floriano Fernandes


The Editor

Gomantak Times / Times of India

Panjim Goa.


Kindly publish our press note on your esteemed  daily that is attatched 
herewith this short letter.

It is group of Goans recently settled over here in Middlesex United Kiigdom in 
search of jobs and most of us are already employed .

We are very much concerned  whatever is happening in our sweet Goa , First of 
all we did not get jobs in Goa so we managed to do our Portuguese passports and 
come here only for the stomac purposeh and 

but our heart and soul are still in our tiny Goa.

We are only survived here just we can speak good English orelse we would have 
come back home, thank God we were studied in English.

We want our children back home to study in English so that they can come up in 
life and not to slog like thousands of other poor people of Goa. Whichever 
\Govt. that comes sto power in Goa they had made a point not

to give govt. jobs for minoroities.

We support Goan parents who chose for English medium in schools. We had fought 
for the konkani and not  for this konkani that kwas impossed on lus by the then 
congress govt. with the cunning konkani leaders like Udhoy Bhembre, and 

and Pundalik Naik drafting that draconian official language act-1987. That bill 
had put thousands of christians young people in trouble as they were not in 
position to learn Devnagiri konkani hence became school srop outs

 thus giving us now hundreds of goondas, robbers, matka bookies and others. 

Please don't support the other issues like Marathi or Devnagiri konkani that 
will creat more goondas and robbers including illiterates.


Francisco Floriano Fernandes,

Re: [Goanet] DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT Lea Vaz Rangel-Ribeiro

2011-09-02 Thread floriano
The Goa Su-Raj Party  condoles the death of  Lea Vaz Rangel-Ribeiro, the 
dear wife of  long standing goanetter Victor Rangel-Ribeiro with deep 
sympathies. May her good soul rest in eternal peace.


- Original Message - 
From: goa obit goao...@gmail.com

To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 6:48 AM
Subject: [Goanet] DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT Lea Vaz Rangel-Ribeiro


Lea Vaz Rangel-Ribeiro

Lea Vaz Rangel-Ribeiro, beloved wife of Victor Rangel-Ribeiro,
daughter of the late Sebastian and Cecilia Vaz of Assagao and New
York; mother/mother-in-law of Eva Ribeiro Wickoff/Christopher Wickoff
and Eric/Liz Rangel-Ribeiro; grandmother of Dana, Ria, and Morgan
Murray, and Tatijana and Natacha Rangel-Ribeiro; sister-in-law of
Oscar/Erika Rangel-Ribeiro of Geneva and Lyra Ribeiro Srinivasan of
Lincroft, NJ, sister/sister-in-law of Dominic/Marilyn Vaz of New York;
aunt of Christopher/Rosemary Vasan, Allen/Carolina Vasan, Philip/Tina
Vasan, Mireya/Charles Carlsen, Gita/Patrik Thollesson, Ludivine/Luc
Perret of Geneva, Christine Ribeiro Opie of London, and Rani
Vaz/Michael Moebius of New York; great-aunt to Kiera Vasan, Kristen
and Daniela Vasan, Peter and Julia Vasan, Katie and Kevin Carlsen, and
Emilie and Daniela Thollesson, and Cecilia Moebius, by the grace of
God passed away most peacefully at her residence in Monroe, New
Jersey, USA on the evening of September 1, 2011. 

[Goanet] Song for the day.

2011-09-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
 The Kirby Stone Four (1964) - Baubles, Bangles And Beads


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Alfred Rose – The only Melody King.

2011-09-02 Thread JoeGoaUk
Alfred Rose – The only Melody King.
I agree.
Video clip




for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Heartfelt Condolences

2011-09-02 Thread joelds
Dear Victor,

I am shocked by the very sad news of Lea's passing away. Of course, I knew
that she was sick, but death... I didn't expect it.

Kindly accept my heartfelt sympathies and also convey it to your family

On the few occasions I had the privilege of meeting Lea, she always proved
be ever so friendly and kind, and filled with joy.

I still remember her seated at the piano at your ancestral house in

Lea leaves behind very happy memories while she left for her Eternal home.

I wish her eternal happiness, and to you... all the courage to brave the
immense loss.




A few pictures at my FlickR photostream in humble tribute

to a great person, who had her ancestral roots in my little village:








2011-09-02 Thread JM
Vatican has been appointing bishops for bombay who are not in a position to
solve even 5% of the poverty unemployment economic housing alcoholism
infighting problems of the local catholics of bombay ( www
bombayland.blogspot com )  i.e. EastIndians ( www east-indians com ). Just
like the Prime Minister of India who turns a blind eye to the corrupt
activities of some of the ministers in his cabinet it appears that all the
past/present/future Bishops appointed for Bombay also turn a blind eye to
the corrupt activities of some parish priests in bombay who have been
misusing church funds, illegally selling vacant church properties, refusing
admission in parish schools to children of poor catholics, etc.

To be a True Christian the basic qualification is the person should have a
Christian name and deep faith in Lord Jesus Christ  Blessed Mother Mary.
All EastIndians in Bombay have Christian names and have deep faith in Lord
Jesus Christ  Blessed Mother Mary. But because of the loss of their
agricultural lands in bombay and the genetic problem of alcoholism 
infighting the eastindians are suffering.

Some EastIndian associations are only interested in organizing singing
competition food festival dance competition instead of organizing political
demonstrations at azad maidan shivaji park mantralaya parliament to demand a
5% quota in govt. jobs  govt. housing in bombay for eastindians.

To be sure, the Shiv Sena has always acknowledged the aboriginal status of
the East Indians. In a letter to the East Indian Journal (Page 5, issue dt.
15 January 1968) Sena chief Bal Thackeray tried to find Christian recruits
for his fledgling chauvinistic organisation. Bal Thackeray wrote “The East
Indians, who are essentially Maharashtrians, have also suffered,” he said.
“Being sons of the soil, they find themselves strangers in their own land.
Their ancestral lands are acquired, their houses are ruined. For want of
money their children cannot get higher education, and for want of higher
education, they cannot get better jobs.”  His letter came only a few years
after a community debate about its nomenclature. Many wanted to be called
Maharashtrian Christians instead of East Indians to reflect their cultural
milieu better and to shed the colonial past. The Sena’s position hasn’t
changed since Mr. Thackeray’s letter.

The Marathi manoos have monopolized the name Maharashtrians for themselves
due to which it is unlikely any eastindian or koli can identify with the
name Maharashtrian. There is no ideology in India only castelogy. But the
most dangerous type of discrimination is monopoly of the Marathi manoos on
BMC, Police, Collectorsoffice, city survey office, mantralaya, rationoffice,
urban development dept, town planning dept, mmrda, mhada, politics and other
administrative depts. of maharashtra government in bombay. Will the Marathi
people share some of the jobs in BMC, Police, Collectorsoffice, etc with
EastIndians  Kolis ?

The Indian Government is preparing the 12th Five year plan www 12thplan
gov  in  .  What is the point in preparing such plans when the previous 11
plans could not lift people out of poverty even today majority of rural
folks survive on less than Rs.20/- a day and most urban folks survive on
less than Rs.40/- a day. China govt controlled Chinese population which
enabled the Chinese govt. to uplift millions of Chinese out of poverty.
China is now a economic power and a great military power. The Godless
Americans are really worried of China and are trying to prop-up India to
counter China.

Nothing is as long and as boring as a Roman Catholic mass. There was
absolutely nothing exciting in Sunday mass. Once you had memorized every
hymn and prayer, and knew exactly when to stand, kneel and sit, there was
really nothing left to hold your interest. But of course you can't fall
asleep, or make any noise or touch anything, or you might go to Hell.

The length of the mass was especially dependent on two things: 1. If there
was a priest that insisted on singing the various gospels and psalms, or if
they spoke it. 2. The length of the homily (sermon)….At least when the
homily was finished, you know you were almost done. Then you could go home,
and enjoy the best part of the week: the point at which the next mass is
furthest away. Just thinking of that was enough to get you through the last
fifteen minutes or so of the Sunday mass.


Heart wrenching poverty, potholed roads, traffic jams, overcrowded trains 
buses, water shortage,  overflowing gutters, garbage, an all pervading
stink, increasing slums, broad daylight encroachment of openspaces mangroves
saltpanlands, stress  frustration due to poor management. Who is to be
blamed? The Corporator who is powerless? The Bombay Muncipal Corporation
(BMC), who is accountable to the Maharashtra State? The Maharashtra State,
which is burdened with too many 


2011-09-02 Thread Mervyn Elsie Maciel
Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Victor(except in cyberspace)
and Lea, I send my heartfelt condolences to Victor and the family on their
great loss.
  May the Good Lord grant peace to Lea's soul and
strength to Victor and the family at this sad time.

Mervyn  Elsie(Maciel)

[Goanet] Commutation of death sentence

2011-09-02 Thread Nelson Lopes
The death sentence world over is being abolished as inhuman and to
drastic  It is not reformative in nature and at best seeks retributive
justice, which in a way satisfies those seeking justice of revenge in
retaliation The public memory is short lived and the intensity and
details are forgotten , by the time the process of justice is finally
completed .All sympathies  and constitutional provision are for the
accused . It appears that the unlucky, unfortunate victim had no
constitutional rights to a natural and  dignified death  The family of
the victim is often left to heal their wounds of personal lossThe
in ordinate delay in dispensing swift justice is at the core of the
problem and frustrates those who seek justice for those killed
brutally. Those waiting  on the death row , suffer agony of living
death in anticipation every day  Then there is order of execution  for
execution , which cannot be skipped causing further delay  The
execution of death sentence is a scar on the family of the accused. If
for any reason for the miscarriage of justice, the victims  family
will seek justice through discreet means  by taking law into their own
hands. Thus the circle of revenge continues. If the accused is set
free , then he may also find solace in further criminal activity of
revenge and vengeance
The judicial process appears to be vitiated by fresh thinking. The
hanging by the rope, delay in execution of death sentence and mercy
petitions , interpretation of the principle of” rarest of rare”  cases
and presently law and order problem  There is too much of discretion
in the rarest of rare cases., so much so that the pleaders try and
encompass every case under this category. The assassination of late
P.M.Rajiv Gandhi, in the prime of his life, by an external
premeditated plan is unpardonable .India was deprived of a potential
youthful leader .The resolution by Tamil Nadu Assembly clamouring for
commuting into life sentence is dangerous precedent for independence
of Judiciary and due process of law. It amounts to subverting of the
judiciary by the Executive and does not bode well for the future of
legal procedure. Now the casual remark and loud thinking of C.M.of
Kashmir that the hanging of Afjal Guru may cause wide spread law and
order problem Those who sacrificed their life to save the
Parliamentarians are remembered  as a ritual, without the depth of
their supreme sacrifice
The best alternative to present controversies is to abolish the death
penalty and reference to the President by way of mercy petition .The
interpretation of life sentence as 14 years is absurd and should mean
till death of the accused Many a condemned prisoner  has reformed with
useful thinking and change  of heart Depriving an individual with
civil liberties for life is much better punishment than swift death
two wrongs do not make a right The clemency by the President is often
given political tinge of discretion In the west the sentence of 300
years will show the gravity of the offence , though it may not be
realistic and practical The crowding of jails is another issue that
deserves planning and death sentence is not the answer  The dangerous
elements must not be released in the society, The system of pay role
for exemplary cases is worth exploring
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

[Goanet] : sports regulation bill

2011-09-02 Thread Nelson Lopes
 Sports regulation bill
 The performance of India as the Nation is dismal when compared with
even smaller Nations  Our standing in the Olympics is pathetic to say
the least One swallow in Bindra is a consolation and is the cause for
celebration In a population of billion people, we do not find any
worthy material to spot and train The money allotted for CWG was not
spent for strange reasons  Imagine the loss incurred by he Govt in
organising CWG alone.The Govt intentions to bring this bill appears to
milk the cash rich cow of BCCI  It is the lure of money that attracts
their interests, as the amount with this cricket organisation is more
than the annual budgets of some Indian states Naturally they want a
pie of this cake The Govt reputation in the field of sports management
or organisation is disgraceful. The Govt does not encourage and
adequately finance any sensible sports activity. The federation and
bodies are avenues for the politicians to head as a matter of honour
and privilege The hockey, which was once upon a time our only Olympic
forte has lapsed into oblivion with in fights among the officials The
wining disciplines of weight lifting are privately funded. We are no
where near any discipline to reckon with in world competition The bill
was discussed with Ministers with conflict of interests , heading
sports organisations and naturally rejected. The BCCI is by and large
well administered, except for a few aberrations of IPL involving
unsupervised individuals ,who were given a free hand in good trust.
The cricket as a sport is leading the Nations in this exclusive field
of administration .selections awarding of contracts, payment to
players. etc does not brook Govt. interference That as many as 27
federations of sports are willing to come under the purview of the
bill is no answer to net BCCI and ruin a prestigious body There was
time when players were gifted one lakh through organising fund raising
events To day they are offering 2 crores to cricketers and donating to
the  other sports bodies, voluntarily encouraging other disciplines
too The Cricket associations, which are part and representing BCCI
have constructed huge stadiums promoting cricket as a sport  The
International sports events have augmented in India the much needed
infrastructure in recent times. The Govt intentions to interfere in
well managed sports discipline is a suspect The bill has some
obnoxious clauses regarding the tenure of the office bearers, such a
provision is already in place in BCCI What track record the Govt. has
of sports administration The facility at Patiala was ridden with drug
abuse of enhancing performance and athletes were caught, dismissed and
barred unknowingly for no fault of their won Look at the facilities
that the they were provided during training and mere subsistence
allowance sanctioned to them  The clause regarding age  of  70 years,
and tenure of 12 years is arbitrary to displace certain individuals
heading the organisation Suresh kalmadi heading the body is a case
gone sour There are politicians in the Parliament winning for donkey
years, entering through the Raja sabha, and who many a times are
rejected at the hustings or who can never win any election for Lok
Sabha Does the Govt contemplate age bar and tenure for holding such
public offices ?There were four cabinet Ministers on the Cabinet meet
with conflict of interests and no one excepts them to purge themselves
for a noble purpose, however sanctimonious The bill will be brought
back again or shelved permanently, who knows with the internal
pressures  The Govt will do well to support such organisations that
are doing commendable work. encourage and invest in training at the
grass root level, provide infrastructure in all disciplines and
provide a decent budget for sports advancement at all levels and in
all fields .
Nelson lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

[Goanet] Swami Agnivesh's arrest will be a blot on democracy

2011-09-02 Thread Sandeep Heble
However much I may disagree with him and feel he has let civil society
down by double crossing 'Team Anna' and the anti-corruption agenda, I
cannot agree with the State's decision to arrest Swami Agnivesh for
his 'Amarnath Yatra' remarks and to slap baseless criminal charges
against him. The charges of hurting religious sentiments are bizarre
and ridiculous to say the least. Religion is but an idea or an
ideology which people are free to agree with or disagree with. Are we
still living in the dark ages of ‘blasphemy’ or are we living in a
liberal democratic society where fundamental rights of free speech and
expression are sacrosanct?

The State is truly behaving in a fascist manner. First Om Puri, then
Kiran Bedi and now Swami Agnivesh. Books, Films, Paintings and now
even gag orders on what we are supposed to speak and not speak. Where
are we heading? We still don't seem to have learnt our lessons from
the saga of M.F. Hussain. In other Countries, open debates are held
criticizing religious ideas and beliefs. Various streams of thoughts
are being allowed to flow there. Far from creating unrest or
discontent, such open flow of ideas are bringing greater maturity into
their societies. Their universe keeps getting bigger and bigger while
ours is getting smaller and smaller.

Both the Courts and the State appear to have clearly overstepped their
brief in the present case. This is a bit strange and ironical because
the highest Courts of our Lands have consistently ruled in favour of
free Speech and Expression. Freedom of expression protects not merely
ideas that are accepted but those that offend shock or disturb the
State or any sector of the population. Such are the demands of the
pluralism, tolerance and broadmindedness without which there is no
democratic society, the Supreme Court ruled in one such of its Landmark

What one sees in the present case is a knee-jerk reaction to a point
of view that one does not agree with. This is nothing but extreme
intolerance by the State and a threat to our democratic rights. The
law must not be used as a tool to harass and intimidate those who you
may not agree with. No liberal society can afford to hound its
citizens for exercising the sacred principles of free speech and
expression. This act is a severe breach of our rights and must be



2011-09-02 Thread Eddie Fernandes
-Original Message-
From: Anil Desai
1. My only criticism was that after the organisers declared that there would
be a question and answer session at the end, this was cancelled for lack of
time ...
It is a relief that you attended and have only one criticism as opposed to
the myriads who chose not to attend and yet have so much to fault :-( 

However, I must set the record straight. The programme clearly stated that
the Q  A session would be at the end of the session. It did take place as
timetabled and all the questions raised related to Carmen Miranda's
presentation. You can check the programme by selecting Saturday 23 July at

But it was also a relief that the Q  A session did not eat into the time
allotted to Carmen.  As you are no doubt aware when the Chairman tried to
prematurely terminate her talk, the doughty lady suggested putting it to the
vote and carried on regardless!  Bravo!

PS.  I have been assured that full video transcripts of the Convention
proceedings will be available soon

Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Old-Age Tremors May Be Caused by Brain Lesions News - RealAge

2011-09-02 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] Sci-Tech Today | Brain-Training Games Are New Craze in Exercise

2011-09-02 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] Sleep Better Naturally - Four Tips for Better Sleep - RealAge

2011-09-02 Thread Con Menezes



2011-09-02 Thread Carvalho

Having spoken to the NRI Commissioner this morning and the President of the 
Goan Association (UK) and after having had a good laugh, my response is as 
follows to the spurious charges made here on Goanet: (Eugene please Note - this 
is not the NRI COmmissioners nor the President's response. You have a habit of 
quoting me inaccurately in Goa papers - next time ask me for a quote).
1. The Global Goans Convention is an NRI event. The NRI office approaches local 
associations each year to help them in the organisation of this event. The 
local bodies then contribute financially to the organisation of this event from 
their own kitty and through local sponsors - There is no question of 
donations to anyone nor overseas Goans having a party at the expense of the 
Goan exchequer.

2. I'm surprised the Convention cost just 12 lakhs. To put 12 lakhs into 
perspective has anyone done a comparative study? How much did these Conventions 
cost when they were held in Goa and other places? How much does it cost the 
Tourism Board to represent Goa at the Travel Mart, how much would it cost the 
Minister of Industries and Commerce to drum up foreign investment? How much 
would it cost a delegation of Government officials to resolve the issues faced 
by NRI Goans?

The remit of the NRI Commissioner is to represent NRI Goans. Did anyone expect 
that an NRI Commissioner would sit in Goa and represent the problems of NRI 
Goans? Or is it reasonable to expect that the NRI Commissioner would 
occasionally venture into those countries where Goans are found in large 
numbers to hear their problems and attend to their needs. Incidentally, even as 
I write this the NRI Commissioner has forwarded a proposal to issue long term 
visas to Karachi Goans - an issue which came up during that London 

3. Since when did NRI Goans cease to be part of Goa? The vast majority of NRI 
Goans, the bulk of whom come from the Gulf are still fully fledged Indian 
nationals, who remit huge amounts of money back into the economy and buffer it 
so that the people of Goa, can continue living in a reasonably decent Goa. 
Should the Goa Government stop representing these people. Who decides that 12 
lakhs is too much to be spent on NRI Goans? The purpose of the Convention is 
NOT TO RESOLVE Goa's issues. It is to RESOLVE NRI Issues. Why the fuss only for 
the London Convention? Is it because the Convention was successful and 
high-profile and some people can't bear this thorn in their flesh?

4. Apart from touching on NRI Issues, the Convention also serves various other 
purposes. It serves as a cultural anchor for Goans in the Diaspora wherein a 
healthy dose of networking takes place. It's an international platform for Goa 
- which quite frankly doesn't even manage to get a national platform unless a 
murder or rape is involved. It is a defacto representation of a Cultural 
attache, Tourism Minister and Minister for Industries and Commerce all rolled 
into one. 12 lakhs is darn good value for money. 

5. The Convention was open to all. Nobody stopped non-Goans, Hindus, Muslims, 
Animists or Atheists from attending this Convention. Don't now dance the fudgi 
(as Doc would say) and tell us this was a Convention for Goan Catholics.

We Goans are a peg lower than cows. One person will write some rubbish and 12 
others will nod their heads. Is the Convention perfect? Of course not. Nothing 
in life ever is. But improving things takes constructive criticism - not 
criticism for the sake of it and grinding personal axes. 

Eugene, if you're in hospital, I suggest you seriously take the medicine 
prescribed to you. 



[Goanet] KGA - Announces the commencement of Konkani Classes in Bangalore.

2011-09-02 Thread renebarreto
Global Goenakars !!

I share a post from the President of 
Karnataka Goan Association - Bangalore - Adele Britto ., 

I take this opportunity of congratulating the KGA for this iniative and 
I hope other Goan Associations will follow their good example. 

rene barreto
World Alliance of Goan Associations



The Managing Committee is happy to announce the commencement of Konkani Classes.

Course fees : Rs. 1000/-

Venue : Nava Spoorthi Kendra, Off Davis Road, Richards Town

Dates : 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th October and 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th November

Time: 4 - 6pm

Snacks  Tea: 5 - 5.15pm

Course to be conducted by Fr. Francis Pinto.

The course includes study material,snacks  tea, some Mando sessions and 
Cooking classes for Goan dishes apart from the interactive Konkanni speaking 

Please send in your names to Mr Bosco Andrade before 20th Sep 2011:

Tel: 9901291888
Email: boscoandrad...@gmail.com

Adele Britto


[Goanet] Coconut Trimming Machine

2011-09-02 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
This was being discussed on the Botanical-Society-of-Goa mailing list,
and thought of sharing it here too...

Young Coconut Cutting  Juice Extracting Machine
CoCoMaN, apparently from Malaysia

Young coconut trimming... from India
S.A.Ivy Multi Pumps P.Ltd., India. Cell no: +91 98946 42116. email:
Website: www.indiamart.com/saivy-pumps.

Coconut Fibre Peeling Machine Video
Coconut fibre peeling machine.
Low cost from all aspects.
contact us at (+91)-422-2607373, (+91)-9443060737 for further details and rates
or email us at pee@gmail.com
more agricultural machine types are also availabe

Please search, you could find something suitable, affordable and not
too far away. FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)
#784 Nr Lourdes Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
http://fn.goa-india.org http://goa1556.goa-india.org

[Goanet] Social activists are Govt, targets

2011-09-02 Thread Nelson Lopes
 CIvil societies activities targeted
After  the attack on Baba Ram Dev, the Govt was shown in bad light The
court has taken up the issue of what went wrong and is examining
details There was no justification on brutal assault by the police at
that  unearthly hour on innocent elders and peaceful participants now
the enforcement directorate has slapped charges after the personal
meeting with the Director The link and timing is a case of harassment
Prashant Bushan is once again targeted with the CD case when it was
closed for reasons proper.Raking up the issue at this juncture is to
puncture his resolve and involvement in the movement and the govt,
message is clear , beware the big brother is looking,
Kiran Bedi an upright officer is in for a surprise for a most casual
remark of politicians wearing masks and speaking in forked tongues
differently when outside the Parliament Is this a fit case to  to be
codified under breach of privileges Is it not a message indirect that
the supremacy of the parliament can be invoked at the drop of hat and
at sweet will of the legislators.?
Mr Arvind Kejrival is in for another surprise. The study leave taken
for two years as per rules   is now held inadmissible  to count
resignation period of3 years in service He has resigned after 3 and
half years The notice is served after the period of limitations of 3
yrs The two yearsarediscounted and back wages are demanded with penal
interest This is considered as a big offence of corruption at this
point of time , when is in the forefront of Anna`s movement of
corruption His press conference is projected as gaining sympathy and
bring pressure. He has committed impropriety in communicating his
views publicly when, he could have aured departmentally or taken
recourse to law Nothing will convince the people that the Govt is
purposely and deliberately on the witch hunt to demoralise and subdue
the activists of the movement,People cannot be expected to be silent
expectators at the govt move to selectively target the activists
Misuse and abuse of  power and law is exactly what the people are fed
up of
The Govt is commiting another error by targeting the activists in a
planned manner, which will have serious and mass implications
Nelson lopes Chinchinim 09850926276

Re: [Goanet] Alfred Rose – The only Melody King.

2011-09-02 Thread Agnelo Fernandes

I agree too.

-Original Message- 
From: JoeGoaUk

Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 10:55 AM
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Alfred Rose – The only Melody King.

Alfred Rose – The only Melody King.

I agree.

Video clip



for Goa  NRI related info...

For Goan Video Clips

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc 

[Goanet] Lea Rangel-Ribeiro

2011-09-02 Thread Roland Francis
Dear Victor,

Solace and strength to you and your family on the demise of Lea.
Condolences, but also best wishes on the celebration of her life and the
many years of happiness you must have had together. The sorrow will go, but
that must remain.

I have not had the pleasure of meeting you or Lea except on telephone and
therefore look forward to meeting you in person someday, may it be soon,
either in the US or in Goa.

With regards,

[Goanet] Remembering Lea...

2011-09-02 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Some photos from the Toronto convention, which feature Lea
Rangel-Ribeiro, who passed away earlier this morning (Goa time,
yesterday evening in the US) ... thanks to Edgar for the images.


Lea at the Toronto convention
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Who's Goan where? [Frederick Noronha | Devil's Advocate, in Herald]

2011-09-02 Thread Goanet Reader
Who's Goan where?  [Frederick Noronha | Devil's Advocate]

  So, how many Goan expats are there in different
  parts of the globe? As things stand, we probably
  don't have a clue, but only very rough estimates
  and exaggerations.

Recently, a statistician John Nazareth (his roots are in
Moira, and he has lived in Uganda and Canada) undertook the
hazardous task of calculating Goan migration levels
worldwide. According to his count, there could be 4.5 lakh
Goans settled across the rest of India (including 4 lakh in
Mumbai, ten thousand in Delhi, and twenty thousand each in
Mangalore and the rest of India).

He believes there could be 50,000 Goans in the UK (including
32,000 in London and 8,000 in Swindon alone), and 43,000 in
the Gulf countries (13,000 in Kuwait, 10,000 in the UAE,
8,000 in Qatar, 5,000 in Oman and 7,000 in Bahrain).

  Some of these figures are calculated guesses.
  Nazareth predicts some with a high level of
  confidence, and others based on guesswork. In
  Canada, his estimate is 34,700 Goans -- including
  28,000 in the Greater Toronto Area itself, with
  other pockets in Montreal (2,000), Vancouver
  (1,500), Hamilton (800), Calgary and Edmonton (700 each).

Karachi has 6000 Goans, though the number could have been as
high as 25,000 in around 1956. Goans based in Karachi, like
the businessman-social networker Menin Rodrigues calculate
the figure to be higher though. Their story is a strange one.
It involves pre-Partition economic migration, and the reality
of getting caught in a communal divide they had no part in
creating. Returning home today, the Pakistani Goans have a
tough time with visas and police reporting. If based overseas
too, their place of birth makes them suspect in the eyes of
Indian consular officials.

There are Goans scattered in other parts of the globe too.
Some 5,800 in Australia (over half in Sydney alone). Another
5,500 in Kenya (four-fifths in Nairobi, most others in
Mombasa), and just 130 surviving post-Idi Amin's Uganda. At
its peak, between 1955 and 1965, there were nearly 8,000 in
Uganda -- some also in Entebbe, Mbale, Jinja and elsewhere.

Tanzania has some 2050 Goans, according to Nazareth (not just
in Dar, but also in Tanga and Iringa), Portugal has 5000,
Germany 300 and there are even 200 in Zambia, 100 in Malawi,
200 in Malaysia and 50 in Singapore.

  What do these figures tell us? This is a resource
  we've been ignoring for too long. Unfortunately,
  the Goa-expat equation is still based on mutual
  selfishness; Goa looks to its expats only for their
  remittances, and to make a fast buck on their
  affluence. At the same time, the expats have
  traditionally thought of Goa only as a place for
  the occasional holiday, and to flee back to in case
  of a crisis. For example, Kuwait in the early 1990s
  and Uganda in the 1970s.

Expats are politically-uninfluential (though that could
change with voting rights) and ignored by politicians.  Given
the chance, today's political class would happily gobble up
their properties; the way mundkar laws were worked out in a
emigration-prone State is a case in point.

In a way, we're all expats. We have lived somewhere else,
wish to go there, or have relatives overseas. This is
particularly true of the Goan Catholic community, whose
numbers dwindled here due to out-migration, in part. But now,
every second politician is in a big hurry to get their
children migrating overseas, despite all the development
they have bestowed on Goa.

Tiny Goa whose strength has long been its ability to plug-in
to the outside world, would ignore this potent resource at
its own peril. More so in times when knowledge is
increasingly the lever of power in our planet.

First published in Herald, Goa.


[Goanet] Fr. Domnic Alvares Sings - about San'nas, Moke, Sasumai, Calafura etc

2011-09-02 Thread JoeGoaUk
Fr. Domnic Alvares Sings - Talk about San'nas, Moke, Sasumai, Sasupai, Zanvoi, 
Vokol, calafura, Mavonndo, 
Leitao, Zoth, Paum, Joao, Ol’lo, Ar, Deuchar, sleeping suit etc
As for me, I did not know what it meant by ‘Moke’, I think we call ‘Maize/Corn’ 
as moke.

Btw, what’s really is ‘moke’ in chicken?
Could it be ‘Kukuso’ or ‘Vosug’ a sort of ‘duens’ disease in chicken
find out more here
Fr. Domnic Pic

Fr. Domnic is a nephew of Late C Alvares the king of duets
Also, brother of Tiatrist Rosy Alvares (Nikita VCD, Mario Menezes Tiatr)


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Jorge Monteiro's East Indian Problem

2011-09-02 Thread Roland Francis
Dear Jorge, your comic piece was such a welcome relief from the usual boring
posts on Goanet about the state of corruption in Goa when we all know the
Goans themselves are hugely responsible for that corruption being major
though sometimes silent participants in it.

On the other hand while the East Indians have no hand in the corruption
environment in Bombay, you cannot turn the community into the victim and
stretch out your hand for the dole of reservation. While there have been
poor and landless in your community, most of your brethren benefited hugely
from the urbanization of Bombay like the Goans who owned houses and lands in
Goa and are benefitting from sky-rocketing real estate even in places that
once nobody cared to walk through.

For example when your Bandra landowning brothers were getting crores of
rupees from builders along with spacious flats for each family member, why
did they not keep aside a measly crore or so for their poorer kinfolk from
places like Bassein, Kalyan and Ambernath who were still farmers and
fishermen. Not to worry, they too eventually became rich men although not on
the scale of those in Bandra, Andheri and Wadala.

And now you expect the Bishops of Bombay to look after them?

You have a point with the Bishops insofar as they supervised the abuse of
the church lands of many parishes left by humble and charitable East Indians
in the burbs. I have known many such examples. In my own erstwhile residence
of Amboli, Andheri, I have been witness to many spinsters leaving large
acreage and prime land to St. Blaises Church in the village. It was Diocesan
policy to have an East Indian pastor although slowly the parish numbers of
Goan and Mangalorean Catholics far outnumbered the original inhabitants. All
those East Indian pastors have systematically depleted the assets of the

Similarly in Goa, there are many poor Goan Catholics and Hindus in the
northern districts (Novas Conquestas). Instead of selling off communidade
property in a phased and organized manner and depositing those sales in a
Goa Sovereign Fund for the benefit of those and other Goan poor, the
Ministers and their village proxies have converted those into personal Swiss
bank accounts. No doubt shortly all Goans will be moaning the loss of their
livelihood and asking for reservations for Govt jobs.

At the least the Goans have no sense of entitlement. If they are miserable,
they will pack their bags and move to Bombay, Bangalore, Hyderabad or the
Cruise Lines, the Gulf and Canada or Australia. The East Indian wants his
flat, his fields and his Bandra feast and whatever else he thinks he can
dream of getting back. Why can't he learn to do what the Goan does?

Lastly I could not help noting your To be a True Christian the basic
qualification is the person should have a Christian name and deep faith in
Lord Jesus Christ  Blessed Mother Mary. Wrong, wrong and wrong. Names have
nothing to do with it. Christians other than Catholics do not believe Mary
has a role with deep faith and if you believe we are all sinners as we are
led to believe, than none of us are true Christians, who must necessarily be
without sin.

Keep your humor going George, you've got your timing just right.
