2012-01-27 Thread floriano


The King of Aldona Dayanand Narvekar has been continuously violating the 
CODE OF CONDUCT thereby  sending a clear signal that he has to keep his 
voters happy even at the last hour, A sign of utter DESPERATION.

21 January he was almost caught by the EC Flying Squad at Aldona Tinto when 
he started distributing cash packets and football jersies to football teams 
at his newly acquired house opposite the Tinto. Despite several calls to the 
flying squad  807960; Control Room 0832 2225083 and Mr. Ingle who is in 
charge for the Aldona Constituency flying squad 9405145500 Narvekar slipped 
away just before the squad parked infront of the house. It looks like there 
was constant info of the squad's movement given to Narvekar from outside or 
inside. Nevertheless a report has been filed and we have the copy. Mr. Ingle 
was told to photograph the jersies at the Quitula Football Ground on 22nd 
(Sunday) for proof but this has not been done.

Last night 26 Jan 2012, Narvekar was to distribute cash for votes and saris 
etc at the SAINAGAR TEMPLE near Aldona Health Centre/Police Outpost . The 
timing of his visit was to be between 8.00-08.30 p.m. We staked a look-out 
as well as kept the Flying Squad informed and made sure they were in the 
area at 9.00 p.m. When Narvekar made his entry into the temple with his 
goons and his LADDOOS DISTRIBUTERS, the Flying Squad was informed. There 
were two police cum EC jeeps and Navekar's plan of distributing the goodies 
was foiled and he left with his tail between his legs. Despite telling the 
FS to check his car for the goodies, they did not do so. A report made by 
the FS has been signed by us and shall be collecting it from the Returning 
Officer Mr. Dessai 9822383488 TODAY.

PS: Next time Narvekar makes his move, he is surely going to be red-handed 
caught. His movements are being monitored closely, especially in the 
evenings and on week-ends and holidays.


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[Goanet] Any interest at interaction in Goa

2012-01-27 Thread Venantius J Pinto

I will be crisscrossing India; visiting Nepal, and Bangladesh, and possibly
Pakistan bet Feb 20 or so, until April 15. In Goa, I’d like to try
something -- dovetailing with my notions of Goanity (but in no way
suggesting that I am a worthy recipient).

The idea is to interact with individuals interested in talking trips or
assisting me in visiting places, either by accompanying me or suggesting
must see places. What I am interested (from my interests) is to visit
places of worship, places considered sacred -- those boundaries where one
feels, senses, or perhaps simply imagines an extraordinary

What would interest me is receiving place suggestions, how to get there,
logistics, interest in joining me, being around while I do my drawing,
rubbings, taking photos, or making notes. Other possibilities could be the
possibility of meeting someone special -- even if its means travelling long
distances. Here:its always good to do things reasonably; travelling say by
local transport if private transport is a bit too expensive. But, I am on a
budget I tell you. : ) Its about having a good time, learning about each
other, places, realities -- all the stuff we see as somehow present in our

Feel free to contact me via Goanet. OR directly via email.

One point to mention is that not interested in drinking. So take this into
consideration. I am also not keen on shooting the breeze or being told that
Goa is about chilling out! I do know solitude and its synonyms.

Thank you.

venantius j pinto

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Re: [Goanet] Priests in politics

2012-01-27 Thread Venantius J Pinto
With utmost respect I see it differently. Do we believe that all the
Christian politicians were utterly cursed: that they did not have the good
wishes, expectations, the minds an the eye of the Church, nuns an priests,
and laity upon them.

Barad begins well below. although one should not go with the mango analogy
is not on the ball. It could imply the community saying, and worse the
Christians, see: the priest are the same. The result being that the
experiment is abandoned. Maguir tavveo pettoilya! (Later clap hands)
Read 40*** in the next paragraph.
Barad says:
The drive to help them should come from within and
 not through the position one holds in government. On the contrary..one bad
 mango in a basketful of good .spoils all the mangoes.this saying still
 well. Fear is... one honest priest in a gang of dirty politicians might
 also turn out to be like them!

BUT, the fear of someone turning bad should not derail the possibility, NOR
future possibilities if one or many priest are somewhat or equally corrupt.
I mean shit sherlocks, what about all the 40***  or so minsters times
cabinets that totally rubbed Goan noses and sensibilities in the kumao
(toilet). Think of that. I mean COME ON and get your logic together! In
fact, even Hindu priest of major temples should get into this. Now no point
in pointing out to me (do it to your spouses or the family dog): But then
how will they support themselves, who gives the temples the money. Most of
them have enough to say the least.

People hold to fancy notions of what their priests should be. Priests
should not be considered as mere dinner companions for one. In my opinion
priests should be spiritual assassins. Of course they too are human, and
could have greed oozing out of every pore, but one must risk such a
possibility, UNLESS ones knows for sure a paritcular person is leaning a
bit more towards Mamon, than (fill blank).

Attempt change by any means necessary. The shit has hit the fan, and most
are presenting they have a large enough cheek. Btw, pointing this put is
not being unchristian Time to get that into heads. On the other hand,
villagers should be willing to get priests who are punks out of the way,
even if it means cracking ribs. THAT does not mean instrumental violence.
Cut the crap out dear middle class mavens/ uppers too. Lets not pretend to
be something that only makes one feel elegant, but is thoroughly hollow
within. We see enough of that in the petit bourgeoisie-ponn on Goanet. And
then the angst ridden question flow. As, And Quiet Flows the Don, or

In fact, priest-politicians must be supported in Goa as also in the whole
freaking country; and encouraged. Nuns too. They are many who have beyond
proven themselves. Journalists and writers should suck up, cultivate some
theology/heuristics/ontology chops and write pieces, op-ed pieces on what a
society is, on shifting roles and responsibilities -- and why things have
reached this point. Hey write a novel for crying out loud.

Has secularism failed is another good question to mull on, not to be
confused with pathetic notions of things will be fine if there is no
religion and what follows that the priest must only do this and not that. A
bit of Henri du Lubac, Aquinas, Aristotle, and yes Raimundo Pannikar, Parsa
Bhagwat, Gora Kumbhar Chokamela -- would not be such a bad idea. Christian
journos could drink one less tea and educate yourselves as well as
non-Christians journos on notions of caritas (not carrots!), etc., needs a
strong segment of the laity as good advisers.

I hope the big boys are tuned in certainly Pdr. Loyola. I truly hope so.

venantius j pinto

 Message: 8
 Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 07:47:14 +0530
 From: valley faleiro valley_fale...@hotmail.com
 To: goa news goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet] Priests in politics

  My own feeling is that there is no need for priests to stand or join
 politics. They can help the people to come out and VOTE for the right
 candidate. Better still if they could support a GOOD CANDIDATE to stand for
 the election. Yes , with priests living their daily life with dirty mangoes
 , will not make difference to our lives.


 Valley Faleiro

  From: dr.udayba...@gmail.com
  Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 07:36:53 +0530
  Subject: [Goanet] Priests in politics
  Ann, there is nothing wrong in Priest of Christians, Imam / Mullah of
  and Bhatji of Hindus joining politics! Let's motivate them to enter
  so that we will get government ruled by religious philosophy rather than
  dirty politician's philosophy. Once we achieve this, and to accommodate
  politicians, let's make all these dirty politicians the preachers of
  respective religions, what say?
  I think, one need not become MLA or MP or head of any political body to
  poor and the depressed. The drive to help them should come from within
  not through the position one 

[Goanet] Goans of the world unite !

2012-01-27 Thread Antonio Menezes
Let us for argument sake assume that Goan  (and especially its Velhas
Conquistas) territory  is  sitting on a
thick layer of gold which when extracted would make Goa the richest
territory in the whole world.

The Goa Government with its overflowing treasure chest  decides that all
Goans will be entitled to a sort
of annual comunidade zonn . Goans resident in Goa will naturally get a
golden handshake  but how about
Goans living abroad. How are they going to prove that they were originally
from Goa .  Religion and
Portuguese surnames will not do as there are East Indians from Mumbai and
Mangaloreans meeting
the same criteria.  Goans  with Indian passports with some sort of Goan
connection therein  would
naturally be entitled  But how about other Goans ? Unfortunately they shall
have to prove  they are of
Goan origin and that may not be an easy proposition.

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Re: [Goanet] Goa Church Records - Thanks To The Mormons

2012-01-27 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
On 27 January 2012 01:45, Roland Francis roland.fran...@gmail.com wrote:

 About 10 years ago, the Mormons of Salt Lake City, Utah embarked on a
 project to microfilm the birth, marriage and death (BMD) records of as many
 churches in Goa as they could. In this, they received the consent and
 co-operation of the Goa Church authorities. Their reason for doing this was
 that a British project had done the same but only for people of British
 origin born in India. The Mormons felt that more people should be included
 and they undertook the work at their own effort and expense, starting with

Someone discussing the issue about the Mormons having the largest
database in humankind described them thus, The Church of the Latter
Day Saints are viewed here in the UK as being a cooky / odd bunch of
religious nutcases. [1]

Even while fighting with myself to avoid arguing against the person
or the organisation itself (because that is subjective anyway, and one
person's nutcase views are very routine for someone else), I couldn't
help pointing to some of their beliefs:


During the 19th century Mormon converts tended to gather to a central
geographic location, and between 1852 and 1890 many Mormons openly
practiced plural marriage, a form of religious polygamy. Mormons
dedicate large amounts of time and resources to serving in their
church, and many young Mormons choose to serve a full time proselyting
mission. Mormons have a health code that eschews alcoholic beverages,
tobacco, coffee, tea, and other addictive substances... [2]

More to the point is the reason why they set up this database, which
Roland doesn't touch on in enough detail, in my view:


The Genealogical Society of Utah, founded in 1894, later became the
Family History Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints (LDS), commonly called the Mormon Church. The department's
research facility, the Family History Library, which has developed the
most extensive genealogical record-gathering program in the
world,[citation needed] was established to assist in tracing family
lineages for special religious ceremonies that Mormons believe will
seal family units together for eternity. Mormons believe that this
fulfilled a biblical prophecy stating that the prophet Elijah would
return to 'turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the
heart of the children to their fathers.'[3]


Possibly, this may be good for genealogical research as such.  But
then, there are other issues that come up. Privacy, for instance. What
if you want to get your name out of that database? Check [4]  There is
an e-how on how to do this specifically. Till we understand such
issues better, I suggest we SHOULD look at the 'gift horse' in the
mouth. Or is it just doing something with good potential for a cooky
reason? The law of unintended consequences has also shaped Goa and
Goans, sometimes in ways we are not unhappy with, many times in the
past. Since Timoja and probably before.

Finally, to complicate matters even further, the Catholic Church has
apparently sent out letters, asking bishops to keep their records away
from the Mormons! [5] Too late, my greatgrandparents names have
already been sealed :-)


[1] http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread640197/pg1
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormons
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genealogy
[4] http://www.ehow.com/how_8051104_name-out-lds-genealogy-records.html
FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
Books from Goa,1556 http://scr.bi/Goa1556Books
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa): http://bit.ly/GoaRecordings

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[Goanet] Willy and Trinamool Congress - Part II

2012-01-27 Thread floriano

Vily-Willy and his Trinamool Escapade

Would any one know the real reason for Vily-Willy to track it down all the 
way to Kolkata and shake hands with Mami Banerjee?

In Goa, apart from being propped-up in  the Planning Commission where 
otherwise he would be accumulating mildew, moss and dust.
He could not have a say  even for his own road for years, now  having been 
partly beautifully done-up by the new-comer of the BJP.

His heavy tie up ( 5 crores) with Banerjee's TC has nothing in it for AMCHEM 
BANGARACHEM GOEM but all for Mamta's TC with Vily-Willy being the 
TC is a State Party. It badly needs National recognition. With the booty 
that Vily-Willy has got from Mamta, he intends mopping up a few votes here 
and a few votes there in these Goa's crucial elections where its IDENTITY is 
sought to be saved.  This miserable mop-up of votes will fill up  Mamta's 
vote basket to claim  Recognition by the Election Commission of India as 
another INDIA's  destabilizing NATIONAL PARTY.

What about GOA??
Isn't Vily Willy a real DOG IN THE MANGER?? whose only sentiment is:


PS: Unfortunately, with  himself  in the fray in Aldona,  which Constituency 
is owned by his dear 'grand-mother' (we are told),  he thinks that the 
mop-up of the share of votes for Mamta will be abundant. Nevertheless, no 
hard feelings here. Dotor happens to be my very good friend, me having a 
particular love for him, but not the kind of LOVE that I have for my GOA.  I 
wish him all the very best for TRINAMOOL 


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[Goanet] Quilts of Goa - Workshop Exhibition

2012-01-27 Thread sujata noronha
Dear  Friends
As part of an initiative we are  involved with, we are organising a Godhadi 
Workshop with 4 traditional Godhadi wallis from Keri, Bali, Margao and Panjim 
at the Goa College of Home Science on Tuesday 31st am. The day is a 
collaborative workshop between the Goa College of Home Science, Research 
Institute for Women and the Needlecraft Group.
The day will begin with a brief opening and felicitation of 97 year old Godhadi 
walli from Santa Cruz, a presentation on Quilts of India by researcher Patrick 
J Finn, an exhibition of the Needlecraft Group's collaborative quilt themed on 
Goa, and exhibits of many traditional forms and styles of Goan godhadis and 
The sessions will begin at 10.00 am and end by 4. 30 pm.
Please come to learn more about this revitalisation project, meet these 
traditional needlecrafters, join the Needlecraft group and view the exhibits.
We look forward,

Blog: http://goabookworm.wordpress.com  Website: http://www.thebooktreasury.org
9823222665 or -832-2420146. Bluebelle 2nd Fl, Tamba Colony, St. Inez.,Goa 

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[Goanet] Goans of the world unite !

2012-01-27 Thread Carvalho
Dear Antonio,
How are you?
If the Portuguese government can take the trouble of proving Goan ancestry even 
three generations back and awarding us Portuguese citizenship based on that, 
surely the Goa government can offer us the same courtesy. It is not at all 
difficult to prove Goan ancestry, thanks to the Catholic Church which kept 
excellent baptismal records (now archived by the Mormons - thanks Roland, I 
will definitely be following up that link as it seems Nuvem is one of the 
churches they archived. I understand - maybe incorrectly- the Mormons later ran 
into resistance from the Church authorities in Goa). 
I am all for the preservation of Goan land and heritage. But all the 
stakeholders must be consulted before any decision is taken. 
I am also of the opinion that the preservation of land can only come through 
classifying it as agricultural, conservation, heritage, etc. At the moment 
people are buying agriculture land and building on it. I have seen with my own 
eyes huge mega-projects coming up on what were previously paddy fields.  These 
people are mostly Goans and have gotten permission in connivance with Goans. 
Bringing into effect a law that says non-Goans cannot buy agricultural land 
makes no sense. We actually don't need more laws. What we need is effective 
implementation of the laws in existence. And unfortunately the ones who 
contravene laws are more often than not our wonderful politicians.

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Re: [Goanet] Any interest at interaction in Goa

2012-01-27 Thread Venantius J Pinto
A pleasant surprise in my mailbox from a Salesian nun who just pointed out:
This interest of yours to visit places of worship, places considered sacred
-- those boundaries where one feels, senses, or perhaps simply imagines an
extraordinary presence/silence; monuments, observe the landscape, tribal
villages, etc. definitely has its origin in the One who made a world
without boundaries. How lovely  and profound!

Lawd, there is hope! : )

venantius j pinto

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[Goanet] About 53 Goan survivors / crew members of the ill-fated Costa Concordia offered thanksgiving mass today

2012-01-27 Thread JoeGoaUk
About 53 Goan survivors / crew members of the ill-fated
Costa Concordia offered thanksgiving mass at Holy Cross Shrine, Bambolim
today On 27thJanuary 2012. 

Earlier, there was a thanksgiving Ladainha  / Litany  
at the Miraculous Cross or Fulamcho Khuris

The choir was also formed entirely of the survivors.
In the end, they sang ‘argam tuka Somia’ amidst clapping
of hands.
Followed by ‘Goemcho Saib’ orassao ‘Sam Francis Xaviera’

Of the 53, there were many in their early 20’s

Some pics

Fr. Freddy D’ Souza
Pallottine  priest, based in US

Church / Mass - left

The Main Altar

the 5 men choir (all survivors)

all Survivors


video coming soon..


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc    

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[Goanet] All Goan Survivors of Costa Concordia come together to say THANK YOU to Lord - Video

2012-01-27 Thread JoeGoaUk
All Goan Survivors of Costa Concordia come together tos ay THANK YOU to Lord - 

or watch it bigger in this blog


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc 

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[Goanet] The dark underbelly of Goan society in London

2012-01-27 Thread Carvalho
In response to this post of mine, I got some interesting private responses. I 
feel the need to address some of these. I had posed the question, is there a 
difference between East African Goans and Portuguese Passport Goans in the UK? 
If so why? 
On the face of it, there is a vast difference. One is articulate, refined, 
lives in a fine home and delicately sips Rose wine while regaling you with 
stories of clubs in Africa. The other finds it difficult to converse in 
English, is engaged in a factory job, gets drunk and has public brawls, some of 
which end up with knives in people's stomachs.
But in reality, underneath these superfluous differences, both are very similar 
creatures. The real difference in, the middle-class knows the fine art of 
hiding their problems under a pristine veneer of respectability. And so what is 
a social issue for the middle-class becomes a criminal issue for the working 
The two faces of Goa that I spoke about is really one face; one with make-up, 
the other without.
The UK is one of the most fascinating place to study Goan culture. Here you 
have layers and layers of Goan culture in varying states of evolution. I can 
write realms about UK Goans but of course if I ever tell the truth, the whole 
truth and nothing but the truth, I shall have to change my name and address and 
emigrate to the moon. So sadly it shall all remain with me, unless one night I 
have too much Rose wine :-)
Take care,

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Re: [Goanet] Goa Church records, thanks to the Mormons

2012-01-27 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, after emigrating to the USA, I went to 
University attending night classes for many years.  One of my Professors was a 
Stake-holder or the equivalent of a Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ and 
Latter Day Saints, colloquially known as the Mormons.   The Mormons had just 
constructed a very impressive church on a hillock in Silver Spring, Maryland 
close to where I had lived at that time, a stone's throw away from the 
Washington DC boundary.
Having constructed the church, knowing that there were a lot of curious folks 
out there,
they allowed a few people by invitation only, to tour their new church.  My 
Professor  was kind enough to give my family an invitation.  This is where I 
learnt a few things about the
Mormon church.  The church building was not a church in the conventional 
sense,(at least this one in the Washington DC suburbs) as it did not have a 
large central chamber of
worship like conventional churches.  It was a magnificent building 
nevertheleess. It was situated on a hill with a good vantage point and was 
quite tall and had a golden angel
(the Angel Moroni) blowing a trumpet.
 When we entered the main foyer there was a  huge bowl like structure mounted 
on 4 Oxen figgures.We were told that worshippers first had to ritually wash 
their feet and then go into changing rooms where they changed into all white 
clothes (robes for women and suits for men),
Then they went to different chambers depending on what they were to do that day.
There were a lot of separate chambers.  One was for brides with wall to wall 
Another was the genealogical library with dozens of Microfiche machines 
computers came into widespread use), where they could research the geneaology 
of their
ancestors etc.  We were told that according to their faith, they searched for 
the names of
their ancestors and ritually retroactively converted them to the Mormon faith.  
This was the primary purpose of  their genealogical research.  I dont recall 
what the other chambers were for.  The inside of the building was all clad in 
white marble with no windows, but large vertical sheets of translucent brown 
and white marble, providing some difused light.
We walked on what must have been very expensive very plush sink in the pile 
royal blue carpeting.  After allowing a week for people to view their 
sanctuary as they referred to the building, the entire church was ritually 
cleaned, the expensive carpet removed and destroyed and the church 
re-carpeted. The church was then sealed off for non-Mormons and those not in 
good books with their church.  This was told to me by my Professor.
The Mormons eschew all stimulants including alcohol, coffee, chocolate etc.  
They also maintain within their homes, enough food to last 6 months.  This is 
probably because of 
their history when they were persecuted by Americans of other denominations, 
and had to
flee  westwards till they landed in the state of Utah,. They contribute 10 
percent of their earnings to their church and in turn when they are in 
financial trouble they are supported by the congregation till the person is 
back on his feet. They tend to have large families and believe in strong family 
bonds.  When a Mormon boy turns 18, he is required to give one year of service 
as a Missionary in foreign countries.  All in all, I have a very favorable 
impression of people of the Mormon faith, many of whom were my personal 
friends. As I recall, the Mormon church was founded in Pennsylvania, USA by 
their prophet Joseph
Smith, who is reputed to have received two golden tablets on a mountain top 
from the
Angel Moroni.  In the early years of their faith, because of their depleted 
numbers, especially the men having lost their lives while defending themselves 
against persecution,
the church encouraged men to take several wives, because there were so many
women without husbands.  It is also alleged (I stress alleged) that they at one 
time looked down on people with color as lesser human beings, and only whites 
were allowed to
join their church.  This has since changed.
One of the U.S. Presidential candidates Mitt Romney is of the Mormon faith.  
Another very prominent family in the Hospitality industry, the Marriott family 
are also Mormon.  The
Goa Marriott Hotel is affiliated with the Marriott Hotel chain.
The Mormons are reputed to have the best geneaological database inthe world.  
So I am not surprised that they even have information about our Goa churches.

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Re: [Goanet] BOOK REVIEW: Moda Goa: History and Style by Wendell

2012-01-27 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Bernado Colaco

 For once please write something that makes sense.

RESPONSE:  Accha!?! No doubt you have a monopoly on writing nonsense on 
a daily basis, innit??

- B


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[Goanet] Priests in politics

2012-01-27 Thread U. G. Barad
I don't know what prompted Venantius to write in misinterpreting my message
(appended here below)!! I repeat there is no harm in priest joining

According to me, Priests are primarily meant to guide our path towards
Christ and therefore my concern is will priests succeed in achieving this
vision and mission if they take on additional responsibility of becoming

I raise this question because I see many priests spending 24x7 hours every
week achieving above objective with no much success in modern thinking
world. This difficulty is also witnessed in other religions. Their struggle
in one duty alone prompts me that priests, for that matter any religious
head, should not be encouraged to enter politics. 

Lastly, as Venantius says, there is nothing like trying and seeing how
irremovable mess starts gathering around, what say? Venantius, do encourage
more and more priest to join politics. Hope Goa and Goans see more number of
priest politicians in upcoming election!

Best regards,

U. G. Barad 


With utmost respect I see it differently. Do we believe that all the
Christian politicians were utterly cursed: that they did not have the good
wishes, expectations, the minds an the eye of the Church, nuns an priests,
and laity upon them.

Barad begins well below. although one should not go with the mango analogy
is not on the ball. It could imply the community saying, and worse the
Christians, see: the priest are the same. The result being that the
experiment is abandoned. Maguir tavveo pettoilya! (Later clap hands)
Read 40*** in the next paragraph.
Barad says:
The drive to help them should come from within and
 not through the position one holds in government. On the contrary..one bad
 mango in a basketful of good .spoils all the mangoes.this saying still
 well. Fear is... one honest priest in a gang of dirty politicians might
 also turn out to be like them!

BUT, the fear of someone turning bad should not derail the possibility, NOR
future possibilities if one or many priest are somewhat or equally corrupt.
I mean shit sherlocks, what about all the 40***  or so minsters times
cabinets that totally rubbed Goan noses and sensibilities in the kumao
(toilet). Think of that. I mean COME ON and get your logic together! In
fact, even Hindu priest of major temples should get into this. Now no point
in pointing out to me (do it to your spouses or the family dog): But then
how will they support themselves, who gives the temples the money. Most of
them have enough to say the least.

People hold to fancy notions of what their priests should be. Priests
should not be considered as mere dinner companions for one. In my opinion
priests should be spiritual assassins. Of course they too are human, and
could have greed oozing out of every pore, but one must risk such a
possibility, UNLESS ones knows for sure a paritcular person is leaning a
bit more towards Mamon, than (fill blank).

Attempt change by any means necessary. The shit has hit the fan, and most
are presenting they have a large enough cheek. Btw, pointing this put is
not being unchristian Time to get that into heads. On the other hand,
villagers should be willing to get priests who are punks out of the way,
even if it means cracking ribs. THAT does not mean instrumental violence.
Cut the crap out dear middle class mavens/ uppers too. Lets not pretend to
be something that only makes one feel elegant, but is thoroughly hollow
within. We see enough of that in the petit bourgeoisie-ponn on Goanet. And
then the angst ridden question flow. As, And Quiet Flows the Don, or

In fact, priest-politicians must be supported in Goa as also in the whole
freaking country; and encouraged. Nuns too. They are many who have beyond
proven themselves. Journalists and writers should suck up, cultivate some
theology/heuristics/ontology chops and write pieces, op-ed pieces on what a
society is, on shifting roles and responsibilities -- and why things have
reached this point. Hey write a novel for crying out loud.

Has secularism failed is another good question to mull on, not to be
confused with pathetic notions of things will be fine if there is no
religion and what follows that the priest must only do this and not that. A
bit of Henri du Lubac, Aquinas, Aristotle, and yes Raimundo Pannikar, Parsa
Bhagwat, Gora Kumbhar Chokamela -- would not be such a bad idea. Christian
journos could drink one less tea and educate yourselves as well as
non-Christians journos on notions of caritas (not carrots!), etc., needs a
strong segment of the laity as good advisers.

I hope the big boys are tuned in certainly Pdr. Loyola. I truly hope so.

venantius j pinto

Ann, there is nothing wrong in Priest of Christians, Imam / Mullah of Muslim
and Bhatji of Hindus joining politics! Let's motivate them to enter politics
so that we will get government ruled by religious philosophy rather than
dirty politician's philosophy. Once we achieve this, 


2012-01-27 Thread jm
The Bible and Christian tradition taught that alcohol is a gift from God
that makes life more joyous but that overindulgence leading to drunkenness
is a sin………There are many many many lay catholics in bombay who after
attending the Sunday Mass go to the local Country liquor shop and have a
quarter or half or full bottle of country liquor - some go to the local
whisky-rum-brandy-beer shop and take a quarter or half or full bottle of
brandy or whisky or rum - some catholic youth take beer……..unlike the
parish priest who drinks a very tiny cup of wine during the Sunday mass
eucharistic celebration due to which the priest remains in his senses the
same is not the case with some of the lay catholics in bombay……the lay
catholics are drinking bottle or bottles of country liquor or rum or whisky
or brandy which results in drunkenness and they start behaving erratically
or sinfullyAn interesting point to note is during the Sunday Mass only
the communion bread is served for the laity and not the wine whereas Jesus
Christ had shared the bread  wine with his disciples………In the Early Church
both clergy and laity received the consecrated wine by drinking from the
chalice, after receiving a portion of the consecrated bread.

Alcohol is a product of fermented fruits, grains and honey. In this
process, yeast is used to turn the sugar into alcohol. Alcohol is used in
many forms like as a sedative, as a cleaner and as an antiseptic agent. The
alcoholic beverages are consumed by humans, from the prehistoric period,
for many reasons. Large amount of alcohol consumption leads to intoxication
and hangovers. The regular intake of alcohol in high dosages, causes many
long and short term effects on the various body parts, like the bone
structures, bloodstream, liver, stomach, pancreas, heart, peripheral
tissues and mouth. Regular or high consumption of alcohol can cause serious
central nervous system disorders……Alcoholism may also lead to depression,
antisocial behavior, psychosis, delusions, ataxia, seizures, craving for
food and irritability.

In the catholic seminaries (college where youth are trained to become
priests) in Bombay the Parish Priests were not given any training on what
type of sermons they should give that will enlighten the laity to improve
their health  wealth………neither the Priests were trained on how they should
use church funds for the benefit of the parishioners…….neither the Priests
were trained on how they should utilize vacant church properties for the
housing needs of the parishioners……neither the Priests were trained on what
they should do to ensure that minimum 50% students in parish schools are
from the catholic community.

The Catholic Clergy in Bombay have programmed the native catholics of
bombay to remain non-combative non-aggressive non-ambitious
politicallyinactive this explains why catholics in bombay don’t have any
vision and mission and courage to agitate for land rights – govt jobs –
govt. housing – civic facilities……….the official magazine of the
Archdiocese of Bombay also does not have any content in it that will awaken
the catholic laity in bombay from their deep slumber………some lay catholics
in bombay need to pool in resources and start a weekly lay catholic
magazine and put content in it that will awaken the laity from their deep
deep deep slumber and make the laity combative aggressive ambitious
politicallyactive and make the laity agitate for land rights – govt. jobs –
govt. housing – civic facilities and awaken the laity to control the
corrupt activities of some of the parish priests who are misusing church
funds – illegally selling away vacant church properties and siphoning off
the money – refusing admission to children of poor catholics – behaving
like dictators.

The BMC elections are two weeks away…….and people are being urged to
vote…..but why should people waste their time voting when the elected
Corporator is only going to serve the interests of the builders
lobby……better option should be for citizens to go directly to their local
ward office and get things done rather than expect the Corporator to do
anything good.

The Kolis living in the koliwadas of bombay are preoccupied with catching
fish selling fish and drinking alcohol…..neither the kolis agitated to
change the name of bombay to mumbai………neither the kolis are bothered
whether anyone uses the word bombay or mumbai or slumbai…..but for the
trade union of the marathi migrants in bombay i.e. the shiv sena wiping out
the Portuguese/British history of bombay was more important than improving
civic conditions in koliwadas or providing jobs for the koli youth in
BMC..for the marathi migrants bombay is a hen that lays golden
eggs for them…….most of the money they make here they transfer to their
native places in other parts of maharashtra for renovating houses or
purchase land or for marriage and for various other purposes……..these
marathi migrants have no interest in protecting open spaces mangroves ponds


2012-01-27 Thread Venantius J Pinto
A pity that The King/s has/have not been caught on camera. We are still in
Jan and it would have been a memento of their way out! I mean with all the
cyber worthies in Goa this should be possible!

Would that be a breach of privacy -- notions that no one should have in
this context! Or perhaps a matter of a sting costing some money.

venantius j pinto

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[Goanet] Christian art museum burgled, guard killed

2012-01-27 Thread SOTER
Interesting that this news was found not fit for the headlines of local 
newspapers. A non-significant issue like the priest contesting elections makes 
repeated headlines. There is something seriously  wrong with the Goan psyche.

Soter D'souza

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Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar

2012-01-27 Thread Bernado Colaco
The anti Catholic CD is all over Youtube and highly patronized by the 
RSS. It is a shame that some Goans continue patronizing this evil man.


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Re: [Goanet] Post Independence Konkani poetry: a mini-review (by Dr Nandkumar Kamat)

2012-01-27 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
His political or ideological views won't make anyone less of a poet
(provided he's into poetry). Whether you like Karmali or not. FN

On 27 January 2012 16:16, Bernado Colaco ole_...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 It is strange how the author promotes a RSS and anti Catholic Karmali as a 
 poet. Just an other crap story from the brainwashed.

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Re: [Goanet] late Mario Miranda awarded Padma Vibhushan

2012-01-27 Thread Venantius J Pinto
In my opinion Dr. Jose Pereira IS an artist, and his theological concerns
stemmed from his artistic concerns. Not the other way around, although it
seems like that! (Read, Grace and Necessity: Reflections on Art and Love).
This is not hard to see. An artist does not need to have an extensive
oeuvre, nor one that satisfies the art world. It is about what the artist
has reflected upon, allowing those voices to manifest. The Goan media,
perhaps with its attendant legal fictions, fixations and felicities to
certain sensibilities are saying a lot by saying little about Dr. Pereira;
that what is comprehensible and palatable to their kind and the kind they
kowtow to --- is a Miranda over a Pereira. This is not to cast any
aspersions on Miranda's work/ Also remember that none of Mario Miranda's
work or views, to my knowledge ever rankled the bigots. Other ideas and
conjecture may flow from the point just made, including those of political

venantius j pinto

 Message: 2
 Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 11:55:04 +0400
 From: Eugene Correia eugene.corr...@gmail.com
 To: goa...@goanet.org
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] late Mario Miranda awarded Padma Vibhushan

 Both the Navhind Times and OHeraldo highlighted Mario de Miranda
 getting the award in their headlines but ignored Dr. Jose Pereira. No
 doubt Mario has been in the news following his death but Dr. Pereira
 should have also got a share ot the limelight. In one newspaper story,
 perhaps from a news agency, Dr. Pereira's name is missing and in
 another paper his name appears in the body copy.,
 I can understand that the common Goan is unaware of Dr. Pereira but I
 hoped at least rhose managing news desks should have found him worthy
 of giving him prominence. I am Goan living abroad, Dr. Pereira's work
 has concentrated on Konkani and Goan art and architecture. As for me,
 the eminent historian is highly placed in the Goan intelligentsia than
 Their field of work is different, but at one point it comes together
 is in their painting. Besides being a historian, Dr. Pereira is also a
 painter. Goans in Goa may well remember the ruckus created over his
 painting on religious themes.
 It is good that these two outstanding Goans have earned the
 recognition from the Indian government, though Mario has had the
 privilege of winning other government awards. There are many Goans
 both in India and abroad who must be recognized for their work in
 their respective fields.


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[Goanet] BJP to make migrant stay very comfortable in Goa?

2012-01-27 Thread SOTER
While we Goans accuse Congress of encouraging migrant vote banks what does this 
assuarance by Parrikar amount to? Have Goans forgottten the long queues of 
migrants outside the Collector's building for regularisation of encroachments, 
particularly communidade lands, through a scheme launched by BJP Government in 

Parrikar woos Chimbel with legal houses  
MERCES: Extending an olive branch to the Indira Nagar residents, Opposition 
Leader Manohar Parrikar assured that he would resolve the issue of 
regularisation of houses at IndiraNagar within a year if BJP is voted to power.
Parrikar made the statement while speaking at Indira Nagar as the Jansampark 
Abhiyan rally reached St Cruz constituency on Monday.
Speaking further, Parrikar targeted the Congress government for using the 
Indira Nagar area as a vote bank and not caring to solve the issues plaguing 
the residents, including housing, garbage, sewage, etc.
The Congress never showed any interest in solving the vexed issue of 
regularising houses as it was only interested in using the issue during every 
poll to garner votes, he said, citing an example wherein, during the BJP 
regime, he provided 32 dwellings to Indira Nagar residents whose houses were 
burnt in a major fire in the area.
Spelling out many schemes the BJP would implement if voted to power, Parrikar 
urged the Indira Nagar residents to cast the vote in favour of the BJP if they 
want to live a decent and a dignified life.
BJP Vice President Dr Wilfred Mesquita castigated the Congress government, who 
he alleged, is using religion as a tool to garner votes of the minorities.
He further urged the locals not to fall prey to the divisive politics of the 
Congress and to vote for BJP, which believes in a united nation, irrespective 
of religion, caste, etc.
Anil Hoble also advised the Indira Nagar residents to vote for the BJP, since 
it is the only party which is capable to regularising the houses and also solve 
problems affecting the area.

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Re: [Goanet] Goans of the world unite(Elisabeth) (Gerald)

2012-01-27 Thread Gerald Fernandes
We find it very quaint that Elisabeth ,despite her accomplishments, finds it so 
convenient to hang the ills confronting Goa on the peg of politician 
responsibility as if  Goans are original milk washed virginal saints led to the 
slaughter or coerced into sleeping with the enemy. Goans living in Goa and 
Goans living elsewhere are as much responsible for the rape and pillage of Goa 
and its rich tapestry of agricultural heritage as persons who are Non-Goans. We 
know that this posture expressed by us will draw groans about Liberation -- 
Portuguese buccolic days vis-a vis current days, but be that as it may IT 

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[Goanet] Report on religious freedom violation submitted to European Union

2012-01-27 Thread SOTER
Published Date: January 26, 2012

A delegation of Christians and human rights activists has submitted a report on 
violations of minority rights and religious freedom in India to the European 

The report entitled Freedom of Religion in India: Joint Stakeholders Report 
for the Universal Periodic Review 2012? was submitted yesterday during a 
meeting between the Indian delegation and the Delegation of the European Union 
in India in Delhi.

Every four years the human rights situation of a country is assessed by the 
United Nation's human right's council.

The report focuses on the state of religious freedom of the minorities 
especially of Christians and Muslims, said S Prasad, member, National Dalit 
Human Rights Campaign.

He said that despite being a secular country, very often non-state actors in 
connivance with the state machinery snatch minority rights.

In many states like Karnataka and Orissa, Christians are not allowed to freely 
practice their faith by Hindu fundamentalists.

The report is the outcome of three national consultations held in New Delhi, 
Bangalore and Bhubaneswar, said Dhirendra Panda, human right activist from 
Orissa and coordinator of National Solidarity Forum that coordinated the report.

John Dayal, All India Christian Council general secretary, said the Targeted 
Violence (Prevention, Control and Reparations) Bill 2011 should be brought into 
Parliament to safeguard the minorities from the fundamentalist attacks.

He said the anti-conversion laws that take away the freedom of faith in 
contradiction to the fundamental right of a citizen should be repealed.

Phillip Oliver Gross, First Secretary, Political Affairs EU said, We are quite 
keen to see that human rights are protected and freedom of faith respected and 
would draw the attention of our members towards the issue during the UPR 

Besides Dayal, Panda and Prasad, Fr. Charles Irudayam, Secretary, Office of 
Justice and Peace Commission of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India and 
Fr. Ajaya Kumar Singh, Orissa Forum for Social Action were the members of the 

The report was prepared by six international NGOs, including Pax Romana 
(International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs and 
International Movement of Catholic Students), World Council of Churches and 
Dominicans for Justice and Peace (Order of Preachers), Geneva and 87 civil 
society groups in India.
By Ajay Kumar Singh, Bhubaneswar


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[Goanet] Post Independence Konkani poetry: a mini-review (by Dr Nandkumar Kamat)

2012-01-27 Thread Bernado Colaco
Are you saying that the Bard of Avon was a noted goon?


His political or ideological views won't make anyone less of a poet
(provided he's into poetry). Whether you like Karmali or not. FN

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Re: [Goanet] Priests in politics

2012-01-27 Thread Venantius J Pinto
The whole post had nothing to do with you Barad.
I rarely misinterpret, and I rarely need to attack.
Besides the first para does not address you at all. It was addressed to the
message by Valley Faleiro. Please look at my email to which you responded
and link. Faleiro's following post seems to have disappeared:
(Valley Faleiro) My own feeling is that there is no need for priests to
stand or join
 politics. They can help the people to come out and VOTE for the right
 candidate. Better still if they could support a GOOD CANDIDATE to stand
 the election. Yes , with priests living their daily life with dirty
 , will not make difference to our lives.


 Valley Faleiro
SEE: http://www.mail-archive.com/goanet@lists.goanet.org/msg85466.html

The first paragraph of my comments AND addressed to Faleiro:
With utmost respect I see it differently. Do we believe that all
the Christian politicians were utterly cursed: that they did not have the
good wishes, expectations, the minds an the eye of the Church, nuns an
priests, and laity upon them. WAS addressed to Valley Faleiro and
respectfully too. Again at:

Venantius agreed with you on: The drive to help them should come from
within and
 not through the position one holds in government.

I, venantius made the following comment to your-- Barad's point to the
contrary vide what I agreed to above: (Barad)  On the contrary..one
bad mango in a basketful of good .spoils all the mangoes.this saying
still holds well. Fear is... one honest priest in a gang of dirty
politicians might also turn out to be like them!

What I (venantius) said was: BUT, the fear of someone turning bad should
not derail the possibility, NOR future possibilities if one or many priest
are somewhat or equally corrupt. (TO MEAN, that even if a priest is found
to be corrupt, the idea of accepting a priest entry into the electoral
politics should not be chucked away then I gave that example of the 40 some
corrupt ministers over so many cabinets).

But I hear your POINT, which as you spell it now IS that:
Their struggle in one duty alone prompts me that priests, for that matter
any religious
head, should not be encouraged to enter politics.

So good for both of us. We are at least thinking through this.

All else is said in a general manner. I am stunned that you (Barad) are
unaware of my writing form. I would not address you in the PLURAL when I
say Shit Sherlocks. I am addressing people in general-- Christians who have
an issue (perhaps they are right in doing so) with priests in politics. I
do not have to light fires and am not propelled by angst at any level.

What I always do/say is to offer another angle. People can take it or leave
it. About more priests getting in, that is not my concern but I do know
that they have the chops for it. All we have to do is wait and see if THEY
TOO defecate on the people. Its that simple. Btw, I also mentioned Hindu
priests from the major temples. No one should forget that. Also look
carefully at my first paragraph. It starts with castigating Christians.
Have you seen anyone do that as I as Christian do?! Not asking for
accolades, but that mine is not seen as some idiot logic. Its airtight!

The point is to yes encourage those priest who think of getting into
politics, NOT to go looking for priest and nuns, and shove them into
politics. The point is also that I get tired when I do believe that on
certain issues I am one of the few who speaks and speak clearly on those
issues. My trajectory is almost always addressed to the Goan Christian
mind. Finally I mention Pdr. Loyola for reasons I do not have to explain,
but it is still done with respect.

Basically there are many layers in what I say. You were addressed,
complimented, and a point of yours was commented upon with sufficient
personal opinion. You offered:  one honest priest in a gang of dirty
politicians might also turn out to be like them! I SIMPLY suggested: Even
if that be the case the people have to take that risk, and supported it by
pointing out 40 or so minsters x # of cabinets to point out there there
have been more corruption than one or a few corrupt priests (we do not know
that yet) can wreak.

If this satisfies you. please say so. Otherwise rest assured I will make
sure that I never interact with any text you put up on Goanet. Now
understand that I am not angry or agitated. Its just that on certain issues
I prefer to be understood.

One final thing: It always amazes me that no questions of mine relating to
any of my interests, art etc. are ever answered on Goanet, but
misunderstanding crop up on many issues. I thought it was a thing of the

Finally, WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, trust me there is nothing that you, Barad
will have to say anymore. I have explained myself, and answered your
points. Best.

venantius j pinto

 Message: 3
 Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 

[Goanet] Congrats JOEGOAUK

2012-01-27 Thread Nelson Lopes
Congrats joe you really get Goa to Goans not only inside ,but those
who are far out of its boundaries I personally feel that you are the
best thing that happened to Goa net. Keep up the wonderful and sincere
job. The visuals are a real treat that keep Goans in touch and
connected with the roots more than million words written every day. It
is a little wonder how you manage to update every day from different
corners of Goa You deserve our appreciation and gratitude. I have
taken the liberty to mail some posts  TO THOSE WHO ARE NOT CONNECTED
The capitals stress the emphasis
Really you serve as the best embassasdor for goans  Much is expected
from people who do more your sacrifices are not in vain. I am late,
but late then never
nelson lopes chinchinim

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[Goanet] Goa news for January 28, 2012

2012-01-27 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Sesa Goa rallies nearly 7% on higher volumes - Economic

*** Guards suspected in Goa's biggest robbery - Times of India
police investigating burglary at Christian museum

*** Goa Assembly elections: Liquor curbs ahead of polls
affecting Goa's casinos - Economic Times
1 pm in poll-bound Goa is affecting the state's night life, the
casino lobby has said and feared that these offshore and
on-shore pleasure joints would have to be closed down if the
restrictions remain.

*** Goa through the eyes of design - Deccan Chronicle
istoric times till the present did indeed grow out of a garment.
Mario Miranda came to me asking me to write a specific chapter
on a ...

*** Dust Track: 'I've changed. Now Goa wants change' - The Hindu

*** Restaurants 
he Goa goulash

*** Goa MLAs most vocal in House, says ADR data - Deccan Herald
ccan HeraldWhen it came to making their voice heard, Goa's
opposition MLAs were far ahead. The BJP asked all the questions,
putting in 8796 of them to trip the Congress led government in
the Assembly. In the Manipur House only 565 questions were put
to the ...a class=

*** From events to a seminar, it's all about helping youth to
help themselves - Times of India
 young leaders' conference as part of the annual
techno-managerial festival, Quark. The conference aimed at
bringing together young leaders, entrepreneurs and ...a class=

*** The country needs individual super-excellence: CSIR chief -
Times of India
mes of IndiaHe was speaking at the 24th annual convocation of
the Goa University at Taleigao on Friday. India went from being
an exporter of raw hides to being a leader in fashion leathers.
India is the only country where the life expectancy has gone up
from 35 ...a class=

*** Praful to visit Goa to decide on tickets - Times of India
BLwICAGe8qDMand more »

Compiled by Goanet News Service

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Re: [Goanet] BJP to make migrant stay comfortable in Goa?

2012-01-27 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Disgusting to read Manohar#39;s pandering to illegal squatters on Goan land.


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Re: [Goanet] Goans of the world unite !

2012-01-27 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
 On 27 January 2012 15:38, Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I am all for the preservation of Goan land and
 heritage. But all the stakeholders must be
 consulted before any decision is taken.

Are migrants who have settled in Goa -- specially the disempowered --
not stakeholders too? If you reply in the negative, be prepared to
one day be swept aside by the same  waves of exclusivism and
intolerance gaining currency in Goa now.

So far, Goan chauvinism has been effectively used against the Goan
him/herself. For instance, while it appears that the domicile clause
protects local interests (whatever that means), it is actually being
used against, say, children of migrants to the Gulf who may not have
the 15 years residence here needed to claim a medical or engineering
seat. The exceptions made for  some expats' kids exist in theory but
are hardly sufficient (high fees, few seats on this quota).

I fail to understand why we don't recognise Goa as a two-way
migration-oriented society, where both (outwards and inward migration)
are related. I fail to understand how we can portray outmigrants as
heroes and in-migrants as villians, where both are part of similar
economic and other processes...

Above all, both those quite happy to disenfranchise the expat and also
those who disempower and stereotype the in-migrant (Lalu Ram and
Mohammed Iqbal from Bihar) are guilty of neglecting the Golden Rule.
Do unto others what you'd wish them to do to you... FN

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[Goanet] Operation Plastic-Free Saligao on 26 January 2012 (by Rose Fernandes)

2012-01-27 Thread Melvyn Fernandes
Dear Muriel  Mario

I was delighted to hear through goanet of the operation plastic-free Saligao 
taking place on 26 January. Hopefully, it was 
an outstanding success bringing oxygen to the soil of the village. It will be 
interesting to know how all this plastic/litter was 
disposed off or recycled.

This is a wonderful initiative of people participation and I am sure that all 
of us whose origins are from Saligao would 
sincerely like to thank you and all the men and women of our beloved village 
who took part. 

You have led the way to show that this operation plastic-free/litter can be 
done. Maybe other areas in Goa, through civil 
authorities, will hear of and take similar action all the way from the top of 
the Western Ghats bringing life to the Salmona 
Springs as water tables become unpolluted. 

Once again thanks and best wishes.

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

27 January 2012


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[Goanet] Goa needs a nautical college, say seafarers

2012-01-27 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Goan Thanksgiving after the Costa Concordia (January 27, 2012)

1       01-interviews   22:28
2       02-prayers      20:48
3       03-konkanimass  45:56

The January 13, 2012 tragedy saw the Miami-based Carnival Corp's
cruise vessel Costa Concordia being wrecked in Europe. As many as 53
crewmembers were from Goa, India. They returned home to offer prayers
and thanksgiving for emerging safe (one Goan-origin youth, based in
Mumbai or Bombay, was still untraced though), and talk of their issues
and concerns. Also a recording of a Mass in Konkani.

The cruise staff talk about the difficulties they face (in getting
their CDC documentation and banking remittances), and the need for a
Seafarers' Commissioner, as a nodal agency dealing with their issues.
A nautical college could make a difference in the jobs people from Goa
get on board the ship. Fr Freddy D'Souza, a Pallotine priest who has
travelled with some cruise ships, said the Mass.


This audio is part of the collection: Community Audio

Artist/Composer: Recorded by FN/Frederick Noronha
Date: 2012-01-27
Keywords: goa; costa concordia; crew; salcete; bambolim cross;
thanksgiving; survivors; cruise ship
Creative Commons license: Attribution 3.0

Goa Seamen Association of India presid...@goanseamen.com
Dixon Vaz, GSAI dixonvaz112rediffmail.com
Fr Freddy (has been a volunteer priest chaplain on seven cruise ships)

PHOTOS: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/
FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
Books from Goa,1556 http://scr.bi/Goa1556Books
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa): http://bit.ly/GoaRecordings

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Link: Celebrate Robin!

2012-01-27 Thread Albert Peres

Celebrate Robin! via the ONN

ONN is Hosting a Party and You’re Invited…

(Toronto, ON) After more than 12 years at the helm of the Ontario 
Trillium Foundation (OTF), Chief Executive Officer Robin Cardozo will be 
leaving the Foundation in the spring to join SickKids Foundation as 
Chief Operating Officer. He leaves very big shoes to fill said Jini 
Stolk, Co-Chair of the ONN Steering Committee. Under Robin's 
leadership, Trillium has grown in reach and scope and is now one of the 
most important and responsive funders in Canada.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation is a key funder of innovation, 
collaboration and new ways of working in Ontario's communities added 
Tonya Surman, ONN Co-Chair. With Trillium funding projects in every 
neighbourhood and every sector, Robin's leadership has made a difference 
in the lives of everyone in Ontario. The nonprofit sector is so 
appreciative of Robin's leadership, his respect for the sector and his 
commitment to the work that we do.

Come celebrate Robin’s accomplishments and wish him well for his next 

 Friday February 3, 2012, 5-7pm
 720 Bathurst Street, Centre for Social Innovation,
 Toronto, Ontario

RSVP required: contact via the address below for link

Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Re: [Goanet] Do men have an age limit for having children? | Fox News

2012-01-27 Thread Santosh Helekar
The crap posted by Con Menezes below has been repeatedly posted to Goanet. I 
have no idea why. Here are my responses in the thread in which it was posted 
the last time about 2 years ago.








You can also access links to the posts of the defenders of the crap in question.



- Original Message -
 From: Con Menezes cmene...@tpg.com.au


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Re: [Goanet] Goans of the world unite(Elisabeth) (Gerald)

2012-01-27 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 27 January 2012 15:07, Gerald Fernandes cdoger...@yahoo.co.in wrote:

GF: [1] We find it very quaint that Elisabeth ,despite her
accomplishments, finds it so convenient to hang the ills confronting
Goa on the peg of politician responsibility as if  Goans are original
milk washed virginal saints led to the slaughter or coerced into
sleeping with the enemy.

JC Response:
While, I agree that the residents of Goa (a percentage of them in
2012, Goans) are partly responsible for this situation, I agree with
Gerald in that one cannot only blame the politicians. One needs to
locate the real masters of the politicians and blame them.

BTW: Who are the We in the above sentence which starts with We find
it quaint? (:-)

GF [2] Goans living in Goa and Goans living elsewhere are as much
responsible for the RAPE and PILLAGE of Goa and its rich tapestry of
agricultural heritage as persons who are Non-Goans.

JC Response:
I never did get to meet Elloy Sequeira who reportedly owned the High
End exquisite watches shop near the Panjim Garden. He had sadly
passed before I came to Goa as a student. I, however, did get to meet
his family members. Talking to them and others who lived in Panjim
(then Pangim) at the time, I heard how Elloy and many Goans were
broken by the shopping which took place in the immediate aftermath
of 1961.

Even though Gerald was a toddler at the time, and hence not a member
of the invading forces, whenever I read the words RAPE and PILLAGE,
my attention goes back to Gerald's senior colleagues.


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[Goanet] BJP to make migrant stay comfortable in Goa?

2012-01-27 Thread SOTER
This is compulsion of politics. If not Manohar someone else will do it. 
Gullible voters think a change of party or politician will solve their problem. 
Now the priest will cleanse all the sins. Wait in hope! Goan brains seem to be 
pickled with booze that they canot see the Truth and run after the rainbow in 
the sky.

- Soter D'souza

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Audio slideshow: Bombay's jazz age

2012-01-27 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

Audio slideshow: Bombay's jazz age

When you think of jazz in the early 20th Century you may think of New 
Orleans, Chicago, New York or Paris. What isn't so well known is that 
the Indian city of Bombay - now Mumbai - had its own flourishing jazz 
scene in the 1930s.

Naresh Fernandes - author of Taj Mahal Foxtrot, the story of Bombay's 
jazz age - paints a portrait of the musicians, the fans, and the music.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16740486

Via: Salvita

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

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 Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Invasion of Goa by Indians in guard uniform

2012-01-27 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Among the many indignities heaped on Panjim (and Goa) in recent 
times is the invasion of the guards.  Every time I am back in Panjim (i.e.
every few months), the number of guards (I mean, ghatis from
Jharkhand, Bihar etc in fancy dress) keeps multiplying.

Next thing we may hear is Manohar promising to 'regularize'
the guards.

Not a single Goan politician of any standing has anything to
say about the migrant problem in Goa.  After this coming election
it may not matter since ghatis will outnumber Goan voters.


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
