[Goanet] Days' summary (02/23/2012)

2012-02-22 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

I am running behind on my summaries.

1)  On Monday morning I had one of the most unusual of experiences.
I was standing outside Hotel Mandovi, waiting for Babu to pick me up, 
when I saw what looked like a giant ladoo rolling towards me.  Holy macro,
here was Chief Minister Digambar Kamat barely a couple of metres away,
walking towards me, an opportunity too good to pass up.  As soon as 
our eyes made contact, I wagged my finger in his face and said to him 
sternly (in Konkani), "You have ruined Goa, your rightful place is in jail."  
He didn't say anything, and before I could unload more, he ducked 
into the hotel. (I later learned that he was there to release the 
Kangress Moneyfesto.)  The minor commotion drew some attention - a 
couple of hotel guests asked me what it was all about and were 
astonished that the CM of Goa had just walked in without armed 
guards and fanfare.  I told them it was far better than that in Goa
before the Indians showed up.

These Goan politicians need to be confronted more often and
shamed in public.  Mind you, no threats, no vulgar language (takes
me yogic control) - you don't want them using any crutch to
claim the higher moral ground.  It won't achieve anything of note 
but you will get a lot of personal satisfaction (however brief), and 
these rogues will know they have no place in respectable society.

2)  What happened to the Babu Monserrate 26.75 crores scam?
And what about the raid on the builders (Kamat, Models etc).  What
came of it?  (Pssst: nothing.)  If Sonia Gandhi darkens Goa with
her presence at a rally, these are questions that must be demanded
of her.


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2012-02-22 Thread N Chandrasekharan

Dear Goanetters,
My heartfelt sympathies and condolences to all the relatives of the 
departed souls. It was so difficult for me to witness the video 
clippings as tears filled my eyes seeing the young girls perishing in 
this tragedy, due to some reason or other. Whatever are the reasons, it 
is an irrepairable loss to the families of those departed souls! I pray 
for those departed souls to rest in peace.

As it was said in the Church, the sorrow is for the entire town and it 
is a sad and tragic accident snatching away the young lives!

It is a vivid coverage by the Goanet through the exclusive  and lively 

with sorrow,


Freelance writer, Banker, Feminist Economist, Broadcaster,Police Traffic 
Warden and Road Safety practitioner

Coimbatore 641005
Tamilnadu, INDIA

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[Goanet] Urgent Press Conference on Febraury 24 at 3.00 p.m. and Mumbai Marathi Patrakar Sangh, Mumbai.

2012-02-22 Thread Personnel People

‘Ten years of the Gujarat Genocide’

Invitation to a Press Conference  in Mumbai:

‘Justice for Victims of 2002 Genocide’

Day/Date / Time: Friday, February 24, 2012; 3.00p.m.

Venue: Mumbai Marathi Patrakar Sangh,  Mahapalika Marg,  Mumbai.

February 27/28 mark ten years both of the tragic death of 57 persons due 
to fire in a compartment of the Sabarmati Express near Godhra station 
and the criminal manipulation of this tragic incident as a pretext for 
the Modi government sponsored anti-Muslim genocide throughout the state.

On February 27, thousands of victim-survivors of the mass crime, 
lawyers, jurists, activists, artistes and intellectuals from all over 
the country will assemble at Gulberg Society, Ahmedabad for a 
commemoration. Through words and images, reminiscences and video-clips, 
photo exhibition, names of ‘Missing Persons’ enlisted on a ‘Wailing 
Wall’, honouring those who risked their lives to save neighbours who 
were the target, music and tears, the Crimes Against Humanity committed 
ten years ago will be recalled and the plight of the traumatised and the 
displaced highlighted. The survivors from Gulberg Society will lead the 
assembled people through the housing colony and recount the horrors of 
February 28, 2002. A collective resolve will be renewed to continue the 
struggle for justice to the victim-survivors and punishment to the 
perpetrators and masterminds of the carnage.

The entire programme at Gulberg Society, symbolising the Holocaust in 
Gujarat will be webcast for viewing Live on the afternoon/evening of Feb 
27 and posted on U-tube subsequently so that we remember, never forget.

Simultaneous Commemoration Meetings are planned in several cities, 
including Mumbai and Delhi.

For a part of the meeting on  Feb 27, we hope to be able to view the 
programme webcast Live from Gulberg Society. The Mumbai meeting is being 
held onj February 27 at 6.00 p.m. at St Xavier's College Auditorium, 
Mahapalika Marg, CST, Mumbai. This is beign  jointly organised by ALL 
justice and peace-promoting individuals/organisations and St Xaviers 

Among the speakers who will address the Press Conference and announce 
details of the programme at St Xavier's College,Mumbai:

Justice H. Suresh.

Javed Anand - Citizens for Justice and Peace and Convenor for the event.

Please depute your Reporter to cover this event.

warm regards,

Dolphy D'souza / Irfan Engineer


Cell:  9820226227 /  9869462833 / 26602288

Email: dolphyadso...@gmail.com

Nirant, Juhu Tara Road, Juhu
Mumbai 400049

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[Goanet] Shri Shantaram Naik's Press Conference on Feb 22

2012-02-22 Thread SHANTARAM NAIK

Key Points Made By Shri Shantaram Naik M P and Spokesperson of Goa PCC

Mr Shantaram Naik MP said today while addressing a press conference in 
Congress House, Panaji that objections of minority schools to certain 
provisions of Right to Education Act will be taken up with the Union 
Ministry of Human Resource Development.

Mr Naik said he has received a common memorandum from a number of 
minority schools highlighting their objections, which, deserve to be 
attended as some of the objections are quite genuine.

Mr Naik said that minority schools contend that although catholic 
population in the country is 1.6%, the Catholic Church run 13,004 
schools (lower primary to XII), specialised schools 243, colleges 450, 2 
universities, 534 Formal Technical Institution and 310 Non-Formal 
Educational Institutions.

Mr Naik said that the minority community object to the provision which 
prohibits screening procedure before the admission of students as, they 
contend that they have to know as to whom they are admitting in their 

They are also opposed to the provision under Right to Education Act 
which puts restrictions on getting aid to minority institutions.

They are also opposed to that provision which deals with the composition 
of Management Committees under the act which provides for 75% 
representation to parents or guardians of children and remaining 25% 
representation to local authority, teachers, local educationists etc.

This composition will lead to ruling of minority institutions by 
majority, they fear.

They have also some reservations regarding intake of 25% children 
belonging to weaker sections as they say, that would amount to "cross 
subsidy", and that, they feel that State's responsibility should not be 
transferred on minority community. They contend that they admit, yet 
times more than 25% students belonging to minority communities

regarding neighbourhood school being made applicable to them.

Mr Naik said that the Congress government that will come to power in Goa 
and he himself in person will take up the matter with the Union ministry 
of Human Resource Development.


Refering to BJP manifesto Mr Naik said it attracts section 420 of IPC 
as, it is full of elements of cheating.

Elaborating further Mr Naik said while BJP virtually opposed expansion 
of National Highway 17 and now without even bothering about the problems 
of the affected people has straight away promised four-lane highway and 
six-lane Zuari bridge.

BJP opposed illegal mining, and rightly so, but now their manifesto is 
silent on illegal mining.

BJP spoke of strengthening of Panchayats and now they want to cut their 
wings by proposing to remove House Tax.

House tax receipts, Mr Naik said, are the basic links between panchayats 
and people and this is the most valuable document available to them next 
to ration card.

Mr Naik said BJP opposed privatisation of District Hospital at Margao 
and now they want to make administration of District Hospitals 
autonomous. There is litle distinction between privatisation and making 
an institution autonomous, Mr Naik said .

Mr Naik said when BJP did not make any representation before the 
Delimitation Commission to reserve seats for Scheduled Tribes why are 
they now making an insipid statement in their manifesto that they are 
going to do it now.

All these statements fall into the category of cheating under IPC, Mr 
Naik said.

As regards Regional Plan, BJP’s demand of scrapping the same is 
ridiculous as any suggestion from the members of public can be 
incorporated by way of amendment.

Mr Naik referring to the statement by election authorities that only 
EPIC Card and Voters Slip proposed to be issued by Chief Electoral 
Officer would entitle a person to vote, Mr Naik  said that the decision 
is unconstitutional as no citizen of this country could be forced to 
prove his or her identity only by two documents when he/she may be in 
possession of other documents issued by Central government or State 
government to prove the identity.


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[Goanet] Kindness Picnics this weekend (25 and 26 February at St. Estevam and Divar)

2012-02-22 Thread Goanet Events
Kindness Picnics to honour our land and promote an organic and 
sustainable lifestyle

This weekend, Kindness Picnics in St. Estevam (Jua) and Divar will 
highlight our connection with the land. In keeping with the sacred 
season of Lent, the Kindness Picnics will honour the earth by promoting 
an organic and sustainable lifestyle with informal stalls by local 
vendors selling everything from fish to sweets.

There will be activities for the whole family conducted by locals and 
other well-known Goans including Clinton Vaz, Victor Hugo Gomes and 
Bookworm Library, among others. Story-telling workshops, sale of local 
pottery and gaunti organic produce along with community games and 
unplugged music will be the other highlights of the event.

Guests are invited to bring a picnic (food, water, a sheet to sit on) to 
join in this informal thanksgiving to our land. Also welcome are local 
produce including home-grown fruit, vegetables, flowers or hand-made and 
organic products like pottery, quilts and products made from recycled 
goods or fabrics.

The Picnics will take place from 4.30 pm - 8.30 pm on Saturday 25 
February in St. Estevam (Jua) and on Sunday 26 February in Divar. The 
Kindness Picnics are being held in conjunction with the Kindness 
Manifesto and the 10,000 Acts of Kindness Pledge.

For more information:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/events/170476156401919/

Source: Chryselle D'Silva Dias

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Re: [Goanet] The CSF

2012-02-22 Thread Santosh Helekar
In my last post in this thread, I gave Marshall a chance to carry on a sober 
rational discussion without engaging in personal abuse, despite the fact that 
he started this thread with the sole purpose of showering childish insults on 
me. In particular, I pointed out his double standard and failure of logic, in 
respect of the political leanings of the right-wing religious organization, CSF 
and me. Based on my observation of his behavior, ever since he appeared on 
Goanet, I had asked the following question in particular:

Why does he not apply to others the logic that he applies to CSF e.g. when he 
insinuates that any non-Christian who disagrees with his religio-political 
views and provides evidence against them, is a supporter or sympathizer of 
the Sangh Parivar, or worse a defender/justifier of rapes and killings 
of Christians? 

But in the post appended below, instead of answering this question and 
explaining his double standard, he has decided to continue his puerile insults 
against me, and has now started spreading more falsehoods about my past 
discussions in this forum. Moreover, he has foolishly compounded his double 
standard by making the following incredible statement:

But the ‘evidence’ you posted was one which supported the sangh parivar point 
of view while you strongly brushed aside contrary evidence as ‘partisan 

.Marshall Mendonza

Leaving aside the fact that the above self-serving subjective interpretation is 
demonstrably false (I had merely provided some news reports and opinions by 
journalists in the mainstream media that contradicted his selected links from 
partisan political websites and blogs), here is what worsens the double 

Why does evidence which supports the Congress point of view not make CSF a 
Congress supporter, whereas the so-called "evidence" which supports the Sangh 
Parivar point of view makes me a sympathizer of the Sangh Parivar and a 
defender of rapes and killings of Christians?

Now, let me set the record straight regarding all the falsehoods that Marshall 
has spread in his post below. 

My answer to all the fantasized questions below is an emphatic "NO".

have you gever given cause for having been tagged? 
Did you or did you not justify / defend the violence against the Christians? 
Did you or did you not try to whitewash the crime by obfuscating the issue?
...Marshall Mendonza

The answer to the question: "Did you or did you not try your valiant best 
to discredit all reports and smear individuals who reported on the violence?", 
is the following:

I provided reports in the mainstream media that contradicted their claims, if 
this was the case. I also pointed out that these reports were one-sided 
political propaganda from activist blogs and websites, whenever this was the 

I am absolutely confident that no objective person who reads any of my posts in 
the Goanet archives would level the above malicious allegations against me. 

I can also categorically state that all the claims made in the following quote 
are pure fantasies and fabrications:

You gave great credence to articles by Gurumurthy, an RSS ideologue but treated 
views from eminent personalities and journalists like Julio Ribeiro, George 
Menezes, Khushwant Singh, Vir Sanghvi, Vinod Mehta, Karan Thapar and 
sundry others of reputation with contempt.

Marshall Mendonza

No objective person will be able to substantiate these false conclusions, from 
any of my posts in the Goanet archives. I have never viewed anybody who has not 
committed a crime with contempt. That is not my style. I don't know who Vinod 
Mehta is, and do not remember reading anything from him. I have never given 
"great credence" to any opinion article by anybody on a contentious political 
issue. I have only commented on whether it is balanced or one-sided. And if I 
am aware that someone is a political partisan, then I say so. 

Finally I have to say, I have never looked up to Marshall, ever. But I have 
never looked down upon him either, even though it is hard for me to respect a 
man who demonizes a private individual in a public forum by equating him to 
Narendra Modi, L.K. Advani, Jinnah, Goebbels, etc., and calls him a defender of 
rape and murder. I cannot imagine anybody who would respect such a person.



P.S. - BTW, My views about Indian politics, religion and secularism are exactly 
the same today as they were when I joined Goanet in 1995. Because of these 
views, there have always been people in this forum that have looked down upon 
me, as people still do in the real world on the basis of caste, race, sex, 
religion, politics and sexual orientation. Unlike others, I tend to draw 
strength from this fact. It motivates me to speak my mind more forcefully. I 
dislike sycophants. Sycophancy breeds complacency.

And BTW, I disagreed with the autocratic demands of Anna Hazare, and stated so 
on Goanet

[Goanet] TAG: 1st Khell Mohotsov

2012-02-22 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa

TAG’s 1st Khell Mohotsov

‘Poilo Khell Mohotsov’ – 1st Festival of Khells - organized by Tiatr 
Academy Goa (TAG) will be held on 24th and 25th February 2012 from 6:00 
pm onwards at the Mini Open Air Auditorium, Kala Academy, Panjim.

Traditional Khells are very popular in Salcete taluka and hundreds of 
shows of different Khells take place during the Carnival days. In order 
that the performances of these folk plays should be witnessed by the 
audience of Tiswadi, TAG has organized this Festival of Khells in Kala 
Academy, Panjim.

In all 5 Khells will participate in this festival, the details of which 
are as follows:-

2 Khells namely ‘Maha Patki’ written by Vitorino Pereira and ‘Konnak 
Ravta’ written by Jack-Rodson will be performed on 24th February 2012 at 
6:00 pm and 7:00 pm respectively. Another 3 folk plays namely ‘Bhurgeank 
Khelloita’ written by Menino de Bandar, ‘Tumi Korinakat’ written by Jack 
de Colva and ‘Kator’ written by Conceicao D’Silva will be staged on 25th 
February 2012 at 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm respectively.

Shri. Timoteo Fernandes, Goa State Cultural Award for Folklore awardee, 
will be the Chief Guest on the occasion and will inaugurate the 1st 
Festival of Khells. Shri. Tomazinho Cardozo, President of TAG will 
preside over the function.

There are no tickets. Admission is open to public.

Lovers of Goan Khell are requested to witness the Festival of Khells in 
large numbers.

Victor de Sa
Member Secretary

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Re: [Goanet] The marshall provides powerful hope

2012-02-22 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Marshall Mendonza responded to my question with:
> Can you tell me what makes you ask this question?

Dear Marshall,
First of all, rest assured that some of us enjoy seeing you prance 
around this site with "Your concerned Teacher" hat. Your dance 
can be very entertaining.

I cannot make the question I asked any simpler.  Here it is again:
Can I please ask why you are not a member of the CSF?

I would not expect any teacher to get stumped by such a simple
question. Then again, maybe you are not wearing "Your concerned 
Teacher" hat today. 

If you are really unable to answer the question, a small note, even
if sent in private, would be sufficient.


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[Goanet] The OMG (Ontario-Maharashtra-Goa) Student Exchange Program

2012-02-22 Thread Goanet News Service

Who we are, what we do...

A consortium of Ontario universities and a group of universities in two 
states in India, Maharashtra (maw-haa-raa-straw) and Goa, have initiated 
a collaborative university student exchange program which will enrich 
the quality of education of select students in Ontario and in 
Maharashtra and Goa.

Maharashtra is the third largest state In India, with Mumbai (Bombay) as 
the seat of the government. There are a number of educational and 
research institutions of world repute in this state. There are 39 
universities in Maharashtra.

Goa, with significant antecedents of Portugese culture, is an 
influential center of arts, music, dance and cuisine. It is also home to 
the University of Goa and the Birla Institute of Technology and Science, 
Goa Campus.

The OMG program is similar to the existing "Ontario / Baden-Württemberg" 
(OBW) and "Ontario / Rhône-Alpes" (ORA) programs, and is named 
"Ontario-Maharastra-Goa" (OMG) program. Most universities have 
individual university to university agreements for student exchange 
programs. The OBW, OMG, ORA programs are different in that the 
agreements are between groups of universities in Ontario and abroad.

The OMG program also breaks new ground in that scholarships are awarded 
for students going in both directions. The OMG program has been made 
possible through a grant from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and 
Universities of the Government of Ontario, and through contributions of 
OMG member universities.

The first OMG exchange students arrived in Maharashtra, Goa and Ontario 
in 2008.


Goanet News Service

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Re: [Goanet] Goa elections..................

2012-02-22 Thread floriano

You've got the right perspective, even if you are not a voter, Vivian.
And OH! That is very much alrignt.
We do not have to be sorry for talking about HYPOCRICY out loud.
Elections are a lot of bull and 75 percent of the people who vote go on to 
vote with their feet rather than their brains.

Elections are times to pay back favours that have been done.
I have received a packet of LADOOS on the occassion of your daughter's 
wedding. Therefore I will pay back by voting for you, since you are the 

In Goa, the bullock does not pull the cart. The cart pulls the bullock.
BTW since 6.00 p.m. last evening (22.2.12) our van has started doing the 
rounds of 10-Aldona Constituency to tell the people to 'LIGHT'   TWO 
CANDLES, just like rural  Goa did it prior to the seventies in a coconut 
shell (nal'lachi Kot'ti). with this recorded message (thro' a pen-drive car 
stereo adopted for the purpose) which goes on repeating AND on a very 
moderate listening pleasure volume ( since I am a anti-noise pollution guy)


CHOTRAI, Mogachea Goenkaramnô, CHOTRAI,



Marsache 3 tarker tumcho xik'ko zatolo tumcheam fudlea 5 vorsanchê 

Tor xik'ko konnak marcho vô na marcho - hacher tumi matxim guspon asteleat.

Tôr guspot'pachi goroz na.

- Tumcho xik'ko bsoumdi fokt don vatimcher.

- Tumcho xik'ko bosumdi Goenchea Rakhondaranchea Avazacher.

- Tumcho xik'ko bvosumdi Goa Su-raj Pokxacher.

- Tumcho xik'ko bosumdi Hindu dhormachea 'Krishnachea Suddarshan Chakracher, 
vô Kristi dormachea Davidachea robbo'nantlea fatracher -0 haroupak Gõychea 
Natkasurank ani Goliatank.

- Tumchem mot zaumdi Gõychi chor-vidhya ani lut-mar zata tê sutkecher.

- Tumchem mot zaumdi tumcheam bhurgeam-balanchea borea fuddaracher.

- Tumchem mot zaumdi Gõykarancheam nokri-vevhsaiecher.

- Tumchem mot zaumdi Gõyche nitollkaiecher.

- Tumchem mot zaum-di Goyank Special Status melloun gheupacher

- Tumchem mot zaumdi amcheam torn'natteancho fuddar padd ghatlo team 
Casinanchea virodh.

- Tumchem mot zaum di Gõyant xendleli lôk-xaiek Rajaxaiechea tabeantli sut'tka 

- Tumchem mot zaumdi Gõychem raj Gõycheach high command-ant tharoil'lem ani 
nhoi Delhichea, Nagpurchea, Banglant tharoil'lem.


dEU bOREM kORUM - mog assum di.

CHOTRAI, Mogachea Goenkaramnô, CHOTRAI,



- Original Message - 
From: "Vivian A. DSouza" 

Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 7:23 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa elections..

Election fever is in full swing in Goa. Plenty of manifestos promising the 
Sun the Moon and the Stars without indicating where the money is going to 
come from to pay for all the goodies. I guess the simple folks believe that 

Our ears are shattered by the sound of loudspeaker trucks

Sorry Floriano and Goa Su-Raj, cant help you there, I am totally above this 
fray ! Viva Goa !


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Re: [Goanet] TAG meet the artiste...Philo de Pilerne

2012-02-22 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Patrao, do not suspect, suspect, suspect, suspect, suspect my motives
:-) I am genuinely grateful to Selma, DMello you and others who have
volunteered a translation

As someone who would like to see more translations happen, but who
lacks the skills, I often wonder about the challenges. Sadly, neither
has Augusto Pinto nor Xavier Cota responded to my repeated urging to
join in this debate. And both are good Konkani-to-English translators.
(Others like Isidore Dantas' strength might be English-to-Konkani, and
he has helped with translating Wikipedia articles and more in the

This is just my wondering-in-public over what it would take to make
more translations from Konkani into English to happen here.

No, I have no plans for to do anything on the cataram (that field is
well catered to by Francis Rodrigues and Sigrid Pfeffer already...
maybe others too). But am currently seeking help of friends to do some
simple, copylefted story books for children (English to Konkani,
English to Portuguese translations).


PS: This might be difficult to translate, but you cannot deny that it
was a catchy song. Blame it on All India Radio or the fact that it is
"flirty" or "double entendre" as bai Selma (our common friend) puts

On 23 February 2012 02:31, Eugene Correia  wrote:
> Fred, what''s so great about this song.. Seems like a flirty song
> where the woman teases a married man, knowing he has a beautiful wife
> and yet he wishes to have her.
> She seems ready to enjoy with him but not sleep with him. Seems she
> wants him to spend his money on her and tries to poison his mind by
> sending his son won't look after him in old age. Therefore, she want
> him to live life extravagantly.
> For all you know, I may be very, very, very, very wrong. So, hell with
> this song.
> Shity, shity, shity, shity verses.. no rhyme nor reason.
> Thanks to the writer for giving me headache, headache, headache, headache.
> BTW, are you doing a book of such songs ;-)
> Eugene

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Re: [Goanet] DOCUMENT: Goa elections 2012, manifesto Congress Party

2012-02-22 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
From what I understand, in India, a local can never be a Governor of the state 
they were born in Something to do with prevention of secession as I was 

>From: Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا 
>To: goa...@goanet.org 
>Sent: Wednesday, 22 February 2012 5:23 PM
>Subject: Re: [Goanet] DOCUMENT: Goa elections 2012, manifesto Congress Party
>Dear Tony, Let me try
>If I understand you right, you're asking for a Goan Governor in Goa...

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Re: [Goanet] the CSF, MM et al

2012-02-22 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

JC wrote:
>6: Like Anand Virgincar, Anil Desai and Rajan Parrikar, I too believe
>that Mr. Manohar Parrikar is the best administrator for Goa. Please
>note that ALL three gentlemen (Anand, Anil & Rajan) are very
>intelligent and accomplished individuals. I am sure it pains them too,
>to see what has befallen Goa. That is why, I believe, that they are
>hoping that Manohar Parrikar
 will bring some respite. Unfortunately
>for us, Manohar Parrikar is tied to the central BJP which is tied to
>the Rt Hindu Organisations which are known for their own form of moral


Very nice of you to acknowledge what you have about Anand and Anil.  
These two individuals enjoy highly successful professional lives and 
a very cushy lifestyle.  They don't need to involve themselves in the 
muck that is today's Goa and Goan politics.  But you can't take Goa 
out of a Goan, which is why they remain involved both in cyberspace 
and on the ground whenever possible.  Our (often heated) discussions
and differing political views sometimes obscures this fact.

Now to the current political situation -

As I have written earlier, Goa is finished.  Even if you could fashion 
the most perfect, ideal politician out of thin air, it will do no good.  I
mean, are we going to take down all the mega-projects already up
and filled with disgusting Dilliwallahs and other Indians who are
here for the 'lifestyle' because their own towns are toilets?  Are we
going to clear the slums and reverse stealing of Goan land by ghatis
parked here?  Are we going to put a stop to the Patna Express and
the security guards tamasha?  Are we going to sink the floating
casinos?  Kick out the Russian rogues?  Is anyone going to put the 
miners on notice?

So what does ''saving Goa" mean now?  And saving Goa for whom,
for the outsiders and ghatis who are crowding and dirtying Goa?
So let's get this clear: even if you had the politician of your dreams,
Goa is gone, el finito.  Once again, thank you India, for NOTHING.

We can dream all we want about a regional party that would assert
our Goan nationalism.  I would like nothing better than a Goan
regional party to stick it back to the Delhi scum (like some of the
southern states did when Delhi tried to run them over).  But it ain't 
going to happen.

If the Kangress comes back to power, we know for certain that 
the patient - Goa - will be killed instantly.  If Manohar comes to power,
the best-case scenario is that the patient will be on some kind of
life support and hang on to life until such time that Goa is visited
upon by a miracle, whatever that might be.  The worst-case scenario
with Manohar is the one you will get with Kangress anyway.
Therefore, to me it is a no-brainer: Manohar is right now the only
glimmer of hope if the patient is to just evade death.

I should also say that I don't care whom the folks on Goanet
vote for.  These are my views.  Make what you will of them.  I
have my differences with Manohar on policy matters as well
(I mean, can you find me ANY politician from any national party
who will agree to what I would want implemented?)  But you
have to work with what you have, not what you wish you had.
So I am willing to take my chances with Manohar - assuming he
returns with a clear, stable majority.  There are some here who 
will never see anything good in the guy (The earth goes around 
the sun?  Manohar's fault!) and for sure, he gave them a good 
amount of ammo during his first term to use against him.  That 
was then and this is now.

Here's hoping for the best.


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[Goanet] Goa news for February 23, 2012

2012-02-22 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Agarwal's new team to help Sesa Goa merger with Sterlite -
Business Standard
chiever to an ambitious, growth-obsessed mining giant, Sesa ...

*** Goa set for an electoral slugfest - The Hindu
ember Assembly in Goa having crystallized, it is clear that the
ruling Congress-Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) combine will
have to slug it out with the new Bharatiya Janata Party ...

*** Gold Anomaly set to take full control over Fergusson Island
gold deposits - Proactive Investors Australia

*** Goa polls: Bharat Swabhiman Nyas to stay neutral - Daily
News & Analysis
ily News & AnalysisPlace: Panaji 

*** Goa MLAs' assets tripled since 2007 - Deccan Herald

*** Goa candidate promises a healthy earth - MSN India
nd-tee shirtclad young priest has ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGpXXyJ2Bptb5m4_CzBjHmS33UFxg&url=http://news.in.msn.com/exclusives/it/article.aspx?cp-documentid=5867917

*** Weddings, liquor, soccer... fund everything, get votes -
Hindustan Times
ndustan TimesFrom sponsoring soccer tournaments to arranging
wedding feasts and organising pilgrimage tours, candidates in
Goa dole out sops over five years to keep voters in "good
humour". In many constituencies, candidates even pay a monthly
"salary" of Rs ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF6bbENnVwz-MoN7_p3fTRTAd_m4Q&url=http://www.hindustantimes.com/India-news/Goa/Weddings-liquor-soccer-fund-everything-get-votes/Article1-815494.aspx

*** 5 injured in ordnance shell explosion in Goa - Daily News &
JcCFhQ6M">and more »

*** For 3-night-4-day journey to Goa 1482 jawans get 8 sleeper
coaches - Indian Express
ier sleeper coaches were allotted for 1482 jawans. The forces
had sought 20 such coaches for the three-night-four-day journey
from ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEhbHQkj4yEI93MH3eH88bRkCzy-g&url=http://www.indianexpress.com/news/for-3night4day-journey-to-goa-1-482-jawans-get-8-sleeper-coaches/915466/

*** Sell Sesa Goa if it breaks 230 level: Mitesh Thacker -
Economic Times
onomic TimesIn an interview with ET Now, Mitesh Thacker,
Technical Analyst, miteshthacker.com shares his views about Sesa
Goa. ET Now: What is the call on Sesa Goa? Mitesh Thacker: Sesa
Goa might be slightly more tired in the sense that this stock
had run up from ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEcl6aYu87ISmNAOFri7GDUQytojw&url=http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/views/recommendations/sell-sesa-goa-if-it-breaks-230-level-mitesh-thacker/articleshow/11991837.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service

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[Goanet] TAG: Meet the Artiste - Philo de Pilerne

2012-02-22 Thread MD
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 01:38:07 -0800 (PST)
From: Carvalho 
To: "goanet@lists.goanet.org" 
Subject: [Goanet] TAG: Meet the Artiste - Philo de Pilerne
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Chint chint chint chint kiteak meztai re duddu,
Mataro zatoch tuka povncho nam cheddo,
Chint chint chint chint kiteak meztai re duddu,
Mataro zatoch tuka povncho nam cheddo,

Mez=count ,  duddu=money
Meztai –re why do you count
for  female = meztai- go

(Saraswat Hindus and Catholics use re and go for male and female respectively).

Aizchem aiz mod, faleanchem faleam sodd
Mogache sukhachem jivit tum kor.


Think think think think, why count money
When you grow, the boy (son) will not care for you
Today spend what you have, leave tomorrow for tomorrow
Loving, happy life you have or
Make life loving and happy

Here mod means spend. In general  term, mod=break.

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Re: [Goanet] TAG meet the artiste...Philo de Pilerne

2012-02-22 Thread Eugene Correia
Fred, what''s so great about this song.. Seems like a flirty song
where the woman teases a married man, knowing he has a beautiful wife
and yet he wishes to have her.
She seems ready to enjoy with him but not sleep with him. Seems she
wants him to spend his money on her and tries to poison his mind by
sending his son won't look after him in old age. Therefore, she want
him to live life extravagantly.

For all you know, I may be very, very, very, very wrong. So, hell with
this song.

Shity, shity, shity, shity verses.. no rhyme nor reason.

Thanks to the writer for giving me headache, headache, headache, headache.
BTW, are you doing a book of such songs ;-)

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[Goanet] Goanet Reader: In election mode -- capability, family raj and honesty (Radharao Gracias)

2012-02-22 Thread Goanet Reader
In election mode: capability, family raj and honesty

Adv.Radharao F.Gracias

No rallies; elections have for once ceased to be a carnival
in Goa.  No parades; carnival too has for once ceased in Goa,
albeit for tragic reasons.

Football is the most popular game in Goa. There are twenty
two players, one referee and two assistant referees on the
field, and thirty thousand spectators in the stadium.  The
players are selected from among only those able to play the
game.  The quality of the game you watch, is determined by
the quality of teams at play.  The spectators are in the
stadium, because they cannot play the game.  They are there
to cheer or jeer the sides they respectively support or
oppose.  The spectators scream or shout at every miss or
mistake on the field, not realizing that they are in the
stadium because they can do no better.

  Elections are so much like football. There are
  only a few contestants, selected from among those
  able to contest.  The vast majority are the voters
  on the periphery supporting or opposing rival
  candidates.  They are not contesting because they
  are not fit to do so.  The type of government you
  get is determined by the quality of candidates who
  contest.  If you do not get a good government, it
  is because there are no candidates better than
  those who are contesting.  Hence, the shouts and
  screams before or after elections serve no purpose.

We seem to have progressed (or regressed) from a multi-party
to a multi-family democracy, which is now the cause of much
heated discussion.  The question is: should family members of
politicians contest elections?  The law rightly does not
debar family members from contesting, since you do not become
an MLA merely because you contest elections.  You become an
MLA only because the voters have voted for you.  And the law
gives the voter the right not to vote for you.

It is natural for children to follow in the footsteps of
their parents. Nearly every doctor strives to make his son a
doctor. If the son is not good enough to get admission on
merit, he is admitted to private medical college at huge
expense. On the other hand lawyers are in a much better
position. You do not require much merit to secure admission
to a law college. Practically, every senior lawyer has his
son or daughter in the profession and in most cases the child
does not measure up to the parent. However, there is an
advantage for the lawyer's child. He need not know the law.
It is enough that his father/mother knows the judge!

And so is the case with politics. The precedent set by the
first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawarharlal Nehru has
become the trend. He, after a brief interregnum, was
succeeded by his daughter Indira Gandhi, who had two sons.

The younger Sanjay was being groomed to succeed her, when he
tried to be a pilot, and crash-landed.  The elder son Rajiv,
who was a pilot, succeeded his mother, and the country has

  Today, we are in a very strange situation, where
  both the Congress and the BJP are propagating the
  legacy of Nehru and Indira.  Rajiv's widow Sonia
  and son Rahul both run the country (or do they
  not?) and are Congress MPs.  Sanjay's widow Maneka
  and son Varun are both MPs of the BJP.  Whoever
  said the BJP is not for family raj?

The Congress having tasted blood with the Nehru-Gandhi
dynasty has now extended the experiment to Goa.  It has
fielded candidates in twelve constituencies who are members
of five families.  Effectively, the Congress has thrown a
challenge to the voters.  Will the voters accept the
challenge?  Remember, there is no compulsion for the voters,
who are free to vote any which way.

I am mighty glad that the NGOs which have been active these
past few years have finally taken the plunge and joined
politics, by fielding honest handpicked candidates.
Considering that our electorate is as honest as the NGOs, (it
is only the politician who is dishonest!) their victory,
should be a foregone conclusion.  Now that the NGOs have
joined politics, will someone tell me who will lead the next
apolitical agitation?

I have been an activist for the last three decades and more.
I have watched the political scenario in Goa unfold. And I
have drawn several conclusions, two of which are:

  Conclusion No.1: The MLA reflects the personality
  of the voter.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.

  Conclusion No.2 : No people get a government better
  than what they vote for.

These are the honest truths, whether you like it or not.
Radharao Gracias is an advocate, and former member of the
Goa Legislative Assembly.

Goanet Reader is compiled and edited by Frederick Noronha.
Send submissions for consideration to f...@goa-india.org

Re: [Goanet] TAG Meet the Artiste>... Philo de Pilerne

2012-02-22 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
On 22 February 2012 16:23, Eugene Correia  wrote:
> Chint chint chint chint kiteak meztai re duddu,
> Think, think, think think, why do you amass money

Thanks for that Eugene and Selma. Your combined efforts really made me
think, think, think, think!

Okay, more seriously: Selma started the ball rolling, and Eugene's
suggestions add value.

But a line like this, while charming in a Konkani song, tells the
listener absolutely when conveyed in English:
> Think, think, think think, why do you amass money

I think our common friend, Francis Rodrigues, has made an interesting
effort to translate the Konkani cantaram both in their literal sense,
and in a way that would make meaning to a non-Konkani audience too.

Quite a challenge, that!


PS: Still waiting to hear from our translators-who-know-the-ropes
Augusto Pinto and Xavier Cota.

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[Goanet] Compare this to Aldona tragedy

2012-02-22 Thread Eugene Correia
Ten children killed in an accident

Ambala (Haryana), Jan 2 (PTI):  Ten children on their way to school
were among 11 killed and 20 others injured when an overloaded van
carrying them collided head-on with a truck amid dense fog on the
Saha-Shahabad road near Ambala today.

Police said the visibility was poor in the morning hours due to a
thick blanket of fog and the two vehicles collided head-on near Bhita
village, about 15 kms from Ambala.

The children were in the age group of 5 to 8 years.

The school van, which was overloaded, was carrying students of Arjun
Public School, a private school, located near Saha, police said.

The driver of the van succumbed to his injuries later, they said,
adding the truck driver escaped from the accident spot.

The injured have been admitted to hospitals in Ambala. Some of the
seriously injured children have been rushed to PGI in Chandigarh.

Senior officials of the Ambala district administration have rushed to
the accident spot to help in rescue and relief measures.

Seven of those killed had been identified so far. They are Divya,
Rahul, Rishab, Raveesh, Pulkit, Harish and Anu.
Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda has expressed grief over the incident.

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[Goanet] Bus accident - Carnival cancelled Alfred Tavares. Issue 182

2012-02-22 Thread Bernice Pereira
This accident is very sad as so many people including little kids have lost 
their lives.  For some days there will be tears shed and condolences expressed 
and after that everything goes back to normal. 
Looking at  the larger picture, is this accident  or any other accident in 
Goa for that matter surprising.  I think not.  My honest opinion is, there are 
no driving rules.  As long as one has the guts to get on to the road, one 
drives.  This is "one of the most" indisciplined and unruly state in the 
country.  Driving at breakneck speed on narrow roads without care or concern 
for pedestrians or others drivers is "very normal" behaviour.  People come to 
Goa from other states, hire a bike, get drunk and the rest is what is left in 
the hands of the Lord above. Amen.
Bernice Pereira

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[Goanet] Oops Parrikar Did It Again

2012-02-22 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Oops Parrikar Did It Again

It took Manohar Parrikar more than seven years of political power
wilderness to realize he had made a mistake in hurting the sentiments
of the minorities while he was in power, even then he has not learnt
his lesson. He is supposed to be the most qualified guy in the Goa
Assembly at the moment but he still acts like a cockeyed king among
the blind.

Ever since his ouster from the power pinnacle in Goa, he has been
seeking ways and means to re-establish his hold on the most coveted
and sought-after “kursi” in the Goa Assembly. Left high and dry by the
backfiring of his saffron ideology, he has now changed his strategy
but as it is rightly said, spots on a leopard cannot be washed out nor
can a painted crow be a dove. With the claws of the RSS firmly
entrenched in the BJP, Manohar Parrikar is and will always be seen, as
anti minorities, no matter what mask he hides under or what gown he
wears, his saffron slip will always show.

As soon as the election were announced Parrikar played his vote bank
card by declaring that, if he is elected he will legalize the migrant
illegalities, it was a declaration that simultaneously said “who the
hell cares about the CRZ nightmare that coastal Goans are going
through, as long as Parrikar can acquire the rights to the vote bank
at Chimbel. He has even promised to lower the time period for rights
to the Residency Certificate, so either way, if the BJP or the
Congress wins, Goans will surely be the losers.

Another point to note is Parrikar’s stand on the MOI, here again he is
trying to alienate the minorities, most of whom, along with a good
part of the majority, favour grants for all languages including
English. Here he is again trying to foster his intent for Marathi, but
only by holding the gun on the shoulders of Konkani. If we want to
protect our Identity and our language then why should languages other
than Konkani get grants and not English ? English being a foreign
language is irrelevant, as the most spoken languages in Goa today are
Konkani and English and to a lesser extent Marathi. With the tide
turning against the Congress because of corruption, illegal mining and
the acrimonious RP, the BJP could have had all the bragging rights to
the Goa Assembly at the coming elections but there again the IIT
product failed to shed out his original skin which will certainly cost
Parrikar the most coveted seat in the Goa Assembly.

Oops, Parrikar did it again! If only he had his ideologies and
priorities right, he could have easily laid his claim to the throne he
desperately wants to sit in, but then it could take the IIT product
another seven year to realize his folly on the MOI issue but by then
perhaps some other issue might be misread or misinterpreted and so the
wait for the coveted “kursi” could go on a wee bit longer.

Parrikar will only realize his folly in siding with “Taie” Shasikala
on the MOI issue on the 6th March, as he will certainly feel the wrath
and the heat of the parents who had flooded the Azad Maidan last year
in support for grants for English, the only reason that the BJP will
not get the required mandate will be because of the MOI, as citizens
of democracy, communities cannot not be alienated on the basis of the
language they prefer to educate their children in. It should be grants
only for Konkani or grants for all, no hera pheri !

I surely could not believe that an IIT product like Manohar Parrikar
would have suicidal tendencies ! Keep the fire brigade ready on the
6th March.

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[Goanet] Goa elections..................

2012-02-22 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
Election fever is in full swing in Goa.  Plenty of manifestos promising the Sun 
the Moon and the Stars without indicating where the money is going to come from 
to pay for all the goodies.  I guess the simple folks believe that nonsense.
Our ears are shattered by the sound of loudspeaker trucks driving up and down 
our village urging folks to vote for their candidate.  The persons standing for 
election have been making the rounds with a gaggle of supporters.  I was amused 
to having seen some of the same "Supporters"with another candidate just a 
couple of days earlier.  They hand out a wad of
campaign literature with all their far fetched promises.  While I politely 
decline telling them that I am not a voter, the retort is "Even if you are not 
a voter you can be a supporter" and tell your friends to vote for our party.  
Yeah ?
Overhearing conversations at my local "posro" I get the sense that the 
incumbent party
may be in big ttrouble, at least around where I live.  Perhaps it is time for a 
People are disillusioned.  Who they will vote for at the polling booth is 
anyone's guess.
Whoever it is, I hope they will stem the rot that has set in Goa.
Liquor shops have stopped selling booze from this week, so my favorite tipple 
is no longer available.  I dont know if the local tavernas are still open.  I 
will just have to plug my ears
and go on with my daily chores.  I dont have to make a choice and I dont want 
to interrere with people's mindset.  May the best person or party win.  Sorry 
Floriano and Goa Suraj, cant help you there, I am totally above this fray !  
Viva Goa !

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[Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope

2012-02-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Can you tell me what makes you ask this question?

** **


** **


** **

Mervyn Lobo:

** **

Since the above begs the question, can I please ask why you are 

not a member of the CSF?

Marshall Mendonza wrote:

>* Incidentally, for your kind information kindly note that I am not *

>* a member of the CSF or any political  organisation.  And let me *

>* also kindly assure you that the CSF is taken seriously by people *

>* and organisations which matter and count. *

** **

** **

** **

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[Goanet] BJP manifesto

2012-02-22 Thread Eugene Correia
Those in favour of English, partticularly Catholics, in the MoI debate
are rightly agitated over the BJP';s non-commitment in giving grants
to English-medium schools. It must be understood that the BJP is wise
enough to protect its vote bank, largely the Hindus. So, the middle
way for Parrikar was to say that the BJP, if elected, would discuss
the issue further. The BJP's stance may cost it Catholic votes and
some Hindu votes. It's a gamble it has taken.
On the other hand, the Congress's commitment to English may cost it
many Hindu votes. Unforttunately, the MoI issue appears to have been
coated with communal colours.


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Re: [Goanet] TAG Meet the Artiste>... Philo de Pilerne

2012-02-22 Thread Eugene Correia
The song has "choi" and "poi" but no "bez" for"kiss"

Tuzo sangat di, mhojean vengent yeo

(let's be together, come embrace me), as I think it is more romantic.

Mozant gayata 'boom ba ka boom'
(With joy I sing "boom ba ka boom-

Chint chint chint chint kiteak meztai re duddu,
Think, think, think think, why do you amass money
Mataro zatoch tuka povncho nam cheddo,

Chint chint chint chint kiteak meztai re duddu,
Mataro zatoch tuka povncho nam cheddo,
(it is cheddo, that's "son")  Confusion, confusion, confusion
 gay lyrics (ha, hal)

For my great effort, I need a forget it.


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[Goanet] Managers Job for Goan

2012-02-22 Thread cyril D'Souza
Dear friends ,

 *Please Help a good Goan Lad to find a job *
A good friend of mine owning a resort in North Goa ( Calangute ) has the
following positions vacant in his resort . But he only needs a person of
origin as earlier he had very bad experience with his employees who were
from other states and left him at crucial moment when the hotel was full .

Position 1:

*Resort  Manager / Operations Manager*  --  salary commensurate with
experience and qualification

*Qualification required ;* Graduate in any discipline ( non- graduates will
be considered based on experience )

*Experience :* min 5 years experience in handling Front Office Hotel
Operations independently . ( should have sufficient knowledge of charter /
Travel agents bookings etc )

*Advantage :* Good salary prospects and growth - to be personally guided by
Company Director on day to day basis till he takes full charge .

Only serious candidates need apply with bio- data and salary expected to
the following email :




Mark cc to cyril

Thanks and God Bless

*Calangute *

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