[Goanet-News] First Christian art museum in Mumbai...

2012-03-30 Thread Frederick Noronha
There's no doubt, Mumbai is a busy city. At least 15 million people live
here, in what's know as India's commercial capital. Catholics make up a
small percentage, but despite being a minority, the religious heritage is
strong. In fact, the city recently opened its first Christian art museum
with relics that date back to the 16th century.

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[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] Good Friday

2012-03-30 Thread Jude Botelho
Dear Friend,
Why do people have to suffer and die? If God is a God of love can't he prevent 
the suffering of innocent people? People have always asked these questions and 
to date have not found a meaningful answer to the problem of suffering. 
Suffering and Death remain a mystery to be lived not a problem to be solved! 
The Cross of Christ provides not an answer but points to a way to make 
suffering life-giving. From being an instrument of death, Jesus made it a means 
of love and life! Have a cross-fertilized life! May today be a 'Good' Friday 
for us! Fr. Jude
Sunday Reflections: Good Friday Having loved his own to the very end, He died 
for us! 6-Apr-2012
Readings: Isaiah 52: 13-53: 12Hebrews 4: 14-16, 5: 
7-9John 18: 1-19: 42
In todays first reading Isaiah paints a startling portrait of the suffering 
servant of Yahweh. This suffering servant has a dignity about himself and his 
spirit is intact and unbroken in the midst of all that he suffers. Physically 
he was abused and reduced to a subhuman condition:  There was in him no 
stately bearing to make us look at him, nor appearance that would attract us to 
him. He was spurned and avoided by people, a man of suffering, accustomed to 
infirmity, one of those from whom people hide their faces... In the face of 
all that he suffered there is no bitterness, no anger, no resentment, no 
complaint. Though he was harshly treated he submitted and opened not his 
mouth. Isaiah is describing not only the suffering servant but in fact he gives 
us a pen portrait of Jesus himself as he goes to his passion and he also gives 
us a model of how the Christian is called to respond to suffering.
If God knows I am worth it, that's all that matters to me. 
I have told you of Olwen Davies, the middle-aged district nurse who for more 
than twenty years, with fortitude and patience, calmness and cheerfulness, 
served the people of Tregenny. This unconscious selflessness, which above all 
seemed the keynote of her character, was so poorly rewarded, it worried me. 
Although she was much beloved by the people, her salary was most inadequate. 
And late one night after a particularly strenuous case, I ventured a protest to 
her as we drank a cup of tea together. Nurse I said, Why don't you make them 
pay you more? It's ridiculous that you should work for so little. She raised 
her eyebrows slightly. But she smiled. I have enough to get along. No, 
really, I persisted, you ought to have an extra pound a week at least. God 
knows you are worth it. There was a pause. Her smile remained, but her gaze 
held a gravity, an intensity which startled me. Doctor, she said, If God 
knows I am worth it, that's all that
 matters to me.
A. J. Cronin in 'Adventures in Two Worlds'
In the Gospel there are several facets of the passion we could successfully 
reflect upon: The agony in the garden and the fearless confrontation of Jesus 
with those who came to arrest him. The triple denial of Peter in the presence 
of a maid servant. The trial before Caiphas in the Pretorium and then his 
confrontation with Pilate and the lingering unanswered question: What is 
truth? We could meditate on the Way of the Cross and his final moments on the 
cross itself leading to his painful cry, echoed by all who suffer: My God my 
God why have you forsaken me. We could ask the questions: Why did the Father 
permit the Son to suffer?  Why does God seem to abandon Jesus? Does God abandon 
his people, his beloved when they suffer? For that matter is the Father 
oblivious to the passion of his Son and to all his sons and daughters who even 
now suffer in the world today?  The Father was not an executioner but a fellow 
sufferer. This idea of the Father
 suffering gives us a glimpse into the mystery of human suffering, which 
confronts us on all sides. Suffering that is man-made like wars and terrorism 
and man's inhumanity to man as well as that which results from earthquakes, 
storms, tidal waves, viruses and so many other unexplained causes of suffering 
and death. The Father continues to suffer with his suffering children here on 
earth as he suffered with His Son Jesus Christ. While God does not always 
reveal his power, he always gives us the assurance of his comforting presence. 
We want God to be a powerful God, one who does away with all suffering. In 
Jesus' suffering and dying on the cross, we see as it were, an impotent God, a 
God who is made vulnerable precisely because he loves us is ready to suffer 
with us and for us.
Why Death?
Why death now? Why death ever? What is in store for our loved one now? What of 
the bereaved? Even in the presence of vibrant faith, there is often a sense of 
finality, of completion of an era. This atmosphere of finality pervaded Calvary 
on Good Friday. The great hopes of a promising life were dashed. His closest 
friend, John was shattered as he undertook to care for the mother who was 
desolate at the death of her one and 

[Goanet] Earth Hour 2012: Please Switch Off, Goa!

2012-03-30 Thread murielmario
Dear Manoharbhav,

Every year, on the last Saturday of March, from 8:30-9:30 pm, millions of
the planet's inhabitants, unite to protect the planet.  They switch off
lights and gather in small communities to celebrate Earth
Hourhttp://www.earthhour.org/at the same time, everywhere.

Governments around the world and in India http://www.earthhour.in/ switch
of government buildings and public monuments.

Manoharbav, please lead by example!

On Saturday, 31st March 2012, 8:30-9:30 pm, kindly switch off lights in
your Chief Minister's bungalow at Althinho, Panjim, houses of all MLAs, and
famous office buildings. Please send out notices to ensure that all
important landmarks switch off lights for Earth Hour.

Please see examples:

In solidarity with everyone who pledges to protect the planet.

Muriel, Mario, Suahil, Tarika and other Saligaokars pledged to protect Goa
and the earth.
*We did not inherit Abreu Vaddo/Saligao/Goa/the Earth from our ancestors,
we merely borrowed it from our children. - *Indigenous Wisdom

there *is* anOTHERgoa
at http://www.anothergoa.blogspot.in
muriel  mario,
6/22, sonarbhatt,  saligao.
bardez.  goa.  403511.
tel: 0832-2278276 / 240
anothergoa AT gmail.com

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[Goanet] Desmond Monteiro's Wish List for Goa.

2012-03-30 Thread Con Menezes
Dear Desmond,
Yes,  my wish list for Goa is the same.
Unfortunately, dear friend, this list will remain just that...a wish list!!
The politicians, scum that they are, will ensure that very little on our wish 
list will come to fruition.
Where is all that money going?
The Goans can rant and rave, but it will fall on deaf ears, and we will wallow 
in the filth that Goa is today.
Sad.but thats the reality!

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[Goanet] Parrikar's parikrama

2012-03-30 Thread Eugene Correia
Parrikar's parikrama

Eugene Correia

Manohar Parrikar has done his parikrama around Goa's financial state
in a calculated way. He has circumambulated the thorny issues of the
day delicately with a commitment of a man bent on bringing the desired
results. He has dipped into the goodwill of the people for having
elected the BJP in the hope that his government will adhere to the
party's manifesto in toto. He sought to placate Goans by extending his
merciful hand and doling out more money or gratuities and subsidies
while keeping the growth rate to an achievable target. Some taxes and
levies may hurt some groups of people. But then someone has to pay
some price.

That there were cheers all-round and not many jeers for the budget
says a lot for his reading of the Goan pulse. A feel-good fiscal
outlay with subsidies, social benefits and special concessions to
those who matter most -- the lower middle-class, the poor, the
backward classes, the women, the unemployed, the students -- is what
the budget delivers. The common man has been given little room to
The one part that raised the ire of the socially-conscious Goans and
some social activists was the chief minister's handling of the casino
affair. He seems to have double-faulted on this one; speaking in one
language as Opposition leader and another as chief minister. Those who
feel that lowering the entrance fee to the casinos would increase the
number of Goans at these temples of doom are speaking of a impending
social catastrophe, though that may not be the case. However, it would
be prudent on Parrikar's part to consider the many viewpoints.

Raising the fee to at least to Rs 2,500, half of the amount charged
earlier, may go down well with some of the protesters. No doubt
Parrikar will honour his word to keep Goans under 21 years of age at
bay through implementation of some sort of a system. Whatever measures
or security arrangements are put in place, it would be very important
to see that these security agencies personnel don't succumb to bribes.
Undercover vigilance officers would have to be deputed at the casinos
to prevent abuse of the security system. He should make those
suffering from budget blues feel reassured that this new exercise
will have in-built defensive system.

Parrikar has addressed the pressing issues with the tacit
understanding that the people longed to see Goa painted in a rosy
picture. The recent past of frayed tempers, tempestuous wrangling,
financial skullduggery and political Machiavellism had to be put
behind and a progressive path laid out in front. The budget is the
meat-and-bones version of the BJP manifesto that may or may have not
influenced those who voted for the party. All indicators show that the
voters targeted the Congress for its playing the fool with the
people's sentiments and the public finances.

The two-week period between the time the new government got in and the
time to present the budget was, as Parrikar admitted, too short to put
more details regarding some of the plans. Nevertheless, Parrikar had
lot of time to do his homework by sitting on the Opposition bench.  If
the BJP manifesto was a crafty tool that worked wonders, the budget
will be its reality test.

No sphere of public activity has been left untouched. To provide
subsidy of 80 per cent for religious pilgrimages is an act of
providence that would surely stand in good stead for the chief
minister and his government. Religious pampering apart, Parrikar has
also focussed great attention on the scheduled tribes. Marginalised
people long to be welcomed into the embrace of an ambivalent society.
Parrikar has taken these people into account in his effort to cut
across social and economic borders.

As for the infrastructure development, some of those outlined were
long overdue. Parrikar has gone a step forward in setting up a
timeframe for a new bridge over River Zuari. This one, along with
other proposed bridges and the proposed exhibition-cum-convention
centre, will help in fulfilling the government's dream of creating a
top-class (mind you, not world-class) tourist destination, though the
thrust would be on eco- and heritage tourism. However hard the
government may try to sell the above-mentioned brands, the staple
sun-and-sand tourism will continue to be the big earner. At least for
another decade, Goa's fancied coastline will sustain the hospitality
industry and with it the vast labour force it employs.

Parrikar has also dribbled well into the hearts of the football-crazy
populace by making the beautiful game the state's official sport. He
didn't miss the spot-kick to give his government the match-winner in a
political game against his opponents. Winning support of football fans
is a fine feather in Parrikar's topi.
The budget chart should serve as good wallpaper for Goans to plaster
on the walls of their homes and offices. It will create the necessary
ambience for Goans to live in hope ushered in by a benign chief

[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Windows to the City’s Soul – 10

2012-03-30 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Windows to the City’s
Soul – 10'

The next stop in the Panjim saga. All the earlier posts on the city's heritage
are here.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Rajan P. Parrikar


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[Goanet] UK Goan Oral Histories Project - Observations

2012-03-30 Thread Melvyn Fernandes
Dear Gabe (and open letter to the project organisers),

I read with interest your goanet post dated 26 March 2012 (Issue 317).

As a Goan fella now living in the United Kingdom, I lived in Nairobi, Kenya 
with the opportunity of travelling to other parts 
of the country from the Highlands and the Rift Valley to the coast places like 
Eldoret, Narok, Kitale, Kisumu, Thika, 
Mombasa and Malindi through the postings of my parents with the Kenya Police. 
Therefore, my memories of childhood 
and others are fascinating. 

So when I heard that the criteria for the Goan Oral Histories project was only 
for people over 80 years old, my first thought 
was of the soft MacDonalds burger being designed for people with or without 
their own teeth and the huge amounts of 
unused money deposited in UK trust funds on advance funeral plans, all 
indicators that our people are living longer with 
no gratitude to the management of our National Health Service. For this reason 
I took no interest as you and me and 
many within our age group are yet to go gaga and will have no hope of ever 
participating in this public funded research 
project undertaken in our “Goan” name. 

Thanks to the social media and everyone participating through the valued work 
of goanet volunteers in its 17th year on 
the super highway, we are all aware of what is going on.

I understand the age limit is now reduced and may be reduced further, only time 
will tell. Not many months to go before the 
completion date just like in our Goa where the legal cases now have to be 
completed within two years and not go on and 

As this project is in the name Goan reflecting our experiences in East Africa 
and is in the public domain, viewed by a 
wider audience, it is correct that we all take part whether invited or 

I can recall an incident in primary school when the teacher quoting from the 
history book written by others stated that 
Livingstone and Speke, explorers from the Royal Geographical Society, 
discovered Lake Victoria. I put my hand up and 
asked what about the people who already lived there? The discussion that 
followed was quite illuminating. I never 
became teacher's pet even though my school reports came first and second in 

The top table of the current project, we are told, is made up of very learned 
people. I beg to differ as their total 
intelligence on our community can be viewed on the video clips of the project 
to date. We have musicians that excel in 
string and wind instruments. The sound of a string instrument on its own sounds 
like a funeral setting. The organisers may 
wish to view on U-Tube Bugs Bunny Conducting the Marriage of Figaro to get 
some ideas on how to bring our historical 
and colourful past to life. Instead of video clips so far presented giving the 
visual impression of Laurel and Hardy and 
Charlie Chaplin stencils when sound and vision was in its infancy. Come on, 
this is London, England, the home of 
creativity, pull your finger out.

Under the Freedom of Information Act we have in the United Kingdom, an 
opportunity is there for those interviewed to 
make any corrections before the final publication is tabled at the British 
Library and I am sure a copy would be welcome for 
our main library in Panjim, Goa. 

When announcements are made on Goan Voice UK on events relating to this 
project, it is noteworthy that very soon 
afterwards there is a footnote saying House Full. Is it because there are 
copyright issues or expenses prearranged for 
chosen participants to be in the public eye by the handlers of this small grant?

I sometimes wonder whether the buzz menfolk from Goa got who went to Portuguese 
East Africa before the British was 
similar to that Indian men get today who travel from the rest of India to Goa 
to chill out and view white women wearing very 
little. Our ancestors who travelled from Goa during candlelight days and 
hurricane lamps to Portuguese East Africa will 
have had their first unarranged encounter with African women with little or no 
clothes on. Did they cover their eyes? What 
was the dress code at the time and foo was the first tailor as they stayed on. 
Was ellow the favourite colour during 

On visiting the Kenya High Commission in London in 1975 to look up the 
telephone directory for the phone number of the 
Nairobi Institute I was surprised to find there were more than five clubs, it 
would be interesting to know the current status 
as to whether our people in Kenya are still harmonious or like London, UK where 
we have over fifty organisations 
each with their own Presidents that appear to have no clear direction, easily 
manipulated by the learned members of our 

History is important for development. In 1972/73 as an office bearer of the 
Legion of Mary at St Theresa in Eastleigh 
Nairobi we had to change the title of President to Chair to keep in line with a 
directive from the Government of Jomo
Kenyatta that there is only one 

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day

2012-03-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
Will You Love Me Tomorrow




Gabe Menezes.

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Re: [Goanet] Interview with Mervyn Maciel

2012-03-30 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
Dear Selma,
Unless the interviewees themselves have placed an embargo on the publication 
date, I would urge you to publish the interviews in full.
It is time that some of the more controversial aspects of our social life were 
debated in public, so that public and private awareness is raised.
Very best personal regards,

 From: Gabe Menezes gabe.mene...@gmail.com
To: Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com; Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 
1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Interview with Mervyn Maciel
On 25 March 2012 21:01, Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Hi Roland,
 Thank you for your encouraging words.

 We have collected hours and hours of oral history covering every sort of
 topic from discrimination at work to segregated living to caste in East

 Unfortunately I will not be making any of that public right now. It will
 come into the public domain when it is lodged with the British Library. The
 reason being, as you may have noticed, our Goans are incapable of handling
 the least amount of introspection of their historical past. It is an
 unwritten rule almost that we must all believe our lives have been
 fantastical, ethical and almost mythical and any threat to that notion of
 ourselves comes under assault. So for now, only the most benign aspects of
 the interview will be made public.

 Take care,

RESPONSE: I don't quite get what you are trying to impart here. That I/some
others have questioned the veracity of a story? If so your best, so far
interviewee, was of the same opinion! Wings clipped by the handlers, maybe?
No more tit bits to whet our appetite? if so this is draconian, don't you
think so?  When time comes, we shall be given the whole caboodle, many will
not bother.


Tullow Oil, has just discovered oil in Turkana land and Moi is going gaga!
In 1963, did someone in the House of Lords, push for the Northern Half to
be given away to Somalia...a link that I had posted here!


Just back from Catalunya, brought the Sunshine backhopefully song for a
day will resume tom.


Gabe Menezes.

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Re: [Goanet] UK Goan Oral Histories Project - Observations

2012-03-30 Thread Tony de Sa
From: Melvyn Fernandes mel...@orange.net

As a Goan fella now living in the United Kingdom, I lived in
Nairobi, Kenya with the opportunity of travelling to other parts
of the country from the Highlands and the Rift Valley to the coast places
like Eldoret, Narok, Kitale, Kisumu, Thika,
Mombasa and Malindi through the postings of my parents with the Kenya
Police. Therefore, my memories of childhood
and others are fascinating.

Coast places like Eldoret, Narok, Kitale, Kisumu, Thika?


** Tony de Sa  tonydesa at gmail dot com  **

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[Goanet] UK Goan Oral Histories Project - Observations by Melvyn Fernandes

2012-03-30 Thread Mervyn Elsie Maciel
Don't think I'm qualified to comment on your lengthy post, Melvyn, but
just wanted
to correct the following:

 from the Highlands and the Rift Valley to the coast places like
Eldoret, Narok, Kitale, Kisumu, Thika,

Eldoret, Narok,Kitale, Kisumu, Thika are certainly NOT in the Coast.

Eldoret  Kitale are in what was then the White Highlands and in the
Rift Valley

Narok was in what was then Southern Province, Kisumu in Nyanza, and Thika in
Central Province.

Mervyn Maciel

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[Goanet] Matanhy Saldanha

2012-03-30 Thread roland . francis
I follow the news in Goa from Goanet and from other sources.

I was completely flummoxed by the glowing tributes paid to MS after his death. 
Why, I asked myself, did I not read even one percent of the praise showered on 
him after his death, while he was still living. 

If he was really the man he is made out to be, why did not the people who came 
out of the woodwork with glowing paens, even people who had never written on 
Goanet before singing his alleluias on the site, not whistle a single note 
about his work when he was a living, breathing human being.

What I mostly remember reading about MS over the years was how he had turned 
into an opportunist once he entered politics and how he was a major 
disappointment to people who had high hopes for him after the Ramponkar 
struggle and the Metastrips agitation.

I have no problem with the good they say about him now. I do have one with why 
they didn't say it before.

One day Eugene too will be singing Floriano's hit parade of road maps for Goa, 
instead of writing him off as a party chief who never won any seat or had a 
shot at winning one. Contingent of course on Eugene outlasting Floriano.

Roland Francis

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Re: [Goanet] Dr. Leo Rebello plans to contest the Indian presidential elections.

2012-03-30 Thread Dr. Leo Rebello


From: Goanet News Service n...@goanet.org
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 8:45 AM
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: Dr. Leo Rebello plans to contest the Indian presidential elections.

An India sans corruption, communalism, casteism, criminalisation of
politics and runaway capitalism is Dr Leo Rebello's vision.

And if elected as President, this is what he will strive to achieve.

Goanet News Service


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Re: [Goanet] Shantaram Naik.... laughable

2012-03-30 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 28 March 2012 10:48, Amy Amelia da Cunha amidacu...@gmail.com wrote:

[1] We had a long discussion on this and WE CONCLUDED that there
CANNOT BE RULES, LAWS for every thing,

[2] there is something known as moral responsibility specially when
Shantaram Naik all of a  sudden started raising his voice everyday
for the last one month against the BJP.

[3] Now the Goan legislature who elected him  is BJP. . He has to
resign and go.

[4] They forget the morals, this suckers with thick skin need people
like you and me to remind them of morals.


re#1: Wow!

re#2: In a Westminster style of Government, that is what oppositions
are for i.e. opposing.  Vide Parrikar v Casino 'antes y ahora'or
Parrikar v Min of Works.

re#3: Isn't this sort of thing there IN THE CONSTITUTION for a reason?
or is it that the WE in #1 (supra) are expected to make up the rules
- in LONG DISCUSSIONS .(any minutes available?) or Are those
minutes ...secret?

re#4: Not one to preach about the Morals to another, BUT I believe
that any MORAL person would normally look and see IF there are any
RULES and LAWS to govern this issue already in the Constitution.

Engine Room, where is my drink?

What? It is LENT and I am MORALLY obligated to conserve Cazunchem for
my friends from 


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Re: [Goanet] Dr. Leo Rebello plans to contest the Indian presidential elections.

2012-03-30 Thread Santosh Helekar
Good to see Prof. Dr. Dir. Ambdr. Leo Rebello run for President of India again.



- Original Message -
 From: Goanet News Service n...@goanet.org
 To: goa...@goanet.org
 Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 10:15 PM
 Subject: [Goanet] Dr. Leo Rebello plans to contest the Indian presidential 
 An India sans corruption, communalism, casteism, criminalisation of politics 
 runaway capitalism is Dr Leo Rebello's vision.
 And if elected as President, this is what he will strive to achieve.
 Goanet News Service
                       Protect Goa's natural beauty
                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
 Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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2012-03-30 Thread floriano

By: Floriano Lobo

Reading novels was my forte.  Alas! Not anymore, since the onset of this 
idiotic internet.  I had such a large collection that a time came when I did 
not know what to do with it. And not wanting to feed the white ants, I took 
Augusto Pinto's (our very own  books-loving Moidekar) suggestion and 
delivered a load to the then newly assembled Moira Club Library. And have 
never regretted that decision.

Now, now, what has the word 'Maverick' (or should I say a name) got to do 
with all this books and library thing?  In deed, everything. The word 
'maverick' used to  crop up whilst reading, especially the wild western 
stories. It was rightly assumed that it had something to do with a stubborn 
four legged. But then, I had never gotten to leaf through the pages of the 
dictionary to find out what exactly was a 'maverick'.

And since, of late, I had decided to do a piece on this  astounding word, I 
did take the trouble to hit 'Googles'. See what I got, a  treasure of a 

1. Someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action
2. An unbranded range animal (especially a stray calf); belongs to the first 
person who puts a brand on it  independent in behavior or thought
3.Hypernyms (maverick is a kind of...): nonconformist; recusant (someone 
who refuses to conform to established standards of conduct)

4. As according to Judith Germain: 'Being willfully independent'.
And she goes  much forward in explaining what is being willfully 
independent, such as this:

a) Mavericks have a willful sense of independence and can be found working 
within a company or owning one. It is their acute sense of independence that 
is common between the maverick at work and the maverick business owner. The 
symptoms that they display is very different which is why the approach that 
is used to harness their talent will differ. The definition of a maverick is 
important because it is by being sure of your definition will be the key to 
the solution.
b) A maverick personality is one where they are willfully independent all 
the time and in all circumstances. They are keen to make their mark and do 
things their way and often blaze innovation and lateral thinking to the 
projects and problems that they are working on. They often exasperate the 
people around them and peers can feel that they can't keep up or hurt if an 
objective comment from a maverick is delivered in their usual blunt and 
brutally honest way.
c) A maverick trait or tendency is when the maverick or 'Troublesome Talent' 
is willfully independent in their workplace. They may challenge the status 
quo and insist that the company works from a strong sense of integrity. They 
take risks that conformist employees shirk at, and push harder and seek 
challenges that others feel are 'insane'.
d) Mavericks are easily bored and need to be given constant challenges to 
ensure that they are as productive and engaged as they could be. They tend 
to come up with innovative solutions and their way of working didn't fit the 
established corporate norms. The Maverick is unafraid to question authority, 
buck trends or do what is 'expected' and understands that they are a square 
peg in a round hole. They have realized that they are under utilized, bored 
in their roles and that they often act inappropriately in the circumstances 
that they find themselves in.
e) The Maverick hires us directly to work with them. They are keen to keep 
the fact that they are working with us confidential from their employers. 
The Maverick comes from all types of professions from professional 
partnerships like accountancy or law, corporate life or individuals running 
their own business.
f) The Maverick at work: This is the type of person who is recognized as 
being Troublesome Talent® - definition of a maverick at work hugely talented 
but difficult to manage. They often complete targets and objectives with 
ease but cause enormous problems with colleagues and peers in the process. 
Troublesome Talent® are sometimes said to have a bullying approach and 
careless attitude to those around them. They tend to be mono focused on the 
task in hand and have the unerring habit of increasing staff turnover and 
lowering staff morale because they are unaware or indifferent to the effect 
that they have on the people around them.
Invariably they are loved by the customer, which causes the dilemma of 
whether they should be sacked or developed. Usually the company hires us to 
work directly with their Troublesome Talent® or their managers.
g) The maverick business owner: These mavericks are accidental business 
owners who left a secure corporate job because they were unhappy trying to 
successfully navigate their way in corporations that could no longer contain 
them. Mavericks are easily bored and need to be given constant challenges to 
ensure that they are as productive and engaged as they could be. They tend 
to come up with innovative 

[Goanet] Goan Oral History Project(my reply to Rose Fernandes)

2012-03-30 Thread Mervyn Elsie Maciel
Dear Rose,

I'd passed your comments to my friend who feels that his
earlier statement is quite clear and needs no further clarification.
   I too have no wish to prolong this subject as there were points you brought
up which bore no relevance to the topic under discussion, i.e. Oral History
of East African Goans. Where, for example, was there need to bring in your
dietary preferences, or your charity giving etc?
I think we are going off the subject and I prefer not to make any
further comment.

Mervyn Maciel

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[Goanet] Bicholim Facebook group, locals assist destitute

2012-03-30 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

*BICHOLIM: *The social website ‘Facebook’ may be used for chatting or for
fun, but a group from Bicholim used it in a different way -- to help a
needy widow who had lost all her belongings.
The 850-member Bicholim group on Facebook, which was created a year ago,
came together for a special cause to 75-year-old woman, Satyawati Gaonkar,
from Naiginim.
 Satyawati’s hut along with all her belongings was gutted in the fire on
March 9. She was saved by locals, but had sustained minor injuries when she
tried to retrieve  money hidden in a rice sack.
 When this news was flashed on the Bicholim Facebook group, several
volunteered and came forward to help. Not only those residing in Bicholim,
but some working abroad also sent money to help the poor woman.
 As the woman was homeless, villagers constructed a small house with the
help of the amount received from the MLA.
 On Sunday, some group members led by Ramakant Shetye, a businessman and
social worker from Bicholim, went to the site and donated her basic
 Satyawati earns a paltry Rs 200 per month sweeping in a school. A donor
has now agreed to pay her Rs 1000 per month till she is alive.
 As the temporary structure built by locals might not be withstand the
monsoons, the Bicholim Facebook group has also expressed its support to
build a small room for the woman.
 The group along with the help of locals will make efforts to provide her
electricity supply and water connection.


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Re: [Goanet] UK Goan Oral Histories Project - Observations

2012-03-30 Thread Eddie Fernandes
-Original Message-
From: Melvyn Fernandes
Sent: 30 March 2012 09:52
Subject: [Goanet] UK Goan Oral Histories Project - Observations

Dear Melvyn,

Being the PR Officer of the Histories of British-Goans Project, I am replying 
to a few of the observations you have made. The team put in considerable effort 
even before applying for the grant and were commended for our efforts in the 
face of stiff competition. Unfortunately a few members of the Community instead 
of congratulating us and volunteering for the Project have been lining up to 
throw stones. Coincidentally, it is the very same people doing so that have 
been the spokes in the wheels of other Community projects! 

To clarify a few of your misapprehensions:

1.  You write: I heard that the criteria for the Goan Oral Histories project 
was only for people over 80 years old
Response: Where did you hear this and did you make any attempts to check the 
facts? When the Project was announced we invited ANY East African Goan to 
volunteer to conduct interviews or be interviewed. Most of the respondents 
heard about the appeal through the Internet, were male and from Kenya. It was 
important to reach out to the others so in fresh appeals we announced that 
priority would be given to females, those from other parts of East Africa and, 
in order to get people not on the internet, those aged over 80. Even today if 
you go to http://www.britishgoanproject.com/register-to-be-interviewed/  you 
will find that there is no age restriction on applications.

2.  You write: video clips so far presented giving the visual impression of … 
when sound and vision was in its infancy
Response: We are using professional equipment as recommended by Heritage 
Lottery Fund. Moreover, the British Library has viewed the output and on the 
basis of it has agreed to archive the resource, the first time it has ever for 
a Community Oral History Archive.  

3.  You write  When announcements are made on Goan Voice UK on events relating 
to this project, it is noteworthy that very soon afterwards there is a footnote 
saying House Full. Is it because there are copyright issues or expenses 
prearranged for chosen participants to be in the public eye by the handlers of 
this small grant?
Response: The latest workshop for the 21st April as with the previous one for 
13 April was also fully booked today, within 24 hours of being announced. Could 
it be because of the popularity of the project and the high standards of the 
presentations? Does not the fact that there have been on average 1000 views per 
video clip have some bearing? 

When the project was launched, we had announced:
“The project will involve interviewing Goans and some non-Goans from colonial 
East Africa …  But it is not the team that will be responsible for making it a 
success. As usual, it will be your support that will make it a success. So 
write to us to volunteer, or if you wish to be interviewed. Get your children 
involved. They will learn much about their own past and about their family 
histories. Free training will be made available for those who volunteer and 
their work will be viewed across the world. Register your interest by sending 
an email to britishgoansproj...@yahoo.co.uk  

Did you register your interest? Before spouting on in public forums, may I 
suggest you approach any member of the team with your questions, attempt to get 
your facts right and then by all means go public after that should  you feel 
the need to.  You are only destroying your own credibility!

Eddie Fernandes


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[Goanet] Oral History project and workshops

2012-03-30 Thread Carvalho
Dear Victor and Pandu,
Thank you for your emails. Will respond in detail at some time. I have not been 
keeping well for sometime now but plodding along.
Take care,

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Re: [Goanet] Dr. Leo Rebello plans to contest the Indianpresidential elections.

2012-03-30 Thread floriano

Definition of Success:

It is not when you reach the top of the ladder
It is how many time you fell off missing the top.


- Original Message - 
From: Dr. Leo Rebello prof.leorebe...@gmail.com

To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dr. Leo Rebello plans to contest the 
Indianpresidential elections.


From: Goanet News Service n...@goanet.org
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 8:45 AM
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: Dr. Leo Rebello plans to contest the Indian presidential 

An India sans corruption, communalism, casteism, criminalisation of
politics and runaway capitalism is Dr Leo Rebello's vision.

And if elected as President, this is what he will strive to achieve.


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[Goanet] Matanhy’s successor at Cortalim

2012-03-30 Thread JoeGoaUk
Matanhy’s successor at Cortalim
If  his wife Alina is the people’s choice and that’s what she really wants to 
then I feel she be inducted in the forthcoming cabinet expansion.
She can then get herself elected within 6 months.
I tell you, she could even win unopposed. 
Although, I don’t know much of her (First time I saw her during Matanhy’s 60th 
Birthday in 2008 see pic), 
some people including priests described her as a courageous woman.
Some villagers say she has already accepted the challenge but could not confirm 
on this.
The ball is now in Parrikar’s court
Meet Alina here..
another file pic – Alina with Matanhy, Parrikar, Fr. Eremito etc

for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc  

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[Goanet] Goa's Urrack season sets the tipsy tone

2012-03-30 Thread joseph fernandes
I had purchased Cashew Urrack, from SVD Seminary at Raia
last saturday @ Rs130/- per litre (1000 ml, and not a bottle) , and freshly 
extracted cashew juice @ Rs 30/- a litre.  The delivery counter opens at 3 pm 
and there is a great demand for both, and I am told that stocks are not 
available after 3.30 pm on some days.
Joseph Fernandes

Visit www.fatherspeaks.net Click: Father speaks,on LHS, below home, then click: 
Messages to Mother Eugenia
ABBA FATHERS Feast on 07th August

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Re: [Goanet] Matanhy Saldanha

2012-03-30 Thread floriano

Dear Roland,

My response to your post is not because you have mentioned my name.
It is because of the sincerity in which it is written.

Matanhy Saldanha and I were colleagues, though I started much much later 
than he, he being a year younger to me.
And I have criticized him more than I have appreciated him while he was 
living. This was never because I was jealous of him. It was because he 
didn't do more and what was actually required to be done by personalities 
like him being in the lime-light.

It is there on the net for everyone to see.

However,  let me quote the famous Goan adage:
'Melele Mosik Bara Xher dud

Having said that, I have prepared for my eventual death much much in advance 
and my dear 'wife' and/or my son/daughter have been instructed accordingly 

To allow each and every one  who would want to say a few words (eulogize) 
over my dead body to say them without let or hindrance.
To offer  flowers to those criticizing my work or me openly. ( worst 
criticism to get more  flowers). Because what they will have said would be 
absolutely true and coming directly  from their hearts.
To write off those who praised me in death, or my work after I was dead. 
Because these will have been utter hypocrites. Because those who would want 
to praise me would have done so when I was living and facing me, eye to eye. 
{for I have always culled a hypocrite from and friend]
To refuse state funeral for  husband/dad even if he was the CM of Goa. [No 
such illusions, though. The way I am going, it will be a wonder if I get 
past 1000 votes forget about winning and election. Because winning elections 
one has to lick arses. And floriano has never done that] In fact to instruct 
the State authorities to use the money on things worthwhile, especially 

Thank you for being straight forward, aka, not being a hypocrite.


- Original Message - 
From: roland.fran...@gmail.com

To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 7:51 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Matanhy Saldanha

I follow the news in Goa from Goanet and from other sources.

I was completely flummoxed by the glowing tributes paid to MS after his 
death. Why, I asked myself, did I not read even one percent of the praise 
showered on him after his death, while he was still living.

If he was really the man he is made out to be, why did not the people who 
came out of the woodwork with glowing paens, even people who had never 
written on Goanet before singing his alleluias on the site, not whistle a 
single note about his work when he was a living, breathing human being.

What I mostly remember reading about MS over the years was how he had 
turned into an opportunist once he entered politics and how he was a major 
disappointment to people who had high hopes for him after the Ramponkar 
struggle and the Metastrips agitation.

I have no problem with the good they say about him now. I do have one with 
why they didn't say it before.

One day Eugene too will be singing Floriano's hit parade of road maps for 
Goa, instead of writing him off as a party chief who never won any seat or 
had a shot at winning one. Contingent of course on Eugene outlasting 

Roland Francis


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Re: [Goanet] Matanhy Saldanha

2012-03-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 30 March 2012 18:42, floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dear Roland,

 My response to your post is not because you have mentioned my name.
 It is because of the sincerity in which it is written.

 Matanhy Saldanha and I were colleagues, though I started much much later
 than he, he being a year younger to me.
 And I have criticized him more than I have appreciated him while he was
 living. This was never because I was jealous of him. It was because he
 didn't do more and what was actually required to be done by personalities
 like him being in the lime-light.

 It is there on the net for everyone to see.

 However,  let me quote the famous Goan adage:
 'Melele Mosik Bara Xher dud

 Having said that, I have prepared for my eventual death much much in
 advance and my dear 'wife' and/or my son/daughter have been instructed
 accordingly thus:

 To allow each and every one  who would want to say a few words (eulogize)
 over my dead body to say them without let or hindrance.
 To offer  flowers to those criticizing my work or me openly. ( worst
 criticism to get more  flowers). Because what they will have said would be
 absolutely true and coming directly  from their hearts.
 To write off those who praised me in death, or my work after I was dead.
 Because these will have been utter hypocrites. Because those who would want
 to praise me would have done so when I was living and facing me, eye to
 eye. {for I have always culled a hypocrite from and friend]
 To refuse state funeral for  husband/dad even if he was the CM of Goa. [No
 such illusions, though. The way I am going, it will be a wonder if I get
 past 1000 votes forget about winning and election. Because winning
 elections one has to lick arses. And floriano has never done that] In fact
 to instruct the State authorities to use the money on things worthwhile,
 especially catering to SENIOR CITIZENS IN OLD AGED HOMES.

 Thank you for being straight forward, aka, not being a hypocrite.


Roland, you are not alone, here  is a link to a blog site, a person who
used to post on this forum in bygone times. Telling it as it is w.r.t. his
own experience.



Gabe Menezes.

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Re: [Goanet] Dr. Leo Rebello plans to contest the Indianpresidential elections.

2012-03-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 30 March 2012 17:58, floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com wrote:

 Definition of Success:

 It is not when you reach the top of the ladder
 It is how many time you fell off missing the top.


RESPONSE: I do admire immensely, your resilience!

Gabe Menezes.

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