[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (26Jul12)

2012-07-26 Thread alexyz fernandes

  ~  'Save Goa' in London attracts 9000  ~

Teacher said 'Goans in UK are more worried about 'Saving Goa' than Goans in 

She's right. Goa Wake Up Daddy!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org 

[Goanet] Patricia Rozario rules the (sound) waves

2012-07-26 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

Patricia Rozario rules the (sound) waves
By Luis Dias

Goan-origin and critically-acclaimed soprano and pedagogue Patricia Rozario 
is due to receive the prestigious Fellowship of the Royal College of Music 
(FRCM) in the spring of 2013. She will be in Goa from 26-30 July 2012 to 
conduct the next course of the Giving Voice to India project. She spoke to 
the Navhind Times in an exclusive interview.

1. Congratulations on your latest honour, Ms. Rozario! All Goa is thrilled 
for you, and proud of you. Would you like to tell us a little about how you 
got the news?

The letter from the Committee of the Royal College of Music informing me 
that their President the Prince of Wales had chosen me to accept the 
Fellowship arrived in the post just before I was leaving to come to India. I 
had a concert out of London prior to that, and my son had to get ready for a 
trip to Germany. In all the chaos, I realized I hadn’t dropped an 
acknowledgement and acceptance letter in the post, and had to do this at 
Heathrow, after check-in! I wasn’t sure if there’d be a post-box after 
check-in, but thankfully there was!

2. You are only the second Indian to receive this honour after Zubin Mehta. 
Furthermore, you now join a hallowed list of musical giants that have 
received the title before you: Richard Strauss, Edward Elgar, Benjamin 
Britten, Arnold Bax, Arthur Rubinstein, Arturo Toscanini, Nadia Boulanger, 
Sir Yehudi Menuhin, Placido Domingo, Claudio Abbado… a veritable who’s who 
of classical music over the last century and a half. How does it feel?

After I got the intimation, I did some research online, and I am overwhelmed 
to be in such a list. I adore the music of Richard Strauss and love to sing 
his Lieder (songs) and operas, for example. The thought that he came to 
London to receive this same honour makes me feel extremely humble.

3. But it is well-deserved, nevertheless. The Fellowship is bestowed “to 
individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to life at the Royal 
College of Music and the wider musical community” to quote from their 

Over the years, I have sung extensively at major concert halls across the 
world, and have a sizeable body of work in terms of my recordings and 
commitment to excellence.

I am now in my seventh year of teaching at the RCM. I have also worked on 
several projects with them. At the moment there’s an exciting project taking 
shape, highlighting the works of composer Hans Gál, of Austro-German and 
Jewish origin, who had sought refuge in England. He was nevertheless 
incarcerated as a precaution on account of his German origin at the Isle of 
Man during the Second World War and wrote some wonderful music while there.

I have been teaching students from all over the world: Japan, Korea, Sweden, 
France, Canada, the UK and the US. I am happy to say that my students from 
India have been wonderful. Goa’s Joanne D’Mello did so brilliantly, and both 
the Principal and the Head of Singing at the RCM were so pleased with her 
progress. Oscar Castellino has just got a first class mark in his recent 
exam, and is shaping very nicely indeed.

4. Your Giving Voice to India project is doing very well! It’s three years 
old now, isn’t it? You’ve now branched out into a few more cities. What are 
your thoughts about the shape the project is taking?

I am really thrilled by the progress we’ve made in India. We focus on small 
groups of 10-15 at a time, and work with them over time to help them develop 
their voices. We started in Mumbai and Goa in December 2009, and are now 
extending out to other cities. We’ve added Pune to the map last April and 
will now go to Ahmedabad as well.

In each place, we have been pleasantly surprised by the high quality of the 
voices we’ve found. These are really great voices that need developing.

At the recently-concluded Con Brio festival in Mumbai this month, seven of 
my students sang highlights from Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, and so 
marvellously at that. I was so pleased when choral directors in Mumbai came 
backstage to compliment me on their really beautiful singing.

Two of my students, from Bangalore and Mumbai, will now come to London to 
audition for the post-graduate course in Voice at the RCM.

5. There’s also an exciting new choral and ensemble singing direction that 
Giving Voice to India is taking, isn’t it? This will raise the bar not 
only for solo voices, but for choirs too. Perhaps we will soon see a 
home-grown, all-Indian opera production, soloists and chorus, in the 
not-too-distant future?

It will take time, and it’s early days, but yes it is a distinct 
possibility. Such a production will incorporate local talent on the ground 
as well as those who grew up in India but have trained abroad (e.g. Joanne D’Mello, 
Amar Muchhala, etc). One can’t rush the process. I want to raise the 
standard so that it is on par with the rest of the world.

6. How does Goa stand vis-a-vis Mumbai and 

Re: [Goanet] Assam Erupts

2012-07-26 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
On 25 July 2012 17:58, Nelson Lopes nellope...@gmail.com wrote:

 The migration of Muslims from the neighboring country appears
 to be the root cause. It is creating pressure on land of indigenous Bodos

This Bangladeshi infiltrators tag seems to be, in some cases at
least, a ploy to target Muslims-whom-we-don't-like. Probably it
continues a tradition of seeing any Hindu migrating from Bangladesh as
a refugee and a Muslim as an infiltrator.

There are already some finding Bangladeshi illegal migrants in
places like Goa.

Here is another take on the riots in Assam (with the mainstream media
being split being a conspicuous silence about the reasons behind the
same, or adopting the easy Bangladeshi migration theory):

Custodial Death And Communal Clash In Assam

[Goanet] if we don't act. Please register your protest, as in end of this email.

2012-07-26 Thread rosario franco
Kindly requesting to get it post on Goa Net
Rosario Franco

Issues Beyond Sex, Scandal  The Church
The cover story in the popular newsmag would have reached lakhs of
readers, especially online. Briefly it talks of all kinds of mortal
'sins' allegedly committed by Kerala's Catholic clergy, in the words
of those, who are no more priests or nuns. No names, no specifics and
no proof is offered for the slander. The fact that such despicable
remarks are as old as Christianity, is a different matter, which
Christ Himself being referred to as a glutton, drunkard, homosexual or
being with prostitutes. The clergy (popes and bishops included) for
the last 200 odd centuries since Jesus walked the earth, and more
recently the pedophilic abuse or impropriety by seniors in Vatican,
makes it imperative for the Catholic to have a studied response. The
experience of the victims is heart-wrenching, painful and tragic -
which the Church has never denied - and we need to desperately work
for justice and recompense.
However, here as a common layman, I am attempting to place the issue
in perspective, with reference to such reported occurrences in the
Kerala Church, especially since the Catholic clergy in that state
alone is around 50,000 and there are around 1,35,000 of the Keralite
diaspora scattered around India and abroad. Also it affects the image
and is a matter of concern for not just Catholics, who in India number
approximately 18 million, but also that of millions of other
Christians in the country. The issue relates not just to the rights of
so many Indian citizens, but the basic human freedoms of as many. The
damage done such unsubstantiated lies or even half truths is
unimaginable. And the least we must do is raise our voice in favour of
the thousands of nuns, priests and bishops, whose character has been
unjustly assassinated.
The Silence of the Lambs
We cannot remain quiet, even as these 'good' shepherds suffer silently
in selfless service, without blemish. It is not they, who have been
unfairly targeted or are victims of a campaign to get at the Church or
Christianity... Rather, it is our duty to speak out in favour of the
truth, as such false propaganda will only do us as community - grave
harm. This is not to say that we sweep the issue under the carpet or
adopt an ostrich-like attitude that the menace does not exist. Because
it does. And we must demand justice for the victims of clerical abuse
- whether of among themselves or of others. But can one's conscience
allow a callous, insensitive and irresponsible smear campaign with
such wide ranging effects, without proof go unchallenged? If for
nothing else than because it is our Christian duty to defend our very
own innocent first.
Let us look at it objectively - Are we being asked to view every nun
or priest suspiciously based on our reading of these write-ups?
Certainly not. But that is just what comes naturally - not just to
Christians, but more importantly those not of the faith and out to get
at the Church, Christians and Christianity. Even worse, what does one
do when millions of non-Christians flock to theaters to watch a
soon-to-be released film - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, directed by T.
Deepesh, who says - I have explored the lives of two nuns in a
nunnery and have touched on various aspects, including homosexuality
and abortion. Some of our 'Christian' representatives will say - let
the movie be released, as happened in the case of the song 'Hosanna'
or the film could be released film with a disclaimer - that it is a
work of fiction. The CSF stand is clear. We don't have unlimited
resources, but we will put in every last bit of energy we have to
fight this persecution.
The Black Sheep
This is also not to take-up for the Church (we are the church, the
chosen people of God) or the religious. But to question whether, it is
fair that a couple of ex-clergy women or men, resorting to and aided
by yellow journalism can wreck such damage? Since sensationalism,
especially of the taboo kind sells, it can be safely assumed that
these ex-clerics would have made more money than they would otherwise
have had. The Outlook which served the concocted  cocktail, as a cover
story undoubtedly sold more copies. But what of the faith of millions,
let aside the truth of the matter. By not disclosing details of the
accused or taking up the issues appropriately, the testimony of the
so-called victims can hardly be credible - let aside be Christian.
Surely, part of the blame lies squarely with the Church, for not
managing its human resources department properly. As every
organization of its size ought to. But avoidable damage is already
Some Questions
One out of Jesus' twelve turned out to be Judas - 8.33% - and did
Jesus not prophesy this?
Are not such allegations being made of almost every Catholic or
Christian denomination or rite?
The Church is a divine entity, yet human and hence, is 

Re: [Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (25Jul12)

2012-07-26 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Because it takes awareness, which is rare: a sense of fairness, civic
sense, and all the other ideas that one takes for granted when living
a bit more/ plain more balanced lives elsewhere. Its rare cause there
is very little body awareness for starters, very little of peeing over
the other side to see how people live, how they are confines, what
they are subjected to (even inadvertently). In fact only upon the
desire, calling, nay, vocation, and desire to serve does one notice
that one may be presiding over a status quo which has become the
injustice of the day.

I truly feel that Goa used the worst yardsticks in many areas. It
simply did not care for the so called/so thought of little things: the
nature greeting, the fact that buses were pleasant to travel in--that
women in public felt safer than in some other hole/place; Nothing ever
is all well, but what is well should be built upon not neglected as
in: that is not our way, its the way of someone else, so screw it. Let
us ape our base roots, use the crassest as working models (BEST in
Mumbai is one of the best services and is worthy of emulation).

To promote tourism: inculcate basic values as to what does it entail.
What sort of a life can people live (this is not only the job of
government, but of various bodies which presumably work on the minds
and bodies looking forward to eternal life). Not to think in terms of
have whatever, will fleece!!! Have hand will pinch. Or see someones
hand pinch, and piously revert to Maka kitem poddlam/ Maza bocha aahe
kai. Te tyanche bagnaar. (Konk. what is it to me/ Mar. Is it my butt.
They will see to their own).

I mean is that so hard, and is it so hard for people who keep babbling
Deo/Dev borem korun?!!! As worse for that who said that a visitor is a
god. Zaun, zaun (so be it, so be it).

Khorench Satyameve Jayate. Eka hattan tauii pet'ta.

In other words, one also needs Ballls: the real ones (not gass: REAL
soda), not some poskotte, or balao (tilde over the a). Not, khote

One should also have/develop a healthy distaste, and the ability to
not take crap from people who lie through their teeth. Too many have
crossed to the sordid side, for a better portion of the cultural and
along with it the economic butter. And here they have the balls to
question a lack of participation in their activities/events. Know thy
enemies, even if only to protect yourself; not hate them. Other than
this being an injunction; consider this: if they cannot handle
baseline ridicule, can they deal with baseline hate/hatred.

venantius j pinto

 Message: 1
 Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 23:58:47 -0400
 From: alexyz fernandes goanet.refor...@bell.net
 To: Goanet goa...@goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (25Jul12)

 ~  Corlim - Panjim  ~

 If the Transport Min. is concerned about Safety (Helmets)
 Why is he Blind to his Cattle-Packed...Bone-Breaking...Bottom-Pinching

[Goanet] Great Goans

2012-07-26 Thread radharao gracias

* *

 By: Radharao F.Gracias

* *

This last week, saw the death of Gracias Saldanha, undisputedly
the richest Goan, in the world. At the time of his death, he was
ranked 69thon the list of richest Indians, with a net worth of 805
million dollars,
according to Forbes. No other Goan figures, in the list. He was low profile
and not surprisingly, there was very little mention of him, in the Goan
media. At the time of his death, he was Chairman Emeritus of Glenmark
Pharmaceuticals, a company, headquartered in Bombay, he founded with his
pension fund in the year 1977. The company now, has drug manufacturing
units in Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Goa and elsewhere. Glenmark has a
presence in ninety five countries of the world.

Saldanha earlier worked, with leading pharmaceutical companies like Abbott
Laboratories and E Merck and was an MSc from Bombay University, with a
diploma in management studies from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management
Studies, Mumbai.

His Business Profile reads: “Gracias Saldanha is another reclusive
billionaire. This 70-year-old is the owner of Glenmark, one of India’s top
pharmacy firms where he has clocked over four decades. The real difference
between him and other pharmacy billionaires is his quest for drug
discovery. He is betting big money not just on generic drugs, but also
ensuring that he can find some new stand-alone products. This is a risky,
expensive bet and could determine the kind of legacy he leaves the
industry. His other push is acquisitions, with the latest being a Czech
drug firm last year. Very little is known about his personal interests, but
it is believed that he has a fondness for art and is also a collector of

Besides, pharmaceuticals Saldanha’s other interest was horse raising and
“Game to Remember” a horse owned by him, won the upper division of the
confucious plate, for horses, five years and over in Bangalore the day he
died. Gracias Saldanha made the health of the nation, his priority and
wealth followed. Saldanha hails from Saligao (where else? The village seems
to have an uncanny ability to produce great men), and he still owns his
ancestral house. Glenmark is now headed by his son Glen Saldanha.

As Saldanha bloomed in Mumbai, the second richest Goan in the
world, is flying high in Malayasia. Anthony Francis Fernandes, is the
fifteenth richest man in Malayasia, with a net worth of 650 million dollars
according to Forbes. Tony, as he is generally known, is the son of
Dr.Steven Fernandes from Carxeta, Velim, Salcete, who married a Malacca
Kristeng (descendants of christians from the former Portuguese colony of
Malacca, where the body of St.Francis Xavier was initially buried after he
had died in Sancian, China). Tony studied at Eton and later graduated from
Epsom College. After working for Virgin Atlantic and Warner Music Group, he
decided, to start a budget, no frills airline. He was advised by the
Malayasian Government, to take over Air Asia, the heavily indebted and
failing airline. Pulling all his resources, after mortgaging his house he
took over the airlines and as others laughed at him, turned it around and
today it is the most successful airline in South East Asia. He is also into
hoteliering and has started a hotel chain, Tune Hotels which like his
airlines is a no frills concept, with hotels in Malayasia and Indonesia.

True to his Goan roots, he is into sports and is president of
the ASEAN Basketball league. He is also into Formula car racing and is the
owner of Lotus Racing F1 Team. And he has done something that every Goan
should be proud of. He is now the chairman of Queens Park Rangers (QPR)
holdings having purchased sixty six percent of the shares. He thus becomes
the first Goan to own a football team in the English Premier League, which
is an incentive for Goans to shift their allegiance from Manchester United
to QPR.

Fernandes has been honoured by King of Malaysia with title Tan
Sri http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malay_title, Dato'
Srihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malay_title and
also by the government of France http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France with
the Legion d'Honneur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legion_d%27Honneur Order.
In 2011, Tony Fernandes was awarded a CBE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBE or
Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to promote
commercial and educational links between Malaysia and the UK. He has won
innumberable awards including the 2010 Forbes Asia Businessman of the Year.

From the success of these two Goans, it is evident, that a Goan
has to go out, to go on. And, it is equally clear, that one can achieve
huge wealth through honest hard work, something which cannot be said about
the super rich in Goa, who have amassed huge wealth, in one of two ways,
namely, rampant destruction of the environment through dubious mining or
real estate activity. And these are classified, as the patriotic 

[Goanet] SMILE............................... IT'S WEEKEND (26/07/2012)

2012-07-26 Thread CAJETAN DE

Two friends (Joeku and Pasku) were talking by sitting road side. Suddenly they 
saw a man came out from his car and open it’s door for his wife:-
Joeku: Pasku, are you thinking the same thing what I think?
Pasku: What you mean to say?
Joeku: Did you see what that man did?
Pasku: Yes, he stopped the car, came out of his car and opened the door for his 
Joeku: So what do you have to say on it?
Pasku: Well, it's his love towards his wife.
Joeku: If a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be damn sure of 
one thing, either the CAR is new or the WIFE.
Cajetan de Sanvordem

[Goanet] Song for the day....

2012-07-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
Boogie Woogie Stomp Stephanie Trick




Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Why Goans are not given a chance to help in the

2012-07-26 Thread Bernado Colaco
This question should be answered by those freedom fighters lot, who come out of 
their holes on 19 December and 18 June. 893 Goans have re obtained Portuguese 
citizenship from Sto. André, the Waghin is now wondering why?
Unless Goans clean slate the events of 1961 there will be no chance of clean 
cities, helicopter tourism etc. For 50 years the governance has invested in 
harp players who harp on 450 years of Portuguese rule and how wonderful 
'liberation' is!
Being a Goan and having an internationally spread out business, I have on more 
than one occasion addressed the chief minister and the tourism department of 
Goa with regard to factors that affect or can affect the growth of the state. 
It was indeed very surprising to read that chief minister Parrikar is 
requesting industrialists from Mumbai to invest in the aviation sector in Goa, 
although there are a number of well renowned individuals associated with 
aviation who are Goans.I myself own a flight support company called Aviation 
Services Management established in 2005 and having offices in Sharjah, Dubai, 
UK, Mumbai and Goa and have been utterly forthcoming in presenting revenue 
generating solutions towards the tourism sector in Goa. I have raised issues 
pertaining to parking of private jets and air ambulances, development of the 
Kala Academy jetty for amphibious aircrafts, helicopter tourism which includes 
development of helicopter tourism and maintaining
 helipads in Goa. It i
s very disheartening that none of our letters have been replied to or been 
considered. Having the infrastructure to manage such areas we offered our 
services and have asked for due consideration but that has been overlooked. I 
had even brought out a suggestion of allotting land to come up with an aviation 
academy that will help the youth of Goa to study and be trained in this 
industry but the appeal has not be heard. Why do we need any industrialist from 
outside the state to invest here when we have an array of Goans that would not 
only be interested but even forthcoming in offering their services to the 
industry in Goa.

[Goanet] Insuring the slums - world - FT.com

2012-07-26 Thread Con Menezes
Slums in India

[Goanet] Press note for kind favour of publication

2012-07-26 Thread floriano


Floriano Lobo - Gen Secretary  Spokesperson addresses the Print n 
Electronic Media at the Party Office at Mapusa on 26 July, 2012 at 4.30 p.m.




1. GSRP is not against this scheme in particular,  or any other schemes 
which are directed towards the betterment and well-being of the weaker 
sections of GOANS. In fact GOA should have been better prepared to help 
weaker sections of GOANS to face the difficult times when it has become 
difficult to make ends meet.

2.  While GOA is borrowing heavily for it's up-keep, even to pay the 
salaries of Government staff and workers, with the ' debt trap'  having 
crossed Rs. 5000 crores with it's interest payment implications, it is 
hardly prudent on the part of the Government to be over-generous while 
spending Tax-Payer's Money on grandiose schemes like 'Laadly Laxmi', etc., 
and get embroiled in controversies to the extent that such controversies 
reach the doors of the Bombay High Court at Goa.

3.  There are other more important PRIORITIES that conscious governments 
should apply themselves to, priorities like settling the 'Garbage Menace' 
issue which has become intolerable and getting a bad name for GOA, potable 
water woes;  non-traffic-management and parking chaos; sanitation and 
hygiene and most importantly, catering to  providing  decent  JOBS for GOANS 
and especially the  YOUTH who are being wasted. Goa's prime priority is to 
set up INDUSTRIES which will employ educated GOANs profitably, and not 
industries which will employ non-goans,  so that they can take care of their 
off-springs with respect to their EDUCATION and  their MARITAL requirements.

4.  'Laadly Laxmi' Scheme is hardly appropriate at times like these 
where the heavily borrowing government of the day is more preoccupied with 
getting GOA's Laadly Laxmis married. With all the controversies surrounding 
this scheme and the way the application forms have been distributed to 
favour the BJP MLAs, it is evident that the BJP in Goa is more preoccupied 
with establishing it's Party's VOTE-BANK rather than being preoccupied with 
the welfare of the people of GOA.

5.  If at all such welfare schemes are put on the road for deserving 
GOANs, these should be controlled by  autonomous cells especially set-up 
like 'CIVILIAN WELFARE SERVICES  BOARDS'  etc. for equitable and impartial 
distribution, not even  Panchayats and/or other Government Departments which 
hardly qualify as impartial bodies but which are heavily controlled and at 
the  beck-n-call of  who is who in the Government.



1.  This demand of GOANs has been ignored since 1961 even by  Pandit 
Jawaharlal Nehru who was vocal nationally and internationally on protecting 
the  'westernized' 'Culture' and  the unique 'Identity' of GOANS acquired 
over four and a half centuries.  Such protection is linked to the protection 
and safe-guarding of the rights of GOANs to their LAND,  which has gone 
missing since the early 70's.

2.  Erstwhile Congress coalition Government of Mr. Digamber Kamat and 
the present Government  of Manohar Parrikar are mixing 'Special Category' 
(which is purely financial in nature) with 'Special Status' ( which is the 
universal protection of Goa's Culture, Ethos and Land with it's resources) 
and which is specified under Article 371 of the Indian Constitution and 
which Article  needs to be amended to suit GOA'S DEMANDS  on the lines of 
Nagaland, Kashmir etc.

3.  GSRP believes that the appellation 'SPECIAL CATEGORY STATUS' is 
purposefully coined-up to confuse it with the real demand for SPECIAL STATUS 
FOR GOA. Special Status for Goa is not  only about getting more finances to 
the State from the Centre and the  banning of sale of agricultural land to 
non-goans. A more comprehensive demand for Special Status for Goa must be 
made of the Centre through passing of an appropriate RESOLUTION  in the Goa 
Legislative Assembly,  prepared and compiled through genuine interaction 
with the Citizen's Groups and  ignored conscious  citizens of Goa,  so that 
the Centre gets the correct picture of what Goans are aspiring for,  with 
respect to the  commitment of INDIA to GOANS prior to 1961,  through 
promises made by India's first Premier, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru himself.

4.  GSRP does hope that the Manohar Parrikar Government will act 
responsibly and with utmost caution on this matter of non-dilution of the 




We  will not force GOANS to join the Indian Union. Let them decide what they 
want to do. But we do not want the Portuguese in Goa. Goans have acquired 
distinctive identity over the years which India is obligated to protect and 


2012-07-26 Thread candida miranda
Thanks man. I liked this article.

On Tuesday, July 24, 2012, Joseph Canisius Dias wrote:

 It's been three days since Lorine left for Portugal to join her sister and
 mother who are holidaying there. I could not join because of the deadlines
 at work. My two sons opted to stay behind with me. Last night the topic at
 the dinner table was 'evil eyes' and is it merely a superstition. Leander
 popped that question and i had a hard time explaining the 'phenomenon'!

 From my own experience as a child, specially growing up in Goa, where
 people are pretty superstitious, i've had my fair share of 'evil eye'
 attacks and the frequent runs to the 'disht-kan' (The lady who removed the
 spell). I still remember her sitting outside her hut in Mandel in Margao,
 rubbing some wierd smelling roots on a stone and spraying the water thrice
 on the face with much force, accompanied by the 'i believe'.

 Most of us in Goa has experienced this sometime or the other in their
 lifetime (I believe?). My grandmother explained it to me as being the ill
 effect of somebody's envy or praise. It is important to understand that the
 person who praises the child is not evil per se. IT JUST HAPPENS!

 A typical account of such a mishap might be: I dressed the baby in new
 clothes and took him to town and a woman who has no children saw him and
 said, 'Oh, what a pretty child!' and as soon as we got home he began to
 vomit! The evil in these accounts of the evil eye indicate that it is
 thought to be situational in nature and that it is caused by a failure to
 restrain envy within proper social bounds.

 Mentions of the evil eye in the Bible clearly refer to the role that envy
 and covetousness play in its development. We can read in Proverbs 23:6 Eat
 thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his
 dainty meat and likewise in Proverbs 28:22, He that hasteth to be rich
 hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.

 Then over in Mark 7:21-22, we see that the early Jewish Christians
 believed in evil eye, for it is written there that when Jesus Christ
 lectured about defilement, he told his followers that evil eye comes forth
 from a man and defiles him just the same as if he had committed a physical
 crime: From within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts,
 adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness,
 deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness.

 There are many 'cures' followed by people in various countries, some of
 which may be: Olive oil dripped into water with prayer...Wax dripped into
 water with prayer ... Coals or match heads dropped into water with prayer
 ...Passing a whole raw egg over the face, then breaking it ...Breaking an
 egg in a dark, shadowed place, unseen ...breaking an egg and drawing a
 cross on the victim's forehead ...Victim drinks three sips of holy water
 ...Victim is bathed in holy water 

 As for me, i believe in one tried and tested method which has never failed
 me. It is to confess Holy Scriptures and certain assertions daily. For

 Posted By Joseph Canisius Dias to JOSEPH CANISIUS DIAS' 
 BLOGhttp://jodias27.blogspot.com/2012/07/the-evil-eye.htmlon 7/24/2012 
 05:52:00 PM
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[Goanet] Remove GTTA functionaries from Lusofonia Games Committees: Panjim TT Club writes to Manohar Parrikar

2012-07-26 Thread Sandeep Heble
Panjim Table Tennis Club has written letters to Shri Manohar Parrikar,
requesting him not to include the names of Mr. Vero Nunes and Mr.
Ashok Mahambre in the committees of the Lusofonia Games as they cease
to be the President and the Secretary of the Goa Table Tennis
Association respectively, but are functioning illegally after the
expiry of their tenures.

The club has further asked the Honourable CM, who is also the SAG
President, not to invite these two functionaries of the Association to
any forthcoming meetings of the Lusofonia Games committees on account
of the severe irregularities, illegalities and unconstitutional acts
committed by them during their tenures.

Mr. Vero Nunes, the long standing President of the Goa Table Tennis
Association has been responsible for dragging the Association into a
financial crisis, currently reeling under a deficit of more than 14
lakh rupees. Furthermore, several other illegalities have been
committed by him and as such the Club, in the best interests of Table
Tennis and the Lusofonia Games at large, has submitted the letter to
the Honourable CM, asking him to take appropriate necessary action as
may be required. Copies of the letter have also been marked to Shri
Ramesh Tawadkar, Vice-President(Ex-Officio, Sports Authority of Goa)
and Elvis Gomes, Executive Director Sports Authority of Goa.

yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Secretary, Panjim Table Tennis Club

[Goanet] Parrivartan Boom Shankar: More Goan eves, turninG into druG, alcohol addicts?

2012-07-26 Thread SOTER

More Goan eves, turninG into druG, alcohol addicts?

VIBHA VERMA vibha@ herald- goa. com 

CANDOLIM: In what can be a forewarning of troubled times for Goan society, 
female alcohol and drug users in Goa seem to be on the rise with the starting 
point being mild ' Breezers' or even beers with low alcohol content.
Padmashree Father Joe Pereira, founder and managing trustee of Kripa Foundation 
has expressed fears that women beginning with smaller doses of alcohol or drugs 
are likely to turn into full blown addicts.

In an exclusive interview with Herald, Fr Pereira said not only women but 
youth, in general including junior college students are enticed into drugs.

He expressed fears that if the illicit practice is not stopped, Goa will witness

rising HIV/ AIDS or hepatitis C cases as in the north east.

 There is a silent increase in the number of drug addicts among girls from Goa 
and the north eastern states.

Like the north- east, the HIV/ AIDS or hepatitis C cases will sprout in the 
coastal state, he warned.

Experts have found that the age group of female alcohol and drug abusers has 
come down from earlier trend of 30s to 20s.

Fr Pereira said the age groups of alcohol and drugs abusers until some years 
was in the late 30s.

The Kripa foundation runs a fellowship of addicts in the form of Narcotics 
Anonymous. Fr Pereira, who established Kripa Foundation in 1981 in Mumbai, said 
the alcohol and drugs scene in Goa is dangerous based on the number of cases he 
has encountered till date.

 The girls and youngsters feel that sipping Breezers is not harmful.

They then start smoking and using weeds which these youngsters say is not 
drugs, but in fact it is the start of consuming cannabis. This leads to 
disaster, Fr Pereira explained.

He further explained that indulgence in the illicit act leads to promiscuous 
behavior which results in contracting HIV/ AIDS. Fr Pereira has several people 
under the ' recovery programme' who are patients of HIV/ AIDS because of their 
indulgence in drugs.


[Goanet] Parrivartan's partial Eclipse: VPs will get to have a say in RP 2021 formulation : CM

2012-07-26 Thread SOTER

July 26, 2012



PANJIM: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar declared that panchayats will have an 
opportunity to submit their views in the second stage for formulation of 
Regional Plan 2021, but he would not open too many options, due to his 
apprehensions that the entire process had to be completed within an year. 

Reacting to a query from St Cruz legislator Atanasio alias Babush  Monserrate 
,Parrikar considered the MLA's suggestion during Question  Hour  on Wednesday 
over  the role of village panchayats in the new RP  2021. The chief minister 
also agreed to consider the census report of 2011 while  classifying  
rural/urban areas .

 Will the village panchayats get a chance to address problems as far as the RP 
2021 is concerned, Monserrate, the  former  town and country planning minister 
quizzed Parrikar.

Parrikar responded that panchayats will have an opportunity to submit their 
views sometime after September 15, 2012. He once again told the assembly that 
from August 16 to September 15, 2012, time would be allocated to invite general 
suggestions. These  views would thereafter be  sent to the local  bodies for 
their suggestions on certain aspects only.

I  am  not closing options  but am not opening too many either, said Parrikar 
stating that  the entire trouble with the previous plan was that the process 
was not completed in the  first  year. Planning, he impressed upon the house , 
should begin in the first year itself to avoid lock- jams.

The chief minister tentatively projected that RP 2021would be finalised and the 
matter settled by February 2013. 

To a query on the old Outline Development Plans, Parrikar said that 
commonalities from the old Outline Development Plans and the revoked RP 2021 
were being considered for  giving licenses.


Re: [Goanet] letter to the editor

2012-07-26 Thread floriano
Joao Barros must know that Manohar Parrikar was the CM and Digamber Kamat 
was the  deputy CM n  Mines Minister in the erstwhile BJP gorment of Goa.
At that time he did not know what the Centre was doing or Digamber was 
doing? He has come to know this of late?


- Original Message - 
From: Joao Barros-Pereira joaobarrospere...@gmail.com

To: goanet goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 3:55 PM
Subject: [Goanet] letter to the editor

No Policy, Best Policy?

As the issue of illegal mining grows hotter by the day, there is emerging 

pattern which is slowly becoming clear to everybody. The previous
government of Goa, with regard to mining or any other sector, had a policy
which has so far proved to be unbeaten: no policy is the best policy!

One thing is for sure, it is not an easy game to play, and so we need to
sympathize with CM Parrikar who will need more time to solve a complicated
problem of a huge scam which is wrapped in the enigma of mining in Goa. No
easy task, this. But, with no success so far, does it mean CM Parrikar is
not going to succeed? He needs more time but don't underestimate the man.
He will finally encage the cat or is it rat? 

[Goanet] Rama Velip harassment by Goa Police is a Brahmanical conspiracy to destroy self-reliant leadership of Scheduled Tribes in Goa

2012-07-26 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

For pictures visit:


Bharat Mukti Morcha strongly condemns Police harassment of
Rama Velip, President of Bharat Mukti Morcha, Colomba Unit, Sanguem.
Latest Police pressure tactics against Rama Velip began on 25th July
2012, one day after it was established in of Court of law at Sanguem that 
used explosives to blast Hiralal Khodidas mine, Colomba in the year 2007 when
Fomento witness Babu Dayanand Gaonkar disclosed during cross
examination that blasting on this mine was stopped after Rama Velip filed
complaint against blasting. 

Next day at around 11 am Rama Velip who belongs to Scheduled
Tribe got a call from Quepem police station asking him to report to the police 
with his lawyer as fresh criminal case was filed against him. Rama’s lawyer
Advocate John Fernandes called up Quepem Police Station to know about the
details of the case.  Police refused to
divulge the details of the case. This is a serious violation of the human
Rights. Rama was not served call letter nor arrest warrant issued.

Then today 26th July 2012 team of four policemen
in a Police Jeep arrived at the residence of Rama Velip at 7.00 am in the
morning and sought to take him to the Police station. Rama Velip and the
Colomba villagers that gathered there sought call letter or arrest warrant to
take Rama Velip into Police custody. Police had none of the documents. After
arguing for 90 minutes police left Rama’s residence to an unknown destination
with their Jeep. It is unlawful on the part of Police to seek a custody of the
person without arrest warrant or call letter.

Then again today afternoon police arrived at the residence
of Rama Velip at 12.30 pm. This time they brought call letter from Quepem
Police Station asking Rama Velip to report to the Police station at 11.00 am.  
That means police came with the call letter to
the residence of Rama Velip in Colomba 90 minutes late. Rama Velip was not at
home. The call letter was pasted on the door of Rama Velip’s house and Police
went away. Why the call letter was delivered 90 minutes late by Police than the
Scheduled time of meeting at Quepem Police Station? The call letter bears
yesterday’s date viz 25th July 2012. If call letter was issued
yesterday then why it was not delivered on the first two occasions of the
Police visits to the residence of Rama Velip? This is very clear brahmanical
strategy of harassment by using police. The call letter states that case has
been registered against Rama Velip under sections 341, 323 and 506 of Indian
Penal Code that involves punishments for detainment, beating up and threats.

 are directly responsible to Home Minister. Goa’s Home
Minister is also Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar. Manohar Parrikar while
 he was
in the opposition had visited Rama Velip and two of them even had under 
taken visit to the
forests in Sanguem to examine illegal mining dumps in Forest. Rama Velip
known to Manohar Parrikar. Later on 19 June 2008 Mr.Parrikar colluded 
Auduth Timblo and called Colamb villagers protesting against mining 
industry ‘Naxalites’.
He made this statement in the Goa Legislative Assembly. When he faced
opposition from public he fled the county and returned after one month 
in USA. This is a brahmanical betrayal of Adivasis in Goa.


 villagers continued their opposition against mining
industry under the banner of GAKUVED and at one point of time had even 
succeeded in shutting down Hiralal
Khodidas mine for few months till another bamon practicing medicine 
Prabhudesai infiltrated into the movement and  divided
the villagers and made sure that the mine re-starts to the detriment of 
villagers agriculture. In fact he went for the coconut breaking ceremony
 to re-start the mine. he broke the coconut himself. Every time he was 
exposed he has been threatening the
villagers specially the tribal people.

 600 police cases are already filed against Colomba
villagers for protesting against mining industry and they have to make 
trips to
the courts every week sometimes even twice or thrice a week. Filing of 
cases has been the favorite strategy of creating fear amongst those 
opposing mining industry of then Congress Brahminism and continues in 
the era of BJP Brahmanism. Yet in spite of all the fear villagers went 
with the protests against all odds and this village is responsible to 
break the
culture of silence against mining industry in Goa and to create large 
scale awareness about
dangers of mining amongst people all over Goa and beyond.

Brahmanical forces viewed Colomba protests of tribal people
as threat to their system and tried various methods to defeat and demoralize
them. They could not succeed. Colomba villagers joined nationwide movement of
Bharat Mukti Morcha to free this country from the Brahmanical colonialism just 
we are free from 

Re: [Goanet] Great Goans

2012-07-26 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 26 July 2012 radharao gracias graciasradha...@gmail.com wrote:
From the success of these two Goans, it is evident, that a Goan has to
go out, to go on. And, it is equally clear, that one can achieve huge
wealth through honest hard work, something which cannot be said about
the super rich in Goa, who have amassed huge wealth, in one of two
ways, namely, rampant destruction of the environment through dubious
mining or real estate activity.

Dear Adv Gracias,

Once again, thank you for a delightful, informative and thought provoking post.

Allow me please to add that Goans (until1961 and post1962) have and
continue to be doing very well, not only in Portugal and Brazil, but
also in many other countries of the developed world esp US, UK,
Germany, Canada, Australia and Singapore.

I believe that special mention must be made of Goans who served and
continue to serve honestly and well in Africa, the Middle East and in
the merchant navy. One wonders what the Goan villages would have been
without the sacrifice of these (mainly) young men who sacrificed and
still sacrifice their lives for the benefit of their families. That,
their families and many Goans do not truly appreciate this sacrifice
 is another matter.

A lot (mainly in the negative) has been made of Goans who have applied
to (rightfully) claim Portuguese nationality and use the nationality
to look for employment opportunities in the EU. I wonder if we ever
wonder WHY it is that these young lads (virtually) risk it all to
start afresh in the EU (inter alia) as waiters and kitchen help. Would
they do that IF the opportunities in Goa were not swiped by 'those
with connections'? I hope these Portuguese Goans keep faith and work
hard and honestly. A few decades ago, many Indians (from Punjab) came
to the UK and worked (for example) cleaning the toilets at Heathrow
airport and as servers at the restaurants. A generation later, they
own those restaurants and their children are performing smartly and
successfully in the professions.

As you may note, perhaps, I have chosen to comment on the honesty and
hard work of these 'overseas' Goans, and not on their wealth. I
believe that their true wealth is the significant respect that these
Goans have earned in the communities they lived and live.

IF you, dear advocate, have a special medium by which you are able to
counsel our Goan youth, I implore you to utilise it to try advise our
Goan youth to shun this junk culture which has arrived on the beaches
and in the cinemas of Goa, to shun this trend of getting drunk silly,
and to concentrate on constantly upgrading ourselves in the field of
education, to work very very hard and earn a living honestly. I submit
that IF we focus on these elements, the 'wealth earned from hard work'
will follow.

It is worth noting that wealth can be swiped, but professional et al
respect is always earned.

BTW: I am not suggesting that Goans should not enjoy the odd social
drink. But, drunkeness?!

Once again Thank you for a thought provoking post.


[Goanet] *** Special invitation to all Goans and their friends. WORLD GOA DAY - QUEBEC

2012-07-26 Thread renebarreto


 *** Special invitation to all Goans and their 

You are invited to the 12th. (annual) World Goa Day picnic to be held at Parc 
Agrignon, Lasalle, Montreal, on Saturday 18th August
2012.  It's a POTLUCK LUNCH, organised by the QGA, Montreal, so bring along 
your favourite dish  desert [Goan cuisine, if possible].  Also bring all your 
picnic stuff [chairs, umbrellas, sun-block, drinks, bug-spray etc. etc.] 
In the true goencar spirit you can also bring friend[s] and/or donate 

See you all there at 9.00am. 

I would like every one to join me, the following day, Sunday 19th Aug.
for  World Goa Day - Montreal Brunch at Restaurant L'Arome International, 
Montreal. 2098 Jean Tallon E. [ / Lormier]. 

***It's the only restaurant in this city that 
   caters for goencar taste-buds***  


- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9-cnoDwQkofeature=relmfu

See you all there at 11.00am. [brunch]


rene barreto



0  ~~~ ~~~ 

Re: [Goanet] the end result of ideologies!

2012-07-26 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Sounds like an extension of the same ideology which killed 6 million
two generations ago... only the target is different! FN

On 26 July 2012 18:03, petronela Souza Roy petr...@mail.com wrote:
 I walked down the street in Barcelona and suddenly discovered a terrible 
 truth - Europe died in Auschwitz ... We killed six million Jews and replaced 
 them with 20 million Muslims

 And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to 
 ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 
 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious 
 extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness 
 to work and support their families with pride.

Re: [Goanet] Spiritual Texts and memory

2012-07-26 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Sruthi = Quidam textus revelatum.
Some texts are revealed.

Smrti = Quidam textus recordatus.
Some texts are recorded.

Quidam textus oblitus.
Some texts are forgotten.

Quidam textus neglexit.
Some texts are ignored.

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Goa news for July 27, 2012

2012-07-26 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** CM's talk on banning Goans from casinos has no buyers -
Times of India

*** Sesa Goa expects iron ore production to drop by 24% -
Economic Times
illion takeover of Cairn India, expects iron ore production in
the current fiscal year to fall by about 24% due to regulatory
constraints and production caps, a senior executive said on

*** Goa to spend Rs.36 crore to battle sea erosion - New York
Daily News
aga beach stretch in north Goa from sea erosion. The beach
stretch, located a short distance from Panaji, is visited by
hundreds of thousands of tourists ...

*** 46 inmates escape from Goa shelter home in 3 years -
Business Standard
un facility for children, Apna Ghar, has witnessed 46 inmates
escaping from the shelter home during the last three years, Goa
government said today. State Women and Child Development
Minister Dilip Parulekar told the Assembly that there were 14

*** Sesa Goa - 1QFY2013 Result Update - Angel Broking - Equity
WS2YPTgO1KMand more »

*** Ban MLAs from heading sports bodies: Vijai Sardesai - Times
of India
mes of IndiaPORVORIM: The Goa government should bring
legislation in this assembly session to ban elected
representatives from heading any sports organization in the
state, Fatorda MLA Vijai Sardesai said while speaking on sports
demands. He also said that there ...a class=

*** Forest rights Act to extend to Goa soon - Times of India
mes of IndiaMinister for tribal welfare, Ramesh Tawadkar, told
the Goa assembly on Thursday that the government is pushing for
new schemes for the upliftment of tribals in the state. Replying
to a long discussion on demands for grants to tribal welfare,
Tawadkar ...a class=

*** Goa to probe if excessive mining causing cracks in houses -
New York Daily News
w York Daily NewsIn a written reply tabled in the Goa
legislative assembly, Revenue Minister Francis D'Souza said that
cracks had developed in the land and houses located within the
municipal area of Barajan Nagar in Bicholim, 35 km from here. It
has a population of 15000.a class=

*** Goa Football Association taking Pro League to villages -
Times of India
vailability of stadiums for varied reasons has forced the GFA to
look at the villages to host the Pro League ...a class=

*** Goa slid four spots on education index - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa's reputation in the education sector
took a beating this month when the central advisory board on
education (CABE) named it among only six states across the
country where students showed poor improvement in learning
levels in mathematics ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Drug Expiration Dates — Do They Mean Anything?—The Family Health Guide

2012-07-26 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] Music group from Quepem

2012-07-26 Thread walter menezes

Check the video clippings of young musicians from Quepem, who performed during 
the felicitation programme of SSC top rankers on 22nd July, 2012 at the Quepem 
Sports Complex. The function was organized ny Nav Yug Vikas Manch, Quepem

L-R: Valery D'Costa, Kiransha Velingker, Keith Azavedo, Rohan Silveira and 
Quentin Mascarenhas

Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-xwxrobZK0feature=channellist=UL


Walter Menezes

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (27Jul12)

2012-07-26 Thread alexyz fernandes

~  Wendells Boutique  ~

Looks like the Olympic Fever is on...

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org 

Re: [Goanet] the end result of ideologies!

2012-07-26 Thread Santosh Helekar
I guess Goanet will never be able to rid itself of xenophobic, conspiratorial, 
persecutory, chauvinistic, racist and casteist propaganda.



 From: petronela Souza Roy petr...@mail.com
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 7:33 AM
Subject: [Goanet] the end result of ideologies!
What really died in AUSCHWITZ?

Here's an interesting viewpoint. The following is a copy of an article written 
by Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez and published in a Spanish 
newspaper on Jan. 15 2011. It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate the 
message to the rest of Europe - and possibly to the rest of the world.


By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez

I walked down the street in Barcelona and suddenly discovered a terrible 
truth - Europe died in Auschwitz ... We killed six million Jews and replaced 
them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, 
creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they 
produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.

The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, 
international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world.
These are the people we burned.

And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to 
ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 
20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious 
extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to 
work and support their families with pride.