Re: [Goanet] GOA'S LIBERATION IN RETROSPECT By: Adv. Antonio Lobo

2013-01-01 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
It should also be noted that the guy who arranged the seminar on Portuguese 
colonies (20 Oct 1961), P.D. Gaitondo, left Goa for Europe soon after he lost 
the election (for the Congress, a trouncing to remember). Why Gaitondo took 
this step is anyone's guess.   
Also, one needs to remember that these so-called freedom-fighters would be 
termed as terrorists in today's world, and they would have been arrested and 
thrown into prison without trial in today's India for doing the same things 
they did in Salazar's Goa.
Note: It has been said that the seminar mentioned above probably forced Nehru's 
hand as the African delegates requested him to first look after his backyard 
before meddling in Africa's issues.  

From: floriano lobo
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Monday, 31 December 2012 5:02 PM
Subject: [Goanet] GOA'S LIBERATION IN RETROSPECT By: Adv. Antonio Lobo

The so-called freedom fighters some of whom, excluding some honourable 
exceptions, could oly carry out acts of vandalism at various times with the 
blessings of the military Government earlier as well as of the subsequent 


[Goanet] Videos - Cribs from Cansaulim area I II

2013-01-01 Thread JoeGoaUk
Christmas Cribs from Cansaulim area

Part I
Cansaulim – Arossim Bhandar, Falvado, Tonttem

Tender boyz
Taf Boys
Friends of Arossim Bandar

Part II
Cansaulim – Cuelim Costa Wado, Borsulem

Mexico boys

Pics and video updated here 

for Goa  NRI related info...

For Goan Video Clips

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc 

Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day...

2013-01-01 Thread valley faleiro
Thanks Mr. Menezes for forwarding your songs once again. Wishing you A VERY 
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 and wishing that you continue to lighten the lives of many 
who enjoy your emails ... GOD BLESS YOU .

 Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2013 09:40:56 +
 Subject: [Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day...
 ♫A Guy is a Guy♫ ~ Doris
 Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] The sermon at Colva Church at the 9.30 am Christmas Day Mass

2013-01-01 Thread valley faleiro
Susan , there is no need for you to loose your mood on Christmas day by hearing 
the sermon of the priest . It is high time the Bishop calls all the priests for 
a seminar and explains to them the mental ability of the parishioners in todays 
world and the relevant topics to be preached in a church . The priest must have 
been a young guy out of the seminary and with a modern world mentality  , 
graduated and attending the practical life of today. It may be true what he had 
preached , but there is always a forum for certain topics and for a certain 
type of congregation. It might have been well taken at a youth mass , but not 
for the Mass attended by different age groups. 
Pray that God inspires Fr. Oliver and he realises his mistake. GOD BLESS YOU 


 Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2013 06:39:41 +
 Subject: [Goanet] The sermon at Colva Church at the 9.30 am Christmas Day 
 Someone needs to ask Fr Oliver Fernandes to explain the remarks/statements
 he made at the 9.30am English Mass, at the Colva Church.   At the Christmas
 mass at 9.30, in English, Fr Fernandes' sermon topics were on Rape,
 abortion, women's underwear, lesbians, homosexuals  Which I found
 extraordinary and wholly inappropriate given this Christmas mass is
 attended by families with young children and surely the message should have
 been on the birth of Christ!
 Fr Fernandes had the gall to preach on Christmas Day at the 9.30 English
 mass, that rape was incited by women and their dress code! I understand
 several people have already complained to the Colva church and I have
 written a letter to the Bishop, for if this is the message that a priest is
 promoting what chance do women have?
 Unfortunately his preaching on these topics is not an isolated incident,
 for having attended several of the Sunday 9.30 masses conducted in English
 at Colva church, I have had the misfortune of having to listen to lengthy
 sermons by Fr Oliver Fernandes which are sex obsessed (topics- blue movies,
 threesomes, etc) with little or no connection to the readings of the day.
 He appears to be a misogynist as he considers women responsible (at the
 Christmas mass he lectured the congregation on the issue of women not being
 like Mary, because they did not wear what he termed  'inner wear' at
 dances, does he think that at the time of Jesus and Mary, women wore bras
 and knickers? He made causal statements such as attending christmas dances
 leads to abortions!
 Someone needs to ask Fr Oliver Fernandes why he considers it acceptable to
 blame women for an act of aggression committed by men? Perhaps he can also
 explain why in many cultures (tribes across the world) women are topless or
 close to naked and are not subjected to rape, but according to Fr Fernandes
 women wearing dresses without sleeves in Goa means that women incite and
 are therefore responsible for rapes.
 I was saddened to read that tragically the rape victim despite her brave
 fight for life, died. But if priests, like Fr Fernandes, are so insensitive
 at times like this (given his sermon on Christmas day), and fail to see and
 accept that rape is a male issue, what chance do women have?
 Yours sincerely
 Susan Rodrigues

Re: [Goanet] Govt says no to storing ore rejects in fields - Press Note for kind favour of Publication.

2013-01-01 Thread floriano lobo

Date: January 1, 2013

decision of the Goa Government not to allow mining rejects to be stored in 
agricultural fields. Needless to say that this must have been the policy of any 
responsible government elected by the people, at all times.  Nevertheless, 
better late than never.

Goa's agriculture has seen the downfall since the promulgation of the Tenancy 
Act 1964 by the erstwhile MGP Government of Dayanand Bandokdar. The vibrant 
agricultural scene of Goa has since vanished in thin air  from the time  Goa's  
prime Agrarian Instititutions [the 'GAUMKARIES' later appelled as 'COMUNIDADES 
OF GOA by the erstwhile Portuguese who ruled Goa for 450 years and who 
preserved these Unique Goan Agrarian Institutions, realizing their worth in 
gold]   were waylaid by this MGP government which ruled Goa for 17 years after 
the invasion and annexation of Goa by India in 1961, an irresponsible act,  
selling to gullible GOANs  this vile act as LIBERATION , which infact  was a 
blemish on the 'non-violence' promoting face of India at the United Nations 
level. It is saddening that the  MGP government of Dayanand Bandodkar traded 
Goa's excellence in agriculture to vote-bank politics. 

The need of the hour is for the  successive governments of Goa to bring back 
the lost glory of Goa through reviving it's agricultural potential, primarily 
through abolishing the Tenancy Act 1964 which allows vast amount  of  
agricultural lands belonging to the Comunidades of Goa [which lands were 
tenanted] to remain fallow. Any worthwhile government that was elected to rule 
Goa after the so called liberation should have incorporated the clause into the 
Tenancy Act, 1964,  whereby agricultural tenanted lands could not be left 
fallow on the pains of being taken over and re-allocated to those who would 
till the lands. This has been the code of Comunidades before the coming into 
being of the sad vile Tenancy Act,  1964, which has resulted in tenanted 
agricultural lands to be misused for building purposes by the government as 
well as by the tenants.

It is a calamitous situation that the successive governments of GOA have 
allowed Goa to be utterly dependent on the agricultural produces from 
neighboring States, more specifically from Belgaum, Karwar and Hubli. This must 
stop if Goa is not to be held at ransom in times to come for it's needs of 
agricultural produces, which produces are unchecked and replete with dangerous 
to life pesticides contents which is bound to deteriorate the health and well 
being for Goa's population and those of the visiting tourists and other long 
term visitors.

for Goa Su-Raj Party  Goa Environmental Action Group
Floriano Lobo
[Joint] General Secretary
383A Pirazona Moira Bardez Goa- 403 507
Telefax: (0832) 2470223
Mobile: 9890470896

[Goanet] UNDER FLAK, GOVT DROPS INVITE TO NEIGBHOURS FOR CARNIVAL - Press Note for kind favour of Publication.

2013-01-01 Thread floriano lobo

Date: January 1, 2013

The Goa Su-Raj Party-GSRP  has noted that  the BJP's  Government of Manohar 
Parrikar has saved itself from the brink of disaster by  dropping the invite 
to other States of India to participate in GOA's Unique Carnaval. It would 
have been next to impossible for the Manohar Parrikar Government to survive 
if it was adamant to pursue it's half-baked policy on this sensitive issue. 
No government of the Goa, elected or otherwise can play with sensitivities 
of Goans which have been in existence since time immemorial. Goa's Carnaval 
in Panjim is unique to Goa only,  as is Rio's to Brazil, Pointe-a-Pitre to 
Guadaloupe, Mazatlan to Mexico, Kingston to Jamaica and  Port of Spain to 
Trinidade  Tobago. Goa's Carnaval cannot and will not be diluted by 
political immaturity. The food festival is another matter altogether and 
cannot be mixed with the main theme of Goa's Carnaval.  Increasingly, Goa's 
Carnaval has fallen prey to increasing  COMMERCIAL infiltrations.  This too 
must stop to keep Goa's Carnaval  purely a Goan people's event.

for Goa Su-Raj Party-GSRP

Floriano Lobo
General Secretary
383A Pirazona Moira Bardez Goa- 403 507
Telefax: (0832) 2470223
Mobile: 9890470896

[Goanet] Fw: A slave at five years old

2013-01-01 Thread Con Menezes - The World in Action
Parliament is closing without passing the toughest child labour law in its 
history. Worse, the bill is supported by the majority of MPs, but it was 
ignored for weeks, because they felt it was not a ‘priority’! 

India is the world’s child labour capital -- kids as young as five are sold to 
traffickers and forced to work as modern-day slaves, abused and beaten. The 
historic new bill would ban outright any child labour under 14 and provide 
stipends for poor families to keep their children in school. But MPs have let 
it fall off their agenda, and Indian child rights groups say they badly need 
our help, now, to ramp up the public pressure. 

If the Avaaz community comes together, we can create a wave of attention to the 
bill, and push MPs to vote. Sign this urgent petition and forward it widely -- 
when we reach 1 million we’ll deliver our message to the Parliament with former 
child workers:

A staggering 215 million children work in mines, quarries, and factories around 
the world. All nations have signed an agreement to put the eradication of child 
labour at the heart of their national education plans. But, India is home to 
the largest child labour force in the world. If the new law passes, it would 
ban all child labour for under 14-year-olds and all harmful work for under 18s. 
The law even has provisions to ensure it doesn’t hurt the poorest families -- 
enshrining the right to free education and proposing stipends to compensate any 

Critics say the real problem isn’t the law, it’s bad enforcement. And it’s true 
that in the last three years in India less than 10% of the 450,000 reports of 
child labour were prosecuted under the existing, weak, law. But the new law 
packs some serious punch. The police will no longer have to wait for a court 
order to act. All forms of commercial child labour under 14 will be 
criminalised, and instead of meaningless fines or short prison sentences, the 
criminals will face tough penalties. 

While the majority of MPs say they'll support the bill, there's no political 
urgency to bring it to a vote. But each day they delay, more children are 
forced into a life of sweatshop misery. It’s up to us to push them over the 
edge. Sign the petition to India's MPs now, and share widely:

The Avaaz community has campaigned to protect the children and the most 
vulnerable, time and time again. Just weeks ago, 1.2 million of us got together 
to help pass the most comprehensive education plan in Pakistan. How we treat 
our children is a reflection on our moral compass -- and it´s time to take firm 
steps against their abuse. Let’s join together to speak out for the future of 
India’s suffering children.

With hope and determination,

Jamie, Alice, Alex, Alaphia, Lisa, Jeremy, Ricken, Dalia, Rewan, Michelle and 
the whole Avaaz team


India proposes ban on child labor (Washington Post)

Getting ready for the new law against child labour (The Hindu) 

Over 60 million child laborers in India (India Tribune)

35 child workers rescued from Delhi factories (Business Line)

End Child Labour and Educational Disadvantage - report and film 

  Support the Avaaz Community! 
  We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments 
or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go 
a long way. 
  is a 17-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure 
that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. 
(Avaaz means voice or song in many languages.) Avaaz members live in 
every nation of the world; our team is spread across 19 countries on 6 
continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest 
campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

You are getting this message because you signed President Zardari: Save my 
daughter! on 2012-09-03 using the email address
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[Goanet] A Surprising Secret to a Long Life: Stay in School - New York Times

2013-01-01 Thread Con Menezes;

[Goanet] Searching for a particular # msg on Goanet archives

2013-01-01 Thread Jose Colaco


I hope that the following tip comes in handy for those interested in searching 
a particular
message in the archives of Goanet... but who might have been unaware.

1: please access the following URL.

2: once on the Archives site, TYPE in the Message Number in the appropriate box.

This search facility is quite well set up, and IMO, is quite user friendly.

Trust that this guidance is accurate AND hope it helps Netters to check by 
Year, Month, Date, SUBJECT, 



ps: if for some reason, this advice is incorrect or too difficult to follow, 
please contact one
of the moderators. I am sure they will willingly oblige.

Pardon any Typos. This IPad does some curious auto- corrections

[Goanet] Goa news for January 2, 2013

2013-01-01 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Mining ban in State, Goa bores Rs 3000-crore hole in I-T
kitty - Deccan Herald
) department is likely to suffer a shortfall of about Rs 3,000
crore in tax collection during the current financial year due to
the ban the Supreme Court has imposed on iron ore mining in
Karnataka and Goa. Disclosing this to the ...

*** Goa take first inning lead over Assam - Zee News
icket haul to spoil Assam chances of making it to the knock-out
stage as Goa bowled out the visitors for 366 to take narrow
15-run lead in their Ranji Trophy Group C ...

*** A Harley ride from Vizag to Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaWhile for most of us, the festive revelry might have
ended on December 31, for the Harley Owners Group (HOG) the big
party is on January 31 in Goa. What's more, the HOG celebrations
will merge with the India Bike Week, one of the biggest bike
fests in ...a class=

*** Collector chucks fake cop out of South Goa for two years -
Times of India
oa-mining-firm-in-the-dock/68783.htmlSouth Goa mining firm in
the dock

*** Goa to get water from today - Herald Publications
ay-old agitation following the assurance from Union Minister
Sharad Pawar to resolve all their demands on behalf of the Goa
and Maharashtra ...

*** 4 BJP MLAs benefited from illegal iron mining in Goa -
Hindustan Times
iron ore woes aid Australia

*** 33 Russians sent back from Goa airport - Times of India
mes of IndiaAs the GLP was refused, the concerned authorities in
Russia were informed not to send the group to Goa. In spite of
that the charter arrived with 33 passengers and demanded the
GPL, the official said. The official further added, GPL is an
exception ...a class=

*** Goa gain three points as Ranji tie ends in draw - Times of
ay Ranji match against Assam ended in a draw on the final day at
PCA ground on Tuesday. Goa now have 16 points from eight matches
while Assam, who ...a class=

*** Hot deals: Delhi, Goa, Hawaii, Phuket - Northern Advocate
ay tour departing Delhi, India and taking in Agra, Jaipur,
Pushkar, Udaipur, Mumbai and Goa, including 12 nights' hotel
accommodation, one overnight sleeper train, one night's stay at
a heritage property, one breakfast, three ...a class=

*** Traffic jams tourists, mars the Goa experience - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI/CALANGUTE/MARGAO: The New Year experience
tourists flock to Goa for was marred by traffic jams caused
mostly by the narrow roads leading to the state's famed beaches.
That the state's infrastructure, especially roads, hasn't quite
kept pace with ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Christmas Cribs from Raia area - Ilha de Rachol, Caver, Arlem, Koleam Dhongor

2013-01-01 Thread JoeGoaUk
Christmas Cribs Goa 2012 
From Raia - koleam
dhongor - St. Khuris Boyz, Arlem, Ilha de Rachol, Caver
Pl. Note: from this, one, all further crib videos will be 
uploaded on Channel II - JoeGoaUkExtra

Margao area cribs - pending (Agalli, Mungul etc)

Also updated here (pics and videos)

Re: [Goanet] Clare Mendonca, ToI film critic in the 1930s and 1940s

2013-01-01 Thread Tamara Fernandes

I just read your message asking for information about my great aunt, Clare 
Mendonca.  My mother, Carolann Correa Fernandes is her godchild, and the 
daughter of her sister Angela Mendonca Correa.  Father Phillip Mendonca was her 
cousin, not her brother as noted.  Her other siblings were Joseph Mendonca, Dr. 
Bertha Mendonca, Maggie Mendonca.  They are the children of Domenic and 
Espicisiosa Mendonca of Aldona Goa.
Her nephew and nieces live in Ontario Canada as well.

Is there any specific information you are interested in?  

Best wishes,

Tamara Fernandes

[Goanet] Will 2013 get us out of the gutter?

2013-01-01 Thread Melvyn Fernandes
Dear readers

Having just enjoyed a wonderful evening in London, United Kingdom, bringing in 
2013 what struck me most was when wishing a Happy New Year to 
everyone, this was going to be just that A WISH.

Let me explain, only yesterday I was advised that gutter politics had been 
used in the form of text messages to patrons wishing to attend the function 
organised by Viva Goa Entertainments in Harrow (who partly fund the 
administrative support for handicapped children in Goa) informing them it had 
cancelled. This strategy could only be to steer patrons away so that they could 
buy tickets for another well established organisation which I can only describe 
as Helping Poor Children Stay Poor as, having been a community worker in the 
last 35 years, I have never seen any accountability publically for this fund 
event in the name of charity. Both organisers may wish to comment and share 
their views with us.

Usually one would target those indulging in such activities and expose them for 
the world to see but not on this occasion. Our entire community needs to take 
collective responsibility for such behaviour, those that indulge in such 
activities and equally all the rest of us who have and are still continuing to 
allow such 
behaviour to thrive unchecked, unaccountable and unchallenged not just in the 
United Kingdom but in other parts of our world. Will there ever be a day when 
our community comes out of the gutter into the light, when our faith can be 
honestly reflected in all the things we do?

In the Bible, Matthew (12:33) recorded what Christ said You brood of vipers! 
how can you speak good, when you are evil?

In addition to 2013 being the Year of Faith, perhaps it can also be a start of 
honesty and reflection in our thoughts, words and deeds to get us all out of 
gutter we continually find ourselves in.

Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

1 January 2013

[Goanet] uncouth Indian hordes strike again by Rajan Parrikar - issue 1080

2013-01-01 Thread Bernice Pereira
Mr. Rajan Parrikar has described these miscreants very aptly.  Not only 
Miramar, you must see Anjuna and other villages.  It is totally traffic locked, 
one cannot move out of the vlllage. The roads are absolutely unsafe for 
pedestrians thanks to these drinking and drugging devils for whom Goa is a 
paradise, for us paradise lost.  Our own children swear never to come here 
again during this time.  In what way are these scums of the earth supporting 
the economy? They drive away foreign tourists, (no decent foreigners  come here 
in December, except for the very low budget ones), they live on the beaches and 
mess them up, they scream and shout on the roads during the entire night not 
letting anyone sleep in peace.  Please something must be done to curtail these 
terrible people.   Oherwise Goa can only be labelled as an unsafe, lawless 
Bernice Pereira   

[Goanet] Flavia Agnes and Arundhati... going beyond simplistic issues on rape

2013-01-01 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Flavia Agnes, on rape and death...

Author says events says a lot about India's inequality
FN  Land +91-832-240-9490 Cell  +91-982-212-2436
Goa,1556's updated list of books available on and from Goa: