[Goanet] Obituary: J R Vasco da Gama (1933-2014, Verna, Goa)

2014-08-10 Thread Constantino Xavier
Given that his letters and writings on various Goan causes were often
shared on Goanet, I'm sharing here the obituary + news item on my
grand-uncle Vasco da Gama. To contact his family by e-mail:

Joaquim do Rosario Vasco da Gama
(1933-2014, Verna, Goa)
Funeral cortege will leave his residence today, Aug 10, at 4.00 pm to Holy
Cross Church, Verna, for Eucharistic celebration followed by burial.

Vasco da Gama's death condoled
(Herald, Aug 10, 2014)

Margao: Vilage Groups of Goa has expressed deep grief and sadness at the
passing away of Vasco da Gama. Verna-based dedicated member of the group
and a strong supporter of all good causes and struggles in the interest of

Condoling Gama's demise, VGG recalled his contribution and unstinted
support to the group in all its campaigns, including the Regional Plan,
SEZs, bore wells at Verna and Tiracol golf course.

A man who always stood for truth and justice and against corruption, Gama
will always be remembered for his helpful nature and his silent and yet
valuable involvement in all issues that concerned his Goa and his people, a
press statement said.

Similar sentiments have been expressed by Goans for Dabolim Only, Voice of
Villagers and Goenchea Xetkareancho Ekvott, which Vasco da Gama helped with
valuable data obtained through RTIs and various other means to advance the
causes that have been taken up by these organizations. The statement states
that these organizations condole the death of this valiant son of Goa and
convey their condolences to the bereaved family.

[Goanet] Article: India archdiocese launches suicide prevention helpline

2014-08-10 Thread Albert Peres

India archdiocese launches suicide prevention helpline
By Antonio Anup Gonsalves


Article includes Photo:
Archbishop Filipe Neri (center) launches the suicide prevention helpline 
with director Fr. Mario Saturnino Dias (second from right). Credit Fr. 
Mario Saturnino Dias.

Goa, India, May 28, 2014 / 02:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).

The Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa and Daman has launched a 
round-the-clock emergency suicide prevention helpline to proactively 
address the escalating suicide rates in the region.

“Life is given by God, and only he has the power to take it back,” said 
local archbishop Filipe Neri Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão at the May 24 
announcement of the “God Saves Life-line” initiative.

“In today's society, we need to offer hope to the people that God has 
created them in love and that He still loves them…and this hope is what 
'God Saves Life-line,' is expected to offer.”

Archbishop Rosário Ferrão inaugurated the project by leading a prayer 
service and imparting his blessing while commissioning the initiative to 
the Diocesan Center for Missionary Animation in Old Goa. Located about 
eight miles from the capital city Panjim, the center is near the 
renowned Basilica of Bom Jesus that holds a reliquary of St. Francis 
Xavier and draws daily an average of over five thousand devotees and 

“Life is important and its precious gift of God for we are created in 
His image and likeness,” Fr. Dr. Mario Saturnino Dias, creator of the 
project and director for the center told CNA May 25.

“It's concerning to witness while reading daily newspapers reports the 
scourge of modern times that people are undertaking extreme steps in 
committing suicide,” he said, adding: “Every human being has also an 
inner urge to live and also an urge to save life irrespective of caste, 
creed or religion.”

The director recounted that over the last two decades, the suicide rate 
in the country has been “mounting steadily.” Over 180,000 suicides were 
reported for 2010 and claimed a younger population between the ages of 
15 to 29 years. According to the priest, many suicides also go unreported.

The National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs reports that 
the average suicide rate in Goa is 15.8 per 100 thousand – above the 
National Average of 11.4 – an “alarmingly distressing” fact putting the 
state in tenth position country-wide.

“To me saving one life is as important as saving thousand lives,” Fr. 
Dias said.

“If somebody becomes aware of receiving hope in hopelessness; finds 
openness of love, care, affection, concern and positive energy, 
assistance of qualified counselors a depressed life situation can bring 
optimistic change.”

He noted that the challenges youth face in India range from family 
poverty, drug abuse and alcoholism, failure in love affairs, dowry 
disputes, rural illiteracy, ignorance, and superstitions, agricultural 
challenges, to bankruptcy loans and many other causes.

Fr. Dias strongly emphasized the “important of role of the parents” in 
upbringing of their children.

He urged parents, “Teach your children to appreciate life and be trained 
to accept gracefully the many frustrations which are part of life so 
that their tolerance level is increased.”

Callers are assured of confidentiality and can also be provided help 
through a state-wide network of government services like hospitals, law 
enforcement and legal bodies such as police, the fire department and 
associations like Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Caritas and other 
Church bodies.

“It is a good sign a helpline has been launched...such helplines act as 
a preventive measure to the members of the society to avert tragedy and 
save life,” Dr. Ivonne Pereira, head of the Dept. of Psychiatry for Goa 
Medical College told CNA.

Dr. Ivone also released the sixth issue of “Celebrate God's Love” a 
magazine published by the Centre as an effort to re-evangelize those 
whose faith is dwindling.

Ashok Menon, director of Goa Fire and Emergency Services, also released 
new promotional car stickers for the “God Saves Life-line.” He said the 
personnel assisting in the calls should be able to “know not just what 
to do but how to do as they offer their services in helping people in 

Local individuals experiencing suicidal feelings or those who want to 
prevent suicide by another person displaying such tendencies can call 
the “God Saves Help-line” at: +91832 22-8-44-33.


Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

[Goanet] Article: Fr. Theodore Mascarenhas, Indian bishop-elect aims to show God's love to new flock

2014-08-10 Thread Albert Peres

Indian bishop-elect aims to show God's love to new flock
By Elise Harris


Vatican City, Jul 10, 2014 / 08:04 pm (CNA/EWTN News).-

Fr. Theodore Mascarenhas, who was appointed Wednesday to be an auxiliary 
bishop of the Archdiocese of Ranchi in India's eastern state of 
Jharkhand, has voiced his enthusiasm for the task.

“I would like to be what Pope Francis asks us to be: a pastor who feels 
the smell of the sheep, who has the sheep close to him,” Fr. Mascarenhas 
told CNA July 10, the day following his appointment, expressing his 
desire to follow in the Pope’s pastoral footsteps.

“I will try my best, in spite of my human limitations and shortcomings, 
to be good to the clergy, to be good to the priests, to be close to the 
laity, and above all to try and show them the love and mercy of God. And 
I hope they too show the love and mercy of God to me. That’s my hope.”

Recalling the moment earlier this month when he was informed of his 
appointment, Fr. Mascarenhas, who is an official of the Pontifical 
Council for Culture, noted that there were just two others from the 
council present, as well as a crucifix on the wall.

Sensing that there was something the others wanted to say, the priest 
recalled that when they finally gave him the letter from the Pope asking 
if he would accept the appointment, he looked to the crucifix on the 
wall, saying to himself in silence,“okay, but this is in your hands!”

Ranchi is a city of 1.1 million, and the capital of a state seen as the 
heart of India's indigenous tribes. While he has never been to the 
archdiocese, Fr. Mascarenhas said he has heard it is “a great place with 
very, very warm people.”

“The people are open, simple, friendly and with great faith in God,” he 
noted, explaining that he has been told it is a place “where the word of 
God has made a lot of advances and where evangelization has very good 

In 2010, 4.4 percent of the more than 3 million people in the Ranchi 
archdiocese were Catholic; most of the population of Jharkhand are 
Hindu, while 14 percent are Muslim and 13 percent adhere to indigenous 
religions known as Sarna.

Fr. Mascarenhas expressed that “honestly it feels strange” to have been 
appointed a bishop, “because ever since the appointment has been made 
people look at you differently.”

“You within your own heart feel a sort of weight, a responsibility. And 
at the same time looking forward to a new task entrusted to you.”

Born in Camurlim, in west India's Goa state, in 1960, Fr. Mascarenhas 
was professed as a member of the Society of the Missionaries of St. 
Francis Xavier in 1979, and was ordained a priest of the society in 1988.

He holds a masters in political science, as well as a licentiate and 
doctorate in sacred scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute.
He is currently procurator general of the Society of the Missionaries of 
St. Francis Xavier in Europe, and a member of the Pontifical Committee 
for the International Eucharistic Congresses.

In addition to these, and his position on the Pontifical Council for 
Culture, he is a lecturer in scripture at the Pontifical Gregorian 
University and at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas.

Speaking of the great need for evangelization in India, the bishop-elect 
explained that it “is a very complex thing, because on one side we have 
rising extremist forces of all sorts that impede the evangelization 

These extremists come not only from fundamentalist Hindu or Muslim 
forces, but also from radicals in other Christian communities, he 
observed, affirming that there is a great need to bring these extremist 
voices “under control for good evangelization.”

“Evangelization simply means spreading the word of God, and the word of 
God is all about love, about mercy, and in that there can be no 
violence, there can be no fundamentalism.”

Describing how fundamentalism in India is different from that of the 
rest of the world, Fr. Mascarenhas stated that this is because “it goes 
against their own interests.”

“See, evangelization goes against the caste system, it breaks down the 
social order, and obviously people who have been in control are finding 
evangelization a threat,” he explained, noting that in general India is 
a very tolerant country, but this “small slice” is growing and “posing a 
threat not only to the Christians, but to the unity, integrity, and 
secularism of India.”

Referring to how Christianity is “a religion of dialogue,” the 
bishop-elect explained that one of his key strategies in combating 
fundamentalism will be in “keeping channels open, talking to everybody.”

“We talk to everybody, we see their viewpoints and we expect that they 
will respect us. I think if we can live in love and respect a lot of 
unnecessary problems will be avoided in the world.”

Fr. Mascarenhas also revealed that 

[Goanet] Why-strength-training-may-help-you-live-longer

2014-08-10 Thread Con Menezes

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is active.

[Goanet] Seven-ways-music-benefits-health

2014-08-10 Thread Con Menezes

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Columnar Basalt

2014-08-10 Thread Rajan Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Columnar Basalt'

Volcanic bakery.

Basalt columns in Skagafjörður, Iceland.


You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Rajan Parrikar

[Goanet] Dr. Moseley' Fast diet...................

2014-08-10 Thread Con Menezes
   watch this video

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is active.

[Goanet] How-to-encrypt-your-email-and-keep-your-conversations-private

2014-08-10 Thread Con Menezes

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is active.

[Goanet] Gambling addiction in Goa BBC

2014-08-10 Thread Con Menezes

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is active.

[Goanet] Song for the day.....

2014-08-10 Thread Gabe Menezes
Elderly couple lovingly dance to a busker in Wolverhampton city centre




Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Fwd: Mombasa , gateway to Kenya.....

2014-08-10 Thread Gabe Menezes
from here Goans arrived to settle down in Kenya. Before the Aeroplane,
the Motorcar and the Railways. Some early Goans walked all the way to
Nairobi following the Oxen carts.



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] History of Mombasa. Old Town Mombasa. Fort Jesus. Tamarind Restaurant (Response to JC by Rose Fernandes)  )

2014-08-10 Thread Melvyn Fernandes
Dear JC

Yes, this video did bring back happy memories for me especially the scenes on 
Bamburi beach.   At the time though we did not have any camels roaming the 
beach.   With all year sunny weather, as a child, most Sundays were spent on 
this beach where all our family and friends met.   My mother would make lots of 
snacks such as chutneys sandwiches, beef patties, scotch eggs and for our lunch 
we generally had chicken or mutton biryani kept warm with a towel wrapped 
around the pan!  Teatime was plenty of hot tea with home made cake or baath and 
biscuits, chocolate and vanilla pinwheels, etc.

When the tide was low, all the children had great fun picking up teesroys 
(shellfish) from the sand, we had to be fast as they would bury themselves in 
the sand very quickly.   My mother made an amazing curry from these shellfish.

Gabe, thanks for sharing, sent the video to all my classmates from Mombasa for 
them to enjoy.

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

10 August 2014

[Goanet] Capsule endoscopy

2014-08-10 Thread Con Menezes

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is active.

[Goanet] An apple a day.................

2014-08-10 Thread Con Menezes

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [Goanet] History of Mombasa. Old Town Mombasa. Fort Jesus. Tamarind Restaurant (Response to JC by Rose Fernandes)  )

2014-08-10 Thread Jose
On Aug 10, 2014, at 5:14 AM, Rose Fernandes mel...@orange.net wrote:

 My mother would make lots of snacks such as chutneys sandwiches, beef 
pattiesand for our lunch we generally had chicken or mutton biryani  
Teatime was plenty of hot tea with home made cake or baath  etc...My mother 
made an amazing curry from ... shellfish.

Ola  Rose,

Good to hear from you ( as usual ).

You brought back a different nostalgia with green chutney sandwiches and those 
delightful patties (which we now try to recreate with ready made puff pastry). 
My Mom too would make an amazing curry with Tisreos. Not very sure how the 
present pollution level affects today's shellfish in Goa.

Not surprising to read about Biriyani. That must be the result of the  Omani 
and Zanzibarian influence. 

With all this talk about food, you surely realise that I love to cook - esp 
after a busy day at work. Ema often says that when she invests in a take-away, 
she would employ me as a cook. She must have been reading too many books about 
Nehru, Goans and Cooks (:-). Either that or I am the best 'Find whatever there 
is in the pantry, try my luck with whatever spices (usually Shan) I can find 
and hope for the best' artist.

Back to Gabe's video, I could not help noticing the absence of garbage strewn 
all over the place.

good wishes


[Goanet] Gumnaam Hai Koi: The untold story of Music Arrangers and Musicians

2014-08-10 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Here is a You-tube video of a recent TV program about Goan 
musicians/composers/arrangers.  The Anthony Gonsalves story features 
prominently in it. It also tells the history of Goan musicians in the Indian 
music industry.




2014-08-10 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The Goa Government paid Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni by way of fees
and other allowances a whopping Rs 2,055,9032 (two crores fifty five lakhs
nine thousand and thirty two rupees) for the two years from March 2012 to
March 2014. This has been revealed in the information furnished by the
Directorate of Accounts under the Right to Information Act.

As per the information the Goa Government also spent a further Rs 10,14,869
(ten lakhs fourteen thousand eight hundred and sixty nine rupees) on the
business class airfare for the 17 trips made to Delhi by Advocate General
Atmaram Nadkarni from January 2013 to March 2014.

It is an irony that Goa being the smallest state is not only hosting
India's highest paid Advocate General but the country's highest paid public
servant. In public interest the fees payable to the Advocate General of Goa
should be immediately slashed and brought on par with other states.
Compared with the fees paid to other Advocate Generals across the country,
the very exorbitant fees being currently paid to the Advocate General of
Goa is nothing short of a loot and plunder of the State’s exchequer. And how
is Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni allowed to travel to Delhi by business
class when all public officials are required to travel only by economy
class and more so in view of the troubled economic times that Goa is

It may be recalled that Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar on 23rd May 2012
had directed that the fees of Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni be hiked due
to the very high inflation being faced by the Advocate General.

The government by an order issued on 8th April last year hiked the fees of
the Advocate General from a monthly maximum of five lakhs to eight lakhs.
The Advocate General’s per appearance fee before the High Court was hiked from
Rs 8,000 to Rs 10,000 per case per day. In addition the Advocate General is
also paid Rs 75,000 per day on every visit to Delhi regardless of whether
he appears before the Supreme Court or not. The hike in the Advocate
General’s fees was made retrospective with effect from 1st April 2012. The
Advocate General also gets 15 personal staff as entitled to a Cabinet

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues


Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Where is Goanet being read?

2014-08-10 Thread Antonio Faria
I am reading your mail in a austrian tirol valley (Alpen),
Oestrreich means eastern empire (to the ancient romans) or, before,
 eastmark, steyrmark. like danmark. spanishmark ) but romans were a very
strange people in geography matter...!

2014-08-08 23:04 GMT+01:00 Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *
فريدريك نورونيا fredericknoron...@gmail.com:

 If you read Goanet in any form, in a distant or remote location, do let us

 Am specially curious to know if we have any readers in (i) North East India
 (ii) AN Islands (iii) Eastern Europe (iv) South America (v) Mexico (vi)
 non-English speaking Africa.

 If you're reading us in one of these places, just send a shout across (via
 email) to goa...@goanet.org

 Also, if you think you're reading us in any other remote location, please
 send an email to the above address! FN

 PS: We know we have readers on board the ship (including in the captain's
 cabin!), in South Africa and Malaysia.
 P +91-832-2409490 M +91-9822122436 W http://goa1556.in
 T @fn on Twitter  R Saligao, Goa, India  Stay in touch. I reply email.

[Goanet] GOA Beach Picnic - August 17, 2014

2014-08-10 Thread goansofamerica

Hi All,
Just a reminder about our GOA picnic on August 17, 2014.
We are still accepting reservations for Camping - few cabins left!

Selma Rodrigues

Hello Everyone,
Hope you are having a great summer so far and can attend our next summer event. 
What: Beach Picnic

When:August 17, 2014 (Noon to 5pm)

Where:   Veteran's Park (located at 309 Esplanade, Redondo Beach).

Cost: Free
Parking: There is metered street parking (beware of parking enforcement) or you 
can park at the Redondo Beach Pier (100 W. Torrance Blvd., Redondo Beach, CA 
90277) for $2.00 per hour.  There is also free residential parking if you can 
find a spot.

What to bring: Bring your own food and drink!  Please be self sufficient with 
plates, cutlery, cups and napkins.  Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
Come play volleyball, hang out, and bask in the sun. Please help in bringing 
games to play like balls, nets, kites etc.
Upcoming Events:
Camp Seely | September 12 to 14, 2014 (Accepting reservations)
Christmas Dance | December 13, 2014
We are on Facebook as Los Angeles GOA.

Looking forward to seeing all of you!
Selma Rodrigues





[Goanet] (no subject)

2014-08-10 Thread Nelson Lopes

Ivana interacted,guided and  played with budding chess enthusiast  at
Chinchinim on 10 August 2014.between 4p.m to 6.p.m at Adv Mario de Loyola
Furtado Library IV

 Ms Ivana was introduced and welcomed by the  Trustee and presented a token
in appreciation of her voluntary visit .She is  very proud of her
Chinchinim roots.

.Eighteen participants  along with their parents were fascinated by her
simplicity, eagerness and explanation on the  moves and the alternative
approach The programme was intended to create interests in this game. The
participants were provided with a copy of her achievements and light
refreshments. She explained that focus , concentration and love   does not
interfere with academic studies and that parents whole hearted support is
essential to progress.

Nelson Lopes


Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Where is Goanet being read?

2014-08-10 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Thanks Antonio! A useful lesson in Geography and History.

The other friend we had in Oestrreich (a familiar mark on many postage
stamps of yesteryears) was A. Anthony Fernandes. But he is now based in
London https://www.facebook.com/a.anthony.fernandes.1?fref=ts He does
sprechen Deutsch though.

We also knew some Austrian researchers of tourism in Goa, who were here in
the late 1980s or early 1990s, when the debate about the social and
environmental impact of tourism in Goa was just picking up...

Regards, FN

On 10 August 2014 20:28, Antonio Faria antoniofari...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am reading your mail in a austrian tirol valley (Alpen),
 Oestrreich means eastern empire (to the ancient romans) or, before,
  eastmark, steyrmark. like danmark. spanishmark ) but romans were a very
 strange people in geography matter...!

FN P +91-832-2409490 M +91-9822122436 http://goa1556.in

[Goanet] From Miguel Braganza too -- Fwd: [Goanet-News] Where is Goanet being read?

2014-08-10 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
-- Forwarded message --
From: Miguel Braganza braganza.mig...@gmail.com
Date: 9 August 2014 07:09
Subject: Re: [Goanet-News] Where is Goanet being read?
To: Frederick FN Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com

Dear Frederick,

Perhaps the Goans in heaven and hell ...and some aliens in the Milky Way
... are reading Goanet, too.
Watch out for their email response!! ;-)

Mog asundi


On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 3:34 AM, Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *
فريدريك نورونيا fredericknoron...@gmail.com wrote:

 If you read Goanet in any form, in a distant or remote location, do let us

 Am specially curious to know if we have any readers in (i) North East India
 (ii) AN Islands (iii) Eastern Europe (iv) South America (v) Mexico (vi)
 non-English speaking Africa.

 If you're reading us in one of these places, just send a shout across (via
 email) to goa...@goanet.org

 Also, if you think you're reading us in any other remote location, please
 send an email to the above address! FN

 PS: We know we have readers on board the ship (including in the captain's
 cabin!), in South Africa and Malaysia.
 P +91-832-2409490 M +91-9822122436 W http://goa1556.in
 T @fn on Twitter  R Saligao, Goa, India  Stay in touch. I reply email.

*Miguel A. Braganza*, House No.5/4-A
Opposite Zonal Agriculture Office  Farm
Xettiavaddo, *MAPUSA-* 403507 Goa. INDIA
Ph +91-9822982676; 91-832-2255139

www.brittosoba.com http://www.brittos-oba.com/ www.konkanfruitfest.com
www.pgsorganic.in www.ifoam.org/inofo

[Goanet] Tiatr: The name MUTHALIK that triggered the war?

2014-08-10 Thread JoeGoaUk

The name MUTHALIK  that triggered the war?  

‘I do not agree to the putting MUTHALIK name on the poster’ Says Prince Jacob
(So say many others)

It could have been Moothalic, Nuthalik etc. Or even the title ‘Muthalik goeant 

larger viewing/reading

Next day news paper
Prince Jacob etc
Herald Page 9 dtd 10/8/14, The page 9 was not available  online hence several 

We were all set to go for the tiatr at 1.30pm but at 12pm we saw a post by a 
close associate of Tousif de Navelim /Director Mr. Savio who was also one of 
the chief guests. He said the show is withdrawn due to fear of law and order. 
So we changed our plan.  Again, at 5.30 pm there was another post saying the 
tiatr in on at 5pm and we read it at 6.30pm by then it was too late.  We even 
regularly checked Tousif facebook wall for any updates.. 

Director said he would go ahead with the tiatr come what may
On the tiatr day the poster was even edited to say ‘ General public need not 
worry as police protection has been granted for the show’

Tiatr day edited / modified poster

If the director did not call it off at around 11am, there would have been lot 
more people or supporter for the show.

It also appears that most people came there not just to support the tiatr but 
also to say ‘No to Muthalik (In Goa)’ thus giving loud and the clear message to 
the govt. and also to Muthalik organisation

TV news /Repeat


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc  


2014-08-10 Thread Stephen Dias
Dear Aires,

This expenditure which you got under RTI for AG is beyond the scope of our
imagination. Hence it is illegal on the part of Government to continue
making this kind of  expenses when Goa is already at the state
of bankruptcy. Even the AIR fares on business class when was not required
as most of them may not have  been on urgency, this could have been
curtailed. And why our Director NIO has to be criticized for one or two
trips when he made on business class as he is entitled and that too all our
previous Directors have gone and taken this benefit in this class?
The GT Editor Amitabh needs to be questioned for this for making public in
his paper, and why he does not make this AG's trip public that too when
you vociferously shouting and writing?

Stephen Dias
Mob: 9422443110

Message: 8
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:38:04 +0530
From: Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com
To: goanet goa...@goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The Goa Government paid Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni by way of fees
and other allowances a whopping Rs 2,055,9032 (two crores fifty five lakhs
nine thousand and thirty two rupees) for the two years from March 2012 to
March 2014. This has been revealed in the information furnished by the
Directorate of Accounts under the Right to Information Act.

As per the information the Goa Government also spent a further Rs 10,14,869
(ten lakhs fourteen thousand eight hundred and sixty nine rupees) on the
business class airfare for the 17 trips made to Delhi by Advocate General
Atmaram Nadkarni from January 2013 to March 2014.

It is an irony that Goa being the smallest state is not only hosting
India's highest paid Advocate General but the country's highest paid public
servant. In public interest the fees payable to the Advocate General of Goa
should be immediately slashed and brought on par with other states.
Compared with the fees paid to other Advocate Generals across the country,
the very exorbitant fees being currently paid to the Advocate General of
Goa is nothing short of a loot and plunder of the State?s exchequer. And how
is Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni allowed to travel to Delhi by business
class when all public officials are required to travel only by economy
class and more so in view of the troubled economic times that Goa is

It may be recalled that Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar on 23rd May 2012
had directed that the fees of Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni be hiked due
to the very high inflation being faced by the Advocate General.

The government by an order issued on 8th April last year hiked the fees of
the Advocate General from a monthly maximum of five lakhs to eight lakhs.
The Advocate General?s per appearance fee before the High Court was hiked
Rs 8,000 to Rs 10,000 per case per day. In addition the Advocate General is
also paid Rs 75,000 per day on every visit to Delhi regardless of whether
he appears before the Supreme Court or not. The hike in the Advocate
General?s fees was made retrospective with effect from 1st April 2012. The
Advocate General also gets 15 personal staff as entitled to a Cabinet

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar ? Goa ? 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues
