[Goanet] Bible verse for the Day

2020-05-04 Thread Devak Argham
Matthew 21:28-32

28 “What is your opinion? A man had two sons. He came to the first and
said, ‘Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.’

29 He said in reply, ‘I will not,’ but afterwards he changed his mind and

30 The man came to the other son and gave the same order. He said in reply,
‘Yes, sir,’ but did not go.

31 Which of the two did his father’s will?” They answered, “The first.”
Jesus said to them, “Amen, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes are
entering the kingdom of God before you.

32 When John came to you in the way of righteousness, you did not believe
him; but tax collectors and prostitutes did. Yet even when you saw that,
you did not later change your minds and believe him.

[Goanet] Goan Slaves or Indentured by Brits

2020-05-04 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas

In your Message-ID: <26953537.1672756.1588589196...@mail.yahoo.com>
 Dated: Mon, 4 May 2020 10:46:36 + (UTC)

 You wondered  how many Goanetters or their forefathers were taken by the
brits as coolies or indentured labour to East Africa?

I would doubt very much if any Christian Goans would be in this list and
that applies to the Hindu Goans. Since Christian Goans had to know the Romi
script and many had a working knowledge of English or Portuguese there was
no reason fo become Coolies and to cross the ocean to do so.

Moreover Goans who migrated went as professionals,,,baker, tailors,
compounders , doctors, lawyers, what would lure them to be labourers.
Perhaps digging for gold

I am looking with great interest to see any response...you might have to
duck the stones, mangoes or even stall eggs


In great surprise

[Goanet] What does Joao want to say?

2020-05-04 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
the Age
Corona Virus

Navhind Times

hotels shut

No sewage

River Sal





must not
to open

a proper
sewage system

No need
to hold


River Sal


No hotel


What does Joao want to say?


2020-05-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves
This did not appear on your Goa net
GODFREY J. I. GONSALVES, BORDA, MARGAO, 403 602, GOA. (INDIA) +91 98221 58584 
(24 HRS) gonsalvesgodfre...@yahoo.co.in 

   - Forwarded message - From: godfrey gonsalves 
To: Goanet Sent: Saturday, 2 
May, 2020, 09:18:30 pm UTCSubject: CELEBRATING COVID 19 WARRIORSS
 The Defence forces of India are all set to conduct today 3rd May 2020 fly 
pasts, play military bands light up ships at sea shower flower petals at 
hospitals treating COVID -19  patients accross the country to express their 
gratitude to the doctors nurses health care workers para medics  and not 
forgeting the police sanitation workers local storeowners   involved in the 
ongoing  battle against COVID 19.
There is no doubt that this is a much needed booster for these personnel to 
satiate their spirits and is most welcome
But  it has come to light that   many of the legislations that are intended  to 
protect these new warriors lack earnest mplementation both in letter and spirit 
by the office of the Commissioner of Labour and Employment in Goa viza) The 
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970  b) The Inter State Migrant 
Workmen  (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service ) Act 1979to 
protect the sanitation and other workmenc)  The Minimum Wages Act 1948  and 
Rules thereof
Hence the underlying  resentment among these new warriors as they are out of  
the ambit of the organised sector.
A visit to the some of the private Hospitals in the city wherein Minimum wages 
for  --- Employment in Private hospital nursing homes dispensaries medical 
clinics radiology etc are notified --these wages are not paid to the 
work persons . There is no display of these Minimum wages and when a copy of 
the same was shown to some of the nurses, sanitation workers they feigned 
ignorance or feared to demand the minimum wages + half yearly DA and the 
minimum Bonus implemented by the Central or State Act.

There is another sad story  many  of the Shops and Commercial Establishments 
who have been authorised by the directives of the Ministry of Home Affairs 
Government of India  conveyed to the State Chief Secretary  to remain open post 
lock down are only those which are registered . Apparently the registration 
under these acts and the Occupation and trade licence of the respective 
Panchayats or Municipalities or Municipal Corporation are mandatory

It is  not clear whether the Office of Commissioner or Labour and Employment in 
the State have ascertained vide a routine discreet inspection to  ascertain 
these requirements while they allow these commercial establishments and shops 
to  open up.Niether has the Muicipality or the Panchayats taken this 
opportunity to ensure compliance by these owners, when this was time opportune 
for them to do so
Similarly had both a) The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970  
b) The Inter State Migrant Workmen  (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of 
Service ) Act 1979 
been implemented in letter and spirit these legislations  would have come to 
protect the sanitation and other workmen against the sufferings that have been 
meted out to them during the lock down period as their employers apparently 
abandoned them and thrown them at the mercy of the State Governments to look 
after them and many of the employerrs have paid not heed to the PMs view to 
have compassion on their work force during the lock down period
An nspection  post lock down needs to be carried out by the authorities of the 
Office of Labour and Employment to ascertain whether workmen were paid for the 
lock down period or that they were not removed from Employment 
In conclusion it is the  expectations of these dedicated workmen that their 
wages and employment should be protected and towards this end the State 
Governments should conduct a rigourous excercise all over the States to ensure 
enforecement of the laws that they have enacted.

GODFREY J. I. GONSALVES, cyber journo social activist   BORDA, MARGAO, 403 602, 
GOA. (INDIA) +91 98221 58584 (24 HRS) gonsalvesgodfre...@yahoo.co.in

[Goanet] Slave Trade

2020-05-04 Thread Bernado Colaco
 I wonder how many Goanetters or their forefathers were taken by the brits as 
coolies or indentured labour to East Africa?
Soon after Portuguese conquered Goa, it became the main port to trade slaves 
brought from Portuguese enclave from Africa.? The slaves were shipped from Goa 
to Ceylon and as far away to Macao.? The Mhamai Kamats (whose ancestral house 
is just behind Governor's residence in Panjim) were one of the main slave 
traders in Goa.?


[Goanet] Don't Stop Me Now

2020-05-04 Thread Roland Francis
Two versions both superb, of a song written by lead singer Freddy Mercury of 
the British rock band Queen in 1978 and by the Slovenian á capella group 
Perpetuum Jazzile best known for their rendition of Toto Rock Band’s ‘Africa’.

The theme is Freddy M wanting a wild night out and inviting us for the ride or 
asking us to get out of the way. Perhaps by ‘wild night out’ a broad range of 
sexual adventures is meant, given his proclivities.


Perpetuum Jazzile


[Goanet] Chega De Saudade (No More Blues)

2020-05-04 Thread Roland Francis
Vocalist Laura Vall is a singer, music producer, arranger, composer and vocal 
coach from Barcelona, Spain based in Los Angeles.

Vall’s warm, lyrical, soulful and hypnotic voice has brought her to work with 
several renowned artists like Stevie Wonder, Rhonda Smith and Michael Bland and 
Grammy winning producers like Jeff Weber and Michael Clark.

Here she sings with Nova, an Italian progressive rock band that provides 
outstanding musical backing for her vocals.

Chega de Saudade (No more blues) is a Brazilian Portuguese jazz standard 
composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim. 



Re: [Goanet] Slave Trade Message-ID:

2020-05-04 Thread Tony de Sa
 Mr. Abhar get your facts correct. The Governor's residence is at Raj
Bhawan in Dona Paula. The Mhamai Kamats have lived for centuries behind
Adil Shah's Palace, the former Secretariat of Goa, post December 1961.

And Cidade de Goa was another name for Panjim. Old Goa is Velha Goa, not to
be confused with Goa Velha another village.

And again, obviously, you are violating the rules of Goanet by using a
pseudonym. A Bible thumper and a rule breaker all rolled in one?

Voznadik Vojem

03 May 2020 00:43:15 -0700

Soon after Portuguese conquered Goa, it became the main port to trade
slaves brought from Portuguese enclave from Africa.  The slaves were
shipped from Goa to Ceylon and as far away to Macao.  The Mhamai
Kamats(whose ancestral house is just behind Governor's residence in Panjim)
were one of the main slave traders in Goa. The Pangim municipality  even
had a department solely dedicated to recapture escaped slaves.  Slaves were
sold and bought in Cidade de Goa, now Old Goa.
 African slaves were mostly owned by Portuguese and wealthy locals.  You
don't have to  wonder why many Goans exhibit certain African features  and
our ongoing fascination and affinity to that great big continent of Africa.
Voznadik Vojem



Tony de Sa

[Goanet] Combo ani Combi

2020-05-04 Thread Roland Francis
Another Oslando’s Folklorists’ mando with Lourdes Colaço’s lead vocals.

The theme is an oral spat in song between a rooster and a hen owner. One blames 
the other for the ‘messing around’ going on but they finally agree to get their 
charges married with a suitable dowry of ‘von’ rice.

Combo ani combi


[Goanet] Message from Sunita Narain-COVID-19 has made the invisible visible

2020-05-04 Thread Sunita Narain
Can't see images? View in browser

CSE’s Weekly News Bulletin

May 04, 2020

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Message from Sunita Narain

Stories from Down To Earth

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New Publications


Sunita Narain

Editor, Down To Earth

 Twitter: @sunitanar 

Message from Sunita Narain

Of the images that haunt me, these are particularly
heart-rending—one, that of the little girl who died off the coast of
a European city as her parents were trying desperately to reach there
on boats from a faraway land, for a better future. The other, more
recent, is of an elderly woman, with all her belongings on head,
walking kilometres to get home from a COVID-19 locked-down city in
India, leaving behind her dreams of work and going back to the village
she came from.
The third is of the young man — also escaping from a locked-down
city — who died after walking for days, just some hundred kilometres
from his village.

For the past one year, I have been writing about migration — from
the perspective of the increased insecurity in villages, wrecked by
poverty, agrarian distress and now by the weird weather that makes
agriculture more and more unviable and life unbearable. It was due to
the traditional push (people leaving because they had no choice) and
pull (people leaving because they wanted more choice) factors, but at
a much-heightened pace and scale.

This exodus was hardly documented. The World Migration Report 2020
says global migration is on the rise — roughly 3.5 per cent of the
world population moved from one country to another in 2019. But there
is little in-country migration data... Continue Reading

>From Down to Earth


The COVID-19 daily newsletter

Subscribe here


Health: Where does the world stand 4 months into COVID-19?

It has learnt at a deadly cost that inequality in development has the
power to make a health emergency into a long-term problem


COVID-19: Why we need to redefine thermal comfort

Humidification, high levels of fresh air intake are some
recommendations of a document on air-conditioning and ventilation in
COVID-19 times


Environment: Is an environmental apocalypse approaching India?

The Union government scarcely conceals its contempt for the
environment working assiduously to dismantle environment protection


Video: Has the COVID-19 lockdown cleaned up the Yamuna?

Water quality at major locations of the Yamuna did not meet necessary

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 15, Issue 277

2020-05-04 Thread Anish Esteves
7) India's migrants deserve more  (Anish Esteves)

Here's an article that I wrote about India's migrant crisis. Feel free to
get back to me with your comments.


Anish Esteves
On 4 May 2020 15:24,  wrote:

> Send Goanet mailing list submissions to
> goanet@lists.goanet.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.goanet.org/listinfo.cgi/goanet-goanet.org
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> goanet-ow...@lists.goanet.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Goanet digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: What does Joao want to say? (Mervyn Lobo)
>2. Re: [Goanet-News] People@Goa: Pandemic obit (1918)... Goa
>   IITian... The Last Prabhu once more... stories from Amin's
>   Uganda... Goan music from Spain... hockey, Simon and computers
>   (Kadambari Gladding)
>3. Excellent homily for today's Holy Eucharist celebration
>   (Devak Argham)
>4. My Mango is better than yours (Mervyn Maciel)
>6. Amchi Devi (eric pinto)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 03:50:02 + (UTC)
> From: Mervyn Lobo 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] What does Joao want to say?
> Message-ID: <225648031.486107.1588564202...@mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>  On Friday, May 1, 2020, 01:57:10 a.m. CDT, Joao Barros-Pereira <
> prakashlamani...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  In
> the Age
> of
> Corona Virus
> we
> know
> Karl Marx
> got it
> all wrong
> the
> fight
> isn?t
> among
> capitalists
> and
> workers
> the
> fight
> is
> among
> people
> who
> work hard
> and
> others
> who
> hardly
> work
> steal
> all the
> credit
> What does Joao want to say---
> -
> Joao,
> I think the fight is still between the workers and the capitalists.
> Capitalism, as practiced in the US this century, is dependent on the US
> Govt subsidizing the losses of private companies while the share holders
> divvy up all the profits.?
> In the age of the corona virus, the US threw a bone to the workers too.
> Dr. Death, AKA, Donald Trump sent $1,200 to every registered tax payer with
> the instructions to spend the same.?
> 30 million workers have lost their jobs in the US. 70,000 have lost their
> lives. Those getting the most help though, are the people who are losing
> their capital.?
> It always pays to have friends in high places.
> Mervyn
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 04:48:55 -0700
> From: Kadambari Gladding 
> To: reply.goanet.n...@gmail.com
> Cc: Goanet 
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] People@Goa: Pandemic obit
> (1918)... Goa IITian... The Last Prabhu once more... stories from
> Amin's Uganda... Goan music from Spain... hockey, Simon and
> computers
> Message-ID:
>  mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I love reading these compilations - thank you for all that you do.
> Love the story about Basilio.
> Best,
> Kadambari
> www.kadambari-r.com   +64 27 2349977
> New
> Zealand
> On Sun, 3 May 2020 at 12:22, Frederick Noronha <
> fredericknoron...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > 
> > People@Goa * People@Goa * People@Goa * People@Goa * People@Goa *
> > 
> >
> > NORONHA [moi...@netcabo.pt] points to the extract of the
> > obituary of her paternal grandfather sent to her by a friend,
> > and translated into English by her eldest grandson.
> >
> > It reads as follows:
> >
> >   6 October 1918 Dr. Adelino Licurgo Peres da Costa
> >   Stricken at his post of honour, he was buried in
> >   Curtorim, one of the villages most severely
> >   affected by this terrible pandemic, perhaps the
> >   second or third in this municipality.  Dr.  A.  L.
> >   Peres da Costa graduated in Medicine and Pharmacy
> >   at the Goa Medical School and held several official
> >   positions, such as health delegate at Diu and
> >   Dam?o, a sanitary inspector at Col?m and several
> >   commissions during the Spanish Plague (sic).  His
> >   death in the midst of such a severe crisis redeems
> >   him from any of the defects he shared with us all,
> >   and it is clear that his

[Goanet] you can ,you can’t

2020-05-04 Thread Nelson Lopes

Drive freely, roads clear , open,

Need a travel  pass or coupon.

 Secure ,sanitised   clean  hands.

Forced not greet by shake hands.

Breathe air, clean and pure

 Why then use mask to make sure.?

Hug, kiss or embrace,

Mask is hindrance in place.

Shave , make up,  smile ,mask does hide ,

 mask  helmet compulsory for a ride.

Plenty of time to chat and sit,

Restrictions of numbers force limit.

Restaurants , cinema  desirable  sites to visit,

Locked and closed  forced to  admit,

 Plenty of money to spare and lend,

No opportunities to freely  spend.

 Longing to visit friends near and dear,

Contagion, impediment of fear,

Freely speak, chit chat with all,

 The choice now is only  by phone call.

Share with neighbhours, friends and poor,

Gates locked, greeted by closed door.

Prayers at  temple, mosque church, normal plan, 

Congregation, assembly order on hold and  ban.

 Love  to wish friends and greet,

 Namaste, wave hands, when you meet.

 Number of persons in a family no bar,

Travel one in front , other back of the  car.

Parties ,weddings,  free   to rejoice,

 All celebrations on hold , no choice.

Funeral services, earlier, pompous rites

 Limited family members, no other invites.


Games without spectators is new plan,

Competition, tournaments, sports   ban.

Employers ,return to work greatly desire

Social distances in office, transport  can`t  admire.

Employees need to earn more,

Opportunities in industries not  as before.

Curious to identify ghosts behind mask

 Removal of mask, neither police, anyone   ask.

Contagion, spread of virus need  to contain,

Stay at home, social distance, must to   maintain

Travel  desire by ship, train , air

Shut and closed cause of despair

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim




Sent from my iPhone

[Goanet] Schedule for Tuesday 5th May 2020

2020-05-04 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love✝💓📶

You can also watch ✨ CCR TV live on your smart phone via the CCR TV App✨
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:  ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Tuesday 5th May 2020

12:00 AM
Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

12:25 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  87 - Chayevalo  - Fr Pratap Naik sj

12:35 AM
Intercession (English of May 3)

12:50 AM
Divine Mercy - Konkani

01:00 AM
Mass in Konkani from Monday

01:35 AM
Bhajans 4

02:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Dukhiche Mister

02:25 AM
Youthopia - Edmer Barreto - Author interviewed by Jessica Sharma

02:55 AM
What's Cooking - Episode 12

03:24 AM
Novem Jivit - Talk by Victor Mascarenhas

03:50 AM
Tell me a story - Jesus Heals a Leper

04:15 AM
Pentecost - Talk by Dr Silvia Noronha

04:41 AM
Hymns - Our Lady of Grace HS, Bicholim

04:45 AM
Called to Excel - Talk by Savio Mascarenhas

05:40 AM
Testimony - Rupa Colaco

06:25 AM
Atmik Vadd - Talk by Peregrino Fernandes

06:55 AM
Hymn - Open my eyes, Lord -  Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

06:57 AM
Hymn - You are my all in all -Saxophone cover - Fr Seville Antao - OFM(Cap)

07:00 AM
Mass in Konkani followed by Jivitacho Prokas and Saint of the Day

07:35 AM
Bhajans 5

08:00 AM
Morning Music - Hymns - Fr Seville

08:30 AM
Praise and Worship - Francis Fernandes followed by Daily Prayer to the Holy

08:56 AM
Hymn - Zoi Jezu amchea Raia - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

09:00 AM
Our Father - Garo

09:05 AM
Alcoholics Anonymous - Testimony  of Faustina D'Cruz

09:31 AM
Music - Jezu Portun Ietolo - Fr Eusico Pereira

09:37 AM
Devacho Mog - talk by Victor Mascarenhas

10:00 AM
Desire for God - Talk by Godfrey Pereira

10:25 AM
Prayer for Healing from Cancer

10:30 AM
Health Matters - Cancer Treatment -  Dr Jean Louis De Memezes

10:55 AM
Atmik Ekchar

10:56 AM
Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 6

10:58 AM
Hymn - Noman, Noman Marie- Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

11:00 AM
Hymn - With Jesus in the boat sung by Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

11:02 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 54 - Sonso ani Kansov - Fr Pratap Naik sj

11:15 AM
Intercessions (English)

11:30 AM
Mass in English followed by Daily Flash

12:05 PM
Abundant Life -Trust God in Times of Trial - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

12:39 PM
Origins of CCR - Talk by Dr Silvia Noronha

01:00 PM
Media Track - Episode 37

01:30 PM
Conversion of Heart - Talk by Fr. Oscar Nazareth op

02:30 PM
What's Cooking? Episode 3

03:00 PM
Pentecost - Talk by Fr Alexandre Pereira

03:26 PM
Music - Goddvaiechea Kallza - Victor Da Costa

03:30 PM
Divine Mercy - English 3

03:50 PM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  87 - Chayevalo  - Fr Pratap Naik sj

04:00 PM
Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

04:24 PM
Reflection on the Gospel - Dominicans

04:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 6

04:55 PM
Tell me a story - Jesus Heals a Leper

05:18 PM
Make the Mass more meaningful  - Talk by Joy Joseph

05:30 PM
Career Guidance- Journalism - St Xaviers College

05:56 PM
Poem - Ankvar Marie by Sandhya Fernandes

06:00 PM
Regina Caeli (English)

06:02 PM
Literally Goa - Shirley Louise Gonsalves interviewed by Frederick Noronha

06:30 PM
Mass in Konkani followed by Jivitacho Prokas and Saint of the Day

07:05 PM
Regina Caeli - Konkani

07:07 PM
7 steps of Washing Hands -Dr Jorson Fernandes

07:12 PM
St Maria Goretti - Talk by Sr Saral

07:23 PM
Bhokti Lharam - Bhag 15

07:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Dukhiche Mister

07:54 PM
My  Music Videos - Jezu Mhojo Raja - Myran Travasso

08:00 PM
Vinoti - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

08:26 PM
Psalm 95 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

08:30 PM
Amchi Bhas Amche Borovpi - Anthony Menezes interviewed by Daniel de Souza

09:00 PM
Intercession (Konkani)

09:15 PM
Ratchem MagneM

09:30 PM
CCR TV Concert - Highlights 1 - Music

10:00 PM
A Call to Grow in Commitment - Talk by Savio Mascarenhas

11:10 PM
Talk on St Vincent Pallotti by Fr Beniz Gomes sac

11:33 PM
Falling in Love - Media Lies - Hosted by Judie D'CunhaDonations may be made
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Candolim Branch
RTGS/NEFT Code : ICIC0002624
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

[Goanet] Amchi Devi

2020-05-04 Thread eric pinto
He is ten and his mother labours for me.  What is the child’s name.he 
says, pointing to a picture.  Sita, I lie. He threw both arms into the air as 
he cried out aloud, amchi Devi amchi Devi. We Catholics need to appreciate that 
these everyday feeling are very prevalent and not to read politics and passion 
into many of the scenes that unfold on the nation’s stage today.  

Re: [Goanet] What does Joao want to say?

2020-05-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 On Friday, May 1, 2020, 01:57:10 a.m. CDT, Joao Barros-Pereira 
the Age
Corona Virus


Karl Marx

got it
all wrong






work hard



all the

What does Joao want to 
I think the fight is still between the workers and the capitalists.

Capitalism, as practiced in the US this century, is dependent on the US Govt 
subsidizing the losses of private companies while the share holders divvy up 
all the profits. 

In the age of the corona virus, the US threw a bone to the workers too. Dr. 
Death, AKA, Donald Trump sent $1,200 to every registered tax payer with the 
instructions to spend the same. 

30 million workers have lost their jobs in the US. 70,000 have lost their 
lives. Those getting the most help though, are the people who are losing their 

It always pays to have friends in high places.



Re: [Goanet] My Mango is Better Than Yours!

2020-05-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 On Sunday, May 3, 2020, 03:58:25 a.m. CDT, V M  wrote:
 Thank you so much for the generous feedback, but especially for your
vivid and most delightful mango recollections. The mango trees in
coastal East Africa and also the Persian Gulf region are quite likely
to predate the colonial era, but then there must have been other
species brought over by the British and Portuguese as well. I love the
song you shared. Many thanks for it. So, Embe Dodo is a mango species?
Do the words mean anything else in Swahili?


I tried to look up on when mangoes arrived in E. Africa but all I found was 
guesswork, with some suggesting a thousand years ago. One thing is clear, at 
the time of the slave trade, 250 years ago, there were several caravan stops 
along the breadth of Tanzania. At these stops,mango trees were planted in 
parallel lines so that the captives could rest in the shade. The trees still 
exist and are now in the center of some towns.

Mango trees are found growing wild all along the E. African coast. It is the 
same for cashew trees. I am guessing that wild animals played a major roll in 
spreading the seeds. 

Embe dodos are the biggest mangoes I have seen. They are about 6 inches long 
and 4 inches wide, hence you get large cheeks to tuck into. I have not seen 
them outside E. Africa. 

I am surprised you picked up on the words of the song - as I had assumed you do 
not speak any Swahili. While the song supposedly references the mango, the 
verses have double entendres. Like every good song, there are several 
interpretations of the lyrics. Some claim it is a love song, others, a lament 
and yet others claim it is a song about nothing.

Talking about nothing, the mangoes in Texas grocery shops all come from Mexico. 
That source has dried up - I am guessing because of Covid 19. While better than 
nothing, the Mexican mangoes are picked raw and when they ripen at home, they 
do not become as sweet as mangoes plucked just a few days before being sent to 
the market. In Toronto, most of the mangoes are imported from Pakistan and  
Pakistan born Goans will not eat any other type of mango. The local Indian 
spice shops here in San Antonio carry the same Pakistani variety. I guess I 
will have to wait a few more months for those to arrive.



[Goanet] Re. What does Joao want to say?

2020-05-04 Thread Francis Rodrigues
Joao hey hey
Wazzup today!

No cure for covid
Or even sciatica,
>From loud-mouthed
Quack from Utica.

His reason typical
Help no-one specific,
'Becos his medical
Oath is Hypocritic!

We must not call
For swabs or jabs,
He says we all
Are Goan crabs

So your crystal ball
Does tell us Joao,
Him we must call
Pandu Lampiao.

So dear Joao today
You know what to say?

Corona may attack
Us dead or alive,
Despite dat quack
We will survive!
Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 01:31:30 +0530
From: Joao Barros-Pereira 
To: goanet 
Subject: [Goanet] What does Joao want to say?

the Age
Corona Virus


Crystal Ball

Mr Sopte


[Goanet] My Mango is better than yours

2020-05-04 Thread Mervyn Maciel
I've enjoyed reading VM's interesting article and the comments from
Mervyn Lobo.
  I just wanted to tell you what I remember of of our own mangoes in
our Goa property. We had 5 different varieties and please forgive me
if I've spelt them wrongly:

1. Mancurad
2. Bishop
3.Maldes or Malges?
4. Keo(Banana-shape sucking mango)
5.San.Anton(small-size mango ideal for pickle and ''korom')

The keo was a very huge tree which produced hundred or
possibly thousands of mangoes which hung out in bunches.
My Grandmother had to hire a man to climb the very tall
tree infested with red ants(umle). I remember the man taking
a basket filled with fresh ash from the kitchen and spraying
it wherever the ants appeared.
Because of the large quantities of mangoes that this tree produced,
my grandmother used to 'rent out' the tree to a Hindu lady
on condition that she gave us 200 mangoes. As kids, we used
to enjoy sucking these juicy mangoes during our holidays in
The mancurad needs no further explanation as most Goans would
have tasted these delicious and fleshy mangoes.
The maldes(malges) was no match on the Mancurad but
tasty. Slightly reddish on the outside.
The Bishop mango was huge -the size of a coconut
and was enough to satisfy many.
The San Anton was was a smallish mango used mostly
in fish curries and water pickle and 'miscut' making.

I hope the last sends a few Goan mouths watering!!

The Swahili word Embe(plural Maembe) stands for mango and Dodo
possibly for the variety as I do remember Dodo mangoes
from the Kenya coast.

Mervyn Maciel


2020-05-04 Thread John Eric Gomes
With fanatics any civilised discussion or criticism is tabu. Before the 
lockdown our economy was already in dire straits, Modi along with invitee Trump 
could do no wrong. Both will blame Corona and will be credited for everything 
positive. The wrong priorities,"development" and government policies  worldwide 
led to climate change with no effective cap on pollution. Respected journalist 
Shekar Gupta has spelt out in detail how our government has incapacitated 
India! BeforeCorona struck, our economy was in a precarious state anyway with 
polarization of the nation and deteriorating law and order. Delhi riots and 
election dramas are now all forgotten with deadly Corona which has exposed the 
best and the worst in all of us! But it gave the Centre unfettered power and we 
lost all our freedom to challenge and advise what is in our interest, 
especially the poor and downtrodden not factored in before hasty sudden 
decisions. Fiats issued were rarely clear and clarifications came after 
suffering and harsh action by the police! This does not condone the wrong 
actions by some public on doctors or breaking rules or belittle good work by 
some police. Unfortunately most media just laps up the hype and showmanship, 
except a few  channels which questions and exposes the truth versus the hype, 
which is rubished by the establishment! Tens of crores population lifted out of 
poverty since 1991 are now jobless and back in the wilderness! Many small 
industries have closed down. The Centre is micro managing the States and each 
one of us, what we can and cannot do. Whilst lauding the Police, their excesses 
are detriment to public confidence which requires prevention first, and lack of 
consideration  can be seen in the reported Goa police lockdown stastistics of 
total arrests made 1,187; vehicles seized 456; FIRs registered 655 and fines 
imposed Rs 40,16,800/-. With high petrol prices, surely most were not out for 
joy rides as requirements of people are varied . Rules cannot be made for 
everything! Besides late government handouts not reaching when and where 
intended, what is the road ahead without more enslavement and total "we know 
what is good for you" without democratic constitutional and privacy norms! The 
government needs to consider all the criticism, advice, suggestions and help it 
can get? If Modi intends to be among the world leaders, realization that his 
perception has been fashioned by the RSS and he is behaving as PM of the BJP 
must reorient his thinking to what all Indians needs at this juncture.

[Goanet] Excellent homily for today's Holy Eucharist celebration

2020-05-04 Thread Devak Argham
Very excellent homily by Fr. Manuel Dias at today's celebration of the Holy


Worth watching to enlighten our thoughts. Also other homilies by him and
found with CCRTV, are worth watching.

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] People@Goa: Pandemic obit (1918)... Goa IITian... The Last Prabhu once more... stories from Amin's Uganda... Goan music from Spain... hockey, Simon and computers

2020-05-04 Thread Kadambari Gladding
I love reading these compilations - thank you for all that you do.
Love the story about Basilio.


www.kadambari-r.com   +64 27 2349977 New

On Sun, 3 May 2020 at 12:22, Frederick Noronha 

> People@Goa * People@Goa * People@Goa * People@Goa * People@Goa *
> NORONHA [moi...@netcabo.pt] points to the extract of the
> obituary of her paternal grandfather sent to her by a friend,
> and translated into English by her eldest grandson.
> It reads as follows:
>   6 October 1918 Dr. Adelino Licurgo Peres da Costa
>   Stricken at his post of honour, he was buried in
>   Curtorim, one of the villages most severely
>   affected by this terrible pandemic, perhaps the
>   second or third in this municipality.  Dr.  A.  L.
>   Peres da Costa graduated in Medicine and Pharmacy
>   at the Goa Medical School and held several official
>   positions, such as health delegate at Diu and
>   Damão, a sanitary inspector at Colém and several
>   commissions during the Spanish Plague (sic).  His
>   death in the midst of such a severe crisis redeems
>   him from any of the defects he shared with us all,
>   and it is clear that his readiness, courage and
>   assiduity always remained insuperable.
> She attached a photocopy of the original obituary of 1918.
> The obituary says that Curtorim village suffered severely
> from this pandemic.  Livia says her paternal grandfather
> probably died in Curtorim, and was survived by his wife and
> three minor children, one girl and two boys -- her father
> being the youngest.  She adds: "My grandmother, Adelina,
> hailed from Vaddem, Socorro, Bardez (a strong Bardez woman)
> My uncle was a civil engineer and worked in Karachi where he
> died a bachelor, just when he had retired and was supposed to
> settle in Goa, in 1962.  My father was a lawyer in Goa."
> She contacted Albert Gouveia [albert.gouv...@gmail.com], who
> has been tracking the Gouveias of Goa, as her grandmum had
> some Gouveia cousins in the family.
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> has recently won the 2020 ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Dissertation
> Award for Computer Science.  Faleiro is nephew of long-time
> Goanetter Valmiki Faleiro, his younger brother late Blasco's
> son.  He did his schooling in Goa, is an IIT graduate and
> much much more, not only absolutely brilliant but also very
> low key.  Goa can be proud of him.
> https://cpsc.yale.edu/news/jose-faleiro-phd-2018-wins-2020-acm-sigmod-jim-gray-dissertation-award
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> THE LAST PRABHU, ONCE MORE: Switzerland-based Goan scientist
> BERNARDO DE SOUSA [bedeso...@gmx.ch] has come out with the
> second, completely revised edition of his book, The Last
> Prabhu.  It deals with history, Aldona, DNA, comunidade
> records, and how these supposedly disparate fields actually
> tie-up.
> It can be ordered in both ebook and paperback formats from
> the Amazon.com store.
> Amazon.com paperback formats are not available in India.  For
> India, check Pothi.com store at https://pothi.com/pothi/node/200628
> Comments and questions can be addressed to him on his blog:
> https://thelastprabhu.blogspot.com
> It's an interesting story of DNA, genetics or genetic
> genealogy.  But it also focuses on the history, heritage, and the
> Aldona village, among other issues.  See
> https://www.amazon.com/Last-Prabhu-Ancient-Documents-Migration/dp/1654075337
>   Sousa commented, in a Goa-Book-Club (Googlegroups)
>   discussion: "A few readers sent messages saying
>   that they enjoyed the book but found the parts
>   dealing with genetics too scientific for their own
>   academic background.  In my just-published second
>   revised edition, I discuss the latest findings
>   including results of my DNA using the most advanced
>   DNA tests available to date -- with an emphasis on
>   to date because progress does and should continue.
>   I was able, for example, to put forward the
>   approximate year when the gaunkari system was first
>   established in Goa as determined by genetics.  I
>   have simplified the explanations on genetic
>   genealogy with more narrative and very few tables
>   or graphs apparently with some success because
>   Hunter Provyn, a Software Engineer/Data scientist
>   turned Genetic Genealogist and Haplogroup
>   researcher has just sent me a message saying: 'I am
>   enjoying re

[Goanet] Sunday Night Musical Concert On Goanet

2020-05-04 Thread Roland Francis
180 musicians, a few of them famous, from 32 countries singing a medley of 
songs, are brought together by Mark Johnson co-founder of ‘Songs Around the 
World’ for our listening pleasure.

Guaranteed to give you immense satisfaction.




2020-05-04 Thread Aires Rodrigues
It is a matter of great concern that while the relaxations to the lock-down
flow, there is an alarming continued spurt in the number of new COVID-19
cases across the country. Should the government have acted more cautiously
and guardedly to contain the virus?

Goa is in the Green Zone having officially to date not a single COVID-19
death. But there can be no room for complacency as we are fighting an
unknown vicious enemy that has devastated the entire mankind across the
globe. The Government should take scientific and medical advice and study
global trends and actions, not just pander to the whims of big business and
rush into ill- judged decisions. Perhaps they could use a simple natural
example of a watermelon that sums up our current situation. A watermelon
has a green zone on the outside but once cut open it readily displays a red

In Goa its now all wide open with even the Mining trucks zooming through
the borders and the State being now curfew less while that Section 144 is
superfluous.  Except for the Casinos, Matka and Bullfights it’s almost
business as usual and once all this commences too, the Drug and flesh trade
will also kick in. The lock down was implemented without a well thought out
plan on its implications and the relaxation of the lockdown has even less
of a plan.

Over the last few weeks this unprecedented lock-down caused a lot of
hardship and inconvenience to all which the brave people endured in the
bigger battle against the raging virus. Let us only hope that all this
effort does not go in vain while the looming global pandemic shows no signs
of tapering down. There is even warning of a possible second wave of the
pandemic occurring if the virus restrictions are lifted too soon.

Government has an obligation and duty to protect its people above all else.
Yes, the economy is important, but peoples’ lives matter more.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] What does Joao want to say?

2020-05-04 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
the Age
Corona Virus


Crystal Ball

Mr Sopte


no one



Oct 1

will be


Indian tourists




teeny weeny
green bikini



red faced

What does Joao want to say?