[Goanet] Julio Ribeiro | Mire & Malaise in Mumbai's Powerful Echelons | Barkha Dutt

2021-04-02 Thread Roland Francis
Here the top cop has been even more forthcoming than his interview with Rajdeep 
Sardesai in FN’s post.



Re: [Goanet] In defence of Frederick D'Souza

2021-04-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 On Friday, April 2, 2021, 10:09:23 a.m. CDT, Frederick Noronha 
 I was even more surprised to learn that he was an
ex-Bombay guy, who shifted to NYC, where he works as a yellow-cab driver.
-snip-(PS: Some of our Goanetters were taking off on Frederick
because of his political position, which has been, strangely, pro-Trump. I
might disagree with him very strongly on this, but it doesn't minimise the
role he has played in cyberspace, and his very positive approach towards
sharing info and building networks)

FN,There is nothing wrong with being a cab driver. It is common to find PhD's 
driving cabs in Toronto and New York City. You have to start somewhere and it 
is relatively easy to get into that occupation. In the age of Uber and Lyft, 
there are a lot of people I know who make/made good money driving for these 
companies i.e. until the pandemic started. 

Dr. Pinto's contention, if I have read it properly, is that Frederick D'Souza 
was backing Trump who wanted to get rid of Obamacare. That is why Dr. Pinto 
called Fred a hypocrite when Fred registered for Medicaid. 

Had Trump remained in power and won majorities in both houses, Obamacare would 
have been gone by now. 

For those of you who are not aware, Biden has expanded Obamacare and the US 
govt picks up 80 to 100% of the cost of health insurance for those who have 
lost their jobs or have less earnings because of Covid. Biden has also extended 
unemployment benefits to the same people - giving them an additional $300 per 
week while they search for a job.

As for Dinesh D'Souza, there is nothing smart about him. He remains the darling 
of the white conservatives who need an "Uncle Tom" and Dinesh does that job 
relatively well. The embarrassment - to all Goans - is that he pleaded guilty 
to a felony. I hope you will agree with me that Dinesh is not someone to keep 
track off - unless there is pleasure in anticipating his next idiocy. 


ADDING NOW: His position on Trump is irrelevant to how we view his work.
Also, I agree with Dinesh D'Souza approximately to the the extent of minus
zero percent. He's a nut, talking nonsense. But he does it in a very smart
manner in a way that gets him the audiences of affluent White America,
despite being a migrant himself (though obviously an ambitious one). Being
Goan, anyone has a right, nay a duty, to keep track of what he's saying,
just as we keep track of so many other Goan hi-flyers, from Tony Fernandes
to Keith Vaz, Mr Menezes of Diego, and all the rest...  Whether we agree
with their viewpoint or not is not the point. If you disagree, discuss it,
challenge it and disprove what they're saying... Goanet, and all cyber fora
(the print media too) needs a diversity of views. --FN

Frederick D may have taken Obamacare, but that doesn't mean to say he needs
to vote for the Democrats or be critical of that nut Trump. Everyone has
the right to take whatever position they wish. We are likewise free to
debate that.
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

[Goanet] Ponzi schemes and other such scams...

2021-04-02 Thread Frederick Noronha
Check out the podcast below:
Btw, Goa has had its own fair share of pyramid-selling schemes/scams. Teak,
mattresses, urban banks (bled by politicians, tolerated when they were
close to power, and clamped-down on when they challenged the rulers),
"selling" consumer products and so much more.

How many have lost money? Your guess is as good as mine. FN
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

[Goanet] Julio Ribeiro... on Maharashtra corruption probe issue

2021-04-02 Thread Frederick Noronha
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

[Goanet] Holy Saturday:A Saturday of Hope

2021-04-02 Thread Pratap Naik
Holy Saturday: A Saturday of Hope

Holy Saturday (Latin: Sabbatum Sanctum), also known as the Great and Holy
Saturday ,the Great Sabbath, Hallelujah Saturday (in Portugal and Brazil),
Saturday of the Gloria and Black Saturday (in the Philippines) or Easter
Eve, and called "Joyous Saturday" or "the Saturday of Light" among the
Coptic Christians, is the Saturday of Holy Week, the day after Good Friday.
It is the day before the Feast of Easter and the last day of the Holy Week
in which Christians prepare for Easter. Holy Saturday, also called Easter
Vigil, Christian religious observance that ends the Lenten season. The
observance commemorates the final day of Jesus’ death, which is
traditionally associated with his triumphant descent into Sheol (the place
of dead). This year Holy Saturday is celebrated on Saturday, April 03, 2021.

Holy Saturday is the day in the Christian liturgical calendar that
celebrates the 40-hour-long vigil that the followers of Jesus Christ held
after his death and burial on Good Friday and before his resurrection on
Easter Sunday. Holy Saturday is the last day of Lent and of the Holy Week,
and the third day of the Easter Triduum, the three high holidays before
Easter, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.
Holy Saturday is always the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

The date of Easter is set by the Ecclesiastical Tables, constructed at the
Ecumenical Council of Nicea (325 CE) as the first Sunday that follows the
first full moon after the spring equinox (with some adjustment for the
Gregorian calendar).

The History of Celebrating Holy Saturday:

In the Roman Catholic Church, the altar remains stripped completely bare
(following the Mass on Maundy Thursday). The celebration of the Sacraments
is extremely limited: Holu communion is given only as Viaticum to the
dying; while penance, anointing of the sick and baptism may be administered
because they, like Viaticum, are helpful to ensuring salvation for the
dying. In the second century AD, people kept an absolute fast for the
entire 40-hour period between nightfall on Good Friday (recollecting the
time Christ was removed from the cross and buried in the tomb) and dawn on
Easter Sunday (when Christ was resurrected).
By Constantine's realm in the fourth century AD, the night of the vigil of
Easter began Saturday at dusk, with the lighting of the "new fire,"
including a large number of lamps and candles and the paschal candle. The
paschal candle is very large, made of beeswax and fixed in a great
candlestick created for that purpose; it is still a significant part of
Holy Saturday services.
The history of fasting on Holy Saturday has varied over the centuries. As
the Catholic Encyclopaedia notes, "in the early Church, this was the only
Saturday on which fasting was permitted." Fasting is a sign of penance, but
on Good Friday, Christ paid with his own blood the debt of his followers'
sins, and people, therefore, had nothing to repent. Thus, for many
centuries, Christians regarded both Saturday and Sunday as days on which
fasting was forbidden. That practice is still reflected in the Lenten
disciplines of the Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, which
lighten their fasts slightly on Saturdays and Sundays.
Easter Vigil Mass
In the early church, Christians gathered on the afternoon of Holy Saturday
to pray and to confer the Sacrament of Baptism on catechumens—converts to
Christianity who had spent Lent preparing to be received into the Church.
As the Catholic Encyclopaedia notes, in the early Church, "Holy Saturday
and the vigil of Pentecost were the only days on which baptism was
administered." This vigil lasted through the night until dawn on Easter
Sunday, when the Alleluia was sung for the first time since the beginning
of Lent, and the faithful—including the newly baptized—broke their 40-hour
fast by receiving Communion.

In the Middle Ages, beginning roughly in the eighth century, the ceremonies
of the Easter Vigil, especially the blessing of new fire and the lighting
of the Easter candle, began to be performed earlier and earlier.
Eventually, these ceremonies were performed on Holy Saturday morning. The
whole of Holy Saturday, originally a day of mourning for the crucified
Christ and of expectation of His Resurrection, now became little more than
an anticipation of the Easter Vigil.

20th Century Reforms:
With the reform of the liturgies for Holy Week in 1956, those ceremonies
were returned to the Easter Vigil itself, that is, to the Mass celebrated
after sundown on Holy Saturday, and thus the original character of Holy
Saturday was restored.

Until the revision of the rules for fasting and abstinence in 1969, strict
fasting and abstinence continued to be practiced on the morning of Holy
Saturday, thus reminding the faithful of the sorrowful nature of the day
and preparing them for the joy of Easter feast. While fasting and
abstinence are no longer required on Holy Saturday morning, practicing
these Lenten

[Goanet] {Dilip's essays} Cigar, or pancake, from someone out there

2021-04-02 Thread Dilip D'Souza
April 2 2021

Have we already had an encounter with an alien civilization? The Harvard
astronomer Abraham Loeb believes so, and his evidence is the strange object
'Oumuamua that flashed through our solar system in 2017. He's got a deal of
scorn and scepticism for what he says -- in some ways, as it should be with
science -- but I think he makes a compelling case.

My Mint math article for last Friday (Mar 26) is about this view of
'Oumuamua. Take a look and please let me know what you think:


PS: A kind cousin, you know who you are, got me Loeb's book and I'm halfway
through it. Fascinating.


Cigar, or pancake, from someone out there

One of the truly stimulating things about writing this column is that
periodically I need to revisit an earlier effort. It happened last week
with the Collatz Conjecture; it's happening again this week with 'Oumuamua.

'Oumuamua (broadly, Hawaiian for "scout") was an object that, in 2017, shot
through our solar system. That in itself wasn't so unusual: asteroids rush
about, comets from Halley's to Kohoutek zoom through, these things happen.
But astronomers were fascinated by 'Oumuamua for a few special reasons.

To start with, we first noticed the object only when it was already
speeding out of the solar system, already at a distance of some 30 million
km from us. This meant that it was only visible for a short while, and
astronomers had to scramble to observe it before it vanished. That alone
created something of an 'Oumuamua buzz.

But more important, this was one strange object. Take its shape. Its
brightness varied so much and so rapidly that astronomers concluded it had
to have a peculiar shape. Why so? Imagine looking at a football that's
spinning as it flies through the air. However near or far it is, however
much it spins, it will still look round. But now imagine a boomerang,
flipping over and over as it flies. Clearly, its apparent size and shape
will vary. If both were made of material that reflected the sun's light,
the ball's brightness would seem more or less constant; the boomerang's,
though, would go up and down with its flips. Something like that happened
with 'Oumuamua - its brightness varied over a period of about eight hours
by a factor of 10, and that variation suggested it was cigar- or

Now most asteroids are generally round, though there are odd-shaped ones
out there too. Toutatis for example, which in 2004 passed only about a
million km from us, is roughly like a dumbbell. But a cigar or a pancake?
And at a few hundred metres long but only a tenth of that wide - some 35
metres - 'Oumuamua may have been a gigantic cigar, but a tiny celestial
object indeed. And yet, the amount of light it reflected was several times
greater than other asteroids and comets: why was it so shiny?

Then there was the way it moved. Comets zoom through our solar system, but
they have distinctive tails made of dust and ice. This object had none. Yet
it had shot past the Sun at a speed - about 90km per second - that in fact
far exceeds a typical comet's speed. What had propelled it to that
velocity? Also, while comets follow a distinctive elliptical path,
'Oumuamua's path was nearly a straight line. What did that mean?

In any case, most astronomers concluded in 2017 that, even with its odd
shape and high speed and gleaming surface, 'Oumuamua was just another rock.
Alan Fitzsimmons of Queen's University in Belfast put it this way: "This is
a natural object ... pretty much a space cucumber.”

And there 'Oumuamua's story might have ended.

Except that some astronomers were sceptical of this conclusion. Prominent
among them is Abraham Loeb of Harvard University. In articles, scientific
papers and now a new book ("Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent
Life Beyond Earth”), he suggests that 'Oumuamua was really ... a spaceship
dispatched by an alien civilization.

Yes: an extraterrestrial intelligence.

All its observed peculiarities contributed to that impression for Loeb. But
there was a particular "eyebrow-raising bit of data" that was even more
peculiar, he noted. A comet's path through our solar system is governed in
large part by how the Sun's gravity acts on the comet. This is why we can
trace its path and precisely predict when it will next approach the Sun and
be visible from the Earth (Halley's Comet? July 2061). But 'Oumuamua's
path, as I mentioned briefly above, was quite different. While the Sun's
gravity had an effect on 'Oumuamua, it does not fully explain its motion.

So what does?

There's an Rashomon-like quality to how astronomers have answered that
question. No doubt you've heard it said that when presented with different
explanations for a mysterious phenomenon, Occam's Razor applies: the
simplest explanation is most likely the correct one. With 'Oumuamua, faced
with deciding whether it was a strange rock or a spacecra

[Goanet] Schedule for Saturday 3rd April 2021

2021-04-02 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love✝

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smartphone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:  ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Saturday 3rd April 2021

12:00 AM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:24 AM
Growing in Jesus - Talk by Dr Silvia Noronha

1:00 AM
Rosary of St. Joseph Vaz in Konkani

1:25 AM
Rosary of St. Joseph Vaz in English

1:45 AM
Pidda - A talk by Mathew Fernandes

2:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

2:25 AM
Devachem Utor  -Luk Avesvor 24 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

2:40 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  92 - Husko - Fr Pratap Naik sj

2:47 AM
Adoration - Padre Pio Friary

3:25 AM
Hanv povitr dekhum tumi i povitr zaiat - Gaurish Naik

3:54 AM
Hymn - No man can live as an island -  Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

3:56 AM
Tum Jezucho mog Kortai? - Talk by Fr Joseph da Silva

4:20 AM
Bhokti Lharam - Bhag  26

4:28 AM
Abundant Life - Behold I make all things new - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

4:55 AM
Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 1

4:58 AM
Devachim Vakhann'nni - Cassino D'Costa

5:27 AM
De-Coding the  Holy week - Easter Saturday/Sunday

5:34 AM
Hope and New Beginnings - Talk by Francis Fernandes

6:05 AM
Hymn - Mercy Lord- Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

6:08 AM
Share the Good News - Fr Fernando da Costa

6:57 AM
Sokalchem Magnnem  -  Koresmacho

7:00 AM
Devachem Utor  - Juanv Avesvor 1 - Vachpi Tancia Pires

7:12 AM
Morning Prayer  - Lent

7:17 AM
De-Coding the  Holy week - Easter Saturday/Sunday

7:24 AM
Our Father - Aramaic

7:30 A
Hymn - Namo - Fr Glen D'Silva sfx

7:46 AM
Psalm 91 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

7:51 AM
Divine Mercy Prayer Booklet

7:57 AM
Prayer - You are My Refuge Lord

8:02 AM
How we got the Bible- Talk by Dr Sarita Nazareth

8:35 AM
Wisdom Reflections -1 - Introduction - Fr Aleixo Menezes

9:00 AM
Gonvllik Chitticher 2020-21 Boska 7

9:21 AM
Prayer : Benedictus

9:24 AM
Gaionancho Jhelo - Zai Tuka Deva dennem - Monica Fernandes

9:27 AM
Gonvllik Chitticher 2020-21 Boska 4 - Fr Manuel Dias

9:48 AM
Prayer to St. Joseph by Pope Francis

9:50 AM
Healing - Talk by Fr Thamburaj sj

10:15 AM
Gonvllik Citticher 2020-21 Boska 2  - Fr Kenneth Teles

10:40 AM
Gaionancho Jhelo - Bhogos maka - Monica Fernandes

10:42 AM
Gaionancho Jhelo - Jezu amchi Xanti - Monica Fernandes

10:45 AM
Gonvllik Chitticher 2020-21 Boska 5 - Fr Bolmax Pereira

11:00 AM
Seven Sorrows of Mary - Fr Pio Furtado sfx

11:15 AM
Intercessions (English)

11:30 AM
Sonvsarachim gulam zaina zaunk zagrut ravat - Fr Hermogenes Fernandes

11:54 AM
De-Coding the  Holy week - Easter Saturday/Sunday

12:01 PM
Vocation - I need you - VCDC

12:51 PM
Psalms  40 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

12:56 PM
Falling In Love - Pornography -Hosted by Judie D'Cunha

1:24 PM
Psalm 84 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

1:30 PM
Gonvllik Chitticher 2020-21 Boska 5 - Fr Savio Fernandes

1:45 PM
The Way - Short Film by DYC

2:11 PM
Prayer to St Joseph By Pope Francis (Konkani)

2:13 PM
Bhagevont Zuze Vazacho Ters

2:35 PM
Psalm 51 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

2:40 PM
Hymn - Maie Kaklutin Ge Bhorlole - Assencia Fernandes

2:45 PM
Couples Prayer (Konkani)

2:50 PM
Health Matters - Dr  Brennan Tavares - Fibroids

3:25 PM
Psalms  107 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

3:30 PM
Divine Mercy - English 3

3:50 PM
Tell me a story - Eps 16- God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah

4:00 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

4:24 PM
Reflection on the Gospel - Dominicans

4:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 8

4:57 PM
De-Coding the  Holy week - Easter Saturday/Sunday

5:05 PM
Psalm 103 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

5:11 PM
Short Film - This Book will change your life

5:38 PM
Devacho Mog - talk by Victor Mascarenhas

6:00 PM
Angelus - English

6:02 PM
Magnificat (Konkani)

6:06 PM
Hospital Ministry - Talk by Fr. Jorge Fernandes

6:17 PM
Intercessions (Konkani)

6:30 PM
Magnificat (English)

6:32 PM
Couples Prayer - English

6:35 PM
Rosary of St Joseph Vaz

6:59 PM
Personal Prayer - Talk by Kenneth D'Sa

7:27 PM
Prayer : Benedictus

7:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

7:55 PM
Importance of Spiritual reading - Talk by Maria Ana da Costa

8:19 PM
Gonvllik Citticher 2020-21 Boska 3  - Fr Mariano D'Costa

8:43 PM
Seven Sorrows of Mary - Fr Pio Furtado sfx

8:57 PM
Special Prayer over the Sick - Joseph Vaz

9:00 PM
Devachem Utor  - Juanv Avesvor 2 - Vachpi Tancia Pires

9:07 PM
Psalms  23 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

9:10 PM
Gonvllik Citticher 2020-21 Boska 1  - Fr Jorge Fernandes

9:30 PM
Ratchem Magnem

9:45 PM
Psalm 95 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

9:50 PM
Purgatory and Hell - Fr Henry Falcao

10:20 PM
Joyfully Accepting our Sufferings - Fr Raju OP

10:45 PM
Psalms  143 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

10:52 PM
Psalm 118 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

11:00 PM
Easter Vigil

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Panaji Branch
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

Re: [Goanet] Andre de Quadros (Anish Esteves)

2021-04-02 Thread 252Anish Esteves
Glad to hear about Andre de Quadros winning the Brazeal Wayne Dennard
Award. Incidentally, Andre is a distant relative of mine; My paternal great
grandmother and Andre's grandfather were siblings :) Both were from Raia.

Anish Esteves


[Goanet] In defence of Frederick D'Souza

2021-04-02 Thread Frederick Noronha
Half an hour before I read this:

[Goanet] Fredrick DSouza, hypocrite.
*eric pinto* ericpinto2 at yahoo.com

*Fri Apr 2 08:57:32 PST 2021 *

He just informed friends he had been granted NY Medicaid.  It was
called expanded Medicaid by Obama and it became the only issue in an
election when the Democrats lost their majority in Congress. Offered
to the very poor,Obama Care was a label of insult created by bigots
and demagogues like Dinesh DSouza. But his kind gladly avail of
Medicare, open to every millionaire in the land at 65.  The lunatic
propagates the filth churned out by the cur Dinesh.  He will need to
delete the blogs that denigrate 'Obamacare'

I wrote this on another group:

Frederick D'Souza is someone I really, really appreciate. Not because we
share a first name, and are almost the same age, but because he's one of
the few guys in the Goan world who consistently appreciates the importance
of building "social capital" through the sharing of online information and
building networks. I was even more surprised to learn that he was an
ex-Bombay guy, who shifted to NYC, where he works as a yellow-cab driver.
He recently shared his travails and mentioned the challenging times he
faces during the pandemic there, when travelling has reduced sharply in the
Big Apple too. Frederick reminds us that not all Goan expats are
comfortably settled and don't face issues of finance and survival even in
this day and age, and that's an important point to consider. On Telegram,
Frederick has shared and started a lot many groups, dealing with Konkani,
tiatr, Goan politics, Goan sports. In a way, this is almost eerie (but
pleasantly so), because these are the kind of things that I would have done
myself without too much prompting. It's amazing to come across someone you
don't even know, half-way round the world, who thinks along parallel lines
and does work along a parallel track like you, has a name like yours,
traces roots to the same region, though I could myself definitely not be
trusted behind the steering wheel of a four-wheeler. Frederick, tell us
more about your telegram groups, tell us what motivates you to doing this,
since when you have done this, and how you got involved with the social
media. Tell us about the Goan community in NYC that you encounter, if
any  Where did they migrate from? I know this is the wrong time to ask
you all these questions, as you might have just settled into your bed after
a hard day's work. (PS: Some of our Goanetters were taking off on Frederick
because of his political position, which has been, strangely, pro-Trump. I
might disagree with him very strongly on this, but it doesn't minimise the
role he has played in cyberspace, and his very positive approach towards
sharing info and building networks)

ADDING NOW: His position on Trump is irrelevant to how we view his work.
Also, I agree with Dinesh D'Souza approximately to the the extent of minus
zero percent. He's a nut, talking nonsense. But he does it in a very smart
manner in a way that gets him the audiences of affluent White America,
despite being a migrant himself (though obviously an ambitious one). Being
Goan, anyone has a right, nay a duty, to keep track of what he's saying,
just as we keep track of so many other Goan hi-flyers, from Tony Fernandes
to Keith Vaz, Mr Menezes of Diego, and all the rest...  Whether we agree
with their viewpoint or not is not the point. If you disagree, discuss it,
challenge it and disprove what they're saying... Goanet, and all cyber fora
(the print media too) needs a diversity of views. --FN

Frederick D may have taken Obamacare, but that doesn't mean to say he needs
to vote for the Democrats or be critical of that nut Trump. Everyone has
the right to take whatever position they wish. We are likewise free to
debate that.
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

[Goanet] Goan Restaurant in Macau

2021-04-02 Thread Bernado Colaco
 The owners are using brand name Goa to sell food. Nuttin to do with Goans.



[Goanet] Fredrick DSouza, hypocrite.

2021-04-02 Thread eric pinto
He just informed friends he had been granted NY Medicaid.  It was called 
expanded Medicaid by Obama and itbecame the only issue in an election when the 
Democrats lost their majority in Congress. Offered to the very poor,Obama Care 
was a label of insult created by bigots and demagogues like Dinesh DSouza. But 
his kind gladly avail ofMedicare, open to every millionaire in the land at 65.  
The lunatic propagates the filth churned out by by the curr Dinesh.  He will 
need to delete the blogs that denigrate 'Obamacare'

[Goanet] The Global Goan Vol2 Issue4 April 21 flagging pages 59 to 61 (CZMP)

2021-04-02 Thread MELVYN FERNANDES
 Your attention is drawn to  The Global Goan Vol2 Issue4 April 21 flagging  
pages 59 to 61 is a background story to events leading to the Coastal Zone 
Management Plan (CZMP) and St Jacinto Island that is now on hold thanks to the 
four thousand Individual objections tabled and the objections of 105 Panchayats 
  delightfully written by Leslie St Anne it pulls no punches.

This edition   of Global Goan edited by Salus Correia has 70 pages, each and 
every one a page turner that will be of interest to someone somewhere across 
our Global Village. Enjoy.

Click here

Happy Easter and Pleasant Reading

Not Forgetting the Family and Friends those no longer with us

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath  Surrey England

1st April 2021

Re: [Goanet] Julio Iglesias Sings "El Bacalao"

2021-04-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 My dearest Roland,
Julio Iglesias is not Portuguese. 

In this song, "El Bacalao" he is comfortably singing in his native Spanish. 

Bacalao has several translations from the Spanish. Some are easily found on 
internet searches and other, more accurate translations are readily available 
from Spanish speakers.

Anyways, if you are looking for double-entendres,  you are barking up the wrong 
tree.  Do not, repeat, do not try and ask a native Spanish speaker if this song 
refers to a woman who dances like a cod or if it refers to a woman whose body 
parts smell like one. And in the year 2021, please do not try and ask an equal 
rights Spanish speaker what this song refers too. You will not be pleasantly 

Lastly, performing in five continents is not a license to promote misogynism.  
I care.  

As always, you keep me mostly amused.


On Thursday, April 1, 2021, 07:02:45 p.m. CDT, Roland Francis 
 The song is about the cod (the favourite Portuguese bacalhão) though I don’t 
know whether it is the fish he is referring to or the girl who dances like one.

But with the singing 77 year old Iglesias who has performed 5,000 concerts in 5 
continents for 60 million people, who cares.




[Goanet] The Global Goan - Frankey Fernandes

2021-04-02 Thread Antonio Menezes
The Global Goan, April '21 issue edited by Frankey Fernandes
contains a very interesting article ''Luso Indians'' by
Philomena and Gilbert Lawrence.
It is a beautifully well written article  about the contribution of the
Goan community to the British economy whether in India,
East Africa or Gulf from 1870 onwards. All Goans should read
this article  and feel proud of their contribution  to the British
economic wealth.
I am of the opinion that all Goans should not have been
described as  ''Luso Indians '' The word Luso implies that
all Goans  have some Portuguese blood in them  which is not
true. I shall speak only of Salcete. Besides a small number of
families  in Margao, Benaulim, Guirdolim, Macazana,
Curtorim, Raia, Rachol, Loutulim and Verna , the great
majority of families in Salcete are of pure Indic blood
who have nothing of Luso in them

[Goanet] Casinos and Karnataka.

2021-04-02 Thread Gabe Menezes

[Goanet] AIFF Report: Not hope, hard work is the only answer: Igor Stimac

2021-04-02 Thread AIFF Media
Dear colleagues,

Please find below today’s report.

Not hope, hard work is the only answer: Igor Stimac

NEW DELHI: Indian Senior Men’s National Team Head Coach Igor Stimac
mentions that the two results against UAE – the one in the AFC Asian Cup
(2019), and the recent International Friendly came under “very different
circumstances.” In a candid chat, Stimac opens up about his philosophy of
football and talks at length about experimentation, a settled first XI, the
talented set-up, the path ahead, and much more.



Please find below some of our recent articles and videos.

*1. *Continuous supply of talent defines Indian football: Sandesh Jhingan

*Read here:*

*2. *Viral meme to National Team: Ashutosh Mehta hopes for another
'fairy-tale' story with Blue Tigers

*Read here:*


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Twitter: https://twitter.com/IndianFootball
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiPxzIyNtfQ2HZZ1eVjZlg


Best Regards,

Media Department, AIFF.
Alternate: me...@the-aiff.com
Website: www.the-aiff.com

[Goanet] WAG Pinto

2021-04-02 Thread Frederick Dsouza

[Goanet] VIDEO ID: camcr53kza5d8-gkmxuyyde8aqzzq2nszj+3qshd4zu_6jxc...@mail.gmail.com

2021-04-02 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
Message: 4 Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 02:03:32 +0530

Dear Fred an hour ago I heard from my former student Prof Keto Mshigeni now
CEO of Kirikyki Hospital about the need to find time to work on Medicinal
plantsYears Ago Ophelia had produced a preliminary Bibliography of
Traditional Medicinal Plants.

The  VIDEO:  trees... a walk past Savlem lake (Pilerne) with Maryanne
Borges Lobo is amazing  .The purpose of writing is that I can see a
book in the making.


Adolfo Mascarenhas

Makongo Juu

Outskirts of Dar es Salaam

PS: I heard Maryanne mention sandalwood yes we produce it in one part
of Singida...I discovered that we were exporting it as waste !!