Re: [Goanet] India the hype

2010-07-08 Thread pcheryl

Well done Bernado Colaco ! at last you identified yourself.

Cheers man !

From: Bernado Colaco

Sr. Preidente since you responded I decided to recount a story of a 
elite indian educator who was servicing in Macau. It was this bright 
evening on an island where various communities were invited for a dinner 
party. Among the invitees was a another indian, a chap (north indian) 
from the aviation industry? who decided not to sit on the same table as 
the educator (south indian).

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1263 (3-IDIOTS on CHRISTMAS DAY - 25-12-2009 (Marcos))catholic men as drunkards and catholic women selling alcohol in various Hindi movies.?? Who is responsibl

2009-12-01 Thread pcheryl
Dear Marco,

'catholic men as drunkards and catholic women selling alcohol in various
Hindi movies.'

You have brought up a very interesting debate . 'What  who do you define 
as anti Christ'?
Does being a critic of some ones or portraying some one in poor light make 
you anti the person concerned?
That Every human being has the right to his own opinion was some thing 
Christ was very much aware off himself.
Hence he never hesitated to point out the wrong in society during his 
times and yet when it cam to stoning the so called woman of low virtues . 
He requested the person who had never sinned in life to throw the first 
stone. And yet being the only  sinless person in that crowd  he refrained 
from throwing the first stone. 
So is criticism of Christ or Catholics  that make us anti Christ or living 
lives contradictory to Christ teaching that make us Anti Christ.

The next important issue is why do we Christians portray the image 
'catholic men as drunkards and catholic women selling alcohol ???' I don't 
think Catholic women are portrayed as selling alcohol any more yes but 
catholic men as drunkards still exist . We have no one to blame but our 
selves . If Christian men in remote villages are more happy  lazing around 
with a bottle while women work hard to get the family going ? What can you 
expect  others to think of us ? Christianity today is not jut confined to 
Goa. I have seen it in the remote parts of the Himalayas and along Indian 
borders. No wonder when I asked my husbands P.A What was the population in 
the North East like ?
He promptly replied 'Majority  of Christians whose men are drunkard while 
women work hard even at petrol pumps.'
Though he swore with tears in his eyes when he was posted to Goa at the 
end of his tenure that ' His very much catholic Commander is a 1000 times 
much better a person than his former Non Catholic Commander.'He has much 
more regards  respect for his very Much catholic Commanders much more 
Catholic wife than for his former Hindus Commanders very much Hindu wife. 
He still is in touch with his very much Catholic commander . The man in 
concern is a devout Hindu Brahmin.



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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1134, Re: Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 11285. Re: Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1121 (manuel tavares)

2009-10-27 Thread pcheryl
Dear Manuel ,

Sorry! I may have replied in haste but no offense intended.  I respect 99% 
of your views. Have the same opnion as you But I differ a bit because my 
grand father too left Goa in the beginning of the last century for the 
north of India and that's where he made his life in place in UP  like Bina 
, Jhansi etc etc and finally settled in Mumbai. So I would find it very 
hypocritical if I were to say ban immigration into Goa as a whole. Goans 
come under the category of Cultured immigrants , as you will notice every 
pocket in Mumbai that was first inhabited by Goan's have mushroomed into 
famous Suburbs, unfortunately we are now reduced to minority in these 
suburbs (e.g Santa Cruz , Bandra)

What we should be cautious of is the low skilled category of migrants who 
come in the form of watchmen , hawkers , small shop owners ( Gado ) .They 
are the ones who create all the trouble in the form of crime  sanitation 
issues. In fact the demolition of their shanties in the right step in the 
right direction or else one day you will find Soniaji descend from Goa and 
declare all the illegal shanties as legal. You will have another Dharavi 
in Goa. 

Your politicians  are amongst the most corrupt, RTI should be  used as 
a very powerful tool to demand accountability from them. You have to 
create the right industries to retain your fellow Goans . Why do we insist 
on tourism only ?  We have the mines , then why can't we have the 
factories producing the iron. steel 
We should stop this plunder as you say .  Can't we become an IT hub . 
What stops us ? the center has given you tax incentive but why do 
factories exist only 
in paper but not on ground?

Last but most important I hate this Goan attitude of desire of all things 
foreign  They even cling on to Portugal just for a  passport to Europe 
and from there to America. My Mom still has her Portuguese passport, But 
this has been kept for antique value , I love collecting antiques.

Honestly my husband has spent quiet some years abroad on UN postings . The 
feedback I got is that Indian's abroad go to any extent to save a fistful 
of dollars,They wont mind sharing accommodation with people they would 
consider lowly back in their own mother land. But when they come to Goa ( 
India) they go all out to show that they are one up on their fellow men 
back home. By Gods grace , I can assure you that if you have the talent 
and patience you can have more money and better life than your fellow 
Goans abroad. Its just that some people think that the grass on the other 
side is greener and when they realize it is not , they try to fool the 
fellow Goans back home.

I would want to return back to Goa , I do have my ancestral property but I 
fear for cousins who may resurrect  from the grave and claim their share. 
Hence I have purchased my own flat in Goa. Purchase of land is beyond me 
because of the legal problems ( compounded by the Portuguese law that 
daughters have a stake in parental property) and of course property sharks 
from outside Goa offer you a better deal so naturally my fellow goans 
would prefer selling off to them.

I am shocked that very few Goans join the Civil services unlike people 
from  UP, Punjab , Bihar  the south . As a result you have Babus who have 
no knowledge and Love for Goa, run your state administration. That's why 
they are in nexus with your politicians. We should encourage our Youth to 
Go in 
for such services in order to retain them and improve our lot. We have a 
huge task ahead of us of changing the Goan mind set which favors migration 
out of Goa. Then only can we achieve as I said,.

Firstly : Stop! your own fellow  Goans from leaving Goa for other lands. 

Second : Retain them by creating opportunities / Making them  realize the 
opportunities that lie in Goa itself. 

Other part of the country like the North East etc too are as beautiful as 
Goa and they too face the same problem as we .They have the Bangladeshi's 
 Biharis who come and dirty the place .They readily work for a lower 
salary .

I have two kids and do not want them to Migrate abroad , but would prefer 
that they join the civil  allied services preferably from the Goa 
Cadre.Currently they are motivated too , but the future no one can tell. 
Just hope wishes are horse..



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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 11285. Re: Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1121 (manuel tavares)

2009-10-26 Thread pcheryl
My Dear Mr. Manuel (Eddie) Tavares,

Go ahead !  I cannot stop you from preaching hate as you have the freedom 
of speech as much as I have . But I can certainly differ  from your claims 
 of being the Sole voice of Goans as not all we Goans agree with your 

I certainly do not subscribe to your Hate speech , As a worldly wise 
person  would have been through each and every posting of mine. You will 
realize that what I have been saying is Violence or hate speeches are no 
solution to your problems ,  get down to working .!!!

Firstly : Stop! your own fellow Goans from leaving Goa for other lands.

Second : Retain them by creating opportunities / Making them realize the 
opportunities that lie in Goa itself.

 That others find opportunities in Goa while your own fellow Goans 
are leaving show that your preachings have either fallen on deaf years or 
your own fellow Goans don't agree with your line of thinking ( migration 
is the law) or do not love Goa enough! 

Lastly : If you have achieved pts. 1 and 2 above . Your won't find Ghatis 
( Migrants) in Goa.(There would be too many Goans and no place for 

I do not believe in your speeches as no religion preaches Violence.If your 
argument Christ did not say that you have to give away your skin and 
eventually your body and let your adversary walk all over you were to hold 
true Christ would not have chose to die on the Cross , but being the son 
of God Would have freed himself and thought his tormentors a lesson  just 
as you preach 'you do not have to give away your skin and eventually your 
body and let your adversary walk all over you' ( Accepting Christ as the 
son of God is the corner stone of Christianity)

If I used the example of Christ it was because of the Disgusting Grunting 
that has been going on under the guise of ' Goa was better under 
Portuguese rule' Some of you even cry about the change in demography , 
Hindus taking over Christian dominated areas , FORGETTING THE FACT THAT 
YOUR ANCESTORS WERE ALL HINDUS . So disgusting has been the attitude , 
that you had articles on Christian having Hindu names.

An intelligent mind would have at once grasped the message in my post all 
the while.Love  Sacrifice is the essence of all religions '  If the BJP  
RSS find no takers for their Hinduttva cry it is because they have misled 
the people on the issue of Ram Rajya which they claim they want to 
establish . Sri. Rams Rajya / Life  is based on the following.

1) Sacrifice of ones self for the sake of ones family.( When Sri. Ram went 
into the forest , in exile )
2) Sacrifices of one self for the sake of ones people (Praja / country)( 
when he took Samadhi)

Neither me  , nor you  , nor any of our politicians nor Religious mouth 
pieces are capable of achieving this.

If you cannot not have such a leader then you can have neither the Kingdom 
of Christ nor Ram Rajya !

So why preach if we cannot practice ! Its would serve Goans better if more 
work was done than just empty hate speeches were propagated or else we may 
end up as Empty vessels which make the most sound and finally lose our 
land  to your Ghati's.



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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1121

2009-10-23 Thread pcheryl
My Dear Mr. Mario Goveia,

I have been observing for the last few days that there are many of our fellow 
Christians who are in the habit shouting their lungs horse of the great 
virtues left to them as inheritance by the Portuguese   .  The so called self 
appointed guardians of Christian Virtues and Goan Culture are wolves in sheep's 
clothing who are hell-bent on destroying the great Goan Christian  Values of 
Tolerance . Goan's  have been noted to be a peace loving community as  a whole 
hence have been welcomed no matter where ever they may go.

Let us not degenerate  ourselves  , Lower our   values ( Virtues) to those of 
lowly self appointed guardians of  Goan   Christian virtues. Let us be more 
like and not respond to their senseless allegations, but turn the other cheek 
Christ advised. . The hollow , senseless accusations / self proclaimed virtues 
the self appointed guardians / representative show how empty minds are the 
work shop. Full of hate, jealousy and malice and always ready to spread it.

They seem to have forgotten the ten commandments also ( Never take the name of 
Lord your God in wain. )
DEV BOREM KORUM. If they cannot respect God , then you cannot expect them to 
his creation too.( You).

Dear Moderator please ensure that this site is one that  gets goans together 
and not 
one which drives them apart .

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1104

2009-10-20 Thread pcheryl
Migration in good if it confirms to the laws  culture of the Land. While 
we take action against migrant we should not forget that we too have / may 
be migrants some where at some point in life.Though I am not against 
immigrants what alarms  me is uncontrolled immigration accompanies by 
illegal occupation of land and erosion of values , peace  culture .

I see two forms of migration 

1) One when you migrate and legally take up a house and pay your taxes / 
dues and contribute to the development of the place you immigrate to . ( 
This is characteristic of the educated / skilled labor force working in 
the organized sector and poses no harm.) It is an asset . Emulate them .! 
Accommodate them as they consider you their own.

2) The second is immigration by ( normally unskilled / laborers ) by the 
unorganized  work force . This  type of work force are characterized by 
daily wage earners / household helps etc.They give rise to encroachment / 
civic problems, problems with the law and order , sanitation , health 
problems and a host full of others . These are responsible for gradual 
erosion / disintegration of the place they migrate.They are the ones 
characterized by mass migration and activities not conducive and not in 
harmony to the local / original culture / population. Thus the eviction 
carried out by the Goa Government was a step in the right direction and 
should be supported by all not just Goans but every citizen of the country 
.  Such migration has caused the erosion of cities like Mumbai. If not 
stopped , Goa would end up another Mumbai full of dirt ,  filth and crime 
Goa will very soon have it own Dharavi . Then some great politician will 
one day descend and give legal status to all hut and squatter colonies for 
the sake of their votes. . Such migrants earn in the land they migrate to 
, mess around with the place and send back their earning to develop the 
land they have migrated from . They have no respect or regard for the land 
they have migrated to. .

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Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

2009-10-12 Thread pcheryl

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

hi Bernado !

You are 100% right the brain needs rest ! that's why we humans spend more than 
rd of our lives sleeping. I agree  when you say 'it is now factual that the 
stance of resting periods helps a lot to recover the brains.'

My daughter who is in the ninth standard in School has this habit of studying 
for a 
hour and dozing off for 10 minutes. I never stopped her as she always managed 
maintain her rank without a tutor. But during the her terminal exams her 
had reached alarming portions and she got bored , started sleeping for two 
hours and 
studying for one. As a result nor did she get good sleep nor did the rest of 
family at night, Hence I had to rebuke her and tell her to doze off ever two 
for a good fifteen minutes.

Your observations are scientifically proven and I endorse them , however there 
may / 
are some among us who may not be able to interpret the observations / 
conclusions of 
scientific experiments and my prefer sleeping all the time . It is but 
that educated  intelligent people like you take home the message of hard work 
fortitude to them and make them realize that we cannot blame others for our 
deficiencies ( remember the parable of Christ where he speaks of being prepared 
waiting prepared for the bridegroom) .  I am sure you too have seen success 
you intelligence and hard work.



From: Bernado Colaco

Hi Ms. Cheryl,
I wonder? if teacher Melba had Rodrigues as the last name. It is now factual 
the Iberica stance of resting periods helps a lot to recover the brains. So 
much for 
the lunatics from North America. Some of them subscribe to Goanet.
I can still remember teacher Melba explaining the meaning to us and
how? her words shaped my life. 

[Goanet] To All Guardians of Goan Culture

2009-10-12 Thread pcheryl

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

To All  Guardians of  Goan Culture .

You cannot preach culture without knowledge of your own history ., as History 
your culture . Before the Portuguese came to Goa , There were only Hindus and  
a few 
Muslims in Goa  The Muslims came along with Adil Shah. The Pope divided the 
and hence the Portuguese Considered it their right to go to the east in the 
name of 
preaching Christianity ,. What makes Goan Culture unique is the fact that two 
centuries plus of  Portuguese rule has seen  a part of their Culture rub off 
our very India Goan life style. Hinduism as a religion has  always been 
accommodative and hence you have a no of Gods  Sects within Hinduism. It was 
this accommodative nature of Hinduism that our Hindu ancestors readily accepted 
Portuguese way of life, Unfortunately only to be exploited and made slaves. Goa 
famous for its GSB Hindu community which were driven our of Goa by the 
and they moved towards Mangalore and Pune. Some of the remaining converted. Goa 
and is the Seat of Hindu Culture. Catholics form only  30 % of Goan Population 
hence  it is wrong for you to preach that Goan culture it totally represented 
Portuguese Culture' You are forgetting the remaining majority 70 % . Goan 
Culture is 
the Great KonKani Cutlure . Which is distinct of Portuguese culture  but  is 
accommodative to it.

Goan's moved out to places like Mumbai  North India well under Portuguese rule 
proof enough that Portuguese rule did not offer them a good life nor a solution 
their problems. Today Goans have moved to the shores of other nations just like 
other fellow Indians speaks about the common line of  thinking of both.  If 
cultures tolerate your Migration to their land  then  why  do you scream when 
cultures migrate to your land. ? When ever there is migration there is bound to 
displacement of the Local Population. If you have displaced other be ready for 
others to displace you.

When I spoke of Marwadi's settling down in the  North East , I was hinting you 
the  things to come if you do not wake up and take control of your life and 
Land . 
.That you failed to understand the message in my mail shows your short sighted 
To be tolerant to others is a Christian Virtue  inherited from my very Hindu 
ancestors. Hence I do not ask you to pick up your Guns and get after fellow 
, but just ask of you  to think of ways how you can get fellow Goans to remain 
of the soil and not move away from Goa. ( Migrate).

Loud histrionics  of  our so called Guardians of Goan Culture are the 
resemblance of 
politicians in the making . Always trying to motivate the aam Janta  into 
factionalism . . The Aaam Janta of Free Goa represents the amm Janta of Free 
India , 
we are no longer slaves to ignorance . We have the freedom to think and act 
in mind that along with freedom comes an obligation to maintain peace and 
among Goans of all faith .Your histrionics sound like cheap gimmicks to take 
you  to 
power , as you certainly know that you are not capable of reaching the pinnacle 
power without a divide and rule policy. My message to you is not to waste time 
shouting  from roof tops and  playing the blame game , but come together, drive 
the corrupt and make your land the truly heaving on earth as spoken off in the 
Indian Scriptures.

Salves and  sycophants do not understand the language of free men . What is 
culture ? Thinking that  your best friends wife is your own,? Just as most 
Europe does



Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

2009-10-10 Thread pcheryl

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible


My name is Cheryl  , but explaining an email Id like Pcheryl would take us 
back to one of the hottest debates on Goa net.

Please permit me to use your question to add to this debate !!!


 What's in a name ( formerly CHRISTIANs WITH

15 years ago one Cheryl Desouza  joined an organization called Stock 
Holding Corporation of Inida which had an 70% South India Hindu population 
and 28.5% other Hindu  population . 1.5 % catholic population . Of this 
1.5 % Catholics Goans consistited 25 % and I was the loan Goan woman in 
the operations side the rest were secretaries . It  was but fair enough 
that I  would often receive mail addressed C/O South Holding Corporation 
of Inida . Hence keeping in line with the great South India Tradition of 
having the husbands initial / family name before ones name , my email Id 
got created as pche...@stockholding .com 

But over the year I have noticed that as per my office records Cheryl 
Dsouza got changed to Cheryl Pereira and then  unceremoniously to pcheryl 
which is totally harsh  to the ear and sounds more like an illiterate . 
But I have not changed from being the Cheryl Desouza and still radiated 
the same aura ( if any ) invoke the same emotions / disgust among people I 
interact with .

So as one of our friends has rightly said
 What's in a name???.

My ancestors were Hindus , I am a Catholic ?? Why should I be ashamed of a 
Hindu  name ??? By being ashamed of a Hindu name I am indirectly ashamed 
of  ancestors ? Were they that lowly members of society that I should 
whant to deny their existence??? That  amounts to self denial and insult 
to my self . I can change my name but not my Blood ! And certainly not 

Regarding your illiterate non Goan Sarpanch ,  I can very much guess she 
is a Marwadi. Last may I went to the north east for a holiday and I was 
stunned to see that most business ( Shops ) in Assam and Shillong were 
owned by Marwawadi's. The North East is a matriarch society where one goes 
by this mothers family name unlike the rest of India. And from the current 
state of affairs in the North East you may as well guess how very 
sentimental people are about their land and Culture . The Marwadi's out 
there have fond a novel way to get acceptance in a matriarch society. They 
have married local girls and have added their surnames to theirs . NE 
being a matriarch society they have managed to find acceptance among the 
locals  and have made much more successful business men because of their 
Marwadi Genes.

Now regarding you illiterate non Goan Sarpanch, ask yourselves who voted 
her to power ? has she done you any better than a Goan Sarpanch .? If yes 
, appreciate and Integrate , she cares for you much  more than your own 
Goan Surpanch . If no  just Boot ! You have the democratic power to do so! 
The choice is yours . Just crying fowl don?t help . Now if 1/3 rd of us 
can be bought for a peg of Fenny ! only vote and the remaining want to 
hold on to our Susegad philosophy ,we  might as well as lay back ! try and 
enjoy it . After all each one of us has contributed to such a system and 
majority wins is the rule of any game! 

Alfred de Tavares 
10/08/2009 08:31 PM

GOANET Lists, Goa Net Organization,

RE: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

Dear Pcheryl,

Is the 'P', in your sweet name silent as in Psmith?

Just pleasantly curious
Alfred...nothing silent therein...

 Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 08:17:57 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism
 * G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 Planning to get married in Goa?
 Making your 'dream wedding' possible
 Hi Bernado !
 Its pleasant to find literary inclined Goans on the net. We can  all 
help each other 
 through our learning and sharing . Literature is the product of a very 
intelligent / 
 powerful mind and always carries a hidden message  which is hard to 
 decipher.  In fact the poetry you quoted was one of my favorite I 
studies during 
 high school . I can still remember teacher Melba explaining the meaning 
to us and 
 how  her words shaped my life.  Two other very

Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

2009-10-08 Thread pcheryl

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Hi Bernado !

Its pleasant to find literary inclined Goans on the net. We can  all help each 
through our learning and sharing . Literature is the product of a very 
intelligent / 
powerful mind and always carries a hidden message  which is hard to  wisely 
decipher.  In fact the poetry you quoted was one of my favorite I studies 
high school . I can still remember teacher Melba explaining the meaning to us 
how  her words shaped my life.  Two other very inspirational poems I faintly 
are  'IF'  and another by D.H Lawrence which  went on  to explain ' Do not make 
monkeys of men , by having men manning machines' . How much  very true are all 
poems when they talk about life . You begin to realize life has not changed 
over the 
centuries. Humans time and again has always had this feeing of helpless ness  
and no 
time for theselves. , unable to break free from situations they consider as 
detrimental and  that's why we express ourselves through poetry and literature .

The poem 'If '  goes on to explain human  nature of always saying 'IF  I  had 
done this and if I only  I had done that  , then I could have got that' . 
finding excuse for not having achieved what his neighbor has . As a poetically 
inclined and talented person , please keep up your talent  There may one day be 
dawn of realization that every thing in life has a time. Time for play  time 
work , time for joy and time for sorrow. Time to love and time to hate .Time to 
praise God and time to say Why God? .

What eventually would set one  apart from rest of  his  fellow beings and makes 
feel contented is  the feeling ' Yes , I have had my time, I have had it all  
but if 
I have survived it all and have been victorious. My courage fortitude made me 
never give  up when things went wrong ,dead wrong !?  I have done it !'

If  we  have rights we have duties too . Rest is my right as much as it is my 
to feed my  self . Don't expect others to feed me , it is my  duty to feed 
If I cannot feed myself,  the world views  me as a parasite and  I find myself 
far behind while the world has gone ahead of me..'Time and tide waits 
for no 
man' ' Don't Curse the word then?'


Re: [Goanet] Indian Colonoliasm

2009-10-07 Thread pcheryl

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Mario ,

Your words 'many native Goans either cannot or choose not to compete with the 
non-Goans who have discovered the beauties and benefits of this tropical 
and are getting overshadowed in economic matters on their own home 
the Portuguese were trying to be greedy and too clever by half .  They misread 
mood of the world, and the rest, as they say, is history.' Speak volumes of why 
Goans find themselves miserable   in their own land ,but prefer to read it as  
' our 
land is miserable'

They have this royal habit of blaming  every one other than them selves for 
failing /deficiencies. Perhaps we still believe in our great old Portuguese 
inheritance of business not opening shop before 10 am , having an afternoon nap 
then shutting shop by 7 p.m.

I clearly recollect the Punjabi restaurant at Panjim way back in 1998 which we 
visited with some south India and Maharashtrian friends. The owner was very 
impressed by my husbands skills in Punjabi although a Goan and sat out to tell 
how he was the loan Punjabi in Goa who graduated from a lowly food stall to a 
Visit' eatery in Goa. Today he has got the rest of his family to Goa , 
and prospered. 10 years latter I see more non goans controlling mot of Goan 
where there was none . We shouldn't blame and curse them . But blame and curse 
ourselves  . We have handed over ourselves  to non Goans on a platter . First 
we did 
it and handed ourselves over to the so called Portuguese Masters . Very soon we 
be strangers in our own lands if the trend continues.
I am not communal but would at the same time would not like to see the land of 
ancestors go out of our hand for petty reasons:

1) We as Goans are against our own , spend more time fighting our brother for 
inheritance than spending time turning our inheritance into gold.

2) We look for Gold in land way from home while outsiders find it under our 
feet/ in 
our backyard. (Why else where ever you run into a Goan in goa the first 
question he 
ask you ' So which of your sons is abroad?' ) I have traveled the length and 
of India and never have I seen people from other parts of India pose this 
to each other. In fact I have began to Identify a goan from this one question.

3) Lastly people in other remote parts of India are similar to you , face 
problems regarding their land / their culture . Some have given rise to 
concepts like Bodo militancy in the north east and the likes in Kashmir. Most 
India consists of simple humble people just like you and me and the underline 
where irrespective of cast or creed is economic survival.

If some so called outsider has come to your land and turned your so called dust 
Gold , Goans don't blame him , but appreciate and learn from his hard work and 
enterprising behavior. Emulating his is the secret and not annihilating him.

Bye and Regards

Its nice interacting with a few intelligent people like you.


Mario Goveia

Mario observes:


You are a true Indian patriot.

Though, like many Goan Catholics and a few select Hindu business families, your 
family benefited from the presence of the Portuguese occupiers, you have 
with considerable maturity, dignity and grace that that was a different time 
place that had to change with the changing world and the spread of freedom and 
democracy among previously European colonies.

[Goanet] Re. Indian Colonoliasm

2009-10-05 Thread pcheryl

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

This is an open letter to all so called patriotic Goan's who sadly claim to be 
oppressive Indian  rule and most often take great pleasure in all things 
while grossly filing to respect the land of their birth ( Goa)

1) First of all my dear friends ask not what the land of your ancestors  has 
for you but ask what  you are doing for the land of your ancestors.

As  a registered voter in your own land  you only are  responsible  for the 
you vote to power and the way they govern you.   The fact that you are not 
with your own people who govern you and make the laws of your land( 
shows that there is something grossly wrong with you your self  ,as the 
consists of your representatives. Why then do you continue to get the same old 
corrupt officials to power every election. You live in a land where your 
leaders are 
chosen off the people , by the people and for the people . You live in a 
democracy , 
governed by your own fellow Goans , your so called Portuguese masters  did not 
you this right and freedom ,  So dear friends wake up to changing times  the 
of  the hour . Stop living in the past , least you lose touch with the present 
your future becomes obsolete .

Blame no one but your self for the misery you feel you are  in . If many Goans 
moving out , it is because of lack of employment opportunities , remember  the 
is no longer an agrarian economy it was in the nineteenth century. You continue 
bring the corrupt to power ,  you fail to oppose them , then don't lament and 
others for what you are responsible for.

2) Goa has always been an Integral  part of the Indian sub continent , be it by 
blood and culture . Why else would  Goans , (Christians inclusive)  continue to 
 die  by the Indian culturecaste system. Europeans do not have a caste 
It is a fact that Portuguese came to India in search of fortunes of the East  , 
did not come here for the sake of Goans ,or because Goa was a part of  Europe.  
were here for their own selfish motive ,  Even Portugal  the rest of Europe 
has its 
own set of problems today. If you feel that migrating to another part of the 
( Portuguese rule ) is a solution to your problems , Then I can only say that 
are behaving like the foolish Goat in Aseop's fable  who felt that the grass on 
other side is greener, You are a sham ! Who is denying his responsibilities 
his mother land Goa . This  I feel is akin to a child who stays away from his 
parents and keeps sending money every month  with the word ' Parents I love 
you' . 
Its easier to send money to the old and infirm rather than to stay with them 
and put 
up with their infirmities. Making remittance back to your mother land is no 
. You have to continue  be a part of the so called corrupt system in Goa and 
make a change by being honest in what ever little way you can be , never 
failing to 
stand up for your rights and that of your neighbors.  This  is what it is to be 
Christian  something you may call Portuguese inheritance. The same thing is 
said by 
Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita . I an ardent Catholic Goan find it difficult 
return back to Goa and look after my ancestral property cause God knows which 
will resurrect from his grave and come for his shares I f you cannot be honest 
your own brethren and live happily then why blame the government only. if there 
to be peace and prosperity it should begin with me.

3) Even before Goa's liberation Goans have fought to defend the frontiers of 
and have left their mark in India Public Life. We have seen Goan's serve in the 
Civil service  defense forces and reach the ranks of Commanding officers and 
of Staff ,all leaving behind their mark and shaping the destiny of India. Yet 
from other states have never opposed a Goan  at the top , but have happily  
under Goans.  Some Goans  have achieved this not by paying reverence to any 
foreign or Indian , but by their merit , determination and service to their 

Hence I could only say this to a few of my disgruntled  fellow Goans stop 
like the last remnants of the Portuguese empire in India and start working for 
Better Goa ! A Goa of your dreams.

( My family lost a lot when  the Portuguese were driven out of India . We lost 
business. My grand dad owned hotel Republica  during Portuguese rule , My great 
grand father had a number  of  shops   was a well