Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-06-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Wed, 6/18/08, Fr. Ivo C da Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Science together with religion should discuss the phenomena that led to the 
acceptance of reincarnation and exorcism.

The above reveals a fundamental and fatal misunderstanding about the nature and 
purpose of science. Science must neither be mixed with religious thinking in 
general nor with the tenets of any particular religion in any discussion about 
natural phenomena. 

The ignorance about natural phenomena that led to the superstitions of 
reincarnation and exorcism, has been thoroughly dispelled by neurobiological 
evidence and insight i.e. by science alone.



Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-06-18 Thread Fr. Ivo C da Souza

From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- On Sun, 6/15/08, Fr. Ivo C da Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But it will enlighten Science in the meaning of the world and  in the 
realm of values.

I hope most people will reject interference of this type. The meaning of 
scientific concepts and explanations as they relate to the natural world 
should never be corrupted by any particular religious ideology. Scientific 
findings must be interpreted by science alone, in a dispassionate and 
unbiased manner.  None of the multifarious conflicting supernatural 
ideologies should serve as a filter in interpreting anything that has to 
do with science.

For example, the scientifically determined brain basis of mental illness 
should never be reconciled with or reinterpreted in the light of 
preconceived supernatural explanations justifying the belief in 
reincarnation or the practice of exorcism.

*1.This answer does not contradict my statement, namely that Religion will 
enlighten Science in the meaning of the world and in the realm of values. 
Science should work with responsibility, but in itself it is value-free. It 
is Ethics that sheds its light on it. Religion and Philosophy entail ethical 
teaching. Therefore, Ethics should enlighten Science. This is not unlawful 
interference of Religion within the domain of Science.

2.Scientific concepts and explanations are not corrupted, but enriched 
and guided by Religion. Scientific findings have not been interpreted by 
science alone, in a dispassionate and unbiased manner. It needs light from 
Religion. That is the drama of today's scientific-technological world. As 
Albert Einstein has well predicted:
Science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the 
aspiration toward truth and understanding. This source of feeling, however, 
springs from the sphere of religion. To this there also belongs the faith in 
the possibility that the regulations valid for the world of existence are 
rational, that is, comprehensible to reason. I cannot conceive of a genuine 
scientist without that profound faith. The situation may be expressed by an 
image: science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind 
(Cf. Albert Einstein, Ideas and Opinions, New York, 1954, p.46;  Einstein 
also says: The highest principles for our aspirations and judgments are 
given to us in the Jewish-Christian religious tradition. See Max Jammer, 
Einstein und Die Religion, Konstanz, 1995, p.43: cf. the discussion, 
reported by Max Jammer, which Einstein once had with Rabindranath Tagore 
about his book The Religion of Man, when Einstein said: I am more religious 
than you are!). In this line of thought, I have said in this Forum that 
there is no atheist scientist. The problem is with the anthropomorphic 
language applied to God. Hence, Einstein found it difficult to accept a 
personal God...

3. Comparative study of Religions enlightens us. Distorted elements in 
religions should be corrected, if they are multifarious conflicting 
supernatural ideologies. Basically, Religion should be based on Love. 
Destruction in the name of religions is baseless, a contradiction...

4. Religion does not question that mental illness is a disorder of brain. 
There should be dialogue. Science together with religion should discuss the 
phenomena that led to the acceptance of reincarnation and exorcism. It is 
unscientific to discard them blindly...



Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-27 Thread Santosh Helekar
The following post does not address the issue I had
raised, which is, how many educated people seriously
think that science should have anything to do with
unprovable supernatural beliefs. I would be surprised
if more than a negligible minority would want the
scope of science to be expanded in this manner. In the
U.S., for instance, the vast majority of scientists
and all scientific organizations are strongly opposed
to including creationism in the high school science
curriculum. In India this is the case with astrology.



--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From the many practicing scientists who are also
 religious, as well as the millions of educated
 who belong to one religion or the other, I would say
 that there are a substantial number of educated and
 highly educated people who are seriously open to the
 substantial circumstantial evidence of the existence
 of a supernatural being, which cannot be proved
 scientifically, yet cannot be disproved either.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-25 Thread Fr. Ivo C da Souza

From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If his (Einstein's) mental and perceptual

powers did miraculously survive the death of his
brain, he would be expected to perceive Jewish heaven
or hell, where he would not meet St. Peter - not even
Shimon Keipha. Unless, of course, only Christianity is
right, and everybody else is a fool.

***Each one is free to accept what we wish, with our reason and faith.
Whether St.Peter or St.Joseph comes to meet us, we have to be there with our 
Christianity is a historical religion and it speaks of our faith in the 
Resurrection of Christ.
The Cardinal clearly speaks of God revealed through Jesus, a God who loves 
humanity, a God who is a Person.

God is a reality, a Being, Transcendent and Immanent.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-25 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Monotheistic religions usually take the position that their's is the
only true path. What's unusual with this? FN

2008/5/25 Fr. Ivo C da Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 powers did miraculously survive the death of his
 brain, he would be expected to perceive Jewish heaven
 or hell, where he would not meet St. Peter - not even
 Shimon Keipha. Unless, of course, only Christianity is
 right, and everybody else is a fool.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Frederick [FN] Noronha

Monotheistic religions usually take the position
that their's is the only true path. What's unusual
with this? FN

What would be interesting to find out is how many
Indians believe this? That their's is the only true

Also, I personally would like to know how many
educated people would reject the now well-established
scientific findings, implied in the following quote,
that we cannot think, imagine or perceive anything
without a living and intact brain.



From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If his (Einstein's) mental and perceptual
powers did miraculously survive the death of his
brain, he would be expected to perceive Jewish
heaven or hell, where he would not meet St. Peter -
not even Shimon Keipha. Unless, of course, only
Christianity is right, and everybody else is a fool.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-25 Thread Fr. Ivo C da Souza

From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

By my scientific calculations, it won't be long before
we all know the correct answers to all these
possibilities.  Until then all we can do is blow lots
and lots of speculative hot air on the subject since
everyone admits that the existence of God cannot be
proved, or disproved.

***Empirical science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. But
empirical science is not the only source of knowledge.
Reason and Faith speak to us of God's existence and love. Since the
discussion was started on the basis of the Cardinal's speech, I think it
cannot be left in the air.
The Cardinal gave us the answer: he believes in God revealed by Jesus, as
the Gospels attest. This truth is known by us. The last day will confirm it, 
as you rightly say,

but we have to live by it now only with the Grace of God himself.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-25 Thread Mario Goveia
From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If his (Einstein's) mental and perceptual
powers did miraculously survive the death of his
brain, he would be expected to perceive Jewish
heaven or hell, where he would not meet St. Peter -
not even Shimon Keipha. Unless, of course, only
Christianity is right, and everybody else is a fool.

Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 07:21:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also, I personally would like to know how many
educated people would reject the now well-established
scientific findings, implied in the following (above)
that we cannot think, imagine or perceive anything
without a living and intact brain.

Mario responds:

There is nothing to reject.

The secular scientific hypothesis that we cannot
think, imagine or perceive anything without a living
and intact brain applies to this life as we know it
and ignores the unprovable possibility of the
existence of God and of an afterlife.  The question
posed is therefore moot within the context of these


Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-20 Thread Santosh Helekar

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 b) I, on the other hand, said that fool may not be
 too strong a word to describe anyone who
 disingenuously alleges that the Cardinal's respect
 was restricted to atheists and agnostics, and not
 extended to Hindus, Muslims and Jews.  I believe the
Cardinal would agree with me on this.

One would have to actually verify whether the Cardinal
really agrees with the author of the above statement
with regard to the above-mentioned restrictions of
courtesy and respect to others.



Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-20 Thread Mario Goveia

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 16:46:57 +0100 (BST)

Hi Mario
Einstein was Jewish ethnically and like numbers of
Jews, an atheist. What's the difficulty in
understanding this simple point?

Mario clarifies:


While I have understood this simple point, the
discussion was more nuanced, and was based on
religion, not ethnicity. 

I had kiddingly questioned whether Einstein still
believed there was no God, based on the unprovable
possibility that he may have been shocked to find
himself at the gates of a heavenly afterlife.  While I
had rhetorically mentioned him coming face to face
with St. Peter, this mythical Christian gatekeeper to
heaven, who also came from an ethnic Jewish
background, was not the crux of my musing, the
possibility of a heavenly afterlife was, which I
speculated would shock an avowed atheist like Einstein
and show him he was not as clever as he thought he

By my scientific calculations, it won't be long before
we all know the correct answers to all these
possibilities.  Until then all we can do is blow lots
and lots of speculative hot air on the subject since
everyone admits that the existence of God cannot be
proved, or disproved.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-19 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This too, is a possibility, but Christianity does
 not consider everybody else a fool, as the Cardinal
 was trying to say.


 A fool may not be too strong a word to describe
 anyone who speculates that if the Cardinal would
 suggest that atheists and agnostics be respected, he
 would not extend the same courtesy to those who
 believe in a God.
Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 15:21:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looks like teachings of Christianity as preached by
the Cardinal, and alluded to in the following quote,
do not apply to the author of the above post:


Apparently, to him those who speculate differently
from him are fools.

Mario clarifies:

There are two completely different issues that are
being blurred and obfuscated here:

a) The Cardinal, in suggesting respect for atheists
and agnostiics, shows that Christianity does not
consider those who do not believe as Christians do to
be fools.  I agree with the Cardinal on this.

b) I, on the other hand, said that fool may not be
too strong a word to describe anyone who
disingenuously alleges that the Cardinal's respect was
restricted to atheists and agnostics, and not extended
to Hindus, Muslims and Jews.  I believe the Cardinal
would agree with me on this.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-19 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Mario
Einstein was Jewish ethnically and like numbers of
Jews, an atheist. What's the difficulty in
understanding this simple point?
 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Einstein was a Jew?  I thought he was an atheist. 

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-18 Thread Santosh Helekar
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Einstein was a Jew?  I thought he was an atheist. 
 So, who knows which heaven he found himself in, or
maybe he had a choice:-))

Please read Einstein: The Life and Times by Ronald
Clark to find out the fact that he was born in a
Jewish family, that throughout his life he strongly
aligned himself with the Jewish identity, and fancied
with the notion of an impersonal divinity, which Clark
and others have referred to as Spinoza's god. He
simply did not believe in a personal God or a Biblical

But please note that Einstein certainly did not have
anything to do with Christianity, as might be implied
from the earlier speculation about his coming
face-to-face with St. Peter.

This too, is a possibility, but Christianity does
not consider everybody else a fool, as the Cardinal
was trying to say.

A fool may be too strong a word for one who is not so
clever (Please see below). The Cardinal was referring
only to atheists, and perhaps, some agnostics, but not
to Hindus, Muslims, Jews, etc. None of them expect to
come face-to-face with St. Peter.



--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Einstein may have gotten a big shock when he came
 face-to-face with St. Peter and realized he wasn't
as clever as he thought he was.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-18 Thread Mario Goveia
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Einstein was a Jew?  I thought he was an atheist. 
 So, who knows which heaven he found himself in, or
 maybe he had a choice:-))
Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 12:57:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But please note that Einstein certainly did not have
anything to do with Christianity, as might be implied
from the earlier speculation about his coming
face-to-face with St. Peter.

Mario responds:

Since Einstein was an avowed atheist from a religious
point of view he had about as much to do with
Christianity as he had to do with Judaism. 

Besides, the obsession with St. Peter, who was also an
ethnic Jew like Einstein, obfuscates the basic point
that was being made, which was that if the atheist
Einstein was wrong and not as clever as he thought he
was, which is a possibility that cannot be proved or
disproved, he may have been shocked to find himself in
heaven, regardless of who greeted him at the gate.

Mario had written:

 but Christianity does not consider everybody else a 
 fool, as the Cardinal was trying to say.

Santosh wrote:

A fool may be too strong a word for one who is not so
clever (Please see below). The Cardinal was referring
only to atheists, and perhaps, some agnostics, but not
to Hindus, Muslims, Jews, etc. None of them expect to
come face-to-face with St. Peter.

Mario responds:

A fool may not be too strong a word to describe anyone
who speculates that if the Cardinal would suggest that
atheists and agnostics be respected, he would not
extend the same courtesy to those who believe in a

As I have shown above, the obsession with St. Peter is
a red herring.  The issue is heaven and life after
death, not which gatekeeper Einstein may have
encountered once he got there.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-18 Thread Santosh Helekar
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A fool may not be too strong a word to describe
 anyone who speculates that if the Cardinal would
suggest that atheists and agnostics be respected, he
would not extend the same courtesy to those who
believe in a God.

Looks like teachings of Christianity as preached by
the Cardinal, and alluded to in the following quote,
do not apply to the author of the above post:

This too, is a possibility, but Christianity does
not consider everybody else a fool, as the Cardinal
was trying to say.

...Mario Goveia

Apparently, to him those who speculate differently
from him are fools.



[Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-17 Thread Mario Goveia
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 10:00:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

According to Einstein's letter, God does not exist

Mario wonders:

The letter was written by Einstein in January 1954.

I wonder what Einstein thinks today!:-))

Pssst.  Jose, it's a joke, see?  Please don't post a
website informing us that Einstein is dead.  Einstein
may have gotten a big shock when he came face-to-face
with St. Peter and realized he wasn't as clever as he
thought he was.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-17 Thread Santosh Helekar
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 may have gotten a big shock when he came
 with St. Peter and realized he wasn't as clever as
 thought he was.

Einstein was a Jew. If his mental and perceptual
powers did miraculously survive the death of his
brain, he would be expected to perceive Jewish heaven
or hell, where he would not meet St. Peter - not even
Shimon Keipha. Unless, of course, only Christianity is
right, and everybody else is a fool.



Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-17 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Hi Santosh
 In the same article, I had referred to,  Einstein
rejected wholesale the Jewish Zionist position on
Israel even though he had been requested to become the
second President/leader of Israel but had rejected the

--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Einstein was a Jew. If his mental and perceptual
 powers did miraculously survive the death of his
 brain, he would be expected to perceive Jewish
 or hell, where he would not meet St. Peter - not
 Shimon Keipha. Unless, of course, only Christianity
 right, and everybody else is a fool.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-17 Thread Mario Goveia
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 07:41:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Einstein was a Jew. If his mental and perceptual
powers did miraculously survive the death of his
brain, he would be expected to perceive Jewish heaven
or hell, where he would not meet St. Peter - not even
Shimon Keipha.

Mario responds:

Einstein was a Jew?  I thought he was an atheist.  So,
who knows which heaven he found himself in, or maybe
he had a choice:-))

However, this dialog shows that the possibility of
such a miracle cannot be proved or disproved:-))

Santosh wrote:

Unless, of course, only Christianity is right, and
everybody else is a fool.

Mario responds:

This too, is a possibility, but Christianity does not
consider everybody else a fool, as the Cardinal was
trying to say.

Whether one is a fool depends on each individual.

Re: [Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-16 Thread Fr. Ivo C da Souza

 5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
  Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

   16-18, May 2008

From: Albert Desouza [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear Fr.Ivo
I do not remember having met you before. I cannot understand how you can 
know me personally. Your introduction would be welcomed.
***You have been mentioning in your postings your participation in the drama 
of  late Fr.Freddy Jeremias da Costa. If it is the same Alberto, then I know 
you. I met you and you can understand that I know you personally. This is 
not an important point. Let it not divert us into another controversy.

Regarding the cardinal's speech about God  I think no one has 
understood it including the cardinal himself.
*** Surely the Cardinal knows what he is talking about. Going along his 
language, I do understand it. Many, if not most, will understand him.

God is found in huts and hearts too. Poor Jesus was born in the stable 
which was not his, lived in the house which was not his ( I suppose so) 
died on the cross the wood was not his and was burried in the grave which 
also was not his.
***Let us not start another controversy about the biblical data regarding 
his house, stable/manger, cross and grave. With all the data, we believe 
that Jesus of Nazareth is God made Man. God revealed himself in and through 
Jesus. He is the Son of God, God-Man.

Yet his words and his deeds were magnificient. Simple living and high 
thinking. In today's world please do not feel offended, the clergy has 
taken the advantage of the innocence of the laiety.
***We have to take note of the modern life and all its components before we 
pass a judgment on anybody. This is not the Forum. Jesus is the Way, Truth 
and Life (cf.Jn 14:6). Yet it is not so simple and easy to follow him. With 
his Grace, yes (cf.Mt 11:30).

Can you tell me one think which really I cannot understand is that why 
is the church giving so much importance to Mary that she is shown as a diety 
? from January till December we are celebrating so many feasts of Mary in 
different names.
***Mary is the Mother of Jesus, not a deity. She tells us: Do whatever he 
(Jesus) tells you (cf.Jn 2:5). We celebrate feasts in her honour so as to 
remind ourselves of her message.

The bible clearly says that if we have to reach out to the Father we have 
to enroute through Jesus where as the church has been preaching a different 
story. The church has to follow Christ and not make its own do.
***The Church is not telling us otherwise. We reach the Father through 
Jesus, the Way to God. Mary shows us the way...


[Goanet] Cardinal's speech

2008-05-16 Thread George Pinto
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

According to Einstein's letter, God does not exist


Re: [Goanet] cardinal's speech and linen washing thereafter

2008-05-14 Thread Fr. Ivo C da Souza

From: Albert Desouza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For so many days I have been reading what cardinal said  what Fr.Ivo 
said --- and what the readers said.--- Why do you wash the linen on this 
***I do admire the postings of Albert, whom I know personally. It is a good 
job to write and express one's faith and convictions.
But at the same time we have to know that there is a duty to deepen our 
faith. Discussions can help us. By trying to see what the Cardinal has said 
is also a useful exercise. When there are misunderstandings, discussion on 
the text and context will not be an exercise in futility...

Cardinals are there to give speeches which people like me have to read 
smile and go to sleep because it contains bombastic words and phrases 
which poor people like me cannot understand.
***Any speech will have difficult words to understand unless we are tuned to 
that language. When one reads about science, we put up all efforts to learn 
the scientific language. Our daily papers bring so many words which we may 
have to look for in the dictionary. A speech on Christian faith will have 
its peculiar vocabulary. We have to do some homework to understand it. 
Catechism classes will teach some language. Theology will teach more. No 
wonder that not everyone can understand every word from the Cardinal's 
speech, as not everyone can understand all the English words or Konkani 
words from a speech on science, politics, sociology, psychology, or biblical 

If they live in a manger among the poor by removing the purple there is 
christ and if they talk big things they belong to the elite.
***There is a status in the society. All of us have to live according to our 
vocation. The Cardinal does not have to live in a manger by removing the 
purple, but he has to work for the human dignity by bringing the poor to 
the table and alleviating their misery. In history I remember Cardinal 
Paul-Emile Leger (1904-1991), who served as Archbishop of Montreal from 1950 
till 1968, and was elevated to Cardinal in 1953, at age 48, by Pius XII. He 
gave up the privileges of a Cardinal to work among lepers and handicapped 
children in Africa. He spent 12 years in the Cameroon. He said: It will be 
the great scandal of the history of our century that 500 million people are 
eating well and living luxuriously and every year millions of children are 
dying of hunger.  When the Cardinal Leger toured African leper colonies and 
saw misery, he started raising money for the lepers. Five years later, with 
those sights still seared in his memory, he stunned Canadians by resigning 
as Archbishop of Montreal to return to Africa and work among the lepers and 
impoverished children as a missionary. He would say: In a country like ours 
where so much money circulates, there are always a few crumbs worth picking 
up.  There is a vocation, and 'a vocation within vocation'. Not every 
Cardinal will do the same work as Card.Leger or Mother Teresa. You can work 
in different ways, among the elite and among the poor. 'Why do you wash the 
linen on Goanet'?

I would request you all to forget about the speech for if we are called 
atheist or communist it does not change our skin for I feel communism is 
the best and Jesus was a communist as many great people like me feel for 
he believed in equality.
***Why should we forget about the speech? Is language not important? Is 
instruction not needed? Why should we be called 'atheists' or 'communists'? 
Why is 'communism' the 'best'? Does Communism believe in equality? What do 
you mean by communism, when you say that communism is the best? Do you 
speak about 'communism' in the early Church? What do you mean when you say 
that Jesus was a communist?  Do you speak of the 'communist' ideology? Or 
that Jesus spoke of God as Father and humanity as 'children of God'? You 
see, again, the question of understanding is coming up. We are human beings 
and need language for our communication and human growth. We can deepen this 
topic privately without a new controversy in the Goanet...


[Goanet] cardinal's speech and linen washing thereafter

2008-05-13 Thread Albert Desouza

Dear Friends
For so many days I have been reading what cardinal said  what Fr.Ivo said 
--- and what the readers said.--- Why do you wash the linen on this goanet? 
Cardinals are there to give speeches which people like me have to read smile 
and go to sleep because it contains bombastic words and phrases which poor 
people like me cannot understand. If they live in a manger among the poor by 
removing the purple there is christ and if they talk big things they belong to 
the elite. I would request you all to forget about the speech for if we are 
called atheist or communist it does not change our skin for I feel communism is 
the best and Jesus was a communist as many great people like me feel for he 
believed in equality .

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