Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards

2014-03-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
Dear Gerard,

Thanks for your kind words. Please call me Santosh. I would be happy to write 
an article in a Goan newspaper on this subject. I have written OpEds in Herald 
before. Regarding the angry response by Prof. Girish Kumar to your email, let 
me just assure you that my reasoning is my own. It has been shaped by my 
understanding of basic physics, biology and medicine, by my reading of original 
research articles and review papers in the specific EMF and radiation 
biology/medicine fields, and my own thinking. I have no ties with the cell 
phone industry, nor have I been funded by cell phone companies. The least we 
can do as rational people is to not believe in massive world-wide conspiracy 
theories involving the governments, industrial establishments and the 
mainstream scientific community.

By the way, I mentioned to your son Ashley, when he wrote to me earlier, that 
it is very rare to find a teacher and educator like you among Goans who cares 
deeply about educating the public about science. 



On Saturday, March 22, 2014 8:52 PM, Gerard Delaney  

Dear Dr. Santosh,
>I have been following your mails carefully and have been very
impressed with your scientific reasoning which is backed up by
published research work on this topic. So far, as I see it, there is
a great debate raging between only you and Prof. G.Kumar and hardly
any body else is reading about it.
>It would be greatly beneficial for the public at large if you could
write an article for the newspapers which allays their fears about
the 'dangerous' radiations. A few days ago, I was so happy to read
in the newspapers that the Dept. of Telecommunications was intending
to have a series of programs in the various towns precisely to do
this. Coming from a person of your stature and standing, the article
would carry a lot of weight and offset the negative influence which
has been caused in the past by articles which appear now and then
frightening the public unnecessarily about the low density
radiations emitted from the mobile towers.
>I can give you the email addresses of the editors of local
newspapers if you are willing to do this.

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - cell tower industry point of view

2014-03-23 Thread Prof. Girish Kumar

Dear Santosh Helekar,

Saw your long emails, most of these are cut-paste and I have seen similar
arguments presented by cell tower industry lobby.

You have given examples of coffee and pickles (all these are being given
by cell operators) but let me ask, how many times, people eat pickles in
a day, may be, a few times. How many cups of coffee, people drink,
may be, a few cups. Class 2B classification implies that limited use
is acceptable, overuse is not. Similarly, limited use of cell phone is
fine and limited cell tower radiation is fine.

It is quite obvious from your emails that most of your material is
being taken from the sites, which supports  cell tower industry.

I do not want to communicate further with you, who supports cell tower
industry and not humanity.

 Girish Kumar
 Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
 I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
 Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
 Blog -

On Sat, 22 Mar 2014, Santosh Helekar wrote:

Dear Prof. Girish Kumar,

First, let me say that my object here is simply to present accurate and reliable

information provided by genuine scientific experts and expert committees in the
EMF and radiation biology/medicine fields. I do not particularly care whether
it convinces you to abandon your position or not. Similarly, I would let other
people decide who is right and who is wrong in this matter. 

My position based on reading the arguments on BOTH sides, and at least

20 original research papers with BOTH POSITIVE and NEGATIVE findings is the 

1. There is NO unequivocal scientific support for any plausible mechanism by

which extremely low power cell phone radiation can cause any kind of biological
effect on human, other animal or plant tissues. There is no evidence that at 
low power microwaves raise the temperature of a biological tissue even slightly.
Even if tissue heating were taking place, it in and of itself is not harmful to
the body. Otherwise, daily physical activity would have been harmful to health.

2. Almost all properly conducted randomized human clinical trials have produced

negative results. I have gone through all of these papers. In my next email
I will list them for you. These findings are the only ones that count because
if there is no real effect in humans then all the other test tube, cell culture
and animal studies are purely academic with no significance to public health.

I am not sure how the Bio-Initiative Report can list 3800 references, if it

does. When I did an independent search in a reputed scientific literature
database I came up only with 1939 such reports. Of these only 1635 reports
are concerned with an effect or lack of effect. Of these only 749 are concerned
with cell phone and WiFi frequencies. Of these only 175 have to do with human
beings. Of these only 77 are epidemiological case control or cohort studies.
Of these 38 showed no effect, and 22 showed an effect. The remaining 17 are 

Your claim that I have cherry picked with respect to BIR 2012 does not hold

water because I was trying to see what scientific experts and peers in the
field were saying about that report. I forwarded you all substantive reviews
that I could find without cherry picking. If I have overlooked anything please
let me know. The fact that BIR 2012 has cherry picked with a bias to only
one side is clear from the fact that it claims that these low power low
frequencies are harmful to health, and makes ridiculous recommendations
based on this biased conclusion.

If we follow their recommendations, we would have to give up electricity,

radio, TV, radar, cordless phones, WiFi, internet, satellites, computers,
cell phones, microwave ovens, etc. and live inside a copper wire cage to protect
against cosmic radio waves and microwave background radiation. In short, we
would have to revert to the 17th century.

Please note that the burden of proof rests on those who propose that

there is an effect i.e. a positive result. You cannot prove a negative.
In science, even if one properly conducted observation or experiment yields
a negative result then that is enough to falsify a hypothesis. That is why
when scientific and public health organizations state that the evidence for
harmful effects of cell phone radiation is INCONCLUSIVE, they mean evidence
for the positive effect, not the negative result. We could be doing experiments
with negative results till the cows come home. It would be ridiculous to
claim that, that there is a negative result, is inconclusive, on that basis.
In the case of cell phone radiation there are hundreds of studies with
negative results. How do you explain them? There is not a single positive
result that has been re

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - technical references

2014-03-20 Thread Stephen Dias
For what you have mentioned , somebody should understand what is
ionization and non-ionization in the first place.


On 17 March 2014 09:23, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
> In my previous post on this above subject,
> any person with mediocre intelligence would have understood that I have not
> asked that the website cited be read. It was put there for those who need to
> confirm my statement that Sunlight is ultra violet radiation and cell phone
> radiation is radio frequency radiation, The former being ionizing and the
> latter non-ionizing radiation.
> So, there is no need to confuse tomatoes with potatoes, just because one has
> toes!
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

[Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - technical references

2014-03-20 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
In my previous post on this above subject,
any person with mediocre intelligence would have understood that I have not 
asked that the website cited be read. It was put there for those who need to 
confirm my statement that Sunlight is ultra violet radiation and cell phone 
radiation is radio frequency radiation, The former being ionizing and the 
latter non-ionizing radiation.So, there is no need to confuse tomatoes with 
potatoes, just because one has toes! 

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - technical references

2014-03-17 Thread Prof. Girish Kumar

Dear All,

Wishing you all a very happy HOLI. I thought HOLI is to be
played by colors (ofcourse in some parts of India, they play with
mud, sticks, gaalis, etc.) and here we are playing with scientific facts
or fictions, accussing each other or trying to put others opinion down,
and so on. Are we really knowledgable scientists or street fighters?

Yesterday, I enjoyed holi dinner at our building with nearly 100 people
and today morning, I played holi with 100's of faculty members and
their families. Today afternoon, I thought I will do some work at
the office but I saw more than 10 emails on this topic.

I have attached 3 files. In the first file, please see Pages 3 to 5:

It gives comparison of sun heating with microwave heating and also
of non0ionizing vs ionizing. I have reproduced the relevant portions 

Comparison of Sun radiation versus cell tower radiation

They compare sun radiation with cell tower radiation and say sun radiation 
density is 1000 W/m2, which is thousands of times larger than cell tower 
radiation density of 0.1 W/m2. Hence cell tower radiation is not harmful. 
They have also written that if you place a container of water outdoors, it 
will not boil no matter how long it is exposed to sunlight.

It is agreed that if one places a container of water outdoors, it will not 
boil no matter how long it is exposed to sunlight. However, if the same 
container of water is kept inside a microwave oven, it will boil in a few 
minutes. Thus, even though sun intensity of 1000W/m2 cannot boil the 
water, yet 500W of microwave power can boil the water in a few minutes. 
Even 1/10th of this power will boil the water in less than an hour, and 
even 1/100th of this power (i.e. 5W) will boil the water in less than a 
day. There is a different mechanism of heating. In case of microwave oven 
operating at a frequency of 2450 MHz, water molecules vibrate at a speed 
of 2.45 billion times per second, which creates friction and leads to 
heating. In many countries, frequency of 915MHz is also used for 
industrial microwave heating.

Sun exposure is not continuous whereas microwave radiation due to cell 
tower radiation is 24x7. People do not stand in the sun for hours and 
clothes act as protective shielding from sun. People who do sun bathing 
for long hours have reported sun tanning, skin burning and even skin 
cancer. Sun radiation causes heating from outside to inside. The skin of 
human body acts as an insulator from sun and as the temperature increases, 
skin will either feel the burning sensation or starts sweating. In 
addition, air breeze takes away the heat.  Whereas, microwave radiation 
from cell phone and cell tower penetrates the skin and at a frequency of 
900 MHz, water (including blood, fluid, etc.) molecule vibrate  at a speed 
of 900 million times per second, which creates friction, damages DNA and 
also leads to heating. This heating is from inside to outside and the heat 
is trapped inside the human body with no escape through the skin. Also, 
affect of microwave radiation is cumulative in nature and the harmful 
effects are noticed after a few months to a few years depending upon the 
intensity of the radiation.

Human body consists of 70% liquid and brain contains 90% liquid. When cell 
phone and cell tower radiation of GSM900 impinges on human body, the water 
(including blood, fluids, etc.) inside the body vibrate at a speed of 900 
million times per second, which creates friction. This friction damages 
the DNA and if damage to DNA is greater than DNA repair, it initiates 
mutation and cancer.

Comparison of Ionizing radiation versus Non-Ionizing radiation of cell 

The authors, cell operators and their associates have been repeatedly 
saying/writing/speaking at various forums that Ionizing radiation (UV 
Rays, X-Rays, Nuclear)  can break the bond due to its higher frequency and 
hence higher energy, whereas cell phone/tower radiation has much lesser 
frequency and hence lower energy, which cannot break the bond and hence 
cannot damage DNA or cause cancer.

It is agreed that ionizing radiation (UV Rays, X-Rays, Nuclear) has higher 
frequency and hence higher energy, which can break the bond and cause 
significant damage to the human body, including cancer. However, the claim 
is not correct that one cannot get any mutation (or damage) in the DNA 
(biological reaction) due to cell phone frequencies, which is non-ionizing 
radiation. Even though microwave frequency is less, which implies less 
energy due to the equation Energy E = hxf, where h is Planck's constant 
and f is frequency. However, all the world's phenomenon cannot be 
explained by a single equation of physics. Energy is also defined as E = 
power x time, which is easily understood and experienced by people. For 
example, standing for longer time in the sun, one will feel more heated, 
so time is important. Also, standing in the sun d

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - technical references - correction

2014-03-16 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Santosh Helekar chimbelcho at on Sun Mar 16 09:05:35 PDT 2014

On 16 March 2014 14:36, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão <> wrote:
I feel  he SHOULD NOT send such posts that layman will not understand to a
public media,


I wish to disagree with Dr. Falcão on the above point as stated.

For, while it is true that 'experts' would do well if they would speak in
simple terms, there should be NO prohibition in their NOT doing so.

One element remains crucial in this matter wrt the Salgaocars: It is
finally up to the people of Saligao to decide whether they want this tower
in their backyard or not.

Whether they are reasonable or unreasonable in their fears is irrelevant.

It might help the 'experts' to understand the point Dr. Falcão is surely
driving at i.e. If you want to convince others, speak in clear and
comprehensible terms.

It is possible that not many Salgaocars really trust the 'experts' and
their views - for one reason or another.

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - technical references

2014-03-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
The webpage that Falcao has provided a link to below uses lot more jargon and 
technical sounding terms unintelligible to lay people than I have used in my 
response to Prof. Girish Kumar. Here is an example:

A quantum physics model is necessary to fully understand and
appreciate how and why EMF and RF fields are harmful to humans. In
quantum physics and quantum field theory, matter can behave as a
particle or as a wave with wave-like properties. Matter and
electromagnetic fields encompass quantum fields that fluctuate in
space and time. These interactions can have long-range effects which
cannot be shielded, are non-linear and by their quantum nature have
uncertainty. Living systems, including the human body, interact with
the magnetic vector potential component of an electromagnetic field
such as the field near a toroidal coil. The magnetic vector potential
is the coupling pathway between biological systems and electromagnetic
fields. Once a patient's specific threshold of intensity has been
exceeded, it is the frequency which triggers the patient's reactions.

In fact, I can bet that the above pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo would not make 
any sense even to an expert quantum physicist, let alone a layman. Gerard 
should be able to tell you this, as well as Prof. Girish Kumar.

In case you are wondering why there is such pseudoscientific nonsense on a 
webpage provided by a legitimate seeming organization, it is because this 
organization, namely American Academy of Environmental Medicine is a 
questionable organization that promotes fictitious diseases and fake 
treatments. This organization has been listed under questionable organizations 
by Quackwatch. Please see:

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine, which promotes "clinical 
ecology" and the bogus concept of multiple chemical sensitivity.

That is why it has not been recognized by American Board of Medical 
Specialties, and exposed as bogus by physicians and medical scientists 
interested in enforcing science-based medicine in society. Please see:



> On Sunday, March 16, 2014 1:42 PM, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão 
>  wrote:
> >
> Santosh Helekar chimbelcho at on Sun Mar 16
> 09:05:35 PDT 2014 wrote:
> In the Medical College, ie. Goa Medical College where Santosh claims to have
> passed from;
> We as students were specifically taught to converse with layman in layman's
> terms.
> And not to use bombastic or rhetorical language.
> If Sanosh cannot be genuine enough to let laymen understand what he's
> talking about,
> I feel  he should not send such posts that layman will not understand to a
> public media,
> Unless; ofcourse, he feels he is denied of his right to defend his stand!
> And by the way, cell phone radiation is radio frequency radiation, as in
> microwave and known as non-ionizing radiation;
> Whereas Sunlight(Ultra violet radiation) and X-rays are known as ionising
> radiation which mostly that causes harm.
> Guess this explanation is more in layman terms!
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

[Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - technical references

2014-03-16 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Santosh Helekar chimbelcho at on Sun Mar 16
09:05:35 PDT 2014 wrote:


In the Medical College, ie. Goa Medical College where Santosh claims to have 
passed from; 
We as students were specifically taught to converse with layman in layman's 
And not to use bombastic or rhetorical language.
If Sanosh cannot be genuine enough to let laymen understand what he's talking 
I feel  he should not send such posts that layman will not understand to a 
public media,
Unless; ofcourse, he feels he is denied of his right to defend his stand!
And by the way, cell phone radiation is radio frequency radiation, as in 
microwave and known as non-ionizing radiation;
Whereas Sunlight(Ultra violet radiation) and X-rays are known as ionising 
radiation which mostly that causes harm.
Guess this explanation is more in layman terms!

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - money references

2014-03-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Follow the money, always follow the money. The money to be followed in this 
case, are the amounts chasing high rise buildings in Toronto. Local 
telecommunications companies pay a lot to mount their transmission towers on 
strategic high rises. 

Then they pay an annual rent to the condo or building owners. Condo owners 
actively seek such arrangements as it means that they have another source of 
income to meet maintenance expenses for the buildings.  

Granted, telecommunications technology in Canada may not be comparable to that 
in India. The bottom line is that these towers have been sitting on top of 
expensive buildings for the past 30 years. The microwaves they have transmitted 
are those from the early days to today's state of the art technology. If these 
transmissions were causing any kind of ill health to the residents, the 
residents would have long ago documented the problem and sued the deep pocket 
telecommunication companies.

BTW, there is a large tower on GOA's property in Toronto. 


- Original Message -
> From: Santosh Helekar 
> I read your report and the list of references. I have many problems with 
> them. 
> But rather than list all of these problems I will just point out the three 
> most 
> fundamental ones. If one cannot satisfactorily address the latter to start 
> with 
> then it is pointless to even consider this any further, because they 
> essentially 
> kill the entire case that you have presented in your advocacy report.
> The first of these problems is related to what Gerard has already said but 
> goes 
> much deeper, and actually uses your own argument regarding power densities 
> against your claims. You have calculated that the power density of cell phone 
> tower radiation one meter from the tower is 79.6 Watts per square meter. 
> Assuming that the tower is 15 meters tall, from your calculation the power 
> density of this radiation on the ground should be 9.54 Watts per square 
> meter. 
> You claim that these power densities are too high to be safe for humans, 
> other 
> animals and trees. You say that this is the case because at these power 
> densities these electromagnetic waves heat up the water molecules in the 
> tissues 
> like a microwave oven, and in turn, cause all the various short term and long 
> term effects such as brain damage, infertility, depression, cancer, heart 
> problems, breathing problems, death, and so on.

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - technical references

2014-03-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
Dear Prof. Girish Kumar,

I read your report and the list of references. I have many problems with them. 
But rather than list all of these problems I will just point out the three most 
fundamental ones. If one cannot satisfactorily address the latter to start with 
then it is pointless to even consider this any further, because they 
essentially kill the entire case that you have presented in your advocacy 

The first of these problems is related to what Gerard has already said but goes 
much deeper, and actually uses your own argument regarding power densities 
against your claims. You have calculated that the power density of cell phone 
tower radiation one meter from the tower is 79.6 Watts per square meter. 
Assuming that the tower is 15 meters tall, from your calculation the power 
density of this radiation on the ground should be 9.54 Watts per square meter. 
You claim that these power densities are too high to be safe for humans, other 
animals and trees. You say that this is the case because at these power 
densities these electromagnetic waves heat up the water molecules in the 
tissues like a microwave oven, and in turn, cause all the various short term 
and long term effects such as brain damage, infertility, depression, cancer, 
heart problems, breathing problems, death, and so on.

Here is your exact quote on this mechanism:

When a human body is exposed to the electromagnetic radiation, it absorbs 
radiation, because
human body consists of 70% liquid. It is similar to that of cooking in the 
microwave oven where
the water in the food content is heated first.

As you know, sunlight is also an electromagnetic radiation – in fact, with 
photons of much higher energy than cell phone tower radiation, as the physicist 
Gerard has already pointed out.  It turns out that the power density of 
sunlight on the ground on an average during day time is 1120 Watts per square 
meter. This amount is 117 times more than the power density of cell phone tower 
radiation on the ground at the foot of the tower. Indeed, it is 14 times more 
than the tower radiation that one would be exposed to if one climbs up the 
tower, and perches within 1 meter from the antenna.  And please note that 
sunlight of a given amount, especially in the infrared range which penetrates 
deeper into tissues, is absorbed by matter and causes heating of its molecules 
to a much greater extent than cell phone radiation of the same amount. Here is 
a diagram which illustrates this fact:

About 54% of the sunlight is infrared light with power density on the ground of 
605 Watts per square meter, 63 times greater that the power density of cell 
phone tower radiation at its base.

Now, I am sure you will agree with me that sunlight can heat water molecules by 
exactly the same mechanism that cell phone tower radiation does. Indeed, as I 
have pointed out above infrared light does this much better than the latter 
radiation. If you keep a glass of water exposed to sunlight you will find that 
it will take about 10 minutes for the temperature of the water to rise by about 
2 degrees Celsius. According to the above power density values (and even 
ignoring the fact that infrared light is much better at heating), to do this 
with cell phone tower radiation alone, for a glass of water that is kept at the 
base of a cell phone tower only at night for 8 hours when it is completely 
dark, it will take 147 nights or 1176 hours in darkness.

Therefore, if heating of water molecules in any part of the body, or for that 
matter, heating of any other kind of molecules, is responsible for all the bad 
effects of cell phone tower radiation, then sunlight should produce them more 
than 7000 times faster. As a matter of fact, the situation is even worse. As 
you may know, it is well-established that ultraviolet light causes cancer of 
the skin (and metastatic cancer of deeper tissues because of that) and many 
other deleterious effects by a well understood physical and biological 
mechanism. About 3% of the sunlight that hits the ground is ultraviolet light. 
This amounts to a power density of 33 Watts per square meter. This is 3.5 times 
more than the power density of cell phone tower radiation at the foot of the 
tower. In other words, we are being bombarded by particles of a known 
carcinogen on every square meter of most of the earth’s surface at a dose that 
is more than 3 times greater than cell phone
tower radiation.

This gets me to my second problem with your report. All the claims regarding 
bad effects of cell phone radiation that you make are from some selected 
studies in cell cultures, whole animals and people. I checked some of these 
study papers randomly to see if they were done in complete darkness, and with 
ultraviolet shields. Not a single one of them states that this was the case, 
and it is obvious that all of them would have to be done either in sunlight or

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - technical references

2014-03-14 Thread Santosh Helekar
Dear Prof. Girish Kumar,

Thanks for sending me your advocacy reports. Assuming you have not yet done so, 
I encourage you to submit them for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific 
journal. So the real experts in the vast range of highly technical fields 
covered by these reports can critically evaluate them, and offer their 
comments, as they do for any original scientific research paper. But as for me, 
I will read your reports, and get back to you with my comments and questions, 
if necessary. 

As you know, unlike politics, activism and law, in science people weigh the 
entire body of research on any subject, and especially, the quality of all of 
that research on all sides. Scientists evaluate both positive and negative 
findings, and draw definitive conclusions only when the evidence unequivocally 
points in one clear direction. Therefore, if research papers are cherry picked 
only to support a preconceived opinion on one side then that task is of no 
scientific value. That is why I asked you to refer me to peer-reviewed research 
paper(s) that "unequivocally" supported your claims regarding biological 
effects and the exact physical and biological mechanism by which these effects 
occur. I have not seen any research paper of this type in the literature. For 
this reason, and because of the fact that all epidemiological studies have 
shown no significant health effects of cell phone or cell phone tower 
radiations alone, no public health organization or
 regulatory agency in the world has made any definitive statement supporting 
your claims. But I am happy to evaluate any information that you can provide, 
and I will try to offer my comments on your reports.



> On Friday, March 14, 2014 12:00 AM, Prof. Girish Kumar  
> wrote:
> > Dear Santosh,
> Thanks for your following email. Good to know that you are a 
> neuroscientist and also noted that all others are well educated
> people.
> I have attached my report on cell tower radiation, which was submitted
> to Secretary, DOT in Dec. 2010, it contained nearly 200 scientific and
> technical papers.
> I have also attached Bio-Initiative Report conclusions and RF color
> chart, which gives details of various health hazards. You can download
> complete Bio-Initiative Report 2012 (1479 pages long) from
> The report gives references of 3800 scientific and technical papers
> with a summary spread over several chapters.
> Regarding my daughter's company "NESA Radiation Solutions Pvt. 
> Ltd.",
> it is known to cell operators and DOT officials since its inception
> in Nov. 2011. Please see my report of Dec. 2010 and also in all my
> presentations, I always emphasize that better radiation norms should
> be adopted and transmitted power should be reduced. If transmitted power 
> is reduced then who needs shielding solutions?
> With regards.
> **
>       Girish Kumar
>       Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
>       I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
>       Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
>       email-,
>       Blog -
> **
> On Thu, 13 Mar 2014, Santosh Helekar wrote:
>>  Dear Prof. Kumar,
>>  Can you please refer me to any peer-reviewed research paper(s) in a
> reputed scientific journal that substantiate(s) your claims about effects
> of low power microwave radiation, and the physical and biological mechanisms
> involved. As a neuroscientist, I have scoured through the medical and
> biological literature and consulted with a world-renowned neuroscientist
> who served on a U.S. National Institutes of Health committee to examine
> this question in the 1990s. Neither he, nor the committee, nor I have found
> anything that unequivocally supports your claims.
>>  Cheers,
>>  Santosh

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - technical references

2014-03-14 Thread Stephen Dias
Dear Prof Girish Kumar,

Let me thank you for your detailed explanation provided to our
knowledgeable personalities who is one of them is world renowned
neuroscientist and other one is Msc -IIT Powai . Hope they understand
exact work done by you.In fact we should refrain going deeper in the
scientific studies on internet or e-mails. These discussions are not
in good taste and we should avoid as far as possible.
Anyway the matter needs to be closed and perhaps one day we all can
get together and have scientific discussion in a good forum at public
Hope all our misunderstandings are clear once for all.

Stephen Dias

On 14 March 2014 10:29, Prof. Girish Kumar  wrote:
> Dear Santosh,
> Thanks for your following email. Good to know that you are a neuroscientist
> and also noted that all others are well educated
> people.
> I have attached my report on cell tower radiation, which was submitted
> to Secretary, DOT in Dec. 2010, it contained nearly 200 scientific and
> technical papers.
> I have also attached Bio-Initiative Report conclusions and RF color
> chart, which gives details of various health hazards. You can download
> complete Bio-Initiative Report 2012 (1479 pages long) from
> The report gives references of 3800 scientific and technical papers
> with a summary spread over several chapters.
> Regarding my daughter's company "NESA Radiation Solutions Pvt. Ltd.",
> it is known to cell operators and DOT officials since its inception
> in Nov. 2011. Please see my report of Dec. 2010 and also in all my
> presentations, I always emphasize that better radiation norms should
> be adopted and transmitted power should be reduced. If transmitted power is
> reduced then who needs shielding solutions?
> With regards.
> **
>  Girish Kumar
>  Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
>  I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
>  Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
>  email-,
>  Blog -
> **
> On Thu, 13 Mar 2014, Santosh Helekar wrote:
>> Dear Prof. Kumar,
>> Can you please refer me to any peer-reviewed research paper(s) in a
> reputed scientific journal that substantiate(s) your claims about effects
> of low power microwave radiation, and the physical and biological mechanisms
> involved. As a neuroscientist, I have scoured through the medical and
> biological literature and consulted with a world-renowned neuroscientist
> who served on a U.S. National Institutes of Health committee to examine
> this question in the 1990s. Neither he, nor the committee, nor I have found
> anything that unequivocally supports your claims.
>> Cheers,
>> Santosh
>>> On Thursday, March 13, 2014 9:50 AM, Prof. Girish Kumar
>>>  wrote:
>>> > Dear Gerard Delaney,
>>> I do not know who are you and why you wrote the followings, which
>>> were forwarded to me by Stephen Dias. Atleast you should try to find out
>>> the truth and then make statements. You do not realize that how many
>>> people, birds, animals, plants, trees, etc. are getting affected by
>>> high cell tower radiation.
>>> There are ample examples in the history that whenever anyone or group
>>> of people raise voice against strong industry lobby, whose business
>>> may get affected due to proper awareness, they decline, for example,
>>> cigarette industry.
>>> Cell operators and their associates came out with a book mobile phones..
>>> myths and reality. Please see my comments on the book in the attached
>>> file.
>>> Please see Pages 3 to 5 about sun (light) versus microwave radiation.
>>> Also, see my disclosure on Page 9. This was released to the press in the
>>> last week of Jan. 2014.
>>> If you have any questions, please send an email.
>>> With regards.
>>> **
>>>   Girish Kumar
>>>   Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
>>>   I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
>>>   Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
>>>   email-,
>>>   Blog -
>>> **
>>> On Thu, 13 Mar 2014, Stephen Dias wrote:
  Dear Prof Girish,
  In case you wish to reply these funny uneducated guys , their e-mail
  is as follows:

  <> and (2) is <>
  Please send me a copy if you want to explain them about radiation
  power and principles etc Leave apart the business what he claims that
  your daughter is doing, that is not my interest.

  Stephen Dias
  date: 13.3.2014

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - technical references

2014-03-14 Thread Prof. Girish Kumar

Dear Santosh,

Thanks for your following email. Good to know that you are a 
neuroscientist and also noted that all others are well educated


I have attached my report on cell tower radiation, which was submitted
to Secretary, DOT in Dec. 2010, it contained nearly 200 scientific and
technical papers.

I have also attached Bio-Initiative Report conclusions and RF color
chart, which gives details of various health hazards. You can download
complete Bio-Initiative Report 2012 (1479 pages long) from
The report gives references of 3800 scientific and technical papers
with a summary spread over several chapters.

Regarding my daughter's company "NESA Radiation Solutions Pvt. Ltd.",
it is known to cell operators and DOT officials since its inception
in Nov. 2011. Please see my report of Dec. 2010 and also in all my
presentations, I always emphasize that better radiation norms should
be adopted and transmitted power should be reduced. If transmitted power 
is reduced then who needs shielding solutions?

With regards.

 Girish Kumar
 Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
 I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
 Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
 Blog -

On Thu, 13 Mar 2014, Santosh Helekar wrote:

Dear Prof. Kumar,

Can you please refer me to any peer-reviewed research paper(s) in a

reputed scientific journal that substantiate(s) your claims about effects
of low power microwave radiation, and the physical and biological mechanisms
involved. As a neuroscientist, I have scoured through the medical and
biological literature and consulted with a world-renowned neuroscientist
who served on a U.S. National Institutes of Health committee to examine
this question in the 1990s. Neither he, nor the committee, nor I have found
anything that unequivocally supports your claims.



On Thursday, March 13, 2014 9:50 AM, Prof. Girish Kumar  
> Dear Gerard Delaney,

I do not know who are you and why you wrote the followings, which
were forwarded to me by Stephen Dias. Atleast you should try to find out
the truth and then make statements. You do not realize that how many
people, birds, animals, plants, trees, etc. are getting affected by
high cell tower radiation.

There are ample examples in the history that whenever anyone or group
of people raise voice against strong industry lobby, whose business
may get affected due to proper awareness, they decline, for example,
cigarette industry.

Cell operators and their associates came out with a book mobile phones..
myths and reality. Please see my comments on the book in the attached 

Please see Pages 3 to 5 about sun (light) versus microwave radiation.
Also, see my disclosure on Page 9. This was released to the press in the 
last week of Jan. 2014.

If you have any questions, please send an email.

With regards.

      Girish Kumar
      Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
      I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
      Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
      Blog -

On Thu, 13 Mar 2014, Stephen Dias wrote:

 Dear Prof Girish,
 In case you wish to reply these funny uneducated guys , their e-mail
 is as follows:

 <> and (2) is <>
 Please send me a copy if you want to explain them about radiation
 power and principles etc Leave apart the business what he claims that
 your daughter is doing, that is not my interest.

 Stephen Dias
 date: 13.3.2014

 To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Misinformation of the radiation from mobile
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 Thanks Gerard for sharing this information. It is important to counter
 these bogus scares that crop up from time to time by educating people
 about basic scientific concepts. Underlying these scares there
 invariably is some commercial scam or MLM-type fraud being



 On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 1:56 PM, Gerard Delaney 


 Last year, a small group of Saliganvkars created awareness in the

 Lourdes Convent school hall about the alleged dangers of the radiation
 from Mobile towers by showing a PP presentation of the so called expert
 Prof. Girish Kumar. The same presentation was used again for a much
 bigger group of villagers in 

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - coverage in Goa

2014-03-13 Thread Ashley Delaney
Dear Mr Stephan Dias
I was quite surprised by your comment "funny uneducated guys" referring to
Mr Gerard Delaney and Mr Santosh Herlekar.

I do not know you personally. What I do know, is that neither do you know
the above two gentlemen personally, nor did you take the trouble of finding
out about them before you made such a comment on a public forum.

>From the mails subsequently sent by Mr Santosh, I gather that he is a
A simple Google search on him verified that he is a PHD in the same in a
leading Texas college.

You will not find much information about my father Gerard Delaney on the
net as he tends to maintain a low profile. Allow me to bring you up to
speed on the same.

My father is a former Gold medalist in Physics from IIT Powai. He joined
NIO briefly for a year before settling for a more fulfilling job in
teaching Physics in Goa. Just last year he retired from a 35 year active
service, 16 of them spent as the Principal of Shri Shantadurga HSS in
Bicholim, Goa. He has also to his credit co-authored a book on physics
which incidentally is being used as one of the textbooks being taught to
all HSS science students. He is still an active board member on the
association of physics teachers. His list of achievements are much more,
but I think you will agree with me that he is not as a "funny uneducated"
guy as you thought.

*An apology from you for these comments made in bad taste will be

kind regards


Group TenPlus
Keep Goa E-waste free!! contact us now to know what YOU can
Abreovaddo, Saligao, Bardez, Goa.
Ph: 9823118321 /  9373521448 (office)

On Thu, 13 Mar 2014, Stephen Dias wrote:

> Dear Prof Girish,
> In case you wish to reply these funny uneducated guys , their e-mail
> is as follows:
> <> and (2) is <>
> Please send me a copy if you want to explain them about radiation
> power and principles etc Leave apart the business what he claims that
> your daughter is doing, that is not my interest.
> Stephen Dias
> date: 13.3.2014

Re: [Goanet] cell tower radiation hazards - coverage in Goa

2014-03-13 Thread Santosh Helekar
Dear Prof. Kumar,

Can you please refer me to any peer-reviewed research paper(s) in a reputed 
scientific journal that substantiate(s) your claims about effects of low power 
microwave radiation, and the physical and biological mechanisms involved. As a 
neuroscientist, I have scoured through the medical and biological literature 
and consulted with a world-renowned neuroscientist who served on a U.S. 
National Institutes of Health committee to examine this question in the 1990s. 
Neither he, nor the committee, nor I have found anything that unequivocally 
supports your claims.



> On Thursday, March 13, 2014 9:50 AM, Prof. Girish Kumar 
>  wrote:
> > Dear Gerard Delaney,
> I do not know who are you and why you wrote the followings, which
> were forwarded to me by Stephen Dias. Atleast you should try to find out
> the truth and then make statements. You do not realize that how many
> people, birds, animals, plants, trees, etc. are getting affected by
> high cell tower radiation.
> There are ample examples in the history that whenever anyone or group
> of people raise voice against strong industry lobby, whose business
> may get affected due to proper awareness, they decline, for example,
> cigarette industry.
> Cell operators and their associates came out with a book mobile phones..
> myths and reality. Please see my comments on the book in the attached 
> file.
> Please see Pages 3 to 5 about sun (light) versus microwave radiation.
> Also, see my disclosure on Page 9. This was released to the press in the 
> last week of Jan. 2014.
> If you have any questions, please send an email.
> With regards.
> **
>       Girish Kumar
>       Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
>       I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
>       Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
>       email-,
>       Blog -
> **
> On Thu, 13 Mar 2014, Stephen Dias wrote:
>>  Dear Prof Girish,
>>  In case you wish to reply these funny uneducated guys , their e-mail
>>  is as follows:
>>  <> and (2) is <>
>>  Please send me a copy if you want to explain them about radiation
>>  power and principles etc Leave apart the business what he claims that
>>  your daughter is doing, that is not my interest.
>>  Stephen Dias
>>  date: 13.3.2014
>>  >  Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 15:08:57 -0700 (PDT)
>>  From: Santosh Helekar 
>>  To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
>>  Subject: Re: [Goanet] Misinformation of the radiation from mobile
>>         towers
>>  Message-ID:
>>         <>
>>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>>  Thanks Gerard for sharing this information. It is important to counter
>>  these bogus scares that crop up from time to time by educating people
>>  about basic scientific concepts. Underlying these scares there
>>  invariably is some commercial scam or MLM-type fraud being
>>  perpetrated.?
>>  Cheers,
>>  Santosh
>>>  On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 1:56 PM, Gerard Delaney 
>  wrote:
  Last year, a small group of Saliganvkars created awareness in the
>>>  Lourdes Convent school hall about the alleged dangers of the radiation
>>>  from Mobile towers by showing a PP presentation of the so called expert
>>>  Prof. Girish Kumar. The same presentation was used again for a much
>>>  bigger group of villagers in Gladstone Ribeiro Sa's house and as a
>>>  result the construction of the mobile tower by Dmello Telepower Pvt Ltd
>>>  in Saligao was forced to stop.
>>>  When 6 of the leaders had met in my (Gerard Delaney's) house after 
> the
>>>  Lourdes convent program, I had clearly explained to them how this Prof.
>>>  Girish Kumar was using his position to create fear in the minds of the
>>>  public about the radiation and thereby helping his daughter's 
> business
>>>  of selling meters to measure radiation and shields for it. I had even
>>>  explained that the average frequency of light is one million times
>>>  greater than that of microwave radiation. Hence according to the well
>>>  established laws of Physics, light has energy greater than that of
>>>  microwave radiation by one million. Thus it is ridiculous to be afraid
>>>  of microwave radiation and not of visible light radiation which is one
>>>  million times stronger! *However, what transcribed during the meeting,
>>>  was never released to the general public by the leaders of the 
> agitation.*
>>>  Now a special panel of 13 members set up by the DoT in keeping with the
>>>  Allahabad High Court's orders, has exposed the misdeeds of the
>>>  Professor? and affirmed that there is n