WARN:Scrollbar:isc_HTMLPane_0_vscroll:ignoring bad or negative height

2010-09-03 Thread tdk
I keeping getting the following warning and stack trace, when I start
my app:[CODE]
00:00:00,001 [ERROR]
bad or negative height: -9 [enable 'sizing' log for stack trace]
bad or negative height: -9 [enable 'sizing' log for stack trace]
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:513)
at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.MethodAdaptor.invoke(MethodAdaptor.java:
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)[/CODE]
I don't see any problems in my app but I'd rather have no warnings
from my code.

I'm using GWT 2.0.4, SmartGWT 2.2, NetBeans 6.9.1, Firefox 3.6.8,
Windows Vista Business x64

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Re: GWT Spring integration - what is the best method in late 2010?

2010-09-03 Thread Alek

We also use SL for our project. I configured this solution once and
forgot about it.


On Aug 31, 11:24 pm, George Georgovassilis
g.georgovassi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Sam,

 The SL [1] is a community maintained integration of Spring and GWT
 mainly focused at exporting Spring managed beans as RPC services. It
 was launched four years ago and has reached through many releases a
 high degree of maturity. The documentation is extensive, it's easy to
 use (though I'm biased) but it's been criticized for not using maven.


 On Aug 31, 5:31 pm, Sam sambrod...@gmail.com wrote:

  Note: this thread is about using Spring for your service impls in a
  GWT app (it's not about integrating Spring MVC or using ROO. It's also
  not about Guice)

  There are a few posts on this but it's hard to tell what the best
  method is today.  The two contenders seem to me to be:

  1)http://code.google.com/p/gwt-spring-starter-app/(myproject based
  on P.G. Taboada's 

  which is as simple as can be, however, the one annoyance is that you
  need yet another class for each RPC Service (A wrapper that extends a
  spring context injecting RemoteServiceServlet)


  Just glanced at this.  Looks a lot more complicated and the project
  has a lot of unresolved issues.

  Am I missing any approaches?  Surely you other GWT devs are using
  Spring on the back end if you're writing serious applications.  Don't
  be shy, please speak up.

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NoClassDefFoundError with gwt.dev.Compiler

2010-09-03 Thread Esslem GHODBANE

I'm new with GWT, and I'd like to run my first GWT application.
When I build this project mvn clean install, I received this log error :

[INFO] Scanning for projects...

[INFO] Building gwt-maven-archetype-project
[INFO] Id: org.exo.gwt:GWTSample:war:1.0
[INFO] task-segment: [install]

[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to
[INFO] [gwt:compile]
[INFO] using GWT jars from project dependencies : 2.0.3
[INFO] auto discovered modules [org.exoplatform.gwt.gwtSample.Application]
[INFO] establishing classpath list (scope = compile)
[ERROR] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/gwt/dev/Compiler
[ERROR] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
[ERROR] at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
[ERROR] at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
[ERROR] Could not find the main class: com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler.  Program
will exit.
[ERROR] Exception in thread main

The following mojo encountered an error while executing:
Group-Id: org.codehaus.mojo
Artifact-Id: gwt-maven-plugin
Version: 1.2
Mojo: compile
brought in via: POM

While building project:
Group-Id: org.exo.gwt
Artifact-Id: GWTSample
Version: 1.0
From file: D:\exo\workspaces\sebastian.trunk.timeline\GWTSample\pom.xml
Reason: Command [[
D:\exo\jdk1.6\jre6\bin\java -Xmx512m -classpath ...
]] failed with status 1

Is there any suggestions please ?

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Re: Separate modules for separate views?

2010-09-03 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Sep 3, 2:33 am, Riley rileyl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Naturally, though I'd been looking for these answers for an hour
 before I posted here, I discovered that if I used the google plugin to
 create a new HTML page, it automatically configured whatever it needs
 to configure to support two separate HTML pages with different modules
  different entry points.  It seems to be working.

 My only remaining question, then, is whether I'm right about how the
 compiler works.  To rephrase:

 I have two modules, side by side in the same directory.  They both
 have the client and shared directories as source.  If module B
 hardly references any of the code in these folders, will the final
 module B compiled JS omit the unused code?

Yes (just like it won't output code for, say, TabLayoutPanel, if you
don't use it, but still use other widgets in the same package).

I would however, for clearer/cleaner separation, make a Shared
module and have A and B both inherit Shared, and put A's EntryPoint
(and some or all other A-specific code) in a separate package from B's
EntryPoint (which would live in a separator package than the Shared

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Including mime-mapping in web.xml not working?

2010-09-03 Thread andrew_d_mackenzie
When I include the following XML chunk:


 in my web.xml deployment descriptor I get the following exception:

[WARN] Unable to process 'file:/C:/Users/andrew/Documents/DevProjects/
WebApps/ta/war/WEB-INF/web.xml' for servlet validation
javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Configuration problem
at com.google.gwt.dev.ServletValidator.create(ServletValidator.java:
at com.google.gwt.dev.ServletValidator.create(ServletValidator.java:
at com.google.gwt.dev.DevMode.doSlowStartup(DevMode.java:356)
at com.google.gwt.dev.DevModeBase.startUp(DevModeBase.java:1057)
at com.google.gwt.dev.DevModeBase.run(DevModeBase.java:783)
at com.google.gwt.dev.DevMode.main(DevMode.java:275)
Loading modules
  Validating servlet tags for module 'landing'
  For additional info see: file:/C:/Program%20Files/eclipse/
 [WARN] Module declares 1 servlet declaration(s), but a
valid 'web.xml' was not found at 'C:\Users\andrew\Documents\DevProjects

abd my DevMode server is not started correctly.
Simply removing that element causes the error to go away.

It seems to appear in the 2.3 servlet web.xml DTD as specified, but
GWT doesn't fully support it?

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Re: UiBinder causes build to fail with out of memory

2010-09-03 Thread andrew_d_mackenzie
Thanks Jeff.

I didn't seem to have any specific stack size previously, and as you
said - I must have been close to the limit with the default.

Using -Xmx512m fixed it.


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Re: Separate modules for separate views?

2010-09-03 Thread BugRoger
Instead of using multiple modules you can also used a single module.

For your views you create an implementation for each role that your
application requires. For example:


The you use deferred binding to pick the right implementation.

This will have the added benefit that the module will be split by the
compiler. Each permutation will only contain the controls that are
used by its implementations. So, if you have alot of extra control for
the Admin role they won't bleed into the Enduser role.

Downside is that the compile time scales linear with each role that
you add. With 2 roles you will already compile 10 permutations with
the standard settings. I guess, it's the same for multiple modules

You also have to make sure, to recheck the user's roles on the server
since it's rather trivial to trick the UI to display the admin role.

On Sep 3, 11:52 am, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sep 3, 2:33 am, Riley rileyl...@gmail.com wrote:

  Naturally, though I'd been looking for these answers for an hour
  before I posted here, I discovered that if I used the google plugin to
  create a new HTML page, it automatically configured whatever it needs
  to configure to support two separate HTML pages with different modules
   different entry points.  It seems to be working.

  My only remaining question, then, is whether I'm right about how the
  compiler works.  To rephrase:

  I have two modules, side by side in the same directory.  They both
  have the client and shared directories as source.  If module B
  hardly references any of the code in these folders, will the final
  module B compiled JS omit the unused code?

 Yes (just like it won't output code for, say, TabLayoutPanel, if you
 don't use it, but still use other widgets in the same package).

 I would however, for clearer/cleaner separation, make a Shared
 module and have A and B both inherit Shared, and put A's EntryPoint
 (and some or all other A-specific code) in a separate package from B's
 EntryPoint (which would live in a separator package than the Shared

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Re: Memory Leak IE7 GWT 2.0.4

2010-09-03 Thread Joel Webber
Sorry I didn't follow up earlier (this should have showed up in my
inbox, but didn't for some reason...).

It is at least remotely possible that this could have leaked in 1.5.4,
but I'm not aware of any memory-leak fixes as recently as that. The
architecture that guards against leaks is sound, and hasn't changed
significantly since 1.0. There were a couple of bug fixes for little
pieces of Javascript that were triggering leaks (notably in the
RequestBuilder code, which this doesn't exercise), but that was some
time ago. As for the dev mode leak, I've asked one of my team members
who's working on optimizing dev mode to take a look at that.

I wish I could do more to help with memory leaks in SmartGWT, but
that's way beyond the knowledge of anyone on our team. SmartGWT's a
wrapper around a huge Javascript library that, from your earlier post,
appears to require destroy() calls on widgets as part of its memory-
leak strategy (IIUC). That strategy's rife with problems and very hard
for users to get right in practice (I've tried it in other frameworks,
and always found myself squashing leaks ad infinitum). Do the SmartGWT
tools not provide some mechanism for tracing and finding leaks?

On Aug 30, 9:10 am, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:
 This may be a valid solution, however its not an ideal one, as this
 application is already significantly large, and its not going to be
 easy to refactor all of the existing code to work this way.  It will
 be easy to keep this in mind while going forward, however.

 As I said above, I was trying to reproduce the way a lot of the code
 I'm working with has been written.  Also, while I thought this was
 reproducing the situation we are seeing in our live app (using GWT
 1.5.4) it turns out this only produces the memory leak in development
 mode using the most recent GWT.  I will have to see if this produces a
 leak when compiled using 1.5.4.  If not then I'll probably need to
 find a new simple case that reproduces the leak we're seeing.

 On Aug 28, 11:48 am, Michael W mwang_2...@yahoo.com wrote:

  I doubt following code causing the memory leak.
  In reloadRight method, you create and assign new DecoratedTabPanel()
  to tabPanel every time.

                  protected void reloadRight(){

                          tabPanel = new DecoratedTabPanel();

  You may reuse existing tabPanel instead of create new one.

  On Aug 27, 4:21 pm, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi Joel, i appreciate your help.

   I was running in development mode and it appears that this memory
   bloat goes away when not using development mode.
   We have been developing our application using older GWT (1.5.4 I
   belive) so I'm used to using the old hosted mode.  I didn't realize
   the in browser development mode might have this side effect.

   The goal of this was to reproduce a memory leak that we have in our
   application (when compiled, of course) using as simple a case as
   possible, in the newest version of GWT, if possible.  I erroneously
   thought this was accomplishing that.

   Does the fact that this growth occurs in development mode suggest
   anything about why I might see similar growth in a compiled GWT 1.5.4

   On Aug 27, 12:52 pm, Joel Webber j...@google.com wrote:

Hmm... I've tried to reproduce this on IE7 and IE8 (both quirks 
standards), to no avail. I doubt it's anything in the outer HTML file,
but just in case, here's what I used:

    script type=text/javascript language=javascript src=hello/
    div id='container'/div

The initial calls to getSomeText() were causing a huge number of slow-
script warnings on IE, so I was only able to run through a few
iterations. I then dropped the count by a factor of 10 to get the SSWs
under control, and the memory usage appears quite stable after a
couple of hundred clicks. (~30MB). Can you think of anything else that
might be different in your setup?

On 27 août, 08:20, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sorry for posting this twice.  If a moderator wants to/can remove the
 duplicate go ahead.

 On Aug 25, 2:56 pm, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:

  I created a simple application in an attempt to reproduce a memory
  leak issue in our decently large GWT application.

  This test application basically contains a split panel with a button
  on the left, and a tab panel full of large blocks of text on the
  Clicking the reload button fires the reloadRight method, and does a
  panel.clear() to remove the old tab panel and a  panel.add() to add 
  new tab panel to the right panel.  Doing this repeatedly causes 

Can I copy an image to avoid re-requesting from url?

2010-09-03 Thread dduck

I have written a GWT client that among other things requests images
that are generated server-side. To conserve bandwith and server CPU, I
would like to cache the images in an url - image map. To do that
properly, I would need to be able to copy an image as in final Image
myImage = new Image(cache.get(url));

Is this possible?

  Anders S. Johanse, ange.dk

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gwt and nokia phones

2010-09-03 Thread ben fenster
i wrote a gwt app and it runs on all major desktop browsers and even
on the iphone
but it wont run on any nokia phones in nokia phone i see a white empty

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Re: Can I copy an image to avoid re-requesting from url?

2010-09-03 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Sep 3, 2:24 pm, dduck anders.johansen.a...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have written a GWT client that among other things requests images
 that are generated server-side. To conserve bandwith and server CPU, I
 would like to cache the images in an url - image map. To do that
 properly, I would need to be able to copy an image as in final Image
 myImage = new Image(cache.get(url));

 Is this possible?

No (to my knowledge).

If you want to cache images, you have to have your server send the
appropriate HTTP headers so the browser itself appropriately uses the
image from its cache.

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Re: Including mime-mapping in web.xml not working?

2010-09-03 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Sep 3, 12:32 pm, andrew_d_mackenzie and...@mackenzie-serres.net
 When I include the following XML chunk:


  in my web.xml deployment descriptor I get the following exception:

 [WARN] Unable to process 'file:/C:/Users/andrew/Documents/DevProjects/
 WebApps/ta/war/WEB-INF/web.xml' for servlet validation
 javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Configuration problem
         at com.google.gwt.dev.ServletValidator.create(ServletValidator.java:
         at com.google.gwt.dev.ServletValidator.create(ServletValidator.java:
         at com.google.gwt.dev.DevMode.doSlowStartup(DevMode.java:356)
         at com.google.gwt.dev.DevModeBase.startUp(DevModeBase.java:1057)
         at com.google.gwt.dev.DevModeBase.run(DevModeBase.java:783)
         at com.google.gwt.dev.DevMode.main(DevMode.java:275)
 Loading modules
       Validating servlet tags for module 'landing'
       For additional info see: file:/C:/Program%20Files/eclipse/
          [WARN] Module declares 1 servlet declaration(s), but a
 valid 'web.xml' was not found at 'C:\Users\andrew\Documents\DevProjects

 abd my DevMode server is not started correctly.
 Simply removing that element causes the error to go away.

 It seems to appear in the 2.3 servlet web.xml DTD as specified, but
 GWT doesn't fully support it?

See http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/list?q=servletvalidator
I believe this is fixed in GWT 2.1 (not yet released, but you can try

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Ui:msg I18N and Dictionary/HashMap

2010-09-03 Thread xworker

Is it possible to use the ui:msg tag with Dictionary? Right now I have
stored my text resources in a HashMapString,String which is a
Singleton because I could not figure out how to convert it into a

I'm getting the values from the server which gets it from a databse
via webservices.

In the entry class:

customerService.getMapForKey(key ,new AsyncCallbackHashMapString,
Object() {
public void onSuccess(HashMapString, Object 
result) {

public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {


In my views i'm getting the values like this:


How could I use this in my uibindings files?


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historyFrame issues when document.domain is explicitly set

2010-09-03 Thread olivier.nyc

We have a simple GWT mash-up shell application with a top nav loading
content in an iframe.
The root application is explicitly setting the document.domain to

All is well on FF but IE8 Same Origin Policy is blocking the page
(Access Denied).

I traced the error to the retrieval of the history token from the
historyframe (function getTokenElement). The __gwt_historyFrame iframe
should be owned by the containing page index.html where the
document.domain is explicitly set.

function getTokenElement(historyFrame){
  if (historyFrame.contentWindow) {
var doc = historyFrame.contentWindow.document;
return doc.getElementById('__gwt_historyToken');

I am aware that IE8 requires all frames to set the document.domain
explicitly to the same value to allow access. Yet how can you set the
document.domain to the __gwt_historyFrame apart from declaring it in
the startup page where the document.domain is set ?

Anyone ran into this kind of behavior ? Any input welcomed.

Note: The compiled js pages also get their document.domain explicitly
set via IFrameLinker getModulePrefix(), overridden in our
CrossDomainLinker class.

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server side code not rebuilding

2010-09-03 Thread Chris Broglie
I'm developing using the eclipse plugin, and a lot of the time when I
make changes local to the server code, the changes aren't visible when
I reload the page. Client side changes are always reflected (as
expected). Is there something I need to do to force the server code to
be rebuilt by eclipse?

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createLoginUrl not working in gwt dev mode (GWT and GAE tutorial)

2010-09-03 Thread moriones
i get more or less the behaviour described in the quoted message (gwt
2.0.4, appengine 1.3.7)

when I return from login the application works but i cannot see what i
send to the console with System.out, i cannot debug,
I suppose this is because of the wrong url

the system.out worked just one time after i made a 'gwt compile' (but
the debug still didn't work)

-- Forwarded message --
From: Billy billy_turc...@hotmail.com
Date: 19 Mag, 02:55
Subject: createLoginUrl not working in gwt dev mode - loses
gwt.codesvr parameter
To: Google Web Toolkit

I have an application using GWT and AppEngine (more or less following
the StockWatcher tutorial) which I access locally as:

I am creating a login url using:


where requestUri is passed to my server-side login service from my
entry point as: GWT.getHostPageBaseURL().

After logging in I am redirected tohttp://

This loses the dev mode parameter gwt.codesvr and thusly this redirect
only works after I have a done a GWT compile.

(This is using GWT SD 2.0.3 and App Engine SDK 1.3.3)

Is it possible to use the createLoginUrl functionality while remaining
in dev mode?


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deploy gwt-dev.jar issue

2010-09-03 Thread wiulma
Hi guys!
In my web app I use gwtupload.jar and in the FileUploadServlet I
import com.google.gwt.soyc.Settings

Now I have to deploy the web app in jboss 5, but with gwt-dev.jar in
WEB-INF/lib I obtain this compile error:

Caused by: LifecycleException:  Error initializaing :
javax.management.ReflectionException: Cannot find method addChild with
this signature

while if I delete gwt-dev.jar the issue is:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Can you help me?

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GWT 508 Compliance

2010-09-03 Thread Google Integrator
How would I make my GWT application 508 Compliant?  What are the best
strategies currently out there for this.  I am writing an application
that makes a lot of calls to get data from various servers and after
the data is returned, I would like a screen reader to read what is
returned in a readable way.  Any ideas, suggestions would be greatly

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Accessing data returned from a FormPanel Post request

2010-09-03 Thread Google Integrator
If I do a FormPanel Post request, how do I access data returned from
the server as a result of the request.  Any help would be greatly

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HorizontalSplitPanel in Internet Explorer 8

2010-09-03 Thread divStar
Hello there,

I've been using GWT 2.0 for a few weeks now. My application uses a
SplitLayoutPanel which, in turn has a HorizontalSplitPanel in its

I am using Internet Explorer in Standard-Mode, since I have only to
consider IE8. I also use Firefox 3.6 to check whether things work on
there too - just in case.

My problem is that whatever widgets I add to the HorizontalSplitPanel
(e.g. Labels), I end up not being able to resize the
HorizontalSplitPanel. Basically: if I create a new module with an
EntryPoint that only displays a HorizontalSplitPanel (and say.. 2
Labels) - it doesn't work. It DOES work in Firefox though.

The SplitLayoutPanel however works just fine in IE8 as well as
Firefox, but I can't use it, because I need the left panel (addWest..)
to auto-size as well (I don'T want to define the size when using
addWest(..., size)).

Is this a known issue?

The exception I get is:
com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (Error): invalid
 number: -2147024809
195) etc.

I'd appreciate any help or information with this :/.

thank you very much in advance.


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Please help

2010-09-03 Thread Albs
Hi...I am new to GWT and i'm trying to develop a small
application...but here i need to open a directory and count the no.of
files in it...I'm doing it as follows:

File dir = new File(file);
String[] pages = dir.list();
int count = pages.length;

I have imported java.io.File but the GWT compiler gives me the
following error.plz help

No source code is available for type java.io.File; did
you forget to inherit a required module?

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GWT war file inside a EAR file

2010-09-03 Thread Marcelo Balloni
 Hi folks!

 I developed a gwt application and package it as a war file. Everything
works fine.
 But when i try to package it inside an EAR file all my remote callings
stoped to work (i'm using gwt default remoteserlvet calls). Actually i can't
even deploy in weblogic (it gives an error).

 I've tried everything but without success =/
 Is there something else i'm missing on gwt ear deployment?

 Thank you!

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2010-09-03 Thread lalit
Is there a pure HTML way of handling markups in UIBinder, so that we
can use the pure HTML markups and styles as provided by designers.

The problem I am seeing in converting pure markup into ui.xml is
- The styles has to be wrapped in a curly braces.
- The widget has to be converted into the g tags.

I looked into documentation but not finding any conclusions on that.

thanks in advance

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Pulling Data From a GWT application

2010-09-03 Thread Google Integrator
From a host page, how would I pull data that is in a GWT application?
If there is already a link that discusses, please let me know.  For
example, I have a button on a host page and I want to write code for
when you click on that button that pulls a specific value out of the
GWT application.  What is the best way to do that?

Any advice would be great!
Thanks in advance.

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Re: GWT Spring integration - what is the best method in late 2010?

2010-09-03 Thread magat

I recently used Spring to instanciate my RPC services impls, and I
followed the approach described here :


Hope that helps,

On 3 sep, 09:12, Alek akorotenk...@gmail.com wrote:

 We also use SL for our project. I configured this solution once and
 forgot about it.


 On Aug 31, 11:24 pm, George Georgovassilis

 g.georgovassi...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Sam,

  The SL [1] is a community maintained integration of Spring and GWT
  mainly focused at exporting Spring managed beans as RPC services. It
  was launched four years ago and has reached through many releases a
  high degree of maturity. The documentation is extensive, it's easy to
  use (though I'm biased) but it's been criticized for not using maven.


  On Aug 31, 5:31 pm, Sam sambrod...@gmail.com wrote:

   Note: this thread is about using Spring for your service impls in a
   GWT app (it's not about integrating Spring MVC or using ROO. It's also
   not about Guice)

   There are a few posts on this but it's hard to tell what the best
   method is today.  The two contenders seem to me to be:

   on P.G. Taboada's 

   which is as simple as can be, however, the one annoyance is that you
   need yet another class for each RPC Service (A wrapper that extends a
   spring context injecting RemoteServiceServlet)


   Just glanced at this.  Looks a lot more complicated and the project
   has a lot of unresolved issues.

   Am I missing any approaches?  Surely you other GWT devs are using
   Spring on the back end if you're writing serious applications.  Don't
   be shy, please speak up.

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How can I get a class by it's name and then construct it?

2010-09-03 Thread Shedokan
I am trying to split my code and load classes by a name I get from the
I tried using Class.forName(com.app.classes.+className) but GWT
doesn't support it.

How can I get a class and then construct it like this:
new (getClass(com.app.classes.+className))(Param1, param2);


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Re: server side code not rebuilding

2010-09-03 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Sep 1, 11:30 pm, Chris Broglie cbrog...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm developing using the eclipse plugin, and a lot of the time when I
 make changes local to the server code, the changes aren't visible when
 I reload the page. Client side changes are always reflected (as
 expected). Is there something I need to do to force the server code to
 be rebuilt by eclipse?

Search for reloading server code in
Make sure Eclipse automatically compiles your classes (menu Project -
Build Automatically), or make sure you build them (menu Project -
Build project), before refreshing the server.

In the Google Plugin for Eclipse, it's a yellow swirling-arrows button
in the Development Mode view.

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Re: deploy gwt-dev.jar issue

2010-09-03 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Sep 2, 6:37 pm, wiulma giorgio.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi guys!
 In my web app I use gwtupload.jar and in the FileUploadServlet I
 import com.google.gwt.soyc.Settings

 Now I have to deploy the web app in jboss 5, but with gwt-dev.jar in
 WEB-INF/lib I obtain this compile error:

 Caused by: LifecycleException:  Error initializaing :
 javax.management.ReflectionException: Cannot find method addChild with
 this signature

 while if I delete gwt-dev.jar the issue is:
 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
 Can you help me?

You're not supposed to deploy gwt-dev.jar. Server-side GWT code to be
deployed is packaged in a gwt-servlet.jar file.
See http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideDeploying.html

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Re: UIBinder

2010-09-03 Thread Gal Dolber
In the uiBinder wizard there is an option: GwtWidget or Html...
If you write plain html you have to bind with the root element:
some html

interface MyBinder extends UiBinderDivElement, YourWidget {}

MyBinder binder = ...;

public YourWidget() {

2010/9/3 lalit lalit.bh...@gmail.com

 Is there a pure HTML way of handling markups in UIBinder, so that we
 can use the pure HTML markups and styles as provided by designers.

 The problem I am seeing in converting pure markup into ui.xml is
 - The styles has to be wrapped in a curly braces.
 - The widget has to be converted into the g tags.

 I looked into documentation but not finding any conclusions on that.

 thanks in advance

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Re: Can I copy an image to avoid re-requesting from url?

2010-09-03 Thread dduck

On 3 Sep., 14:37, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sep 3, 2:24 pm, dduck anders.johansen.a...@gmail.com wrote:

 If you want to cache images, you have to have your server send the
 appropriate HTTP headers so the browser itself appropriately uses the
 image from its cache.

Unfortunately it seems that most browsers are smart enough to cache
images that have been fully transfered, but not smart enough to
consolidate overlapping requests such as this:

time:0 fetch image1
time:10 fetch image1
time:20 Image 1 ready

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Re: GWT Spring integration - what is the best method in late 2010?

2010-09-03 Thread markM

Just started looking into this same thing about a month ago.  My
experience was as follows.  I found that the Spring documentation
references the GWT Server Library so it must be the official pathway
correct?  I tried to use the inheritance methodology, one of three the
GWT Server Library supports, and got it working temporarily under
Jetty/GWT Eclipse plugin.  For some reason it stopped working.  Then I
read further in the GWT Server Library documentation and found that
the authors tell you simply not to use the GWT plugin's built in web-
server (Jetty).  In other words you have to work with the -noserver
option in GWT in order to debug server side code because Jetty doesn't
support J2EE features that Spring uses that for instance Tomcat or
other web servers support.  I had used -noserver previously and so
thought this not to be a big deal.  However, with a fair amount of
effort I never got the project to run even in -noserver mode.  My
experience with the GWT Server Library documentation and I believe
they even stated this in the documentation was that you're expected to
already understand Spring and this made it more difficult for me to
implmenet.  Moving to -noserver mode also required me to muck with
eclipse setting files in order to make my GWT eclipse project also a
Web-Eclipse project.  Probably with more time I would have been able
to figure it out but it wasn't clean having to muck with eclipse files
anyway and I was looking for the simplest methodology as I'm trying to
get folks within my company to understand the beauty of GWT and
roadblocks like this don't help.

Yesterday, after reading your post I downloaded the
SimpleGwtRpcSpringExample.zip file from the URL Sam mentioned


The self-containing Eclipse project worked out of the box! under
Jetty!  I did have to move to JDK 1.6 and recompile to get rid of a
class versioning error.  I notice that the bright folks who wrote this
component created their own dispatcher class so as to not have to use
Spring's dispatcher class.  I'm assuming that this is the reason that
it worked under Jetty because their custom dispatcher doesn't rely on
the extra J2EE facilities that Spring's dispatcher does.  There may be
downsides to this component but I haven't seen any yet.  One thing I
read about the GWT Server Library is that if you use their inheritance
scheme to spring enable your server side rpc class it's faster because
it doesn't use reflection.  However, if all you're doing is making
calls into the server based upon button clicks the vast majority of
your processing is going to likely go in in the server and so the
performance thing may be of little consequence.  I don't see a pause
in the example greet server app when I click the button.  If anyone
has used the gwtrpc-spring component extensively and knows more about
the downsides, if any, I'd love to hear about it.

On Sep 3, 3:12 am, Alek akorotenk...@gmail.com wrote:

 We also use SL for our project. I configured this solution once and
 forgot about it.


 On Aug 31, 11:24 pm, George Georgovassilisg.georgovassi...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Sam,

  The SL [1] is a community maintained integration of Spring and GWT
  mainly focused at exporting Spring managed beans as RPC services. It
  was launched four years ago and has reached through many releases a
  high degree of maturity. The documentation is extensive, it's easy to
  use (though I'm biased) but it's been criticized for not using maven.


  On Aug 31, 5:31 pm, Sam sambrod...@gmail.com wrote:

   Note: this thread is about using Spring for your service impls in a
   GWT app (it's not about integrating Spring MVC or using ROO. It's also
   not about Guice)

   There are a few posts on this but it's hard to tell what the best
   method is today.  The two contenders seem to me to be:

   on P.G. Taboada's 

   which is as simple as can be, however, the one annoyance is that you
   need yet another class for each RPC Service (A wrapper that extends a
   spring context injecting RemoteServiceServlet)


   Just glanced at this.  Looks a lot more complicated and the project
   has a lot of unresolved issues.

   Am I missing any approaches?  Surely you other GWT devs are using
   Spring on the back end if you're writing serious applications.  Don't
   be shy, please speak up.

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Re: How can I get a class by it's name and then construct it?

2010-09-03 Thread Gal Dolber
Thats not possible in GWT...
Search in google for GWT Generators

2010/9/3 Shedokan shedok...@gmail.com

 I am trying to split my code and load classes by a name I get from the
 I tried using Class.forName(com.app.classes.+className) but GWT
 doesn't support it.

 How can I get a class and then construct it like this:
 new (getClass(com.app.classes.+className))(Param1, param2);


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Re: Please help

2010-09-03 Thread mikedshaf...@gmail.com

You've managed to hit the most common problem that new GWT developers
run into.  Here's the deal:  GWT is written in the Java syntax (which
is really cool) and then the GWT compiler converts it into Javascript
(since it is running in a browser).  So here's the common mistake:
not all of Java's huge library base is convertible by the GWT compiler
into Javascript.  What that error is really saying is you are
importing a Java library that GWT can't convert into Javascript.
java.io is one of those libraries that everyone wants to work in GWT,
but I don't think will ever happen (I'm not affiliated with GWT in any
way..)  If you think of what java.io can do, it is completely
contradictory to what the browser is allowed to do to the native file
system.  Said another way:  there are many things that the browser is
explicitly not allowed to do, and reading the local file system is one
of them.  So if you are going to absolutely need this functionality,
you'll have to do it another way using another technology

Does this make sense?



On Sep 2, 2:47 am, Albs albintha...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi...I am new to GWT and i'm trying to develop a small
 application...but here i need to open a directory and count the no.of
 files in it...I'm doing it as follows:

 File dir = new File(file);
 String[] pages = dir.list();
 int count = pages.length;

 I have imported java.io.File but the GWT compiler gives me the
 following error.plz help

 No source code is available for type java.io.File; did
 you forget to inherit a required module?

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Re: user.agent options

2010-09-03 Thread John Denley
Thanks Thomas for clearing up those points and clearly another very good
reason for someone from Google documenting this properly!!!

On 2 September 2010 02:24, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sep 1, 10:10 pm, John Denley johnvden...@googlemail.com wrote:
  Thanks for this sbraheem.
  For anyone else reading this who doesnt know how to access what sbraheem
  talking about (as I didnt) then just search your hard drive for the
  gwt-user.jar file then simply copy it and rename it to gwt-user.jar.zip
  then open it with any zip browser and you can navigate down to
  'com/google/gwt/user/UserAgent.gwt.xml' as stated by sbraheem.

 Or you could just navigate the JAR from within your IDE (i.e.

  For me (version 2.04) the available options are
  which is interesting because - whats happened to ie7? is it really not
  supported? The answer is of course NO the ie6 option covers ie7 (but I
  to look at the code inside the XML file to find that out!) - Surely these
  things should be part of the standard documentation somewhere shouldn't

 Yes, probably.

 And to makes things clear: ie8 only means IE 8 in SuperStandards
 mode. And IE 9 will require a new user.agent value (which is actually
 fortunate, because it will share more code than before with the other
 permutations; standards compliance FTW!)

  Also, this still doesn't answer the second part of the question, which is
  what do these mean? or to put it another way where are chrome and

 You have to reverse engineer the associated property-provider

  The following website does help a bit*
  and this is what seems like a very comprehensive list of mobile phone
  but gecko1_8 didnt seem to be FULLY mentioned anywhere, however looking
  at http://www.useragentstring.com
  I found that gecko1_8 seems to be Firefox prior to V2.1, and gecko
  (presumably inferring v1.9) is for FF2.1 and above (although I notice
  FF4.0b3pre and FF4.0b4 are gecko v2.0)

 Actually, no.
 user.agent=gecko is gecko 1.7.something, which is something like
 Firefox 1.0, and was used in HostedMode (i.e. before GWT 2.0 and its
 in-browser DevMode). I believe it should have been removed since then,
 but I suppose no one actually took the time to nuke it (and all
 associated Java files, cleaning up class hierarchies when needed)
 user.agent=gecko1_8 applies to both Gecko 1.8 and 1.9, i.e. every
 Firefox version out there.

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Re: Can I copy an image to avoid re-requesting from url?

2010-09-03 Thread Gal Dolber
Try making an ImageLoader with your own cache policy... there are a few, one
in google code and another in gwt-incubator...
but with this issue (
solved you should be able to make your own without any extra libraries, if
you are using trunk.

2010/9/3 dduck anders.johansen.a...@gmail.com

 On 3 Sep., 14:37, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Sep 3, 2:24 pm, dduck anders.johansen.a...@gmail.com wrote:

  If you want to cache images, you have to have your server send the
  appropriate HTTP headers so the browser itself appropriately uses the
  image from its cache.

 Unfortunately it seems that most browsers are smart enough to cache
 images that have been fully transfered, but not smart enough to
 consolidate overlapping requests such as this:

 time:0 fetch image1
 time:10 fetch image1
 time:20 Image 1 ready

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Re: Can I copy an image to avoid re-requesting from url?

2010-09-03 Thread Shedokan
Maybe try asking the server for a base64 encoded image and then save
the string, and once you need to display your image you can do:
in the src value of an image tag.

On 3 ספטמבר, 16:59, dduck anders.johansen.a...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 3 Sep., 14:37, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 3, 2:24 pm, dduck anders.johansen.a...@gmail.com wrote:
  If you want to cache images, you have to have your server send the
  appropriate HTTP headers so the browser itself appropriately uses the
  image from its cache.

 Unfortunately it seems that most browsers are smart enough to cache
 images that have been fully transfered, but not smart enough to
 consolidate overlapping requests such as this:

 time:0 fetch image1
 time:10 fetch image1
 time:20 Image 1 ready

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Re: Can I copy an image to avoid re-requesting from url?

2010-09-03 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Sep 3, 3:59 pm, dduck anders.johansen.a...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 3 Sep., 14:37, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 3, 2:24 pm, dduck anders.johansen.a...@gmail.com wrote:
  If you want to cache images, you have to have your server send the
  appropriate HTTP headers so the browser itself appropriately uses the
  image from its cache.

 Unfortunately it seems that most browsers are smart enough to cache
 images that have been fully transfered, but not smart enough to
 consolidate overlapping requests such as this:

 time:0 fetch image1
 time:10 fetch image1
 time:20 Image 1 ready

That's what GWT tries to cope with... only with IE6 (see
com.google.gwt.dom.client.ImageSrcIE6). There must be a reason for
segregating IE6 (there's even a test so that IE7, which uses the same
permutation code, doesn't use this code path); browsers are generally
smart enough, even in these cases. Something to do with the image
URLs, maybe? (containing query-strings? that'd be Too Bad™ on part of

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Re: How can I get a class by it's name and then construct it?

2010-09-03 Thread Shedokan
In that case it should be, generators are just like this function in

void getClass(String className){
if(className == class1) new class1();

but a lot more complicated.
But thanks anyways.

On 3 ספטמבר, 17:00, Gal Dolber gal.dol...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thats not possible in GWT...
 Search in google for GWT Generators

 2010/9/3 Shedokan shedok...@gmail.com

  I am trying to split my code and load classes by a name I get from the
  I tried using Class.forName(com.app.classes.+className) but GWT
  doesn't support it.

  How can I get a class and then construct it like this:
  new (getClass(com.app.classes.+className))(Param1, param2);


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  Google Web Toolkit group.
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Re: Memory Leak IE7 GWT 2.0.4

2010-09-03 Thread Chris Conroy

Are you seeing a leak in the Development Mode JVM, or are you observing it
in the browser?

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 8:12 AM, Joel Webber j...@google.com wrote:

 Sorry I didn't follow up earlier (this should have showed up in my
 inbox, but didn't for some reason...).

 It is at least remotely possible that this could have leaked in 1.5.4,
 but I'm not aware of any memory-leak fixes as recently as that. The
 architecture that guards against leaks is sound, and hasn't changed
 significantly since 1.0. There were a couple of bug fixes for little
 pieces of Javascript that were triggering leaks (notably in the
 RequestBuilder code, which this doesn't exercise), but that was some
 time ago. As for the dev mode leak, I've asked one of my team members
 who's working on optimizing dev mode to take a look at that.

 I wish I could do more to help with memory leaks in SmartGWT, but
 that's way beyond the knowledge of anyone on our team. SmartGWT's a
 wrapper around a huge Javascript library that, from your earlier post,
 appears to require destroy() calls on widgets as part of its memory-
 leak strategy (IIUC). That strategy's rife with problems and very hard
 for users to get right in practice (I've tried it in other frameworks,
 and always found myself squashing leaks ad infinitum). Do the SmartGWT
 tools not provide some mechanism for tracing and finding leaks?

 On Aug 30, 9:10 am, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:
  This may be a valid solution, however its not an ideal one, as this
  application is already significantly large, and its not going to be
  easy to refactor all of the existing code to work this way.  It will
  be easy to keep this in mind while going forward, however.
  As I said above, I was trying to reproduce the way a lot of the code
  I'm working with has been written.  Also, while I thought this was
  reproducing the situation we are seeing in our live app (using GWT
  1.5.4) it turns out this only produces the memory leak in development
  mode using the most recent GWT.  I will have to see if this produces a
  leak when compiled using 1.5.4.  If not then I'll probably need to
  find a new simple case that reproduces the leak we're seeing.
  On Aug 28, 11:48 am, Michael W mwang_2...@yahoo.com wrote:
   I doubt following code causing the memory leak.
   In reloadRight method, you create and assign new DecoratedTabPanel()
   to tabPanel every time.
   protected void reloadRight(){
   tabPanel = new DecoratedTabPanel();
   You may reuse existing tabPanel instead of create new one.
   On Aug 27, 4:21 pm, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Joel, i appreciate your help.
I was running in development mode and it appears that this memory
bloat goes away when not using development mode.
We have been developing our application using older GWT (1.5.4 I
belive) so I'm used to using the old hosted mode.  I didn't realize
the in browser development mode might have this side effect.
The goal of this was to reproduce a memory leak that we have in our
application (when compiled, of course) using as simple a case as
possible, in the newest version of GWT, if possible.  I erroneously
thought this was accomplishing that.
Does the fact that this growth occurs in development mode suggest
anything about why I might see similar growth in a compiled GWT 1.5.4
On Aug 27, 12:52 pm, Joel Webber j...@google.com wrote:
 Hmm... I've tried to reproduce this on IE7 and IE8 (both quirks 
 standards), to no avail. I doubt it's anything in the outer HTML
 but just in case, here's what I used:
 script type=text/javascript language=javascript
 div id='container'/div
 The initial calls to getSomeText() were causing a huge number of
 script warnings on IE, so I was only able to run through a few
 iterations. I then dropped the count by a factor of 10 to get the
 under control, and the memory usage appears quite stable after a
 couple of hundred clicks. (~30MB). Can you think of anything else
 might be different in your setup?
 On 27 août, 08:20, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:
  Sorry for posting this twice.  If a moderator wants to/can remove
  duplicate go ahead.
  On Aug 25, 2:56 pm, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com
   I created a simple application in an attempt to reproduce a
   leak issue in our decently large GWT application.
   This test application basically contains a split panel with a
   on the left, and a tab panel full 

Re: problems with auto-complete form login

2010-09-03 Thread Magnus
Hmmm...I would like to get my peace with this, but...

I now created an invisible iframe in my host html.
On login I just show it, so it's a native html form.
It's not so nice as a DialogBox, but it works.

I cannot see why this is bad.

Why is it bad?

You see, I cannot let it go... :-)


On Sep 2, 3:47 am, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sep 1, 3:42 pm, Magnus alpineblas...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Hi Thomas,

  I have thought about this the whole day now and it really sounds
  interesting to me to give it a try with external login, but - if I
  understood you right - I see a big disatvantage:

  Many applications are not or should not be usable at all when the user
  is not logged in. But there are also applications that should be
  usable (in a limited way) without login.

  Consider eBay: You can search and browse as nobody, but if you want to
  sell, you have to sign in. Or consider a chess application: You can
  watch everything, but if you want to create a new game, you have to
  sign in first. Consider a forum: You can read a lot, but not
  everything, but after you login, you can read everything and also

  So my problem is that with your method I had to lock out all guest
  users that just want to come and see what is going on there!

 Not necessarily.
 The setup I described about web.xml, etc. would make it behave as you
 describe, but that's just one way to do externalized login, and a
 way that doesn't make guest access possible (to make things simpler
 and keeping the advantages of container-managed login using servlet
 FORM or JASPIC, you could just use 2 host pages: a world-accessible
 one and a restricted one, possible using redirections and so on to
 make it work as intended in every corner case, I haven't tested; I
 bet you'll find plenty of examples on the Web about doing guest and
 authenticated access on the same resource in Java servlet/JSP)

 In every of the 3 cases you cite, I don't see a problem in reloading
 the app when switching from unauthenticated to authenticated access
 (if you want to keep some information around –such as your shopping
 cart–, send it as part of the login process –or store it on the server
 and pass some ID around–). YMMV of course (and I didn't say
 externalize login is a silver bullet, you might really want/need
 some UX that would make it impossible to use).

 One possibility too is to only allow a guest-to-authenticated-user
 workflow without reloading the app (integrated login). As soon as
 the user wants to sign out, then reload the app and start back in
 guest mode. That way, you don't have to fear about restricted data
 leaking between user sessions, but you'd still have to make sure to
 clear some client-side caches (depending on your use case; for the
 forum case you gave, for instance, clear the list of posts so you'll
 reload them from the server and see the restricted posts).

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Re: GWT 508 Compliance

2010-09-03 Thread Jim Douglas

On Sep 2, 5:19 pm, Google Integrator jimmyra...@gmail.com wrote:
 How would I make my GWT application 508 Compliant?  What are the best
 strategies currently out there for this.  I am writing an application
 that makes a lot of calls to get data from various servers and after
 the data is returned, I would like a screen reader to read what is
 returned in a readable way.  Any ideas, suggestions would be greatly

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Creating a GWT runtime configuration in Eclipse

2010-09-03 Thread Julius

I am using Eclipse for my GWT project, but it's just a regular Java
project. I'd like to turn it into a GWT project so that I can use the
Eclipse debugger. I am trying to create a GWT run configuration to
accomplish this, but without success. The Main tab in Eclipse's Run
Configurations menu has a red cross in it. This probably happens
because I selected the wrong class in the 'Main class' field. I
selected the EntryPoint class here (in our case
our.company.client.Application). At least I think that's what's wrong.
Could you help out? What class should I enter in this field?

Regards, Julius

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Re: Creating a GWT runtime configuration in Eclipse

2010-09-03 Thread Chris Conroy
You need to set the GWT Nature on the project. Right Click - Google -
Web Toolkit settings - Use Google Web Toolkit (and select the SDK you want
to use)

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Julius julius.kle...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am using Eclipse for my GWT project, but it's just a regular Java
 project. I'd like to turn it into a GWT project so that I can use the
 Eclipse debugger. I am trying to create a GWT run configuration to
 accomplish this, but without success. The Main tab in Eclipse's Run
 Configurations menu has a red cross in it. This probably happens
 because I selected the wrong class in the 'Main class' field. I
 selected the EntryPoint class here (in our case
 our.company.client.Application). At least I think that's what's wrong.
 Could you help out? What class should I enter in this field?

 Regards, Julius

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Chris Conroy
Software Engineer
Google, Atlanta

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Re: Including mime-mapping in web.xml not working?

2010-09-03 Thread andrew_d_mackenzie
Thanks Tomas. I must get into the habit of checking issues list first!

I won't try the milestone, but will look forward to having it fixed in

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Resizing and DockLayoutPanel

2010-09-03 Thread Maurice

I am working with a DockLayoutPanel which has a SimplePanel in the
center. I have added a custom composite to the SimplePanel.

When I resize the browser, the custom composite is not also resized.
Does anyone know how I can fix this?



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Re: Memory Leak IE7 GWT 2.0.4

2010-09-03 Thread chrisr
The sample code I provided only produces the memory leak in hosted
I am however experiencing a memory leak in my real world app, I just
haven't written any sample code the demonstrates it in IE (the only
browser we currently build for.)

On Sep 3, 10:52 am, Chris Conroy con...@google.com wrote:

 Are you seeing a leak in the Development Mode JVM, or are you observing it
 in the browser?

 On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 8:12 AM, Joel Webber j...@google.com wrote:
  Sorry I didn't follow up earlier (this should have showed up in my
  inbox, but didn't for some reason...).

  It is at least remotely possible that this could have leaked in 1.5.4,
  but I'm not aware of any memory-leak fixes as recently as that. The
  architecture that guards against leaks is sound, and hasn't changed
  significantly since 1.0. There were a couple of bug fixes for little
  pieces of Javascript that were triggering leaks (notably in the
  RequestBuilder code, which this doesn't exercise), but that was some
  time ago. As for the dev mode leak, I've asked one of my team members
  who's working on optimizing dev mode to take a look at that.

  I wish I could do more to help with memory leaks in SmartGWT, but
  that's way beyond the knowledge of anyone on our team. SmartGWT's a
  wrapper around a huge Javascript library that, from your earlier post,
  appears to require destroy() calls on widgets as part of its memory-
  leak strategy (IIUC). That strategy's rife with problems and very hard
  for users to get right in practice (I've tried it in other frameworks,
  and always found myself squashing leaks ad infinitum). Do the SmartGWT
  tools not provide some mechanism for tracing and finding leaks?

  On Aug 30, 9:10 am, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:
   This may be a valid solution, however its not an ideal one, as this
   application is already significantly large, and its not going to be
   easy to refactor all of the existing code to work this way.  It will
   be easy to keep this in mind while going forward, however.

   As I said above, I was trying to reproduce the way a lot of the code
   I'm working with has been written.  Also, while I thought this was
   reproducing the situation we are seeing in our live app (using GWT
   1.5.4) it turns out this only produces the memory leak in development
   mode using the most recent GWT.  I will have to see if this produces a
   leak when compiled using 1.5.4.  If not then I'll probably need to
   find a new simple case that reproduces the leak we're seeing.

   On Aug 28, 11:48 am, Michael W mwang_2...@yahoo.com wrote:

I doubt following code causing the memory leak.
In reloadRight method, you create and assign new DecoratedTabPanel()
to tabPanel every time.

                protected void reloadRight(){

                        tabPanel = new DecoratedTabPanel();

You may reuse existing tabPanel instead of create new one.

On Aug 27, 4:21 pm, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Joel, i appreciate your help.

 I was running in development mode and it appears that this memory
 bloat goes away when not using development mode.
 We have been developing our application using older GWT (1.5.4 I
 belive) so I'm used to using the old hosted mode.  I didn't realize
 the in browser development mode might have this side effect.

 The goal of this was to reproduce a memory leak that we have in our
 application (when compiled, of course) using as simple a case as
 possible, in the newest version of GWT, if possible.  I erroneously
 thought this was accomplishing that.

 Does the fact that this growth occurs in development mode suggest
 anything about why I might see similar growth in a compiled GWT 1.5.4

 On Aug 27, 12:52 pm, Joel Webber j...@google.com wrote:

  Hmm... I've tried to reproduce this on IE7 and IE8 (both quirks 
  standards), to no avail. I doubt it's anything in the outer HTML
  but just in case, here's what I used:

      script type=text/javascript language=javascript
      div id='container'/div

  The initial calls to getSomeText() were causing a huge number of
  script warnings on IE, so I was only able to run through a few
  iterations. I then dropped the count by a factor of 10 to get the
  under control, and the memory usage appears quite stable after a
  couple of hundred clicks. (~30MB). Can you think of anything else
  might be different in your setup?

  On 27 août, 08:20, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:

   Sorry for posting this twice.  If a moderator wants 

Data Presentation Widgets with expand/collapse controls

2010-09-03 Thread skippy
I am interested in using the Data Presentation Widgets.  How ever, I
need to be able to have sections of the list expand/collape using a

Is this posible?


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Re: Memory Leak IE7 GWT 2.0.4

2010-09-03 Thread Chris Conroy
Okay, well if it's *in* hosted mode (read: the JVM), then it's a known issue
that I'm working on at the moment.

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 3:00 PM, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.comwrote:

 The sample code I provided only produces the memory leak in hosted
 I am however experiencing a memory leak in my real world app, I just
 haven't written any sample code the demonstrates it in IE (the only
 browser we currently build for.)

 On Sep 3, 10:52 am, Chris Conroy con...@google.com wrote:
  Are you seeing a leak in the Development Mode JVM, or are you observing
  in the browser?
  On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 8:12 AM, Joel Webber j...@google.com wrote:
   Sorry I didn't follow up earlier (this should have showed up in my
   inbox, but didn't for some reason...).
   It is at least remotely possible that this could have leaked in 1.5.4,
   but I'm not aware of any memory-leak fixes as recently as that. The
   architecture that guards against leaks is sound, and hasn't changed
   significantly since 1.0. There were a couple of bug fixes for little
   pieces of Javascript that were triggering leaks (notably in the
   RequestBuilder code, which this doesn't exercise), but that was some
   time ago. As for the dev mode leak, I've asked one of my team members
   who's working on optimizing dev mode to take a look at that.
   I wish I could do more to help with memory leaks in SmartGWT, but
   that's way beyond the knowledge of anyone on our team. SmartGWT's a
   wrapper around a huge Javascript library that, from your earlier post,
   appears to require destroy() calls on widgets as part of its memory-
   leak strategy (IIUC). That strategy's rife with problems and very hard
   for users to get right in practice (I've tried it in other frameworks,
   and always found myself squashing leaks ad infinitum). Do the SmartGWT
   tools not provide some mechanism for tracing and finding leaks?
   On Aug 30, 9:10 am, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:
This may be a valid solution, however its not an ideal one, as this
application is already significantly large, and its not going to be
easy to refactor all of the existing code to work this way.  It will
be easy to keep this in mind while going forward, however.
As I said above, I was trying to reproduce the way a lot of the code
I'm working with has been written.  Also, while I thought this was
reproducing the situation we are seeing in our live app (using GWT
1.5.4) it turns out this only produces the memory leak in development
mode using the most recent GWT.  I will have to see if this produces
leak when compiled using 1.5.4.  If not then I'll probably need to
find a new simple case that reproduces the leak we're seeing.
On Aug 28, 11:48 am, Michael W mwang_2...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I doubt following code causing the memory leak.
 In reloadRight method, you create and assign new
 to tabPanel every time.
 protected void reloadRight(){
 tabPanel = new DecoratedTabPanel();
 You may reuse existing tabPanel instead of create new one.
 On Aug 27, 4:21 pm, chrisr chris.robert.rowl...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Joel, i appreciate your help.
  I was running in development mode and it appears that this memory
  bloat goes away when not using development mode.
  We have been developing our application using older GWT (1.5.4 I
  belive) so I'm used to using the old hosted mode.  I didn't
  the in browser development mode might have this side effect.
  The goal of this was to reproduce a memory leak that we have in
  application (when compiled, of course) using as simple a case as
  possible, in the newest version of GWT, if possible.  I
  thought this was accomplishing that.
  Does the fact that this growth occurs in development mode suggest
  anything about why I might see similar growth in a compiled GWT
  On Aug 27, 12:52 pm, Joel Webber j...@google.com wrote:
   Hmm... I've tried to reproduce this on IE7 and IE8 (both quirks
   standards), to no avail. I doubt it's anything in the outer
   but just in case, here's what I used:
   script type=text/javascript language=javascript
   div id='container'/div
   The initial calls to getSomeText() were causing a huge number
   script warnings on IE, so I was only able to run through a few
   iterations. I then dropped the count by a factor of 10 to get

Upload 1mb to gae (using php scripts to upload to gae)

2010-09-03 Thread GKotta
I need to upload more than 1mb of data to gae. (A folder full of, say
150 images) Does anyone know how to do this? One idea was to use a php
script and pass each image individually to the datastore, is this
possible? If so, how would it be done?

Are there any other ways to pass a folder with 150 images to the
datastore other than individually uploading each image?

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Re: Accessing data returned from a FormPanel Post request

2010-09-03 Thread GKotta
use the doPost method (which should be in the server side code)

Take a look at this example (he stores images, but you could change
the doPost method do whatever you want):

On Sep 2, 5:17 pm, Google Integrator jimmyra...@gmail.com wrote:
 If I do a FormPanel Post request, how do I access data returned from
 the server as a result of the request.  Any help would be greatly

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Re: Caching issue in host mode?

2010-09-03 Thread Thomas Frössman
Chaging a firefox cache setting solved this problem for me when hosted
mode suddenly stopped working today.
I documented it here:


On Aug 12, 9:03 pm, markM mark.a.mccon...@pfizer.com wrote:
 I believe the issue I was having is because I'm not using the -
 noserver option as is explained in Google's FAQ.  However, the odd
 thing is that I originally got my GWT Server Library / Spring
 integration working briefly under the built in Jetty instance.  Not
 sure how this was possible but it worked briefly as I was able to set
 a breakpoint in the serverside extends GWTSpringController class
 using a Spring DispatcherServlet and the breakpoint was hit.  Haven't
 been able to get it to work since then (that is 404 error on the
 nochache.js file since it stopped working) and the following FAQ as
 well as the GWT Server Library FAQ both say that the only way to go is
 to use the -noserver option and an external server such as Tomcat that
 supports -server.xml files etc.


 This is a really big ease of use issue with respect to GWT.  Folks
 are going to want to use facilities  such as the -server.xml stuff.
 I'm going through the nightmare of using the -noserver option and its
 a real pain.  I'm going to have to copy files manually to the tomcat
 instance, I will now have to run two programs from within Eclipse (one
 for client side debugging and another for server side debugging).  In
 order to setup the second project I had to figure out how to manually
 update my .project files and .settings folder files to bring new
 natures and such into use.

 If the GWT developers want this tool to gain mass usage well beyond
 current usage these sorts of ease of use things need to be looked
 into futher.  Can the built in instance be a Tomcat instance for
 instance?  Or at least you could have the Eclipse plugin setup
 the .project and .settings files so that its ready to run the
 additional server side program for debugging serverside.  Galileo
 comes with a Tomcat instance already so folks running Eclipse wouldn't
 have to worry about installing Tomcat.

 GWT is an awesome tool, I really get the whole facilitating 6 million
 Java developers to do web development thing and not rebuilding the
 wheel with respect to IDE's etc, and I have some nightmare JSF
 experience under my belt to compare it with. GWT really blows away any
 technology that requires the use of jsp's.  I'm trying to sell GWT
 within my company but when folks that are new to the technology have
 to spend a bunch of time mucking around with xml files just to get
 basic debugging working it becomes a hard sell.  I'll wait it out but
 I hope some of the issue above can be addressed within the next couple
 of years.

 By the way, here's what I needed to do to get the GWT Server Library
 portion working (setting aside the -noserver issues).

 1) Inherit your RPC class from GWTSpringController instead of
 2) Add the following to web.xml


 3) Create the file gwtspringcontroller-server.xml (note that the file
 name begins with gwtspringcontroller which is the same name as the
 servlet above) and place it in the same directory as web.xml.
 4) put the following contents into the gwtspringcontroller-server.xml

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

                 property name=mappings
                                 entry key=/greet 
 value-ref=GreetingServiceImpl /

         bean id=GreetingServiceImpl

 5) Additionally you'll need certain spring jar files as well as the
 gwt server library jar file gwt-sl-1.1.jar.  I did find that I was
 missing a lot of libraries but the errors that showed up in the
 Eclipse console from Jetty were explicit as to the classes that were
 missing so it was not too difficult to find those jar files.  Here is
 a list of jar files in my project (not that you'll need all of them).

Applets in GWT/GAE

2010-09-03 Thread GKotta
Does anyone know how to integrate applets into gwt while using gae? I
tried using gwtai, but it doesn't seem to work because it uses some
packages that gae doesn't support (such as javax.swing).

Also, I will need to use the applet to communicate with the datastore.
Does anyone know how to do this?


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Re: Upload 1mb to gae (using php scripts to upload to gae)

2010-09-03 Thread Shedokan
Dude, wrong group.
but if you really want an answer try the BlobStore:

It allows you to upload files and then serve them, you can upload a
file of a maximum 2gb, but you can only serve files that are less than

On 3 ספטמבר, 21:22, GKotta guruko...@gmail.com wrote:
 I need to upload more than 1mb of data to gae. (A folder full of, say
 150 images) Does anyone know how to do this? One idea was to use a php
 script and pass each image individually to the datastore, is this
 possible? If so, how would it be done?

 Are there any other ways to pass a folder with 150 images to the
 datastore other than individually uploading each image?

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RemoteServiceObfuscateTypeNames throws SerializationException

2010-09-03 Thread Gal Dolber
Hi, I am trying to get rpc obfuscation working.

Have added this: inherits name=
com.google.gwt.user.RemoteServiceObfuscateTypeNames / on my application
module, but can't get it working.

My rpc is not getting serialized and it fails with a SerializationException
(the whole app do not works).

Any tip? (I'm on trunk)

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Re: Applets in GWT/GAE

2010-09-03 Thread aditya sanas
It isnt that difficult
The thing u will require to do is just write ur applet
make it run in some other environment
eg in netbeans and then have a code base of that and include that codebase
under ur war folder
and u r free to use ur applet into ur code using gwt.
its just that simple.

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 11:49 PM, GKotta guruko...@gmail.com wrote:

 Does anyone know how to integrate applets into gwt while using gae? I
 tried using gwtai, but it doesn't seem to work because it uses some
 packages that gae doesn't support (such as javax.swing).

 Also, I will need to use the applet to communicate with the datastore.
 Does anyone know how to do this?


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Re: [gwt-contrib] Uibinder parser api

2010-09-03 Thread Johan Rydberg

On 9/1/10 10:01 PM, Ray Ryan wrote:
Sorry, still not public. However, we're landing a patch that will 
eliminate a lot of the need for it:

OK.  But will it become public at some point in time?


[gwt-contrib] RR : Rough sketch of ListEditor (issue842801)

2010-09-03 Thread bobv

Reviewers: rjrjr,

First look requested.

I needed to add the CompositeEditor as a core feature to the
code-generator to express the need to dynamically add Editors.

The ListEditor is built on top of that and provides a wrapped getList()
which will dynamically update a collection of Editors that are provided
by an EditorSource.  I think the EditorSource needs a concept of the
index so you could have UI re-ordering automatically driven by changes
to the underlying list.

  - What default ListEditor.of() implementations should be provided?
  - The HasData interface doesn't seem to have a way to cut the last
element off when the list is shortened.
  - Do we need to consider bulk edits to lists at the binding layer?
  - What is the path for an object reached through a list?
  - Does path make sense for any other collection type, save for
MapString, X ?

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/842801/show

Affected files:


[gwt-contrib] Re: RR: Add statistics to optimizers (issue841801)

2010-09-03 Thread Eric Ayers
I was thinking about how keeping track of the AST size on the fly could be
expensive and complicated.  The simplest thing to do would be to have to add
in a separate walk that just counted nodes, maybe once at the head of
optimizeLoop.  I wrote this dummy code earlier to measure the cost of just a
walk, and it turns out that walking the tree and counting all nodes is a
computationally significant amount of work - its like adding an extra
optimizer.  I didn't want to have too much observer effect if the change is
just for statistical purposes. (but maybe I could add that walk just in the
case of having tracing enabled.)

But I mis-spoke when describing my goal as tuning code size to compile time.
 I'm really just trying to find ways to shorten the compile time.   You've
 mentioned a couple of times about the optimizations being quadratic cost.
 I want to use this feature to add an option with a decent amount of
optimization and shave off a significant amount of the compile time.
 Something between draftCompile and fully optimized.  The decision point to
opt out of the build to could be specific to each optimizer.   For example,
if each optimizer declares that isn't doing much  through a single or two
consecutive passes, it might be time to throw in the towel.  We could have
users specify an optimization level:  -O, -O2, -O3, ... like c compilers and
gzip do to specify the amount of optimization desired.

At the water cooler we've speculated that there might be interaction between
optimizers we can predict.  e.g. dead code elimination isn't going to do
much if the pruner and type tightener weren't very effective on the last
pass (I just made that up).  Early in my investigations I was hoping that we
could just stop calling some of the optimizers that aren't very effective
after the first few passes, but the only visibility I had was the didChange
boolean.  Now we could do some statistics gathering on different apps and
see if that would be worth pursuing.


On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Ray Cromwell cromwell...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think it's useful to see the amount of work done vs time spent, but I
 don't think it will help  automate size-tradeoffs unless you keep track of
 the size of the AST as well, so that you can see roughly how much it's being
 reduced each pass. Some optimizations don't really shrink  the AST size, but
 enable other optimizations. e.g. type tightening, finalizing, and
 static-fying help method inliner, DCE, and pruner. It would be nice to
 correlate, for example, with and without those tightening/staticifying
 passes, how much worst the actual code-deleting passes would be, because
 that's the only real way if you know they're worth it.

 Some things have an effect far down the chain, for example, static-methods
 can be obfuscated better, because 'this' can't be obfuscated, so you don't
 see the code-size effect symbol obfuscation, as AST size doesn't tell the
 whole story.


 On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:48 PM, Eric Ayers zun...@google.com wrote:

 I'm looking for feedback on this proposed change, mainly, is the
 statistical information worth the added complexity?  Currently, this only
 dumps out a diagnostic when you specify


 on the Compiler command line.  Here's a sample of what the statistical
 output looks like on a minimal GWT app:

   Pass 1    ( 0/ 0)
   Pruner 27.94% (  3132/ 11211)Finalizer 45.64% (  2455/
  5379) MakeCallsStatic  7.94% (   812/ 10229) TypeTightener  2.41% (  1226/
 50966) MethodCallTightener  1.96% (70/  3569) DeadCodeElimination  1.93%
 (  1277/ 66324) MethodInliner 28.84% (  5430/ 18830)
 SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.58% (44/  7588)
   Pass 2    ( 0/ 0)
   Pruner 12.24% (  1089/  8895)Finalizer  0.09% ( 4/
  4400) MakeCallsStatic  2.68% (   182/  6796) TypeTightener  0.80% (   272/
 33915) MethodCallTightener  1.36% (32/  2353) DeadCodeElimination  0.41%
 (   166/ 40201) MethodInliner  9.95% (   956/  9609)
 SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.24% (14/  5776)
   Pass 3    ( 0/ 0)
   Pruner  1.79% (   240/ 13392)Finalizer  0.00% ( 0/
  4036) MakeCallsStatic  0.50% (31/  6221) TypeTightener  0.31% (62/
 20088) MethodCallTightener  0.05% ( 1/  2190) DeadCodeElimination  0.20%
 (74/ 37391) MethodInliner  2.90% (   250/  8608)
 SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.11% ( 6/  5325)
   Pass 4    ( 0/ 0)
   Pruner  0.54% (57/ 10492)Finalizer  0.03% ( 1/
  3948) MakeCallsStatic  0.02% ( 1/  6086) TypeTightener  0.05% ( 8/
 14660) MethodCallTightener  0.05% ( 1/  2147) DeadCodeElimination  0.47%
 (   173/ 36545) MethodInliner  2.07% (   172/  8310)
 SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.02% ( 1/  5126)
   Pass 5    ( 0/ 0)
   Pruner  0.67% (66/  9896)

Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: RR: Add statistics to optimizers (issue841801)

2010-09-03 Thread Miguel Méndez
Eric, I think that you are on the right track by trying to measure the
effectiveness of each optimization -- even if we need to more data to
increase the accuracy.

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 6:02 AM, Eric Ayers zun...@google.com wrote:

 I was thinking about how keeping track of the AST size on the fly could be
 expensive and complicated.  The simplest thing to do would be to have to add
 in a separate walk that just counted nodes, maybe once at the head of
 optimizeLoop.  I wrote this dummy code earlier to measure the cost of just a
 walk, and it turns out that walking the tree and counting all nodes is a
 computationally significant amount of work - its like adding an extra
 optimizer.  I didn't want to have too much observer effect if the change is
 just for statistical purposes. (but maybe I could add that walk just in the
 case of having tracing enabled.)

 But I mis-spoke when describing my goal as tuning code size to compile
 time.  I'm really just trying to find ways to shorten the compile time.
 You've  mentioned a couple of times about the optimizations being quadratic
 cost.  I want to use this feature to add an option with a decent amount of
 optimization and shave off a significant amount of the compile time.
  Something between draftCompile and fully optimized.  The decision point to
 opt out of the build to could be specific to each optimizer.   For example,
 if each optimizer declares that isn't doing much  through a single or two
 consecutive passes, it might be time to throw in the towel.  We could have
 users specify an optimization level:  -O, -O2, -O3, ... like c compilers and
 gzip do to specify the amount of optimization desired.

 At the water cooler we've speculated that there might be interaction
 between optimizers we can predict.  e.g. dead code elimination isn't going
 to do much if the pruner and type tightener weren't very effective on the
 last pass (I just made that up).  Early in my investigations I was hoping
 that we could just stop calling some of the optimizers that aren't very
 effective after the first few passes, but the only visibility I had was the
 didChange boolean.  Now we could do some statistics gathering on different
 apps and see if that would be worth pursuing.


 On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Ray Cromwell cromwell...@gmail.comwrote:

 I think it's useful to see the amount of work done vs time spent, but I
 don't think it will help  automate size-tradeoffs unless you keep track of
 the size of the AST as well, so that you can see roughly how much it's being
 reduced each pass. Some optimizations don't really shrink  the AST size, but
 enable other optimizations. e.g. type tightening, finalizing, and
 static-fying help method inliner, DCE, and pruner. It would be nice to
 correlate, for example, with and without those tightening/staticifying
 passes, how much worst the actual code-deleting passes would be, because
 that's the only real way if you know they're worth it.

 Some things have an effect far down the chain, for example, static-methods
 can be obfuscated better, because 'this' can't be obfuscated, so you don't
 see the code-size effect symbol obfuscation, as AST size doesn't tell the
 whole story.


 On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:48 PM, Eric Ayers zun...@google.com wrote:

 I'm looking for feedback on this proposed change, mainly, is the
 statistical information worth the added complexity?  Currently, this only
 dumps out a diagnostic when you specify


 on the Compiler command line.  Here's a sample of what the statistical
 output looks like on a minimal GWT app:

   Pass 1    ( 0/ 0)
   Pruner 27.94% (  3132/ 11211)Finalizer 45.64% (  2455/
  5379) MakeCallsStatic  7.94% (   812/ 10229) TypeTightener  2.41% (  1226/
 50966) MethodCallTightener  1.96% (70/  3569) DeadCodeElimination  1.93%
 (  1277/ 66324) MethodInliner 28.84% (  5430/ 18830)
 SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.58% (44/  7588)
   Pass 2    ( 0/ 0)
   Pruner 12.24% (  1089/  8895)Finalizer  0.09% ( 4/
  4400) MakeCallsStatic  2.68% (   182/  6796) TypeTightener  0.80% (   272/
 33915) MethodCallTightener  1.36% (32/  2353) DeadCodeElimination  0.41%
 (   166/ 40201) MethodInliner  9.95% (   956/  9609)
 SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.24% (14/  5776)
   Pass 3    ( 0/ 0)
   Pruner  1.79% (   240/ 13392)Finalizer  0.00% ( 0/
  4036) MakeCallsStatic  0.50% (31/  6221) TypeTightener  0.31% (62/
 20088) MethodCallTightener  0.05% ( 1/  2190) DeadCodeElimination  0.20%
 (74/ 37391) MethodInliner  2.90% (   250/  8608)
 SameParameterValueOptimizer  0.11% ( 6/  5325)
   Pass 4    ( 0/ 0)
   Pruner  0.54% (57/ 10492)Finalizer  0.03% ( 1/
  3948) MakeCallsStatic  0.02% ( 1/  6086) TypeTightener  0.05% ( 8/

Re: [gwt-contrib] Uibinder parser api

2010-09-03 Thread Ray Ryan
We'd like it to, but we haven't set a date.

On Sep 3, 2010 12:15 AM, Johan Rydberg johan.rydb...@edgeware.tv wrote:
 On 9/1/10 10:01 PM, Ray Ryan wrote:
 Sorry, still not public. However, we're landing a patch that will
 eliminate a lot of the need for it:
 OK. But will it become public at some point in time?



[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r8713 committed - Adding RTL support to the images used in CellTree. Removing automatic ...

2010-09-03 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 8713
Author: jlaba...@google.com
Date: Fri Sep  3 04:17:43 2010
Log: Adding RTL support to the images used in CellTree. Removing automatic  
keyboard focus from the constructor because it can result in an  
IndexOutOfBoundsEception if the tree nodes are loaded asynchronously.

Review at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/836801

Review by: r...@google.com


--- /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellTree.java	Thu  
Sep  2 08:33:16 2010
+++ /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellTree.java	Fri  
Sep  3 04:17:43 2010

@@ -53,12 +53,15 @@
   public static interface CleanResources extends Resources {

+@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
 ImageResource cellTreeClosedItem();

+@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
 ImageResource cellTreeLoading();

+@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
 ImageResource cellTreeOpenItem();

@@ -118,22 +121,25 @@
  * An image indicating a closed branch.
+@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
 ImageResource cellTreeClosedItem();

  * An image indicating that a node is loading.
+@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
 ImageResource cellTreeLoading();

  * An image indicating an open branch.
+@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
 ImageResource cellTreeOpenItem();

  * The background used for selected items.
-@ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.Horizontal)
+@ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.Horizontal, flipRtl = true)
 ImageResource cellTreeSelectedBackground();

@@ -521,7 +527,6 @@
 this, null, null, getElement(), rootValue);
 keyboardSelectedNode = rootNode = root;
 root.setOpen(true, false);
-keyboardSelectedNode.keyboardEnter(0, false);



[gwt-contrib] Re: Adding support for Direction.LINE_START/END to DockLayoutPanel and SplitLayoutPanel. (issue828801)

2010-09-03 Thread jgw

On 2010/09/02 16:33:00, jlabanca wrote:

Patch Set 2 updates DOMRtlTest, which was never really in RTL mode


DockLayoutPanelRtlTest came along. The body isn't put into RTL mode


RootPanel.get() is called, but DOMRtlTest never called it.

I also renamed DockLayoutPanelTestRtl to DockLayoutPanelRtlTest.




[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r8714 committed - Adding support for Direction.LINE_START/END to DockLayoutPanel and Spl...

2010-09-03 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 8714
Author: jlaba...@google.com
Date: Fri Sep  3 06:47:32 2010
Log: Adding support for Direction.LINE_START/END to DockLayoutPanel and  
SplitLayoutPanel. The new DockLayoutPanelRtlTest revealed a bug in  
DOMRtlTest where the document body wasn't actually in RTL mode for the  
test, making the test completely bogus. I've updated the test to force the  
body in RTL mode, and I changed the test to handle the quirkiness of RTL  

Review at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/828801

Review by: j...@google.com



--- /dev/null
Fri Sep  3 06:47:32 2010

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may  
+ * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  
copy of

+ * the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,  

+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations  

+ * the License.
+ */
+package com.google.gwt.user.client.ui;
+import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DockLayoutPanel.Direction;
+ * Tests for {...@link DockLayoutPanel}.
+ */
+public class DockLayoutPanelRtlTest extends WidgetTestBase {
+  @Override
+  public String getModuleName() {
+return com.google.gwt.user.UserTestRtl;
+  }
+  public void testGetResolvedDirection() {
+DockLayoutPanel panel = createDockLayoutPanel();
+Direction.EAST, panel.getResolvedDirection(Direction.LINE_START));
+Direction.WEST, panel.getResolvedDirection(Direction.LINE_END));
+  }
+  protected DockLayoutPanel createDockLayoutPanel() {
+return new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.PX);
+  }
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/DockLayoutPanelTest.java	 
Fri Sep  3 06:47:32 2010

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may  
+ * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  
copy of

+ * the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,  

+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations  

+ * the License.
+ */
+package com.google.gwt.user.client.ui;
+import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DockLayoutPanel.Direction;
+ * Tests for {...@link DockLayoutPanel}.
+ */
+public class DockLayoutPanelTest extends WidgetTestBase {
+  public void testGetResolvedDirection() {
+DockLayoutPanel panel = createDockLayoutPanel();
+Direction.WEST, panel.getResolvedDirection(Direction.LINE_START));
+Direction.EAST, panel.getResolvedDirection(Direction.LINE_END));
+  }
+  public void testAddLineEnd() {
+DockLayoutPanel panel = createDockLayoutPanel();
+Widget widget = new Label();
+panel.addLineEnd(widget, 10);
+assertEquals(Direction.LINE_END, panel.getWidgetDirection(widget));
+  }
+  public void testAddLineStart() {
+DockLayoutPanel panel = createDockLayoutPanel();
+Widget widget = new Label();
+panel.addLineStart(widget, 10);
+assertEquals(Direction.LINE_START, panel.getWidgetDirection(widget));
+  }
+  public void testInsertLineEnd() {
+DockLayoutPanel panel = createDockLayoutPanel();
+Widget widget = new Label();
+panel.insertLineEnd(widget, 10, null);
+assertEquals(Direction.LINE_END, panel.getWidgetDirection(widget));
+  }
+  public void testInsertLineStart() {
+DockLayoutPanel panel = createDockLayoutPanel();
+Widget widget 

[gwt-contrib] Re: Adding support for Direction.LINE_START/END to DockLayoutPanel and SplitLayoutPanel. (issue828801)

2010-09-03 Thread jlabanca

committed as r8714



[gwt-contrib] Re: Adding the validation library to the DynaTableRf and Validation classpath to resolve missing dep... (issue826801)

2010-09-03 Thread jlabanca




[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r8715 committed - Rolled back r8701 due to test problems....

2010-09-03 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 8715
Author: to...@google.com
Date: Fri Sep  3 07:25:36 2010
Log: Rolled back r8701 due to test problems.
Was: Support adding code-gen/runtime related classes directly to the  
secondary JDT compilation for the GWT AST.



--- /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jdt/BasicWebModeCompiler.java	 
Thu Sep  2 07:29:17 2010
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jdt/BasicWebModeCompiler.java	 
Fri Sep  3 07:25:36 2010

@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;

 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -65,8 +64,8 @@
* Build the initial set of compilation units.
   public CompilationResults getCompilationUnitDeclarations(
-  TreeLogger logger, String[] seedTypeNames,
-  ICompilationUnit... additionalUnits) throws  
UnableToCompleteException {

+  TreeLogger logger, String[] seedTypeNames)
+  throws UnableToCompleteException {

 TypeOracle oracle = compilationState.getTypeOracle();
 SetJClassType intfTypes = oracle.getSingleJsoImplInterfaces();
@@ -81,9 +80,7 @@
 SetCompilationUnit alreadyAdded = new HashSetCompilationUnit();

 ListICompilationUnit icus = new ArrayListICompilationUnit(
-seedTypeNames.length + intfTypes.size() + additionalUnits.length);
-Collections.addAll(icus, additionalUnits);
+seedTypeNames.length + intfTypes.size());

 for (String seedTypeName : seedTypeNames) {
   CompilationUnit unit = getUnitForType(logger, classMapBySource,
--- /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jdt/WebModeCompilerFrontEnd.java	 
Thu Sep  2 07:29:17 2010
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jdt/WebModeCompilerFrontEnd.java	 
Fri Sep  3 07:25:36 2010

@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.speedtracer.SpeedTracerLogger.Event;

 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding;
 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding;
 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding;
@@ -47,13 +46,12 @@

   public static CompilationResults getCompilationUnitDeclarations(
   TreeLogger logger, String[] seedTypeNames,
-  RebindPermutationOracle rebindPermOracle, TypeLinker linker,
-  ICompilationUnit... additionalUnits) throws  
UnableToCompleteException {

+  RebindPermutationOracle rebindPermOracle, TypeLinker linker)
+  throws UnableToCompleteException {
 Event getCompilationUnitsEvent =
 CompilationResults results = new  

-linker).getCompilationUnitDeclarations(logger, seedTypeNames,
+linker).getCompilationUnitDeclarations(logger, seedTypeNames);
 return results;
--- /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/UnifiedAst.java	Thu Sep  2  
07:29:17 2010
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/UnifiedAst.java	Fri Sep  3  
07:25:36 2010

@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   return jProgram;

-public JsProgram getJsProgram() {
+JsProgram getJsProgram() {
   return jsProgram;


[gwt-contrib] Re: Adding the validation library to the DynaTableRf and Validation classpath to resolve missing dep... (issue826801)

2010-09-03 Thread rjrjr


Thanks, this has been driving me nuts.



[gwt-contrib] Re: Add Late Loading support to xsiframe linker (issue807801)

2010-09-03 Thread jgw

Assuming everything works as expected, everything here looks good to me
(not bad for someone who claims to not know Javascript :)

I'm stuck at home right now, so I don't have the facilities here to test
out IE, which is where any problems would likely crop up. In particular,
I'd make sure it works on IE6 and 7, and in the presence/absence of
normal script/meta tags (the stuff that might trip up

Also, I assume it's intended that this *not* support script/style
injection from the .gwt.xml (fine with me -- those features have been
1000x more trouble than they're worth). But we want to make sure we
document this fact somewhere.

Finally, it looks like a lot of the work you've done here is equivalent
to the XHTML changes in http://codereview.appspot.com/1873052. While I
personally don't care much about XHTML, if it is the case that this just
happens to support it (because of the elimination of document.write()),
that would be nice to know.




[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r8716 committed - Adding the validation jar and its dependencies. RequestFactoryTest use...

2010-09-03 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 8716
Author: gwt.mirror...@gmail.com
Date: Fri Sep  3 11:23:09 2010
Log: Adding the validation jar and its dependencies. RequestFactoryTest  
uses these jars.

Patch by: amitmanjhi
Review by: fabbott



--- /dev/null   
+++ /tools/lib/apache/log4j/log4j-1.2.16.jarFri Sep  3 11:23:09 2010
Binary file, no diff available.
--- /dev/null   
+++ /tools/lib/hibernate/validator/hibernate-validator-4.1.0.Final.jar	Fri  
Sep  3 11:23:09 2010

Binary file, no diff available.
--- /dev/null   
+++ /tools/lib/slf4j/slf4j-api/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar  Fri Sep  3 11:23:09 2010
Binary file, no diff available.
--- /dev/null   
+++ /tools/lib/slf4j/slf4j-log4j12/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar	Fri Sep  3  
11:23:09 2010

Binary file, no diff available.


[gwt-contrib] Re: Change UiBinder Message generation to use consistent examples for HTML and Widget placeholders t... (issue838801)

2010-09-03 Thread rjrjr


nextOpenPlaceholder(name + Begin, uiWriter.detokenate(openTag));
Whoa, you've just broadened your fix. Are you sure it's safe? What other
cases are effected by dropping openTag here? Is anyone actually using
nextPlaceHolder(String, String, String) at this point?

And it looks like the openTag variable is now unused.



[gwt-contrib] Re: Public: Support classes for a future generating GWT validators. (issue766802)

2010-09-03 Thread bobv

Code LGTM, just noticed some empty auto-generated Javadoc.


This will get clobbered by the auto-formatter.

Snip empty javadoc.



[gwt-contrib] Re: Add Late Loading support to xsiframe linker (issue807801)

2010-09-03 Thread jgw

Excellent. As far as the XHTML thing is concerned, let's just ask him to
see if this actually solves the problem. If it's necessary to make those
DOM case changes to fix XHTML problems, I'd be ok with that (though I
don't really want to sign on to testing all our code in an XHTML context
-- that's just another constraint we can't accept, especially given that
you can't get XHTML to even work on all browsers). But we can address
that once he confirms that your linker fixes that part of the problem.



[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r8717 committed - Adding the validation library to the DynaTableRf and Validation classp...

2010-09-03 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 8717
Author: jlaba...@google.com
Date: Fri Sep  3 09:57:43 2010
Log: Adding the validation library to the DynaTableRf and Validation  
classpath to resolve missing dependencies.  Also adding a marker to the  
classes folder in both samples so eclipse has a place to put class files.

Review at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/826801

Review by: cramsd...@google.com


--- /trunk/eclipse/samples/DynaTableRf/.classpath   Thu Jul 29 09:50:39 2010
+++ /trunk/eclipse/samples/DynaTableRf/.classpath   Fri Sep  3 09:57:43 2010
@@ -4,5 +4,8 @@
classpathentry kind=src output=war path=core/war/
 	classpathentry kind=con  

classpathentry combineaccessrules=false kind=src path=/gwt-user/
+	classpathentry kind=var  
+	classpathentry kind=var  
+	classpathentry kind=var  

classpathentry kind=output path=war/WEB-INF/classes/
--- /trunk/eclipse/samples/Validation/.classpathThu Aug 26 15:18:52 2010
+++ /trunk/eclipse/samples/Validation/.classpathFri Sep  3 09:57:43 2010
@@ -4,5 +4,7 @@
classpathentry kind=src output=war path=core/war/
 	classpathentry kind=con  

classpathentry combineaccessrules=false kind=src path=/gwt-user/
+	classpathentry kind=var  
+	classpathentry kind=var  

classpathentry kind=output path=war/WEB-INF/classes/


[gwt-contrib] Re: Change UiBinder Message generation to use consistent examples for HTML and Widget placeholders t... (issue838801)

2010-09-03 Thread rjrjr



nextOpenPlaceholder(name + Begin, uiWriter.detokenate(openTag));
Nevermind, complete brain fart.



[gwt-contrib] Implement keyboard navigation for CellBrowser (issue843801)

2010-09-03 Thread rice

Reviewers: jlabanca,

Implement keyboard navigation for CellBrowser

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/843801/show

Affected files:
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellBrowser.java
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellBrowserOverride.css
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellList.css
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellList.java


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r8718 committed - Add Late Loading support to xsiframe linker...

2010-09-03 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 8718
Author: unn...@google.com
Date: Fri Sep  3 10:10:06 2010
Log: Add Late Loading support to xsiframe linker

Review at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/807801




Mon Mar 22 09:13:22 2010
Fri Sep  3 10:10:06 2010

@@ -24,24 +24,39 @@
  * on each side.
 function computeScriptBase() {
-  var thisScript
-  ,markerId = __gwt_marker___MODULE_NAME__
-  ,markerScript;
+  // First, check if the meta properties give the baseUrl
   if (metaProps['baseUrl']) {
 base = metaProps['baseUrl'];

-  $doc.write('script id=' + markerId + '/script');
-  markerScript = $doc.getElementById(markerId);
-  // Our script element is assumed to be the closest previous script  

-  // to the marker, so start at the marker and walk backwards until we find
-  // a script.
-  thisScript = markerScript  markerScript.previousSibling;
-  while (thisScript  thisScript.tagName != 'SCRIPT') {
-thisScript = thisScript.previousSibling;
+  // The baseUrl will be similar to the URL for this script's URL
+  var thisScript;
+  // By default, this script looks like something/moduleName.nocache.js
+  // so look for a script tag that looks like that
+  var scriptTags = $doc.getElementsByTagName('script');
+  for (var i = 0; i  scriptTags.length; ++i) {
+if (scriptTags[i].src.indexOf('__MODULE_NAME__.nocache.js') != -1) {
+  thisScript = scriptTags[i];
+  }
+  // If the user renamed their script tag, we'll use a fancier method to  

+  // it. Note that this will not work in the Late Loading case due to the
+  // document.write call.
+  if (!thisScript) {
+// Put in a marker script element which should be the first script tag  
+// the tag we're looking for. To find it, we start at the marker and  

+// backwards until we find a script.
+var markerId = __gwt_marker___MODULE_NAME__;
+var markerScript;
+$doc.write('script id=' + markerId + '/script');
+markerScript = $doc.getElementById(markerId);
+thisScript = markerScript  markerScript.previousSibling;
+while (thisScript  thisScript.tagName != 'SCRIPT') {
+  thisScript = thisScript.previousSibling;

   // Gets the part of a url up to and including the 'path' portion.
--- /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/hosted.js	Fri  
Aug 27 17:16:41 2010
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/hosted.js	Fri  
Sep  3 10:10:06 2010

@@ -333,13 +333,20 @@


-// DevMode currently only supports iframe based linkers
-var query = parent.location.search;
 if (!findPluginXPCOM()) {
-  document.write('embed id=pluginEmbed  
type=application/x-gwt-hosted-mode width=10 height=10');

-  document.write('/embed');
-  document.write('object id=pluginObject  

-  document.write('/object');
+  var embed = document.createElement('embed');
+  embed.id = 'pluginEmbed';
+  embed.type = 'application/x-gwt-hosted-mode';
+  embed.width = '10';
+  embed.height = '20';
+  var obj = document.createElement('object');
+  obj.id = 'pluginObject';
+  obj.CLASSID = 'CLSID:1D6156B6-002B-49E7-B5CA-C138FB843B4E';
+  var dochead = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+  dochead.append(embed);
+  dochead.append(obj);

 setTimeout(function() { $wnd[$moduleName].onScriptInstalled(gwtOnLoad) },  

Fri Aug 27 17:16:41 2010
Fri Sep  3 10:10:06 2010

@@ -56,24 +56,20 @@

   ; // end of global vars

-  $stats  $stats({
-moduleName: '__MODULE_NAME__',
-sessionId: $sessionId,
-subSystem: 'startup',
-evtGroup: 'bootstrap',
-millis:(new Date()).getTime(),
-type: 'begin',
-  });
-  // -- TRUE GLOBALS --
-  // Maps to synchronize the loading of styles and scripts; resources are  
-  // only once, even when multiple modules depend on them.  This API must  

-  // change across GWT versions.
-  if (!$wnd.__gwt_stylesLoaded) { $wnd.__gwt_stylesLoaded = {}; }
-  if (!$wnd.__gwt_scriptsLoaded) { $wnd.__gwt_scriptsLoaded = {}; }
+  sendStats('bootstrap', 'begin');

+  function sendStats(evtGroupString, typeString) {

[gwt-contrib] Remove -dumpSignatures in favor of a simpler command line invocation to get GWT's JRE support. (issue844801)

2010-09-03 Thread scottb

Reviewers: fabbott,

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/844801/show

Affected files:
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/CompilePerms.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/Compiler.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/GWTCompiler.java
  A dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/GetJreEmulation.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/Precompile.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/SignatureDumper.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/util/arg/ArgHandlerDumpSignatures.java
  D dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/util/arg/OptionDumpSignatures.java


[gwt-contrib] Re: Implement keyboard navigation for CellBrowser (issue843801)

2010-09-03 Thread דניאל רייס
  This isn't really working in prod mode so you can hold off on reviewing if
you'd prefer.


On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 4:16 PM, r...@google.com wrote:

 Reviewers: jlabanca,

 Implement keyboard navigation for CellBrowser

 Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/843801/show

 Affected files:
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellBrowser.java
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellBrowserOverride.css
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellList.css
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellList.java


[gwt-contrib] Re: Continuation of r8542 to actually properly enables double click for (issue774801)

2010-09-03 Thread fredsa



[gwt-contrib] Re: Adding the validation library to the DynaTableRf and Validation classpath to resolve missing dep... (issue826801)

2010-09-03 Thread jlabanca

committed as r8717



[gwt-contrib] Re: Remove -dumpSignatures in favor of a simpler command line invocation to get GWT's JRE support. (issue844801)

2010-09-03 Thread fabbott

One checkstyle nit, but the larger question is whether we think anyone
else is using dumpSignatures... I certainly hope not, and can't think of
a good one (even when it was made!), but having released with it, I'm
nervous about suddenly neutering it like this.

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/Precompile.java (right):

dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/Precompile.java:43: import
isn't this bad checkstyle alpha-sorting, 'C'  'S'?



[gwt-contrib] Re: Public: Support classes for a future generating GWT validators. (issue766802)

2010-09-03 Thread nchalko




[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r8719 committed - Fix bad gwt-checkstyle.xml.

2010-09-03 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 8719
Author: sco...@google.com
Date: Fri Sep  3 14:38:06 2010
Log: Fix bad gwt-checkstyle.xml.



--- /trunk/eclipse/settings/code-style/gwt-checkstyle.xml	Thu Sep  2  
09:18:59 2010
+++ /trunk/eclipse/settings/code-style/gwt-checkstyle.xml	Fri Sep  3  
14:38:06 2010

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
edit change 17030460 (text)

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
   This configuration file was written by the eclipse-cs plugin  
configuration editor


[gwt-contrib] Re: Remove -dumpSignatures in favor of a simpler command line invocation to get GWT's JRE support. (issue844801)

2010-09-03 Thread scottb

I can't imagine anyone using the feature.  If they really, really care
they could just copy the new entry point and make their own, and it
would run much faster than doing a full compile anyway.

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/Precompile.java (right):

dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/Precompile.java:43: import
On 2010/09/03 21:10:23, fabbott wrote:

isn't this bad checkstyle alpha-sorting, 'C'  'S'?

Dunno, but that's how Eclipse auto-sorted it, and Checkstyle isn't



[gwt-contrib] Public: First pass at generating a GWT Validator. (issue845801)

2010-09-03 Thread nchalko

Reviewers: bobv,

Public:  First pass at generating a GWT Validator.
This stub never returns any violations.

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/845801/show

Affected files:
  M eclipse/user/.classpath

  D samples/validation/war/WEB-INF/classes/marker

  A user/src/com/google/gwt/validation/rebind/AbstractCreator.java
  A user/src/com/google/gwt/validation/rebind/BeanHelper.java

  A user/src/com/google/gwt/validation/rebind/ValidatorCreator.java
  A user/src/com/google/gwt/validation/rebind/ValidatorGenerator.java
  A user/test/com/google/gwt/validation/example/client/AuthorTest.java


[gwt-contrib] Cleanup and refactoring of GWT Bootstrap code. This cleanup is to try and make it more clear wh... (issue839802)

2010-09-03 Thread unnurg

Reviewers: jgw,

Cleanup and refactoring of GWT Bootstrap code.  This cleanup is to try
and make it more clear what's going on in the bootstrap, and also to
hopefully set up the code in a way that  can easily fit in.

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/839802/show

Affected files:

  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/computeScriptBase.js
  A dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/devmode.js
  D dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/hosted.js
  A dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/installLocationDiv.js

  A dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/permutations.js
  A dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker/impl/waitForBodyLoaded.js
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/CrossSiteIframeLinker.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/CrossSiteIframeTemplate.js
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/core/CrossSiteIframeLinker.gwt.xml


[gwt-contrib] Re: Public: First pass at generating a GWT Validator. (issue845801)

2010-09-03 Thread nchalko

On 2010/09/03 23:10:54, Nick Chalko wrote:

Disregard.  this is not ready yet.  test failing, and checkstyle errors.

I will resend when ready.



[gwt-contrib] Provides support for fix of (issue841803)

2010-09-03 Thread rjrjr

Reviewers: cromwellian, amitmanjhi,

Provides support for fix of
https://jira.springsource.org/browse/ROO-1287 (ValueListBox showing
redundant entries) by allowing ValueListBox to use a key provider.

In the course of working on this, I found spots where we were swallowing
exceptions on the server. Now we don't.

I also ran into a bug where ProxyJsoImpl.getRequestFactory() would
return null,
but only for proxies created via certain code paths. Now it should be
to create a ProxyJsoImpl that doesn't have both its factory and its
schema, or
at least pretty difficult.

Review by: cromwell...@google.com

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/841803/show

Affected files:
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/app/place/AbstractProxyListActivity.java
  A user/src/com/google/gwt/app/place/EntityProxyKeyProvider.java

  M user/src/com/google/gwt/requestfactory/client/impl/AbstractRequest.java

  A user/src/com/google/gwt/requestfactory/client/impl/JsonResults.java
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/requestfactory/client/impl/ProxyImpl.java
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/requestfactory/client/impl/ProxyJsoImpl.java
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/requestfactory/client/impl/ProxySchema.java
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/requestfactory/client/impl/ProxyToTypeMap.java

  M user/src/com/google/gwt/requestfactory/server/JsonRequestProcessor.java
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ValueBoxBase.java
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ValueListBox.java
  A user/src/com/google/gwt/view/client/SimpleKeyProvider.java
  M user/test/com/google/gwt/requestfactory/client/RequestFactoryTest.java

  M user/test/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ValueListBoxTest.java


[gwt-contrib] Re: Continuation of r8542 to actually properly enables double click for (issue774801)

2010-09-03 Thread fredsa

