Customize Roo generated GWT app

2011-01-19 Thread Erik Bens

I’m not new to GWT but didn’t work with GWT 2.1.1 yet – so this is the
first time. Uh ahm – I’d like to apologize at first – “Sorry English
language don’t take it personally”.

I've spent much time in analyzing the application spring roo generated
for me. There're some entities and a very (I think) complex structure
which is not made for customizing. I've read through all the
documentation of google and the samples of Thomas Broyer but didn't
come any further with this generated app. The next step was to paint
down the structure - urgh - didn't help a lot.

Then I tried to debug and – wouh – it’s getting lighter. That’s the
way after application is started and you click on the create button
for a proxy:
a)  Button clicked in childclass of AbstractProxyListActivity which
contains the delegate logic (View - Delegate == Activity).
b)  Create a new ProxyPlace(MyProxy.class) which implies the
c)  Call the PlaceController to go to the new Place
d)  Ask the ActivityManager which is the next activity
a.  There are two mappers defined in ScaffoldDesktopApp
e)  ApplicationDetailsActivities_Roo_Gwt is called b/c it’s the mapper
of the ActivityManager
f)  The ApplicationEntityTypesProcessor chooses the correct Proxy to be
g)  Create the mapper for the proxy with new MyProxyActivitiesMapper
and get the final activity
h)  Map the operation – we have an Operation.CREATE so…
i)  Call the makeCreateActivity() within MyProxyActivitiesMapper which
j)  Returns a wrapper for the new activity with its view
k)  This activity wrapper is set as result of
l)  Which will be returned to the ActivityManager

Here’s what I’m confused about or don’t understand:
1.  What’s the full functionality of
ApplicationDetailsActivities_Roo_Gwt and
ApplicationEntityTypesProcessor – seems that they choose the right
proxy to handle and the correct operation to be used. But isn’t there
an easier, non-confusing way?
2.  Why every view extends MyProxy_Roo_Gwt?
The documentation of roo says it’s for better seeing, that this part
is roo managed gwt code. But.. what’s there roo managed and why – this
makes it not easier to customize the app.
3.  How to update a view? Let’s say a simple button which clears all
fields in an editor. Or couldn’t this be done by Gwt 2.1.1 without
calling a new activity (and with the help of the activity – do we
really have to pass the “what to do in the view” as parameters in the
4.  Let’s say I’d like to fire an event if a button is clicked and the
menu has to handle this event. Which class has to implement the
handler and how to update the view (maybe add a menu item) – perhaps
it’s like point 3.

Why I said this app is not made for customizing? This is easy:
I simply like to add a button to an edit view which clears all fields
of the editor. There’s no way to do it for one editor b/c all views
use the same interface with the same delegate. So I have to create a
new interface and a new delegate.

public interface ClearProxyEditViewP extends EntityProxy, V extends
ClearProxyEditViewP, V
extends IsWidget, HasEditorErrorsP {
interface ClearDelegate {
void cancelClicked();

void saveClicked();

void clearClicked();

Because of the new interface (which could not extend the old one,
because it’s not possible with the generics later in the activities) I
have to create a new edit activity which contains the logic for the
clear button and implements my interface.

public abstract class ClearProxyEditActivityP extends EntityProxy
implements Activity,
ClearProxyEditView.ClearDelegate {
public void clearClicked() {
//TODO: clear all fields
// but how to update the view?


Hmm there’s some more – I cannot use the original FindAndEditProxy and
CreateAndEditProxy b/c they need a ProxyEditView. Okay.. create new
proxies and call them ClearFindAndEditProxy and
ClearCreateAndEditProxy for now and just change the constructor.
At last I have to change the interfaces for the view in
MyProxyEditActivityWrapper and MyProxyEditActivityWrapper_Roo_Gwt to
use my ClearProxyEditView as generic type or extending it.

The questions are
-   How to update the view and clear the fields?
-   Is there an easier way to do this?

And I don’t have any idea how to add views not based on a proxy. Is
there anybody who already tried it?


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2011-01-19 Thread Sreekanth Nambiar

DateTimeFormat.getFormat(MM/dd/).parse(10/01/2001) is giving me
a Date object which contains local time zone. When i pass this object to
server which is in other timezone the date is getting converted. How can i
ignore the timezone while parsing Date.


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Re: gwt mvp sessions

2011-01-19 Thread Ernesto Reig
Thank you Y2i. The thing is that I don´t use GAE. I´ve never used GAE
actually. But, as I said in my first comment, I want to implement the
authentication/authorization the best way (the most
recommended/professional) to do it.
If you think, from your experience, that the best way is using GAE, I will.

Thank you very much again.

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Re: onKeyPress called twice on a single keypress

2011-01-19 Thread . .
thank you for your quick replies, i tried your suggestions...
but also another one: event.stopPropagation(); method called as the
key is recognized, and it is working pretty good.

but, however, it's still a side solution, i really hope that issue
is corrected asap...

On 17 Gen, 23:03, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 In this specific case, you have access to the wrapped TextBoxBase (or
 RichTextArea in the case of the custom suggestbox that the OP is creating)
 and you can add handlers directly to it, instead of the SuggestBox widget
 (according to comment 7 on the linked issue, this should work)

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Re: using @ServiceName and locator

2011-01-19 Thread
Thanks sounds better (thanks for the non RTFM response :-) ).

Now there is something I don't understand in the error I have :

[ERROR] Could not 
find static method with a single parameter of a key type

Whereas I have the following stuff :
* ApplicationRequest : RequestApplicationProxy findApplication( Long id );
* ApplicationService : Application findApplication( Long idApp );

And I thought using ServicesLocator was to prevent using static methods

Thanks in advance for your help,

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RequestFactory onSucess callback not called

2011-01-19 Thread Praveen Kumar

I have a Presenter which is injected via gin to the view since my view
has an interface which the presenter implements.
The RequestFactory is also injected to the Presenter. I have a method
which uses the requestFactory to fetch data and populate the view.
Following is how i tried.

public class TestPresenter implements MyView.Listener {

private final TestRequestFactory requestFactory;
private ListDataProxy values;

TestPresenter(TestRequestFactory requestFactory) {
this.requestFactory = requestFactory;

public ListDataProxy getListData() {
new RecieverListDataProxy() {
public void onSuccess(ListDataProxy 
newValues) {
values = new 

return values;

The problem is the onSuccess is not called and the values is returning
null all the time. I tried to put breakpoint in debug mode in the
onSuccess method, but the debugger never goes there.
Please help. I dont understand what wrong i am doing. The same thing
was working when my presenter was extending Activity. The only
difference is now i am using this presenter inside another activity


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Re: Escaping { and } in GWT Messages

2011-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
As you would do with MessageFormat in non-GWT Java, as the JavaDoc for 
Messages and Messages.DefaultMessage points out:
I.e. use '{' to *escape* your left curly brace:
@DefaultMessage(Message containing a '{' left curly brace and a } right 
curly brace. Oh, and an '' apostrophe, just in case you wondered)

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Re: GWT Special Features compared to other Frameworks

2011-01-19 Thread Didier Durand

1 point related to your point 1: java means compilation, i.e strong
type checking at compile time (even at write time if you use Eclipse
that compiles in real-time). The difference in productivity is huge

1 point related to your point 3: you can not only integrates runtime
frameworks but also dev tools to improve quality of code (FindBugs,
JUnit, Checkstyle, etc.)



On Jan 18, 10:05 pm, Ryan Mehregan wrote:
 I am afraid your first point is not a correct assessment.
 Programming the Web is a very broad category
 which encompasses a plethora of Java Web Frameworks that  emerged over
 the past decade many of them now obsolete.
 Like many of the MVC frameworks
 (Struts, WebWork, Tapestry, SpringMVC/WebFlow, Wicket, Play, JSF),
 or specific components of MVC such as View technologies for MVC.
 ( template engines such as Velocity, Freemarker, Tiles, SiteMesh) to
 name a few.

 therefore you need to explain how GWT compares with those and why and
 when to use GWT instead of all those Java Web Frameworks ?

 and in addition, your point does not address what is the benefit of
 using Java to program the web ?
 there are many many alternative frameworks, programming languages out
 there. why choose Java ?

  1. GWT allows using java to program
  web. (only, it also allows merging
  javascript through JSNI of course)

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Convert java.util.Locale to

2011-01-19 Thread tdk
I have a problem, that I need the 2 different types of locales in my
On the  server side I need java.util.Locale as a parameter for some
backend-calls and on the client side I need GwtLocale for the user to
see/change. On the client side I tried using
LocaleUtils.getLocaleFactory() to create a GwtLocale to send via GWT
RPC to the server.

Here is my problem:
when I compile my code, I get the error message No source code is
available for type; ... even
so I inherits

So what I am I missing?
How would YOU go about to solve this conversion problem?



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Re: GWT - Basic RequestFactory example

2011-01-19 Thread Lubor
Thanks for your reply Miroslav,
unortunatelly when i am trying to Run as Web Application in Eclipse, i
got this error:

Initializing AppEngine server
Logging to JettyLogger(null) via
Successfully processed C:\development\springsource\workspace
Successfully processed C:\development\springsource\workspace
[WARN] failed{/,C:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/inject/servlet/
[WARN] failed JettyContainerService$ApiProxyHandler@157ea4a:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/inject/servlet/
[WARN] Error starting handlers
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/inject/servlet/

I think, that i have problems with Guice library, but when i try to
change libraries to 3.0R2, i got same error.

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Re: gwt mvp sessions

2011-01-19 Thread Ernesto Reig
Ok. I´ve been having a look to GAE Authentication. And there are things I
don´t understand well...
If you look at this page (, which seems to
be quite reliable, it clearly says Although it's possible to develop App
Engine applications with custom authentication (e.g. using your own
username/password lookup, or by connecting to custom 3rd party web
services), we'll focus on OpenID.
Well, the thing is that* I do need custom authentication*. I need to
generate my own usernames and their corresponding passwords to log in. I
don´t know how to do it with GAE, but as above mentioned, it said *it's
possible to develop App Engine applications with custom authentication*.
So the question is:
 - How do I implement custom authentication using GAE?
 - Can I use the approach used by the Expenses sample? If so, what do I have
to change/customize?
 - Using App Engine, can I use my own MySQL tables (for users and other

I know I´m a bit confused.
Thank you for your help.

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Re: GWT - Basic RequestFactory example

2011-01-19 Thread Miroslav Genov
Are you sure that all jar from lib folder are added in your classpath ? 

It seems that guice-servlet-3.0-rc1.jar is missing. 

Also you can check whether you have only one version of guice in your 

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Re: GWT - Basic RequestFactory example

2011-01-19 Thread Lubor
Hello Miroslav,

sorry, my fault. You are right. Now everything works. I will test your
example. Can you explain to me, why i better to use Injection of

Many thanks,


On 19 led, 13:10, Miroslav Genov wrote:
 Are you sure that all jar from lib folder are added in your classpath ?

 It seems that guice-servlet-3.0-rc1.jar is missing.

 Also you can check whether you have only one version of guice in your

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Re: how to customize celltree.

2011-01-19 Thread norberthu
I verify that it doesnt take effect.

On 1月18日, 下午11时31分, norberthu wrote:
 maybe this is a workaround about question 1 :

  original , the pic is width: 15px; height:15px, now I change it  as
 width: 15px; height:24px,  and make the pic 9px height from top is
 transparent.tomorrow I will verify it.

 On 1月18日, 下午4时08分, norberthu wrote:

  1:how to adjust the pic (cellTreeClosedItem.gif,cellTreeOpenItem.gif)
  at vertical center.

   the pic has following html fragment,and there is no style to adjust.
  the classname GJKF13HCNF is .cellTreeItem. If I add top: 9px in
  cellTreeItem, it takes no effect.If I add top:9px; in div
  style,for example [div style=position: absolute; left: 0px;top:9px;
  width: 15px; height: 15px;], that's ok.

div style=position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 15px; height:
  15px; class=GJKF13HCNFimg border=0 style=width: 15px; height:
  15px; background: url(quot;data:image/
  no-repeat scroll 0px 0px transparent; src=

  2:how to make celltree show horizontal scroll ?

  .scrolltree {
  width: 200px;
  height: 500px;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;


  td colspan=2

  corresponding html fragment is following, and I Hope remove all
  overflow: hidden; and how to remove ?

  div style=padding-left: 0px; class=GEGGSC0BKD 
  div onclick= style=position: relative; 
  padding-left: 16px;
  style=position: absolute; 
  left: 0px; width: 15px; height:
  style=width: 15px; 
  height: 15px; background: url() no-repeat
  scroll 0px 0px transparent;
  div tabindex=0 class=GEGGSC0BND 
  style=width: 15px; 
  height: 11px; background: url() no-repeat
  scroll 0px 0px transparent;
  border=0 Family
  div id=animFrame style=position: relative; 
  overflow: hidden;
  div style=
  style=padding-left: 16px; class=GEGGSC0BKD
  onclick= style=position: relative; padding-left:
  div class=GEGGSC0BLD
  style=position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 15px; height:
  img onload='this.__gwtLastUnhandledEvent=load;'

Re: GWT - Basic RequestFactory example

2011-01-19 Thread Miroslav Genov
In my example, dependency injection is used over the server side service 
classes, so I can inject into them other classes using DI. This gives me the 
ability to test my services in isolation and also few more advantages such 
as scopes and etc. 

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GWT Activities, Places with Event Bus ??????

2011-01-19 Thread SergeZ
Hello everybody! Can someone help me to sort things out ?   The
question is: is it possible to use EventBus (or just HandlerManager )
with Activities and Places ? How can I notify a set of my places ( for
example, 5 widgets ) about an event which happened in a particular
place (a widget, not included in those 5 widgets ).

For example...
I have 6 widgets. Acutaly 6 different pages ( places ). Each of them
consist of a button and a text area (for example). Suppose, I write
some text in widget1's textarea, and I want that text to be displayed
in other 5 text ereas. How can I fire event ( for example
UpdateTextAreaEvent() ). Is there in GWR 2.1's architecture such
mechanism or all this stuff - activities, places and other are just
about history management and more convinient way to switch between
pages ?

Hope, I have managed to explain my problem quite well.

Thanks a lot for your time!!!

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How to Constrain the Width of a FlexTable

2011-01-19 Thread JAppetta
I am attempting to limit the size of a FlexTable and its cell.
However, whenever an exceptionally large piece of text is added to the
cell, the table grows to accommodate this. Not a desirable action. I
want to limit the size of the table and have additional text be
displayed on following lines similar to as if I had newlines in the
text string.

Following the code that creates the main panel as well as the panels
added to the main panel. Note that an attempt is made to constrain the
width of the table (650 px) in the method and constrain the width of
the panel that contains the table in the .css (700 px).

Thanks for your help!

(Working with GWT 1.6)


private Panel createCommentsPanel() {
// create comments main panel
VerticalPanel mainCommentPanel = new VerticalPanel();

Label commentsLabel = new Label(Comments:, false);

Label addCommentLabel = new Label(Add Comment:, false);

// comments table
String[] commentTypeHeaders = {Comments };
commentsTable = new FlexTable();
createFlexTable(commentsTable, commentTypeHeaders);

// add button
VerticalPanel buttonPanel = new VerticalPanel();
addCommentButton = new Button(Add Comment);

//call method to add the comments to the table

//add components to the panels
VerticalPanel Panel = new VerticalPanel();


return mainCommentPanel;


Following is the relevant .css

//the main panel that contains the labels and the panel that contains
the FlextTable. Width set to 100%
so as to be in sync with other panels of the application
.mainCommentPanel {
   border: 2px solid inset silver;
   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;
   background-color: #F0F0F0;

//the panel that contains the FlexTable. Note that the width is set to
700px (slightly larger than the flex table width setting)

.commentsPanel1 {
  padding-top: 10px;
  padding-left: 25px;
  padding-bottom: 15px;
  width: 700px;
  height: 100%;


//padding around the button. Can't see how this would affect the table
but including for completeness
.addCommentsButtonPanelPadding {
   padding-left: 25px;


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Re: Escaping { and } in GWT Messages

2011-01-19 Thread bconoly
Thanks, that was it.

On Jan 19, 5:31 am, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 As you would do with MessageFormat in non-GWT Java, as the JavaDoc for
 Messages and Messages.DefaultMessage points 
 I.e. use '{' to *escape* your left curly brace:
 @DefaultMessage(Message containing a '{' left curly brace and a } right
 curly brace. Oh, and an '' apostrophe, just in case you wondered)

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Re: GWT Special Features compared to other Frameworks

2011-01-19 Thread jhulford
On Jan 18, 3:26 pm, Noor wrote:
 2. The developer does not have to be a guru in browser
 to develop web sites which works on
 a variety of browsers because
 incompatibilities are handled by GWT
 through differed bindind

While GWT does shield you from some browser differences, I can
guarantee that you are going to run into them in any non-trivial
application you write with GWT.

Also somewhat relevant to your first point, even though you're writing
code mostly in Java and working with widgets, for any sort of complex
application you're definitely going to need to understand how to
design and code in Javascript / HTML / CSS.  GWT doesn't really pull
you completely away from that aspect of web programming.

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Re: GWT Activities, Places with Event Bus ??????

2011-01-19 Thread Ben Imp
I solve this issue by having a single application wide event bus that
is passed to all of the presenters in my application.  I bundle it up
with other application resources, such as a navigation control and an
application wide model, and simply hand it to them in the
constructor.  So, if I wanted to do the same thing you describe in my
application, I would simply have the controller that is listening to
your updates push data into the application model, which would then
fire off change events in the application event bus, and the other
controllers would all be listening to those events.

I haven't used the place/activity thing yet, so I don't know how those
work exactly, but I would imagine there should be a way to hand them
an application resource bundle on creation.


On Jan 19, 7:59 am, SergeZ wrote:
 Hello everybody! Can someone help me to sort things out ?   The
 question is: is it possible to use EventBus (or just HandlerManager )
 with Activities and Places ? How can I notify a set of my places ( for
 example, 5 widgets ) about an event which happened in a particular
 place (a widget, not included in those 5 widgets ).

 For example...
 I have 6 widgets. Acutaly 6 different pages ( places ). Each of them
 consist of a button and a text area (for example). Suppose, I write
 some text in widget1's textarea, and I want that text to be displayed
 in other 5 text ereas. How can I fire event ( for example
 UpdateTextAreaEvent() ). Is there in GWR 2.1's architecture such
 mechanism or all this stuff - activities, places and other are just
 about history management and more convinient way to switch between
 pages ?

 Hope, I have managed to explain my problem quite well.

 Thanks a lot for your time!!!

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Re: Displaying one-line summary when dealing with list of long paragraphs. What would YOU do ?

2011-01-19 Thread Sean
Yeah, text is very rarely the bottle neck in most current web pages. The 
difference of data to transfer one sentence vs. all in a paragraph is not 
much. I would guess it is far less then the overhead of making another RPC 
call to get the requested paragraph. I would make it easier on yourself, 
send the entire text, display the first LENGTH characters and then on click 
display them all.

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Re: DateTimeFormat

2011-01-19 Thread Ben Imp
Welcome to the wonderful world of Java dates.  Dates without a time
component don't exist in this strange place, so the simplest solution
I've found is to just create your own date class and store three


On Jan 19, 2:46 am, Sreekanth Nambiar wrote:

     DateTimeFormat.getFormat(MM/dd/).parse(10/01/2001) is giving me
 a Date object which contains local time zone. When i pass this object to
 server which is in other timezone the date is getting converted. How can i
 ignore the timezone while parsing Date.


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Re: DateTimeFormat

2011-01-19 Thread jhulford
Without writing your own serialization classes, you can't while using
a Date object because the Date object actually represents an exact
moment in time and not a full day / block on a calendar.  Search this
group for a plethera of answers about this:

The easiest way is to create a DTO date object that represents a day
of the year that internally stores month / day / year as ints and use
that to pass your date between your client and server.

On Jan 19, 3:46 am, Sreekanth Nambiar wrote:

     DateTimeFormat.getFormat(MM/dd/).parse(10/01/2001) is giving me
 a Date object which contains local time zone. When i pass this object to
 server which is in other timezone the date is getting converted. How can i
 ignore the timezone while parsing Date.


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Re: How to Constrain the Width of a FlexTable

2011-01-19 Thread John LaBanca
Set the table-layout CSS property to fixed, then set the width of the
table to 100%.  The content should be truncated.  You can also set the width
of each column to an exact value.

John LaBanca

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 9:30 AM, JAppetta wrote:

 I am attempting to limit the size of a FlexTable and its cell.
 However, whenever an exceptionally large piece of text is added to the
 cell, the table grows to accommodate this. Not a desirable action. I
 want to limit the size of the table and have additional text be
 displayed on following lines similar to as if I had newlines in the
 text string.

 Following the code that creates the main panel as well as the panels
 added to the main panel. Note that an attempt is made to constrain the
 width of the table (650 px) in the method and constrain the width of
 the panel that contains the table in the .css (700 px).

 Thanks for your help!

 (Working with GWT 1.6)


 private Panel createCommentsPanel() {
 // create comments main panel
 VerticalPanel mainCommentPanel = new VerticalPanel();

 Label commentsLabel = new Label(Comments:, false);

 Label addCommentLabel = new Label(Add Comment:, false);

 // comments table
 String[] commentTypeHeaders = {Comments };
 commentsTable = new FlexTable();
 createFlexTable(commentsTable, commentTypeHeaders);

 // add button
 VerticalPanel buttonPanel = new VerticalPanel();
 addCommentButton = new Button(Add Comment);

 //call method to add the comments to the table

 //add components to the panels
 VerticalPanel Panel = new VerticalPanel();


 return mainCommentPanel;


 Following is the relevant .css

 //the main panel that contains the labels and the panel that contains
 the FlextTable. Width set to 100%
 so as to be in sync with other panels of the application
 .mainCommentPanel {
   border: 2px solid inset silver;
   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;
   background-color: #F0F0F0;

 //the panel that contains the FlexTable. Note that the width is set to
 700px (slightly larger than the flex table width setting)

 .commentsPanel1 {
  padding-top: 10px;
  padding-left: 25px;
  padding-bottom: 15px;
  width: 700px;
  height: 100%;


 //padding around the button. Can't see how this would affect the table
 but including for completeness
 .addCommentsButtonPanelPadding {
   padding-left: 25px;


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Deprecation of DockPanel

2011-01-19 Thread shahid
We have been using GWT since version version 1.6 and have been
upgrading to the newest versions. In the 2.1 version, similar to some
other widgets, the DockPanel has been deprecated. I wonder if someone
could through a light on that. I personally think most of the users
are still going to be using the DockPanel for 2 reasons. One is you
need a RootLayoutPanel for the new DockLayoutPanel to work properly
and secondly the new DockLayoutPanel only works in standards mode
which is something people wouldn't want their users to restrict to.
Also does any one knows the reason behind the deprecation?

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Re: Deprecation of DockPanel

2011-01-19 Thread John LaBanca
DockPanel doesn't always work correctly in standards mode.  Specifically,
setting the cell width/height via DockPanel.setCellWidth/Height() is almost
meaningless and will lead to incorrect behavior in standards mode.  However,
to be honest, even I don't know why its actually deprecated since it is
still useful.  Maybe we can just deprecate and remove the methods that are
specific to quirks mode?

FYI - GWT no longer supports quirks mode and hasn't for a while.  I'd
strongly encourage you to switch to standards mode.  It should provide a
much more consistent experience across browsers, saving you a lot of
debugging and testing.

John LaBanca

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:17 AM, shahid wrote:

 We have been using GWT since version version 1.6 and have been
 upgrading to the newest versions. In the 2.1 version, similar to some
 other widgets, the DockPanel has been deprecated. I wonder if someone
 could through a light on that. I personally think most of the users
 are still going to be using the DockPanel for 2 reasons. One is you
 need a RootLayoutPanel for the new DockLayoutPanel to work properly
 and secondly the new DockLayoutPanel only works in standards mode
 which is something people wouldn't want their users to restrict to.
 Also does any one knows the reason behind the deprecation?

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Re: Deprecation of DockPanel

2011-01-19 Thread Ray Ryan
Fine with me.

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:37 AM, John LaBanca wrote:

 DockPanel doesn't always work correctly in standards mode.  Specifically,
 setting the cell width/height via DockPanel.setCellWidth/Height() is almost
 meaningless and will lead to incorrect behavior in standards mode.  However,
 to be honest, even I don't know why its actually deprecated since it is
 still useful.  Maybe we can just deprecate and remove the methods that are
 specific to quirks mode?

 FYI - GWT no longer supports quirks mode and hasn't for a while.  I'd
 strongly encourage you to switch to standards mode.  It should provide a
 much more consistent experience across browsers, saving you a lot of
 debugging and testing.

 John LaBanca

 On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:17 AM, shahid wrote:

 We have been using GWT since version version 1.6 and have been
 upgrading to the newest versions. In the 2.1 version, similar to some
 other widgets, the DockPanel has been deprecated. I wonder if someone
 could through a light on that. I personally think most of the users
 are still going to be using the DockPanel for 2 reasons. One is you
 need a RootLayoutPanel for the new DockLayoutPanel to work properly
 and secondly the new DockLayoutPanel only works in standards mode
 which is something people wouldn't want their users to restrict to.
 Also does any one knows the reason behind the deprecation?

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Re: Deprecation of DockPanel

2011-01-19 Thread John LaBanca
Created an issue to track this:
John LaBanca

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Ray Ryan wrote:

 Fine with me.

 On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:37 AM, John LaBanca wrote:

 DockPanel doesn't always work correctly in standards mode.  Specifically,
 setting the cell width/height via DockPanel.setCellWidth/Height() is almost
 meaningless and will lead to incorrect behavior in standards mode.  However,
 to be honest, even I don't know why its actually deprecated since it is
 still useful.  Maybe we can just deprecate and remove the methods that are
 specific to quirks mode?

 FYI - GWT no longer supports quirks mode and hasn't for a while.  I'd
 strongly encourage you to switch to standards mode.  It should provide a
 much more consistent experience across browsers, saving you a lot of
 debugging and testing.

 John LaBanca

 On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:17 AM, shahid wrote:

 We have been using GWT since version version 1.6 and have been
 upgrading to the newest versions. In the 2.1 version, similar to some
 other widgets, the DockPanel has been deprecated. I wonder if someone
 could through a light on that. I personally think most of the users
 are still going to be using the DockPanel for 2 reasons. One is you
 need a RootLayoutPanel for the new DockLayoutPanel to work properly
 and secondly the new DockLayoutPanel only works in standards mode
 which is something people wouldn't want their users to restrict to.
 Also does any one knows the reason behind the deprecation?

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Re: gwt mvp sessions

2011-01-19 Thread Y2i
Sorry if I was not clear, I didn't say it's the best to use GAE, it all 
depends on your requirements.  GAE is a web server where you deploy your 
application.  If you chose to deploy on GAE then it's better to use 
authentication offered by GAE.

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Re: RequestFactory does not preserve owned 1-to-many list order

2011-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Wednesday, January 19, 2011 4:42:35 AM UTC+1, QkQk wrote:

  I am using gwt2.1.1's requestfactory on owned 1-to-many relationship 
 in jdo. I found the ordering of child list is missing as passed back 
 to entityproxy.

If you declared your property as a ListChildProxy (and not a 
SetChildProxy, but even then) then, well, it should work (I never met the 
case where the ordering was messed up by RequestFactory).

 Another question is jdo seems not support collection 
 of embedded class.

It seems like it actually does:

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Re: Deprecation of DockPanel

2011-01-19 Thread Ray Ryan, this will happen faster if you're able to contribute
a patch. Either way, thanks for the report.

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:48 AM, John LaBanca wrote:

 Created an issue to track this:
 John LaBanca

 On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Ray Ryan wrote:

 Fine with me.

 On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:37 AM, John LaBanca jlaba...@google.comwrote:

 DockPanel doesn't always work correctly in standards mode.  Specifically,
 setting the cell width/height via DockPanel.setCellWidth/Height() is almost
 meaningless and will lead to incorrect behavior in standards mode.  However,
 to be honest, even I don't know why its actually deprecated since it is
 still useful.  Maybe we can just deprecate and remove the methods that are
 specific to quirks mode?

 FYI - GWT no longer supports quirks mode and hasn't for a while.  I'd
 strongly encourage you to switch to standards mode.  It should provide a
 much more consistent experience across browsers, saving you a lot of
 debugging and testing.

 John LaBanca

 On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:17 AM, shahid wrote:

 We have been using GWT since version version 1.6 and have been
 upgrading to the newest versions. In the 2.1 version, similar to some
 other widgets, the DockPanel has been deprecated. I wonder if someone
 could through a light on that. I personally think most of the users
 are still going to be using the DockPanel for 2 reasons. One is you
 need a RootLayoutPanel for the new DockLayoutPanel to work properly
 and secondly the new DockLayoutPanel only works in standards mode
 which is something people wouldn't want their users to restrict to.
 Also does any one knows the reason behind the deprecation?

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Re: using @ServiceName and locator

2011-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
You have to provide a Locator for your ApplicationProxy/Applicatin if you 
don't want the findApplication static method.

I know you already read it, but:

For entities, RequestFactory will have to load them by their identifier (so 
it can apply the diffs sent from the client before landing them to the 
service methods). To do so, it will either ask a Locator (that it will first 
instantiate, of course) or fallback to using a static method named findXxx 
(where Xxx is the name of the entity class).


Never forget how RF processes requests: applies operations (and thus needs 
object instances, through Locators or findXxx static methods), then calls 
invocations (where ServiceLocators might be used)

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Re: GWT Activities, Places with Event Bus ??????

2011-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
You have en EventBus passed to your Activities' start(), so just use that 
(eventBus.fireEvent or fireEventWithSource on one side, and 
eventBus.addHandler or addHandlerWithSource on the other side).
For this to work, you of course have to use the same EventBus with all your 
ActivityManagers, but that's a given anyway since otherwise the whole 
Place/Activity thing wouldn't work either.

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Re: Created project, but there is no Build.xml

2011-01-19 Thread AmaraSat
Solved Thanks!!

Just modified the class to implement ClickHandler

Captured the onClick event to get the x and y coordinates


On Jan 18, 5:23 pm, AmaraSat wrote:
 This is what i have:


 public class WebApplication implements EntryPoint {

 private static final int REFRESH_INTERVAL = 15000;
 private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel();
 privateFlexTablepropertyDisplayTable = newFlexTable();

 public void onModuleLoad() {

 propertyDisplayTable.setText(0, 0, PropertyTag);
 propertyDisplayTable.setText(0, 1, Value);
 propertyDisplayTable.setText(0, 2, Remove);

 Image UpdateImage4 = new Image(./images/redm.png);
 propertyDisplayTable.setWidget(1, 2, UpdateImage4);



 private void refreshPropertyList() {
                 UpdateImage  = new Image(./images/redm.png);


 public voidonBrowserEvent(Event event) {
       // process the event
       switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) {
       case Event.ONCLICK: {
               // Save the x and y coordinate of the mouse so we can
 position the popup
                       xCoord = DOM.eventGetClientX(event);
                       yCoord = DOM.eventGetClientY(event);


 On Jan 18, 4:29 pm, Jeff Larsen wrote:

  Does your class extend Composite?

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Re: How do i make my FlexTable to implement OnClick event and PopUpPanel?

2011-01-19 Thread AmaraSat
Solved Thanks!!

Just modified the class to implement ClickHandler

Captured the onClick event to get the x and y coordinates


On Jan 18, 5:20 pm, AmaraSat wrote:
 I appreciate your suggestion, i am fine for now with the FlexTable.

 **I was able to populate the rows and columns with data i am receiving
 from an RPC call.
 **i was able to update widgets in it depending on the data., in my
 above code i have a FlexTable propertyDisplayTable, it is a global
 variable. I want to implement an OnClick event for this table. From
 the groups i see i need to implement a class of type FlexTable and
 then proceed form there, this is what i have done:



  * A sample to show problems with trying to get the state of the
  * keys during a click.
 public class WebApplication extends FlexTable
         implements EntryPoint, ClickListener {

                 private static final int REFRESH_INTERVAL = 5000;
         private String[] data = new String[] {
                 Thelonious Monk,
                 Jelly Roll Morton,
                 Fickle Fay Creep,
                 Sonny Rollins,
                 Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers,
                 Ping Pong,
                 Mose Allison,
                 Mojo Woman

         public WebApplication() {
                 // Put some data into the table
                 for(int r=0; r5; r++) {
                         for(int c=0; c2; c++) {
                                 // each cell in the table is a Label
 that uses click notifications
                                 Label cellLabel = new
 RowLabel( data[(r*2) + c], r );
                                 this.setWidget(r, c, cellLabel);

          * It would be nice to be able to get the Event inside this
         public void onClick(Widget sender) {
                 if( sender instanceof RowLabel ) {
                         GWT.log(onClick fired, row clicked:  +
 Integer.toString(((RowLabel)sender).getRow()), null);

          * ...since this is fired after onClick; we can always set up
          * and wait for this to be called.
         public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {

                 GWT.log(onBrowserEvent fired; modifiers: 
                                 + (DOM.eventGetAltKey(event) ? ALT
  : )
                                 + (DOM.eventGetCtrlKey(event) ? CTRL
  : )
                                 + (DOM.eventGetShiftKey(event) ?
 SHIFT  : ),

         public void onModuleLoad() {

                 Timer refreshTimer = new Timer() {
                     public void run() {

         protected void refreshPropertyList() {
                         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                 Label Updatelabel = new Label();
                 //WebApplication.setWidget(1, 2, UpdateImage4);

                 private class RowLabel extends Label {
                 int row;
                 public RowLabel(String text, int row) {
                         this.row = row;

                 public int getRow() {
                         return row;


 here the OnClick is working and i was able to know which row has been
 clicked, but the commented out line

 WebApplication.setWidget(1, 2, Updatelabel);

 is not working it says

 Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method setWidget(int,
 int, Widget) from the type HTMLTable, it was not able to access the
 table, now the question is How do i update the row of the table, the
 table is inside the panel RootPanel, how do i get the table out of
 it and update its row?

 On Jan 18, 4:15 pm, Ryan Mehregan wrote:

  if you are planning to populate your table with Data Objects,
  I think it would be better to look into new Google Data Presentation

  Cell Table for example has the feature you want, and many more, there
  are code samples available too.


How to update a FlextTable dynamically which is implemented from a class and added to panel ?

2011-01-19 Thread AmaraSat
public class HeatRateTable extends FlexTable
implements EntryPoint{

private static final int REFRESH_INTERVAL = 5000;
private String[] data = new String[] {
Thelonious Monk,

public HeatRateTable(){
this.setText(row, column, x)

this.setWidget(r, c, Image);

public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
  Element td = getEventTargetCell(event);
if (td == null) {
  Element tr = DOM.getParent(td);
  Element body = DOM.getParent(tr);
  int row = DOM.getChildIndex(body, tr);
  int column = DOM.getChildIndex(tr, td);

   case Event.ONCLICK: {
  //implementing something here


public void onModuleLoad() {
RootPanel.get(heatRateList).add(new HeatRateTable());

protected void refreshPropertyList() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
   Image UpdateImage4 = new Image(./images/redm.png);
// -- Now how do i update the rows of my flextable here
(or) insert a new widget in the row, it is inside the panel

Is it possible?

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Re: Plugin fails to connect to hosted mode server

2011-01-19 Thread Aim
I also have upgraded my application to GWT 2.1.1 and plugin on chrome
has started failing. Although it's working on IE. Strange as most of
the time it's IE which is trouble maker :)


On Dec 24 2010, 9:20 am, Sethu wrote:
 Not seeing any alternative. I have raised an issue for 

 On Dec 23, 8:17 am, Sethu wrote:

  Hi Chris,

  I did what you told me. I added both and localhost to the
  allowed hosts in the GWT plugin of chrome. Actually it says you need
  to add one only if you are doing some cross machine debugging. I am
  connecting from localhost only.

  Not sure what more to do. I have started up tomcat within eclipse and
  pointed the war folder to it and I am somehow working with it. I need
  to deploy the code everytime to test and no it does not help in
  debugging client code.


  On Dec 22, 8:32 pm, Chris Conroy wrote:

   You don't need to add entries for localhost since those are allowed by

   When you get the error do you see the GWT toolbox turn gray? Click it, 
   click Update Your Configuration. It will autofill the options page with
   the host it detected and you can add it to your whitelist. Once added,
   refresh and you should connect and see the toolbox turn red.

   On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Sethu 
Unfortunately I dont have an entry in my hosts file. I added a
localhost for an extra measure and tried and still got the
same error.
Does anyone know why this is happening? The plug ins on chrome,
firefox, and IE all of them consistently give me the same error.

On Dec 22, 7:53 pm, Glenn Davies wrote:
 ...and it turns out that there's a simple answer.

 We use a hosts file entry (e.g. which resolves to
 so we can use a development SSL certificate on all dev machines. 
 this host is, you need to add to the list of
 hosts in the Chrome dev mode plugin as it seems the check is on the 
 name not the IP address to which the host name resolves - which is 
 enough I suppose.


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Re: Deprecation of DockPanel

2011-01-19 Thread shahid
Thank you John LaBanca. I am thinking of moving to the standards mode
but I am not sure how many issues it may bring up across the
application. May be I can give it a try and see.

On Jan 19, 3:48 pm, John LaBanca wrote:
 Created an issue to track 
 John LaBanca

 On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Ray Ryan wrote:
  Fine with me.

  On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:37 AM, John LaBanca wrote:

  DockPanel doesn't always work correctly in standards mode.  Specifically,
  setting the cell width/height via DockPanel.setCellWidth/Height() is almost
  meaningless and will lead to incorrect behavior in standards mode.  
  to be honest, even I don't know why its actually deprecated since it is
  still useful.  Maybe we can just deprecate and remove the methods that are
  specific to quirks mode?

  FYI - GWT no longer supports quirks mode and hasn't for a while.  I'd
  strongly encourage you to switch to standards mode.  It should provide a
  much more consistent experience across browsers, saving you a lot of
  debugging and testing.

  John LaBanca

  On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:17 AM, shahid wrote:

  We have been using GWT since version version 1.6 and have been
  upgrading to the newest versions. In the 2.1 version, similar to some
  other widgets, the DockPanel has been deprecated. I wonder if someone
  could through a light on that. I personally think most of the users
  are still going to be using the DockPanel for 2 reasons. One is you
  need a RootLayoutPanel for the new DockLayoutPanel to work properly
  and secondly the new DockLayoutPanel only works in standards mode
  which is something people wouldn't want their users to restrict to.
  Also does any one knows the reason behind the deprecation?

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Re: Deprecation of DockPanel

2011-01-19 Thread shahid
@Ray Ryan: Thanks I will consider doing that but I am a bit tight on
schedule at the moment.

On Jan 19, 4:13 pm, Ray Ryan wrote:, this will happen faster if you're able to contribute
 a patch. Either way, thanks for the report.

 On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:48 AM, John LaBanca wrote:
  Created an issue to track this:
  John LaBanca

  On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Ray Ryan wrote:

  Fine with me.

  On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:37 AM, John LaBanca jlaba...@google.comwrote:

  DockPanel doesn't always work correctly in standards mode.  Specifically,
  setting the cell width/height via DockPanel.setCellWidth/Height() is 
  meaningless and will lead to incorrect behavior in standards mode.  
  to be honest, even I don't know why its actually deprecated since it is
  still useful.  Maybe we can just deprecate and remove the methods that are
  specific to quirks mode?

  FYI - GWT no longer supports quirks mode and hasn't for a while.  I'd
  strongly encourage you to switch to standards mode.  It should provide a
  much more consistent experience across browsers, saving you a lot of
  debugging and testing.

  John LaBanca

  On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:17 AM, shahid wrote:

  We have been using GWT since version version 1.6 and have been
  upgrading to the newest versions. In the 2.1 version, similar to some
  other widgets, the DockPanel has been deprecated. I wonder if someone
  could through a light on that. I personally think most of the users
  are still going to be using the DockPanel for 2 reasons. One is you
  need a RootLayoutPanel for the new DockLayoutPanel to work properly
  and secondly the new DockLayoutPanel only works in standards mode
  which is something people wouldn't want their users to restrict to.
  Also does any one knows the reason behind the deprecation?

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Re: gwt mvp sessions

2011-01-19 Thread Ernesto Reig
Keeping on trying to fully understand GAE Authentication, with the Expenses
example approach, I find these lines of code:

UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService();
if (!userService.isUserLoggedIn()) {

And now I get stuck into this.
 - What is that UserService? Ok, it´s the interface
 - But how does it work? How can it check if a user is logged in? where the
hell does it get the users from?

Thank you in advance.

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Re: New logging api error with firebug lite

2011-01-19 Thread Ramon Salla
I managed to use firebuglite.

Changed FireBugLogHandler to use in native JSNI methods:;

instead of;

I don't really know why it's working because console should be in the
same html application as gwt application.
Any thought?

On 14 Gen, 18:43, Ramon Salla wrote:
 Not working either. Some thoughts:

 a) with a simple html (no gwt) with a html button with works in firebug lite, chrome console and ie8

 b) Enabling a simple vanilla gwt application with a jsni method with  only works in chrome console.

 c) Inheritting new gwt logging api inherits
 name=''/ and using the same jsni code
 only works in chrome (as b) )

 d)  So, no console neither ie8 nor firebuglite... what do do?


 On 14 Gen, 11:01, Thomas Broyer wrote:

  AFAIK, IE8 has a console.log(), so maybe in this case Firebug lite doesn't
  (cannot?) use its own implementation. Have you checked the IE Developer
  Tools' console? (hit the F12 key to bring them up)

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How to align float values in a celltable

2011-01-19 Thread frank
Hello I want to justify floats in a celltable, that the points are
aligned like the decimaltab in word


Is that possible?

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Re: using @ServiceName and locator

2011-01-19 Thread
Perfect !

Note for myself : next time read more documentation :-)

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Re: GWT Special Features compared to other Frameworks

2011-01-19 Thread Jeff Schwartz
+1. Your raise excellent points. Anyone approaching GWT with the idea that
they don't need to have at least a basic understanding of HTML, CSS and
Javascript is going to be very disappointed. As great as GWT is, and it is
great, it cannot always hide the fact that you are developing for the
browser and the web. It certainly does, though, make developing for the
browser and the web much easier and just as important, it makes it enjoyable

+2 for GWT making web development enjoyable again.


On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 9:52 AM, jhulford wrote:

 On Jan 18, 3:26 pm, Noor wrote:
  2. The developer does not have to be a guru in browser
  to develop web sites which works on
  a variety of browsers because
  incompatibilities are handled by GWT
  through differed bindind

 While GWT does shield you from some browser differences, I can
 guarantee that you are going to run into them in any non-trivial
 application you write with GWT.

 Also somewhat relevant to your first point, even though you're writing
 code mostly in Java and working with widgets, for any sort of complex
 application you're definitely going to need to understand how to
 design and code in Javascript / HTML / CSS.  GWT doesn't really pull
 you completely away from that aspect of web programming.

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Re: gwt mvp sessions

2011-01-19 Thread Y2i
Take a look here

And then here (the first link will also point you here)

Also read the overview

The overview explains how users are authenticated.  Once a user is 
authenticated, UserService will know about the user.

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Serialization for RPC Not Working as Expected

2011-01-19 Thread gcr

I am getting some behavior I can't understand wrt a class I am
returning via RPC serialization.

My question is, How can I troubleshoot this?

First a bit of code:

public class Setup implements IsSerializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = big number
private ListDisposition dispositions;
private ListUpload uploads;
private ListScript scripts;
private ListMessage messages;
private ContactInfo contactInfo;

public Setup() {

public Setup(ListDisposition dispositions, ListUpload uploads,
ListScript scripts, ListMessage messages) {
this.dispositions = dispositions;
this.uploads = uploads;
this.scripts = scripts;
this.messages = messages;
// The rest of the class is just getters and setters for the above.

The above code is from the object class I am returning.  As you can
see, its is little more than a container for four parameterized lists.
Before the return, all lists are properly populated with three to four
items each.  After the return, i.e. in my callback, the messages list
is null.

I have done the following as an experiment in an effort to
troubleshoot this thing:


Setup setup = new Setup(dispositions, uploads, scripts, 
return setup;

If I do the above, clear all the other lists, the messages list
returns populated and the others are size zero--makes sense--but not
null. But if I do not clear all three lists as shown, messages returns
null.  For example, if I fail to clear say dispositions, dispositions
will return populated and messages will return null.

I am at a complete loss.

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Re: Plugin fails to connect to hosted mode server

2011-01-19 Thread Aneublav

if you dont mind and have no restrictions on sending some debugging
data, you may want to:

open a command line shell (cmd.exe) as admin and run:

netstat -ano  info.txt

netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all verbose  info.txt

if you can, please download ProcMon from,
collect a snapshot.
make sure you start procmon before you open the browser (you probably
want to filter it)
and send us info.txt and procmon snapshot.


On Jan 19, 11:42 am, Aim wrote:
 I also have upgraded my application to GWT 2.1.1 and plugin on chrome
 has started failing. Although it's working on IE. Strange as most of
 the time it's IE which is trouble maker :)


 On Dec 24 2010, 9:20 am, Sethu wrote:

  Not seeing any alternative. I have raised an issue for 

  On Dec 23, 8:17 am, Sethu wrote:

   Hi Chris,

   I did what you told me. I added both and localhost to the
   allowed hosts in the GWT plugin of chrome. Actually it says you need
   to add one only if you are doing some cross machine debugging. I am
   connecting from localhost only.

   Not sure what more to do. I have started up tomcat within eclipse and
   pointed the war folder to it and I am somehow working with it. I need
   to deploy the code everytime to test and no it does not help in
   debugging client code.


   On Dec 22, 8:32 pm, Chris Conroy wrote:

You don't need to add entries for localhost since those are allowed by

When you get the error do you see the GWT toolbox turn gray? Click it, 
click Update Your Configuration. It will autofill the options page 
the host it detected and you can add it to your whitelist. Once added,
refresh and you should connect and see the toolbox turn red.

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Sethu 
 Unfortunately I dont have an entry in my hosts file. I added a
 localhost for an extra measure and tried and still got the
 same error.
 Does anyone know why this is happening? The plug ins on chrome,
 firefox, and IE all of them consistently give me the same error.

 On Dec 22, 7:53 pm, Glenn Davies wrote:
  ...and it turns out that there's a simple answer.

  We use a hosts file entry (e.g. which resolves to
  so we can use a development SSL certificate on all dev machines. 
  this host is, you need to add to the list of
  hosts in the Chrome dev mode plugin as it seems the check is on the 
  name not the IP address to which the host name resolves - which is 
  enough I suppose.


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2011-01-19 Thread bond
I've a project in witch I'm using Gwt 2.1.1 with Gilead 1.3.3,
Hibernate 3.3 and Axi2.
I created a web service that returns gilead pojo object of domain. The
server seems return the object but it doesn't arrive on the client
that go to org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Read timed out. If I use a
simple bean that doesn't extends LightEntity it works!! There is a
manner to return from web service a gilead pojo object serializable
that doesn't create this problem?


Best regards

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Client en Server side validation

2011-01-19 Thread Jeroen Wolff
Hi, there has been a lot of discussion already in this group about
validation and the frameworks that can help with it.
Now i'm in a big project which need form/field validation onChange
focus events and the same field validation
need to be done on the server when the domain objects are being send
via RPC to the server.
Based on the concept: Always validate your input. The data coming in
on the server is also input that we want to validate.

Is this a right approach? If so, why can't i find this issue more
spoken of...or does anybody thrust the rpc input?

How do you slove this problem?
If i make the presenter responsible for validating the widgets input,
how does i know on the server which validator to use because on the
server i have no presenter.

Do you have patterns for this problem?


Jeroen Wolff

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Attn::Solaris Admin Requirement in Woonsocket, RI::Please respond back at

2011-01-19 Thread Dipin Sukumaran

Hope you are doing well. This is Dipin ( ) from Abacus
Management  consultancy services. Please review my Urgent Client
requirement below. ::Please respond back at

Position: Solaris Admin.

Location: Woonsocket, RI.

Duration: 6-8 Months

Hourly Rate: Open

Face to Face Required: NO

*Key Skills:-*

· Needs Strong Disaster recovery- not just an admin.**

*Required Skills:-*

· Client needs a great Unix resource with strong sun.

· The project is a build-out of a new Performance Testing and
Disaster Recovery environment using Sun clusters.

· Must have experience setting up Disaster Recovery solutions and
needs to be quite strong.

· Must be experienced with Solaris flash installs, networking, and
EMC disk.

If interested then do send me your updated resume to immediately with following details to discuss

· Full Name

· Current Location:

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·  Work Status:

· Current Salary/Hourly Rate:

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· Employer Details in Case of c2c Contract(Complete Details):

· F2f Interview after telephonic round @ own Cost (Yes/No):

· Best time to call:

· Need 100% matching resume as per the requirement:

 It has been a pleasure writing to you. I am looking forward to work with
you as you grow in your career.


Thanks  Regards,

Dipin Sukumaran
Executive – Business Development  Technical Recruiter
Abacus Management  Consultancy Services*
*Tel (Direct) :* *1-703-372-7941*
*Fax : 1-540-301-8166*
*Email:-* * *

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Re: Client en Server side validation

2011-01-19 Thread Ben Imp
The correct thing to do, in my mind anyway (admittedly an odd place),
is never trust a client and do your own validation of the data and
operation requested.  This contrasts with my professional experience,
which has been that pretty much everyone just trusts the client and
mindlessly follows its directions.  I should mention that most of the
applications I have dealt with are internal to an organization, so a
rogue client isn't as big of a risk there.


On Jan 19, 2:06 pm, Jeroen Wolff wrote:
 Hi, there has been a lot of discussion already in this group about
 validation and the frameworks that can help with it.
 Now i'm in a big project which need form/field validation onChange
 focus events and the same field validation
 need to be done on the server when the domain objects are being send
 via RPC to the server.
 Based on the concept: Always validate your input. The data coming in
 on the server is also input that we want to validate.

 Is this a right approach? If so, why can't i find this issue more
 spoken of...or does anybody thrust the rpc input?

 How do you slove this problem?
 If i make the presenter responsible for validating the widgets input,
 how does i know on the server which validator to use because on the
 server i have no presenter.

 Do you have patterns for this problem?


 Jeroen Wolff

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Re: Attn::Solaris Admin Requirement in Woonsocket, RI::Please respond back at

2011-01-19 Thread Ian Petersen
Thanks for the offer Dipin, but I'm neither qualified nor interested.


On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Dipin Sukumaran wrote:

 Hope you are doing well. This is Dipin ( ) from Abacus
 Management  consultancy services. Please review my Urgent Client
 requirement below. ::Please respond back at

 Position: Solaris Admin.

 Location: Woonsocket, RI.

 Duration: 6-8 Months

 Hourly Rate: Open

 Face to Face Required: NO

 Key Skills:-

 · Needs Strong Disaster recovery- not just an admin.

 Required Skills:-

 · Client needs a great Unix resource with strong sun.

 · The project is a build-out of a new Performance Testing and
 Disaster Recovery environment using Sun clusters.

 · Must have experience setting up Disaster Recovery solutions and
 needs to be quite strong.

 · Must be experienced with Solaris flash installs, networking, and
 EMC disk.

 If interested then do send me your updated resume to
  immediately with following details to discuss further.

 · Full Name

 · Current Location:

 · Email:

 · Contact Number:

 ·  Work Status:

 · Current Salary/Hourly Rate:

 · Notice Period/Availability:

 · Expected Rate on c2c/1099 Basis:

 · Employer Details in Case of c2c Contract(Complete Details):

 · F2f Interview after telephonic round @ own Cost (Yes/No):

 · Best time to call:

 · Need 100% matching resume as per the requirement:

  It has been a pleasure writing to you. I am looking forward to work with
 you as you grow in your career.

 Thanks  Regards,

 Dipin Sukumaran
 Executive – Business Development  Technical Recruiter
 Abacus Management  Consultancy Services
 Tel (Direct) : 1-703-372-7941
 Fax : 1-540-301-8166

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Re: Attn::Solaris Admin Requirement in Woonsocket, RI::Please respond back at

2011-01-19 Thread Ian Petersen
Well that's embarassing  This was supposed to go to Dipin directly.


On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Ian Petersen wrote:
 Thanks for the offer Dipin, but I'm neither qualified nor interested.


 On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Dipin Sukumaran 

 Hope you are doing well. This is Dipin ( ) from Abacus
 Management  consultancy services. Please review my Urgent Client
 requirement below. ::Please respond back at

 Position: Solaris Admin.

 Location: Woonsocket, RI.

 Duration: 6-8 Months

 Hourly Rate: Open

 Face to Face Required: NO

 Key Skills:-

 · Needs Strong Disaster recovery- not just an admin.

 Required Skills:-

 · Client needs a great Unix resource with strong sun.

 · The project is a build-out of a new Performance Testing and
 Disaster Recovery environment using Sun clusters.

 · Must have experience setting up Disaster Recovery solutions and
 needs to be quite strong.

 · Must be experienced with Solaris flash installs, networking, and
 EMC disk.

 If interested then do send me your updated resume to
  immediately with following details to discuss further.

 · Full Name

 · Current Location:

 · Email:

 · Contact Number:

 ·  Work Status:

 · Current Salary/Hourly Rate:

 · Notice Period/Availability:

 · Expected Rate on c2c/1099 Basis:

 · Employer Details in Case of c2c Contract(Complete Details):

 · F2f Interview after telephonic round @ own Cost (Yes/No):

 · Best time to call:

 · Need 100% matching resume as per the requirement:

  It has been a pleasure writing to you. I am looking forward to work with
 you as you grow in your career.

 Thanks  Regards,

 Dipin Sukumaran
 Executive – Business Development  Technical Recruiter
 Abacus Management  Consultancy Services
 Tel (Direct) : 1-703-372-7941
 Fax : 1-540-301-8166

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Re: Client en Server side validation

2011-01-19 Thread Jeff Schwartz
It depends on what you mean by validation. If you mean that the data
conforms to the business rules then IMO you can validate on the client and
all you need to do on the server is authenticate the user.

A practice that I follow is storing the user's session id in encrypted form
on the client. I obtain the session id on the server when the user first
authenticates and I encrypt it and send it back to the client. When the
client communicates with the server I send the encrypted session id as part
of the data payload to the server where it is validated again the user's
current session id. If it isn't the same I force the user to login and


On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Ben Imp wrote:

 The correct thing to do, in my mind anyway (admittedly an odd place),
 is never trust a client and do your own validation of the data and
 operation requested.  This contrasts with my professional experience,
 which has been that pretty much everyone just trusts the client and
 mindlessly follows its directions.  I should mention that most of the
 applications I have dealt with are internal to an organization, so a
 rogue client isn't as big of a risk there.


 On Jan 19, 2:06 pm, Jeroen Wolff wrote:
  Hi, there has been a lot of discussion already in this group about
  validation and the frameworks that can help with it.
  Now i'm in a big project which need form/field validation onChange
  focus events and the same field validation
  need to be done on the server when the domain objects are being send
  via RPC to the server.
  Based on the concept: Always validate your input. The data coming in
  on the server is also input that we want to validate.
  Is this a right approach? If so, why can't i find this issue more
  spoken of...or does anybody thrust the rpc input?
  How do you slove this problem?
  If i make the presenter responsible for validating the widgets input,
  how does i know on the server which validator to use because on the
  server i have no presenter.
  Do you have patterns for this problem?
  Jeroen Wolff

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Re: RequestFactory onSucess callback not called

2011-01-19 Thread Praveen Kumar

I think i understood the problem here. Its the anonymous inner class.
when i call getListData(), the callback onSuccess is set but
getListData has only null for values field by then and it returns
null. The callback is called later and even if it assigns newValues to
values, it is of no use since the method getListData has given you
null already. It seems i need to learn java more deeply :)

I still have to figure out how return values after a requestFactory

Thanks a lot anyways.

On Jan 19, 12:20 pm, Praveen Kumar wrote:

 I have a Presenter which is injected via gin to the view since my view
 has an interface which the presenter implements.
 The RequestFactory is also injected to the Presenter. I have a method
 which uses the requestFactory to fetch data and populate the view.
 Following is how i tried.

 public class TestPresenter implements MyView.Listener {

         private final TestRequestFactory requestFactory;
         private ListDataProxy values;

         TestPresenter(TestRequestFactory requestFactory) {
                 this.requestFactory = requestFactory;

         public ListDataProxy getListData() {
                                 new RecieverListDataProxy() {
                                         public void onSuccess(ListDataProxy 
 newValues) {
                                                 values = new 

                 return values;


 The problem is the onSuccess is not called and the values is returning
 null all the time. I tried to put breakpoint in debug mode in the
 onSuccess method, but the debugger never goes there.
 Please help. I dont understand what wrong i am doing. The same thing
 was working when my presenter was extending Activity. The only
 difference is now i am using this presenter inside another activity


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.setHorizontalAlignment on a Textcolumn does not compile

2011-01-19 Thread frank

I get the following complier-error in elipse with google plugin with
the following code:
The method
is undefined for the type   TextColumnString


TextColumnString tc = new TextColumnString()
{ @Override public String getValue(String object)
{return object;}
tc.setHorizontalAlignment( HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT);

I the APIDOC I find the method setHorizontalAlignment for

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks Frank

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Re: Attn::Solaris Admin Requirement in Woonsocket, RI::Please respond back at

2011-01-19 Thread facundo schwindt
Thanks a lot for the offer Diping... but I'm living in Spain .

2011/1/19 Dipin Sukumaran


 Hope you are doing well. This is Dipin ( ) from Abacus
 Management  consultancy services. Please review my Urgent Client
 requirement below. ::Please respond back at

 Position: Solaris Admin.

 Location: Woonsocket, RI.

 Duration: 6-8 Months

 Hourly Rate: Open

 Face to Face Required: NO

 *Key Skills:-*

 · Needs Strong Disaster recovery- not just an admin.**

 *Required Skills:-*

 · Client needs a great Unix resource with strong sun.

 · The project is a build-out of a new Performance Testing and
 Disaster Recovery environment using Sun clusters.

 · Must have experience setting up Disaster Recovery solutions and
 needs to be quite strong.

 · Must be experienced with Solaris flash installs, networking, and
 EMC disk.

 If interested then do send me your updated resume to 
 immediately with following details to discuss further.

 · Full Name

 · Current Location:

 · Email:

 · Contact Number:

 ·  Work Status:

 · Current Salary/Hourly Rate:

 · Notice Period/Availability:

 · Expected Rate on c2c/1099 Basis:

 · Employer Details in Case of c2c Contract(Complete Details):

 · F2f Interview after telephonic round @ own Cost (Yes/No):

 · Best time to call:

 · Need 100% matching resume as per the requirement:

  It has been a pleasure writing to you. I am looking forward to work with
 you as you grow in your career.

 Thanks  Regards,

 Dipin Sukumaran
 Executive – Business Development  Technical Recruiter
 Abacus Management  Consultancy Services*
 *Tel (Direct) :* *1-703-372-7941*
 *Fax : 1-540-301-8166*
 *Email:-* * *

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How to use widget's ID in label for=myID/

2011-01-19 Thread Dzmitry Lazerka
I need to use label for=/ tag. How to reference existent widget?
label for=myidID:/label
g:TextBox ui:field=id id=myid/

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Re: GWT project layout question featuring git, maven and 100 developers

2011-01-19 Thread Vamshidhar Reddy Chitti
You can have a parent  maven project and all other gwt modules as maven
modules which inherit from parent and can have independent pom.xml files.
the parent pom should build all the modules.

it is good to have a separate repo  for each module, would be good enough in
handling code changes.

On 18 January 2011 16:39, Raphael André Bauer


 we are currently on the way creating the project infrastructure for a
 larger GWT project.
 The specs are:
 - git
 - Maven (using gwt-maven-plugin)
 - around 100 developers

 My question is now: What are your recommendations setting up such a
 large project and making teams productive?

 1. I could think of one pom.xml with many gwt.xml modules. Cool:
 Simple testing and debugging and deploying.
 2. But: Separating the gwt.xml modules into separate pom.xml is cool
 as well. But there seem to be some drawbacks: Running and debugging
 across the module boundary (developing on two modules at the same
 time). But - of course the versioning is much nicer.

 Regarding 2) Should we use one git repository or one repository for each

 I know there might be no definite answer on this. But I am sure there
 are many people out that already have experience setting up larger GWT
 projects. Can you recommend any best practices?




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how to operate a cell with a click on a button

2011-01-19 Thread km1966
I have some problem in doing this. plz help 

I have defined a composite cell which has a button cell ad an edit
cell. What should happen is, when click is made on button cell, the
edit cell should be converted into edit mode and the value entered
should be displayed.

The edittextcell uses click to convert cell to edit mode. I dont
want this. So I defined a new cell with same defination as
edittextcell except that in its constructor i have passed
blur,keyup,keydown as consumed events of cell.

Still, if I click on this cell, it converst this to edit mode...
why does this happen?

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Re: RequestFactory onSucess callback not called

2011-01-19 Thread Rodrigo Chandia
onSuccess will be called as an async operation. That means the actual call
back will happen after getListData returns.

Rodrigo Chandia

El 19 de enero de 2011 05:20, Praveen Kumar praveen.bit...@gmail.comescribió:


 I have a Presenter which is injected via gin to the view since my view
 has an interface which the presenter implements.
 The RequestFactory is also injected to the Presenter. I have a method
 which uses the requestFactory to fetch data and populate the view.
 Following is how i tried.

 public class TestPresenter implements MyView.Listener {

private final TestRequestFactory requestFactory;
private ListDataProxy values;

TestPresenter(TestRequestFactory requestFactory) {
this.requestFactory = requestFactory;

public ListDataProxy getListData() {
new RecieverListDataProxy() {
public void
 onSuccess(ListDataProxy newValues) {
values = new

return values;

 The problem is the onSuccess is not called and the values is returning
 null all the time. I tried to put breakpoint in debug mode in the
 onSuccess method, but the debugger never goes there.
 Please help. I dont understand what wrong i am doing. The same thing
 was working when my presenter was extending Activity. The only
 difference is now i am using this presenter inside another activity


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How to use ListEditorT, E extends EditorT for a list?

2011-01-19 Thread Bálint Kriván

I would like to have a select multiple / html select box, showing the
values in the list. How can I accomplish this? It would be great if I remove
one option from the select, it would get removed from the editor aswell, as
it should work (adding as well). I've googled, but I couldn't find any real
world examples for this. Can anybody show a snippet?

Kriván Bálint

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Firefox memory usage is enormous compared to other browsers. why??

2011-01-19 Thread Sinan Erten

I have a quite simple application with some nested vertical and
horizontal panels containing some widgets.

I have tested the application with Safari,Chrome,IE6 and all seem to
be using less than 60mb. However when I use Firefox 3.6, memory usage
is over 300mb.

Do you have any idea what I might be doing wrong? I have 2 suggestbox,
few text boxes and few listboxes being drawn.

I know I have given very little detail about the code, but is there
any specific reason why Firefox may be using more memory?

Thank you for your time,

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Re: Issues creating new web application project

2011-01-19 Thread Vamshidhar Reddy Chitti
make sure you point your gwt web app project to java1.5 or 1.6.

On 18 January 2011 11:38, Jamie wrote:

 When creating a new web application project I get the following errors
 in the eclipse problems pane.

 Any help would be appreciated, I'm using Aptana Studio 2 which is
 built on Eclipse 3.5.

 Description ResourcePathLocationType
 Syntax error, annotations are only available if source level is 1.5 GWT/src/com/skybet/testgwt/client line 9
 Java Problem
 Syntax error, annotations are only available if source level is 1.5 GWT/src/com/skybet/testgwt/server
 10  Java Problem
 Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level
 is 1.5   /Test GWT/src/com/skybet/testgwt/
 client  line 9  Java Problem
 Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level
 is 1.5   /Test GWT/src/com/skybet/testgwt/client line 122
 Java Problem
 The type new AsyncCallback(){} must implement the inherited abstract
 method AsyncCallback.onSuccess(Object)   /Test GWT/src/com/
 skybet/testgwt/client   line 122Java Problem
 Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to GreetingServiceAsync   /Test GWT/src/com/skybet/testgwt/client line 35 Java
 Missing 'title' tag link-variations.htm /_lib/tests/generic
 Web Problem
 Missing required attribute 'content'500.html
 line 4  Web Problem
 Missing required attribute 'type'   500.html
  /_lib/errors/myaccount  line
 7   Web Problem
 Missing required attribute 'type'   funcunit.html
 line 5  Web Problem
 Missing required attribute 'type'   funcunit.html
 demoline 5  Web Problem
 Missing required attribute 'type'   myapp.html
 demoline 10 Web Problem
 Unclosed tag 'body' test.html
 line 30 Web Problem

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CellTable enter edit mode on focus of cell?

2011-01-19 Thread piehole
We are attempting to create an editable grid using CellTable. The use
case is fairly high volume data entry for accountants who are used to
10-key entry into spreadsheets. We are trying to replicate spreadsheet-
style keyboard navigation as closely as possible.

1. Is there any way to avoid having to hit Enter to get into edit mode
for a TextInputCell? I have tried overriding
TextInputCell.onBrowserEvent() to call onEnterKeyDown() when a focus
event is received, but that didn't work.

2. Is there any way to use TAB and SHIFT-TAB to navigate between
columns instead of LEFT-ARROW and RIGHT-ARROW? CellTable seems to be
hardcoded to use left and right arrows and difficult to extend.

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GWT Connection to DB

2011-01-19 Thread Saurav Sarkar
Hi All,

I am new to GWT.I installed the google plug-in for Eclipse and also
the Window builder.

Now i want my application to connect to Database.Is there any GWT form
widget kind of thing which will automatically take care of my form
submissions to the database.Is something available in the Window
Builder  also ?

Or else what is the best practice being used in GWT code while
connecting to DB ?..I even had a look at the GWT-Hibernate libraries.

Appreciate your response.

Thanks and Regards,

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Editor + RequestFactory

2011-01-19 Thread Bálint Kriván
Hi all!

I've just started using the RequestFactory and Editor duo, and it's really
great, but I have a little problem/question:

I've the following ProgramProxy:

public interface ProgramProxy extends EntityProxy {

Long getId();
String getName();
void setName(String name);
String getDescription();
void setDescription(String description);
DateIntervalProxy getOrderInterval();
EntityProxyIdProgramProxy stableId();

The orderInterval property is a transient property in my Program entity, so
I don't want to change it, but I would like to use it for displaying the

So this is how I get my proxy instance:

ReceiverProgramProxy() {
public void onSuccess(ProgramProxy response) {
ProgramRequest req = requestFactory.programRequest();
driver.edit(program, req);

// user is interacting with the UI, and when a button is clicked
(using @UiHandler) the following chunk of code is invoked:

driver.flush().fire(new ReceiverVoid() {

public void onSuccess(Void response) {

It's almost working, but it seems that driver thinks that orderInterval
property is modified, because this is in my request payload:
01. 15. 23:01-23:40}}]}

As you can see my orderInterval property is marked for persist, but it's not
modified (I didn't make a property for orderInterval in my
EditorProgramProxy implementation, because I don't want to be edited, so
it's unlikely that it got modified -- the values in the payload are the same
which were retrieved from the server). If I remove .with(orderInterval)it
works like a charm, but my ProgramProxy instance is used in a display view
aswell, where orderInterval information is needed, but not for the editor
view. And if I don't have to I don't want to make an other request to get an
other ProgramProxy instance without the orderInterval property.

Is there a solution for my problem? I guess it's kinda usual thing having a
proxy instance with a lot of properties but wanting to edit only a
subselection of them. Thanks for any advice!

P.S.: If you need any other information to get this solved I can provide it.

Bálint Kriván

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backward compatibility between versions of gwt

2011-01-19 Thread aamonten
Hi I'm facing the following scenario, at the moment at our servers we
have several applications developed with GWT 2.0.3, so the clients has
been compiled with this particular version.
now we want to update the gwt version installed on our servers to
2.1.1 by replacing the jars in the server configuration, but we want
to avoid recompile and reinstall all the clients.
When just replacing the gwt jars at the server and then accesing the
applications we get an error: This application is out of date, please
click the refresh button on your browser. ( Expecting version 5 from
server, got 6. ) this has to do with the different version of gwt
used to compile clients (2.0.3) versus the version on the server
(2.1.1) used to execute at the server side.

What I would like to be able to do is that a newer version of gwt is
able to communicate with clients compiled with an older version of
gwt. Example, client compiled with 2.0.3 and libs installed at server
are 2.1.1, then I would expect that on the server side it is able to
recognize the client version and act based on that.

I'm not sure if this is possible at the moment, if it's please point
any information that could help me resolve it.

If it's not possible maybe I should open an issue/ request of
implementation of this use case.

thanks in advance

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Re: Widget Library

2011-01-19 Thread Stefan Ollinger

Hello Thomas,

your library should be easy to integrate in another project. Also take 
care about dependency management and only include well-known libraries 
which are essential for your own. Besides that you could use maven for 
project development which makes dependency managmenet really easy.

What library are you planning to create?


Am 18.01.2011 18:45, schrieb Thomas Lefort:

Is there a user guide on creating a GWT widget (or not widget)
library? and if possible some clues on how to provide a bit of server
logic too in the same jar.

I started one but I am facing a number of issues. Some best practice/
guidelines would be nice.


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need to design an explorer kind of view in gwt

2011-01-19 Thread gwtuser
I want to design an explorer kind of view with file folder and file
content beside.

can anyone help me please

i am using, hlayout, and vlayout also tree and treegrid


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flextable vs nested horizontal vertical panels - memory usage

2011-01-19 Thread Sinan Erten
Hi All,

I am new to GWT. I have been working on a simple project.

I just wanted to ask which of the following is a better option:
Nesting horizontal and vertical panels inside each other or using
flextables to add widgets into? The number of columnsrows is
constant. I have been using the flextable option and it seems to be
consuming too much memory in Firefox. Would it be a better option to
start over with nested horz.  vert. panels and avoid using of flex
table to add widgets?

With firefox, my application seems to be using 500mb when opened, but
with chrome it uses only around 40mb.

Thanks for your time

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2.1.1 RequestFactory: Persist method cannot be found

2011-01-19 Thread StefanR
I try to use the locator pattern to separate Entities and Services.
Unfortunately, the persist method cannot be mapped to my service

Error message:

19.01.2011 18:09:54 persist()
Could not find matching method in
Possible matches:
  void persist( )

This is my setup:
@Service(value = OrganizationService.class, locator =
public interface OrganizationRequest extends RequestContext {
  InstanceRequestOrganizationProxy, Void persist();

public interface OrganizationService {
  void persist( Organization organization );

After debugging the problem seems to be, that
OrganizationService.persist() is expected to have no arguments (which
makes only sense if the method is within the entity directly). Any


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Re: Limiting number of rows and columns in a text area

2011-01-19 Thread vivek lamba

I am also facing the similar issue.Can anyone help me on this.


On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 1:44 PM, saket kumar wrote:

 Hi All,

 Is there a way I can validate the number of rows and columns in a TextArea.
 e.g. I want at max 35 rows and 50 characters in each row.

 Saket Kumar

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Re: GWT project layout question featuring git, maven and 100 developers

2011-01-19 Thread Stefan Ollinger

Hi Raphael,

that depends on the complexity and nature of your project. If it makes 
sense to split
it up, do it. But make sure you did research about the module structure 
and dependences.
As an example you could make a single data model module, one for 
services and one for widgets.

For project management i can suggest or 


Am 18.01.2011 17:39, schrieb Raphael André Bauer:


we are currently on the way creating the project infrastructure for a
larger GWT project.
The specs are:
- git
- Maven (using gwt-maven-plugin)
- around 100 developers

My question is now: What are your recommendations setting up such a
large project and making teams productive?

1. I could think of one pom.xml with many gwt.xml modules. Cool:
Simple testing and debugging and deploying.
2. But: Separating the gwt.xml modules into separate pom.xml is cool
as well. But there seem to be some drawbacks: Running and debugging
across the module boundary (developing on two modules at the same
time). But - of course the versioning is much nicer.

Regarding 2) Should we use one git repository or one repository for each module?

I know there might be no definite answer on this. But I am sure there
are many people out that already have experience setting up larger GWT
projects. Can you recommend any best practices?




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Re: Extends RequestFactoryServlet

2011-01-19 Thread Stefan Ollinger


is it possible to use non-static methods in the service and return 
objects which

dont extend EntityProxy?


Am 18.01.2011 18:11, schrieb Thomas Broyer:

No you don't have to extend the servlet.

interface FooContext extends RequestContext {

  RequestString echoString(String echo);

  RequestLong countFilesInDir(String dirName);

  RequestBoolean isThisStringOk(String str);

// because I didn't provide a ServiceLocator, methods have to be 'static'
class FooService {

  public static String echoString(String echo) {
return echo;

  public static Long countFilesInDir(String dirName) {
// do your thing here and return a long.
return 42L;

  public static Boolean isThisStringOk(String str) {
// do your thing here and return a boolean
return true;

(I think you can use 'long' and 'boolean' as return types in the 
FooService, but I haven't checked, so just in case ;-) )

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GWT Designer expecting the module as the name of the eclipse project?

2011-01-19 Thread joao

I have an eclipse project called some-eclipse-project that was
generated with maven GWT plugin.

My module is named MyModule and is under main/src/resources/myModule/

The project runs fine within eclipse, but when I try to open GWT
designer it throws an error saying Can't fin GWT Module ... GWT
designer can't find the module com.test.some-eclipse-project

It seems that GWT Designer is looking for a module with the same name
as the eclipse project, when this isn't my case.

My gwt.xml looks like:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
module rename-to='MyModule'
!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. --
inherits name='' /

!-- Inherit the default GWT style sheet. You can change --
!-- the theme of your GWT application by uncommenting --
!-- any one of the following lines. --
inherits name='' /
!-- inherits name=''/ --
!-- inherits name=''/ --
!-- Specify the app entry point class. --
entry-point class='com.test.client.MyModule' /

!-- Specify the paths for translatable code --
source path='client' /
source path='shared' /


Is there any trick you know to get GWT designer working with this

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Re: GWT Connection to DB

2011-01-19 Thread Vamshidhar Reddy Chitti
Neither GWT nor Window Builder provides any widget
which automatically connects to database.
You should handle urself.

On 19 January 2011 06:38, Saurav Sarkar wrote:

 Hi All,

 I am new to GWT.I installed the google plug-in for Eclipse and also
 the Window builder.

 Now i want my application to connect to Database.Is there any GWT form
 widget kind of thing which will automatically take care of my form
 submissions to the database.Is something available in the Window
 Builder  also ?

 Or else what is the best practice being used in GWT code while
 connecting to DB ?..I even had a look at the GWT-Hibernate libraries.

 Appreciate your response.

 Thanks and Regards,

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Overlay types in cell widgets

2011-01-19 Thread Javier

My app is using overlay types with JSON received from server. In the
view I'm pushing the list of overlay types into a cell table:

public class JsTask extends JavaScriptObject {}

taskTable = new CellTableJsTask();
taskTable.setRowData(0, tasks);

For my surprise I have found that the widget is adding an extra
property to the JavaScriptObject containing it's row index in the
table. So, my overlay type that looked like this:

{_id:4039344d5fd60017, title:Nuevo titulillo,

Now looks:

{_id:4039344d5fd60017, title:Nuevo titulillo,
version:0, $H:6}

I don't think this is a nice behaviour. In my particular case the
overlay is a domain object so it should not have unexpected

Is this behaviour documented somewhere? What do you think is the best
way to solve this issue? Am I forced to clone all my domain objects
before using them in my views?

Many thanks

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2011-01-19 Thread Chris Conroy

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Victor Costa Santiago wrote:

 Hello I am using 2.0.1 and gwt-smartgwt connectors and would like a way
 for the connectors and lines to be printed regardless of the browser. I
 was tested in Firefox 3.6.9 and IE8 and they do not print.

 I tried to handle the css did not work ...



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Re: GWT Connection to DB

2011-01-19 Thread Y2i
GWT runs in a browser, a connection to a DB is created on the server.

GWT does not enforce any particular web server implementation.   For 
example, your web server can be IIS, Apache, Tomcat, GAE, Weblogic, Jetty, 
GlassFish, etc.

After choosing the web server you can use any kind of APIs accessible from 
the server.  The possibilities are unlimited, just stick with the best 
practices for a particular server implementation.

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Re: GWT Connection to DB

2011-01-19 Thread Saurav Sarkar
Thanks folks for the replies.

I understood that GWT server part has to handle this.
I was looking for any kind of Form Widget that would have the Form
fields.Automatically in the server POJOs for the form fields
will be created which will again have the database connection code.So i
wanted some skeleton code for data submission and retrieval generated
automatically in the server and the UI for that form also getting generated.

I hope i was able to explain my scenario.


On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Y2i wrote:

 GWT runs in a browser, a connection to a DB is created on the server.

 GWT does not enforce any particular web server implementation.   For
 example, your web server can be IIS, Apache, Tomcat, GAE, Weblogic, Jetty,
 GlassFish, etc.

 After choosing the web server you can use any kind of APIs accessible from
 the server.  The possibilities are unlimited, just stick with the best
 practices for a particular server implementation.

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Re: GWT Connection to DB

2011-01-19 Thread Maurice Nee

You can use GWT RPC to handle server side logic like connecting to and
interacting with a database. Be warned, if you choose to use Hibernate
as an ORM, there is a steep learning curve. Hibernate may drive you
crazy in the beginning, but once you understand all the unintuitive
nuances, it rocks. Still GWT is not immediately well suited to work
with Hibernate. Since everything on the client side of a GWT
application is compiled into JavaScript, there are serialization
problems when sending Hibernate objects to the client side. If you
want to use Hibernate, I suggest also using Gilead to solve this
problems. However, again since the client side is all compiled into
JavaScript, no matter what you do, you will not be able to invoke any
Hibernate related functionality on the client side. Remember, you can
only reference classes on the client side that are implemented in
GWT's JRE Emulation Reference:

You're in for a very long haul if you choose to use Hibernate. It's
very sophisticated, but you might want to start out with a simpler
setup such as using JSON / PHP / MySQL. Instead of using GWT RPC, just
make direct Asynchronous HTTP requests for server side PHP using GWT's
RequestBuilder object. Your PHP files will connect to and interact
with the database. PHP has numerous built in functions for interacting
with a MySQL database.

Hope that helps!

On Jan 19, 1:38 am, Saurav Sarkar wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am new to GWT.I installed the google plug-in for Eclipse and also
 the Window builder.

 Now i want my application to connect to Database.Is there any GWT form
 widget kind of thing which will automatically take care of my form
 submissions to the database.Is something available in the Window
 Builder  also ?

 Or else what is the best practice being used in GWT code while
 connecting to DB ?..I even had a look at the GWT-Hibernate libraries.

 Appreciate your response.

 Thanks and Regards,

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Re: GWT Connection to DB

2011-01-19 Thread Maurice Nee
Hey Again,

GWT is client side only. There are no GWT widget that have built in
server side functionality. Check out Apache Struts, Apache Wicket, and
Apache Click.

Here's a great resource for comparing web frameworks. Scroll to the
java table and note how little GWT provides.


On Jan 19, 1:38 am, Saurav Sarkar wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am new to GWT.I installed the google plug-in for Eclipse and also
 the Window builder.

 Now i want my application to connect to Database.Is there any GWT form
 widget kind of thing which will automatically take care of my form
 submissions to the database.Is something available in the Window
 Builder  also ?

 Or else what is the best practice being used in GWT code while
 connecting to DB ?..I even had a look at the GWT-Hibernate libraries.

 Appreciate your response.

 Thanks and Regards,

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in process remote service for testing purposes

2011-01-19 Thread jeremy rose
I had my own command handling implementation that marshals client
requests via a simple GWT remote service before GWT 2.1.1 was
available.After tinkering with RequestFactory for a while, I've
decided to continue using my exising interface rather than undergo
extensive refactoring at this time.

public interface CommandExecutor extends RemoteService {
public String executeCommand(String aMarshalledCommand);

However, there is one feature of GWT 2.1.1 RequestFactory that I
really really reallly which I had.   Is there any way to instantiate
my existing RemoteService with a in-process transport for testing
purposes.   That is, I want to do something similar to what can be
achieved with RequestFactoryMagic and an InProcessRequestTransport?


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Re: Overlay types in cell widgets

2011-01-19 Thread John LaBanca
CellTable doesn't modify the original data, so this is either related to RPC
or to our List implementation.

John LaBanca

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Javier wrote:


 My app is using overlay types with JSON received from server. In the
 view I'm pushing the list of overlay types into a cell table:

How do you get them from the server?  RPC, RequestFactory, or JsonRequest?

 public class JsTask extends JavaScriptObject {}

 taskTable = new CellTableJsTask();
 taskTable.setRowData(0, tasks);

 For my surprise I have found that the widget is adding an extra
 property to the JavaScriptObject containing it's row index in the
 table. So, my overlay type that looked like this:

 {_id:4039344d5fd60017, title:Nuevo titulillo,

Does it look like this on the server or on the client after the request from
the server?

 Now looks:

 {_id:4039344d5fd60017, title:Nuevo titulillo,
 version:0, $H:6}

 I don't think this is a nice behaviour. In my particular case the
 overlay is a domain object so it should not have unexpected

 Is this behaviour documented somewhere? What do you think is the best
 way to solve this issue? Am I forced to clone all my domain objects
 before using them in my views?

 Many thanks

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Why Roo generated Expenses app works despite not having any DataProvider in its CellTable ?

2011-01-19 Thread zixzigma
Reviewing the code generated by Roo for Expenses app, 
I noticed ListDataProvider or AsyncDataProvider is never used.

How can it work without a DataProvider ?!

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Re: how to operate a cell with a click on a button

2011-01-19 Thread John LaBanca
It looks like a bug in CompositeCell where it passes any event to the child
Cell where the event occurred.

Cell Widgets generally only pass events to Cells if the Cell consumes the
event, but CompositeCell isn't following that rule.  In your case,
ButtonCell consumes click events and EditTextCell consumes blur, keyup,
and keydown.  So, the Cell widget is correctly passing click events down
to the CompositeCell, but the CompositeCell is incorrectly forwarding them
the EditTextCell if they occur over the EditTextCell.  It should only
forward them to ButtonCell.

Since you copied EditTextCell, as a workaround you can remove the if
(click.equals(type)) conditional to ignore click in EditTextCell.

John LaBanca

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:17 AM, km1966 wrote:

 I have some problem in doing this. plz help 

 I have defined a composite cell which has a button cell ad an edit
 cell. What should happen is, when click is made on button cell, the
 edit cell should be converted into edit mode and the value entered
 should be displayed.

 The edittextcell uses click to convert cell to edit mode. I dont
 want this. So I defined a new cell with same defination as
 edittextcell except that in its constructor i have passed
 blur,keyup,keydown as consumed events of cell.

 Still, if I click on this cell, it converst this to edit mode...
 why does this happen?

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Unable to load module entry point

2011-01-19 Thread Sednus
 Hi all,
I keep getting the this errors whenever I try to run the example
tutorial from GWT website.
This errors appear on the Development Mode Window:

[ERROR] [stockwatcher] - Unable to load module entry point class (see associated
exception for details)
[ERROR] [stockwatcher] - Failed to load module 'stockwatcher' from
user agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US)
AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.237 Safari/
534.10' at sednus-PC:51954

The project manages to compile, but if I try to open the .html file,
only the static html elements appear. Please help me solving this

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how to pass GAE DataStore Cursor from GWT app to the server ?

2011-01-19 Thread zixzigma
Hello Everyone,
do you have any idea on how it would be possible to work with GAE DataStore 
Cursors from within GWT client ?
how to pass Cursor from Client to Server, and how to integrate Datastore 
Cursors with RequestFactory ?

I really appreciate some pointers and suggestions on this.

Thank You 

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GWT problem of reference external style

2011-01-19 Thread 007
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=hpcMain.css /
 script type=text/javascript 
src=com.mocha.hpc.HPCWeb.nocache.js / script

I defined in the hpcMain.css file
  . TextBox-ErrorClew {
border-bottom-width: 5px;
border-bottom-style: dotted;
border-bottom-color: red;


But why not use the uiBinder:
txtLoginName.addStyleName (TextBox-ErrorClew)
No effect
txtLoginName.setStyleName (TextBox-ErrorClew)
The original cover (back to the default style), but the TextBox-ErrorClew 
inside the style is not in force

But I use Google Browser to view the js code can see this code:

input type = text tabindex = 0 class = G1hy2sk1CB style = 
border-top-style: none; border-right-style: none; border-bottom-style: none; 
border-left-style: none; border-bottom-width: 5px; border-bottom-color: red; 

Why on the page but can not see this effect?

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HTTP Get Method not implemented

2011-01-19 Thread Koby
Hi everyone,

  I just installed eclipse with the gwt and app engine plugins and am
running the basic application. I just created a basic Google project
and deployed.

  I haven't made any changes at all, and made my workspace c:\temp
\TestProject, just in case there's a path problem.

  However, when I open the link suggested, I continually see this:

SOAP-ENV:Fault SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=
faultstringHTTP GET method not implemented/faultstring

This appears to be an error in Jetty - but I've no idea how to fix.
Can someone shed some light, or point me to a doc?



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Re: TabLayoutPanel - different layout in FF and IE

2011-01-19 Thread Magnus

I wonder why there is no feedback, but I found a solution: An
intermediate AbsolutePanel!


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Re: GWT Activities, Places with Event Bus ??????

2011-01-19 Thread SergeZ
I really appreciate your answers, thanks a lot ! If i got you right,
the approach of using the same eventBus instance for whole the app
declines the idea of Places/Activities, isn't it ? If so, than how can
I keep those ( Places/Activities ) functionality and making multiple
notification at the same time ?

I would appreciate some code snippets !

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Improve canvas for browsers (and permutations) with partial canvas support. (issue1296801)

2011-01-19 Thread pdr


[gwt-contrib] Re: Improve canvas for browsers (and permutations) with partial canvas support. (issue1296801)

2011-01-19 Thread pdr
File user/src/com/google/gwt/canvas/client/ (right):
On 2011/01/19 00:30:28, jlabanca wrote:

You shouldn't GWT.create() on every call to isSupported.  Create a


variable and do a null check here, GWT.creating only the first time.

In fact,

you might just cache the return value after its called once.

Sorry I missed this before.



[gwt-contrib] Re: Improve canvas for browsers (and permutations) with partial canvas support. (issue1296801)

2011-01-19 Thread jlabanca

File user/src/com/google/gwt/canvas/client/ (right):
user/src/com/google/gwt/canvas/client/ static
CanvasElementSupportDetector detector;
make private


[gwt-contrib] Re: Implement spec section 2.2. Applying multiple constraints of the same type. (issue1288802)

2011-01-19 Thread rchandia

LGTM. With nits
} catch (NoSuchFieldException ignore) {
Document as
// Expected case
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {
Same as above
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {
// Expected case


[gwt-contrib] Re: Improve canvas for browsers (and permutations) with partial canvas support. (issue1296801)

2011-01-19 Thread pdr


[gwt-contrib] Re: Implement spec section 2.2. Applying multiple constraints of the same type. (issue1288802)

2011-01-19 Thread nchalko
On 2011/01/19 15:49:54, rchandia wrote:


} catch (NoSuchFieldException ignore) {
On 2011/01/19 15:49:54, rchandia wrote:

Document as
// Expected case

} catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {
On 2011/01/19 15:49:54, rchandia wrote:

Same as above

} catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {
On 2011/01/19 15:49:54, rchandia wrote:

// Expected case



[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r9567 committed - Fix bug on IE where onload events don't fire for IFrames....

2011-01-19 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 9567
Date: Wed Jan 19 05:47:41 2011
Log: Fix bug on IE where onload events don't fire for IFrames.

This is a bugfix for

Review at


--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/dom/public-test/iframetest.html	Wed Jan  
19 05:47:41 2011

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
--- /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/impl/	Tue  
Jun 22 06:26:45 2010
+++ /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/impl/	Wed  
Jan 19 05:47:41 2011

@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
   private static JavaScriptObject callDispatchDblClickEvent;

+  @SuppressWarnings(unused)
+  private static JavaScriptObject callDispatchOnLoadEvent;
   private static JavaScriptObject callDispatchUnhandledEvent;

@@ -168,11 +171,14 @@
 $wnd['__gwt_dispatchEvent_' + moduleName] = dispatchEvent; =  
new Function('w',
   'return function() { w.__gwt_dispatchEvent_' + moduleName  
+ '.call(this) }')($wnd);

+ =  
new Function('w',
+  'return function() { w.__gwt_dispatchEvent_' + moduleName  
+ '.call(w.event.srcElement) }')($wnd);

 $wnd['__gwt_dispatchDblClickEvent_' + moduleName] =  
= new Function('w',
   'return function() { w.__gwt_dispatchDblClickEvent_' + moduleName  
+ '.call(this)}')($wnd);

 $wnd['__gwt_dispatchUnhandledEvent_' + moduleName] =  
= new Function('w',
   'return function() { w.__gwt_dispatchUnhandledEvent_' + moduleName  
+ '.call(this)}')($wnd);

@@ -268,8 +274,13 @@ : null;

 if (chMask  0x04000) elem.onscroll  = (bits  0x04000) ? : null;

-if (chMask  0x08000) elem.onload= (bits  0x08000) ?
- :  

+if (chMask  0x08000) {
+  if (bits  0x08000) {

+  } else {

+  }
 if (chMask  0x1) elem.onerror   = (bits  0x1) ? : null;

 if (chMask  0x2) elem.onmousewheel  = (bits  0x2) ?
--- /trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/dom/client/	Wed Oct 28  
09:10:53 2009
+++ /trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/dom/client/	Wed Jan 19  
05:47:41 2011

@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@


  * Tests for the FrameElement and IFrameElement classes.
 public class FrameTests extends GWTTestCase {
   public String getModuleName() {
@@ -34,4 +36,23 @@
+  public void testOnloadEventFires() {
+int delayMillis = 3000;
+Frame frame = new Frame() {
+  @Override
+  public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
+if (event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONLOAD) {
+  super.onBrowserEvent(event);
+  finishTest();
+  }
+  }


  1   2   >