Speeding up initial page load time with static HTML in a multi form application

2012-03-25 Thread George Georgovassilis
Hello all,

A while ago we had to work on a GWT application with the requirement that 
the initial page should be visible in under 1 sec, but since it was a 
single module, multi form application this requirement would hold for all 
forms. We initially solved this by having all form markup in the initial 
page HTML, showing and hiding forms with CSS according to the current 
history token. But this created a second problem when a history token was 
included in the initial URL: the browser would first load the HTML showing 
the initial form and only switch to the correct form once the javascript 
was loaded. We then solved this flash of content with a short inline 
javascript that would parse the history token and globally modify CSS so 
that the right form would show up even before the corresponding HTML was 
loaded. If you are interested you can read the details here [1]


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Re: GWT Dev plug-in for Firefox 11

2012-03-25 Thread Jason Sheedy
Thanks Alen,
Once again you've come through with the goods.


Jason ;)

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Re: attempting to understand PlaceTokenizerP

2012-03-25 Thread Thad
Thanks, Thomas.  I had read this before, but it hadn't clicked with me.  I 
see now that MyPlace.Tokenizer.getPlace() is called on the back and forward 

After much re-reading, I believe that I've been over-thinking this. There 
doesn't seem to be any place in my current app where getToken() and 
getPlace() need to do anything more complex than acting on the token--just 
return or create a new place with it, no parsing, no rebuilding 
necessary. I'm trying to imagine doing something else, and I don't see it. 

However, I suppose it's possible to fool the history by altering the 
token such that the back button takes you somewhere else entirely. Is this 

On Saturday, March 24, 2012 6:22:43 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 Have a look there: 

 On Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:04:52 PM UTC+1, Thad wrote:

 I am trying to understand Places, PlaceTokenizer, and how and when to 
 parse the token. I read about them, look at examples, watch there 
 execution, and still I think I'm missing something. (The examples I follow 
 seem not to fit me--they seem either trivial or too complex to follow.)

 I have a Place, MyPlace. It may get a null token, or it may get a token 
 with one or more items--state, id, etc. Examples would be LIST or 
 SHOW_ID;1234. I read from Thomas that parsing should be done in a 
 PlaceTokenizer (
 However if when I do my parsing in MyPlace.Tokenizer.getToken(), the 
 MyPlace that is passed to MyActivity contains the previous values for state 
 and id. My trace looks like

 instantiate MyPlace(LIST)


 instantiate MyActivity, place: com.foo.bar.client.place.​​MyPlace@be4139

 starting MyActivity

 MyView presenter set

 It seems that the instantiation method for MyPlace must parse the token 
 or calls to place.getState() and place.getId() will return values no yet 

 I can see MyPlace.Tokenizer.getToken() being called--though I'm not sure 
 from where--but place.getState() does not return an updated value unless in 
 start() wait with Scheduler.get().​​scheduleDeferred() and test the value 
 in execute().

 I never see MyPlace.Tokenizer.getPlace() called. What is it used for? 
 *WHEN* is it used (never from what I see).

 Currently I'm parsing the token in MyPlace's instantiation method, but it 
 doesn't feel right.

 Can anyone clarify this for me?

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Re: getUrl does not return image.

2012-03-25 Thread Joseph Lust
Why are you checking for the image this way? If you're using a 
ClientBundle, *getUrl()* might be returning a data url, which would be 
correct, but fail your test here.

Try printing out via GWT.log() the actual URL used and letting us know what 
that is.


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Re: how to change default GWT TEXTBOX Border color

2012-03-25 Thread Joseph Lust
Try overriding the existing property with the *important* keyword.

  border: 1px solid #FF *!important*;



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Re: schedule an action for next idle time???

2012-03-25 Thread Magnus
Am Samstag, 24. März 2012 12:01:54 UTC+1 schrieb Thomas Broyer:

 For GWT-RPC, you can use a RpcRequestBuilder. 

Hi Thomas,

thank you! Can you give a link to a tutorial/documentation on how to do 
I can only find the API docs, but these are not self-explanatory...


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Re: Problem to compile to javascript...

2012-03-25 Thread Steve Moyer
I understood what you were trying to do and in many cases I applaud
the idea.  But I was also curious as to which link you suggesting
since I've had a few issues like this but I use Maven.  And I hadn't
even considered the fact that our browsing history would also affect
what we were shown.  Thanks for the link (and I guess we should assume
he's found a solution to his problem since we seem to be the only ones
talking here).

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Can't pass data using JsonpRequestBuilder

2012-03-25 Thread Blake McBride

I have a GWT app talking to a Java servlet just fine except I can't seem to
pass data.  I've already spent a day on it.  Any help would be greatly

I am using JsonpRequestBuilder and attempting to get around SOP.  Here is
my server code:

public class GWTServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
 throws ServletException, IOException {
String callback = request.getParameter(callback);
 PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
try {
out.print(callback + ([{\Hello\: \world\}]););
 } finally {

Here is my GWT code:

public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {

JsonpRequestBuilder jsonprb= new JsonpRequestBuilder();


 new AsyncCallback() {


  public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

  Window.alert(Failure getting JSONP directly from remote



 public void onSuccess(Object result) {

Window.alert(Got response);

JavaScriptObject res = (JavaScriptObject) result;




I get the Got response message.  I am also able to put break points on
the frontend or backend and it gets to where I expect.  The problem is that
I can't seem to get at the data send from the server.  I don't know what to
do in onSuccess().

Of course, once I get this working I will have the same challenge going the
other way.  Help is greatly appreciated.

Blake McBride

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Re: [gwt-contrib] Mavenizing GWT

2012-03-25 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Saturday, March 17, 2012 4:26:01 AM UTC+1, Ray Cromwell wrote:

 I agree with most of this, but I just wanted to mention that I think
 breaking up the dependency chain will be a little tricky for maven
 when it comes to tests. Maven general practice is that a given module
 contains its tests and runs them. The problem with gwt-dev and
 gwt-user is that many of the gwt-user tests can't run unless gwt-dev
 has been built, but gwt-dev IIRC has some tests that depend on
 gwt-user.  So it may be that you need to make separate
 gwt-dev-tests/gwt-user-tests subprojects.

I've started working on the mavenization, but haven't yet come to tests, as 
simply breaking up dev-ext is not as easy as it sounds!

First, third-party dependencies:

   - ECJ/JDT 3.4.2 is not available as a Maven dependency; maybe it's time 
   to update to a newer version? 
   See http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=3823 
   and http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=6960
   - ICU4J 4.4.2 is not available as a Maven dependency.
   - sourcemap is a subset of the closure compiler; it would be great to 
   have a proper artifact that closure-compiler would depend on.
   - streamhtmlparser is a subset of jsilver.
   - sourcemap, closure-compiler, guava, protobuf and streamhtmlparser have 
   been rebased, so they would have to be either published as com.google.gwt.* 
   Maven artifacts, or possibly jarjar'd as part of the build (as Guice does 
   for ASM, CGLib, Guava and JSR305). I think I'd prefer the latest, as it 
   makes it easier to upgrade to a newer version of the dependency, but it 
   might not work for all of them (e.g. streamhtmlparser)
   - There are also forked dependencies: Rhino JS parser, to support JSNI 
   references, and ASM (AFAICT because until ASM 4.0 they didn't provide 
   binary compatibility and there were conflicts with third-party libs 
   –possibly EMMA?–, 
   see http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/detail?r=1962). ASM 
   is not really a fork, and Scott suggested that it had been included into 
   GWT because JarJar wasn't yet used at the time 
   http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/699802 It's been modified a bit 
   since then, but only to fix bugs that I believe (but haven't checked) have 
   been fixed upstream. Now that ASM 4.0 provides binary compatibility (under 
   some conditions), it could be used instead, or we could simply use ASM as a 
   third-party dependency and bundle it with JarJar at build-time (see above).

Next, dependencies within the code:

   - most primary linkers in com.google.gwt.core.linker (which I'd likely 
   have bundled in dev-ext) make use of 
   JsToStringGenerationVisitor.javaScriptString. It's easy enough to move the 
   method to com.google.gwt.util.tools.shared.StringUtils to break the 
   dependency between dev-ext and the compiler internals. The 
   JavaScriptStringTest makes use of com.google.gwt.dev.js.rhino.TokenStream 
   though, so I made a rhino-parser-with-jsni artifact out of 
   com.google.gwt.dev.js.rhino, used as a scope=test dependency by dev-ext.
   - there are classes in com.google.gwt.core.ext that depend on compiler 
   internals (linker/impl/Standard*, linker/*MetricsArtifact and soyc/**), so 
   they should rather be in gwt-dev than in dev-ext. It would be a breaking 
   change to move them into other packages, so I suggest we just split the 
   package in the two JARs. I'd like SelectionScriptLinker to be part of 
   dev-ext, so excluding c.g.g.core/ext/linker/impl/** is not really an option.
   - there are a few dependencies from com.google.gwt.core.linker to 
   com.google.gwt.util (but not util.tools.shared) and 
   com.google.gwt.dev.util; again that might break too many people moving 
   classes around.
   - GeneratorContext references ResourceOracle, so there's some tweaking 
   to do in inclusion patterns yet again.
   - There are also dependencies from RequestFactory to ASM, but only for 2 
   classes (Type and Method) and for methods that don't even use ASM bytecode 
   processing. I've started simplifying the code to remove the dependency.

I'm still in the very early stage (dev-ext doesn't even compile yet, so 
basically I only have common and rhino-parser-with-jsni passing), and I 
haven't yet looked at the tests dependencies you were talking about.

Personally, I'd like to break up GWT-user further into lots tiny
 pieces, like Core, I/O, Emulation, RPC, Widgets, DOM/Media/HTML, etc
 We can still build an uber gwt-user.jar, but there are lots of
 projects that don't use everything, and being able to move stuff off
 of the classpath speeds up the compiler and dev-mode. There are some
 projects like PlayN for example, that pretty much only use Core.

Agreed, but I'll postpone that until I have something working ;-)
