Re: Problem with code which works in compiled mode and fails in hosted mode

2010-07-07 Thread CarToro
Hi Alan,

I think I misled you with my answer. It turns out that the GWT-G3D had
a very similar problem, but not quite the same.

I started using the GWT-GL wrapper, and now I'm having the same
problem as you are!

For some reason, the method
glContext.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "perspectiveMatrix");

expects an fails because, as you pointed it out, the OOPHM object
expects an int.

Sorry for the mess.

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Re: Problem with code which works in compiled mode and fails in hosted mode

2010-07-06 Thread CarToro
Hi Alan,

It looks like you haven't received many replies yet. I ran into the
same problem, but I managed to find a solution. Albeit not the most
elegant, it did allow me to carry on working.

OK, your problem is around here

> The actual lines of code are:
>         float [] perspectiveMatrix = createPerspectiveMatrix(45, 1,
> 0.1f, 1000);
>         WebGLUniformLocation uniformLocation =
> glContext.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "perspectiveMatrix");
>         checkError();
>         glContext.uniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation, false,
> perspectiveMatrix);

There seem to be a problem with the binding and how it parses certain
arguments. So, for instance, in the case of the "FlatShader" or the
"BasicShader3D", the issue with the matrices was solved here:

Basically, it needed to replace the following code:

public void setProjectionMatrix(Matrix4f value) {

public void setProjectionMatrix(Matrix4f value) {
// gl.uniformMatrix(getUniformLocation("uProjectionMatrix"), 

float[] matrixValue = MatrixUtils.toFloatArray(value);
WebGLUniformLocation mvMatrixLoc =
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(mvMatrixLoc, false,

And similarly with the ModelView. As you can see, in your case the
perspectiveMatrix needs to be passed in as

Hope this helps you, and let's hope the guys manage to get this fix
into their next release. I've been trying other WebGL wrappers for
GWT, but it does seem like these guys have gone further than anybody.
Funny thing though is that their examples do not work with Google's
chromium, but with Mozilla's minefield. Go figure.


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