Video from io 2012 : The History and Future of Google Web Toolkit

2012-07-06 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Does anyone know if there is a video about the gwt session from io 2012:
The History and Future of Google Web Toolkit by Ray Cromwell?

I know that it was not live streamed, but I tought that we could get a
delayed video.

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Re: multiple selection file-upload

2011-12-21 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
did you try gwt-upload ?

2011/12/21 Robert Fix


 i need a file-upload like it is used in Google+ and want to implement
 it in a gwt-project. In GWT i can only find a FileUpload with single
 selection. I hope you can help me because i don't want to use a
 javascript solution.

 Best regards,
 Robert Fix

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Re: ImageResource, Sprites and Data: URL

2011-10-17 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
If your resource is declared from an interface, you can use a @DoNotEmbed
annotation above specific resources instead of disabling it for all your

2011/10/17 Thomas Broyer

 Simply add set-property name=ClientBundle.enableInlining value=false
 / to your gwt.xml. See

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Re: Full page in GWT or just parts?

2011-10-12 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

  The main problem will be Search Engine. You will have to rely on htmlunit
  fix it (generates static version of webpages).

 The search engine result isn't important.
 What do you main by htmlUnit to fix it?

HtmlUnit is a tool that embed a browser (firefox) and can execute javascript
code to produce an html output. It allows you to write website in
Javascript/Ajax and give something to parse to search engine which are not
able to parse javascript

  you can still optimize it by including the javascript content inside your
  html/jsp/php page. You can use code splitting to improve it too.

 What do you mean by putting javascript in the html page directly?
 Isn't gwt bootstrapping already directly contained in html and in
 control of loading all the resources as such that you have to wait
 till gwt performed all the bootstrapping through his own js files...

It is only to avoid an extra round trip. A typical scenario is :
1 - Client - Get HTML index Page (with scipt src=module.nocache.js ...
inside) (Connection 1)
2 - Client parse the html page and get the Javascript (module.nocache.js)
(Connection 2)
3 - Client parse and execute the javascript (bootstrap)
4 - Client detects browser version and retrieve correct module from server
(EAZKJ23A123131.cache.js) (Connection 3)
5 - Your module will certainly need to get some data to display from the
server with an RPC request (Connection 4)

You can optimize two connection from this scenario :
Step 1 : Instead of referencing an external javascript (module.nocache.js),
directly include the js content in you html page (easy to do with jsp)
Step 5 : All data dedicated to the first page can directy be included inside
the html page too. You can then read those informations with JSON instead of
doing a new RPC call.

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Re: New GWT App for hackers

2011-10-11 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Thank you both for your comments !

Ungarida, you are right, we are going to work on a version that is more 
compatible with large screen.
It was easier to start with fixed width version for our first release, but 
we are planning to improve the UI.

Thanks for feedbacks !

That's funny to see Java hacker trying to solve such problems.

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Re: Full page in GWT or just parts?

2011-10-11 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
You can build the full page with GWT but you have to keep in mind, that it
will bring some problems too.
The main problem will be Search Engine. You will have to rely on htmlunit to
fix it (generates static version of webpages).

The other problem, is that pages will be a bit slower to load (for two
pages, it should not be too much) because you have to load a piece of
javascript that will be interpreted on the client before rendering. However,
you can still optimize it by including the javascript content inside your
html/jsp/php page. You can use code splitting to improve it too.

In my opinion, it is really interresting to use GWT if this is for a project
that is going to grow. GWT brings good developments models/tools (MVP,
activities, eventbus) and good practice (unit tests, dependency injection).
But it can be a lost of time if all these points are not thought before

We released our website in full gwt (, so it is
possible to build a full website with the framework, but it can be really
slower depending of the size of the project.

In my opinion, for two pages, just keep simple pages with gwt modules. But
if you want to build more page later, you can think of a full integration.

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New GWT App for hackers

2011-10-10 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

We have just released our new GWT App to test coders.
We built the full website with GWT/Gin + Guice/Shiro/MyBatis.

If you like coding challenges, you can try the java demo on
(Only for real hackers ;) )

Feedback welcome !

And many thanks to the community for all your help during our development !

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Re: Performance Tip for IE browsers : Java garbage collection is NOT Javascript garbage Collection

2011-09-26 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Interresting. But in this case, is not it the same problem for all anonymous
classes ?
Do not you have this problem with event handler ?

myButton.addClickHanler(new ClickHandler() {
  public void onClick(ClickEvent e) {...}

2011/9/26 Rokesh Jankie

 Almost there...

 method doSomething (){

 callback c = createCallback();


 static AsyncCallback? callback = null;

 AsyncCallback? createCallBack(){

if (callback==null){
  callback = new AsyncCallbackObject() {
// implement onSuccess
   //  implement onFailure

return callback;


 Since we are keeping the callbacks stateless, this really improved
 performance on IE!

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Re: GWT vs Applet

2011-09-21 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
GWT is just javascript, so you cannot access hardware from javascript,
except if you use HTML 5 features (like webgl to use video cards,
websockets, ...)
And, yes, you can interact with applet, the same way that you can do it with

2011/9/21 Manoj Behera

 Like Applet GWT can interact with Hardware Component.
 If yes please let me know, if no is applet can work with GWT

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Re: Use Uploaded Image as Panel Background

2011-08-22 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
As soon as your image is uploaded, you can have a link to it. something like
Then, you only have to dynamically change the background of your element :

The only trick is to upload the image, move it to a folder visible for your
website users, and get the valid url associated.
To help uploads, you can use gwt-upload project ( Really easy to use.

2011/8/22 DarthG


 I have an AbsolutePanel that acts as a graphical workspace. The user
 should be able to specify a local image to upload and this image will
 appear as the background on the panel, for them to work on top of.

 I understand the background can be set using CSS, but how would one do
 this dynamically after the image is uploaded? Is there a simpler way
 to do this using an Image widget the same size as the panel and having
 the panel sit on top of this widget and set as transparent?


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Re: JQuery like animation

2011-08-21 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
We use gwt-fx in our project. It is only focused on FX and it does it well.

2011/8/21 Manuel Carrasco MoƱino

 On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Tomasz Gawel wrote:
  1. But Animation class in gwt seems to be quite handy. All you need is
  bunch of custom interpolation functions. But these are easy to be
  taken from MooTools (i did take se below :)) - (easing functions in
  jquery behave slightly different so simple rewriting it in java drops

 Gwtquery (GQuery) is NOT JQuery nor needs to import it to work, they
 only share the API (syntax and name of methods), so GQuery has been
 entirely rewritten taking advance of GWT and reusing as much stuff as
 possible from gwt.
 So animate() in GQuery has nothing in common with animate in jquery()
 (except the name and parameters), the implementation based in the gwt
 class Animate, and Easing function has only one method interpolate()
 which is used directly by Animation. Take a look to the Easing
 interface in gquery which is exactly the same that your Interpolation
 interface, in fact we could incorporate these bunch of interpolations
 to the project if you authorise it.

  2. Manuel - great respect for GWT-Query - actually the biggest thing i
  find missing in gwt is support for dom-programming and lack of built-
  in selector engine. But I agree with Guy that jquery-like syntax is
  not necessarily an advantage :)

 gwtquery is a gwt library, it basically introduces many nice things to
 the gwt world: css selectors, a lot of useful methods for dom
 manipulation, animations, light collections, etc, and the jquery
 popular syntax (method chaining).
 So if you only need GQuery selectors, you can use them without forcing
 your programmers to use jquery syntax, nor any reference to the GQuery
  Element context = anyWidget.getElement();
  SelectorEngine sel = new SelectorEngine();
  NodeListElement nodes = .gwt-label, context);
 The same if you wanted to use Selectors optimized at compile time, etc.

 Summarizing take from gquery just what you need, and do not feel
 forced to use jquery-like syntax nor any programming pattern. Like
 with any other library, the gwt compiler will do its work not
 including in your javascript anything you do not use.

  /** from mootools **/
 public static interface Interpolation {
 public static class Power implements Interpolation {
 protected double power;
 public Power(double power){
 this.power = power;
 @Override public double interpolate(double progress) {
 return Math.pow(progress, power);
 public static class Back implements Interpolation {
 protected double mute = 1.618;
 public Back(double mute){
 this.mute = mute;
 @Override public double interpolate(double progress) {
 return Math.pow(progress, 2) * ((mute + 1) * progress
  - mute);
 public static class Elastic implements Interpolation {
 protected double mute = 1;
 public Elastic(double mute) {
 this.mute = mute;
 @Override public double interpolate(double progress) {
 return Math.pow(2, 10 * --progress) * Math.cos(20 *
  progress * Math.PI * mute / 3);
 public static final Interpolation ELASTIC = new Elastic(1);
 public static final Interpolation BACK = new Back(1.618);
 public static final Interpolation QUAD = new Power(2);
 public static final Interpolation CUBIC = new Power(3);
 public static final Interpolation QUART = new Power(4);
 public static final Interpolation QUINT = new Power(5);
 public static final Interpolation LINEAR = new Interpolation()
 @Override public double interpolate(double progress) {
 return progress;
 public static final Interpolation EXPO = new Interpolation() {
 @Override public double interpolate(double progress) {
 return Math.pow(2, 8 * (progress - 1));
 public static final Interpolation CIRC = new Interpolation() {
 @Override public double interpolate(double progress) {
 return 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(progress));
 public static final Interpolation SINE = new Interpolation() {
 @Override public double interpolate(double progress) {
 return 1 - Math.cos(progress * Math.PI / 2);
 public static 

Re: how to test presenter that is activity

2011-08-17 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
If you use MVP, you might use some kind of factory for your objects, like
the PlaceController.
The best is to use dependency injection for this (with Gin).
The PlaceController is Injected in the Activity (or in your custom factory).

When it comes to testing, you can use a special factory (or injection) that
implements a Testable PlaceController)

2011/8/17 tanteanni

 On of the main advantages of MVP-patrtern propagated is testability because
 if implemented correctly there is no need for GWTTestCase. But if i use
 MVP in conjunction with activities  places - meaning presenters become
 activities - this advantage seem to gone?! Beeing a presenter and activity
 at the same time means knowing something about PlaceController - to go to
 other places or to deserialize the state of current place. (If
 PlaceController is involved the need for GWTTestCase arose.)

 At the moment i see some alternatives:
 - testing the old way with GWTTestCase
 - separating activity and presenter (separating navigation logic from
 business-logic, the pattern is know MVPA)
 - make activity more testable (how? give a null-PlaceController in

 My Question is: Is there a best or at least good practice to test/implement
 such presenters? (the first 2 alternative are the worst in imho)

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Re: how to test presenter that is activity

2011-08-17 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Yes, indeed, I did not realized this !
That's a good question :) !

2011/8/17 tanteanni

 thx i already use gin. but how to get a testable PlaceController -
 Placecontroller is a class not an interface? my only idea is to give null?

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Re: how to test presenter that is activity

2011-08-17 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
One solution could be to create an interface in your project around
PlaceController and bind this interface on an inherited version of
PlaceController. Then, inject the interface instead of the concrete

But there is certainly an easyier way of doing it...

2011/8/17 Nicolas Antoniazzi

 Yes, indeed, I did not realized this !
 That's a good question :) !

 2011/8/17 tanteanni

 thx i already use gin. but how to get a testable PlaceController -
 Placecontroller is a class not an interface? my only idea is to give null?

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Datagrid with ScrollPanel

2011-08-16 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
I would like to implement a Custom Pager for datagrid wich has quite the
same behaviour as PageSizePager (show more button), but triggered by the
scrollbar (show more called every time that the scrollbar reach the bottom
of the table).
I would like to add a new ScrollHandler on DataGrid, but the ScrollPanel
widget is not accessible.

Is there a way to get an accessor to this widget? Or does someone know
another way to implement such widget ?



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Re: Datagrid with ScrollPanel

2011-08-16 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Thanks jeff !
I'm going to try this :)

2011/8/16 Jeff Larsen

 HeaderPanel panel = (HeaderPanel) dataGrid.getWidget();
 CustomScrollPanel scrollPanel = (CustomScrollPanel)

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Re: Apache Shiro or Spring Security??

2011-06-22 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Here, we use Shiro since it is really easy to integrate.
Moreover, Shiro is not tight to Spring... And that's a good thing for us
since we use Gin on client and Guice on Server (to not multiply API).

2011/6/22 Elhanan Maayan

  we are exploring apache shiro with gwt integration, the reason is first of
 all, you don't spring beans for it, and 2nd is that also provides for
 session management which spring security does not.
 even folks at spring forums say shiro has much broader scope then security

 On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 6:17 AM, Juan Pablo Gardella wrote:

 I do a simple sample
 integrate with spring security, but is very basic. Have server side
 protected method too with jsr-250.

 I can't said anything about apache shiro, but if you choose spring
 security you will no have problems

 2011/6/21 Juan Pablo Gardella

 good luck

 2011/6/21 Fabricio Pizzichillo

 thanks, I'll do some research on how to integrate

 2011/6/21 Juan Pablo Gardella

 I use spring security and works. Is robust and mature.

 2011/6/21 Fabricio Pizzichillo

  Hello everyone.
 What security and authentication framework works well with a GWT
 Someone used some as Apache-Shiro or Spring-Security?
 What do you recommend?


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Re: Presenters management

2011-05-27 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Maybe that I did not really understand, but you cannot instantiate sub
presenters directly from uiBinder.
You have to instantiate it from the parent one, and the child presenter has
to instantiate its own view.

2011/5/27 Issam

 Sorry but I'm not talking about replacing a presenter

 On 27 mai, 16:04, Patrick Julien wrote:
  If you're talking about replacing the presenter, use PlaceController
  to trigger a place refresh.  See the samples on how they use a shell
  as place holders for presenters/views
  On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Issam wrote:
   Hi all,
   I have some difficulties to manage many presenters.For example, I have
   a principal presenter and of course its appropriate view.So what I
   want to do is to call another presenter (which is attached to another
   view )from the principle one. How to do it ?
   I have already define in my uibinder file the second view that I want
   to integrate to the principal one ;
   Any suggestions are welcome
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Is there a way to not compile the default locale ?

2011-05-17 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

I'm using i18n with uiBinder.
In my gwt config file, I declared 2 locales :

  !-- French language, independent of country --

  extend-property name=locale values=fr/

  !-- English language, independent of country --

  extend-property name=locale values=en/

Then I assigned the default locale to english

set-property-fallback name=locale value=en/

But when I compile my project, GWT executes permutations for 3 languages.
I suppose that the third locale is the default one.

Since it will never be used, is there not a way to avoid this permutation ?



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Re: Competitor for world's most useless JavaDoc comment

2011-05-17 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

If you think that the Javadoc is not correct, send a patch.
If you think that the package is not usable, do not use it.
If you think that gwt code is not good, do not use gwt... And write your
clone with your best comments,

But please do not flame like this.

2011/5/17 Alain Ekambi

 So Greg i still dont get what you are trying to achieve here ?
 That the guyz on the gwt team are doing a poor job ?

 2011/5/17 Greg Dougherty

 Hi Jeff,

  It may not be completely obvious what is going on here

 Congratulations, you win understatement of the day. :-)

 And that's my point.  The purpose of a JavaDoc comment is to make it
 so people CAN understand what's going on.  Those comments say
 nothing.  They don't say this is a locale dependent format, go here
 to figure out what that format will be in your locale, they don't say

  that format changes based on the locale

 If that format changes with the locale, why am I getting an entirely
 non-US format?

  While it probably makes sense to you to put the format into US
 standards, it
  would totally trip up people writing GWT in french or some other

 If it's locale dependent, then, since I'm writing in a US locale,
 that's what I should be seeing.  If it's not locale dependent, I don't
 see why defaulting to a non-US representation is better than
 defaulting to a US one.

  The short answer is, it isn't a useless javadoc comment, it is a
  non-existent comment.

 Well, I don't know how anyone else codes, but from my perspective, an
 undocumented constant in a library is a useless constant, since the
 amount of time and effort spent figuring out what it is and what it
 does could better be spent just making my own constant that does what
 I want.  Which is what I've now done in this case.

  As always, you're welcome to submit a patch with javadoc.

 Well, my understanding is that I can't do that w/o writing to the GWT
 Coding Standards.  They require you to write hideously ugly code,
 and I only do that when someone pays me, extra.  So I don't foresee
 myself ever writing anything for GWT.

 Aside from that, I'd have to spend a fair amount of time trying to
 figure out what each of those constants MEAN.  Presumably the person /
 people who wrote those comments did that in the first place.  Which
 leaves me with the question of why they didn't write that information
 down, instead of writing down that some day they needed to do that?
 And the other question of why the GWT Team allowed them to submit the
 code when it was so obviously incomplete.  Yes, I know that there's a
 lot of volunteer labor that goes into GWT.  But I would expect that
 the pride and professionalism of all involved would demand that things
 be done right, or not at all.


 On May 16, 1:12 pm, Jeff Larsen wrote:
  It may not be completely obvious what is going on here, but that format
  changes based on the locale, so it isn't exactly easy or maintainable to
  actually specify what each format is doing for each locale.
  While it probably makes sense to you to put the format into US
 standards, it
  would totally trip up people writing GWT in french or someother
  While this does add to the complexity, it also removes problems of if
  writing an i18n application, you can just use datetimeformat and get the
  desired results in the formats that you want.
  Also, if you look at the code, there is a TODO there to get the formats
  documented. So they are already aware that they need documentation.
  The short answer is, it isn't a useless javadoc comment, it is a
  non-existent comment.
  As always, you're welcome to submit a patch with javadoc.

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 GWT API for  non Java based platforms

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Re: Re : Is there a way to not compile the default locale ?

2011-05-17 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Thanks Thomas, it fixed it.

2011/5/17 Thomas Broyer

 You have to set-property name=locale value=en, fr / (with en, fr
 being the list of all known locales)

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Re: High-performance GWT: best practices for writing smaller, faster apps

2011-05-14 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

Great pres !

2011/5/14 Daniel

 Here you go:

 On May 13, 4:42 pm, Nicolas Antoniazzi
  in the Google I/O, David Chandler did a presentation about best practices
  with GWT.
  I have gone to youtube, on the google developer chanelhttp:// I cannot see the video
  about this presentation.
  Is someone from google reading this message can tell us if a video will
  available online since I think it would be a very interresting topic for
  of us :)

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Re: UiBinder can't handle CSS to make image transpency rule:filter:alpha(opacity=40)

2011-05-14 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Maybe use :

filter: literal(alpha(opacity=40));

I did not try.

2011/5/14 Alex Luya

 It seems like UiBinder's CSS mechnism can't this CSS rule:
 Following warning will be reported out:
  19:07:56.322 [WARN] .: encountered =. Was expecting one of: +

 Following blog post provides a solution,but is there other way to do
 within UiBinder framework?

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High-performance GWT: best practices for writing smaller, faster apps

2011-05-13 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

in the Google I/O, David Chandler did a presentation about best practices
with GWT.
I have gone to youtube, on the google developer chanel but I cannot see the video
about this presentation.
Is someone from google reading this message can tell us if a video will be
available online since I think it would be a very interresting topic for all
of us :)


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Re: High-performance GWT: best practices for writing smaller, faster apps

2011-05-13 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Thanks Christian,

I already watched this video but this is not the same that the sessions that
I am talking about.
But I had my answer with this thread :


2011/5/13 Christian Goudreau

 Here's the link :


 On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Nicolas Antoniazzi wrote:


 in the Google I/O, David Chandler did a presentation about best practices
 with GWT.
 I have gone to youtube, on the google developer chanel but I cannot see the video
 about this presentation.
 Is someone from google reading this message can tell us if a video will be
 available online since I think it would be a very interresting topic for all
 of us :)


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 Christian Goudreau

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Do you think to release handlers ?

2011-04-30 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
I just realized that I never called removeHandler() on some of handler that
I was using.

HandlerRegistration h = Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler() {
 @Override public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { height =
event.getHeight(); width = event.getHeight(); } });
In the case of a composite that need to get a resize event, I suppose that
we have to call h.removeHandler() in the onClose() method isn't it ? Or is
there an automatic behaviour to release it ?
I know that it is automatic when using a Resettable event bus from activity
but it is becausde it is managed by the ActivityManager.

Where is the best place to release a resize handler in a composite ?


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Re: TextBox KeyPressEvent doesn't function in Firefox 4

2011-04-08 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
As a workaround, you can use event.getNativeEvent().getKeyCode() ==

2011/4/8 Gabriel


 txtPwd.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() {

public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) {
if (event.getCharCode() ==
 KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) {;


 PD: I think in Firefox 3.x doesn't function.

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Re: Spring GWT Integration

2011-02-25 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Just because gin/guice is better than spring ;)

2011/2/24 lascarayf


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Re: GWT 2.2 on linux: Designer not wokring

2011-02-24 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

I am running Ubunbtu 10.04 with eclipse 3.6 and GWT 2.2.
the GWT Designer is working on my machine. I had few problem because my view
uses the @UiTemplate to reference the associated xml, instead of letting the
system default (name of the inner interface in Composite). But except this,
it's working fine.


2011/2/24 Mannemarak

 Dear all.

 I'm having trouble getting GWT designer running with the new GWT 2.2
 on my linux machine. I installed the GWT 2.2 plugin on a fresh eclipse
 3.6 install, and everything of GWT seems to work (compile, deployment,
 etc.) but when I try to open a file with GWT designer I get a screen
 with the following message:
 No GWT support found for this system.

 The product can't find support for the OS, OS architecture or
 windowing system you're using. Please check the prerequisites and if
 your system matches it, try to re-install product.

 Tried it on a different machine with a different flavour of linux,
 still the same. But in windows in my original machine GWT Designer 2.2
 works just fine, also on a fresh install of eclipse 3.6.

 Is this a bug or am I missing some libraries in linux??

 Any help to sort this out would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: How to highlight word under mouse in TextArea?

2010-11-21 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
I do not know the low level functions for doing this, but it is possible. We
use a tool called CodeMirror on our project. It is a rich text area with
code parser and syntax highlight.
There are methods it the api to select portion of text.

2010/11/21 Gaurav Vaish

 IMHO, there's no Javascript API to select only a part of text in text-
 area... would be happy to be proven wrong.

 Happy Hacking,
 Gaurav Vaish

 On Nov 20, 11:20 am, Yu wrote:
  I'd like to highlight the word under the mouse as the mouse pointer
  move around in a TextArea. But I haven't found any API to do that?
  Could you please help?

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Re: Eclipse Plugin open source

2010-11-19 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
On my side I would like to extend it to simplify the generation of some code
like Activity / View / Place  (juste creates stub). Like what is already
done for uiBinder / ClientBundle, ...

I am very interested to know this date too.



2010/11/19 jbroquefere

 I know Eclipse Plugin is not yet open sourced, and I know you are
 thinking about open it.
 Do you have any idea about the date (2010?02011? later?)?
 I'm thinking about a plugin which will get compilation error, like
 Eclipse Plugin does with Service/ServiceAsync (generate Async class,
 generate methods to be conform to synchronous, etc.), but based on
 annotations. And getting sources might help me a lot !


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Re: design pattern for common functionality between Activities

2010-11-18 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Hello Koen,

I never used Requestfactory so I do not know if it is similar to RPC. In my
case, all my RPC Services can send a ServiceRemoteException (declared in
Services interfaces). (ServiceRemoteException is a custom exception that I
extended for my needs)

public interface MyRemoteService extends RemoteService {
  public void myRemoteMethod() throws ServiceRemoteException;

When There is a security exception (I am using a framework to manage
security checks called Shiro. I plugged it over
Guice and its AOP mechanism. Like this I can use special annotation on my
methods like @RequireAuthentication, @RequiresRole(role), @RequiresGuest,
... and every time that a user try to access a method without the correct
permissions, a shiro exception is thrown.)

All Security Exception are caught by a global server exception catcher. (I
extendend the method processCall of the RemoteServiceServlet class for
When a Shiro Security Exception is caught, I create a new
RemoteServiceException with some extra parameters that contains the security
exception type for the client.

Now, on the client, with RPC call, you calls methods with something similar
to this :

myService.myRemoteMethod(new AsyncCallbackVoid() {
  public void onSuccess(Void v) {

  public void onFailure(Throwable t) {

When a security exception occurs, the client code will execute the onFailure
method. Here you can manage how to handle your exception

onFailure(Throwable t) {
  if(t instanceof RemoteServiceException) {
ExceptionType type = ((RemoteServiceException) t).getType();
  placeController.goTo(new LoginPlace());

Now, maybe that you do not want to write this code in every onFailure(), so,
you can extends AsyncCallback class.

public abstract class ManagedAsyncCallbackT extends AsyncCallbackT {
  public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
// .. write your common security exception management here

then, when calling a service, you only have to override the onSuccess() in
quite every case, except in special situations.

myService.myRemoteMethod(new ManagedAsyncCallbackVoid() {
  public void onSuccess(Void v) {

I hope that it can help you :)
I do not know if RequestFactory is using somethig similar (onSuccess,


2010/11/17 koma

 hi Nicolas  others,

 I understand how you work with the dynamic hosted page, but how do you
 throw the remote exception like you describe here :

 On server side, I use a security framework that check permission on
 call. If user is not logged in (session has expired) but want to
 access to a
 secured method - I throw a special remote exception. This
 exceptions is
 handled by a custom AsyncCallback that will redirects the user to a
 page + sends a new LoginStatusEvent(false)

 I am using Requestfactory and I have /gwtRequest behind a security
 constraint; so I can block unauthorized request, but I am not
 receiving a RemoteException; Neither is 'onViolation' or 'onFailure'
 triggered; My console displays just a JSON exception that occurs.



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simplify i18n usage

2010-11-17 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

I am trying to use the internationalization feature of GWT. When I have read
the doc, it was great, but now that I am in the code, it is a bit harder.
I was afraid by the i18n management of uiBinder but thanks to mergelocales
from gwtp, it is now really simple. All translations are store in 1 file.
Moreover, all those translations have a #TODO : DEPRECATED or #TODO :
CONFIRM TRANSLATION or #TODO : TRANSLATE when updated, and it is really

Now, I would like to know if there is something similar for GWT Constants /
Messages. I do not know if I will get an answer here, but if you are a gwt
developer reading this message, could you tell me if there are plans to
simplify the i18n property file management ?

Something like mergelocale for all file would be perfect, especially the
detection of the changes with the right comment.
Are there any plans to remove the need of a mergelocale script with a
simpler generation of .properties file for all uiBinder classes ? (the
documentation says that it will be simplified in the future)

Or maybe that someone has a good method here to handle the generation of
.properties and detection of change. Maybe that mergelocale could handle
full gwt properties to store them in the ### NON-UIBINDER TRANSLATIONS
section automatically.

Could you share your exeperience with i18n in GWT ?

Thanks a lot


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Re: Calling RPC

2010-11-15 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
No it is not possible since RPC call are simple XmlHttpRequests and Security
implementation in browser does not allow cross server call.
But, you can forward your RPC requests from the Serve1r to your Server2

Client1 -- Server1 -- Server2.

2010/11/15 Raju


 I am new to GWT and had a requirement.
 I have two applications running on two different servers.
 And i need to make an asynchronous call from one application to the
 Is it possible to call the Remote Procedure of one application running
 on a different server from a different application running on a
 different server?

 If so please let me know.

 Thanks in advance.


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Re: MVP : VP to VP and Nested View communication

2010-11-11 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

We implemented nested VP in our app.

The inner presenter has an interface that the outer can talk to. Only
presenter talk each other, never views. Views are just the responsability of
the associated presenter.

2010/11/11 zixzigma

 Hello Everyone,

 Problem: a View and its Presenter want to communicate with another
 Special Case: one view is nested in another.

 to implement MVP for one view and it's presenter
  we would need a View Interface, a View Implementation which is
 associated with a UiBinder, also a Presenter. Presenter uses View
 Interface's inner Interface, to communicate with ViewImplementation.
 (FooVIew, FooViewImpl, FooPresenter, ... )

 this i understand.

 now lets say we have another View/Presenter (BarView, BarViewImpl,

 how can these two sets: Foo and Bar, communicate ?
 i think its best for them to communicate through interfaces,
 but i dont know who should be in control.

 and in scenarios that these two sets (Foo and Bar) are having has a
 relationship, should the interfaces talk ?

 FooViewImpl {

 private BarView barView;


 #2 FooViewImpl{
 private BarPresenter barPresenter;

 is it better if Views are Nested, or one presenter inside the other
 viewimpl (basically #1 or #2)

 if you have any experience with these situation, please help !

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Re: Entire Site in GWT?

2010-11-09 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
For our project we use Tomcat / Postgresql on server side. It works great.
The hardest part is to be able to configure maven (if you use it) with gwt +
wtp (eclipse tomcat plugin). But with the latest version of all the eclipse
plugins, it should work fine.


2010/11/9 mike.cann

 Hi Guys,

 Thanks for all the tips, im certainty going to take them on board when
 I make my choice.

 Im pretty sure im going to go with GWT now. The next step is to choose
 my server architecture.

 I really would like to have gone with GAE however I have done some
 research and read it cant handle files  1mb in size. As I need to do
 some image manipulation involving merging several 1mb PNGs into larger
 ones I think im going to be stuck if I use GAE.

 So my next question is does GWT play nice with other technologies and
 if so which do people recommend?

 I hope I haven't outstayed my welcome on this list!


 On Nov 9, 8:10 am, farmazone wrote:
  I am also flash/flex guy. Websites built with GWT can have workflow
  almost the same as those built with flash (especially if you are using
  Flash Builder od FDT). This is a great advantage for AS3 programmers.
  But like flash it is not crawlable by google so you have to implement
  it by yourself. If you are using Tomcat - HtmlUnit is good choice. If
  not I recommend this approach:
  You should be familiar with SWFAddress so it do you no harm :)
  good luck
  On Nov 8, 5:49 pm, mike.cann wrote:
   Hi Guys,
   First post on this list. I have searched for this question before
   posting. The only answer I could come up with was from a post in 2008
   +site#4b1d9c08a91e25ab) so I thought I would ask it again in case
   anything has changed.
   As a Flash / Flex developer new to web-dev im loving the extra
   structure and type safety offered by GWT so im really keen to use it
   exclusively for a new project.
   So my questions are:
   Is GWT suitable for writing an entire website? Specifically im looking
   to write a site that may sit within a Facebook iframe.
   Has the GWT isnt web-crawlable issue been solved now?
   Is the script for every page on your site downloaded at the start or
   is it downloaded as you click a link (as in a traditional site)?
   Are there any other barriers to making an entire site in GWT?

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Re: Gwt 2.1 Activities + Code splitting + Gin

2010-11-08 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Hi Phillipe,

Also, I think it's a bit unfair to call GWTP's code generation magic

 when GWT relies on it for so many different things... But if you
 really want to write proxys yourself, GWTP's allows it.

Yes, I agree that I was a bit unfair with GWTP. In my opinion, it would be a
geater tool (for me) if the code in front of generators were more concise
(just annotation, no empty interfaces to add), and maybe more optional.
bindPresenter() needs view, proxyplace, presenter. But if I prefer to not
use ProxyPlace as you suggest, I can't.

 Out of curiosity, which version of GWTP did you try?

0.4. But I might not have been in the depth of the framework (Just coded 4
main pages of my app) until I get blocked by the Top Div/RootPresenter
problem that I explained before.



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Re: Entire Site in GWT?

2010-11-08 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
In my opinion, a full website can be built with GWT (uiBinder is a great
helper for this).
This is the way that we chose in our company. it is really fantastic to code
with gwt and it allows to use so many optimizations for the client side
(client bundle, conditional css, ...).
Every pages of the website is behind a code split so it does not overload
the inital loading of the gwt client side.
For Search engine, we implemented this mechanism : with
htmlunit in the backend.,But it is only compatible with google.
We are looking for a better solution to handle this problem for all search


2010/11/8 Jambi

 Hej Mike,

 GWT Rocks :D! A lot has changed since 2008. And i mean, A LOT. I know
 that there is a way now to allow web crawlers to scan your app but I
 donĀ“t know how, since iĀ“ve never used it so far. By default all of the
 JS script is loaded at start, but you can use code split to split
 your JS code where you want. I recommend that you check out the GWT
 talks from Google I/O 2010 and 2009. Most of the talks arenĀ“t that
 newbie friendly, but you get an idea of the capabilities GWT has.

 On Nov 8, 5:49 pm, mike.cann wrote:
  Hi Guys,
  First post on this list. I have searched for this question before
  posting. The only answer I could come up with was from a post in 2008
  +site#4b1d9c08a91e25ab) so I thought I would ask it again in case
  anything has changed.
  As a Flash / Flex developer new to web-dev im loving the extra
  structure and type safety offered by GWT so im really keen to use it
  exclusively for a new project.
  So my questions are:
  Is GWT suitable for writing an entire website? Specifically im looking
  to write a site that may sit within a Facebook iframe.
  Has the GWT isnt web-crawlable issue been solved now?
  Is the script for every page on your site downloaded at the start or
  is it downloaded as you click a link (as in a traditional site)?
  Are there any other barriers to making an entire site in GWT?

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Re: Gwt 2.1 Activities + Code splitting + Gin

2010-11-08 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
@Nicolas, Re: the need for a proxy interface
 I believe it is a limitation of GWT generators that they have to be
 attached to classes/interfaces. If anybody has a better idea I'm a
 buyer. But isn't it better than manually writing/editing

Is it not possible to set an annotation above the presenter ?
if presenters implements an interface (Presenter) it should be possible to
handle it with a generator and write extra code, no ? (Well I suppose, I
never tried to write a real generator).
However, this generator might be more difficult to write since it has to mix
generated code with user code.

It might look a but curious, for the hand written part. But to me, it looks
ugly to have empty inner interfaces in my code. Hand coded place are a bit
longer to write (10 seconds), but at least, it is a classic style :)
However, I am using uiBinder and the empty UiBinder interface is ugly
too... And I can't do anything against it :) (But I am still looking for a
way of remove it. Maybe that gin will help me).

I think that my vision about code style is very personal and that lots of
people prefer to use the annotated inner interface, so do not worry about my
comments Phillipe :)





 On Nov 8, 1:35 am, Nicolas Antoniazzi
  Hi Phillipe,
  Also, I think it's a bit unfair to call GWTP's code generation magic
   when GWT relies on it for so many different things... But if you
   really want to write proxys yourself, GWTP's allows it.
  Yes, I agree that I was a bit unfair with GWTP. In my opinion, it would
 be a
  geater tool (for me) if the code in front of generators were more concise
  (just annotation, no empty interfaces to add), and maybe more optional.
  bindPresenter() needs view, proxyplace, presenter. But if I prefer to not
  use ProxyPlace as you suggest, I can't.
   Out of curiosity, which version of GWTP did you try?
  0.4. But I might not have been in the depth of the framework (Just coded
  main pages of my app) until I get blocked by the Top Div/RootPresenter
  problem that I explained before.

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Re: design pattern for common functionality between Activities

2010-11-08 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
I can give you what I did in my application. Maybe that you will prefer this
method :

* When the application loads, the server store a login/logout status of the
user in a json format (just for optimization like this : You
can make an init query to the server to get the status instead of the
previous method, but it is a bit slower)

* My login/logout link is inside its own activity and it has its own
activity manager too.
* I send a new LoginStatusEvent(boolean login) when my status is updated and
it is handled by my Login/Logout activity.
* When user successfully login or logout, I send a new LoginStatusEvent.
* On server side, I use a security framework that check permission on rpc
call. If user is not logged in (session has expired) but want to access to a
secured method - I throw a special remote exception. This exceptions is
handled by a custom AsyncCallback that will redirects the user to a login
page + sends a new LoginStatusEvent(false)

Tell me if this is not clear.


2010/11/9 koma

 Hi GWT gurus,

 Learning the new GWT 2.1 framework and I got security uprunning on my
 GAE application.
 Now working with the new Activities/Places.

 My applicaiton will have a login/logout link in the top right of the

 How do I keep this link in sync with the security status of the
 current visitor/user.
 Will every activity have to check for the status of the of current
 user ?

 Do I create a super class AbstractMyApplicationActivity that
 implements this functionality and then call this in start() for each
 child activity ?

 like this
 public AbstractMyApplicationActivity extends AbstractActivity {
public void updateLoginLogoutLink() {
   // set the login/logout link correctly

 public SomeActivity extends AbstractMyApplicationActivity {
public void start(AcceptsOneWidget containerWidget, EventBus
 eventBus)  {
 ... some other activity specific stuff.

 Is there a more elegant pattern for implementing this? Now the
 responsibility of making this calling is present in every activity
 feels uncomfortable;



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Re: Gwt 2.1 Activities + Code splitting + Gin

2010-11-07 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Hi Phillipe.
i am going to try ProviderBundle.

I tried to migrate my application to gwtp just before the 2.1 release but I
reverted my changes for 3 reasons :

1 - I prefer to not depend too much on an external framework. I love all new
things that come in every new release of gwt and I am afraid that frameworks
become unsupported or do not follow new features. I had the exemple of a
friend who has prefered to use GXT instead of Pure GWT, and today, he cannot
use UiBinder or the new Handler mechanism. He is still using the old
listener way.
Today, GWT has released the new Activity ~ MVP part, with their own Place
system. At the moment, MVP of GWT seems less powerfull than the GWTP's one,
but the syntax is different. And tomorrow, maybe that directions will be
more different. So I prefer not taking the risk to have a situation like
with GXT.

2 - Declaration of Presenter / View looks too much complicated to me (but it
is a pure subjective vision :) ).
All the generation of ProxyPlace are too magical for me or not enough... By
instance, The automatic generation of a Place is something interesting, but
in the same time, it is too complicated to generate. I do not like the fact
to have to declare an interface which extends ProxyPlace, and references it
in a type litteral. I would have prefered to just have something like :

public class LoginActivity implement GwtpActivityLoginActivity.Presenter

public inteface Presenter {
 public void onLogin();

or something similar.
Today I prefer to stay on a manual code for this part instead of a half
generation that is (in my opinion) too complicated to declare.
Finally (for the code style part), I did not like the fact that we have to
use a local Widget variable in View and returns it with a asWidget() method
for UiBinder Views.
Today with GWT 2.1, all widgets implements IsWidget and provides a
asWidget(). But since we have to store a local instance of Widget inside of
view for UiBinder, it cannot be done automatically, we have to override it.
However, I understand that IsWidget was not ready when you first implemented
it. But today, it does not solve the problem of the local Widget variable.

3 - My application has two top div. One called root for the main part of
my application, and one called overlay for all elements that comes like a
filter over my root elements (to display overlay help, ...). They have both
some css declaration on them.
I did not find any way to reuse this system with GWTP. GWTP come with a
RootPresenter and I wanted to use a second RootPresenter plugged on overlay
div but it is not possible.
ActivityManager are more flexible for this, they have a setDisplay() method
to setup the top element to use.

Well, Phillipe, all those things are just my personal feelings for my
specifical needs. I think that GWTP is a great framework for a lot of
Unfortunatly, in my case, I had to fight against it (maybe that it was a
design problem, but I am not sure), and there was all the more subjective
aspects (abouts framework overlay and code style) that made me go away.

In any case, Phillipe and Christian, thanks for your great work .
I am going to try ProviderBundle, maybe that I will be more comfortable with
it :)


2010/11/7 PhilBeaudoin

 Hi Nicolas,

 If you start using AsyncProvider, you might be interested in GWTP's
 ProviderBundle at some point. The problem of AsyncProvider is that it
 may introduce too many split points, and you will often want to do
 some manual optimization and group a few things together behind the
 same split point. ProviderBundle makes that really easy to do.

 ProviderBundle is totally usable without the rest of GWTP. (Although
 I'd love to hear your reason for not using it. ;))



 On Nov 6, 4:40 pm, Nicolas Antoniazzi
  Thanks Thomas, I implemented something similar to what you said (I think)
  and it works fine ! All my activities are code splitted automatically
  I used the AsyncProviderT.
  I used a gin version compiled by gwtp team that include the AsyncProxy
  (althouth that I do not use gwtp for severals resons, thanks to gwtp dev
  this :) ) .
  @Ashton, you can get it from here :
  The usage of AsyncProviderT is very simple. It's exactly like a normal
  ProviderT instead that you have to give an AsyncCallback to the get()
  example :
  ProviderMyClass myProvider;
  AsyncProviderMyClass myAsyncProvider;
  private MyClass instance1;
  private MyClass instance2;
  public void myMethod() {
// To get an instance without code splitting
instance1 = myProvider.get();
// To get an instance with code splitting
myAsyncProvider.get(new AsyncCallbackMyClass() {
  public void onSuccess(MyClass result

Re: Gwt 2.1 Activities + Code splitting + Gin

2010-11-06 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Thanks Thomas, I implemented something similar to what you said (I think)
and it works fine ! All my activities are code splitted automatically now.

I used the AsyncProviderT.
I used a gin version compiled by gwtp team that include the AsyncProxy
(althouth that I do not use gwtp for severals resons, thanks to gwtp dev for
this :) ) .

@Ashton, you can get it from here :

The usage of AsyncProviderT is very simple. It's exactly like a normal
ProviderT instead that you have to give an AsyncCallback to the get()
example :

ProviderMyClass myProvider;

AsyncProviderMyClass myAsyncProvider;

private MyClass instance1;
private MyClass instance2;

public void myMethod() {
  // To get an instance without code splitting
  instance1 = myProvider.get();

  // To get an instance with code splitting
  myAsyncProvider.get(new AsyncCallbackMyClass() {
public void onSuccess(MyClass result) {
 instance2 = result;
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

In the previous example, instance1 is instanciated without code splitting,
instance2 with code splitting.
This is just a small example to show you the syntax. This example is very
stupid since if you declare a class with a class ProviderMyClass in the
same file than an AsyncProviderMyClass, MyClass code will not be code

Now, just for people who would like to know how to implement an
ActivityAsyncProxy, my implementation looks like this : (And it might really
not be the best one. Thomas, maybe that you have a better code to share ;) )

public class ActivityAsyncProxyT implements Activity {

private AsyncProviderT provider;
 private boolean canceled = false;
private Activity impl;

 public String mayStop() {
if (impl != null) return impl.mayStop();
 return null;

 public void onCancel() {
if (impl != null) {
} else {
 canceled = true;

public void onStop() {
 if (impl != null) {
 } else {
canceled = true;

 public void start(final AcceptsOneWidget panel, final EventBus eventBus) {
 provider.get(new AsyncCallbackT() {

public void onSuccess(T result) {
 // Do not starts loaded activity if it has been canceled
 if (!canceled) {
impl = (Activity) result;
 impl.start(panel, eventBus);

public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
 // TODO : send error message

Now, in my ActivityMapper :

public class RootActivityMapper implements ActivityMapper {

 ProviderActivityAsyncProxyLoginActivity loginActivityProvider;

 ProviderActivityAsyncProxyProfileActivity profileActivityProvider;

 ProviderActivityAsyncProxyPrivacyActivity privacyActivityProvider;

 public Activity getActivity(Place place) {
if (place instanceof LoginPlace) return loginActivityProvider.get();
 if (place instanceof ProfilePlace) return profileActivityProvider.get();
 if (place instanceof PrivacyPlace) return privacyActivityProvider.get();

return null;

And that's all.

Well, Just for information, I created my custom provider for
ActivityAsyncProxy :

public class ActivityAsyncProxyProviderT extends Activity implements
ProviderActivityAsyncProxyT {

 ProviderActivityProxyT provider;

public ActivityAsyncProxyT get() {
 return provider.get();

Now, in my ActivityMapper, injection are less verbose :

ActivityAsyncProxyProviderLoginActivity loginActivityProvider;

ActivityAsyncProxyProviderProfileActivity profileActivityProvider;

ActivityAsyncProxyProviderPrivacyActivity privacyActivityProvider;

Thanks Thomas, you helped me a lot this week with all your tips ! :)


2010/11/6 Ashton Thomas

 Does anyone have some words for implementing the AsyncProviderT
 (Still in trunk as Thomas points out)??

 I have not see any code showing how to implement this so I am a little
 lost on where to start.

 How do we need to use AsyncProvider and what else needs to be change /
 restructure anything?

 Is the AsyncProvider even usable right now if we compile from source?

 On Nov 6, 9:27 am, Thomas Broyer wrote:
  On 6 nov, 01:24, Nicolas Antoniazzi
   I am trying to use CodeSplitting with Activites on 2.1.
   I read this very interresting threadhttp://
   T.Broyer says that the best approach is to use an AsyncProxy for
  I certainly didn't say it's the best approach (just that Jarod's code
  wasn't adding anything to AsyncProxy).
   It makes sense but I have problem with it since my Activities are
   with Gin. AsyncProxy uses GWT.create() to instantiate the concrete
 types and
   all my @Inject in my Activities are thus not initialized

Gwt 2.1 Activities + Code splitting + Gin

2010-11-05 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

I am trying to use CodeSplitting with Activites on 2.1.
I read this very interresting thread and
T.Broyer says that the best approach is to use an AsyncProxy for Activities.

It makes sense but I have problem with it since my Activities are binded
with Gin. AsyncProxy uses GWT.create() to instantiate the concrete types and
all my @Inject in my Activities are thus not initialized.

Does anyone tried to mix new Activity concepts with Code Splitting ? And
do you know if it could be compatible with Gin activities ?



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why EventBus in start method of Activity in 2.1

2010-11-04 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

This is just a quick question to gwt developpers to know what is the reason
to pass the EventBus to the start() method of Activity ?
Is there something special about this instance ?

Because if we use a ClientFactory, like described in the MVP doc on the
website, (or we inject with Gin), we can get it. And get all other elements
too (like PlaceController)

So I do not really understand what is the policy behind this. All elements
should be passed (EventBus, PlaceController, ...) or none of them (then to
rely on ClientFactory or Gin).
Why is athere a special mechanism for the EventBus ?



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Re: why EventBus in start method of Activity in 2.1

2010-11-04 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Oh yes, that's nice.
It's great to wrap the original event bus so we can still use it to send
fireEvent() and use the instance from start() to add new handler.
Very cool.

Thanks Thomas.

2010/11/4 Thomas Broyer

 On 4 nov, 09:46, Nicolas Antoniazzi
  This is just a quick question to gwt developpers to know what is the
  to pass the EventBus to the start() method of Activity ?
  Is there something special about this instance ?

 Yes, it's actually a ResettableEventBus, so any handler added to it
 will automatically be removed when the activity is stopped/cancelled,
 and you don't have to track HandlerRegistrations yourself.
 Here's what the Javadoc says:
 Any handlers attached to the provided event bus will be de-
 registered when the activity is stopped, so activities will rarely
 need to hold on to the HandlerRegistration instances returned by
 EventBus.addHandler(, H).

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Re: Nested Views in MVP

2010-11-04 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi
Very interresting Thomas. It is similar in some ways to the gwt-presenter

Just a question. You says that views are singleton. I understand the reason
(efficiency). But does not it leads to UI state problems ?
By instance, if you call a method on your view that adds a new css class to
an element, it means that you will have to remove it before destroying the
PresenterActivity (if you want to reuse it later). Or do you have a special
mechanism to handle such cases ?


2010/11/4 Thomas Broyer

 On 4 nov, 03:32, David Chandler wrote:
  Thanks for your thoughts, Nicolas. I believe the reason we've not
  created View and Presenter interfaces to date is because there are two
  different styles of MVP widely in use, only one of which allows the
  view to call the presenter as in your example. Which leaves us in the
  funny position that the new MVP framework is missing *formal*
  definitions of View and Presenter. Personally, I think it's a good
  thing that GWT Activities and Places are independent of views and
  presenters so as not to force you into one model. I think View and
  Presenter as you've described would fall in the category of things
  that are not quite core code, but are nevertheless useful abstractions
  that probably need a home in the GWT source somewhere for reference.
  We'll chew on this a bit for 2.1.1...

 FYI, we created in our project two abstract Activity classes:
  - a SimplePresenterActivity: you must pass a view instance to the
 constructor; the start method is final and calls an abstract doStart
 method without passing the AcceptsOneWidget. Subclasses never see the
 AcceptsOneWidget instance so they cannot mess with it, they just call
 a reveal() method when they're ready to be displayed. In addition
 there are isActive() and isDead() methods (isActive == true between
 start and stop/cancel, whereas isDead only becomes true after stop/
 cancel, i.e. isDead is false between ctor and start). The view is
 accessible through a getView() method, which is guarded by assertions
 that the activity isActive(). What it means is that, when assertions
 are enabled, subclasses cannot touch the view unless they're active
 (because the view can be shared by several activity instances, so they
 don't step on each other), and if tests are correctly done/written,
 developers are forced to check that the activity still isActive() from
 within their async callbacks.
  - a PresenterActivity that extends SimplePresenterActivity and a)
 enforce the fact the the view has a delegate (and a setDelegate
 method) and b) automatically calls setDelegate when appropriate, with
 the appropriate value; this is so that developers do not mistakenly
 call view.setDelegate(this) from within the constructor.

 We do have test helpers, to be used in the unit tests for the
 subclasses, to test the scenarios where the activity is cancelled
 (i.e. cancel the activity, then simulate an RF/RPC/RequestBuilder
 response; it'll fail if it doesn't check isActive() before calling
 reveal() or getView())

 In brief, this microframework enforces that:
  - activities are not reusable
  - only one activity can see (and manipulate) the view at a time
 (views are singletons)
 The downside is that it makes extensive use of generics and declaring
 a subclass of PresenterActivity look tricky if you don't know which
 type parameter values to use.

 For instance, here's what a FooActivity could look like:
  class FooActivity extends PresenterActivityFooActivity, FooView
 implements FooView.Delegate {
private final MyRequestFactory requests;

FooActivity(FooView view, MyRequestFactory requests) {
  this.requests = requests;

protected void doStart(EventBus eventBus) {
  // example using RequestFactory
 ReceiverListFoo() {
public void onSuccess(ListFoo foos) {
  if (isActive()) {


  interface FooView extends PresenterActivity.ViewFooView.Delegate {

interface Delegate { ... }

void setFoos(ListFoo foos);

  class FooViewImpl extends Composite implements FooView {
private Delegate delegate;

public void setDelegate(Delegate delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;

 (we do not currently have an abstract class for the views)

 For the background on these choices, see my comments on

 Time will tell if it's a good approach.

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Re: Nested Views in MVP

2010-11-03 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI

I migrated all my code to GWT 2.1. I was a bit surprised to not find any
NestedPresenter helper. I created my own with an interface called
NestedPresenter that provides a start(HasWidgets.ForIsWidget container);

I prefered doing it this way instead of using multiple ActivityManager
because it is a real hell to predict all the different place that elements
can have.
In my application, I have 2 different pages.

- One with a list of items (each item is quite complex and has to be tested
: View + Presenter for each one).
- One with 5 sub presenter/view.

Those two pages have a completly different layout, and I do not know exactly
what will be the layout of new pages, so it is quite impossible for me to
rely on several ActivityManager. Moreover, if I use nested presenter, in
these pages, I only want to render them once when the page load, so I do
not need any kind of place management.

Would not be easier to create a Presenter interface that provides a start()
method, that would be extended by Activity ?
Thus, it would clarify the concept : Activity interface is an overlayer of
Presenter for Place management, and Presenter is just a core part of the MVP
pattern (that could be used for nested presenter too)


2010/10/30 zixzigma

 Hello David,

 I am very excited about the GWT 2.1 release, and planning to use it
 for a new upcoming project.
 I have been following and studying the MVP for quite a while now and
 experimenting with milestone releases.

 Just wanted to share some of my thoughts:

 I personally find the name Activity a bit confusing.
 I've heard it is more popular in Android community.
 to me,  it is MVP, P referring to Presenter (not Activity!)
 looking at the comments in source code, and tutorials, one can see
 Presenter and Activity are used interchangeably.
 eg: An activity in GWT 2.1 is analogous to a presenter in MVP
 terminology. from MVP tutorial.

 now for the first time in your comment i read:

  2) There is not necessarily a 1:1 correspondence between Activities
  and presenters. Your Activity might instantiate multiple presenters
  and corresponding views.

 I did not know that, as it was not explicitly stated anywhere.
 so some clarification on that would really help.
 btw where does the name Activity come from ?

 about nested views,
 I was hoping that the new MVP framework address this,
 as I was planning to use that extensively.
 your solutions are interesting, I will try to implement them.
 any basic tutorial on composite views would be great.

 thank you for GWT 2.1 !

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Re: Nested Views in MVP

2010-11-03 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
Ok that's more clear now.

I totally agree that not all presenters have to be an activity.
Thus, there is something missing in the MVP class provided by GWT 2.1
since it does not allow us to fully use MVP in this case. It would be great
to get at least a tiny interface for this in future release of GWT.

I discovered with your great post that Activity were not necesserely
Presenters. I think that I will have to think again about the concept behind
activity because altough it seems simple, I think that I do not really get
the advantages of using all those layers and what are the real different
between Activity and Presenter (excepts name).

Thanks Tomas.


2010/11/3 Thomas Broyer

 On 3 nov, 11:16, Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
  Would not be easier to create a Presenter interface that provides a
  method, that would be extended by Activity ?
  Thus, it would clarify the concept : Activity interface is an overlayer
  Presenter for Place management, and Presenter is just a core part of the
  pattern (that could be used for nested presenter too)

 Ray Ryan already clarified (several times IIRC) that not every
 presenter has to be an Activity:

 and I'd add that Activities do not necessarily imply MVP either:
 (see section titled Hey, where's the MVP framework you talked

 Maybe the doc needs to be improved, but many people were expecting
 Google to release something about MVP in GWT proper, and so did they,
 and it *had* to be prominent in the doc.

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Re: Nested Views in MVP

2010-11-03 Thread Nicolas Antoniazzi

 Thanks for your comments. Do you mind sharing with us what would go in

the Presenter interface to allow you to fully use MVP? We're very

much open to ideas from the community as to how to make it work


Well, in my opinion, it would be clearer to create 2 new interfaces :
1) a Presenter interface that contains
- start(ForIsWidget container)
- onStop()

then, Activity interface could extends Presenter and add mayStop()...

It would clarify that we can insert nested presenter into activity without
adding activity into activity since it is not really the same concept in my

2) Then, create an interface called ViewT extends Presenter that
- setPresenter(T presenter)

they could be implemented by Composite or UiObject.

Maybe that it sounds a bit unecessary to you, but I think that it would
clarify things between Activities and Presenter/View just with those 2 new

 Activities are more tied to the concept of Places than of MVP, i.e.

navigation and user experience rather than code structure (developer

experience). Does that make things clearer?

Yes, it is clearer. Thanks Thomas.

Thanks for all your great work on GWT.


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GWT 2.1 and Place with token

2010-10-27 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI

I converted all my project to GWT 2.1 Activity/Place following the concept
described on
But, doing this work, I came to a question : Why do we have to set a name in
the place constructor ?

A place generate a #ClassName:Token in the url. Would not be easier to just
generate a #Token ?

In my opinion it seems a bit complicated to manager class instead of an enum
or string constant for each place.
A simplification would be to only have 1 place class with a new token
(string) for each place, or severals class but with an empty constructor
that initializes its name with a constant.

But I may have not really understood the real advantage of the
#PlaceClass:Token, so maybe someone could help me ?



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Re: GWT 2.1 and Place with token

2010-10-27 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
Oh, you are absolutly right !
I had not think to this case.

Thanks Sebastian


2010/10/27 Sebastian Beigel

 Hi Nicolas,

 often your places are parameterized, think of a detail/edit screen
 for example that needs the model's id. The token is a generic way to
 provide additional information (via the URL) to the place (i.e. the
 activity/-ies), i.e. #editFoo:42.

 You can of course re-use one place to dispatch to several activities
 based on the token. See the (currently not used) for ProxyPlace and
 ProxyListPlace in the Expenses sample for an example.


 On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Nicolas ANTONIAZZI wrote:
  I converted all my project to GWT 2.1 Activity/Place following the
  But, doing this work, I came to a question : Why do we have to set a name
  the place constructor ?
  A place generate a #ClassName:Token in the url. Would not be easier to
  generate a #Token ?
  In my opinion it seems a bit complicated to manager class instead of an
  or string constant for each place.
  A simplification would be to only have 1 place class with a new token
  (string) for each place, or severals class but with an empty constructor
  that initializes its name with a constant.
  But I may have not really understood the real advantage of the
  #PlaceClass:Token, so maybe someone could help me ?
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CSS Opacity on IE8

2010-09-27 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI

I think that there is a problem with the Dom Implementation of opacity in

The standard way of setting a css opacity is opacity : value
with IE6 or 7, it is : filter : alpha(opacity=value);
with IE8, it is the same. but there is only a specific implementation for
IE6/IE7 browser in gwt

gwt source code :
in file : :

   public native void cssSetOpacity(Style style, double value) /*-{
 style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (value * 100) + ')';
in file : : nothing, and DomImplIE8 do not inherit
from DomImplIE6

Am I missing something or is it a bug / oversight ?



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GPE not refreshing xxxx.gwt.rpc in dev mode on linux / tomcat

2010-09-21 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI

I have a problem since a while and I am not sure about the source of the
problem. I will use the sample application to explain it here (I will call
my project gwt_tmp):

1 - I create a default gwt sample project with GPE.
2 - I start a debug session with the default Jetty Dev Mode.
 A - I run application in my browser in dev mode, it loads corretly.
 B - In the sample application, I enter an user name and click the button
that will execute an RPC call to the server
 C - GPE (I suppose) detects that a call is done to an RPC service, and
generates the .gwt.rpc policy file.
 D - I receive a response, all is fine.

Perfect! Now, I stop the server and clean the generated directory under
war/gwt_tmp to be sure to start from a clean environment.

I want to execute the same process but with tomcat instead of Jetty to
reflect my real production environment:
I update some configurations files to add a web tool nature to my project :

1 - I add a new nature to my .project under eclipse :

2 - I creates associated settings files :
* /gwt_tmp/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
project-modules id=moduleCoreId project-version=1.5.0
wb-module deploy-name=gwt_tmp
wb-resource deploy-path=/ source-path=war/
wb-resource deploy-path=/WEB-INF/classes source-path=/src/
property name=java-output-path/
property name=context-root value=gwt_tmp/

* /gwt_tmp/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  fixed facet=jst.web/
  installed version=6.0/
  installed facet=jst.web version=2.5/
  installed facet=wst.jsdt.web version=1.0/

3 - I update my gwt application launcher to not run in server mode (since
tomcat will be the server).
4 - I start the dev mode of the application, and I start tomcat.
 A - I run application in my browser in dev mode, it loads corretly (but on
port 8080 for tomcat instead of  for jetty)
 B - In the sample application, I enter an user name and click the button
that will execute an RPC call to the server
 C - GPE (I suppose) detects that a call is done to an RPC service, and
generates the .gwt.rpc policy file.
 D - Here is the problem ! Tomcat does not seams to realize that a new file
has been generated on disk. the log says :
INFO: greetServlet: ERROR: The serialization policy file
'/gwt_tmp/1CC4B1A5D8B73AD7482A23834A893A1B.gwt.rpc' was not found; did you
forget to include it in this deployment?
GRAVE: greetServlet: WARNING: Failed to get the SerializationPolicy
'1CC4B1A5D8B73AD7482A23834A893A1B' for module ''; a legacy, 1.3.3 compatible,
serialization policy will be used.  You may experience
SerializationExceptions as a result.
 If i refresh my workspace and I restart tomcat, it reload correctly the
previously generated .rpc file and I no longer get this error.

I tried to activate the auto refresh of worspace file in my eclipse
configuration, but it did not resolved this.
I know that the worspace auto refresh is not implemented in the same way
between windows and linux (
Since gpe sources are not available, I wanted to be sure that GPE developers
have requested a workspace localRefresh on XXX.gwt.rpc generated file (

I might be completly wrong about this, but I have no other idea.

Maybe someone has already met this problem and found a solution ?



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Re: Gwt-platform vs Guit

2010-09-13 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
Hello all,

just about your sentence Chistian :

That's why, I'm giving a little more work to my views that apply to simple
local task that isn't relevant to the presenter, thus simplifying my code
and making it more easy to understand and more easy to read. Yes I have to
test it, but I have simple test to write that I would have wrote inside my
presenters anyway.

So, if I understand correctly, it means that it leads to use GWTTestCase
which is really slow. And this was the main reason of using MVP with GWT (to
skip GWTTestCase).

Or is there something that I did not get to test Views with jUnit ?

Thanks for your clarifications.

2010/8/24 Christian Goudreau

 I believe is good to have 2 frameworks instead of one... competition leads
 to great things..

 I agree with that point :D

 I will love to hear your opinion on this:

 Already took a loot, well first note, I'm not a conventional MVP user and
 don't take my arguments as if I wanted to be one :D I'm more a MVP part 2
 like explained in the GWT page. Since you've done a good job to automate the
 event process between the view and the presenter, what will follow will
 probably not apply to your framework. No need for your binder class if you
 do MVP part 2 :D No custom annotation needed too and also no need to learn
 anything but what GWT already offer in that case.

 I think that when GWT introduced UiBinder, the already gave us a passive
 view that does nothing rendering our implementation of the MVP pattern a
 little bit more complexe since we had to pass everything from another
 passive view to the presenter. That's why, I'm giving a little more work to
 my views that apply to simple local task that isn't relevant to the
 presenter, thus simplifying my code and making it more easy to understand
 and more easy to read. Yes I have to test it, but I have simple test to
 write that I would have wrote inside my presenters anyway. Now I have a
 clear distinction between what's relevant to my app and what's relevant only
 to my view. You may disagree with me, but I ripped around 15 % lines of code
 in my apps by doing this.

 What's your going to do will disallow that, while not being a bad thing if
 you really have two passive view (view and view.ui.xml), but wouldn't be
 enough for that pattern that I now love :D

 Then another big question, how this will work with UiBinder for custom
 widgets that you'll make ? Yeah well, I think we fall back to old ways
 without any presenter associated.

 Anyway, I'm more a doer than a thinker, so I'll let anyone else elaborate
 on the subject :D (Philippe Beaudoin is the brain behind Gwt-Platform :D)


 On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Gal Dolber wrote:

 Hi Christian!

 I will love to join forces to have one great framework, but the truth is
 that Guit started a year ago as the infrastructure for a project I am about
 to finish right now. The funny part is that I also started looking at the
 code of gwt-presenter and mvp4g.

 I believe is good to have 2 frameworks instead of one... competition leads
 to great things..

 Now, about the Async places, if you annotate the Presenter's Place with
 RunAsync your place automatically gets splitted ( , at the bottom).

 Also, one important thing about Guit is that all that generated code that
 it produces is the same that you will hand-write without it.
 You can see that looking at the generated code... you will only find event
 registrations and a few field bindings, but you will never feel like loosing
 control over your code.

 I will love to hear your opinion on this:
 That's the craziest change in my mvp implementation so far, and I loving
 it. I am looking for down-sides and extra requirements that I didn't think
 of yet.


 2010/8/24 Christian Goudreau

 I saw that you can add an annotation over functions, but over an entire
 place, I don't know. Also, yeah well you may be generating a lot of code
 with generators, but I'm afraid that in the end, you'll loose freedom for

 I would have loved to join forces into making a great framework instead
 of having different products, but I think each project have their good and
 bad points, even if we still have to fully compare each products.Our
 devotion to GWT-Platform started with Gwt-Presenter and we're committed to
 support it and improve it along with our users. Our commitment is to the
 community and it will always be a priority to improve our users experience
 with GWT-Platform and GWT.

 Anyway, nice job Gal, it's sure saves a lot of boiler plate for simple
 web pages like our Samples, I'll take a look even more deeper to see where
 it goes against something more complexe. Until I can speek with more
 objectivity while talking about Guit, I'll only say two 

Re: uibinder and css

2010-08-09 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
You can use the external keyword to say gwt that the class should not be


@external myClass;

.myClass {
  /* Adds extra css here */


2010/8/9 Thomas Van Driessche


 I could use this: ui:style field='otherStyle'

 But the problem is that the css file is on another server...
 We deploy the gwt app on an OC4J server, but the javascript is called
 from another html page on another server...
 And that html page has a link to a css file that my gwt app should use

 So is this possible?

 kind regards

 On Aug 6, 3:54 pm, spierce7 wrote:
  I hope this helps:
  Look at the Hello Stylish World Example. Good luck!
  On Aug 6, 9:38 am, Thomas Van Driessche wrote:
   I have a question on using css in gwt.
   I know you can give the ui:style component a src to a css file.
   But what if you want to use the css that is linked in the html page
   from which the javascript from the gwt project is called?
   i tried this:
   g:Button addStyleNames=action ui:field=btnSearch/g:Button
   And in the css file from the host html page i have put:
   .action {
  background-color: green;
   Is this possible?
   Because our javascript that was compiled is called from other html
   pages to.
   kind regards,

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Re: uibinder and css

2010-08-09 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
When using addStyleNames={style.action}, gwt requires to find class
definition of action in style

It will not work without at least an empty declaration.

The @extrnal keyword only indicates to gwt that class should not be
Thus, you can use an external class name to override it.

I do not know a cleaner way of doing it, but if someone reads this thread
with a better solution, It will be appreciated :)

2010/8/9 Thomas Van Driessche


 when i run my app it says The following obfuscated style classes were
 missing from the source CSS file:
 Fix bij adding .action{}

 It seems like he doesn't find it in the css linked in the html page?

 kind regards

 On Aug 9, 12:22 pm, Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
  You can use the external keyword to say gwt that the class should not be
  @external myClass;
  .myClass {
/* Adds extra css here */
  2010/8/9 Thomas Van Driessche
   I could use this: ui:style field='otherStyle'
   But the problem is that the css file is on another server...
   We deploy the gwt app on an OC4J server, but the javascript is called
   from another html page on another server...
   And that html page has a link to a css file that my gwt app should use
   So is this possible?
   kind regards
   On Aug 6, 3:54 pm, spierce7 wrote:
I hope this helps:
Look at the Hello Stylish World Example. Good luck!
On Aug 6, 9:38 am, Thomas Van Driessche wrote:
 I have a question on using css in gwt.
 I know you can give the ui:style component a src to a css file.
 But what if you want to use the css that is linked in the html page
 from which the javascript from the gwt project is called?
 i tried this:
 g:Button addStyleNames=action ui:field=btnSearch/g:Button
 And in the css file from the host html page i have put:
 .action {
background-color: green;
 Is this possible?
 Because our javascript that was compiled is called from other html
 pages to.
 kind regards,
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Re: How do you use @sprite's and ui:image in UiBinder ui.xml templates?

2010-08-08 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
Sorry, I forgot something in my previous mail.

The correct syntax for the Image tag that reference an image resource is :

ui:image field=onImage src=on.png/
g:Image resource=*{*onImage*}* /

p.s. you said Width/Height will be automatically written in your css class,
 you do not need to do any reference on it. this is probably true for an
 img but what about applying a gwt-image on a Panel (background). I would
 not expect the Panel to have it's size set based on the back ground image's
 size (even if it is what I want) :)

Yes, that might be a problem in some case. You should be able to override
the value from css if you wish.
In some case, you might want to let the css default width.

In this case, you should use DataRessource instead of ImageRessource. To
declare this from uiBinder, the correct syntax is :

*ui:data* field=*myResource* src=on.png


*...@url myResourceUrl myResource;*

.myPanel {
background: *myResourceUrl*;


Here, the image will be referenced without forcing width/height.

2010/8/9 Andrew Hughes

 Thanks Nicolas - I think I am very close

 I'm trying this (very simple)...

 ui:image field=onImage src=on.png/

 g:Image resource=onImage/

 But, computer say's no :) or more specifically...  00:31:09.750 [ERROR]
 Cannot parse value: onImage as type ImageResource

 I have both the ui.xml and the png in the same directory, perhaps this is


 p.s. you said *Width/Height will be automatically written in your css
 class, you do not need to do any reference on it*. this is probably true
 for an img but what about applying a gwt-image on a Panel (background). I
 would not expect the Panel to have it's size set based on the back ground
 image's size (even if it is what I want) :)

 On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Nicolas ANTONIAZZI wrote:

 Width/Height will be automatically written in your css class, you do not
 need to do any reference on it.

 2010/8/6 Nicolas ANTONIAZZI


 The right syntax is :
 *ui:image field=activeImage src=active.png/*
 * **ui:image field=deactiveImage src=active.png/*

 Then, simply use :

 *...@sprite .active {*
 *gwt-image: 'activeImage';*
 * }*

 @sprite .deactive {
 gwt-image: 'deactiveImage';

 Moreover, If you wish to directly use an image ( img/img) instead of
 a background css image, you can do :

  g:Image resource=activeImage /
  g:Image resource=deactiveImage /

 2010/8/6 Andrew Hughes

 Hi Guys,

 I can't find any doco, so help would be great! I want to set some
 background gwt-image's inside my ui.xml's ui:style

 Easiest way to ask my question is to show you what is not working :)

  *ui:image field=activeImage resource=active.png/*
 * **ui:image field=deactiveImage resource=active.png/*
 ui:style type=com.acme.Style

 *...@sprite .active {*
 *width: value('activeImage.getWidth','px');*
 *height: value('activeImage.getHeight','px');*
 *gwt-image: 'activeImage';*

  *   @sprite .deactive {*
 *width: value('deactiveImage.getWidth','px');*
 *height: value('deactiveImage.getHeight','px');*
 *gwt-image: 'deactiveImage';*

g:HTMLPanel ui:field=active addStyleNames={style.deactive}/


1. I'm trying to avoid external css files here and do it all in the
ui.xml, perhaps this is not possible
2. How are ui:image resource's defined/referenced? What are the
rules on the resource=
3. How is the ui:image field associated with the @sprite? Do I
have this right
4. How can I get the width/height of the image (as described here


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Re: How do you use @sprite's and ui:image in UiBinder ui.xml templates?

2010-08-06 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI

The right syntax is :
*ui:image field=activeImage src=active.png/*
* **ui:image field=deactiveImage src=active.png/*

Then, simply use :

*...@sprite .active {*
*gwt-image: 'activeImage';*
* }*

@sprite .deactive {
gwt-image: 'deactiveImage';

Moreover, If you wish to directly use an image ( img/img) instead of a
background css image, you can do :

 g:Image resource=activeImage /
 g:Image resource=deactiveImage /

2010/8/6 Andrew Hughes

 Hi Guys,

 I can't find any doco, so help would be great! I want to set some
 background gwt-image's inside my ui.xml's ui:style

 Easiest way to ask my question is to show you what is not working :)

  *ui:image field=activeImage resource=active.png/*
 * **ui:image field=deactiveImage resource=active.png/*
 ui:style type=com.acme.Style

 *...@sprite .active {*
 *width: value('activeImage.getWidth','px');*
 *height: value('activeImage.getHeight','px');*
 *gwt-image: 'activeImage';*

  *   @sprite .deactive {*
 *width: value('deactiveImage.getWidth','px');*
 *height: value('deactiveImage.getHeight','px');*
 *gwt-image: 'deactiveImage';*

g:HTMLPanel ui:field=active addStyleNames={style.deactive}/


1. I'm trying to avoid external css files here and do it all in the
ui.xml, perhaps this is not possible
2. How are ui:image resource's defined/referenced? What are the rules
on the resource=
3. How is the ui:image field associated with the @sprite? Do I have
this right
4. How can I get the width/height of the image (as described here


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Re: How do you use @sprite's and ui:image in UiBinder ui.xml templates?

2010-08-06 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
Width/Height will be automatically written in your css class, you do not
need to do any reference on it.

2010/8/6 Nicolas ANTONIAZZI


 The right syntax is :
 *ui:image field=activeImage src=active.png/*
 * **ui:image field=deactiveImage src=active.png/*

 Then, simply use :

 *...@sprite .active {*
 *gwt-image: 'activeImage';*
 * }*

 @sprite .deactive {
 gwt-image: 'deactiveImage';

 Moreover, If you wish to directly use an image ( img/img) instead of a
 background css image, you can do :

  g:Image resource=activeImage /
  g:Image resource=deactiveImage /

 2010/8/6 Andrew Hughes

 Hi Guys,

 I can't find any doco, so help would be great! I want to set some
 background gwt-image's inside my ui.xml's ui:style

 Easiest way to ask my question is to show you what is not working :)

  *ui:image field=activeImage resource=active.png/*
 * **ui:image field=deactiveImage resource=active.png/*
 ui:style type=com.acme.Style

 *...@sprite .active {*
 *width: value('activeImage.getWidth','px');*
 *height: value('activeImage.getHeight','px');*
 *gwt-image: 'activeImage';*

  *   @sprite .deactive {*
 *width: value('deactiveImage.getWidth','px');*
 *height: value('deactiveImage.getHeight','px');*
 *gwt-image: 'deactiveImage';*

g:HTMLPanel ui:field=active addStyleNames={style.deactive}/


1. I'm trying to avoid external css files here and do it all in the
ui.xml, perhaps this is not possible
2. How are ui:image resource's defined/referenced? What are the
rules on the resource=
3. How is the ui:image field associated with the @sprite? Do I have
this right
4. How can I get the width/height of the image (as described here


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Re: Compiled scripts VS development

2010-07-13 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
Yes, they run faster when compiled since there is no need for eclipse to be
connected to the browser plugin and to handle all events (for communication
with eclipse)

2010/7/13 guandalino

 Hello, am I wrong thinking that scripts run faster once that are
 compiled and deployed than when they are served by Jetty during


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Re: User management in GWT

2010-07-02 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
What is the problem with Shiro ? I am using it for security management with
my application and we did not have encountered any problem with its
integration. It was only few lines of code :

public void login(String username, String password) {
  Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
  if (!currentUser.isAuthenticated()) {
 UserIdPasswordToken token = new UserIdPasswordToken(username, password);

Then, I use some annotation binded with guice on server side :


And I've got a filter that catch all Shiro Exceptions and transforms them to
a gwt client understandable exception. Then, as soon as a Security
Exception is sent on the client, I redirect user on a login popup.

I did not tried Acegi because I prefered to use guice on server side than

2010/7/2 Jim

 Hi M.

I'm also here checking out GWT and I believe I
 may have tested something that may help you.

 I think it was while I was running some of the examples
 in the GWT section of What's Coming in 2.1 using the
 MVP Framework.

 In this section there's a link to  Spring Roo

 It's a bit of work, but after setting everything up there's a
 Roo demo application there that has a simple login to demonstrate the
 security features of the Spring Roo Framework.  If you are
 familiar with Ruby on Rails, it seems to me that Spring Roo has
 the same powerful funcionality ... and I love the way they use the
 console and simple commands to generate the framework, and also,
 what they call 'entities'.  All this, of course, done in Java code.

 Perhaps you can ask for more info at their site.  It's been awhile
 since I ran the demos ... but I'm pretty sure this is what you're
 looking for.

 Hope this helps.

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Re: Browser specific styles with UIBinder

2010-02-02 Thread Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
Did you try with conditional css preprocessor ?

In my opinion, this is the best way to inserts some css code specific to a
platform. This is done at compilation time, so CSS generated for IE is not
same as the Firefox one. Only css specific to the target platform will be
transfered :

2010/2/3 Julia


 I have got some html/css templates that include browser specific css
 in static html pages:

 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all href=css/
 main.css /
 !--[if lte IE 8]
  link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all href=css/
 ie8.css /

 What is the best way to include browser specific styles in the
 UIBinder's .ui.xml file?

 Thanks a lot for your help!

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