Suggestions for improving GWT group

2008-12-14 Thread Not Ken Shabby

I would find this group more useful and would participate more if
there were "sub-groups" of some kind. I see similar "newbie" questions
over and over again, or questions about the same topic repeated many
times. Searching is NOT a solution. Searching might be OK, if you are
just looking for the answer to a problem and you hope someone else has
already expressed the problem in the same way that you would and it
has been answered, BUT ... if I am browsing through looking to help by
answering a few questions, I don't want to wade through the same stuff
over and over again. I also see no current way in which useful answers
are retained. So kind of categorization would be useful. ? Major
? Experience level
? Tags
? Votes

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Re: Your opinion sought: Jetty or Tomcat?

2008-11-25 Thread Not Ken Shabby

I will be using TOMCAT as the target server for the foreseeable

My concern with switching to JETTY within the development environment
is that bugs / issues with the interaction of GWT and TOMCAT may not
be seen / address as quickly as they might otherwise be.

There may also be some "psychological / political" effect --- "oh, GWT
is something that works with Jetty, it used to work with Tomcat but
they changed it"

On Oct 20, 10:46 am, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Manuel Carrasco wrote:The most annoying issue with GWT is performance in 
> development mode. I mean, compiling, startng hosted mode and running GWT Unit 
> tests. So any action that improves these is welcome.
> So my vote if for jetty
> +1
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Re: how to redirect to another EntryPoint class

2008-11-24 Thread Not Ken Shabby

The following code was 'hand extracted and modified" from a project I
am working on. Therefore there maybe typos.
There are also references / usages of classes not shown here, but you
do not need them.

The basic flow is:
1. In your class which implements "EntryPoint" create an instance of a
Logon panel class (of your own design) --- here mine is called
2. Pass a reference to the Entry Point class ("this") to the Logon
Panel class --- so that later you can call back into this class
2. Add the logon panel to the "RootPanel"
3. In the constructor of the Logon Panel - create the necessary UI
components to display a logon message and places to enter UserId and
4. Call your server code to verify the UserId and Password --- onSucess
() should call back a method in the Entry Point class
--- (here "loggedOn() ) which then removes the Logon Panel from
the Root Panel and replaces it with the main application screen.

I hope this helps.



== :

public class MyEntryPoint implements EntryPoint
MyMainScreen screen;
MyLogonPanel logon;

public void onModuleLoad()
logon = new MyLogonPanel(this);

public void loggedOn(MyLogonResult result)
screen = new MyMainScreen(result);

public final class MyLogonPanel extends VerticalPanel
final TextBox userIdTB = new TextBox();
final PasswordTextBox passwordTB = new PasswordTextBox();
final Label message = new Label("Please enter userid and
final MyEntryPoint entryPoint;
final VerticalPanel logonBox;

MyLogonPanel(MyEntryPoint entryPoint)
this.entryPoint = entryPoint;
HorizontalPanel hp1 = new HorizontalPanel();
HorizontalPanel hp2 = new HorizontalPanel();

hp1.add(new Label("UserId:"));

hp2.add(new Label("Password:"));

Button logonB = new Button("Logon");
logonB.addClickListener(new LogonClickListener());
logonBox = this;

private class LogonClickListener implements ClickListener
public void onClick(Widget sender)
message.setText("--trying to logon--");
MyRemoteServiceAsync call = MyRemoteService.App.getInstance

UserId userId = new UserId(userIdTB.getText());
PassWord password = new PassWord(passwordTB.getText());
LogonCredentials logonCredentials = new LogonCredentials
(userId, password);
call.logon(logonCredentials, new LogonCallback());

private class LogonCallback implements AsyncCallback
public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
logonBox.add(new Label("failure of LOGON callback"));
logonBox.add(new Label(caught.toString()));
logonBox.add(new Label("--END--"));

public void onSuccess(Object obj)
System.out.println("LOGON callback - onSuccess");
MyLogonResult result = (MyLogonResult) obj;

if (result.logonFailed())



On Nov 24, 4:56 am, rajasekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to redirect to home page.because the problem without
> redirecting is when I refresh the home page it is going to login page
> again .Please let me know how to handle this.
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Re: how to redirect to another EntryPoint class

2008-11-21 Thread Not Ken Shabby

Why would you want to do this?
After login -in your onSucess() just replace your login component with
you main application component and go from there, there is no need to

On Nov 21, 8:36 am, rajasekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>               how to redirect to another EntryPoint class in GWT.I
> have a login page (home page),after login it is coming to onSuccess
> function,but how to redirect to the another EntryPoint class.I am
> using, "_self", "") it is working in hosted mode and
> web mode and not working in Tomcat.Please let me know the solution for
> this.
> Regards,
> Rajasekhar

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