RequestFactory, frozen autobeans, and MVP

2015-11-18 Thread Steve C
I'm trying to convert an app from using plain JSON to using 
RequestFactory.  The app has a view and presenter.  So, I use the 
RequestFactory to get Contact instances, and pass them on the view to 
edit.  But, the editing runs into an issue with the AutoBean being frozen.  
Without MVP, I would just open a request, invoke edit and pass the bean, 
and be done.  But, it doesn't seem right to now do that in the view.  And, 
I have an issue with holding a request open just to enable editing the 
bean, when it's conceivable that the user will bail out and not end up 
saving their changes.

So, what would the best flow be for this situation?

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Re: How to figure out HTMLPanel rendering is complete

2014-10-21 Thread Steve C
I think there are three things that need to happen each time you get more 
content, at least two of which are asynchronous:

1. your ajax call to get content, asynchronous
2. when you place received HTML code into document, browser will start to 
render HTML, but without the images yet.  I believe that if you run the 
deferred command as suggested just after setting the HTML content into the 
panel, it will run when the HTML is fully rendered, but w/o any images in 
3. browser will start to load referenced images (from img tags src 
attributes) and other items with src, possibly in parallel with the 
rendering of the HTML

If you really don't want to start loading any new content until the HTML 
and images are fully loaded, then you would need some mechanism to know 
when all the images are complete.  You might actually want to still use a 
deferred command at this point, since the point in time where images are 
loaded is probably earlier than the point where they are actually rendered.

You can help out the process if you control the incoming HTML, by using 
height and width attributes in the img tags.  That way the placeholders 
will be sized immediately, and you wouldn't have to wait until they have 
loaded. Unfortunately, I believe that this gets in the way of responsive 
design, since it prevents a max-width css rule from working correctly.

On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 9:13:22 AM UTC-4, sch wrote:

 Thanks for the reply. Since we do NOT want to make a server call until the 
 rendering is complete I am not sure if scheduleDeferred would help. Please 
 correct if I am wrong.

 On Saturday, 18 October 2014 00:42:44 UTC+5:30, Raphael Garnier wrote:


 Maybe you could use scheduleDeferred of Scheduler to run code when the 
 DOM is done.


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Re: CellTable - How to programmatically start editing a cell.

2014-10-17 Thread Steve C
Found this old thread, and thought it worth commenting.

I took a variant of Ralf's approach in an effort to get tabbing/enter key 
movement to the next cell.  In my recreation of EditTextCell, I revised the 
commit method:

   private void commit(Context context, final Element parent, ViewData 
 ValueUpdaterString valueUpdater)
  String value = updateViewData(parent, viewData, false);
  setValue(context, parent, viewData.getOriginal());
  if (valueUpdater != null)
  Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() {
 public void execute()
NativeEvent clickEvent = Document.get().createClickEvent(1, 0, 
0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false);
Element td = parent.getParentElement();
Element nextTd = td.getNextSiblingElement();
   if (nextTd != null){

It seems to work, and has the benefit that I don't need to extend or 
rewrite every possible editable cell type.

But, I don't know if there are any pitfalls that I've missed, other than it 
won't jump over a non-editable column to the subsequent editable column, 
and it won't jump to the next row.


On Friday, April 13, 2012 1:16:10 PM UTC-4, Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil wrote:

 Scenario is as follows:

 - CellTable with a column containing an EditTextCell.
 - Add new record to the ListDataProvider.
 - I can edit and do all the good stuff by hand to the newly added record 
 in the CellTable.


 - Programmatically call a starttEdit on say the first cell of the newly 
 created row/record.

 My investigation results:

 After going through the code and investigating, all roads seem to point to 
 ViewData in EditTextCell. Specifically, ViewData in EditTextCell has 
 setEditing(boolean) which should do the trick. However, ViewData has 
 package access.

 Before I go and start to override, copy/paste things to be able to access 
 the ViewData member I need, I figured I ask first since this seems like a 
 basic operation when adding new records to a CellTable. I am thinking that 
 I am very likely missing something.

 Any help/pointers are appreciated.



 Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil

 AOL/Yahoo/Gmail/MSN IM:  lawwton


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Re: How to figure out HTMLPanel rendering is complete

2014-10-17 Thread Steve C
I'm guessing that you're doing incremental loading - that as soon as the 
user reaches the bottom of the current content, you get more?

You could remove the scroll handler when you start to load the HTML, and 
then restore it when the HTML has been received. Or have the loading 
mechanism set a flag and unset it when done, and the scroll handler checks 
that flag before doing anything (maybe better to use an integer count, 
increment when starting load, decrement when complete, and scrolll handler 
only works when it's zero.  But, if there are images in the received 
content, they will be loading asynchronously after that, which will affect 
the size of the content.  The best* way I can think of to handle that is to 
scan the received HTML looking for img tags, and then add a native JS 
load/error handler to each one, and keep a running count.  the load handler 
would decrement the count, and, when it reaches 0, all images will be 
loaded.  You might still need a deferred command, since just because the 
image has loaded doesn't mean that the DOM has reflowed.

*Maybe the second best way.  If you used an iframe as your loader instead 
of GWT's Ajax mechanism, you could set a readystatechange handler.  
ReadyState 4 is supposed to mean that everything has been received, 
including images.  But, I don't know how well supported that is across 

On Friday, October 17, 2014 8:34:25 AM UTC-4, sch wrote:

 I am working on an application which fetches HTML content from the server 
 and displays it to the user. The content fetched from the server is a 
 complete HTML document. I have used UiBinder to specify UI for the view.

 g:HTMLPanel ui:field=mainPanel styleName=ap-mainPanel/g:HTMLPanel

 In the view I have setViewerContent(String content) method and also a 
 member panel for holding content[contentPanel]

 public void setViewerContent(String content){
 contentPanel = new HTMLPanel(content);
 contentPanel.setStyleName(ap-mainPanel ap-scrollPanel); //$NON-NLS-1$
 contentPanel.addAttachHandler(new AttachEvent.Handler() {

 public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) {
 System.out.println(-- rendering complete --);
 isRenderComplete = true;


 I add a scroll handler to the contentPanel which listens to the 
 ScrollEvent and onScroll() calls the appropriate methods to fetch content 
 from the server based on whether scroll is at the top or bottom.

 public void addScrollHandler() {
 Event.sinkEvents(contentPanel.getElement(), Event.ONSCROLL);
 contentPanel.addHandler(this, ScrollEvent.getType());}
 public void onScroll( ScrollEvent event ){
 if( HelperUtils.isScrollAtBottom( event.getSource() ) )
   System.out.println(-- Process Down scroll START--);
   isRenderComplete = false;

   System.out.println(-- Process Down scroll END--);

 if( HelperUtils.isScrollAtTop( event.getSource() ) )
   System.out.println(-- Process Up scroll START--);
   isRenderComplete = false;
   System.out.println(-- Process Up scroll END --);


 The problem I was facing was as we render the content I see calls made to 
 the server to fetch content continuously. New scroll events are being fired 
 while the content fetched from the server is being rendered. We would not 
 want this i.e while the content is being rendered we do not want the 
 ScrollEvent to be fired. I tried the above code where I have attached 
 AttachEvent.Handler() to contentPanel. A flag isRenderComplete is 
 maintained which is turned true on contentPanel attach. This flag is used 
 in the onScroll method before triggering any server call.This approach 
 seems to work. 

 But I am not sure if this is the correct one. Does anyone has any better 
 solution[s] ?If the content has images and other external stuff will they 
 be loaded before AttachEvent is fired ?

 Also since we are creating new contentPanel everytime each fetch takes the 
 scrollbar to the top. I tried to add a new HTMLPanel markerPanel with 
 couple of line breaks to the contentPanel. Then in the onAttachOrDetach() 
 of contentPanel tried to scroll to the markerPanel. This did not work.

 public void setViewerContent(String content){
 contentPanel = new HTMLPanel(content);
 markerPanel = new HTMLPanel( br br );
 contentPanel.setStyleName(ap-mainPanel ap-scrollPanel); //$NON-NLS-1$
 contentPanel.addAttachHandler(new AttachEvent.Handler() {

 public void 

Re: How to figure out HTMLPanel rendering is complete

2014-10-17 Thread Steve C

I'm guessing that you're doing incremental loading - that as soon as the 
user reaches the bottom of the current content, you get more?

You could remove the scroll handler when you start to load the HTML, and 
then restore it when the HTML has been received. Or have the loading 
mechanism set a flag and unset it when done, and the scroll handler checks 
that flag before doing anything (maybe better to use an integer count, 
increment when starting load, decrement when complete, and scrolll handler 
only works when it's zero).

But, if there are images in the received content, they will be loading 
asynchronously after that, which will affect the size of the content.  The 
best* way I can think of to handle that is to scan the received HTML 
looking for img tags, and then add a native JS load/error handler to each 
one, and keep a running count.  The load handler would decrement the count, 
and, when it reaches 0, all images will be loaded.  You might still need a 
deferred command, since just because the image has loaded doesn't mean that 
the DOM has reflowed.

*Maybe the second best way.  If you used an iframe as your loader instead 
of GWT's Ajax mechanism, you could set a readystatechange handler.  
readyState 4 is supposed to mean that everything has been received, 
including images.  But, I don't know how well supported that is across 

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Re: ie10 permutation causing browser errors? (gwt 2.6.1) really baffled here.

2014-10-04 Thread Steve C
You should try to get your hands on a real IE10.  My experience with IE11 
is that its emulation of earlier versions is far from perfect, particularly 
with the JS engine.  I've had GWT code that failed in IE11 emulating IE10, 
but worked fine in a real IE10.

On Friday, October 3, 2014 1:49:10 PM UTC-4, darkflame wrote:

 Ok, it also works if its left as Edge, but the user agent is explicitly 
 set to Internet Explorer 10
 Whatever Ie10s default user agent is (ie, not touching the settings) does 
 not work, however.
 IE is weird.

 It looks like my workaround is simple then; force it to use Ie10 mode and 
 not compatibility?
 (although Edge would be better for future proofing wouldn't it?)

 Thomas  Bertines online review show:
 Try it! You might even feel ambivalent about it :)

 On 3 October 2014 19:37, Thomas Wrobel javascript: 

 ah, ok...hmm.
 It crashes in EDGE which is selects by default.
 It works in 10 if its specifically set to that.
 It works in 9 (but other stuff is broken, which is expected)

 (This was tested using IE's emulation selector)

 Could my html markup be making IE select Edge wrongly?
 Isn't Edge supposed to be the newest it can manage?

 Thomas  Bertines online review show:
 Try it! You might even feel ambivalent about it :)

 On 3 October 2014 19:28, Jens javascript: wrote:

 Could it be that your IE 10 runs in compatibility mode? In that case it 
 might not support JavaScript String.replace().

 -- J.


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Re: Using datagrid.redrawRow after failed cell validation

2014-10-03 Thread Steve C
Thanks - that did the trick.  In retrospect, I should have realized that 
from the discussion of view data in the Javadocs.

On Thursday, October 2, 2014 3:22:28 PM UTC-4, Jens wrote:

 Don't you want to clearViewData() in the catch block so you clear the 
 pending change if the parser throws an exception? e.g.

 public void update(final int index, R item, String value) {
 try {
 double doubleValue = 0.0;
 if (value != null  !value.isEmpty()) {
 doubleValue = MyFormat.PARSER.parse(value);
 } catch(Exception e) {
 // parser does not like value, so reset pending change

 -- J.

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Using datagrid.redrawRow after failed cell validation

2014-10-02 Thread Steve C
I'm updating a double value in a datagrid to using a custom parser on an 
EditTextCell.  If the parser throws an error, then I'm trying to put the 
original value back by redrawing the row.  But, the erroneous value stays 
in place.  Stepping through the code, I do see it going through 
HasDataPresenter's setRowData method, and even see the original value in 
the row object.  But, that value doesn't get drawn.

If I now click on the cell again, then click away without editing, then the 
original value does get written into the cell.  That led me to try a 
deferred command, which didn't work, hence code below with a ridiculous 
delay before redrawing (which, needless to say, also doesn't work).

If it makes any difference, I'm using a SingleSelectionModel.

Am I doing something wrong here?  Or is there a better way to check the 
values as they're being entered?

  public void update(final int index, R item, String value)
 double doubleValue = 0.0;
 boolean needsRedraw = false;
 if (value != null  !value.isEmpty())
 doubleValue = MyFormat.PARSER.parse(value);
 needsRedraw = true;  // added
 catch(Exception e)
needsRedraw = true;
 if (needsRedraw)
Scheduler.RepeatingCommand() {
   public boolean execute() {
  return false;
}, 1000);


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Re: extend UiBinder engine

2014-06-03 Thread Steve C
That's what I figured :)

On Tuesday, June 3, 2014 4:22:57 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 What I meant is that the factory you give to UiBinder would work the same 
 as a @UiFactory in your class: no need for a @UiField/ui:field; if you have 
 a foo:MyWidget/ in your ui.xml, whether it has a ui:field or not, it'll 
 be created by the factory. My proposal was just to be able to move 
 @UiFactory methods into a class that could be shared by several UiBinder 
 instances; i.e. exactly what you asked for ;-)
 I should have answered: “you're right, it's not possible, but I proposed 
 the exact same thing in issue 6151” ;-)

I've been contemplating other avenues of UI generation, like HTMLPanel.  
I've tried using a JSP to generate a block of HTML dynamically, usually 
including looping, and retrieve that using RequestBuilder, and putting that 
into an HTMLPanel.  The only difficult part is managing the id's of various 
elements.  And of course, having half the code in src, and the other half 
under war - but I could use a generator class under src to get around that.

It seems that a dynamic version of UiBinder or UiRenderer would be 
possible, since GWT has client runtime XML processing capabilities.  And 
the set of available tags could be expanded to include some analogs to the 
JSP core tags, like c:forEach.  The Java class would have to be created in 
advance, so either there would need to be fields for all possible widgets, 
with nulls legal, or the widgets could be entries in a map instead of class 
properties.  Widgets resulting from a loop would be in an array or List.  
Maybe someday in my copious free time, I'll play around with that.

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java.util.Date emulation Year 00 issue

2014-06-03 Thread Steve C
If I use a with my own pattern, 
like -MM-dd, I run into the situation described in the Javadocs under 
Additional Parsing Considerations if the user enters a two digit year 00 
(most likely intending it to be the year 2000).

The following code:

  DateTimeFormat fmt = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(-MM-dd);
  Date d = fmt.parse(00-01-01);
  System.out.println(d +  getYear:  + d.getYear() +  getTime:  + 
  long d1 = d.getTime();
  d = fmt.parse(01-01-01);
  System.out.println(d +  getYear:  + d.getYear() +  getTime:  + 
  long d2 = d.getTime();
  long diff = d2 - d1;

Results in:

Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 1 getYear: -1899 getTime: -6216737400
Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 1 getYear: -1899 getTime: -6213575160

So, I believe that internally the date is on the right year, since the two 
dates are different by 366 days (apparently year 0 was a leap year), but 
when getting the year from it, it adjusts year 0 to 1.

This is messing up logic I have with a custom extension of DateTimeFormat 
to adjust how two-digit years are parsed - the first step in parse is 
super.parse(text), and then I do my own adjustment by 1900 or 2000 after 
that.  So, entries of 00 are being turned into 2001.

This is actually a Java problem, and we can get into a long metaphysical 
discussion of whether there really should be a year 0 or not, but it does 
affect parsing, and I believe that the way that DateTimeFormat handles 
two-digit years supplied to a  pattern brings it to the forefront.  
So, the question is, should GWT's Date emulation be faithful to its Java 
equivalent, or behave in a manner consistent with DateTimeFormat?

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Re: extend UiBinder engine

2014-06-02 Thread Steve C
For those us that might encounter this need for somewhat simple situations, 
why not use a @UiFactory?  That provides a reasonably clean solution that 
separates the security aspects.

Provide a parameter like roles to the create method, which could parse a 
comma-separated list of roles in a string to determine whether to show or 

g:TextBox addStyleNames=test ui:field=txtA 
g:TextBox addStyleNames=test ui:field=txtB roles=guest/

public TextBox create(String roles) {
TextBox txtBox = new TextBox();
return txtBox;

Roles would know the current user role(s) and determine if one of the roles 
in the user matches one of the valid roles for the widget.

It would be nice if the UiFactory methods could somehow be separated out 
into their own class for reuse, but I don't think that's possible.

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Re: extend UiBinder engine

2014-06-02 Thread Steve C
Yeah, that would be useful.

I'm kind of curious about the part: I'd like to see something a bit more 
advanced where you don't need to declare the @UiFields.  I may be 
misinterpreting that, since I don't see how you could use the Java class 
without the fields.  Or you just talking about assuming the presence of the 
annotation, since the Java field names have to match the ui:field 
attributes in the xml anyway?

On Monday, June 2, 2014 12:21:33 PM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Monday, June 2, 2014 3:32:41 PM UTC+2, Steve C wrote:

 It would be nice if the UiFactory methods could somehow be separated out 
 into their own class for reuse, but I don't think that's possible.

 Cf. the discussion in 

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Re: ListBox how set selected item by value

2014-05-30 Thread Steve C
One of the first things I ever put into my personal utility classes module 
was an extension of ListBox to have setValue(String) and getValue(String) 

Or, you could use ValueListBox instead of ListBox, but it's kind of a pain 
to work with due to the need for a Renderer.  (But, it does allow the use 
of object values, not just Strings).

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 5:58:48 AM UTC-4, Ivano Vingiani wrote:

 Create a Widget that extends (or wrap) ListBox that implements 

 On Wednesday, May 20, 2009 8:32:22 AM UTC+1, zeroonea wrote:

 when i load data to form to edit, how i set selected item in listbox 
 by value

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Re: Override html styles with css resource

2014-05-15 Thread Steve C
I have no idea why that would be the case.  Most non-GWT mobile web 
development makes heavy use of CSS media queries, which, unless there's 
been a change I missed, can't be used in CssResource.

On Wednesday, May 7, 2014 5:16:27 AM UTC-4, Dominic Warzok wrote:


 as the gwt documentaion says the common way to apply styles is to use css 

 Now I try to implement cssresoures to my webapp. But I don't find an 
 example how to override standard html attributes. 

 For example I want to style a link. In normal CSS I use: 

 color: xxx;

 color: anotherColor;

 Is this possible in CSS Resources ? 

 Thanks in advance ;) 

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empty table widget size and reuse

2014-05-14 Thread Steve C
I'd like to have an empty table widget in a DataGrid, which would cover the 
entire width and height of the table area. Basically, I'd like to just have 
a vertically and horizontally centered label.

Right now I can only get one that occupies the minimum area it needs based 
on it's content size, or I could fix a size in px.  But, trying to set the 
size to 100% for width and/or height has no effect, because it gets put 
inside a table that I believe I have no code access to.  And that table has 
no sizing specified. Is there a way to do this?

Question 2: I'd also like to have just one of these, to use across multiple 
grids.  But, assigning the same widget instance to all my grids doesn't 
work - I don't see it.   I suspect that it would show up for the last grid 
I added it to, if I can figure out which one that is.  It seems that the 
grid widget could store the reference and reattach it each time it's 
needed, allowing one single instance to be reused.

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Re: Override html styles with css resource

2014-05-14 Thread Steve C
I wouldn't say that the recommended way to create CSS is to use 
CssResource.  If I just want to create general styling, there's nothing 
wrong with the CSS-file-in-the-war-directory approach.

Keep in mind that using a CssResource will require a full recompile if you 
change anything, while just changing the linked CSS file in the war 
directory won't.

On Wednesday, May 7, 2014 5:16:27 AM UTC-4, Dominic Warzok wrote:


 as the gwt documentaion says the common way to apply styles is to use css 

 Now I try to implement cssresoures to my webapp. But I don't find an 
 example how to override standard html attributes. 

 For example I want to style a link. In normal CSS I use: 

 color: xxx;

 color: anotherColor;

 Is this possible in CSS Resources ? 

 Thanks in advance ;) 

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Datagrid cell navigation by tabbing

2014-03-27 Thread Steve C
Is anyone else interested enough in being able to navigate within a 
DataGrid by tabbing that I should raise it as an issue?

I see in classes like EditTextCell that the templates assign a tabindex of 
-1, so this behavior seems unavailable by design, and I fear that the code 
to achieve it might be pretty horrendous.  But, this is one situation where 
behaves like Access would be nice.

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Inline style vs class for cell renderer

2014-03-25 Thread Steve C
I'm wondering if anyone has done any efficiency testing on using inline 
styles vs class in cell renderers.  Right now I'm using a template with two 

  @Template(div style='text-align:right'{0}/div)
  public SafeHtml valid(String value);

  @Template(div style='text-align:right' class='{1}'{0}/div)
  public SafeHtml invalid(String value, String invalidStyle);

I used an inline style for the text-alignment, but it occurred to me that I 
could use a class for that instead if it would be rendered more efficiently 
by the browser. Has anyone tried comparing the two approaches?

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Re: Is there any chance to fix this issue in upcoming 2.6.1?

2014-03-25 Thread Steve C
Any chance we can retitle this so we all know what it's about?  :)

On Monday, March 24, 2014 3:42:38 PM UTC-4, Slava Pankov wrote:

 I've found nasty bug when using ui:import in UiBinder template. 
 Looks like the solution is very simple/tiny change in, 
 is it possible to include it to upcoming GWT 2.6.1?

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Re: DataGrid on a hidden tab

2014-03-23 Thread Steve C
I'm still seeing this issue using GWT2.6.0.

For the tab that was visible when the grids were drawn, I see this 

div class=gwt-TabLayoutPanelContent style=position: absolute; left: 
0px; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px;
  div class=GPBYFDEIH style=position: relative; overflow: hidden; 
height: 100%; __gwtcellbasedwidgetimpldispatchingfocus=true 
div style=position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 100%; top: 0px; 
min-width: 20px; min-height: 20px; overflow: hidden;/div
div style=position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 100%; bottom: 0px; 
min-width: 20px; min-height: 20px; overflow: hidden;/div
div style=position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 100%; overflow: 
hidden; top: 25px; height: 77px;

For a tab that wasn't visible when the grids were drawn, I see this:

div class=gwt-TabLayoutPanelContent style=position: absolute; left: 
0px; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px;
  div class=GPBYFDEIH style=position: relative; overflow: hidden; 
height: 100%; __gwtcellbasedwidgetimpldispatchingfocus=true 
div style=position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 100%; top: 0px; 
min-width: 20px; min-height: 20px; overflow: hidden;/div
div style=position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 100%; bottom: 0px; 
min-width: 20px; min-height: 20px; overflow: hidden;/div
div style=position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 100%; overflow: 
hidden; top: 0px; height: 0px;

The last div shown, which is what eventually holds the table, has top 0 and 
height 0 if the tab wasn't visible when the grid was drawn.

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Re: Custom widget with custom UiBinder markup

2014-03-04 Thread Steve C
Some additional questions in the absence of a full dev guide:

1. What about a class that extends TabLayoutPanel?  I can write and 
annotate a method addTab(Widget w) in order to use the xxx:tab child 
instead of g:tab, but what about the grandchild g:header that the 
g:tab could have had?

2. Can the first parameter to the annotated method be a subclass of Widget 
to restrict the possible types?


On Friday, February 3, 2012 12:44:00 PM UTC-5, Paul Stockley wrote:

 Add two methods

 public void addLeft(Widget w) {...}

 public void addRight(Widget w) {..}

 Then make sure you widget implements HasWidgets or similar.

 In your uibinder you can now use

 custom:mywidget ui:field=widget 

 custom:left!-your widgetcustom:/left  

 custom:right!-your widgetcustom:/right 
 !- your widget

 !- your widget
 !- your widget 


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Re: SplitLayoutPanel particulars

2014-03-04 Thread Steve C
AFAIK, there is no way to disable a splitter in SplitLayoutPanel.  But, you 
can use a plain LayoutPanel as the container, and its children would be the 
original right side widget, and the left side as a SplitLayoutPanel with 
just two pieces (probably West and Center).  So, the former East part 
wouldn't be in the SplitLayoutPanel any more, it would be in the container 

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:24:26 PM UTC-5, Blake wrote:


 As sort of a pseudo continuation of my last email, I switched to a 
 SplitLayoutPanel.  That gave me everything I was looking for and a movable 
 partition to boot.  I do experience two new problems that I haven't found a 
 solution for.  I really appreciate the help.  The two problems I am having 

 1.  There is a user adjustable splitter in the middle of the two halves. 
  This is perfect.  The problem is that I also have a user adjustable 
 splitter at the far right too.  I do not want that.  How can I get rid of 

 2.  Related to item 1, the SplitLayoutPanel fills up the browser window as 
 I want.  However, when the browser window is resized the SplitLayoutPanel 
 auto-resizes vertically as I want but does not auto-resize horizontally. 
  (Probably the reason for the far right splitter!)  So, I want no far right 
 splitter, and I want the SplitLayoutPanel to auto-resize both vertically 
 and horizontally.

 My code looks like this:

Widget leftBottom = ...;
 Widget leftTop = ...;
 Widget rightBottom = ...;
 Widget rightTop = ...;

 SplitLayoutPanel layout = new SplitLayoutPanel();
 int totalWidth = RootLayoutPanel.get().getOffsetWidth() - 
 layout.getSplitterSize() * 2;

 DockLayoutPanel dlp1 = new DockLayoutPanel(Style.Unit.PT);
 dlp1.addSouth(leftBottom, 35);
 layout.addWest(dlp1, totalWidth/2);

 DockLayoutPanel dlp2 = new DockLayoutPanel(Style.Unit.PT);
 dlp2.addSouth(rightBottom, 35);
 layout.addWest(dlp2, totalWidth/2);

 I go for long periods of time developing just fine but run into problems 
 every time I try something new.  Your help is really appreciated.


 Blake McBride

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Latest Google Eclipse update has hosed my Eclipse

2013-12-29 Thread Steve C
I just updated my Google plugin for Eclipse, per a notification that popped 
up this morning.

My current project now shows a lot of errors, and several error dialogs pop 
up when I try to open an existing GWT project workspace.  Java editors and 
some other panes, like the class outline, just show big red X's.

The errors I get are JVM version is 1.0.0; version 1.7.0 or later is 
needed to run Google Plugin for Eclipse.

I can't pull up most of the Google-related properties, either.  They show 
an error popup the first time I go to use them, and then just an error 
message in the panel after that.

I tried pointing Eclipse to my JRE1.7, but that didn't help.  I really hope 
that I don't need to set 1.7 as the Java version for GWT projects now, 
since several current projects are tied to 1.6,and changing that is not in 
my control.

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Re: Latest Google Eclipse update has hosed my Eclipse

2013-12-29 Thread Steve C
After my initial post, I had gone to Eclipse docs and per them had put in:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\jre\bin\javaw.exe

just above the --vmargs line, but that didn't help. I also tried:


which has worked with system paths, but still no luck.

But, taking a closer look at your post, I see that I had --vm, and it 
should have been just one dash: -vm

All is good now :)

On Sunday, December 29, 2013 2:33:57 PM UTC-5, Jens wrote:

 You can try to start Eclipse using Java7 instead of Java6:

 Open eclipse.ini and add (path is Mac OS specific, so change as needed):



 The Google Plugin itself requires Java7, so Eclipse should be executed 
 under Java7. The Java Version of your projects should be irrelevant.

 -- J.

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Re: Firing a ChangeEvent from a widget that wouldn't natively fire one

2013-12-14 Thread Steve C

Thanks for the comments ... See below

On Saturday, December 14, 2013 8:42:06 AM UTC-5, Jens wrote:

 Is there any reason to be concerned about firing a ChangeEvent from a 
 composite based on a FlowPanel?

 I'm trying to track user edits within a form, in order to set a dirty 
 data flag.  Sometimes the form has subforms, each of which has it's own 
 data dirty tracking.  Basically, I'm handling ChangeEvents and 
 ValueChangeEvents within the subform, and when those occur, I'm firing a 
 ChangeEvent from the subform.  It all seems to work, but I have a vague 
 discomfort with it, knowing that things like textboxes and selects natively 
 fire change events, but div tags don't.  Is all the event management 
 related to manually fired change events done entirely in GWT? 

 Not sure if that has any bad consequences but I would guess it does not. 
 Maybe some old IE's have bugs regarding event bubble'ing for change events.

That was one of my main concerns.  It works in IE10s emulation of IE8, but 
I've found that that emulation is far from perfect.  Some things work in it 
that don't work in a real IE8.  Fortunately, I'm not concerned with earlier 

 However, as dirty tracking is a logical thing I would fire a logical event 
 and not a DOM event. I think I would have created a 
 DirtyEvent/FormEditedEvent + Handler. Alternatively you could also create 
 an interface DirtyTracker that has some methods like 
 setDirty(Form/IsWidget) and have the top most class that controls your form 
 hierarchy handle the dirtiness of all forms (you would pass the 
 DirtyTracker down the Form hierarchy, and each form would call 
 setDirty(this) if it detects that it is dirty).

I'm actually going to fire an event like that from the panel containing all 
the widgets, but need to know when to do that.  And, what I'm writing is a 
sort of framework to simplify things for folks writing the view classes, so 
the abstract base view has:

   protected void setChangeHandler(HasChangeHandlers ... widgets)
  for (HasChangeHandlers widget : widgets)

and they can just pass it a list of widgets

I may end up switching that to use ValueChangeHandlers instead, since 
 almost every data widget fires them.  But, ListBox doesn't implement 
 HasValueChangeHandlers, because it has no concept of value.  But, I already 
 extend ListBox to give it setValue and getValue for strings, so I can fire 
 a ValueChangeEventString.  But, where that leaves me uncomfortable is 
 that I don't consider that my subforms' overall concept of a value have 
 changed, If they did, then I'd have to grab the value of the bean every 
 time one field changed in order to supply a value with the event, or turn 
 the change handling off after the first invocation makes it dirty, and then 
 turn it back on again if the form is reset, or newly populated.  Or, I'd 
 have to implement firing the data dirty event from the subforms as well, 
 which might be the best way to go.  But, then the subforms in the main view 
 need to be treated separately from the plain widgets, so I'd need two 
 methods like the above, and users would have to invoke both, separating 
 their components into widgets vs subforms.

I also tried writing an overload of the above method using 
HasValueChangeHandlers ..., but that isn't distinguishable from the first 
version, according to the compiler.

I suppose another approach would be to use Widget ..., and then test what 
the item is an instanceof.  But then what to do if an item isn't either one 
- ignore it, or throw an exception?

This is one place where it would be nice to have mixins - so I could just 
add some more logic to things like ValueBoxBase to fire my own custom value.

 As an aside, it's a little weird that ListBox fires ChangeEvent, and not 
 ValueChangeEvent, while ValueListBox fires ValueChangeEvent but not 
 ChangeEvent, given that they're both based on select tags.

 They serve different purpose. ListBox is the direct wrapper of the select 
 tag while ValueListBox works on a higher level as it can deal with any kind 
 of values not just strings. The fact that ValueListBox uses a ListBox 
 internally is an implementation detail.

I can see that, I guess what baffles me is why ListBox doesn't fire 
ValueChangeEventString, or ValueChangeEventInteger

And, on a related note, it seems weird to me that many of the ValueBoxBase 
classes don't have a primary style, so that, for example, a TextBox looks 
different than an IntegerBox 

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Firing a ChangeEvent from a widget that wouldn't natively fire one

2013-12-13 Thread Steve C
Is there any reason to be concerned about firing a ChangeEvent from a 
composite based on a FlowPanel?

I'm trying to track user edits within a form, in order to set a dirty data 
flag.  Sometimes the form has subforms, each of which has it's own data 
dirty tracking.  Basically, I'm handling ChangeEvents and ValueChangeEvents 
within the subform, and when those occur, I'm firing a ChangeEvent from the 
subform.  It all seems to work, but I have a vague discomfort with it, 
knowing that things like textboxes and selects natively fire change events, 
but div tags don't.  Is all the event management related to manually fired 
change events done entirely in GWT? 

As an aside, it's a little weird that ListBox fires ChangeEvent, and not 
ValueChangeEvent, while ValueListBox fires ValueChangeEvent but not 
ChangeEvent, given that they're both based on select tags.

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ListBox and default selection

2013-11-23 Thread Steve C
In plain old HTML, I can create a select tag, and specify one option as 
selected, so that it comes up as the selection by default, or gets selected 
if the user resets the form.

GWT doesn't appear to offer this capability - I don't see anything like 
setDefaultSelectedIndex(int index), or addItem(String itemText, boolean 
defaultSelected).  Is this an oversight, or something that was done 

The situation I'd like to use it for is a set of enumerated column values 
from a DB, to be listed in alphabetical order, but where the default value 
isn't the first.  As it stands now, I'm going to have to keep track of the 
proper index to select when the form is cleared, as opposed to getting it 
done once when I initially set up the form.

Hmm, that being said, it seems like there's no reset capability anyway - a 
ResetButton apparently belongs only in a FormPanel, and there's no reset 
method in ListBox. I suspect that I'm going to have to extend ListBox to 
provide a way to set a default selected index AND a reset capability. So, 
this turned into more of a rant than a question, but I'd still be 
interested in hearing if there was a specific reason those capabilities 
were left out, or if my anticipated extensions are a bad idea for some 
reason I haven't thought of.

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Re: Changing css without recompiling

2013-11-20 Thread Steve C
There are a number of different tricks you can use for dynamic styling.

Because the StyleInjector is going to append to the head section, any style 
tags it injects will come after any existing content.  One simple way to 
get your styles to override later appearing ones  is to give the body tag 
an id, and then include that id in your rules. The resulting rule will have 
higher priority/precedence.  Like: body#myid .gwt-Label { ... }

You can use RequestBuilder to retrieve the CSS file via Ajax, then inject 
the resulting string using the StyleInjector.

If your changes are just things like colors and background-image urls, and 
there aren't too many, you can write a class with static get methods to 
retrieve various values, like a color or url string. Populate the static 
fields backing those methods before injecting your CSS resource, and use 
things like @eval in the resource to retrieve the values within a rule.

If you actually want to replace CSS at runtime - to reskin for some reason, 
the only way I can think of to do that would be to manually create your own 
style element, and set it's inner HTML to the contents of an Ajax-retrieved 
CSS file. To change the styling, retrieve the alternate CSS file, and 
overwrite the contents of your style tag.  (I suppose it could be populated 
in the initial HTML, but given an id so you can access it later to replace 
the rules.)

On Saturday, November 9, 2013 2:27:03 AM UTC-5, Aleks wrote:

 Hi all,

 My problem is  related to this blog post -

 Namely, I have a gwt app, using UIBinder that I wish to be able to style 
 without recompiling. I have a 'default' style that is defined in a css in 
 the src packages and included in all the *.ui.xml templates via the 
 ui:style src=.../ tag.

 Now I wish to be able to change the default style at runtime, but without 
 recompiling. The link above suggests this is possible, and my understanding 
 is also that they have default styles in the ui.xml files and then they 
 override it in the static stylesheet included by the host html.

 I've tried this, deployed my app (in dev mode) with the following 

 - the uibinder templates all reference a css file in a src package via the 
 ui:style src=.../ tag

 - now my host.html also link's a different css where I use the same 
 selectors with different values to override the style.

 This does NOT work! The externally linked css seems to have no effect. 
 Looking at the generated html, I can see the styles from the src package 
 being obfuscated, but the linked css (when I click on the link) is as 
 normal - no obfuscation. I am guessing that is part of the problem since 
 the generated html elements definitely reference the obfuscated selector 

 Any ideas/hints on how to get this work or where I am going wrong?


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Re: Using Object in classes passed via GWT RPC

2013-11-11 Thread Steve C
I don't see what you're talking about in the error printout, but do see a 
bunch of other things.  One thing I found out the hard way is that you 
can't serialize a sublist - I have always assumed that it contains ties 
back to the original list, which would cause issues when serializing (like 
the framework would have to send the whole list anyway because of the 
back-link to it).

So, there may be other problems that are causing the initial problem, and 
then not-so-clear error messages implying something else.

Also, if I was going to have an Object field, I would type it as 
Serializable instead.

On Friday, November 8, 2013 1:37:37 PM UTC-5, James Clough wrote:

 I am trying to return the result of a calculation from an RPC call, and 
 having trouble with the GWT compiler.  Specifically, the class I am 
 returning has a field of type Object in it.  This field can contain: 
 String, Integer, Double, Long, Boolean or Date.

 If I change the Object field to type String, the compiler is happy.

 The thing that has me stumped is that I have other methods in the same RPC 
 service that return similar objects containing Object fields and these are 
 working correctly.  I also have an RPC-based event mechanism that is 
 returning event classes that contain MapString,Object and these appear to 
 work correctly.  I of course have to have another interface (a whitelist) 
 that refers to the types I want to return in the Object fields to get 
 serialization code generated for those types.

 Am I doing something wrong?  I see the documentation says I can't return 
 Object, but it's been working for a couple of years.

 Is there a better way to accomplish this?

 Here's the class of the object I'm trying to return:

 public class CalculationResult implements Serializable {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

 private Object value = null;
 private PropertyType type;
 private ListLocalizedMessage errors;
  public CalculationResult() {
  public Object getValue() {
 return value;
 public void setValue(Object value) {
 this.value = value;
  public PropertyType getType() {
 return type;
 public void setType(PropertyType type) {
 this.type = type;
  public ListLocalizedMessage getErrors() {
 if( this.errors == null ) {
 this.errors = new ArrayListLocalizedMessage();
 return this.errors;
 public void setErrors(ListLocalizedMessage errors) {
 this.errors = errors;


 PropertyType is a simple enum.
 LocalizedMessage is a serializable class containing only String and 
 ListString fields and is used extensively in other RPC calls.

 When I compile my project with GWTC, I get the following:

  [java] Compiling module com.XX.XXx
  [java]Computing all possible rebind results for 
  [java]   Rebinding com.XX.gwt.ui.client.rpc.PMRPCService
  [java]  Invoking generator
  [java] Generating client proxy for remote service 
 interface 'com.XX.gwt.ui.client.rpc.PMRPCService'
  [java]Checking type argument 0 of type 
 'java.util.Arrays.ArrayListE' because it is exposed as an array with a 
 maximum dimension
  of 1 in this type or one of its subtypes (reached via com.XX
  [java][ERROR], E is not 
 default instantiable (it must have a zero-argu
 ment constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom serializer. 
 (reached via com.XX.core.resources.calculation.CalculationResult)
  [java][ERROR] is not 
 default instantiable (it must have a zero-a
 rgument constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom 
 serializer. (reached via com.XX
  [java][ERROR] is not 
 default instantiable (it must have a zero-ar
 gument constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom 
 serializer. (reached via com.XX
  [java][ERROR] is not 
 default instantiable (it must have a zero-ar
 gument constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom 
 serializer. (reached via com.XX
  [java][ERROR] is not 
 default instantiable (it must have a zero
 -argument constructor or no constructors at all) and has no custom 
 serializer. (reached via com.XX

Re: How to wire multiple editor to same bean.

2013-11-11 Thread Steve C
My bad - had left one of the subpanel widget's Editor.Paths at  by 
mistake.  Fixed that and it worked fine.  I'm not quite sure why that 
resulted in the error that I saw, though ...

On Sunday, November 10, 2013 1:10:00 PM UTC-5, Steve C wrote:

 In trying Daniel's approach, I have a primary view class CompanyView 
 implementing EditorCompany.  It has several child AddressView objects, 
 which implement EditorAddress; there are several Address fields in the 
 Company.  They get populated without my AddressView class ever invoking 
 driver.edit or driver.flush (and I don't seem to need any set or getValue 
 methods). But, that's just an aside.

 I then created a sub-editor PurchasingView also implementing 
 EditorCompany, since the related data is in single fields within Company, 
 instead of a sub-object.

 @UiField @Editor.Path()
 PurchasingView purchasingView;

 I assumed that the PurchasingView should define and GWT.create it's own 
 driver interface, and that it's constructor should initialize that driver.

 When the time comes to edit the Company in the outer view in DevMode, or 
 when I compile, I get the following error:

   Type mismatch: cannot convert from Company to String

 It refers me to some generated code, which begins with:

   public class PurchasingView__Context extends {

 And, as you might imagine, the methods it contains relate to String, not 

 I don't currently have get/setValue, but tried those as well, assuming 
 that getValue ought to return driver.flush(), and setValue(Company value) 
 ought to do driver.edit(value) - needless to say, that didn't help

 What am I missing here to get it to recognize that it should be editing a 
 Company, not a String?

 On Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12:17:06 PM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Wednesday, April 18, 2012 5:49:56 PM UTC+2, saurabh saurabh wrote:

 Hi all, 
 I don't have much experience with Editor frameworks so this question 
 may appear naive or dumb. 

 So suppose we have a big bean or proxy having a many fields. A good 
 idea in view part could be having group them under TabLayoutPanel 
 otherwise a big form on a page may not appear user friendly. 

 Patient Registration Form 

 ||Personal Details || Patient Habbits || Family History || Medical 
 History || Insurance || | 


 Here I feel comfortable to have five different UI like detailsView, 
 habbitsView and so on and having them under one composite but all of 
 'em are concerned to one Class Patient. 

 So my question is how I can wire multiple Editors to same bean, each 
 for different set of properties. 

 I don't find much on net for Editors, I guess it could be 
 CompositeEditors, but I need some help for how to do it.

 note that you can use @Path() to have a subeditor for the same object as 
 is being edited).

 Alternatively, you can use several EditorDrivers on the same object; 
 you'd just have to make sure they don't step on each others (that is, you 
 don't edit the same field in two distinct EditorDrivers). The only 
 difference is that you can edit() the object only when needed (e.g. when 
 the tab is first revealed), but you'll have to flush() all the drivers that 
 you called edit() on before saving your object, or you risk losing data 
 (not persisting changes made by the user). 

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Re: How to wire multiple editor to same bean.

2013-11-10 Thread Steve C
In trying Daniel's approach, I have a primary view class CompanyView 
implementing EditorCompany.  It has several child AddressView objects, 
which implement EditorAddress; there are several Address fields in the 
Company.  They get populated without my AddressView class ever invoking 
driver.edit or driver.flush (and I don't seem to need any set or getValue 
methods). But, that's just an aside.

I then created a sub-editor PurchasingView also implementing 
EditorCompany, since the related data is in single fields within Company, 
instead of a sub-object.

@UiField @Editor.Path()
PurchasingView purchasingView;

I assumed that the PurchasingView should define and GWT.create it's own 
driver interface, and that it's constructor should initialize that driver.

When the time comes to edit the Company in the outer view in DevMode, or 
when I compile, I get the following error:

  Type mismatch: cannot convert from Company to String

It refers me to some generated code, which begins with:

  public class PurchasingView__Context extends {

And, as you might imagine, the methods it contains relate to String, not 

I don't currently have get/setValue, but tried those as well, assuming that 
getValue ought to return driver.flush(), and setValue(Company value) ought 
to do driver.edit(value) - needless to say, that didn't help

What am I missing here to get it to recognize that it should be editing a 
Company, not a String?

On Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12:17:06 PM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Wednesday, April 18, 2012 5:49:56 PM UTC+2, saurabh saurabh wrote:

 Hi all, 
 I don't have much experience with Editor frameworks so this question 
 may appear naive or dumb. 

 So suppose we have a big bean or proxy having a many fields. A good 
 idea in view part could be having group them under TabLayoutPanel 
 otherwise a big form on a page may not appear user friendly. 

 Patient Registration Form 

 ||Personal Details || Patient Habbits || Family History || Medical 
 History || Insurance || | 


 Here I feel comfortable to have five different UI like detailsView, 
 habbitsView and so on and having them under one composite but all of 
 'em are concerned to one Class Patient. 

 So my question is how I can wire multiple Editors to same bean, each 
 for different set of properties. 

 I don't find much on net for Editors, I guess it could be 
 CompositeEditors, but I need some help for how to do it.

 note that you can use @Path() to have a subeditor for the same object as 
 is being edited).

 Alternatively, you can use several EditorDrivers on the same object; you'd 
 just have to make sure they don't step on each others (that is, you don't 
 edit the same field in two distinct EditorDrivers). The only difference is 
 that you can edit() the object only when needed (e.g. when the tab is first 
 revealed), but you'll have to flush() all the drivers that you called 
 edit() on before saving your object, or you risk losing data (not 
 persisting changes made by the user). 

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Re: Error when defining a generic Composite widget using Java Generics

2013-10-15 Thread Steve C
I think you're code to set the id is running before there is any DOM peer 
yet.  When I've needed to access a widget's element, I've usually done it 
in an attach handler, or in a method that I know won't get invoked until 
the widget has been attached to the DOM.

On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 10:12:46 AM UTC-4, Steen Lillethorup 
Frederiksen wrote:

 I am trying to create a generic Composite widget, using Java Generics. 
 However I keep getting the assertion error:

 java.lang.AssertionError: This UIObject's element is not set; you may be 
 missing a call to either Composite.initWidget() or UIObject.setElement()

 I have defined my Composite widget as follows:

 public class DataEntryDataType extends FocusWidget extends Composite {

 final protected FlowPanel panel;
 final protected InlineLabel promptLabel;
 final protected DataType inputElement;
 public DataEntry(final DataType inputField, final String guiId, final 
 String prompt) {

 promptLabel = new InlineLabel(prompt);
 inputElement = inputField;

 panel = new FlowPanel();


 And I am defining my concrete Composite widgets as follows (could be 
 TextBox, TextArea etc.):

 public class ListEntry extends DataEntryListBox {
 public ListEntry(String guiId, String prompt) {
 super(new ListBox(), guiId, prompt);

 Can anyone explain to me, what I have missed here?


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Re: Style problems with Firefox+LayoutPanel

2013-09-24 Thread Steve C

On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 7:08:42 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 12:08:20 AM UTC+2, Steve C wrote:

 Actually, I saw essentially the same view in Chrome, at least regarding 
 the height of the select. The width is a different story.

 In general, I wouldn't add individual widgets to the root layout panel, 
 I'd add panels, and put the widgets inside them.  That helps get around 
 some of the browser idiosyncrasies, particularly with select tags. It looks 
 like the RootLayoutPanel adds a div wrapper around any widget you add to 
 it, and actually applies the sizing to that. The widget you added is then 
 set to have top, bottom, left, and right all at 0 within that div.

 Note that it can be changed using setWidget{Horizontal|Vertical}Position. 

Interesting - so setting the vertical position to BEGIN actually removes 
the bottom: 0; on the select within its layer.  It's also nice that the 
Javadocs for the method point out the within its layer part.  (It would 
be even nicer if methods like setWidgetLeftWidth noted that you're actually 
setting the parameters for the layer, not for the widget itself.)

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Re: Style problems with Firefox+LayoutPanel

2013-09-23 Thread Steve C
Actually, I saw essentially the same view in Chrome, at least regarding the 
height of the select. The width is a different story.

In general, I wouldn't add individual widgets to the root layout panel, I'd 
add panels, and put the widgets inside them.  That helps get around some of 
the browser idiosyncrasies, particularly with select tags. It looks like 
the RootLayoutPanel adds a div wrapper around any widget you add to it, and 
actually applies the sizing to that. The widget you added is then set to 
have top, bottom, left, and right all at 0 within that div. FF seems to 
ignore absolute positioning using right: XX; with select tags, but if I 
explicitly set the style to change the right: 0; to width: 100%;, I get the 
expected width.

You're getting a weird behavior with the height of the select because you 
didn't set any vertical sizing parameters for it when you added it, so it's 
defaulting to top and bottom of 0.  Thus the selector part of it is huge. 
(And FF does honor the bottom: 0; setting.)

Here's a revision of your code with a comparison of adding a container:

public void onModuleLoad() {
ListBox list = new ListBox(false);

RootLayoutPanel.get().setWidgetTopHeight(list, 0, Unit.PCT, 50, 

RootLayoutPanel.get().setWidgetLeftWidth(list, 0, Unit.PCT, 50, 
list.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(100, Unit.PCT);  // closer to 
what you want

for (int i = 0; i  100; i++) {
list.addItem(item  + i);

ListBox list2 = new ListBox(false);
FlowPanel pnl = new FlowPanel();
pnl.getElement().getStyle().setBorderWidth(1, Unit.PX);
list2.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(100, Unit.PCT);
RootLayoutPanel.get().setWidgetRightWidth(pnl, 0, Unit.PCT, 50,
for (int i = 0; i  100; i++) {
list2.addItem(item  + i);


I don't think that there's any relation between this and issues you might 
be having with Canvas.

On Monday, September 16, 2013 8:29:10 AM UTC-4, vincent vigon wrote:

 ListBox has a weird behavior with fireFox (23.0.1), not with Chrome and 

 Here is my code :

 public void onModuleLoad(){  

 ListBox list= new ListBox(false);



 for (int i=0;i100;i++){

 list.addItem(item +i);



 The result is weird with FireFox : the list does not occupy 50% of the 
 width, but it occupies 100% of the height.

 It seems that the Layout Mechanism does not work on Firefox.

 It is probably a problem with Css because I have a second problem 
 (probably linked) : on firefox, all my drawing on canvas are black (no 

 Thank you for helping me


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Re: How to use different CSS/Code for different browsers/devices/os?

2013-09-18 Thread Steve C
1. The problem with GWT's conditional CSS is that it is evaluated once, at 
the time the CSS resource is processed, which means that you won't get 
runtime changes if the user changes the window size (or a mobile user 
changes the orientation).

2. The problem with media queries in the CSS is that GWT's CSS resources 
don't (as of the last time I looked) support them.

3. Another problem with media queries is that IE6-8- don't support them.

My solution has been to:

1  2: have a separate CSS resource for each media query, but without the 
query within it.  Instead, get the CSS string from the resource and wrap 
the query around it yourself, and then inject the resulting string.

3: have yet another variation of each resource, for IE6-8, where there is a 
marker class in front of every selector, like:

Base resource for @media (min-width: 400px) and (max-width: 639px):

.special { color: red; }

IE6-8 version:

@external .ie_400_639;
.ie_400_639 .special { color: red; }

Then, for IE6-8, use a window resize handler to manage adding the 
appropriate class to the html tag (and, of course, removing any outdated 
class). Run that when the entrypoint class loads as well.

Yeah, part 3 is a pain to manage - I ended up creating a Java tool to 
manually run the CSS through to create the IE versions using a horrendously 
complicated RegEx.

On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 4:12:10 PM UTC-4, Joshua Godi wrote:

 Why not try using responsive css with media queries? You can change the 
 dimensions/background-url for the images and such.

 Here is a good source for standard media queries:

 On Saturday, September 14, 2013 8:40:46 AM UTC-5, Ed wrote:

 How can I use different CSS files, and different code for different 
 Browsers or devices?

 What I want: 
 For the desktop web browser, I show all of the applications functionality 
 with images of different resolution.
 However, on a Tablet (iPad) I show the same application but with 
 different images/resolution. 
 And for the smartPhone (iPhone, Samsung S4), I show only restricted 
 application functionality with different images/resolution (different 

 How can this best be done to optimal use GWT (code splitting, code 
 minimization, etc...) ?

 My thoughts: Use different Factory classes for different 
 Browsers/devices. These factories classes will then create the required 
 Client Bundles and Controller (to modify app code)  classes.
 Then select the correct factory through GWT config files by indicating 
 the required user.agent property.

 Is this the way to go ? Or/And maybe use Mgwt and let it handle it 
 (haven't used mgwt yet)... ?
 Please your experience/advice?

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Re: Is there any way to have event handlers for a cell in a CellTable that isn't in a column?

2013-09-09 Thread Steve C
The header concept gets me a lot further down the path, and it looks like I 
can fake it out by having a Header rendered in the footer section.

But, I'm still not getting my actions triggered, whether the Header is 
rendered in a header section or footer section.  There's probably a piece 
that I've miscoded that's causing this, but the issue I'm seeing when I 
step through my code is that for a mouseover event, which I'm not handling 
in any way, the AbstractHeaderBuilder execution flows through public 
Header? getHeader(Element elem), and is passed the TD element. But, with 
a click, I see it is passed the Button tag from my action cell, and ends up 
returning null.  (I'm using the abstract class' renderHeader method to do 
the rendering, and see the ID on the TD tag, which seems essential.)

On Friday, September 6, 2013 6:50:49 PM UTC-4, Steve C wrote:

 I'd like to put a set of button cells into a composite cell in a celltable 
 footer that uses a custom footer builder to create a row with a cell that 
 spans most of the table columns.  But, I don't get any click events on 
 those buttons.  If I put the same type of cell into a column, it works fine.

 The last time I had a need like this, I created a dummy column, gave it a 
 width of 1px, and added it to the table.  But I don't really like having 
 the columns not map completely to my row objects, and having to fake my way 
 through the getValue, etc.

 It seems like it ought to be possible, since CellTree doesn't use the 
 column concept, but I haven't been able to make my way though it's or 
 AbstractCellTable's code to figure out how to make the events be recognized.

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Is there any way to have event handlers for a cell in a CellTable that isn't in a column?

2013-09-06 Thread Steve C
I'd like to put a set of button cells into a composite cell in a celltable 
footer that uses a custom footer builder to create a row with a cell that 
spans most of the table columns.  But, I don't get any click events on 
those buttons.  If I put the same type of cell into a column, it works fine.

The last time I had a need like this, I created a dummy column, gave it a 
width of 1px, and added it to the table.  But I don't really like having 
the columns not map completely to my row objects, and having to fake my way 
through the getValue, etc.

It seems like it ought to be possible, since CellTree doesn't use the 
column concept, but I haven't been able to make my way though it's or 
AbstractCellTable's code to figure out how to make the events be recognized.

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Re: Is there any way to have event handlers for a cell in a CellTable that isn't in a column?

2013-09-06 Thread Steve C
Actually, I'm using my own parallel to ActionCell that copies most of it's 
code and adds a few things.  I couldn't extend ActionCell directly due to 
something with private or package access, if I recall correctly. I've used 
that same cell in columns and it's worked OK.  (Sorry about the red herring 
with ButtonCell - I was speaking generally about a cell with a button, and 
forgot that there actually was a ButtonCell.)

I've added a CellPreviewHandler to the table to print a console message 
when invoked, and also print a console line from onBrowserEvent in my 
ActionCell, and neither of them triggers when I click my buttons.  Looking 
though the code for several of the API classes involved, it seems that the 
event path goes through the columns. (As an aside, I'm not all that fond of 
using an updater when there's nothing to update - somewhat the same line of 
reasoning that keeps me from just adding a column. But I've seen that 
approach taken in a few examples, like the CustomDataGrid, although that 
also has the associated cells in a column.)

On Friday, September 6, 2013 6:57:39 PM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 I think you could use an ActionCell instead of ButtonCell: because you're 
 in the footer, the cell/column doesn't correspond to a field in a row, so 
 FieldUpdater wouldn't fit.

 On Saturday, September 7, 2013 12:50:49 AM UTC+2, Steve C wrote:

 I'd like to put a set of button cells into a composite cell in a 
 celltable footer that uses a custom footer builder to create a row with a 
 cell that spans most of the table columns.  But, I don't get any click 
 events on those buttons.  If I put the same type of cell into a column, it 
 works fine.

 The last time I had a need like this, I created a dummy column, gave it a 
 width of 1px, and added it to the table.  But I don't really like having 
 the columns not map completely to my row objects, and having to fake my way 
 through the getValue, etc.

 It seems like it ought to be possible, since CellTree doesn't use the 
 column concept, but I haven't been able to make my way though it's or 
 AbstractCellTable's code to figure out how to make the events be recognized.

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Re: Dirty Form Flag in GWT or basically how to identify if in the form if there are any unsaved changes

2013-08-30 Thread Steve C

If you're going to update the model object with every change, then it seems 
that you'd need a value change handler on every form field.

I've usually implemented this concept by having a single inner class 
ValueChangeHandler instance for the form composite, along with a boolean 
dirty field.  The handler gets added to every form field. Given that 
there's a single handler instance, I don't think that takes up too much 
memory. You can cut down the amount of code you have to write by creating a 
utility method, something like addWithHandler(HasValueChangeHandlers 
widget, ValueChangeHandler handler) that adds the handler to the widget and 
then delegates to the panel's add method - with appropriate variations for 
panels that have parametrized add methods.

In the onValueChange method I check the dirty flag - if it's false, I set 
it to true and fire a custom DataDirty event (which is just a simple custom 
event with no special fields - usually the only thing I'm interested in is 
the event source, which I can get from the inherited getSource method). 
Then my external logic can add whatever I want as a handler.

That way, my model bean stays in it's original condition until I go to save 
the form data, from something like a *Save *button click. That way, I don't 
have to worry about any external references to the same bean seeing the 
changes before I want them to. And with a *Cancel *button click I can just 
repopulate the form from the model object. The dirty field gets set back to 
false upon loading, saving, or cancelling.

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:26:29 PM UTC-5, BM wrote:

 I have a form in GWT and I want to capture an event similar to dirtyform 
 flag in JQuery. Basically I want to understand if any of the form data has 
 been changed. The requirement is pretty simple here. I am NOT looking for 
 if the data has been actually been modified but just to find out if they 
 touched my form data by any way.

 So let's say if my form has one GWT Textbox and one ListBox. For me the 
 form data is changed with any of the following condition:

 1) If the user changes the value inside Textbox and revert it back to 
 previous original value. 
 2) The user changes the default selection of ListBox to new selection but 
 changes back to default selection.
 3) If the user changes the value inside Textbox to a new value.
 4) The user changes the default selection of ListBox to new selection.

 The form data is not changed if the user just views the form but did not 
 change any of the values in the Widgets at all. 

 One way I thought would be to use onChange event and set a local flag 
 hasDataChanged to true. Once the flag hasDataChanged has been set to true 
 then don't reset it as it means the user touched the form. Based on the 
 value of flag hasDataChanged show an alert message when navigating away 
 from the page. 

 But my problem is that if there are more GWT user interaction widgets 
 (let's say 15 TextBox, 5 ListBox), the UI will fire onChanged Event every 
 time. Plus I have to add onChange event handler to all of my GWT widgets. 

 Perhaps there is a better way to do handle this. May be on view level if 
 there is a single event I can assign which knows if any of GWT widgets been 
 touched by the user? 

 Any help would be appreciated!

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Re: EditTextCell column fires update when clicked if using SiingleSelectionModel

2013-08-30 Thread Steve C

That worked for me, although the line numbers were slightly different.  I 
edited code from 2.5.1 - was yours based on an earlier version?

I'm still trying to figure out the logic flow, given that the issue doesn't 
occur until I add a selection model.

I like the selection cell concept.  I've made a radio group cell to handle 
a set of radio buttons, but the drawback has been that it takes up a lot of 
space.  Your concept layered on top of that might be a good solution, 
especially if I can use a popup when the buttons are displayed. (General 
thought - it seems like a generic popup cell might be useful, which things 
like DatePickerCell could extend, but that would also give inherited logic 
for any other sort of custom popup cell I'd want to create.)

On Sunday, August 25, 2013 12:25:33 PM UTC-4, Steve C wrote:

 In a simple celltable, if I set a SingleSelectionModel, then clicking on 
 an EditTextCell triggers the updater for that column, even though the 
 editor doesn't even open (and the value is the current value).  Without the 
 selection model this doesn't happen.

 Is this expected behavior?

 I've pasted sample code below.

 Also worth noting is the behavior if I hit *Enter *to clear the alert box 
 - that triggers whatever enter would do on the cell (like open it for 
 editing). Better yet, try editing a cell, and clicking on a different row, 
 then using *Enter *to close all of the alerts that come up.

 public class EditTextCellBug implements EntryPoint {
 public void onModuleLoad() {
 ListBean list = new ArrayListBean();
 list.add(new Bean(John));
 list.add(new Bean(Jane));
 ListDataProviderBean provider = new ListDataProviderBean(list);
 // problem occurs whether we use explicit key provider or not
 CellTableBean ct = new CellTableBean(provider);
 ColumnBean, String col = new ColumnBean, String(new 
 EditTextCell()) {
 public String getValue(Bean b) {
 col.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdaterBean, String() {
 public void update(int index, Bean b, String value) {
 Window.alert( +  updating to  + value); = value;
 // problem doesn't occur if we don't set the selection model
 SingleSelectionModelBean selModel = new 
 // doesn't fire updater - only manual selection does
 selModel.setSelected(list.get(0), true);
 class Bean {
 public String name;
 public Bean(String name) { = name;

 As a side note, with the single selection model in place, it takes a 
 second click to open the cell for editing if the row wasn't currently 
 selected. (I think I may have a misunderstanding of the role of a selection 
 model, since it doesn't seem to be needed for simple editing, and there are 
 three states a row can have, no bg, yellow bg, and blue, using the default 
 styling.  Do I only need one if I actually want to do something with the 
 user's selection?)

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Re: use GwtCreateResource to provide text programatically

2013-08-29 Thread Steve C
What you're asking for could be (in my humble opinion) useful.  But, as 
things currently stand, it won't work syntactically.  The method in the 
bundle doesn't return the resource, it returns an object that lets you 
create the resource.  So, if anything was going to work at all, it would be:


Eclipse code-assistance actually suggests create after res.labels. - but 
then flags the completed expression as an error.

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 4:57:51 AM UTC-4, Jordan Amar wrote:

 I would like my uiBinder to use a ClientBundle which will provide some 
 runtime customized labels. Kind of a TextResource but not from a text file !
 I tried with GwtCreateResource but from the 
 seems like it's not possible. Am I right ? (create() and name() are the 
 only methods available) What I would like to achieve is something like this:

 client bundle:

 public interface MyWidgetResources extends ClientBundle {
 GwtCreateResourceWidgetLabels labels();

 CssResource style();

 labels class:

 public final class MyWidgetLabels {
 public String title() {
 return load(mywidget-title);

 public String banner() {
 return load(mywidget-banner);

 private String load(String key) {
 // load from external..


 ui:with type=com.package.MyWidgetResources field=res/

 gwt:Label text={res.labels.title}/gwt:Label
 gwt:Label text={res.labels.banner}/gwt:Label

 My code looks like this already but res.label.title does not work. I 
 could try to first store a reference to res.labels.create but it seems 
 like I can't access any methods of labels in my uiBinder.

 Is there a solution for me ? Maybe with a custom 
  ? In this case some more pointers would be welcomed because i didn't 
 really catch how that worked...

 Thanks !

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Re: Correct way to sink events on UiBinder Element

2013-08-27 Thread Steve C
Here's how I've done it for a click on a save button within a binder:  I 
don't have any call to sinkEvents - I think that's OK because the Widget 
class does that already (?)

ButtonElement saveButton;

// other UiFields

public HandlerRegistration addSaveHandler(final ClickHandler handler) {
return addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
if ( == 
}, ClickEvent.getType());

On Thursday, August 15, 2013 3:59:48 PM UTC-4, Shaun Tarves wrote:

 I am defining several elements via UiBinder. My understanding is these are 
 created as during the createAndBind 

 I would like to add a click handler to one of these elements. Is there any 
 way other than casting those to like this?

 Element clickable;

 DOM.sinkEvents(( clickable, 
 DOM.setEventListener(( clickable, new 
 EventListener() { 
 public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { 
 //TODO: Some code

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Re: EditTextCell column fires update when clicked if using SiingleSelectionModel

2013-08-26 Thread Steve C
I'vde been looking through the EditTextCell code, and can't figure out 
where that happens. In onBrowserEvent it looks like the flow of execution 
should end up in edit mode under the circumstances I described.

What patch did you make?

On Sunday, August 25, 2013 2:09:31 PM UTC-4, Danilo Reinert wrote:

 I guess that's because the EditTextCell fires an update event even you 
 haven't changed it's value. 

 I was having a similar issue and made a simple patch to the EditTextCell 
 component in order to avoid always firing the update event. Now my 
 EditTextCell only fires when its value has really changed.

 D. Reinert

 Em domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013 13h25min33s UTC-3, Steve C escreveu:

 In a simple celltable, if I set a SingleSelectionModel, then clicking on 
 an EditTextCell triggers the updater for that column, even though the 
 editor doesn't even open (and the value is the current value).  Without the 
 selection model this doesn't happen.

 Is this expected behavior?

 I've pasted sample code below.

 Also worth noting is the behavior if I hit *Enter *to clear the alert 
 box - that triggers whatever enter would do on the cell (like open it for 
 editing). Better yet, try editing a cell, and clicking on a different row, 
 then using *Enter *to close all of the alerts that come up.

 public class EditTextCellBug implements EntryPoint {
 public void onModuleLoad() {
 ListBean list = new ArrayListBean();
 list.add(new Bean(John));
 list.add(new Bean(Jane));
 ListDataProviderBean provider = new 
 // problem occurs whether we use explicit key provider or not
 CellTableBean ct = new CellTableBean(provider);
 ColumnBean, String col = new ColumnBean, String(new 
 EditTextCell()) {
 public String getValue(Bean b) {
 col.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdaterBean, String() {
 public void update(int index, Bean b, String value) {
 Window.alert( +  updating to  + value); = value;
 // problem doesn't occur if we don't set the selection model
 SingleSelectionModelBean selModel = new 
 // doesn't fire updater - only manual selection does
 selModel.setSelected(list.get(0), true);
 class Bean {
 public String name;
 public Bean(String name) { = name;

 As a side note, with the single selection model in place, it takes a 
 second click to open the cell for editing if the row wasn't currently 
 selected. (I think I may have a misunderstanding of the role of a selection 
 model, since it doesn't seem to be needed for simple editing, and there are 
 three states a row can have, no bg, yellow bg, and blue, using the default 
 styling.  Do I only need one if I actually want to do something with the 
 user's selection?)

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Re: load image file from directory outside WAR folder and display in gwt app.

2013-08-26 Thread Steve C
The solution for that would be no different fro GWT than for any other 
client-side approach: write a servlet that can locate the file and stream 
the image contents to the response output stream. The file path/name info 
can either be a parameter, or, with some clever servlet mapping, part of 
the url used to invoke the servlet.

A search like servlet stream image yields a lot of possible approaches.

On Monday, August 26, 2013 6:41:26 AM UTC-4, Jostein wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have the following situation:

 I have a directory, /home/images, on my Ubuntu server containing images. 
 The images are uploaded from an Android application by a servlet.
 I am running Tomcat7 on this server and the image directory is owned by 
 the Tomcat7 user so it should be accessable from tomcat.

 Now I want to view the images in my GWT application running on the same 
 tomcat server. I have not been able to find a working example for this.

 I hope someone point mee to the right solution here. I would like to see 
 example including both server- and clien side code.

 Thanks in advance


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Re: ImageResource question

2013-08-21 Thread Steve C
() : defaultResource.getURL();

public int getWidth() {
return imageValid ? image.getWidth() : defaultResource.getWidth();

public boolean isAnimated() {
return imageValid ? false : defaultResource.isAnimated();  // ???


On Saturday, August 17, 2013 12:30:11 PM UTC-4, df wrote:

 Could you give some code?

 W dniu czwartek, 15 sierpnia 2013 01:05:30 UTC+2 użytkownik Steve C 

 Thanks for asking that question - it led me to a solution to a problem 
 that I've had, which is skinning an app using different versions of 
 resources loaded asynchronously from the war directory as opposed to coded 
 into a ClientBundle.

 I created a client bundle extending SimplePager.Resources, with sources 
 that reference dummy placeholder images in my source tree, then created a 
 separate class implementing that interface.  In the constructor I populate 
 it from the GWT.created bundle (since some of the resources aren't dynamic, 
 and I can just delegate through to them) but then load my dynamic images 
 into Image widgets. Those, in turn, are each given to an implementation of 
 ImageResource that holds an Image widget, and obtains the width, height, 
 url, etc. from it (wasn't sure what the heck to do with getName, or how to 
 implement isAnimated). Those are the return values from the associated 
 methods in my resource object.  And then I give that to the pager 

 The asychronicity turned out to be a bear, since I'm using a LoadHandler 
 for each image to know when the size values will be available, and that 
 won't do anything unless I actually add the Image to the document, so I had 
 to create a hidden div to put them into. I haven't yet tested if that's 
 necessary with a data: url. And a lot of layout tasks had to be pushed off 
 into a callback.

 The concept works, but I suspect that unless I make all versions of a 
 particular image the same size, I can't use any CssResource tricks based on 
 the image. That's probably not a big deal - since the variations generally 
 would all be the same size.  Also, I don't think that there's any existing 
 Resource class in the API with CSS resources that depend on the images, so 
 it would only be an issue with custom resource classes.

 On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 3:42:34 AM UTC-4, df wrote:

 Hello. Is There any way to create ImageResource dynamically? For example 
 : I get images from WebService in base64 format and I don't have 
 opportunity to have all images on the server at compile time. Can i cast 
 Images to ImageResource? Or is there any other solution?
 Thanks for help.

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Re: ClientBundle problem: The following unobfuscated classes were present in a strict CssResource:

2013-08-17 Thread Steve C
Several places:

The CSS resource processor expects to obfuscate the class names from your 
CSS file.  So, for example, labels might get turned into GESPCACKI. 
That's why you have a method declared in the interface, so you can retrieve 
the obfuscated name string.

You don't explicitly see a method where you use labels in the Uibinder, 
but the attribute {} in the tag g:Label 
ui:field=labUsername addStyleNames={} is actually 

If you wish to use class names in the CSS file that you don't want 
obfuscated (like .gwt-Label, for example), you need to mark them with 

mycss.css : 

@external .headerPan, .textb, .button;

.headerPan {
background-color:blue !important;
border-bottom:1px solid black;
position : relative;
font-size:10.0 em;

In these lines:


The styles for headerPan, textb, and button will work as expected.  The 


Will do nothing, since there is no class named labels in the CSS.  It 
should be


And, somewhere before that you need to create res and inject the stylesheet:

example.resources.Resources res = 

On Friday, August 16, 2013 7:06:35 PM UTC-4, Laurent Bagno wrote:


 I have a problem at the compilation with this error : 
 The following unobfuscated classes were present in a strict CssResource:
 [ERROR] [gwtmobileexample] - Generator 
 '' threw 
 an exception while rebinding 'example.resources.Resources'

 Below, it's my code.

 Where is the problem ? 

 Thank you

 ui:with field='res' type='example.resources.Resources'/

 mgwt:HeaderPanel ui:field=headerPanel
 g:HTML ui:field=centerConnection/g:HTML

 g:Label ui:field=labUsername 
 mgwt:MTextBox ui:field=username/mgwt:MTextBox
 g:Label ui:field=labPasswordPassword/g:Label
 mgwt:Button ui:field=validBtnValider/mgwt:Button
 /ui:UiBinder :
 package example.client;
 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
 import com.googlecode.mgwt.ui.client.widget.Button;
 import com.googlecode.mgwt.ui.client.widget.HeaderPanel;
 import com.googlecode.mgwt.ui.client.widget.MTextBox;

 import example.resources.Resources;

 public class AuthenticationPage extends Composite implements HasText {
 HeaderPanel headerPanel;
 Label labUsername;
 Label labPassword;
 MTextBox username;
 MTextBox password;
 Button validBtn;
 private static AuthenticationPageUiBinder uiBinder = GWT

 interface AuthenticationPageUiBinder extends
 UiBinderWidget, AuthenticationPage {

 public AuthenticationPage() {

 public String getText() {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return null;

 public void setText(String text) {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 } : 
 package example.resources;


Re: Correct way to sink events on UiBinder Element

2013-08-15 Thread Steve C
It sounds like you're using an HTML-based binder, not a Widget binder, so 
your createAndBindUi would produce an Element that your class can set as 
its DOM representation (I usually make my class extend Element - for some 
reason the Eclipse wizard wants to make it a UiObject).  And, then, as 
another poster mentioned, you can have SpanElement, DivElement, etc., in 
the Java class to match what's in the xml. So, you shouldn't have to cast 
to element, the pieces should already be some sort of Element.

I'm pretty sure @UiHandler won't work for an HTML-based binder, since the 
Java fields aren't widgets.

I haven't tried your approach for hooking up handlers, but have used a 
delegating approach - the Java class, as a Widget, can have a regular click 
handler, which can then look at the target of the event and decide what to 
do accordingly (like fire off a custom event that represents whatever 
clicking the element meant).

On Thursday, August 15, 2013 3:59:48 PM UTC-4, Shaun Tarves wrote:

 I am defining several elements via UiBinder. My understanding is these are 
 created as during the createAndBind 

 I would like to add a click handler to one of these elements. Is there any 
 way other than casting those to like this?

 Element clickable;

 DOM.sinkEvents(( clickable, 
 DOM.setEventListener(( clickable, new 
 EventListener() { 
 public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { 
 //TODO: Some code

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Re: ImageResource question

2013-08-14 Thread Steve C
Thanks for asking that question - it led me to a solution to a problem that 
I've had, which is skinning an app using different versions of resources 
loaded asynchronously from the war directory as opposed to coded into a 

I created a client bundle extending SimplePager.Resources, with sources 
that reference dummy placeholder images in my source tree, then created a 
separate class implementing that interface.  In the constructor I populate 
it from the GWT.created bundle (since some of the resources aren't dynamic, 
and I can just delegate through to them) but then load my dynamic images 
into Image widgets. Those, in turn, are each given to an implementation of 
ImageResource that holds an Image widget, and obtains the width, height, 
url, etc. from it (wasn't sure what the heck to do with getName, or how to 
implement isAnimated). Those are the return values from the associated 
methods in my resource object.  And then I give that to the pager 

The asychronicity turned out to be a bear, since I'm using a LoadHandler 
for each image to know when the size values will be available, and that 
won't do anything unless I actually add the Image to the document, so I had 
to create a hidden div to put them into. I haven't yet tested if that's 
necessary with a data: url. And a lot of layout tasks had to be pushed off 
into a callback.

The concept works, but I suspect that unless I make all versions of a 
particular image the same size, I can't use any CssResource tricks based on 
the image. That's probably not a big deal - since the variations generally 
would all be the same size.  Also, I don't think that there's any existing 
Resource class in the API with CSS resources that depend on the images, so 
it would only be an issue with custom resource classes.

On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 3:42:34 AM UTC-4, df wrote:

 Hello. Is There any way to create ImageResource dynamically? For example : 
 I get images from WebService in base64 format and I don't have opportunity 
 to have all images on the server at compile time. Can i cast Images to 
 ImageResource? Or is there any other solution?
 Thanks for help.

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Typed service methods using RequestFactory and ServiceLocator

2013-08-12 Thread Steve C
I'm trying to work up an example of request factory using a service 
locator. The discussions/tutorials all say that ServiceLocator is useful 
when there's a generic DAO with static methods for instance operations. I'm 
taking that to mean that my entity classes don't have their own methods to 
get a specific instance.

The javadocs for ServiceLocator say A ServiceLocator provides instances of 
a type specified by a 
 declared in a 
 mapped onto instance (non-static) methods. I think that's actually 
backwards -- it looks like the ServiceLocator supplies an instance when 
what would normally be instance methods (like persist) are actually static 
and passed an instance. My guess is that the framework generates glue code 
to invoke the methods on the instance but also pass them the instance.

My entities are all instances of DataStoreItem. One specific subclass is 

I can write a service that uses a locator with static methods including 
public static DataStoreItem find(Class? extends DataStoreItem clazz, Long 

My request context class is public interface FlickRequest extends 

And, unlike so many of the examples I've seen, I actually see benefit to 
having the context definition include a method to retrieve a single 
instance (otherwise, how do I actually request one?):

public RequestFlickProxy get(long id);

But, as I said before, my Flick class doesn't include a static get method. 
The locator analog to that method takes a class object in addition to the 
id (to be honest, I haven't tried passing it my proxy class object, but I 
doubt that would work, since on the server side it would have to receive 
the actual bean class, not the proxy class). And, it looks like the 
ServiceLocator will only work for the methods that ought to operate on 
instances, not methods that would always be static.

I tried this as my service locator:

public class FlickServiceLocator implements ServiceLocator {

public Object getInstance(Class? clazz) {
return  new ItemDAOWrapperFlick(Flick.class);


Where the ItemDAOWrapper holds the class object and delegates find(id) to 
find(clazz, id), but am still seeing errors on my request context that my 
domain class doesn't have a find method.

So, how do I write a method to get an instance by id, when the entity class 
doesn't do that, and my generic DAO class can only do that when given an 
class to work on (short of writing an explicit wrapper class for each 
domain type that can add those methods)?

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Re: Dom change propagation time

2013-08-12 Thread Steve C
I've run into similar issues adding a style name to a widget and then 
immediately trying to read the class attribute of the element. I think that 
the issue is that while JS is single-threaded, the browser itself isn't 
required to be, and the effect of some JS statements can take time to 
complete within the browser's native code, even though the JS method 
returned immediately.

Try Scheduler.scheduleDeferred, which runs your code with a minimal timeout 
(basically what you did yourself -- your code should also work if you make 
the timeout just 1 millisecond).

On Monday, August 12, 2013 9:55:29 AM UTC-4, wrote:

 Hi ,

 I am changing the id of an element in the dom with 


 SimplePanel tableeditor;

 After this I call a javascript which manipulates the dom based on the 

 However, if I put a timeout of 1 sec after changing the dom id property, 
 the javascript works fine.
 IF I call the javascript immediately after the setId call, then two things 

 1. The id is not set.
 2. The javascript throws an exception since it is expecting the id to be 

 What is the reason of this behaviour? 

 I would prefer not putting a timer, unless there is no other way to make 
 this work.


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Re: RPC for Xsite communication

2013-07-15 Thread Steve C
I've used code based on what's at:
 use CORS with earlier IE versions.

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Re: StyleInjector issues in IE

2013-07-13 Thread Steve C
Added this to issue tracker as #8261

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StyleInjector issues in IE

2013-07-12 Thread Steve C
I'm using Ajax to retrieve multiple CSS files, each dedicated to a single 
media query.  or each one, I then wrap the appropriate media query around 
the contents, and then inject it via StyleInjector.injectAtEnd.

The page the app is running has a whole pile of stuff going on, including 
scripts related to social network sharing.

We've run into two issues:

1. The media queries don't seem to be applied, although IE9-10's dev tools 
are hinky enough that this may not actually be the problem

2. Image urls in the CSS sometimes get applied as if they came from some 
other domain, in this particular case, one of the social media ones.

I believe that the issue is in StyleInjector.StyleInjectorImplIE, at the 

public StyleElement injectStyleSheetAtEnd(String contents) {
  int documentStyleCount = getDocumentStyleCount();
  if (documentStyleCount == 0) {
return createNewStyleSheet(contents);

  return appendToStyleSheet(documentStyleCount - 1, contents, true);

Where the style element it chooses to add to is likely to be one of the 
foreign ones, especially since the social media scripts tend to run late in 
the load process. It looks like IE exposes the href of the CSS, so this 
could be checked.

So, I'm going to try changing it to use injectStylesheet, which looks like 
it chooses the shortest to add to if there are already 30 in place (but 
isn't that going to affect ordering of the rules?)

I would try to write an extension of StyleInjectorImplIE, except that, like 
many GWT classes, it isn't extensible.  I've finally gotten annoyed enough 
at that to write a separate post about it.

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GWT classes aren't extensible

2013-07-12 Thread Steve C
On many occasions, I've wanted to adjust the behavior of a GWT class, but 
have found that I can't, because they tend not to be written with 
extensibility in mind.

   1. Many internal utility methods are private
   2. Many inner classes are private, or maybe package access

For example, I wanted to make just a few tweaks in StyleInjector. But, any 
helper logic that I might want to use from the base, such as private native 
StyleElement createElement() or private StyleElement 
createNewStyleSheet(String contents), are, um, PRIVATE.

So I basically have to copy the entire code for the class in my extension.

Similarly, when I wanted to create a nullable EditTextCell, I couldn't 
just extend that class, since the actual data for the cell in is static 
class ViewData, which I can't get to, because I'm in a different package. 
So, I had to copy the entire class in order to change just a few lines.
Why is there so much avoidance of protected?

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Re: GWT classes aren't extensible

2013-07-12 Thread Steve C
I see your point, but, on the other hand, I worry about something that 
needed to be fixed in one of those methods or inner classes that I copied, 
and would probably never know about.

On Friday, July 12, 2013 7:05:04 PM UTC-4, Ed wrote:

 This is a known   issue with gwt, see the issue tracker for details.

 However, don't forget that this gives the GWT dev team the possibility to 
 change the internal behavior of classes as they don't have to worry about 
 breaking changes because they are extended...
 So it makes it easier for the dev team to move on adding/changing 
 On the other hand, copying a class and adding your own stuff isn't that 
 much work ;)

 But still, I have to admit, that things could be set up a bit more OO such 
  that improves extendibility.

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Re: Anchor does not work in IE - very strange problem!

2013-06-21 Thread Steve C
I've found that with the IE developer tools, you need to refresh the DOM 
view within the tools (there's a refresh icon in the HTML view section). 
The view doesn't seem to take the JS changes to the page into account 
initially.  (And sometimes you never see CSS that GWT injects, but that's 

BTW, I ran your code and it worked fine in IE-7-10 as provided by the dev 
tools in IE10 (I just had onCommand do an alert with the two values), so 
maybe the issue is further down the line. 

On Friday, June 21, 2013 8:40:12 AM UTC-4, GWTter wrote:

 IE has had developer tools built in as far back as version 8, just press 
 F12. If you're working with =IE7 then: IE dev 
 Although it may work in other browsers or on the other anchor you want to 
 see exactly what is or isn't occurring so you can narrow the scope of the 
 issue, else it's a blind guessing game. I would put an alert or println in 
 the onClick method to see first if the click is even registering for the 
 first button, this will aid you in your analysis and you can then proceed 
 from there. You haven't posted the onCommand method so we have no idea if 
 the click is even registering in the first button case.

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Re: How to change css style during runtime?

2013-02-21 Thread Steve C
Rather than setting the primary name, you could create a new style that 
modifies the property, and add or remove that name.  I'm assuming below 
that cellTableKeyboardSelectedCell is for that purpose, so you could do 
widget.addStyleName(cellTableKeyboardSelectedCell).  If so, I'd make the 
rule .cellTable.cellTableKeyboardSelectedCell.

Even better would be to use a dependent style:

.cellTable.cellTable-keyboardSelectedCell {

and then in your Java code:


or, to remove it:


On Thursday, February 7, 2013 9:50:55 AM UTC-5, membersound wrote:


 how can I change a specific css style property during runtime?

 I have a CellTable.Resource to define cellTable style MyCellTable.css.
 Now I want to change a specific css property during runtime.

 .cellTableKeyboardSelectedCell {

 How can I access my css file during runtime and change that specific 

 Probably it has to do with cellTable.setStylePrimaryName(), but I could 
 not figure out how I could achieve this.


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Re: @Import CssResource not working (as expected?)

2013-01-30 Thread Steve C
Here's a complete example: @Import and @ImportedWithPrefix 

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CSSResource processing of CSS files in war directory

2013-01-25 Thread Steve C
I'm working on an app where we decided to create CSS resources under the 
source tree as usual, but only setting properties that affect layout, like 
display, float, sizing, positioning, etc.  The look of the app is under 
control of design-oriented folks that aren't GWT-savvy, who want to be able 
to adjust things like colors, backgrounds, etc., without having to 
recompile and retest. Their CSS files are located in the war directory.

Currently, our source-tree-based CSS uses all @external class names, and we 
then pull in the war-based CSS files via RequestBuilder, and inject them 
into the app. I've provided the design folks with a list of the class names 
that we apply in the GWT code, and a map of where they are used, so that 
they can set their colors, etc.

I think that there might be a way to use the compiled CSSResource artifacts 
on the server side, by requesting a servlet instead of a plain CSS file, 
and then processing the CSS files the way the compiler does, but at 
runtime. That way I can use class name obfuscation, and all the nice things 
like @def and @eval. (I might end up using a servlet or JSP anyway, in 
order to ensure that the war CSS files don't try to set certain properties, 
but it would be nice if I could also use the resource processing logic.)

But, before I venture down that road, I figured I'd see if that is indeed 
possible, and if anyone has tried that, or has found an alternative way to 
defer the CSS until runtime.

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Re: reordering of column in celltable

2012-11-05 Thread Steve C
I tried this, and it works, with two issues:

1. you need to remove the existing instance of the column.  Unlike regular 
DOM elements (and therefore Widgets), which can only be in one place at a 
time, the cells generate a rendered string, which will be a new snippet of 
HTML, which will be result in new DOM element.  And, apparently, nothing 
the table logic is policing the number of times a given column can appear, 
so the column will exist in two locations: the original location pushed one 
to the right if the insert position was before it, and the new location.

2. With a DatePickerCell, the first time I changed the date via the 
popup, nothing happened in the table, but the column updater did get 
invoked, and refreshing the document, or just paging forward and back 
again, showed me that the update had taken, and I saw the new data.  
Subsequent edits to cells in that column did reflect immediately in the 

Code snippet:

private CellTableCustomer ct = new CellTableCustomer(pageRows);

// later, as the last column in the table:
ColumnCustomer, Date expiresColumn = 
new ColumnCustomer, Date(
new DatePickerCell(DateTimeFormat.getMediumDateFormat())) {
public Date getValue(Customer cust) {
return cust.getExpiration();
expiresColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdaterCustomer, Date() {
public void update(int index, Customer cust, Date value) {
TextHeader expiresHeader = new TextHeader(Expiration);
ct.addColumn(expiresColumn, expiresHeader);

// after finishing table setup, and adding everything to the Root Panel
int colIndex = ct.getColumnIndex(expiresColumn);
ColumnCustomer, ? col = ct.getColumn(colIndex);
ct.insertColumn(0, col, expiresHeader);

On Saturday, June 30, 2012 5:23:08 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Saturday, June 30, 2012 11:17:03 AM UTC+2, tong123123 wrote:

 If  the celltable has something like 
 addColumn(ColumnT,? col, int insertIndex) 

 insertColumn(int beforeIndex, ColumnT,? 

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Re: Invalid JSNI method reference

2012-08-30 Thread Steve C
For the method you're using, you could make it more general-purpose:

public static void messageBox( String sTitle, Object message ) 
Window.alert( sTitle +  |  + message.toString() ); 


And I believe that AutoBoxing will take care of the double-to-Double 
conversion, but haven't actually tested that.

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Re: Gin module binding using annotatedWith and AsyncProvider

2012-08-27 Thread Steve C
Well, I have to apologize - I have it working now, although I don't think I 
actually changed anything related to the problem.  FYI, the error message I 
printed was incorrect and *not *the cause of the problem - the actual 
annotation I was using was indeed @Async and not @Special, which I changed 
in the code examples I gave to avoid any implication that it wasn't just a 
made-up annotation.

As an aside, I also got a Provider version working, which was a bear. I 
ended up creating a proxy class that wrapped an of the class I wanted (and 
implemented the same interface), then passed all the methods through to the 
contained object, then added another method to kick off the runAsync call.  
Two things I don't like about that approach are:

   - I ended up explicitly instantiating my class in the runAsync call, 
   which seems to render some of the injection concept moot
   - because of my additional method to load the proxy, I either had to add 
   that to my interface, or typecast what I got from the provider to the proxy 
   class in order to invoke it.  I chose the latter.

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Re: Gin module binding using annotatedWith and AsyncProvider

2012-08-27 Thread Steve C
Well, I have to apologize - I have it working now, although I don't think I 
actually changed anything related to the problem.  FYI, the error message I 
printed was incorrect and *not *the cause of the problem - the actual 
annotation I was using was indeed @Async and not @Special, which I changed 
in the code examples I gave to avoid any implication that it wasn't just a 
made-up annotation.

As an aside, I also got a Provider version working, which was a pretty 
ugly, and not something that seems easily reusable. I ended up creating a 
proxy class that wrapped an instance of the class I wanted (and implemented 
the same interface), passed all the methods through to the contained 
object, then added another method to kick off the runAsync call.  Two 
things I don't like about that approach are:

   - I ended up explicitly instantiating my class in the runAsync call, 
   which seems to render some of the injection concept moot
   - because of my additional method to load the proxy, I either had to add 
   that to my base interface, or typecast what I got from the provider, to the 
   proxy class, in order to invoke it.  I chose the latter.

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Gin module binding using annotatedWith and AsyncProvider

2012-08-26 Thread Steve C
If I want to inject an instance of a specific class based on an annotation, 
I can do this in a Gin module:


I also already have:


I can then retrieve the special instance into my DiMain (Composite wrapping 
a Panel) constructor with:

public DiMain(@Special DiSecondary special) {

But, if I want to code-split DiSecondarySpecialImpl using AsyncProvider, 
the analogous approach does not work:

public DiMainAsync(@Special final AsyncProviderDiSecondary 
diSecondaryProvider) {
  diSecondaryProvider.get(new AsyncCallbackDiSecondary() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {}
public void onSuccess(DiSecondary result) {

I get a GWT compiler error.  If I remove the annotation, then, of course, I 
get the non-special implementation.

Am I being unreasonable to expect that the compiler could apply the 
annotation to the async provider for the base class instead of the base 
class itself?

Is there a different route that I can use to get the desired behavior 
(annotation-based selection of an alternate async loaded class)?

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Re: Gin module binding using annotatedWith and AsyncProvider

2012-08-26 Thread Steve C

On Sunday, August 26, 2012 1:43:09 PM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 You should ask on as the GWT 
 Compiler is not involved in these decisions, only the GIN generator.

 BTW, what's the error? Does it work if you don't use an AsyncProvider? 
 (direct injection, or through a Provider)

 And as a workaround / alternative, I suppose you could use a @Special 
 ProviderDiSecondary and an explicit GWT.runAsync.

I'll repost the original question there.

In the meantime:

1. It works fine without the AsyncProvider.

2. The error the compiler gives is: 

[ERROR] No implementation bound for 
annotation=@com.x.dep_inj.client.Async] and an implicit binding cannot be 
created because the type is annotated.

3. Thanks for the suggestion about the Provider. I had tried something 
along those lines, but couldn't figure out a way to get the callback to it. 
But, I've got a few more ideas on that now that are worth trying.

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Re: LazyPanel and lazy loading

2011-12-08 Thread Steve C
Thanks, I thought that was the case, especially from looking at the
code in, but the first line of the Javadoc for
LazyPanel is a little misleading:

Convenience class to help lazy loading.


On Dec 8, 2:39 am, -sowdri- wrote:
 LazyPanel and runAsync() are for different purpose.

 LazyPanel is just a container for lazy-*initialization *of widgets. As the
 widget creation involves dom manipulation, which is relatively costly, you
 could use LazyPanel to defer it, in case you have a really complex widget.

 runAsync, is used for code splitting, ie to introduce split points. If you
 look at the simple example with just creation of widget inside the runAsync
 block, it may look like a better version of LazyPanel, but its not.


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LazyPanel and lazy loading

2011-12-07 Thread Steve C
I believe that LazyPanel in and of itself does not perform lazy
loading - that I would still need to use GWT.runAsync to achieve lazy
loading. Is this the case?

And, if so, does LazyPanel provide any benefit for lazy loading with

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Re: Adding event handlers to elements in HTML-style UiBinder

2011-03-29 Thread Steve C
Actually, it looks like I do need the  Without it, I have a 
reference to an EventTarget, not an Element.

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Re: Adding event handlers to elements in HTML-style UiBinder

2011-03-20 Thread Steve C

Thanks.  My main concern was if I had done enough to ensure the end-of-
life-cycle cleanup.

The got in there at some point when I was trying to get the
right reference and Eclipse was flagging errors.  I probably made
another change that eliminated that need somewhere along the way.

On Mar 14, 1:54 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 @UiHandler only works on widgets!

 Steve: your code looks good. You don't need the though.

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Adding event handlers to elements in HTML-style UiBinder

2011-03-14 Thread Steve C
I finally managed to find a way to do this, but am in no way sure if I
haven't left a problem lurking somewhere underneath.

I had a table containing form elements that I wanted to use as a
UiBinder template.  I didn't need event handling for most inputs, but
did want a click handler for a button.  I tried Button.wrap, but it
looks like that only works for a button not already owned by a widget,
but my table binder becomes a widget, so that route was out.

It would be nice if there was some built-in way to widgetize an
element like that, so that from that point on normal GWT tasks could
be performed on it.

I used an HTML binder rather than a Widget binder because there was no
way I could have a table as the top-level element without using a tag
like g:Grid, which I wanted to avoid because then I can't edit the
layout easily, and also because I already have the table code.  (One
goal of this was to take a number of existing JSP tag files and turn
them into GWT widgets via the binder.  Other than the event issue,
that actually works out very well.)

Wrapping my table in something like a g:HtmlPanel, where I could use
a g:Button was out, since then the container div is the element that
my primary style affects, and setting its width allowed the table to
overflow the boundaries.

So, here is the line from my template:

trtd colspan=2button ui:field=saveButtonSave/button/td/

And, in the java file, my registration method:

public HandlerRegistration addSaveHandler(final ClickHandler handler)
return addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
if ( 
}, ClickEvent.getType());

So, have I done everything that I need to to make this work reliably?

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Can't set or remove focus from a TabBar.Tab

2010-07-28 Thread Steve C
One would think that the following should remove the focus border
around a tab:

TabBar bar = new TabBar();
// populate

Yet a tab behaves as if it is focusable.  I think this is because it
COULD be Focusable, a FocusWidget, or a FocusPanel, but in the
existing implementation it instead has a wrapper that is a FocusPanel,
but the wrapper isn't what is returned by getTab.  And, although the
docs for the unrelated TabBar.onKeyPress method mention that one
should add the handler to the individual tab wrappers instead, afaik
there is no way to actually retrieve the wrapper.

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Re: GWT appears to be overriding my css

2009-11-24 Thread Steve C
If  you use a stylesheet linked in from your html code, it will get
loaded before the theme stylesheet is loaded, so your styles will get
overwritten.  If you put the stylesheet and associated images in a
public folder of your module and reference it in the gwt.xml file (a
la GWT 1.5), it will be added after the theme stylesheet, and thus
override the GWT theme styling.

Another approach is to make your styles more specific than the GWT
styles, for example, html body .gwtDecoratorPanel .topLeft { ... }.
This seems to work in IE7 and FF 3.5.  I have seen rules starting with
htmlbody in various posts, but this does not work in IE for me.  My
dissatisfaction with this is that I can see a browser deciding that
the html body doesn't add any specificity to the rule, since that
combination is guaranteed to happen.

Yet another approach is to rely on the implementation of a widget,
with a rule like .gwtDecoratorPanel tr td.topLeft { ... }  The problem
with this is that conceivably some day GWT could decide that
positioned divs are better than a table for the DecoratorPanel

Perhaps the best approach would be to give the body an id, or use an
id'd div as the RootPanel, and start the css rule with the id.

On Nov 5, 6:23 pm, Rob Tanner wrote:

 I just upgraded Eclipse to Galileo and downloaded the GWT plugin and
 started a new project.  I added a customized stylesheet (just adding a
 link in the html) that I use to affect a standardized look and feel.
 At this point (besides the root panel) all I've added is a single
 panel that contains a logo and in my custom stylesheet I define an
 image for the background in a body tag.  In hosted mode, it all
 displays correctly.  However, when I click on compile in the hosted
 display window, what ultimately gets displayed in a regular browser
 does not include the background image.

 From the browser, I checked to make sure the link to my custom sheet
 was good and I also used the link in the style sheet to make sure I
 could see the background image.  Also, just for grins, I commented out
 the body tag in the standard.cssthat GWT provides.  Not only did that
 not make a difference, the act of compiling replaced the standard.css
 file, thus effectively uncommenting the body tag.  And finally, I
 tried adding the body tag to the defaultcssfile in the WEB-INF
 folder and it made no difference.  The bottom line, it looks like mycssfile 
 is being overridden behind the scenes.  That doesn't make a
 lot of sense, but that's what it looks like.

 Any ideas.

 -- Rob


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Does public path=X / still work in GWT 1.6/7 ?

2009-11-14 Thread Steve C
I'm having trouble getting the above to work in a gwt.xml file, as in:

  source path=entrypoint /
  public path=webresources /

where my file structure is:

src/com/xyz/gwt/myapp/ --
 -- entrypoint/ --
 -- --
 -- webresources/ --
 -- -- MyApp.css


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JUnit RPC test and Resource not found

2009-11-14 Thread Steve C
I get the following stack trace when trying to test an RPC as per the
instructions at pages such as

The development shell servlet received a request for 'getfilms' in
module '
   [WARN] Resource not found: getfilms; (could a file be missing from
the public path or a servlet tag misconfigured i
n module ?)
On Error : Cannot find resource 'getfilms' in the public path of
module ''

I have the servlet configured in web.xml, and use the annotation on
the service interface.  I've gotten the same result using the old
approach of defining the endpoint in my code (as in
GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + getfilms).

Both yield the same result, that there is an extra level JUnit
inserted into the base URL.  I don't have a file called, but I do have

If I put a servlet tag in my module gwt.xml file, then things work,
but why back up from a presumably improved structure just to be able
to run tests?

Is there some way to do this without the servlet tag in the gwt.xml


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Creating a module in GWT 1.7 - css file location

2009-11-13 Thread Steve C
In GWT 1.5, I would put the module css file in the public package.  In
1.7 the preferred approach is to put it in the war directory.  I
haven't tested to see if the public package concept still works.

If I wanted to have a project as a module, I could then jar the whole
thing, and the project inheriting the module would find the css file
in the public directory.

1. To create a module for 1.7, do I have to add the relevant css file
to the new project's war directory, or do I back up and create it in a
public package a la 1.5?  (or do I do something else, like add the war
directory to the module's jar file)?

2. Is there a tool in the Eclipse plugin to create/export a module jar
file, or do I have to do that manually?

3. Is there a structure for the module war file other than that the
root starts the package structure (e.g., a src folder, a bin or
classes folder, etc.)?


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Re: GWT: JUnit Google App Engine Tutorial assumes intelligence

2009-11-13 Thread Steve C
I'd like to generalize this whole discussion a bit - to my mind the
entire JUnit testing scenario is one of the worst documented and
described elements in GWT.  Most of the examples out there are
repackagings of the same simplistic ones that have been around for a
few versions now.

In addition to the undocumented item listed in the previous comment,
it seems that your test class must be in the same package as your
entry-point class, but sourced from the test folder instead of src.


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Re: Creating a module in GWT 1.7 - css file location

2009-11-13 Thread Steve C
OK, I answered my own question, at least as far as item #1, with some
help from

It seems that either approach will work.  Having the css in the public
package will result in it automatically being included, as long as the
modules gwt.xml file references it.  Otherwise, I need to include the
module's css file in the war directory of the inheriting project, and
have that project's html file link to it.  I guess that would also
give me the ability to more easily override the styling, plus it gets
around Eclipse's reluctance to create a package level named
public (although it was nice enough to use it if I created it

I still wonder about #2 - if there is a way to jar it without
resorting to two command-line jar commands ...

On Nov 13, 1:37 pm, Steve C wrote:
 In GWT 1.5, I would put the module css file in the public package.  In
 1.7 the preferred approach is to put it in the war directory.  I
 haven't tested to see if the public package concept still works.

 If I wanted to have a project as a module, I could then jar the whole
 thing, and the project inheriting the module would find the css file
 in the public directory.

 1. To create a module for 1.7, do I have to add the relevant css file
 to the new project's war directory, or do I back up and create it in a
 public package a la 1.5?  (or do I do something else, like add the war
 directory to the module's jar file)?

 2. Is there a tool in the Eclipse plugin to create/export a module jar
 file, or do I have to do that manually?

 3. Is there a structure for the module war file other than that the
 root starts the package structure (e.g., a src folder, a bin or
 classes folder, etc.)?


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Differences between Hosted and Web mode JUnit testing

2009-10-26 Thread Steve C

I have read numerous times that Hosted mode tests bytecode, while Web
mode tests in actual JavaScript.   Wanting to delve into this deeper,
I came up with the following, in which the JUnit tests succeed in both
hosted and web modes.  I was expecting that because I used native JS
features not available in Java, it would fail in hosted mode:

package com.x.gwt.firsttest.client;

public class StringProducer {
  public native String getSomeText()/*-{
  String.prototype.yo = function() {
  return Hello there;
  return Yo.yo();


And then the test class:

package com.x.gwt.firsttest.client;


public class FirstTest extends GWTTestCase {

  public String getModuleName() {
return com.x.gwt.firsttest.FirstApp;

  public void testStringProducer() {
  assertEquals(Hello there, new StringProducer().getSomeText());

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Event Handlers and event capture

2009-08-09 Thread Steve C

Apparently Event Handling uses bubbling, not capture, since an
HTMLPanel does not notice blur events on a contained input element (I
believe that the blur event is fired through the capture phase by
browsers, but does not buibble back up).

Is there any way to capture BlurEvents in a HTMLPanel for a contained
input element?
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Getting reference to Widget from contained Element's id

2009-08-05 Thread Steve C

If I have the id of an Element that I got using Widget.getElement
(then I called setId on that), can I later use the id to get the
Element and back up to its Widget?

I'm using JSNI with library code that wants the id of an element to
control.  I'm passing the id into a JSNI function, but also want to
affect the element in additional ways.  But, in the JSNI function, I
don't have access to the Widget.  I figured I could call a regular
method (which would have access to Widgets) from the JSNI method, but
all I have to pass to it is the id.  Hence my desire to look up the
Widget from the Element's id.

I guess I could make up my own Map of ids to Widgets, but was hoping
something like that already existed.
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Using exterrnal class in GWT and No source is available error

2009-08-05 Thread Steve C

I'd like to use some external libraries in GWT for the server code,
but get the error mentioned above.  I took a look at the page at,
which seems to do just that, and even downloaded the code zip file.
But, I haven't been able t figure out how they get it to compile.
There certainly doesn't seem to be any Hibernate source code involved

 Is there some sort of compiler flag to set, or other way to tell GWT
to not peruse the source code?  It seems that the GWT compiler ought
to be able to figure out what classes it needs to look at and which it
doesn't (presumably the only ones it needs to look at are those being
serialized, and the servlets that are going to provide them - but for
the latter group only to see what is being serialized, and not the
other details of how those objects get populated).
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Migration Instructions 1.5 to 1.6 rename-to

2009-05-20 Thread Steve C

The page at
is somewhat unclear regarding rename-to:

module rename-to='testapp'

Which left me wondering: is the value arbitrary, and, how does it
relate to any other settings or directories?  (Since the file tree
shown under that doesn't have a testapp directory, but does have

I followed the example, and made it the all-lowercase version of my
project name, and noticed that it replaced the last part of the
package structure (i.e., what had been an uppercase first letter was
now a lowercase letter as in the rename-to value.)

Doing this in Eclipse, I then had a testapp directory under war, but I
assume that the graphic shown is prior to that occurring.  But it
might clarify what happens with the rename-to value to show that.

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