Re: RPC vs HTTP requests

2010-01-02 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
RPC serializes basic java objects and your javabeans based on them, giving
you a nice model for programming since in GWT it's all Java when
programming.  If you use HTTP, you can post name-value string pairs, and
then you'll have to process the response string.  It's just much less
powerful, but may work fine for you.  I mean, the traditional web browser
uses this technique, but it does mean handling errors and URL encoding your
data to send and parsing the response.


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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2009-12-28 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
No problem  It's all good!

Our architect is trying to contact them directly now because he said it
sounds so goofy he can't believe it's the case since the license itself has
no such references and claims to be the authoritative document (so anything
else on other pages would not supersede the license itself).  Interesting
that they used to have that clause in the license.  Maybe they've fixed it
finally, or maybe they are just playing games, but that seems overly odd.
Anyway, we're still looking and wish GWT incubator had better paging grids,
which I understand they are working on, but when it will come out is hard to

I know that we found it took a lot of code to just make a paging table for
one object (our group object), with a detail page to allow for updating and
'create like' type functionality.  When we looked at our model, we realized
we'd be doing hundreds of these, and the pain seemed real.


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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2009-12-27 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Thanks.  I just read about that, which means it should be even easier to
debug and work with for us Java folks.  I like what I see in GXT so far, but
admittedly very little.  I'm most interested in the DTO issue and if there
are good ways to send HashMaps and the like to avoid creating so many of
them, or whether the benefits of DTOs outweigh it with the stronger and
simpler typing.


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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2009-12-27 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
@Martin - Why would you want to attack me just because I'm evaluating
toolkits?  I understand our application domain just fine, and we've built
multiple applications in JSP technologies that are in our area of expertise
and have been running a profitable software business for 10 years now.
Apparently you have an innate ability to review toolkits and understand all
of their complexity, options and licensing terms quickly and easily.  You
are very blessed indeed.  The fact that it takes me time to review them
shouldn't mean I'm confused.  It is your attitude that has led me to
reconsider sgwt because why buy a product from people who seem to think its
users are not worthy?

In our case, we expect to license both under AGPL and commercial, so GPL
should be fine as all of our code would be similarly available.  When
selling a commercial license of our product, we can do so assuming we've
also purchased a commercial license of the library for our developers.  So
it should not be a huge issue, but we will review it closely (our lawyers
also must be clueless because they also take time to evaluate, and it's
just words).  As to GXT product capabilities, that is something we'll have
to evaluate, fortunately not worrying about your concern for how long it
takes us to do so.

@Tom, I'll take a look.  I've not heard of even qooxdoo before, but a quick
check shows it's got a lot of stuff in there for a 1.0 release.


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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2009-12-26 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
We'll investigate GXT as well.  I have to say that the licensing is more
straightforward with GXT because the free/commercial tiers are not related
to functionality in GXT versus SGWT.  But if you go want OSS in a commercial
product (cheap?), you'd need to stick with LGPL of SGWT over the GPL of GXT.

But once you go commercial licensing, GXT looks more straightforward.

How is GXT in terms of ease of data source integration with Java backends?

Not sure too that GXT is on version 2 while ExtJS is version 3.  Does the
latest GXT include the latest of ExtJS under the hood?  I suppose I can
check on their web forums for such details.

But as a GWT developer, it makes sense to look at both if you need more
robust widgets.


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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2009-12-24 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail

 With SmartGWT Pro and EE, you can literally open up a visual tool and
 create a fully functional CRUD interface to Hibernate by just picking
 an existing Hibernate entity from a list.  That's not offered in any
 other GWT product, and it would be hard to argue that anything could
 be simpler or faster than that..

Does the visual builder generate GWT code yet?  I agree that any quick eval
is bound to fail, as just s'gwt itself is quite large and needs time to
digest and play with. Then there's the integration of whatever you do choose
with other toolkits you may need that just add to the time to eval.


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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2009-12-19 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
EXT is GPL while Smart is LGPL, and of course both offer commercial
licenses.  LGPL can be used commercially, while GPL cannot, so that could be
a consideration.  And of course commercial licenses are fine, unless your
code itself is going to be open source.


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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2009-12-17 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
We're just now evaluating this ourselves, but we do like the look of their
large variety of widgets, but it is big and takes time to really evaluate it
all and there are myriad options from LGPL through proprietary EE.  No
doubt, much depends on your app's needs.  Ours is more business-focused, so
I think it's a good match, hence our eval will begin in earnest in January.
GWT's widgets just don't have much to show for grids tied to server data for
ACID/CRUD operations, and the DataSource concept seems powerful should it
pan out, which we expect it will from what we've read.  But any real-world
experiences are most welcome.

I am a bit concerned about some items like turn off Firebug because it
runs inordinately slow -- why their JS is overly impacted is not clear.  I
have seen some odd painting issues in the showcase examples on FF3.5/Win7.
Do check out their forums though to see what others are saying and reporting
as they may match what you intend to do.

I'm also not sure what it means to integrate SmartGWT with CKEditor yet, but
we want to use the more powerful layout capabilities of CKEditor.


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Re: Graceful shutdown of development mode with Eclipse plug in for GWT 2.0?

2009-12-17 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
This would be nice for those who have a robust server side system in place.
Right now, we're definitely testing how the app reacts to a hard crash. :)


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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2009-12-17 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
In the end, it's all JS to the client, so not sure what wrapper would
really mean.  The downside may be they can't get the same optimizations that
come with the Java-to-JS compiler as it increases in capability and can gen
browser-specific versions.

But if you need to move now, GWT just doesn't have professional quality
widgets for enterprise solutions.  It's almost like a step backwards from
JSP when you see how much effort it takes to develop a table with sortable
columns and have to transmit data (damn those DTOs) client-server when
before it was all in the server.

SmartGWT has some good solutions now, but you do have to wonder how long
they'll command that lead.  Then again, if you like SmartGWT, you (or
Google) could use those classes to eventually be all-GWT-based and no longer
rely on SmartClient, or of course develop comparable widgets of their own
from the ground up.  But how long will that take?  There's no promise of it
coming is there?  And can you wait that long?  It's a conundrum for us
right, now, that's for sure.


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Re: [ANN] SmartGWT 2.0 Released

2009-12-15 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
It's only because our plans are for our product to be open source, and while
PRO may indeed work better out of the box, it creates licensing conflicts to
include a large commercial component that would affect both the client and
server code.  The LGPL widgets definitely are winners.

Unfortunately, we have also noted a condescending attitude in many forum
replies, no doubt the result of dealing with so many newbies like myself who
are trying to figure it all out so we can make the most informed decision

The one downside I see for the product -- ironically enough -- is that it
seems to support so many options that it's much harder to evaluate and
discern what goes with what or how to put it all together if you are taking
a particular approach.  It is great that it supports these myriad features
and options, don't get me wrong, but it is quite an experience trying to get
through all the material, all the various samples (many of which won't apply
to our situation), and trying to select which approach to take, wondering if
there are efficient trade-offs, etc.  All these product variations (LGPL,
PRO, Power, EE), GWT-vs-JS libraries and documentation and samples, and
options may seem clear to you, but they most definitely are not to newbies.

We are having trouble finding a clear path for users like us who will be
using the GUI to interface with an established Java framework that has
public interfaces for all clients implemented with Java objects that
themselves handle all of the persistence, security enforcement, etc. so that
the GUI calls the same interfaces available to other non-browser systems
that may just want to use HTTP POST of name-value pairs, or perhaps SOAP, or
perhaps just posting XML/REST, iPhone/smartphone, etc.

There's even questions about how the LGPL version numbers match the EE
version numbers, how to test drive the latest PRO without having access to
the other features and documentation that only adds to our confusion, and
one feature we thought would be a huge boost, the visual builder, does not
appear to generate s'gwt code yet.

So that is why we investigate our options as we eval the new 2.0 widgets and
look forward to the new PRO 2.0 release to demo that incorporates them,
etc.  After all, much of the discussion about the troubles of using DTOs may
be resolved using more flexible HashMaps interfaces which GWT-RPC can
transmit easily.  Trust me, I wish it were easier to evaluate since that
would make my job easier.


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Re: [ANN] SmartGWT 2.0 Released

2009-12-14 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Excellent.  I'm going to give this a try right away.

For server integration, would a HashMap based interface using GWT-RPC work
well with the DataSource concept to allow for generic integration of
SmartGWT with a Java backend?


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Re: GWT Developer Plugin (GWT 2.0 RC1) crashes FF 3.5.5

2009-12-14 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I have no idea, unfortunately, since I'm not on OSX, and I'm using Java 6.

Of course, you should not be using any RC versions anymore since 2.0 is
officially out and they did fix the FF plugin fairly recently so it no
longer crashes it.


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Re: Why Label widget chose to use div instead of label?

2009-12-13 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I agree, and it would have been better name Text or TEXT to match the
setText() methods and to go in parallel with the HTML widget. But bad choice
of names is impossible to fix once they are done, and anybody who's ever
written an API knows that we all get them wrong from time to time.

There's no issue with divs or how the Label widget works, just that the when
writing widgets for HTML-based solutions, Label would have mapped nicer to
label, and a Text widget would have mapped to an HTML-escaped widget that
just contains text (and not markup).  That's just my 2 cents.

I built my own simple widgets using GWT, so it's not like it can't be done,
just that it's not out of the box.  No problem at all really, just part of
the learning curve.

But I do love GWT, and once the holidays are over, I'll investigate SmartGWT
further to determine if its widgets are nicer to work with for building
business apps.  Then the real question is do I deal with proprietary
SmartGWT PRO/EE or just stick with the LGPL version and GWT-RPC to plug into
their DataSource scheme.  It's just not clear to me yet whether SmartClient
folks are really committed to GWT since much of their toolset is still
JS-based (like ExtJS).  But that's another topic entirely smile


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Re: Why Label widget chose to use div instead of label?

2009-12-12 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
The use of LABEL tags is useful for accessibility.  Just like TH is useful
for tables, though a TD will suffice, this is less the case when attempting
to be accessible.


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Re: UI Binder, really a good approach?

2009-12-11 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
A GUI builder would be a huge advance over UiBinder alone, by my vote!  But
then again, a GUI builder would be best if there were a big widget library
so there would be more to use and layout.

SmartGWT has some nice widgets, but their GUI builder doesn't do GWT, just


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Re: plz help - Label + font size

2009-12-06 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
In general, CSS should be used to affect such things as they are external,
tunable, skinnable, etc. You can use addStyleName() to add any styles (CSS
classes actually) you want to the label, or if all your labels should be the
same, you can set .gwt-Label to use any common styles for all labels, etc.
Or if you put a style on the container that holds the Label, you can then
set the styles so it applies to all Labels in such a container using
.ContainerStyleName .gwt-Label .


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Re: plz help - Label + font size

2009-12-06 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
There are lots of ways, but basically, create a label you manage a bit

Label mylabel = new Label(myText);

Then in your css:
.test { font-size: 10pt; }

This sets a CSS class so you can make it do whatever you want...

Of you could put a class on the container to limit the built-in class
(gwt-Label) that's assigned to the Label widget.


and in your CSS:

.mycontainer .gwt-Label { font-size: 10pt; }

This would set all labels in the container to use the same.

If you want the Label to use a span instead of a div, use InlineLabel.

Hope this helps... but you really should understand HTML/DOM and CSS a bit
before you attempt to program w/ GWT.  I'm certainly no expert myself.


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Re: Need help getting panel fade to work properly

2009-12-02 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Not sure when it was released (I'm using 2.0RC2 now), but did you just try
the DialogBog.setGlassEnabled(true) call?


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Re: Need help getting panel fade to work properly

2009-12-02 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Sorry for the typo, but it's DialogBox (and neither DialogBog or DialogueBox
smile).  It is a method on PopupPanel and could very well be 2.0.  If you
are getting started on a new project, I recommend going to 2.0RC2 now
because you'll need to upgrade at some point anyway, and because it's an
RC2, it's fairly stable for development work, and the ability to debug in FF
(or IE if you prefer) directly is a huge win.


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Re: JavaDoc Annotation to Skip Method Compilation

2009-12-02 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Thanks for the tip on the on the issue number.  I confess, I don't really
understand the super-source solution, or even how it actually solves the

I've resigned myself to know that I'll never be able to build a data-object
for the client and then subclass that for the server side because most of
our server side objects already inherit from other classes and often have
logging components, authentication checks, etc. that would make it pretty
complicated.  Maybe the server-only option is too complicated to implement
sanely, but it sure seemed alluring that the client code would be written in
Java and we'd get some real cross-benefits, but I think it's more myth than
reality regarding how these can be shared/reused, which is a shame when you
consider the various data validations (required/or not, min/max
lengths/values, legal characters, etc.) even for simple data objects end up
being duplicated, one for the client side and the other for the server side.

The one upside of JSP/servlet is that there was no client-side, but now
we're moving back to the days of needing two distinct apps, one written for
the client, and the other written for the server.  I really like GWT, but
wish more of these could somehow have been handled more auto-magically


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Re: Simple Label+TextBox combo

2009-12-02 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Let me digest that since I confess I'm more HTML-oriented than CSS for such

I'm not sure what it means for the nameAndLabel panel in float: left panel
or position: relative panel means.  Is this a type of panel that does this
(AbsolutePanel?) or just a CSS option to give a
HorizontalPanel/VerticalPanel/FlexTable/Grid depending on how I'm laying out
the series of input fields with labels.

Also, not sure how this resolves the label-input field since the Label()
object does not appear to emit a label tag, just a div (or span if
it's InnerLabel), and it's generally hard to assign unique IDs to all my
input fields since my popup window that accepts the data is not restricted
to just one at a time (our users often bring up two as they compare or the
like).  So it's easy to name them, but not id them.  In HTML, I could do
this by putting the input inside the label so they were auto-associated.

I'll give your CSS solution a try and see how that works me as I'm slowly
gaining CSS experience, and wanted to avoid having to do too much in CSS
because GWT resolves many browser-anomalies, so the CSS needs to be basic
enough to work everywhere easily.



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Re: css file location

2009-12-02 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Just be sure to put Project.css in the public folder where you gwt.xml file
is (unless it also specifies another location for public).  That will ensure
it is copied to the area where the css injector references it.


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Re: Simple Label+TextBox combo

2009-12-02 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Okay, the CSS is really nice since I can control the width so easily.  It
works creat, so thanks for the tip.

Is there no Label-like widget that emits a label tag in GWT?  I see that
the RadioButton does it.

It seems very easy for me to make a Composite widget that is composed of
these two objects since I use them repeatedly.

Is there a way to override the HTML emitted (or the DOM updates done) for
the Label so I could use a label tag, and then perhaps use the auto-unique
id feature if the TextBox field is not otherwise set with an id so that the
label would point to it and the textbox would use it?  How hard is this to
do?  Is the process to try to copy a Widget like RadioButton as my new
object that emits the label tags for my input field, or is there a more
GWT-approved way to create such a widget for my needs?


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Re: css file location

2009-12-02 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
So, let's say your project base is

Your project GWT file should be located in:


and your CSS is located


and your GWT file contains:

stylesheet src=Project.css/

and your HTML base page has no attempt to include the stylesheet itself.
And you should have no public tag in your gwt.xml, otherwise you can put
it the folder it specifies instead of the default 'public'.

You should see that when you save the Project.css, a copy should be
automatically put into your war area like:


Of course, if your gwt.xml has a module rename-to='mymodule'/, then this
would be:


That should work unless I'm missing something and presume your code is
otherwise compiling correctly and reporting no errors, etc.


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Re: What does Unknown argument: -style mean?

2009-12-02 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
It really sounds like your project is not using the 2.0RC2 compiler.  Double
check the eclipse project properties for the Google-Web Toolkit.  Then
check the Java Build Path shows under the Libraries tab your GWT SDK that's
also 2.0RC2.  Not sure otherwise...


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Re: Why Label widget chose to use div instead of label?

2009-12-02 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I forgot the methods for setting the for attribute id!  I used the
setHtmlFor() method name to match the dom LabelElement class (my own pref
would have been setFor(id)).

   * Sets the attribute for on the label tag to be the specified id.
   * @param id the String id to use.
  public void setHtmlFor( String id )

   * Sets the attribute for on the label tag to be the id of the specified
   * @param forWidget the Widget that should have an id.  Note that if
forWidget does not have
   * an id, both it and the label for will be set to a unique id.
  public void setHtmlFor( Widget forWidget )
  assert forWidget != null;
  String wid = forWidget.getElement().getId();
  if ( wid == null || .equals(wid) )
  wid = DOM.createUniqueId();


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Re: How to force div widgets to be on the same row? (not use table)

2009-12-01 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
And considering the complexity of the js-generated pages, a few tables
probably doesn't hurt that much.  I mean, I've not seen any slow rendering
issues in my experience.  But there are certainly times when it's nicer to
have it clean, and there are some widgets like InnerHTML and InnerLabel that
use span instead of div.


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Re: Simple Label+TextBox combo

2009-12-01 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I have found that using InnerLabel with InnerHTML and a TextBox, I can come
close to making it cleaner HTML than the overhead of a table just to put a
label and input field together, with something like:

FlowPanel nameAndLabel = new FlowPanel();
InlineLabel label = new InlineLabel(Name);
TextBox nameField = new TextBox();
nameAndLabel.add( new InlineHTML(br/) );

But the Label class doesn't actually generate a label tag, so the label is
not also associated with the TextBox for accessibility (it's just a span).

The idea of having labeled input fields is so basic, that there must be a
nicer solution.  I noted that RadioButton does a good job of associating the
label with the radio button itself.

Is there something comparable in GWT 2 to make the label/TextBox (or other
input widgets) go together to produce simple HTML like:

labelNamebr/input /label

Thanks for any tips


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Re: JavaDoc Annotation to Skip Method Compilation

2009-12-01 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Join the club on this wish list item.  I'm not sure why so much energy was
put into 2.0 without including such a feature that would make integrating
client code with server code so much easier -- rather than having to build
glue code around each side of the RPC.


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Re: JavaDoc Annotation to Skip Method Compilation

2009-12-01 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
How?  We'd love to do it, but I suspect it's non-trivial, and if it is, then
I'm sure others would like the ability since it would allow you to pass a
server object into a client object to set some state without needing the
method itself be part of the javascript generation.


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Re: incubator for GWT2

2009-11-30 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Yes, we'd like the incubator code to be usable without warnings in 2.0,
before any changes are done under the hood for the refactoring work.


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Re: Controlling desktop windows size and position.

2009-11-28 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Please tell us you're not confusing Java and Javascript running in a web


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Re: GWT Developer Plugin works only sometimes

2009-11-25 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
RC2?  That's not yet been announced as available.  Is it now?


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Re: Problems in sending http request manully by*

2009-11-25 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Javascript has no byte (or char) type, so I doubt it can do anything that
returns or processes bytes directly.


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Re: GWT RPC servlet doesn't get called

2009-11-24 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
What does the console show?  You should see a POST to your service name.
Make sure the POST URL matches how your web.xml is set up to process the


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Re: [ERROR] 500 - POST on hosted mode

2009-11-24 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Gotta look at all your logs, console, etc.  Most likely it's a null pointer
exception or a some sort of serialization issue because you have an object
without a zero-arg constructor.  Hard to tell with little info


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Re: Tool to convert HTML in GWT widgets

2009-11-24 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
How does it compare to the UIBinder in GWT 2?  I've not used it yet, but
understand it's an XML file format for building UIs.  If they overlap,
people will more likely prefer UIBinder, but if they do not, I'm sure others
would be interested.


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Re: Import can not be resolved in Server mode

2009-11-24 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I have no idea what you are asking, but you give no example of the problem.
Since the Java compile is just a java compile (nothing GWT about it), I'm
sure you can use import*; in your server side code.

Google does provide another compiler to convert all the java code intended
for the client -- which is compiled to javascript -- not java bytecode --
and it may have its own issues since you can only reference a limited set of
the JRE standard classes (and it really doesn't use those classes which are
in Java, but has its own versions that are client-ready to be converted to


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Re: GWT Developer Plugin works only sometimes

2009-11-23 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Not sure about others, but yes, I'm using FF 3.5.5.


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Re: GWT AsyncCallback failing

2009-11-23 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Be sure there are no null pointer errors and that all classes you serialize
also have a no-arg constructor (that one gets me from time to time) even if
you don't use it yourself (I have a lot of private constructors just for


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Re: Google Web Toolkit 2.0 RC1 Now Available

2009-11-22 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
This has been asked many times already.  The general answer seems to be that
they are eager to get it out, but that there's no formal date yet.  If you
are just getting started, 2.0 may be the place to start, though there is
less documentation available, especially for the new capabilities.  They
assure that 1.7 code will run on 2.0, so you are not hurt by using their
current release either.


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Re: GWT Developer Plugin works only sometimes

2009-11-20 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Upgrading from 1.7 seems fraught with peril.  The docs even suggest that you
install on a clean install of Eclipse, which is what I did because prior to
that, my own attempt resulted in much confusion.

As the gwt.xml, it appears that there was a bug (supposedly fixed for RC 2)
regarding uppercase characters in the gwt.xml file name.  I went with all
lowercase letters and it seemed happy.  I also found that I had to add
-Xms100m to my debug launch param for the JRE VM to avoid module load
failures.  Hope this helps


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Re: GWT Developer Plugin (GWT 2.0 RC1) crashes FF 3.5.5

2009-11-20 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Great.  I figured it must be known since it's rather routine -- it'll crash
after every few code change/test cycles, but I can't make it crash yet.
But it's always after reloading FF after making changes that no doubt cause
a server reload or something.


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Re: cache.html file is not cached with JBoss(Tomcat) and Internet Explorer 6-7

2009-11-20 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
For Tomcat, if you have this in your META-INF/context.html:

Context debug=0
disableProxyCaching=false /

This will prevent it from doing the caching.  If you have any other type of
Authenticator in use already, you can probably just add the
disableProxyCaching=false attribute to it.


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Re: GWT vs ExtJs

2009-11-19 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Remember, too, that EXTJS is GPL code so you either have to be pure open
source or you need a commercial license.  GWT's Apache license is more
liberal and allows it to be used in commercial settings.


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Re: GWT Developer Plugin (GWT 2.0 RC1) crashes FF 3.5.5

2009-11-19 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I wish I had a fixed way to make it happen, but it seems like I get a few
different scenarios.

Sometimes, after lots of code changes while the debugger is running, when I
save the client .java file in Eclipse and it's compiled, FF will crash.
Other times, it's when I click RELOAD after making changes.

Sadly, FF is my main browser for all sorts of apps, so having it crash is a
pain.  I'll post back if I can make heads or tails out of what I see


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Re: while using Development Mode

2009-11-18 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
One final comment for tonight

I did a compile and released to my Tomcat test system and it all appears to
work fine.  So it seems that the code is building correctly, etc., but I
just cannot use the debugger.

Then, I tried again using the Eclipse version for debugging, and while I get
the error, I now note that it appears to still work in debug.

It will first tell me to use an URL like:

I enter that, it receives the error mentioned above.

Then I just try:

And the app comes up, and it appears I can run with debug, etc.  So I guess
the error is not fatal.  This is some relief to me since I can get back to
work!   I hope whatever the issue is will be fixed, though.  It's odd to be


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Re: textbox + event questions

2009-11-17 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
The KeyUp handler fires once the key has been processed, so when you check
your widget, it should already contain the character.  When you use KeyDown,
you can even block the character because you are handling the event before
the widget has it, so when you check your widget, it's always one character
stroke behind.  This is particularly confusing if they've selected all and
click DELETE, since the KeyDown check will still show all of the original
data before the delete takes place.


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Re: GWT PCI Compliance Toolkit

2009-11-17 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
The real benefit of your service is that you've provided a GWT widget/module
we can install by downloading it from your secure server so that the CC
information is entered on my page, but your widget actually captures the CC
info and submits it for processing to your server directly so our web site
never touches CC data and thus can avoid PCI compliance?  But it somehow is
able to communicate with my code (some sort of event listener?) to tell me
success/failure of the payment?

I know that most merchant services companies offer tools like this, though
most are redirect to their site to do the payment, and then redirect back
to your site with success/failure.  Is this how you differ from what they


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Re: What's the best way to layout labels in a panel?

2009-11-17 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
If you use a HorizontalPanel with a Label and HTML widgets, it should work
no?  I guess they could both be Labels, too.  You'd just need to use CSS
styling to make the second one bold.


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Re: java.sql.Date serialization

2009-11-17 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
java.util.Date is a misnomer because it's really a time (date+time).  If you
just want the date, then yes, use -MM-DD format as that's a very
portable format date only a date.  The other option is to ensure whenever
you set a java.util.Date, you force the hour/minute/second/millis to 0 while
in the GMT/UTC timezone.  It should at least always render the correct date
regardless of timezone (I think?!?!).


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Re: Google Web Toolkit 2.0 RC1 Now Available

2009-11-17 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
What's the ETA now for GWT 2.0 final?  I am developing now under 1.7.1, but
won't expect to be in production for another 4 months or so.  Would I be
better off getting a jump on 2.0 now or would I risk 2.0 not being ready for
production over the next several months?


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Re: Day of year?

2009-11-17 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Unfortunately, GWT's DateTimeFormat doesn't support the Java implemention's
'D' format specifier of SimpleDateTimeFormat.  Your server could do the calc
for you perhaps??


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Re: incubator's PagingScrollTable(pagination+Sorting)

2009-11-17 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I think the example you have also loads all rows and doesn't use page
fetching to load only the first page, waiting until they click next page to
actually retrieve additional rows.  It seems the example gets all rows, so
the sorting is all local and works on all data, no additional fetching takes

Also, I noted in your onRowSelection() callback, you use:

int rowIdx = set.iterator().next().getRowIndex();
String id = pagingScrollTable.getDataTable().getHTML(rowIdx,
Message m = tableModel.getMessageById(Long.parseLong(id));

I wondered why you took your ArrayList and then created the HashMap based on
ID, and it seems use use this scheme to get the selected row object.  But
couldn't you just use the paging scroll table's method to get the selected
object directly:

int rowIdx = set.iterator().next().getRowIndex();
Message m = pagingScrollTable.geRowValue(rowIdx);

Or is there some other reason for your retrieval method?  Thanks again for
your code example.  I'm still working through and have basic table
functionality working now myself.


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Re: GWT PCI Compliance Toolkit

2009-11-16 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Isn't most PCI compliance related to the server?  GWT only holds the
information a short time to make a payment and shouldn't normally hold on to
the data after submitting it for processing.  How does your GWT help with
PCI compliance since this would also require your server and server code to
be compliant.  Furthermore, if using a payment gateway, you shouldn't even
have to store the payment information locally and thus avoid most PCI
compliance issues.


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Re: GWT PCI Compliance Toolkit

2009-11-16 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
This has gone off-topic, so I won't belabor my point, but the PCI principles
clearly show it's more geared towards the server-side, as the browser itself
never had to be PCI compliant or any such rubbish.  And no GWT interface
tool can ensure PCI compliance either.  A server that has gone through the
compliance analysis is key, so if that part is taken over with the GWT
interface, then I surely understand that.

The core of the PCI DSS is a group of principles and accompanying
requirements, around which the specific elements of the DSS are organized:

*Build and Maintain a Secure Network*

*Requirement 1:* Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect
cardholder data
*Requirement 2:* Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords
and other security parameters

*Protect Cardholder Data*

*Requirement 3:* Protect stored cardholder data
*Requirement 4:* Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public

*Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program*

*Requirement 5:* Use and regularly update anti-virus software
*Requirement 6:* Develop and maintain secure systems and applications

*Implement Strong Access Control Measures*

*Requirement 7:* Restrict access to cardholder data by business need-to-know
*Requirement 8:* Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access
*Requirement 9:* Restrict physical access to cardholder data

*Regularly Monitor and Test Networks*

*Requirement 10:* Track and monitor all access to network resources and
cardholder data
*Requirement 11:* Regularly test security systems and processes

*Maintain an Information Security Policy*

*Requirement 12:* Maintain a policy that addresses information security


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Re: Limiting compilation to just for the hosted browser on windows

2009-11-13 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Thanks.  I read they were defined in UserAgent.gwt.xml, but had no idea
where that file was.  I didn't think to look in the gwt-user.jar, and I
wouldn't have guessed gecko1_8 at all for Firefox 3.5.  Your info was
perfect.  I wish it was just that clear in the docs!


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Re: Redistributing GWT apps in a commercial software

2009-11-12 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I'm not an expert (or even a lawyer ;), but most of the third-party stuff
appears to be related to gwt-dev.jar.  Heck, I don't even know what that JAR
is since it's not in my WEB-INF/lib.  I only have gwt-servlet.jar and that
has no third-party stuff so it's just under the Apache 2 license you expect
of GWT.

My guess is you don't redistribute any of the other third party stuff, so it
shouldn't matter.  And even if you do, it seems that they all have
compatible licenses that will allow you to use it in commercial software.  I
didn't see any GPL code mentioned, for example.  But if you do ship that
gwt-dev.jar, you should also include references to those parts and give them
credit just like Google did with respect to those components as you can use
them, you just need to give them credit.

That's my guesstimate anyway


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Re: incubator's PagingScrollTable(pagination+Sorting)

2009-11-12 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Thanks.  I'll spend more time to investigate this option, then, since it
likely has improved since a lot of the earlier gripes.  More examples and
better documentation are always the answer, but I know how hard it is to
have it all :)


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Re: Which is the best way to manage many rows in a table with pagination?

2009-11-12 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
That would be awesome.  I'll keep my eyes out for your posting.  I would
love to use it, but there is a huge learning curve already with GWT (I am
not even a GUI programmer other than good old HTML+CSS generated by JSPs)
and there's nothing like an example that makes use of the various classes to
speed up our own development.

I don't have big data volumes (yet), but I expect to show lots of our
objects using tables, with the ability to click on rows to bring up editors,
etc.   I hope your examples will help me with this...  Thanks again in


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Re: Enter key on dialog close button results in enter key processed by other widget

2009-11-10 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
It seems that it doesn't really matter.  The DialogBox itself works fine,
and whether I call setFocus() immediately or through a DeferredCommand, the
result is the same.

What is not clear is why there is a KeyUp event fired at all.   I am not
even listening for keyup in the dialog.  I just have a close button that I
give the focus to, so when Enter is pressed, it auto-clicks the close
button for me.  This I see is working as expected because I get an onClick
event sent to my button.

I removed the setFocus() call in the onClick() event handler of the dialog's
close button, and then it fires the onClick event as expected and I see no
KeyUp event.

But if I put the setFocus() call in the onClick() event handler of the
dialog's close button, it first fires the onClick event as expected, but I
then get a KeyUp event on the TextField that received the focus (it does
have a KeyUp handler registered).

Here's the close button's onClick code:

closeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
Object src = event.getSource();
GWT.log(ExceptionDialog onClick source:  + src.getClass()
+ ; event:  + event.toDebugString(),null);
if ( giveFocusBackTo != null )
DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() {
public void execute() {
giveFocusBackTo = null;

If I comment out the giveFocusBackTo.setFocus(true), it works as expected,
but when I return from the dialog, my field doesn't have the focus that I'd
like it to have.If I have it like above, I'll get both an onClick and a
KeyUp event:

[INFO] ExceptionDialog onClick source: class; event: event: ClickEvent:
[INFO] myhandler keyup source: class; event: event:

So the question is why does setting the focus in the dialog box cause a
KeyUp event to fire, but if I don't do the focus, only the click occurs and
no keyup event occurs?

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Re: How to insert static HTML content

2009-11-10 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Yes, I only have one EntryPoint now and it does look nicer and is
snappier.   I'll worry about code splitting later, I suppose.  Right now,
it's fine that everything is downloaded together.  Hopefully it won't be too
big a deal to partition it once that feature is available.

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Re: How to insert static HTML content

2009-11-09 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:46 AM, gwtfanb0y siegfried.b...@googlemail.comwrote:

 They extend ''.

 getDisplay().asWidget()) is a method (in use with the MVP) which
 returns only the Widget:

  public Widget asWidget() {
  return this;

Thanks for the answer.  I don't know what getDisplay() does or where it's
defined, but I figured I didn't really need it.  I think I am now doing more
or less the same as you, but my page view objects just return their
topmost panel which is set into the app presenter's RootPanel, which in my
case also does the EntryPoint.  It seems to work great.

I suppose there's no time benefit to downloading of the application page
views (I think there's some code splitting that may help in the now or in
the future with 2.0), but it does snap nicely between views.

Thanks again...

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Re: loading CSS content into GWT app

2009-11-05 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Haven't tried, but if you inject it in a style block, will the page
re-render using it?  Seems like it does when you assign to innerHTML, so if
you inject such a style node, it seems like it would be processed.

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Re: How to insert static HTML content

2009-11-05 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 12:30 AM, gwtfanb0y siegfried.b...@googlemail.comwrote:

 private void showMain() {

 private void showLogin() {

What type are the loginComponent and portalMainWidget?


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Re: How to insert static HTML content

2009-11-04 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 2:04 AM, gwtfanb0y siegfried.b...@googlemail.comwrote:

 I would recommend to integrate the login into the GWT page. This works
 very great
 for me (collected good experience with it) and is easy to implement.
 So everything looks smooth.

Siegfried, what is the mechanism to start with a login page view, then
switch to the application view once authenticated, but still using the same
base HTML page?

How do you swap out the login page layout and put in the new one?  And
presumably if your RPC shows they are no longer logged in, it can then
revert back and display the login page view again.

Is there a way to create these as separate modules (new to all of this) and
then have them swap in/out?  And it seems like there would be more issues
for memory leaks and such doing this as you'd certainly need to be sure to
clear out all objects in the other views as they change.

I know it's possible as I've seen in in gmail, switching from inbox to
contacts, etc., but not clear how to make it work.  Any code examples we can

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Re: CSS file issue + possible bug in GWT 1.7

2009-11-04 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I've reported this issue, too.  It seems odd, but if you don't put a full
path, it assumes it's in the generated javascript area, but that area is
blown away during each compile, so it's not clear where to define the CSS in
Eclipse so that after the compile it puts the CSS back in there.  If you put
the slash, then it's rooted at the /, not the webapp's context path.
Frustrating, but don't know the solution other than to keep it in the HTML
file where it works as expected, though doesn't follow the module model of
ensuring the CSS is kept with the module.

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Re: CSS file issue + possible bug in GWT 1.7

2009-11-04 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I only started with GWT 1.7, so I can't speak about that.  But here's what I
have in my gwt.xml:

  !-- Specify public resources that will be copied to the module --
  public path=public/common/public
  public path=public/login/public

  !-- Style sheets we use from the public paths above  --
  stylesheet src=esf.css/
  stylesheet src=login.css/

So, when my module loads, it will insert the link tags to pull in esf.css
and login.css from the 'module path' generated by the GWT Compiler.
Because my project has multiple gwt.xml files, I segmented the public area
into a 'public/common' for our base styles used in all modules, and another
'public/login' for just the login module.  Then I can reference both CSS
files using simple stylesheet entries in the gwt.xml file.

What I found is that my module (module rename-to='esfgwt_login') folder
war/esfgwt_login not only contains the javascript, but it also has a copy of
the CSS.  I guess you can also put images and javascript files in the public
area if you want them to be automatically included, but for me, that's a bit
more rare since we don't have much javascript/images that we share (we're
using image bundles for most images) which have their own scheme.

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Re: Rounded Borders in GWT

2009-11-01 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Would the decorator panel work for you?

 You could give this one a try. It's easy to use.

 On Nov 1, 8:17 am, Sudeep S wrote:
  I tried to achieve Rounded Panel for a header by placing a caption Panel
  inside another. But it was introducing a cell padding by default.
  Can anyone suggest alternatives.


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Re: Annotate method/constructor as not serializable for RPC

2009-10-31 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
So the answer is no, this is not yet possible with GWT.  Does anybody know
if 2.0 solves this?  It really seems rather simple to have an annotation
that tells the GWT compiler to not even look at a method when it compiles
the javascript, and it would certainly streamline programmer code.  With all
the talk about the savings of Guice/Gin, etc. relying heavily on annotations
to reduce coding, why not implement this feature?

Oh well...hoping the powers that be can resolve it in the near future so I
don't have to my server library depending on client library objects to
generate them since there's no way for the client library to do this itself
as it will reference a server object that isn't serializable and should have
to be since we don't want it to ever go to the client.

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Re: Is data on GWT pages secure from attack?

2009-10-28 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 10:34 AM, gwtfanb0y

 I would say that every Web Application which has its security only
 inside the Frontend (Browser) is per default insecure.
 If an evil person is smart, he can manipulate the JavaScript and make
 invisible forms visible, submit not verified data
 and can change the current userid  password when stored inside the

If the javascript comes from my site, then we're evil.  I just want to be
sure if the user frames our site or anything unexpected that javascript
loaded from other sites can't see the javascript/objects that we loaded.

If the user can see my userid and password, then all is lost because no
login form would be secure as they all accept a userid and password.  I
suspect it's not possible for javascript loaded from another site, evil or
not, to access the userid/password in the page/javascript data from my
system.  At least I hope so!

 To prevent this you have to include business-security, i am using
 spring security and have collected very good
 experience with it. Inside the business-site, think that every
 incoming request could be manipulated, so you have
 to add strong verification processes. With spring security you can
 manage roles and permissions inside the
 SecurityContext (located on the server) which is much more secure than
 implementing RPC with username  password
 as values.

Well, there is always server-side security.  But if you just trust
session-level security that uses cookies to id the session, then there's the
known XSRF attack if the person moves to an evil site without logging off
(which is frequent enough in my experience) or otherwise ending the server
side session.  They can't steal the data, but they can send in a request
that itself my then cause trouble for you.

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Re: Is data on GWT pages secure from attack?

2009-10-28 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Jason Essington wrote:

 In general you seem to be talking about attacks that would be handled
 by the browser's Same Origin Policy. This does segregate js loaded
 from different places to prevent that sort of thing.

That's the real key, I think.  Thanks for confirming

 but if the uses shouldn't have the data, then you shouldn't have sent
 it in the first place. remember, the world beyond your server is
 hostile and never to be trusted.

Well, they give me the userid and password to login, so it doesn't have to
be secret to them, though I wouldn't my UI to otherwise show the password
any further, just store it for other RPCs in the future.

One solution mentioned for XSS/XSRF is to not rely on server-side sessions
since these are often in cookies, so if a bad site can use the user's
browser to send a request to a good site they are logged into, they could
trick it to doing so.  So they suggest creating another unique id that is
then passed in all RPC calls so that you can confirm the RPC is really from
the client app you expect (the attacks won't know this data, so the server
will see the request as matching the session and perhaps associating with
the logged in user, but then reject it because it's missing this extra

So I was wondering what the advantage of that is over just having the RPC
send the userid+password each time, since it has the added advantage of
allowing the RPC to re-login the user to handle the request, perhaps
allowing the server to have very short session timeouts and have less
session state related to a logged in user, etc.

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Re: Change timezone dynamically, detecting US daylight saving change from Japan

2009-10-28 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I don't have a lot of experience with all of this yet, but the Date object
should care nothing abut timezones.  Presumably it should be GMT/UTC/Zulu
and then only convert the data for display based on the user's locale.  So
if you have a valid Date, it should correctly show for each timezone that
asks to see the date/time and handle DST correctly.

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Re: Can anyone here let me know how to deploy GWT application (gwt 1.7) in tomcat or resin or any external server

2009-10-27 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Just remember to do the Google-GWT Compile step to create all of the files
in the war/module_name folder that's auto-rebuilt for each compile.   Those
are the ones that are needed when not in hosted/dev mode.

And if you're not creating a new war file each time, you may want to
consider removing the war/module_name folder in Tomcat before you copy over
the latest build so that obsolete code (all files have hashes for names, so
you won't ever overlay a file that has changed since the last compile)
doesn't build up over time.

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Re: need to execute commands on windows machine from remote server

2009-10-27 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
I suspect you'll need a plug-in of some sort as what you suggest would scare
the heck out of most people who use a browser, that your server could
somehow launch a program on my computer and then monitor it.  For the
browser, the code is mostly limited to javascript or to a plug-in since it
would be odd to have any such capability be present otherwise (it would be a
huge security hole).

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 8:43 PM, sathya wrote:

 I have client machines on which I need to automatically start xyz.exe
 application and monitor this. I need to automatically login into
 client system and invoke xyz.exe application with known username and

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Re: GWT Navigation

2009-10-27 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
You should be able to navigate by setting a new URL on
Window.Location.replace(newURL).  This should cause the browser to load the
age at newURL (what in JSP might be thought of as a sendRedirect, but
without having to talk to the server to get it).

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 7:30 PM, compuroad wilson.ferreira...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks for the reply. Are there any code examples? All the application
 samples on the GWT download package (Mail, Showcase, etc.) are single
 screen applications. None of them are good at showing how you
 navigate from one screen to the next even though you have only a
 HTML page defined.

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Re: Debugging in Eclipse doesn't work

2009-10-27 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
Not sure why it doesn't switch to debug mode, but I learned recently that if
you are using JDK 6 that you need to get the very latest 6.0.16 because the
earlier ones had bugs in the breakpoint logic (I was on 6.0.14 and it
wouldn't work, so I don't know how much earlier you could go and have it
work too).

Hope that helps...

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Re: Can anyone here let me know how to deploy GWT application (gwt 1.7) in tomcat or resin or any external server

2009-10-26 Thread Yozons Support on Gmail
If you used the Eclipse plug-in, just copy all of the files in the 'war' to
the webapps folder for Tomcat, then deploy it as normal.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Darpan Mhatre darpan27...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Folks,
Can anyone here let me know how to deploy GWT application
 (gwt 1.7) in tomcat or resin or any external web application server.
 The snapshots will be helpful.

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