Re: Deferred Binding, Gin in library/widget ?

2011-03-01 Thread Brian Reilly
I believe you would have to add @Inject annotations to your
constructors. If you don't, developers using the framework can always
hand-code a factory of some sort (Provider in Guice/GIN) to create
instances (the factory gets dependencies injected into it so that it
can inject them into the objects it creates).

Also, if you don't want to add a dependency on Guice/GIN, you may be
able to depend on on just javax.inject instead, though I'm not sure.
It's worth looking, though, since having your library depend on GIN
just got thornier with the release of GWT 2.2. Developers will have to
pick a version of the GIN jar based on which version of GWT they're


On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 3:24 AM, Uemit wrote:
 But in case I use a app-wide URL I still have to inject the URL into my
 DataSource class right?
 I could use Field Injection but isn't constructor injection the recommended
 way to do it ?
 I think it boils down to the question: What is the best practice if you want
 to develop a standalone library which doesn't care if the user uses DI or
 any other method to pass resources and dependencies into my library classes?
 Sorry that I repeat the question but do I have to annotate the constructor
 with @Inject if I want to allow for constructor based DI or is there any
 other way (to avoid dependency to the guice/gin  in my library)?
 Thanks in advance

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Re: Deferred Binding, Gin in library/widget ?

2011-02-28 Thread Uemit
But in case I use a app-wide URL I still have to inject the URL into my 
DataSource class right? 
I could use Field Injection but isn't constructor injection the recommended 
way to do it ?

I think it boils down to the question: What is the best practice if you want 
to develop a standalone library which doesn't care if the user uses DI or 
any other method to pass resources and dependencies into my library classes?

Sorry that I repeat the question but do I have to annotate the constructor 
with @Inject if I want to allow for constructor based DI or is there any 
other way (to avoid dependency to the guice/gin  in my library)?

Thanks in advance


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Re: Deferred Binding, Gin in library/widget ?

2011-02-25 Thread Uemit
I agree, after thinking a little bit more about that problem and taking your 
comments into account I think that deferred binding might not be really 
suitable for my use case.

I also agree that the best approach is to set the datasource in the 
constructor thus enabling users to use Dependency injection if they want. 
But do I have to annotate the constructor with @Inject in order to allow 
for DI ? (because in that case I would create a dependency to gin and guice 
in my standalone library which i want to avoid). 

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Re: Deferred Binding, Gin in library/widget ?

2011-02-25 Thread Uemit
Hi Phillipe

Thanks for the interesting comments. I am still trying to fully understand 
dependency injection and sometimes I am not sure that I have ;-) 
I agree that dependency injection is more powerful and flexible compared to 
deferred binding. 

So the three cases you described apply when I want to mix deferred binding 
with DI? 
After thinking a little bit about my problem and taking Biran's previous 
comments into account I decided against deferred binding and for designing 
the API so it can be used with DI (dependency injection). 
I haven't really decided whether the url is going to be an application wide 
resources or if it can be set to different values on an instance base. But 
does it really make a difference in regards to DI? 

In both cases I would try to inject the URL as a constructor injection? (I 
could use annotated dependency injection for different URLs in the app I 

The HttpDataSource class is a special implementation of the DataSouce and 
doesn't necessary mix with different datasource implementations. For example 
I might add a HTML5 LocalStoreDataSource which doesn't need an URL 
ressources but might take something else in the constructor.  

In your opinion what is the best DI setup for this use-case?
And do I have to annotate my DataSource constructors with @Inject if I want 
to enable DI? This would create a dependency to GIN/GUICE in my library 
which I want to avoid. 

thanks in advance 


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Re: Deferred Binding, Gin in library/widget ?

2011-02-25 Thread Philippe Beaudoin

I haven't really decided whether the url is going to be an application wide 
resources or if it can be set to different values on an instance base. But 
does it really make a difference in regards to DI? 

The difference is that if you provide the url on an instance basis than your 
creation mechanism has to be aware of that url. In other words, all your 
 DataSource-derived classes need to take a URL at creation time. (They could 
ignore it if they don't need it, but it's a code smell.)

If the URL is an app-wide resource, then you can create both 
StandardDataSource and HttpDataSource without specifying a URL so they are 
effectively the same.

If you have a limited number of URLs to different resources, an option might 
be to extend HttpDataSource with, say:

These DataSource can then have a parameter-less constructor.



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Re: Deferred Binding, Gin in library/widget ?

2011-02-24 Thread Uemit

I see your point but I am not entirely convinced yet that using either 
GIN/deferred binding might not be beneficial for my use case.
Just for the record: I think it makes sense to allow the user to choose the 
specific datasource implementation at compile time, because once the 
datasource is set it isn't changed throughout the application (at least for 
an instance of my widget).

Of course users of the widget/library should be able to implement their own 
datasources. But then again they can define it for a widget at compile time.
I also plan to  provide say 3 different datasource implementations packaged 
with my library/widget. 
Of course it is possible to use setDataSource()  to set the datasource but 
isn't it nicer and easier to test if I use GIN to inject the DataSource ?

Maybe deferred binding is probably too much overkill for that use case 
(tough it also used in the gwt-log library to configure different Loggers) , 
especially if you might have different instances of that widget in your 
applications which might use different datasource implementations (deferred 
binding would only allow one type of datasource implementation).

However using dependency injection might be a compromise. I could use 
annotations to inject different datasource implementations. 

Not sure if that makes sense.



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Re: Deferred Binding, Gin in library/widget ?

2011-02-24 Thread Brian Reilly
It looks like gwt-log uses deferred binding for optimization to
eliminate any logging code that's lower than the configured logging
threshold. Personally, I would not use deferred binding for your use

By accepting a datasource as a constructor parameter, you're set up
perfectly for dependency injection. How you (or the user of your
library) performs dependency injection is a separate decision.
Remember, dependency injection is just a technique, and GIN is  a tool
to help use that technique. Whether you use GIN or Java to inject the
dependency, the choice of datasource is still made when writing the
application source code.


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 8:09 AM, Uemit wrote:
 I see your point but I am not entirely convinced yet that using either
 GIN/deferred binding might not be beneficial for my use case.
 Just for the record: I think it makes sense to allow the user to choose the
 specific datasource implementation at compile time, because once the
 datasource is set it isn't changed throughout the application (at least for
 an instance of my widget).
 Of course users of the widget/library should be able to implement their own
 datasources. But then again they can define it for a widget at compile time.
 I also plan to  provide say 3 different datasource implementations packaged
 with my library/widget.
 Of course it is possible to use setDataSource()  to set the datasource but
 isn't it nicer and easier to test if I use GIN to inject the DataSource ?
 Maybe deferred binding is probably too much overkill for that use case
 (tough it also used in the gwt-log library to configure different Loggers) ,
 especially if you might have different instances of that widget in your
 applications which might use different datasource implementations (deferred
 binding would only allow one type of datasource implementation).
 However using dependency injection might be a compromise. I could use
 annotations to inject different datasource implementations.
 Not sure if that makes sense.

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Re: Deferred Binding, Gin in library/widget ?

2011-02-24 Thread Philippe Beaudoin
Hi Uemit,

I like your question and must say that I've personally run quite a few times 
into the deferred binding vs injection question. My personal take on 
this is that I always favor injection, unless the binding should be 
property-dependent. By property-dependent I mean that the binding depends on 
any of the deferred property defined in my .gwt.xml. Typically: browser or 
language. The reason I prefer injection is because it's more powerful: it 
allows for non-default constructor and will inject the newly created class.

When you really have to use deferred binding, I see three cases:

1) Your implementations have no dependencies.
This is the easy case. Just call GWT.create(BaseInterface.class), or @Inject 
BaseInterface and rely on Gin calling GWT.create, and use replace-with as 
you did.

2) Your implementations have dependencies that need to be @Inject-ed
It gets trickier and I have never done it. One approach I might use would be 
to statically inject the ginjector in the abstract class and use it to fetch 
dependencies. Alternatively, you could statically inject the dependencies 
themselves (although in that case, if the dependencies are different for 
each implementation, you will have to statically inject all the 
implementations, even the ones you don't use, which is wasteful). 

I think you fall exactly in this category: the url is probably an 
application-wide resource that you want to inject into your HttpDataSource 
(if it's not, I agree with Brian Reilly: your two DataSource have different 
APIs and cannot be created interchangeably: when creating HttpDataSource the 
user needs to specify a URL, not when creating other types of DataSource.)

3) Your implementation needs some per-instance parameters (i.e. they would 
use a Gin assisted factory)
Here, the key is to perform the deferred binding on a factory instead of the 
type itself. For example:

public interface FormattedDateFactory {
FormattedDate create(Date date);

public class EnglishFormattedDateFactory {
public FormattedDate create(Date date) {
  return new EnglishFormattedDate(date);

public class ChineseFormattedDateFactory {
public FormattedDate create(Date date) {
  return new ChineseFormattedDate(date);

replace-with class=EnglishFormattedDateFactory
when-type-is class=FormattedDateFactory /
replace-with class=ChineseFormattedDateFactory
when-type-is class=FormattedDateFactory /
when-property-is name=locale value=zh/

If you need to inject dependencies in your factories (or your FormatedDate 
implementations) then you will need to use one of the trick of (2).

- - - - - - -

By the way, I'm working on much better way of mixing deferred binding and 
dependency injection. If you're interested, star this issue in Gin:

Hope it helps!


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Re: Deferred Binding, Gin in library/widget ?

2011-02-22 Thread Brian Reilly
I don't think this is a case where I would think of using either
deferred binding or GIN. The API you outlined should work as is for
anyone who can write their own datasource. For users who can only
provide a URL to the data, they can use your HttpDataSource or a more
specific subclass of HttpDataSource that you provide. (However, at
that point, maybe what you really want is a pre-built application that
prompts the user for the URL to their data?)

Also, when using the API, users will be able to have multiple
instances of the widget that use different datasources in the same

Deferred binding is typically used in cases where you would want to
use reflection but can't since the JRE emulation layer in JavaScript
doesn't support reflection. That doesn't seem to come into play in
this case.

It's unclear to me, though, how you want people to use your widget.
Unless you're delivering a pre-built application, I think your java
API is fine. If you are trying to deliver a pre-built application,
deferred binding isn't going to help out because you'd have to supply
your configuration parameters at compile time.


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Uemit wrote:
 Sorry for the thread bump:
 So I was thinking a little bit more about this problem.
 Both GIN and deferred binding respectively allow for customization of the
 widget's datasource during compile time.
 With gin I have a litte bit more flexibility (creating factory, singleton,
 etc)? For my personal taste the nicer/cleaner approach seems to be to use
 deferred binding to configure it.

 Is it actually possible to allow both? Configuration by either deferred
 binding or gin?
 And I still don't know how to solve the problem wiith the non-default
 constructor with either gin or deferred binding. In case of gin I might use
 a Factory but I am not sure if there is not a better approach.
 thanks in advance

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Re: Deferred Binding, Gin in library/widget ?

2011-02-21 Thread Uemit
Sorry for the thread bump: 

So I was thinking a little bit more about this problem. 

Both GIN and deferred binding respectively allow for customization of the 
widget's datasource during compile time. 
With gin I have a litte bit more flexibility (creating factory, singleton, 
etc)? For my personal taste the nicer/cleaner approach seems to be to use 
deferred binding to configure it. 

Is it actually possible to allow both? Configuration by either deferred 
binding or gin? 
And I still don't know how to solve the problem wiith the non-default 
constructor with either gin or deferred binding. In case of gin I might use 
a Factory but I am not sure if there is not a better approach. 

thanks in advance


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